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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 9) (Hiatus until March 7))

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2023-01-15 01:01:15
Updated: 2023-02-04 17:26:28
Expiry: Never

  1. > (Equestria’s re-enlisted hero)
  3. >”celestia informed me to mobolize the crystal empires forces against the changelings”
  4. >”that means the recruits from last time are coming with us…”
  5. >dammit, you already know what he’s getting at
  6. “Shining, i need you understand, that… thing i did to sombra, that was a fluke, I can’t just run in on some new war and expect everything to turn out alright!”
  7. >”i know, anon, I only learned about this last night so you have to bear with me on this, i don’t have a fully developed plan, but all i know is that whatever plan i make, you’re going to be apart of it”
  8. >he gives you a sudden stern look
  9. >”you tell nobody what i’m telling you today, understand?”
  10. >”if you go off telling applejack or anypony else about this, that’s leaking military secrets and could put lives in danger…”
  11. “alright…”
  12. >”good, good”
  13. >shining armour paces around the room trying to think
  14. >”all you need to know is that I need you to be ready to leave at a moments notice”
  15. >”you’re not leaving today or tomorrow, but once i handle everything i need you to be ready to move the second you get a letter from me okay?”
  16. “Alright, but why me? I can shoot but-”
  17. >he cuts you off
  18. >”you’re off the books that’s why, not only that, but you can take care of yourself”
  19. >”especially against changlings”
  20. >”with someone like you i can manage something without celestia’s intervention”
  21. >without celestia’s intervention?
  22. “Shining, are you keeping military secrets from celestia?”
  23. >he taps his hoof nervously
  24. >”you don’t get it, something about this war is wrong, i know what happened in canterlot was bad but this just seems too much”
  25. >”it doesn’t even feel like celestia herself is the one making the orders”
  26. >”anon, i know you’re role in this isn’t clear but i can promise you that i will need you for something, just promise me you’re in…”
  27. >you thought to yourself about the implications of all this
  28. >seemingly going against celestia
  29. >but you know that this is your ticket to ending the war sooner
  30. >you can’t sit back and watch as big mac goes off to war again…
  31. “The elements of harmony…”
  32. “Aren’t they going to participate in some way?”
  33. >”not likely…”
  34. >”much like with sombra, once the war is public news they’re going to be on standby”
  35. >”and with an army of changelings in the way of chrysalis i doubt they could do much without getting swarmed by them”
  36. >this isn’t an easy task
  37. >it seemed that this war would inevitebly be a bloody one
  38. >it seemed equestria was on the attack this time
  39. >and after seeing the changelings attack canterlot like that you couldn’t imagine it having a very peaceful resolution
  40. >there was no other rational choice
  41. “Alright, i’ll work with you”
  42. >he gives you a confident nod
  43. >”good”
  44. >he levitates your outfit and rifle to you
  45. >without a word you grab both
  46. >before he left he turned back to say something
  47. >”i know everything has been difficult for you recently”
  48. >”I promise i’m not trying to make life miserable for you”
  49. >”but the both of us are in a bad position here”
  50. >”people we care about being pulled into a war that we didn’t want”
  51. >”you don’t deserve this anon, I hope i can make it up to you after this is all over…”
  52. >with that he left the room leaving only you and the doctor in there
  53. >the doctor?
  54. “So… you just-”
  55. >he looks at you casually
  56. >”I’m the crystal empire’s royal family doctor”
  57. >”I’m loyal to them and them alone…”
  58. >before he leaves he stops suddenly as he remembers something
  59. >”oh, and you’re clear to check out now anonymous”
  61. >after changing back into your old clothes you leave the room to go check out
  62. >the mare at the front desk takes a quick glance at you
  63. >”oh, anonymous, you’re all set, have a good day”
  64. >carrying your rifle a bit lower to try and conceal it, you made your way out of the hospital
  65. >once outside you saw applejack standing there waiting
  66. >she gave you a warm smile and looks at what you’re carrying
  67. >”seems like that old things going into retirement huh”
  68. >she seemed a bit more relaxed about the subject now compared to before
  69. >she wouldn’t be if she heard what shining armour told you
  70. >all you know is you get today and tomorrow to relax before you leave
  71. >applejack must think you won’t be leaving again anytime soon
  72. >you’re going to have to think of a way to explain it to her when the letter arrives
  73. >”uh, anon?”
  74. >she waved her hoof in front of your face
  75. >you must have zoned out for a while
  76. “Sorry aj, I’m still a bit tired”
  77. >she rubs her face against your arm
  78. >”you’ve got nothin’ to be sorry for anon”
  79. >”ahm just glad you’re home”
  80. >you give her a half smile
  81. “Not quite…”
  82. >”oh, uh, right…”
  83. >the two of you make way to the hotel
  84. >applejack explained that big mac and applebloom were staying there until you could come home with them
  86. >once there you entered the room
  87. >”ah-non? Applejack?”
  88. >applebloom rubbed her eyes before getting out of bed
  89. >”jee applejack, didja even sleep last night?”
  90. >”haven’t seen you since we left the hospital yesterday”
  91. >both you and applejack look to each other
  92. >”uh, yeah, just thought i would pick up anon early is all…”
  93. >applejack avoided explaining what happened last night
  94. >”c’mon now, lets get back home, besides i’ve got a little something planned for us”
  95. >applejack and applebloom seemed to have something planned that you weren’t aware of
  96. >big mac rolled off of bed seemingly still half asleep
  97. >the four of you made your way back to ponyville in the train
  98. >the ticket puncher guy didn’t look too happy to see us again but the trip home was relatively uneventful
  100. >when you got home applejack told you to hang out around town while
  101. >she had a look on her face like she was up to something so you figured it was best to listen to her
  102. >you took a walk around ponyville while you thought to yourself
  103. >how were you going to explain to applejack about leaving again?
  104. >what could shining armour have planned for you?
  105. >what could you do to prepare?
  106. >oh goddammit you have two days to prepare…
  108. >it seems you never get a break
  109. >considering you’re on limited time and you’re not sure what kind of situation you’re going to be in all you can do is base your preparation off of what happened in canterlot
  110. >throughout your walk you think of ways you could be useful
  111. >would shining armour use you on the frontlines?
  112. >will there be frontlines?
  113. >likley, if they’re going to use the recruits from the war against king sombra then surely it will be similar to that war with the way it will be fought
  114. >and if shining armour said you were useful for being ‘off the books’ whatever that means, implies your not going to be on the front lines
  115. >off the books…
  116. >some kind of secret mission?
  117. >maybe reporting stuff from behind enemy lines?
  118. >sound like you’re going to need to protect yourself somehow
  119. >your rifle is decently quiet as it is
  120. >it might need a proper cleaning
  121. >you should swap out the fuel just in case and put in a new order for ammunition
  122. >you figure it to be a good idea to visit the blacksmith
  123. >you really hope he made it back
  125. >once you enter, you see the blacksmith working next to his son
  126. “Boy am i glad to see you again…”
  127. >they both jolt when you speak and turn to face you
  128. >”is that anon?”
  129. >the blacksmith gives you a big grin
  130. >”I sure owe you, those funds you gave my boy kept us in business while i was away”
  131. >”if you ever need anything, it’s on the house for a while, the both of us wouldn't be here if it weren’t for your good will”
  132. >it felt nice hearing him say that
  133. >but it was bittersweet
  134. >you know the both of you would be going to war again in a mere two days
  135. >and sadly you didn’t have much time to work with
  136. “It’s good to see your home, I hate to cut this conversation short but do you think i could get a couple orders of those little steel balls again?”
  137. >”you’re darn right i can, should be done by tonight, my son can deliver them to ya personally”
  138. “That’ll be perfect”
  139. >done by tonight…
  140. >that’s one day out of the two he has left…
  141. >you felt guilty for using half of his time to be home for your order
  142. >but it’s a necessity
  143. >a gut wrenching one, but still a necessity
  144. >with the order placed you figured you have one thing sorted
  145. >but you can’t just rely on your rifle against changelings
  147. >as you make your way back home you look at your arms and legs
  148. >you remember quite clearly their tendency to bite
  149. >vicious little things
  150. >there were plenty of scars from where the bigger ones bit you but the smaller changeling bites seemed to heal without a trace
  151. >little dot scars across your arms and legs
  152. >it wasn’t too noticeable but that wasn’t your concern
  153. >the canterlot incident wasn’t a big deal compared to what shining is putting you up to
  154. >at least your assuming it will be
  155. >you can’t afford to be bitten like that on a consistent basis
  156. >sure you didn’t lose a lot of blood, the punctures were quite small
  157. >but an infection would fuck you up badly
  158. >not to mention your neck…
  160. >the walk back home was wasn’t peaceful for you mentally
  161. >you were half excited for whatever applejack might be planning
  162. >but you were clouded with thoughts of preparation for shining’s task
  163. >armour of some sort might be impractical
  164. >especially loud clanky metal
  165. >and changelings attack in swarms
  166. >the equestrian army might have an easier time fighting the changelings than they did king sombra and his army
  167. >especially without the moral worries of it all
  168. >wait…
  169. >why would shining armour need you anyways
  170. >it doesn’t add up
  171. >the equestrian military seemed to be perfectly fine at handling canterlot when they were unorganized
  172. >an organized army with celestia, twilight, and luna, taking care of the changelings shouldn’t be a problem
  173. >nothing about this makes sense
  174. >but this doesn’t mean you’re going to take shining armours request lightly
  175. >maybe he just wants you for the sake of ending the war quicker
  176. >there’s nothing wrong with that
  177. >and if that’s the case then you shouldn’t slack in your preparations

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text