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Honey Pot - Chapter 5

By Wand_of_Inferno
Created: 2022-10-18 16:50:18
Updated: 2023-03-28 18:40:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >It was Monday and the start of a new week. Yesterday, you decided it was best not to write a new entry to your diary, but not only that, but you also moved your diary's usual spot to a new one, which was inside your bathroom below the bathtub.
  2. >You'll think of different spots every day to keep your diary safe and not have an intruder steal and modify your pages.
  3. >But that wasn't enough, you strategically placed around the window and bedroom different circles of salt, so if you saw one that was deformed or something was odd, you'll notice. That or you suddenly caught a ghost.
  4. >If Colgate ever questioned you about the salt, you could say you were just playing ghosthunter so as to not get into problems. A lot, at least; salt was cheap these days but you were also going to buy the amount you used on your floor later.
  5. >You got savings for a reason.
  6. >Although you were saving for a convention of Daring Do, your favorite author, A.K. Yearling was going to be present, and you don't have enough time left for the day to arrive.
  7. >In the meantime, you were at school while you had your shower of thoughts as you entered the classroom.
  8. >Everypony greets you as always and you return the gesture.
  9. >Everypony, except for Snake Eyes, which was nowhere near.
  10. "Huh... he isn't here yet?" You look around. "Has anypony seen Snake Eyes? Is he tardy again?"
  11. >But nopony knew his whereabouts.
  12. >You take a seat and wait for class to begin.
  13. >Maybe he called in sick? The food Honey made probably devastated all his insides. Poor dude.
  14. >"Good morning class." Teacher Dawn Tea says as he enters the classroom, closing the door behind him. "Tomorrow we're having a test in teleportation magic and then we'll be moving into the next subject. I expect nothing but the best results from everypony."
  15. >Great, the day he skips school and tomorrow we're having a test. This is the first time for him, that's for sure.
  16. >Teacher Dawn Tea usually checks his students for every desk that is filled, but when he saw that Snake Eyes was missing, he didn't say a thing about it.
  17. >"Let's begin with history, Miss Scarlet, could you read the beginning of chapter 3 of The Crystal Empire if you would be so kind?"
  18. >And so the class started without Snake Eyes.
  20. >The ring bell sounds and everypony closes their textbooks.
  21. >"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. And don't forget we have a test."
  22. >Everypony nods and gives their goodbye to Dawn Tea.
  23. >Before he leaves, you call his attention.
  24. "Excuse me Teacher Dawn Tea." He looks at you. "Do you know if Snake Eyes called in sick or something?"
  25. >"Mr. Snake? He had a family appointment, perhaps he'll be back by the weekend or so, as his parents said so to me."
  26. "Family appointment? Uh, did they travel out of town today?"
  27. >"I do not know the details, Mr. Anon, please if you want to indulge in the subject of your close friend, do ask the neighbors from Mr. Snake's boulevard. They surely should know more than I do. Now if you'll excuse me."
  28. >Dawn Tea grabs his briefcase and adjusts his bowtie, he nods at you and leaves the classroom without saying anything else.
  29. "Huh, Teacher Dawn Tea always gives the best advice, I should check on that."
  30. >You grab your saddle backpack and leave the classroom running.
  31. >As you are running in the classroom, you hear somepony yell at you from behind.
  32. >"Hey you! No running in the hallways!"
  33. >Ugh, you have no time for this colt. You do want to run from him since the hall monitor is annoying and tedious, but you'll have to endure it.
  34. "Hey... March..."
  35. >"It's Marching! Marching Order! My name is not a month!"
  36. >Not your problem, his parents named him that!
  37. >This light red mane, white coated colt was the hall monitor. And he does a good job at it, so good that most ponies in the school try to ignore him for every rule anypony breaks. Sometimes the teachers do also try to evade him.
  38. "Are you going to give me a ticket? I'm in a hurry and-"
  39. >"Ap ap ap! No chit-chats! Since it's just the start of the week and you are the star student in your classroom, you get a warning this time. If I catch you running or breaking any other rule, you'll get a ticket."
  40. >You don't want to explain his ticket system, but as a summary, if you get 3 tickets, you get a "time out". Or detention most likely. Each ticket you get accumulates ten minutes in detention and he resets them on Mondays.
  41. "Fine. Can I go now?"
  42. >He adjusted his little prideful hall monitor ribbon and nodded at you.
  43. >"You're free to go, go now."
  44. >Finally.
  45. "Have a wonderful day." You say with sarcasm and turn around. "February." Smirking, you trot away from Marching Order.
  46. >"I SWEAR TO- UCK! No, I must not yell in the hallways, I must regain control, I-"
  47. >As Marching Order was talking to himself, you let him be and leave the school, going directly to Snake Eyes' house.
  49. >You arrive at Snake Eyes' house.
  50. >You didn't have trouble getting in here alone, as in, Honey Drop wasn't around.
  51. >Well, hopefully. You never know where that filly may be hiding.
  52. >You ask around the neighborhood, but nopony knew exactly the details of Snake's family.
  53. >That was until a marketpony who happened to hear you asking, heard you.
  54. >"Oh Miss and Mr. Card? They have been out of town since yesterday. Miss Card was buying groceries at my store this Saturday, she talked about a business trip starting just Sunday, they probably left early.
  55. "What, so they left yesterday?"
  56. >Why didn't Snake Eyes tell you in the phone call?
  57. >"Yup, and knowing those ponies they were early before the sunrise."
  58. >But that's impossible unless Snake Eyes is still in the house.
  59. "Are you sure they left that day?"
  60. >The marketpony shrugs. "Why don't you ask them when they get back from the trip?"
  61. >The marketpony leaves and you are left with more questions than you were from yesterday.
  62. "If Snake Eyes left yesterday... Who was the pony who answered the phone yesterday? It sounded like him..."
  63. >Except that he didn't call you Dude or reply to your codeword, the reason why you were suspecting the call.
  64. >You can't answer this until Snake Eyes comes back from his family trip.
  65. >Defeated, you decide to return home and call it a day.
  68. >When you arrived at your house, somepony was waiting outside your house, eager to talk to you.
  69. "Didn't wait at the crossroads this time, huh?"
  70. >It was Honey Drop, she was waiting patiently for you, just as if she was on the road home.
  71. >Colgate must not be home if she was outside, otherwise, your mom would have invited her in.
  72. >"Hey Anon! Good to see you!"
  73. >You take a sigh. What will you do with this filly? She waits, follows, and has... feelings for you.
  74. >Part of you suspects she has something to do with your diary, but... how could a filly get in your room? She's not even a unicorn unless she is a ninja or something.
  75. >Good, you still remember about ninjas! You should write that down later.
  76. "Hey, Honey."
  77. >Maybe it'll be best if your mom didn't catch you with this filly again, the last thing you want is her inside your house and your mom asking over and over about anything that Honey can lie about. Since she technically said the other day you two were a couple, which, of course, you are not.
  78. "Say... you wanna go for a walk? Maybe sit by the park?"
  79. >That just made her ears perk up and her tiny panda-like tail wave around.
  80. >"Oh a date! Shi! I accept!"
  81. >Ugh, better to endure it, Anon, you do this so Colgate doesn't invite her in.
  83. >You decide to spend the rest of the afternoon with Honey Drop, walking by the local park of Canterlot and hoping nopony you knew spotted you two.
  84. >There wasn't much to talk about while you two were walking, it all started when you two took a seat next to the fountain of the park. It was a bit noisy with ponies going around and the weather was breezy, it was comfortable.
  85. >You tried evading personal stuff that Honey was interested in learning about you since you don't want her to be more... into you than she already is.
  86. >Besides your pony life, she couldn't be interested in anything else.
  87. >Heh, wonder what would happen if you told somepony about your previous life? Would they believe you? You always thought about it and ignored it, since it's just a waste of time to explain.
  88. >It could make for a great story, though. Instead of a human, you could write yourself as a centaur, and maybe have a funky title for the book.
  89. >...Meh, too complicated. Better stick to studies for the moment.
  90. >As you continue to talk with Honey, you decide to ask before she barricades you with more personal questions.
  91. "Say, do you have any friends, Honey? I always see you alone."
  92. >"Shi! Yes, I do! I have a best friend that will be forever by my side! Her name's Sierra, well... that's a nickname I gave her."
  93. "How come I never see you with her? She's busy like Snake Eyes was today?"
  94. >"I-It's... complicated. B-But one day you'll see her for sure!" Honey was stuttering a little. "S-She knows about you! I told her about you! But..." She suddenly steps up from her seat and puts a hoof over her forehead. "I-I think I need t-to go."
  95. >Well that was quick, you are a bit happy that the chat was not long, darn it was instant, but you are now worried about her.
  96. "Are you okay? You got a headache or something?"
  97. >"It's getting kinda late, I need to go." Honey says in a monotone voice. "I can't stay too long, I just remember... Sierra would get mad at me for staying late at night. Besides, I don't like being outside when it's night."
  98. >Well, her stuttering had stopped at least.
  99. "What are you, some kind of werepony when the night comes and it's midnight?" You chuckle while saying it as a joke.
  100. >Honey stares at you for quite some seconds before talking again.
  101. >"Would you think differently of me if I, hypothetically, were a werepony?" Honey asks.
  102. "More like a werepanda." You thought out loud.
  103. >Oh whoops, that was uncalled for, Anon.
  104. "Sorry, I didn't mean to call your... appearance."
  105. >Honey Drop giggles a bit. "Oh I don't mind, you can call me anything you want! As long as you are, I don't mind at all..."
  106. >She was getting a bit close to you, too much for your comfort.
  107. >"So... see ya tomorrow, Anon?"
  108. >She wants something as her eyes are looking down and she starts drawing circles with her left front hoof.
  109. >...
  110. "Fiiiine."
  111. >You put your magic on her shoulder and put your front hoof on her other shoulder, slowly taking her for a quick hug.
  112. >You stop the hug a bit earlier than she wanted.
  113. "There. Happy?" You say without looking at her as you are shy to look at her for your sudden action.
  114. >"Mhmm... I... w-wasn't exp-pecting th-at!"
  115. >And she starts stuttering again.
  116. "Fine, fine, just go home before your friend gets angry, will ya? I'll talk to you tomorrow."
  117. >With a shy smile, Honey Drop nods and waves you goodbye.
  119. >You were now alone in the park. Well, alone as in, not with Honey Drop anymore. The park still had ponies walking around and talking.
  120. >It surely was getting late and you still had your saddle backpack with you, not that heavy since you're used to carrying your textbooks around.
  121. "Hmm..."
  122. >Part of you does want to follow Honey Drop and discover where she lives, maybe you'll get a clue about this "self-proclaimed scientist filly panda."
  123. >You can surely catch up with her if you decide to trace her down, she was stunned by the sudden hug, even though you are sure she wanted that, yet didn't expect you to accept so easily.
  124. >Luna's moon was already high in the sky and the shift of the guards started in about half an hour, so you got time before somepony calls your attention for being out so late.
  125. >Your mom could get worried if you took too long, so if you're deciding to follow her, you should decide now.
  126. >Follow her or go home?
  127. "What should I do?"

Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison - Prologue

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 1

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 2

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Police Anon in Manehattan

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Anon in Saddle Arabia's pony prison, chapter 3

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