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Valentine Muffin

By ffanon
Created: 2022-11-17 03:16:34
Updated: 2023-02-15 00:04:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's Hearts and Hooves day and Anon asks Derpy out on a date
  2. >She's never been asked out before nor has she been on a date.
  3. >At last, she's going to have a special somepony and she's never been happier!
  4. >Derpy gets all dressed up, face glowing with such excitement that only a muffin could bring.
  5. >Anon tells her to meet him out front of a fancy restaurant in Canterlot for dinner
  7. >Later that evening
  8. >Derpy is a little nervous as she looks around trying to find Anon.
  9. >Minutes go by and she still can't find him, panick setting in.
  10. >The restaurant doors open and the fancily dressed couples begin to enter and get seated.
  11. >Some of them throwing strange glances at the lone Derpy.
  12. >As the last of the line files in, Derpy watches with tears in her eyes.
  13. >But wait! Maybe Anon is inside waiting for her
  14. >Derpy runs over to the entrance and approaches the hostess as they are getting ready to close the doors
  15. "Excuse me!"
  16. >The hostess is a unicorn with a red mane, light brown coat and she's wearing a stylish uniform
  17. >She turns around to greet Derpy
  18. >"Good evening ma'am, are you here for the dinner?"
  19. "I'm here for Anon!"
  20. >Awkward silence
  21. >"...Anon?"
  22. "For our date"
  23. >"Oh I see, you are a bit late but we still have time to get you seated. You said you had a date?"
  24. >Derpy is still feeling anxious but she's at least making progress with the hostess
  25. "Y-yes, his name is Anon and we have a dinner date tonight but I don't know where he is. I thought maybe he already went inside?"
  26. >"Sure, let me check"
  27. >She pulls out a scroll and reviews the list of names
  28. >Derpy blushes as she hoofs the ground
  29. >"Ah, here we are. Anon Y Mous? He's currently here in attendance"
  30. >Derpy smiles and jumps up in excitement
  31. "Yay! I can't wait to see him!"
  32. >"And your name ma'am?"
  33. >Derpy pauses her mini celebration and focuses on the task at hand
  34. "Derpy...Derpy Hooves"
  35. >The other mare scans the guest list, eyes surveying the entire scroll
  36. >Her face scrunches as she looks back at Derpy
  37. >"I'm sorry Miss... Derpy, is it?"
  38. "Y-yeah."
  39. >Derpy's heart is thudding loudly in her ears
  40. >"Your name doesn't appear to be on the guest list."
  41. >Derpy looks at her with eyes swirling around as tears begin to form
  42. "T-that can't be true! Anon is waiting for me inside, you even said he is here..."
  43. >"Ma'am, Anon is here but his guest is written as Lyra Heartstrings, which she's also inside with him"
  44. >Derpy's mouth drops as she stands there in shock
  45. >"I'm sorry, but I need to return to my duties"
  46. >With an empathetic glance, the hostess turns away from Derpy and closes the large wooden door
  47. >Derpy sits down on the ground as tears start flowing freely
  48. >She just doesn't know what went wrong as she sobs softly.

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