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Dinky's New Friends - Part 1

By ffanon
Created: 2022-09-19 23:39:17
Updated: 2022-09-22 17:35:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >"And now class, we will be going over the early life of Starswirl the Bearded"
  2. >A few muffled groans are heard in the background amongst the clattering of Cheerilee's chalk striking the blackboard
  3. >"Please turn to chapter 12, section B. This will be on the upco-"
  4. >Before Cheerilee can finish her sentence the door bursts open and a gray mare comes crashing into the ground next to Cheerilee's desk
  5. >Everypony is in shock for a second but the majority of fillies and colts burst into laughter at the unexpected disturbance saving them from boredom
  6. >Dinky's mouth drops open as she watches her mom stumble around on the floor
  7. >"Excuse me ma'am, but I'm running a class here can you please explain yourself"
  8. >Cheerilee gives a stern look while tapping her hoof
  9. >" head"
  10. >Derpy rubs her noggin as she stands up
  11. >"Oh, is that you Ms. Hooves? I thought you 'retired' from mail deliveries?"
  12. >"Oh Ms. Cheerilee I'm sorry! And this isn't mail for the school it's my daughter's lunch. She even made it herself but forgot to pack it"
  13. >Cheerilee takes a moment to absorb everything and gives Derpy a smile
  14. >"That was sweet of you Ms. Hooves, thank you. I wouldn't want one of my hard workers going hungry"
  15. >Derpy picks up the miraculously still intact lunch basket and carries it over to Dinky plopping it on her desk
  16. >With a warm smile Derpy greets Dinky
  17. >"Hi Muffin, you forgot this!"
  18. >Derpy nuzzles Dinky's face and then walks back to the front of class
  19. >Dinky is sat there embarrassed beyond belief, face red as a tomato. Some of her classmates give strange glances and a few are snickering
  20. >Completely oblivious to the ongoings of the school ponies, Derpy apologies again to Cheerilee and leaves the schoolhouse
  21. >"Alright, where were we..."
  22. >Cheerilee continues with her lesson while writing more notes on the board
  23. >Dinky is flustered over the scene that just played out
  24. >Ever since she got older she's been conscious about her mom out in public
  25. >Derpy is an outgoing pony and constantly embarrasses her
  26. >And of all places for Derpy to show up, at school
  27. >There is some whispering behind her but she doesn't pay it any mind, copying Cheerilee's notes in her journal instead
  28. >" that time Starswirl mastered the basics of aura magic and went on to advance the..."
  29. >Out of nowhere Dinky feels something moist hit the back of her head
  30. >It's a spitball
  31. >She turns around and sees a note on the floor next to her chair
  32. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wave at her with a smirk
  33. >Dinky sighs and picks up the note. She knows these two are trouble but was always able to avoid their ire
  34. >She unfolds the paper
  35. :Hi Muffin! Meet us outside at lunch, we'll be next to the tree swing:
  36. >Dinky folds the paper up and gulps. She's not afraid, but knowing they have her in their sights after what happened with her mom has her uneasy
  37. >"And with that we are wrapped up with Starswirl for today"
  38. >Half of the class sighs in relief
  39. >"Lunch time! Everypony be back in 30 minutes."
  40. >Cheerilee winds up the alarm on her mechanical clock and then sits down at her desk. Chomping into a shiny red apple she turns the page of the Ponyville Post sitting on her desk
  41. >Pipsqueak walks over to Dinky
  42. >"You all right? 'at Devil Tiara wacked you wivv a wet one and 'er goon ran up wivv a note"
  43. >Dinky knows Pipsqueak has had his fair share of trouble with them in the past
  44. "Hi Pip, I'll be alright. I am going to meet them by the tree and see what they want"
  45. >"...I could go wivv ya if ya want"
  46. >It's obvious that Pipsqueak would rather do anything but what he just offered
  47. "I'm okay but thanks"
  48. >Dinky uses telekinesis on her lunch basket and brings it with her as she goes outside
  50. >Dinky heads over to the tree swing where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are waiting
  51. >Diamond Tiara is sitting on the swing and eating a sandwich, Silver Spoon sitting down on a blanket next to her mixing up a salad
  52. >"Oh you came, good"
  53. >Diamond Tiara addresses Dinky with a grin and finishes the last bite of her sandwich
  54. "I got your note...what do you want?"
  55. >"Please make yourself comfortable and eat with us"
  56. >Silver Spoon taps on the blanket gesturing for Dinky to join
  57. >Reluctantly Dinky puts down her lunch basket and sits down
  58. >She takes off the cover and pulls out a sandwich
  59. >"So you made that all by yourself huh"
  60. >Diamond Tiara states with a smug look
  61. "Yes, is that a problem?"
  62. >Dinky surprises herself by how combatant her response came out
  63. >Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara look at each other for a moment and then giggle
  64. >"You've got spunk, I'll give you that"
  65. >Diamond Tiara gets off the swing and walks over to the picnic blanket
  66. >Dinky puts down her half eaten sandwich and looks up at Diamond Tiara who's next to her now
  67. >Dinky feels a little scared but isn't going to back down
  68. >"Want to be our friend?"
  69. >Baffled at the change of topic, Dinky pauses a moment before replying
  70. "U-um...sure?"
  71. >Silver Spoon chips in
  72. >"We could use another filly with a backbone in our crew, whaddya say"
  73. >Diamond Tiara gives an approving nod
  74. "Yeah, I would like that...I thought you were calling me out here to make fun of me or something"
  75. >Dinky blushes and looks away from the two other fillies
  76. >"Us? We would never. I think it's cute that your mom calls you muffin. Isn't that right Silver Spoon?"
  77. >She nods and giggles
  78. "Okay. Then we're friends?"
  79. >"Friends"
  80. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon pull in for a team hoof bump
  81. >With a little smile on her face Dinky hoofs them back
  82. >After finishing up their lunch they head back to the classroom
  83. >Dinky takes her seat and Pipsqueak gives her an inquisitive glance
  84. >She gives him a smile and he just shrugs
  85. >"Alright class, lunch is over. Next we will be reviewing some quadratic equations in your Maregebra II book, please turn to page..."
  86. >Dinky's mind starts drifting off at the thought of having new friends. Aside from Pipsqueak she doesn't really talk that much to the other ponies
  87. >She's always been a bit more introverted, basically the opposite of her mother
  88. >"Who can solve for Y? Any volunteers?"
  89. >Dinky glances up and realizes she hasn't been paying attention
  90. >"Ooh, me! Me!"
  91. >Apple Bloom raises her hoof in excitement
  92. >Cheerilee looks around the room and sets her gaze on Dinky as though she knows Dinky was drifting off
  93. >Dinky freezes up and gives an awkward smile while trying not to look obvious. Cheerilee just smirks at her and points at Apple Bloom
  94. >"Alright you're up!"
  95. >A couple lessons later and the school bell rings, audible noises of relief are heard around the room
  96. >"Class dismissed!"
  97. >Fillies and colts alike make haste and leave the schoolhouse
  99. >"Cya tomorrow new friend"
  100. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wave at Dinky as they leave in the opposite direction
  101. >Dinky waves back garnering a concerned glance from Pipsqueak
  102. >"Oi, what's fis about being friends?"
  103. >He walks up alongside Dinky on the road
  104. >Dinky sighs
  105. "You heard right, apparently I'm their friend now. Which isn't a bad thing right?"
  106. >"Well..'at Diamond can be right mean but I s'pose Silver Spoon ain't all bad..."
  107. >Pipsqueak blushes as he mentions Silver Spoon's name
  108. "Oh, I see"
  109. >Dinky giggles as she notices but doesn't pry
  110. >They enjoy the cool autumn breeze while taking in the view of all the orange and yellow leaves as the sun sets behind them
  112. "I'm home"
  113. >Dinky announces casually as she shuts the door behind her
  114. "Mom?"
  115. >Dinky walks in the kitchen and puts her bag down, she can smell something good in the oven
  116. >"Boo!"
  117. >Dinky yelps and jumps in the air
  118. >Derpy comes up from behind her laughing
  119. "What the hay mom!"
  120. >Dinky frowns as she recovers from the fright
  121. >"Sorry muffin but I couldn't resist. Also, language"
  122. >Derpy nuzzles into Dinky, as she normally does when she gets home from school
  123. >Dinky nuzzles her back
  124. "It's fine, I know how much you love Nightmare Night. And I'm not a little filly anymore"
  125. >Dinky says this as she looks at all the decorations that were put up over a month in advance
  126. "What's that in the oven? It smells great"
  127. >Derpy smiles at the compliment
  128. >"It's Anon's favorite, vegetable pot pie. It will be done soon"
  129. "Yum! I'm going to put my stuff away and then I'll help you set the table"
  130. >Dinky heads to her room and unpacks her books, sorting the ones she will need for homework later
  132. >As she's setting the table the door opens
  133. >"Welcome home sweetie"
  134. >Derpy greets her husband with a more intimate nuzzle followed up with a little kiss
  135. >"Derpy...dear"
  136. >He takes off his jacket and puts down his delivery satchel
  137. >"How was work?"
  138. >"It was alright, the deliveries went fine. Enough about work though because I'm starving and it smells amazing in here"
  139. "Hi dad"
  140. >Dinky greets Anon as he enters the kitchen. Her real father died in a factory accident when she was just a foal and doesn't remember much
  141. >Ever since Dinky was a young filly, Anon has been in her life as her step-father. He's a hard working earth pony who's been there for the both of them when things were tough
  142. >"Hey there kid, I see you're mom's little helper today"
  143. "Actually I just got back from school and am just setting the table"
  144. >"Still helping"
  145. >With a warm smile Anon gives her a pat on the head
  146. >"And done!"
  147. >Derpy places the pie at the center of the table and everypony takes a seat
  148. >Anon doesn't need any prodding and cuts a few pieces of pie and serves them out
  149. >Anon stuffs his face, as does Derpy
  150. "So...I made new friends today at school"
  151. >Anon finishes a mouthful of doughy vegetables and rinses it down with cider
  152. >"That's great Dinky, it's important to have friends at your age"
  153. >Derpy nods merrily as she continues to munch
  154. >Dinky smiles and goes back to her creamy slice
  155. >Anon is first to clear his plate, well technically his second plate
  156. >"That was delicious honey"
  157. >He gets up and kisses Derpy on the forehead
  158. >"mhmm"
  159. >Mouth still full and crumbs on cheek Derpy responds to the best of her ability
  160. >Anon starts cleaning up his area and takes his plate over to the sink
  161. "Don't worry about that dad I'll clean up"
  162. >"Thanks champ. I'll start getting the bath ready Derpy"
  163. >Now finished her last bite, Derpy wipes off her face
  164. >"Remember to add extra bubbles!"
  165. >"Yes ma'am"
  166. >Anon heads to the bathroom while Derpy and Dinky get all the dishes over to the sink
  167. "I can take it from here mom"
  168. >Derpy smiles
  169. >"Alright muffin, tell your new friends I said Hi"
  170. >Dinky blushes for a moment
  171. "Uh... sure. Goodnight mom"
  172. >Derpy pecks her on the cheek and giddily trots off
  174. >Dinky finishes scrubbing the plates, briefly washes up herself and then walks to her room
  175. >She levitates her Maregebra II textbook along with a notepad over to her bed where she lays down
  176. >She opens her book to where she left off in class
  177. >It doesn't take long before she starts to get chilly so she slides under the blanket
  178. >Now that it's deep into autumn the nights have been getting colder
  179. >A hot bath right about now sounds majestic but she's on a schedule where she gets her bath in the morning and her parents get the bath at night
  180. >Dinky zones out from her studies as her mind drifts off thinking about tomorrow
  181. >She hasn't really thought about making friends, especially not with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon
  182. >The closest pony she has to a friend is Pip but they aren't official friends. Or are they? Dinky shrugs at the thought as she returns to her studies
  183. >Still feeling a bit restless she uses the time to review everything she had planned, and more
  184. >She eventually yawns and passes out
  186. >"...-in...-ke up"
  187. >Dinky's blurry eyes start to open as she feels something on her nose
  188. >"Muffin, wake up"
  189. >Derpy boops Dinky lightly several times until Dinky hops out of bed
  190. >Dinky looks at her alarm clock that she forgot to set and panics
  191. "Oh no!"
  192. >She scrambles around the room packing her saddlebag with books and other accessories
  193. >Derpy's eyes swirl around watching her go
  194. >"Were you up late studying? I found you sleeping in your book"
  195. >Dinky ignores her mom's commentary as she darts out of the room
  196. >Heading into the kitchen she grabs a piece of jelly toast that was sitting on a plate
  197. >"Hey, that was mine!"
  198. >Disregarding Anon's objection she heads out the front door and quickly trots off to school
  199. >Anon sighs and puts another piece of bread in the toaster
  201. >Dinky bursts open the door to the schoolhouse
  202. "I made it..."
  203. >The room is silent as everyone stares at the out of breath filly
  204. >Cheerilee gives Dinky a stern look
  205. >"And your late, please take your seat"
  206. >With a reddened face Dinky hurries over to her desk
  207. >Diamond Tiara grins and gives her a nod
  208. >"As I was saying...after homeroom activities we will be heading into town to help the Mayor's office prepare for Nightmare Night"
  209. >Cheering can be heard around the classroom
  210. >She shushes the room but smiles as she continues
  211. >"And we have a half day so you have plenty of time to get home and get your costumes ready, I can't wait to see them later!"
  212. >More cheering
  213. >"Yay!"
  214. >Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon give each other a high hoof
  215. >After the excitement dies down Cheerilee finishes up homeroom and gets the class ready for departure
  217. To be continued...

Snow Muffin

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