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Haven You Herd

By Batbooper
Created: 2022-11-06 23:57:51
Updated: 2022-11-17 20:45:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Updated 17NOV2022
  2. >Princes Pipp has just finished her most recent podcast with Queen Haven and Jazz Hooves.
  3. >All three are relaxing in loungers in the back recording room of Mane Melody
  4. >Jazz is still star struck after the interview but here courage has been bolstered after Queen Haven gave her a hug and humored her about becoming a princess
  5. >Pipp “So Mom how long are you in Maretime Bay, usually you make a passing visit and are quick to leave for business back in Zephyr Heights”
  6. >Haven “You are quite right that my time is limited outside of our grand city, but I thought why not spend the day with my daughters. I’m sure Zephyrina will show up anytime now”
  7. >Jazz fiddles with her hooves and looks up at Queen Haven with stars in her eyes “So Queen Haven its still a real honor to be here with you. I have a question though. I thought you had a husband?”
  8. >Pipp and Haven’s eyes meet before Haven sighs and directs her attention back to Jazz
  9. >Haven “He was a sight for sore eyes and I loved him so, and he loved our daughters so very much but….he did what he had to do during the great gryphon war and died protecting all of Pegasusia”
  10. >Jazz places both of her hooves over her mouth and lowers her ears against her head “Oh Queen Haven I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up old wounds”
  11. >Haven waves at Jazz with a hoof looking somewhat downcast herself “No it’s a story Im sure no pony knows outside of Zephyr Heights and you Jazz will be the first to hear it.
  12. >Pipp looks nervously towards Haven “Mom I thought Dad passed away due to sickness”
  13. >Haven walks over and hugs Pipp who nuzzles into Haven’s neck “No my little darling I told you that at young age to protect you from what you might have become if the you knew the truth. Sometimes ponies lose sight of who we are when emotions boil over and we commit to acts that are not natural. It happened to your father and I didn’t want it to happen to you”
  14. >Haven strokes Pipp’s mane while looking at Jazz “Many years ago when you were just a newborn Pipp and Zephyrina was a few years old our outpost north of Zephyr Heights was overrun by the Gryphon Empire. Your father rallied the Pegasi army and retook the outpost freeing our enslaved ponies”
  15. >Pipp looks up at Haven “I don’t get it Mom it seems like Dad would be here if that was all”
  16. >Haven looks down at Pipp crossly then smiles and boops her
  17. >Pipp scrunches while Jazz laughs under a hoof
  18. >Haven “The story is not finished yet Pipp. Ahem, now it was great that were able to take back all that was taken from us by the Gryphons. But your father, may Celestia bless his soul, saw fit to take to the offensive. He sailed with the army crossing the Celestial sea and laid siege to Griffinstone. Sadly he perished two months into the siege and shortly after the army returned home. Many times Pegasi wanted to rally the grand army once again to seek vengeance against the Gryphons for what they did to our lands, our ponies, and our King. But as the Queen I said no to it all. If we would attack we would just lose more ponies and entice counter attacks by the Gryphons losing more ponies. I miss your father everyday Pipp but he would be here if vengeance had not stayed in his heart.”
  19. >Haven mutters something under breath and then sighs
  20. >Jazz looks around nervously “I um well Haven I..I .I mean Queen”
  21. >Haven “Please Jazz just call me Haven, if you will someday be a princess then you shouldn’t need to use my title when it’s just us”
  22. >Jazz squees and prances over giving Haven a hug who returns it squishing both Pipp and Jazz into one comfy mass of hooves and hearts.
  23. >A few minutes later
  24. >Jazz is back on here chair and Pipp is digging through the fridge
  25. >Jazz “So um Haven after your Husband passed was it hard raising Pipp and Zipp?
  26. >The sound of a pony hitting her head in the fridge with cursing is heard in the background
  27. >Haven laughs “Oh you have no idea how hard it was at first but… after a few years with both of them trotting and talking it became a lot easier. And with the helping hoofs of a few maids it became even easier”
  28. >Pipp gives off a indignant laugh “Moooom the tutoring was sooooo boring when I was a Filly”
  29. >Haven rolls her eyes “Yes indeed it was dear but it kept you occupied and out of my hooves for a while so I would say it was well worth it.
  30. >Pipp gives an “ugh” then scooches on her chair closer to Haven and leans onto her shoulder “It would have been nice had it been you and not that terrible teacher”
  31. >Haven nuzzles Pipp “I know Pipp but I had Zephyr Heights to run, so I had to make do and so did you”
  32. >Haven sighs “That is the price to pay for being royalty, time that is taken away from being with family is never returned. That is why I am here all day today though to make up for lost time”
  33. >Jazz clops her hooves and Pipp smiles lovingly up at her Mom
  35. >Later that evening Haven is about to say her goodbyes to Pipp and Jazz in the main room of Mane Melody
  36. “Dammit Rocky this machine is heavy”
  37. >Rocky backs into the room with Anon holding the back end of a large amplifier
  38. >Rocky “I know it weighs a ton just like that Mare at the seafood buffet “
  39. >Rocky and Anon proceed to lower the amp next to the stage
  40. “Yeah you could say she was a real whal..hello”
  41. >Rocky looks over to where you looking and immediately bows
  42. >Rocky “Queen Haven it’s good to see you”
  43. >Haven smirks “Rocky get up you don’t need to bow to me in here”
  44. >Pipp backs into Haven
  45. >Pipp “Haha well it was good seeing you Mom but don’t you have to go”
  46. >Haven looks questionably at her daughter and then back at Rocky and Anon who are trying to act nonchalant
  47. >Haven “Pipp can I talk to you outside for a second”
  48. >Pipp “Yeah sure lets go Mom go go go”
  49. >Pipp uses her head to push Haven out the door
  50. >Outside in Maretime Bay the sun is starting its descent in the sky to meet with the Celestial Sea. A cool breeze comes of the bay and a notable absence of ponies is located when Haven and Pipp exit Mane Melody
  51. >Once the door closes
  52. >Haven looks at her daughter with an eye brow raised “Is there something you want to tell me now that we are not in there”
  53. >Sweat pours down Pipp’s forehead, her wings twitch at her sides, and her rear left hoof taps on the ground. All tell signs that her Mother knows that she is hiding something
  54. >Pipp “Ahahaha well funny thing Mom I uh…”
  55. >Haven rolls her eyes “Please my little filly just tell me the truth and I promise I will not over react”
  56. >Haven places a hoof on Pipp’s shoulder
  57. >Pipp stops fidgeting and sucks in some breath to cool her beating heart back down “Ok ..Mom I might be seeing somepony”
  58. >Haven sweeps Pipp up in her hooves “Why that’s wonderful darling. I can’t wait to meet the Stallion when you are ready. How long have you known him for? What does he do? Is he a good kisser?
  59. >Pipp struggles in her Mom’s hooves to no avail “Just a week, um next question, and yes”
  60. >Haven puts Pipp back down and the sweat returns to Pipp’s brow “Are you seeing Rocky? I thought he was taken by that pink Pegasus we see around her hmm what was her name Windy that was her…Pipp don’t go down that road of seeing another Mare’s stallion it always leads to heartbreak.
  61. >Pipp looks slightly annoyed “No Mom I’m not dating Rocky, I’m dating A [spoiler]non[/spoiler] ”
  62. >Haven “What was that my dear I couldn’t make out that last part”
  63. >Pipp sighs in defeat. She looks up with pleading filly eyes to her Mother.
  64. >Haven’s heart starts to shake “Oh come here my little filly I don’t care who it is I just don’t want to see you hurt is all”
  65. >Pipp flies into her Mother’s embrace hugging her back and whispers “Its Anon”
  66. >Haven whispers back “Who is Anon?”
  67. >Haven looks into Mane Melody and see Rocky giving a high wing to that green human.
  68. >Haven “Him? The one that was with Rocky?”
  69. >Pipp nods her head into Haven’s chest tuft
  70. >Haven shakes her head “Oh Pipp this isn’t so bad. He seems so do you see in him anyways?
  71. >Pipp backs off from the hug and whips her eyes “I saw him in the background in Maretime Bay numerous times and that attracted my attention. He was in a viral video with the Filly Four and I knew I wanted to meet him after that.
  72. >Haven nods.
  73. >Pipp “And then well after the Nightmare Moon Party we had here that he popped in for a few brief moments I ran into him at the haunted house and then well things just clicked.”
  74. >Haven “So why is he working here then?”
  75. >Pipp resumes tapping her rear hoof showing some wing twitches “I may have offered him a job after he and I well..we..
  76. >Haven shakes her head again “I shouldn’t be so hard on you about this. I had my field sowed a few times before I met your father. Pipp just be careful you might think you love him but it may just be a simple infatuation”
  77. >Haven boops Pipp
  78. >Pipp scrunches her nose “Ow and MOOM I know I know….umm Mom how do I know?”
  79. >Haven uses her wing to draw her filly back in “Lets walk and talk and then you will know”
  81. >Meanwhile inside Mane Melody
  82. “Anon tosses Rocky a hoof ball, Rocky does a wing dive for it and catches it , the room goes wild”
  83. >Jazz taps her hooves “That was a good catch Rocky”
  84. >Rocky uses a hoof to rub the back of his neck “Thanks Anon and I have been practicing”
  85. >Anon pats Rocky on the withers “Yeah and soon Rocky will be good enough to go pro um that a thing around her right”
  86. >Rocky and Jazz look at eachother and laugh. Shortly thereafter you laugh as well.
  87. >Jazz wipes a tear from her eye “Anon you really are going to fit well in here. It’s a good thing Pipp hired you because between you and me I’m not the best at moving all this heavy stuff”
  88. >Rocky smacks you on the butt with a wing “Yeah and with another Stallion around we can talk about the cool stallion stuff when the fillies go on about their things”
  89. >You smile to them. This is way better than being an underling to Opaline. Plenty of places around Maretime Bay to do stuff at and spend money, don’t have to sneak around, have a cute marefriend. Hopefully Misty is doing ok though, you feel bad about that filly.
  92. 5 Months Later
  93. >Mane Melody is closing up for the day.
  94. >Rocky has already fled home to his filly friend Fifi and Jazz is waving goodbye through the front door. Pipp waves goodbye back to Jazz as you lock down all the doors and windows.
  95. >Pipp stops waving and smiles as she looks down at her sides. She has really grown out in the last few months. Queen Haven told her she needed to go a diet at first but after few telltale signs [spoiler] puking every morning, weird cravings, wanting to build a nest[/spoiler] Pipp went to get checked out and what a surprise.
  96. >Pipp holds a hoof against her belly and …what was that?
  97. >Pipp looks around the shop and puts a hoof to her belly “Anon Anon I think I felt a kick”
  98. >Anon rushes over from one of the windows and bends down to hug Pipp placing his head against her extended form
  99. “Are you sure, I mean wohhh….I think I felt it too”
  100. >Pipp is wearing the smuggest smile she has ever worn looking down at Anon as he rubs her belly and kisses where he felt the kick.
  101. “Don’t worry little guy you are going to grow up big and strong just like your mom and dad”
  102. >Anon looks up into Pipp’s eyes and she looks into his “Anon we are really having a foal” Tears pool at her eyes “Im so happyyy”
  103. >Pipp grabs Anon’s head and mashes his lips against hers and a second later Anon returns the kiss. They remain kissing in the middle of Mane Melody until the sun finally falls into the sea.
  104. >Pipp breaks the kiss, she wears a red blush across her face. “My hooves have gotten a little sore, would you mind...rubbing them for me”. Pipp leans her head against yours and shares breath with you. You know she really wants this.
  105. >You brush a hand across her chin and utilize all those muscles that being an errand boy and moving man has entitled you to. You hope this is proper lifting form, you grab her underneath her forelegs and her extra plump posterior. Pipp gives a little squeak as you lift her up. Her fore hooves wrap around your neck and you reposition your arm to go around her withers.
  106. >You are not the strongest man except in Equestria you are. Slowly step by step you go upstairs to the living quarters. Since Rocky moved out you have the entire floor to yourselves. Pipp had moved in as soon as she discovered she was pregnant.
  107. >Its not that you are weak, or that there are a lot of stairs, but you definitely to do this every day because she will only get heavier. After you reach the top step you sigh in relief and walk over to the couch and lower her onto it. Pipp gives you a chaste kiss as you do and asks if you could get her something to nibble on.
  108. >A few minutes later, and her weird request of pickles and peanut butter and bean sprouts and chocolate crackers you are back to the couch. Pipp is voraciously tearing through the “snack” that you made for her with her wings giving little flutters. You know she is content as you grab onto one of her fore hooves and begin giving a massage to it. Pipp slows down her eating and watches the massage. Her eyes sparkle and you can hear content moans between her finishing the snack.
  109. >As you really put the pressure onto the last hoof the moans of Pipp’s become a little sultry. You look her in the eyes with your fingers really pressing in and its that look she likes to give you when she is really turned on. You put a lot of pressure into the hoof to finish off the massage and see her close her eyes. You smirk until her tail brushes against your nose repeatedly. The musky smell of a Mare in need assaults your senses
  110. >Pipp “Anooooon I’m hungry for something else” She licks her lips and paws at your shoulder
  111. >By command of your princess your clothes come off while she sings
  112. >”I used to go to bed at night
  113. Wishing I had a friend
  114. Someone to hold and squeeze me tight
  115. A very special friend
  117. Until you
  118. You came along
  119. And told me you would be the one
  120. Until you
  121. You came along
  122. And held me in your arms
  124. You are a dream come true
  125. And there's nothing in this world
  126. I wouldn't do
  127. Foal, just for you, I love you”
  129. >As the last parcels of your clothes hit the ground her wings stroke your hips to which you orient towards her. With yourself at full mast the mare breaths in the sight and beckons you closer. With a stroke of a hoof down you erectile length she has you at couchside with your manhood pressed against her chest tuft.
  130. >Pipp giggles as she pulls your dick through her tuft and then gives your glans a lick and two. Within a flash she is bobbing up and down on your crown using her tongue to lick around. You grasp in her mane and give words profane for the attention she is giving you. She takes you deeper and into her throat covering your pride in saliva and with a pop releases you from her oral grasp.
  131. >You breath in a breath that you were holding and look down
  132. You are the most beautiful mare I have ever known, Pipp I love you.
  133. >You bend down as she presses herself upwards meeting in a passionate kiss. You inch your way onto the couch as your tongues intertwine until she is reclining backwards and you are on top of her with your manhood in between her swollen teats. A free hand of yours wanders down and caresses her teats that have comforted your soldier.
  134. >Pipp wraps her forelegs around your neck and you slide your hips outward dragging your manhood down out of her teats and pressed against her marehood. You can feel her winking aggressively against your tip. She uses her legs to push from behind your hips and drags your manhood inside her. Her breath hitches inside your mouth as you hilt.
  135. >She breaks the kiss and looks you in the eyes “There are hearts in your eyes, EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
  136. >Ok you may be deaf now but you have your duty to your extremely horny mare who has pulled you back into her mouth assaulting you with her tongue.
  137. >You give slow thrusts to her and feel a wink on your balls after every hilting. You continue this slow lovemaking to your mare and feel a wetness above her. She is leaking a little milk out. This goes on for minutes as she maregasms once screaming your name and nearing her second you can feel the pressure in your balls increase drastically.
  138. >You nibble down upon her ear and hammer away at the last few seconds to which she tries to wrap her legs around your hips, but due to her extended belly all she can do is latch onto your sides.
  139. >Your plunge yourself and hold deep inside her as you let loose your cum and she bites onto your shoulder riding out her second maregasm.
  140. >You lay there beside her with your combined fluids leaking out of her and onto the couch. She nuzzles you in the shared hug whispering words of love and devotion.
  141. >Truly this is the life you are glad you have, and the only thing that can stop this love is one or two ponies that have queen in their titles.
  145. A few months later
  146. >Pipp speaks to her hoof phone on a livestream about the difficulties of pregnancy and the joys of it. “And just remember my pippsqueaks all this is for when you are older and find a special somepony that you will spend the rest of your life with. Home is where you lay your hooves at oof “ Pipp rubs her tummy “and family is forever, take care because I won’t be livestreaming for a while. But Jazz will so keep watching her content and maybe you will see a new addition to the Pipp family soon”
  147. >And with that Pipp signed off and put her phone away. She lays on her lounger resting against her back and with a few pillows to help her soreness. This foal inside her sure can move about.
  148. >Pipp spots Anon coming up the stairs. There he is the father of my foal, I know he is nervous but so am I. It doesn’t help though that Mom is rather reluctant to accept him.
  149. >Anon sits down beside her and rubs her tummy placing his head against it listening for the foal. You rub a hoof through his hair as he talks to the foal.
  150. “Pipp I have been thinking about what your Mom said”
  151. >Anxiety grips your heart and you try to use your wing to grab him close but all your wing can do is brush him.
  152. >Anon comes up to your chest level and kisses you and your wrap your hooves around his neck. He looks you in the eye.
  153. “Maybe we should move to Zephyr Heights. She is right the medical care there is the best for you and our foal. And it wouldn’t be right to keep you away from your Mom when our little angel is born”
  154. >Ok you thought he was going to say something else. You nuzzle him and feel more kicks from the foal. “I don’t want to move if you are not all right with it though. Sure Jazz can take care of Mane Melody but we both have to want this.”
  155. >You hold his face with both hooves “Lets both say what we want at the same time in 3..2..1”
  156. “I want a threesome”
  157. >Pipp “I want to move back….WHAT!!?
  158. >Anon laughs and you bite him on the neck. He yelps and places a hand on the spot where you bit him.
  159. “I want to move as well. Sorry I wanted to break the sad tone I brought in with me”
  160. >You huff and refuse to face him for being so…so… mean. But then his hands reach up to your ears and scritch them just the wall you like it. And a smile returns to your face.
  161. >You turn back to face the goof and share breath with him. At first when you used to do this with him he didn’t get the significance of it, but now he will gladly share it with you. And there he goes burying his face in your chest tuft. You hold the back of his head with both hooves and really grind his face in there.
  162. >A normal Stallion would fuss and try to escape but not your Anon. You swear he really gets off on this, and you love doing it so that is awesoooooome.
  163. >You release his head and watch him come up for air. “So when should you pack for us?”
  164. >Anon gives you a peck on the lips after gaining his breath and stands up and stretches.
  165. “How about I pack tonight and in a few days we relocate.”
  166. >You sigh and roll a hood through your mane “Jazz will need a day or two to get her things in order to take over. Well if she is still here can you tell her?”
  167. >Anon nods and gives a tight grab onto your more than generous plot before heading downstairs to find Jazz.
  168. >You swish your tail at him as he leaves. “I swear if bearing a foal only took a months that man would have already given me a half dozen foals”
  169. >You reach for your hoof phone and dial up Queen Haven. It only takes a ring before she picks
  170. >Haven can be seen saying something to one of her guards in the background “And that should be that Thunder. Yes Zoom make sure the Northern post has the supplies…” Queen Haven focuses on the camera “My little Darling how good of it is to hear from you, tell me have you reconsidered coming back home. “ Worry takes over Haven’s features “Please Pipp think of
  171. >Pipp “Mom I am coming home”
  172. >Haven “and everything… will “. A cheerful expression overcomes her “Why that’s grand news. Thunder prepare Pipp’s old room to its normal state and make sure Doctor Butcher Hooves and Nurse Cuddly Wings are on standby. Darling will you be here this evening, do I need to send a chariot?”
  173. >You shake your head and hear a loud yell from downstairs “A chariot would be nice but I think I won’t be ready for two more days Mom, we need to make sure things are taken care of here before we leave”
  174. >Haven looks to the side and nods then returns her attention forward “Then I will have the chariot in front of Mane Melody on Saturday Morning.” Haven whispers “and Pipp I promise I won’t be too hard on him when you are both here, I have just been so worried about you and my grand foal”
  175. >You sigh again “Its ok Mom and he does really like you. I swear if you give him a chance he will be like the son you never had”
  176. >Haven looks unsure “Well I will try dear, try for you and the grand foal.
  177. >You hear frantic hooves clopping up the stairs “Mom I have to go but I will see you on Saturday I love you”
  178. >Haven “I love you to dear, oh and Pipp. Your sister is back here as well”
  179. >You hang up and put down the phone as a frazzled looking Jazz approaches you.
  180. >Jazz “Pipp I know I wanted this but I don’t think I am ready.” Jazz looks at her hooves and shakes her body
  181. >”Jazzie you have been ready for months now. I’m sorry its short notice but I have to be back at the palace for the foal. Did Rocky bring in Fifi like he said he would?
  182. >Jazz looks back up at you “He did and I think she will work out fine, but Pipp I ..I’re my friend and I don’t want this to be the last time I see you”
  183. >Jazz pitter patter her hooves over to you and gives you a tight hug. You nuzzle Jazz and give her a kiss on the cheek “I have full faith in you Jazz, so does every pony here. And this is an Earth Pony town, it’s only right that the best Earth Pony I know runs Mane Melody”
  184. >Jazz removes herself from the hug and her mood looks like it drastically approved “I am? Really but what about Sunny?”
  185. >You laugh “Sunny is an Alicorn ish , I don’t think you have any competition from her. Besides Jazz the ponies come here asking for you not for me…well not for mane jobs and hooficures anyways. And your singing voice is the best. Tell me Jazz how many Stallions don’t drop sheath a little bit when you sing”
  186. >A bright red hue envelops Jazz’s face as she give a nervous laugh “They don’t…really they do? Pipp they do?”
  187. >You nod. “Why do you think Rufus had to hide behind Hitch the last time we sang, that poor Stallion dropped all the way out and Hitch well I think Rufus accidently smacked him”
  188. >Jazz laughs and laughs clopping one hoof on the ground still beet red but not nervous anymore “hehe Pipp I need to pay attention more when I sing then. Ahhaha ok I maybe I am ready but do you need help to get back to Zephyr Heights”
  189. >You shake your head “No on Saturday there will be a chariot waiting. Jazz where do we keep all the documents for taxes and purchases.”
  190. >The red slowly leave Jazz’s face “Oh I keep those in the two filing cabinets in the storage room”
  191. >You laugh now “You see Jazz you are two hoof steps ahead of me. You know I will miss you Jazz. When the foal is a few months I will make sure to come back down here and introduce you to him”
  192. >Jazz hugs you again. “Are you sure it will be a colt and not a filly”
  193. >You return the hug “I have a feeling Anon made sure he pressed a button enough times that it’s a colt”
  194. >Jazz “I hope everything goes really well for you Princess Pipp. Maybe if you are Queen someday we could have a Mane Melody in Zephyr Heights
  195. >Jazz backs off
  196. >You put your hooves on your belly “Let me worry about the foal right now Jazz, Queen I don’t know that should be a Zipp thing.”
  197. >Jazz nods her head “Well I should get going then and return to closing up shop, I’ll see you tomorrow Pipp
  198. >You wave to her as she descends the stairs.

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