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Monster Party

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-11-03 01:59:49
Updated: 2022-11-17 00:57:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Edited 16NOV2022 with Misty's ending
  3. >Minutes prior
  4. >The specter of Opaline hangs from the pendant around Misty's neck
  5. >In her usual condescending manner, Opaline issues you the orders to be the distraction for Misty so she can abduct the dragon child
  6. >Misty waves her hoof in front of her blueberry face making a gagging face which is humorous to you
  7. >Opaline’s purplish features darken "What are you snickering at Anon, GET TO WORK!"
  8. "Yeah I’m going.... (mumbling)damn bitch needs a hard dicking"
  9. >Misty puts a hoof over her mouth as the ire of Opaline is directed back towards her and you begin to walk off through the side door
  10. >Opaline "and as for you Misty....
  12. >Back to the present
  13. >Dressed as a mummy through creative use of toilet paper and burlap sacks you stumble around a corner of the house and come face to face with the five ponies and gremlin
  14. >You raise up your arms at the costumed ponies and gurgle out racial slurs
  15. >They collectively go bananas turning tail and run down the halls.
  16. > You follow dodging cobwebs, pop up scares, and other decorations.
  17. >Within seconds you have closed in on the group within arms reach of Izzy's long blue tail when you foot catches on a rubber spider sending you jolting forward. Your pants came undone dropping down.
  18. >Pipp looks back and lets out a whinny while excitedly giving an update to her Pippchads
  19. >Your feet lose full footing and you reach forward latching onto the blue tail
  20. > A frightened Neigh is heard bellowing from Izzy in her bewildering cupcakes costume
  21. >You other hand lands on her plot digging in to catch your fall
  22. >Pipp "...rape one of us" is heard with oinking sounds coming from her hoof phone.
  23. >Izzy turns her head around eyes wide and cheeks reddened.
  24. >She tries in vain to use her fore hooves to move forward but cannot
  25. >From the side you see Hitch, Pipp, Sunny, and Zipp round the next corner with the gremlin running into the far room on the right.
  26. >Allright Misty you better have seen that so your mom will get off my back, speaking of back though.
  27. >Izzy seems to have given up. Her ears are splayed backward and try as she might her tail will not be released out of your grip to hide underneath her.
  28. >Izzy quietly states “No grandma Thistle I didn’t think I would lose it like this"
  29. >You look around with your hands firmly still deep on a plot and locked on a tail. You spot Misty sneak by into the Lizards escape room, but who is Izzy talking to.
  30. >You refocus on Izzy who is breathing heavily looking near where your feet are. The poor girl is resigned to her fate. A few tears hit the floor in front of her and a few sniffles come out.
  31. >Izzy “You can do what you want with me now, I won’t fight you"
  32. >And with that you release her tail and remove your hand from her plot.
  33. >You may be dressed like a monster and might work for one, but you ain’t one.
  34. >You bend down to grab your pants, and make visual contact with Izzy’s tail resting to the side displaying her marehood in full bloom.
  36. >Stay strong Anon just pull up those pants all the way up . Oh man you can smell her musky scent of flowers and saw dust.
  37. >You stand up and shake your head “Go on and get out of here you don’t deserve this”
  38. >Izzy’s tail drops then she turns towards you barely making eye contact, quietly she says “thank you” before turning around and running off.
  39. >From off in the distance you hear Hitch yelling for Sparky. Poor guy needs a colt not a monster.
  40. >Well back to work. You resume trudging down the halls uttering non sensical phrases and possible hate crimes.
  41. >Rounding the corner you see the hall is empty but hear a noise in the room next to the one Sparky and Misty went into.
  42. >As you go to open the door you here Misty yell “Aha got you”. She’s fine.
  43. >With the door opened you peak inside and there is a sight. Princess Pipp is struggling at the window side trying with all her might to pop it open. You make yourself known groaning out.
  45. >Pipp flaps herself against the window then twists around looking wide eyed . There is a stillness in the air as she flaps in place and then something changes. A smirk appears on her face and her eyelids lower.
  46. >You slam the door behind you and she whips out her phone “Ooh looks like Anon has me now Pippchads, its time for me to sign off but don’t forget this haunted house is (sing songedly) A-w-e-s-o-m-e”. And with that she puts away her phone.
  47. >Pipp descends to the ground as you move towards her. “Oh no the mummy stallion has me cornered. A princess in peril by a monster hungry for her flesh”
  48. >You stop and cock an eyebrow at her.
  49. >She waggles her eyebrows and continues “Why what could I possibly do to defend myself from such a ravaging beast”
  50. >You take off your face coverings and she is now just arms reach away from you.
  51. >She starts singing just to you
  52. >“Are you ready for a Monster Party”
  53. >”I can see the mummy stallion is really busting loose , cuz at this Monster Party we will Rock ALL NIGHT”
  55. >And with that she tackles you backwards onto the bed. Covering your face with kisses and slamming her bountiful posterior down upon you pants. Without wasting time you slip out of your clothes and get her to keep her costume on as you savagely are made out with by a pink pony princess.
  56. > Her mare hood rubs up and down your stiff shaft eliciting moans from both of you.
  57. >She shoves both of her front hooves onto your chest, raising her rump up before slamming herself down on your shaft. Holy shit she is tight and soaking your groin, it has caught your breath as you are hilted inside her. Her head arches back and rocks back forward with the chesire grin on her face as she proceeds to repeatedly gyrate her sex up and down your manhood.
  59. >Next door
  60. >Misty triumphantly holds a tied up Sparky who looks pretty cross.
  61. > “Don’t look at me like that just stay still and we will get you to the castle in no ti”
  62. >Through the walls Misty hears “OH YES KEEP GOING YOU DIRTY STALLION, ROCK MY PARTY” sounds of a bed frame rocking, bed springs ringing, slapping meat sounds, and near constant moans.
  63. >Misty “Oh.h.h is that a ghost, lets get out of here”
  64. >Misty pops the window and sneaks out with a tied up Sparky, avoiding the notice of the long line of ponies at the front of the house
  66. >Pipp is on her back with her eyes closed and her legs behind your back getting plowed hard. With every thrust your balls slap against her ponut eliciting moan after moan from her.
  67. >She is already on her third orgasm by how thoroughly soaked you are and you are feeling close with a tightness in your sack.
  68. >You lean down and nibble on her ear, earning you a squeal . You tell her you are close and with that her eyes open and her forehooves wrap around your neck and her rear legs tighten against you
  69. >”You aren’t going anywhere stallion give me your best shot”
  70. >You cant take it anymore and bust your load as far into her womb as you can
  71. >”Yesssssssssssss”
  72. >Pipp rides out her own orgasm as you do yours
  74. >Outside in the hallway many ponies traverse the halls marveling at all the spookiness going on. Ponies leap away from one of the doors as they hear what sounds like monsters and ghosts fighting. Lots of giggling and shrieking is being had.
  76. >You are on your side with Pipp tracing a hoof up and down your chest
  77. >”You know I really could use an extra set of hooves or those things at my Salon. I pay well and there is always the bonus for making the boss happy”
  78. >You smile at her knowing this is likely a much better opportunity than the one with Opaline.
  79. >You take a hold of a hoof and rub it , to which she coos.
  80. “That’s sounds great, I can’t start tomorrow if you like”
  81. >Pipp leans over and kisses you “And if you need a place to stay I know just the place”
  82. >You both laugh
  84. Meanwhile at the lonely fortress
  85. >Misty looks pleased stomping her hooves in little jumps “I did it Opaline. The dragon is here and now I can get my cutie mark"
  86. >On the wall is a golden cage with a lock on it. It is large enough for a baby dragon to lie down in and jump up but not too much more. Inside is Sparky the dragon looking worried. He grasps the bars and shakes them while making a weird babbling noise.
  87. >Opaline smiles down at Misty. "You did well Misty, better than I thought you were capable of. And for that yes you will get your cutie mark for the baby dragon is a well spring of magic and soon I will be in possession of the magic that I once had."
  88. >Opaline bends her head back in a laugh, Misty joins her.
  89. >Opaline ends the laugh and bids Misty follow her to the magic pool. "Now Misty the following is going to be unpleasant but you will get your magic back"
  90. >Misty looks up at Opaline with worry plastered on her face and her ears pushed against her head. "But I thought I was going to get my cutie mark........."
  91. >Opaline rolls her eyes and sighs " Given time after your magic has returned your cutie mark will manifest, now come here Misty and close your eyes.”
  92. >Misty hesitantly moves to Opaline’s side and closes her eyes. She hears the ringing of Opaline’s magic and a rushing sound from the pool. Misty squats down in place scared of what is to come and feels herself engulfed in a liquid. She opens her mouth to scream, and screams then opens her eyes.
  93. >Opaline looks amused "Now it’s time you tried to use magic”
  94. >Misty looks at herself but she is not wet.
  95. >Opaline " Misty pay lift the vase over there with your magic. Think of yourself doing it while you stand in place.”
  96. >Misty looks at the vase and squints her eyes at it, followed by tapping a hoof on the ground. "Come ooooon”.
  97. >The vase remains in place and just as Misty is about to give up she feels something she hasn’t felt before. It’s like she can feel with another limb. She stands there and stares at the vase and slowly yes slowly she begins to lift it. "Opaline I’m doing it"
  98. >Opaline doesn’t look impressed "Yes yes just a little more and put it down"
  99. >Misty concentrates and drops it a centimeter of its pedestal. To her and Opalines surprise it plops right back into place without tipping over.
  100. >Misty wipes some froth from her forehead “I did I really did it". Misty whinnies in pride.
  101. >Opaline tries to frown but a small smile forms on her lips, so she turns around to face the gremlin.
  102. >Sparky see that he has her attention and proceeds to really shake the bars growling and looking constipated. At the same time he burps and farts dragon fire at the bars. The fire impacts then climbs to the top where it circles into a ball. Opaline laughs and uses her magic to bring the dragon fire to her horn. With the new magic in her system she unfurls her wings and lets out a mighty neigh.
  103. >Behind her Misty sits in awe thankful that things are going better today than they have in a very long time.

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