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MMP Cyoa : Bard Ballad (part 1)

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2023-02-11 08:02:32
Updated: 2023-09-19 12:17:32
Expiry: Never

  2. In a world of might and magic, of gods and devils, of heroes and adventurers, there are also bards. The adventurers who pursue such a profession have a bit of a reputation, and indeed the prospect of learning enchanting songs meshes with the goals of many ponies of epicurean moods.
  4. Of course, that ended up creating quite a few stereotypes about bards. These are the harshest for halfling ponies, for how else than through serenades would mares be seduced by half-ponies when there’s hunky paladins and wild barbarians trotting around?
  6. Most bards, halfling or else, try to deal in silence with such mockeries as long as the stigma doesn’t prevent them from indeed use their craft in the art of seduction. However, one halfling bard of old once decided to embrace this reputation. And so he sung to the face of the world:
  8. The bard gave flesh to his claim by creating a school of bard magic whose only purpose is to make mares bigger through magic songs. The downside of this speciality, is that such bards have virtually no other spells other than their arias to big mares.
  10. You, Little Spoon, are one of such halfling ponies. Fresh out of bard school, you’re looking for your first adventure! With companions of course.
  12. There should characteristics somewhere, but to sum yourself up let’s say you’re very charismatic, not very wise nor strong, and with a good enough constitution, dexterity and intelligence. You know how to sing, dance and use your instrument, and you can dodge your way out of harm well enough in fights. You have other skills, but we’ll see that when you’ll need them.
  14. Like all good stories, this one starts in a tavern, an eveing of spring in a small rural town. What better place to look for companions and adventure? Anyway, you see 4 suitable tables with ponies you could probably introduce yourself to. You have a solid hunch these are all beginner adventurers like yourself, and that all have a quest you could partake in.
  16. >A: The table with one lonely dwarf mare. From her attire, you can tell she’s a paladin of Buldin, the lawful good god of construction and civilisation.
  17. >B: The table with two laughing orc mares. They look like they’re both barbarians.
  18. >C: The table with an elf ranger mare, a pegasus fighter stallion, and a halfling mage mare.
  19. >D: The table with three pegasus mares, all looking like rogues.
  20. >E: Screw questing. Just play music in the tavern and have fun with adventurers who are here to blow some steam off.
  22. >You have your LUTE, your CLOTHES, a KNIFE, a small amount of MONEY, and WRITING SUPPLIES with parchments and inks.
  24. >The average pony stallion is 4’6’’, most warrior types a few inches more. The average pony mare is 4’, warrior types can be up to 4’6’’. Elvish types are both slender and around 5’. Dwarves are stocky 3’6’’ for both genders. Halflings, such as yourself, are 3’. Half-orcs have brawly 5’ mares and 5’6’ stallions
  26. You’re intrigued by what kind of quest could three rogue mares be planning to go after.
  27. However, it’s the other group of 3 that you decide to approach.
  29. “Greetings, adventurers!” You salute them with a grin as soon as they look in your direction. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am Little Spoon, rookie bard at your service. I am looking for an adventure to share with plucky companions. You seem to be preparing for such a journey, so may I persuade you to allow my songs to rhythm your heroic deeds to come?”
  30. “Huh! Well, hello there, bard.” The stallion is the first to answer, a bemused smirk on his face after your grandiloquent request. “My name is Shield Scrapper, and I have to tell you Little Spoon, you’re quite plucky yourself to offer your services before hearing about the job!”
  31. “Pu-lease! No trial shall resist true companionship.” You answer. “But now, I wouldn’t disagree if you shared with me the whereabouts of the task you’re preparing for.”
  33. “Skeletons have been seen wandering at night in the old graveyard, next to the forest road.” The elf mare speaks up nonchalantly. “They seem few in number and quite weak, and they don’t seem interested in leaving the graveyard to attack town. Still, the locals would like to solve the mystery of their appearance.”
  34. “Maybe some foul spell was cast in the graveyard as of recent.” The halfling mage speaks up. “Or maybe the seal of a dark relic has started to fade somewhere around. Anyway, we have to make sure the skeletons will be gone and will stay so. Oh! Uh, my name is Chiminie by the way.” She punctuates her intervention by a timid wave and smile.
  35. “That’s our task indeed.” Shiel Scrapper nods. “So if you’re not afraid of the trotting dead, I would gladly count you in for this contract, Little Spoon.” The stallion turns toward his companions. “Do you all agree?”
  36. “Of course.” Chiminie nods. “The sound of music shall blast away all fear from our minds!”
  38. However, as the stallion and the little mage look at their last companion, the elf mare doesn’t bulge. Eventually, she lets out an annoyed sigh.
  39. “I signed up for a third of the reward.” The elf mare states blankly. “You two can do as you wish, but I’ll accept no less for myself. The bard may accompany us under this condition.”
  41. >A: Demonstrate your abilities! Use your bard powers on the elf mare and/or the halfling mare and make them bigger!
  42. >B: Demonstrate your abilities! By chance, it happens you’re very knowledgeable in the field of magic. Surely, they can use your expertise along the one of Chiminie. [spoiler]Spend 1 skill point in knowledge: magic. You currently have 5 skills point [/spoiler]
  43. >C: Say nothing. Hope Shield Scrapper and Chiminie can convince their friend or make another offer.
  44. >D: Friendship shall be your reward. You shall help these adventurers for free this time.
  46. “Perhaps I could convince you with a little demonstration.” You offer. “My talents are a bit unusual, but surely you’ll recognize how much of a boon they can be. Lady Chiminie, would you allow me to bolster your power with my songs?”
  47. “Well, of course.” The halfling mare nods. “But I do not intend to try out my fire spells in here.”
  48. “There shall be no need of that.” You shake your head and tune up your lute. “The effect can be appreciated with the eyes alone!”
  49. And thus, you start your performance.
  51. >As a level 1 bard, you have the following ability:
  52. >Bardic Inspiration: While you play your instrument, you may make any willing mare that hears you 2 feet bigger.
  54. As the notes flow, the little mage mare soon lets out a gasp. Her little build starts growing, exceeding your size of course, but then quickly passing the one of Shield Scrapper as well, until she eventually matches the height of the elf mare. However, the big halfling mare isn’t as lithe as the elf, and she feels bigger to the eye in comparison.
  55. “Oh, my!” Chiminie seems awestruck for a second, but then overjoyed at the changes of her body. “Shield Scrapper! I’m as big as a pony mare! Wait, no, I’m bigger actually! Isn’t it…”
  57. However, the last sentence of the big little mare dies in her throat, as the fighter stallion already adverted his eyes from her.
  58. “This is amazing! Can you use your magic on Star Shooter, Littler Spoon?” The stallion eagerly asks.
  59. “Better question.” The elf mare, which you suppose is Star Shooter, speaks up. “Can you use your magic on Shield Scrapper? He would benefit the most of an increased size.”
  60. “Well… it happens my spells only work on mares…” You begrudgingly admit.
  61. “A shame.” Star Shooter shakes her head. “Had our task been about hunting big game, I would have been keener on using you. But here, we might need to crawl in crypts and tombs where a greater size might be detrimental.”
  63. That last comment made Star Shooter’s two companions fall in a stiff silence. But after a few seconds, Chiminie, who’s still large as you haven’t stopped playing, speaks up.
  64. “W-well, I think Little Spoon could really help us if we encounter something unexpectedly dangerous.” She claims. “If I need to do so, I’ll give you half my share of the payment if that’s okay with you, Little Spoon.”
  65. “Make it a third of our two thirds of the reward.” Shield Scrapper adds, before turning to the elf mare. “Cripes, you made the math harder to do, Star Shooter! But I can understand one wouldn’t want their payment reduced after accepting a job.”
  67. Star Shooter nods.
  68. “No hard feelings, Little Spoon.” She states. “I need the money. I wouldn’t be taking up quests in the first place if I didn’t. Are you willing to join us under these conditions?”
  69. “Of course.” You nod a bit awkwardly. “I am thankful you’d allow me to joint your quest on such a short notice at all. I just hope I didn’t stir any trouble between you three. I’d feel awful if that were the case.”
  70. “Not at all, bard!” Shield Scrapper gives you a warm smile. “Come on, let’s forget about the delicate matter of money for now. Have a seat! Aside from your magic ones, surely you know many songs to liven up our supper. I’d love to hear you pick some more notes out of that lute of yours.”
  72. You’re happy to oblige. While Star Shooter remains rather distant, you learn a little more about your two other new companions over a couple drinks. Shield Scrapper had a short-lived career as a town guard, but got bored to death rather quickly, which is why he became an adventurer. Meanwhile, Chiminie is fresh out of magic school. Despite her looks and apparent shyness, she can wield quite destructive fire magic. She wants to become a teacher eventually, but her peers recommended she got some field experience with her battle spells before that.
  74. Since necromantic mysteries are best solved in broad daylight, you’ll be leaving for your task tomorrow at dawn, which leaves the evening available for this little bard to bard a little. There is the cold and mysterious Star Shooter or the shy yet lovely Chiminie you may attempt to interact with. Would you rather try to mellow out one or two of them about you already, or wait for a common successful quest to be under your belt to do so? Oh, and Shield Scrapper is here to. A friendly fellow for sure, but less… interesting.
  76. >What do?
  78. “Lady Star Shooter.” You say at some point. “You must be quite skilled to secure your cut without question from your companions.”
  79. The elf mare responds with an unimpressed glance, before looking at the wall again.
  80. “But I have to say…” You continue. “While your tracking skills will certainly be a boon, your arrows might not do much against the fleshless skeletons.”
  81. “Listen here, bard.” This time, Star Shooter stares in your eyes with an icy glare. “You’re the one who isn’t supposed to be a part of this contract. It seems my companions can afford to be generous, well, good for them! That is not my case. Is it so hard to understand?”
  83. Again, a stiff silence takes a hold of your table. You certainly caught the attention of the elf mare this time, but perhaps not in the way you wanted.
  85. “L-lady Chiminie.” You stiffly call the halfling mare. “Would you want to try out your spells accompanied by my magic song? Let us go outside, and test how my tune enhances your magic!”
  86. “Oh, I trust your blessing, Little Spoon.” Chiminie says, but then after pondering for a second. “Although, uhm, yea, I should indeed get used to a higher perspective when firing my magic. A little practice couldn’t hurt.”
  87. “Then take you time!” Shield Scrapper chuckles, and you catch him giving a quick glance to Star Shooter. “I sure wouldn’t want to experience a fireball hurled further than expected…”
  89. You exit the tavern with Chiminie, and then take some steps outside in search of a spot that would suit some fiery experiences, your way lit by a floating light Chiminie conjured. In the meantime, you decide you could get to know the halfling mare a little better.
  91. “So you want to become a teacher?” You ask. “It there something in particular that gave you this vocation?”
  92. “It wasn’t one thing, it’s the years I spent in school that were the best my life.” She answers. “And not only for student parties or magic pranks of questionable taste. I really feel at ease in academics, and both chasing and passing knowledge sound like noble purposes to me. Now, it’s not like I dislike adventuring. I’ve had enriching new experiences already, and I met some… interesting ponies.” Chiminie looks up to the starry sky with a smirk, before turning to you. “And you too, Little Spoon. You’re certainly one of a kind!”
  94. “One of kind we all are, that’s for sure!” You smile back. “And if I may ask, how did you get that mark of yours? Sorry if I’m curious, but it’s rather rare for halflings to pursue a destiny like yours.”
  95. “My cutie mark?” She seems surprised. “Oh, I don’t have any grand story to tell about it. My father is a smith. Of course, like most halfling blacksmiths he crafts more ploughshares or kitchen knives than swords, but still I’ve always found his work fascinating. The first time he had me help him with a piece, my mark just popped up when I took out the white-hot piece of the furnace. It’s only later that I realized I had potential for fire magic.”
  97. The halfling mare looks around.
  98. “Hum, I think this spot could work for some experiments, Little Spoon.”
  99. She points out at a lonely, half-collapse wall of bricks. While a few vines run on it, you don’t think anything is at risk of catching fire around here. You’re also far away enough from the other habitations you shouldn’t bother any local pony.
  101. You start your magic chant, and again, the halfling mare grows until you’re staring at the base of her neck. Chiminie then fires some spells at the wall, some cones and darts of flames, and to finish, a fireball that make the wall collapse once for good. You felt the blast of heat radiate over you on that one.
  103. “Woah, I definitely didn’t pack such might before!” Chiminie says excitedly. “My spells have indeed grown in proportion to myself.”
  104. There, with a hoof the grown halfling mare gently brings you against her chest, and lightly rests her head atop yours.
  105. “Don’t let Star Shooter get to you.” Chiminie says. “I know she can be unnerving, but you are a worthy companion, Little Spoon.”
  107. >What do?
  109. >Even though it exists, and even though there’s a debate on the matter among the masters of your way, your bardic school forbids the use of all sex-changing magic and your songs don’t work on ponies whose sex has been altered in any way.
  111. >The possible skills currently are: Swim, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge: magic OR customs OR nature OR engineering, Language: Elf OR Dwarf OR Orc OR Celestial OR Demonic, Sneak, Acrobatics, Escape artist, Sleight of hoof, First Aid, Survival, Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, Appraisal, Cooking.
  112. >I may add more if I find it necessary.
  113. >You already have: Perform: Singing, Perform: instrument (Lute), Perform: Dance, Language: Halfling and Language: Common
  114. >You will be prompted to learn a skill when you need it, but you may also purchase one on a prompt players came up with themselves
  116. “Thank you for these comforting words, Chiminie.” You say, snuggling a bit closer to the enlarged mare. Although, a part of your mind tells you could have been hugging a much more massive mare if you had grown not a fellow half-pony, but an inherently bigger elf or orc mare.
  118. But you quickly banish these greedy thoughts. Chiminie’s kindness already feels large enough against you that you feel little butterflies in your gut.
  119. “I hope I will prove my worth to Star Shooter as well.” You say. “It’s the first time I shall use my abilities out of school.”
  120. “Oh?” Chiminie breaks the hug to show you a playful pout. “So I’ve been your test subject tonight?”
  121. “Well, is the test a success then? How do you feel about your size?”
  122. “Ah, it’s certainly particular. You look like a cute little foal to me right now, Little Spoon!” She says with a giggle. “And it feels good, I must say, to have the world be at the right size for you… or to be bigger than it even! It makes one feel like thy could take on…” There, Chiminie looks at her hooves, a hint of bitterness fleeting on her face. “.. well, it feels good, yeah.”
  124. “Would you mind if we tried out a few more things, then?” You ask. “Now that I’m out of the secured grounds of school, I suddenly have a hundred questions in mind about my own ability. What if I were to grow Star Shooter, but that her arrows shrink mid-shot?”
  125. “Huh.” Chiminie seems intrigued. “That’s indeed a conundrum. Let’s try to solve it then!”
  127. After a few experiments, you have established the following rules.
  128. >A mare grows and shrinks with every item she holds or bears on herself.
  129. >No item grows or shrink unless you commence or call off your bardic inspiration. Enlarged equipment stay grown even if dropped, and regular stuff doesn’t grow if picked up by the mare.
  130. >The food she carries grows along the mare, but not living creatures. You tried having Chiminie hold a cricket while she grew and the bug didn’t change in size, but after you squished it, its body then grew along her. Not immediately, but the next time you grew Chiminie
  132. After this interlude that was rich in discoveries, you decide to return inside the tavern where you find Star Shooter and Shield Scrapper still at the same table.
  133. “Oh, you’re back already.” Somehow, you feel a faint annoyance in the stallion’s voice.
  135. Unless you have anything more to say, it’s probably time for you to go to bed. You’ll embark on your quest at dawn tomorrow.
  137. >What do?
  139. You soon agree that turning in for the night now is a good idea. But after Star Shooter and Shield Scrapper went to their rooms, you manage to talk with Chiminie and offer her to share a room.
  141. “For purely financial reasons of course!” You argue. “The beds in these pony inns are king-sized for us. For once we could profit of them calling us half-ponies.”
  142. “Sure.” Chiminie answers without any second though. “If we can appreciate the bigger meals we’re served, we can also make the best of a bigger room for the night.”
  144. Over some other comments about the pros and cons of a small build in a big world, you and Chiminie move in your room. The place is not very classy and only offers a single chest for you to put your stuff in, but the bed is comfortable and is more than large enough for the two of you to lie in.
  146. “Lady Chiminie.” You tell her when she was about to blow out the candles. “Let me reiterate how much of a pleasure it was to meet you. Truly you illuminated this evening for me.”
  147. “Ah, it’s nothing. This is just my fire magic for you.” The mare says cluelessly.
  148. “You don’t seem to realize how great of a mare you are, Chiminie.” In the middle on your sentence, you use your bardic inspiration to grow the halfling mare again, making her a lot closer to you in the bed you share. “I feel like I could compose a thousand odes about your beauty and gentleness. Sharing a room with you is going to keep my inspiration going all night long. Don’t you want to hear what I have in mind? And who knows? If you’re comfortable with me, before dawn the two of us might be singing together.”
  149. “Uhm… Oh!” Chiminie ‘s face turns bright red as she seems to understand the implications in your words. “Well… Thanks. you can be a flatterer, Little Spoon. And a genuinely nice pony on top of that, but I’m afraid I long for another stallion already... Ahem, g-good night!”
  151. The grown halfling mare gives you a clumsy shrug of apology before hastily turning away from you in the bed.
  153. Huh. That went rather poorly, but looking back at it, you think it’s quite easy to figure out who could Chiminie be interested in. However, that stallion looked thoroughly uninterested in the halfling mare. You’re about sure he had his eyes glued on another of his companions in fact, which in turn didn’t look involved with anypony at all.
  155. Love triangles aside, it’s probably time you went to sleep. Perhaps an adventure with your companions will bring you closer to them than that a mere night in the tavern.
  157. Morning comes and you lose little time chatting before travelling your way the to the old cemetery. Once close enough, you have Star Shooter go scoot the place first. You’re quite surprized that the tall elf could vanish out of view in the green undergrowth so easily.
  159. After a while, she returns, appearing out of a thicket that looked empty a second before she came out of it.
  160. “I saw 3 skeletons.” She whispers to all of you. “No weapons or armour, and they just stand idly in the open. I’m no expert, but they look rather weak and brittle to me. However, I also saw several opened tombs, half a dozen maybe, so there could be more undead waiting to rise. Finally, there’s an open crypt in the middle of the cemetery, and I faintly heard a voice coming from there. I couldn’t get any closer to confirm without leaving my cover.”
  161. “Fantastic work, Star Shooter.” Shield Scrapper nods. “It sounds like we’re gonna get the jump on these bony fellows. Now, how should we proceed, companions?”
  163. >A: Grow both mares and go break some bones. You’ve got more than enough firepower to blast away even a dozen skeletons.
  164. >B: Try to take the skeletons out one by one.
  165. >C: Are they even sure the skeletons are hostile? You’re feeling like trying to approach one of them non-threateningly.
  166. >D: Could Shat Shooter shoot an arrow in the crypt without being seen? Perhaps you could smoke out whatever is inside here.
  168. “Say, Star Shooter.” You speak. “Did you see the skeletons actually move?”
  169. “Mmmh…” The elf mare thinks for a second. “Now that you talk about it, I don’t think I saw them budge a single bone. They were just… standing still.”
  170. “I see.”
  172. Without a word, you start to trot in the direction of the graveyard.
  173. “Wait, what are you doing Little Spoon?” Chiminie calls after you.
  174. “I believe these skeletons are about as harmless as scarecrows, my friends.” You state. “And I shall demonstrate it to you this instant.”
  175. “Careful now!” Shield Scrapper follows you. “I’d rather not make light of the undead, little bard.”
  176. “Star Shooter told us they were weak. Don’t you trust her?”
  177. “B-but of course I trust her!” Shield Scrapper blushes slightly “Star Shooter is definitely a trustworthy mare!”
  179. The contestations quieted, you step in the open of the graveyard, your companions a few steps behind. At this point, you flinch as the skull of one skeleton turns to watch you with its empty orbits and… that’s it.
  181. “Little Spoon!” Chiminie whispers, sounding worried. “Please be careful!”
  182. “There’s no need to be afraid of these piles of bones, Lady Chiminie.” You state and approach the standing skeleton. You walk proudly, but in your mind you’re ready to bolt back at the first sign of attack.
  184. But no such thing happens. The head of the skeleton doesn’t even move again while you come closer, and eventually the skeleton is looking at the air over your head when you stand right in front of it.
  185. “I told you these were harmless.” You call your friends. “Come closer!”
  187. You defiantly stand near the fleshless pony while your companions approach. Doubt was still on their faces as they came close, but they were soon forced to face the facts.
  188. This skeleton was about as dangerous as an anatomy model.
  190. “Let’s stay on guard.” Chiminie still doesn’t sound reassured yet. “These could just be watchdogs. Some lurking evil might be spying on us through them.”
  191. “Odd watchdogs, then.” Star Shooter comments. “Without the pluckiness of our bard, nopony would have expected such placid undead. Because undead, these definitely are.”
  192. Star Shooter gently pulls and tugs on some bones of the standing skeleton, and they go back in place without any string or glue. The skeleton seems to react to the touch of the elf at some points, turning his head or lifting a leg, but none of you couldn’t figure out what exactly triggered those awkward movements.
  194. “I think Little Spoon was right to call them scarecrows.” Star Shooter concludes. “I can hardly imagine those serving any other purpose. Anyway, that works for me. If we have a way to complete this task without defiling the bones of somepony’s ancestor, I shall gladly seize it.”
  195. “What remains to do is to figure out who or what rose these ponies out of their tombs.” You speak up. “You said you heard something when you were scouting ahead, Star Shooter. Was it from this crypt?”
  197. You point at a small, open stone construction. Stairs go down into the earth, and darkness prevents you from seeing what’s down there beyond a few feet.
  198. “Yes. That’s the place.” The elf mare nods. “But I do not hear anything anymore.”
  199. “Me neither…” Chiminie adds.
  200. “Let’s smoke out whatever lies in there, then.” You offer. “Can you shoot an arrow inside here, Star Shooter?”
  201. The elf mare glances at her two other companions and soon collects a couple nods from them. Without another word, she swiftly reaches for an arrow and shoots it into the dark.
  203. You may see naught, but you do hear the clatter of the metal arrowhead on stone, quickly followed by a surprised gasp and then hurried hoofsteps coming up the crypt.
  204. An orc mare steps forth. She wears some furs and bones on her body which is otherwise covered in purple tribal tattoos. She looks angry. What’s probably orc swears aggrieve your ears that are better accustomed to harmonious music, but even with the muscles and bone knuckles of the tall orc mare, you somewhat don’t feel very threatened.
  206. More that climbing up the stairs, that orc mare fumbled her way up them. She looks startled and tired, and while she stands her ground, she looks almost scared of your group.
  208. “What ponies doing?” The orc mare barks in approximate common after uttering a couple more unintelligible orc swears. “Why attack? Ponies go away or I kills!”
  209. “Ah-Hah! So you’re the one that was been troubling the peace this place, orc?” Shield Scrapper boldly states. “It’s time for you to cease casting your foul magic on these grounds!”
  211. “Wh-Whaa?!” The orc mare seems outraged. “But place is empty! I bothers no ponies, but ponies still say I bothers? Ponies have skeletons lying around. Never check in days. I takes skeletons and ponies suddenly angry? Unfair!”
  212. “Whether you’re a bother or not is not for you to decide.” Star Shooter notches an arrow. “If you do not want to leave at once, we’ll have to use force.”
  214. The elf mare gives you a little nudge, probably wanting you to use your power to grow her. However, you wonder if that’s even necessary. Perhaps you could talk with the orc mare…
  216. >What do?
  217. [spoiler]You may spend a skill point to learn Language: Orc. You have 5 skills point left[/spoiler]
  219. >You spend a skill point to learn Language: Orc. You have 4 skills points left.
  220. >You now have: Perform: Singing, Perform: instrument (Lute), Perform: Dance, Language: Halfling, Language: Orc and Language: Common
  222. “Please stand down for now!” You tell your party. “I’ll talk to her!”
  223. And past this point, your companions are surprised to hear the guttural words of the green-skins come out of your mouth.
  225. “Lady orc!” You call. “I believe this is a misunderstanding! You stand on pony burial grounds, and they took offense of you disturbing the bodies of their old ones.”
  226. “Huh? You can speak our language?” The orc mare is downright shocked, but you indeed learned how to talk to big brawly green mares at school.
  228. “Chiminie!” You turn to the other halfling of the group and talk to her though the tongue of your people. “Can you decipher what kind of magic she’s using?”
  229. “Uhm, y-yes!” She answers in the same language. Like the rest of your companions, she’s confused about the turn this face-off is taking. “I’ll do my best!”
  231. “What are you muttering to your friends?” The orc mare growls at you.
  232. “That we do not need to fight!” You readily answer. “We take your threats seriously, Lady orc. But I wish we could all take it down a notch. I and my friends were sent to investigate why were the dead walking here and put a stop to it. If you were willing to simply put the bones back where they belong, there would be no need for us to fight anymore.”
  234. “B-but I worked hard to raise these skeletons!” The orc mare protests. “I have an important fight ahead of me and I need more power!”
  235. “I no gives back!” The orc mare shouts at your companions in common again. Star Shooter and Shield Scrapper are ready for action, but still hold off for now.
  237. “Little Spoon!” Chiminie tells you in her tongue. “That orc is definitely using necromancy, but it’s… weird. The spell she uses is extremely weak. That could be why the skeletons are so placid.”
  239. >A: These skeletons are thoroughly unfit for battle. Try to gently make that clear to the necromancer mare.
  240. >B: These skeletons are thoroughly unfit for battle. Grow the mares of your group and be brutally honest about the fact you can’t imagine the orc mare winning any kind of fight against you or anything else.
  241. >C: Offer your help to the orc mare in exchange of her leaving the graveyard. You’ll be much more of a boon to her than some crummy pony skeletons.
  242. >D: Grow the mares of you group and just knock the orc mare down. Then, tie her up.
  244. “But Lady Orc, what challenge are you pursuing that you need that many skeletons for?” You ask. “And no offence, but those do not feel like they could help you much in a battle.”
  245. “Wha?!” The orc mare looks outraged again. “But skeletons lives! Miracle magic defeats all odds!”
  246. “Be reasonable, orc. These didn’t bring you an inch closer from warding us off.” Star Shooter states. “That was their purpose, right?”
  247. “Uh…” The orc mare is starting to look increasingly embarrassed. “You just lucky!”
  248. “Well, I sure hope your target isn’t gonna get our luck then.” Shield Scrapper comments. “These skeletons didn’t put up a fight against us. Literally.”
  249. “Okay… Skeletons maybe needs ajustments…”
  250. “I was quite terrified at the idea of encountering undead.” Chiminie sheepishly says. “But after seeing your harmless skeletons, I don’t think I’m scared of them anymore.”
  251. “L-lady Chiminie.” You smile turns into a cringe. “No need to be so harsh on-“
  253. “BWAAAAAAAA!” You’re interrupted by the orc mare suddenly bursting into tears. “Bone Thorn was right! I’m just an idiot weakling!” She wails in orcish.
  254. While she cries her eyes out, you whisper a translation to your puzzled companions, but you’re not sure how to handle the orc making a scene.
  256. “Lady orc.” You call to her. “Maybe we could be of any help for your predicament. We adventurers assist those in need, and we would certainly be more useful to you than some unstable bone puppets. My companions might need some reward, but you can count on my lute already.”
  258. Her face still covered with tears, the orc mare looks at you in confusion. She doesn’t seem to take you very seriously, but in her distress, she still tells you her tale regardless.
  259. “Bone Thorn…” The orc mare stutters between sobs. “Kills clan shaman. Master. Was teaching raising skeletons, then Bone Thorn kills and takes place. Then bans I from clan. One week later I here. I wants revenge for master. I needs skeletons…” The orc mare looks at her hooves, a bitter expression on her face. “But skeletons weak…”
  261. “I am not fighting any orc shaman for this mare.” Star Shooter states. “Reward or not, we would get killed for sure.”
  262. “Well, yeah, she’s right.” Shield Scrapper adds. “Meddling with an orc clan sounds like an all-around bad idea.”
  264. >A: How about she put the skeletons back in place and then you treat her to a drink at the inn? That’ll be a better way to mourn her master than to exhaust herself raising weak undead.
  265. >B: This is a mare, quite big, and she needs help. Go help the orc mare get her revenge even if it means going alone with her.
  266. >C: You don’t think Star Shooter and Shield Scrapper are ever gonna accept, but Chiminie could be convinced to help the orc mare with you (You will spend a skill point to acquire: diplomacy)
  267. >D: If this orc tribe is still around perhaps you could try talking to them without the orc mare. Ultimately, it’s their fault the peace of the graveyard was disturbed.
  269. It aches your very soul to turn down a big mare in need, but after hearing the tale of the orc mare, your chances to help her get her revenge sound grim.
  271. “Alas, lady orc, I’m afraid that none of us here could defeat that Bone Thorn you speak of.” You say. “And for your own safety, you shouldn’t attempt it either for now. Unless that shaman took your master by surprise, he outclassed him, and yet none of us would probably not be a match for even your master.”
  272. “Ye.” The orc mare sobs, begrudgingly accepting that she probably can’t her master at the moment. “Master amazing. Bone Thorn rude, but fights fair...”
  273. “Take your time lady orc.” You tell her. You risk approaching the green mare and put a sympathetic hoof on her muscular shoulder, which is already almost too high for you to reach. “Become stronger. There are enriching adventures to be had out there, and when the time is right, I shall aid you against Bone Thorn. For now, how about we put the dead to rest again, and then I shall treat you to a mug of ale or two.”
  275. After some hesitation, the orc mare eventually nods. Your companions proceed to tidy up the place and put the truly inert bones back where they belong. You return with the brooding orc mare at the inn and offer her something to drink as promised. Even if it wasn’t noon yet, she must have been exhausted. In no time and before you could learn more about her, she had fallen asleep on her table. You decided to book a room where she could rest and an enlarged barmaid accepted to help you carry her there. Your companions came back not long after that, all looking in high spirits as they had collected the reward for the quest.
  277. >You levelled up! You now have the following abilities:
  278. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet bigger.
  279. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level, whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of Embrace Destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  280. [spoiler]half is rounded down unless noted otherwise[/spoiler]
  282. “Here’s your share Little Spoon.” Shield Scrapper says as he hands over a small pouch of coins to you. This is not enough to buy anything fancy, but even after treating the orc mare, you’ve still got about a week of honest board and lodging before you need money again.
  283. “Glad you could lend us a hoof!” The stallion adds with a friendly tap on your back. “This quest didn’t go the way I expected, but I’m not one of those swordspony wanting to become the land’s deadliest blade or anything, so I’m more than fine with a pacific resolution.”
  284. “We plan to take it easy for the rest of the day at least.” Chiminie says. “I’m not sure what I’ll do next.”
  286. Indeed, most adventurers are free spirits, and while they can easily befriend each other, many long for new ponies to discover. The world of adventurers is small, though, and you’ll definitely meet your companions again in another place and time.
  288. Still, now that you’ve successfully accomplished a quest together, perhaps you could try to get into the good graces of one of your lady companions, at least this afternoon.
  290. >A: Wait for the orc mare to wake up and befriend her. You didn’t even get her name yet.
  291. >B: This could be a good occasion to learn more about Star Shooter. But… wait, where is she? (Spend 1 skill point to learn Perception. You have 4 skills points left)
  292. >C: Chiminie completed her first quest today. She must be happy about it. Celebrate with her.
  293. >D: You think you’re done for not is this quiet countryside town. Leave to discover new horizons.
  295. “Yes! Let us celebrate!” You heartily answer. The three of you order lunch together and accompany it with an abundance of ale. You laugh and toast at your first success, all eagerly looking forward to your next adventure. However, Shield Scrapper leaves the table as soon as the main dish arrives.
  296. “I wonder where Star Shooter is.” The fighter stallion explains as he walks away. He looks slightly worried. “It feels wrong to let a companion out of our little party. I’ll go look for her.”
  298. While she nods to him, Chiminie bites her lip, and you soon see her siphoning mug after mug for each minute the stallion doesn’t come back.
  299. “Mmmh…” A tipsy Chiminie groans. “What is it with you stallions and elves, seriously!” She turns to you. “So what? She’s lanky and she was raised in a forest? Is that enough to make you all fall for her like the leaves in autumn, huh?”
  300. “Well… uh...” You’re not sure how to answer, wanting neither to roast poor Shield Scrapper nor to admit your own weakness to the race of tall, slender mares.
  301. “That’s not fair.” Chiminie adds, taking another swig. “And she’s been so cold and… and bitchy, yeah! She’s an ungrateful greedy bitch. That’s what she is, and that’s why she left us in the dust.”
  302. Yet another swig, but after this one the halfling mare looks on the verge of crying.
  304. “What am I even saying?” She mutters to her mug. “Star Shooter did nothing wrong. She did everything to push away Shield Scrapper, but he’s the one who won’t understand. He’s too stupid. But… why did he have to be the cute kind of stupid…”
  306. >A: Now you levelled up, you can have Chiminie truly impossible to miss. She’ll be outclassing the elf mare in size, and Shield Scrapper will definitely notice her.
  307. >B: Chiminie deserves better than him. Shield Scrapper’s a nice but dull pony, and she probably got a crush on him only because it’s the first adventurer she met.
  308. >C: The solution is obvious and absolutely not convoluted. Chiminie has to help you seduce Star Shooter so Shield Scrapper will fall for Chiminie (Spend 1 skill point to learn Perception. You have 4 skills points left)
  309. >D: Tell Chiminie adventurers don’t have to remain so focussed on one partner. She’ll meet many comely stallions in her trips. In fact, you’d love to have a little one-on-one adventure with Chiminie right now.
  311. “Lady Chiminie.” You call the inebriated mare. “Perhaps I could help you get the attention of Shield Scrapper. With my power, I may now make you truly impossible to ignore, and outclass Star Shooter in poise for a while even. Rather than to brood at this table, don’t you feel like it is time to let the stallion you love hear your true feelings?”
  312. Chiminie seems surprised, and hesitates for a little while. But at the end of a staring contest with the reflection in her mug, she hangs a resolute expression on her face.
  313. “You’re right.” She nods. “If I don’t act now, it might be too late to show Shield Scrapper my true colours. I’ll gladly accept your help, Little Spoon!”
  314. “Well spoken, Lady Chiminie!” You smile at her. “Let us find Shield Scrapper then.”
  316. The fighter stallion is soon in view. After exhausting the places to search for Star Shooter, he now sulks in the middle of the village, looking around for a mare that probably left already. However, there’s another rendezvous coming for him at this very moment.
  318. “Lady Chiminie.” You whisper to the halfling mare. “Tell me when you’re ready, for my blessing will only last for a dozen minutes, and I will need to kiss you for it to work.”
  319. “A kiss?” The halfling mare frowns, and an additional blush blooms on her cheeks along the one of alcohol. “If I didn’t witness your powers already, I’d take that as a prank of questionable taste. But, uhm…” Her face then softens into a smile again. “I suppose it’s alright. the magic of a bard operates through such acts, I guess. And… you’ve been nothing else than charming to me, Little Spoon.”
  321. The halfling mare puckers up, closing her eyes. Without delay, you have your lips meet with hers, and upon using your new ability, the halfling mare grows 2 feet taller over a few seconds while uttering a cute little moan.
  322. Chiminie opens her eyes to look down at her improved body. “Woah, the view is still amazing! But I feel like we’ve been there before, unless…”
  323. The halfling mare looks at you again, and with a smirk you start using your Bardic Inspiration. Again, Chiminie gains 2 more feet of height. She gasps as her head rises even higher, to the point you find yourself staring at the top of her legs. Chiminie is now 7 feet tall.
  324. “Heavens!” The mare looks down at you with an astonished grin. “You weren’t kidding when you said I’d be impossible to miss! I’m the size of an ogress now! If Shield Scrapper was enamoured by Star Shooter’s larger body, then now he’s gonna love me for sure! I hope…”
  326. The giant halfling mare looks at herself in amazement. Legs as thick as your torso, eyes like mirrors you could see yourself in, a rump you’d have to look up to with pillowy thighs that wouldn’t fit in a bed. But still, the mare looks toward Shield Scrapper now.
  327. “Well, you said I’m on the clock, right? I’ll try not to waste this opportunity, Little Spoon. Thanks a lot for supporting me!”
  328. The enlarged mare places a hearty kiss on your forehead, before trotting to the target of her affection. Now, a bard’s gotta play for somepony else sometimes. You’re quite curious to see how this will unfold however, and you got the best seat for the show.
  330. “Shield Scrapper!” Chiminie calls as she approaches the fighter stallion. He turns to see her, and does a double take as he has to look up, up, and up to see the rosy, smiling face of the halfling mare.
  331. “Chiminie!” He blurts. “Ah… I see you had Little Spoon try out his spells on you again.”
  332. “Ah yes.” The tall mare answers, biting her lip at the little stallion. “His songs gave me some more courage, for I have a reckless feat in mind.”
  333. “A-are you embarking on a quest already?”
  334. “Ah, to uncover what I seek is quite the expedition indeed.” Chiminie giggles to herself. “Shield Scrapper, today I cannot hold back my words anymore. I love you! My bottled-up feelings have been swelling inside me since we met. Can you finally see them, Shield Scrapper? This is how big my heart beats for you!”
  335. “Well, I’m… flattered.” Shield Scrapper has turned as red as a beat at this point. “This is so sudden, Chiminie, I…”
  336. “I know.” The giant mare says, with the tone of a mother forgiving a child who doesn’t know better. “You wanted Star Shooter. But away she went. Meanwhile, I want you, and I stand right in front of you.”
  337. Chiminie bends her head does to put herself at the level of the stallion. He doesn’t back away as she leans inches away from his face, and gently caresses his mane with a strong hoof.
  338. “A single word from you, a single move, and I promise I’ll make you forget Star Shooter before tomorrow. I am laying my heart bare to you, Shield Scrapper. The choice is yours to embrace it or not. So, what do you say?”
  340. The stallion remains dumbstruck for a moment, gazing in awe at the giant mare in front of him, but eventually grabs her face and pationnately kisses her lips. You see the halfling mare’s eyes light up, and with a squeal of delight lift up the smaller pony to smother him against her mouth. They both audibly moan, and the ones of Chiminie are accompanies with overjoyed chuckles.
  341. “Let’s hurry up to the inn.” You barely hear Chiminie whisper to her new lover. “There are a few things I want to try with this body, that I cannot show to the eyes of the villagers!”
  343. You follow the giant mare who carries her prize to a room at the inn. Standing in the hallway, your bardic inspiration covers the loud moans of Chiminie and Shield Scrapper, as well as the creaking of a bed enduring the weight of a 7’ mare bouncing up and down on top of it. You continue dispensing your benediction for about half an hour, after what the two lovers quiet down, and you decide it’s time to let them some privacy.
  345. As much as you wished you had earned Chiminie’s favours for yourself, initiating another stallion to the greatness of big mares feels like a job well done to you. There will be other mares in other places and other times, and you’ll be able to grow them even bigger by the time you meet them.
  347. The next day, you start looking for another adventure. Chiminie and Shield Scrapper either left on a quest of their own, or they could be taking one more day off to get to know each other better.
  348. Now that you have one successful job under your belt, you feel more confident trying to take a request directly on your own among those that sound interesting to you.
  351. >A: The fairies of the forest have turned aggressive, and a pony was nearly abducted by them. Find a way to calm them. NO REWARD IF YOU HURT THE FAIRIES OR FORCE THEM TO LEAVE THE FOREST!
  352. >B: A noble Lady is coming to town for the annual harvest festival of the village. Extra bodyguards are needed this year. Refer to Rear Guard for more information.
  354. But like last time, there’s also groups you have a hunch you could join on a quest.
  356. >C: One lonely unicorn in reinforced robes. You think she’s a cleric of Kastin, the neutral god of magic and knowledge. She’s accompanies by a fighter orc stallion.
  357. >D: Three dwarf mares, sharing a drink as expected. One seems to be a magician, the second a ranger, and the third a monk
  359. >The orc mare you met during your last adventure can be convinced to accompany you on any of those quest or group.
  361. A noble lady coming to town? And you’ll get a privileged position around her? This quest sounds like your type of job. Especially since you may have some hired muscles to offer alongside you.
  363. Still unsure about the next step to take toward her revenge, the orc mare you met yesterday is willing to go with you on this quest. While her common is passable, it doesn’t come with any particular disdain for non-orc folks, and she readily accepts the idea of working for ponies if it earns her a reward.
  365. You learn that her name is Ulna. While her necromancy skills aren’t on point, she has some training as a warlock, and she can hold her ground in a brawl too.
  366. The two of you ask for Rear Guard at the tavern. You’re invited to go upstairs, and after knocking on the designated room, an earth mare in light armour answers you.
  368. “Greeting, umh… lady.” You would usually have opened with ‘fair lady’, but the mare in front on you looks sickly pale and tired. Her legs seem shaky, and her mouth is locked in a joyless frown. “We are looking for Rear Guard about a notice for a quest she posted.”
  369. “I’m Rear Guard. You can come in.” The mare nods.
  371. You accompany her in the room and she sits in a chair. She stares at you in silence for a moment, her eyes looking for something that she doesn’t seem to find. Seconds before you were about to speak up, the mare in armour breaks the silence herself.
  373. “You two look nothing like proper bodyguards.” She states.
  374. “If I may counter-argument, Ulna’s presence will surely dissuade-”
  375. “Which is why I might just hire you.” Rear Guard cuts you off, leaving you a bit confused.
  377. “Let me explain.” Rear Guard starts. “Lady Silver Willow usually has her own guards for this task. However, almost all of us fell sick on the way to the festival, and I’m no exception. This could just be some spoiled food we shared at some point, but I got a hunch there might be something afoot, and miscreants could be planning to harm or rob lady Silver Willow this year. I was worried such criminals would answer my request, but my instinct tells me you’re no such ponies.”
  378. “So, you’ve turned down other adventurers before now?”
  379. “No. You’re the only ones that answered.” Rear Guard says. “If you’re still up for the task, Lady Silver Willow will arrive shortly before noon and remain in town until the morning of the day after. You are to keep an eye on her at all time until then, and you’ll get a bonus if you help us catch any ill-intentioned ponies. There are three guards including myself that could still assume their duty. We’ll be watchful, but we’re in no condition to fight off a determined attacker.”
  381. “I understand.” You state, and puffing out your chest. “We accept your request, Lady Rear Guard. You and the other guards can rest assured no harm will be done to Silver Willow on our watch!”
  382. “Good. And one more thing.” Rear Guard turns to you specifically. “I advise you stay close to your orc marefriend while you interact with Silver Willow, little bard.”
  383. “Wha!?” Ulna‘s face gets red almost instantly. “W-we no couple! Quest together! That all!”
  384. “Well, that’s too bad.” Rear Guard shrugs, and again, to you. “Then just remember Silver Willow has a husband, even if he won’t be there for the festival. I mean, I’m telling you this for your own good.”
  386. Huh. You wonder what this lady Silver Willow looks like now.
  387. Anyway, you’ve got about one hour before she arrives. You’re not sure how you could prepare yourself with the time you’re left. Should you convince Ulna to pretend being your marefriend? Rear Guard did say it was for your own good.
  389. >What do?
  391. “Ulna, let us practice together.” You offer after leaving Rear Guard’s room. “I don’t think you’ve seen my abilities in action yet, and you might need to get used to them.”
  392. “Hmf. Why not.” She nods. “I have yet to see what you’re capable of besides talking.”
  394. And so, you and Ulna walk to the same secluded spot you showed your skills to Chiminie the other day. You made the halfling mare 5 feet tall that time with your inspiration, but today, it is Ulna who is a natural 5-footer that turns into a 7. After becoming over twice your height in a second, she starts looking in awe at herself and her diminished surroundings.
  396. “Your aria is surprisingly strong, Little Spoon.” The orc mare comments. She sounds genuinely impressed. “I have to admit that increasing the size of warriors like you do is a tremendous advantage on the battlefield. Does this really come with no downsides at all?”
  397. “Aside from doorframes, nothing shall hold you back, Lady Ulna.” You proudly answer. “Why don’t you try out how much stronger you are?”
  398. “I will.” The orc shows you a toothy smirk. “But you better drop the ‘lady’, bard. The stallion I have on my mind is Bone Thorn, and my intentions with him are VERY unladylike.”
  400. Indeed, the orc word for ‘Lady’ is not appreciated by all in their tongue, and even orc mares usual prefer titles that flatter their strength instead. Anyway, Ulna definitely apricates her new strength. She exults as her kicks peel the bark from trees where she hit them, and marvels as her shadowbolt spell finished the job of collapsing the old brick wall Chiminie had damaged in the past. You feel a hint of excitement in her eye whenever the huge orc mare looks down to your comparatively diminutive form, but she doesn’t say anything about it yet.
  402. “There’s one more thing I need to tell you.” You say once Ulna is done. “I can increase the power of my benediction for a short time once, but for that to work I need to kiss the mare to grow her further.”
  403. “A kiss?” The cheeks of the enlarged orc mare get rosy again despite her frown. “Your powers really are particular, Little Spoon.”
  404. “That boost could be vital in the coming days.” You argue. “You’d be domineering any brawl with a couple more feet of height, but I figured I might need to warn you before the time to use it comes, since I recognize it is an unusual way of casting such a spell.”
  406. “Humf! I probably won’t need it.” Ulna looks away, still blushing slightly. “But I’ll remember it.”
  407. “I’ll be ready to provide kisses in case you want more impact anyway.” You nod. “Also, that brings me to another aspect we should practice. I don’t think we’re gonna convince anypony you’re my marefriend yet.”
  408. “SAY WHAT?” Ulna barks, now completely red. “Are you mocking me bard? I’m going gonna pretend I’m your…”
  409. “Please Ulna.” You give the orc mare puppy eyes, and she seems to soften a little in response. “Rear Guard made it sound like I’m gonna be in danger. It’s not always easy to be a halfling, you know? Any mare could just overpower me and do… obscene things to me.”
  410. And you wouldn’t mind these obscenities nine times out of ten, but Ulna doesn’t understand that yet.
  411. “Urh, look, if a mare or anypony else tries to harm you I’ll whack them good, okay?” The orc mare says. “Wouldn’t that be enough?”
  412. “I’m afraid not.” You shake your head. “The lady we ought to protect could be part of the danger here, so no whacking will do. Come on, it is not that hard. Let us try a few compliments first!”
  413. And after clearing your throat, you declare.
  414. “Ulna, I’m so glad I met a strong and lovely mare such as yourself. Every new day with you feels like a fresh, wonderful adventure!”
  415. “What kind of bullshit is this!” Ulna roars, but her face is back to being as red as a beet.
  416. “Couples do that all the time.” You sheepishly explain. “To make the other happy, or to make them laugh. Come on, try it out!”
  418. The orc mare stares at your gleefully smiling face as though it was an intimidating dragon. She inhales sharply, and after a few seconds…
  419. “Little Spoon!” She stammers. “I believe you’re…c-cute and…”
  421. But no other words can get past her lips. The eyes of the heavily flustered orc are almost bulging out at this point, and then the huge orc mare turns around and quickly runs away in a one-mare-stampede.
  423. Welp, you’ll have to come back to the marefriend training of Ulna later. Now, you should probably meet your contractor.
  425. As expected, the car of Lady Silver Willow arrives shortly before noon. The two earth stallions pulling it look positively exhausted, and their face look just as pale and sickly as the one of Rear Guard, and you’re probably not gonna see those guys much for the rest of the day. While you and Ulna, who has calmed down by then, watch from a short distance, the mayor and some other local ponies have gathered to welcome the noble mare. Rear Guard opens the door of the car to let Silver Willow come out.
  427. The noble earth mare seems to be close to her forties, but moves with an elegance fitting of her condition. Wearing a white, slightly see-through frilly dress and a stylish hat, she also sports a confident smile at all times and has a mischievous glimmer in the eye. It’s something else that catches your attention, however. After hearing the name of Rear Guard, you somewhat hoped you’d meet a mare with a sizeable behind. And while not willowy, Sliver Willow doesn’t play that part either. No, her centre of gravity is somewhere else, and by the gods, does she carry the biggest pair of teats you’ve ever see on a mare. Had the mountainous orbs of mare flesh not been supported by a sturdy bra, these would certainly be touching the ground. Instead, they’re squished and thrust forward by her attire, abundantly spilling out of the cups and to the sides from their sheer volume. Her teats cover over half the underside of Silver Willow, all while the bulk of the cups still goes down way past her thigh. The fabric, as tough as it may be, cannot conceal the bulge of nipples probably as thick as your snout, and a halfling like yourself could loose a whole leg in the abyssal cleavage you spot when Silver Willow turns in your direction. All that tat information sent to your brain almost prevents you from noticing the ornate rapier the noble mare also carries on her side.
  429. After exchanging a few words with the mayor, Rear Guard whispers something into the ear of her employer. Both mares walk in your direction, and you force yourself to look at the noble’s face.
  430. “Hello adventurers.” Silver Willow greets you with a sweet smile and honeyed voice. “Rear Guard told me she hired some extra ponies for my protection since my usual guards are not feeling well.”
  431. “Ye. Greeting.” Ulna answers a bit awkwardly. “I Ulna. I protects pony while in village. No worries!”
  432. “I see I have a proud orc warrior to rely on, as well as… oh my…” Silver Willow crosses her hind legs as she looks down to you, somehow pushing her imposing bosom to strain her bra even further. “The most adorable little bard I’ve ever seen! For my protection, you’re gonna need to remain very close to me at all times, right mister…?”
  433. “Little Spoon.” You answer, on the verge of losing your challenge to look up only. “At your service, Lady Silver Willow.”
  434. “Little Spoon?” Silver Willow giggles. “What a delicious name for a bard of your stature. Anyway, you should know I’m not here on any business trip. This festival is more like a vacation to me, and I plan to have some fun. I hope that the intrepid bodyguards that you are…” The noble mare stares at you in particular. “…will participate.”
  436. >A: Indeed, you and your faithful marefriend Ulna will protect Silver Willow from any inconvenience.
  437. >B: Offer to grow Silver Willow with your ability. That’ll repel attackers and participate in the fun you believe. The offer of course applies to Ulna and Rear Guard.
  438. >C: Disregard Rear Guard’s warning. You’re at Sliver Willow’s orders and will serve her in ANY way she desires.
  439. >D: To protect Silver Willow you need to convince her to be a little vigilant, even if it dampens her mood a little. Rear Guard and her colleagues all falling sick at the same time sounds like a dangerous coincidence.
  441. >You’ll be on the lookout for criminals for the next two days. You may spend a point in Perception and/or Sense Motive. You have 4 skill points left.
  443. >You now have the perception skill. You have 3 skill points left.
  445. “Lady Silver Willow. I have a particular ability that could help ensure your protection.” The noble mare raises a curious eyebrow. “Allow me to demonstrate on my partner here.”
  446. Sharing a glance at Ulna shows she isn’t opposed to a little show, so when you start pulling notes out of your lute, the orc mare shoots up in height again. Silver Willow seems very enthusiast at what she sees.
  447. “My!” She exclaims with a smile, then giving the strong leg of Ulna a tentative rub. “We ought to try that on Buckler Bash when he’s feeling better. And I can think of a few other stallions would could use an upgrade of this sort!”
  448. “Unfortunately, this spell only works on mares.” You say, which seems to disappoint Silver Willow. “My purpose was to apply it to you and perhaps to Rear Guard too. I feel like a bigger you would deter many would-be wrongdoers. Unless you deem that a bigger size would get in the way of your fun of course.”
  450. Silver Willow ponders for a second before answering.
  451. “Well, I see your spell doesn’t have a mare burst out of her clothes at least.” Despite her words, her tone clearly signifies Silver Willow views that as a downside. “Alright! Give me a new perspective Little Spoon.”
  452. And as the noble mare accepts to benefit from your song, she quickly grows from 4 to 6 feet tall with a pleased purr. The challenge of politeness to only look at the face of the mare just became leagues harder, and a lot more stallions are gonna be confronted to it since the imposing milk tanks of Silver Willow are now much closer to the point of view of the average pony. You can’t resist sneaking a peek at the orbs that must now be twice as big as your head while Silver Willow appreciates her growth. A leg of yours could have been concealed between the lady’s breasts before, but now it’s the whole halfling that could almost take residence between these pillows.
  454. “Mmh! Spells that feel good are always the best!” Silver Willow coos, sensually biting her lip while putting a hoof on her cheek. “Oh, my! All these stallions just became as adorable as you are Little Spoon! But would you look at yourself!”
  455. Silver Willow leans toward you, her smiling face coming down to meet yours. Before you can react, the noble mare grabs your head and kisses you on the mouth. The mare purrs as she passionately presses her plump, warm lips against your whole snout, and you feel your heart skin a beat of its on from the sudden sensual contact. The enlarged Silver Willow doesn’t keep you against her for too long, but she doesn’t look a tiny bit sorry about what she just did.
  456. “I hope you don’t mind, but I just couldn’t resist.” She smiles sheepishly after releasing you. “You’re the most precious little stallion right now! I might want to keep you all for myself, Little Spoon…”
  458. You’re gonna need to make a choice here. You don’t think Ulna’s too hostile about pretending to be your marefirend after all, but she’s definitely not eager about the idea, so you’re gonna have to prompt her if you want it to work. If you don’t, the hungry noble mare you just made twice your size might soon not leave you a choice whether she’ll be snacking on some Little Spoon or not.
  460. “Ah, Rear Guard!” You attempt to chance the subject. “Are you not interested in receiving the same boost?”
  461. “No thanks.” The mare in light armour shakes her head. “I think I might still throw up before the end of the day, and I’d rather not increase the volume of that.”
  462. “Or, won’t you turn that frown upside down, Rear Guard?” Silver Willow chuckles. “Anyway, we still have some time before noon, and there are a few familiar faces I need to surprise with my new look!”
  464. You didn’t pay much attention to it, put ponies have been setting up stands around the village since this morning, and many other arrived from the nearby towns to form a happy little crowd in here. The place just got livelier, with many food stands, music for ponies to dance on and even a few games of skill here and there.
  466. You expected the encounters of Silver Willow to rapidly get raunchy, but the noble lady surprised you here. Even the stallion, she only teases them quite lightly with her new size, and then talks about mundanities with them. It’s news about the family and children, how is the harvest looking this year, or maybe book an order of wine for her personal consumption. Silver Willow really is a regular of this festival it seems, and many stand owners know her. At least, that allows you to take a break and get little Little Spoon to go back in hiding.
  468. Also, you do have the time to do actual bodyguard work here, but you see no pony remotely threatening around Silver Willow. It’s quite the other way around really. Ponies either walk at a good distance from her because of her sheer size, or scurry away as red as tomatoes after the big noble mare caught them absently ogling her. However, there’s somepony else you notice among the ponies at the festival. It’s Star Shooter. The elf mare that rudely quit your group without notice didn’t leave the town after all. She appears to be enjoying a drink alone on a corner of the street. Silver Willow caught her attention too it seems, and the elf mare seems to be watching your employer from a safe distance.
  470. >A: Everything seems to be going smoothly, so you can probably entertain the lady. Interest her in a few games of skill maybe?
  471. >B: Ask Ulna to pretend to be your marefriend. You think you might actually get raped if she doesn’t.
  472. >C: Go talk to Star Shooter. What is she still doing here?
  473. >D: The presence of an elf mare who said she was in dire need of money along the other coincidences of the guards of a visiting noble falling sick is making you fear the worst. Go confront Star Shooter with Ulna. Do not let her escape.
  475. “Say, Ulna.” You whisper to your partner in orc. “I’m not sure yet I’ll need it, but if things get too weird, will you stop Sliver Willow from kidnapping me?”
  476. “You’re sure?” Ulna cocks an eyebrow. “Looks to me like you’re enjoying it.”
  477. “Well, yeah, Silver Willow isn’t an unpleasant mare at all. But just in case she turns out to be too weird…”
  478. “Okay, I’ll give her a slap on the wrist if you cry uncle I guess.” Ulna nods. “But that marefriend pretend nonsense is toast now she kissed you in front of me.”
  479. “She’s a noble mare and took even me by surprise.” You shrug. “Honestly, it wouldn’t be that weird to say we didn’t want to upset our contractor at the time but need to put a stop to it if it goes too far. Please, that would still be so much more acceptable than just the slap...”
  480. “Uhg.” Ulna rolls her eyes, but there’s a light blush on her face nonetheless. “Alright, fine, but you’ll do the marefriend explanations, and I won’t deny them.”
  482. That’s probably the best you can hope for at this time. Anyway, you let Ulna take care of watching over Silver Willow for a little while as you decide to go approach Star Shooter. Her sudden disappearance of yesterday left you a bit quizzical, so you’re glad you may talk to her again.
  484. However, as you walk closer, Star Shooter glances at you, and without a word she walks in another street before you arrive. And as you reach where she stood before, you find yourself having no idea where she went. Weird. Was she avoiding you?
  486. You decide not to dwell on that for now and return at the side of your contractor who had just finished talking with one of her friends.
  487. “I hope you’re having a good time Lady Silver Willow.” You say.
  488. “Of course Little Spoon.” She answers with a grin. “Thanks for your concern. I do feel a lot safer thanks to Ulna here and you who made me more imposing. Besides, this new size of mine is quite fun to show the world.”
  489. “Glad to hear that.” You nod. “Would you be interested in a game a of skill? There are a few stalls over there that look fun to try one’s luck at.”
  490. “Mmh?” The huge noble mare shows you a mischievous grin in reaction to that. “So you do want to take care of my entertainment in addition to my security?”
  491. “Well, uhm…”
  492. “Oh, I do like the attention Little Spoon. Really! You’re just looking cuter and cuter to me every minute! Let us try our hooves at those games together.”
  494. You go along the large noble mare whole giddily walks toward the stalls in question. She picks a rather simple one, where players are given a replica crossbow and must attempt to shoot down some targets with rubber bolts. Silver Willow takes the crossbow that looks even more like a toy in her enlarge hooves, and starts aiming at the target.
  495. “Mmh… Little Spoon, darling.” She calls. “Come closer, will you? I think I need some help here.”
  496. “Ha! I’m no sharpshooter either my lady.”
  497. “It’s fine. Two pair of eyes are better than one anyway. Come closer I tell you. Do I assume the right position?”
  498. You walk toward the mare that’s twice your size. She’s leaning on the counter of the stall, and with her height that makes her bend herself down so her massive udders are inches from getting squishing on the ground.
  499. “Closer I tell you, Little Spoon!” She says again, and with a hoof, she pulls you under her so you may aim the crossbow alongside her. “There! So, am I doing alright?”
  500. “Well, uhm…” With you crouching under the big sensual body of the mare and her large face inches from yours, ballistics have trouble being a part of your thoughts. Furthermore, your butts and hind legs brush again the biggest and softest cushion you’ve even imagined.
  501. “Come on Little Spoon.” Silver Willow insists with a playful note in her voice. “Do I have the right postion? My body, does it feel good to you?”
  502. “Y-yes, your body’s absolutely perfect, Lady Silver Willow!”
  504. There, Silver Willow shoots, and hits bullseye.
  505. “Oh, yes!” The mare jumps on her hind legs in joy, her cleavage almost scooping you up in that motion. It’s a second later that her arms pick you up so Silver Willow may giddily smooch your check.
  506. “Thanks, Little Spoon! Your guidance was all I needed to win this one!” And then she whispers in your ear. “And after lunch, I’ll have some me time. Surely you’d love to participle, Little Spoon…”
  508. >A: Well, that’s an occasion to make Silver Willow 6’ for the rest of the day, and 8’ with your inspiration. She’ll be definitely out of danger that way.
  509. >B: This is your last chance to call Ulna to save your ass. Otherwise, said ass will belong to Silver Willow for a little while.
  511. [spoiler]For the sake of simplicity, your ability has been adapted as follow:
  512. Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop even if you don’t sing as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  513. [/spoiler]
  515. “Lady Silver Willow.” You whisper back. “I have to ask, why me of all stallions? I can’t believe I’m the only adorable halfling in town.”
  516. “Little Spoon, darling.” The noble mare says after putting you back on the ground. “This isn’t a contest. It’s an encounter. One of many adventures the providence sends on the path of our lives. Why shouldn’t we seize these wonderful times and make the best of them? You’re a gentlecolt and a handsome halfling, Little Spoon. And while I was a bit sceptical at first, these abilities of yours do bring a supplement of spice to meeting you. I say, a mare would be quite foolish to not spend some quality time with you.”
  517. “B-but aren’t you a married mare?”
  518. “I am.” Silver Willow sheepishly shrugs. “And before you ask, you wouldn’t be the first colt besides my husband I had fun with, and you won’t be the last either. Is that a problem for you?”
  520. “Well…” You stall to gather your thoughts.
  521. Is that it? Are you really going to get in trouble so soon after hearing the warning of Rear Guard? But even if you did note she didn’t say her husband was okay with it, Silver Willow also said you weren’t the first one in this situation. In a sense, that is reassuring. You glance at Ulna who’s showing you a raised eyebrow, probably wondering if you’re about to call for her or not. In the end, you decide against it.
  522. “Heavens, why am I overthinking this?” You grin at Silver Willow again. “As you described, providence sends a stunningly beautiful mare my way, and here I am contemplating the merits of denying her? I hereby return the compliment, Silver Willow. What fool of a stallion wouldn’t wish to be in the good graces of a mare such as yourself? Certainly not this bard!”
  523. “Splendid!” Silver Willow’s eyes sparkle in delighted satisfaction. “Let us have lunch together, Little Spoon. And then… I’ll have you sing for me.”
  525. That meal passes like a blur to you. Silver Willow is invited by the mayor to have lunch with him and other ponies at the town hall, and you and Ulna are authorized to accompany her. You sit next to your contractor, still providing her with size from your inspiration. You do not stretch the time of your presence at the table, Silver Willow politely shutting off ponies who start talking too much to her taste, and instead she discreetly shares a few mocking giggles with you. The joke is indeed quite savoury. All those commons folks talking of vegetables and proper trades while you’re both imagining yourselves rutting the other already.
  527. Silver Willow then asks for a comfortable room where she may rest without being disturbed, and the mayor provides such a place right in the town hall. The large mare effortlessly hauls you over her back like a fisher’s catch as soon as the mayor turned around and carries you there.
  529. You’re thrown on your back on the pillows of a large canopy bed. And after pulling the curtains of the windows, Silver Willow approaches you like a prowling tigress. She slides over the bed until her neck and chest cover you, and under the shadow of her hat she smothers your face against her lips. Far from the eyes and ears of the common citizens, the moans of the Lady echo loudly in the room and her tongue forcibly explores your mouth to capture the taste of it. Her hooves caress your back while your rub her face and neck, reacting to the intensity of the kiss at the second. You make out sloppily, pausing to revel in the looks and hot breath of the other, as well as in how quickly you’re covering the other in mixed saliva, before going back at it. At this point, Silver Willow motions to take away the hindrance that her dress has become.
  531. “Do not disrobe yet, Lady Silver Willow.” You stop her. “Not only does your attire flatter your attributes, but if you’re willing to, I am able to increase your size further in the present circumstances, and your clothes will only follow as long if you keep them.”
  532. “Really?” Silver Willow welcomes this surprise. “Oh, yes! Make me bigger Little Spoon! What do I need to do?”
  533. “You? Nothing. I simply need to do you.”
  534. “My… These are some naughty powers you have.” Silver Willow gives you back your playful grin. “I heard some adventurers drew strength from their passion, and I’m starting to realize you’re one of them, Little Spoon.”
  536. The earth mare softly kisses your snout again. After that, she rears up and stretches her front legs above her head while singing out a musical moan. Then, she slowly turns around on the bed until her rear faces you. Her healthily soft backside isn’t anything to be ashamed of, but the spotlight is again stollen by the humongous breasts whose sheer girth propels her crotch higher than you can hump as it rests on them.
  537. “Climb my mountains, adventurer.” Silver Willow orders with a honeyed voice. “Accomplish your quest Little Spoon, and make me legendary.”
  539. Indeed a contractor and reward worth fighting for. You approach Silver Willow for a trial of climbing. The smooth and delicious surfaces offer no hold despite your tentative probing, and the orbs of seduction could be treacherous in their softness. You could actually get lost in that chasm of a cleavage.
  540. “Stop teasing me Little Spoon…” Silver Willow coos eagerly.
  542. Sounds like you need to make your move. You pull the lady’s dress to the side and her silk panties down, earning yourself an encouraging wink from an awaiting marehood. You pull yourself up using the top of the lady’s legs and finally find yourself at the right height, but in a quite precarious posture. Your erect shaft is gliding over Silver Willow’s entrance, but you might not thrust as vigorously as required unless you find a better way to anchor yourself.
  543. “Lady Silver Willow.” You call. “Are you a mare that dislikes having her tail pulled?”
  544. “Oh, It’s a matter of measure.” The mare looks back at you with a playfully haughty smile. “But as a halfling you may pull as hard as you’re able, Little Spoon.”
  546. “Righteous! I hope you won’t regret that!” In truth, you’re less interested in pulling the lady’s strings than to put it into her. Her tail draped over yourself and with you hoof gripping it, you’re finally stable enough to insert yourself into Silver Willow. She lets out one dainty moan that you answer with a pleased groan of your own as you penetrate her warmth for the first time. You had both awaited the moment for quite some time and played with the other enough for the heat to be on already. You rhythmically thrust into Siler Willow with fervour, and in turn her velvety walls squeeze your stallionhood in increasing frequency.
  548. After a couple minutes, you already feel close, and the moans of the big noble lady indicate she’s ready too. You plunge yourself deep inside Silver Willow, and as a shudder of pleasure rocks you, your magic does its work. While she lets out an ecstatic moan, Silver Willow grows under you. Already twice your size, she adds two more feet of height, and those she will only lose when she wishes so. Your vison climbs higher as the mountain of a mare expands, and the slope is getting steeper, and steeper… until you realise Silver Willow is about to stand on her hind legs. Too late. With a little cry, you fall on the bed bellow, a tower of mare looming above you. Again, your eyes are drawn to the pair of tits that could each house a whole Little Spoon. And while you were enthralled by the sight, you realise too late the twin mountains are now collapsing on you.
  550. You gasp as light disappears and that two massive milky pillows smush you. Their immense weight buries you deep in the bed, and you feel yourself bounding back though the window of Silver Willow’s under-cleavage. You spend a few seconds disoriented, breathing an air saturated with the mare’s musky scent, and helplessly pushing against a pit of tits that are far to imposing for a halfling like you to bulge. It’s only when you hear the amused giggle of Silver Willow that you recognise where up is again, and there you can swim to the surface. You gasp for air as your head pokes out of a warm ocean of boobs. Silver Willow who’s now sitting on the bed looks down to her cleavage passenger with an overjoyed grin.
  552. “Oh, I was so right!” Silver Willow coos at you. “You’re just getting more and more adorable each time, and this feels so good too Little Spoon! Say, you wouldn’t have a way to make me… even bigger?”
  553. “Alas Lady Silver Willow, I am devastated to answer that I don’t.” You admit. “I must progress as a bard before, but in the future, your current stature will look like the one of a filly compared ro the size I aspire to grow mares.”
  554. “What an odd aspiration.” Silver Willow giggles, before catching herself. “Oh! But I beg you to believe I am not looking down on you here… other than physically of course! On the contrary, this is why I love you adventurers. You always chase a goal that sound impossible or irrational, but that has the taste of a foalhood dream that refused to die at the hooves of boring adulthood. As a noble mare, all the ponies I am expected to meddle with feel like copies of the same joyless husk. All they deem worthy of attention is money. Trade. Position. Politics...”
  555. Silver Willow sighs heavily, looking absently at the wall while a giant hoof caresses your cheek.
  557. “I learned to play by the rules of this game myself.” The noble mare continues. “And objectively I’m far from being the worst at it, but still it is just so, so boring! Call me a frustrated hag if you want, but going wild with travellers and freelancers like yourself is the closest thing to a breath of fresh air I can get myself. I envy your freedom so much, Little Spoon. Always discovering new horizons with no fear of challenges or danger… You adventurers value your freedom so much I never even managed to meet the same one twice, even those who promised we would meet again. Don’t worry little Spoon.” She gives you a look full of gentleness. “I won’t hold any grudge if you find something more interesting that big old me to chase. This is the life you chose after all.”
  559. >A: All that is very interesting… But is Silver Willow as eager for round 2 as you are? [spoiler]input specific acts if wanted[/spoiler]
  560. >B: Has she ever considered being an adventurer herself? Even if it happens the rapier is just for show, a pony that knows the ways and games of nobility could a valuable asset in a party. [spoiler]Spend 1 point in Diplomacy[/spoiler]
  561. >C: It does sound like Silver Willow could use talking to somepony. Maybe there’s something else to do than having affairs to make her life more bearable.
  562. >D: Hold on. Did she just say all the adventurers she had affairs with were never to be seen again?
  564. [spoiler]>You now have the diplomacy skill. You have 2 skill points left.
  565. >You now have: Perform: Singing, Perform: instrument (Lute), Perform: Dance, Language: Halfling, Language: Orc, Language: Common, Perception and Diplomacy
  566. [/spoiler]
  568. You can’t help but to be distracted by the body of the statuesque Silver Willow. At eight feet tall, she towers way over you, and more importantly you have reached the point the noble mare could smuggle you in her bosom. Paddling with your hind legs between the heavy warm orbs, you can touch the bed under only if your stretch. If you were to curl in a ball, you’d be absolutely engulfed by Silver Willow’s breasts and remain invisible to the outside world.
  570. “Little Spoon, have you been listening to me?” Silver Willow asks nonchalantly. “You look distracted.”
  571. “Distracted… Silver Willow, the word is weak.” You answer. “I’m bewitched by your new size and assets. There was a stunning mare standing here and now there is even more of her all around me.” With your front hooves, you rub the exposed top of Silver Willow’s giant breasts. “I feel lost at a sea of marely softness. If I were to choose my way out of this earthly existence, drowning between your milky oceans would definitely be my choice.”
  572. “Is that a request Little Spoon?” The huge mare chuckles above. “Because I could show you what a real storm feels like.”
  574. You only grin in response, and soon Silver Willow pushes you head back down in the darkness of her cleavage. Once in the warm abyss, you kiss and rub all of Silver Willow you can touch. In reaction, you’re squeezed hard as the mare hugs her breast with her hooves, and starts to bouncing them around with her hooves. You feel yourself tumbling between them, still getting a lick or bite on them whenever your mouth is in position. This pocket world of tumultuous sensuality is making your head spin with pleasure, and soon you erupt in the confusion of the velvety trench, your moan silenced by the all-encompassing tit pillows.
  576. Soon after that, you hear a click that seems to alleviate the pressure around you. The next time the stuffy seas shake you, you fall deeper than expected, and emerge under the udders of Silver Willow that she holds atop you with her hooves. After you pull yourself away from under the twin meteors, Silver Willow drop them on the bed again, the plate-like areolas and nipples as big as your snout in view now that Silver Willow removed her overworked bar.
  577. “Mmh!” Silver Willow coos, stretching her legs upward and biting her lips in satisfaction. “Opening the floodgates at last! What are you waiting for Little Spoon? Do I have to massage them myself?”
  579. Again, an order you have no problem obeying. You approach and embrace the tit like a life-long friend. You gently rub it wherever your hooves can reach, and kiss then suckle on the giant turgid nipple. You’re a tiny bit disappointed that no milk seems to come out, but find comfort in the pleased purrs of Silver Willow who decides to lean back and appreciate you massaging her slightly throbbing teats. As you switch from one mountain to the other, Silver Willow encourages you to take some water and a towel to clean up the mess you’ve made between them. You both know this act of cleaning could lead to further dirtiness, but still you comply and squeeze yourself between the two giant tits to send them wobbling abundantly with each hard rub from the towel.
  581. “In truth, I was listening.” You say while you use the towel on the sensitive nipple of Silver Willow. While the towel is hooked around the big fleshy nub, you alternate tugging on each end of it to give the nipple a vigorous scrubbing. “And if you’d allow me, I’d like to be more than a temporary relief to your ennui. If you’re indeed tired of your current situation, there must be something else to do than some sparse affairs to bring back a sense of fulfilment to your life.”
  583. “Mmh!” Silver Willow still utters moans of contentment from your massage. “I appreciate, Little Spoon, but this is a rather complicated mater to turn one’s life around, you know?”
  584. “I refuse to let you wallow in the gloom of your situation, Silver Willow.” You insist. “And I have the perfect offer to solve your problem. My Lady, if you admire their freedom so much, why don’t you take up the life of an adventurer yourself?”
  586. “Little Spoon, you can’t be serious.” Silver Willow chuckles bitterly. “Me? An adventurer? Do I look like I am in any shape to travel around and fight against beasts of evil?”
  587. “You’d be surprised at how little some ponies go on their first quest with, My Lady.” You confidently answer. “Both in skills and equipment. In fact, your weapon alone would put you at an advantage over the average beginner adventurer. You do know how to wield it, right?”
  588. “Well, I can stand my ground I suppose.”
  589. “That is more than enough.” You nod. “For the true strength of adventurers is their diversity. A mare like yourself, who knows her way in the games and intrigues of nobles could take on requests no other pony could. And with a group of companions at your side, the skills you lack will still be covered. This is the very reason parties of adventures are so common, Silver Willow, and what makes then so exciting too!”
  591. “B-but I can’t do that. It’s not that simple Little Spoon.” Silver Willow protests again.
  592. “Why wouldn’t it be?” You calmly retort.
  593. “Because I’ve been working for years to be where I stand. I can’t just leave and let it all crumble down.”
  594. “Why wouldn’t you want to see crumble that life that is boring you to death?” You argue. “Perhaps there are amends to be made of course. Your husband, your foals maybe, but you won’t lose them if you decide to hit the roads. The ponies who love you will support you. They will be happy to know you pursue something you love. And if some of them still need your support, I assume you have all the resources to provide for their needs.”
  596. “Listen Silver Willow.” Both your moans have stopped for now, as you try to be as serious as you can. “I can imagine how hard it must be to consider such a radical change, especially since good morals will frown on a noble becoming an adventurer, and I can’t make that choice for you. But the mare I see in front of my eyes needs to let something out from inside her heart, and right now I believe the providence sent me on her path to help her do that. Are you gonna make that decision, Silver Willow?”
  597. “Little Spoon, I…” The mare reflexively puts a hoof of her mouth. Since you met her, the noble mare always acted as though she was in control, but right you appear to have deeply moved her and she’s at a loss of words.
  598. “You do not need to find your answer today.” You shake your head in compassion. “And the best thing, it won’t even have to be a final one. Many ponies think an orderly life will bring happiness, but you have to realize that this is a lie. It is about pursuing what you really want. For some it is indeed stability. For ponies like you and me, we have to chase something else, even if that something is to discover what we want. This goal, is what I call adventure.”
  600. You stare in each other’s eyes in silence for a moment. Until a grin illuminates the noble mare’s face. Slowly she peels you off her teat to take you in a tight hug.
  601. “Thank you for telling me all that, little bard.” She whispers. “I now realize I didn’t allow myself to think this through until now. I needed this, and I think I see things a little more clearly now.”
  602. “Does that mean I’ll have the honour to accompany you on your first quest as of tomorrow, Lady Silver Willow?”
  603. “Come on, I can’t just let my life in the dust overnight, Little Spoon.” She giggles.
  604. “Really? You can’t?”
  605. “Alright.” Silver Willow rolls her eyes. “I COULD, but there are ponies I do not WANT to leave with no notice at all.”
  606. You chuckle in response.
  607. “Sounds to me you’ve made a decision alright.”
  608. “Mmh, yes, I probably did.” Silver Willow purrs. “After this quest I gave you, will we meet again Little Spoon?”
  610. That question from Silver Willow brings back some other concerns to your mind.
  611. “Are you alright Little Spoon?” Silver Willow reacts to your silence.
  612. “Oh, I’m fine.” You answer. “I was just thinking about all the fools who missed a second meeting with the most stunning mare of the land. I’ll make sure not to be one of them.”
  613. “Again, don’t worry too much about that.” The huge noble mare shakes her head. “Rear Guard told me many times that adventurers prefer a new challenge over an obligation. I wouldn’t want to limit you.”
  615. >A: Voice your concern to Siler Willow. An assassin might already have been commissioned to get you, and you need to hide between her tits until they’re dealt with.
  616. >B: Confront Rear Guard about the probably dead adventurers. She might just have been comforting her boss, but if she’s working for the husband, she might be a danger to you.
  617. >C: You’ll have to pretend to Silver Willow that everything is alright for now. Tell Ulna you fear you might be the target of a killer and devise a plan to stealthily take care of that.
  618. >D: You’ve seen Star Shooter in town. You must find her again and beg the elf ranger to help as she’ll will be much more adequate to fight off a potential assassin.
  620. You may be in danger indeed, but to tell Silver Willow about it would make her think her precedent lovers might have disappeared because of her. You decide you’ll attempt to settle this without alerting her.
  622. “That makes me wonder, are you aware she’s been issuing warnings to adventurers?” You ask about Rear Guard. “When she hired me, she heavily implied there would be repercussions if I did anything with you.”
  623. “That’s odd.” Silver Willow frowns. “I mean, I’m not subtle with my intentions when I’m on vacation. Surely you can imagine I did not tell Rear Guard to undermine my chances. I’ll have to clear this up with her. Perhaps my affairs make her job harder now that I think about it…”
  625. “Ah, that can probably wait.” You say. “I didn’t want to ruin the moment.”
  626. There, you hug the huge mare tighter again, to what she answers with a purr, and then by a tender kiss on your lips.
  628. “You’ve made me quite curious about you, Lady Silver Willow.” You say. “If you would allow so, I’d love to hear more about how did a successful noble mare end up dreaming of other adventures. Surely you weren’t raised to consider life on the road an ideal.”
  629. “Oh, this is quite the long story.” Silver Willow chuckles. “Why don’t you go back to massaging my teats while I tell you about it?”
  630. You wouldn’t have offered a better deal yourself.
  632. As you supposed, Silver Willow and her husband aren’t well together. They had one foal that is old enough to be studying abroad, but today they’re nothing more than glorified business partners. They married out of interest and never had any alchemy going on. However, Silver Willow does love her daughter. She’s studying law and seems to be genuinely enjoying her privileged position unlike her mother. She will be an independent mare very soon and her mother is very proud of her. As for Silver Willow herself, her parents were the first generation of her family to buy their nobility after having become huge land owners and prime business partner with the crown. That identity was then pushed on her, their only foal, by parents that viewed it as the greatest achievement of their generation. The huge mare still holds them in high regard however, and they’re the ponies whose reaction she fears the most.
  634. You also decide to tell Silver Willow about yourself in return. While you talk, you’re invited to rest at the top of Silver Willow’s pillowy breasts, from where she idly strokes little Little Spoon for your comfort.
  635. You’ve had a much more commun upbringing. Your parents were farmers in a peaceful village, and they raised you and your brothers and sisters in a simple but carefree household. Through odd jobs and work, you managed to pay for the bard school that taught you your special songs. It was less than a month ago that you got your diploma and became the first and currently only adventurer of your family.
  637. You cuddle with Silver Willow some more after that, each lazily bringing the other to a release in the process. After some cleaning up, you then finally decide to go out in public again. Ponies gawk once more at the new, new Silver Willow. Now 8’ tall, the insides of buildings look more than a size too small for her, and her immense attributes cannot be ignored by any other pony anymore, much to the lady’s satisfaction. First thing, Silver Willow goes talk to Rear Guard. She’ll be shortening her trip by 1 day. Silver Willow will leave tomorrow morning to take care of urgent matters, she tells her guard.
  639. Meanwhile, it’s Ulna you go talk to. The orc mare looks a bit annoyed as you come to her after the prolonged private time with Silver Willow, but soon you see her take the potential threat on you very seriously.
  641. “An assassin you say?” Ulna raises an eyebrow. “Hum, yeah, unfortunately that could have been what Rear Guard wanted to warn you about. But if Silver Willow never caught up on anything, then I think you will be safe while you’re around her.”
  642. “I’m gonna have to be on the lookout.” You say. “With a little luck, I could notice them before they act. Maybe I could bait them out even.”
  643. “I don’t like this.” Ulna winces. “A killer will wait for you to be alone, and I’m afraid I’m not good enough at going unnoticed to help you at that moment. I believe we have to confront Rear Guard. She’s our only possible lead toward any threat, and there’s a good chance she knows more about the disappearing adventurers at the very least.”
  644. “But we’re sure of nothing yet.” You argue. “What if there’s no assassin at all? I have nothing to prove my theory yet.”
  645. “Personally, I’d pick a chance of getting the jump on a potential enemy over my reputation many times over.” Ulna states. “But you’re the one that has to decide, I suppose…”
  647. >A: Risk simply staying on guard in the hope you can notice danger before it comes your way.
  648. >B: Confront Rear Guard away from Silver Willow. What does she know about the disappearance of adventurers that had affairs with Silver Willow? Surely the husband hates being cucked, but somepony must be telling him about it…
  649. >C: Confess to Rear Guard that you couldn’t resist the lady’s charm. Ask her for her help and what you can do to repair your mistake.
  650. >D: Devise a plan to bait a potential killer tomorrow night. Even if she’s bad at stealth, maybe Ulna can remain concealed in the nearby forest if she goes there in advance, and you could pretend to go there alone to relieve your bladder after chugging one too many mugs of ale. [spoiler]You may adapt or pick another plan if you have other ideas.[/spoiler]
  652. “Alright. I’ll go talk to Rear Guard.” You tell Ulna. “Can you keep an eye on Silver Willow in the meantime?”
  653. The orc mare nods in response. She should also be able to hear you scream if things go awry.
  655. You manage to have a word in private with the guard mare, not lying on the fact you’ve got questions about the job you’ve accepted. She’s still sickly, and just as pale as this morning.
  656. “Rear Guard.” You say. “I heard from Silver Willow that many adventurers she met were never to be seen again. Do you know anything about that?”
  657. “No, not really.” She just shrugs. “Adventurers just come and go.”
  658. “Every single one of them?” You voice you doubt “Of how many even? More than a dozen I’d wager. And you’re the one who told Silver Willow that each of them had something better to do when she couldn’t find them.”
  660. “What was I supposed to say?” She shrugs annoyedly again. “Do you think I keep a record of all the adventurers Lady Silver Willow seduces? I have no idea where all these ponies are, so I found something to tell her so she wouldn’t worry.”
  661. “It is just too many coincidences. There is no way every adventurer that met such a mare would have failed to meet her more than once. I believe something happened to the ponies that spend quality time with Lady Silver Williow.” You start. “And I have no choice but to tell you, Rear Guard, that you are terrible a guarding rears! There, I said it! I was able to get into that noblewoman with no problem at all.”
  662. “Really, that’s no accomplishment.” Rear Guard rolls her eyes.
  663. “My point being, you advised me to remember Lady Silver Willow had a husband, but for that to mater, somepony must inform him. And if anyone is the tattletale, it is you!”
  664. “I indeed warned you when you took the job, bard.” The guard mare growls back. “But what happens to you after the lady leaves this town is not my problem anymore. I have orders, Little Spoon.”
  665. The guard mare lets out a tired sigh, before continuing.
  666. “Anyway, I’m not gonna do anything even if your told me your crazy theory, Little Spoon. You better go back to work and use some of that paranoia to keep Lady Silver Willow and her belongings safe.”
  668. >A: Threaten to tell your theories to Silver Willow. She’ll be protecting her boss too if Rear Guard chooses to help you.
  669. >B: Beg for pity. You’re a bard. Meeting Silver Willow was an assured death sentence for you. Won’t Rear Guard help save this poor little lovestruck halfling?
  670. >C: Orders? It sounds like Rear Guard is doing something she dislikes here. Has she considered putting her morals in adequation with her values again? You can help her.
  671. >D: You don’t think you’ll get anything more from Rear Guard. Leave for now.
  673. [spoiler]
  674. >Has she considered putting her morals in adequation with her values again?
  675. Has she considered putting her morals in adequation with her ACTIONS again?
  676. Suptid me
  677. [/spoiler]
  679. “Hear me out, Rear Guard.” You attempt to calm your tone. “I can understand the weight orders can have on your back, but would I be wrong to say you’re doing something you dislike here?”
  681. Rear Guard just sighs again in response.
  682. “I’ll take that as a yes.” You nod. “And let me tell you, you shouldn’t have to put up with this. This is the result of the blind anger of the husband of Lady Silver Willow which comes from not having a good relationship with his wife. That is anything but what a guard like yourself should have to care about. Luckily, things are about to change. Silver Willow decided she didn’t want to put up with a life she can’t bear anymore, and will soon act upon it. That means you won’t have to carry out the husband’s revenge much longer. And today, you may even have a chance to make things right. Please, Rear Guard, if you could help me here, together we could put a well-deserved end to whatever made all those adventurers disappear.”
  683. The guard mare stares at you for a moment. After a few second, she lets out a defeated sigh.
  685. “Alright Little Spoon.” Rear Guard come to you and whispers in your ear. “The money’s not in my hoof anymore, and Sir Silver Oak is the contractor so I can’t stop the guy from coming for you, but here’s what I know. Dwarf stallion. Long cloak. No beard. He prefers to use poison, but will go for a slice at the throat or a crossbow bolt if you give him an occasion. He’s camping in the forest while he waits for Silver Willow to leave, and he won’t act before that. He’s got an honour code for his job, so don’t even try bribing or talking with him. He’s not part of any organization, so if you can neutralize him you’ll be safe.”
  686. “Ah. S-so you did pay an assassin already?” You whimper back.
  687. “Unfortunately, that procedure became a habit with each trip of the lady. The guy is very content to have a steady source of contracts. A rarity among his peers for sure.” Then, Rear Guard stops whispering. “Besides, I’m not gonna be able to help you doing your work. I am still unwell. And you better not bother Lady Silver Willow with your grievances either.”
  689. There, the guard mare leaves the room, and you follow soon after. You find Sliver Willow chatting carefreely with Ulna. Both the big mares speak orc, and you believe Ulna is happy to have another pony to talk to in her preferred language.
  691. Anyway, you now know for sure you have an assassination order on your neck, and that is not the best feeling in the world. A beardless dwarf is an oddity, and you’re confident you didn’t notice any pony matching that description until now.
  693. It is now the evening.
  695. >A: Go into the forest with Ulna right now and attempt to find the assassin.
  696. >B: Wait for tonight to search the forest.
  697. >C: Even if the killer camps in the forest, he would probably spy on his target before striking. Wait and see if you can spot him.
  698. >D: Your modest funds could maybe allow you to pay for the services of another adventurer, one that would know a thing or two about either tracking or stealth.
  700. Although it pains you to spend your hard-earned quest rewards so soon, you told Silver Willow yourself that the strength of adventurers came from the diversity of their skills. Right now, you lack the kind of abilities to track down an assassin. And worst, the coins you have are quite meagre to ask for such a service on a short notice. Even if Rear Guard paid half in advance, you’re not sure that anypony is going to answer your plea.
  702. Still, leaving the protection of Silver Willow in the hooves of Ulna, you go post the quest with the gold you have at the tavern. And in only a few minutes, it’s a familiar face that comes to meet you.
  704. “Star Shooter!” You greet your former companion. “I’m so glad it’s you that came!”
  705. “I hoped we would meet again under more favourable skies, though.” The elf mare answers without a smile. “Tracking down a killer in the forest, huh?” She reads the quest you posted. “It sounds like something very wrong happened to you.”
  706. “Ah, you tell me about it…” You take a melancholic pose that leaves the elf mare unphased. “I just met a wonderful mare in need of affection, and it turns out her jealous husband sends a pony to get rid of all those who dare touch the pony he doesn’t love himself! And today, it is I who was marked for death. I learned that the foul dwarf lies in the forest at the moment, waiting for the lady to leave so he could end my life in the name of a rich stallion’s spite.”
  708. “Alright. I’ll help you Little Spoon.” Star Shooter simply answers after your tirade.
  709. “Really?” You grin. “Oh, thank you so much Star Shooter. You’re a real fr-“
  710. “But I have two conditions.” Star Shooter coldly cuts you off. “If that dwarf got many adventurer kills under his belt, then the two of us will not be enough. I’m not helping you if the orc mare doesn’t accompany us. You were with her when we saw each other earlier today, right? And second condition. Your pay isn’t good enough, so I’ll be taking ALL the loot the guys holds if he’s got any. Also we’re going as soon as you accept.”
  711. “Ah, b-but you see, we are still under a contract to protect Silver Willow.” You say. “To leave her like that would be…”
  712. “I refuse to underestimate a trained killer, Little Spoon.” The elf mare states. “Going on a perilous mission is one thing, but not putting all the chances on our side while doing is another. Point being, we need your orc friend, and you have to agree on the price. Remember that I’m certainly the only pony who will come to your help right now.”
  714. The elf mare is a cruel one. Again, she’s bleeding you dry, but with your life at stake you’re not sure it would be wise to refuse her conditions.
  716. >A: Give in to Star Shooter’s conditions. Let’s just get this over with.
  717. >B: Doing this in Silver Willow’s back just creates too many problems. Tell her so you may get her approval and maybe some funds to go neutralize the dwarf.
  718. >C: Attempt to negotiate. Star Shooter will be unstoppable with your blessing! Surely she won’t let a dumb dwarf beat her on her favourite terrain. You don’t need Ulna…
  719. >D: This is just too expensive. You’ll honour your contract with Silver Willow and take the risk of letting the assassin come at you.
  721. “Lady Star Shooter!” You plead. “We cannot let Silver Willow unguarded. I might as well stop being an adventurer after a complete betrayal on my second quest. Besides, Ulna won’t be willing to accompany us for free either. I cannot accommodate both the price you demand and the share for my current companion.”
  722. “Really?” Star Shooter seems to be doubting you. “I thought you were doing this escort mission together?”
  723. “We do, but to claim all of the assassin’s stuff won’t fly with her.” You shake your head. “The dwarf got his payment mere hours ago, so it’s quite possible he will still have a handsome sum of gold on him. Please, I’m not opposed to you stripping me of all my riches if you can save me from this evil pony, but let Ulna out of this. That assassin is a coward who mainly uses poison, and I’m confident he will pose little thread to a heroine like yourself once we have found him.”
  725. The elf mare lets out a frustrated sigh. She crosses her hooves and looks at you in the eye for some time, and you stare back, defying her gaze.
  726. “So, have you taken a decision, Star Shooter?” You ask after a minute of silence.
  727. “Yes.” She answers. “And I’ll help you, Little Spoon. I hope you’re right, and that your would-be tormentor has only poison or traps for himself. I need to gather some stuff so I’ll be back in a couple minutes, but after that we’ll be going straight for the forest. Wait for me outside, I won’t be long.”
  729. That’s a relief! You’re confident Star Shooter is the right mare for the situation, and you’re glad that you could convince her to help you. It felt like she was really desperate for money, though, and that it had weight in her decision.
  731. >A: Just wait for Star Shooter to come back and embark on the hunt.
  732. >B: You find it odd that Star Shooter would need any special stuff for this. Attempt to sneakily follow her. [spoiler]Use 1 skill point to learn Sneak. You have 2 skills points left.[/spoiler]
  733. >C: You’re starting to wonder what is motivating the elf mare’s greed. Attempt to ask what she needs all that money for.
  734. >D: Go inform Ulna of the situation before going with Star Shooter.
  736. “Hold on, is it safe to let me by myself at the from of the inn?” You ask. “And may I ask where are you going?”
  737. “You’ll be fine.” Star Shooter answers your first question. “The festival is still going on.”
  738. “May I accompany you maybe?”
  740. However, the elf mare swiftly trots away without another word. You attempt to follow her, but your short legs leave you unable to keep up the pace. There are still a number of ponies outside indeed, so you think you’re rather safe for now. While you wished you could know for sure whether Star Shooter is up to something or not, the only thing you can do know is to tell Ulna how things are going.
  742. “So Star Shooter agreed to help?” The orc mare comments after hearing your story. “Are you sure she’ll be strong enough to defeat the assassin?”
  743. “Yes, I’m confident the two of us will succeed.” You nod.
  744. “Mmh… I have a bad feeling about this.” Ulna says. “How about I come with you?”
  745. “Come on, it was hard enough already to convince Star Shooter to let not let Silver Willow unguarded.” You argue. “You need to stay here. Besides, Start Shooter will vanquish the killer for sure. She’ll have an advantage in the woods, and with my help she’ll be twice the size of the dwarf. A single arrow of her will pin him down like a bug.”
  746. “Humf.” the orc mare exhales sharply. “Alright. I just hope this is not your desire to impress Silver Willow that’s talking here.”
  747. “Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” There, you start walking away. “Anyway, I better get going before Star Shooter wonders where I went.”
  749. “Little Spoon!” Ulna calls you one last time. As you turn back, the orc mare looks at you in silence with a worried frown for a few seconds. “You better not die, okay?”
  750. “I’ll be back before you know it!” You reply before trotting away.
  752. When you arrive in front of the tavern again, Star Shooter is already waiting for you.
  753. “You’re ready too?” And as you nod. “Good. Let’s go.”
  755. While the orange hues of dusk start to colour the sky, you walk away from town along the slender elf mare in the direction of the forest.
  756. “The hunt will take a while.” Star Shooter says. “The forest isn’t small, but luckily many places are just not suited to camp alone at with the beasts roaming around. With a few educated guesses, I think I have a good chance to find a trail that will bring us to our target within the hour. Once we leave the road, I’ll be walking in the front, and we will both need to be as discreet as possible. I’ll give you a sign if I need you to use your abilities on me, but absolutely no music before that.”
  758. You nod. Even if you’re starting to feel anxious, Star Shooter sounds confident enough.
  760. >Roll 1d100
  761. >Success: DC 70
  763. It’s been a while you’ve been following Star Shooter in the forest. The ambient light is starting to decrease and the shadows render your footing hesitant. A minute ago, Star Shooter signified to you she had found the trail of a pony, and now you’re both advancing with the utmost carefulness.
  765. There it is. Your heart skips a beat as you see Star Shooter signifying you to stop. Your low vantage point doesn’t allow you to see much over the ferns and sprouts, but Star Shooter is preparing her bow for combat. You remain motionless for what feels like an eternity, holding your trusty lute tightly. Then, Star Shooter looks back at you. As this was the signal you agreed on, you prepare yourself to use your bardic inspiration in 3,2, 1…
  767. As soon as your first note flies, the elf mare jumps and gallops into the green while shooting arrows that are now as long as you’re tall. You do not see much, but you hear the ruffling of the elf mare running through the vegetation. Then there’s a ‘Katchak!’ far away, follow by a ‘Chtock’ around where Star Shooter is, then the swift buzz of Star Shooter aiming her arrows again, this time followed by the pained cry of a stallion. Another arrow is shot after that, and then, silence.
  769. A few seconds later, the slender, 7’ Star Shooter emerges in front of you, unscratched.
  770. “The assassin is dead.” She coldly states.
  772. You both approach the encampment of the enemy, and you keep your inspiration going for now. You watch out for traps but encounter none, and safely arrive in front of a tarp draped over a huge fallen stump to make a crude shelter. Next to it lies the lifeless body of a dwarf stallion, one arrow stuck in his leg, and another through his head.
  774. Star Shooter doesn’t seem phased by her bloody deed, and starts looking around the place. Quickly enough, aside from the crossbow, bolts, daggers, numerous suspicious vials and survival gear, the elf mare uncovers a sizeable bag hidden in the dirt. Opening it reveals the glitter of a consequent amount of gold.
  776. “This… this is even more than I need…” For the first time in a while, you see a genuine smile of relief bloom on the face of Star Shooter. She gazes at her prize for a little while longer, before tying the heavy pouch shut again and recomposing her usual nonchalant expression. After that, she stands up, then takes out another, smaller purse from her stuff that she throws at your hooves.
  778. “I’m giving you back your payment.” She states. “I have more than enough in here. The rest of what this guy holds doesn’t interest me either, so you may do as you please with it. Even though I’d advise again packing the poisons if you don’t know how to handle it.”
  779. “I’ve been curious about it, so may I ask what do you need that money for?” You ask.
  780. “A noble and rightful purpose, but I’ll do you a service and spare you the details.” She answers. “You seem like the kind of pony a mare could manipulate with a well-narrated sob story. Mine would be true, but I have nothing to prove it is.”
  782. “Oh, do not pretend you need an excuse to be secretive. But anyway, let me express that I am thankful, Lady Star Shooter.” You bow slightly. “You saved my life today! Could this mean we have reached these favourable skies you hoped to meet me under? I’d love to celebrate this flawless victory with you.”
  783. “No thanks Little Spoon.” Star Shooter shakes her head. “I’ll be leaving right away. Now that I have the money, I need to quickly travel to the capital to spend it. I appreciate the offer, though. I shall safely bring you back on the road toward town and they our ways will part.”
  785. >What do?
  787. “May I search this sorry fellow for goods before we go?” You ask. “Perhaps there’s some stuff here I could sell later.”
  788. “Of course.” Star Shooter nods. “Take your time.”
  790. The stuff of the dwarf is kind of heavy for you. The camping gear is old and dirty, and generally isn’t worth it. Only the leather armour that has lots of hidden pockets and that looks sturdy enough could be sold for a decent price from your amateur expertise. You may use the crossbow and the dagger yourself, though. That dwarven blade sure looks more intimidating than the glorified toothpick you currently carry, and the mechanical weapon would compensate what you lack in strength if you wished to deal some damage. Taking the vials is probably out of the question however. Poisons or potential antidotes, they’re labelled in a code of colours and figures you have no idea how to decipher.
  792. Finally, you find a thin book in one hidden pocket of the leather garb. You skim though a rather small array of contract notes, with only some of the names crossed out. Your name, on the final page, is among those that had yet to be struckthrough.
  794. “We definitely got the right wrongdoer.” You comment. “I’m glad we didn’t murder a dwarf fellow that was just down on his luck.”
  795. “I reckon a lack of beard is a mark of great dishonour among dwarf stallions.” Star Shooter says, glancing at the corpse. “Worry not. We were clearly not facing a mere honest pony. Are you done searching?”
  797. As you nod, Star shooter starts to walk away and you follow her.
  799. “There’s something I ought to tell you.” You say while you walk close to the slender elf mare, through the forest that is getting darker. “I wanted to apologise about our first meeting that ended up being rather… rough. I shouldn’t have come uninvited to your party while expecting a pay for a job the three of you were more than capable of tackling already.”
  800. “What are you apologizing for, bard?” Star Shooter keeps looking forward as she talks. “I’m the one who forced you, Chiminie and Shield Scrapper to cut your pays. If any anything, our ‘rough’ first meeting, as you say, was entirely my fault. Given my end, though, I do not regret my means, so I do not feel like I can genuinely give you an apology for something I would do again.”
  802. “Anyway, what were those special preparations you needed earlier?” You ask. “Seems to me your bow was enough to take care of the enemy.”
  803. Star Shooter doesn’t answer that one.
  804. “Also, if I may ask, it looked to me you were keeping an eye on Silver Willow earlier today.” You insist despite the cold silence of the elf mare. “And was there a reason you were avoiding me at that time?”
  805. This time, she lets out a tired sigh in reaction.
  807. “I suppose I can tell you now.” She starts. “I planned to kidnap Silver Willow and demand a ransom.”
  808. “Wait, what? For real?” You suspected this was the case, but for the elf mare to admit it so openly…
  809. “Worry not. Your voluptuous employer is safe at this point. We could not figure out a working plan after you enlarged her.” She adds. “We, I mean, me and the two ponies I associated with. I hoped I could quickly get money by teaming up with these crooks, but they had little idea about what they were doing. Originally, I was supposed to lure you and Ulna away by accepting your job, but I just ditched them before I went with you.”
  810. “But, you did lure me away here!” You exclaim. “I mean, I’m glad you took care of that assassin, but lady Silver Willow…”
  811. “As I said, the two others have given up on the idea of kidnapping her.” Star Shooter shrugs. “In desperation, the last plan they spoke about was to steal her coach to cut their losses, but even that sounds like a stretch to me now. They probably ran back home with their tails between their legs already.”
  813. At that point, you’ve reached the road and the town is in view. Star Shooter just admitted to you she had meddled with criminals, and that those had ill intentions toward Silver Willow, even if the elf mare doubted their capacity to carry those intentions out.
  815. >A: There is a bonus to your quest if you catch the criminals. Convince Start Shooter to come with you and arrest her former accomplices with Ulna.
  816. >B: Say goodbye to Star Shooter and go warn Ulna and Silver Willow some ponies want to steal the Lady’s coach.
  817. >C: You feel like Star Shooter needs a bit of relaxing. Is she sure she doesn’t want to rest for the night? Maybe vent a little about the matter that calls her to the capital? Despite everything she’s done, you still want to help her.
  818. >D: There are just a few other things you wish to say and ask to Star Shooter before she leaves.[spoiler]input dialogue[/spoiler]
  820. “How about resting in town for tonight?” You offer Star Shooter. “Traveling alone in the dark sounds like a dangerous choice, especially with the prize you carry.”
  821. “I doubt that is a good idea, Little Spoon.” Star Shooter replies.
  822. “Are you worried about the brigands you abandoned?” You ask. “Don’t worry. I plan to catch these two with the help of Ulna.”
  823. “That’s not the problem, Little Spoon.”
  824. “If that isn’t an issue, then what could be? Come on, you need to relax a little Lady Star Shooter.” You state. “And I must admit, I haven’t given up on discovering what is torturing you. I still want to help.”
  826. Again, Start Shooter lets out a defeated sigh. Despite her cold outside, she isn’t that hard to convince after all.
  827. “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt me to preserve myself a little.” She admits. “There shouldn’t be any more danger on my task past this point. And if you want to hear my story so much, then here it is. I need to purchase a rare cure for a brother of mine. I do not understand why you would care to learn that so much.”
  828. “And I have trouble understanding why would you go to such lengths to withhold an earnest testimony of your kindness.” You reply.
  830. Star Shooter simply looks away, and after a second she changes the subject.
  831. “Let us go back to town.” She says, and you follow her there.
  833. Leaving her at the tavern, you rush back to where Ulna is. The orc mare perks up as soon as you’re in view, and speaks immediately after you run to her.
  834. “So? How did it go?” She asks expectantly. “Did you find the assassin?”
  835. “We did, and killer he is be no more.” You nod, showing off on of your trophies. “I shall use that blade of his for more noble purposes now… Anyway, I have news! Bandits are planning to steal from Lady Silver Willow. They plan to take her coach!”
  836. “Uh?” There, Ulna lets out a hearty laugh. “Hahaha! Well, yes. Some lowlifes did try to steal the car while you were away. I caught them and beat these two ponies good before handling them to the authorities.”
  837. “Oh. You took care of those already?” You ask, pleasantly surprised.
  838. “I sure did. The lady’s unharmed, Rear Guard didn’t make a fuss about your absence, and we’re even getting a bonus for capturing those two bozos.”
  840. Well, this went better than expected. With the threat of the thieves being taken care of, you think you can unwind for the rest of the evening. There’s Star Shooter at the tavern, but you’re tempted to offer some more entertainment to Silver Willow, or maybe...
  842. You’re taken out of your thoughts as Ulna start patting you head with one muscular hoof.
  843. “I’m glad you’re alright, Little Spoon.” She says. “You look so wimpy, but I like you, and I’m glad some dumb dwarf didn’t turn you into minced bard meat!”
  845. >What do?
  847. “Looks like I didn’t need to worry about you!” You answer, and start looking at every angle of Ulna’s muscular body. “You didn’t even get a scratch, did you? A mere night of sleep got rid of that shaky mare I met in that graveyard, and turned her back into one impressively strong warrior!”
  848. “Ah, tell me about it.” The orc mare looks away embarrassedly. “Staying up night after night to try to raise the dead was not a smart move.”
  850. “Anyway, sounds like this adventure ended well for everypony!” You grin at the orc mare. “Let us celebrate our success!”
  851. “Music to my ear, Little Spoon.” Ulna gives you a smile of her own.
  852. “I’ll inquire whether lady Silver Willow wishes to accompany us.” You add. “An evening at the tavern will be a fitting debut for her new life as an adventurer. Star Shooter will be there too.”
  853. “Oh, uhm, sure!” The smile of the orc turns into a cringe as she forces it for a second. “That Lady is surprisingly nice for some uppity noble.”
  855. Lady Silver Willow readily accepts to follow you at the tavern. Her guards take that occasion to rest since both of you will be with their boss until the end of the evening. Moreover, Silver Willow is still 6 feet tall at the moment. You’re not sure if you’re gonna have the will to ask she gives you back this boost of size. Or maybe you don’t need it… Anyway, with the festival there’s quite the number of patrons tonight. Silver Willow catches lots of looks as expected, and if it wasn’t for Ulna, some stallions would have tried their luck at wowing the big and voluptuous lady right away. Anyway, Silver Willow will be treating you tonight, and Ulna immediately seizes the occasion to order double the amount of ale.
  857. Star Shooter didn’t come to meet you right away. You saw her watching from a distance at some point, but she went upstairs when she saw Silver Willow. Surely she was uncomfortable since she had in mind to rob the big noble mare not so long ago. A quick visit to her, and you manage to convince the elf mare to join your little group. The tale of how you first met Ulna comes on the table after the introductions are made, and Silver Willow enjoys it greatly.
  859. “Oh, what a wonderful story!” Silver Willow comments after you’re done telling her about your first adventure. “Adventurers love to boast about their battles and trophies, but a tale of newfound friendship sounds even better to me! Although, I can’t wait to hear about your heroic revenge on this Bone Thorn orc, Ulna.” Silver Willow turns to the orc mare. “May you triumph from this usurper. And who knows. If I can return quickly enough, I and Little Spoon may accompany you on your task when the time comes!”
  860. “Ah, uhm, I’ll remember that. Thanks.” Ulna nods, a bit surprised at the offer.
  862. >A: Star Shooter needs to quickly reach the capital. Isn’t that where Silver Willow is going too? Maybe they could go together!
  863. >B: There’s a friendly hoof-wrestling contest going on in the tavern. Perhaps you or the mares who accompany you should participate.
  864. >C: Attempt to have Star Shooter drink a little more than she intends. You’d love to see her lose a few inhibitions.
  865. >D: Ulna and Silver Willow seems to appreciate each other. Perhaps you could spend the night with both of them.
  867. It’s already a victory to have brought Star Shooter at the table, but you want to push your luck a little. Unlike what the rumours from dwarves would have one expect, the elf mare doesn’t seem to have anything against liquid courage, so you make sure her glass remain full at all times. As the evening and refills go on, the elf mare ends up slouching on her seating quite ungraciously, idly looking in the air with a blank expression on her face.
  869. “Lady Star Shooter?” You call to her at some point, while Ulna and Silver Willow are talking to each other. “May I ask what you’re pondering about?”
  870. The eyes of the mare turn to you for a second, before preferring the ceiling again.
  871. “Just wondering what I shall do once I’ve completed my task.” She says. “I feel like I got my share of adventures already, and yet a part of me wants to wander in the world some more.”
  873. The elf mare lazily stretches her hooves above her head.
  874. “But unfortunately, I don’t have the means to travel around without needing to kill murderous dwarves for a living. I just wish it could be easier…” And there she looks at you again. “Little Spoon. Can you use your song to make be bigger, please?”
  875. “Ah, uhm, of course!” And after you start playing, the elf mare sweel to 7 feet tall, a content smirk blooming on her face as she does.
  877. “That’s a start…” Star Shooter lets out in a purr. “Looking down on the rest of a crowd is a good effort. but I’m gonna need more than that. Your abilities are gonna grow in power, right Little Spoon?”
  878. “Well, with enough time, I will indeed-”
  879. “I need to be at least 20 feet tall.” Star Shooter says. “No, 50 feet tall, that sounds better! I could accomplish quests like a breeze that way, just trample over the common thugs and bandits to collect rewards.” There, the enlarged elf mare places a hoof on your torso, applying a gentle pressure on you. “Ha! I could just show up and the lowlifes would probably beg for mercy at once. And traveling will be a lot faster too…”
  880. Star Shooter giggles to herself, probably imagining more scenes of her giant self. And then she leans toward you.
  882. “Your skills are quite odd, Little Spoon.” Star Shooter adds, her voice turning into a whisper. “As contrived as its working may be, it seems to me your blessing may be potent enough to eventually allow one mare to take on an army by herself. It’s surprising I haven’t heard more exploits from bards like yourself now that I think about it. But really, it is better that way. If you ever seek a candidate to grow into a big and strong giantess Little Spoon, know that wouldn’t mind acquiring such power.”
  884. The mare lifts her leg from you and stands up after that.
  885. “Oh, are you going to sleep already Lady Star Shooter?” Silver Willow asks.
  886. “Yes. It was a pleasure.” She bows. “Thank you for treating us, Lady Silver Willow.”
  887. And then she goes to sleep. With the adventures of the day, the rest of you are actually getting quite tired too, and follow Star Shooter upstairs not long after. It is quite easy to convince Silver Willow to share a room with you, but you do nothing naughtier than to sleep coddled against her body this night.
  889. You wake up still between the arms of the 6’ Silver Willow. You feel her warm and slow breath on your face while she still sleeps soundly. The lady will return to her home this morning, and even though you’ll see her again in the future, this is your last chance to interact with her for some time. She still holds a charge of growth from you [spoiler]from your skill Embrace Destiny[/spoiler], and as much as you like the thought of a mean husband facing twice the amount of revolted mare, you may need to keep your skills at their best for your next adventure and ask the lady to return your blessing to you.
  891. >What do?
  893. You delicately place a peck on the large snout of the noble lady, and her eyes lazily open for you to gaze into. Silver Willow smiles. Using the covers to entangle you closer to her, the large noble lady decides to kiss you more passionately in return. She doesn’t seem in the mood for more than that and cuddling this morning. She has to leave rather soon after all.
  894. “I need to save some of the fun for next time.” Silver Willow playfully boops your nose. “That way I’m sure I’ll find you again.”
  895. “Should we agree and a date and place?”
  896. “I’m not sure how long I will need, so I may have a better idea.” Silver Willow replies. “Why don’t you keep adventuring around, Little Spoon. Protect ponies and earn glory, make plenty of mares bigger for the folks to gossip about. The more famous you’ll be, the easier you’ll be to find. I’ll be sure to…” You feel Silver Willow squeezing her bosom with her legs, causing it to engulf a part you your lower legs in their warmth. “…Make my own mark in the mind of the populace too, and we shall definitely find each other again that way.”
  898. “Speaking of which, I’m afraid I will need all my powers to truly impress the masses.” You say. “And I may only keep one mare bigger like you are at a time. Would you mind renouncing your extra size for now?”
  899. “Interesting… You’re saying I could just keep it?” Silver Willow shows you a mischievous grin, but a second later the earth mare returns to her regular size of 4 feet so you may recover your spell. “I understand, Little Spoon. Again, this will just make me more eager to meet you again.”
  900. “You have my word I shall grow you even to greater highs by then.”
  902. After hugging the smaller but still voluptuous mare some more, it is soon time for you to bid her goodbye as she leaves in her car. Rear Guard seems to be feeling better today, and she gives you and Ulna the rest of your pay. With that and selling the armour of the dwarf, you now have a CONSEQUENT amount of MONEY. This is enough to stop worrying about daily expanses for some time. You may buy any simple adventuring gear that could be found in this little town. This includes stuff like ropes, weak healing potion or torches. Don’t hesitate to look for something specific that could realistically be found in a countryside town where adventurers often work.
  906. >Your second quest was a success! You grew to level three. You now have the following abilities.
  908. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  909. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level, whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  910. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1’ for each precedent time you did so on the same day. Does not stack on the same mare at the same time. If you climax inside a mare a number of times equal to your level in the same day, the growth lasts for the rest if the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute. Additionally, that mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size.
  912. After the departure of lady Silver Willow, you start to look for another adventure. Star Shooter already vanished to accomplish her task, but you see that some other familiar faces are back.
  913. Now that you have two successful jobs under your belt, you feel more confident trying to take a request directly on your own among those that sound interesting to you.
  915. >A: This quest that was already here before has yet to be accepted: ‘The fairies of the forest have turned aggressive, and a pony was nearly abducted by them. Find a way to calm them. NO REWARD IF YOU HURT THE FAIRIES OR FORCE THEM TO LEAVE THE FOREST!’
  916. >B: ‘Looking for a companion to bring a criminal to its prison in the name of Gah Rudin. Meet me outside town.’ The meeting spot in only minutes away from where you are, and you know that Gah Rudin is the goddess of law and justice.
  918. But like last time, there are also groups you have a hunch you could join on a quest.
  920. >C: Chiminie and Shield Scrapper are back, and they seem to be discussing their next job with the cleric unicorn you saw the other day and the fighter orc stallion that was accompanying her.
  921. >D: It appears Ulna found herself a quest with a barbarian orc mare to make a party with already.
  923. So nopony was able to calm of those fairies, huh? Sounds like a job for you! No big swords or spell needed here, you lute will be the greatest weapon of them all for this quest. Before going, you decide to acquire some rope. You heard that adventures had many uses for that and it is cheap enough anyway. For the quest you have in mind, you also add a protective suit to your possessions.
  927. After that, you go hear the details from the contractor, a town deputy. But as he was about to tell you the details, a mare barges in the room you were in.
  928. “Ah! Sorry to bother you.” The mare sounds out of breath from having run. “I heard there was something wrong with the fairies of the forest. I wish to offer my help too. Is it not too late?”
  929. “I was just about to explain the situation to mister Little Spoon here.” The deputy answers, and then to you. “You’re not opposed to teamwork, are you?”
  930. “Of course not.” You shake you head. “I would be my pleasure share this adventure with you, lady…”
  932. “Pear Plum!” The earth mare answers. From her attire, you guess she’s probably a druid. “S-sorry I couldn’t arrive earlier.”
  933. The company of a mare will never be a bother for you. You’re certainly gonna fraternize a little later, but first the deputy tells you about the situation.
  935. There’s always been a minor presence of fairies in a certain part of the forest. Those usually kept to themselves, rarely showing their faces except to innocent little fillies and colts. They were generally benevolent too despite their secretiveness, guiding the lost travellers back on their path and providing unusually bountiful hauls to the respectful foragers. Some townsfolk even leave offerings for them from time to time.
  937. However, a townpony that went to pick mushrooms in the forest reported a disturbing encounter. Many fairies revealed themselves to him and they seemed frenzied. The little spirits were giggling maniacally and were swarming all around him. The pony said that vines were starting to sprout out of the ground to bind him, but he managed to escape. A few days later, a small party was sent to investigate. They turned away as soon as they heard the deranged laughter of the fairies, like the first pony told. The deputy believes the fairies are under some sort of influence, asks you to find what caused it, and to put a stop to it.
  939. You and Pear Plum accept this request.
  941. “Little Spoon.” The earth mare tells you as your leave the office of the deputy. “Thank you for taking up this request with me. Something really wrong must be happening to those fairies for their behaviour to change so drastically. They really need our help.”
  942. “Then we ought to get to work and save them.” You nod. “How shall we proceed?”
  943. “Well, I’m not exactly sure.” Pear Plum looks away as she answers “What do you think?”
  945. >A: The plan is quite simple. You go there and try to talk with the fairies. Your music and Plum’s abilities wills surely appease them.
  946. >B: Go into the forest and prepare a jar to catch one fairy then make a run for it. If they’re getting close to travellers, that’s a chance to get the truth right out of their mouth.
  947. >C: Perhaps the investigation doesn’t have to start in the forest. What changed the fairies surely has an outside origin. Ask the deputy if he remembers anything unusual about that part of the forest that happened recently.
  948. >D: Pear Plum sounds like she knows more about fairies that you do. Trust her completely to take the right approach.
  950. “Maybe there are clues to find in town.” You say. “If the change happened so suddenly, an outside influence may have caused it. Let us ask for some more information.”
  951. “Uhm.” Pear Plum nods. “Good thinking, Little Spoon. Let us go back to the deputy.”
  953. Your contractor isn’t opposed to give you more information, but unfortunately, he already told you most of what he knew.
  954. “This is precisely the issue. We have no idea have caused this.” He concludes. “But let’s see, perhaps you could go talk to Bramble Hoof. He’s the stallion that first encountered the fairies, but again I believe he doesn’t have anything more to tell you. You’re free to try your luck still, of course. Also, hang on…”
  956. The deputy starts to browse the shelves of his office, and pulls out a map of the surrounding area for you to see.
  957. “Here. I’m not sure if that helps, but you can borrow this. Perhaps somepony in the village that’s on the other side of the forest could know about a disturbance in the area. We warned them about the fairies, but we didn’t specifically ask if they knew of any event that could be related.”
  959. >A: Go visit Bramble Hoof and ask for his story.
  960. >B: Go to the other village. Perhaps they know something about the change.
  961. >C: Go to the tavern. Maybe some the local adventurers have helpful stories.
  962. >D: Go into the forest. Going to the heart of the problem will be less boring.
  964. “Sounds like there are more clues to be found in that village.” You state. And also double the reward if you’re lucky, but you don’t speak of that in front of the deputy. More seriously, you also note that the river that crosses the territory of the fairies passes through that village first. A detail to keep in mind perhaps.
  966. “It should be two hours to walk there, right?” Pear Plum comments. “If that is the case, should we depart now?”
  967. “Indeed. To adventure!”
  969. The trip is short and simple enough you don’t have to prepare any special gear. A few minutes later, you’re already leaving town behind.
  971. “Lady Pear Plum.” You start on the way. “I look forward to cooperate with you on this adventure. For that purpose, would you let me know about your skills?”
  972. “Of course Little Spoon. Well, I have purification and appeasement magic.” She answers. “I can communicate with animals and plants to a lesser degree. I hope that will help us in our task. And to defend myself…”
  973. The mare focusses in silence for a few seconds, and through a creaking noise you see her hooves cover themselves in solid and thorny bark.
  974. “Here. I know I may not look the part, but I can fight using my own hooves. The spell can protect my whole body if I want. It’s hard to talk when my tongue is made of wood, however. Sorry, I know it’s not much but I’ll do my best…”
  975. “You do not need to apologize, Lady Pear Plum.” You say. “If you’re worried about your efficiency in a brawl, know that my own abilities can help. May I demonstrate?”
  977. The earth mare nods, and as you start using your inspiration, she shoots up 2 feet bigger with a yelp. While the mare looks at her bigger self, you can’t help but to glance at her ample flanks. Pear Plum is a bit tubby all around, but her rear takes the cake in terms of thickness, and the now magnified buttocks jiggle slightly at each move of the druid mare.
  979. “This is a particular spell that you use, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum comments. “But certainly a welcome one. I can probably protect us better thanks to this blessing.”
  980. “Then how about I keep using it for now?” You offer. “More than power itself, I know for a fact that a bigger mare will embarrass most would-be aggressors.”
  981. “Ah, I do not believe that I am very intimating…”
  982. “And yet you are.” You nod encouragingly to Pear Plum. “Trust my word, thieves and thugs will cower in fear at your sight.”
  984. That earns you a giggle and a light blush from the druid mare. The two of you continue your journey after that.
  985. As expected, after a couple hours you arrive in view of the village. This one looks really small, with only about a dozen houses overall. There doesn’t seem to even be a tavern here, and the only street is almost empty. You only meet a young and pretty mare that wishes you a good day as you walk past her.
  987. However, you have the nagging feeling somepony might be observing you. You find yourself looking over your shoulder as you walk to the bridge in the middle of the village, and you catch one pony looking form the inside of a house, ducking out of view immediately as you notice them. Now, it wouldn’t be so strange for ponies of a hamlet to be weary of strangers, and you couldn’t blame a pony for taking closer look at Pear Plum’s rear either.
  989. Now, you still have a quest to accomplish. There’s no tavern or store in this village. Does this place even a mayor? At least some inhabitants look nice enough you could talk to them.
  991. >What do?
  993. “Pear Plum.” You call your companion. “If I may ask, you sounded quite preoccupied with the fairies when we met earlier. Why were you in such haste?”
  994. “Oh, um…” Pear Plum looks away. “I heard from a traveller that the fairies had become ill, and they are very delicate spirits, Little Spoon. So when I realized that a quest had been posted for that … well, you know. Some adventurers tend to lack subtlety.”
  995. “Hm… I see…”
  996. “B-but that is not the case for you, Little Spoon!” Pear Plum vigorously shakes her head. “You are perfect for this task, I mean it! Merely choosing to investigate here first is proof you have the delicacy I think the situation demands.”
  998. “Thanks for the compliment, lady Pear Plum.” You stifle a smile at the apologetic tone of the mare. “Then, so I may be as worthy of this task as you say, may I ask what about fairies? I confess, I know next to nothing about these little folks.”
  999. “Fairies are spirits of the forest.” Pear Plum starts to explain. “I know it sounds obvious when I say something like that, but every word counts. Fairies take a physical appearance, but they are not made of flesh or bone and are born as adults from the feelings in the woods. They are very sensitive to magic too, and what changed them will eventually corrupt the whole forest as the two are tightly linked together.”
  1000. “You say the whole forest is about to become hostile?”
  1001. “It will not happen overnight.” She says. “But if the fairies are not healed, the forest will change through the seasons. Next spring it will be unrecognisable. If the fairies indeed have become deranged, their home will reflect that and be filled with poisonous and crooked groves.”
  1003. “That sounds terrible indeed.” You comment. “Even if we are not in a rush, we will definitely save those forest spirits!”
  1004. “Yes!”
  1005. “And for that, you need to gather information from the villagers.”
  1006. “M-me?” The enthusiasm of the druid mare is curbed instantly “B-but, wouldn’t you be more qualified to deal with strangers?”
  1007. “Courage lady Pear Plum.” You encourage her. “These are villagers, not monsters. Besides, there is something I need to focus my attention on while you talk to them.”
  1008. “Well, a-alright then.” The mare reluctantly accepts.
  1010. A minute later, Pear Plum manages to engage in conversation with a young local mare that politely answers her questions. Unfortunately, there is no place in this village where quests are posted, not even a tavern. The mare is aware of the current issue with the fairies, but she doesn’t have anything more to tell you that you don’t already know. When you ask about some event that could be linked to the change of attitude from the fairies, the mare doesn’t seem to have any idea either. She only mentions that the festival in the town you come from as the reason why you won’t see any stallion in this village today. After that, you bid the mare a nice day.
  1012. Shortly after, you manage to talk to another comely mare. This time, Pear Plum brings up the situation about fairies from the get go, but again your interlocutor doesn’t sound like she will tell you anything of value.
  1014. Really, this is getting a bit boring. You find yourself spacing out while looking at the ample butt of your partner. It was good choice to let her do the talking, as merely staring at her pillow-like flanks allows your mind to rest already. With Pear Plum at 6 feet, they’re right in front of your face when she is in front of you. Perhaps if you just walk behind her, whenever she will stop, you can just pretend to not notice and bury your face right between those…
  1016. “Pumkins?” You’re taken out of your reverie by the local mare, who is staring at you with a bright grin. In fact, both mares are looking at you. Pear Plum looks more confused than anything so luckily she probably didn’t understand where your eyes were glued on earlier.
  1017. “I was saying.” The local mare repeats. “It’s nice of you to help the fairies. Since there is no tavern here, do you want to share the lunch with us? Today we’re having pumpkins.”
  1019. >What do?
  1021. “Pumpkins sound delicious!” You smile. “I’d gladly take up your offer. You have my thanks, lady.”
  1022. “It will be our pleasure.” The mare grins. “It’s so rare to have visitors in our small village. Please, follow me.”
  1024. You’re brought inside an unremarkable house where the mouth-watering smell of pumpkin puree is already filling the air. You’re greeted by another couple of mares which seems just as fair and nice as those you already met. These mares really seem lonely, you think to yourself. The stallions of this place must be really dumb to let such kind beauties alone.
  1026. Both you and Pear Plum are offered a glass of juice you heartily accept. You planned to step up your game after that, but somehow you found it hard to have the words go past your mouth. And a minute later, it’s staying awake altogether that feels next to impossible. You set off for a land of good dream carried by the enchanting smiles of the mares around you.
  1028. You do not know how much time has passed when you come to your senses. Quickly, you realise your limbs are tightly tied by ropes behind your back, and you can’t seem to move at all. Otherwise, you’re in a dim, chilly place, underground it seems. You’re lying on a wooden floor, crates stashed all around you, preventing you from seeing much of your surroundings. A few rays of the sun come through cracks in the ceiling. You do not see anypony else around.
  1030. You hear a continuous groaning noise in the distance, but then you realise there are also ponies coming your way as you hear the sound of their steps and their voice.
  1032. “The fairies are a problem, though.” You hear the voice of a mare. “They’re gonna keep bringing attention to us like that. We could use somepony to take care of them.”
  1033. “It is unlikely they will help.” Another mare responds. “Unless the reject is stopped, the fairies won’t heal, and that is probably what they’ve been sent to do.”
  1034. “Oh, I’m confident they can be convinced to do it our way.” The first mare speaks again. “Let us start with the mare. Once she has become one of us, getting the little bard to do our bidding should be easy.”
  1035. “Mmh, we’ll see. I’d be for putting him with the rest. Anyway, I suppose there is no reason not to turn the mare to our side.”
  1037. There, you hear the hoofsteps of the mares starting to walk away.
  1039. >A: Call the mares. Certainly this is a mistake. You may help them realize they’re doing the wrong thing.
  1040. >B: Call the mares. There is no need to turn Pear Plum into anything, you’ll help them if they leave your companion out of this.
  1041. >C: Wait until you don’t hear the mares to free yourself and follow them. [spoiler]Spend 1 skill point to learn Escape artist. You have 2 skill point left. You may attempt this without learning the skill, but it will require succeeding a difficult roll.[/spoiler]
  1042. >D: Wait for now. With her abilities, Pear Plum should be able to free herself from binds like this. Have faith that you companion will come and save you.
  1044. “Hello?” You call. “Anybody there?”
  1046. After a short silence, hoofsteps come closer. You hear a door being opened, and soon the two earth mares of earlier are looking down on you with a satisfied smirk on their faces.
  1047. “Well, look who’s awake?” One snidely comments.
  1048. “Ah, indeed I’m awake.” You stall as you try to think of something else to say. You have to buttonhole these evil mares I the hope your companion frees herself from her own binds. “It sure isn’t a place I expected to wake up at however. But you know, if ladies as fair as yourselves had just said you wanted to tie me up, I would certainly have complied. If you’d allow me to say, being sedated greatly reduced the thrill of this game.”
  1049. “One little joker, are we? Chatter while you can, bard.” The mare turns to her accomplice. “Should we carry him there?”
  1050. “Yeah, no need to waste any more time. Just help me hoist him on my back.”
  1052. “Oh, but I can help with that too.” You say as one of the mares pulls your bound body upright with her mouth. And then you start to sing. Immediately, the mare carrying you shoots up two feet bigger… and painfully bangs her head on the low ceiling, dropping you down again.
  1054. “Ah!” The mare painfully rubs her head. “You little pest!”
  1055. The mare throws a kick at your gut. Luckily, being dropped on the ground prevented you from keeping up your inspiration, but the hoof of the 4’ mare still makes you yelp and cower in pain.
  1056. “Don’t break him already.” The other mare adds while you cough in suffering. “Remember, we will use him. Let’s just drag him to the extraction room already.”
  1058. But after these words were pronounced, you hear the door of the room opening again, and in a second a mare entirely covered in bark rushes inside and kicks one of you captors, sending her to the ground. The other backs away in panic, but the room offers no other escape, and neither mares had any weapon whatsoever. Without a word, Pear Plum uses a wooden bard on her leg to cut you binds. You’re now free, and the two mares who seemed to have nefarious plans for you look out of options at the moment.
  1060. >What do?
  1062. “Are you alright?” You ask your partner, and she answers with a nod while keeping her eyes on your embarrassed captors. “Do you think there’s any reinforcement coming?” There, she shakes her head.
  1064. It does look like these two mares are cornered. That was suspiciously easy, so you better get to figuring out what’s happening here.
  1065. “Alright, why did you tie us up? What’s happening in this village?” You defiantly ask the mares. “Unless you want a fight, you better answer!”
  1066. “L-look, we’re just following orders here.” The mare tells you. “This is all Fen Flower’s doing. We’ll lead you to her if you want!”
  1067. “Y-yeah! We had no choice I swear!” The other adds. “Just, uhm, beat her up or something and everything will be alright again.”
  1069. “I heard you earlier.” You aren’t done questioning them. “You spoke about turning Pear Plum into one of you. What was that for exactly?”
  1070. “Well… It’s Fen Flower.” The first mare accuses that mysterious pony again. “She’s got a potion that makes a mare young and pretty, but you have to obey her to after drinking it.”
  1071. “Oh, yes, she’s had us all.” The other adds, and her companion cannot completely hide a cringe. “Please, free us from her, noble bard!”
  1073. “We’ll see about that.” You growl. “Then, what is the reject you also spoke about? What does it have to do with the fairies?”
  1074. “We’re brewing the potion here, using the water wheel.” One mare answer. “This is not something we meant to happen, but our poor equipment has leaks, and we have no choice but to release some by-product into the river. It’s quite clear it’s what is affecting them from the news we heard.”
  1076. So it’s the water wheel you’re hearing? You’re a gallery near it? That sounds like it, but you can’t shake the feeling the constant creaking is somewhat odd to your ears.
  1078. “Are there any more of you around here?” You ask.
  1079. “No, I don’t think so…” One answers.
  1081. An answer that doesn’t reassure you much. It’s quite obvious these mares are trying to save their skin here, and will not strictly tell the truth to you. For them to sell out their boss to save themselves? That has a chance to be right.
  1083. >A: Have these mares tell you where this Fen Flower pony is and prepare your plan of action.
  1084. >B: Tie these mares up. Inspect the place and go find where they’re brewing that potion.
  1085. >C: Pear Plum has purification magic. Could she use it on those mares to erase the effect of the potion?
  1086. >D: You have more questions to ask these mares [spoiler]input questions[/spoiler]
  1088. “So you’re telling me this potion forces you to obey Fen Flower, but somehow you’re still able to lead us to her?”
  1089. “Haha…” The mare’s smile become more uneasy than it already was. “Well, it seems so? Fen Flower didn’t tell us not to bring intruders to her I suppose.”
  1090. “Y-yeah! That must be it!” The other adds. “If we knew how this stuffed worked exactly, we wouldn’t be in trouble in the first place…”
  1092. Sketchy at best. These two are definitely not trustworthy. Maybe your companion has a way to remedy this, though.
  1093. “Pear Plum, could you attempt a purification spell on them?” You ask. “Maybe you can rid them of the potion’s influence.”
  1094. Your companion nods. After tying one of your former captors with the rest of your binds, Pear Plum feels safe enough to call off her armour of bark… while you keep her 2 feet bigger that the other mare. Pear Plum takes her face between her hooves and touches her forehead with hers. Eyes closed, the druid mare starts incanting. Ethereal tendrils of green phase from her into the increasingly nervous mare. She obviously isn’t very enthusiastic about being purified.
  1096. It happens in less than a minute. While she groans absently, the coat of the pretty mare dulls and her mane shortens. The young beautiful mare turns into a much less glamorous, middle-aged and pudgy farmer mare.
  1098. “Oh…” The mare looks confused, and Pear Plum has to hold her to prevent the earth mare from falling on the ground after the purification. “Wha-, where am I? Where is Fen Flower?”
  1099. “I don’t believe she’s here.” You answer. “Why? Are you looking for her?”
  1100. “I…” The now plain mare squints in pain, memories having trouble coming back it seems. “She offered me a potion. She was just so young and pretty, and she said I would just have to drink it.” She absently looks at her hooves. “I guess… it didn’t work?”
  1102. “The potion from Fen Flower?” You want to confirm what happened. “So she did give you a draft of some sort.”
  1103. “Yes, but… Hold on, did it knock me out?” The mare starts to panic. “Last thing I can remember is when I drank the potion and we were at her place. Wait, when are we?”
  1104. “19th day of spring, in the afternoon.” Pear Plum answers.
  1105. “WHAT?” The mare looks horrified. “I was out for…25 DAYS!?”
  1107. It seems like you have a civilian to protect too now, and she might be a bit stressed at the moment. However, maybe you could learn the rest of the story from her.
  1108. Meanwhile, the other young mare seems frightened after seeing this. The bit about potion from Fen Flower having rejuvenating effects looks true, and it certainly seems to have an effect on the mind too. Anyway, the mare you tied up doesn’t look like she wants to lose such boons.
  1110. >What do?
  1112. “Hold on, you don’t remember anything from earlier?” You ask “Because nopony knocked you out. In fact, you’re the one that knocked me out earlier today before dragging me where we stand.”
  1113. “What?” The plain mare has a look of incomprehension on her face. “What are you talking about? I don’t have any idea of what you’re saying!”
  1114. “At this point, my guess would by that this potion you drank indeed brought out your younger self, but she turned out to have a different personality from you altogether.” You explain. “My partner here used a spell of purification on yourself. And it turned you back into who you really are, unlike your friend over there.”
  1116. This time, you point at the tied-up mare. The one you just purified stares blankly for a few seconds before you see her eyes go wide.
  1117. “Wheatmane?” She asks in disbelief “Is that really you?” And to you. “But, wait, this is terrible! If she’s like me, you have to turn her back too!”
  1119. “I’d rather die than to become old and dumb mare again!” Wheatmane barks in reaction, shocking the middle-aged mare. “I don’t need any cure! I’m fine as I am right now!”
  1120. “Then I have more questions for you if you don’t want to forget all about it.” You ask. “Do you need to keep drinking that potion to remain young? Would that be why you need the waterwheel to produce more?”
  1121. “If you just leave me be, I won’t need any of that stuff again.” Wheatmane pleads. “And I don’t know what Fen Flower wants to do with all that potion, but she’s the one who wants to brew more. She already had all the mares of village drink it.”
  1122. “Hum. Rather than leaving you be, how about you help us put a stop to all this?” You offer.
  1123. “Sure.” She nods. “But I can’t confront Fen Flower myself, I swear! I can show you a way to her place so you won’t be seen by the rest of the village, but I can’t do anything more!”
  1125. “Hum.” You ponder for a second. “We’re gonna untie you, and you’re gonna stay as you are for now. You can help us put a stop to all this with your knowledge of this place.”
  1126. After sharing a nod with Pear Plum, you free Wheatmane from her binds. You’re still suspicious of course, but right now she doesn’t seem like she will do any harm to you.
  1128. “I’ll give you back your stuff, adventurers.” She says. “I guess you’re gonna need it for what comes next.”
  1129. The young mare leads you outside. In this larger room, you see stairs going up, probably outside, and also another way down. You see the shape of the top of the water wheel spinning through the planks of the wall, but the shaft is further down. Now that you’re out of the storage room, you also understand there are other sounds aside from those of the wheel rotating. It is moans that seem to come from bellow. And the muffled voices don’t sound like they’re in pain, but rather in intense pleasure.
  1131. “This potion is clearly foul magic, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum also whispers into your ear, taking you out of your thoughts. “We can’t let her like this. Wheatmane needs to be purified too eventually.”
  1132. You need to think about that too. But first, you’re glad to see your instrument unscratched, as well as the rest of your possessions on a table that the pretty mare shows you.
  1134. >You have your equipment again!
  1136. “Next, you need to confront Fen Flower.” Wheatmane says. “Again, I can lead you to her, but I can’t help you more than that. Also, I know you probably want to take a peek on the potion-making machine below, but I’d rather not have Fen Flower walk on us while we’re hooves deep into unstable alchemy. She’s not supposed to come around at this hour, but we don’t exactly keep a schedule.”
  1137. “I… I’m gonna hide once we come out of this place I think.” The mare you purified says. “This all sounds too dangerous for me…”
  1139. >A: Insist on stopping the machinery bellow. You feel like this should be done first and foremost.
  1140. >B: Follow Wheatmane to find Fen Flower.
  1141. >C: Comfort the other mare and convince her to come with you. You can make sure she’ll be strong enough to help save her village from Fen Flower. If fact, purifying all the mare of this village sounds like a good plan.
  1142. >D: You don’t trust Wheatmane as she is right now. Get the directions to Fen Flower from her then have Pear Plum purify her.
  1144. “Let us proceed to Fen Flower’s.” You state. “Taking out the mastermind sounds like the quicker way to end all this.”
  1145. Wheatmane nods. You all climb the stairs and emerge in the open again. The waterwheel is down the river and you see the village and the bridge not far away. The bank is rather tall around here, but Wheatmane shows you a narrow path that is close to the level of the water and remains out of view from the houses.
  1147. Soon after walking under the bridge, your guide points a ladder to you.
  1149. “There. Fen Flower’s house will be right in front of you if you climb here.” She says. “I don’t know what she’s doing in here exactly at the moment, but I’ve been in there and I don’t think there are any traps or anything. There’s a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a study. She’ll most likely be in the study at this hour, second door on the right after going in.”
  1150. Tentatively, you get up the first bars to take a peek on the terrain. Indeed, you’re about 50 feet away from an inconspicuous cottage, similar to the others of the village. You see one mare walking down the street, but she quickly disappears inside another house and there doesn’t seem to be guards of any sort. The shutters of Fen Flower’s house are shut at this moment.
  1152. “Pear Plum.” You turn to your partner. “Wouldn’t you have a way to dig under a wall by any chance?” And after she shakes her head, to Wheatmane. “And you wouldn’t have a key of this place either I suppose?”
  1153. Again, the answer is negative.
  1155. Well, you’re not really sure how you could proceed without making too much of a fuss. You could also sneak around to try to get a peek of what’s happening inside, but even if there’s some tall grass around that could be dangerous.
  1157. Also, even if she very obviously wants to leave, the mare you purified is still with you at this point due to a lack of a suitable hiding place until now.
  1159. >A: Sneak around the cottage and attempt to see or hear what’s inside
  1160. >B: Convince the mare you purified to lead Fen Flower out of her house, pretending the potion just stopped working all of a sudden.
  1161. >C: Approach the cottage and storm inside through the door then quickly look for Fen Flower
  1162. >D: Actually, you’d rather not take any chances and get some backup. Return to the town you came from and inform the guards. This will probably lessen the reward, though.
  1164. “You all stay here, ladies.” You whisper. “I’m gonna go discretely check what this evil mare is up to before we confront her.”
  1165. “Please be careful Little Spoon.” Pear Plum whispers back.
  1166. “Do not worry, Lady Pear Plum. I’ll be back before you know it!”
  1168. And on these words, you crawl in the tall grass to approach the house of Fen Flower.
  1170. >Roll 1d100
  1171. >Success: DC 80
  1172. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 40
  1174. A small lad like yourself surely won’t draw any attention, right? You crawl toward the house with the intent of learning what you’re up against.
  1176. However, you only got close from the window that the shutter swings open right in front of you, revealing a gorgeous mare inside. She blinks in surprise at the little bard under her window… but otherwise don’t seem all that hostile to you, and in the confusion of you don’t call your partner immediately either.
  1178. “Well, hello there, mister halfling.” The mare shows you a warm smile. “My name is Fen Flower. Are you looking for something?”
  1180. >What do?
  1182. There’s only one way a bard like yourself could pull themselves out of such a situation.
  1184. “Apologies for scaring you, lady Fen Flower.” You stand and immediately show the mare at her window a theatrical bow. “But I must confess, I heard rumours about this village having the most beautiful mares of the land, and that in this house the lived the most gorgeous of them all. Now that I gaze upon you, I can say these rumours were all true.”
  1185. “Oh, my.” Fen Flower lets out a giggle and she blushes slightly. “We have that reputation now?”
  1186. “It is a tragedy that many eager stallions will surely come and court the nymphs of this place. As the early bird, I wished I could have a chance to interest you in a drink at a fancy pub, but I don’t believe there’s any suitable establishment here. I hoped to return prepared, but alas, curiosity got the better of me and I poorly attempted to steal a glance of your grace before leaving. Now that you caught me red-hoofed, I’m afraid I don’t have any tricks left and must submit to your judgement. Would you still be interested in spending some time together later today?”
  1188. “Well, if you’re up for it, we could have tea together right now. What’s your name, little bard?”
  1189. “I’m Little Spoon.” You say, but despite the smile of the mare in front of you and what your bardic instincts command you to answer, you cannot reply favourably to Fen Flower and remain frozen in an awkward silence.
  1191. “I guess this comedy can only go as far, isn’t it…?” Fen Flower whispers. Taken out of your inner conundrum, you expected an attack or at least a cruel grin from a mare that would have been toying with you, but Fen Flower just looks at you melancholically.
  1193. “I was informed two adventurers came snooping around earlier today.” She blankly says. “And that one of them was a halfling bard. It is quite obvious you’re him. And before we go further, I suppose you need a few answers.”
  1194. Fen Flower sighs before continuing.
  1195. “Youth elixirs aren’t a feat mere countryside ingredients can achieve, bard. I…” She hesitates. “Received help, from a powerful patron. In exchange, I turned my fellow townsmares into malicious ponies before I knew it, and the stallions… well, I’m not even sure whether it’s too late for them or not. You can put a stop to this if you want. My patron will not like that, but I should be the only one to suffer the consequences.”
  1197. Fen Flower looks at you in silence for a while again, still looking gloom.
  1198. “Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” She asks, forcing a smile on her face again. Your friend can come too, wherever she is, but I’d prefer if it was only the two of us.”
  1200. Is this yet another trick? This wouldn’t be the first time today a pretty mare attempts to fool you.
  1202. >A: Go in alone
  1203. >B: Go in with Pear Plum
  1204. >C: Ask Fen Flower to come outside and get further away from the village to question her.
  1205. >D: You don’t want to hear anything more. Go break the brewing machine at the water wheel right now.
  1207. “Forgive my caution, but I must ask who is this patron of yours before anything else.” You state.
  1208. “I understand.” The earth pony nods. “Well, I really am a foolish old mare, and somehow I thought making a deal with a devil could somehow end well… I was given back my youth and received the knowledge to brew that god-forsaken potion too. In exchange, I had to have all the ponies in my village drink it before the end of the month, and then to serve it to one additional pony each month for as long as I lived. I feel so terrible, to have thought that somehow I could do this or that it would be bearable in any way.”
  1209. Fen Flower falls silent. She seems on the verge of crying now.
  1211. “If you’re still alright with it, may I please come in for tea?” You sheepishly ask, and Fen Flower nods to you.
  1213. After quickly informing your companion of the situation, you accept to go alone inside of Fen Flower’s house.
  1214. You’re invited to seat in what feels like an old lady’s kitchen, with dried herbs on the walls and many old pots and doilies sitting on the furniture. However, the earth mare preparing tea looks like a living incarnation of youth and fertility. A long and curly auburn mane cascades on the right of her body, which colour reminds you of ripe wheat, and nearly covers one of her emerald eyes. She has full and vibrant lips, and curves that rival the one of Pear Plum, but with a leaner build than the druid mare. And while she certainly doesn’t challenge Silver Willow in terms of bust, Fen Flower has a noticeable pair of melons that enticingly waggle under he with each step she takes. And that dream of a mare serves you and herself a hearty cup of tea, which she drinks from in front of you.
  1216. “You know, it’s been a while I didn’t have anypony over, I mean, for something else than nefarious purposes…” Fen Flower sulks for a second, but forces out another smile after that. “I have to confess, what you told me earlier when I found you is part of what I put myself in such a mess for. Can you believe it? That an old hag could long for the frivolous days of her youth so much she would sell her soul to relive them? So, would you mind… courting me like you did earlier? You can do whatever you want with me or in the village either way, even if you don’t. I don’t feel like fighting or even running away at this point. But maybe, would you accept to help me forget about my burden for and evening, and maybe a night too?”
  1218. >A: Be a gentlecolt to Fen Flower this evening as she requests.[spoiler]input flirt and more[/spoiler]
  1219. >B: Fen Flower mustn’t lose hope. You’re not strong enough yet, but surely in the future you can find a way to free Fen Flower from her contract.
  1220. >C: You have to tackle the issue at its core. With Fen Flower, contact her patron and attempt to renegotiate the deal.
  1221. >D: Invite Feen Flower to come to the other town then. It’ll be much more fun than staying here, even if the road is a bit long.
  1223. “I must ask you.” You start. “What exactly is the deal you stuck? What are the exact terms?”
  1224. “Will you talk about something else if I tell you?” The mare sighs. “I can understand you’re curious, but I wish I could just escape my guilt for just a moment...”
  1225. “How about escaping it forever?” You smirk at the incredulous mare. “Do not lose hope, lady Fen Flower. I wish to help you, and I’m gonna find a way to pull you out of this contract.”
  1227. “Little Spoon… That is nice of you, but I made a deal with a devil.” Fen Flower meekly says. “I don’t think you can just… cancel it.”
  1228. “That’s because you don’t know me yet.” You cheekily answer. “Have a little faith in this little bard. We’re gonna renegotiate the deal, which is why I need to hear all about it first. And after that is done, we can have many, many nights to forget about all earthly concerns.”
  1229. “Little Spoon…” The mare blushes heavily. She can’t decide between staring at your face beaming with hope or down to her cup. “This shouldn’t feel right. I want to hear this so much… that I can’t not trust you, even if my brain knows this can’t happen.”
  1230. “Love conquers all, lady Fen Flower. Have a little faith in the magic of this world. Let’s deal with the devil again and free you from its dark influence. How good does that sound for a first date?”
  1232. Fen Flower giggle, before finally showing you an enthusiast nod. But even after that, it’s a bit reluctantly that she explains the deal to you. Unfortunately, and to her own dismay, she cannot remember the exact terms.
  1234. “That devil gave me eternal youth and the knowledge to fabricate an evil draft.” Fen Flower explains. “In exchange, I had to have all the ponies of my village drink the concoction before the end of the month. The end of the month is in 3 days, and I completed that part of the bargain already. The potion turns the mares young and beautiful. It forces then to obey my every order, but also makes then selfish and evil. Drunk by stallions, the potion strikes them with overwhelming pleasure, numbing their mind into passivity and having them continuously cum a magical component of lust that can be easily refined into more of the potion. Also, at the end of a month, the soul of stallions that drank the potion will be collected by the devil. The devil didn’t hide his intention of having me subjecting more and more ponies to the potion. In addition to the village, I also agreed to provide one soul each month through the effects of the potion on stallions, and that for the rest of eternity, lest the devil takes my own soul.”
  1236. Pondering, you think to yourself than Fen Flower didn’t spare herself anything. A lifelong commitment during an endless life is surely a sound investment on the devil’s side. At least, this gives you the hope you will deal with a profit-oriented devil, rather than one that revels in tricks and double-entendre. Maybe reason will work.
  1238. In high hopes, and as the sun descends in the horizon, you and Fen Flowers prepare the summoning. What Wheatmane described as a study looks more like an alchemist’s laboratory to you. Fen Flower puts water to boil in a huge cauldron in the middle of the room, and surrounds it with occult runes she draws with a red powder of the ground. She adds many ingredients into the brew, and a grey, foul-smelling smoke eventually starts to rise from the cauldron.
  1240. “This is it.” Fen Flower says. “One last incantation and… contact will be established.”
  1241. “Then let’s do this.” You state encouragingly. “No more running or forgetting. Tonight is the night we face our fears.”
  1242. The gorgeous mare smirks for a second, and swiftly she surprises you with a kiss of her plump lips on your cheek.
  1243. “Thank you, Little Spoon.”
  1245. The earth mare turns to the cauldron and start chanting in a language you do not know. In seconds, night seems to fall outside, and even the candles of the room are snuffed inexplicably. The sounds of the rest of the world are muffled until only the seething of water remains. The fire underneath the cauldron turns redder, almost purple, and its reflection in the smoke comes alive, soon forming the silhouette of two menacing eyes.
  1247. “Fen Flower!” A loud, male-sounding, disembodied voice echoes in the room. The tone is harsh, but articulated and calm, like the one of angered but lordly giant. “And a half pony guest I suppose. What is the reason of this summoning?”
  1249. “Devil!” You answer. “We have come to renegotiate the contract you have with Fen Flower!”
  1250. “Renegotiate? HAHAHA!” The voice laughs menacingly. “Why would I change a contract that is already satisfactory?”
  1251. “Because Fen Flower doesn’t want to keep up with your demands.” You retort. “You won’t be gaining anything more from her from now on.”
  1253. The smoke eyes fall of Fen Flower, who reflexively takes a step back.
  1254. “It is true!” She says. “Your contract has left me in shambles. I won’t keep with your demands. I just can’t!”
  1256. Suddenly the smoke lunges at Fen Flower, and she gasps in pain as she is engulfed in the mist for a few seconds, before it returns over the cauldron again. This happened too fast, and you have no idea of what you could have done.
  1257. “Such weakness indeed.” The voice seethes. “You are a worthless being, Fen Flower. You want to escape your obligations? Then let go of my gift first and foremost, so your body may reflect the decay of your will once more.”
  1258. “Just take it back!” Fen Flower answers before you can react. There, the smoke lunges at the mare again, and you watch in horror as her body shrivels like a dried fruit. In seconds, all her assets and colours are gone and she gains what seems like a whole century of age, leaving Fen Flower looking like she could be your grandmother’s mother. Her hooves seem barely able to carry her now.
  1260. “Now, if you change your mind and choose to make me lose my time, it will feel better knowing that you will have lost something precious too. Anyway, to business! The terms are simple. It shall be a soul for a soul. Fen Flower promised me a soul a month with her own as a caution, as well the souls of the 9 stallions of this place as a first payment.”
  1261. “Wait, aren’t the mares of the village in the deal too?” You ask.
  1262. “No. The potion only affects their mind.” The voice answers. “Making them ruthless yet forcing their allegiance to Fen Flower. Only the soul of stallions who drink it are set up to be collected at the end of each month, and making them produce the ingredients for the potion in the meantime. If Fen Flower wasn’t so weak, the tools I gave her could have allowed her to easily sit at the top of an empire."
  1264. The soul of the mares not being in danger is somewhat of a relief, but that’s probably the only reassuring piece of information the devilish voice gave you. Dealing in souls against souls is precisely what you wish to avoid. Also…
  1266. “Hold on.” You turn to Fen Flower. “So you didn’t have to corrupt the mares of the village, did you?”
  1267. “B-but I thought I had to!” The now elder mare whines, shaking in fear.
  1268. “A piece of advice I gave her.” The devil voice replies, turning to Fen Flower. “That you gingerly followed, before your absurd remorse got in the way.”
  1270. Fen Flower sobs in reaction, watching her hooves in shame. You sigh, turning to the vaporous form again.
  1271. “Is there no way to free the souls of the stallions as well as Fen Flower from her contract?”
  1272. “You make great demands for half a pony.” The voice growls. “Let me see if you have anything that could be worth such a bargain.”
  1273. This time, the smoke lunges at you, and seemingly traverses you before you can react. An icy feeling takes a hold of your head, your memories being forcibly brought up and rummaged through by a power outside of your mind. The experience lets you panting for a little while a pensive hum resonates in the room.
  1275. “Ah, I sense potential.” The voice purrs menacingly “I sense determination, and great lust in your heart, half pony. I see them in your imagination, images of titanic mares stomping their opponents to death. Very well. If you want to free Fen Flower of her obligations, then you shall assume them instead. Of course, that means your soul would be mine if you failed to meet the requirements.”
  1276. “What requirements?” You retort. “How would this work exactly?”
  1277. “Fen Flower promised me at least one soul each month.” The devilish voice explains. “I would demand the same from you. Instead of the souls of the stallions drinking a potion, it would be those of the enemies the mares you empower would kill in a certain way. Surely that shouldn’t be a problem for you, as you’ll meet plenty of ponies deserving death thought your travels.”
  1279. “What is this ‘certain way’?” You sense a trap.
  1280. “Eaten.” The devilish voice readily answers, a hint of amusement in its tone. “Oh, do not worry, I will make it so that all the mares you grow will not only be capable of such a feat, but shall enjoy it greatly as well.”
  1281. “I’ll…” A fearful chill runs down your spine, for this devil seems to have sensed some of the darkest parts of your desires. “I’ll think about it. But that’s just for Fen Flower’s obligations. What about the stallions?”
  1283. “You are asking back a payment I already received, half pony.” The voice growls. “First, let me make it clear that it would be a fatal mistake to attempt to save them without my consent. I shall enjoy your suffering if you have me teach you not to challenge my words the hard way. Now, I suppose you do not have 9 other souls to offer me, do you?”
  1284. You only look back defiantly at the disembodied form.
  1285. “As expected with mortals. Well, you have more will to live in you that Fen Flower, so perhaps you could take a loan from me. In addition to the soul you’d owe every month, there could be 18 more you would repay me in addition.”
  1286. “18?” You protest. “Wasn’t it 9?”
  1287. “A soul in the hand is worth two in the bush.” The devil voice argues, and it sounds final. “As for interest, it shall be 100% each month. If at the end of the month, if you still owe me 10 souls, the next one you’ll owe me 20. And if you find only 5 in that month, the 15 left would then become 30 the month after and so on. If your debt goes over 100 souls, I’ll cut my loses and take your useless soul instead. How does that sound? Aren’t you honoured that I am willing to offer such a generous deal to you?”
  1289. Again, you shiver at the though. Of course, a devil would be a shark with loans.
  1290. “I-is there something else you would accept in exchange of those souls?” You ask. “Something that wouldn’t make me indebted to you forever?”
  1291. “Your hope to find a way out without paying your due borders stupidity, half pony. But there is one last thing I could accept from a lowlife such a yourself.”
  1293. The cauldron hisses. And after a second, a pair of glimmers erupt from it and then fall at your hooves. It’s a pair of dice, that seem made of ice.
  1295. “Entertainment through a game of pure luck!” The devil voice states theatrically. “The rules would be quite simple. One by one, I shall bet the souls from the stallions of this hamlet, and then I will throw a 6-sided die. Then you do so, and if you score at least as much as I do, I shall allow this one soul to be saved.”
  1296. “And… What would I bet?” You ask worriedly.
  1297. “Your body, mind and soul.” The devil answers, and you feel a sadistic yearning as he explains. “Should you lose once, I would curse your flesh as I see fit, then on a second loss I would warp your mind, and if you lose a third time, your soul would be mine forever. Now, you can bring more players into this game. You have a silver tongue, half pony. Surely you could convince some friends of yours to sacrifice their bodies, minds and souls to save those innocent peasants. But be careful. There shall be only one game. No more players are to arrive once it has begun, and it will only stop when you call it quits.”
  1298. “If I must, I will participate.” Fen Flower shakily steps forth. “I can’t imagine how worse by body could get after this.”
  1299. “Precisely.” The devil voice answers. “There is no point in cursing your gnarled bones at this point, old mare. You would be betting your mind immediately.”
  1300. The old mare remains dumbstruck, staring dejectedly at the evil vapor.
  1302. “What if I accomplished a quest for you?” You offer. “I’m an adventurer after all. Is there no… succubus to save from mean paladins nearby?”
  1303. “You do not have the strength to back up such an offer, half pony.” The devil voice states. “Maybe later you will accomplish a deed great enough to buy back your freedom from the obligations of Fen Flower. But you would be quite naïve to believe a deed I would demand from you wouldn’t bring even more suffering into this world than what you wish to prevent today.”
  1305. >A: The price is just too great. You can’t help Fen Flower like this.
  1306. >B: Agree to serve the devil instead of Fen Flower.
  1307. >C: Take the soul loan from the devil to save the peasants.
  1308. >D: Play the game of dice with the devil. [spoiler]you may also convince Pear Plum, Wheatmane and/or the purified mare to participate too[/spoiler]
  1310. “If I may say, there is little longevity in your plans, devil.” You start to argue. “In truth, we are the ones making you a favour here, pulling you out a scheme where you cut the growth of your potential return at the end of each month. And since I don’t believe anybody else in this world would offer you souls like we can, you should-“
  1312. “What a pathetic half pony you are.” The devil voice nonchalantly booms, commanding your silence. “Faced with your inadequacy, you could only find comfort in attempts at pettiness about forces you know nothing about. If that is all you have to offer, then I shall not waste any more of my time with you. This negotiation is over!”
  1313. “Wait, no!” Fen Flower exclaims as loud as her shaky voice allows her. The old mare looks absolutely panicked. “I beg you Little Spoon! You promised me you would renegotiate. You can’t just let me like this! I didn’t get anything back. I’d end up with even less than at the start of this!”
  1315. The shadow of the devil hasn’t disappeared yet. Its eyes glare at you, awaiting a reaction at the plea of the terrified mare.
  1317. >What do?
  1319. “Fine, I shall play your game, devil!” You begrudgingly say, and the old mare seems to calm a little. “Fen Flower, can you get the other mares you control to come here? I want them in the game.”
  1320. “What?” Again, she looks scared. “So, you will have the mares cursed to save the stallions?”
  1321. “Again, you foolishly wish to get away from all payment.” The devil voice sighs heavily. “A third of a soul bet against a whole one is a sound deal to take. Perhaps our half pony here is starting to understand he must give something if he wants to receive anything.”
  1323. “Just call them. Don’t pay attention to him!” You urge the old mare, and she decides to trust you.
  1325. The control Fen Flower has over the mares of this village doesn’t allow her to gather them all automatically but only to obey her words. The devil grows bored, and only allows for Fen Flower to call from outside of her home and to have the mares who hear it participate. Still, 7 mares heard Fen Flower, and now these artificially young and beautiful mares are with you and the aged Fen Flower in front of the devil.
  1327. “Alright. We’re ready you start this game.” You state.
  1328. “Then let us begin.” The devil answer, a hint of menacing giddiness in his voice. And suddenly, great amounts of smoke erupt from the cauldron, and they obscure the rest of the room and ponies present around from your eyes. You’re alone in a grey void with the silhouette of the devil.
  1330. “I am tired of all this bickering.” The devil explains. “The half pony is the only one with half a brain left, so you alone shall be the one to play this game. Let me refresh your mind. I hold the 9 souls of the stallions of this town, and I shall bet one of them with each of my roll. Meanwhile, you may first bet the body of any of the players on your side, then their mind, and finally their soul. Fen Flower’s body is a waste, so she bets her mind immediately. In my generosity, not only do you only have to REACH my number to win, but I shall play first and then you may decide to call the game off after seeing my roll. But once the game is over, there’s no turning back.”
  1332. “Now, here I go…” The devil says, and one of the dice he conjured earlier animates itself and rolls on the ground…
  1334. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1335. >You may bet the body of one of the 7 mares of this village
  1336. >You may bet your body
  1337. >You may bet the mind of Fen Flower
  1338. >The devil holds 9 stallion souls
  1340. [spoiler]The power of a nice goddess of luck shines bright tonight. If any of my posts ends in doubles, the roll of the devil AFTER this one is automatically a 1 instead. If your roll gets doubles, the next roll you would lose is automatically a 6 instead[/spoiler]
  1341. [spoiler];^)[/spoiler]
  1343. The devil rolls a mere two, and despite the cold sweat you feel during your roll, you win this round after betting one of the mare’s body
  1345. “To think you needed so much encouragement to take a decision so simple.” The devil comments. “There. 1 stallion is saved. I still have 8, and I shall bet another.”
  1347. Again, the dice rolls…
  1349. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1350. >You may bet the body of one of the 7 mares of this village
  1351. >You may bet your body
  1352. >You may bet the mind of Fen Flower
  1353. >The devil holds 8 stallion souls
  1354. >You saved 1 stallion
  1356. Again you beat the roll of devil, which means one more stallion is saved.
  1358. “On a spree, aren’t we?” The devil speaks. “Then I have an offer for you, half pony. This time I still bet the soul of a stallion. But for the next one, if you accept, I shall bet the youth of Fen Flower. She won’t be ageless, but she will return to the pretty form she had when you met her. I could even make some adjustments to fit your liking. Regardless of whether you make her lie before or something different, you would have to bet twice as much to earn this prize. The body of two mares, or the body and mind of one mare, or any combination of that sort. You may try this bet again if you lose, but if you refuse, I won’t offer you this option again.”
  1360. Without waiting for your answer, the devil rolls to bet the soul of another stallion.
  1362. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1363. >You may bet the body of one of the 7 mares of this village
  1364. >You may bet your body
  1365. >You may bet the mind of Fen Flower
  1366. >You may bet two of the precedent options to earn back the youth of Fen Flower THIS TIME ONLY
  1367. >The devil holds 7 stallion souls
  1368. >You saved 2 stallions
  1370. This time, the odds are not in your favour.
  1371. “Looks like all your bad luck was used I this roll.” The devil chuckles menacingly. “Or is it the start of a bad streak? And now one first mare shall suffer the consequences, but my offer stands regardless. If you bet twice now and win, I shall get Fen Flower back her looks. Bet only once, and I shall free another stallion, but Fen Flower will remain a wretched hag for the little time she has left.”
  1373. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1374. >You may bet the body of one of the 6 mares of this village
  1375. >You may bet the mind of one mares of this village whose body has been cursed
  1376. >You may bet your body
  1377. >You may bet the mind of Fen Flower
  1378. >You may bet two of the precedent options to earn back the youth of Fen Flower NOW
  1379. >The devil holds 7 stallion souls
  1380. >You saved 2 stallions
  1382. “I am starting to think I have indeed been too generous with you.” The demon grumbles at your higher score. “The soul of a stallion is at stake again.”
  1384. The devil rolls his die, and after one unexpected tumble he lands a 1. You hear a dissatisfied grunt from him. You roll and as per his rules you win this round.
  1386. “Too generous indeed…” He grumbles. “Another Stallion…”
  1388. And thus he rolls again.
  1390. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1391. >You may bet the body of one of the 6 mares of this village
  1392. >You may bet the mind of one mare of this village whose body has been cursed
  1393. >You may bet your body
  1394. >You may bet the body of Fen Flower
  1395. >Fen Flower regained her youth, but her soul is still bound in a contract
  1396. >The devil holds 6 stallion souls
  1397. >You saved 3 stallions
  1398. >Next time you would lose, you roll a 6 instead
  1400. It felt like your die almost landed on a 3, but right after it looked like it should have stopped, it turns into a 6.
  1402. “Such insolent luck!” The devil angrily exclaims. “We are not done yet, half pony. There are still many occasions for you to fail! I bet another stallion!”
  1404. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1405. >You may bet the body of one of the 6 mares of this village
  1406. >You may bet the mind of one mare of this village whose body has been cursed
  1407. >You may bet your body
  1408. >You may bet the body of Fen Flower
  1409. >Fen Flower regained her youth, but her soul is still bound in a contract
  1410. >The devil holds 5 stallion souls
  1411. >You saved 4 stallions
  1413. The devil remains silent at your success this time, at least for a few seconds during which the very air seems to turn electric.
  1414. “That arrogant luck of yours shall be put to the test.” The devil speaks coldly. “Again, I wager the soul of a stallion this time. But you can be glad, for on my next bet, if you accept, I offer you to free Fen Flower of her obligations. However, if you lose that one, I shall immediately take the souls of the 7 mares present AND those of all the stallions, even those you saved. You may then try gain, but then it will be your soul that will be at stake.”
  1416. “I’ll leave this option on the table, but for now…” He continues. “I bet another stallion.”
  1418. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1419. >You may bet the body of one of the 6 mares of this village
  1420. >You may bet the mind of one mare of this village whose body has been cursed
  1421. >You may bet your body
  1422. >You may bet the body of Fen Flower
  1423. >You may bet the souls of all the other townfolks to free Fen Flower from her obligations
  1424. >The devil holds 4 stallion souls
  1425. >You saved 5 stallions
  1427. The devil remains silent at your success this time, at least for a few seconds during which the very air seems to turn electric.
  1428. “That arrogant luck of yours shall be put to the test.” The devil speaks coldly. “Again, I wager the soul of a stallion this time. But you can be glad, for on my next bet, if you accept, I offer you to free Fen Flower of her obligations. However, if you lose that one, I shall immediately take the souls of the 7 mares present AND those of all the stallions, even those you saved. You may then try gain, but then it will be your soul that will be at stake.”
  1430. “I’ll leave this option on the table, but for now…” He continues. “I bet another stallion.”
  1432. >Roll 1d6 ONCE or call it quits. You need to equal or exceed the roll of the devil
  1433. >You may bet the body of one of the 6 mares of this village
  1434. >You may bet the mind of one mare of this village whose body has been cursed
  1435. >You may bet your body
  1436. >You may bet the body of Fen Flower
  1437. >You may bet the souls of all the other townfolks to free Fen Flower from her obligations
  1438. >The devil holds 3 stallion souls
  1439. >You saved 6 stallions
  1441. You win this round and save another stallion.
  1442. “I will take up your offer, devil.” You state. “I bet the souls of this village, and in return you shall free Fen Flower from her obligation if I win.”
  1443. “Hahaha…” The devil seems delighted. “I wonder. Was this all a set up of fate? For you to believe you could save them all, only to lead you to a tragic downfall? Now the conclusion unfolds.”
  1445. The devil rolls, but from his generosity, the rules state that merely matching his umber assures you the win, and on this game, you roll a 6 that secures the victory.
  1447. “GRAH! CURSED BE YOU LUCK!” The furious voice of the devil booms in the room, forcing you to protect your ear with your hooves as you win is revealed. “I AM DONE WITH YOU! TAKE BACK ALL OF THESE WORTHLESS STALLIONS TOO, AND ENJOY YOUR VICTORY WHILE YOU CAN. I WILL REMEMBER YOU, HALF PONY…”
  1449. The smoke silhouette disappears in a whirlwind, and the world starts to regain its colours. You find yourself surrounded by many beautiful mares again, and even Fen Flower is back to her gorgeous self.
  1451. But rather than to admire them, you cannot advert your eyes from the wretched creature you realise is the mare whose flesh has been cursed. The pretty pony has been replaced by a hulking equine whose muscles seems exposed without any skin. Instead, bony spikes as long and sharp as swords protrude from all over her body, and there are two of those where her eyes should be. She also lacks a lower jaw, and it’s a frenzied scream of pain that comes out of it a second later.
  1453. The rest of the mares start to scream too, and clumsily rush to the door while the cursed mare start thrashing, first trying to pull out the spikes welded to her flesh and then to smash them against the walls. In this small room and with the other mares trying to leave in anything else than an orderly manner, somepony might get hurt really fast.
  1455. >A: There is no choice. Go for the throat with your crossbow. Ending the mare’s suffering is unfortunately the best you can you.
  1456. >B: Grow Fen Flower with a kiss and your inspiration. Hopefully she can stop the mare without hurting herself too much
  1457. >C: Tip the cauldron and charge the cursed mare while inside it to keep her busy so the others may escape safely
  1458. >D: This poor creature needs appeasement. Attempt to play a soothing tune.
  1460. This is a time for appeasement. Your forte is about bolstering mares rather than soothing them, but hopefully you can do a little change of pace right now. Using your instrument, you start a calming tune.
  1462. >Roll 1d100
  1463. >Success: DC 75
  1464. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  1466. Despite the cursed mare unleashing hell in this little cottage a soothing tune comes out of your lute and throat. Somehow, the mare seems to hear it, and her thrashing comes to a halt. The other mares but Fen Flower escape while the transformed one stops completely. Soon after, she curls in a ball and lets out a whine of utter despair, realizing there’s nothing she can do herself about her condition.
  1467. “Go get Pear Plum.” You tell Fen Flower. “She’s was waiting near the river. Maybe she can purify her!”
  1469. Fen Flower nods and bolts out of the room too. You’re left alone with the cursed mare, but now that the initial shock has passed, it doesn’t feel like she has any intention to hurt you anymore.
  1471. Fen Flower shortly returns with Pear Plum. The cursed mare accepts to let herself be touched and allows Pear Plum to use her purification magic. However, the spell of the druid mare is not strong enough. The mare retains her hellish form, albeit the panic of earlier has been replaced with a semblance of calm. While she cannot see nor speak, the transformed mare can hear and understand words alright it seems. Pear Plum tells her she will try to find a cure, but she’ll need to use magic that is beyond her current power, so the transformed mare will need to wait a while. That doesn’t seem to give the cursed mare much hope, but she has no other option.
  1473. You’re left to watch over the demon mare while Pear Plum and Fen Flower go purify the rest of the village. After a long and awkward moment of silence, Pear Plum and Fen Flower return, and they inform you of the situation in Fen Flower’s kitchen.
  1475. “The other mares are themselves again.” Pear Plum sounds a bit relieved. “And the stallions who were trapped in the mill too. However, they took it on themselves to trash the brewing machine that was exploiting them. Also… I think you should run away with Fen Flower. The other villagers are still shocked for now, but I think they’re gonna be really angry at her when they’ll realise what happened.”
  1476. “After what I’ve done, this is to be expected.” Fen Flower sulks. “I certainly deserve way worst in fact. At this point, I’ll do what ever you want. Hand me over to the authorities, or just leave me to my village’s fury, I will accept it.”
  1478. >A: Fen Flower shall remain in the village and earn the forgiveness of her neighbours, no matter how long it takes.
  1479. >B: Fen Flower shall be handed over to the authorities for using demonic magic and disturbing the peace of the forest.
  1480. >C: Fen Flower shall accompany you in your adventures and spend some quality time with you, just like you promised her.
  1481. >D: Fen Flower shall aid Pear Plum at least until they find a way to heal the cursed mare.
  1483. >You levelled up and reached level 4! You now have the following abilities:
  1485. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet) bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  1486. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 2 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  1487. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 4 times). Does not stack on the same mare. If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 4 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 4’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  1488. >Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus becomes increases at level 12 and at level 19.
  1489. >This level and every 4 levels thereafter: Your bardic inspiration grants +1 foot of height you gain 1 skill point.
  1491. You have 3 skill points
  1493. If you wanted to be fair, Fen Flower deserves to remain in this village to amend for all that she did. But on the other hoof, you risked your very soul for her, and merely letting the villagers exert their revenge on her would feel like a huge waste.
  1495. “There’s no need for more suffering. You shall come with me, Fen Flower. Getting as far away as possible from this place is probably the best for you right now. Besides…” You pull out a suggestive smirk. “I did promise we would spend some quality time together once this demon pact stuff would be history.”
  1496. “Little Spoon, I… I don’t know what to say.” Fen Flower looks both embarrassed and overjoyed, and Pear Plum seems a little flustered surprised at the mention of quality time. “After everything that happened, I don’t know if can live up to that promise.”
  1498. “We’ll be walking to town, so you’ll have some time to figure that out.” You say. “Besides, even if you’re gonna get some slack tonight, we should do everything we can to figure out a way to cure the cursed mare as soon as we can. Do you know anything that could be of use to help Pear Plum find a better cure?”
  1499. “Ah…” Fen Flower looks away. “I’m afraid I don’t. I’m originally an alchemist, and none of my recipes could cure such a condition. It’s only in this case that I made the mistake of trying my hoof at demonology. I purchased a book from a strange traveling merchant, perhaps we should try to find what became of him.”
  1500. “Uhm… I’m not sure about the merchant.” Pear Plum speak up. “But can you show me this book?”
  1502. You go grab the book in question. The large tome has a pitch-black cover, but it seems to have been recently degraded by some outside, magical influence. The ink somehow melted off the pages, smudging the whole thing into becoming absolutely unreadable.
  1504. “This is so strange.” Fen Flower shivers. “I just realized; I don’t remember a single thing about what was in this book. I just summoned this devil a while ago, but wouldn’t know even were to begin if you asked me to do it again. I know I brewed this fell potion too, but my knowledge of it has just vanished.”
  1505. “Let us hope this is just the result of your contract with the devil coming to an end.” You comment.
  1507. Pear Plum decides to examine Fen Flower again after learning this, but she doesn’t sense anything wrong with the alchemist mare.
  1509. “I’ll stay here until tomorrow.” Pear Plum declares after that. “You two can return to town and inform the deputy that the fairies should return to their normal behaviour in a few days.”
  1510. “So… do you think you’ll be able to heal the cursed mare?” You ask.
  1511. “I need a stronger cleansing magic, but I have a solution.” She answers. “I will travel to meditate at the living forest of Dawnroot. It will only last for a short while, but I should have enough strength to restore the natural body of this mare that way. It won’t be easy reaching the heart of the forest, but I have faith I can do it.”
  1513. >Pear Plum will next accomplish a quest to purify the cursed mare. You will have the option to accompany her the next time you choose a quest.
  1515. It is then time to leave for you and Fen Flower, and she packs some of her possession for a trip far from home.
  1516. Among her stuff are ingredients she may use to brew simple poisons, antidotes and various tonics, and she’s crafty enough to create throwable explosive vials too.
  1517. Before some villagers get the idea to gang up on Fen Flower, you leave the village through the hills, and catch the road again when you’re sure nopony is following you. The sun is setting at this point. You and Fen Flower have a couple hours before you reach the town that you’ll travel at a torch’s light.
  1519. Your companion has been rather quiet until now, probably reminiscing the evens of the day. Perhaps you could try to break the ice again.
  1521. >What do?
  1523. Now that you think about it, maybe having grown Pear Plum could have allowed her to purify the cursed mare? Or… maybe not. Sure, being bigger allowed Chiminie to cast bigger spells, but you don’t think that would have translated to better purification for Pear Plum. You should have offered her to try regardless, though…
  1525. Also, you think about checking on the fairies, but not only is it nightfall, but Pear Plum did say it would take a few days before they return to normal. You just hope you’ll be able to claim your reward before you leave town.
  1527. Anyway, the more important thing is the mare in front of your eyes. You don’t feel like you’ve been properly acquainted yet. And by that you mean that you plan to eventually do some bedroom sports with Fen Flower tonight.
  1529. “The sunset is quite pretty around here, huh?” You say mundanely. “Especially when you don’t have a deal with the devil to worry about.”
  1530. “Yeah, that’s true.” Fen Flower giggles. “I still can’t believe I’m free from this doom…”
  1531. “Well, you better believe it. And once we have that mare cured, you’ll be able to start a new life completely. Not every mare has the chance to start over as their young and gorgeous self. What are you gonna do? You said you were an alchemist, right?”
  1533. “Yes, and I was even an adventure like you at some point.” She says. “But I wasn’t nearly as pretty as you see me today.”
  1534. “Oh? You were an adventurer?”
  1535. “Uh-huh.” Fen Flower nods. “Not for long, though. My mother taught me the ropes at the time, but as soon as I was able to pay for the house you found me in, I retired from that life. How long ago was that... I’m not even sure. It must be something like 60 years?”
  1536. “Woah. You must have some serious experience them.”
  1537. “Not at all.” She shakes her head, uttering a slightly embarrassed giggle. “As I said, my career was short-lived, so I have a lot to relearn. And after I bought my house, I never really did anything with my life. I just took it easy, selling my services to cure minor ailments and lazing around. I had some... affairs, but I never married. And before I knew it, I was getting older and older, I had no real accomplishment to speak of, no family anymore, and no close friends either. I tried to pick up some alchemic research with the ingredients available in the area, but trying to push my limits for the sake of it couldn’t motivate me enough. Before I knew it, I was just getting desperate for anything to take me out of the bog my life had beqqcome.”
  1539. “And that’s when this damned book fell in your hooves.” You say.
  1540. “Well, yeah, but…” And there Fen Flower shows you a bright smile. “Then you arrived too. A cute little bard in shining armour that you gave me another chance at life altogether. You’re probably gonna hear that a lot, but I have no idea how I could ever thank you and Pear Plum.”
  1542. “Haha! That’s what heroes do!” You exaggeratedly puff out your chest. “And sometimes bards have to be the heroes of their own stories. ‘Can’t leave all the damsels in distress to those pompous knights!”
  1543. That gets a genuine chuckle out of Fen Flower.
  1544. “Goodness, I can’t believe how much I like it, to hear myself being called a damsel again. But do tell me more about yourself, Little Spoon. You challenged this devil with such courage, surely you have many adventures under your belt.”
  1546. Prompted by the young mare, you tell her about the companions you met thus far and the challenges you faced together. Fen Flower greatly enjoys your tales, although you see a hint of discomfort when you mention that you got close from lady Silver Willow. Could she be a little jealous?
  1547. Anyway, Fen Flower tells you stories about her own adventures. Even though they happened many years ago, the quests in her stories are similar to those the young adventurers of today may face. Fen Flower escorted convoys and collected ingredients in dangerous places. The adventure that gave her the money she needed for her house was to face a whole goblin den. A few well-placed explosive potions buried the greenskins in their own caverns… and almost Fen Flower and her companions too.
  1549. “So you’re telling me, your magic allows you to make mares bigger?” Fen Flower asks after hearing your tales. “How does one gain such an ability?”
  1550. “There is a school for that actually.” You answer matter-of-factly. “And I have to say, &dI expected you to be curious after what this devil said.”
  1551. “Huh, so that’s what he meant with the great lust in your heart…” Fen Flower chuckles.
  1552. “Eh… I was more thinking about how I could empower mares… but I can’t deny there’s a bit of lust involved.”
  1553. “If you don’t mind me saying that, that’s just bards for you.” Fen Flower comments. “Even at the time I was young, I mean, the first time I was, many bards were already travelling the world in search of lovers of all kinds. Fuel for your wanderlust or fuel for your abilities, I don’t mind it. There’s nothing wrong with lust, is it?”
  1555. “So… Does that mean you wouldn’t mind if I tried my abilities on you?”
  1556. “It would be my pleasure.” Fen Flower answers.
  1558. Since you have the authorization of the mare to do so, you start a little empowering tune and choose to increase even further the charisma of Fen Flower. As a result, the mare lets out a little gasp as she gains 3 feet of height, now towering way above you at over twice you own height. And in addition, Fen Flower’s melons swell even further than the rest of her body. The alchemist mare is getting close to be a challenge for Silver Willow at this point, as her puppies are only a foot above the ground. For a mare that is now 7 feet tall, it means that each tit is one giant huggable pillow for you already.
  1560. “Oh, Little Spoon.” The grown mare lifts a leg and she contemplates her improved udders. “I’m afraid no mare will believe there ISN’T any lust involved if you transform them like this...”
  1561. “Ah… Sorry if that’s an inconvenience.”
  1562. “Are you kidding?” Fen Flower looks at you again and after a swift couple of steps, she boldly kisses your mouth. The plump lips of the huge mare that cover everything under your nose taste like the perfect mix of sugar and musk. And when the mare backs away from you, her sultry eyes tell you her intentions are at least as sinful as yours.
  1564. “This feels amazing Little Spoon.” Fen Flower purrs. “Part of the reason I sold my soul to a devil was to get some sex appeal back, but I realize I should have asked halfling bards instead. I can tell this excites you so. Maybe more than I do. So do you want to do it right here, my cute little saviour? Wait until we reach town? Do you want to make me bigger still? Anything you want Little Spoon. It will be my pleasure to spend you one hell of a night with you, and then many, many more.”
  1566. >What do?
  1568. “I’ll go with yes to everything.” You answer dreamily. “Let’s just find a slightly more comfortable spot and let’s get busy. I have some abilities I didn’t get the chance to try yet.”
  1569. “And what would these abilities do?”
  1570. “They’ll make you bigger of course.”
  1571. “My… you sound like one really specialised bard.” Fen Flower chuckles. “I wonder how big I’ll end up exactly…”
  1573. After another kiss, you leave the road in the direction of the forest. At the edge, you get a fire started so you may not completely do Fen Flower in the dark. Just the presence of the huge mare is a massive turn on for you already, moreover as Fen Flower isn’t shy of teasing you, putting an exaggerate sway in her hips as she walks and throwing some longing glares at you.
  1575. As soon as the campfire is ready, Fen Flower steals another kiss from you.
  1576. “It’s been so long I didn’t have a lover.” Fen Flower whispers while holding your face between her big, soft hooves. “And my body’s sends me feelings I had forgotten about. Just take me right now Little Spoon...”
  1577. “Well, you’re the one holding me at the moment so…”
  1578. “And I could just use you…” Fen Flower’s smile gets mischievous. “But that wouldn’t be very nice to my hero, now. However, if you don’t mind, I’d like you to do the bulk of the work this one time. It’s been an eternity I haven’t been pleasured by a stallion. Don’t worry, you’ll get your change back Little spoon…”
  1580. “You don’t need to convince me, Fen Flower.” You answer. “I live to please mares that way.”
  1581. Fen Flower chuckles, and there she turns around to present you her ample flanks. She lies on her belly. Her huge teats are squeezed under her and her swollen lips are visible between her pillowy buttocks. She’s at the perfect height for you to hump her, and you put yourself in position to do just that. You hug both the juicy flanks of the mare, and penetrate her, electing a pleased purr from her.
  1583. “Yesss…” Fen Flower coos. “Oh, it just feels so good to…feel something down here! Go on my hero!”
  1584. As if the warm and velvety folds of the huge mare weren’t enough, her encouragement emboldens you even further. Fen Flower accompanies your every thrust with a moan, a high pitched ‘Yes’, or an enraptured look back at you. Her love tunnel quickly starts spasming, and after only a few minutes you both climax in unison. Fen Flower lets out a delighted cry, and with the gift of the bard, her body adds one more foot of height. You feel the twin buns you hug swell further between your hooves and her entrance creeps just a bit higher from the ground as you shoot your load inside.
  1586. “Ah… to be a mare again.” Fen Flower coos, after her peak peters out. “And what a mare! Oh, I’m even bigger now, Am I not?”
  1587. “You are, and this is only the beginning.” You say hungrily.
  1588. “Little Spoon my hero.” The mare beams at you. She seems to greatly enjoy her size. “You’re a gift that just keeps on giving, aren’t you? Anyway, let me treat you back a little.”
  1590. The huge mare turns to face you again, and after another kiss, Fen Flower goes down on you. While your back rests on a tree, her lips gently wrap around your grateful dick. You don’t think she has much practice, but Fen Flower sure is enthusiastic about pleasing you. She listens carefully to your reactions, and attempts to find a good rhythm and the right spots to tickle your shaft with her wurm of a tongue.
  1592. Fen Flower has the time to shrink down before that, but you eventually come in the mare’s huge maw. Despite you warning, Fen Flower does nothing to stop her suckling even as you tell her you’re gonna cream, and she dutifully drinks every spurt coming out of your prick, growing to 9 feet tall this time.
  1594. “Ah, so I’ll be getting bigger each time?” Fen Flower takes a little break to comment. “How long can you last, Little Spoon? Will my hero make me reach the starry sky tonight?”
  1595. After a giggle, Fen Flower gets back to it, purring as she sucks your cock again. You can’t get enough of this eagerly growing mane, and in the heat of the moment you use you power to grow Fen Flower even more with Embrace Destiny.
  1597. That brings Fen Flower to 11 feet. She lets out a quizzical hum as she grows, looking straight in your eyes with hers that are big enough you see you whole reflection in them already. You can’t resist, and grow Fen Flower even bigger with you newly acquired second use of Embrace Destiny. That beautiful face of her occupies your whole field of vision now. This sight pushes over the edge, and Fen Flower grow yet again, reaching 14 feet of height.
  1599. “Ah, this is so fun Little Spoon.” Fen Flower takes another break. “I love this so much. It wasn’t enough to save me from this devil and to give me back my youth and beauty, now you also turn me into a growing force of nature as well. My hero, I’ll be a splendid as you want me to be!”
  1600. And without further delay, Fen Flower gets back to sucking you off with even more passion. Despite how many times you came in rapid succession, the sight of this mare, bigger than anything you ever saw, and yet so adamant about pleasuring you makes you erupt in no time again. A fourth time.
  1602. You let you a passioned grunt as Fen Flower grows again. The mare is now 15 feet tall, and five time you own height. There are already few creatures in this would that could match such size, but to a halfling like yourself, Fen Flower is already looks the size of a might and horny dragoness. Her lips now cover everything under you ribs as she still uses her mouth to please you, and if you stood under her you would only be able to reach one of those tits that are so gigantic, you’d be nibbling on a nipple as big as your own head, attached to a milky orb that would fit inside no hobbit hole.
  1604. And yet, Fen Flower continues. The extend of which you can grow mares, personified in Fen Flower in front of you makes you mad with lust, even after your previous climaxes, you feel wave after wave of heat pushing you closer to another peak already, and in no time, you erupt in the mare’s giant mouth again.
  1606. And now Fen Flower grows even more. 4 more feet, bringing her to 19’ tall. The space you chose at the edge of the woods is looking small now, with Fen Flower’s massive backside making the tree behind her groans ominously, and eventually give up and break in half with a mighty crack.
  1608. “My, that was a big one!” Fen Flower giddily exclaims, seemingly pleased by the current might of her body despite the surprise of destroying a whole tree without thinking about it.
  1609. “Yeah, I think… I think that’s as big as I can make you for now.” You say, catching your breath. “And you’ll get no smaller that your size of a minute ago until tomorrow either.”
  1610. “You said for now…?” Fen Flower’s eyes sparkles. “You mean there’ll be more?”
  1611. “Well, yeah. As I’ll gain experience, I’ll keep learning new ways to grow mares, and those I use already will only get stronger. Oh, and speaking of that, this size should grant you the ability to make me, you know, a bit more consequent where it counts.”
  1613. Fen Flower seems quizzical for a second, but then her eyes fall on your halfling piercer, and a couple seconds later you find yourself equipped with an ogre-sized dragon slayer that rises way above your own face.
  1614. “Oh, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower show you one big smile. “Is there any of my wishes you aren’t gonna grant me tonight? I… I don’t even know how to make it up to you. Again, I’ll do anything you want me to. Just say the words my saviour.”
  1616. >What do?
  1617. [spoiler]If you don’t want to do anything special, Fen Flower shall ride you for the rest of the night.[/spoiler]
  1619. “First, let me look at how sexy you are.” You say.
  1620. You manage to carefully stand up despite the load between your legs. Fen Flower lies on her belly, and watches with an enamoured smile as you go around her. You brush your side against a silky-smooth leg that is as wide as you are tall. Then, you journey to be in view of the nethers of the giantess. Fen Flower politely flicks her tail to the side to expose you her swollen entrance nestled between the two pillowy hills that are her buttocks. This wet cave is elevated by a hoofful of feet from Fen Flowers’s boobs squished under it. You’re staring right at her peach-sized clit right now, and unfortunately you don’t think you could climb even just that with the load you’re packing.
  1622. Then, you’ll go for the next best thing.
  1623. Or… one of the many equally best things you have in mind, really.
  1625. “Lady Fen Flower, would you allow me to come between those wondrous teats of yours.”
  1626. “Ah, I see.” Fen Flower stands up and gropes one over her humongous fun-bags. “These are quite impressive indeed. Anyway, my mountains are yours to conquer my hero. You can come as many times as you want! Let me just fix you up…”
  1628. Fen Flower lifts you up as though you weighted nothing and puts you back leaning on the tree. Then, she sits herself in front of you, bringing you eye-to-eye with nipples as big as your head. While Silver Willow would proportionally have bigger assets, Fen Flower is now a 19 feet mare, and it’s a whole group of adventurers she could smother between these puppies. That, or your monstruous cock.
  1630. Fen Flower giddily gets to her task and wraps her twin mounds around you cock, and she has no choice but to cover you in boobs as well in the process. Not that you’re complaining. Your whole body is covered in the warmth and heft of Fen Flower’s breasts. You moan in delight as your giant cock twitches expectantly even before Fen Flower starts moving. Already, the influx from the plethora of nerves in your massive member is threatening to push you over the edge.
  1632. A bit clumsily, Fen Flower starts to pull her massive teats up and down you member. You emit a muffled moan as the friction of the soft fur on your hard cock is absolutely heavenly. And Quickly, Fen Flower kisses your flare which earns her a serving of pre. The rubbing is making everything hot and tingly, and your skin only gets even more sensitive as Fen Flower’s ministrations go on. You erupt once more, sending gallons inside the giant mare’s mouth which she sucks to the very last drop. With a cock this size, you reach such a level of arousal your body is climaxing non-stop, doing its best to pump out more and more juice for an insatiable giant mare. You howl in the night while Fen Flower’s suckling sound never stops either. You lose track of time, has it been minutes? Hours? Years you’ve been lost in this pillowy heaven?
  1633. When Fen Flower slows down and allows you to come down of your high, it is still night. You are covered in sweat, and the inside of Fen Flower’s tits are splattered with a mix of saliva and cum that dripped out of her mouth.
  1635. “And you satisfied my saviour?” Fen Flower asks with a proud and sultry smile. “I love seeing you so happy. Do you want to take a break now?”
  1636. “I promised you all night, Lady Fen Flower.” You say. “You shall get all night. You already realized some of my wildest dreams, so take the reins as much as you want from now on.”
  1637. “Really, you’re spoiling me Little Spoon.” Fen Flower coos. “Then be ready to ride until dawn, my mighty hero.”
  1638. “Allow me to make the ride more comfortable, then.”
  1640. Clumsily taking your lute, you change the focus of your inspiration from charisma to constitution. Over a dozen seconds, the breasts of Fen Flower return to their normal size, which in her case means two appealingly plump melons alright. Now instead, it is her flanks that fill up with even more cushioning. Fen Flower lets out a surprised gasp as her tushy now proportionally exceeds the one of Pear Plum in girth, making it bulge out significantly at each side of the mare, even seen from the front.
  1642. “Goodness, is there any bodily excess you not fetishize, Little Spoon?”
  1643. Fen Flower pats her soft backside, and while playfully biting her lip, she gives it a sonorous slap, sending the plump masses jiggling widely for a second, before returning to their still and perfect roundness.
  1644. “Good thing I now have some good seating if I have to take the reins.” She comments with a giggle, and then her eyes fall on you. “Now I’m gonna ned just a little more…”
  1646. Before you know it, your already colossal shaft has gained another foot of length, which will probably come in handy to part through Fen Flower’s sea of ass.
  1647. “I hope you’re ready my hero.” Fen Flower bites her lip. “I have dozens of years of thirst to catch up on.”
  1648. “Again, this is what is live for.”
  1650. Fen Flower doesn’t need any more encouragements after that. Time seems to blur as the giant mare uses you again and again for her pleasure, bringing you too in a constant streak of climaxes in the process. Her cries of pleasure echo loudly in the night, and these are paused only when the mare decide to take a break to make sure you’re alright, snuggling your body made slimy by her juices I the process. Between the multiple sessions of fucking and the warm embrace of Fen Flower, you do not realize when you fall asleep.
  1652. The giant mare follows you all the way to your dreams. Even in the ether her plump mouth is sucking on your shaft. But as you come and wake up, you realize this was no dream at all. You are still at the edge of the forest, the sun is up in the sky, and already a 9 feet Fen Flower just pleasured your deliciously sore member with her mouth.
  1653. “Mmh, good morning my hero!” Fen Flower greets you with a bright smile after swallowing the rest of your load. “I hope you don’t mind my surprise breakfast. You like me big, don’t you? Then I’ll be as big as yesterday if you want. Is that alright with you?”
  1655. May it be because she enjoys it as much as you do or because of how grateful she is, Fen Flower seems incredibly eager to grow. As far as you’re concerned, you would tell her a thousand times yes of course, but maybe there are appearances you’d like to keep up in priority. Or on the contrary, maybe one huge Fen Flower is the kind of advertisement you need to convince many other mares of the benefit of your abilities. That choice is up to you, but you should probably finish making your way to town
  1657. >What do?
  1659. “Ah, careful Lady Fen Flower. You should remain small enough to fit inside buildings for now.”
  1660. “Mmh…” The mare pouts. “Well, I suppose I should stop here, then. But if you change your mind, I’ll be glad to get bigger whenever you want my hero! In fact, I’ll do anything you want, really!” She giggles.
  1662. You finally make your way to town, where you can take a good bath to clean the excesses of the previous night. Your big and sexy follower gathers some looks, but no more than Silver Willow when it was her that was enlarged.
  1664. Anyway, you inform the deputy that you found and destroyed the source of what caused the change of behaviour of the fairies and that they should be back to normal in a matter of days. Of course, he would like to make sure it is the case before giving the reward, so you will receive your share of the payment at that moment. Since Pear Plum will take care of lifting the curse of the mare at the other village, that isn’t a problem for her. If you decide to travel before receiving the reward, you can have it delivered my mail as long as you remain in a civilised place for a couple days.
  1666. Anyway, you make your way to the tavern, and go look at the quest board to decide your next move.
  1668. >A: Two sister merchant mares are looking for an escort. WARNING: we will travel through Nover and stay there for three full days. (You know that Nover is a coastal city that is the home of scoundrels and pirates of all kind) Finesse and/or intimidating would be appreciated!
  1669. >B: My daughter will soon participate in a tournament of magic, and she needs as special kind of coaching if she hopes to win. Unusual support magic would be appreciated.
  1671. There are also groups you have a hunch you could join on a quest, and those are quite familiar to you this time.
  1673. >C: Rumours of pillages by an orc clan have spread in the countryside. It appears this is the doing of Ulna’s clan. While she doesn’t know if it’s related, Ulna feels that the time has come to confront the assassin of her master. She has convinced Chiminie and Shield Scrapper to team up with her.
  1674. >D: Pear Plum will travel to the living forest of Dawnroot to muster enough power to purify the cursed mare from your previous quest. The path to the heart of the forest is expected to be full of trials.
  1676. >As your follower, Fen Flower may accompany you or participate to another quest as you see fit.
  1678. The first adventuring companions you met are at the tavern, and it seems they’re preparing themselves to confront Ulna’s clan. You decide to join them, as you told Ulna you would.
  1679. “Greetings, fair companions!” You hail them. “How have you been doing? I have to say, you look like you earned your marks as adventurers alright.”
  1680. Indeed, the ponies in front of you look better equipped than the last time you saw them. Shield Scrapper found some plates to protect himself and carries one more impressive broadsword. It’s hard to say, but the stallion may have developed some more muscles too. Meanwhile, Chiminie bears a sorcerer’s hat, and there’s a fiery glimmer in her eyes. Ulna didn’t change anything as obvious, but she looks more determined and confident than you’ve ever seen her.
  1682. “What a pleasure to meet you again Little Spoon.” Shield Scratcher comments, and looking up at your gorgeous followed. “I see your ability grew too...”
  1683. “Is good you here.” Ulna nods in your direction. “You heard news about clan too?”
  1684. “Uhm.” You nod. “It looks to me you’re ready confront your past.”
  1685. Again, Ulna nods.
  1687. “I’m afraid there are… complications however.” Shield Scrapper speaks up. “Ulna’s clan has raided several villages nearby, and the towns of the region are putting together a defence force. They also queried the help of the lord of the land, and army ponies might eventually come to deal with the situation. Adventurers have been quested to take up the arms for a reward and protect the villages too.”
  1688. “Also, Ulna told us she doesn’t understand why her clan would suddenly attack villages like that.” Chiminie says.
  1689. “Is true.” Ulna adds. “Village have no challenge, no rich. Clan hunt own food. Clan know ponies band up if attacked, and orc clans had silent agreement not to attacks. I has bad feeling about this.”
  1691. “We were about to decide how to approach this.” Chiminie says. “First, we could join the defence force. That would be the least dangerous approach, but that would probably end with a frontal fight with Ulna’s clan. There’s also the option of approaching the clan directly but they may not welcome the return of Ulna, and be aggressive toward ponies too.”
  1692. “I am exile, but I can ask for visit like other clan.” Ulna comments. “That what supposed to happen.”
  1694. “What we’ll be doing is the main point indeed.” Shield Scrapper says. “But we seem to have rudely skipped the introductions. Little Spoon, who might be that tall beauty accompanying you?”
  1695. “My, thank you! My name is Fen Flower!” The mare giddily introduces herself, while Shield Scrapper’s words earned him one cold glare from Chiminie. “I’m an alchemist. Little Spoon saved me from the direst predicament, and now I’d love to help friends of my hero in their quest!”
  1696. “Ah, you seem rather enthusiast about it.” Shield Scrapper shows an uncomfortable grin after glancing at the disproving halfling mare. “I am Shield Scrapper. Pleased to meet you.”
  1697. “I’m Chiminie.” The halfling mare says. “I’m Shield Scrapper’s marefriend.”
  1698. “I Ulna.” Ulna blankly says. “I appreciate you help.”
  1700. You hope everybody’s gonna get along. Anyway, you’re not gonna move tonight, but you might as well already decide how to approach the situation tomorrow.
  1702. >A: You should join the defence force. You’ve got to protect villages from being raided and your abilities could prove very useful on a large number of ponies.
  1703. >B: You should return to Ulna’s clan. That’s your best chance to defuse the situation without the least amount of violence.
  1704. >C: You should sneak around Ulna’s clan first. If something strange is going on with them, you should find about it first.
  1705. >D: That decision can wait. You’d rather catch up with your friends for now.
  1707. “I say, perhaps we could sneak around the camp of the orcs.” You offer. “If indeed something unusual is afoot, we must learn about it before we confront them in any way.”
  1708. “I see.” Chiminie nods. “That could be useful indeed. But is any of us trained to accomplish such a feat? I wouldn’t feel confident trying to discreetly go past those raiders myself...”
  1709. “Very dangerous to sneak.” Ulna states. “Clan will attack on sight if found.”
  1710. “Well, it looks like that you’re our only contender, Little Spoon.” Shield Scrapper says. “But please do not force yourself. There’s no dishonour in acknowledging one’s own limits. I’d much rather find another way to deal with these raiders than to know one of my companions is in great danger.”
  1712. “Thanks, Shield Scrapper.” You nod at the fighter pony. “I have to say, I’m not completely sure yet myself.”
  1713. >You may use a skill point to learn Sneak. You have 3 skill points left.
  1715. “Anyway, let me change the subject.” You say with a smile. “What have you all been up to? Ulna already knows since we accomplished that quest together, but I was the bodyguard of one noble lady only a few days ago.”
  1716. “Ha!” Ulna laughs. “I protects pony lady. I catches bandits. You get troubles for sex with pony lady!”
  1717. “Hahaha!” It’s Shield Scrapper’s turn to let out a hearty laugh. “Sounds like you’re living up to your reputation as a bard, Little Spoon. If you do not mind, I would like to hear this story alright.”
  1719. As requested, you narrate your adventures to the table. Ulna makes sure to not let a single embellishment of your role go unnoticed in the tale of the protection of Silver Willow, much to the amusement of the rest of the ponies present. When the time comes to tell about the adventure during which you met Fen Flower, your companion on the contrary cannot stop praising your courage and willpower, to the point of getting the rest of your companion to snicker just as much.
  1721. As for your companions, Shield Scrapper and Chiminie had two adventures without you. They first managed to tail and catch a poacher of fire newts together, and for their second quest they explored a tomb that had been unearthed but a recent tremor. They were accompanied by a unicorn priest and an orc fighter for that one.
  1722. “I feel like we got lucky with this quest.” Chiminie says. “We found some quite valuable stuff in here. We were able to purchase some good equipment thanks to that.”
  1723. “Yes, and it was quite the challenge too!” Shiel Scrapper adds. “A powerful mummy awaited in the depths of this place. It wanted to steal our life force to revive itself in some way, but we were able to defeat it without too much trouble, and that’s all thank to you my dear.” Shield Scrapper says to Chiminie, kissing her cheek in the process.
  1724. “Ah, it was nothing.” The blushing mage says. “My fire was just happened to work will again that evil. Nothing would have been possible without you protecting me and Enigma from its spells.”
  1726. Aren’t these two cute? You planned to embarrass Shield Scrapper a little, but maybe there’s no need for that. Ulna then tells you about the dozens of ways to bash in a goblin’s skull she learned from her barbarian companion in her previous adventure.
  1728. About two hours have passed since you reunited with your former companions. You’ve since then shared lunch and quite a number of pints, making the company of all very enjoyable to each other. You’ll need to start your journey toward the next adventure eventually, but perhaps you want to have some more fun with your friends before that?
  1730. >What do?
  1732. “I’m so glad we met again my companions!” You merrily say. “How about an orgy to celebrate?”
  1733. An awkward silence falls on your table after you offer, and all ponies present give you a confused glare, except for Fen Flower who seem to like the idea.
  1735. “Hahaha!” Shield Scrapper laughs out loud, breaking the silence. “Good one Little Spoon! You’re such a joker!”
  1736. The other ponies around the table start to laugh too, taking your suggestion as a joke. You gotta remember to ease ponies into the idea of group sex before asking them in the middle of the day.
  1738. Anyway, as time goes on and that the buzz of alcohol weakens, you all start to think more about the task that will soon be at hoof.
  1740. >You spend 1 skill point to learn: Sneak
  1741. >You have 2 skills points left.
  1742. >You now have: Perform: Singing, Perform: instrument (Lute), Perform: Dance, Language: Halfling, Language: Orc, Language: Common, Perception, Diplomacy and Sneak
  1744. “I’ve decided I’m gonna do it.” You state. “I will sneak into the raider camp and discover what is happening to these orcs. Fen Flower.” You turn to the grown alchemist mare. “Do you think you could craft some smoke bombs for me? That way I’ll be able to send signals if I’m in trouble and that I need your help while I’m in here.”
  1745. “Of course.” Fen Flower nods. “I’ll be happy to help! This is quite simple to do, but still I’ll need half an hour prepare them.”
  1746. “No problem.” Ulna says. “If everypony okay, we go after.”
  1748. >You acquired 3 SMOKE BOMBS
  1751. For the rest of the day, you carefully travel in the direction of the raider’s camp, a task which include finding them. They may even be on the move, and you’d rather not end up in their path unprepared. You choose not to make contact with the defence force as you fear they might not like the idea of adventurers disturbing the raiders outside of their own plans. Instead, you ask the inhabitants of nearby villages to find your way there.
  1753. The sun is about to set when you eventually find your target. From Ulna’s words, her clan counts about 100 orcs, and it’s a cluster of 30 tents of varying size that you observe in the plain, which is settling for the night. You establish your own encampment at a safe distance from them as the sun is starting to set.
  1755. “Well, it’s up to you little Spoon.” Shield Scrapper says. “You can infiltrate the raider camp now or a little later. Perhaps you’d like to rest a little first? Since they’ll be turning in for the night too, all you have to do is to move before dawn.”
  1757. >Anything else before you start?
  1758. “I shall depart right away, before we get into the heart of the night.” You say. “I won’t be learning much if I can only hear them snoring.”
  1759. “Alright Little Spoon.” Shield Scrapper nods. “We’ll be watching the camp. We’ll run in as fast as we can if we see your smoke bombs.”
  1760. “Thanks.” You nod and start to walk away. “I’m counting on you.”
  1762. “Oh, Little Spoon!” Fen Flower suddenly approaches you and the huge mare forcibly takes you in a hug. “Please be careful my hero!”
  1763. And there, the large mare passionately kisses you on the mouth under the eyes of the rest of the party. Ulna snickers, but Chiminie and Shield Scrapper advert their eyes, looking slightly embarrassed.
  1764. “Promise me you’ll come back to me Little Spoon…”
  1765. “Of course!” You answer the enamoured mare. “Do not worry my lady. I shall overcome this challenge like all the others!”
  1766. It is then really time to go after that. You silently leave your own camp to approach the encampment of the orc raiders in the tall grass while the sun has just set, the hues of orange and red waning in the sky.
  1768. It seems like they’ve only set up sentries and some barricades. Nothing you shouldn’t be able to crawl through. Luckily, orcs aren’t among the races that see better in the dark. Now, you’ve got to get past the first tents…
  1770. >Roll 1d100
  1771. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  1773. The orcs cleared some of the tall grass around their barricade, and there’s a space where you can’t avoid running in the open. However, you only need a couple seconds to hop through that distance while the sentries are looking somewhere else.
  1775. Inside the camp there are many tents, barrels as well as various furniture for you to hide behind. You should be able to navigate easily enough through here.
  1777. Now, our mission is to find why these orcs suddenly started raiding villages.
  1779. >A: You hear the sound of a feast going on, with laughs and a bonfire, and probably many orcs around. Go listen to what they say.
  1780. >B: Look for the tent of the chief. There is one more ornate tent around the middle of the camp.
  1781. >C: Search for this Bone Thorn guy. Him killing off Ulna’s master seems like a recent change in the tribe that could be linked to this situation.
  1782. >D: Since you’re not joining the defence force, you’re probably not gonna get paid after that. Search for the raiders’ loot, and see if there’s some valuables you could easily pocket.
  1784. There got to be something important in the ornate tent.
  1785. Past the sentries around the camp, there are only orcs casually going on with their night, often with a mug of ale in their hoof. You’re able to approach this tent that you believe may be the one of the chief from the fact it is uniquely decorated. Taking a peek inside, you see it is empty, so you decide to go in.
  1787. Directly in front of the entrance in a quite eerie throne made of various bones and sitting on a pile of them. Bones of Beast. You hope… It seems like the opposite of comfortable anyway. More interesting than this savage piece of art and the straw bed is the table on the side of the room. More bones are laid there, but also crystals, vials and plants, as well as a variety of scrolls written on beast skins.
  1789. You immediately go for the scrolls in the hope that these may contain some information that could help you understand what’s is happening. It is none of that however. Those are magical treaties written in orc, and not about just any magic either. It’s necromancy. Some of these scrolls very clearly describe rituals to raise the dead as servile zombies or skeletons while other talk about preserving bodies and summoning souls from beyond.
  1791. You remember when Ulna told you about her master. An orc named Bone Thorn killed him and took his place as a shaman, and then sent Ulna into exile. Your orc companion didn’t mention Bone Thorn being the chief, but what you found in this tent may indicate that he took over since then.
  1793. >A: The pile of bone under the throne provides some good hiding place. Wait for the owner of the tent to return so you may spy on them.
  1794. >B: Go outside, and try to eavesdrop on the orcs that are feasting together.
  1795. >C: Exit the camp. You do not think it is normal that you would find necromancy stuff in the tent of the chief. You need to talk to Ulna to understand what it means.
  1796. >D: In addition to whatever you do, pocket some crystals and scrolls for your companions to sell or use.
  1798. You think you already uncovered some good information, but you’ll need to talk with Ulna to draw a conclusion. Anyway, you decide to pocket some of the scrolls and valuable-looking ingredients of the table. Adventurers have to loot to eat sometimes, or maybe these scrolls could be useful for Ulna or Fen Flower.
  1800. Luckily, nopony barged in while you were swiping those away. You aren’t gonna wait for the owner of this tent to come back, and instead start to think about returning to your companions. But before that, you think it shouldn’t be too risky to eavesdrop on the orcs feasting. You hear little useful information among the laughs and brags, but at one point, you do hear a worthwhile bit.
  1802. “Things have been so much fun since Bone Thorn took over. Now that’s what being a clan should feel like.” You tell word for word what you heard to your companions.
  1803. Coming back in the night went without trouble, and already you told your friends what you saw and learned, and showed them your prizes too. Also, you’re being hugged by Fen Flower at the moment, and she again kissed you when you returned.
  1805. In the dim light of the only lantern you dare to keep alive, Ulna looks worried.
  1806. “Strange.” She ponders aloud. “Bone Thorn shaman. Took shaman position from master. Now he chief too? Also… Bone Thorn use no nece… necoro…, uhm, he no raise dead. He raise vine and plant.”
  1807. “Perhaps he took those to learn from the rival he defeated.” Chiminie postulates.
  1808. “May be.” Ulna says. She takes one scroll among those you brought. “I remembers. Master taught me this one. Is scroll of master. But Bone Thorn say raise dead is wrong, bad magic. He change mind?”
  1809. “He probably wanted to hurt you with his words, Ulna.” Shield Scrapper says. “But if he took over the head of the clan, now he sounds to me like the type of orc to acquire all the power he can.”
  1810. “Shield may be right.” Ulna nods. “But… Strange still. I never hear Bone Thorn want to be chief.”
  1812. “Does that change anything?” Fen Flower says. “Thanks to Little Spoon, we’re pretty much sure that the orcs are raiding villages because this Bone Thorn guy became the chief. Since he’s the one that killed Ulna’s master, that means none of us can talk him out of it. I think it’s time we joined the defence force and taught these orcs a lesson.”
  1813. “Lady Fen Flower…” Shield Scrapper speaks up. “This is Ulna’s family we’re talking about. Perhaps our companion would like to avoid a bloodbath.”
  1814. “Is okay.” Ulna grumbles, looking away. “Feeling not important. Solution important.”
  1815. “What are our choices, then?” Chiminie asks. “Do we have a way to make this Bone Thorn stop raiding villages? Is there a way we could make him not the chief anymore?”
  1817. “Uhm. Clan orc could defy him to become chief.” Ulna grumbles. “But I is no clan orc…”
  1819. >A: Fen Flower is right. You should join the defence force and fight the raiders head on.
  1820. >B: Tomorrow, walk to the clan and defy Bone Thorn anyway. Surely he can’t refuse a challenge from ponies since he’s raiding their villages now.
  1821. >C: You can make your mare companions quite big and powerful. Perhaps a surprise attack on the camp could deter the orcs from further raiding.
  1822. >D: Infiltrate the raiders again, and find an orc mare ambitious enough to potentially defy Bone Thorn while stopping the raiding.
  1824. You may talk more with you companion before choosing an option, or of course pick a different path altogether.
  1826. “Ulna, I’d like to hear a little more about how orc clans work.” You say. “What is the minimum number of orcs that make a clan? Are you a clan by yourself now?”
  1827. “No minimum.” Ulna shakes her head. “Clan is group that decide they live with same rules. Each clan has own rules, own history. New clan appear, other disappear, clan part in two, or two merge in one, or clan just kill other clan. All clan share some rules because of orc history. One orc can make clan, but other clan respect clan strength, so one-orc clan get no respect. Orc can be without clan too. I is without clan. No reason to…”
  1829. “So, in the end it’s a matter of strength?” Chiminies says. “There are rules, but they can be bypassed if you’re stronger.”
  1830. “Uhm.” Ulna nods. “More or less true.”
  1831. “So let’s say I made you really big.” You offer. “And that you flawlessly beat Bone Thorn, like if you ate him or something. Would that make you the chief?”
  1832. “Eh…” Ulna winces. “Only clan orc can challenge chief to become chief. Outsider could only do if the clan respect him. Display of power, like, yeah, eating chief could help. But I has no idea what to tell clan as chief. Clan would not like me. Would fight me anyway I thinks.”
  1834. It sounds like a coup from outside the clan is somewhat possible, as orcs will respect a greater strength to an extent. However, Ulna doesn’t sound like she’s very popular among her peers at the moment, and probably doesn’t want to be the chief of her clan either.
  1836. But then, you have another idea.
  1838. “Hold on, there’s something I need to show you Ulna.” You browse the scrolls you picked up and find the one you were looking for. The one which described how to summon the souls of the dead. “Look! Can you summon your master’s soul with this for advice? Or maybe ask the previous chief what happened to him!”
  1839. Ulna takes a look at the scroll, and you see her eyes light up as they read it.
  1841. “Uhm! I can do it!” She nods. “Maybe master can help! Tell us about Bone Thorn!”
  1843. You all watch as Ulna prepares the ritual, using components you brought back and some of her own. The process in itself isn’t too different from the summoning you saw Fen Flower perform at the time, except the symbols Ulna draws aren’t the same at all and that she burns her preparation as incense inside a skull instead of putting it to boil in a cauldron.
  1845. The orc mare stats chanting in orc, and eventually.
  1846. “Hear me through the veil, you that I call.” She concludes. “Malmarrow! I, Ulna, commands you to manifest now!”
  1847. The air grows still, but despite Ulna’s incantation, nothing seems to be happening.
  1849. “He-hear me through the veil, you that I call.” She tries again. “Malmarrow! I, Ulna, commands you to manifest… NOW!”
  1850. But again, the dead remain silent.
  1852. Ulna attempts to use her incantation a third time, but once more, nothing seems to happen.
  1853. “Curses, it’s not working!” She growls to herself in frustration, frenetically rereading the scroll and looking at her own work. “But how? I did everything right! How did this not work? This can’t be right! Am I… Am I really that bad at this?”
  1855. >What do?
  1857. “What if he’s not actually dead?” You tell Ulna. “Did you actually see him die?”
  1858. “Yes is did, there is no mistake.” Ulna nods. “Bone Thorn, he… I saw him crush his neck. And I don’t just mean strangled, master was almost…” Ulna shakes her head. “Anyway, nopony could have survived that.”
  1859. “Ahem…” Shield Scrapper speaks up. “I did not understand that last bit, but if your master practiced necromancy, is there a chance he cheated death somehow?”
  1861. Ulna remains silent. She doesn’t seem to have an answer to that.
  1862. “Anyway, how about trying to summon the former chief of the clan?” You offer. “Maybe we’ll get answers, and you’ll have a proof you’re doing things right, Ulna.”
  1863. The orc mare ponders for a second, before showing you a nod and a grateful smirk.
  1864. “But how about I increased your power too just to make sure…”
  1866. Since nopony protested, you think the mares present are alright with that. Whipping out your instrument, you start a strengthening tune. Chiminie doubles in size with a little yelp, Ulna welcomes being 8 feet with a grunt, and Fen Flower let out a little moan as she reaches 11. No wanting to go with constitution of charisma, the bodies of the mare also gained strength this time.
  1868. “My… Little Spoon!” Fen Flower coos. The huge mare uses her hoof to draw circles on her now aesthetically firm midsection, which you can stare right into as she lies of her side. “You really have a solution to all of a mare’s problems, don’t you?”
  1869. Glancing at Chiminie, you see her looking at herself from all angles, tentatively flexing some muscles while Shield Scrapper watches her with a blush on his face. The fact the halfling mare looks like a more imposing brawler than himself doesn’t seem to bother him one bit.
  1871. Speaking of imposing, Ulna, who was already quite beefy, now looks absolutely ripped. But rather than to marvel at her powerhouse of a body, she has started rebuilding her ritual with a renewed focus.
  1873. A few minutes later, her chant is heard again in the night.
  1874. “Hear me through the veil, you that I call.” You recognize that part. “Axegrinder Blackhoof, heir of clan Blackhoof! I, Ulna, commands you to manifest now!”
  1876. And this time you hear a fizzle as the incense inside the skull comes alive after Ulna finishes her sentence, its colour shifting to green. In addition to the smoke that was coming from the empty orbits, now green sparks are seen through them, and soon their movement remind you of two pupils.
  1877. “Ulna! You dare to use this cursed magic on my spirit?!” A ghastly male voice barks in orc, while the maw of the skull moves despite the absence of muscles. “Was the doom of clan Blackhoof not enough for you? You have to mock me through the grave in addition?!”
  1878. “Chief Axegrinder.” Ulna remains calm. “I called you in search of answers. I heard that you were vanquished by Bone Thorn. But what is this doom of the clan you speak about?”
  1880. The skull remains silent for a second, its flaming eyes darting appraisingly between Ulna and the rest of you.
  1881. “Hmm. I suppose Malmarrow didn’t include you in his selfish plans…”
  1882. “Chief…” Ulna whispers hopefully. “You speak as though my master was… alive.”
  1883. “Yes, and he revealed the extent of his malevolence to me!” Axegrinder says. “He plans to lead to whole clan to its destruction! Listen carefully Ulna, you and your… strange allies, might be the only hope of clan Blackhoof. Your former master controls the body of Bone Thorn like a puppet, and being freed from his old decaying body gave his mind back the power of its prime. While we fought, his magic staggered my body, unseen by all, and while my legs wouldn’t raise and that my jaw wouldn’t open, his wretched ghost muttered into my ear about how he would bring death to all those that mocked him, to all the clan. He plans to lead them into a war they can’t win and then raise their corpse like puppets for his own amusement.”
  1885. “Ulna!” The skull calls again. “I know you were exiled from clan blackhoof, and that I have nothing to offer in return for what I ask. But you are the only hope I have to protect the clan from the fatal consequences of my shortcomings. I, Axegrinder Blackhoof, renounce my pride and humbly beg you. You have to stop Malmarrow!”
  1887. And as suddenly as he appeared, the green flame vanishes, leaving only dying smokes coming out from the skull.
  1888. “See, I knew the problem wasn’t you.” You say, But Ulna seems frozen in shock, processing the several revelations from the former chief.
  1889. “What did he say?” Chiminie asks. While Ulna comes out of her stupor, you tell your friends what was said in orc.
  1891. “I see.” Chiminie nods, and then approaches the orc mare to give her a friendly pat on the back. “Ulna? Are you alright?”
  1892. “Uh…” She jumps slightly. “Y-yeah.”
  1893. “I can imagine that’s a lot to take in. I… suppose you couldn’t talk with the chief any longer?”
  1895. “Uhm…” Ulna nods. “Soul cannot stay too long.”
  1896. “Anyway, you learned that your master is still alive, but he’s trying to get your former clan killed.” Chiminies says. “I know it’s a hard decision, but we have to settle what are we going to do from here on.”
  1897. “Yes, I knows that, but I… I not knows what do yet.”
  1899. “Well, I say again that we should join the defence force.” Fen Flower says. “This Malmarrow just sounds too evil to be friend with, and from what Little Spoon told us, the clan is fine with going to war anyway. Besides, these guys didn’t have anything to say when Ulna was exiled, right? And now the chief begs for help? Humf! To hell with them all!”
  1900. “Come on lady Fen Flower.” Shield Scrapper speaks up. “Again, this is her family. Ulna, please tell her this isn’t what you want.”
  1901. In reaction, Ulna looks away.
  1902. “Clan did exile me… That was not very nice….”
  1903. “Attagirl!” Fen Flower grins. “Let’s crush these bozos together!”
  1904. “Not decided yet!” Ulna frown at the giant mare. “It is more complicated…”
  1906. “Are you thinking about Malmarrow?” Chiminie asks, and Ulna nods in response. “You still… respect him in some way?”
  1907. Again, the orc mare nods.
  1908. “But… Now master may hate me. Try to kill me. Like clan.”
  1909. “Take your time.” Chiminie smiles, and gives the back of the orc mare another friendly pat. “Whatever you want to do, we’ll do our best to help.”
  1911. Perhaps you could speak with Ulna and help her sort her thoughts out too.
  1913. >What do?
  1915. You approach Ulna, who still seems lost in her thoughts.
  1916. “I’m just giving you my thoughts here, but I wish your clan and the villagers could be left out of this.”
  1917. “I’ll be honest too then.” Ulna replies. “I don’t care much about those pony villagers.”
  1918. “Then what about the rest of your clan?”
  1919. Ulna sighs.
  1920. “The thing is, part of me feels like this is right, that the clan deserves this. You heard how Axegrinder talked before he realised I wasn’t with master.”
  1921. “That makes me realize how little I know about orc clans.” You say. “Don’t you have family there?”
  1923. “Clan Blackhoof intentionally severs familial bonds.” Ulna shakes her head. “New-born orcs are taken from their parents and raised by the clan alltogether. They are taught quickly to take care of themselves. I never knew who my parents were, but I don’t feel the need to. That is normal to me.”
  1924. “But you had friends, right?”
  1925. “Well, somehow.” Ulna looks at her hooves. “I never exactly… fit in. Sure, I had some educators I liked, and some clan ponies my age I would sometimes play or train with, but many more picked on me. I was among the least promising ponies of my generation in the eyes of the adults too. I often felt like I was… merely tolerated by the rest of the clan.”
  1926. “But with Malmarrow, it was different then?” You ask, and Ulna nods. “How did he become your master?”
  1928. “Our clan holds a ceremony for us to reach the adult age. We have to convince a seasoned orc of the clan to become our master so we can learn their skills, and for that we have to triumph over the challenge they would issue us to complete the ceremony. The stronger the master you choose, the harder of a challenge you should expect, especially since it would become a competition if several orcs wanted the same master. But I chose Malmarrow, the shaman and oldest orc of the clan. Rumours said he was over a century old, that he had become senile and would cast curses on his peers without even thinking about it. The rest of the clan avoided him, and I too was doing so until that point, but somehow, I felt drawn to him…”
  1929. “You felt like he was going through the same stuff you were?” You ask. “That he would understand the feeling of being left out by the rest of the clan?”
  1930. “Ah, that’s probably it.” Ulna says, a half-smile on her face. “At that point, I didn’t realize it, though. But anyway, I asked Malmarrow to become my master. He just glared at me in silence for a while, or maybe he was staring at the air in front of me, I wasn’t even sure. I don’t know what he was thinking, whether he was surprised a young one would ask for a challenge, or that he thought too little of me to offer me one as I feared. But in the end, he did accept. He asked me to perform a simple spell, to raise the skeleton of a songbird he had just killed. At first I was scared I would fail, but Malmarrow guided me all the way through. It was more a lesson than a challenge, but I was proud when I succeeded. Malmarrow… I never saw his face bulge. His expression had frozen in a wince from his old age, but since he taught me I thought he must have liked me at least a little, and I wanted to make him proud in return.”
  1932. “Now he was my master, and he showed me the ropes of necromancy. It was a short and strange time, but not a bad one. The rest of the clan avoided Malmarrow, and now they avoided me too… which felt like a nice change for me. Malmarrow was infinitely patient as a teacher. He didn’t congratulate me if I did well, but never berated me when I failed either. He always calmly reexplained when I asked, and didn’t insist when I wanted to quit something for a day. I felt like he was too lenient at times even, but I was able to advance at my own rhythm. It felt nice for once. Without the rest of the clan picking on me and learning new stuff everyday, it felt like I belonged somewhere for once.”
  1934. “It ended with Bone Thorn.” Ulna continues her tale. “He was not the shaman of the clan in name, but in practice he already assumed all of its responsibilities since the other orcs avoided Malmarrow. Sometimes I fear that it’s because I reminded him of Malmarrow’s existence by making him my master. Three months after my ceremony, he challenged Malmarrow to take his place. I didn’t know what to do, and I knew how old and slow Malmarrow was. That there was no way he would win. But somehow, he accepted to fight rather than to just give up his tittle, and was killed by Bone Thorn. The clan was glad to be rid of the old shaman, and nopony questioned it when Bone Thorn made me an exile. I left in tears, and then, well, you know the rest…”
  1935. “What if Malmarrow controlled Bone Thorn when he exiled you already?” You say.
  1936. “You mean, Malmarrow could have possessed him as soon as Bone Thorn killed him?”
  1937. “Maybe even before that but I wouldn’t know.” You shrug. “But my point is, do you think he may have tried to move you away from the clan while he was about to destroy it?”
  1938. Again, Ulna remains silent as she doesn’t seem to know.
  1940. “How about trying to summon Bone Thorn, then?” You offer. “That way we’ll know if he’s still alive somehow or not.”
  1941. “I’d rather not talk to him.” Ulna scowls. “And if my master didn’t finish him off, I wouldn’t mind doing it myself. No, the one I ned to talk to is Malmarrow. I need to hear it from him. What happened. Why he’s doing this. What he thinks of me...”
  1942. Ulna stands up.
  1943. “I wants to talk to master how controls current chief of clan.” Ulna declares to everybody. “I knows it is hard thing to do. Will you help me?”
  1945. Chiminie and Shield Scrapper exchange a nod and then the halfling mare answers.
  1946. “Of course Ulna. We’ll do our best to help you!”
  1947. “Little Spoon seems to like you, so you can count on me I guess…” Fen Flower nonchalantly adds.
  1948. Ulna can’t repress a little smile.
  1949. “Thanks, friends…”
  1951. All that is left to do is to decide how to do that. As he possessed Bone Thorn who’s now the chief, it’s going to be hard to get a discussion with him.
  1953. >A: Infiltrate the raiders again, and leave a message in the chief’s tent to invite him to a secret meeting.
  1954. >B: Present yourselves at the raiders at dawn and request an audience with the chief.
  1955. >C: Grow the mares as big as they allow you to and storm the camp to kidnap the chief so you may talk unhindered.
  1956. >D: There is a problem. None of you is prepared to face a soul-shambling necromancer right now if thing take a wrong turn. You should prepare something to exorcize him, maybe get help from the defence force.
  1958. “At this point, I think it’s better we tried to talk to the clan in a formal way.” You speak. “To ask for a parley of sorts. Of all our options, this sound to me like the one that has the smallest chance to devolve in a fight. And if these orcs were to play tough, suddenly facing mares several times their size could bring them to discussion again too.”
  1959. “I see.” Shield Scrapper nods. “But, empowering your companion is one thing, facing his necromancer is another. You told me from what the soul said that he could paralyse an adversary as strong as an orc chieftan with his mind alone, right? I feel like we would be putting ourselves in great danger if somehow Malmarrow deemed we were not friends of his.”
  1961. Ulna scowls, but she doesn’t oppose anything to Shield Scrapper’s words. Indeed, Malmarrow could very well see the rest of you as disposable even if he happened to be considerate toward Ulna. And after hearing her tale, her master’s affection for her sounds quite ambiguous to you, even if Ulna places high hopes in its existence.
  1963. “Would any of you know any magic spell that could shield us from such troubles?” Shield Scrapper looks at the mares of the group.
  1964. “Ah… I’m afraid my fires spells are not adequate to protect us from that kind of harm.” Chiminie sheepishly looks away.
  1965. “I… not know protection either.” Ulna says embarrassedly.
  1966. “Well, I have something.” Fen Flower says. “I could trace a warding circle around us when we talk to the orcs. It would protect us from most spells, but we would have to remain is a certain zone, and you wouldn’t be able to throw spells at them either.” She adds toward Chiminie and Ulna. “Perhaps that could suffice for a first contact?”
  1968. “That seems to be the best we can achieve ourselves.” Chiminie says. “The only other option I can think of is to meet the defence force and hope somepony there has the right knowledge. Certainly another adventurer with the right skills could help.”
  1969. “Is there no library around where we could find treaties about protection magic? Or even exorcizing?” You ask.
  1970. “Not that I know of.” Chiminie shakes her head, and the rest of your companions do not seem to know either. “The first city big enough where we could find a decent library is a week away on hoof.”
  1972. If you decide that you need other skills to face Malmarrow, seeking the defence force sounds like the most realistic choice. However, adventurers who can counter the magic of a necromancer often happen to hate those types, and zealously so. As Fen Flower said, perhaps a first contact is possible with what you already have. The sun has settled for about two hours now, so the night is still quite young.
  1974. >What do?
  1976. “Then a circle of protection will have to do.” You state. “That way we won’t have to bring more ponies into this. Does that work for everybody?”
  1977. Your companions nod.
  1978. “Alright. We shall move at dawn.”
  1980. Your group gets some sleep after that. You and Fen Flower stand guard last, just before the sun rises again. That way, you’re also able to feed the mare some size with Gift of the Bard. You do a remarkable job of not waking the rest of your companions up despite the already huge mare sucking even more size from your cock.
  1982. When the rest of your companion wake up, the come face to face with a 12 feet tall Fen Flower, who ought to become 15 later with your Bardic Inspiration. You pitch the idea of Chiminie remaining in the back while you parley with the orcs, but leaving her alone could end terribly according to her, especially since there wouldn’t be any good spot for her to hide herself in the plain.
  1984. Anyway, Fen Flower is done preparing the powder she’ll use for her warding circle. With the components he had, she could make enough to produce several of these in case things take a wrong turn.
  1985. With that, you’re ready to go talk with Ulna’s clan.
  1987. You keep your inspiration up, bolstering the strength of the mares in addition to their size as you slowly but resolutely approach the orc clan. The orcs spot you immediately, and the fact you’re not met with a volley of arrows is already encouraging. However, many more orcs bearing weapon join the sentries soon after, and quickly enough, a dozen of them approaches you.
  1989. “You?” One orc shout when about 30 meters from you, apparently recognizing Ulna. “What are you doing here? You aren’t welcome here, exile! Get lost, you and your pony friends or else we’ll…” But there the orc seems to draw a blank on threats to throw at a mare that must be six times his muscle mass “… o-or else you’ll regret coming!”
  1990. “We came to parley!” You shout back. “We wished to talk to your chief. Please inform him that Ulna is with us.”
  1992. “You stay here!” The orc answer after a moment of silence. That gives you some time to prepare your circle of warding while the orcs run back to their clan. Two minutes later, it’s a party of about 30 orcs that come back. The bulky green-skinned ponies stand in front of you while remaining about 30 feet away from your group. You hear sneers and some swears from their pack, mostly directed at Ulna. Now they’re many times more numerous that you, the size of the mares around you do not seem to intimidate them much anymore.
  1993. And among them is their chief who steps forth.
  1995. The body of Bone Thorn is encased in a heavy looking armour that is a blend of bone and spiky brambles, coloured with red and black paints. Even his face is covered with a mask made from a skull, and through it his eyes shine with a green glimmer.
  1997. “So you have returned.” The chief speaks, staring up at Ulna. His tone is rather cordial unlike the other orcs. “Yet, you know you are not welcome. Or perhaps it is with me you wanted to talk?”
  1998. “Yes!” Ulna answers. “I wish to talk to you in private. There are truths I need to hear from you.”
  1999. There, the orc chief looks behind him to his peers before turning to you again.
  2000. “I have no reason to accept.” The chief states. “You seem to have all the truths you need already and Clan Blackhoof now has a glorious path to walk that you cannot be a part of. You shall leave at once.”
  2002. Ulna remains frozen in silence under the gibes and threats of the nearby orcs. But after a few seconds…
  2003. “Malmarrow!” She calls desperately. “Please tell me it’s you! I need to hear it!”
  2005. The orc crowd gets louder in reaction, outraged by these words. You see more of them readying their weapons.
  2006. “Is she seeing ghosts?” You hear from one.
  2007. “Ulna turned crazy after not even a month in exile! Pathetic!”
  2008. “Let’s kill this disgrace already!”
  2009. “Send her meet her master! Yeah!”
  2010. Meanwhile, the chief frowns menacingly at these words. He glares at Ulna, and smacks his lips after a glance at the circle of warding. Your companions ready their stances and Shield Scraper prepares himself to draw his sword. Ulna just keeps staring at the orc chief in dismay.
  2012. >A: Shout the truth. That their chief is controlled by Malmarrow and that you can summon the spirit of Axegrinder to prove it.
  2013. >B: Attempt to change the subject. What is this glorious path? Is it what brings them to attack pony villages?
  2014. >C: Fen Flower is the biggest. Maybe she can intimidate the orcs enough to make the calm them down.
  2015. >D: Abort! Run away and have Chiminie and Fen Flower cover your retreat with fire spells and explosive vials respectively.
  2016. >E: Dare the orcs to fight Ulna one on one. That should knock them down a few notches
  2018. “What is this glorious path you speak about?” You call toward the chief, hoping to make the rest reconsider attacking your group. “Is that what bring you to attack pony villages?”
  2019. “Orcs had become neutered by their time.” The chief solemnly explains. “Once perfect fighters, the unnatural peace favoured the survival of the weakest of our clans. Enough of that! It is through conflict, through strife and hardship only that orcs reach their full potential, and that they can exert their natural right to dominate the weaker, coddled and harmless ponies!”
  2021. The rest of the pack roars proudly in approbation.
  2022. “I realized this when I took down Malmarrow. I killed him, he who held a tittle he didn’t deserve, and there I saw the farce we were all living in. A tribe complacent with boredom and mediocrity. I challenged Axegrinder and won, and now I shall bring back the ancestral pride of our clan!”
  2024. And there, the rest of the orcs understand this as and to charge.
  2025. “RUN!” You shout as the orcs are running over the short distance that separate them from you. While Chiminie cannot attack the orcs because of the warding circle, Fen Flower can use a smoke screen to cover your retreat. You feel yourself scooped by Fen Flower while Ulna carries Shield Scrapper. You manage to outrun the orcs thanks to the sheer size of the legs of your female companions.
  2027. You make it back into the woods. Still running for some long minutes and then laying low to make sure you’ve lost your pursuers. After that, you pluck an arrow from Fen Flower’s behind and apply some healing salve. Luckily, this was very minor, and you have no other injury on your team.
  2029. “Well, now they know we’re around.” Shield Scrapper says, once you’ve all caught your breath. “They aren’t gonna let us approach them from now on. We’re gonna need another plan if we want to talk to your master.”
  2030. Ulna remain silent in response of a second.
  2031. “Master… did talk to me.” The orc mare reveals, and under your collective surprised looks. “When I steps out of circle, I hears his voice. It is in my head. He say: ‘stay away from clan. I be fine. I make them pay, then we talk if you want.’ That is all. Also he tell me to run, so not many words.”
  2032. “So… does that settle it for you?” Fen Flower shrugs. “We let your master have his revenge and then you reunite with him? Would be that fine with you Ulna?”
  2033. “But that probably confirms he wants to harm the whole clan.” Shield Scrapper says. “And the way he intends to do that is to send them fighting ponies. That’s not exactly what I’d call a happy end.”
  2035. Ulna looks conflicted again. Obviously, she doesn’t feel like facing her master on the battlefield, but you feel like at least Shield Scrapper isn’t gonna accept letting the orc raiders attack pony villages unbothered.
  2037. >What do?
  2039. “Ulna.” You speak up. “Do you feel like we could reconcile your master with the clan somehow? And… what about yourself?”
  2040. “Not sure about master.” She shakes her head. “But I… I do not join the clan back if they let me. Still, I feels bad, but I not want to fight master for them.”
  2042. Shield Scrapper sighs. If Ulna desires neither to get along with her tribe nor to see them die, this is indeed starting to feel like an impossible choice.
  2043. “Come on now, if you had to choose between the two, which one would you pick?” Fen Flower says, sounding a bit annoyed by the inner troubles of the orc mare. “Your clan or your master? You can only choose one.”
  2044. “Uhm…” Ulna seems bothered, but she doesn’t hesitate when she answers. “I choose master.”
  2046. “Then you need to let him carry out his plan. I know this is a lose-lose situation, but if you prefer your master that’s the choice you have to make. Come on, let’s all go back to the tavern and have a pint.” The giant mare there gently pats your head. “Oh, Little Spoon, you must be so tired with your infiltration of last night. Do you want to rest on my lap?”
  2047. An offer that you’re gonna save for another time and place.
  2049. “Then maybe we need to fight the clan along ponies?” Chiminie shrugs. “I mean, that way we could make sure there aren’t too many casualties, and we could protect Ulna’s master too.”
  2050. “Master need no protection!” Ulna sounds offended. “Master defeat Axegrinder on his own. You need protection against master!”
  2051. “Oh, I do not doubt his strength.” Chiminie shakes her head. “But some adventurers in the defence force could be even stronger, or simply have adequate spells to counter his. Besides, your master might need to act recklessly to keep up lies he feeds the clan, so it couldn’t hurt to help.”
  2052. “Even if we end up fighting the orcs, we’d be able to at least protect the ponies that way.” Shield Scrapper adds. “And your master saw us. Now he knows we’re with you. We’ll be able to help both him and the villages.”
  2054. “Uhm… I guess.” Ulna grumbles. “That is possible.”
  2055. Again, this is mostly Ulna’s decision, but you feel like you could help her settle on a choice.
  2057. >A: You should just stay out of this. There will be other adventurers to avoid a bloodbath, and Ulna can reunite with her master once his grim task is done.
  2058. >B: Time to join the defence force. You’ll make sure that Ulna’s master survives and maybe you can even get the rest of the clan be taken prisoners rather than killed
  2059. >C: There has to be a way to convince Malmarrow to stop all this. Infiltrate the camp again, and find a way to talk to him now that he knows you’re Ulna’s friend.
  2060. >D: Join the defence force, but with the intend to reveal the whole situation to somepony who may help you avoid the conflict altogether. Ulna definitely won’t like the idea, though.
  2062. “I don’t think we can talk with the clan at this point.” You say. “They sounded settled on going on this rampage already, and I’m afraid even convincing Malmarrow to let go of his revenge wouldn’t change that. I believe the best choice would be to join the defence force at this point. At least, we’d be in a better position to avoid a complete bloodshed, and even spare some of the clan orcs if we can get the chance.”
  2064. Shield Scrapper nods approvingly, but the rest of your companions are more focussed on watching Ulna’s reaction. The orc mare remains silent, a wince on her face as she looks away.
  2065. “Ulna…” You approach her and speak to her in orc. “I have another idea. Perhaps I could sneak into the camp again and talk to your master in private. Now that he knows I’m with you, maybe I could understand why he’s doing this exactly.”
  2066. The orc mare looks at you. She thinks about your offer for a second, but then shakes her head.
  2068. “No, that would be too dangerous.” She says. “And you’re right, the clan won’t hear anything else that a good beating at this point. Joining the defence force is the best thing we can do.”
  2069. “You know, even if we do that, perhaps you’d like to sit this one out.” You offer.
  2070. “Leaving you to fight them alone? After all I’ve put you through?” Ulna frowns at you. “Do you think I’m going to be a burden or something?”
  2071. “Ulna, even if I can’t really grasp the relation you have with your clan, I can imagine it will be feel awful for you to fight them.” You speak calmly. “And really, you don’t need to go through that. We’ll be fine. You have trust in Shield Scrapper and Chiminie, right? We’ve all been through danger and fights in the past, we’ll get through this one too. We’re gonna defend these villages like any other adventurer would. You don’t need to burden yourself with this one. Alright?”
  2073. Ulna sighs. She ponders the question for a minute during which you remain near the big orc mare, and eventually…
  2074. “Alright.” She nods. “I’ll let you guys take care of this.”
  2076. You prepare to leave after Ulna announced to the rest of you she’ll be letting you stop her clan without her. You advise Ulna to find Pear Plum, who might need help on a quest of her own that has nothing to do with her old clan. The tense mood has you part ways in a rather bland manner, but not without expressing the hope of meeting again at a tavern in less troubling times.
  2078. After a few minutes, your group that is now composed of you, Shield Scrapper, Chiminie and Fen Flower exits the forest in the direction of the nearest village. However, you quickly notice something as you leave the cover of the tree. You and your companions stop as a pegasus flies high above in the sky. What you understand is a mare proceeds to lands at a safe distance away from your group
  2080. “Heeeeeeey!” You hear the mare call cheerfully and see her wave at you. “Helloooooooo! I wanna taaaaaalk!”
  2081. Standing in the middle of the road, you don’t believe this could be a trap, so you approach at least enough to hear her more comfortably. You’re facing a rather lithe pegasus mare clad in black leathers up to her chin. The daggers at her side and the many pockets of her light armour make you believe she’s an adventurer that could be called a rogue.
  2083. “Uhm, hello there.” Chiminie greets the mare where you’re close enough.
  2084. “Hello companions!” The rogue mare answers with a smile. “I heard you wanted to join the defence force, right?”
  2085. “When would you have heard that?” Fen Flower asks.
  2086. “Duh! When you were in the forest some time ago, after you got chased by the orcs and that your orc friend left you.”
  2087. “Wait, were you spying on us?” Fen Flower exclaims offendedly.
  2088. “Totally spying on you, yeah!” The pegasus mare snickers happily as she nods. “I mean, I’m part of the defence force. I and my partner have to watch the orcs, you know, to keep track of where they move and all. We saw whatever was that faceoff you had with them of this morning, so I decided to keep an eye on you. And my spying told me you’re cool! I’ll lead you where the defence force is right now okay? We better move fast too. The orcs usually pack their stuff and head to their next target around this time of the day.”
  2090. “Well, this certainly makes things easier.” Shield Scrapper says. “My name is Shield Scrapper. I’m glad you could find us, lady…”
  2091. “Skeleton Quill!” The rogue pegasus mare excitedly exclaims.
  2093. This meeting is bit of a surprise, but for the defence force to keep an eye on the orcs in such ways is not a far-fetched fact. Shield Scrapper seems ready to follow Skeleton Quill already, but perhaps you have objections and would rather find them yourself. In both cases, maybe you have some questions to ask this mare.
  2095. >What do?
  2097. “And who would this partner of yours be?” You ask the pegasus mare.
  2098. “My partner?” The rogue mare tilts her head to the side. “Good old Treewing? He’s my partner for scooting duty, yeah. Steel Shine says it takes two of us because if something happens to one of us the defence force could be blind without realizing it. And by the way, Steel Shine is more or less in charge of the defence force. I say more or less because it’s not official, but she’s been organizing stuff and it worked out well so everypony pretty much accepts it. She a kinda knightly, kinda paladinly lass, you know the type?”
  2100. “So where is Treewing?” Shield Scrapper asks.
  2101. “Still watching the orcs.” Skeleton Quill sheepishly answers. “Huh. I guess that why there had to be two of us too...”
  2103. “That makes me think, you heard us talk with the raiders, right?”
  2104. “Yep.”
  2105. “Hum.” You nods. “I guess we should explain then. What you saw was us trying to parley with them, but it didn’t work out.”
  2106. “Well, I figured that much.” Skeleton Quill ponders. “I’m wasn’t sure because I don’t speak orc, but I thought that’s what was happening.”
  2107. Good. If Skeleton Quill thinks that, then you won’t have any awkward explanation to do. It doesn’t sound like she heard anything about Ulna’s necromancer master having taken the head of clan either. If it’s true she doesn’t speak orc, there’s a good chance she couldn’t catch that indeed.
  2109. “Alright, we’re gonna follow you.” You look around to your companions who do not oppose that. “We’re gonna join the defence force.”
  2110. “Great!” The mare smiles with enthusiasm. “Let’s go!”
  2111. Skeleton Quill accompanies you the whole way. When you ask her about her being a rogue she immediately gets a bit defensive.
  2112. “Just because I steal stuff for a living doesn’t make me a bad pony!” The mare pouts at you. “I’m gonna save ponies and I’m a good thief, okay?”
  2113. “A-alright!” You say awkwardly under the snickers of Shield Scrapper and Chiminie. “I’m sure you a good pony indeed.”
  2115. That seems to calm her down. After that, Skeleton Quill chats with Fen Flower a little. While curious about her prodigious size, she doesn’t seem very interested when your follower offers you make her bigger too. The rogue mare says getting bigger would ‘mess with her stealths’.
  2117. About half an hour later, you arrive in a village. Skeleton Quill already told you that the defence force isn’t strong enough to face the whole clan of the orcs, so they mostly evacuate villages on the raider’s way for now, and only attempt to intercept the orc’s own scouting parties.
  2119. The inhabitants are obviously preparing their leave, with supplies being loaded on big carts. Expectedly, the mood is grim, but at the moment the villagers do not seem to be in a panic. There must be around two dozen guards in here, way more than such a village would normally warrant. These guards seem rather ill-prepared however. Most don’t have anything more than a helmet and gambeson do defend themselves, and a pike and a short sword to attack. Countryside guards can’t rarely afford more.
  2121. There are also about half as many ponies around that seem to be adventurers. You note with a bit of surprise that half of those are dwarves, before remembering than in virtue of the pasts grudges of their race those will more readily fight against orcs when given the chance. Both guards and adventurers are helping the villagers evacuate. Of all the adventurers you see here, most seems to be warriors or barbarians, while three other look like priests. There’s also one dwarf mare in complete plate armour, that you soon understand is Steel Shine.
  2123. “Hey!” Skeleton Quill hails the paladin mare. “I found new recruits while I was scouting!”
  2124. The stout mare in armour has a grey coat with black spots, and her black mane is tied in a pony tail. She must be in her forties, but seeing how easily she moves in her heavy attire, it is safe to say the years have yet to take their toll on her body. Her appraising light blue eyes do not seem to blink, but the small, compassionate smile she shows eases the mind.
  2126. “Greeting, Paladin.” Shield Scrapper takes the initiative. “We have come to join the defence force. I am Shield Scrapper, here are Chiminie and Little Spoon, and over there is Fen Flower.”
  2127. “My name is Steel Shine” The dwarf mare nods. She talks with solemnity ad compassion. “I welcome you in the defence force. Your help will be greatly appreciated.”
  2128. “Thank you but…” Fen Flower sounds a bit worried as she looks around. “Is that…All of you?”
  2129. “Half of our force.” Steel Shine answers. “And I understand your concern. There are about a hundred trained fighter among the raiders while our whole force would total about sixty ourselves. So indeed, we’re far from ready to take the raiders head-on at this point. But I humbly ask you to bear with it for now, as new recruits come every day, and that what we’re doing is vital to save those villages. Also, the rest of us is protecting the villagers we evacuated already.”
  2131. At this moment, you’re interrupted by a pegasus stallion landing not far from you. He approaches Steel Shine.
  2132. “Reporting!” He says through some tired pant. “Three scouting parities. One heading there, and their main force will follow. The others are heading east and south west. We have maybe 15 minutes before contact with the scouts here. 1 hour for their main force.”
  2133. “Thanks, Treewing.” Steel Shine nods, and to you. “Sounds like we’ll have to save the rest of the introduction for later. We’ve got work to do.”
  2135. “Attention everypony!” Steel Shine calls the ponies present to attention. “We’re out of time. The villagers are leaving now. Make sure they’re all here. Two third of us will accompany and protect them. There rest of us will stay here and intercept the orc scouts. I’ll be leading the smaller party.”
  2137. While there’s obviously two big options for you to choose from, but perhaps you could use your particular skill to help the defence force in a way they do not expect. You could even be bold enough to talk about something different than what Steel Shine just planned.
  2139. >What do?
  2141. You’re gonna stay and fight these scouts. Now, what’s left to do is to offer your abilities to the mares present. Maybe even Steel Shine would accept for the sake of protecting the innocents.
  2143. >Roll 1d100
  2144. >Success: DC70
  2145. >Huge success: DC90
  2147. “We volunteer to defend the village.” You state after making sure it is alright with your companions. “And I have to add, my abilities let me empower ponies, but mares only.” You point at Fen Flower to illustrate your words. “So if I may request so, it would be more efficient if I were accompanied by mares.”
  2149. “’Freaking bard!” One of the dwarf stallions amongst the adventurers barks. “This is no place to play lovercolt. What we’re dealing with is serious!”
  2150. “Oh, we are very serious!” The 12 feet Fen Flower steps forth, frowning down at the dwarf who reflexively takes a step back in reaction. “Or perhaps I need to show you how much exactly Little Spoon’s power is worthy.”
  2151. “Everypony, please! This is not the time to argue!” Steel Shine speaks again and then to you. “There are enough adventurers with your group and me to remain here anyway, and if what you say is true then the guards than will stay here shall be mares.”
  2153. Steel Shine’s words seem to calm the dwarf down, but you still get a few mean looks from him and from some other stallions of the group of adventurers. Anyway, you will remain in the village with Shield Scrapper, Chiminie, Fen Flower and Steel Shine. Skeleton Quill will also watch you from the sky. Seven guard mares will remain too, while the rest of the troops starts to leave with the villagers.
  2155. You approach the group of guard mares. They look at you with suspicion at first.
  2156. “Greeting.” You bow lightly. “I understand they are atypical, so allow me to demonstrate the abilities I talked about.” And without further delay you start to use your bardic inspiration to increase their size and strength. The doubts of the earth mares evaporate instantly as they go from 4 to 7 feet in size and feel the strength of their body increase as well.
  2157. “Goodness! We’re even bigger that the orcs now!” One mare reacts, sounding pleasantly surprised.
  2158. “And not just by a few inches. Look at the halfling! He looks like a baby colt!” Another says.
  2159. “Hold on…” A third mare gawks at Fen Flower, who at 15 feet tall now has her head peeking over the rooftops of the village. “You grew even bigger! How’s that possible?”
  2161. “Well, Little Spoon?” Fen Flower looks down at you with a smirk. “Do you want to explain?”
  2162. “I can grow a mare further, but for that I need to get intimate with her.” You say, doing your best to remain serious in front of the mares whose expressions expectedly go from hopeful to disgruntled. “Of course I would never ask any of you to do this, but if any of you is willing to, I will grow her more. We might have just enough time.”
  2164. The mares remain silent in response. You simply nod and go away for now.
  2166. “I’ll explain how we usually deal with orc scouts.” Steel Shine talks to all of you soon after that. “Usually, orcs approach a village enough to whether or not it has been evacuated already. We just have to hold them off for some time, so they don’t get the information they’re looking for. That’s what we did until now, but perhaps today we can surprise them.”
  2167. Standing at 6 feet and a half and even bulkier than earlier thanks to your inspiration that you still showcase, Steel Shine taps the ground impatiently, her smile widening for a second.
  2168. “Orcs always had the advantage of speed, but with our newest addition we might be able to corner some of the scouts before they can return to their clan. Be sure to seize any occasion you get, but don’t get too cocky either and never try to act alone. That’s all I had to say. Now we can wait for them.”
  2170. While you were looking for a place to sit, one of the guard mares approaches you. This one looks like the oldest of the bunch, quite unremarkable in all ways aside from that. She seems quite flustered at the moment.
  2171. “Hey, uh, so … I thought about it and I want you to grow me bigger.” The guard mare says. “Is that still on the table?”
  2172. “Hum, yeah, but we’ll need to make this quick.” You nod while Chiminie and Shield Scrapper look away with light blush on their faces.
  2173. “I know!” Fen Flower speaks up, and she licks her lips with a devious smile on her face. “I’m gonna help you Little Spoon, and also make sure not to embarrass our new friend too much.”
  2175. There, the giant alchemist mare picks you up before walking behind a cottage that barely conceals her form at this point. She beckons the guard mare to follow.
  2176. “We’re on the clock, right?” Fen flower tells you while holding you level with her face. “So tell me just before you about to get off, okay?”
  2178. And before you can react, Fen Flower eagerly starts to engulf your crotch in her mouth under the flustered guard mare who looks in fascination. Fen Flower is only getting better at handling you each time. Practically from scratch, her tongue and lips bring you close to release in only a little more than a minute. When you give Fen Flower the hint, you’re swiftly presented to the quizzical guard mare.
  2180. “Here, honey.” Fen Flower coos. “Drink up your potion.”
  2181. The guard mare gulps before unsurely taking your baton in her mouth. Her hesitation makes her infinitely less pleasurable than Fen Flower, but the giant mare had stimulated you enough there are only a few seconds before you erupt in her mouth, and that she grows one additional foot of height.
  2183. *cough* “Goodness…” The old mare looks at herself in disbelief. “It’s real!”
  2184. “Very real yeah.” Fen Flower brings you closer to her mouth again. “But you got three more servings to make it last for the day. Let me pump them out for you…”
  2186. Fen Flower repeats this process three more times. Each time, the guard mare gets a little more enthusiastic about this, and bigger too. And after a little less than 10 minutes, she stands at 11 feet with the cumulated effect of you inspiration.
  2187. “Gee, now you’re looking really small, bard.” The guard mare looks at you with an uppity smile. “That was strange, but thanks. Now it’s the face of the orcs when they see me that I wanna see!”
  2188. “Y-you’re welcome!” You say, panting.
  2190. “They’re coming!” You suddenly hear the voice of Skeleton Quill who landed in the village, presumably talking to Steel Shine. “Orc scouting party! 10 of them, straight north!”
  2191. Sounds like playtime is over.
  2193. >A: Charge the orcs with all the ponies present. They’ll get a big surprise when all the mares nearly double in size in front of them.
  2194. >B: Do not get cocky. Push them back without engaging them, as Steel Shine and her forces did until now.
  2195. >C: Perhaps you could remain concealed near the village, and get the jump on the orcs that way.
  2196. >D: You feel like pushing this guard mare to shine in this battle in particular could cement her liking of growth. See if she’d accept to let you ride her for this battle. Also get her name.
  2198. “Wait! I didn’t even catch you name.” You stop the guard mare before she answers the call from the center of the village. “And in the rush I may have skipped my own introduction. My name is Little Spoon.”
  2199. “Hum, Claya here.” The mare answers.
  2200. “I’m gonna need your help Claya.” You say. “You’ve probably noticed I’m on the shorter side. I’m won’t be able to keep up with you all while I use my music to strengthen you. Would you mind letting me ride you into battle?”
  2201. “Gee.” Claya chuckles nervously. “That was strange to hear... But I guess I can see the issue here.”
  2202. “If you’re not up for it, I can carry Little Spoon myself.” Fen Flower brings you closer to herself with one big protective hoof.
  2204. “What are you doing over there?!” You hear Steel Shine’s voice. “Hurry up!”
  2205. “Please Claya.” You ask the guard mare.
  2206. “A-alright Little Spoon.” The old guard mare lies down so you may climb on her back, and then the three of you joint the rest of the forces.
  2208. You decide to hide at the edge of the village, hoping to get the jump on the orcs that way. You would have tried to sneak closer, but even without your inspiration Claya and Fen Flower would be too large to conceal without the cover of the houses.
  2210. Taking a glimpse from the north, you indeed see the group of orcs coming in your direction. But at some point, they seem more inclined to circle around the village rather that to approach it. You estimate they’re around 500 feet away at this point.
  2211. “I shall bait them.” Steel Shine whispers. “I’ll provoke them, and when you’re sure they’re coming for me, join me against them.”
  2213. The rest of you nod and Steel Shine walks outside of the village. With her armour, she’s absolutely unmissable in the plains.
  2214. “Come and fight me raiders!” She shouts. “I want to see how you fare against a real warrior and not the defenceless ponies you’ve been tyrannizing so far. Come at me if you dare!”
  2216. With what you heard from Malmarrow earlier this morning, it’s no surprise to you the orcs answer this challenge without question, and start running straight toward the dwarf mare.
  2217. “Looks like it’s gonna be your time to shine.” You whisper to Claya. “’Ready to show everybody what you can do?”
  2218. “Hmm…” Claya whispers back, determined.
  2220. The orcs get closer from Steel Shine, until you’re certain you’ll be able to engage them before they can run away. When that time comes, the rest of you spring out of your hiding place, and you start using your inspiration to grow and strengthen the mares for the imminent fight.
  2222. >Roll 1d100
  2223. >Success: DC 70
  2224. >Huge Success DC 85
  2225. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 40
  2227. Emboldened by her size, Claya runs upfront and charges the orcs with a fierce battle cry. When you grow the mares with your bardic inspiration, the orcs are surprised and stop their own advance to brace for impact with the larger opponents instead. A second later, Claya is face to face with a raider.
  2229. With a swing of her blade, Claya blasts away the weapon of the orc, and with her momentum she just runs hover him, crushing his torso under her hoof. However, the companions of the orc do not remain in their stupor for long. Immediately after this takedown, Claya is struck at her back leg by an orc axe. She lets out a cry of pain, and buck in the air to for her aggressor to back away. However, a javelin now hits Claya in the side, not far from your own leg.
  2231. The situation could have gone more awry very fast after this, but the rest of your companions are crashing on the groups of orcs at this point, and Claya can safely retreat behind them without further damage. The ocrs were outmatched, but 2 of the scouts ran away toward the forest, and you have little hope to catch up on them. The rest of their troop fought to the death to cover for them. The guard mares and your companions suffered some injuries, but most of them are minor and Claya ended up being the one with the gravest wounds. Fortunately, Steel Shine’s healing abilities can patch her up enough to make sure she can handle herself.
  2233. “You got reckless, Claya.” Steel Shines tells her, a hint of reproach Iin her voice. “We’re lucky you didn’t get hit more than that.”
  2234. “Sorry, I got careless.” The guard mare answer. Unfortunately, she sounds like she didn’t have the occasion to enjoy her stature. “I got carried away. But now I got my hooves back on earth. It won’t happen again.”
  2235. “Anyway, we’ve got to move. I don’t think we can catch the scouts that escape.” Steel Shine sighs. “That means the main force of the orcs will probably rush toward here, and then they’ll track down the villagers. Since it’s the first time we’ve engaged them like this, they’ll come back for blood for sure.”
  2237. >A: Join the group with the villagers. You must have enough forces to hold off the orcs if the worst happens.
  2238. >B: If you can engage another group of scouts, maybe you can confuse the orcs and prevent them from going straight after the refugees.
  2239. >C: You’re faster than the orcs when grown. You, Steel Shine, Fen Flower, Chiminie and the willing guard mares could go harass the main orc force to slow them down.
  2240. >D: There’s still a chance to catch the scouts. Maybe Skeleton Quill could take them down with your help.
  2242. “There’s a chance!” You say. “If Skeleton Quill could catch up on the scouts, maybe she could take them down with my help.”
  2243. “Hmm…” Steel Shine seems to consider your idea, and turns to the rogue mare in question. “Would you be ready to try, Skeleton Quill? I normally wouldn’t condone that kind of dangerous action, but the villagers will be a lot safer if these scouts cannot make it back home.”
  2244. “Well, if that can help, I guess I can try to get the jump on them.” Skeleton Quill nods.
  2245. “Are you familiar with crossbows?” You take out your dwarven weapon and offer to lend it to the mare. “Could this help you?”
  2247. “Hum, yeah. I can use it.” The rogue mare nods after examining your weapon.
  2248. “If you’re ready, then go right away.” Steel Shien says. “If you feel like you’re taking too long, come back over here and we’ll joint the refugees together.”
  2250. After starting you inspiration, you climb on the back of Skeleton Quill and she soars in the sky. If the matters at hoof weren’t so urgent, you would have marvelled at being on the back of a flying big mare, but for now you have to keep your eyes peeled to find these scouts as soon as possible.
  2252. The terrain is a patchwork of small woods and green grassy plains once you’ve gone past the fields and orchards of the village. You fly in the direction you saw the orcs go, remaining high to lessen the chance they spot you first.
  2254. After around 5 minutes. You finally see the two orc scouts as they come out of a small forest. They trot back north, and do not seem to have noticed you.
  2256. “Hang on tight, bard.” Skeleton Quill says, preparing her daggers and your crossbow, which both looks quite more lethal after being enlarged along the mare wielding them. “I’m gonna dive!”
  2258. And indeed, you feel yourself falling along Skeleton Quill as she zooms down on her targets.
  2260. >Roll 1d100
  2261. >Success: DC 65
  2263. You see the ground coming very, very fast to you, but it’s only when Skeleton Quill start screaming that you realize this descent is going a bit too fast even for her.
  2265. The pegasus mare slows down, but not enough to avoid for both of you to crash and tumble on impact. After a dozen rolls of the ground and probably just as many bruises, you see Skeleton Quill stand back on her hooves. But as soon as she does, the mare just flies away again.
  2267. You don’t have the time to process that than a second later you’re cleanly knocked out with a hit at the back of the head.
  2269. The next time you come to your senses, you’re bound by ropes and your mouth is tightly covered by some dirt-smelling cloth. Needless to say, your whole body hurts, but your head takes the prize in term of soreness. You probably aren’t gonna feel better any time soon a as your currently attached to an orc mare’s back who’s trotting in the middle of her tribemates. You don’t think any of them noticed you woke up yet.
  2271. >A: Pretend you didn’t wake up yet. You’ll get to hear what they’re saying that way.
  2272. >B: Wiggle a bit. Get the orc mare to realize you’re awake. If they didn’t finish you off, maybe you can talk with them.
  2273. >C: You need to escape your binds now. Spend a skill point to learn escape artist You have 2 skills points left.
  2275. You record it is the second time you’ve been caught and tied up in your adventures, and unfortunately, your specialised school of bard probably isn’t gonna offer you more options to escape such predicaments. If you come out of this alive, perhaps traveling to bigger cities and acquiring enchanted gear could help you avoid such traps. That or potions maybe. You should talk to Fen flower about this. As unfashionable as a potion of grease may sound, it the kind of stuff that could help you escape your binds. Well, if the orcs hadn’t striped you of all your possessions of course…
  2277. You don’t think you’ve got anything to gain trying to escape at this point. In the middle of potentially unfriendly orcs, pretending to have been knocked out seems like the better choice.
  2278. For a while you do not hear anything else than the rumble of hooves and a few words muffled in the distance that you can’t understand. The first thing you understand is a shout in front of you.
  2280. “Village’s in view!” You hear, and without stopping their advance, you hear the orcs preparing their weapons. No fight seem to happen, though, and after some more trotting, the orcs seem to slow down. Barely opening your eyes, you realize you’re again in the village you joined the defence force at earlier today. It is now completely desert.
  2282. “Search the place!” You hear a shout again. Claim anything you want, but report if you find traces that would tell us where the little ponies fled.”
  2283. That order seem to please the raiders. You’re unceremoniously dropped on the ground, and the ropes tying you are soon attached to a wooden post. Barely opening your eyes, no orc seem to be watching you in particular, but you see them walk around you, emptying the houses in search of anything of value.
  2285. >A: Last time you were in this situation, it’s Peal Plum who came to save you. You have no choice but to have faith in your companions to eventually save you.
  2286. >B: Openly make it known you’re awake and see where that takes you now.
  2287. >C: Try to get the attention of only one orc mare. Maybe you could trick her into freeing you in exchange of growing her.
  2288. >D: Now is the time to attempt an escape. Spend a skill point to learn escape artist You have 2 skills points left.
  2290. >You spend a skill point to learn escape artist. You have 1 skill point left
  2291. >You now have: Perform: Singing, Perform: instrument (Lute), Perform: Dance, Language: Halfling, Language: Orc, Language: Common, Perception, Diplomacy, Sneak and Escape Artist
  2293. With some effort and after a while, you manage to loosen your bonds. This is probably the best chance you’ll have at escaping, but still it is a very slim one. Orcs are teeming around the village at the moment, and you wouldn’t give it a minute before they realise you’ve gone missing.
  2295. You wait for the right time. At some point, it sounds like the orcs found something valuable in the village, and many gather to see the loot. It’s not exactly perfect, but it would be quite reckless to wait for a better occasion, you wiggle out of the ropes and dash between the houses, praying that no orcs find themselves in your path. You’re facing the fields now.
  2297. And before you can decide where to go from here, two pairs of hooves grab you by the arms and start pulling you up.
  2298. “You better not scream yet.” You recognize Treewing who whispers at your right. “You can be glad Quill spotted you.”
  2299. Indeed, Skeleton Quill is at your left, and the two pegasi pull you in the air before you can hear the ruckus of the orcs noticing your disappearance.
  2301. About twenty minutes later, you’ve joined the defence force led by Steel Shine that reunited to escort the villagers. After Fen Flower could be convinced to release you from her hug, a healing spell from Steel Shine can alleviate the pain of your misadventure. While you’re glad to finally be in the hooves of a caring mare rather than I those of orcs, you can’t help but to notice some of the other adventurers snickering at your misfortune.
  2302. “Pay them no mind.” Steel Shine tells you, noticing this. “Luck was not on your side today, but I feel like you can be a valuable asset in this campaign. Still, I feel like you need to rest your mind a little. Watch over the villagers for now, and let me take care of planning our next move.”
  2304. After that, the paladin mare walks away.
  2306. >A: Try to befriend the adventurers. If they wanna laugh at your misfortune, make a show of it! Bad luck does make for good stories.
  2307. >B: Find comfort with the mares of your group. Unfortunately, Skeleton Quill had to go back to watch the orcs.
  2308. >C: Go reassure the villagers. You could even ease the burden of some mares here who have to pull their carts full of supplies.
  2309. >D: Tell Steel Shine you don’t feel like resting yet. You’ve got to make up for your shortcoming after the trouble you caused.
  2311. You’re done playing hero for now. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with orcs for the rest of the day, so perhaps you could try to get along with the adventurers. Aside from Steel Shine, there are half a dozen other dwarven mares you’d like to befriend among them. You’re not exactly starting from a stellar point, but it’s nothing your bardic abilities cannot mend.
  2313. The other adventurers walk in front of the convoy. Approaching them, you end up starting to talk to a dwarven warrior.
  2314. “Hello there.” You say. “My name is Little Spoon. Sorry for the late introduction. There was a number of emergencies going in when we met earlier today.”
  2315. “Yeah.” The dwarf answers, looking down at you. “And you’ve been a bit of an emergency yourself, halfling. You can be grateful we could save your ass from these orcs.”
  2316. “Ah, I understand that I’ve been pinnacle of rudeness.” You start. “Asking to be entrusted with all the mares present sure isn’t the opening move of a gentlecolt. Well, rest assured that I’ve been punished for it many times over now. This half pony has been brought back to earth and screamed for his mother as the orcs were about to make him dinner.”
  2317. You hear a few snickers for the adventurers, but those being your work, you’re appreciative of them.
  2319. “My capture was quite the spectacular failure indeed.” You continue. “I expected Lady Skeleton Quill to carry me on her back after my growth spell threw off her perspective. The result was that these orc scout witnessed the first halfling fast delivery service in action. Unfortunately for you, they sent you back the half pony as you see, since it was probably of poor quality to their eyes, but kept the belongings he was carrying. Surely my lute has been broken in toothpicks by these raiders and they now use the strings as floss too.”
  2321. “Truly, I owe my freedom only to how wimpy I am. The orcs mut not have been able to comprehend how a pony could lack muscle to such a degree, and my binds were too loose as a result. And of course, I have many thanks to give to Skeleton Quill and Treewing who pulled me out of this trap.”
  2322. “Alright, alright…” The dwarf pony reacts after your story, a smirk on his bearded face. “Sounds like you ate your slice of humble pie, huh? I know quite the number of ponies who can’t do that. But don’t worry, nopony here was about to let you die to the orcs no matter what we think of you. Still, ‘can’t talk for the others, but I appreciate that you’re trying to make things works.”
  2323. “Thank.” You bow slightly. “I’d wish for nothing more.”
  2325. You and the villagers reach the camp where the other refugees are already when the night is about to fall. The camp is protected by a wooden palisade with a few spots on it to watch the surroundings, but nothing more.
  2327. Steel Shine is informed that twenty more guards as well as a hoofful of adventurers joined the camp earlier today. Now, without counting you and your friend, there are 60 guards in the defence force and still half as many adventurers. About 300 villagers are in the camp at the moment. The ones that arrived with you are glad they can rest. The adventurers and the guard prepare their camp for the night too.
  2329. Perhaps there’s something you can do before going to sleep.
  2331. >What do?
  2333. You have your singing voice to use your inspiration, but getting back a lute would be more comfortable. You can probably forget about the rest of your stuff lost to the orcs aside from your dwarven crossbow that Skeleton Quill gave you back, but maybe you could find a replacement instrument among the villagers. There is unfortunately no other bard among the adventurers, and while you see one old townspony playing some sort of banjo to entertain his friends, asking him to lend it to you would probably feel like an ill-timed demand.
  2335. Something else you could use would be some better luck, but as Steel Shine confirmed, no curse had been cast upon you. You guess the current bad streak you experience is merely a ripple in fate like any other. There’s no other cure than to weather this one, you think to yourself with a sigh.
  2337. Instead, you decide to see what became of somepony else. It isn’t hard to find Claya again, as the guard mare is still standing at twice the size of a regular pony mare, and a foot short of thrice our own. When she sees you approach however, you see a rather awkward expression on her face.
  2338. “Hum, hey.” She says with a tense smile. “You’re alive. Uh… I feel like I should apologize…”
  2339. “Huh? What for?” You frown in confusion. “I didn’t come to ask for any apology. I just wanted to know how your day went at this size.”
  2340. “Oh, uh, your magic has been helpful, yeah. I was able to carry many times a normal load at twice the speed, so I could alleviate the burden of some villagers. But anyway, I wanna say, it’s kinda my fault you got in trouble.” Claya says. “If I didn’t make a mess of this fight against the scouts, you wouldn’t have been captured by them. So, uhm… sorry about that...”
  2342. At least Claya doesn’t blame bigness for her misadventure of this morning, but you can’t help but wonder if there’s a path where she enjoys her size beyond the practical aspects.
  2344. >What do?
  2346. “You didn’t have to apologize Claya.” You shake your head with a compassionate smile. “What I went through is completely my fault. I was too reckless, and I may be the one who might owe you an apology for encouraging you to charge head on with a body you had yet to fully discover. Anyway, I just wanted to know if everything went alright after I left. I’m a bit, let’s say, height challenged myself, as you’ve noticed.”
  2347. “Well, you’re a halfling, yeah.” Claya chuckles.
  2348. “Point being, I don’t have the possibility to experience my own abilities. I don’t consider such things myself, so I want to ask you what made you want to get even bigger than you colleagues?”
  2350. “Hehe…” Claya blushes slightly. “I didn’t exactly have some grand plan in mind when you just barged in and offered to make us bigger. But you know, since it’s been a couple days we had been running around and against some enemy that outpowers and outnumbers us…”
  2351. “So you wanted to even things out?”
  2352. “Eh… that wasn’t...” She smirks embarrassedly. “It’s just that when you came offering us some fuck, at first I thought it was fishy like everypony else, but then… well… I think you were pretty cute for a halfling, so I just thought I could blow off some steam with you. It ended up not being what I expected. Weirdly hot for sure, but we didn’t quite get the leisure to have some real fun, did we…?”
  2354. “Ah! Uhm…” It’s your turn to blush. “Well, maybe if we can get some privacy again, we can remedy this if you’re still up for it. But before that, I’d like to hear how it felt to be the biggest powerhouse on the battlefield. Surely that first part of the battle against the orc scouts must have been a blast. Crushing one of those invaders must have been quite the thrill.”
  2356. “Eh…” Claya winces this time. “Well, it felt pretty awful to tell the truth. Like, I’m as mad at these raiders as the other pony, but just trampling one with my hooves was just… ew! If it wasn’t for the adrenaline, I think I would have thrown up on the spot. When I looked at Fen Flower and how she moved you around so easily before that point, it felt surreal how simple it looked. But after that, now I’m a bit scared I might hurt somepony if I make a wrong move.” And seeing the disappointment you can’t completely hide on your face “B-but it was still real cool after that, you know, I got some time moving around while being bigger. If feels really good to be able to help out like 10 ponies. I just needed to get the hang of this.”
  2358. “I see.” You nod. “I’m at least glad I could be-“
  2360. “ORCS AT THE GATE!” You both turn toward the scream of a sentry that instantly silenced every other sound in the camp. “ORCS AT THE GATE! FROM THE NORTH! THERE’S… THERE’S A LOT OF THEM! IT’S THEIR WHOLE FORCE!”
  2362. A hundred questions fly in your mind, mostly about how could the orcs came so close without being noticed, but the tone of the guard doesn’t imply any amount of joke or doubt. The rumbling of panicked hooves and voices quickly swells inside the camp while you now also hear other voices and sounds from beyond your meagre palisade, and Claya resolutely prepares her weapons. The first thing you’re gonna do is probably go borrow this banjo from the old villager. You think you can do that quickly enough. And after that…
  2364. >A: Help the villagers escape from the south. They’ll be much less in danger if the many mares among them are grown.
  2365. >B: Grow Claya again and ride her to face the orcs. Does she feel ready to give the raiders a proper fight this time?
  2366. >C: Find Steel Shine. The paladin mare will know what to do.
  2367. >D: Find your companions before anything else. You need to be at their side for the battle to come.
  2369. After your misadventures of today, you decide helping the villagers evacuate is where you can be the most useful. While Claya rushes toward the north gate, you first go query the instrument of the villager. Claya’s presence had thankfully established somepony could produce the enchantment you speak about and you’re able obtain the banjo and grow the village mares without a fuss. Providing your enchantment to many villager mares helps them be in a bit less of a panic and help everypony move faster. Furthermore, even batons and torches start to look intimidating in the hooves of 7ft tall mares.
  2371. “Little Spoon!” Fen Flower joins you while you and the villagers are heading outside from the south of the camp and running into the night. “There you are! Chiminie, Steel Shine and the other are about to fight the orcs at the north gate! Don’t you want to help them?”
  2372. “Somepony’s got to protect the villagers too.” You say. “Honestly, with how today went, I think that’s the most useful I can be. If we had more time to prepare fighting orcs with my ability maybe it could have worked, but right now…”
  2374. You stop in the middle of your sentence as you notice a dozen orcs raider coming from the east. These must have gonna around the camp and are running run straight into column of villagers that is escaping the camp. You only have a few seconds to react before the villagers notice them and a few more before these orcs are upon you.
  2376. >A: Face them with Fen Flower. Surely you and your huge follower can force them to flee.
  2377. >B: Some villager mares will need to help you with these. Call for the bravest of them to aid you engage the orcs.
  2378. >C: Ask the villagers to stand together and face the attackers to intimidate them. There’s too much of you for them, you’ll manage to drive them away without a fight. Probably…
  2379. >D: You need more fighters to face these! Have Fen Flower provoke them and bait them away while you go find some more guards or adventurers.
  2381. “Everyone! Stay calm and brace yourselves!” You call, but inevitably you hear some villagers scream I terror as they notice the party of orcs charging at them.
  2382. Hopefully you can keep the situation under control…
  2384. >Roll 1d100
  2385. >Success: DC 70
  2387. “Brace yourselves!” You shout as commandingly as your stature allows. “Take whatever you can to defend yourselves and scare these orcs away! There isn’t enough of these small ponies to take us on, they’re all bark and no bite right now!”
  2388. While some of the villagers keep panicking, they do not start running around to chaotically, and quite the number of mares step fourth to ready themselves and fight the orcs with you. With about 30 of them, and all at 7 feet tall, the orcs start to decelerate even if these mares only have makeshift weapons.
  2390. An explosive vial from Fen Flower definitely puts an end to the pretentions of the orcs at threatening you. They stop coming at you and attempt to circle your group to find another opening instead, but the makeshift projectiles and the villagers that are eager to get back at their aggressors has the raiders turn tail not too long after.
  2392. “Seems like the villagers are safe for now.” Fen Flower comments, while the villagers cheer for the mares that allowed this victorious manoeuvre. “But I don’t know if that’s the case for the rest of our companions.”
  2394. Indeed, you hear the sounds of battle from the north of the camp, and even if you don’t see what’s happening, the palisade was at least partly broken through by the attackers.
  2396. >A: Trust that your friends will prevail. Somepony needs to look over the villagers anyway.
  2397. >B: Join the main fight against the orcs with Fen Flower.
  2398. >C: The villagers seem pretty psyched up after putting the orcs to rout. Join the main battle with those among them that are ready to fight.
  2399. >D: Instead of directly fighting the orcs, perhaps you and some villager mares could disrupt them, merely throwing projectile form a distance could help while keeping you relatively safe.
  2401. You want to help your companions, and you feel like capitalizing on this first success since a while and use the enthusiasm of the villagers. However, getting them in a melee would be asking for trouble, but perhaps you can help without going to such lengths. Even rocks or junk thrown by 7’ strengthened mares could be enough to disrupt those orcs fighters even if you avoid contact.
  2403. Most of the mares you grew to fend off the raiding party from earlier are ready to go with your suggestion, and many more seem to want their part in this too. Only a minute later, you’re on the back of a villager as she carries you around the camp to help fight the orcs. Aside from Fen Flower, at the moment you’re surrounded by about 60 embiggened mares who are eager to take their revenge on the orcs.
  2405. >Roll 1d100
  2406. >Success: DC 60
  2407. >Huge Success: DC 90
  2409. You soon arrive in view of the battle against the orcs. While the palisade has fallen, both sides seem evenly matched as they face each other over a confused frontline. Your own group remains at a safe distance, and the many big mares start heckling the orcs and throwing stones at them when they’re not directly near any ally of yours.
  2411. This seems to work, and you see many orcs being disturbed by this unexpected attack from the side and losing their hoof against the ponies they were facing.
  2412. At some point, some of the orcs seem fed up with you bothering them, and again a dozen of them detaches themselves from the melee to head in your direction.
  2414. “Everypony head back!” You call “We’ll return when-“
  2415. “FORWARD!” The bold shout of a villager mare overwhelms your own. “IT’S PAYBACK TIME!”
  2417. The 60 huge mares charge their aggressors. You’re worried at first, but the villager mares look adamant bout fighting the orcs. Probably not expecting such a response, the orcs hesitate for a moment which is enough for the villager mares to completely overwhelm them. The orcs are clobbered by sticks and stones and hooves until they can’t move anymore. And now the big mares seize the orc weapons for themselves, and it seems like they’re done merely tickling their tormentors.
  2419. The villager mares rush along the frontline, overwhelming one by one each orc that was already fighting against an adventurer or a guard. None is able to remotely slow down the tidal wave of vengeful big mares, who miraculously suffer not even an injury despite their reckless charge in battle.
  2421. Only a couple minutes later, all your opponents are down for the count. And after a few seconds of silence, both the villagers, guards and adventures erupt in a choir of victorious cheers.
  2423. You start tending to the wounded immediately after. While there are many cuts, bruises and stabs that need to be dressed, it soon appears that nopony in your group died today. Steel Shine, Chiminie, Fen Flower and Shield Scrapper are all unscratched too.
  2424. It turned out the reason the orcs could arrive so close from the refugee camp unnoticed was because they had managed to catch Skeleton Quill and Treewing, preventing them from reporting about their advance. Fortunately, you find the two pegasi alive if a little roughed up among the supplies of the orcs that remain behind the frontlines.
  2426. As the villagers, adventurers and guards alike rejoice about this victory, you note that you found no trace of Malmarrow, alive or dead. Something else that you observe is that all the orcs are dead. All of them fought to the very end, and not a single on was merely knocked out. You wonder if those two facts could be linked, or if your fight really was that violent to them. Neither the villagers nor the adventurers pay much mind to this, interpreting this as a testimony of the orcs’ savagery.
  2428. The orc raiders have been defeated.
  2430. >A: Steel Shine is tending to the wounded. Go help her out.
  2431. >B: Remain with the villagers. After putting out the fires, it’s likely they are gonna put up a little celebration before traveling home tomorrow.
  2432. >C: Some adventurers are already searching the orcs and the belonging they left behind for loot. Go claim your share!
  2433. >D: Go meet your companions and finally enjoy some respite with them
  2435. You’re an adventurer after all! And you’re sure your adventurer friends will like the idea of searching for riches among the orcs with you.
  2437. >Roll 4d100 (1 for finding your stuff back, 1 to find equipment, 1 to find valuables, 1 to find magic stuff. You have 2 rerolls for EACH die)
  2438. >Success: DC 70 for the first die
  2439. >Success DC: 60, Huge success: DC 90 for the others
  2441. Luck seems to shine upon you again, and you manage to find your stuff back among the supplies of the orcs. It was all neatly packed together, and even your lute is intact and hasn’t been broken in toothpicks like you told the adventurers.
  2443. Weapons aren’t really your thing, and that’s not even accounting for the fact orc stuff is way too large for you to wield. Shield Scrapper finds himself a spare sword, and Fen Flower decides to pick up a spiky quarterstaff, mostly for intimidation purposes.
  2444. “If I have it while at regular size, you can make that grow with me, right?” Fen Flower says, contemplating the weapons that’s a bit small for her at the moment. “Well, at regular size that staff would be too big for me, but maybe if you grow me a little first, then I can take it.”
  2445. Also, you find what seems to be an enchanted belt. Chiminie can confirm it is magical, but can’t determine its effect for sure. It features an engraving on the buckle that represents an orc warrior flexing its hooves. However, when Shield Scrapper volunteers to try it on, the earth pony says he feels nothing in particular and doesn’t display any increase in strength or in another capacity like the engraving would suggest. You keep that item for now while not wearing it.
  2447. Orcs usually have a different sense of aesthetics from ponies, much more different than dwarves, elves of halflings in fact. They care little for gold, and the few conventional valuable items are very obviously the result of looting the villages. While you can’t keep these in good faith, you find some preserved pelts and furs of wild beasts like wolves or bears and even a few more exotic creatures like the ones of a panther and leopard. You’re also lucky enough to find the few things orcs would accept as jewellery, bracers of onyx and obsidian, and even one collar sporting a jade chiselled in the shape of a skull. These should fetch a good price if you can find somepony to sell them to.
  2449. While there was no trace of the orc shaman himself, you do find another bundle of magic components. Fen Flower seems pleased about this, she tells you she can use these to either create potion she ought to sell for gold, or experiment on new concoctions.
  2451. With that, your quest is a success!
  2453. >You have your LUTE, your CLOTHES, a DWARVEN DAGGER, a LIGHT DWARVEN CROSSBOW and BOLTS, a CONSEQUENT amount of MONEY, WRITING SUPPLIES, some ROPE, and a BEEKEEPER’S SUIT, Three SMOKE BOMBS, some ORC JEWELRY, an unidentified enchanted ORC BELT.
  2454. >Fen Flower carries an ORC QUARTERSTAFF, some fine FURS, and magic COMPONENT, and her portable ALCKEMIC TOOLS
  2456. >You grew to level 5! You now have the following abilities:
  2458. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet) bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  2459. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 2 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  2460. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 5 times). Does not stack on the same mare. If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 5 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 5’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  2461. >Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus becomes increases at level 12 and at level 19. This level and every 4 levels thereafter: Your bardic inspiration grants +1 foot of height you gain 1 skill point.
  2462. >Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and perform when a pony casts a spell or uses any magical ability, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day. You may only use this ability on mares that never grew permanently from your magic before.
  2464. Now, you have to decide what to do next. The pony countryside feels like it doesn’t have much to offer you anymore, but you do have some unfinished business around here. You still have to receive your reward for the previous quest you accomplished, and the lord of the land will probably need a day or two to receive news of your victory and bring his own payment. Chiminie and Shield Scrapper plan to help the villagers clean and rebuild their homes. Skeleton Quill as well as most adventurers are more interested in finding a good tavern to have some fun, and maybe take a day off or two. Steel Shine plans to leave shortly. Her holy purpose requires her elsewhere, she says.
  2466. >A: Attempt to find the trace of Malmarrow. While the bodies of the orcs will be burned for sanitary reasons, a necromancer on the loose is still bad news.
  2467. >B: Help the villagers rebuild while you wait for both your rewards for this quest and the one for helping the fairies to arrive.
  2468. >C: Perhaps you can still catch up on Pear Plum and Ulna as they travelled to the forest of Dawnroot in order to lift the curse of a village mare.
  2469. >D: Search for traders that could buy the furs and jewellery right away. This stuff is kinda heavy on your backs.
  2470. As always, you’re free to come up with your own choice unless stated otherwise.
  2472. It is late in the night at this point, and while the villagers did celebrate their victory, it turned out rather short due to how tired everypony is. You and your companions are about to turn in for the night, and it’s already in your bedroll that you tell Fen Flower about your intention of travelling to the forest of Dawnroot tomorrow.
  2474. “Aw, we can’t get any rest, can we?” Fen Flower playfully laments. “We just won a battle against a whole orc clan, and you’re already planning your next adventure?”
  2475. “You can take a break if you want, Fen Flower.” You tell her. “I just want to make sure Pear Plum and Ulna are alright, and I’ve got to leave tomorrow if I must have a chance to catch up on them.”
  2476. “I know you aren’t gonna let any mare in trouble.” With a smile, the huge mare gently boops your snoot. “That’s why you’re a real hero, Little Spoon. But you’ll catch up much faster if you can ride a mare as big as I am. And speaking of riding, I believe your abilities grew in strength after this adventure. That means you can make me even bigger, right?”
  2477. “Well, yeah.” You blush slightly.
  2478. “Good.” Fen Flower licks her lips. “We’ll try that out tomorrow.”.
  2480. And indeed when tomorrow arrives, you quickly become a part of Fen Flower’s breakfast. Starting at 8 feet as she holds your 2 changes of Embrace Destiny, your Gift of the Bard then grows her to 13 feet for the day after the growing alchemist mare used you a total of 5 times. And with the addition of your inspiration, it’s on the back of a 16’ mare that you’ll be travelling today.
  2482. You depart after saying goodbye to Chiminie, Shield Scrapper and Claya. Skeleton Quill and Steel Shine have left already. The earth pony warrior and his halfling marefriend wish you luck in finding Ulna and Pear Plum.
  2484. As a first order of the day, you stop at a town to restock on supplies. Of course, you and Fen Flower both have a sturdy backpack to hold your belonging, like the light camping gear that any adventurer possesses to camp outside of towns. Since you’re not sure how long this will take, you buy food for a few more days, but you don’t think it’ll be a problem.
  2486. >For the sake of not weighting down the pace of the quest, and unless in specific situations where it is noted otherwise, you always have enough food and water and restock automatically when you need to for a neglectable amount of money. In general, you do not need to worry about mundane task like keeping yourself clean, or anything that would require basic adventuring gear unless specifically noted otherwise or if you want to make a point about it.
  2488. There are no ball bearings to buy unfortunately. Still, you acquire a lantern and a small mirror for a reasonable price, and Fen Flower confirms she can brew healing potions with the ingredients she has. Also, you put on the orc belt. Even if you do not know what it does, it looks harmless enough you let your curiosity loose.
  2490. Fen Flower brews the heling potions you requested before you leave, gently kissing the two full vials she hands to you.
  2491. “That’s the most important ingredient of course!” The huge mare says with a playful wink.
  2494. >Fen Flower carries an ORC QUARTERSTAFF, some fine FURS, magic COMPONENTS, her portable ALCHEMIC TOOLS, two healing POTIONS
  2496. From what you see on your map, it would take about a day to reach the forest of Dawnroot… for normal ponies. With the help of the grown Fen Flower, even though you woke up late in the morning and made a stop, you’re able the reach the edge of the forest in the late afternoon without breaking a sweat.
  2498. While subtle, the huge forest that spans in front of you does look a bit different. The trees are taller, greener, and seem to become more so as one would go further in these woods. There’s a dirt road that goes straight among the trees, but it is barred a by a rope that is held between two posts. And on the rope, there is a sign.
  2500. “Traveller.” After Fen Flower lets you climb down from her back, you read out loud what’s on the sign. “This forest holds the spirits from druids of old that walked the path of complete communion with the wild. Be warned that it will reject violently those who disturb their peace. For your own safety, do not enter without a purpose and tread with respect otherwise.”
  2501. “That’s not very reassuring.” Fen Flower comments. “Are we even sure that Ulna and Pear Plum went through here?”
  2502. “I don’t see where else they would be…”
  2504. As much as you look at the bushes and grassy plains around you, there’s no trace of any pony or inhabitation that could help. You’re no ranger, but the dirt path looks well-maintained even as it goes inside the forest, and you believe you see a number hoofsteps on it, hinting that ponies regularly walk here. Not far from where you stand, there’s also an embranchment that goes around the forest. Looking on your map, it seems there’s a hamlet in that direction less than an hour away at Fen Flower’s size.
  2506. >What do?
  2508. “How about going to that hamlet?” You offer “Perhaps somepony could tell us more about this forest.”
  2509. “Sounds about right.” Fen Flower nods. “Climb on, my little hero. I’ll bring us there in a moment.”
  2511. And indeed, with strides several times longer than the ones of a regular pony, the little burg is in view not long after. It’s only about two dozen cottages in the middle of a few fields, but this time there’s an inn in this village which will make a much more comfortable starting point to look for information.
  2513. Once Fen Flower has managed to squeeze herself inside, and once the innkeeper stallion could pick up his jaw from the floor, you can engage the conversation. There is no other patron present at the moment.
  2515. “Missing travellers?” The stallion nods calmly after your ask about the forest. “Ah, yeah, sometimes ponies don’t make it back, but the last one must have been a few years ago though.”
  2516. “A few years ago…” Fen Flower reacts. “But you spoke like disappearances aren’t uncommon.”
  2517. “Well, it’s no mystery that the druidic forest is dangerous and why it’s dangerous.” The pony shrugs. “But… You’re planning to go there, right?”
  2519. “Yes. There are friends of us we must meet in here.” You nod.
  2520. The innkeeper eyes you appraisingly for a second.
  2521. “One of those friends of yours wouldn’t happen to be an orc lass with skulls for pauldrons and a bit of an accent?”
  2522. “Y-yes!” You nod vigorously. “That’s Ulna! Have you seen her?”
  2523. “I did. ‘Passed here yesterday evening. ‘Told me she was looking for a druid mare in the forest too. That one I didn’t see. I advised she waited until the morning to go but she refused and went right away. She did listen to me about the forest though. Not really my business, but I like to think I prevented the end of a couple foolhardy adventurers through the years with my advice.”
  2525. “Then we’d like to listen to you.” You say, taking a seat. “What dangers can we expert in there if we try to follow the path a druid would take to the heart of the forest to receive power?”
  2526. “I don’t know much about druidic rituals or the heart of the forest, but I can tell you about its dangers alright. All the trees are alive in there, and if they get mad at you, you’re gonna get clubbed and snared to death by them. If you start feeling the roots moving beneath you, you better run out of the woods at once.”
  2528. “Alright.” You nod. “How do we not make the trees mad?”
  2529. “I was getting there.” The innkeeper continues. “Basically, lotsa druids merged their spirits with the forest through the ages, and seeing stuff they don’t like make them mad. Now, this isn’t as harsh as it sounds. There are only a couple of big no-noes, like caging a creature of the forest or trying to build a solid construction inside. Otherwise, there are quite the number of things the forest just mildly dislikes, like littering, making fires, cooking or the use of about any crafted item really.”
  2530. “So… The forest dislikes about everything?” Fen Flower cocks an eyebrow.
  2531. “Like I said, the forest is only mild about that. You can go on a whole day and night with your stuff as usual before you’d start feeling unwelcome, and then a day outside the forest and it would all be forgotten. Besides, there are a couple things you can do to appease the forest. Breaking down a crafted item will please it for example, and also, you’re in luck.” The Innkeeper nods toward the lute you carry on your back. “As wild as they may have turned, the spirits of the druids are still soothed by music.”
  2533. “Alright! If music can keep the forest calm, it should be safe as long as I play while we walk.”
  2534. “Well… That’s not all there is to this forest.” The innkeeper says. “In addition to the trees themselves, you’ll have to look out for wild beasts. Wolves, to be precise. The forest is teeming with them. These mostly prowl alone, but they’re stronger and way starter than normal beasts. The forest doesn’t mind you defending yourself or killing them, though, rules of nature and all. So, you still want to go in there?”
  2536. “Of course.” You nod resolutely.
  2537. “Alright. Then I can tell you a couple more things. You see, there’s a path that goes into the forest.”
  2538. “Yeah, we’ve been there.” Fen Flower comments.
  2539. “That path is a safe zone from the beasts, but not the trees.” The innkeeper explains. “And if you walk down the path, you’ll find the grove keeper. An old, rude pony that speaks in riddles, but rather harmless. He’s the one who’s keeping the pathway clean, as well as a bunch of other druidic duties I never understood much about. That could be a starting point to find your friends.”
  2540. “I see. Thanks for telling us all this.” You bow slightly.
  2541. “Sure. Try not to die, you two.” He says with a smirk. “And like I told your friend, it’s better to enter the forest in the morning. The beasts hunt at any hour, but it’s way easier to get caught by surprise in the dark.”
  2543. >What do?
  2545. “Do you think building something like a rudimentary alarm perimeter would count as a building?”
  2546. “Well, never tried something like that.” The inn keeper shrugs. “But that would probably fall into the ‘mild’ offense zone.”
  2547. “I see.” You nod. “Anyway, thanks a lot for warning us. And sorry, but we’re gonna go to the forest right away too, or at least camp on the pathway so we can begin our search at dawn.”
  2548. “Aye. Take care, travellers.”
  2550. You leave the inn and hamlet after that. In order to reduce the amount of crafted items you carry, you decide to bury so of those with the intend of finding them later. You find a spot hidden from the road but recognizable enough you should find it again without trouble. After digging a hole, you roll in a tarp the furs, orc jewellery and belt, your beekeeper suit, money, writing supplies, mirror and most of Fen Flower’s alchemic gear. She keeps just enough stuff so she’ll be able to prepare some of her explosive vials.
  2552. >You have your LUTE, your CLOTHES, a DWARVEN DAGGER, a LIGHT DWARVEN CROSSBOW and BOLTS, some ROPE, three SMOKE BOMBS, a LANTERN, two healing POTIONS
  2553. >Fen Flower carries an ORC QUARTERSTAFF, part of her portable ALCHEMIC TOOLS, two healing POTIONS
  2555. With some weight off your shoulder, you climb again on the larger mare and follow the road into the forest. The path goes straight inside, not taking a single turn for as far as you can see. It soon feels like you’re in a green tunnel, the vegetation getting lusher and thicker as you advance but thankfully the enlarged Fen Flower eventually doesn’t have to bend her head anymore as the trees become bigger and taller as you advance. Eventually and despite how high it is, the canopy is dense enough it feels like several hours later than it really is. Nightfall will happen in a couple hours still, but you might need to light up out your lantern before that, and you’re starting to have trouble seeing where you tread at the moment. Far from silent, the sounds of birds can be heard everywhere, as well as sometimes the rustling of leaves above or, more worryingly, in the bushes near the path. You feel watched by the trees that are now much more imposing that Fen Flower now.
  2557. The two of you get rather tense, but you eventually see the end of the path in front of you after 20 minutes of walking. The dirt clearing of the path merely stop apparently in the middle of nowhere, leaving both you and Fen Flower a bit quizzical about where to go next. But then you hear a sound in the bushes to your right.
  2558. “It’s a wolf!” Fen Flower exclaims as the beast nonchalantly comes out of the green, soon followed by an old, rugged pony. His face is almost entirely covered by his long, brown-grey mane and beard, the same colour as the animal flanking him. His moves too are as smooth as the one of the prey animal despite the apparent age of the stallion, and he looks quite well-built too.
  2560. “Visitors...” The old pony grumbles before letting out a disdainful huff. “You’re not welcome here. You should leave while you can.”
  2562. >What do?
  2564. “We mean no harm or insult.” You speak. “We just want to find our companions, an orc mare that passed yesterday and a druid mare that must have arrived the day prior to journey to the heart of the forest. Have you seen them? We don't plan to stay long if possible.”
  2565. “They’re probably dead now.” The old pony huffs. “Or they should be if you ask me. The first too soft, the second too foolish. Both unworthy of becoming an alpha!”
  2567. You bite the inside of your cheek to silence your own protest. At least, despite how grim his words are, the grovekepper at least confirmed he saw Ulna and Pear Plum.
  2569. “Please, won’t you tell us where they are? We’d be happy to assist you with your duties in exchange for information and safe passage.”
  2570. “Bah!” The old stallion disdainfully swats the air next to him. “You don’t have the beginning of an idea of what you’re offering. But if you want to walk in the woods and become prey, you’ll have served a purpose alright.”
  2572. This old pony doesn’t sound like he wants to help, but aside from that he doesn’t look aggressive. His beast sits calmly next to him, watching you.
  2574. >A: Say that you will precisely make sure your friend come out of the woods as soon as possible.
  2575. >B: Fen Flower should be big enough to force some answers out of this pony.
  2576. >C: Ask what an alpha is. You merely wish to know more about the traditions at stake here.
  2577. >D: The innkeeper told you the old pony was ultimately harmless but spoke in riddles. Walk inside the forest as he says.
  2579. “Hold on, what did you mean when you said they were unworthy of becoming alphas?” You ask.
  2580. “If you have two bits of knowledge about the world, you know what an alpha is.” The old druid retorts. “This forest is imbued with that aspect of the wild. A pony must become one with it if they hope to wield the power this place holds.”
  2582. “What aspect of the wild are you talking about exactly?” You ask again. “Like, leading a pack of wolves or something? Or-”
  2583. “The aspect that says you talk too much, half pony.” The druid sternly cuts you off.
  2584. “That’s enough!” Fen Flower interjects, taking a step forward. “We were warned you would be rude, but that was an understatement of how unbearably despicable you are! You’re gonna bring us to our friends this instant or I’ll show you how much of an alpha I can be!”
  2585. “Ridiculous!” The grove keeper scoffs. You note that both him and his wolf are still perfectly calm. “You’re submissive to this wimpy half pony, mare. There is nothing of an alpha about you.”
  2587. You’re more than a bit reluctant about attacking the old druid even if he’s been getting on your nerves too. However, you doubt he’ll give you any straight answer about anything, at least for now.
  2589. >A: Let Fen Flower carry out her threats and encourage her to be as ‘alpha’ as she wants. Ready yourself to cast countergrowth.
  2590. >B: Disregard the old pony and walk into the forest. Since this path went straight into the forest, continuing forward should lead you to the heart.
  2591. >C: Say you wish to learn from him and from this forest. Can’t he at least teach you?
  2592. >D: This just tiresome. Set up camp here for the night and appease the woods with music.
  2594. [spoiler]A point from the previous description of Countergrowth wasn’t well formulated. Here’s an updated version:
  2595. Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day. You may not use this ability on mares that grew permanently from your magic before.[/spoiler]
  2597. “Between Ulna, Pear Plum and Fen Flower, I’m convinced any of them could become an alpha.” You say. “And let us start now. Tell us what Fen Flower can do to become an alpha.”
  2598. “Make me.” The old druid says.
  2599. “Alright, now that sounded like a clear answer to me!” Fen Flower readies her stand and orc staff, and the wolf jumps on its paws while the druid readies himself for a fight too.
  2601. You can tell the druid is attempting to cast some sort of spell. A perfect occasion to try out your new ability…
  2603. >Roll 1d100
  2604. >Success: DC 70
  2605. >Huge success: DC 90
  2607. Your music successfully interferes with the druid’s magic, turning it into mare-growing power. And with Fen Flower being the only mare around, your companion takes it whole.
  2609. “Oh yes!” Fen Flower moans loudly, as she surges a whole 10 feet taller. “I hope you’ve got more of that, Little Spoon. This feels amazing!”
  2611. With you inspiration on top of it, the druid now faces a 26-feet tall mare. And while not as large as the trees of this forest yet, Fen Flower’s hooves are large enough to squish the druid and his pet in a single step. Dumbfounded by his opponent doubling in size and the failure of his ability, the druid could have given Fen Flower the opportunity to do just that, but instead she smacks them both like flies with her staff, sending them flying to painfully hit one of the massive trees of this forest. After that, immobilizing both the pony and the wolf under a single leg is filly’s play.
  2612. “So, am I ‘alpha’ enough for you yet, old fool?” Fen Flower coos, delighted by her own power.
  2614. “There is more to being an alpha than raw strength.” The old pony replies, now calm again despite his position. “But knowing how to force your opponent to submit is a start. I’ll bring you to your friends.”
  2615. There, the old pony utters a tweet, and soon a bird in the forest replies. A few seconds later, a sparrow lands on top of Fen Flower’s snoot.
  2616. “Follow him.” The druid says. “You’ll find the orc and the earth mare in a dozen minutes.”
  2618. >A: You got what you wanted. Follow the bird.
  2619. >B: Now that he seems ready to cooperate, ask more questions to the druid.
  2620. >C: That druid is going to listen to the alpha mare and bring you to your friends himself actually.
  2621. >D: Fen Flower could grow more if that pony tried to cast some more spells…
  2623. “This could have been easier you know?” You say cheekily. “If you change your mind and need us to help you in your duties, the offer’s still there.”
  2624. The druid just rolls his eyes in response however.
  2625. Since you got what you came for, Fen Flower frees the old pony and his wolf. The little bird takes off from her snout and flies between the trees. Now with a direction, you enter the forest in tow.
  2627. And once you’re far enough the old grumpy pony can’t hear you…
  2628. "There will be more growth eventually my eager towering flower.” You whisper to Fen Flower. “The sky is the limit, it's what I intend to make a reality."
  2629. “Oh my hero…” Fen Flower looks back at you, a mischievous glimmer in her eye. “I can’t wait to get bigger, stronger and sexier for you. Rest assured I’ll grow as much as you want me to, Little Spoon…”
  2631. While this short exchange both made you hungry for something more sensual, the trees still loom menacingly above despite Fen Flower’s impressive size. Besides, following the bird that looks bug-sized to her requires your companion’s full attention. You walk for a short while, the light worryingly decreasing around you, until the bird somehow sems interested in diving among the roots of one slightly bigger tree.
  2633. You’re left a bit quizzical for a second, before a familiar face emerges from under the tree.
  2634. “Little Spoon?” Ulna exclaims, sounding surprised, and part of it might be because of Fen Flower’s prodigious size. “Fen Flower? Why you here?”
  2636. You also see the druid mare behind your orc friend, and for her there’s little doubt it’s your immense companion that leave her speechless.
  2638. Looks like you found Ulna and Pear Plum.
  2640. >What do?
  2642. “Pear Plum! Ulna! Are you okay?” You call, relieved to find them. Both mares look unharmed.
  2643. “We are.” Ulna answers. “And you? Fen Flower is… very big!”
  2644. “Never felt better!” Your companion giggles. “You two sure look small from up here.”
  2646. “I was so worried.” You start. “The two of you have been gone for several weeks. We thought something terrible happened.”
  2647. “Wait, WHA?!” Ulna looks horrified. “Weeks? We in… Time druid forest?!” And turning to Pear Plum “Why you no tell me?!”
  2648. “Ehm… That sounds absurd.” Pear Plum says confusedly. “I don’t think Little Spoon is serious right now…”
  2649. After blinking in confusion, Ulna turns to you again to give you a disapproving scrunch.
  2651. “But for real, there was no way I could let two mares alone in a dangerous forest like that.” You say. “We’ve come to help in whatever way we can!”
  2652. “So… You are done fighting clan?” Ulna asks expectantly.
  2654. You reckoned Ulna would want to know that. You proceed to tell Ulna and Pear Plum about how the fight against the clan went. Ulna listens calmly and she nods in silence at the end of your tale, but doesn’t display any kind of emotion after you told her how her clan was wiped out and that you didn’t find a trace of Malmarrow. While you were speaking, Fen Flower shrunk back to the inadequately small size of 13 feet tall.
  2656. “Now, what about you?” You ask. “How did you find each other? The grovekeeper wasn’t exactly… helpful.”
  2657. “Yeah. Old pony is rude.” Ulna nods. “I disregards him and go search Pear Plum. Wolf comes out. I fight the wolf and Pear Plum comes to help.”
  2658. “I was meditating at that moment, not too far by chance.” Pear Plum says. “I was trying to come in contact with the energy of the woods. But then, since the forest doesn’t really like Ulna’s spells I felt a disturbance when she fought that wolf. I went to investigate and that’s how we met.”
  2659. “Druids that are trees do not like shadowbolt.” Ulna sighs. “But then Pear Plum show ritual to me to calm them.”
  2661. “So that was yesterday, right?” Fen Flower asks. “But what about you Pear Plum? How long have you been in here?”
  2662. “Oh, I arrived the day before. That’s all.” The druid mare answers.
  2663. “And… Did you make any progress toward getting the boost you need to cure the cursed mare?” You ask. “Also, the grovekeeper told us about the need to be an alpha. Does it have anything to do with what we need to do to get to the heart of the forest?”
  2665. “Yes.” Pear Plum nods. “I must commune with the aspect of the forest before arriving to the heart, or I won’t be able to achieve anything even if I get there. But about our progress, well… It’s… more complicated than I anticipated.” Pear Plum admits. “The alpha, the aspect of these woods, is among the aspects of the wild I understand the least. I was taught that with enough mediation I could emphasize with any druidic aspect to tap in its might in places of power like this, but right now, I don’t feel like I’ve made much progress at all. At this rate it could take me weeks before I can tap in the power of this place, and I’m not really sure what to do.”
  2666. “Sounds to me like you need to act more like an alpha.” Fen Flower says.
  2667. “Well, as I meditate, I try to emphasize with the aspect of the forest.” Pear Plum says. “That’s how I’ll achieve this.”
  2668. “But that’ll take weeks, right? Well, actually we beat up the old cranky druid, and he didn’t sound mad about it since it was at least part of what an alpha would do. Maybe you should do the same.”
  2669. “Hum, you mean I should go fight Gibbous Fang?”
  2670. “Yeah, or fight whoever really.” Fen Flower nods. “And try to be more in charge of stuff. The old druid also said real alphas wouldn’t take orders from anypony.”
  2672. Pear Plum seems rather sceptical about Fen Flower’s plans. For sure, what the alchemist mare offers is at the opposite of Pear Plum’s personality. But perhaps pushing Pear Plum out of her comfort zone is indeed what she needs to resonate with her inner alpha mare. You wonder what could be the best ways to do that. Perhaps you can start tomorrow, though.
  2674. >What do?
  2676. “Perhaps some sparring between each other could be a start I believe.” You speak up and then turn to Pear Plum. “But the for the big picture, I feel like I should ask you first. Do you actually want to become more ‘alpha’? We can help pushing you in that direction, but I want to make sure it’s really something you want.”
  2677. “I believe you’re right, so yes.” The druid mare nods. “If I want to make mine the power of this place, I have to understand it and become it, at least a little.”
  2678. “Are you sure?” You ask. “You’re not just saying this to follow my directions, right?”
  2679. “I came to this forest to help somepony, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum says resolutely. “Even if it weren’t those I expected, I decided I would face its trials. And… I must thank you and everypony else for coming. I really appreciate what you’re willing to do to help me.”
  2681. “Alright then. If you’ve got your mind on in, I’m sure you’ll be more than capable of overcoming this trial in order to help a poor soul.” You nod. “You have all those wonderous skills and the ability to communicate to plants and animals, things that an ordinary mare is not able to do. And when I remember how you saved me from the mares than had captured me in the village, I have no doubt you know how to take charge when you need to. Now you just need to repeat that.”
  2682. “Mh.” Pear Plum nods, a little blush on her cheeks. “I’ll do my best.”
  2684. You hear Fen Flower sigh, and you see the mare release the size she held from your Embrace Destiny ability, bringing her back to 9 feet tall.
  2685. “Only Pear Plum can be the alpha and lift the curse, right?” Fen Flower comments “I guess we can’t have me keep all the size for myself then.”
  2687. You would thank Fen Flower for the thought, but you don’t think Pear Plum would accept to be durably grown with something else than your inspiration for now. At least, unless you can ease her into the idea of what it implies in some way first.
  2689. Anyway, the grand alpha training shall start tomorrow. You spent the day traveling so you and Fen Flower are ready for a good night of sleep. You all bundle in the fairly large gap between the roots which is a pretty decent natural shelter. Still at 9 feet tall, Fen Flower makes for a warm pillow for the rest of you.
  2691. There is no incident during the night, so after you wake up and eat some breakfast, it is time for Pear Plum’s alpha training to start! And the druid mare seems to await expectantly to hear what her companions would have to say for that, which… shows she still has a lot to learn.
  2693. >A: You should spar with each other. Nothing like physically domineering somepony else to signify who’s the boss mare.
  2694. >B: Pear Plum should issue commands, and you’ll do you your best to ignore them until the druid mare puts you in line like she should.
  2695. >C: Advise she tries to tame a wolf of the forest. The creatures of this place should bow to her.
  2696. >D: Let Pear Plum decide. She wants to be an alpha herself, so she should understand on her own she has to make the calls.
  2697. >E: Whatever you decide, split up for today. It could be easier for Pear Plum to be the pack leader with just one other pony at first.
  2699. You all return her expectant look to Pear Plum. For a second, she opens her mouth as though she was about to ask something, but instead nods at you all as she seems to get it.
  2700. “Well, if I ought to be the alpha mare, then we must secure the territory of our pack.” Pear Plum says.
  2701. “Alright.” Fen Flower nods. “How do we do that?”
  2702. “We stop hiding at least during the day and chasse away trespassers.” Pear Plum says. “Let’s patrol around to let the forest now this is our turf.”
  2704. It sounds like Pear Plum wants to take it slowly, picking probably one of the least active stuff about being an alpha. You do guess it makes sense to start by marking your territory, though, so your group starts to circle around and carefully explore the surrounding that ought to become yours. The woods became a little more welcoming under the morning light, and the sound of many birds confirms this place houses plenty of life. You don’t let that put your guard down, however.
  2706. Thankfully, the druid mare confirms merely waking through the bushes of the forest will leave enough of your scent to let the forest know you claimed this space without needing anything more. For now, no other creature of this place has come to challenge your dominion, which make your task a bit boring.
  2708. Perhaps you could spice it up, or just let Pear Plum do her own thing.
  2710. >What do?
  2712. Your mind wanders about as you walk, imagining an already alpha-er Pear Plum. It’s usually the alpha mare who gets the breeding rights over whoever she wants in the pack, and being the only male in the group that would be she would take you… unless she has appetite over other mares, which you’d be quite fine to discover too. And to prove her supremacy, the alpha mare would have to wrestle the rest of the mares of the pack into submission. Maybe you could dig out a mud pit for that purpose…
  2713. You shake your head back to reality. The mud pit might be a bit off topic here. Instead, you decide to go talk to Pear Plum. You probably need to get a little closer to the druid mare before having a chance to interest her in giant mare mud wrestling.
  2715. “How I became a druid?” Pear Plum perks up after you ask. “Uhm, it’s just my parents were traveling druids too, and they taught me the secrets of their order. I love them very much, but we decided it would be best if I made my own path through the world, at least for a while.”
  2716. “So your parents are adventurers too?”
  2717. “Well, I suppose they are.” Pear Plum nods. “As druids, we believe we need to uphold the balance of nature wherever we are needed. That tends to overlap with adventurer work quite a lot indeed.”
  2719. “You and you parents pursue a noble cause, lady Pear Plum.” You nod. “As for myself, I hit the road and became an adventurer to put my passion for bigger mares into application.”
  2720. “I-I see.” Pear Plum show you a slightly confused smile. “I’m still quite amazed there’s a whole bard school specifically teaching abilities for such a purpose. Ah, uhm, I mean no offence of course! I just had no idea such a passion was wide-spread enough to sustain an establishment. I think being passionate about anything is a good thing in general.”
  2722. “Thanks.” You nod. “But now you’ve made me curious. What kind of adventures have you experienced since you’ve been travelling on your own?”
  2723. “Well, I’ve been traveling for about a year and helped ponies wherever I could, but I don’t think most of that would make for thrilling stories, even if I find such tasks fulfilling myself.” The druid mare says. “It’s been healing venomous bites, purifying a well’s water which had been contaminated by disease, or even tend to cows and mare alike when they give birth. These are small imbalances, but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth mending.”
  2725. Before you can reply to that, Pear Plum perks up and start looking to the right.
  2726. “Careful.” She says to everypony’s attention. “Something’s around. Probably a predator.”
  2728. You’re the two other mares get closer to you, readying themselves. You hear and see some rustling in the bushes slowly getting closer, probably a wolf, even if it hasn’t shown up yet.
  2730. >A: If Pear Plum ought to become the alpha, she must fight it mostly herself and protect her flock.
  2731. >B: If Pear Plum ought to become the alpha, she must command you to fight for her to preserve herself.
  2732. >C: You don’t even need to fight the beast. Make Pear Plum big enough to scare it away. [spoiler]This is what she’ll choose without input from you[/spoiler]
  2733. >D: Trespassers on your territory must not come out alive. Hunt down whatever dares to come here.
  2735. Without any word from Pear Plum, you start using your inspiration her to grow and strengthen the druid mare. She keeps focussing on what’s in lurking in the bushes as she outgrows even Ulna, and reaches 7 feet of thick nature muscles.
  2737. The beast doesn’t come out of the green, but you hear growling to which Pear Plum responds with huffing loudly and scraping and stomping the ground menacingly with her hoof. You wait for about a minute like this, almost in silence at times, but then whatever was in your territory starts stepping back, and eventually running away and you can all relax for the time being.
  2739. The rest of the day goes without any more encounter of this type. Pear Plum politely commands you to forage for food and to find water for the pack in the territory while she decided to try again meditating to reach the power of the forest to assess if she’s making progress already or not.
  2741. When you have supper in the declining light, something bothers you with Pear Plum. At first you have doubts, but after a minute you’re completely sure of your observation.
  2742. An eye with less training than yours would have probably missed this, but you are certain that Pear Plum is half an inch taller than this morning. You don’t think this is your doing, or is it? Combined with the influence of the forest perhaps? Or just the forest agreeing with you that alpha mares should be bigger? You can’t say for sure yet.
  2744. Neither the druid mare or the rest of your friends seem to have noticed.
  2746. Anyway, Pear Plum speaks up while you eat.
  2747. “I have good news.” Pear Plum says with a grin. “I think what we’re doing is working. While I tried again to reach for the power of the forest, this time I could actually tap into it!”
  2748. “Great!” Fen Flower smiles in support. “Then you’re making progress! How much longer do you think you’ll need?”
  2749. “Well…” Pear Plum’s enthusiasm deflates almost instantly. “At this rate… I’d have to keep this up for about a month. And that is too much, yeah. I cannot leave this cursed mare in her state for so long. So, uhm, I’m … allowing you all to give me suggestions, so I may succeed faster.”
  2750. “So… Pear Plum need energy from forest?” Ulna says. “A little alpha, so she take energy little by little, and succeed eventually. But more alpha, and she gains energy faster, and succeed faster. I understand?”
  2751. “Yes, that’s how it works.” Pear Plum nods.
  2753. >What do?
  2754. >Time before Pear Plum can commune enough with the forest with her current behaviour: 30 days.
  2756. If connecting herself with the alpha is making Pear Plum grow, then more growth will help her connect with the alpha. Perhaps you could advise Pear Plum to take as much growth from you as possible. Wait, no, that’s what you want. Not what the alpha wants.
  2757. Anyway, while you believe Pear Plum could use some of the orc mare’s boldness, without any merging power or ability at your disposal your best bet remains to talk the druid mare into this mindset.
  2759. “I believe we’re gonna have to do more than this game of ‘follow the leader’ of today.” You answer Pear Plum’s request for suggestions. “And even with that wolf from earlier it could have gone better. While intimidation was nice, completely subduing it would have probably have been a more ‘alpha’ course of action.”
  2760. “Uhm, I’ll try that if we encounter another beast. But for you, you’ve been going along with what I said.” Pear Plum argue. “There’s no need for anything more if there is no conflict. What can we…”
  2762. As she says these words, pear Plum seems to realize the obvious solution to that at the same time as the other mares.
  2763. “Well, I is still hungry.” Ulna says with exaggerated nonchalance. “I take food of Pear Plum if she not oppose…”
  2765. “Huhm…” Pear Plum lets out a whine, but sems to steel herself right after. “I guess you’re not leaving me a choice.”
  2766. And there, the druid mare uses her magic to turn her skin to back, reading herself to face the bigger orc mare that approaches to take her meal.
  2768. Sounds like the mares are competing for the tittle of alpha after all.
  2770. >A: Help Pear Plum no matter what with your songs.
  2771. >B: Let the mares fight with their own abilities.
  2772. >C: Make it known you can be persuaded [spoiler]or compelled[/spoiler] to help the most deserving mare.
  2773. >D: Challenge Pear Plum yourself in a wrestling match for the title of alpha.
  2775. Despite Ulna being larger, Pear Plum’s bark body helps her hold her ground. The orc mare is not using any spell of hers in this tussle, and both mares are just trying to pin down the other for now, but without any of them getting an edge over the other.
  2777. “Well, I guess I shall empower the must deserving mare.” You declare out loud as you leisurely watch the two mares fight. “Surely an alpha mare would convince me to do so.”
  2778. Ulna and Pear Plum are too busy to pay you any mind at the moment, but Fen Flowers immediately perks up and approaches you.
  2779. “You know, I’m not exactly the kind of challenge Pear Plum needs at the moment, but I could certainly become one with a bit more... mass.”
  2781. Without further warning, Fen Flower grabs you by the neck and start passionately kissing you. She’s currently the size of a regular mare, a height she had forgone for quite a few days, and that she now seems to be unsatisfied with.
  2782. “Oh, I think I’ve got used to being a cut above the rest.” She tells you after releasing your mouth for a second. “Give me my fix already Little Spoon.”
  2784. The eager mare pushes you on your back, and by giving it some attention with her hooves she makes sure little Little Spoon stands ready for action. Once you’re ready, Fen Flower straddles you and quickly starts mounting you while Ulna and Pear Plum’s match is still undecided.
  2786. You moan as Fen Flower pumps herself up down your rod, biting her lip in anticipation for what’s to come.
  2788. However, when you distractedly manage to get a glimpse of Pear Plum and Ulna’s faceoff, you see that the druid mare managed to put Ulna in a submission hold that the orc mare’s impeded bucking on the druid’s bark skin cannot break. There, Pear Plum turns to you, and even though she cannot show much expression in this form, you reckon she isn’t pleased with what she sees you doing with Fen Flower.
  2790. Pear Plum leaves Ulna in the dust. The orc mare needs some time to recover which allows Pear Plum to come to you, unbeknown to Fen Flower who faces you while she blissfully rides your shaft. And when she arrives, Pear Plum grabs Fen Flower by the waist and suplexes the unsuspecting mare off your cock. Fen Flower barely has the time to utter a cry of shock as she’s flipped and knocked out clean as she hits the ground.
  2792. You remain dumbstruck after this turn of event, staring in confused arousal at Pear Plum who gets back on her four hooves and sheds her bark form. Rather than to care about Fen Flower who’s limply slouching on her belly, Pear Plum instead comes to you and positions herself over you, resolutely planting her two front hooves at each side of your head. While she pants from the physical effort, you see a determined expression on her face through her glasses as she looks down to you.
  2794. “Sorry if you don’t want to, but you’ll be growing me, Little Spoon.” She states.
  2795. And before you can tell Pear Plum that there are about zero chances of you ever not wanting to grow her, she picks up right where Fen Flower left off.
  2797. The druid’s ample backside falls on your hips for the first time, making you moan anew. You can tell Pear Plum is doing you mostly for utility, with mere hints of pleasure visible in her mask of seriousness through the task of asserting dominance over you, but her aggressively rapid pace is quickly sending you to the stars.
  2798. You erupt once in Pear Plum. Obeying her command, you use you Embrace Destiny to grow her more, making the druid mare jumps to 7 feet at once.
  2800. That doesn’t stop her from pounding you, and you see Pear Plum bite the inside of her cheek to remain focussed and make sure her ass slams your pelvis and legs every second without interruption.
  2801. Unable and anyway unwilling to stop this, you abandon yourself to Pear Plum’s ride, revelling in the mare’s meaty backside and warm folds, and letting them milk you for all you’re worth of size. The druid mare grows to 10, 11, 12, 13 feet and finally 18 feet tall. At this size, the earth quakes every time the druid mare’s massive but hits the ground to pound you, some leaves of the trees falling down each time in reaction.
  2803. Ulna and Fen Flower are back on their hooves, but they can do nothing else than watch the titanic druid mare have her way with you.
  2805. When Pear Plum finally gets off you, you do not feel anything under your waist anymore and find yourself at the intersection of two round craters in the ground, your groin resting right at the center of them.
  2806. “Sorry if I was rough, but I needed to do that.” Pear Plum declares. Even though she puts on a though face, you’re about certain she feels like she was a bit too hard on you, physically speaking.
  2808. >What do?
  2810. “The alpha… shouldn’t have to have to apologize for taking what she wants.” You say painfully.
  2811. “Ah sorry…” Pear Plum bows slightly, before jumping on her hooves and clumsily puffing out her chest. “I mean, YES! Of course!”
  2812. You smile to yourself. “Alright. Now, may I request for a bit of healing? I’m feeling a little too sore to be useful for the pack at the moment…”
  2813. “Oh, uhm, of course. Sorry about earlier.”
  2814. “You don’t have to-“
  2815. “YES but no talking back to the alpha right now!” Pear Plum cuts you instead, and start using her healing spells on you while her face is bright red with embarrassment.
  2817. In no time, you’re able to stand comfortably on your hooves again, and Fen Flower loses her headache from the supplex of earlier. By that time, the temporary size of your gift of the bard fades and Pear Plum is ‘only’ 13 feet tall now. A size at which only one of the druid’s cutie marks is bigger than you are.
  2819. After that, Pear Plum decides to meditate some more to assess whether this little rebellion of yours she brought down helped her or not. After that, you’ll all be to sleep.
  2820. In the meantime, you chat a little with the two other mares. Or… since you told them Pear Plum needed followers as big as possible, you do that after growing fen Flower to 9 feet tall again with your Gift of the Bard. Ulna politely declines your offer.
  2822. “Well, our dear Pear Plum sure showed some alpha energy earlier.” You say. “Congrats on becoming the omega of the pack, Ulna!”
  2823. “Sure.” Ulna shrugs. “I pretends to be omega if helps. This is all just pretend after all.”
  2824. “Is it? And more importantly, should it just be an act?” Fen Flower objects. “I mean, if we’re just pretending all this, won’t the forest notice it?”
  2825. “Power of Pear Plum is real now.” Ulna says. “Pear Plum can actually command us if she wants. Should be enough. Because in reality she is no pack leader anyway. She just is… soft, I means, good kind of soft. Helpful and calm soft. Point being, soft is different than alpha.”
  2826. “Well… I still feel like something could be missing here.” Fen Flower ponders aloud. “Shouldn’t Pear Plum enjoy herself at least?”
  2827. “Mmh… Better that way.” Ulna shakes her head. “Pear Plum want to help cursed pony. She try hard to be alpha for that. Forest should be happy with that and lend her power, then all is well.”
  2829. You’ve already just acted to strengthen Pear Plum’s position as an alpha, but you wonder if it is enough for now.
  2831. >A: Trust Pear Plum to know the best way to advance from here on.
  2832. >B: You should advise Pear Plum to at least find some enjoyment in being the alpha. That’ll just make it easier for everypony.
  2833. >C: Tell Pear Plum you’re all just pretending to obey her at this point, and she should make sure you aren’t faking your submission.
  2834. >D: You’re not sure it’s gonna help her, but you feel like pestering Pear Plum while she meditates and see how she reacts as an alpha…
  2836. You decide to go check on Pear Plum. The druid mare has retreated in the alcove you sleep in to meditate. When you find her, she seems to be in some sort of troubled trance. Her eyes are shut tightly, she’s breathing heavily, and you see beads of sweat on the fur of the huge mare while she occupies most of the alcove she currently sits into.
  2837. Something you notice too with your particular expertise, is that Pear Plum appears to have grown 2 more inches since earlier.
  2839. You weren’t sure whether you could interrupt her or not, but about half a minute after you arrive, Pear Plum seems to calm down, her breathing becoming more relaxed again. You see her open an eye through her glasses, looking at you.
  2841. “Oh, Little Spoon?” She asks. “Do you need something? Are still sore somewhere?”
  2842. “You fixed me perfectly already, lady Pear Plum.” You shake your head. “No, I wanted to check on you to see how you were doing. If you allow me to say so, I am wondering whether meditating is really something that will help you become more of an alpha. I mean, searching guidance from the woods must have its limits surely?”
  2843. “There is more to it than searching for guidance.” Pear Plum answers. “Well, guidance was what I sought before, but I realised that is not the kind of communing I need to do in this forest. I need not to ask for its power, but take it.”
  2844. “Oh. So, does that mean you are making progress?”
  2845. “Well, it is still hard” Pear Plum declares. “If I had to describe it, it feels like tying to hold ice-cold water against your chest with only your legs. But still, I feel like I managed to retain some of it, and it’s thanks to all of you. I did my best to channel how I acted when you were being unruly, and I used that to gain a little power from the forest. This is quite taxing, though…”
  2847. “You sure looked like you were having a hard time.” You say. “But we were talking with Fen Flower and Ulna earlier, and we were wondering. You… do not like the idea of becoming an alpha, right?”
  2848. “Well, yes.” Pear Plum winces. “Of course I’m not comfortable with this situation, being so inconsiderate and rude. I hope we’re done with it as soon as possible.”
  2849. “Perhaps it could help if you at least enjoyed it more.”
  2850. “I know.” Pear Plum sighs. “But I just don’t like it. However, I’ve decided I would do it for the greater good and against my own feelings anyway. I sure hope this is at least worth some alpha points…”
  2852. >A: Pear Plum should be sitting on you while she meditates. She’ll actually feel her power in real time that way.
  2853. >B: How about Pear Plum allows herself to be serviced by the rest of you? Surely being pampered by three other ponies will make Pear Plum feel better about being in charge.
  2854. >C: Would there be a way for Ulna, Fen Flower or you to help her seizing power from the forest in her meditation? If it’s not exactly about communing, perhaps you can add your strength to the one of Pear Plum like a pack that supports their alpha.
  2855. >D: Ask Pear Plum how you could make her feel good. Despite how nice you felt about it, it was clear the druid mare only had an intercourse with you for the sake of utility and would enjoy something else.
  2857. “Do you really think you can acquire power from this forest without actually changing yourself?” You ask Pear Plum. “Perhaps you haven’t noticed, but you permanently gained a couple inches of height since you asserted your dominance over us earlier, and a little size after intimidating the wolf earlier too.”
  2858. “Oh, uhm, I did?” Pear Plum contorts in the cramped alcove to watch her body, body quite unproductively. “Well… I’ll trust you on that. My perspective is so different I can’t tell. But, how do you know this is permanent?”
  2859. “Simple. I don’t see you shrinking back.” You shrug. “My abilities only last for a time, but this growth isn’t fading. Maybe it’s tied to having my blessings on you, but this size came to you when you made progress, so it probably comes from the forest.”
  2860. “Well, then I think it most likely is temporary.” Par Plum argues. “You see, each living forest holds power that is tied to an aspect of the wild. We druids may tap into it by communing with the aspect, but aside from what we learn in the process, we do not keep that power forever. It eventually fades away after some time. It can be quite long, sometimes several weeks, but it isn’t permanent.”
  2862. “Oh, I see.” You answer. Actually, you’re not yet sure if you should argue about treating becoming an alpha as something permanent. You feel like thinking about it in more definitive terms would help Pear Plum succeed, but you also prefer her more gentle nature and would rather not see her shift from that.
  2864. “But still, are you sure the forest will accept something like the ‘greater good’ as a worthy reason to be an alpha?” You ask. “It seems to me this is not really the mood of this place.”
  2865. Pear Plum frowns at you, pouting disapprovingly in reaction to your words.
  2866. “Well, I think you’ll have to accept ‘the greater good’ as a worthy reason, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum states, and pokes your chest hard enough with a hoof to force you to take a few steps back. “This is one thing I won’t let you or this forest tell me otherwise. If there is one good thing about this power and leading others, it certainly is how much it can help them out.”
  2868. “A-aah, well, here is one thing you like about this situation then!” You say with enthusiasm. “And I believe that enjoying your new position will make things easier, and for sure the forest will appreciate it too. And what I also know, is that growth is something the forest likes, as it supplied you with more of it as you communed with it. How do you feel about growing bigger?”
  2869. “Well…” Pear Plum ponders out loud. “I suppose I’m feeling… neutral about it? I mean, no offence again. I know it’s something important for you, and objectively the forest seems to approve of it, but I fail to see the appeal.”
  2870. “Then perhaps we have something to work on, here.” You smile at the huge druid. “Surely you’ve noticed Fen Flower is quite fond of it for her own reasons, so really I don’t feel like I’m that much of an exception. And what about you? You said you wanted the power to do good? Then this big body of yours could help you tremendously for that purpose, right?”
  2872. “Well… I suppose so?” Pear Plum sounds unsure, but you seem to have at least picked up her curiosity.
  2873. “That’s right. We have to make sure you like your size and your position as an alpha.” You nod to yourself in a show of confidence. “While I don’t have any ‘greater good’ in my bag, I believe you could appreciate a more universal form of enjoyment and tie it to your newfound power. Lady Pear Plum, would you accept to let this puny little bard sing your praises? I’ll also make sure to give your body all the appreciation I am capable of.”
  2875. “Erm… No offense Little Spoon, but I can tell this is something you want yourself before anything…” Pear Plum point out.
  2876. “Does it matter?” You shrug. “I mean, perhaps we can combine the pleasant and the useful here. And by that I mean my pleasant and yours. Well… yes, I must confess I do not know exactly how you treat your bodily desires and whether you would appreciate such an offer. I assumed from earlier that you may fancy some casual pleasure with no strings attached, but if that’s not the case, you have my most sincere apology. Just know that I ask for nothing more than to make you feel good and that I’m at your entire disposal for whatever you wish. On that field, I am quite confident there isn’t one demand from you I wouldn’t love to satisfy. Surely you can even use this barkskin ability to protect me so I may accomplish even your wildest demands?”
  2877. “Uhm… I can only use that spell for myself.” The big druid mare looks away embarrassedly.
  2878. “Oh.” You have trouble preventing your reassuring smile to turn into a cringe. “Well, forget I said that, then, and know that it doesn’t change my will to please you in any way you desire, lady Pear Plum.”
  2880. The huge mare looks at you in silence for a while, a slight blush on her cheeks as she considers your offer. But eventually…
  2881. “A-alright then.” Pear Plum meekly nods at you. “You can… I mean, I order you to make me feel good, Little Spoon.”
  2883. Pear Plum is still obviously hesitant, and finding the right balance between something intense enough to make her reconsider her aversion to her power without shocking her in the process will be tricky. You’re eager to take up this challenge, though.
  2885. >Roll 1d100
  2886. >Success: DC 70
  2887. >Huge success: DC 85
  2888. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  2890. “I’ll do my very best.” You nod to Pear Plum after she gives you her approval.
  2892. Cramped from sitting in the alcove until now, you invite Pear Plum to lie on her back. At her size, a little over 13 feet, that has her hindlegs and rear poke out from under the giant tree. From there, you motion to her head which alone is as large as you are tall.
  2894. Through her glasses, you see the druid mare’s plate-sized eyes watching you expectantly with a hint of apprehension. For now, you decide to start slowly and move in to gently kiss the cheek of the druid mare. You feel her shiver under your lips and stifle a yelp as you taste her coat. It reminds you of the scent from a flowery field after summer rain.
  2895. “You are an astounding mare, Pear Plum.” You whisper to her after the first peck. “You deserve all the size and power I can give you and so much more. I want to help you realise that.”
  2897. You keep kissing Pear Plum this way. The mare seems unable to make a move of her own for now, but you feel her cheek slowly heat up as you now also caress it with your hooves. You also hear her stifle little whimpers. You keep going to let Pear Plum get used to the attention for as long as she needs, punctuating your pecks with encouraging words and praise.
  2898. “You are so beautiful.” You whisper.
  2899. “You are an amazing mare.”
  2900. “You are the best.”
  2901. “You deserve to grow bigger and more…”
  2902. “You can ask me anything you want.”
  2904. While you felt a slight embarrassment at first when you complimented her, you start hearing Pear Plum, eyes closed, repeating your words to herself.
  2905. “I am beautiful.” She mutters after you.
  2906. “I am an amazing mare.”
  2907. “I am the best.”
  2908. “I deserve to grow bigger and more…”
  2910. With each sentence, her breathing became more relaxed, and a content smile started growing on her mouth all while the heat in her face was only rising.
  2911. And when you pledge to answer any demand, the mare opens her eyes again and turns her head to you, before grabbing your back and pulling you in to kiss your mouth. It’s your turn to elect a surprised moan at getting your snout smothered by the warn lips of the larger druid mare. After she frees your mouth from hers with a wet smack, she looks down at you with a relaxed smile, still holding you, and visibly awaiting something from you.
  2913. “Say it again.” Pear Plum demands.
  2914. “Uh…” You’re at a loss for a second, and in your stupor you can only utter. “You…You’re so beautiful, Pear Plum.”
  2915. Pear Plum purrs in delight before smooching your face again with more force than before. If the eagerness you feel in her lips and tongue indicates anything, Pear Plum really seems to be getting in the mood, although she appears to be savouring your praises even more that your lips. Uncovering your mouth every dozen seconds to let you flatter her, Pear Plum seems to be letting herself get hypnotised by your worship. It feels a little unnatural for her, you can’t say you aren’t loving it, and you can only commend her will to ease herself into her role of alpha.
  2917. In fact, you could swear you are physically feeling her power and aura, and that each time you build her confidence with your praise, you feel more drawn to obey every command from your alpha.
  2919. After a few minutes that leave you nearly breathless, charmed and on the verge of climax, you manage to pull yourself out of your stupor and ask something important.
  2920. “May I make you even bigger with my songs?” You ask between two pants.
  2921. “Yes.” Pear Plum readily answers, no trace of hesitation in her voice anymore.
  2923. And so you start humming, and with the addition of your inspiration, Pear Plum grows even bigger. The mare shamelessly lets out a blissful moan as her whole body surges bigger with 3 more feet of height. Moreover, you decided to increase the mare’s constitution this time, and while Pear Plum barely doesn’t seem to register it, her already ample backside expands even further, each flank of her bulging to be twice as thick as her midsection. Pear Plum may have got stuck in the alcove if her increased height didn’t push her impossibly round bottom out of it right before that.
  2925. Pear Plum exhales a hot moan once she’s done growing, covering her glasses with fog for an instant before her enthralled eyes can be seen through them again. These eyes are again focussed on you, and that alone compels you please this alpha mare more.
  2927. “May I…” You start, but words fail you, as none seem decent enough to describe the imperious need you have to service the goddess in front of you until your very last breath.
  2928. “Yes.” Par Plum states nonetheless. A placid and pleased smile on her face, Pear Plum mechanically picks you up with her hooves. You fly over the expanse of her tummy and witness the great curves of her hips before being brought between her thighs. You don’t have the time to marvel at the beauty of the plump, tear shaped marehood of Pear Plum before being smushed and held onto it.
  2930. You climax instantly upon feeling the wetness of the mare spatting all the way from your torso to your groin, and thus growing Pear Plum another 5 feet bigger in the process. Whatever coherent thoughts remained in you are smothered by lust at this point. You reflexively start humping the receptive cave of Pear Plum and shoving you arms in it too since the huge mare makes sure you physically cannot escape her eager entrance. In mere seconds you erupt again, as though your body was forced to give all it could to Pear Plum.
  2932. The moans of the druid mare are music to your ears. Each stoke of your arms, each pump of your hips seems to trigger a cry of pleasure more intense than the last. The mare is also ecstatic about the growth. Pear Plum is as big as you can make her, over 21 feet tall, a size at which you could realistically get swallowed whole by Pear Plum’s marehood. However, that doesn’t seem to be enough for her.
  2934. “More…” Pear Plum absently coos between her moans. “Grow me more, Little Spoon! I demand it!”
  2935. Panting and enraptured, you do not know how to tell your alpha that you don’t have any more growth to give her.
  2936. “Grow me more...” Pear Plum chants. “You will grow me more Little Spoon!”
  2937. And as the alpha commands, your being responds.
  2939. You start feeling a pull on you mind, body and soul. You might have shot some loads into Pear Plum, but now it feels like all that is you is about to come out of your mortal shell and make Pear Plum an even greater mare than she is. In fact, it is starting already, your head is spinning from your numerous climaxes, but you didn’t imagine the fact the huge druid mare just gained another inch of height, and then another one seconds later. The feeling on your being is otherworldly enough it partially manages to take you out of your worshiping stupor, and you suddenly realise that powerful magic from the forest might be at work here, and that it could put yourself in danger.
  2941. Like a rising tide, the pull on your soul keeps getting stronger. It feels like your will might soon break and be smothered by the one of Pear Plum, and it doesn’t help than part of you is feeling mightily ready to give in to the giant and growing mare. But another part of your brain, which is harder and harder to hear out, tells you Pear Plum is only in a temporary trance, and might deeply regret hurting you.
  2943. Yet, the moans of the giant mare echoing in your ears, her flavour abundant on your tongue and in your nose, her overwhelming presence and the power of her body all around you… You do not experience any sense of danger despite what you can rationally understand, and feel compelled to continue humping her groin and feed her pleasure, and then everything else. Simultaneously eager and wary, you’ve got only one chance to take a decision before your mind is overwhelmed by your senses and taken by the enthralled Pear Plum.
  2945. >A: That’s probably gonna hurt in the moment, but you have to make Pear Plum snap out of this. Bite her where she’s gonna feel it.
  2946. >B: Embrace the situation and let go of your own power to strengthen Pear Plum. [spoiler]Choose AT LEAST one of your bardic abilities. It will be PERMANENTLY weakened, but Pear Plum will receive a permanent boon related to the ability.[/spoiler]
  2947. >C: You have to keep pleasing Pear Plum so she may become an alpha, but attempt to resist the pull on your own energy while doing so.
  2948. >D: Call out to her and beg Pear Plum to stop. This isn’t the real her right now and you believe she will regret this later.
  2950. >As a reminder, you have the following abilities [spoiler]some have been rephrased for the sake of clarity[/spoiler]:
  2951. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing or play music, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet) bigger. The effect of the inspiration also doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  2952. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 2 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  2953. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 5 times). If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 5 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 5’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  2954. >Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus increases at level 12 and at level 19.
  2955. >This level and every 4 levels thereafter: Your bardic inspiration grants +1 foot of height you gain 1 skill point.
  2956. >Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability hostilely, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day.
  2958. +1 foot for all, +1 for each precedent
  2959. 1: growth is applied at the rate of by 1 foot over 5 minutes: Pear Plum can become 50% bigger at will
  2960. 2: -1 use: Pear Plum grows 5 feet, current charges are permanent
  2961. 3: Half your level for the growth that lasts for the day: Pear Plum grows by twice her level for de day after intercourse
  2962. 4: Disabled until lvl 12: Pear Plum receives massive boost in all 3 stats
  2963. 5: Only usable once a day: Pear Plum counters the first hostile spell she interacts with on the day
  2965. No, this isn’t right. You can’t let Pear Plum hurt you. You have to stop this for both of you!
  2966. But how… She’s so big right now, and you’re feeling faint. You’re not even sure Pear Plum wouldn’t welcome a bite as a pleasurable stimulation in her state. So before you resort to that…
  2968. “Pear Plum!” You call with a shaky voice to the ecstatic mare. “You… you have to stop! You’re about to hurt me!”
  2969. “I have to stop?” You hear Pear Plum mechanically repeat. “I’m a about… About to…”
  2971. The giantess freezes, and all of a sudden you feel the pressure over your being vanishes. You can catch your breath, and over her belly and chest, you see that the face of Pear Plum frozen in shock and confusion. Gradually she seems to understand what happened and her expression turns to horror.
  2973. “S-sorry!” The giantess stammers in a panic, before instantly dropping you on the ground.
  2974. While you clumsily come back on your hooves, the earth rumbles as Pear Plum frenetically pulls her massive upper body out of the alcove. Before you can call out to her, the huge druid mare runs out in the night.
  2976. You’re not sure what to do at the moment…
  2977. From the direction Pear Plum when to, you think she might be heading to a small river you found not far from here during the day.
  2979. Fen Flower and Ulna look puzzled. It was hard for them not to witness the scene, but they don’t seem to know how to react either and just look at you from a small distance at the moment.
  2981. >What do?
  2983. What you must do here is obvious. Taking a chunk of wood from your small fire to light your path in the dark forest, you run after Pear Plum on the spot.
  2985. While the mare is much bigger and faster than you are, she left quite the trail behind fortunately. Even if everything a few meters away from you is encased in darkness, you catch up on the huge druid mare after a little more than a minute. When you’re close enough, it’s Pear Plum than comes to you, looking horrified to find, her eyes reddened with tears.
  2987. “Little Spoon! What are you doing here?” The druid mare calls, which is now about 13 feet tall and a half. “It’s dangerous out there at this hour. Why did you put yourself in danger again because of me? Even right after I nearly…”
  2988. “I’m alright.” You say immediately. “Now or before I was fine. And you did what was fine too, grabing and taking what you deserve!”
  2990. “How can you say that?” Pear Plum sobs. “This is all terrible. This forest is terrible! It nearly made me hurt you, Little Spoon, all just for some vague promise of power. I thought I respected the spirits who dwell here and their aspect, but now they’ve nearly made me do something so wrong I don’t think I would mind if this whole place was burnt to cinder. Oh it’s so terrible! I’ve never felt so angry at so many things before Little Spoon. Everything’s gone wrong!”
  2992. Pear Plum turns away motions toward the small river where she takes some water to splash her face while still sobbing abundantly.
  2994. You want to help Pear Plum and probably soothe her of course, but you try to think of the best way of doing that. The option of calling it quits exists, but you’re not sure admitting defeat on helping somepony is something Pear Plum is gonna accept.
  2995. Besides, despite everything, Pear Plum has kept the size she gained during your intercourse, and there are now about 6 inches of her that came from the forest. Counter-intuitively, she may not have strayed that far from her initial goal. You don’t feel the forest getting angry at you either. Motivating Pear Plum to continue on that path however…
  2997. >What do?
  2999. There are of course a few simple things to do. You walk up to Pear Plum and hug her. Which means, at your respective sizes, that you gently grab as much of Pear Plum’s wall of a flank that you can. The druid turns her head to look to you, but then looks at the ground with a sigh, just sitting down and brooding.
  3001. After a minute, you too sit with you back on the warm leg of Pear Plum and start playing a calm little tune. Your notes alone echo in the dark for a while. You don’t sing, and just give Pear Plum a little time to calm down, which she does. Her sobs gradually stop and her breathing gets calmer after a few minutes.
  3003. “Thanks, Little Spoon.” The mare says, carefully draping one huge hoof over you. You start another tune regardless. As Pear Plum remained silent after this one too, you decide to speak up.
  3004. “Pear Plum.” You start. “I just want you to know that no matter how much power you receive from the forest, that will never control who you are.”
  3005. As Pear Plum remains silent, you continue.
  3006. “Earlier you only had to hear me to stop, even though the forest wanted you to continue. To me, this is a proof that this place can’t change the kindness you hold inside. You are a very kind and strong mare, Pear Plum.”
  3008. Pear Plum sighs, sounding a little relieved.
  3009. “I’m very kind and strong…” Pear Plum chuckles. “There’s half of this of the forest doesn’t really like. Do you… you think I can ever be alpha enough to satisfy the forest? Should I quit?”
  3011. “This is up to you.” You answer. “There’s a reason you decided to go through this. To help somepony else, even though this forest isn’t giving you much to work with on that field.”
  3012. Pear Plum lets out a hum in response. As she falls silent again, you play one serene little ballad again.
  3014. “Little Spoon.” Pear Plum speaks at the end of your tune, her voice asserting that she built back some confidence. “I’ve decided… I’m not giving up yet. And I want to do something about it right now.”
  3015. “What are you thinking about?”
  3016. “I’ll go hunt some of these wolves tonight.” She states.
  3017. “Huh. Well, that’s a bit surprising. I thought about suggesting something of the like, but I felt you wouldn’t want to take revenge on the forest like that.”
  3018. “Ah… I… I guess it could sound like that…” Pear Plum looks away for a second only, slightly embarrassed. “Honestly, I can’t even tell for sure whether that’s part of how I feel or not. But still, I want to succeed and get power from this place, and I think we can say at this point that it appreciates me exerting power over others. If that’s the case, then I’d rather do so by challenging the beasts of these woods than to do it on my friends. I want to be done with it as soon as possible too, so no more waiting for those predators to come for us.”
  3019. “Anyway…” Pear Plum continues. “I’d rather let Ulna and Fen Flower out of such a hunt, but I think I can keep you safe enough if you climb on my back. Would you mind helping me tonight? I mean, once more? I promise I’m not gonna do anything bad to you this time…”
  3021. “Of course I’m gonna help.” You nod. “That’s what I’ve come here for.”
  3022. “Thanks, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum says again, with a determined smile this time.
  3024. While you provide your inspiration to strengthen Pear Plum and bring her to 16 feet tall again, the druid mare uses a spell of her to help you see better in the dark. With that, you climb on the huge mare’s back, she turns herself to bark, and starts trotting in the night in search of adversaries.
  3026. It only takes you a couple minutes before you notice the growls of beasts not far from you. Out of the territory you delimited for yourself, these prowl even during the darkest hours, as you were warned by the barkeep. Pear Plum doesn’t go for the stalemate this time, and actively seeks the hostile canids. You soon find yourself face to face with a duo of wolves, both ready to bare their fangs at you.
  3028. However, Pear Plum’s strength is just too formidable compared to those beasts. Their fangs cannot breach the druid mare’s skin of bark, and a single buck from the 16 feet plus mare can knock them down, putting them at your mercy after a mockery of a fight.
  3029. Pear Plum looks down at the two animals who are shakily picking themselves up from the ground. She doesn’t seem to know what to do with these defeated creatures. If left to themselves, there’re just going to limply make their way back to their lair… unless another predator of these woods takes care of them first.
  3031. >A: Just let the defeated wolves be and hunt down others. Pear Plum showed them who’s the alpha already
  3032. >B: How about trying to subdue these beasts and get them at the service of Pear Plum?
  3033. >C: The forest clearly doesn’t mind violence, on the contrary even. Kill these beasts.
  3034. >D: The forest encouraged Pear Plum trying to take strength from you, so if she’s ready for that, she should eat the wolves.
  3036. “Do you think you could tame them?” You suggest to Pear Plum. “Or better yet, have them bring you to their lair and become the alpha of them all?”
  3037. Pear Plum look back at you for a second, and then cancels her wooden form. Follows a series of growls from her at the wolves. While the beasts seem unruly at first, a little reminder of Pear Plum’s strength with a stomp of the ground that echoes loudly in the night manages to stifle their protests.
  3039. The beasts start walking into the night, and you follow them.
  3040. You just hope they actually are part of a pack. A side effect of every creature striving to be the alpha must be a plethora of small groups and lone wolves.
  3042. >Roll (1D20 – 5) ONCE
  3044. >Roll 1D100
  3045. >Success: DC 60
  3046. >Huge Success: DC 80
  3048. You follow the defeated wolves among the trees, and after a few minutes you come close to a large hole under the stump of one massive fallen tree. Quickly you hear more predatory growls. 2 more wolves. But again, Pear Plum is far too strong for them to be a threat. In fact, they do not dare to come out of their lair despite their barks and snarls.
  3050. Pear Plum doesn’t allow them to remain out of her reach. The space may be too small for her to go through, but she’s strong enough the lair itself cannot resist her assaults. The giant mare digs out the two canids, and smothers them with her wooden body until they stop fighting her.
  3052. “Alright…” Pear Plum sheds her skin of bark again to address the beasts. “Now, I’m sorry, but you’re gonna have to learn doing what I tell you!”
  3053. What follows is Pear Plum meticulously forcing the wolves to obey her spoken and implied commands, and of course to not treat you as a morsel. The druid mare applies punishment adequately to the actions of the beasts, and the giant pets and raspberries make for some nice enough reward, even for the hardened beasts. Pear Plum shrugs off the few bites and claw marks she receives in the process, and the result is that less than an hour later, the four creatures stand at attention in front of you, awaiting the commands of their alpha in the person of Pear Plum.
  3055. “Alright!” Pear Plum sounds proud of herself for once. “This isn’t too bad I guess. And the forest seems to appreciate it too."
  3056. “So you felt it this time?”
  3057. Pear Plum nods to you. While she was taming the beasts, the already huge mare grew 2 more inches, bringing her closer to the 17-foot mark.
  3058. “I must say, you’re a resplendent alpha, lady Pear Plum.” You comment. “Since you were expecting your size to increase, does that mean you appreciate it now?”
  3059. “Well, sorry, but not really. Not yet at least.” Pear Plum answers. “I’m not saying you can’t like it or anything, but I’m not gonna let myself get sweetened by this forest anymore. I’m gonna focus on why I’m here until we’re out of this place. Anyway, this took a lot less time than I would have expected. Let’s find other beasts. If I can tame them just as easily, we’ll have made lots of progress in one night.”
  3061. If Pear Plum feels ready to continue, you see no reason to stop her. With your ost of beasts, you start to prowl the forest again.
  3063. You soon enough find another lone wolf to tame. As you did before, you first coax the beast into bringing you back to its hiding place. There’s only one additional creature this time, but Pear Plum tames both wolves nonetheless, bringing the number of them in your pack to 6, and growing Pear Plum 1 inch further.
  3065. The next wolf you find and beat leads you to 3 of its kin, and the one after to more 6 of them. Each time Pear Plum would neutralize the creatures and demand submission from them. Despite their number, her technique that was only getting better and the number of wolves already at her service only helped her tame them in about an hour each time.
  3067. And finally, one last wolf brings you to a cave when 11 beasts were resting. While a challenging task, you pack was already made of 17 creatures without counting the one you had just defeated. And even with that many animals, Pear Plum manages to defeat them and bring them all to her service.
  3069. This was a long night, but now with only a few hours left before dawn, Pear Plum has managed to tame a little army of 29 wolves, and the already huge mare grew an additional 15 inches to show for it. She now stands at nearly 18 feet tall.
  3071. Exhausted, you return to where Fen Flower and Ulna are spending the night. The two mares are positively terrified as the huge group of wolves approach them, but the towering figure of Fen Flower makes them understand after a time that they are safe. The druid mare makes sure her animal underlings understand that they are not to hurt you or the other mare, and after a short explanation of what you’ve been up to, Pear Plum goes to sleep. Most of the wolves too start to rest everywhere around you since each of them has been personally roughed up by Pear Plum at some point tonight. You too would have greatly appreciated to turn in for what remains of the night, but you’re held by awake by Ulna and Fen Flower.
  3073. “Is all alright?” Ulna asks. “You was gone long time. Pear plum is okay?”
  3074. “Yes, we’re fine.” You nod. “Just… very tired. Pear Plum is fine, and I think she’s very close to have received enough power from the forest for her purpose.”
  3075. “Great. But more importantly!” Fen Flower looks at you expectantly. “Little Spoon… Pear Plum looks really big right now. Could it be… You’ve found new way to grows mares?”
  3077. >What do?
  3079. “Nope. It was all her, the true alpha as proven by the woods themselves.” You reply enthusiastically. “It looks like this forest just likes growing mares. It’s too bad Pear Plum seems to be… neutral about it at best.”
  3080. While she tries to hide it by biting her lower lip, Fen Flower looks a bit frustrated about this.
  3081. “Why, yes, that sounds too bad…” Fen Flower says with a cringe.
  3083. “Moreover.” You add. “While I don’t how this work exactly, I got a hunch the additional size might be permanent, even if Pear Plum doesn’t believe so herself.”
  3084. You motion toward the sleeping druid. Without your inspiration or the Gift of the Bard, the mare is still close to being 10 feel tall. If you remove the 4 feet of you Embrace Destiny ability, it looks like Pear Plum grew a total of 21 inches from the forest in total. You cannot refrain from lifting one of the mare’s giant hoof, albeit with great difficulty, and give it a lady kiss while she sleeps peacefully.
  3086. Fen Flower looks positively envious.
  3087. “Perhaps we can try some stuff in these woods once we’re done with this quest.” You say.
  3088. “That sounds like a good idea!” Fen Flower nods excitedly.
  3089. “Well, I’m not sure how this is gonna work, but perhaps hunting more wolves could help.” You say. “That’s how Pear Plum got most of her size. And honestly I believe she could have grown more if she had shown her dominance over the beasts in a more… radical way.”
  3090. “Yes, I’m listening…” Fen nods eagerly.
  3092. “The most dominant thing I can think about… would be to eat these beasts.” You state. “To be the top predator of all, and thus becoming the absolute alpha.”
  3093. The mares are silent in response While ponies can live along carnivores like cats and dogs just fine, the consumption of meat still has a stigma of being unclean.
  3095. “Well, if that’s what it takes, I’m ready to try it!” Fen Flower states, steeling her resolve. “If you feel ready to accompany me of course, Little Spoon?”
  3096. “Err…” Ulna seems bothered. “Gonna be a problem? If Fen Flower is alpha while Pear Plum is alpha. Then… they fight?”
  3098. >A: Ulna’s right. You should wait for Pear Plum’s quest to be over before Fen tries to become an alpha too.
  3099. >B: A mare so eager to grow shouldn’t suffer any setback. Despite how tired you are, go hunt with Fen Flower right now!
  3100. >C: All things considered, maybe this isn’t a good idea. Just try to reassure Fen Flower that’ll you’ll find other ways to grow her later.
  3101. >D: But what about Ulna? Wouldn’t she be interested in becoming bigger and stronger?
  3103. “Ehm… actually I think Ulna’s right.” You say. “This is probably a bad time for that, and so was my idea about… ehm, you know, eating wolves. I think I spaced out a little…”
  3104. “Ah, sorry, that is probably my fault too.” Fen Flower says and comes closer to caress your mane. “Look at yourself my little hero. You exhausted yourself all night helping Pear Plum, and her I am making demands to you. I should be the one taking care of you instead…”
  3105. Fen Flower finishes her sentence with a peck no your check which gets a little blush out of you.
  3107. “Thanks Fen Flower.” You tell the mare. “But before I take you up on your offer, I just wanted to ask you Ulna. Aren’t you interested in getting bigger at all?”
  3108. “Why?” Ulna shrugs. “I is big enough I think.”
  3109. Which is about the most saddening thing to come out of a mare’s mouth according to you, but you have to be a little subtle about it.
  3110. “For one thing, everything is easier when you can manhandle about anypony standing in your way.” You argue. “You can ask Fen Flower. That grove keeper grump with the wolf looked like a tough fellow, but he didn’t last ten seconds against her the other day. Doesn’t that sound interesting to you?”
  3111. “But why?” The orc mare asks again. “I… not have figured what I want to do, and I not think getting power, erm, for power, for itself is good.”
  3113. “Ah, uhm, I see…” You say. And now that you think about it, you don’t think Ulna had any really nice experience while being grown. The only time you really went all out on her was when you faced her master posing as her clan leader, a situation that concluded on Ulna temporarily leaving your group. Perhaps another adventure that won’t have to deal with such personal matters could change her view on size.
  3114. If another adventure is what she wants of course. She didn’t mention it, but there’s a chance trying to meet her master again is on Ulna’s mind.
  3116. “Anyway, if you change your mind, it’ll be my pleasure to grow you as big as you wish.”
  3117. “Yes.” Ulna scoffs and shows you a smirk. “That, I know.”
  3118. “Now, how about you take care of the mares who already wish to grow bigger, my hero?” Fen Flower coos with a playful pout.
  3120. Tired as you are, you have no reason to resist Fen Flower. Taking some distance from the rest of the group, you and Fen Flower cover each other with passionate kisses, and soon the mare gently bounces up and down you shaft. With the help of your inspiration, Fen Flower is quickly 12 feet of sexy and eager mare again, and even 17 right after you climax into her.
  3122. Looking down to your small form she is straddling, the flustered mare looks pleased to be the biggest around again.
  3123. “Fen Flower…” You let out in a heated breath. “Pear Plum may have stolen my sights for a short while with that strange growth of her, but you’re still beautiful in my eyes no matter the size.”
  3124. “No matter the size, huh?” Fen Flower, puts her hooves on her hips, pretending to be offended. “That better mean bigger than I am at this moment!”
  3125. “Oh, don’t you worry about it. Rest assured that I’m dedicated to grow you as big as possible.”
  3126. “Now that’s what I love to hear from my little hero!” Fen flower shows you a sultry smile of contentment. At this point, the mare extracts your prick from her to instead give you one hot kiss on the snout.
  3128. “Thanks my hero.” She whispers in you ear. “You must be exhausted. Perhaps you’d like to go to sleep? Don’t worry, there’ll be just as much me for you to enjoy tomorrow… unless you find a way to make even more of it of course.”
  3129. “Yes, sleeping sounds good.” You nod with a gleeful smile on your face.
  3131. There, the 12’ mare to lies down against a tree to sleep, your little body snuggled against her chest and with your head nestled under her jaw.
  3133. While Fen Flower seems content for now and despite how comfortable her embrace is, your mind can’t help but to wander and worry a little.
  3134. You have a nagging feeling that Fen Flower will not be very enthusiastic should other mares join you for an extended period of time. You don’t think you’re ready to give up on that goal and commit to only Fen Flower yet. While Fen Flower seems open enough about her lust for you and is not opposed to sharing you for a while, you have hunch she might get jealous if another mare stays around, especially if said mare happened to be bigger than she is.
  3136. Your weariness eventually smothers even those concerns however, and you drift off to sleep.
  3138. This night, you dream of Fen Flower’s body against yours again, and of her plump lips around your stallionhood. A dream that finds its explanation later as the mare seems to already have benefitted from gift of the bard again when you wake up. You and Pear Plum needed to sleep until noon to feel refreshed after last night, and the alchemist mare wanted to make sure the alpha wouldn’t forbid you to grow her.
  3140. Pear Plum eyes Fen Flower suspiciously for a while upon waking up to find the alchemist mare nearly as tall as herself. The druid mare decides to take the size from your Gift of the Bard again. Despite you advocating for something softer, Pear Plum again decides to make this quick, and you don’t really have the time to get emotional while Pear Plum extract 5 orgasms from you to reach nearly 18 feet in height with the addition of you inspiration and the growth she already has. You still get a refreshed memory of the plumpness of Pear Plum’s behind smothering your body, and this time she was gentle enough you didn’t need to be healed afterwards.
  3142. “Alright everypony.” Pear Plum states not later after that to you and the many tamed wolves that stand at attention. “It’s time we travelled to the heart of the forest. I believe I’m ready to receive the power I’ll need to lift the demonic curse from the village mare. And that way we can be done with what we came here for.”
  3143. “You do great!” Ulna comments with enthusiasm. “You is best alpha, and the forest will like you for sure!”
  3144. “I wouldn’t have said better.” you add.
  3145. “Ah, ehm, th-thank you, everyone.” Pear Plum blushes slight and can’t refrain bowing to all of you to express her gratitude. “Let’s not waste any time, then. I’ll be much happier when this task is behind us, but we have to remain focussed for a little longer.”
  3147. You, Ulna, Fen Flower and your wolf friends travel along Pear Plum in the forest. You need about an hour before reaching the heart of it. The terrain doesn’t seem to change much as you progress, the tall trees remaining similar around you until the very end.
  3149. You understand that you arrive at your destination when you see a clearing in front of you. There’s a sharp depression in the terrain, almost looing at a carter of about 500 feet in diameter, with only one giant tree in the middle of it.
  3150. Against this giant tree, you see one strange formation. It is looks like an agglomerate of rocks, roots and plants, but it clearly has the shape of a sleeping wolf, which would be about 25 feet tall if it was real.
  3152. And as a last surprise, you see one pony sitting next to this formation, accompanied by one wolf resting at its hooves. The familiar old stallion gives you an annoyed look as you come into view.
  3154. “Hmph. Would you look at that.” The old forest keeper barks as a greeting. “A sheep in a wolf’s clothing. That’s not every day you see that.”
  3155. “Ahem, what are you doing here?” Pear Plum asks.
  3156. “These questions again…” The old pony lets out an audible grunt of annoyance. “Come on, you don’t need an answer from me about that!”
  3158. >A: Encourage Pear Plum to advocate that if a sheep is able to be the greatest among wolves, then this is proof she mastered the aspect of this forest.
  3159. >B: Plainly ignore the old keeper, and have Pear Plum perform the ritual she intended. [spoiler]This is what Pear Plum will do without input from you[/spoiler]
  3160. >C: Sounds like this is going to be another fight. Ready yourself. You have a hunch you might know the nature what you’ll be fighting.
  3161. >D: It is time for the keeper to accomplish his purpose. Pear Plum already proved herself. The reason he is here is to help her get the power she wants now.
  3163. “If you have nothing to say, then I’ll do what I’m here for.” Pear Plum replies to the old stallion with determination, and starts to approach him. You and the wolves with you follow her.
  3165. To your surprise, the grove keeper doesn’t make any aggressive move. Not only does he not attack you, but he even makes way for Pear Plum as she approaches the centre of the crater.
  3167. With that, Pear Plum starts to take a meditative stance right in front of the wolf-like formation. While you all stand ready for an incoming fight, nothing of the like seem to happen. In fact, the many beasts accompanying you seem surprisingly calm and content at this moment.
  3169. After a few minutes, you hear a faint buzzing in the air, and soon witness a dim light growing under Pear Plum’s body. The light starts spreading to Pear Plum, tracing vines of green light all around her coat. Your companion doesn’t seem to be in pain, so you do not move for now.
  3171. Eventually, all of Pear Plum’s body is covered in luminous markings, and when they finally draw a final circle around each of Pear Plum’s eyes, she opens them…
  3172. And shows an ecstatic smile to all of you.
  3174. “Yes! Finally!” She exclaims gleefully. “The forest lent me its power! Now I have what I need to cure this cursed mare.”
  3176. “Uhm. It… It is over already?” Ulna frowns quizzically. “I waited… you know, big end fight?”
  3177. “Oh, there was enough trials in this forest for my taste!” Pear Plum says. “The forest let me seize its power just now, so I’ll gladly take a conclusion without an additional fight.”
  3179. “Congratulation!” The grove keeper calls, and for the first time you see a semblance of a smile on his face. “Despite your doubts, you went through, druid Pear Plum.”
  3180. “You took your sweet time to say something positive, you old coot.” Fen Flower huffs at him disdainfully.
  3181. “Yes, and if you have more than two neurons behind that pretty face of yours, you’ll understand the reason behind that.” The stallion retorts.
  3182. “I said I want no additional fighting!” Pear Plum slams her huge hoof down between the grove keeper and Fen Flower, and to the later she says. “Thank you a lot for supporting me through this, Fen Flower.” And to the other druid. “And you… you have my respect as a grove keeper, even if our ways to commune with the wild are different.”
  3183. “You have my respect too, druid.” He bows slightly at Pear Plum “It is always a pleasure to see the young ones triumph over the challenges of life.”
  3185. While a bit anticlimactically, it seems like Pear Plum’s task has ended. She’s certainly gonna want to spend as little more time as possible in the forest now, and go heal the cursed mare.
  3186. As for you, you wondered earlier if you could use the power of the forest to grow your other companions, or perhaps Pear Plum is she’s willing. But are you going to pursue that, or drop the idea and travel to new adventures?
  3188. >What do?
  3190. “If I may ask.” You turn to the grove keeper. “It appears Pear Plum’s body has grown as she went through the trials of the forest. Would you happen to know if this is permanent?”
  3191. “Hum. Looks permanent to me.” The old pony shrugs in response.
  3192. “Hold on, wh-what?” Pear Plum utters in disbelief. “But I though the power granted by the forest would be temporary!”
  3193. “It is, and the light on your coat will eventually fade with it. However, it isn’t rare for druids to change as they interact with the power of this forest. These physical changes usually don’t expire.” The grove keeper gives you a toothy grin, where you can clearly see rows of sharp fangs in his mouth. “It’s different for everypony. Gaining size like you did is quite rare, but I must have seen it a couple of times in the past. Although, you’ve grown way more than any of them at the time.”
  3194. “Ooh!” Fen Flower jumps excitedly on her hooves. “Little Spoon! That mean we can return me latter and I can grow too!”
  3195. “Ha! You wish!” The grove keeper snarls. “Without any knowledge of druidism, you might as well start hitting you head on a tree and you’ll get the same result!”
  3197. Fen Flower looks utterly dejected, as she knows very well there’s little chance the grove keeper would be lying at this point.
  3198. “Anyway, I have what I came for.” Pear Plum states “So it’s time I returned to the village and healed this mare. Farewell, grove keeper.”
  3199. “May you find strength in your travel, young druid.” The old pony answers.
  3201. After that, Pear Plum disbands her newly formed pack of wolves. You kinda wished she would have at least kept one, but Pear Plum says she wouldn’t like to be accompanied by a beast like this one as it wouldn’t be safe with foals around.
  3203. Pear Plum wants to reach the village as soon as possible. While you’ll probably reach it after nightfall even with Pear Plum’s size, she insists you depart right away. You only make a stop to dig out the stuff you let buried outside the forest.
  3206. >Fen Flower carries an ORC QUARTERSTAFF, some fine FURS, magic COMPONENTS, her portable ALCHEMIC TOOLS, two healing POTIONS
  3208. Upon retrieving your items, you show the magic belt you found after defeating the orc clan to Ulna.
  3210. “Oh, it is training belt of clan.” Ulna says. “Huh. I… not expect to see it again.”
  3211. “Ah, so I assume you know how its enchantment works?” You say. “Do you want to take it back?”
  3212. “You can keep the belt, Little Spoon.” Ulna shakes her head. “I no need it. Belt help training body. It is great treasure. You wear it one week, and you can build muscle like me. Not more, but it stay if you are lazy later.”
  3213. “Heh.” You chuckle. “You really think it’ll make a difference for little old me?”
  3214. “Yes. You can beat other halflings then!” Ulna chuckles. “Can be useful!”
  3215. “Alright then. Thanks.” You nod at the orc mare “Anyway, if you change your mind, you can ask it back anytime. Are you staying with us by the way?”
  3217. Ulna falls silent in response, and after a few seconds:
  3218. “Well I decided I want to do something so probably not. I want to find my master while his trail is fresh.” She declares in orc. “I don’t think I’m going to ask him to make me his apprentice again, but I want to know what happened to him, and what he’s going to do in the future. I just need to know, for closure’s sake, or something like that…”
  3220. Since the task of Pear Plum is over, it was to be expected your companions might want to discover new horizons. You’ve been thinking about asking Pear Plum to continue journeying with you and perhaps Ulna too, but it sounds like the orc mare has plans of her owns and will now accept to put these on hold. You could accompany Ulna, but similarly you don’t think Pear Plum can be convinced to join you right now, at least now without accomplishing what she came in the living forest for in the first place.
  3221. Perhaps you could agree on a meet-up later with mares you don’t go with right now, though.
  3223. >What do?
  3225. >You levelled up and reached level 6! You now have the following abilities:
  3227. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing or play music, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet) bigger. The effect of the inspiration also doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  3228. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 3 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  3229. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 6 times). If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 6 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 6’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  3230. >Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus increases at level 12 and at level 19.
  3231. >This level and every 4 levels thereafter: Your bardic inspiration grants +1 foot of height you gain 1 skill point.
  3232. >Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability hostilely, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day.
  3233. >Lvl6: Embrace Glorious Destiny: You gain a pool of growth you may use to permanently grow any willing mare with a physical contact. This level and every level after, a number of feet equal to your maximum number of daily uses of embrace destiny is added to your growth pool. You may split the growth among several mares, but you may only grow mares by multiples of 1 foot. You may grow one mare that way by a number of feet up to half your level in total. (3’ in your growth pool)
  3235. You can assume that all your companions gain levels at the same time you do. Fen Flower can craft different potions that you could assume an alchemist would make in an average DnD-like setting. You can ask her to prepare certain effects in advance and she’ll tell you if she’s able to provide them. Simple effects like healing and cure poison can be made anywhere while complex effects, for example a short invisibility potion which is something she can make, requires an access to ingredients from shops and some money. Also her go-to option is to throw explosive vials in combat when you do not grow her big enough to just stomp her opponents.
  3237. “I see.” You nod with a smile. “I and Fen Flower are going to follow Pear Plum to heal the cursed mare we left behind. I wish you luck, Ulna. I hope you’ll find the answers you seek. Do you need anything before we part ways? We also found these pieces of jewellery among the orcs of your clan. Do you want some of these?”
  3238. “Nah.” She shakes her head. “Still too much baggage around these. But, thanks for asking, Little Spoon.”
  3239. “Alright.” You nod again. “Well… I don’t think I’ve got anything more to say…”
  3240. “Then don’t say anything more.” Ulna shrugs. “It’s not like it’s the first time we part ways.”
  3241. “Ah, you’re right of course. Adventurers do tend to meet each other again, even at the oddest corner of the world.”
  3242. “That’s right, we’ll meet again, Little Spoon.” Ulna states.
  3244. Shortly after, Ulna announces her choice to Pear Plum and Fen Flower. After one last group hug, Ulna leaves in the direction of the battleground where you fought the orc clan while you start journeying back to where you first met Fen Flower. At nearly 18 feet tall, Pear Plum can carry you and Fen Flower to make sure you go as fast as the long strides of the druid mare allow you. You’ve also put on the enchanted orc belt.
  3246. As you travel through the plains, you decide to talk with your companions about your upcoming moves. Starting with Fen Flower and something rather close in the future…
  3248. “Oh, uhm, yeah.” Fen Flower sounds a bit embarrassed. “I don’t think it would be a good idea for me to show my face in my village again indeed. I left about everything I owned as some sort of an apology, but I doubt they consider forgiving me with just that.”
  3249. “Are you sure of that?” Pear Plum asks. “Don’t you have any friend you’d like to say goodbye? Maybe we can pass a message if you’re uncomfortable with going there?”
  3250. “Ah, thank you but no.” Fen Flower answers. “I didn’t have anypony like that back there. But I have an idea! The officials must have made sure the fairies were healed by now. I’ll go collect your reward if you accept to trust me with that. There should be something about participating in the defence force against the orcs too.”
  3251. “Well, if you’re not comfortable going back to your village, I am alright with you doing that for us.” Pear Plum says.
  3252. “Thank you, Pear Plum.” Fen Flower says.
  3254. “That covers what we’ll be doing with tonight.” You say. “But I’ve bee thinking about what to do next.”
  3255. “Something’s been on my mind actually, and not only about our next destination.” Fen Flower starts with a mischievous smile. “I’ll follow you anywhere of course my hero, but it’s high time I started to pick up research in alchemy now that I’ve got a young and sharp brain again! If this forest couldn’t make me bigger, I’ll have to do it myself. And I have somewhere to start with the ingredients we got from the orcs”
  3256. “Well, you can guess I have no objection to that, but is that really what you want to research?” You ask.
  3257. “Oh, but I do very much want to make myself bigger.” Fen Flower smiles at you. “Your abilities have proven to me that increasing one’s size was a viable way to triumph from many challenges. I don’t think I’ll be losing anything here.”
  3258. “If I may ask, aren’t enlargement potions quite common?” Pear Plum speaks.
  3259. “Temporary ones, yes.” Fen Flower nods. “I should be able to pick up a recipe for one of those the next time I can visit another alchemist by the way. The standard brew usually makes a pony grow 2 or 4 feet bigger for a few minutes, and indeed this is a quite common feat. For some reason, permanent growth never became something popular, and that’s what I’m going to pursue. With these ingredients from the orcs, I got somewhere to start!”
  3260. “Is it because these are orc ingredients?” You ask. “You need orc components to do your research?”
  3261. “Permanent potions always require powerful, and thus expensive or exotic ingredients.” Fen Flower answers. “But it actually doesn’t need to be anything specific since I’ll be growing just me, mostly through trial and error. Now tell me, does that excite you Little Spoon?”
  3263. >A: Tell Fen Flower to go wild [spoiler]Strong growth effect, but impactful side effects. [/spoiler]
  3264. >B: While you share her enthusiasm, advise Fen Flower to remain reasonable. [spoiler]Medium growth effect, mostly harmless side effects. [/spoiler]
  3265. >C: Ask Fen Flower to be as careful as possible. You’re confident there’s a market for permanent growth potions. [spoiler]Minor growth effect, no side effects, will be able to safely apply to other mares. [/spoiler]
  3266. >D: How about Fen Flower tries something different than growth? There are a few other things you would love to have a potion for[spoiler]Ask Fen Flower to achieve a specific effect that is not directly growth. Possible side effect depending of the goal of the research. [/spoiler]
  3268. >If you allow her, Fen Flower will use the ingredients you gather in your adventures to research experimental growth effects for herself.
  3269. >She needs either uncommon ingredients or money and access to diverse enough shops to create her next research, as well as some time in a secured place.
  3270. >A research will make Fen Flower receive a random growth-related effect and a side effect.
  3271. >From here on, she can either intensify one growth effect, research a new growth effect or mitigate the side effects.
  3272. >Intensifying a growth effect creates a new side effect and intensifies all present side effects.
  3273. >Researching a growth effect adds a new side effect, but doesn’t intensify the side effects that exist already.
  3274. >Mitigating side effects mitigates all side effects.
  3275. >If a side effect has been mitigated once already, it is removed upon being mitigated again even if it has been intensified in the meantime.
  3276. >Fen Flower’s research is not thorough enough to be safely replicated on another mare, unless you ask her to prioritize safety.
  3277. >Both growth effects and side effects will be more powerful as Fen Flower gains levels and if rarer ingredients are used.
  3278. >Intensifying the same effect will cost more and more money and time.
  3280. “Now, Pear Plum, there’s something I meant to ask you.” You say after answering Fen Flower’s question.
  3281. “Yes Little Spoon?”
  3282. “If you’re alright with it, would you accept to travel with us for a while? Maybe accomplish some more quests together?”
  3284. “Well… Alright. I have no reason to refuse.” Pear Plum says. “If we can journey and help other ponies together, that sound like a good idea to me.”
  3285. “That’s great!” you feel relieve after hearing Pear Plum accept, even if you feel like Fen Flower seems a bit despondent about it. “I had in mind to travel away from this countryside. I don’t feel like there are many more exciting adventures to be had around here. Would that be a problem if we travelled someplace else?”
  3286. “Of course not. I don’t have anything specific to do in this region anymore, and I think I would like to discover new places too. Oh, uhm, and, even if I feel more at home in nature, I’m also curious about cities too, don’t worry about me. So… have you thought of a destination?”
  3287. “Well, what I had in mind was to…”
  3289. >A: Travel to the capital pony city, bustling with activity where nobles and wizards imagine the future of the country and scheme to take down their political opponents.
  3290. >B: Travel to the rogue coastal city, where wealth is law and where ponies and mysteries gather from all around the world.
  3291. >C: Travel to the snowy northern outposts, where adventurers hunt beasts of legend and uncover immemorial artefacts from ancient civilisations.
  3292. >D: Travel to the elven forests. You feel like there’s much to learn from them for all of you.
  3294. [spoiler]You told Fen Flower to go wild with her experiment. [/spoiler]
  3296. “Ah, yes, the capital sounds nice.” Pear Plum says. “I’ve never been on my own in such a big city, I wonder how it’ll be like…”
  3297. “Ponies and merchandize from all around the country, and even the world.” You answer. “That’s one thing we’ll see for sure, but I’m just as eager to find out what else awaits us. And if we get tired of it, we can always go someplace else later.”
  3298. And maybe you’ll find a breezie to have some fun with in such a big city. If only there were some small mares around to corrupt into loving their newfound bigness…
  3300. Anyway, you come close to your destination about 1 hour after sunset. You trust Fen Flower with going to the town over to collect your rewards, and then agree to meet there the next day. With Pear Plum’s night vision spell to help, you think you’re all gonna be alright.
  3302. Pear Plum lets go of your charges of embrace destiny and you stop you inspiration too, as she says being too big might intimidate the villagers. Still, that only bring her down to nearly 11 feet tall with the Gift of the bard left and the size she gained from the forest.
  3304. You go knock on one the house where there is still some light. One villager mare opens up, and does a double take upon seeing the huge Pear Plum glowing with power behind you.
  3305. “Ah, uhm, sorry about that.” Pear Plum says. “It’s just that I had to power up to fight of the curse. Can I visit the victim please?”
  3307. After regaining her composure, the mare quickly accepts. The cursed townsmare was put into Fen Flower’s previous house so you follow her there. The rest of the townsfolk probably heard and saw you arrive too, as a little crowd of about 20 ponies soon gathers to witness the act.
  3309. Pear Plum dispels the curse in what looks like a breeze. She only needs to touch the face of the cursed mare and focus for a dozen seconds during which the ominous bone spikes resorb into the mare’s body and a healthy coat grows back on her skin while the hypertrophied muscles delate to more normal proportions.
  3311. The townponies watch in disbelief as the uncursed pony, now looking like a healthy regular mare again, opens her eyes and watches herself in amazement.
  3312. “I… I’m healed! I’m really healed!” She exclaims with the voice that was also freed from this curse.
  3314. The crowd erupts in enthusiastic cheers while the cured mare jumps to hug the huge druid mare in gratefulness. Pear Plum blushes with embarrassment, but at the same time you can feel that she’s a little proud of what you accomplished together.
  3316. The townsfolks insist on having you stay for the night, as they don’t really have anything else to repay you with other than their hospitality and some fresh home-baked supplies. You’re soon invited to sit around a large table in one of the cottages while the ovens are heating up. The townsponies as eager to know more about the mare that is their hero of the day, and bombard her with many questions. The druid mare’s shyness resurfaces a little here, and she has trouble forming sentences without stuttering, but the villagers don’t seem to mind at all.
  3318. >What do?
  3320. “Pear Plum’s adventure was a great one for sure!” You say, tuning up you lute. “I’m glad I could be a witness of it, and now I shall narrate it to you all in great detail, for her bravery and kindness needs to be remembered for the ages!”
  3321. “Uhm… Little Spoon, I… I don’t think that this deserves a whole song…” Pear Plum says, but on the contrary the villagers seem to welcome a ballad.
  3323. And so, after clearing your throat…
  3325. “She was a druid seeking the power to heal.”
  3326. “There was a forest urging the kind mare to kneel…”
  3327. You continue singing, much to the pleasure of the villagers, and despite Pear Plum’s face turning as red as a tomato. The big mare covers her ear when you laud the purity of her heart as she resisted the call to violence from the forest, and that instead she tamed the wolves of the living woods to prove her worth.
  3329. Of course you omitted the less savoury aspects of the adventure, but the tale you delivered apparently suited the taste of your audience as they applauded you and Pear Plum at the end of your song. The huge druid mare can only utter embarrassed thanks and giggles to respond to the praises of the villagers.
  3331. A home-made meal is served to you and your friend, after what you sing a few more generic ballads before a warm bed is offered to each of you. While she never really got at ease being the hero of the day, you believe Pear Plum still appreciated seeing the village ponies so happy thanks to her.
  3333. You wake up well rested on the next day, and as you prepare yourself to leave, the villagers offer you some supplies as a last gift.
  3335. Unless you have something you want to do before that, you should now be going to meet Fen Flower again, at the other town. If there’s something you want to tell Pear Plum specifically, now could be a good time. Stripped of all your growth effects, Pear Plum is still 5 feet and 9 inches tall, and still glowing green with the magic of the forest.
  3337. >What do?
  3339. “Do you think it would be fine to cut through the forest?” You ask Pear Plum. “I must admit, I am quite curious to meet some fairies.”
  3340. “Why not?” Pear Plum nods. “I’m about certain they must have healed by now. And now that you said that, I’m a little curious too.”
  3342. You leave the road along the druid mare and head toward the forest. Out of range from all curious ears, you think it might be time to address a few points.
  3343. “Lady Pear Plum, there is something I ought to discuss with you.” You start. “I reckon our last adventure may have left a bad aftertaste in your mouth about it, but since we ought to journey together some more, I need to know if you’ll accept having me grow you if we need it.”
  3344. Pear Plum seems a bit surprised by you question, and ponders a few seconds before answering.
  3346. “Well, I don’t think I dislike it.” The tall druid mare says. “I mean, I don’t feel like growing bigger was the problem when I… ahem… when I almost made a bad choice back then… and unlike what I feared, the villagers weren’t intimidated by my size.”
  3347. “You could be as tall as a titan, your kindness would prevent for about anypony to be scared of you.” You comment.
  3348. “Uhm…” Pear Plum nods. “Some would consider what you said a reproach, but I prefer it that way. Anyway, I think you can make me bigger if you feel like we need to. I trust you’ll know when the timing is right.”
  3350. “Sure thing, lady Pear Plum.” You nod. “But there I must remind you that my abilities work at their best if I can have, let’s say, some private time with a mare. Will you be willing to allow me to use these abilities of mine too?”
  3351. Pear Plum giggles awkwardly.
  3352. “That’s not a very romantic way to bring up intimacy… but it’s probably better that way.” Pear Plum pauses in her words, a light blush o her face. “I think I’d be ready accept that, but, uhm, I’d probably feel better if you… you know, took care of doing the deed. I mean, I can conceive it’s a little rude to ask the stallion to do all the work, but…”
  3353. “If these are your terms, I accept them.” You decide to cut short the flustered stuttering of the tall druid mare. “I’ll do my best to make sure it is as comfortable for you as possible.”
  3354. “Ah… if that’s okay with you, it’s alright then.” Pear Plum nods.
  3356. That one answer you’re relieved to have. After some time to let Pear Plum cool off, you bring up another.
  3358. “Ahem, Pear Plum?” You start. “There’s something I would like to talk with you about. It’s about, well, Fen Flower. And also about my relation with her.”
  3359. “Your relation? If that’s not too much of a personal thing to ask, I believe you and Fen Flower were in an open relationship.” Pear Plum says. “Is that not the case?”
  3360. “That could describe it I guess.” You shrug. “But I don’t feel like we’ve made everything clear between ourselves. Fen Flower became enamoured with me after she was freed from the influence of this devil, and I was more than willing to answer her advances. She was also open to the idea of sharing me with other mares, and didn’t seem to care much about modesty either. But during our adventure in the living forest, I believe she felt like I wasn’t giving her as much attention as she wanted.”
  3361. “Well… Pardon me if I’m wrong, but part of the issue could be that you and Fen Flower don’t expect the same thing out of your relation, even if it seemed so to you at first.” Pear Plum says. “Certainly, this is something you and her need to have a heart-to-heart conversation about.”
  3362. “Well, yeah.” You ponder. “Maybe that’s what I need to do…”
  3363. “I mean…! Th-that’s something my parents once told me about amorous relationships.” Pear Plum says apologetically. “I… uhm… this is just second hoof advice from me, you probably know better Little Spoon… Anyway, I’ll try to keep what you said in mind when we’re with Fen Flower and not to do something she might find rude.”
  3364. “Thank you, Pear Plum.” You nod. “But you’re right. This is mostly something I have to sort out with Fen Flower.”
  3366. You’re well into the forest at this point. Not long after that, you and Pear Plum fall silent as you try to perceive the presence of the famously elusive fae. However, you do not need much effort, and the folks of the forest soon seem to willing to appear in front of your eyes. Seemingly at random into the forest, you start to see flying lights appear up and around you, and the sounds of small buzzing wings fill the air.
  3368. You see the fairies flying around with colourful butterfly or dragonfly wings. The shape of their body is akin to the one of elves, but they’re small enough they could comfortably land on your hoof and all brightly coloured. Aside from that, their eyes look like shining beads of precious stone, emerald, amethyst or lapis, they’re of all colours too.
  3369. One fairy with purple butterfly wings come to you, and flies stationarily before you.
  3371. “Greetings travellers.” She says with a voice that sounds like it could come from a full-sized mare. “Surely you are the ponies who delivered us from the lustful spell that had befallen us.”
  3372. “Oh? Uhm…” You’re a bit surprised. “It is indeed us, but I didn’t expect the news to have reached you. My name is Little Spoon, and next to me is Lady Pear Plum.”
  3373. “My name is Flower Sprite. And yes.” The fairy nods. “We have been informed. We revealed ourselves when the townsponies came to check on us, so we could hear whether they had anything to say on the matter.”
  3374. “They told us about the adventurers who helped us.” Another small mare adds. “A druid mare and a bard halfling stallion. I can feel that your heart is pure.” She tells Pear Plum, and then to you. “And that yours is… well, honest!”
  3375. “Anyway, you have our gratitude, adventurers.” The first fairy says. “We would like to thank you for your deed beyond the wealth you probably claimed for it. Please ask us anything, and we will do our best to comply with the help of our magic.”
  3377. “It is an honour to receive such a boon!” Pear Plum bows with deference. “Well, I know that your power can negate other spells. May I ask for some purifying dust from you fairies?”
  3378. “Of course, druid Pear Plum.” The fairy answers. A number of them start to fly around in reaction, up in the canopy of the forest.
  3379. “Ah… I know what you might be thinking.” Pear Plum whispers to you. “But I don’t think fairy dust would have been enough to cure the mare that was cursed by a devil.”
  3381. The fairies soon come back with a pouch of sewed leaves that Pear Plum gracefully accepts.
  3382. “Now, what about you, bard Little Spoon?” Flower Sprite asks.
  3384. You could try to ask about anything to see if the fairies would accept, but you have a few things on the top of your mind.
  3386. >A: Have what Pear Plum had. A pouch to dispel magic could always be useful.
  3387. >B: You wish to know the fairies better. Do they happen to have a queen of some sort?
  3388. >C: Ask if they have something to help you make mares bigger.
  3389. >D: By chance, wouldn’t one of the fairies be interested in discovering new horizons and travel with you?
  3391. “If I am allowed to ask for anything, then I first desire to learn more about you fairies.” You answer Flower Sprite. “Do you have a queen I could have the honour to meet perhaps?”
  3392. “Nothing of the sort, sorry.” The little mare shakes her head. “But if you wish to learn about us, I can bring you to our village.”
  3394. You follow the fairies for a short while until you arrive at a particularly lively grove by the river. There, even more fairies start appear from the trunks of trees, the thick of reeds at the bank, or from particularly large mushrooms. They gradually approach you as they buzz around, and Pear Plum can’t refrain some bewildered chuckles at the sight of the many colourful trails everywhere in the air. There must be around a hundred of them!
  3396. The little mares seem curious about you too, and eventually as you reach out for them with an extended arm, one lands on your hoof to stare at you without a word while you do the same, intrigued by the tiny, bring pink mare in front of your eyes. Likewise, several fairies soon decide to land on Pear Plum’s back and on her head, something she seems to find endearing.
  3398. Eventually, the little mare on you hoof decides to go sit on top of your feathered hat for now. Flower Sprite also comes in front of you again.
  3400. “We are born from the confluence of magic and the wild.” She starts to explain. “Our kin is ancient, bard. Back when the world was still taking its shape and that magic flowed like torrents through the land, ripples of it gained sentience and became spirits. We’re more akin to elementals than to mortals. But instead of fire or ice, it is from nature, but also from magic itself that we hail from.”
  3401. “I see.” You nods. “But then, what do you do all day? I always wondered what magical folks like you usually do.”
  3402. “To be honest, we… let’s say, sleep a lot.” Flower Sprite answers. “Or another way to say it, is that we become one with the plants and the trees. At that point, just like them we worry about nothing more than to receive light from the sun and to drink from the rain. In truly undisturbed lands, some fae can remain dormant like this for years. And in fact, it is often the presence of mortals and their thoughts that bring us out of our slumber.”
  3404. “That reminds me. You said something about Pear Plum’s heart being pure and mine being honest earlier.” You tell the fairy. “Does that mean you can read the thoughts of ponies?”
  3405. “That’s not quite it.” The tiny mare answers. “It is hard to describe to mortals like you, but there’s something we can perceive about your being that tells us about what kind of pony you are. It is like... I’d describe it as the shape and colour of your soul. We cannot perceive thoughts, but rather the inclination of a being toward certain passions, and sometimes their mood too.”
  3407. “Uhm…” You nod. “I also wondered, since you’re connected to that forest, does that mean you can’t leave it?”
  3408. “A fairy could leave her forest, but she would then lose all her powers safe from flight. The connection with their home is also too precious for most fairies to even think about renouncing it.” Flower Sprite answers. “But while a quite rare occurrence, it isn’t unheard of for fairies to do so even with all the consequences.”
  3409. You still ponder the idea of maybe seeking a fairy to accompany you, but you still have doubt about it at the moment, mostly as you dread Fen Flower’s reaction about adding yet another mare to your group. Anyway…
  3411. “I understand. Thank you for telling me all this.” You say. “And… It might be a little greedy of me, but would you accept another request?”
  3412. “No, it’s alright.” Flower Sprite nods. “It has been my pleasure talking to you.”
  3414. “You have my thanks.” You bow. “I probably do not know as much as lady Pear Plum about you, so I’ll accept whatever you’re willing to do. I have a purpose, dear fairies, it is to make mares bigger. I use my songs to make them taller and mightier, and I humbly ask if you could help me move further that goal of mine.”
  3415. “Well… I see the colour of that purpose of yours, bard Little Spoon.” Flower Spite comments, before showing you a smile. “But that isn’t an issue for us. On the contrary. Surely we could have some of our magic strengthen your abilities for a short while. Is that really what you want?”
  3417. >A: Accept [Choose 1 of your bardic abilities that will be strengthened the next time you use it.]
  3418. >B: Would growing the fairies increase the effect of their spell? If yes grow them first as much as they’ll accept.
  3419. >C: ‘On the contrary?’ Seize your chance to flirt with the fairies.
  3420. >D: Actually, ask if a fairy would be interested in journeying with you.
  3422. “My, if my kind of purpose suits you, let me reassert that you’re one lovely mare Lady Flower Sprite.” You tell the fairy flying in front of you. “I dared not to ask out of politeness, but I must say I am mightily curious to see what all the details of your beauty would look like if magnified enough for my eyes to appreciate.”
  3423. The little mare chuckles in response, but she sounds quite interested.
  3425. “Alright. Then grow away, bard.” She answers. “I wonder how bright can your colour shine.”
  3426. “Me too!” The fairy currently on your hat adds, and many more make it known they’re willing to try.
  3428. You start your inspiration on all the mares around, and thus the crowd of fairies turns into a compact mass of mares as they all go from a few inches of height to three feet and then some. The now non-diminutive mares all let out enthusiast gasps and laughs as they achieve a size similar to the one of actual ponies.
  3430. The little fairy on you hat is now a mare a little taller than yourself riding your back. She’s still quite light fortunately, but she looks pleasantly surprised by the transformation and start hugging you tightly while giggling to herself. Also, you allowed yourself to increase the fairies’ charisma with that inspiration, and you can feel two soft and warm apples on your back too.
  3432. “Aah… It’s not often I have this perspective.” Flower Sprite coos. The now mare sized fairy approaches you. A few inches taller than yourself, the fairy gently takes your face between her hooves to scrutinize it from all angles. She’s very close to you now, her huge, shining azure eyes looking like living ponds of magic. Up close she smells like flowers and honey, and even her hooves feal as soft as silk. Many other fairies seem curious too, and they approach to poke and touch the stallion at their size everywhere.
  3434. “Uhm…” You hear Pear Plum’s voice. “I… I think I should let you all some privacy. I’ll wait for you at the edge of town Little Spoon!”
  3435. And then you see the flustered druid mare hurriedly walk away.
  3437. Flower Sprite glances at Pear Plum as she leaves. When she’s out of view, the fairy turns to you again and she goes in for a kiss. A thrill goes through your body as you meet her sugary lips. The other mares around giggle in reaction, and they pack up closer to you in an unescapable crowd, many lithe hooves caressing your body in all places, including the most intimate ones. When Flower Sprite frees your mouth, many more fairies look at you like they want a piece of you.
  3438. “You’re a fine specimen, Little Spoon.” Flower Sprite states. “And you’ve roused our curiosity, I hope you’re ready to indulge us a little more.”
  3440. At this point you don’t think you can get out of this. Fen Flower and Pear Plum will have to wait for you a little. All these mares look quite eager too… you didn’t quite expect the whole fairy village of them to come after you like that.
  3442. >Roll 1D100
  3443. >Success: DC 80
  3444. >Avoiding Huge Failure: DC 50
  3446. It looks like you have many mares to please, and you better get to it if you don’t want to be late to meet with your companions.
  3448. You immediately start kissing the mare right next to Flower Sprite who lets out a pleased squee in reaction and snuggles up to you. Meanwhile, you lift a left to give the eager fairies a better access to your shaft and soon feel a number of hooves probing and stroking it. Before long, your backside is lifted in the are by the 5 or so fairies simultaneously trying to get a piece of you.
  3449. “Please ladies, no need to rush it!” You call. “There will be enough of me for all of you. Flower Sprite, would you accept to start this party?”
  3450. “My, of course!” The fairy grins in return.
  3452. You learn that fairy mushrooms make for acceptable cushions that day. Lying on one, Flower Sprite positions herself atop you with an eager smirk. You let out a pleasured grunt as the enlarged fairy gets you inside her tight entrance. Not only is your length snuggled inside the love cave of Flower Sprite, but something in her, may it be her nectar or something else, feels like it is lightly fizzing on your sensitive skin. You feel yourself throbbing madly in reaction and get close to release as soon as Flower Sprite starts actively ridding you.
  3454. The rest of the fairies watch in awe, touching themselves, and soon enough each other. The plumper breasts you provided them with seem very appreciated by the fairies at the moment. But still, one of them can’t resist taking your mouth for a sweet kiss.
  3455. Meanwhile you feel yourself erupt inside Flower Sprite, and as she coos loudly, you feel her getting slightly heavier atop your body
  3456. “Ah! I guess it doesn’t stop here…” the now 4 feet Flower Sprite comments. “How much more can you grow me, Little Spoon?”
  3457. “Why don’t you find out yourself?” You break the kiss with the other fairy to say that, the neglected mare still pulling o your face to lock lips again.
  3458. “Then I shall find out soon enough...” She grins.
  3460. The body of Flower Spite starts glowing with magic, and the next second you feel a tidal wave of lust wash over you. You cry in utter bliss as you actually feel your gonads suddenly starting to produce an ungodly amount of seed which is immediately sent to you shaft. You climax on the spot again and grow Flower Sprite one more foot again. And this happens once more mere seconds later. And again. And again. You grow Flower Sprite who also howls in pleasure until the fairy becomes over 15 feet tall atop you. After you unleash a few more climaxes in her, the storm inside you seems to quiet down a little.
  3462. “Goodness!” The giant fairy exclaims. “It seems like my magic grew in proportion to my body! Sorry about that Little Spoon.”
  3463. At her size, how svelte she is doesn’t stop the fairy’s flanks to cover your entire lower body. Her two watermelons now slump at each side of your chest, and it is from between her cleavage that you look up at Flower Sprite’s face.
  3465. “Hey, I want to become this big too!” Another fairy exclaims, looking fondly at Flower Sprite.
  3466. “And me!” Another adds, before almost all the fairies demand you grow them too.
  3468. “Uhm… I’ll do my best ladies!” You say. “It looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me.”
  3469. “Oh, I think I have the means to help you with that.” Flower Sprite says. “At least about the growth part.”
  3471. Again, the body of the giant fairy start glowing and your lust rising, but this time the flow remains steady enough you do not lose control. In fact, you feel it fill you up and hardening you and your erect member and balls. You realize you have control of it now.
  3472. Tentatively, and as much as her weight allows you, you hump the massive Flower Sprite atop you, and in a single thrust you erupt inside her again, letting out a pleased groan from the climax. But right after you feel just as ready to shoot your seed again, yet you’re in complete control of whether you shall do it or not.
  3474. “Seems like my spell worked the way I intended.” Flower Sprite show you a satisfied smile. “Now, you said it yourself Little Spoon. You have a lot of work ahead of you.”
  3476. For the next hours, you dedicate yourself to making the fairies as big as they want to. While two of them hold you upright to snuggle and kiss you, fairy after fairy impale themselves on your shaft. With the gift from Flower Sprite, each fairy grows almost with each thrust to 4, 5, 6… then 15 feet finally, all in less than a minute.
  3478. While that peak of size only last for a short while, one mare at a time you’re turning this grove into a crowd of 9-feet-tall amazon fairies, and you’re not even getting tired of it.
  3479. It is very tempting to accept their offer when the fairies offer you stay with them some more, as they aren’t nearly done experimenting with their new size and power, but you have places to be, companions to meet and adventures to have. The fairies still make it know you’re free to return any time.
  3481. As you first asked, the fairies bless you and augment your growth powers. Through magic winds, you’re then cleaned, refreshed and carried by a 9 feet mare to the border of the forest, all that in about an hour and a half after meeting the fairies.
  3483. >For the next week: You have infinite sexual stamina and full control over your climaxes.
  3484. >The next time you use your bardic inspiration: the growth is doubled, lasts for the day, a charisma boost is applied in addition to which ever you choose.
  3485. >The next time you use Embrace Destiny: for the day, your other abilities grow that mare 50% more.
  3486. >The next time you use Gift of the Bard: Gift of the Bard works as though you were double your level for that mare for that day.
  3487. >The next time you use Countergrowth: automatic success, lower critical DC.
  3488. >The next time you empty your growth pool from Embrace Glorious Destiny: the mare grows 2 more feet.
  3490. Looking around, you see Pear Plum in the distance and she waves at you. You walk up to each other.
  3491. “Little Spoon. Uhm…” She shows you an awkward smile. “Did you… did you have fun?”
  3492. “Well, yes, very much indeed!” You nod a bit embarrassedly too. “Sorry to have kept you waiting. We should go meet Fen Flower before she waits even longer!”
  3494. You’re only a few minutes away from town at this point. You quickly make it to the inn and see Fen Flower waiting for you. The alchemist mare perks up and smile as to arrive, and she rises from her chair to comes and greet you.
  3495. “Good morning Little Spoon!” She says and immediately leans in to give you a kiss. “I was wondering when you two were gonna arrive…”
  3496. “Uhm, hello Fen Flower.” Pear Plum timidly waves at her.
  3497. “Hello.” Fen Flower glances at Pear Plum for only a second before coming back to you. “Anyway, consider yourself lucky I’m in a particularly good mood. Can you guess why?”
  3499. “Well, I have pretty good idea of the reason indeed.” You nod. “You’ve grown! That’s from your experiment, right? Have you measured how much?”
  3500. “6 inches!” Fen Flower answers proudly, giddily taking a spin on herself so you may take a look at her. And there you start to notice the alchemist mare look more fit too, with her limbs and flanks showing more tone that the day prior. “And as a bonus, it appears my body also became stronger too!”
  3501. “That’s awesome! But you told me there would certainly be side effects, right?”
  3502. “I expected some too, but it appears I was lucky this time!” Fen Flower chimes. “I don’t think it’ll happen next time, but I shall enjoy it while it lasts!”
  3503. “Woah…” You grin. “This day is definitely off an awesome start.”
  3505. “Then let’s continue!” Fen Flower announces as she motions back to her table. “I retrieved our rewards for the quests we accomplished. There’s the one for helping the fairies and another for when we fought off the orc raiders. Let me share that with you.”
  3506. The alchemist mare produces some purses from her bags that she shares with you and Pear Plum accordingly to the quests you participated in.
  3508. >You have 321 GOLD (Your money came out of its ambiguity because significant transitions might become available soon)
  3510. You pocket the purse in your bag. But as you open it, you see two little purple eyes staring back. The fairy only stares at you in silence, not showing any fear or desire to move away from among your possessions. It doesn’t look like anypony else noticed her.
  3512. >What do?
  3514. “Well, hello there.” While you whisper to her, you gently pet the little mare with the tip of your hoof, making her smile. “What are you doing here? If you don’t mind, I think we should get you introduced to everpony else. Is that alright with you?”
  3516. You don’t remember that fairy in particular from those you had an intercourse with earlier. If fact, if she can still be inches tall, that means you didn’t use your Gift on the Bard of her. After staring back for a few seconds, the fairy eventually nods, and accepts to climb on the hoof you offer her. Pear Plum and Fen Flower jump slightly as they see who you’ve been mumbling to, looking quizzically at the fairy on you hoof. The little mare remains almost motionless, but her eyes are darting everywhere, taking in her new surroundings.
  3518. “It appears I’ve been picking up mares without realizing it.” You chuckle. “About that, Fen Flower, we went across the forest to get here and met the fairies on the way. They accepted to give me a boost for the next time I shall use my abilities as thanks for curing them from, ehm… you know...”
  3519. “Oh, yes.” The alchemist mare nods awkwardly, before her eyes turn back to the little mare. “I guess I owe my thanks to her then, but so you accepted to bring one of them with you?”
  3521. “Well, precisely, I didn’t.” You say, and then to the fairy. “Did you get in here by mistake?”
  3522. “Uhm, no.” The fairy peeps.
  3523. “Alright. Can I ask you name then?”
  3524. “It’s Night Sprout.” The fairy answers.
  3526. “Are you alright?” Pear Plum asks. “Uhm, nopony’s angry you went into Little Spoon’s stuff of course, but this could have been dangerous. We’re about to travel very far away, Night Sprout. You could have ended up very far from your home.”
  3527. “Yes.” The fairy nods. “That’s why I did it.”
  3528. “Are you sure about yourself?” You ask. “I heard you would lose all your powers if you left the forest. Are you really okay with that?”
  3529. “I don’t mind.” The tiny mare answers.
  3531. “If you’re wondering Little Spoon, this is nothing permanent.” Pear Plum says. “She would still be able to use her magic if she came back to her forest even after being away a long time. But in the meantime, Night Sprout would be one very, very fragile being. That makes me a bit uncomfortable to tell the truth.” And to the fairy. “Are you sure you don’t want to return to the forest? You’d be a lot safer there.”
  3532. “No. Thank you.” Night Sprout answers. “I want to remain in the bag of the bard.”
  3534. “She does sound sure of herself…” Fen Flower chuckles. The alchemist mare doesn’t seem to be alarmed by the fairy’s presence. In fact, Pear Plum looks like she’s the most worried about this.
  3536. Meanwhile, Night Sprout stares at you and your two companions, awaiting a definitive response from any you.
  3538. >What do?
  3540. “You’re right Lady Fen Flower. It doesn’t sound like Night Sprout is going to take no for an answer.” Then to the fairy on your hoof. “I hereby welcome you to our little company, Night Sprout of the fae!”
  3541. “Thanks.” The little mare answers with a satisfied smile, and she lets out a tiny purr with you pet her mane again.
  3543. “Well, I shall do my best to protect you.” Pear Plum tells Night Sprout. “Don’t worry. If you change your mind, we’ll bring you back to your home as soon as we can. My name is Pear Plum by the way.”
  3544. “Hum. Thanks.” The fairy nods.
  3545. “Still, Night Sprout, you must realize you are joining a party of adventures.” You say. “We will face many dangers during our quests. Each of us have skills, spells and crafts to help us triumph over challenges and avoid hazards, so what are your ways to defend yourself?”
  3547. The fairy stares back in silence for a moment. She’s been showing only few expressions except when you were petting her, but you can tell that right now she has a bit of trouble keeping up her composure.
  3548. “Uhm. I can fly.” She eventually declares. “And… I am small. So ponies don’t notice me. If they don’t notice me, they won’t attack me. If they don’t attack me, they can’t defeat me. Therefore, I am invincible.”
  3550. You and Pear Plum are left dumbstruck by this flawless demonstration, while Fen Flower stifles a laugh.
  3551. “Well, if it can help, I can grow you so you may be about my size.” You offer. “Would you prefer that maybe?”
  3552. “I can travel in your bag.” The fairy answers. “Being carried is good. But I won’t mind it either if you grow me bigger sometimes.”
  3553. “And… forgive me if that may be personal, but do you want to leave your home because of something bad that happened there? I still seems a bit sudden to me…”
  3554. “No. I’m curious about what’s out of the forest. That’s all.” The fairy answers with a tiny shrug.
  3556. You don’t think Night Sprout is lying to you.
  3557. Anyway, perhaps you can find ways for the fairy to recover some abilities that could be of use. Pear Plum would probably have said it if she knew something about it herself, but perhaps you will find more intel about this in a bigger city… like in the capital you’re heading to.
  3558. There will certainly be some shops to purchase cute little doll dresses for your new companion to wear too…
  3560. “Good! Sounds like we’re all set.” Fen Flower speaks up again. “Anyway, I also took some time to plan our trip while I was waiting.” There, she produces a map of the region from her bag.
  3561. “By hoof, we’re about 15 days away from the capital.” She states, showing both points on the map. “I think this could have been shortened to 5 days if we were bigger, but maybe we can hold off on that if we want to preserve the improved uses of Little Spoon’s abilities. I think we can leave that choice to him.”
  3562. Pear Plum nods in reaction.
  3563. “Anyway, we’ve got another option then. From here…” Fen Flower points at another city about a third on the way. “…we can ride pegasus transportation to the capital. There will be a fee, but we can reach that city in 4 days without growing, and then there will be only one more day of flying before we get to the capital. What do you think Little Spoon? I have no preference myself.”
  3564. “Well, I’m fine with either too.” Pear Plum says. “Even taking the long way, I mean, neither growing nor taking the ride, that isn’t a problem as far as I’m concerned. I like traveling by hoof.”
  3565. “I’m eager to see what the capital city is like.” Night Sprout comments. “Can we get there fast?”
  3567. >A: Take the long way without growing (15 days to the capital)
  3568. >B: Grow the mares to get the capital faster with Gift of the Bard and your inspiration. (5 days to the capital, the bonuses for the two mentioned abilities will be used)
  3569. >C: Don’t grow but use transportation. (5 days total, fly to the capital for 30 gold each)
  3570. >D: Take the extra fast way, growing the mares AND getting a lift to the capital (3 days total)
  3572. “I believe we can afford to pay ourselves a lift to the capital.” You say. “If that’s alright with you all, I’d like to conserve by improved abilities, but still arrive there rather quickly.”
  3573. “Alright.” Fen Flower nods before tucking her map in her pack again. “I guess It would have been a bit of a waste indeed. Could you imagine? Making me bigger than ever, and yet nopony else to witness it…” Fen Flower purrs. “This is the better choice, really.”
  3574. “That’s a good argument alright.” You reply, feeling a hot gust wash over you upon hearing the enthusiasm of your companion. “Anyway, if we’re all ready, I believe it’s time for us to go.”
  3576. You exit the tavern with two companion mares and a third one in the bag. It is the end of the morning already, and you plan to walk for a couple hours before you take you lunch break on the road. The skies are clear and the temperature is nice in this month of spring.
  3578. Now, there was a few things you wanted to talk about with Fen Flower. You’re wondering how and when to go about it. You’ve got some time to figure it out, though. About five days, with both empty land on the road and inns to rest several times on the way.
  3580. >What do?
  3582. You meet a wandering merchant on the road and walk alongside him for a few hours. The old earth pony forages rare mushrooms around the countryside and sells those around. Fen Flower tells you she’s gonna buy some ingredients from him for her next experiment since it’s about a fourth cheaper than the prices she expected. If you accept to give or lend her 50 more gold, she’ll be able to buy enough components to make her next experiment the next night.
  3583. [spoiler]Fen Flower has a little more than 130 gold. Her next experiment will cost her 200 gold to intensify the effect she already has, the one after 400 gold and so on. Making a different experiment will cost 100 gold.”[/spoiler]
  3584. >A: Advise Fen to keep her money. Surely there’ll be better deal at the capital.
  3585. >B: Give her the money
  3586. >C: Lend her the money
  3587. >D: Just spending her own money on this sounds reasonable.
  3589. When you wake up in a village you had spend the night at, Night Sprout gets curious about the local blacksmith working at her forge and goes get a closer look by herself. The fairy asks you if she can watch the buff earth pony mare work on a piece. The blacksmith mare doesn’t mind. After the initial surprise of coming face to face with the diminutive mare, she says the interest of a fairy can only mean good fortune for her. However, if Night Sprout wants to see the making of a piece from beginning to end, that’s gonna last a couple hours at least.
  3590. >A: Accept
  3591. >B: There’ll be other blacksmiths to watch later. Convince Night Spout to leave.
  3593. The next two days on the road are pleasantly quiet. You use this interlude to reassure Fen Flower about your attraction to her. You share with her in priority the pretty things you see in the scenery, the larger Pear Plum accepts to carry the furs that she was laden with until now, and whenever you take a break, you find some time and space to snuggle and kiss the alchemist mare. If you weren’t saving your abilities at the moment, this would have evolved in a quickie most of the time, but you must settle for practicing you tongue game on the eager alchemist mare, and in return she uses her hooves to jerk you off. Fen Flower absolutely loves how the fairies made you able to shoot infinite amounts of loads, and is absolutely ecstatic to have you paint whole acres white.
  3594. “You have to make me a giantess before this boon of yours ends, my hero.” She tells you one time, giggling to herself. “I want to use you to blast legions of enemies with your seed and drown them in it! This would be so insanely hot!”
  3595. Perhaps you’ll ponder on that idea…
  3597. Also, when you camp outside these two nights, you share your bedroll with the 4-and-a-half feet mare. Her toned yet curvy body feels wonderful against yours. Again, it’s hard to resist at these times to not just go wild and make Fen Flower bigger than ever, but this only kindles the eagerness of both of you for when you’ll actually go for it.
  3599. After these two days, you feel like Fen Flower is feeling a little better. She doesn’t need to not acknowledge the presence of Pear Plum anymore, and while she still openly displays her affection to you, she makes less of a show of it.
  3601. “Lady Fen Flower.” You call her at some point while you’re on the road, and you’re at a good distance from Pear Plum who’s also carrying Night Sprout at the moment. “There’s an idea that’s been trotting on my mind these days. I would like to invite you on a formal date. Just the two of us of course.”
  3602. “A date?” Fen Flower smiles. “That’s a wonderful idea, my little hero! Let us get to the capital first, and then we can find some nice place you can take us to. Oh, this is gonna be lovely!”
  3603. “Ah, yes! Of course…!” You nod.
  3605. The scenery of a date would have been better to talk about what you have in mind, but indeed there isn’t much dating facilities around. You don’t exactly need a special time to have a nice meal in a village inn with Fen Flower followed by a roll in the hay. But still, you feel like the earth mare next to you is in a mood as good as it can be to discuss your relationship.
  3606. At least, if it goes wrong there won’t be an angry giant Fen Flower to make a scene.
  3608. “Also, there’s something else I should talk to you about.” You start. “I couldn’t help but to notice, back in the living forest, that you looked a little upset when I praised Pear Plum and that I invited her to join our party.”
  3609. Fen Flower remains silent on that one, looking straight in front of her.
  3610. “I simply do not want you to feel bad or jealous, Lady Fen Flower, so what can I do to remedy that?”
  3611. “You could have just kept this party with the two of us!” She now readily answers with a forced smile.
  3613. “B-but Lady Flower, I believe I’ve stated quite often that I wish to grow as many mares of this world as possible.” You plead. “And I trot the way of the bard. Down to the way my abilities work, surely you understand that I seek to encounter many mares on the way and have, well, more than platonic relations with them!”
  3614. Fen Flower lets out a sigh in reaction.
  3615. “Well, I suppose it’s true…” she says with a hint of melancholy in her voice. “My little hero didn’t come to save me because just I was something special, he would have saved any mare that day. That’s how great of a hero he is… Ah, this moment was so magical, I’m probably still coming down from the high...”
  3617. “Lady Fen Flower… Please rest assured that I genuinely care for you.” You say, trying your best not to sound apologetic. “So I am asking you, how can I make this work with you”
  3618. “How?” She pouts. “But, actually, what exactly to you want to make ‘work’? How special am I to you exactly Little Spoon? Alright, I’m ready to take it right now, so tell it to me like it is!”
  3619. “Well, we definitely are in a relationship.” You say. “And an open one on top of that. You sure didn’t mind sharing me with that guard mare back then.”
  3620. “That’s true.” She nods. “But really, to me it felt like we were just showing off. We were basically giving this poor little mare the honour to witness how much of an overwhelmingly sexy pair we are, and mercifully shared a tiny bit of that with her. I thought that was exciting! But for Pear Plum, well, clearly it was different. You got rather… personal with her. So I’m asking you again Little Spoon, how special am I to you? Am I the one pony you love, or should I expect to share the top with other mares?”
  3622. >A: Tell Fen Flower she’s your true love. The other mares are just side gigs, and you helped Pear Plum back there out of utility.
  3623. >B: Fen is special to you in her own way, but other mares are also special in their own, different way, and you’re gonna get emotionally invested with them too. And to speak frankly, wouldn’t she be interested in finding lovers for herself?
  3624. >C: You’re a simple stallion. You’ll love the bigger mare. Pear Plum grew on a fluke, but Fen is certainly on a path to become the most awe-inspiring mare around to you.
  3625. >D: Would she allow you some time to think? Until you get to the capital? You need to sort your feelings out.
  3626. [spoiler]Of course you can suggest other answers or variations of those.[/spoiler]
  3628. So the time has come for you to face the conundrum that all bards must encounter. No matter how much you like Fen Flower, you can’t stop growing all the other mares just for her and neither will you lie to her. A little anxious, you answer.
  3629. “The thing is that all mares are special and… yes, I won’t lie about it, I will certainly get personally involved with them like I did with Pear Plum.” You admit “But that doesn’t change anything to the fact that you are special and dear to me, Fen Flower. And that certainly isn’t going to change, even when you’ll hold whole cities with your bare hooves.”
  3630. “So… this is something you want.” Fen Flower says. “You’re not even trying to pass it as something you can’t be helped with?”
  3631. “Yes, this is what I want.” You nod resolutely. “I wish to grow and bond with many mares. And beyond that I want to make them happy, with me if possible or with other mares or stallions.”
  3633. The alchemist mare remains silent for a few seconds, simply looking in front of herself. She doesn’t look angry, but a little blue.
  3634. “Alright…” Fen Flower sighs. “I guess I’m not the one princess of my little hero. Well, that’s too bad, but…” And there, she shows you a little smirk. “I don’t think the role of a princess suited me that much anyway. Being the maiden in distress that is saved by a hero was a nice feeling, but I can’t really play the part of a pure and prissy little filly, can I? No, I should be thinking about doing wilder stuff…”
  3635. There, Fen Flower start to trot faster, leaving you a little behind.
  3637. “I’m still gonna need a bit of space to think, Little Spoon.” She turns back for a short while and tells you this. “At least until we get to the capital. You know, figuring out how I want make this work myself now that I know what to expect. But I’m still looking forward to get on that date with you, alright?”
  3638. “Sure!” You answer.
  3640. You believe this went rather well. Fen Flower may not be head over hooves about you anymore, but you believe you can start having some sort of an appeased relationship with her and other mares from here on. You don’t think her will to grow bigger has been lessened in any way either.
  3642. You continue to journey through the countryside. While nothing dangerous or crucial happens, you still make a few encounters worth mentioning.
  3644. You meet a wandering merchant on the road and walk alongside him for a few hours. The middle-aged earth stallion forages mushrooms in the countryside and sells those around. It happens he’s got a few rare ones that can be used for alchemy. Fen Flower tells you she’s gonna buy some ingredients from him for her next experiment since it’s about a fourth cheaper than the prices she expected. If you accept to give or lend her 50 more gold so she takes the whole stock, she’ll be able to buy enough components to make her next experiment the next night.
  3645. [spoiler]Fen Flower has a little more than 130 gold. Her next experiment will cost her 200 gold on a regular market to intensify the effect she already has, intensifying again will then 400 gold, and so on. Making a different experiment will cost 100 gold, but intensifying make more growth than a new experiment.”[/spoiler]
  3646. >A: Advise Fen to keep her money. Surely you’ll find better deals at the capital eventually.
  3647. >B: Give her the money
  3648. >C: Lend her the money
  3649. >D: Just spending her own money on this sounds reasonable.
  3651. At the time you wake up in a village you had spent the night at, Night Sprout gets curious about a local seamstress working on her loom and goes get a closer look by herself through her window. After you find her, the fairy asks you if she can watch the old earth pony mare work on a piece. The seamstress mare doesn’t mind. After the initial surprise of coming face to face with the diminutive mare, she says the interest of a fairy can only mean good fortune for her. However, if Night Sprout wants to see the making of a piece from beginning to end, that’s gonna take a couple hours at least.
  3652. >A: Accept
  3653. >B: There’ll be other artisans to watch later. Convince Night Spout to not waste time.
  3654. >C: Ask if you could purchase some clothes for Night Sprout to the seamstress. (10 gold)
  3656. While you were about to take a break to have lunch, another friendly group of adventurers comes by the road and they offer to share their own stories and food to make the meal livelier. The three stallions tell you about their past quests at first, but at some point, the orc warrior among them starts to flirt with Pear Plum in cordial orc fashion. He politely compliments how she looks stronger and healthier than any mare of his clan back home under the barely chuckles of his pony companions and Fen Flower. After the druid mares stammers embarrassed thanks in response, he asks if she’s be interested in a friendly wrestle, so both may feel the capabilities of the other’s body.
  3657. >A: Pretend you are Pear Plum’s coltfriend so the orc leaves her alone.
  3658. >B: Give the orc a taste of heaven. Advise Pear Plum to accept and use your inspiration to make Pear Plum bigger (This will use the temporary boost of your bardic inspiration)
  3659. >C: Let things play themselves out. You want to see how Pear Plum reacts.
  3661. On another note, the orc belt is starting to show its effect on you. Merely walking for a few days with it left you with a more toned physique than previously. Wear it more, and you’ll look actually buff at the end of the week as Ulna told you.
  3663. >You may also use some time to bring any subject with your companion
  3664. >What do?
  3666. When you met that merchant, you decided to trust Fen Flower on the fact this was a good deal, and thus gave her the money to purchase the mushrooms from the stallion.
  3667. >You have 271 GOLD
  3669. To the seamstress, you asked if she would accept to make some clothes for Night Sprout, and she accepted for a relatively cheap price, even accepting to put her current work on hold for it. The fairy carefully watched the mare work in silence and she looked immensely satisfied when she got to wear the filly-like dress the old mare gave her.
  3670. >You have 261 GOLD
  3672. You wondered if the orc courting her was too much attention for Pear Plum, but as you met eyes with her, it didn’t seem like she wanted your help. Eventually, the druid mare accepted to spar with the orc, and at that point you were all hyped enough you almost took bets with the other ponies.
  3673. It first seemed like the orc fighter and Pear Plum were evenly matched, but the orc eventually took the edge over her. Your druid companion chose not to use her bark form for sparing against the orc, and even though she was slightly larger, the fighter stallion had a better mastery of grappling, on average adapting his holds better and reacting faster than Pear Plum. It was far from a one-sided fight however, and Pear Plum managed to overwhelm and lock the orc in a hold a few times. While you doubt he lost on purpose, the plumpness of Pear Plum’s flanks holding him down must have sweetened his few defeats.
  3675. After about 10 minutes of wrestling, both Pear Plum and the orc were left drenched in sweat when they stopped, and it seemed like Pear Plum got caught up in the competition and ended up enjoyed this little session. The orc was of course a very good sport and praised Pear Plum’s fighting spirit. Still, Pear Plum declined his invitation to come visit his homeland with him. The orc doesn’t lose his politeness over it though, and merely says he’ll be ready to welcome her if she ever changes her mind. Both your groups parted ways not long after that.
  3677. As Fen Flower asked you, you give her some space and instead attempt to get closer to the other mares. You’ll talk with Night Sprout later, but at the moment it is Pear Plum that you approach while you walk on the road.
  3678. “Lady Pear Plum.” You start. “If you don’t mind me asking, I was wondering if you planned to meet your parents again in the near future?”
  3679. “Oh, uhm, why are you asking that?” The big druid mare answers.
  3680. “I was simply curious.” You reply. “They’re wandering adventurers too, right? How do you plan to find them?”
  3681. “That’s not so hard.” Pear Plum says. “I’ll write them a letter first. There are several services that know how to find adventurers to deliver mail to them when needed. And… I did plan to write to them once we are at the capital, but not to invite them over.”
  3683. Later that day, while you were getting ready to spend the night outside, you come to Pear Plum again and offer to help her relax before going to sleep.
  3684. “Uhm… Little Spoon… I’m not really in the mood for that right now?” She reacts with a blush on her face, much to your disappointment. It seems like Pear Plum expected such offers only in the event you’d have to grow her.
  3686. >A: Then ask if you may merely hug her. Would she accept that?
  3687. >B: Insist. As agreed, you’ll be doing all the work and Pear Plum just has to enjoy herself.
  3688. >C: Rather ask if she’d like to just talk with you. Wrestle with you like she did against the orc maybe?
  3689. >D: Leave Pear Plum for now, go talk with Night Sprout.
  3691. “Ah, my bad.” You bow slightly in apology. “I guess that offer was bit too bold and ill-timed. But how about a hug instead? Or would my presence put you ill at east at all?”
  3692. “Of course not Little Spoon!” Pear Plum answer. “Hugging is fine.”
  3694. Pear Plum is already in her bedroll as she was preparing to sleep, and she invites you to come lie next to her. Then, the druid takes you in her warm embrace. Nearly twice your size without any enhancement from you, you can live up to your name and have your entire body remain nestled entirely against the mare’s neck, chest and belly, with your head under Pear Plum’s chin.
  3696. “You know, I think I may have overplayed the growth part a little.” You say, still spooned by Pear Plum. “I forgot to say that first and foremost, if it there is ever something you want to talk about with me lady Pear Plum, I’ll be all ears for you. Or even if you want to train your wrestling style to completely dominate that orc next time, I’ll gladly spar with you!”
  3697. “Ehm, no offence, but that doesn’t sound like it would be a fair fight Little Spoon.”
  3698. “Are you sure? This orc belt has been working wonders on me!” You boast. “Do check me out, lady Pear Plum! I think I’m at least as buff as the of that orc you wrestled the other day.”
  3699. Pear Plum chuckles lightly, but still you feel her hoof tentatively rub over you now toned midsection.
  3701. “Ehm, forgive me if I’m being too curious.” Pear Plum whispers. “But I heard you had a talk with Fen Flower the other day. Are you both alright? Do you need to talk about it maybe?”
  3703. >What do?
  3705. “How do you know we had a talk?” You ask “Did Fen Flower give you a hint?”
  3706. “Well, there was a very clear before and after?” Pear Plum answers tentatively. “And you and her discussed while I looked over Night Sprout, and after that it looked like she wasn’t… uhm, that she was less forward with you all of a sudden.”
  3707. “Ah… It does sound obvious when you say it like that.” You chuckle to yourself. “Anyway, there’s no shame in asking. You really are a kind mare Lady Pear Plum. As for Lady Fen Flower, Well… we spoke. Our relationship was open in her mind but only as far as practical fun was concerned. I told her that I wanted more than that with other mares too, and eventually she heard me and took it rather well I think. Rightfully so, she asked me to leave her some time to sort her own feelings out.”
  3709. “So you didn’t want to commit to Fen Flower?” Pear Plum comments. “Ahem, sorry if I’m assuming things, but I believed she could have been your type with how confident she is about her sensuality.”
  3710. “Well, of course I told Fen Flower how wonderful she is as a mare, and how much I care for her.” You say. “But still, I cannot lie to her. And there are other, different mares that I want to deeply bond with too…”
  3712. ‘Like you’, you could genuinely have added. If Pear Plum got caught the hint, she doesn’t show anything about it.
  3713. You gently hug and rub your hooves over the large one of Pear Plum draped over your body. In reaction, Pear Plum presses you a little closer against her big, warm form, and utters a small purr of contentment.
  3715. “Well, you didn’t let me become the party masseuse yet.” You say cheekily. “But it feels like I’m a good support animal alright.”
  3716. “Indeed, you’re the cutest mascot of all, Little Spoon!” Pear Plum replies with a giggle, and she ruffles your mane with another hoof.
  3717. “How am I doing with that by the way?” You ask. “Do you have any special request?”
  3718. “A request? Uhm… no, it’s fine like that. Don’t change anything!”
  3720. With a chuckle, you nuzzle against Pear Plum and rub your head on the mare’s chin. You both drift off to sleep not long after that, with you still surrounded by her warmth. You wake up in the same position the morning after, and it’s reluctantly that you and Pear Plum leave each other’s comfort.
  3722. You’re supposed to reach the city where you’ll embark on a ride to the capital at the end of this day. You’re probably gonna spend the night at an inn and then take your transportation tomorrow.
  3724. Meanwhile, you’ve been thinking about trying to get to know Night Sprout a little better too. The fairy is somewhat content to remain tucked in somepony’s bag, only sometimes ridding the head or back of one of you to get some fresh air. She replies she’s content and doesn’t need anything when asked, and by herself she wears the little dress she’s been gifted. A few times she’s been wandering off when she got curious about something in particular, getting you and Pear Plum a little scared each time as she didn’t warn you before and much less ask for permission. Still, she came back or you found her each time.
  3725. But in general, Night Spout doesn’t show much enthusiasm in talking with any of you. You’re not even sure she’s initiated a conversation with you even once since you met her.
  3727. >What do?
  3729. As tempting as it is to offer Night Sprout to grow larger, you’re gonna conserve your boosts for now. You had planned to use them to power through a difficult quest, but the idea to make a really big entrance into the capital is also starting to make its way into your mind.
  3731. Anyway, you use a moment when Night Sprout is riding your hat as you travel on the road to try and get to talk to the tiny mare.
  3732. “So lady Night Sprout.” You start. “Have our wanderings been to your liking so far?”
  3733. “Yes.” She plainly answers.
  3734. “May I ask what interested you the most?”
  3735. “Uhm… I like the dress.” She contently pats the clothes she wears.
  3736. “Ah, so it is the crafts of pony that interest you?”
  3737. “Yes.”
  3738. “I see.” You smile to yourself. “I’m no artisan myself, but I’m confident we will find other craftspony through our travels.”
  3740. Indeed, the best you could offer yourself would be to show Night Sprout how you take care of you lute, but perhaps she could watch how Fen Flower prepares her potions. Now, you have other talents.
  3741. “Would you be interested in hearing some songs maybe?” You add. “I’d be glad to share with you those stories ponies have been narrating to one another for aged.”
  3743. Night Sprout doesn’t answer, so you start one ballad about a legendary mare adventurer become queen after saving her nation. At the end, you ask Night Sprout about what she thinks of it.
  3744. “So, lady Night Sprout?” You say. “Did my song leave you speechless?”
  3745. “Huh?” You hear her little voice on your head. “Uhm. I was sleeping.”
  3746. “Ah… Well, I’m glad I could help you get some sleep.”
  3748. It doesn’t sound like Night Sprout likes songs very much. Aside from lullabies maybe.
  3750. Regardless, the tiny mare doesn’t seem willing to share her enthusiasm yet. Or may she just doesn’t know how to. You’re wondering if you could tell her something else to help her open up, but you don’t think Night Sprout is lying when she says she’s content, and perhaps the capital will provide better occasions to get the fairy out of her shell.
  3752. >What do?
  3753. >Proceed tot eh night before you embark to the capital?
  3755. “Hehehe…” You chuckle at the sleepy fairy. “Do all my songs put you to sleep, lady Night Sprout? Is that how you ended up in my bags while I was using my growth song on your friends back in the forest?”
  3756. “I was big too back then.” She replies. “I had to wait for the time you were leaving to hide.”
  3757. “Hm.” You ponder. “If it’s not my songs… Have you been getting enough sleep since we left the forest?”
  3758. “Yes.” The fairy plainly answers.
  3759. “That’s good. Again, if anything is troubling you, you can tell me or Pear Plum and Fen Flower about it.”
  3760. “Okay.”
  3762. Again, the tiny mare’s plain answer makes you wonder if she really is alright. You suppose you can wait to reach the capital to really see if Night Sprout will open up. You’re starting to think this might just be her personality, though. After all, how much social interaction do fae actually get in their forest?
  3763. You arrive at your destination at dusk. This is the biggest pony city you’ve seen yet, and there’s quite a few shops and more high-quality inns to choose from. Even if the line is closed from the day, you’re able to book your flight to the capital for tomorrow morning.
  3765. Tired from your day spent traveling, you companions decide to turn in early, saving the discovery of a larger city for tomorrow at the capital. Still, Fen Flower is gonna work on her next experiment tonight, improving the result of the first one that made her taller and stronger.
  3766. By now, the orc belt made you a little beefy. You think you’ll hold on wearing it for the time being, but you can put it back on later to achieve actual swoleness.
  3768. As for tonight…
  3770. >A: You’re rather curious about Fen Flower’s experiment. Maybe Night Sprout wants to watch too.
  3771. >B: See if you can sleep along Pear Plum again.
  3772. >C: Explore the city a little. Perhaps you can earn yourself some coins or meet some mares the old-fashioned bard way.
  3773. >D: Ask Fen Flower to change her experiment.
  3774. [spoiler]Fen Flower will improve the first wild growth effect she researched, but earn a new wild side effect. Instead, you may ask her to research a new wild growth effect with a wild side effect OR a new mild growth effect, or to research the safe growth formula. Improving an effect costs 200 gold for more growth, while new research will cost 100 gold. New wild or mild research has a 10% chance to fail from getting the same result as the first experiment[/spoiler]
  3776. “Lady Fen Flower, would you mind if I and Night Sprout watched while you work on your experiment?” You ask Fen Flower while you were having dinner at an inn. “I think our little friend could appreciate watching a skilled artisan such as yourself.”
  3777. “Hum? Why not.” She smirks. “But is that kind of show You’re looking for, Little Spoon?” The 4 and-a-half feet mare playfully boops your nose.
  3779. You follow Fen Flower in her room while Pear Plum goes to sleep. The alchemist mare dutifully lines up her stuff, including a little stove, bowls and containers of various shape and size in glass or fired clay, and other tools like smalls clamps, a scale or a pestle. There are also the mushrooms you bought of course, as well as some other powders and flasks of liquid you do not recognize.
  3781. Fen Flower starts to sample each type of mushroom, grinds them into a power and mixes it with some of her own ingredients. The result is often a brightly coloured liquid and Fen writes down what she sees.
  3782. “This is how it always starts.” She explains. “I have to identify the potential of each ingredient before I can find a way to balance their properties to find my way to the effect I want.”
  3784. Once this is done and after Fen Flower does some math to prepare the quantities she wants, she starts the actual process. With confident moves, she grinds, mixes, heats up each type of mushroom with her catalysts and then with each other. She regularly takes a drop of each partial result to test it, either with a reagent, sometimes by adding a drop of her own blood she drew with a needle, or sometime tasting it altogether.
  3786. It is a bit hard to follow, and looks a bit repetitive to you, but Night Sprout watches carefully. Fen Flower has to ditch some of her partial results, not safe for consumption apparently, but she remains confident all the way through.
  3788. After about an hour, you stand back at attention again as suddenly Fen Flower surges a couple of inches bigger for a couple seconds after tasting a drop of her potions.
  3789. “Almost done!” She chimes with a smile, delighted by your reaction. “Let’s stabilize that and make it perfect!”
  3791. She continues for about half an hour, using up the rest of the ingredients and experiences small, temporary growth spurts until her final concoctions is done. And when she drinks the content of the finished vial, the alchemist mare grows 9 inches in a few seconds, and her already toned body gains more muscles again, not unlike you did with the orc belt.
  3793. However, where you’re still one 3 feet tall otherwise average halfling, Fen Flower is now a 5’3’’amazonian bombshell of a mare, with sizeable glutes that could shatter stone and round, melon-sized teats under her.
  3794. “Ah! Another success, don’t you think Little Spoon?” The mare proudly looks down to you.
  3795. “It certainly looks so!” You answer with a big smile.
  3796. “Mmh… I don’t think I managed to completely isolate the active agents this time.” The alchemist mare starts examining her body. “Do you see anything strange? I think there should be some side effect...”
  3798. As much as you like watching the now powerful body of Fen Flower, you don’t see anything out of the ordinary.
  3799. “Mmh… That’s bit worrisome…” Fen Flower pouts, but then she smiles again. “Though, honestly, I think I’m just too excited to care!”
  3800. The enlarged mare walks to you, seductively biting her lip…
  3802. And there, she pats you head.
  3803. “I’m going downtown!” She announces. “I wonder how the ponies out there are going to react. Too bad I don’t have some big sword to go with our furs. I could have had one perfect barbarian mare get up! Still, I think I’m gonna gather quite a few looks.”
  3805. Fen Flower walks past you, exiting the room.
  3806. “Now that I’m done growing here… I’m gonna go!”
  3808. There, with the corner of your eyes, you see Night Sprout approaching the alchemic supplies Fen Flower left behind…
  3810. >A: Stop Night Sprout
  3811. >B: Go after Fen Flower. You’d like to take a walk around town too.
  3812. >C: Call Fen Flower back. Actually, maybe you could make her grow more right now after all…
  3813. >D: Let her have her own fun. See if you can sneak under the covers with Pear Plum.
  3815. If Fen Flower knowingly left her stuff like that, surely it should be safe enough for your fairy friend to play with. And if it isn’t, well, you’ll have a surprise when you return.
  3817. Anyway, you’re rather curious about what Fen Flower could be up to so you start to run after her.
  3819. “Wait!” You call. “May I accompany you, Lady Fen Flower?”
  3820. When the Amazonian mare turns back, she has a playfully haughty smile on her face.
  3821. “My, impatient about our date, are we my little hero?” She replies with delight in her voice. “I have to say, I didn’t expect you to come running after me like that. It seems like I should have played hard to get from the start… Still, it is unfortunately not with you that I want to play with tonight…”
  3822. The 5’ mare bops your nose hard enough to force you to take a step back.
  3824. “Be a dear, Little Spoon, and go keep company to Pear Plum or whoever else you want.” She says. “I’ll take care of you later alright, but tonight I’d like it if you didn’t disturb me.”
  3826. And there, the alchemist mare turns back and walks away in the direction of the exit of the inn, leaving you in the dust.
  3827. Well, Fen Flower sure heard alright that you were fine with her exploring new relationship horizons. Are you curious enough to sneakily follow her, or do you listen to what the big mare told you to do?
  3829. >What do?
  3831. So that is how Fen Flower wants to play it, huh? Well, maybe you’re gonna get yourself jerked off by some other mares you can pick up and impress them with the current potency and control you have over your shots!
  3832. Well… You still want to keep your growth improvements, so you would have to never come inside. Just blue-balling yourself for the night doesn’t sound so good after all… You think you’re gonna check on Night Sprout instead!
  3834. You go back inside Fen Flower’s room, and you see Night Sprout still messing around with the alchemist mare’s stuff. In fact, you realise the little fairy got her hooves on the vial where Fen Flower had her final concoction, and that she lifts it to drink the few drops that were left inside.
  3836. “Wait, wait don’t do that!” You jump to stop the fairy and catch her in your hooves, miraculously not breaking anything in the process. “Fen said it wouldn’t be safe for somepony else… to…”
  3837. But it is too late. The leftover potion has disappeared from the vial Night Sprout still holds, safe for only a dot of its red colour on the fairy’s lip.
  3839. “Are you alright Night Sprout?” You ask worriedly. “Should I bring you to Pear Plum?”
  3840. “I feel fine.” The fairy answers. “Oh, uhm… It feels like I’m getting a bit… tingly… AH!”
  3842. The whole body of the tiny Night Sprout swells between your arms. Just like Fen Flower earlier, the fairy gains 9 inches of height in a second, reaching about a foot in total… but then she grows that way again, and again… Night Sprout lets out a moan of pleasure as her body overwhelms your own in size, by a few inches at first, but then by more than a foot.
  3844. When she stops growing, Night Sprout is a few inches short of being 5 feet tall, so nearly 2’ taller than you are. But aside from that, her body has turned into a hulk of steel-hard mare muscle, each of her limbs bulging with raw power in far greater measure than those of Fen Flower or Ulna. The dragonfly-like wings on her looks almost comical in how dainty they look comparison.
  3846. The fairy rises on her hooves with an incredulous look on her face, eyeing her own body in amazement. You watch dumbstruck as with one hoof, she effortlessly scoops you up and then lifts you over her head, not far from the ceiling.
  3847. “Woah. This looks fun.” The fairy declares, looking up to you with a little smile.
  3849. You have about no idea what’s on her mind, and you have to admit it scares you a little…
  3851. >What do?
  3853. “I don’t think you’ll be fitting in my bag anymore, lady Night Sprout.” You say from up the fairy’s arm. “It looks like you’re the one who will be carrying me.”
  3854. “Oh.” Night Sprout seems genuinely concerned by this and slowly puts you down. “Hum. Can I get you a bigger bag?”
  3856. “I don’t think any kind of bag will do… But more seriously, how are you feeling? I wasn’t joking when I said there would certainly be side effects. Do you feel anything strange?”
  3857. “I still feel a bit… tingly.” Night Sprout says. “But I don’t know what it means.”
  3858. “Tingly? Like, just before you grew?”
  3859. “Yes.” The grow fairy looks at herself again, but nothing more seems to be happening for now.
  3861. You have no idea how safe it is for Night Sprout to remain like this, nor exactly why she grew so much from the tiny amount of potion she drank. But Night Sprout seems to be stable for now so…
  3862. “What are you going to do now that you’re this big?” You ask.
  3864. The fairy ponders for a few seconds, and then she shrugs.
  3865. “I don’t know. What do ponies usually do when they’re this big?” She asks, but then a moan escapes her mouth as suddenly the fairy surges two feet and a half bigger in a second.
  3866. You’re now looking at a mare over 7 feet tall mare, her head getting a little too close to the ceiling as she stands.
  3868. “Or, this big?” Night Sprout asks tentatively.
  3869. “By any chance, would you still be feeling tingly, lady Night Sprout?”
  3870. “Hum. Yes.”
  3872. >What do?
  3874. You see no trace of Fen’s potion anymore on her mouth since the fairy grew. But regardless, the vision of a mare going from sprite to fitness deity overwhelms you, and despite the obvious urgency of the situation, the only thing you can say is…
  3875. “Would you bless me with a kiss, lady Night Sprout?”
  3876. The shining purple eyes of the huge fairy blink in surprise, but soon enough she lowers her head so her lips may meet yours.
  3878. As you experienced in the forest, you’re enthralled by the sweetness of the fairy’s mouth and saliva, but also discover that Night Sprout has her own flavour, a subtle hint of violet. The large fairy moans as you suckle on her bigger mouth, and clumsily pushes you as she wants to press her mouth harder against yours. Night Sprout moans anew, as yet again another spurt of growth makes her another foot bigger
  3880. “I think we should head outside before you outgrow the room!” You say urgently, coming back to your senses a little.
  3882. Night Spout nods. Reflexively, she heads to the window of the room, but soon realise this is going to be way too snug of a fit.
  3883. “Follow me!” You call, and exit the room with Night Sprout squeezing herself through the door in tow. You just make it outside before Night Sprout grows 2 more feet of height again. Her unusual appearance and 10 feet of height gather quite a few looks but you have other matters in minds.
  3885. “I still feel tingly.” Night Sprout says. “What do we do?”
  3887. >What do?
  3889. “We must find Fen Flower!” You say. “Give me a lift! We’ll go faster that way!”
  3890. The enlarged fairy clumsily picks you up to place you safely on her muscular back, and then you ride her downtown. You call Fen Flower’s name as you walk through the busy streets while Night Sprout does her best not to stomp anything or anypony. Luckily, she wasn’t wearing her dress when the incident happened and can at least see where she’s trotting. A couple stallions and mares may still have been bumped by her passage, hopefully without too much pain.
  3892. After a couple minutes during which Night Sprout grew to 12 feet tall, Fen Flower rushes out of a pub at your repeated calls and her eyes go wide as she sees the massive fairy. It seems a stallion was accompanying her, but the roguish unicorn scrams away as soon as he sees the muscular hulk of a mare that the pony who was calling for Fen Flower rides.
  3894. “Little Spoon? What’s the big idea!” Fen Flower calls angrily. “So now you’re not even keeping off the growth anymore as soon as I’m not here?”
  3895. “This isn’t my doing!” You defend yourself. “Night Sprout drank the leftover drops from your potion, and now she won’t stop growing!”
  3897. Fen Flower seems alarmed as she hears this, but calms down a little.
  3898. “Night Sprout! Show me your mouth! Open up!” She calls.
  3900. The fairy obeys and brings her head down so Fen Flower may examine the inside of her maw. However, when Fen Flower touches the fairy, there’s a bring spark of magic similar to a miniature lightning bolt between them.
  3901. “Ouch!” Fen Flower recoil in pain.
  3902. You witness Fen Flower shrinking instantly, losing about a foot of height while Night Sprout starts swelling rapidly in turn. The fairy lets out a drawn-out orgasmic cry as you see yourself rise in the air by several feet in only a few seconds. Night Sprout just grew to 20 feet tall.
  3904. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” Fen Flower exclaims in disbelief.
  3906. “She keeps getting bigger!” You call. “What can we do? Should I go into her and retrieve the elixir she drank?”
  3907. “This is not the time to be silly Little Spoon!” Fen Flower rolls her eyes. “I don’t even think making her throw it up would matter at this point… Anyway, do you have my stuff?”
  3908. “Uhm… It is still at the inn…”
  3909. “Then go get it!” Fen Flower barks annoyedly. “I’m an alchemist, not a sear! I can’t help without some ingredients, and I’m not getting near her again!”
  3911. “I feel… way more tingly!” Night Sprout suddenly announces in a mix of anxiousness and pleasure. She then bites her lip to stifle a moan as she grows yet 2 feet taller.
  3912. You feel like you could get to the inn and back to Fen Flower with her stuff, but Night Sprout might be a lot bigger by then. Too big to walk the streets without causing havoc even…
  3914. >A: Maybe making Night Sprout throw up will help still. Go tickle her glottis.
  3915. >B: Rush back to the inn and get Fen her stuff back.
  3916. >C: There’s no time! Fly away from the city with Night Sprout and hope her spurts end at some point.
  3917. >D: Go get Pear Plum. Maybe the druid mare can help!
  3919. “I believe there’s no time!” You state. “There’s no choice but to exit the city before we cause some actual damage. I just hope the growth will stop at some point! I’ll go beyond the north gate. Can you please join me there with lady Pear Plum?”
  3920. “Alright. I’ll go get her.” Fen Flower nods.
  3921. “Night Sprout!” You call her. “You have to fly out of there!”
  3923. The giant fairy obeys and you have to hold on tight as she soars into the sky at high speed. You cringe slightly as you see the mere wind of the fairy’s wings send a few ponies down. The city you’re in is not as large as the capital, but you fly over several streets in what feels like an instant, and then over the outer wall in less than a minutes. At that point, Night Sprout grew to 25 feet tall already.
  3925. “Put me down lady Night Sprout.” you ask, and the fairy does allow you to get off her, but no without growing to 30 feet in the process.
  3926. “Still tingly?” You ask.
  3927. “M-more than ever! AH!” Night Sprout exclaims, and her body surges 10 feet bigger before your eyes. She’s gigantic enough you’re now smaller to her than she usually is to you. Her body starts glowing as she rears in pure pleasure while her body grows to 50, 60 feet…
  3929. And then she vanishes. You remain dumbstruck for a second, before starting to look around in panic for a trace of the fairy. Luckily, you do find her, shrunk down to her original size where she was an instant before. Well… not completely shrunk down actually. She’s a little more than a foot tall now, but regardless you run to her side as the fairy seems to have lost consciousness.
  3931. You pick her up in your arms. She’s definitely out cold, but she seems to be breathing steadily.
  3932. “Lady Night Sprout!” You call. “Can you hear me?”
  3933. The fairy doesn’t answer. You remain alone with Night Sprout in your arms for a few minutes, growing increasingly worried as she doesn’t any sign of being close to regaining consciousness.
  3935. You’re relieved as you see Pear Plum and Fen Flower arrive after a few minutes.
  3936. “She shrunk back all of a sudden!” You immediately say. “But now she won’t wake up!”
  3938. Fen Flower immediately starts to examine Night Sprout. While making sure not to touch the fairy, she drops some powders on her, and then draws a drop of blood with a needle to mix it in one of her vials. You don’t understand what she’s doing, but there doesn’t seem to be anything alarming as Fen’s face calms down as she proceeds.
  3940. “I can’t detect any influence of the potion anymore.” Fen Flower concludes. “As far as I’m concerned, whatever happened to her is over.”
  3941. “So why won’t she wake up?” You ask.
  3942. “Let me see her.” Pear Plum says. The druid mare carefully takes the little mare in her hooves and closes her eyes to focus.
  3943. “She’s just really exhausted.” She adds after a few seconds, sounding a little relieved “She will be fine, but for a magical being like her, that mean she needs to sleep for a few days at least.”
  3944. “So what happened?” you ask. “Do you know why did she start growing all of a sudden?”
  3945. “I can’t tell for sure, but I believe the spell from the potion started going into overdrive from how unstable it was.” The druid mare says. “It used up all the magic it could, and then just fizzled out of existence when there was nothing else to sustain it.”
  3946. “That sounds plausible…” Fen Flower comments with a nod, but then she lets out a heavy sigh. “Urr, what a disaster! There goes my night out, and I’m not even that tall anymore… That’s what I get for letting my supplies lying around…”
  3948. >A: You planned to hold off your growth abilities… but it feels like Fen Flower really needs a boost to moral and size.
  3949. >B: Ask Pear Plum to examine Fen Flower. Surely there’s a way for her to recover the size she lost
  3950. >C: Apologize to Fen Flower about what happened, but after that it’s probably best to call it a night for now…
  3951. >D: Is there nothing more you can do to help Night Sprout? Some healing or mana potion maybe?
  3953. “Hold on, let me fix you a little lady Fen Flower.” After that, you use your Embrace Glorious Destiny to grow Fen Flower 1’ more with a simple touch, bringing her back to 5’3’’ again.
  3954. >You have 2’ left in your growth pool
  3956. “Huh? Is that new?” Fen Flower examines herself. “I don’t remember you could just grow a mare like that before, Little Spoon.”
  3957. “It is new.” You nod. “I may only do it a few times, but this size is here to stay.”
  3958. “Oh, well in that case, thank you Little Spoon.” The mare shows a pleasantly surprised smile.
  3960. “But still, I wonder why you shrank at all earlier.” You ponder aloud. “Night Sprout bumped into plenty of other mares, but that only happened with you. Perhaps Pear Plum could have a look at you to see if there’s a way to get that size back… wait, unless touching her is gonna shrink you too? What if that’s the side effect of your potion?”
  3961. “Could that be it?” Fen Flower frowns. “Hold on. I think I can confirm it. Pear Plum? Can you come over here, please?”
  3963. Without touching Pear Plum, Fen Flower again prepares some reagent to which she adds a drop of her own blood, and then one from Pear Plum. There is immediately a little flash of light in the vial as the second drop is added.
  3965. “Oh… It looks like that IS it…” Fen Flower pouts. “But it’s strange. I do think I brushed against a few other mares tonight. Why would it only happen with Night Sprout or you?”
  3966. “Uhm… Maybe it only happens with larger mares maybe?” Pear Plum postulates.
  3967. “Umh…” Fen Flower sighs. “I’m not sure I want to try it out. But…”
  3969. The alchemist mare approaches the comatose Night Sprout, and a bit anxiously, she touches her head with a hoof. Nothing happens.
  3970. “Hum… Well, it didn’t happen again this time.” And then Fen turns to the druid mare. “But you better not touch me to find out if it happens with you!”
  3971. “Ah! I would never!” Pear Plum hastily shakes her head. “I know how important growing is to you.”
  3972. Fen Flower lets out a content hum, but then a tired sigh too.
  3973. “Well, I’m not really in the mood to go out anymore I think… it SHOULD be safe to walk around, but now I’m scared I just gonna get shrunk at random. I need to research this some more.”
  3975. You bite your lip, you hoped Fen Flower’s night could be salvaged, but there probably isn’t anything to do about it if she isn’t in the mood anymore.
  3976. “Is there something else we can do to help Night Sprout?” You ask. “To speed up her recovery? I don’t like the idea of one of us being out cold for so long…”
  3977. “Not that I know off.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “Night Sprout just needs some time.”
  3978. “Perhaps we could find some knowledge about fairies in the capital that could help, though.” Fen Flower comments, and Pear Plum nods to that.
  3980. The three of you return a bit demoralised to the inn with Night Sprout. Luckily, it appears there was little enough commotion the night life in this city just kept its course without further incident. While Fen Flower goes to her room, you ask Pear Plum if you could spend the night along her again.
  3982. “Why not.” She nods. “After we make sure Night Sprout is comfortable too, we can do like last night.”
  3983. And after making sure your fairy friend is nicely tucked in, you slip under the covers with Pear Plum. The embrace of the large druid mare is as soothing as ever, and even despite the trouble of the night, you fall peacefully asleep in a few minutes.
  3985. Again, it’s a wonder to wake up spooned by Pear Plum. In fact, you realise in delight she’s gently petting your mane as you come to.
  3986. “Ah, uhm, sorry about that.” Pear Plum says and stops as she notices you opening your eyes, looking a little flustered. “You were just so cute I couldn’t resist.”
  3988. >What do?
  3990. “Oh, I find it quite alright!” You say and turn around to nuzzle against the chest of the druid mare. “Surely our difference in size is making me look cuter!”
  3991. “Well, I suppose it’s true.” Pear Plum giggles, playfully ruffling your mane again.
  3992. “That sure isn’t a problem for me.” You add. “Being pet by a beautiful, cute, and adorable mare such as you is pleasant in itself, lady Pear Plum.”
  3994. And to punctuate your sentence, you slip out of Pear Plum’s grip to place a swift peck on her cheek.
  3995. “Oh, ahaha…” You see the druid mare giggle awkwardly and blush in reaction. She doesn’t wear her hat or glasses at the moment, and you can stare in her deep brown eyes and see her messy brown mane framing her reddened face. “Y-you know, I always admired ponies who could deliver such lines with as much confidence as you Little Spoon…”
  3997. “Then I shall show you more confidence to admire, lady Pear Plum.” You declare. “How about we wrestled together? Behold the might of my physique!”
  3998. There, you start to pull on one of Pear Plum’s hooves to put her in a submission hold so you may then smooch her all you want.
  4000. But of course, even the element of surprise cannot redeem your attempt at bulging the much larger mare. Pear Plum is a little confused, but after a few seconds she effortlessly takes you takes in a warm, iron-tight hug that takes a little yelp out of you.
  4002. “Sounds like I won.” The druid mare says with another chuckle. “And for my prize… we’re just gonna sleep in a longer!”
  4004. Unfortunately, your plans to smooch the big mare are foiled at the moment, and you have to settle for being squeezing like a plush toy by one very big filly. Of course the victor eventually softens her hold, but you know better than to try to get past her vigilance again. Instead, you reflect a little and consider your option for the day to come.
  4006. “There’s this idea I have lady Pear Plum, and I wanted to have your opinion.” You start. “Today we take on the capital, and I was thinking of making a show of my ability to grow a mare bigger than ever, using all the magic the fairies gave me at once! I wish to show this world a mare like they’ve never seen before!”
  4007. “Ah, that would cheer up Fen Flower for sure.” Pear Plum says with a light chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Night Sprout if you get busy with that. Just try not to get into trouble if you do that alright? I think we were pretty lucky last night, but if we’re at the capital and that Fen Flower grows to… hum, how big do you think you could make her?”
  4008. “Well…” You quickly calculate. “She would end up over 40’ for sure if I went all out.”
  4009. “I don’t think she could even walk through most streets at that size, and if she really wants to show off, I hope the authorities won’t try to stop right away. Maybe that’s not… Hmm…” Pear Plum stops in her sentence.
  4010. “Is something the matter?”
  4011. “No. I’m good. Forget about it.”
  4012. “Are you sure?” You insist just a little. “I feel like you wanted to add something.”
  4013. “Ah, it’s nothing.” Pear Plum says. “Of course that you and Fen Flower should have fun with your abilities the way you want. But it’s just that talking about it like that, and having experienced to a lesser degree, I’m just wondering what I would do if I were, let’s say, 40 feet tall.”
  4014. “I guess parading around a city wouldn’t be your first choice, right?”
  4015. “If that’s what you want to do this is good of course!” Pear Plum repeats hurriedly.
  4016. “But what about you lady Pear Plum?” You ask. “What would you do with such size?”
  4017. “Well… I wouldn’t know, but surely there stuff only a pony that big could help with.”
  4019. You can’t repress a satisfied smile. While she probably hasn’t looked much into it, it seems like Pear Plum actually thinks about the possibilities a greater size could offer without worrying too much about what happened in the living forest anymore.
  4021. >What do?
  4022. >Proceed to the capital?
  4024. “This is certainly another reason I’ve always wished to grow mares.” You nod. “We’ve managed to help a number of ponies thank to that already I believe. Being big sure makes a lot of problems easier to deal with it, doesn't it?”
  4025. “I guess so.” Pear Plum nods.
  4026. “And you see, beyond indulging Fen Flower, I was thinking this could be some sort of advertisement too.” You argue. “To let the folks of the city know there are big mares ready to help them. Which is why… I’d like you to be a part of this too.”
  4028. “M-me?” Pear Plum seems flustered again. “Ah… I don’t think I’m the right pony for that kind of performance. I mean, I want to help of course, but imagining myself as a giantess, with all the ponies of the capital looking at me, it would be… Oh…”
  4030. It would be amazing, you want to say, as your imagination already pictures itself the imposing plot of the mare turned house sized.
  4031. “What are you afraid of lady Pear Plum?” You ask instead. “That the ponies of the city will be afraid of you? I believe you’ve already proved that a bigger you didn’t scare the common folks. In fact, I think I would be a little more reassured if you participated too than if I grew Fen Flower only.”
  4033. Pear Plum ponders for a few seconds before answering.
  4034. “A-alright then.” She nods. “We can do that, then.”
  4035. “Wonderful, lady Pear Plum!” You exclaim, and in the heat of the moment you jump and place a peck on the big mare’s mouth. Pear Plum jumps slightly in surprise, daintily placing a hoof on her mouth. She looks more confused than anything else, but her face is all red from the gesture.
  4037. “Now, I believe we’ve made lady Fen Flower wait long enough, and we’re gonna miss our flight if we don’t come out of bed.” You say with a smile, and Pear Plum nods in response.
  4039. You join Fen Flower in the main room of the inn. Of course, the alchemist mare is delighted by your idea of a grand entrance into the capital and accepts immediately.
  4040. Soon, you’re on your way to catch your ride. You pay the agreed price, and even at a little over a foot tall, Night Sprout can ride for free without you even needing to hide her. Even though it seems you’re the only passengers of this trip, the coach would have enough space for about 8 ponies, so that makes enough space for you to sit comfortably, especially since Fen Flower is still avoiding to touch Fen Flower at all costs. You also note that the coach is closed and that you may close the curtain to achieve a minimum of privacy inside.
  4042. The question remains… How are you going to grow those two mares exactly? Should you start right away, or wait until you have your hooves on the ground of the capital?
  4044. >What do?
  4046. >As a reminder you have the following abilities:
  4047. >Lvl1: Bardic Inspiration: While you sing, you may make it so that mares that hear you are 2 feet (now 3 feet) bigger. The effect of the inspiration doesn’t stop as long as you do not break physical contact with the mare for more than 10 seconds and remain conscious.
  4048. >Lvl2: Embrace Destiny: a number of times a day equal to half your level (now 3 times), whenever you kiss a mare on the mouth, she gets 2 feet bigger for 10 minutes. You may also use this ability while having an intercourse with a mare, in which case the bonus lasts as long as the mare wishes. Stacks with itself. You do not recover the charges of embrace destiny a mare chooses to hold over the days.
  4049. >Lvl3: Gift of the bard: Whenever you climax inside a mare, she may grow by 1’ for 1 minute, plus 1 foot for each precedent time you did so on the same day, a number of times up to your level (now 6 times). Does not stack on the same mare. If you climax inside that mare a number of times equal to your level in the dame day (now 6 times), the growth lasts for the rest of the day instead, and any further climax inside that mare will make her grow by an additional number of feet equal to your level for 1 minute (now 6’). Additionally, such a mare gains the ability to grow your genitals until they are to her desired size
  4050. >Lvl4: Growing Inspiration. Your Bardic Inspiration also grants a bonus to the target’s strength, constitution or charisma. You may choose the characteristics to boost for each use of your Bardic Inspiration that will be applied for all targets for that inspiration. Some physical changes will accompany the bonus. The bonus increases at level 12 and at level 19.
  4051. >Lvl5: Countergrowth: If you can react and use your lute when a pony casts a spell or uses any supernatural ability, you may attempt to turn the spell into growth magic. The growth is equal to twice the level of the caster in feet and the effect lasts for 10 minutes. The growth will randomly be split between the caster and the targets if they are mares. If neither the caster nor the targets are mares, random nearby mares will grow. Spells of the same type that are countered that way cannot be cast by the caster for the rest of the day. You may not use this ability on mares that grew permanently from your magic before.
  4052. >Lvl6: Embrace Glorious Destiny: You gain a pool of growth you may use to permanently grow any willing mare with a physical contact. This level and every level after, a number of feet equal to your maximum number of daily uses of embrace destiny is added to your growth pool. You may split the growth among several mares, but you may only grow mares by multiples of 1 foot. You may grow one mare that way by a number of feet up to half your level in total. (2’ in growth pool)
  4054. >The following effects are currently active on you:
  4056. >For the next three days: You have infinite sexual stamina and full control over your climaxes.
  4057. >The next time you use your bardic inspiration: the growth is doubled, lasts for the day, a charisma boost is applied in addition to which ever you choose.
  4058. >The next time you use Embrace Destiny: for the day, your other abilities grow that mare 50% more.
  4059. >The next time you use Gift of the Bard: Gift of the Bard works as though you were double your level for that mare for that day.
  4060. >The next time you use Countergrowth: automatic success, lower critical DC.
  4061. >The next time you empty your growth pool from Embrace Glorious Destiny: the mare grows 2 more feet.
  4063. But on second thought… you decide to postpone your big show to the next day. After all, there would only be a few night hours for the mares to enjoy their full size, and also you’ll reduce the chance of a crash from loading down your ride with too much mare weight. Your companions wholly agree to that.
  4065. You spend the day in the air between the two big mares in the coach. Fen Flower can’t resist sensually smooching you a little, and delights herself from seeing Pear Plum embarrassedly adverts her eyes. At other times you simply watch the landscape through the windows, Pear Plum sometimes hugging you while you both marvel at the sights.
  4067. You’re travelling at about a thousand feet above the ground. You see the towering mountains on the horizon, and in the lush green countryside bellow, the rivers look like mere stripes of blue, the settlements like models, and groups of ponies might as well be bugs.
  4069. Neither you nor Pear Plum had taken a flight like this before, so you share the same amazement. Meanwhile, Fen Flower doesn’t seem so interested.
  4070. “No thanks.” She answers when you ask, and with a playful smile she adds. “One day I’ll have that view while staying on my hooves. No need to spoil that to myself now.”
  4072. The capital comes into view at dusk. The sea of habitations sprawls as far as you can see, occupying all the space in front of the coach except for the large river that cuts the city in half even though it is crossed by many white stone bridges. While what seems to be residential areas at the periphery are painted with many colours, the closer you get to the inner wall and the brighter the constructions seem to get. Inside the wall, the buildings are larger, looking richer and build in bright stone. And finally in the middle of the city stands the castle that looks like it’s made of ivory, its many towers dwarfing the rest of the city while the royal flags of the country adorn every wall of it.
  4074. You land just inside the inner wall and decide to search for a place to stay the night around here. Prices will be a little more expansive than if you decided to search further from the heart of the city, but it’s nothing you can’t afford and more importantly the streets here are larger as you are closer to the castle, and even at this hour there’s still quite the crowd. While you were in the air, you also noticed a number of open areas, plazas or markets, that will suit the demonstration you have in mind for tomorrow.
  4076. You considered using you first night to find leads to help Night Sprout, but decide that you’ll have time for that later. Luckily, even at her new size she can remain safely in your bag. You quickly turn in for the night, and at the first hour the next day, you start to prepare for the show.
  4077. Beginning with Fen Flower that you join in her room first thing in the morning.
  4079. “So, are you ready Little Spoon?” She says with a sultry smile “Can I put an end to this absurd vow of chastity of yours yet?”
  4080. “The time is ripe indeed.” You come closer to her and you both start to eagerly kiss each other.
  4082. After waiting for this for some time already, you quickly get to the next step. The amazon that is Fen Flower soon straddles you and takes you inside her. There, you decide to use two charges of your Embrace Destiny spell and all of the permanent growth you have.
  4084. Fen Flower lets out a blissful moan as she grows 10 feet bigger over you.
  4085. “Oh, YES!” She coos, over 15 feet tall. “Now THIS is an adequate height!”
  4086. “And I’m just getting started.” You brag. “I’ve got twice that in store for you.”
  4087. “Oh my…” Fen Flower smiles in delight. “Then we ought to take this outside. It’s already going to be quite hard to come out of this place at this size.”
  4089. Indeed, the alchemist mare has to crawl through the doors to get out of the inn, something that is not without trouble either. While not as massive as Pear Plum, Fen Flower has a sizeable derriere that got stuck a few times while her twin melons, each as big as regular pony now, also played accomplices.
  4091. Finally outside, the 15 feet Amazonian mare catches a few looks already.
  4092. “Ah! I can’t wait to grow to full size!” She announces to the folks of the city, delighted by their flustered and shocked expressions.
  4093. You and Fen go to an unfrequented alleyway to get some privacy. Not that there were nopony in there, but the arrival of the giant mare convinces them to walk away and take another path to their goal. There, Fen Flower starts to have her way with you. Lacking a comfortable mattress, she grabs the balcony on a second floor and rests one of her shapely hind leg on one of the first floor to bring you to her wet nethers with her other front hoof. In that position, her hefty teats are pressed against the wall and windows of one lucky dweller of the capital.
  4095. You get to work. With the blessing of fairies active, you can climax as much as you want, Fen Flower will grow twelve times from your ability, and each time she’ll grow half as more as usual. And so you pump her bigger.
  4097. Held against the love cave of Fen Flower, you cut short the chase and grow the alchemist mare as much as you can. You cum every few seconds inside her, and each time she grows a foot and a half bigger. Fen Flower becomes 20 feet, and then 25 feet tall in a few seconds of time.
  4098. “Yes!” She exults as her head starts to peek over rooftops. “Make me bigger Little Spoon! Bigger!”
  4100. Enraptured, you keep letting your lust go loose, and feel the alchemist mare get bigger and bigger all around, the city looking more and more inadequate in comparison. Earlier it was door frames she had to squeeze though, but now that you’re done, her giant teats threaten to burst through the window on one side of the alley while her massive flanks push the wall on the other.
  4102. Fen Flower is currently over 33’ tall of perfectly sculpted and curvaceous mare.
  4103. “Oh, this feels so good!” Fen Flower coos. “I can’t wait to see how the snotty nobles and city folks will react to this. Do you think they’re gonna spontaneously make me the queen of the country? Or maybe I have to get even bigger before that, don’t you think Little Spoon?”
  4104. “Rest assured I’ll do my best to grow you until the heavens are yours to take, lady Fen Flower.” You say, drenched in her juices. “But if you’d allow me, for the sake of our show, I’d like to make Pear Plum bigger too right now.”
  4106. Few Flower lets out a little annoyed huff, but clearly this in a very minor concern to her considering she’s big enough to wrestle a dragon at the moment. The giant mare allows you to go back inside the inn with the promise to grant you an adequate shaft to please the plump Pear Plum.
  4108. In her room, you find the druid mare as red as beet already. The sounds of you growing Fen Flower bigger alerted the whole neighbourhood it seems. Still, you go slowly with her and a few hugs manage to put her at ease.
  4110. As agreed, you shall do all the work to make Pear Plum feel good and grow her. The druid mare rests with her belly on the bed, her twin buttocks forming two round, enticing masses that are begging to be clapped.
  4112. You go against that of course, even though you can’t resist just hugging the heart-shaped flanks of Pear Plum for a little while before you start. But you do not let yourself fall asleep on those soft pillows, and instead start pounding.
  4114. Pear Plum lets out little whimpers of pleasure as your enhanced member goes through her sea of ass. There is nearly a foot between your hips resting against the druid’s flanks and her entrance, and that distance is about to increase.
  4116. The druid mare moans as you grow her 2 feet bigger with Embrace Destiny. After that, she tries to repress her moans as you pound her expanding body. You could somewhat hug and hold on Pear Plum’s butt when you started, but as you grow her you’re progressively getting buried in the crack of her growing flanks, her soft plumbness surrounding you everywhere as it’s getting harder to get a hold on the steepening slope of them.
  4118. When you’re done, Pear Plum is now nearly 14 feet tall, and you might have wanted to go out of the inn before, because the doors turn out be a way realer challenge for the druid’s flanks than for Fen Flower’s. Soon out of options to free her, you have to ask for some oil from the dumbstruck innkeeper to help her slide through.
  4120. After a dozen minutes, you do manage to get out of the inn, with Pear Plum more flustered than ever and her flanks shining nicely and with a pleasant smell of olive after being copiously oiled up.
  4122. It looks like Fen Flower got tired of waiting for you however. She’s not hard to find, though, and Pear Plum tells you she can see her in a plaza a few streets away from here.
  4124. You join her there, and of course she’s the centre of attention already. Now there are hundreds of ponies staring at her while she stands in the middle of the 200’ wide paved space. Among them are stallions of all kind, nobles or commoners, with their jaw on the floor from the sight of her magnified perfect body and copious assets, but some mares too contemplate her in awe when they’re not occupied getting their coltfriends to look elsewhere or fulminating with envy.
  4126. As for Fen Flower herself, she seems to be discussing with a stallion that was bold enough to approach her. This one looks like a seasoned adventured. One brawly pegasus stallion, a monk probably, one that didn’t form an oath of chastity for sure.
  4127. “In the monastery where I learned, there were two boulder the apprentices would lift to train their strength.” You hear him. “I got stronger since then, but I do think your boulders puts those to shame could be quite the challenge to me now. Would you allow me to test my strength, oh giant one?”
  4128. “But of course!” Fen Flower coos, sitting to let to her massive milky orbs rest on the ground. “I’d love to see what this strong body of you can do.”
  4130. The pegasus monk theatrically flexes his strong arms before zooming in to the two teats, each many times his mass. He starts with one teat, letting out a mighty, stallionly growl as he lifts it his back, before raising it above his head.
  4132. “What a stallion!” Fen Flower chuckles with a hint of irony. “Let me help you with the other one…” Fen Flower lifts her other teat, and in reaction the monk shifts his position slightly so he may grab it with one arm. Despite the weight, he catches the giant orb of flesh that Fen Flower lets down, and now holds both massive orbs off the ground with his extended arms and the top of his head buried between them. On his face is the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on the face of a stallion.
  4134. And it’s at this moment you chose to unleash you inspiration… on all the mares than may hear it.
  4135. Pear Plum yelps as she grows 6 feet bigger, up to nearly 20, but you hear many other exclamations as hundreds of mares grow larger at once too, most reaching 10 feet tall. Moreover, they all see their assets expand, with no teat smaller than your head all around you anymore, and pelvis-crushing flanks everywhere.
  4137. The mares are surprised, but pleasantly so for most of them from the laughs and cheers you hear.
  4138. Meanwhile, Pear Plum’s rump just ascended to another tear of hugeness again, but it’s having sizeable boobs that is making her confused, and you see her embarrassedly crossing her legs to cover the new twin mounds that are high up in the air for everypony else to see.
  4140. As for Fen Flower, you inspiration grew her 9 feet more, bringing her to a stunning 42 feet tall with outrageous curves to add. The poor monk felt the load atop him multiplied, and eventually he crumbled under the two 15-feet-wide mountains that crashed on the ground, wobbling hypnotically under the eyes of the audience while Fen Flower utters a victorious and ecstatic laugh.
  4142. You’ve really done it now. You’ve made hundreds of mares in the capital 10 feet tall and gave them curves to die for and that for a whole day, you’ve made Pear Plum into a cute and giant ball of embarrassment, and Fen Flower into a colossal sex symbol that is very satisfied with her state. A feast for your eyes already, but what else do you wish to do of this situation.
  4144. >What do?
  4146. [spoiler]You’ve stopped wearing the belt before taking the flight already. You’re a little more than toned but not beefy yet[/spoiler]
  4147. [spoiler]Without enhancement, Fen Flower is well-proportioned with sizeable teats and ass. Pear Plum is plump all over, has unremarkable teats but a pear shaped-body with large and wide flanks.[/spoiler]
  4149. “What seems to be the matter lady Pear Plum?” You look up to the flustered giant druid.
  4150. “Little Spoon, y-you didn’t tell me I would… ehm…” The mare squeezes her legs together again, which only thrusts her melons forward. “Grow is such a way too…”
  4151. “That is nothing to be ashamed off.” You say, hugging one tree trunk of a leg of the druid. “I find it very pretty too. And this is an ability the fairies gifted me in particular, so really this is nothing unnatural.”
  4153. “Mmh…” Pear Plum sounds unconvinced.
  4154. “This is all a part of what is naturally beautiful.” You repeat. “Look around. Most mares seem happy about it. And let’s not even talk about Fen Flower…”
  4155. Indeed, the alchemist mare is just publicly playing with her twin mountains at this point, jiggling and squeezing them to keep the little pegasus monk from escaping her cleavage.
  4156. “Also, remember that we’re here to offer our help.” You add. “Now that you’re impossible to miss you can ask all those ponies about their problems. I’m sure they will only more willing to accept your help with your beauty.”
  4158. While still flustered, Pear Plum seems to calm down from her initial surprise. You can tell she’s still feeling self-conscious about her assets, but she agrees to try and find ponies she could help.
  4159. >Roll 1D100 ONCE
  4161. You decide to run a few errands for the time being, leaving the two giant mares to their own purposes. You first go sell the furs you looted from the orcs. It Is quite easy to find a buyer in the capital.
  4162. >Roll 5d10 + 50 ONCE for how much gold you make
  4164. After that, you decide to go check for the quests that are available to you.
  4166. You manage to find a quest board in one of the many establishments of the capital, but all the requests look quite dull to you. It’s either hunting rats in the sewers, delivering some item to another city, or finding some lost valuable but with barely any clue to start with.
  4168. In fact, the most worthwhile thing you find has nothing to do with adventuring, but there’s some sort of pamphlet stuck here among the requests with a scribbled note added to it.
  4169. “Overwhelmed by earthly pleasures?” You read on the pamphlet. “Wishing to deliver yourself from desire and focus on what is truly important in life? Join our monastery to strengthen your will and ready your soul to accomplish the true purpose of your existence!”
  4170. The pamphlet then gives an address at the capital. And then you read on the scribbled note.
  4171. “Seeking to be overwhelmed by earthly pleasures? Join us here instead of a no-fun monastery!”
  4172. And then there’s a different address on bottom of the note.
  4174. “If you’re looking for more, you should visit the adventurer’s guild.” The barkeep tells at some point you as he sees you watching the quest board. “Since they’ve got their headquarters in the city, most requests just go directly to them.”
  4175. The stallion is a good enough mood to tell you where to find the guild. It’s not far from the castle, he shows you, and then he returns to eyeing the 10’ mares that are having a drink in his place.
  4177. You’ll probably check the guild later.
  4179. For now, you return to where Fen Flower is. It appears the monk pony made it out alive of her bosom. Since no other pony approached her at the moment, you decide to take you chance. You also wish to advertise your ability to grant size to other mares, but that will have to wait just a little.
  4181. “Lady Fen Flower.” You call to her, and she shows you a bright smile as her immense eyes fall on you. “It looks like you’re having a blast.”
  4182. “For sure this day is off an amazing start!” She answers with a hearty giggle.
  4183. “Would you allow me to have some fun with your soft orbs?” You ask. “My touch shall get you off too!”
  4184. “Hahaha!” She laughs out loud. “Your powers made you overconfident, Little Spoon. I could smother you with a nipple alone! But do try, I want to see if a small pony like yourself feels like a tickle or a draft to me now.”
  4185. “Oh, I will try, just wait, and you won’t be disappointed, lady Fen Flower!”
  4187. Fen Flower giggles again as she watches you from above. She’s sitting while keeping her legs spread, allowing her twin mountains to rest on the ground, daring you take them on. A mere nipple will not be enough to smother you yet! It would only smush your whole head down and then some…
  4189. >Roll 1d100 (best of 3)
  4190. >Success: DC 85
  4192. >You’ve made 85 gold from selling the furs
  4193. >You have 316 GOLD
  4195. >Fen Flower carries an ORC QUARTERSTAFF, magic COMPONENTS, her portable ALCHEMIC TOOLS, two healing POTIONS
  4197. >6
  4198. >May it have been bad luck or just her timidity, Pear Plum didn’t manage to find anypony who needed the help of a big druid like herself.
  4200. You face Fen Flower who’s sitting in the middle of the plaza in the capital. At 42’ tall, she’s a monument to femininity and power, and one to her own glory of course. There hasn’t been a second Fen Flower hasn’t been the centre of attention since you grew her earlier today, and she’s been delighted by this state of affairs for sure.
  4202. And now, you shall face the two biggest challenges of your life. A playful smirk adorns the face of the giantess while you can’t get your eyes off the enormous teats between her generous flanks. Each nearly as big as the giant mare’s head, these are mountains to you, and you’re starting to believe claiming you could get Fen Flower off just by playing with these titanic spheres is beyond your power. You don’t think there’s any skill that could ever help you take these on. All that’s left is to trust your bardic abilities.
  4204. You charge head on with a warcry like the heroes of legends. You jump for the attack. You bump into one naked orb of boob flesh, feel yourself sinking into heaven for a second, and then bounce await onto the ground.
  4205. “Silly bard, I told you you couldn’t take me on!” Fen Flower playfully taunts you. The giant mare uses her hooves to slightly lift her teats off the ground, and you reflexively jump away as she drops the twin masses to smother everything in front of you, and then they harmlessly wobble on themselves as though to mock your fear. “You can’t even take on these small… Well, not so small parts of me, Little Spoon.”
  4206. “I’m not done yet!” You boldly state as you get back on your hooves… but how can you even climb these? They’re each the size of a small halfling house!
  4208. But you’ve got an idea. You shall start with the cleavage! As soft as this giant pair of breasts may be, where they’re pressed together you should get enough footing to climb up and eventually reach the nipple.
  4210. You walk up and squeeze yourself between them, their warmth engulfing you. It is tempting to walk even further, where your whole body will be overwhelmed by the twin pillows. But you resist, and keep it to where it feels like you can get some grip while not being constricted. There, you start you climb up, almost swimming through the soft skin.
  4211. Your ordeal seems fruitless at first, and the space between of Fen Flower’s breasts seems like a space to mercilessly drown the overconfident stallions. But somehow you then manage to make it. It is when you emerge from the mare’s cleavage that you realise Fen Flower had to help you out, gently squeezing her breasts along the way to give enough footing.
  4213. “So feeble…” Fen Flower coos. “You’re lucky I like you Little Spoon. But also, did you say something about getting me off? I can’t remember.”
  4214. And there, suddenly Fen Flower releases the pressure of her thighs on her breasts, and you suddenly lose all buoyancy and get swallowed in the warm and soft abyss. You tumble down, and after passing the bulk of the teats… you fall on you head and black out, utterly defeated by Fen Flower’s immense boobs.
  4216. When you come to, you’re feeling alright, and from one world of warmth to another you find yourself nestled between Pear Plum’s arms. The druid mare that is over 19’ tall smiles as she sees you open your own eyes.
  4217. “Ah you’re awake Little Spoon.” She speaks. “Fen Flower should have been more careful, honestly...”
  4218. “N-no, it’s mostly my fault.” Looking around you, it appears Pear Plum has hidden herself in a small alley, as much as her size allows at least. “I got a bit too cocky. And… where is she now?”
  4219. “Oh, uhm, she’s enjoying herself on the plaza.” Pear Plum says. “You’ve been out for fifteen minutes maybe. as for Fen Flower, well, there’s a number of ponies she’s still… ahem, playing with…”
  4221. From the sound of that and Pear Plum’s blush, it seems like Fen has plenty of admirers to deal with already. Maybe you can do something else in the meantime? The capital has much to offer.
  4223. >A: Check out the adventurer’s guild, maybe get an idea of the quests available.
  4224. >B: You’re not done with Fen Flower. In fact, you can still grow her a little more for a minute at least…
  4225. >C: There should be a library around where you’ll be able find more on how to heal Night Sprout.
  4226. >D: Check out the shops. Maybe you can find items, magic or not, that you’d like to purchase now or later.[spoiler]input specific type/kind of item to find if any[/spoiler]
  4227. >E: Go chill in the capital garden with Pear Plum. Maybe she’ll feel more at ease with her size there.
  4228. >F: You heard there was a seer that adventurers could consult for free. There’s going to be quite the line to get to them, but perhaps you and Pear Plum could learn something interesting.
  4229. >G: You should start to look around for a place to have your date with fen Flower. You don’t know much about the capital yet.
  4230. >H: You’ve grown a number of mares to 10’ earlier today. Maybe you could find an adventurer among them that you may fraternize with.
  4232. “I believe I’m going to let Fen Flower have her fun then.” You say. “I’m gonna go to the library. Surely I’ll find out a way to put Night Sprout back on her hooves that way.”
  4233. “Hmm.” Pear Plum nods. “That sounds good. I’ll go with you.”
  4234. “Are you sure? Maybe you could relax in the city gardens a little.” You offer. “You look a little… tense. I can take care of this.”
  4235. “I’m alright, don’t worry.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “And I want to help Night Sprout too.”
  4237. And so, you and the huge druid mare start to look for a library where you could find answers to your issue. You quickly end up being advised to check out the library at the wizard academy. Most volumes there are free to consult to anybody, and there’s a section about magical creatures and entities you hear.
  4239. The library itself is inside a tall tower of the academy. Pear Plum has a bit of trouble navigating through some of the spiralling staircases and between the tall shelves, but she eventually gets through without damaging anything. At least she doesn’t seem to notice the many flustered looks she’s getting from the young nerdy unicorns all around her.
  4241. Still, you manage to focus on the task at hoof, and quickly enough you find several books containing information about fairies and other forest folks.
  4243. Fairies on average have little understanding of social norms, you learn. They tend to act childishly and impulsively. Also, while they’re in their home, they feel the emotions of each other, and thus often do not spontaneously express those in a way that is comprehensible to ponies.
  4244. There’s also a warning. In their homes, fairies are also pretty much guaranteed to survive bodily harm, and what fairies would consider mere tricks can sometimes include real danger for regular mortals. However, fairies that have sufficiently been around ponies usually understand the difference and can be trusted.
  4246. So in the end, what you read makes it seem like Night Sprout would be the norm and Flower Sprite the exception in terms of behaviour, you think to yourself. Recalling the fun time you had with the fairies in the forest, you indeed remember that you didn’t have any real conversation with any other fairy than Flower Sprite.
  4248. Later, you read again that a fairy that left her home may not use their magic. The book indicates that a fairy may forge a bond with a new place and eventually regain her powers that way, but such a process would take months if not years and a special connection between the fairy and the new home. Their home is where a fairy directly draws power from, and the reason they lose their abilities when outside of it. There’s no mention of any other way to grant a fairy her powers back.
  4250. Then there’s a chapter about specific conditions that could affect fairies, and you wince to yourself as you read the beginning of it. As fairies are both very small and tied to magic, they react strongly and chaotically to all alchemic brews. The book strongly advises against subjecting them to any of it.
  4252. As for the consequences, the book first advises to return the fairy to their home, but otherwise provides a list of references about spells and rituals that can be used to heal them. You show those to Pear Plum, and it turns out some of the mentioned tomes can be found it the very same library you’re in. Pear Plum immediately starts to read them, and it sounds like druid mare could use some of these spells.
  4253. “I just need some components.” She says with a relieved smile. “I should be able to buy those for cheap. Our friend will be back on her hooves today I believe!”
  4255. >Go with Pear Plum as she purchases ingredients and performs the healing spell.
  4256. >Do something else in the meantime [see precedent choices, or make up your own]
  4258. “Great, let’s do this!” You nod toward Pear Plum.
  4260. You accompany your big druid friend as she goes fetch the ingredients for her ritual.
  4261. As you hoped, focussing on this task allows Pear Plum to forget her embarrassment about her size a little. Sure, the jaws of the shopkeepers tend to drop when they first see the big and plum druid mare, but simply telling them what you’re here for allows their professional side to get in control as usual again.
  4263. You take this occasion to acquire a small pouch of ball bearings which are each about 3’’ in diameter for 1 gold. You heard these smooth metal pieces could be useful for adventurers. You don’t think they would manage to make a mare the size of Pear Plum slip and fall however.
  4265. >You have 315 GOLD
  4268. After that though, you can’t stop Pear Plum from spontaneously returning to the remote alley of earlier to perform the ritual.
  4269. Pear Plum puts the ingredients to boil in is a small cauldron, and then lets it rest until it is lukewarm. There, she gently put the still unconscious Night Sprout to bathe in it before then adding the last ingredients. You hear the druid mare mumble incantations after that, and the concoction shimmers slightly.
  4271. After a few minutes, you see Nigh Sprout’s body suddenly twitch, and she slowly starts to move.
  4272. “This isn’t quite over.” Pear Plum says after uttering a relieved sigh. “Hold her a little, will you Little Spoon?”
  4273. Pear Plum returns to her incantation, and in the meantime, Night Sprout slowly opens her eyes. The fairy remains calm as she looks around, staring at you and then to Pear Plum while she finishes the ritual a few minutes later.
  4275. “How are you feeling Night Sprout?” Pear Plum asks. “Sorry we couldn’t stop this from happening, but I believe you’re going to be okay now.”
  4276. “Hum. I feel fine.” The little mare clumsily extracts herself from the cauldron. Even after being knocked out, Night Sprout kept about a foot of height she gained the other night, and stands at a foot and a few inches tall.
  4277. “I’m glad you are okay, lady Night Sprout.” You add. “We arrived at the capital while you were sleeping by the way.”
  4278. “Oh?” Night Sprout look around her in reaction, but doesn’t seem very impressed. “It looks like the other city.”
  4279. “Ah, the average house may not look so different indeed.” You chuckle. “But you’ll see, there’s quite a few more interesting places to see around here. By the way, how does it feel being small again?”
  4280. Night Sprout looks at herself. “I’m not small. I’m bigger.”
  4281. “Ah, yes.” Pear Plum nods. “It does seem like you kept some of the size from this… event.”
  4283. Night Sprout sems to ponder something to herself for a few seconds.
  4284. “Can we do it again?” The fairy asks.
  4285. “NO!” Pear Plum exclaims in shock. “Please do not do that again! It’s dangerous…”
  4286. “Well, I can give you a safe start in growth if you wish so, lady Night Sprout.” You say, and start to use you inspiration on the fairy. The boons you received from the fairies may be spent, but Night Sprout grows up 3 more feet regardless before your eyes. As logic demands, you’re the smallest of the party again.
  4288. Night Sprout seems a little surprised, but doesn’t look unsatisfied with this development. But beyond that, she doesn’t seem to know what to do with herself after that.
  4289. It’s around noon at this point.
  4291. >What do?
  4293. “Let’s have a look around the city.” You offer. “I’ve been planning to check out the adventurers’ guild, but we can wander a little before getting there.”
  4294. “Hum. That sound good.” Pear Plum says. Night Sprout nods in silence too.
  4296. The wide streets of the capital are busy at this hour, and many smells of delicious foods come out from the taverns and other establishments. It’s a bit pricy where you are, near the centre of the capital, but you do find a pony vending some fries and salad that you can eat near a quiet little fountain. An indoor meal would probably have been uncomfortably tight for Pear Plum anyway.
  4298. Despite her first impression, Night Sprout seems intrigued by a lot of details she sees, stopping to look at statues, engravings or paintings whenever she sees some. She even take an interest in stuff you would have considered unremarkable like the small carved decorations on a corner construction stone, or the painting of grapes on the front of a wine shop.
  4299. The fairy also ends up staring at a number ponies you see on the street who wore especially rich clothes. Luckily the noble ponies looked more please that upset by the attention.
  4301. Well, as always, that was only the case whenever the noble pony in question didn’t have their attention focussed on the giant druid mare that accompanies you.
  4303. After that, you head to the adventurers’ guild. Rather than one tall or imposing building, the guild is an agglomerate of many establishments. The outside of it is rather inconspicuous, forming a walled enclave in the capital. The first thing you notice is the proportion of orcs, elves and halflings in arms or robes you meet in the street that increase the closer you get from the entry.
  4305. As for the inside of the enclave, the ponish style of straight and proud chiselled stone and oaken beams of the capital city is meddled here with the green and the vines that hold elven architecture, the ochre and reddish colours of the orcs, their hides and tribal patterns, or the varied hues and homely ambiance of the halflings. Each little here establishment has its own style it seems. The guild itself seems to offer all the services adventures could need or want. Merely entering the enclave, you’re faced with a weaponsmith, a mapmaker, an appraiser and of course for each of these a tavern that advertises a different special alcohol it sells.
  4307. You decide to put these aside for now, and make you way through the crowd of various adventurers to search for where you can look for quest notices. You quickly find it around the middle of the enclave inside a tent decorated in orcish inspiration.
  4309. About the quests available, these are sorted between quests in the capital city, and adventures that take place all over the country. For this second category, there are a LOT more quests than whatever you found in other places. There’s everything, from countries seeking mercenaries to requests for dragon slaying or dismantling whole assassin syndicates. There are also various notices of open recruitment, either from the country seeking to hire mercenaries, paladin orders looking for apprentices, and even some organizations that seem to be involved in illegal activities from the roguish talents they’re allegedly looking for… and you see again this pamphlet about some monastery preaching abstinence.
  4311. Anyway, while there are a lot of different quests, and you have a hunch some do seem like they could be your next big adventure.
  4313. >A: Loremaster Shrike Eye has gone missing. The experienced explorer mare had decided to go search for cyclopean ruins in the mountains. Attached is the planned path of her expedition. News was supposed to arrive from her about her a week ago. The adventurer guild will pay aerial transport to the first 5 voluntaries who agree go to find her or information about her in addition to the reward.
  4314. >B: A wyvern-like creature has been sighted near the southern lake. The creature avoids confrontation against larger forces, but attacks cattle in nearby villages and has also stolen valuables from travellers. A mare was reportedly riding the creature during the attacks. Find out the lair of the creature and defeat it.
  4316. As or the quests in the capital, the following retain your attention.
  4318. >C: Unauthorised alchemic wastes have been observed in the sewers of the city, causing unusual monster sightings such as giant rats of slimes. While the monsters can be taken care off, the same pollution has been observed regularly, about once each week. The source must be found. Official alchemic workshops and the wizard academy have already been investigated without finding any lead.
  4319. >D: An unexplained succession of disappearances has happened this month in the capital, with three mares gone missing each the night right after they had visited the Sweet Grape club. This is the only connection found between these. Investigate to find the cause and rescue them if possible.
  4321. You’d like to start with a quest that is inside the capital, and you’re hesitating between the two that picked up your interest there. As much as Pear Plum would be against it, perhaps subjecting Night Sprout to some more alchemic stuff would leave her bigger again, and Fen Flower has a good chance of acquiring more components too at the end of that ordeal in the sewers!
  4323. But still, the lives of mares may be immediately at stake in the other mission, so you can’t pass that. You’ll take it upon yourself to rescue them!
  4324. The contractor is the father of one of the mares that disappeared, and you’re able to meet him immediately upon arriving at his place. The middle-aged stallion owns a workshop in the capital that crafts wooden furniture. Not quite nobility, but he still looks like one wealthy pony.
  4326. As stated in the quest description, the three mares disappeared in a span of 20 days each after spending the night at the Sweet Grape club, his daughter being the last of them 3 days ago. This is a private establishment that is expansive, and places the privacy of its members above all else. Apparently, the owner of the club used all the legal tools at its disposal to prevent or delay the disclosure of any information to the authorities, basically stopping the investigation in its tracks for the guards for the foreseeable future.
  4327. “That’s why I need your help.” The stallion tells you. “You adventurers aren’t bound like them guards. And honestly, I think they’ll appreciate you helping the case. Having to go through all the legal stuff while lives are at stake probably annoys them as much as anypony. Unlike those monsters at the club! Just protecting their little business while ponies are in danger…” The stallion harrumphs in indignation to stifle words that would probably have been less polite.
  4329. “Was this the first time your daughter went to this club?” Per Plum asks.
  4330. “It was the third time. I got no idea how she heard about it in the first place, probably a friend in university. Anyway, she told me she really liked it there despite how expensive it was. It’s a mare-only club by the way. She wouldn’t tell me what they did in there exactly. She just said there was food, music and performers, but nothing specific.”
  4332. “How did you learn about the other disappearances?” You ask.
  4333. “The guards told me.” The father answers. “And apparently just saying that much was already overstepping their job. Some adventurers, one orc mare and one unicorn went missing too after spending the evening at the club. I’m telling you, I’m baffled this place isn’t closed up like it should yet. Those lawyers of them must be scarier than dragons.”
  4335. This is probably where your own investigation starts then. You’re not sure Fen Flower will be pleased to help you on this job today, though. As for Pear Plum, she’s still about 20’ tall at the moment, and may not be suited for the finesse this issue might require. Just like Night Sprout in another way. You’re probably going to have to do the heavy lifting for this quest for a change, but that may give you a chance to impress your companions.
  4337. The father gave you a detailed description of his daughter, and you may ask him other questions before going.
  4339. >A: Go straight for the club. They’re probably embarrassed by this issue too and might be willing to share with you the clues they have.
  4340. >B: There’s but one thing to do. Cross-dress and go to the club yourselves with your companions this evening.
  4341. >C: Tonight, stealthily wait around the club to see kind of ponies that go in and out, waiting for an occasion to question one of them.
  4342. >D: You should talk with somepony who already goes to the club. That would make everything else easier. But where to look for such a mare? The missing mare’s school maybe?
  4344. You should start your investigation by learning more about this club, and for that you need somepony who already knows about it. The father believes his daughter learned about the club at her university, so after asking him if he knew where to find some of his daughter’s friends, you decide to pay them a visit.
  4346. You’re rather lucky on this one. The first mare one the list is the right one. Clear Glass had just finished her classes for today. Aware that her friend disappeared, she readily accepts to help you.
  4348. You find an empty classroom to discuss. Those have the advantage to have a tall enough ceiling that even Pear Plum can stand comfortably without issue. Beyond accepting to talk almost immediately, the shock of seeing a 19’ mare didn’t bother the young unicorn for long. You even think she might be liking the sight from the small blush you see on her face as she looks up the huge and plump druid mare.
  4350. Anyway, you’re here to uncover a mystery. Clear Glass is indeed the one that introduced her friend to the Sweet Grape club. She didn’t accompany her on the night she went missing, but otherwise she has been going to the club about once each month for about a year. The last time Clear Glass went to the club with her friend was two weeks ago.
  4352. “So, can you tell me what kind of place the Sweet Grape club is?” You ask.
  4353. “Well…” She seems a bit embarrassed. “Let’s just say it’s a gentlemares’ club. You know, to meet new ponies, create relationships, discuss business for some. I don’t know what else to tell you about it. Just that I would never have thought somepony could disappear there.”
  4354. “But isn’t the place a little… ehm, shady?” Pear Plum asks. “I mean, with the way it seems secretive about everything?”
  4355. “On the contrary. It’s a very respectable establishment.” Clear Glass answers. “They protect our privacy and provide a safe place for many mares to, uhm… have some fun, and… you know, let our guard down a little. And it’s not a bunker either, any mare can get in if they pay the entry fee. But, well, now that they’re blatantly protecting themselves over the safety of my friend, that certainly doesn’t sound so perfect anymore. But really, Ebony didn’t disappear while she was actually in the club, right? It’s after she left that she never got home, and surely it’s the same for the other mares that went missing. It might be the work of somepony wanting to hurt the club’s reputation for all we know.”
  4357. “The fact that they were at the Sweet Grape club is the only connection between the three mares that went missing that I know of.” You change the subject. “The two other mares were adventurers I heard. Did you or Ebony know these mares? Can you think of anything else that could link them?”
  4358. “Not at all.” She shakes her head. “You’re the first adventurers I ever spoke with to tell the truth. And I’m pretty sure Ebony wasn’t hanging out with any either.”
  4360. You nod in response, thinking about your next question. You learned some things already, but you’ve yet to figure out a clear path from here. What could you ask Clear Glass that would help you?
  4362. >What do?
  4364. You ask Clear Glass about Ebony’s looks and personality. Her father already described her to you, but you think it’s worth getting another description from her friend. Ebony Vine is an earth mare, dark coat and short mane, well built for a mare and rather androgynous. Clear Glass tells you she’s usually a very serious about her studies. While she’s confident when it comes to scholar work, she can be a little timid in more private occasions and is overall quite reclusive.
  4365. “I thought she might appreciate seeing something different.” Clear Glass says. “That’s why I offered her to bring her to the club. She’s the opposite of a party girl, so I thought I could try to shake her up a little and get her to discover new stuff.”
  4367. “Was there anyone Ebony regularly spent time with at the club?”
  4368. “Well, there’s me obviously.” The unicorn answers a bit uncomfortably. “B-but aside from that, well, I don’t know. She’s been to the club a grand total of three times. She didn’t tell me she met somepony in particular when she went on her own.”
  4369. “Are you sure there’s nopony she could have met outside of the club? Oh, and, is there other noticeable place she goes to? Maybe we could find another link with the other missing mares.”
  4370. “Nopony that I know of.” She shakes her head. “And like I said, she wasn’t really the type to go out before that. You can look around the university and ask the teachers maybe, but that’s about it.”
  4372. “Alright.” You nod. “Hum, could you tell us about the layout of the club for us?”
  4373. “You’re gonna… snoop in or something?” Clear Glass cocks an eyebrow.
  4374. “If we need to so we can help your friend, we will.”
  4375. “Mmh… I sure hope you’re not going to get me in trouble…” Clear Glass reluctantly starts making a crude drawing of the place using the writing supplies you lend her.
  4376. The club is a two-story building. After the entrance, there’s a vestibule from where the patrons can go either to the main hall, upstairs in private rooms or to the garden. There’s a stage in the main hall where the performers do their shows, and the tables are separated in alcoves there. The rooms upstairs are separated but they all have a view on the stage. Likewise, the garden features a lot of hedges to provide many secluded places, and even has a vegetal labyrinth. The garden is otherwise separated from the streets by a tall and thick wall.
  4378. Behind the desk in the vestibule is a door that is only for the tenants. Another door in there probably goes to the back of the stage. The kitchen can be accessed by a door in the main hall and another upstairs. There’s also a door that is only of the staff in the garden.
  4380. “Is there something or an experience Ebony was specifically seeking from the club?” You ask next.
  4381. “Well, there is something.” Clear Glass answer. “They have this singer at the club, Whispersun. An elf mare with the voice of an angel. For years she’s been performing there several times a week, and Ebony looked like she really liked her. And I mean, RELLY liked her. At times she couldn’t get her eyes off Whispersun. And I could talk to her after the first time she went to the club on her own, and all she could speak about was her.”
  4383. “I see. Anyway, are you sure there's nothing else about the club we should know?”
  4384. “What are you talking about?” Clear Glass frowns. “I believe I told you all you needed.”
  4385. “You sounded a bit hesitant to discuss the club’s activities. I know it’s not easy, but every little bit of information could help in finding Ebony, which could be in danger.”
  4386. Clear Glass blushes a little again.
  4388. “Alright, alright. You probably have a hunch about it at this point. All mare club, mare performers, a focus on privacy… so, yeah, the clientele of the Sweet Grape club is mostly mares who like mares. There’s no explicit performance there or anything, but basically every customer understands what’s the point soon after getting in. I-I’ve never done anything of the sort myself, but it’s easy to guess what can happen in the private rooms. But don’t start talking about it everywhere! The club managed to keep a low enough profile until now, and I wish it stayed that way.”
  4390. >What do?
  4392. “Hmm” You nod. “Nothing wrong with mares having an oasis. Though, I’d recommend you didn’t go there before this case is resolved.”
  4393. “You don’t need to tell me twice…” Clear Glass bites her lip.
  4395. A mischievous part of your mind wished to insist the young unicorn told you in greater detail what kind of private stuff happened at the club, but tormenting a poor young mare probably wouldn’t put you in Pear Plum’s good graces.
  4397. “By the way, there’s something happening at the central plaza right now.” You say instead. “Maybe you should go take a look before tonight.”
  4398. “Huh?” Clear Glass blinks in surprise. “What is it?”
  4399. “Well, you’ve certainly noticed that lady Pear Plum here is… magnified at the moment. She’s far from being the only mare in that case, and a friend of mine is currently showing herself off at the plaza. She’s a very pretty mare, and an extroverted one. I’m sure she’d love meeting you. Her name’s Fen Flower. Oh, and she’s over double the size of Pear Plum.”
  4400. “D-double?” Clear Glass looks up at the already towering druid mare. You hear an audible gulp from the flustered Clear Glass as her imagination must try to picture double the mare that’s already touching the ceiling of the tall classroom.
  4401. “I… I’ll check this out I think…”
  4403. After that, you decide to return to the adventurer’s guild in the hope of learning more about the missing adventurer mares.
  4404. On the way there, you also attempt to look around for a place you could bring Fen Flower on a date. The capital isn’t short of restaurants or musical clubs. What would she like best? A night at the opera? At a dance? The casino maybe? You have a hunch Fen Flower would love someplace refined… to then flaunt herself outrageously and shock the prudish noble folks.
  4406. Sadly, you do not learn anything new after asking about the disappearances around the guild. It appears the disappearances of the adventurer mares was discovered after the one of Ebony Vine even. Neither were in a party at the time they stopped being seen, so they usual companions assumed they had embarked on another quest on their own. It’s only when they and the guild were asked that they realised no trace was left of them after spending the evening at the Sweet Grape club. None of the companions knew much about the club in that case either.
  4408. Between that investigation and finding Clear Glass, it’s around 6 p.m. now. You can start thinking about going investigating in or around the Sweet Grape club proper. You have some the time left to prepare for what you may decide if necessary.
  4410. >What do?
  4412. You don’t believe you have to actually go inside the club yet. Also, you don’t think you have enough time left to produce a convincing disguise tonight. So instead, you’re going to lurk around the Sweet Grape club in the hope of learning more.
  4414. Unfortunately, Pear Plum can’t really help you out with that, being 19’ tall and all. The huge druid mare will remain in a nearby tavern so you may still call her quickly if you need to. Night Sprout however might be the fairy of the situation. Without your inspiration, she’s only a few inches over a foot tall and might be able to sneak around well enough.
  4416. This is going to be a long night. Ponies sometimes even remain in the club until the morning after, so you’re gonna have a lot to look out for. You believe the targets of those disappearances will be lone mares, but that probably doesn’t narrow down much what you have to watch for.
  4418. >A: Focus on making sure lone mares who go in the club actually come out. You need to make sure whether somepony disappears tonight or not.
  4419. >B: Trust your instincts and be on the lookout for something unusual. You don’t know how exactly, but a kidnapper or somepony of the sort is bound to look different from the rest, right?
  4420. >C: There’s that singer mare Clear Glass told you Ebony Vine was all over. Look for her specifically. The young unicorn described her to you.
  4421. >D: Beyond what you do yourself, perhaps Night Sprout could sneak around in the garden for example. [input command for Night Sprout] or even [>Be Night Sprout]
  4423. Hopefully you can notice something among those who go into the club, and maybe see that singer mare called Whispersun. Or maybe somepony that had could have a link with the disappearances.
  4425. >Roll 1d100
  4426. >Success: DC 75
  4427. >Huge Success DC 95
  4429. While you’ll be on the lookout outside the club, you’re gonna entrust Night Sprout with another mission. You’ve begrudgingly brought her back to her small size for the purpose of sneaking inside the garden of the club.
  4431. “Please be careful lady Night Sprout.” You tell her. “I learned a little more about fairies at the library, so I want you to remember that everybody involved is mortal, you included. So no pranks please, and don’t do anything dangerous. I am glad you’re helping, but I am also worried about you, alright?”
  4432. Night Sprout stares back quizzically from a few seconds, before she answers. “Uhm, sure.”
  4433. “Thank you, Night Sprout.” You say, and then the fairy flutters into the night.
  4435. You are Night Sprout.
  4437. You left your forest about a week ago to go with some adventurers. Little Spoon, the pony who carries you, just told you some stuff about emotions and pranks that he read in some book.
  4438. You have no idea why he suddenly said all that. The inner workings of pony minds are still mostly a mystery to you. But still, he told you he was worried, and you don’t want him to feel bad so you’ll try to be careful.
  4440. Anyway, you’ve joined adventurer ponies. You understand that adventurer ponies solve problems of other ponies, and this time the problem is that they can’t find some mares in particular. They want to find them and discover who hid these mares away. It happened in this place Little Spoon directed you to, so maybe you can discover something and be an adventurer too.
  4442. You quickly notice there are a couple winged ponies watching the place, but with the right timing you manage to fly unseen over the tall wall and into the garden.
  4443. The way all plants are cut even and restrained to particular areas in this enclave of vegetation feels a little wrong to you like most pony gardens, but at least the thick hedges, bushes and flowerbeds will provide plenty of hiding places, and you’ll have no issue moving around unseen while in the garden.
  4445. Now that you’re in, you can start doing the adventurer. Little Spoon told you to watch for some things in particular.
  4446. There are two doors that go into the building. You see ponies coming in and out of one regularly, but after watching for a while you realise there is one pony standing right inside at all times. The other door remains closed for the dozen minutes you’ve been watching and no pony approached it. There are windows both on the ground and first floor from where you can see some light coming from, but there are curtains that will prevent you from seeing much of what’s inside.
  4448. There are also ponies in the garden. Looking around, you see that most of them are talking and laughing and drinking, and some of them are kissing too. It seems like they are hiding themselves a little for that last thing, but from how many them there is, that can’t be the kind of hiding of the mares they can’t find, right?
  4450. >A: Attempt to look through the windows. You’ll have to leave the cover of the buses for that though.
  4451. >B: Wait for an occasion to get inside through a door or a window.
  4452. >C: Keep an eye of the ponies that go hide in the garden. Look around to see if there’s a special hiding place of some sort too.
  4453. >D: Some ponies have bags you may try to sneak into to get inside through the door they all go through.
  4455. >Rolled 92 (1d100)
  4456. noted
  4458. Thoroughly exploring the garden first sounds good. You decide to approach some ponies, a couple of young mares, to hear what they’re talking about. Perhaps you can understand what they’re doing inside that way.
  4460. “…Can you believe that?” You hear one mare say to the other. Both are dressed up in what you believe are fine pony clothes. “How can a pony give no news for days and then suddenly expect everything to be packed up in the hour. The nerve of some folks I swear…”
  4461. The other chuckles in response.
  4462. “Good thing you’re crushing it at this job.” She answers. “You’ll replace this dork in no time, right?”
  4463. “Maybe…” The mare sighs. “But I could use some encouragement…”
  4464. The other mare starts to hug her. You lean in closer to see what the mares are whispering to each other, until to realize they are amorously making out up there. You watch them for a little longer to see what more you could hear, but now they’re just exchanging sweet words, and the only thing you earn is a bit of a blush on your own face.
  4466. Wandering around the garden some more, you don’t hear anything that is much more interesting than this. It’s either groups of ponies discussing weird pony stuff like ‘jobs’ or ‘politics’ or ‘real estate assets’, or again it is couples kissing and touching each other. After some time witnessing this, you’re feeling a bit hot yourself.
  4468. But still, something in particular eventually catches your attention. At a corner of the garden, against the wall and behind the hedge, there’s a space that you believe is not intended for ponies to be at. There’s a spot on the dirt that looks a little weird to you there. Getting closer, it looks to you like a hole was dug here recently. It is rather small, more like your size than the one of a pony for example.
  4470. Before you can dwell further on this, you notice the other door of the club to the garden opening with a trio of mares getting out. These wear aprons, and their manes are tightly tied for practicality rather than style unlike the patrons of the place. The mares start to stretch and chat idly among each other, leaving the door open but remaining close to it.
  4472. >A: Attempt to dig out what you found in the garden.
  4473. >B: The door that opened will bring you to an unknown part of the club. You have to take your chance to sneak in.
  4474. Options from precedent post still apply, such as :
  4475. >C: Attempt to look through the windows. You’ll have to leave the cover of the buses for that though.
  4476. >D: Some ponies have bags you may try to sneak into to get inside through the door they all go through.
  4478. You need to dig whatever’s under here first. Unfortunately, you can do nothing but use your hooves since you don’t know how to speak with the trees of here.
  4480. Luckily, you find something in about a dozen minutes. Less than a foot deep under the dirt, you uncover some sort of package. There’s a wooden box wrapped inside. There are no inscriptions or letters on it, but it appears to be locked. Despite your stealth, you do not know much about locks.
  4482. >A: Bury the package back. Maybe you can see the pony coming to retrieve that.
  4483. >B: Attempt to fracture it right open now.
  4484. >C: Bright it back to Little Spoon. You’ll be less stealthy carrying that stuff. It’s a bit heavy for you…
  4485. >D: Bury it back. You’ll take care of it later. Attempt to enter the club by hiding a mare’s bag for now.
  4487. You’re gonna leave this for later as you can’t think of any safe way to pry open the box or bring it out of this garden. As annoying as it is, you have to bury it back for now. You’re done after another dozen tiring minutes.
  4489. Now, you’d like to see what the inside of this place is like too. To go in, you should just hide inside on of the ponies’ bag like you always do. This should be easy. You pick a couple of unicorn mares that are busy kissing each other on a bench surrounded by tall rose bushes, and with their small mare bag on the ground near them.
  4491. They’re way too busy to notice you coming so you open the bag and… quite not get inside? This one bag is awfully small. You only got the front of your body in and you’re already filling the whole space. You try to force yourself in. You’ve been in the bag of Little Spoon so many times and there was plenty of room! There’s no way you won’t be able to fit into this one.
  4493. “AAAAAH!” You suddenly hear a mare shout. “WHAT IS THIS!?”
  4494. You feel a force pull on your tail, lifting you into the air in front of the face of the two startled mares.
  4496. “What the… Is that an imp or something?” One of them says.
  4497. “Let’s bring it to security.” The other says.
  4499. You are Little Spoon.
  4501. You’ve been on the lookout for about 1 hour.
  4502. So far, you didn’t see anything that suspicious going in or out of the club, but at least you weren’t caught stalking the mares of this place. You did see the singer mare go in the club though, and you’re pretty confident you’ll recognize her when she comes out too. All you have to do is be patient.
  4504. However… You’re starting to get a little worried about Night Sprout. It’s been quite some time she went in. But maybe you should have some faith in your companion.
  4505. Wait, should you? This is her first lone missing, and while her size should allow her to be naturally stealthy, you don’t believe she has the training of a rogue or anything.
  4507. This is the problem with lookout quests. You have so much time to worry…
  4509. >What do?
  4513. You grow increasingly worried as time passes, unable to shake off the hunch that something bad may have happened to Night Sprout. She may have grown a foot, but she’s still so small. How irresponsible of you to let her go on her own without growing her at least 10 feet tall first!
  4515. Your apprehension getting the better of you, you come out of your hiding spot and start to walk around the garden of the club in the hope of hearing anything that would inform you of what is happening with Night Sprout. Unfortunately, there is nothing on the sort and you only hear unintelligible fractions of words from the mares having fun beyond the tall brick wall.
  4517. A second spin around the garden walls, and nothing still. As you start contemplating the possibility of barging into the club and using your inspiration to create enough havoc to rescue Night Sprout in a flash, you’re suddenly taken out of that though as a stern-looking pegasus mare lands a few feet in front of you.
  4519. You jump in reaction as you recognize she’s part of the club’s security.
  4521. “You there.” The grumpy-looking pegasus speaks. “What are you prowling around for?”
  4522. “Ah, uhm, I’m looking for a friend.” You answer. “We were supposed to meet here not long ago and-”
  4523. “Yeah, right.” The mare cuts you off. “Do you think you’re the first stallion creeping around here? If you don’t have a real reason to be around, get lost!”
  4525. >A: Hold on there, this mare can’t tell you where you can walk or not. This street was paid by taxpayer’s money and you paid taxes at least once!
  4526. >B: Tell a half truth. You have a stealthy fairy friend that tends to go exploring on her own, and you’re afraid she might have gone inside the club’s garden.
  4527. >C: Apologize to the security mare and go back to your lookout spot.
  4528. >D: You need allies to find out more about the disappearance. Perhaps you could convince this mare to help you.
  4530. “But it’s true!” You retort. “My friend just disappeared. Well, she’s a little special. You see, she’s a fairy, and she’s not used yet to the concept of… you know, private property? She tends to go exploring on her own without notice and get in other ponies’ places.”
  4531. The security mare cocks an eyebrow.
  4532. “What does your fairy ‘friend’ look like?”
  4533. “A little more than a foot tall.” You answer. “Blue coat, purple mane and eyes. Long, dragonfly-like wings.”
  4534. “Mmh…” The security mare nods to herself. “We found her. She was trying to steal from a patron’s bag.”
  4535. “Ehm…”
  4536. “I’ll hand her to you. But I better not see you around again.” The mare sternly tells you. “It is not uncommon for crooks to send kobolds, goblins or imps to do their dirty work. I’ll believe this was an accident just this once. Next time I find you or your little friend snooping around, I’ll bring both of you to the guards myself! Understood?”
  4537. “A-alright.” You nod awkwardly.
  4539. The security mare brings you not far from the entrance of the club. While you remain under the surveillance of one on her colleagues, she goes fetch Night Sprout and hand her to you. The fairy seems a little startled and lets herself be manipulated limply, but otherwise no harm was done to her. You go away and after making sure the security mares lost interest in you, you come back to your hiding spot.
  4541. Night Sprout tells you what happened in the garden of the club. While you’re not sure whether it is linked to the disappearances or not, that wooden box she found gets you curious. You’ll need a plan to retrieve it. It seems Night Sprout chose not to utter a single word after she was caught. The security mares asked her lots of questions about who she was and what was she doing in the garden and she was scared, but they otherwise didn’t hurt her.
  4543. >What do?
  4545. That’s enough adventure for Night Sprout for the day, you believe. All that’s left to do is wait for the singer to come out. But aside from that, you feel a little bad for Night Sprout. The small mare clings to you as you sit in your hiding spot, tightly hugging your neck in silence.
  4547. “Sorry about this lady Night Sprout.” You whisper, gently patting the back of the fairy. “You ended up facing quite the fright because of me.”
  4548. “Mmh-hum.” The fairy nods, her face buried in your coat. She doesn’t seem like she’ll let go of you anytime soon. You don’t mind of course, and gently wrap your arms around the fairy and slowly stroke her mane and back while you wait in the dark.
  4550. It’s about two hours later that what you waited for finally happens. You spot the singer coming out of the club, and she’s accompanied by another pony. Both are wearing long cloaks, and you don’t recognize the other pony. It looks like they’re caring something big and heavy under their garments.
  4552. >A: You need to inform Pear Plum so she comes closer too. Send Night Sprout.
  4553. >B: See where these two are going before anything.
  4554. >C: You’ll confront these two as soon as they’re alone in a street. Send Night Spout to call Pear Plum.
  4556. It is the other pony that is apparently laden with something, Whispersun apparently carrying nothing significant under her cloak.
  4557. Asking Night Sprout, there was definitely just one square box buried in the garden. What the unknown pony carries seems to be much more sizeable that what the fairy describes. Also, it looks more… round, than square.
  4559. It is close to midnight at this point, and the Sweet Grape club isn’t located in the most bustling street of the city either, so there isn’t much of a crowd to hide you. Still, you believe you can figure this out and start to tail the two cloaked figures.
  4561. With a clever use of the mirror you got and not getting too close to the targets, you manage to keep pace with them unnoticed. These two aren’t much trouble to follow either, going rather slowly and apparently not paying much attention to their surroundings.
  4563. Their destination is rather close too. Whispersun and whoever’s accompanying her make their way to a somewhat fancy but otherwise unremarkable hotel after half a dozen minutes. They both get inside, and from the window it looks like they book a room at the desk that is right in front of the way in and go up through stairs that are immediately on the right. You’re a little closer to the heart of the city too, so there are some more ponies in the streets.
  4565. Anyway, you’ve got to plant he next step now. You got a little further from Pear Plum there. Perhaps you could call her for backup on case things go south, or maybe have her help creating a distraction for you to sneak in here. You’ve been observing the hotel for a couple minutes, and no other patron went in or out yet. Not that the place is deserted as you see light from some windows, but there are definitely opportunities to go in unnoticed.
  4567. >What do?
  4569. Night Sprout accepts to go look through the windows on the first floor, and there was only one room where you saw lights being lit up not long after the two ponies went in. Night Sprout could confirm that she saw two figures in that room. Some curtains prevented her to identify them clearly, but you think that’s good enough clue to tell this is the room you’re looking for.
  4571. After that, you ask Night Sprout to tell Pear Plum of what happened so far, so she may come around in case you need backup. As for yourself, you wonder how you’re gonna get inside.
  4573. >A: Attempt to talk the receptionist into helping you. Everything will be much easier that way.
  4574. >B: Sneak in and attempt to eavesdrop on your targets. Either Pear Plum or Night Sprout can provide a distraction.
  4575. >C: Maybe you can call it a night. Night Sprout could use some rest instead, and you don’t think any of those two ponies are about to disappear.
  4576. >D: Maybe you can wait until Whispersun and her companion go to sleep to sneak in and investigate the package.
  4578. You believe you could convince the desk mare to help you. You decide to go inside the hotel and speak to her.
  4580. “Good evening!” The middle-aged mare greets you with a polite smile as you enter.
  4581. “Greeting.” You start. “My lady, I came here because I need your help.”
  4582. “Alright, what do you need?” The mare sounds a little worried as you speak.
  4583. “I am currently investigating a series of disappearances that happened in a nearby establishment, the Sweet Grape Club. The elements I have brought me to believe that Whispersun, a regular singer at the club could hold some answers about these disappearances. I saw her come in your hotel with a companion. Would you accept to answer a few questions?”
  4585. “Uhm.” The desk mare sounds a little embarrassed. “This is quite sudden, and I don’t usually speak about my clients to just anybody...”
  4586. “I understand, but I must insist. Noticeably, the pony accompanying Whispersun was carrying a package that is important for this case.”
  4587. “A package?” The desk mare raises an eyebrow “What are you talking about?”
  4588. “Well, the pony accompanying Whispersun was carrying something sizeable under her cloak.” You state. “Like I said, I have reasons to believe it could be linked to the mares that went missing.”
  4590. The desk mare looks at you quizzically for a few seconds, but then she seems to understand what you’re talking about…
  4591. And immediately she bursts out laughing.
  4592. “Oh, goodness… hahaha! I’m… I’m sorry, but you got it SO wrong.” The desk mare recomposes herself a little. “I can safely assure you that these loads cannot be linked to any disappearance whatsoever! Even though some ponies probably wished they fell victim to them… But anyway, I know the pony the who’s accompanying Whispersun. They’re not from the capital, but they’ve stopped here quite a few times with many other ponies through the years, and none of them ever went missing as far as I know. I believe you mean well, adventurer, but clearly, you’re on a wrong lead here. Still, if you want, I can pass a message in your name to Wihispersun. I’ll give it to her tomorrow. I can’t guarantee she’ll reply or accept anything of course, but perhaps you’ll discover that asking ponies politely can give you better results than just… stalking her? Or whatever plan you had in mind.”
  4594. You’re a bit taken aback by the desk mare’s hilarity, and it doesn’t sound like she’ll help you either beyond passing a message at this point. She said the other pony is a regular? For years even? That doesn’t sound like something suspicious in regard to your case indeed. Maybe just getting a message to Whispersun is the best you can hope for, maybe you can ask to meet her and discuss with her that way. On the other hoof, you don’t see anypony else guarding the place, so you could still probably sneak past her later and at least eavesdrop on the room where Whispersun is.
  4596. >What do?
  4598. Well, this is quite awkward, but the life of a bard is made of such disappointments from time to time.
  4599. “I’ll leave a note for Whispersun then, thank you.” You tell the desk mare.
  4601. You write that you are an adventurer and explain that you want to talk about the disappearances at the club with Whispersun to save these mares. You then add the address of the inn you plan to stay at, all while trying to be polite overall.
  4602. If Whispersun agrees, you can probably expect her to come in the afternoon of the next day. You hand over the note to the desk mare, and then wish her a good evening before going outside.
  4604. Pear Plum approaches with Night Sprout on her hat.
  4605. “So? How did it go?” The huge druid mare tentatively asks.
  4606. “Well… All I could do was throw a bottle into the sea.” You shrug. “It turns out the pony accompanying Whispersun has the trust of the mare here, so I don’t think they are suspicious as I first thought. I gave the desk mare a message to give Whispersun. Now I can only hope she’ll come to meet us.”
  4608. “Ah… I see…” Pear Plum nods. “Well, this isn’t all bad. I like it better when we don’t have to sneak and do illegal stuff.”
  4609. “About that Lady Pear Plum… I’m not sure whether I’ll need to infiltrate the club on not in the future.” You say. “So… If we need to, would you mind meeting Whispersun and asking her about Ebony?”
  4610. “Me?” Pear Plum sounds a little embarrassed. “Uhm… well, if that’s necessary, I’ll do it.”
  4612. It is quite late now, close to 1 in the morning. If there’s nothing else you want to do tonight, you can probably go to sleep and then wait to see if Whispersun will answer your request.
  4614. >What do?
  4616. “Well, It’s time to go to sleep I believe.” You say.
  4617. “Going to bed sounds good.” Night Sprout comments.
  4618. “Hmm.” You nod. “But now I’m wondering, how will you find accommodations at this size, lady Pear Plum?”
  4619. “Oh, uhm…” In reaction, the druid mare lets go of two feet of size from embrace destiny. That still leaves her at a respectable 17’ and a half “I didn’t really think about it. But I did manage to squeeze myself through the door of a tavern while I was waiting for you. It was a little awkward, but while there’s a double door I can get through. This time I didn’t need any… ehm… oil.” She blushes slightly as she probably remembers the little conundrum of this morning. “Anyway, I don’t mind not having a bed. Sleeping outside got me used to this, and I don’t really get cold at this size I’ve noticed.”
  4621. While she says she’s alright, you can’t help but to feel a little bad about this. The world is not yet shaped for mares the size of Pear Plum, and this can be a little uncomfortable for the timid mare.
  4622. “Let’s see how’s lady Fen Flower.” You offer. “Perhaps she found a solution to sleep more comfortably.”
  4624. Before going to the plaza where you hope to find the trace of the alchemist mare, you decide to look one last time around the club in the hope of finding the security mare who caught you before. She doesn’t look very pleased to see you again at the end of her shift, and plainly refuse to ever hear your story. However, the presence of the 17’ druid seems to temper her reaction a little.
  4625. “Do you think I’m dumb?” The pegasus mare barks with a frown. “You and your minion start sneaking in the club, and now suddenly you want my help to get inside for whatever reason? Just…” The eyes of the pegasus mare dart up to Pear Plum’s face for a second. “…Just…just forget it, halfling!”
  4626. And after that she swiftly flies away into the night.
  4628. “Well… Tonight wasn’t my lucky night.” You comment with a chuckle. “All the mares I tried to talk to rejected me like that.”
  4629. “I… I think I scared her a little…” Pear Plum crosses her legs. “I guess there is a size I will look scary after all...”
  4630. “Worry not, lady Pear Plum, it’s probably because of the dark.” You try to reassure her. “Would it have been the day, that security mare would have seen how gentle you are, and thus would have unleashed her wrath on me without worry. Maybe it’s better that way...”
  4631. Pear Plum chuckles softly to that.
  4633. Next, you decide to go look for Fen Flower, and you find out that she’s still at the plaza. Probably not even trying to find a big enough establishment, she just fell asleep on the ground. With all your effect of the day having stopped, the alchemist mare is still over 15 feet tall, and a sea of pillows, mattresses and blankets has been brought to accommodate her former 40 feet plus stature.
  4635. The sleeping form of the alchemist mare lies peaceful at the centre of this, but there’s many other ponies lying around, most asleep at this hour. From the smell of alcohol floating in the air, there must have been quite the party going on here. Fen Flower still holds a couple of stallions against her chest, and several more ponies are blissfully sleeping right next to her.
  4637. There’s a number guards around the place too, looking quite upset with this situation, but they’re not acting up at the moment. As somewhat being the origin of this, you’re not sure talking to them would be a good idea…
  4639. >What do?
  4641. As much as you’d like to ask these peacekeepers how they feel about giant mares, the 15’ one accompanying you may bias them in a ‘sending you to jail’ kind of way, so you decide to postpone that discussion for later.
  4643. Since half the city’s mattresses and blankets have been gathered here for Fen’s comfort, you decide to take a couple of those when nopony’s looking before leaving the plaza.
  4644. The problem with big cities is that there’s no real available space to sleep that isn’t a gutter of some sort. You ask Pear Plum to carry you, but even with the strides of a mare as large as her, you need twenty minutes before you see patches of green in the outer parts on the city where nopony will bother you.
  4646. You set up your mattresses under a tree. The uneventful walk has made the three of you drowsy, so you’re all aching for this rest.
  4647. Pear Plum lies on her side, and you rest against her with Night Sprout in your arms. You decide to use your inspiration on the fairy, making her taller than you for now. Even after growing her to over 4’, the fairy doesn’t feel like she wants to leave your embrace, and only snuggles closer to you, rubbing the side of her head against yours.
  4649. “Good night everyone.” Pear Plum says, as her giant head comes to rest inches away while her back hooves complete a protective circle around you. Surrounded by each other’ warmth, it doesn’t take long for you all to fall asleep after this long day.
  4651. Hours of sweet dreams later, you slowly wake up. You’re lying on a mattress now since Pear Plum probably shrunk back to 5’ 9’’. Night Sprout is 1’ 3’’ again, and she’s is still holding tight on you, her body warm against your chest. You cannot maintain you inspiration while you sleep unfortunately. Reflexively you move a little, which trigger the sleeping fairy to snuggle closer in reaction, burying her head under your chin.
  4653. Pear Plum seems to still be sleeping too. The birds are signing around in the late morning, and while you hear some activity, carts rolling and a few busy ponies trotting and chatting not far, the bushes and fences around give you a bit of privacy for now.
  4655. >What do?
  4657. There’s no need to rush yet. For a few minutes, you simply enjoy the sunlight and the small weight of Night Sprout on you.
  4659. After a while, you attempt to slowly stand up while moving the fairy on your back. Despite your best efforts however, the eyes of the fairy groggily open up.
  4660. “Hey. You don’t need to leave yet.” You whisper to the little mare. “You can stay on my back if you want.”
  4661. Night Sprout nods sleepily, her muzzle still in the fur on your chest. With her consent, you can move the limp body of the fairy on your back once you’re up. Night Sprout then wraps her slim arms around your neck so she may safely keep resting there.
  4663. Then you approach Pear Plum who’s ‘only’ a few inches short of twice your size now.
  4664. “Hey there.” You say softly, and delicately kiss the cheek of the druid mare. She shifts in reaction and wakes up.
  4665. “Mmh… Little Spoon?” Immediately, Pear Plum puts her glasses back on and stands on her legs, unfortunately putting her mouth out of reach for what you planned next. “Did you sleep well? I’m used to sleeping outside, but I hope it wasn’t too much of a hassle for you to do without a proper bed.”
  4666. “Worry not.” You shake you head. “I’m an adventurer after all. Did you forget we’ve travelled days in the countryside and slept outside at times?”
  4667. “Ah, of course.” Pear Plum nods a little awkwardly “It must be the city making me feel a little out of place…” Then, the druid mare tilts her head to look at the fairy still snoozing on you. “And what about Night Sprout? Is she well?”
  4668. “Indeed.” You nod with a smile. “Lady Night Sprout just wanted to sleep a little longer. I see no problem with that.”
  4669. Pear Plum chuckles at the drowsy fairy in reaction.
  4671. “Anyway, we should get back to the heart of the capital.” You say. “We’ve got some time before we meet Whispersun if she accepts to see us, but I’m also a little worried about lady Fen Flower. You saw those guards yesterday, right?”
  4672. “Uhm.” Pear Plum nods. “They didn’t really seem to be happy about that… party. And we should probably return those mattresses too, right?”
  4674. You make your way back downtown and go look at the plaza. There, you’re faced with a rather unusual scene.
  4675. Fen Flower is still there, and so are many other ponies from yesterday. The party’s over, and now the several dozen ponies are all cleaning up the place, and even laundering all the bedwear that was accumulated on the plaza under the stern look of a small number of guards. As you arrive, one of them approaches you.
  4677. “Hey, you.” One stallion in uniform approach you. “You took those mattresses? Go clean them with the rest.”
  4678. “We’re sorry.” Pear Plum bows. “It’s just that I couldn’t fit in a regular room yesterday, so, uhm…”
  4679. “Right, right.” The guard dismissively waves his hooves at you. “Fines have been paid for the illegal party already, and since no real damage was done, we’re not gonna chase down every single pony. Y’all just need to clean up this mess and then we can all go home.”
  4680. “Of course, sir.” You say, and Pear Plum nods.
  4682. You join the ponies cleaning up the place. While this is some sort of sentence, ponies here don’t really seem to regret their fun of last night, happily chatting with each other while they work.
  4683. Still quite tall at over 15’ tall, Fen Flower is cheerfully discussing with a group of 4 other ponies, adventurers from the look of it. You clearly see her eyes fall on you and Pear Plum… and then she goes back to talking with her new friends without a care.
  4685. >What do?
  4687. You expected at least some form of acknowledgement here. You wonder if there’s an issue...
  4688. But still, it would probably be rude to just start chatting without doing your share of the work. With Pear Plum, you start to wash the mattresses you brought and then some others. The other ponies don’t mind you in any measure, keeping to their own groups.
  4690. When you’ve done your part, you decide to approach Fen Flower and her friends.
  4692. “Lady Fen Flower!” You call toward the giant alchemist mare, and she and the 4 other ponies turn to you. Like you noted before, those seem to be adventurers. There’s a young barbarian pegasus, the only mare of the bunch. Then you recognize the pegasus monk that attempted to challenge Fen’s immense boobs of yesterday, and there’s also a wizard unicorn and a rogue elf that you’ve never seen before. While they’re all a little quizzical at your approach, you don’t feel any animosity coming from them.
  4694. “Good to see you again!” You continue. “From the aftermath, it looks like you had a blast yesterday.”
  4695. “A friend of yours?” The wizard asks Fen. “I believe we haven’t been introduced.”
  4696. “Hold on there…” The barbarian mare ponders after glancing at Pear Plum. “Wouldn’t that be the colt that made all the mare giantesses?”
  4697. “Well, I guess there’s no denying it at this point.” Fen Flower shrugs. “I wanted to save you from some unwanted popularity, Little Spoon, but now somepony might soon kidnap you and make you their slave forever.”
  4698. “Right! More like you want to keep it for yourself!” The barbarian mare turns to you. “Little Spoon, huh? You know, a mare like me could use a boost in size. For a pony that can actually swing a sword, more reach and strength means a lot more than for a potion brewer.”
  4700. “Aren’t you a little forward there?” The elf chuckles. “You’re asking a favour before you’ve even introduced yourself?”
  4701. “So what?” The barbarian mare. “Early bird and stuff, you know?”
  4702. “I believe you just got called a worn, Little Spoon.” The elf adds with a devilish smile.
  4703. “Come on now!” The barbarian mare laughs it off, and then to you. “Don’t listen to that guy. I’m Sky Slash by the way.”
  4704. “I’m Boulder Buster” the monk pegasus says.
  4705. “Slyweave here” The rogue elf nods at you.
  4706. “My name is Empty Tome.” The wizard concludes.
  4707. “Uhm…I’m Pear Plum.” Your druid companion also introduces herself.
  4709. “Pleased to meet you all.” You say with a little bow. “It does seem like I missed quite the party. What happened here yesterday exactly?”
  4710. “Well, let’s say that among the fines that were paid, there was public intoxication and indecency.” Slyweave shows a smirk.
  4711. “Yeah, shit turned into an orgy after dark!” Sky Slash adds. “Fen got everypony else excited, and many seized the occasion to have some fun like beasts. Turns out even the shy mares get bold when they’re twice the size of stallions and that they got magical huge knockers too!”
  4712. “I’m not complaining, but I’m still baffled that the guards didn’t intervene more that they did.” Empty Tome notes.
  4713. “They would have, was it not for the fact they had no cell big enough for me.” Fen Flower says. “And with all the grown mares around, they decided it would be better to merely watch and make sure there wasn’t too much damage.”
  4715. Maybe you should have stayed to watch after all, you think to yourself. Or participate even…
  4716. “And what are you going to do now?” you ask.
  4717. “That was a fun night for sure, but we got to make some coins too.” Boulder Buster says. “The five of us are going on a quest today. Two goblin tribes are having a feud in the countryside and they’re being a pain for everypony around, merchants in particular. There’s a handsome reward for getting rid of them, so we’re gonna go there and smash both these clans to bits.”
  4718. “Yeah, this is gonna be an easy one with the firepower we got!” Sky Slash proudly nods to herself.
  4719. “Indeed.” Fen Flower adds, showing you a smirk. “I can use all any money I get my hooves on, so easy coins like this sound mightily good to my ear.”
  4721. You note that they didn’t invite to join their quest, but they’re already splitting that reward in 5 so it’s probably on purpose. They might still welcome you in their party if you asked, but you’ve got a job of your own already. In fact, you’re a tiny bit frustrated that Fen took a job without telling you, but you did the exact same thing yourself. You can always tell Fen and/or her party about the job you already have and see how they react too.
  4723. On another note, from what to understand, many of the mares around here appreciated your boost of yesterday. You would probably be welcomed if you offered some growth to the ponies present, and Sky Slash sounds downright eager for it…
  4725. Or maybe you should just focus on your current quest for now.
  4727. >What do?
  4729. “It turns out I and Pear Plum took on a quest of our own.” You announce. “We’re investigating the disappearances of some mares. That makes me think, lady Fen Flower, I might need to sneak around for this job. Would you be kind enough to provide some potions that could help me?”
  4730. “Sure thing Little Spoon.” The giant mare nods. “I can prepare you some muffling oil later today. And you still have smoke bombs, right?”
  4731. “I didn’t use those yet indeed.”
  4732. “Good. These can be of use in an emergency I believe.” Fen Flower smiles. “Also, I could prepare some short invisibility potions, but I’d need 20 gold in ingredients for a dose. These potions would last 30 seconds.”
  4734. >You have 316 GOLD
  4736. “Thanks. I’ll think about it. And I still owe you a date, so don’t forget to come back after you smash those goblins.”
  4737. “That sounds good Little Spoon.” The giant mare shows you a pleased smirk.
  4738. You then turn to the new adventurer friends of Fen Flower.
  4739. “Also, now that I think about it, two mares among those I’m seeking were adventures that went missing in this very city last month. Did any of you hear about it?”
  4740. “That’s new to me, but do tell us more about these mares, Little Spoon.” Empty Tome says. “Also, we’re not the only adventurers gathered here. Don’t be afraid to ask around.”
  4742. Indeed, it turns out that among the ponies that got involved in an unexpected orgy with a giant mare, more than half were adventurers. While Fen’s companions don’t know anything about the mares, you’re in luck and find a stallion that recognizes the description of one of the missing ponies. He’s even a colleague in a way, a halfling bard like yourself, although not sharing your speciality.
  4744. “I had no idea she had gone missing.” He tells you. “I just met her once. We weren’t even in the same party, but we all happened to celebrate the success of both our quests at the same place and drank together. From what you’re telling me, this was only a day or two before she went missing.”
  4745. “Did she tell you about anything related to the Sweet Grape club?” You ask. “That’s the last place she was seen at.”
  4746. “Well… I’m not completely sure.” He shakes his head. “But she did tell me she planned to wow some mares in a fancy club with the reward when I... Well, anyway, this Sweet Grape club is probably what she was talking about.”
  4747. “Did she happen to tell you about a mare named Whispersun?” Pear Plum asks. “She’s a popular singer in this club.”
  4748. “That I don’t know.” The halfling shakes his head. “But she sure wasn’t the type of pony to be impressed by music. And I don’t think she was talking about a mare in particular actually. Mor like she wanted to find some pleasant company there.”
  4749. “But the club is secret.” Night Sprout, who’s been riding your back for some time, asks. “How does it work? How do they meet new ponies if everything is secret?”
  4751. “Uh…” The halfling is taken aback. “I don’t know…? I didn’t go to this club myself as you can guess.”
  4752. “Indeed, that’s a mystery we have to uncover ourselves, lady Night Sprout.” You punctuate your sentence with a boop on the fairy’s little snoot, electing a surprised ‘meep’ out of her. “Anyway, thank you for telling me all this.”
  4753. “Sure. Don’t be afraid to ask if you’ve got more questions.” The other bard nods.
  4754. “Will do!” You nod, but you also have another concern aside from the investigation. While yesterday you missed an occasion to advertise yourself and your growth abilities, you now find yourself among a group of stallions and mares that willingly engaged in lewd activities with a 40-plus-feet Fen Flower yesterday. One could say you may have found your public.
  4756. While you’d ask for nothing more than to answer favourably to the request of Sky Slash, you almost went all out yesterday already. Your growth pool is empty, your inspiration will only last for the time the mares will hear it. You only have one charge left among three from Embrace Destiny since Fen Flower is holding the two others. As for your gift of the bard, you’d need to do the deed with the barbarian mare for the growth to last for a day. But again, she did embark on yesterday’s lewd ordeal with Fen Flower, so maybe she wouldn’t find the offer so outrageous after all. You should probably do that away from the public space and the guards watching it, though.
  4759. Maybe you could even organize a gathering with the ponies present, repeating the raunchy party of the day prior on more legal terms. Inquiring about available locations, big enough places are either incredibly pricy halls to rent near the heart of the capital, or more affordable barn-like constructions in the outskirts. Your current finances more or less force you to take the second option for now for a gathering.
  4761. >What do?
  4763. In hindsight, you’re a bit surprised that Fen Flower is asking you for money for ingredients. But on second thoughts, she was already out of gold when she bought those mushrooms for her latest growth potion and had to ask you some. She also did tell you some of her potions requited costly ingredients. You’d need to verify, but what your alchemist friend is offering is probably cheaper than what’s you’d find on a market.
  4764. Well, you still have a hunch that Fen might have become a bit more distant since you told her you wouldn’t commit to her, but that might not be what’s at stake here…
  4766. Anyway, you think it would cost about 50 gold to rent something for an evening that could host both mares the size of Fen along a crowd of 50 or so ponies. The question that remains is when to organize such an event. It would probably be over-optimistic to expect your current quest to be wrapped up before tonight. And you’re not gonna take a break rescuing missing mares just to enjoy a night of big mare fun a little sooner.
  4767. Or… are you?
  4769. With Sky Slash, it’s also about timing. It is soon going to be noon. You’re all pretty much done with the cleaning, and Fen and her party are gonna leave for their adventure as soon as the giant alchemist mare is none preparing the potions for you. Speaking of which, Fen unfortunately don’t know of a brew that could help you pass as a mare specifically. Anyway, if she’s up for it, you could certainly rent a room and have some quick fun with Sky Slash before you can expect Whispersun to come to the meeting spot.
  4771. >A: You can’t lose an occasion to meet your public like that! Tell to as much of the ponies present you’re organising a party tonight, with big mares for everypony!
  4772. >B: Just tell the ponies around about your abilities and that you plan to organize an evening like >A but later since your still have a quest to finish.
  4773. >C: Offer a boost of size of Sky Slash for today with Gift of the bard. Fen may want to participate.
  4774. >D: None of the above. You need to focus on your current quest and meet Whispersun. You’ll find big mare enthusiasts later.
  4775. >E: Buy some short invisibility potions from Fen?
  4777. You settle on taking 1 invisibility potion from Fen Flower
  4778. >You have 296 GOLD
  4780. Also, you spread the word that you’re gonna organize another party focussed on big mares to the ponies present, this time outside of the public view to avoid trouble. You plan it for in two days. Hopefully both you and Fen can finish your quests by then. Maybe you’ll even have the time to bring the giant alchemist mare on a date before that.
  4782. Anyway, many of the ponies present like the idea. You might even find yourself with more guests than those present here, as some of them ask you if they can invite friends of their own.
  4784. While the other ponies are starting to leave, you approach Sky Slash again. You plan to preserve your leftover charge of Embrace Destiny for Pear Plum for now, but you can still boost the barbarian mare for the rest of the day with your gift of the bard and you explain to her how you can do that.
  4786. While not the size of an orc mare, Sky Slash is built a little like Ulna. Perhaps a little leaner, the outline of her muscles clearly visible everywhere on her body that bears almost no fat at all. While she’s got a long and puffy silver mane and strong feathery wings, the fur on the rest of her is so thin the many scars all around her dark, blue-grey skin are all clearly visible. Sky Slash lacks about all kind of voluptuousness, both her flanks and teats being demure in size, her bulky shoulders giving her an almost stallion-like stature, and her manners exhibiting no trace of care of subtlety. Instead, every move and word that comes out of her oozes with confidence and energy, perhaps too much of it even, and there’s a wild and mischievous glimmer in her bright red eyes that both picks your curiosity and makes you a little wary of the barbarian mare. That, and the large battle-axe she carries on her back.
  4788. “I would ask for nothing more than to perform the due courtship to go with this offer, Lady Sky Slash.” You say. “But I believe we both have obligations today, and that we only have time to spare for a roll in the hay.”
  4789. “So it is pervy magic, huh?” The barbarian mare ponders, but doesn’t seem to mind and lets out a hearty chuckle. “Haha! I should have figured so with how Fen Flower behaves! Anyway I’m fine with this. I’d love to see these powers of yours in action!”
  4790. “Great!” You smile. “I may also improve your figure while we remain together. Would you rather have your flanks, your teats or your strength improved?”
  4791. “Tits, ass or bulk?” The barbarian mare ponders. “You say that’ll only last while I’m with you, right? Well… I’m gonna pick strength regardless! I just want to know how this feels in addition to raw size.”
  4792. “As you wish. Now, we just need to find a quiet place, and maybe lady Fen Flower would like to join us…”
  4793. “Nah!” The barbarian mare proceeds to pluck the fairy off you back and place the dumbfounded little mare on the ground. “I’d rather have you all for myself, little guy!”
  4794. Before you can react, the bulky pegasus mare grabs you and hoist you over her shoulder. A second later, she takes off the ground in a flash, much faster than even the grown Skeleton Quill, another pegasus that transported you before.
  4796. You hold tight on Sky Slash’s back as she zooms away mere feet above the roofs of the capital, refraining your cries of terror as Sky Slash seems to consciously wait for the very last second to dodge the posts and chimneys on her path. You hear the barbarian mare laugh out loud as you cower.
  4798. At her speed, at least you exit the area of dense buildings after a couple minutes. A few more, and there’s only farms and homesteads under you. Just as you were about to build enough confidence to ask where she plans to carry you, Sky Slash crashes inside a decently sized lone cloud. While the pegasus mares seem to land on something as soft as a mattress, you get a little fright again as the soft puffy matter may stops the momentum of Sky Slash but not yours, and your limbs go right through it. Besides, the pegasus mares soon stop holding you to instead laze on her mattress of cloud, leaving you to cling on her toned midsection, now glistening and worryingly slippery with sweat.
  4799. “Hah! There!” The barbarian mare lets out a satisfied huff after her sprint. “Now that’s a quiet place alright! But you don’t look so good Little Spoon...”
  4800. While Sky Slash is comfortably lounging on the large cloud, putting her arms behind her head, you desperately hug her abs and shakily try to climb on her flanks with your hindlegs to stop dangling above the ground that is a few hundred feet under.
  4801. “If you’re in trouble, why don’t you make your ground larger, little guy?” Sky Slash offers with a grin.
  4803. That might help indeed. You start you inspiration, and Sky Slash lets you a pleased moan as she grows 3 feet bigger, and that her already powerful build swells with even more strength under your hooves. Your own new toned body allows you to climb on the midsection of Sky Slash. You’re now straddled across her belly which occupies all the space between your front and back legs, the slope of her flanks providing you with a bit if stability and finally some time to rest and calm down a little.
  4804. Despite everything, feeling the sweat-glazed, rock-hard abs of the mare under you does make a part of your body want compete in terms of hardness.
  4806. “So how’s the view little guy?” Sky Slash smirks as you glance at her face. “What do you want to start with?”
  4808. >What do?
  4810. “You’re a romantic one, aren’t you?” You say with a playful smile after you can catch your breath. “Whisking me away to this sky island paradise that is you. There is much to admire here.”
  4812. With a hoof, you start to circle around the strong mare’s nipples. Even though her teats are almost non-existent, she lets out a little purr of pleasure as her little nubs harden at attention under your touch.
  4813. “I could have made these bigger, lady Sky Slash.” You note out loud. “Just like your flanks. Or any part of you, really.”
  4814. “Eh. I don’t fancy myself looking like a bimbo.” Sky Slash answers. “Not today at least. I’m pretty happy with the work you’ve done too.”
  4815. To illustrate, the barbarian mare arches her back and flexes the muscles around her belly, allowing you clearly feel each ab on here bulging against your skin.
  4817. “These are impressive indeed.” You say. “Allow me to give them the treatment they deserve.”
  4819. With a bit of work, you switch your position to actually face the barbarian mare. You don’t think you’ve ever been so glad to have used this orc belt too. Your strengthened limbs allow you to manoeuvre around the airborne mare more easily that what you’d have thought yourself capable of, and this fills you with a bit more confidence.
  4820. Once in place, you start to smooch the rock-hard muscles around Sky Slash’s midsection, electing more satisfied whimpers from her.
  4822. “If I may ask, even without me you have a mightily impressive physique, lady Sky Slash.” You say. “Aside from being worshiped, what is the purpose of these muscles of yours? Surely they’ve carried you through many heroic adventures already.”
  4823. “They’re for slaying dragons!” Sky Slash Answer with pride in her voice. “That’s what my clan trains for, to kill the most formidable adversaries of ponykind in this world! But they’re good for being worshipped by little guys like you too I guess!”
  4824. “So you’ve beaten a dragon before?”
  4825. “Wyverns only so far.” She answers. “There aren’t that many dragons around. That’s how strong our clan is, hah!”
  4827. Clans of barbarians are often similar to orc ones, so even if you might not know the details, Sky Slash probably shares many cultural cues with a mare like Ulna. But by the sound of it, Sky Slash seems quite proud to be part of her community unlike the orc mare.
  4829. But while you’re thinking about all this, you aren’t giving the body of Sky Slash the attention it deserves.
  4830. You get back to kissing her body everywhere you can, enjoying the deliciously salty taste of her sweat and the prodigious heat of her muscles brimming with power underneath her skin. At 7 feet tall, it’s a little uncomfortable for you to straddle her as her wide midsection is almost forcing you to do a full split. Still, you slowly smooch you way up Sky Slash, who’s content to watch you worship her body for now.
  4831. Your lips travel past her ribs, up her neck, and finally you’re staring in her big red eyes while her hot breath washes over your face.
  4833. “This must be what staring up to a dragon feels like.” You whisper. “Formidable is a word that suits you indeed, Sky Slash.”
  4834. “So I look like a dragon to you, huh?” Sky Slash scoffs. “If you say the line about ‘lay not slay’, I’ll end you right her little guy.”
  4836. And Sky Slash makes sure you don’t by taking your mouth in a lengthy kiss.
  4837. You don’t need a word to understand you’re both ready for the main event. Anchoring yourself by firmly grabbing the hard thighs of Sly Slash, you align your throbbing prick with the mare’s love cave which is winking in anticipation. Your hind legs are dangling above the void again, but you’ve grown confident enough this should work.
  4839. “How about a little challenge, lady Sky Slash?” You start. “I beg your pardon, but I’m quite confident I’m gonna outlast you during this intercourse, so I’d really appreciate if you could do your best to keep up with my pace.”
  4840. “Say what now little guy?” The barbarian mare scoffs. “I’m the one who could ride you to hell and back! If I went all out on you, you’d actually die in seconds!”
  4841. “Of course. I do not deny that you could certainly crush my skull between this wonderous thighs of yours without effort, but that is not what we’re up here for, is it?” You talk with a bit of playful haughtiness. “What I’m saying, is that I’m gonna offer you a rut for the ages, and I wish you made sure you will hold on more than a few minutes to enjoy it.”
  4842. “A rut for the ages? Ha! Let’s see about that, little guy!” Sky Slash lets out a cocky chuckle. “But let me guess, you’ve laden yourself with virility potions or something? Right. That’s fine by me! Throw it all at me and rut me like your life depends on it! I’m gonna milk you dry anyway!”
  4844. “As you wish!” You call as you thrust into the barbarian mare. She lets out a sharp moan, and a thrill of pleasure runs down your spine as the hot and wet entrance of the mare clutches around you cock, making it hard for you to pull out. As you start thrusting, you realise that Sky Slash has complete control over this. The cavernous entrance of the large mare welcomes you in easily, but each journey out she clams on your prick with perfect control, deliciously squeezing your shaft.
  4845. You can’t wait for you ability to enlarge your cock to be active in these conditions…
  4846. Meanwhile, Sky Slash enjoys the ride, moaning in delight and rubbing her thigh and legs together and on you, and you bask in her warmth, resting your ear against her bulging abs.
  4848. The moans of the barbarian mare soon become more urgent, and you redouble in ardour with your thrusts in reaction. The mare’s glorious wings unfurl in reaction to her coming climax… and then both of you start free-falling.
  4850. Your scream in unbridled terror as the ground come to meet you at high velocity, while Sky Slash still moans in utter bliss. The rush of air and adrenaline make you dizzy, and it’s only when you’re high up in the air again that you process than Sky Slash flew back up at the very last moment instead of crashing in a field. She also grew a foot of height. You must have cum in her it seems, even though you brain had other concerns than to register that. While your dick is still buried in her and that you’re tightly hugging the midsection of Sky Slash in panic, the mare seems like she greatly enjoyed this stunt, biting her lip as she enjoys the afterglow.
  4852. “You’re pretty good little guy! Hahaha!” The mare exults, a mischievous smile on her face. “Now keep going! ‘Rut for the ages’ is still on the menu, right?”
  4853. As for yourself, the flesh is willing, but the mind is dazed and the hooves shaky. While Sky Slash clearly had a blast, you’re not sure you can come to enjoy this form of intercourse.
  4855. The magic of the fairies was supposed to make it a sure win, but it’s gonna be a little more complicated than that. While stamina is not a problem, combining intercourse and aerial ballet might be a bit too much adrenaline for you, and either ending up frozen in fear of throwing up on your partner would probably count as a loss…
  4857. >Roll 1d100
  4858. >Success: DC 70
  4860. You’ve got to hold on! Thinking of the heights you plan bring mares to, such aerial rodeos will one day be the norm, and the sooner the better, so you have to be ready for that!”
  4861. “You are merciless lady Sky Slash.” You say while you secure your grip on the barbarian mare’s thighs. “But I did tell you to give it your best. Let us continue!”
  4862. “Good, good!” The brawny mare shows you a satisfied grin. “You had me worried for a second here, little guy!”
  4864. You start to plow her with renewed vigour. Sky Slash is already 8’ tall, and when you thrust into her its already your whole belly that slaps against the backside of the mare. In truth you could quickly make her surge to much more than that by unleashing your climaxes unrestrained, but for now you decide to pretend you don’t have that kind of power.
  4866. Sky Slash isn’t shy in revelling the pleasure. The mare is still flying on her back while you rut, the sound of her moans half-muffled by the wind in your ears. She goes faster and moans harder as a second orgasms grows near, and this time you’re ready for what comes with it.
  4867. As your sharp descend starts, you only increase your pace, and the thrill of the fall adds to the one of your own release as you shoot your load just when Sky Slash was the fastest, just before flying back up. You let out a cry again, but this time it’s a grunt of utter satisfaction from your own orgasm. You’re starting to wonder if you could let you own arms go free as the nether muscles of Sky Slash hold your shaft in a vice grip when she comes.
  4869. “Oh shit, you ARE gonna outlast me, aren’t you?” You hear Sky Slash comment, her voice still a pitch higher from riding her afterglow. “Whatever you’re on, it’s keeping you just as hard as when we started!”
  4870. “Then brace yourself lady Sky Slash, because it’s only going to get better!”
  4872. You and Sky Slash continue your dangerous love-making as you fly over the countryside. You decide to time your orgasms along the ones of the barbarian mare, the added size making each low-flight a little faster than the last.
  4873. Eventually, you reach the point when Sky Slash has grown to be 13 feet tall, cementing this size for the day. And as she reaches that, almost instantly you feel the new control she acquired over your shaft make its work.
  4875. “What the… woah. WOAH!” The barbarian mare utters in a disbelief followed by ecstatic pleasure as your prick doubles in size twice in a row.
  4876. “I… I see you’ve figured this power of mine. Agh!” You too let out a grunt of pleasure as the pressure on your now immense shaft reaches its highest point yet, making it difficult to move in and out of Sky Slash. The barbarian mare you’re riding is 13 feet tall at this point, and your tree trunk of a cock is actually reaching the bottom of her muscular cave. And as the mare decides you should be bigger yet, you’re slowly pushed away from her body to the point you’re actually flying in the air and held up by your massive screw only.
  4878. Before you can catch the mare’s legs, Sky Slash grabs you and start taking care of the thrusting herself. She howls in ecstasy as she rams you in and out of her with fervour to heights of pleasures unknown, which of course means you’re in for another dive. You fall in a more oblique line this time, almost parallel to the ground, and the intense pleasure seems to be messing with the motor control of Sky Slash. You feel her cunt gushing juices as she experiences her longest climax yet, and thus doesn’t even try to fly back up. This time you have to brace for impact.
  4880. Sky Slash lands on her hunched back in the midst of an orgasmic cry, digging a trench in the grassland of at least 50 feet long and 5 wide before stopping. Despite the ominous shaking that lasted several seconds, you’re unharmed, and while you’re almost sure Sky Slash got herself more than a few scratches, she shows you an ecstatic smile after you’ve stopped moving.
  4881. “This is the best!” She coos. “You’re the best, little guy!”
  4883. And without warning she start to roughly use you as a living toy again. Your concerns about the barbarian’s health soon being calmed, you allow yourself to cum over and over inside her again. After a dozen minutes, Sky Slash starts to get tired of it despite her orgasmic moans, and she goes limps after a few more. The barbarian lies defeated on her back, the limbs of the 19’ mare still twitching in afterglow while she sports a blissful smile on her face.
  4885. As for yourself, you’re still stuck inside the mare with a tool that is more adequate for dragon slaying than mare lovemaking. Despite how ruthless she was, Sky Slash was careful enough to not hurt you beyond the soreness around our groin. Though, your infinite stamina leaves you a little disappointing actually, as you do not feel spent by this encounter.
  4886. Now, you still have some time if you want to have some pillow-talk with Sky Slash before you have to go back to town and take a good shower before meeting with Whispersun. Well, if the barbarian mare can utter anything else than the wheezes of utter bliss you hear from her at the moment.
  4888. >What do?
  4890. You slowly extract yourself from inside Sky Slash, stepping in the puddle of your own spooge that is several inches deep. You did end this on a blast, and the inner thighs of the 19’ mare are covered in white goo too. She doesn’t seem to mind, still moaning meekly ahead. You go around the massive muscular limbs of the barbarian mare to reach her head.
  4891. While she still looks up in the air with half closed eyes and a dreamy smile on her face, you boop the big snoot of the mare.
  4892. “Mmmh!” She lets out a high-pitches moan, and her whole body, which is glossy with sweat, shudders as one more orgasm shakes her.
  4894. “Well… it seems like I’m still standing.” You proudly state to the huge mare.
  4895. “Hm…” Sky Slash nods meekly. “Yeah. You win that one little guy… Hell, that was insane! Not sure how you pulled it off, but I’m not gonna complain.”
  4897. You lie next to the barbarian mare’s head, gently kissing her cheek and stroking her poofy mane while she comes down from her sexual high, the mare purrs next to you, reciprocating some soft smooches on you.
  4898. “So, how did you meet the other adventurers of your group?” You ask. “Slyweave, Empty Tome and Boulder Buster, was it?”
  4899. “We just met along Fen Flower actually.” Sky Slash answers. “We were each on our own before yesterday night. We had fun, and since we’re all adventurers, we thought we could all go on a quest together. This goblin job was Slyweave’s idea.”
  4900. “That makes me think, while I was looking for work myself, I saw they were hiring ponies to hunt down a dragon of some sort that’s been attacking travellers. Wouldn’t that be your line of work?”
  4901. “Totally, yeah!” The mare perks up. “There was a quest like that? Huh. ‘Definitely gonna check that out. Another reason to smash these gobs’ as fast as possible!” The huge mare stretches her powerful arms above her head “Shouldn’t be a problem at this size!”
  4903. “Indeed, at this size you’ll certainly make short work of these green skins lady Sky Slash.” You chuckle. “But have you wondered how it would feel to be big enough to make even a dragon look like a kitten?”
  4904. “Hahaha!” The mare lets out a hearty laugh. “So that’s what you have in mind for your skill, little guy? But now that I’m thinking about it, it would feel a little wrong. Like, what would be the challenge in fighting a dragon I could just step on? No glory without danger like they say!”
  4905. “Ah, but you’re the one that came to me asking for some more size I remember.” You say. “Did you change your mind?”
  4906. “Listen little guy. Even as big as she was yesterday, there are dragons out there that would make Fen Flower look like a bug.” Sky Slash states. “Getting bigger to fight such beasts sounds good, but unless you’re about to tell you’ve just used, like, one percent of your power, you’re nowhere near making me the equal in size to the largest monsters of this world.”
  4908. Well, maybe not now, but one day…
  4909. “Anyway, should I deduce that you wouldn’t mind going on quests with me?” You ask
  4910. “Sure, why not!” The barbarian mare smiles at you. “We got our own jobs right now, but we can definitely hang out later. Then I can find a way to get back at you!” The huge mare playfully pokes your snoot.
  4912. >What do?
  4913. >Clean yourself and go meet Whispersun?
  4915. It is probably time for both of you to make yourselves presentable again.
  4916. You climb on the back of Sky Slash to first make a stop at a river bank so you may wash away the aftermath of your romps. At her new size, the barbarian mare can then bring you back to the heart of the capital in half the time of the prior trip without breaking a sweat.
  4918. While Sky Slash joins Fen Flower and her new friends to embark on their goblin slaying adventure, you head to the tavern you planned to meet Whispersun at. You’re a little late unfortunately, but hopefully Pear Plum has taken the matter in her hooves. Indeed, when you push the door, the druid mare sits in front of the singer from the Sweet Grape club.
  4919. But it turns out another mare is accompanying the elf mare, and immediately your attention shifts to her. In return, the familiar face shows you a smile as she sees you coming in.
  4921. “What a pleasure to meet you again, Little Spoon!” Silver Willow greet you with a bright grin.
  4922. You remain dumbfounded at the surprise encounter with the noble mare, even though she doesn’t exactly look the part of the proper lady anymore. While she kept her hat and the bottom of her frilly dress, she’s now protected by a shining, silver cuirass with assorted pauldrons and leg guards. A tube undershirt also firmly holds the twin mounds of the buxom mare against her lower belly. Silver Willow also carries some potions and magic scrolls at her belt like many adventurers do.
  4924. “Little Spoon.” Pear Plum speaks up. “Come sit with us, they’ve just arrived. It appears Silver Willow is accompanying Whispersun.”
  4925. So the pony accompanying Whispersun yesterday… wait, that’s right, Whispersun! While you have many questions for Silver Willow that are burning your lips, you should probably start with the elf mare. She looks a little ill-at-ease at the moment while she is silently sitting next to Silver Willow.
  4927. >What do?
  4929. Suddenly, a part of your brain can’t refrain from registering that you’ll be in the company of three absolutely exquisite mares, the plump and homely Pear Plum, the buxom and extravagant Sliver Willow, and the tall and graceful Whispersun. The day’s barely halfway gone, and already you’ve encountered more comely mares than most bards can dream of.
  4930. But you probably need to cool off a little there. The first time you revelled in the attention of such mares during a quest, that got you a bounty on your head. You should probably be a little careful around Whispersun, she’s a bit of celebrity after all.
  4932. Like many elves, Whispersun is tall and lean, she has a long straight mane and a coat of gold. She has azure eyes and full red lips, but these do not look ready for a smile as the elf mare looks rather worried at the moment.
  4934. *Ahem* “Greetings, lady Whispersun!” You clear your throat as you sit in front of the elf singer. “Would you like something to drink maybe?”
  4935. “I’d rather know why I’m here.” The elf mare says, and then turns to Sliver Willow. “Silver, you told me this Little Spoon guy was an adventurer friend of yours, but…” The mare doesn’t finish her sentence and shrugs annoyedly instead.
  4936. “I’ll go straight to the point then.” You say. “I am looking for a mare named Ebony Vine that has gone missing. The last time she was seen was an evening when she went to the Sweet Grape club. I could also learn that she was a fan of yours.”
  4937. “Oh, my…” The singer mare daintily places a hoof in front of her mouth. You note that Silver Willow is not surprised by your words and listens carefully. “That sounds terrible! Well, if I can help, do tell me about this mare.”
  4939. You tell Whispersun about the description of Ebony Vine and which days she went to the club. The singer mare recalls seeing her indeed.
  4940. “From where I sing, I can see most ponies in the audience, and this mare was definitely there at my performances a couple times. I didn’t talk with her through.”
  4941. “She was alone on the evening she disappeared, right?” You ask.
  4942. “I remember so, but...” Whispersun ponders. “She was on her own at a table for a while, but then another mare that I never saw before approached her. When I left the stage, I believe they were about to go out together.”
  4944. “What did this mare look like?” Pear Plum asks.
  4945. The singer mare tells you about a young and pretty pegasus mare, but the description doesn’t sound like anypony you know about. A bright coat with a long and wavy auburn mane, but no real distinctive feature. Whispersun cannot recall what the mare’s cutie mark looked like either.
  4947. As for a way to find that mare, you don’t have the beginning of a clue yet.
  4949. >What do?
  4951. You’re worried that Silver Willow’s husband may already have sent other assassins. Looking around, you don’t see anybody suspicious at the moment.
  4953. Now, maybe you’re worrying too much. The husband contracted the same assassin each time when her killed the partners of Silver Willow, and you and Star Shooter disposed of that dwarf stallion. Hopefully sir Silver Oak doesn’t have more assassins ready in his contacts to take on a killing job. You’ll remain on guard anyway.
  4954. You’re is a busy part of the capital too, so you find it hard to believe an assassination would happen here. For now, you think you can keep discussing with Whispersun safely.
  4956. “When you say they went out together, do you mean that Ebony and this mystery mare exited the club?” You ask the singer mare. “Or just went to another part of it? To a private room maybe?”
  4957. “I wouldn’t know from sure.” She shakes her head. “From the stage I cannot see where ponies go when they leave the hall. But I do remember the night was still young when they left. I was just about to take a break myself and go backstage.”
  4958. Remembering the layout of the club, Whispersun’s response make’s sense.
  4960. “Alright.” You nod. “I have more questions Whispersun. Actually, two other ponies went missing after they went to the club last month.”
  4961. “Heavens, there are three missing ponies?!” The elf mare’s azure eyes widen in shock. “I cannot believe I did not hear about this from anypony.”
  4962. “That makes me think, how well do you know your co-workers at the club?”
  4963. “Well, much less than I thought!” Whispersun frowns. “I talk with my assistants, waiters and some other workers of the kitchen every day, yet I had no clue about this tragedy. I know the policy about keeping the matters of our clients private, but this should be a case of force majeure!”
  4964. “Do you think that the mare that talked to Ebony Vine could be linked to the club by the way?” You ask. “An employee? A regular? A friend of the manager even?”
  4965. “No, that mare didn’t wear any uniform, I had never seen her before and I didn’t hear about any special guest that night either. I don’t think that’s possible.”
  4967. “Mmmh… Well, in that case, let me tell you about the other ponies that disappeared.”
  4968. As you describe the adventurers that went missing at the club, Whispersun actually remember both those mares. Each arrived alone, but then got approached by another mare Whispersun had never seen before about.
  4969. Unfortunately, none of the mare that met the missing ponies were remotely similar. There was the pegasus that came to Ebony Vine, while it’s an earth mare and a unicorn that came to the adventurers respectively. While Whispersun describes each mare as young and conventionally attractive, they had about nothing in common aside from that, and the fact Whispersun had never seen them.
  4971. “So three mares went to the club alone, and somepony else approached them each time?” Pear Plum ponders. “This does look like a pattern.”
  4972. “Well… it isn’t uncommon for newcomers to come the club.” Whispersun says. “And I saw similar displays many times that didn’t lead to disappearances.”
  4973. “Is this a gang of three evil mares then?” Night Sprout speaks up.
  4974. “That sounds rather convoluted.” Pear Plum answers pensively. “What would be the point of this? There’s no ransom. Nopony even registered the adventurer mares when missing util recently. We still have no clue about any motive for those disappearances.”
  4976. >What do?
  4977. >Keep talking with Whispersun?
  4979. “That’s right. I can’t think of any way a gang of ponies would make sense for this case.” You think out loud. “Maybe it could be one pony after all? A wizard of some sort, or even a shapeshifting creature?”
  4980. “A changeling maybe?” Pear Plum theorizes. “A rakshasa? Ah… I don’t know enough about such monsters. I would have no idea about how to prove any such theory.”
  4981. Indeed, while you heard the name of these creatures before, you don’t know much about them. Among the shapeshifting creatures you know of, changelings are insect-like equines who feed on love and rakshasas are cunning flesh-eating demons. There are also many stories of creatures with great magic potential who can pose as ponies. Stories says even some elder dragon might be walking in the world of ponies in this age.
  4983. “While it’s not impossible, I would say you are going into quite wild scenarios right here.” Sliver Willow comments, gently patting the neck of Whispersun who looked horrified as you started mentioning monsters. “And I don’t think we can prove any of this so far, can we?”
  4984. “Mmh…” You nod. “But the issue remains… we don’t have many other clues.”
  4985. “There’s the box.” Night Sprout speaks up. “The one I found in the garden.”
  4987. Oh, right. Your fairy friend told you she found some suspicious-looking locked container. She couldn’t bring it outside the club though.
  4989. “Could you elaborate please?” Silver Willow sounds interested. “What is this box you’re talking about?”
  4990. “A strange thing buried in the garden of the club.” Night Sprout readily answers. “Under the hedge in the corner.”
  4992. “Anyway Whispersun.” You turn to the elf singer again. “Do you fully trust the Sweet Grape club?”
  4993. “Well, they are my employers.” Whispersun answers. “My relation has always been cordial with the managers and the owner, and with the other employees too. Now, I’ve never been involved in any kind of big management decision, so I actually don’t know how they exercise their authority.”
  4994. “I see.” You nod at the elf mare. “Thank you for telling us all this, lady Whispersun.”
  4996. Anyway, while the first thing you’ll do once you’re done talking with Whispersun is probably to have a good discussion with Silver Willow, you should probably think about the beginning of a plan to move this case forward.
  4998. >A: Ask Whispersun and/or Silver Willow to retrieve the mysterious box from the club. Perhaps Whispersun could do before tonight?
  4999. >B: You’ll get in the club while disguised as a mare to sneak in and snoop around the club, or even hopefully get a glimpse of one of these strange mares.
  5000. >C: You’ll need to make some research about shapeshifters and disguise spells before anything, so at least you may know what you could end up against.
  5001. >D: You have more things to ask Whispersun or Sliver Willow before taking a decision.
  5003. “Ladies, I believe it is my duty to retrieve this mystery box.” You announce. “For the sake of justice, I shall disguise myself and retrieve this crucial clue to our case inside the all-mare Sweet Grape club.”
  5005. Somehow, Whispersun looks rather quizzical upon hearing your heroic statement while Silver Willow shows you a knowing smirk.
  5006. “Anyway, lady Whispersun.” Your turn to the singer mare. “Would you agree to tell me about the layout of the club? So That I may know what I will stumble upon?”
  5007. The singer mare accepts, and describes the different room of the club to you. There aren’t any hidden places she knows about, although she rarely goes around the club owner’s private room.
  5009. “Thanks a lot for helping Little Spoon.” Silver Willow tells Whispersun. “I can imagine it must be quite the shock learning about those disappearances. Anyway, you should probably let these adventurers take care of this from here on. You shouldn’t have to put yourself in a bad spot with the rest of the club.”
  5010. “Hmm…” Whispersun nod. “Alright. I merely hope everypony will be alright.”
  5012. If you don’t have an more questions to ask Whispersun, perhaps she can go on her way and you can catch up with Silver Willow.
  5013. Pear Plum may go gather information about shapeshifting creatures too, and you could skip to the part where you prepare your disguise if you plan to infiltrate the club tonight.
  5015. >What do?
  5017. “Thank you for everything, lady Whispersun.” You tell the elf mare again. “One final thing. I will need help to prepare my disguise so I may retrieve the box. Perhaps you or Silver Willow can help make a convincing female patron of myself.”
  5018. “Erm…” The singer mare cringes. “I do not wish to take part in this. Not that I will stop you, but Silver is right. I am not at ease actually helping you break in the club I work in.”
  5019. “It’s alright, Whispersun.” Silver Willow reassures her friend. “I will take care of this, and I promise you this case will soon be solved.”
  5021. Whispersun decides to go on her way after this. When you ask her about things you should know about navigating the club, she tells you that once you’ve paid your entry you can access the hallway, garden and main hall where the scene is at your leisure, but workers will ask you to return there if they find you someplace else. Also, you are not supposed to stand around in the main hall but go sit somewhere rather quickly or at least talk to somepony that is already there. Ponies sitting alone usually do not refuse new company.
  5023. Once the elf mare has left, you’re now in the tavern with Pear Plum, Night Sprout and Silver Willow. In truth, it hasn’t been that long since you last saw the mature noble mare. It’s been less than a month since then, but between beating a devil in a game of luck, fighting off an orc clan and enduring druidic trials alongside Pear Plum, you do have many more adventures to tell her about.
  5025. “What a lovely surprise to meet you again, lady Silver Willow!” You bow slightly to the noble mare. “I see you’ve made your debut as an adventurer!”
  5026. “I did!” Silver giggles. “I must thank you again for encouraging me down that path, Little Spoon. While it’s not been easy, this is like a new beginning for me, and I’m feeling ecstatic! And now on top of that fortune seems to favour me for my first quest, as it seems to have brought us together to solve this issue!”
  5027. “Hold on, you’re on a quest to solve the disappearances too?” You exclaim in surprise. “That is quite the coincidence indeed. And beyond that, I didn’t hear about somepony else already being on in at the time I accepted this task at the adventurer’s guild.”
  5028. “I didn’t get this job through the guild.” Silver Willow says. “Pink Candle is an old business partner of mine actually. She’s the owner of the Sweet Grape club, and you can imagine this case of disappearances is a headache for her, to say the least. It turns out my change of trade into adventuring came to her ears, and she asked me if I could help while making sure to do as little warm to the club’s reputation as possible.”
  5030. “Hold on, if you know the owner of the club, perhaps we can retrieve the box without breaking the law.” Pear Plum offers.
  5031. “Ah, I don’t believe it’s that easy unfortunately.” Silver Willow answers. “And for Little Spoon to dress up and go inside the club might be necessary. Don’t you think Little Spoon?”
  5032. You have a feeling that Silver Willow might be asking you whether you want to go sneak in this mare club or not, which makes her kind of a poor choice for this Pink Candle mare when it comes to protecting the reputation of the club. Aside from retrieving the box, there’s also a chance to encounter the abductor mare.
  5034. Beyond that, right now you’re gonna tell Silver Willow about the adventures you had since you last met her, properly introduce you two other companions, and ask Silver Willow if she could do everything she wanted before changing her career. How she came to spend the night with Whispersun could be an interesting story too. There’s also the fact her husband paid an assassin to kill you last time you met, but you’re not sure if of how you should bring that up.
  5036. >A: Unfortunately, you have to mention the assassin. Silver Willow might be in danger because of her husband.
  5037. >B: Let’s remain professionnal. While she helps you prepare your disguise for tonight, you can exchange what you know about the disappearance with Silver Willow
  5038. >C: Tell Silver Willow about the growth party you’re putting together once you’re done with this job and formally invite her.
  5039. >D: You need to show your infinite stamina to Silver Willow while it lasts, and how much your growth powers increased while you’re at it.
  5041. “I have to infiltrate the club indeed.” You confirm, and then turn to the noble mare. “Lady Silver Willow, as much as I’d love to catch up with you, we should prepare ourselves for tonight. The lives of mares may be at stake after all, so let’s share what we both know so far about this case.”
  5042. “Hum. You’re right Little Spoon.” Silver Willow nods.
  5044. It turns out Silver Willow approached Whispersun yesterday to collect information about the disappearances too. She fraternized with the singer with the intend to ask her questions today, but as she saw the message you left with your name on it, Silver wanted to know it was about before that. She didn’t have to question Whispersun further as you said what she wanted to ask already. While you got the hint to talk to Whispersun from Ebony’s friend, Silver Willow simply though that from the position of the scene in the club, the elf mare was the most likely to notice something unusual.
  5046. “I tried roaming around the club myself yesterday, but I wasn’t sure where to start.” Silver Willow tells you. “I tried to ask about the missing ponies to other patrons, pretending I was supposed to meet then, but none in the club I talked with knew about them. I didn’t tell any of that to Whispersun, though. I just fraternized with her as I hoped she could help me later. I don’t remember seeing a lone mare being approached either.”
  5048. Regardless, while Pear Plum and Night Sprout went to find intel about shapeshifters, Silver Willow took in on herself to find you a disguise to go in the Sweet Grape club tonight. She has brought you to a street where vendors sell clothes and other accessories for refined mares and the noble mare looks excited for what’s coming next.
  5050. “So how do you want to look Little Spoon?” Silver asks with a grin. “Oh, you’re gonna need a dress, and a wig and some make up…” She chuckles. “This is going to be so amusing, and you’re going to be the cutest halfling mare, Little Spoon!”
  5052. >A: You need to be as inconspicuous as possible to safely retrieve the box.
  5053. >B: You need to be as pretty as possible to possibly seduce other patrons.
  5054. >C: Silver Willow can dress you up as she sees fit. Let her have her fun.
  5055. >D: Try to remind Silver Willow that this quest is a serious ordeal, maybe she is having a little too much fun here...
  5057. One sucessful infiltration later, you can bring back your target
  5059. “Alright, let’s see what inside this.” You think out loud after unscrewing the hinges of the mysterious wooden box. Your plan to infiltrate the club to retrieve this box was a success, even though you didn’t see any trace of the suspicious mare that could be linked to the disappearances that night.
  5061. Now it is late in the night. Your party that is composed of you the bard Little Spoon, the druid Pear Plum, the fairy Night Sprout and the noble Silver Willow, is inside the room of an inn to see what this box has to reveal. You pried it open only after making sure there was neither magic nor mechanic trap on it of course.
  5063. As you open the box, you find inside one roughly round crystal that has a faint green glow to it. It is quite big, larger than even your hoof, but aside from that there doesn’t seem to be anything special going on, and there’s no other compartment in the box to store anything else. The crystal was held in place inside the box by a moulding in the wood.
  5064. “Any idea about what this is?” You ask around to your companions.
  5065. “Well, this looks like a magic crystal to me. Items like these are used in rituals of all kinds.” Pear Plum starts. “But… well, sorry, I have no idea what this one could do for sure. This could be anything, and I don’t think any of the shapeshifters I learned about used those in particular, not even changelings.”
  5067. Indeed, while you and Silver Willow prepared your disguise to infiltrate the Sweet Grape club earlier today, Pear Plum and Night Sprout researched which kind of shape-shifting creature you may be up against.
  5068. They deemed that a changeling was most likely the culprit. Their hunger for love would explain both targeting the Sweet Grape club and the kidnapping of mares, as these creatures are known to capture lovesick ponies to feed on their love and lust for an extended period of time. While a changeling being the culprit would mean you’re likely to find the missing ponies alive, they would have them under mental control. A changeling mental control is based on seduction, and the target acts as though the commands were issued by somebody they love or lust after to a very great extent.
  5070. “We ought to consult a wizard to help us identify this.” Silver Willow offers. “The sooner we’ll understand how this is linked to our case the better. I believe the guild of adventurers offers such services.”
  5071. You glare at the crystal again. The magic item stubbornly does nothing at all, thus not giving you any answer about its purpose. Or… you might be imagining things, but it feels like it’s glowing a tiny bit brighter now than the first time you laid your eyes on it.
  5073. >A: Silver’s right. You should be able find somepony around the guild to identify this.
  5074. >B: This crystal is probably dangerous. Just smash it before anything else!
  5075. >C: That stuff is magic right? You have a feeling that using your countergrowth spell on it could yield great results.
  5076. >D: You’ll identify this tomorrow. You need some rest to take up the challenges of the next day.
  5078. You still have your disguise from earlier. A dress and a wig with bangs the same colour as your mane. Silver Willow kept the makeup you used. In retrospect, you’re a bit disappointed no mare came to hit on you, even one that wasn’t related to the dissapearances.
  5080. Anyway, about the current problem at hoof…
  5082. “I believe this orb could still be dangerous.” You say “There’s a chance it’s been used to kidnap the missing mares after all. I shall use my magic to neutralize its magic, let us go outside!”
  5084. With your three companions, you exit the inn and reach a back alley where you shouldn’t be disturbed. At this late hour, such a place wasn’t too hard to find.
  5085. Thanks to the power of the fairies, you’re confident you can succeed using your ability to disturb the magic of this orb, but let’s make sure you give your best performance regardless!
  5087. >Roll 1d100
  5088. >Huge success: DC 70
  5090. Your pitch-perfect song resonates in the night. The crystal orb a few feet away from you on the ground starts to trembles in reaction, and after a few seconds it cracks in a flash of light.
  5092. You advert your eyes as a light shockwave washes harmlessly over you, but it isn’t without consequence for the mares accompanying you. Night Sprout, Pear Plum and Silver Willow collectively let out a gasp as the magic seeps into them and they all grow 6 more feet in size in an instant, and now fill the street behind you as they find themselves between 7, and 12 feet tall in the case Pear Plum.
  5093. You were wise to take it outside, as for the second time in a couple days you find yourself looking at teats and flanks more massive that you are. The three mares would definitely have burst out of the inn room.
  5095. Now, as much as you’d like to stare at the display of huge mares next to you, you cannot yet allow yourself to be completely distracted.
  5097. It appears the orb shattered completely from your spell, but another pony has appeared where the crystal stood. Well… a pony like creature actually, that happens to fit the description Pear Plum and Night Sprout told you about.
  5098. Only the glowing green eyes of the changeling are clearly visible in the night, its pitch-black chitin making it otherwise look like a moving shadow. Despite the pony shape, you can distinguish its curved horn, the fly-like wing on its back and unnatural holes through its limbs.
  5100. The creature looks at you in obvious confusion, visibly as surprised to stand before you that you could be to see them. You see the creature horn’s light up, but whatever spell they attempted to cast seems to fizzle without producing any result. You hear a frustrated, perhaps slightly panicked snarl come from the changeling, revealing its pointy fangs to you.
  5102. >A: Confront the changeling. Perhaps you can get answers before resorting to violence. Who are they and what do they know about the disappearances?
  5103. >B: Quick! You and your companions must catch this creature at once!
  5104. >C: Try to soothe the changeling. Really, she didn’t need to kidnap ponies if she was looking for love while you exist in the same reality. Changelings are mares, right?
  5105. >D: You wonder if you can squeeze more growth for your companions from this creature. Ready your countergrowth again!
  5107. “Calm down!” You shout. “This doesn’t have to end in a brawl!”
  5108. While ready to pounce and showing you its fangs, the changeling reflexively takes a step back. They probably would have put up a fight, but your companions with are each around thrice their size are ready for action again, and with not even twenty feet between the changeling and the four of you, even running away seems near impossible for them at this point.
  5109. “Who are you, changeling?” You call. “What do you know about the missing mares?”
  5111. The creature squints its eyes, glaring at you.
  5112. “I don’t know a thing about these mares you’re talking about!” The changeling barks with a distorted mare’s voice.
  5113. “Do not lie to us.” Silver Willow retorts. “All our clues point to you. We will get answers, so speak now and spare yourself some painful questioning.”
  5114. “Let’s not get rash yet.” You eye the huge noble mare for a second before turning toward the changeling again. “My name’s Little Spoon. We’re a group of adventurers whose quest is to find three mares that went missing through the last month, and indeed we have reasons to think you might be involved. What is your name?”
  5116. The changeling stares back in silence at first.
  5117. “Night Fang…” She answers.
  5118. “Very well Night Fang.” You nod. “As I said we’re looking for three missing mares. Do you know what we’re talking about?”
  5120. Again, the creature waits a little before giving you an answer.
  5121. “If you promise you’ll let me go I’ll lead you to them!” She barks. “You’ll never find them alive without me!”
  5122. “And where would we be following you exactly?” Silver Willow scoffs. “In a deadly trap of your craft?”
  5123. “It’s an abandoned house.” Night Fangs retorts. “It’s no far either...”
  5125. There, in a flash of pale green magic, the changeling morphs into an inconspicuous pegasus mare.
  5126. “This is your only chance!” Night Fang calls again, unable to hide a hint of how desperate she is in her voice. “You’ll have to let me go after that!”
  5128. This sounds like bluff mostly, as you know changelings can’t give orders to the ponies they control without being in contact with them, and that their spell will fade on its own after a little more than a day if their victims are left unattended. While Night Fang doesn’t seem to be in a good position, you should keep your guard up regardless.
  5130. >A: Follow Night Fang with the intent of being true to your word of letting her go.
  5131. >B: Follow Night Fang with the intent of catching her as soon as you get an eye of her hideout and the missing ponies.
  5132. >C: Attempt to fraternize with the changeling on the way regardless. This is the first time you meet a pony like her. What’s her life like?
  5133. >D: No deal. Catch her now and beat the answers out of the changeling if necessary.
  5135. You’re not sure yet whether you’ll have an occasion to release this changeling or not, but you’ll play along for now. This could be a chance to learn more about this mare too.
  5137. “Alright, let’s go.” You say. “We’ll follow you Night Fang, and we’ll let you go once we’ve found the missing mares.”
  5138. “But you better not try anything funny.” Silver Willow adds with a measured yet threatening tone. “Or try to fly away before we’re done. Should you betray your word, I’ll show no mercy to you, monster.”
  5140. The disguised changeling lets out a disdainful grunt and starts to slowly walk out of the street you’re in while you all closely follow her.
  5141. “How long until we’re there?” Pear Plum asks.
  5142. “Ten minutes.” Night Fang coldly replies, not even turning to face the giant druid mare.
  5144. “Her name is Pear Plum.” You tell the changeling, walking next to her and doing your best to force a smile on you face while Night Fang looks in front of her with a stern look. “She’s a very nice mare and she’s knowledgeable in the healing arts. Silver Willow over here just became an adventurer, but she’s been a successful business mare before that. And finally, here’s Night Sprout.”
  5145. “Hello.” The big fairy says toward the changeling as you mention her.
  5146. “She’s a fairy.” You continue. “She lived her whole life in a forest and only joined us a little over a week ago. And while she didn’t use to live among ponies, now we’re all journeying together as friends!”
  5148. Despite you introducing your companions to her, Night Fang does her best to ignore you. You’re not done trying to catch her attention yet though.
  5149. “Anyway, would you accept to tell us why you were buried underground in that crystal?” You ask.
  5150. Night Fang’s eyes turn to you this time, but she doesn’t answer yet either.
  5152. “So who put you in there?”
  5153. “A wizard named… Magic Horn.” The changeling says. “I don’t know why. But yes he trapped in the crystal. He wanted me to find and seduce some mares and bring them to him.”
  5154. “Really?” Pear Plum asks. “But for what purpose?”
  5155. “You’ll have to ask him if you find him. Sometimes he’s at the abandoned house.”
  5157. Next, you ask Night Fang to describe the missing mares and Night Fang does give you descriptions that match what you heard on your own about Ebony Vine and the two adventurer mares. They’re trapped in cocoons, Night Fang tells you, but otherwise fine. She says she doesn’t know if something has been done to them by the wizard or not, but Night Fang has fed on them regularly. She refuses and says she’d rather go away on her own when you offer to protect her from this Magic Horn wizard.
  5159. If Night Fang didn’t lie, you’ll be at her hideout in a couple minutes. At least she got a little talkative at this point.
  5161. >What do?
  5163. You have more than a few doubts about the changeling’s story. That wizard’s name, Magic Horn, does sound like Night Fang made it up on the spot, but even then you don’t think you can make sense of the situation with the information you have. Your coutergrowth did produce a result when you used it to shatter the magic orb that was buried in the garden of the club, and Night Fang appeared out of it.
  5165. Or was it what actually happened? It sure looked like it to you, but in the end, you still don’t know for sure whether the crystal was some sort of prison for Night Fang or not. You couldn’t have it identified by a professional after all.
  5167. “So the plan of this wizard was to summon you so you could lure mares to him in the abandoned house, right?” You ask Night Fang.
  5168. “Yes, that’s what happened.” The disguised changeling nods.
  5169. “But then why didn’t you run away as soon as you were out of the orb?”
  5170. “Because… He could just trap me in the crystal at any time! I don’t know how he did, but he cast a spell on me and from then he could just bring me in and out whenever he wanted.” Night Fang answers.
  5171. “And how did he get in an all-mare club to bury the crystal there in the first place?” You ask “That sounds like more trouble than it’s worth.”
  5172. “You ask him that.” The changeling retorts. “I don’t know.”
  5173. “And what does this Magic Horn guy look like by the way?”
  5174. “It’s… He uses a spell of some sort, that makes him look like a shadow and that distorts his voice. I have no idea what he actually looks like.”
  5176. You advanced while you were talking, and eventually you reach what indeed looks like an abandoned single storey house. The door and windows are barred with wooden planks and the small garden in the front is overgrown, but the place doesn’t look that decrepit yet or like it’s about to collapse. It must have been abandoned for a yet at most, you believe.
  5179. “This is the place.” Night Fang announces. “The three mares are in the basement. There’s a space on the right side of the house where you can crawl in. Now you have to let me go!”
  5180. “Not so fast.” Silver Willow says. “We have yet to make sure the mares are really in there and well.”
  5181. “And let us get ready in case we actually meet this wizard.” You add.
  5183. There, you start to use your inspiration to boost the constitution of your companions, and thus growing the three mares 3’ bigger.
  5185. “Uhm… Thank for the boost Little Spoon.” Pear Plum says. “But I don’t think we can get in the house at this size…”
  5186. Indeed, at nearly 15 feet tall, and with flanks that are now twice as wide as her midsection, there’s no way Pear Plum can get in this house without bulldozing her way through it and wake up the whole capital in the process. This was probably the case already without adding your inspiration, though. Only the lithe Night Spout may have a chance to squeeze herself inside without too much damage since the fairy is currently ‘only’ 10 feet tall.
  5188. >A: Sneak in on your own through the space Night Fang told you about to confirm the missing mares are in. Your companions will watch over the changeling in the meantime.
  5189. >B: Go in with Night Sprout and Night Fang. You need the changeling to show you around and the fairy should be able to keep you safe.
  5190. >C: You’re about certain Night Fang’s been lying about a lot of stuff. Demand to know the truth so you may start to trust each other. You actually want to help her, and you’d like to prove it to her.
  5191. >D: To hell with subtlety! The house is rather small and seems mostly made of wood, so you’re almost certain your mare companions could lift the house from the ground altogether and expose the basement.
  5193. So a wizard that would use shadows to conceal itself? That reminds you of how the demon who Fen Flower had a contract with took form in the mortal realm, which isn’t exactly a good memory.
  5195. “Pear Plum?” You look up to the huge druid mare. “Do you think you’d be able to break a curse on Night Fang?”
  5196. “What?” The changeling frowns.
  5197. “The spell that bound you to this crystal.” You explain her. “You said yourself that the wizard cast a spell on you. I want to make sure you’re not under the influence of anybody at the moment.”
  5198. “Huh.” The changeling seems taken aback. “Well… Fine? I don’t think there’s anything left since you broke me out, but you can make sure of it I suppose.”
  5199. “Then left me see you.” Pear Plum approaches the comparatively tiny changeling.
  5201. The big druid mare asks Night Fang to remove her disguise for a time before sitting in front of her. There, she picks the changeling up to hold her against her forehead. Reflexively, Night Fang tries to wiggle away a little, but after a few seconds, she lets herself be held by the druid mare whose head alone is almost as big as she is.
  5203. “There isn’t any spell on Night Fang that I can detect.” The druid mare concludes after a minute of focussing, carefully dropping the changeling mare on the ground. She puts up her disguise again.
  5204. “I told you. You broke the crystal so of course you didn’t find a thing.” Night Fang comments.
  5206. “Now, Night Fang.” You tell to the changeling. “I need to ask you. Have you been honest with us so far?”
  5207. “Huh? What do you mean?” The changeling sounds outraged “I’ve brought you to the house! The mares are down there you just have to go get them!”
  5208. “Of course.” You nod. “We’re about to make sure of that…”
  5209. “Then go already!” The changeling barks.
  5210. “…But I want you to understand that I want to help you, Night Fang. And for that we need to be able to trust each other.”
  5211. “But you’re the one who’s not trusting me…” She growls. “Look, can we get done with this? I’ve even let you do you weird druidic thing on me! Rescue the damn mares and then let me go!”
  5213. “Go where?” Night Sprout suddenly asks.
  5214. “None of your business!” the Changeling snarls back
  5215. “Will you go kidnap other mares?” The unimpressed fairy continues.
  5216. “No! I’ll just go away! Far, far away from you all!”
  5217. “But how will you eat? You need pony love to feed. So you’ll kidnap other mares far away.”
  5218. “No!”
  5219. “So how will you eat?”
  5220. “I’ll find something!”
  5222. You all fall silent after that one bark.
  5223. “We should indeed make sure the mares are safe. Then we can… let Night Fang go.” Silver Willow exchanges stern looks with you and Pear Plum as she speaks, hinting that she may not be in favour of actually freeing her. Indeed, you wouldn’t be able to stop Night Fang from preying on other ponies as things are now.
  5225. “Lady Night Fang. I really wish to help you.” You start again. “Is there a way I can prove to you that I am sincere?”
  5226. “If that’s really the case then I’ll be on my way!” The changeling start taking slow steps back from you under the gaze of your group. “I’ll find you… later, and then we can talk about helping when you’re not all threatening me! Don’t you pretend you made yourselves look the size of dragons for giggles!”
  5227. Night Sprout observes the situation expectantly, probably waiting to see how things go. Pear Plum is giving you glances and doesn’t seem to know what to do. Silver Willow doesn’t seem to agree on letting Night Sprout go, and a sway of her hips puts the hold of her rapier ready for unsheathing.
  5229. >What do?
  5231. “I’m a stallion of my word.” You nod, and then you turn to your companions. “Let’s make sure the missing mares really are in here.”
  5232. “Are you going to go in there?” Pear Plum says “I believe I’m a little too big.”
  5233. “Well, I have another idea. The missing mares are in the basement, right?” Night Fang nods as you glance at her. “And this house looks quite small. I believe you should be able to lift it off the ground and expose the basement for everypony to see.”
  5235. “What?” Pear Plum exclaims, but a look at the single storey house that barely comes up to her chin indeed shows this feat is actually possible.
  5236. “I like the idea.” Silver nods to herself. “No need to split our group that way. And with the three of us, this should be a piece of cake.”
  5237. “How about four?” You turn to the changeling. “Do you want to help us?”
  5238. “What? How could I…? Woah…!” Without waiting for the changeling’s answer, already you’re using your inspiration on her too and she grows to become 7 feet tall.
  5240. Again, Silver Willow readies her stance as the changeling grows, but even at twice your height, she’s still about half the one of Pear Plum and not a threat for the rest of your team.
  5241. “Well… I suppose more hooves won’t hurt for this?” Silver Willow says with a slightly uncomfortable smile. “Now stand back a little, will you Little Spoon?”
  5243. You abide and the four mares start to position themselves on the side of the old house where Night Fang said there was a way to the basement. Pear Plum takes up her bark form to make it easier on herself, and uses it to plunge her hooves on the ground to create holds for the other mares to grab the construction.
  5245. “Alright…” Silver says as the mare have placed themselves. “Three, two, one, and!”
  5246. Digging was already quite noisy, but the thundering wooden creaking almost makes you cover your ears as the house is pried off its foundations by the four big mares in one clean swoop, the small house now being tilted on its side in nearly one bloc.
  5248. All four mares look both surprised and amazed at how easy this feat was, and after a little pause, they carefully put the house down to rest on its side. Well, at least as carefully as possible. If any furniture was inside the house, it has probably become history at this point.
  5249. When the cloud of dust and small debris settles down, you can get a look on the basement. Like you planned, it is now accessible and visible in front of you. You quickly notice three green mases of goo down there, and so do you your companions. Immediately Pear Plum moves in and start to pry one of the open, revealing a mare fitting the description of Ebony Vine that is unconscious.
  5251. You notice that without a word, Night Fang is starting to move backwards, and she visibly intends to take her leave here and now. This is probably your last chance to stop or tell something to her.
  5253. >What do?
  5255. You think a smile and a wave could suffice as a goodbye, but…
  5256. “Have a safe journey!” You say with a big smile to the changeling, who freezes and cringes as the rest of your companions turn to her. “Hopefully we’ll meet again under more pleasant circumstances, lady Night Fang!”
  5258. The changeling mare doesn’t move for a second, but as your companions only stare without moving to stop her, she soon turns tail and runs away in the streets of the capital.
  5259. “Well, what is done is done I suppose.” Silver Willow comments. “Let us focus on rescuing the mares for now.”
  5261. You carefully extract the three mares from their respective pods of green goo. These are without doubt those you are looking for, Ebony Vine and the two adventurer mares. They are unconscious but breathing and they all look otherwise unarmed, although quite pale and tired. Pear Plum immediately starts to use her healing magic on them.
  5262. “They’re not in danger fortunately.” The druid mare tells you with a relieved smile. “But I will try to wake them up.”
  5264. Meanwhile, you and the other mares look around the rest of the basement. Aside from the pods where the missing mares were, there’s bedding for one pony and a desk in particular that seems to have been regularly used unlike the rest of the furniture in the place.
  5266. You find a minimal amount of gold there.
  5268. >You found 20 GOLD
  5269. >You now have 316 GOLD
  5271. Another thing that isn’t part of the old furniture is a notebook you find. Inside there’s a roughly drawn calendar where some days are marked with a simple cross or more rarely with a circle. The most recent marked date was three days ago with a cross, and those marks go back to two months ago.
  5272. Next in the notebook are entries that seem to describe mares by look, cutie mark and at least one recent date. Often the entries end with a mention about the mare’s relations, like ‘close to the receptionist’ or ‘came with many friends that day’. There’s a little more than twenty entries.
  5274. You quickly understand that the dates the mare are associated with are all marked in the calendar. Quite instinctively too, you realise that the dates when each of the three mares went missing are all marked with a circle specifically, even though these aren’t described in the notebook. There are only three circles on the calendar.
  5276. Night Sprout also notices something in a corner of the room. A pile of crumbled crystal shards, of a similar colour than the one you found in the garden of the club. It’s as though a similar piece was here and shattered like the one you used your countergrowth on.
  5278. “I hope we won’t regret letting Night Fang go…” Silver Willow says while you investigate. “I must confess, I’m a little worried about you here, Little Spoon. Night Fang could end up hurting you.”
  5279. “Lady Silver Willow, you’ve seen it like I did.” You state. “Night Fang is a mare who needs to find her place in this world. She needs help. And I do believe I’m quite used dealing with mares who have the means to overpower me.”
  5280. “That is true I suppose, but Night Fang will certainly use seduction against you should you leave her the chance. I certainly wish you didn’t end in one of those pods of her. Of course I will protect you as much as I can, and I’m sure Night Sprout and Pear Plum will do the same… but please be careful with this changeling if she ever comes back, Little Spoon.”
  5281. “Yes. I’ll protect Little Spoon.” Night Sprout adds with a faint smile.
  5283. At this point however, the search is interrupted as you hear voices and the sound of many ponies in armour running closer in the distance. It must probably be guards coming to investigate the situation. You did make quite the ruckus and levelled a whole house off the ground after all. Hopefully you should be able to explain them what happened here, unless you wish to make a run for it and keep things private. You might have just enough time left to do that. The three mares haven’t woken up yet but can be transported safely.
  5285. >What do?
  5287. “The guards are aware of the disappearances, right?” You speak out to your companions who hear the hoofsteps too. “We should be able to talk this out, and we don’t even need to mention the club.”
  5288. “Of course.” Silver Willow nods. “Surely these good folks will not frown at the way we helped justice. I’ll make sure of that.”
  5290. You see the guards come close less that a minute later. There must be about 20 of them… which doesn’t look to be that much if you consider the forces on your side.
  5291. “Ah, hello to you!” Silver Willow suddenly steps out from the basement before the ponies in uniform can speak. The small battalion that was starting to deploy itself around the house takes a reflexive step back before having their jaw drop at the beautiful giant mare in front of them.
  5292. “It is a pleasure to meet you, officers!” The noble mare continues with a slight bow and an imperceptible sway of hips that causes her titanic assets to wobble slightly under her. “As adventurers, we managed to track down three missing mares that my friend is treating at the moment. You have our apologies for disturbing the calm of this neighbourhood at this hour, but we deemed this was necessary to make sure these mares were safe. I’ll let you make sure yourselves that I am telling the truth.”
  5293. And there, Silver Willow tells the guard the names of the mares that went missing, and invites them to call the father of Ebony Vine to confirm that this is his daughter and that he issued the request.
  5295. The guards are left speechless for a time, and with both Silver’s personable attitude and her physical presence, they end up doing as she says without many questions. While some of them remain with you, others go report to their superiors and a couple of them take it on themselves to go find Ebony Vine’s father.
  5297. By the time he arrives, Pear Plum managed to wake up the three mares. They look deeply dazed and all have one mean headache, but they should be fine according to Pear Plum. Still, when Ebony Vine’s father stumbles on the rubble to come and hug her, she looks relieved and happy.
  5299. After a few heart-warming minutes, the middle-aged stallion comes to you.
  5300. “Bless you adventurers. It looks like you’ve used…” He looks around a little uncomfortably at the giant mares and the ruined house around him. “…quite unorthodox methods, but my daughter is safe and back to me and this is all that counts. I’ll give you the payment as soon as you wish, but perhaps you’d accept to wait tomorrow morning so I may look after my daughter?”
  5301. “Of course.” Pear Plum nods. “I’m happy we could save Ebony Vine and the two other mares before anything. You don’t need to worry about the reward.”
  5302. “Hahaha!” The father laughs. “The adventurers who can say that as sincerely as you are rare, druid. But I’m not going to take you at your word there. Ponies like you deserve a compensation for your actions more than all else.”
  5304. Meanwhile, Silver Willow has been giving the guards her version of the event of the night. You tracked down a changeling to this house, but the creature fled when you found it in its lair. She makes no mention of the club, the orb, or of course how you attempted to fraternize with Night Fang. The guards listening to her already have a lot of trouble keeping their eye away from Silver’s massive cleavage, and do not dare to ask more questions to the mare that is still over10 feet tall.
  5306. The guards end up letting you go after about an hour. You all start to walk back to the inn. At this point, dawn will be in a couple more hours only, but you’ve succeeded in your quest!
  5308. >You levelled up and reached level 7!
  5309. >3’ have been added to your growth pool. You have 3’ in your growth pool.
  5310. >You gain the following ability:
  5311. >Lvl7: Tarot Growth: imbuing a deck of tarot with your magic, you may once per mare draw a random arcana for a willing mare. She permanently gains a growth bonus or ability depending on the arcana picked. You need to spend a foot from your growth pool to use this ability, but you may regain it later as the mare uses the ability. You discover the effect of each arcana upon drawing it for the first time.
  5313. “Uhm… Little Spoon?” Pear Plum sheepishly asks suddenly while you walk in the night. “When are we going to shrink down?”
  5314. Indeed, while you’ve stopped you inspiration a while ago, the size your mare companions gained from your countergrowth spell does not seem to be fading away. Night Sprout still stand at about 7’ tall, Silver Willow at 10 and Pear Plum at nearly 12.
  5315. “Oh, you did promise me you’d gain in power and that your growth would intensify ,Little Spoon, and you sure did not disappoint.” Silver proudly flicks her mane to the side. “This might take some time to get used to, but I sure do not dislike it.”
  5316. “Uhm.” Night Sprout nods. “This size is okay.”
  5318. >What do?
  5320. You wish you could experiment with your new ability right here and now, but you need to find a deck of tarot cards first. This shouldn’t be too hard or expensive, but you still need to wait for the stores to open.
  5322. “That is strange indeed.” You comment. “The growth should have lasted a dozen minutes at most, but the magic of fairies may have made it last longer. Perhaps it’ll last until the end of the day, or maybe it’s permanent this time.”
  5323. “Ah… Is that… is that true?” Pear Plum asks, looking rather worried.
  5324. “I wouldn’t know for sure to tell you the truth. But… is that an issue? I mean, your increased size hasn’t been a problem before, has it? Even the ponies from the village where you lifted a curse were glad an amazing druid like you helped them.”
  5325. “Haha… I guess so…” Pear Plum blushes slightly. “I guess this is still surprising to me. I feel like it’s strange to suddenly grow like this.” And to Silver Willow and Night Sprout. “But even you don’t seem phased by it even though this should be newer to you two, so now I’m feeling like I’m the weird one for feeling weird about it.”
  5327. “Pear Plum, dear, you don’t have to feel bad about this.” Silver says. “I enjoy flaunting myself, and Night Sprout here isn’t bound by our pony conventions, but of course a sensible pony like yourself wouldn’t be at ease with such an exposure to the public eye. But if I may say, I wished you disregarded whatever hearsay there might be bout you. You’re a strong mare with a heart of gold, and certainly the kind of pony I’d love to see many admire.”
  5328. “Ehm… Thank you Silver.” Pear Plum blushes and bows slightly in reaction to the noble mare’s compliments.
  5330. At this point, you’re back at the inn you planned to stay the night at. The barkeep is quite surprised when he sees the size his patrons grew to in a couple hours, but you all manage to squeeze yourselves to the room upstairs. Silver Willow, Pear Plum and Night Sprout each cover a wall of the room, but it’s quite nice to be able to sit inside for everypony regardless.
  5332. “Phew!” You sit next to Night Sprout. “Sounds like you have your first quest in the bag, Silver Willow. So what does it feel like to be an adventurer for real?”
  5333. “Oh, that was a thrill for sure!” The older mare giggle to herself. “From investigating, to meeting an old friend by chance and then facing this changeling together and saving the missing mares, this is everything I wanted! It really feels like I’m taking a turn in my life and that it is for the better!”
  5334. “I’m glad to hear so lady Silver Willow.” You comment. “I thank providence that we could meet again indeed. But if you don’t mind me asking, what have you been up to since we last met?”
  5336. “Well… there was a lot of stuff I needed to take care of, starting with Silver Oak.” Silver Willow sighs, as though she remembered something that wasn’t so pleasant. “You see, Rear Guard told me everything, Little Spoon. About the assassinations I mean.”
  5337. “Oh, uhm...” You find yourself taken aback. “I’ve been fine. With the help of my friends, I was able to take out the guy.”
  5338. “I figured so from how cheerful you were before we parted ways.” The noble mare nods. “Anyway, while I was furious and devastated upon learning this, I decided to not show anything about it at first. It turned out my husband was less clever that he thought, and I was able to find enough proofs of the deadly contracts he signed among the archives he kept. He’s in a jail where he belongs now, and of course our union is history. Despite everything, we could agree on passing on most of our assets to our daughter when the time is right for her, while somepony we trust will keep those safe in the meantime. So in the end, I spent most of that time arguing with lawyers and notaries as well as having some difficult talk with my daughter… so… I just hope that you three have more enjoyable stories to tell.”
  5339. “It sounds like you went through quite the troubles.” Pear Plum speaks. “I hope things will work out for you Silver Willow. Please tell us if we can be of any help.”
  5340. “Thank you, Pear Plum.” Silver nods with a little smile. “Thankfully, this is mostly behind me and I shouldn’t need your assistance. Anyway, I used the money I had left to gear up and now I believe I’m an adventurer for good.”
  5342. “That’s good to hear indeed.” You say. “But let me tell you about our own travels. We faced many foes together with Pear Plum already, and there are so many other of my companion I need to tell you about!”
  5344. And so you start to narrate the adventures you had. How you beat the devil who had cursed Fen Flower’s village at his own game. How you confronted Ulna’s clan and former master, then led the mares of the villages against the horde. How you went through the trials of the forest of the alpha along Pear Plum. Finally, you tell Silver Willow about your trip to the capital and how you met Night Sprout, and finish by telling Silver about the show you made by turning Fen Flower giant and the party for bigger mares you plan to host at the outskirts of the capital at the end of tomorrow. The noble mare of course openly likes the idea. Silver Willow also listened carefully all the tim you were talking, visibly delighted to hear about your adventures and hoping she could experience trials as exciting as you did.
  5346. While you make sure your heroics and the ones of your companions sound as great as possible, you do gloss over a few details like the twists in your relation with Fen Flower, as well as how exactly you befriended the fairies. Not that Silver Willow wouldn’t have been interested in every detail of that last bit, but Pear Plum was still listening…
  5348. Night Sprout fell asleep by the time you were talking about the forest of the alpha. At this point, the fairy shrank down to a little over 3 feet tall. It seems that while most of the growth will dissipate, 2’ of it will remain.
  5350. The first colours of dawn are starting to be visible through the window, and you’re all absolutely exhausted. Unless you have more things to ask your friends, you’re gonna turn in for what remains of the night.
  5351. And probably nestle yourself along Night Sprout against one of the two big mare in the room with you.
  5353. >What do?
  5355. Without anything more to share with your friends for now, you’re all glad to go to bed. Since at 10’ tall she takes two of those, you ask Silver if she’d accept to serve as yours for tonight. The noble mare is of course glad to let you nestle yourself again her chest and neck. While you’d wish to have some fun with her, with how tired you are and with your other companions nearby, you only keep it to a long and sensual goodnight kiss with Silver Willow for now.
  5357. You wake up the next day still next to Silver Willow, who has shrunk to a more manageable 6’ tall. You seem to be the first one to be awake, and already many thoughts start to pop in your mind.
  5359. Even if it’s nearly noon already, you have a lot to do today. You have a quest reward to claim and a party to organize for tomorrow. Maybe you could ask Silver Willow about inviting Whispersun, the singer mare from the Sweet Grape club! You also think about Fen Flower. Your friend and her party haven’t come back from their own adventure yet. Hopefully they’ll return today. You could even prepare your date with the huge alchemist mare for tonight that way! Hopefully Night Fang won’t choose that time to manifest herself again… if she ever comes back to you at all.
  5361. So much to do and so little time. You’re gonna have to set a few priorities here. First…
  5363. >A: Go fetch yourself a deck of cards so you may try out your new ability.
  5364. >B: Go collect your reward from the quest you solved yesterday.
  5365. >C: Go look for a suitable date with Fen Flower. Perhaps you can book it for tonight.
  5366. >D: No reason to be in a rush actually. How does Night Sprout feel been at a pony’s height? What about Silver’s new size? Pear Plum is now permanently 7’9’’. Perhaps she need some more boost in confidence.
  5368. The first order of the day shall be to collect your payment for your quest. Planning the date with Fen Flower is on your mind too, but knowing how are your finances exactly will help with that. Plus, maybe the father of Ebony Veil can give you some hints about where to go.
  5370. As you stir awake, Silver Willow to starts to come to. The noble mare turns her head to you and looks at you with half-lidded eyes and a calm smile.
  5371. “Good morning Little Spoon.” She purrs.
  5372. “Good morning, lady Silver Willow.” You whisper back. “Did you sleep well?”
  5373. “Well, I’m used to softer mattresses than this, but the feeling of waking up near a lovely little stallion has that beat by a mile at least.”
  5375. Slowly, the mare that is twice your height sits up before embracing you head in her arms and nonchalantly kissing you. You allow yourself to bask in her sweet smell, the softness of her lips and the taste of her tongue. Silver Willow keeps you against her for a minute of coos and soft moans, these impressive mammaries of hers brushing against your own belly.
  5377. Silver Willow lets go of you as you both start to hear your other friends waking up, leaving you flustered a little hard down there.
  5378. “I hope you don’t mind a tease.” Silver whisper and winks at you. “It only makes the release feel even better in my opinion.”
  5380. There, Silver Willow steps out of the bed to cheerfully wish a good morning to Night Sprout and Pear Plum.
  5381. Night Sprout is now permanently over 3’ tall, making her a few inches taller than you are. The fairy observes you intensely as you pass near her. Now she has to look down to see you in the eyes. Wile the fairy doesn’t say anything about this, she never thought ill of growth and is probably very fine with this shift of perspective, even if it means you won’t be able to carry her around from now on.
  5383. Meanwhile, with going from 5’9’’ to 7’9’’, Pear Plum definitely left the realm of simply being tall to reach extraordinary height. A regular pony would barely come up to her chest at this point. She doesn’t say anything about her height when Silver greets her, but you see the druid mare glance worriedly at the closer ceiling from time to time.
  5385. As you come downstairs to enjoy some breakfast, you talk about what you’re going to do today. Pear Plum will accompany you to get her share of the reward, and Night Sprout will come with you too. Meanwhile, Silver Willow will head to the Sweet Grape club to claim her own payment. Silver will probably look for you once she’s done on her side.
  5387. You head to the workshop owned by the father of Ebony Veil. As promised, the stallion gathered the reward and gladly hands it to you and Pear Plum.
  5389. >You and Pear Plum each gained 1000 GOLD
  5390. >You now have 1319 GOLD
  5392. “Again, you have my gratitude adventurers.” The father tells you again. “And I think my daughter wishes to thank you too.”
  5393. Indeed, the young earth mare has come to see you. She still looks tired, but is otherwise fine. However, you quickly realise she seems more interested in your druid companion than in the rest of your team.
  5395. “Yes. I can’t thank you enough for saving me.” The young mare says while looking up toward Pear Plum. “And for healing me too. You are truly a hero to me Pear Plum.”
  5396. “Hum… Thank you Ebony Vine.” The druid mare says while turning slightly red in the cheeks. “But really, we worked as a team. I don’t deserve all the credit.”
  5397. “Of course, but…” Ebony Vine too seems flustered about talking with the big druid mare. “I just want to tell you, Pear Plum, you really look so strong and kind at the same time. When you rescued me and that I saw you above me when I opened my eyes, I knew there was nothing to fear anymore. I have no words to say how glad I am to have been saved by a noble soul like yourself.”
  5398. “Ehm, th-thank you...” The druid mare repeats awkwardly.
  5400. >A: Perhaps Pear Plum could spend some time with Ebony Vine to make sure she’s recovering well.
  5401. >B: Ask the father if he knows a good place to take a make on a date. One that has high ceilings preferably.
  5402. >C: Thank the father and Ebony Vine then be on your way to search for a date on your own.
  5403. >D: Go buy a tarot deck and try your new ability on either Night Sprout or Silver Willow or another mare you may offer this to. You can offer it to Pear Plum but she may be convincing.
  5405. “How about Pear Plum stays here to look over Ebony Vine’s recovery?” You offer. “This isn’t a problem for you, right Pear Plum?”
  5406. “Well, uhm, I can do that yes…” The mare nods, still a little embarrassed.
  5407. “Ah, but I wouldn’t want to keep bothering you adventurers.” The father shakes his head “I’ve already called a doctor to-“
  5408. “Actually I’d feel better that way!” Ebony Vine argues. “Uhm, I mean, Pear Plum already showed she’s more than capable as a healer, and she’s seen what I’ve been through. She’s without a doubt the best to help me.”
  5409. “Well.” The father looks surprised, but not opposed to the idea. “If that’s what both of you want, I don’t see why not.”
  5410. “I’m sure we won’t regret it!” Ebony Vine says with an enthusiast bow, all traces of weariness gone from her at the moment.
  5412. While Pear Plum follows Ebony Vine to her room, the father accompanies you out of his workshop.
  5413. “One last thing, dear sir.” You say on the way. “I am in need of advice and I believe you could help. You see, I do not know the capital very well, but I am seeking a place where I could take out a lovely mare for a date tonight. Preferably a place that has high ceilings.”
  5414. “Ah, it is not lady Pear Plum I reckon? But another mare as tall as her?”
  5415. “Actually… make it double that!”
  5416. “Oh!” The stallions’ mouth remains agape in stupor for a second. “You’re dealing with quite the… impressive ladies, adventurer. Let me think a little… Aside from her prodigious size, what does this companion of yours like?”
  5418. “Well, she sure loves to make a show of herself. Sometimes she gets her fun by getting a bit… scandalous.”
  5419. “Mmh…” The stallion ponders. “I’ve heard rumours, about the night before, there was quite a wild gathering on the plaza involving size magic. Has this friend of yours, by any chance, been a part of this?”
  5420. “You’re spot on, sir.” You nod. “Though, I did not meet the lady there. I’ve promised her this night for a while actually.”
  5421. “I see.” He nods. “Anyway, I recommend the Crystal Palace for you. It’s a restaurant where your friend will have plenty of space to show herself. It’s expansive, but it’s the best place to wow a mare, and the patrons are usually part of the upper crust of city if your lady friend wants to make an impression on some big heads. And even if she’s not in the mood for that, who doesn’t like to be treated to a fancy place? Let me tell you, there’s no place fancier than the Palace in the whole kingdom.”
  5422. “I see. Thanks for the advice.” You say. And then the stallion gives you the directions to find the restaurant he described to you before bidding you and Night Sprout goodbye.
  5424. A fancy restaurant might be a bit generic, but maybe that’s what Fen Flower will expect too? Should you go book an evening for two or attempt to find something better?
  5425. That would cross on item on your to-do list of today. Also, you should be able to purchase a deck of tarot on the way. It won’t cost much and will only take a minute.
  5427. >What do?
  5429. “Do you think I could still make a reservation a little later today?” You ask the father before leaving. “Or does this place fill up too quickly?”
  5430. “You should be alright even if you go without a reservation.” He answers. “As the name says, the Palace has some space to spare. They host some of the biggest social events of the year for the richest folks of the city, and at these times you better have your place booked a couple weeks early. Since there’s nothing of the sort going on tonight, you should be fine.”
  5431. “I see. Thank you.”
  5432. That means you may still try to find something better for the date if you have the chance. Maybe Silver Willow could give you some advice too? But really, if you tell her you’re looking to set up a date, you’re gonna get the same kind of answer. Restaurant, dancing club, casino… the classics in a word. If you wish to plan something out of the ordinary for Fen Flower, you’ll have to figure out at least a general idea yourself first. There’s versatile wizards, eccentric adventurers, artisans emeritus and plenty of ponies to potentially hire in the capital for this. But you’ll need to think about something different yourself if you want to place a special order.
  5434. “Also, I know this might be none of my business…” You had one last thing you wanted to ask before leaving. “…But you’re aware of the reason why your daughter wanted Pear Plum to care for her, right?”
  5435. “Ah, don’t worry.” The father chuckles and winks at you. “Your friend is worthy of admiration indeed, but I believe that after a few days Ebony is will realise becoming an adventurer is probably not her calling. Or at least she’ll give it a more reasonable thought.”
  5436. You open your mouth to correct him, but as you said, this is none of your business.
  5437. “Alright. Thank you again.” You say. “It was a pleasure.”
  5438. “Goodbye bard.” The father nods. “Please come again if you ever need anything.”
  5440. After that, you manage to buy a deck of tarot to use your ability for 1 gold.
  5442. >A: Go book a table for two at the crystal palace. Even if you add more to the date, a fine dinner is a good start in all cases.
  5443. >B: You wonder if you can think of something else or something more for this date [input idea]
  5444. >C: If you want to find Fen Flower, you can probably go look around the adventurer’s guild.
  5445. >D: Try out your Tarot Growth on Night Sprout. You could easily find Silver Willow too, and Fen Flower would definitely love that kind of greeting. [input target(s)]
  5447. You think about growing Night Sprout with your new ability… but perhaps you should save it for the three other mares you know. You’re not sure at the moment, and no mare shall grow while you remain indecisive.
  5449. However, what you could decide on was to book a table for two at the Crystal Palace. While you may still add ideas for the date, this will be a good start. The Palace is near the very center of the city, not far from the castle and other prestigious establishments like the royal theatre and the cathedral.
  5451. While the desk mare eyes the commoner that you are a little suspiciously as you make the reservation, she remains polite and merely informs you of the range of prices they have in here. A regular pony would need to spend around 5 gold to get a full course. So a meal for a pony the size of Fen Flower will definitely put a dent in your finances, especially should she order herself a barrel of fine wine or two.
  5453. Which is why you decide to go sell the orc jewellery you still have. You manage to get 100 gold for these.
  5454. >You have 1418 GOLD
  5456. After that, you head for the adventurer’s guild where you hope to find Fen Flower. And you’re in luck, as the alchemist mare quickly comes into view. All 15, toned yet buxom feet of her. From her content look and the ones of her companions that you recognize near her, their quest must have been a success too.
  5458. “Lady Fen Flower!” You call as you approach them. The group perks up, and Fen’s smile widens as she sees you. “Good to see you! I take it your mission was a triumph.”
  5459. “Hello Little Spoon.” Fen chimes. “Indeed, we got rid of the pests alright, it was a cakewalk with how big I am thanks to you.”
  5460. “A cakewalk…” Slyweave the rogue elf chuckles. “That’s one way to say you trampled dozens of grenskins to death, Fen.”
  5461. “Eh. ‘could have used some more challenge.” Sky Slash adds with a huff. “But I’m not gonna spit on easy coins.”
  5463. “That’s good to hear!” you keep your smile up despite being unsure whether you’d have liked to see your giantess mare friend in a bloody, one-sided battle. “We were able to complete our own quest, which means you and I shall go on a date tonight, lady Fen Flower!”
  5464. “Oh, that’s wonderful!” Fen’s smile grows, and her eyes widen in excitement for a second. “I planned to go do some shopping for a new adventurer outfit while I’m not ‘too’ large yet, but now I’m going to need a dress too! Do you want to accompany me Little Spoon, or shall I keep it a surprise for tonight?”
  5466. >What do?
  5468. “I’d love it if you made it a surprise for me lady Fen Flower.” You answer. “I shall find something nice to wear on my own myself. But before we part ways, you should know I recently learned a new trick.”
  5469. “You did?” You see an excited glimmer in the huge mare’s eyes, as she seems to know what’s next.
  5470. “Indeed.” You pull out your deck of card. “Would allow me to see what the future holds for you? Which new heights shall you reach next?”
  5471. “Go for it Little Spoon!” She answers, and after shuffling the deck, you draw a card…
  5473. >ROLL 1d22 ONCE
  5474. [spoiler]It should be 1d22 -1 to have a 0 to 21 range, but since I think there’s no way to do a ‘-1’ in rolls, then the fool will be or a roll of 22[/spoiler]
  5476. “The Wheel of Fortune!” You announce, and as the knowledge magically fills your mind… “Chance may be fickle, but at times of growth, its boon may manifest many times to you!”
  5478. >Wheel of fortune: every time she would grow, the mare has a 25% chance to grow thrice as much instead. This result lasts until the end of the day for the same temporary growth effect, such as bardic inspiration. Recover 1’ to your growth pool the first time the mare receives triple growth two times in a row.
  5480. “Mmh? That sounds interesting.” Fen Flower sounds intrigued. “Then I hope you have some growth scheduled for tonight.”
  5481. “You know it, lady Fen Flower!” You smile at the huge mare. “I’m convinced it’ll look great on you.”
  5482. Getting an outfit at her size won’t be easy, but at least if Fen wears it while she grows it will still be a fit to her after. You think about giving Fen more money to buy clothes, but since you’ll probably be paying for the date and that you need fancy clothes of your own, you do not go that way. Plus, Fen did receive her own payment for her quest.
  5484. “Then it’s settled!” You state. “I’ll write down the address of the inn we stay at so we may meet there. How about at 6?”
  5485. “That sounds perfect. I can’t wait Little Spoon!” Fen Flower giggles, and there her big head descends to place an equally big smooch on your snoot.
  5486. “There’ll be much more of that if the date goes well…” The alchemist mare adds mischievously. “See you later!”
  5487. You part ways at this point. That leaves you with Night Sprout as the quest companions of Fen Flower decided to celebrate their payment with some drinks while you were talking about this date.
  5489. Still, you wished you could have something more to offer Fen Flower tonight, and perhaps you have an idea to discover something.
  5491. “Lady Night Sprout. I need your assistance.” You tell the fairy that is now permanently a few inches taller than you, and that has remained silent for quite a while as she tagged alongside you. “I need you to help me find something more for my date with Fen Flower, something out of the ordinary, an exotic activity maybe? A rare sight in the capital? How about this. Let’s look around town, and we’ll go check the places you think will be fun. What do you say?”
  5493. Night Sprout looks at you blankly for a second.
  5494. “So you want to go on a mock date with me?” She asks. “Do I need to buy a dress too?”
  5496. That is not what you said… but it should work too? But does it feel okay to you to play that kind of pretend with your fairy friend, or do should you talk this out with her a little more?
  5498. >What do?
  5499. >Use Tarot Growth on Night Sprout? (Y/N)
  5501. You have 2’ left you in growth pool
  5503. [spoiler]>Speaking of Tarot Growth, it says we can use it on each mare once. Are we allowed to use tarot growth again on them once they fully used up their ability, or are they no longer able to receive anything again?[/spoiler]
  5504. [spoiler]It is once unless noted otherwise[/spoiler]
  5506. “Do you know what a date is, lady Night Sprout?” You ask your fairy friend.
  5507. “I heard about it.” She nods a little clumsily. “Flower Sprite taught us I remember. Many moons ago, a couple of townsfolks wanted to hold their date near our village in the forest.”
  5508. “Alright.” You remember Flower Sprite, the fairy that you mostly spoke with back at the forest. “But can you tell me what a date is with your own words lady Night Sprout?”
  5509. “A date is…” The tall fairy sounds a little hesitant. “When two ponies that like each other… with the kind of ‘like’ where they could become husband and wife later, and they want to have fun together.”
  5511. “Mmh.” You nod. “I suppose fairies don’t have dates, do they? Do you even have relationships with other fairies or other races?”
  5512. “We are like sisters.” Night Sprout explains before slightly going back on her words. “Flower Sprite once told us that you ponies felt about your brothers and sister like we think about each other. I haven’t seen pony sisters yet, so… do you think Flower Sprite is right?”
  5513. “That makes sense to me.” You nod. “So there’s definitely no dates between fairies.”
  5514. “That’s true.” Night Sprout nods. “And even with ponies, I never heard about a fairy going on a date either.” she admits. “But… going on a date sounds fun. I’d like to try one.”
  5516. >What do?
  5518. “Alright then. We have until six so you may experience what a date is, lady Night Sprout!” You announce. “Also, a date is used for ponies to get to know each other, making your date feel special and see if they’re compatible. Are you still interested?”
  5519. The fairy hesitates for a couple seconds before showing you a resolute nod.
  5520. “Yes. I’ll do my best.”
  5522. “Righteous then lady Night Sprout!” You smile at your unexpected date. “Let us visit a tailor first. We both need to look our best for this first date.”
  5523. And so, you grab the lithe mare’s hoof before gently pulling her through the streets. Night Sprout lets herself be guided by you, and occasionally leans to you and gently brushes her side against you own or her cheek against you head.
  5525. “You know lady Night Sprout, I’ve always wanted to learn more about you since you joined our party, and I believe this is the perfect time. So how long had you been living in the forest?”
  5526. “Since the beginning, and until I joined you.” The fairy answers, matter-of-factly. “It’s been many, many moons. I’ve seen adult mares and stallions who treaded in the forest get old, and then their daughters walk along them and become adults too.”
  5527. You attempt to do the math in your head. The fairy’s description is quite vague and could reasonably mean something between 40 and 80 years. But considering how time passes for fairies, that gives you no indication whether your friend is actually young or old…
  5528. “Soooo… That means you’re an adult fairy, right?” You decide to simply ask out.
  5529. “There are no filly fairies, and we do not age like ponies.” Night Sprout answers. “But of my village, I’m the second youngest.”
  5531. “I see. That still means you’ve been among your fairy peers in the forest for a long time.” You nod “What do you usually play in there? How do you spend the time?”
  5532. “We rustle the leaves.” This time Night Sprout answers readily. “Welcome the sun, bloom the flowers and sprout the seeds. Sometimes we also decay what needs to be. This is almost all of what we do while we’re on our own, which can go for whole moons uninterrupted.”
  5533. “That sounds quite… plain?” You comment. “I mean, no offence of course, but for a pony to imagine doing such things to months on end, they would become bored just thinking about it.”
  5534. “I’ve only ever been bored since I left the forest. It feels very fulfilling to be a part of its harmony.” Night Sprout states, before hurriedly adding. “But everything I discover now is much more intense than back home.”
  5536. “That’s good to hear. So what's your favourite memory now?”
  5537. This time the fairy seems to hesitate for a second, not out of embarrassment, but as though this was a real dilemma to her.
  5538. “When Ebony Veil was in her father’s arms.” She answers. “When you saved her with Silver Willow and Pear Plum, and then her father came and they were reunited. It felt… I don’t know how to say it. I was… relieved? Excited? It was more intense that anything I knew before.”
  5539. “You have me surprised, lady Night Sprout.” You comment. “You sure didn’t show much of this at the time.”
  5540. “Sorry.”
  5541. “Ah, that wasn’t a reproach of course, haha…” You shake your head. “And also, let me remind you that you had your part in saving lady Ebony Veil.”
  5542. “No. I was really scared.” The fairy says. “The night before that, the ponies that caught me were really scary, but Night Fang looked even scarier to me, even if I was bigger. If all of you weren’t next to me, I would have run. So when it was over, and we were all safe, I was very happy too.”
  5544. “If it is our friendship that gives you the courage to face danger, let me tell you that you walk the path of the heroes of legends.” You try to reassure Night Sprout. “And since you’re saying yourself that the memory was worth it, I have no doubt you’ll grow to understand it too. But I should stop bothering you with that. So next, do you have any passion, lady Night Sprout? Something you really like doing in particular?”
  5545. The fairy ponders before answering.
  5546. “No.”
  5547. “No? really? How did you earn your cutie mark then?”
  5548. “Earn?” The mare tilts her head quizzically.
  5549. “We ponies are born with a blank flank.” You explain. “And when we find our real passion in life, our marks manifest in a flash and show it to the world. It is something important for us.”
  5550. “I had no idea. These bells…” The fairy points at her own rump. “Are what I am from. Magic came to a rest in our grove inside such flowers, and eventually I came to be.”
  5552. “I see…” You nod. Many aspects of the lives of fairies seem unthinkable to ponies like you. Since she left the forest, Night Sprout has been living like a pony, but in her home, she was closer to being a spirit of nature than a mortal like yourself from what you understand. That makes you again worry for a second that bringing her along you might have been a mistake, but looking up at her and her purple eyes fixating you, you remember she just basically asked you to go on a date with her. This would not have been possible if Night Sprout hadn’t decided to leave her home.
  5553. “Anyway, it feels like I’ve been putting you to the question here.” You say. “Sorry if I made it uncomfortable to you.”
  5554. “It’s okay.” Night Sprout nods. “I… don’t really like talking, but right now I’m happy I’ve been talking.”
  5555. “I see, anyway, how about I take this burden from you, then? Ask away lady Night Sprout. I’ll answer everything you want to know.”
  5556. “Hm.” She nods. “Then… How long have you been living? And what do you usually play? And what is your favourite memory? And do you have any passion?”
  5558. You chuckle in reaction.
  5559. Well, you guess it is rather fair for the fairy to demand you answer your own question. Now, you can certainly tell her about your young days at your hobbit village and in bard school, as well as your passion for big mares, music, and how you’ve tied the two. Your favourite memory though? It is certainly something that happened since you began your adventures. But you’re not sure what exactly.
  5561. Also, you’ve found a tailor that can sell you some fancy clothes at this point, and far away from the direction Fen Flower went toward so the tenant may not wonder what the same stallion may be doing with two different mares. You may pick an outfit for Night Sprout yourself while you keeping talking with her. Also, you can expect Night Sprout to be indecisive about which outfit to pick, so if you give her your opinion, she’ll surely go with it. There’s a selection you may pick from.
  5562. And for you… A tuxedo? Something more relaxed with a shirt and sleeveless jacket? Something more eccentric? There’s a gold-coloured suit with a matching hat for sale. Or there’s this one which look like a dark blue mariner’s uniform with red seams. With no military ranks on it of course! The outfits all have similar prices.
  5564. >What do you answer Night Sprout?
  5565. >Which clothes for yourself? Either: Tuxedo. Relaxed. Eccentric. Uniform.
  5566. >Which clothes for Night Sprout? Let her decide?
  5568. [spoiler]I have no idea why I can’t stop calling this mare Ebony Veil while it’s supposed to be Ebony Vine and it’s terrible[/spoiler]
  5570. “Have you decided which outfit you prefer, lady Night Sprout?” You ask your fairy friend.
  5571. “Hmm…” She ponders. “No. I think they are all pretty.”
  5572. “Well, then I have to admit you look even more beautiful with the blouse and skirt, or in the green dress to me. But really, choose the one you want. Which one are you the most comfortable in lady Night Sprout?”
  5573. “Mmm...” The fairy ponders for a second again, before pointing at the first outfit. “Can I have this one then?”
  5574. “Of course!” You nod.
  5576. As for yourself, you’re hesitating between the tuxedo and some more traditional bard outfit with a jerkin and poofy pants. The fashion for adventuring may not be the same than the one for attending social events in a capital city, but after what’s basically a mental coinflip, you decide to go for the more eccentric of the two choices. You also find a feather for your hat that’s twice as big as before.
  5578. >You lost 50 gold for both outfits
  5579. > You have 1368 GOLD
  5581. “You look very beautiful Little Spoon.” Night Sprout plainly tells you as you both come out of the shop wearing what you bought.
  5582. “Aw, thank you my lady” You bow slightly “But I don’t think I can compare to you still, at least according to my preferences. Anyway, how about we grab something to eat before I can answer all your questions about me?”
  5584. Even if it’s nearly two o’clock, you manage to find a takeaway lunch to snack on, one delicious-smelling honey and pea pie for each of you. You bring it in one of the parks of the capital, where you find a bench in front of a fountain.
  5586. While you eat, you narrate the adventures of little Little Spoon to Night Sprout. Your peaceful hobbit village, the games you played with the other boys and what having parents and being a colt was like. The fairy asks about your cutie mark in particular, so you tell her about that fateful day one young and pretty earth pony came to your village’s yearly baking contest, and how much it opened your eyes about your passion for bigger mares.
  5587. “I almost feel a little bad for her.” You chuckle. “In hindsight, she was merely being nice to the young teen that I were, and she had no intend to launch me on the path that brought me to my bard school. At the time it happened, she thought the spoons of my marks were about baking. I didn’t have the courage to tell her the truth even though I had it figured out myself, especially since she was eager to teach me a few recipes of her.”
  5589. Syrupan was her name. You never met this mare again, and you’ve genuinely moved on from this teen crush. Still, thinking about your youth makes you wonder what became of her for a second.
  5590. Now, you’re already in a date with Night Sprout before your other date with another mare, so you’re not gonna dwell too much on your memories of yet another one.
  5592. You tell Night Sprout about the school where you learned your trade. There weren’t many students there, for the teaching were niche. The majority of your comrades didn’t even plan to go on adventures, the singing and basic inspiration being enough for their taste, and quests sounding too dangerous for little halflings. Still, you remember spending some good time with these colts that shared your passion.
  5593. “But what do you think about it, lady Night Sprout?” You ask. “About the fact I fancy growing mares. This is quite atypical in the mind of most ponies, but what about you?”
  5594. “I think… I though I understood before.” She says. “I thought it was like us fairies who enjoy to live through the growth of trees and plants. Although, I saw immediately with how you played with the other fairies that your enjoyment is more intense and through shorter period. Now I’m starting to see other nuances too, and I feel like it has something to do with dates somehow.”
  5595. “I’m not sure I could put better words on it myself.” You say. “But generally speaking, does that mean you’re fine with the idea of growing yourself?”
  5596. “Grow me as much as you wish Little Spoon.” Night Sprout states. “Each change of size makes for yet another new world to discover. I enjoy it very much.”
  5598. Hearing these words from a mare instantly lifts your spirits. You have a second date scheduled with a 15-feet-plus mare after this, but your day has already been made.
  5599. “A-anyway, if I had to choose my favourite memory, it has to be when Pear Plum came to my rescue while we were investigating the village Fen Flower had taken over.” You say, to move on to another subject. “You were glad when we rescued Ebony Vine, right? Now imagine what it’s like to be the rescue-ee. I was fearing for my life, tied up in a dark basement, my captors threatening to torture me… and suddenly Pear burst out of the door and beat up the evil mares to save me. If I hadn’t been into bigger ladies before, I would have definitely embraced it at this moment.”
  5600. And at this point, you realize you’ve been talking about yet another mare during your date. You can certainly thank Night Sprout for being atypical, because any other mare would have inflicted a well-deserved slap on your face by now.
  5602. Instead, the fairy looks pensive for a little while, looking at her lap. She brushes off the last crumbs that remains of her meal, and then...
  5603. “Do you think I could be more like Pear Plum?” The fairy asks. “I want to make other ponies feel safe. And I want to not be afraid of bad ponies. And have other ponies like me too.”
  5604. “W-well, I would tell you to ask Pear Plum about it, but she would certainly say she doesn’t deserve such praise and doesn’t know how to do such things.”
  5605. “Yes. She would say that.” The fairy acknowledges your thought.
  5607. Night Sprout gets lost in her thoughts again for a few seconds. When she perks up, she shifts closer to you, and gently starts to hug you, bringing you against herself and so your head may rest under her chin. The lithe mare is warm against you, and her coat and blouse are two pleasant kinds of soft.
  5608. “Do you feel safe, Little Spoon?” The mare that is 6’’ taller than you whispers. “Does it feel like when Pear Plum is keeping you safe? How far am I from it?”
  5610. >What do?
  5612. “Yes, I feel safe.” You answer with a chuckle as you hug back the fairy. “But, oh invincible protector, what are you shielding me from?”
  5613. “Mmh…” The fairy ponders. “I am protecting you from everything I believe.”
  5614. “Good then.” You nuzzle you head against Night Sprout’s neck as you nod. “Just wanting to protect others is enough to make most ponies feel safe around you, and we’ll be here to help you gain the strength and confidence to back up your desires.”
  5615. “So… it is not like Pear Plum yet I guess.”
  5616. “Ah, sorry.” You whisper. “I shouldn’t have brought up Pear Plum. I even told you a date was supposed to make the other feel special, and yet I made you self-conscious about somepony else.”
  5618. “I told you about her first.” The fairy replies. “And I’ll protect you from being sorry too.”
  5619. “All is well, then.” You chuckle again with you muzzle against her coat. “But really, you’re special in your own way Night Sprout, and I want you to know it. You can do you own thing, and if it makes you uncomfortable, you don’t have to move this relationship as fast as a pony would.”
  5621. “I know I don’t have to.” Night Sprout states, and she hugs you a little tighter. “I want to try it.”
  5622. The fairy withdraws her head slightly from yours soon after that, and a few seconds after you perk up to look into the purple eyes of the fairy, she slowly moves in for a kiss.
  5624. This isn’t the first time. That would be before you even went to the capital and that Night Sprout had consumed the remnant of one of Fen Flower’s alchemic experiments. Her touch is less urgent this time, less fevered, but you recognize the sweet hints of violet of the fairy’s taste. Night Sprout doesn’t force herself upon you, carefully exploring the feeling of you with her lips and tongue, often retreating to breathe for a few seconds before coming back for more.
  5626. The fairy gently caresses your back with her hooves the whole time as you make out in silence. You feel her heartrate and the warmth of her body against yours rise slightly, and her wings buzz slightly in elation whenever your lips meet again.
  5628. “I feel very compatible with you right now, Little Spoon.” Night Sprout states after a couple minutes of this, still embracing you. “Does that mean the date is going well?”
  5630. >A: Ask Night Sprout if she wants to try out a higher perspective, or maybe get some privacy to experiment further than a kiss.
  5631. >B: Maybe your date could still find a fun place like you first intended to. See if she’s still up for it.
  5632. >C: Proceed with the date. Night Spout was knocked out when you arrived at the capital. Perhaps you could have an aerial tour of it with her.
  5633. >D: You have more stuff you want to talk with Night Sprout before anything else.
  5635. “I’d say it is.” You let out a heated chuckle. “Now, where would you like to go next? I’m up for anything you want, lady Night Sprout.”
  5636. “Let me think.” The fairy says, before embracing you once more.
  5638. “We could go an aerial tour of the city.” You offer after a minute of silence. “I feel a bit bad that you were knocked out when we arrived here. Or we could look for another fun place to discover together. And if you’re okay with this, I could help you grow to new heights right now, or we could even get some privacy and experiment further than a kiss.”
  5640. “Mmm.” Night Sprout ponders. “We can do the aerial tour. But if you grow me, we won’t need any cart and it will be just the two of us, which is better. I want to carry you for a change Little Spoon. And can you do the card thing to me too? The one you did with Fen Flower?”
  5641. “I’d be happy to oblige Lady Night Sprout.” You nod, and as the tall fairy releases you, you bring out your deck of cards. “Let us see what kind of growth the future holds for you…”
  5643. >ROLL 1d22 ONCE
  5646. [spoiler]It should be 1d22 -1 to have a 0 to 21 range, but since I think there’s no way to do a ‘-1’ in rolls, then the fool will be on a roll of 22[/spoiler]
  5648. “The Fool!” You announce as the knowledge of the arcana appears in your mind. “Bearer of new beginnings. Your path has only begun, and already limitless possibilities of growth lie before you.”
  5649. “What does it mean?” The fairy quizzically tilts her head to the side.
  5650. “It means we are not quite done with card reading.” You take your deck of cards and put them all before you to make a choice.
  5652. >0: The Fool: You choose two cards from the deck other than the fool and the world, whether you’ve discovered their effects or not. The mare may randomly pick one from these two and receive its effect from Tarot Growth.
  5654. >Pick two cards among the tarot arcana.
  5655. >Let Night Sprout pick the two card she wants to choose randomly from.
  5657. After hesitating a little, you decide that Night Sprout shall choose between The Lovers and The Moon.
  5658. You present the two cards face down to her.
  5660. >ROLL 1D2 ONCE
  5661. >1 = The Lovers
  5662. >2 = The Moon
  5664. “The Lovers!” You announce. “The union of two souls! Love grows like a flower between them, blossoming stronger and more beautiful every day!”
  5666. >The Lovers: The mare grows 2’ bigger when another pony interacts romantically or sexually with her. This may happen up to once each day and up to 20’. The growth is reset if either the mare or her current partner interacts romantically or sexually with another partner. You recover a foot for your growth pool the first time the mare reaches 6 additional feet.
  5668. From what you understand, a kiss or simply moving on with the date should be enough to make the fairy grow a first time. If you add your inspiration, it should be alright for Night Sprout to carry you around, even in the air.
  5669. “This card…” Night Sprout speaks up. She sounds a little hesitant right now. “Does that mean the two of us are lovers now?”
  5671. >What do?
  5672. >Which inspiration to use if any?
  5674. Dang it! Why did your own magic have to bring up the topic of commitment all of a sudden? Why couldn’t The Lovers have been about growing Night Sprout… by flirting with as much big mares as possible?! You wonder if there’s a card like that…
  5676. “Not necessarily, but I believe the card is giving you the choice on that.” You answer Night Spout regardless. “But every couple of lovers need to take their time. Many ponies need a long time and several dates to become sure of the answer, and you need to have your own answer too.”
  5677. Night Sprout looks to the side, and clops her hooves on the ground anxiously.
  5679. “So, are the two of us lovers? I… I don’t know.” Night Sprout says. “Part of me says yes, but…”
  5680. “Then let us continue our date, lady Night Sprout.” You offer. “This is precisely what I meant when I said there is need to take time. You don’t have to find an answer right away, especially if it makes you uncomfortable. Your feelings will sort themselves out. In the meantime, nothing wrong will happen if we enjoy the rest of our day, right?”
  5681. The fairy stares at you in silence for a few second while you smile back at her. Night Sprout then lets out a sigh of relief.
  5683. “Umm.” Night Sprout nods. “Let us continue the date. Allow me to carry you around the city.”
  5684. Instantly, Night Sprout grow 2’ bigger, her clothes going along with her and the fairy lets out a little moan of surprise.
  5685. “Looks like I already said yes…” You chuckle. “But let me make it easier for you lady Night Sprout.”
  5686. There you start your inspiration to make the fairy grow to over 8’ tall, and increasing her constitution. This should make it easier for her to carry you around for a while… as well as to give you better footing on her. While adapting, that skirt of Night Sprout just began showing some way rounder forms on the derriere of the mare.
  5688. “I think being carried around is really nice.” Night Sprout says as she lies down to allow you to climb on her back. “Do you want me to have a bag so I may carry you inside sometimes?”
  5689. “Maybe you should wait until you’re that size to good.” You reply as you straddle the mare. As lithe as she may be, at her size both her neck and body feel like soft tree-trunks against you. “I do intend that you reach that point eventually.”
  5690. “Sounds good.” Night Sprout replies, before taking flight.
  5692. You quickly elevate above the houses, the wings of Night Sprout buzzing next to your hind legs.
  5693. “There really is a lot of you ponies.” Night Sprout points out upon witnessing the area covered by the city. Before you, lies the heart of the capital. A huge cluster of houses and buildings built mostly in clear white stone, circled by walls of the same colour. Through the streets there could be thousand of ponies that you can see, and that’s only what’s in the wide one inside the inner wall. The capital stretches way beyond those with narrower streets of buildings of lesser materials, then another wall, then cottages, and then homesteads stretching nearly to the horizon.
  5695. Obviously, compared the villages near her forest and her own home, this is quite the settlement Night Sprout sees. As she takes in the immensity of the capital, you find yourself getting pensive too. While the question of commitment to a relationship has taken form in Night Sprout’s mind for the first time, you too find yourself dwelling on it a little. You really like Night Sprout, enough to dream of a relationship with her, but alas, there are several mares for which you could say the same. You have a date with Fen Flower later today for crying out loud! And even then, you haven’t given up on meeting new mares to grow either.
  5697. “Is there a big mare in the castle?”
  5698. Night Sprout takes you out of your thoughts. Right now, there’s the white castle of the capital on your left. You’re flying high enough you’re at the level of the highest towers of the dungeon.
  5699. “I know ponies have king and queen that live in big castles.” The fairy adds “But is the castle so big because the king and queen are really big themselves? Is that why you wanted to visit the capital Little Spoon?”
  5701. >What do?
  5702. >What to talk about with Night Sprout?
  5703. >What do after the aerial tour?
  5705. “Unfortunately, I doubt there’s any big mare in this castle.” You answer with a bit of a chuckle. “No, I wanted to come the capital to discover new things, not unlike why you came out of your forest, lady Night Sprout.”
  5706. “This is the first time you’re here too?” The fairy asks.
  5707. “It is.” You nod. “Lots of different ponies come to this capital. From all over the country, but also beyond that. You can find almost anything in here. That was already exciting to me, and I was also lucky enough to meet a friend of mine in here too.”
  5708. “Hum. Silver Willow seem like a nice pony.”
  5710. “Anyway, if you’re wondering why the castle is so big, it’s because they need room for storage and defence.” You explain. “This is also to show off the wealth and prestige of this country to the other ones.”
  5711. “So all the courtiers haves castles that big?” Night Sprout asks. “How many of them do you ponies have?”
  5712. “There are many countries in the world” You reply. “But royal castle like this once? There must a little more than a dozen that can compare, with a couple that that must be WAY bigger than this one and that I’ve only heard about. We’re not in the biggest or the strongest country of the world right now. Also, there’s are many other fortresses like that in the world to. They wouldn’t be as pretty as they would be for defence mostly, but there could very well be hundreds of castles this size in the world.”
  5714. “Hundreds…” Night Sprout ponders. “Huh. You ponies sure like showing off.”
  5715. “You mean you wouldn’t build a castle if you were a queen?” You ask. “Alright lady Night Sprout, what would you do if you were Queen Night Sprout, that this castle was your house, and that all the ponies of the country would obey you? Let’s say you were also big enough this castle would be a regular house to you.”
  5717. “No idea.” She answers. “I know pony queens have to order other ponies around, but I haven’t seen any queen order us around. I guess I would just order all the ponies to keep being nice. And for Night Fang, I would have ordered her to be much, much nicer. And if I were this big maybe she would have listened.”
  5718. “That sounds good actually.” You chuckle again. “You really have what it takes to be a wonderful queen, lady Night Sprout. But that makes me wonder, do you fairies follow a leader like ponies would? Flower Sprite definitely looked like she was a leader by pony standards.”
  5719. “Flower Sprite knows more, and she speaks better.” Night Sprout says. “She’s been around longer than any of us. It seems obvious we should listen to what she says. Does that make her a leader?”
  5720. “Again, by pony standards, definitely.” You nod. “Many ponies leaders are leaders because of similar reasons. In fact, there’s so much of us ponies that our leaders also have leaders, who themselves have leaders, and so on until there’s the king and queen who lead us all, and they can speak with the royals of other countries too.”
  5721. “So it’s like that?” Night Sprout throws a glance back at you. “That’s interesting. I can see what is a queen a little better I think. Your queen must one really impressive mare then.”
  5723. There, Night Sprout decides she’d like the see the castle from a little closer, but some pegasus guards come to intercept you before you can object. They politely ask you to go elsewhere. Instead, you decide to head for the buildings near the walls of the castle. The cathedral offers a roof where you can land among pigeons, doves and gargoyles, as well as some other pegasus tourists. Night Sprout gets especially curious about the statues and asks you about it. As it quickly becomes apparent that your knowledge about the god of life that is worshipped here is far from perfect, Night Sprout invites you to ride her again before making a trip to the library. You should definitely think about getting the big fairy a bag to carry you in as she mentioned earlier.
  5725. “We’ve been here with Pear Plum yesterday when we wanted to learn about changelings.” Night Sprout says as you go through the tall sheeves of well-preserved tomes of knowledge. “You ponies love writing. I like it. I’m sure we can learn more about these gargoyles and the cathedral and the god here.”
  5727. It is quite unusual for a date to end into browsing theological texts, but myths end epics do make for good enough reads. You borrow some of the books to read them out loud outside, and soon end up again on a bench in a park. This time though, you’re nestled between the front hooves of the 8’ Night Sprout with a book in front of both on you. You both read the same lines, with Night Sprout asking questions form times to time. You have the answer some times, and Night Sprout promises herself to find the answers herself when you don’t.
  5728. “I’ll be teaching you stuff about ponies too.” Night Sprout proudly states.
  5730. While you chuckle, you also start to wonder how to end the date. It’s around 5 already, and you might need to take a break before following up with Fen Flower’s date
  5732. >A: Tell your date that you will need to go soon. Ask Night Sprout what she thought about the date.
  5733. >B: Kiss Night Sprout again, and ask her if she wants to get some privacy for more.
  5734. >C: Keep reading with Night Sprout some more until your really have to go with Fen Flower.
  5735. >D: Ask Night Sprout how she wants the date to end.
  5737. “Lady Night Sprout, I’m afraid it will be time for this date to end soon.” You say. “While we still have a moment, is there anything you’d like to do in particular?”
  5739. “Already? Are you sure you want to go with Fen Flower?” The fairy sheepishly asks
  5740. “Ah, I’m afraid I must commit to my words indeed.” You nod. “But we may have other dates later if you want, and maybe you wish to end this one with a bang. Do you have any request for this bard? Maybe you want us to get a little more intimate?”
  5741. “I’d rather save that for another date.” Night Sprout replies, crossing her arms in front of her to hug you. “That way I can be sure you’ll come again soon enough.”
  5742. “Can I take it that this date was as pleasant for you as it was for me?”
  5743. “It was a lot of fun yes.” You feel Night Sprout nod above you. “I’m looking forward for the next one.”
  5744. “We still have a bit of time.” You say, escaping the embrace of the large fairy to look at her in the eyes. “Let’s forget about what comes next and enjoy what we have now.”
  5746. Steadying yourself by gently placing your front hooves on the fairy’s neck, you kiss the lovely Night Sprout again. Now nearly three times your size, the fairy is careful not to be forceful on you, but her taste is sweet all the same.
  5747. You keep reading with for a little longer before you decide to go. You have about 20 minutes if you want to do some last-minute preparation for the date Fen Flower, and then you’ll need to go meet her.
  5749. >Are you ready to meet Fen Flower?
  5751. You simply use the time you have left to get some respite before your evening with Fen Flower. When the time is right, you walk to the meeting spot for your rendezvous.
  5753. Fen Flower arrives a few minutes ahead of time, dressed for a night out. The mare smiles as she recognizes you. Her tight, dark dress is flattering with the mare’s curves while the corset nicely complements her athletic body. However, you can’t help but to notice the alchemist mare is only 8’ tall at the moment, while she was around 15 last time you saw her.
  5755. That doesn’t stop the mare to giddily trot toward you, pick you up, and smother your face with a kiss.
  5756. Far from the carefulness of the fairy, you gulp and moan as Fen Flower’s tongue eagerly penetrates your maw to taste its depth. Your senses are overwhelmed by the huge mare, her plump lips covering your whole snout. You can only breathe during the short moments she reattract her mouth to look at you amorously, unless you forget to do so, lost in her big eyes like you are.
  5757. You make out in this manner for a minute, the ponies trotting nearby looking away and blushing out of embarrassment, or maybe jealousy. Once she’s done with you, Fen Flower places you back on your hooves, a satisfied smile on her face form the mess she’s made of you.
  5759. “Lady Fen Flower.” You start, out of breath. “You are…”
  5760. “Dreadfully small!” The alchemist mare exclaims. “I know! This is a bit of mishap on my part. I decided to continue my research this afternoon and make myself bigger, but it looks like I’ll need to get rid of these pesky side-effects next. I’m confident this loss is nothing permanent, though.” There, Fen Flower shows you an exaggeratedly sad pout. “Oh, forgive me Little Spoon, I’m not as big as I should be. Am I still worthy of your attention in this pitiful state?”
  5762. “B-but of course!” You nod reflexively, and without an ounce of irony “Lady Fen Flower, you’re a treat for the eyes regardless of your size. Eventually, the world shall see it. Literally. But we’re not on a schedule to achieve it.”
  5763. “Everything is perfect then!” fen Flower giggles. “And certainly you’ll be able to grow me bigger than this tonight. I wonder if we’ll get lucky... Oh, I can’t wait! Where are we going Little Spoon? Should we show this city who’s the most magnificent mare of the country yet?”
  5765. Since you ended up going on a proper date with Night Sprout, you didn’t get any new plan for this one aside from the restaurant, but there’s still a chance for a change of plan if you have an idea now. Unlike Night Sprout, Fen Flower probably expects you to decide on the destinations.
  5767. [spoiler]thanks to the magic of convenience, you booked your seats at the Crystal Palace for whenever you’ll decide to go there this evening[/spoiler]
  5769. >Head to the Crystal Palace already?
  5770. >Go someplace else?
  5771. >Grow Fen Flower immediately? [input ability]
  5773. “Let us start, then.” You say, and there you begin your inspiration. Fen Flower immediately surges 3’ bigger with a pleased moan, and her tits also become plumper under her. At the height they hang at, the orbs that are each bigger than a pony’s head are impossible to ignore for anypony walking nearby.
  5775. Boy it’s gonna be hard to resist getting wild before you’re out of the restaurant. Though, you’re gonna need to do the deed if you want to try your luck refreshing your charge of Embrace Destiny on the alchemist mare or grow her with Gift of the Bard.
  5777. Anyway, you and Fen Flower make your way to the opulent restaurant through the busy streets of the capital. The alchemist walks slowly enough you don’t have to strain yourself, but only because she exaggeratedly sways her massive and shapely hips with each step on the whole way.
  5779. The staff at the restaurant welcomes you politely. You see a few glances at your companion of course, but like the professionals they are, the waiters make their best to remain courteous and neutral.
  5780. The other patrons have a harder time not to gawk at the passage of the huge, buxom mare. Fen Flower of course doesn’t lose a crumb of their reaction, her grin growing wider with each rich-looking ponies that gets their eyes stuck on her as you’re brought to your table.
  5782. The decor is as splendid as you were told. You’re brought to an immense room where crystal-like tables are nicely ordered in rows and covered in purple tablecloth. The ceiling is indeed quite high, 40’ maybe. While the walls are covered with curtains of purple velvet, there are huge columns of blue crystals descending from the ceiling. These are conglomerate of many 1’-wide, hexagonal crystal beams, the whole assemblages growing wider the closer to the top of the room akin to giant stalactites. The floor seems to be made of a similar material, but in one chunk, and reflecting the light of the many luminaires. There are also suspended balconies above connecting the crystal pillars. You can see two other levels, at about 15 and 30 feet high respectively. There are tables and patrons there too.
  5783. Your own seats are on the ground between 4 crystal pillars. There are suspended passages connecting those in the four directions around you, but there’s only the ceiling directly above you
  5785. “Oh, this place is exquisite Little Spoon!” After you sit down, Fen Flower leans forward to kiss your hat. You soon order some drinks, a glass of fine wine for each of you, even if in the case of Fen Flower it looks more like a whole bottle has been poured in her goblet. It is also quite nice to see they had utensil big enough for a 11’ customer. This might not last should you increase Fen Flower’s size even more…
  5787. “Little Spoon… I don’t think I’ve thanked you properly yet.” Fen Flower starts. “Or a least… I feel like I should do so again. I mean, what was I before you bumped into me? Just a worthless hag in a village of nobodies, who had even sold herself in servitude to a devil for a glamour. And look at me now…”
  5788. Biting her lip in elation, the magnified, 11’ tall mare stretches her arms behind her head, high enough they could reach the first floor of the restaurant. Her teats almost topple the table over as she does so, catching the eyes of all those around that weren’t already glancing at the aggressively luscious mare.
  5790. “You gave me a chance at a new life Little Spoon.” Fen Flower grins at you. “I’m back at the pinnacle of youth, and more beautiful than I’ve ever been. And I’m so big and strong too… mmmh….”
  5791. The alchemist mare moas as she voluptuously runs her hooves down against her body, rubbing against every curve and muscle of it.
  5792. “Not only can my body turn the head of any stallion, and even the one of some mares, but it can also crush my enemies to a pulp like a breeze too. It doesn’t feel real at times. I wasted so many years in this crummy little village, having a life that was boring me to death, but since you waltzed in I’ve had more adventures in a couple days than in my whole life before. Even this place, this dress… Oh, after making me your damsel in distress, then an unstoppable heroine, now you’re giving me an occasion to feel like an irresistible princess too.”
  5794. “So… Thank you Little Spoon.” Fen Flower concludes. “I don’t think I can ever repay you for what you’ve done for me. Frankly, now I feel awkward for wishing I could have had you all for myself in the past. How greedy can a mare get, right? Anyway, I’m determined to make the most of the chance you’ve given me. It’s a real shame my experiment ended up making me small just for this big night, because I’m determined to do everything I can to become bigger and bigger, and make sure you have a front seat for the show.” The alchemist mare grins at you.
  5796. >What do?
  5798. Fen’s words go right to your heart.
  5799. “Then I’d like to propose a toast.” You reply with a grin, raising your glass. “May we continue to fill everyone around us with lust, hope, and satisfaction!”
  5800. “Of course!” Fen Flower raises her own. “To you and to the greatness we bring to the world!”
  5801. You attempt to drink with your arms locked with the one of the other. This only causes you to spill some the wine as you choke on it. The toned arm of Fen Flower was already tedious to wrap around, but then the slightest movement of her would nearly have you fall off your chair. You both laugh heartily at this ordeal.
  5803. The appetizer is brought to you not long after. You’re informed that you will be charged extra considering the size of the portion your date will need, and Fen Flower coos and kisses the top of your head again as you state this shall not be an issue for you. The salad and dumplings you enjoy are absolutely wonderful.
  5805. “You sure got me good back at the square the other day, when you got so large.” You tell Fen Flower “But mark my words. I will tame those boulders and future hills alike!”
  5806. “Bold claim, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower smirks in response. “I reckon the challenge will only become grander as time goes on. Soon enough I’ll need to prepare a potion of flight for you to have any hope to climb anywhere on me.”
  5807. “Then I just hope you won’t forget this little bard when artists shall paint you next to the mountains you’ll have outgrown.”
  5808. “Oh, my.” Fen Flower giggle as the thought seems to excite her. “I certainly won’t. Even when you’ll be so small I can’t see you, I remember the bard who brought me to such heights.”
  5810. “Also, if I may ask, I’m a little curious.” You start “About that time at the plaza. What happened exactly after I fell and passed out?”
  5811. “Well, I dared not to move in fear I could smother you further.” Fen Flower explains. “But as you can imagine, many gentlecolts volunteered to dig you out of my mounds. Pear Plum stole the spotlight from them, though. Barely a minute had passed before she rescued you. It didn’t sound like you were in danger from what she said even if you had passed out. She suggested you got some rest, and she just carried you away.”
  5812. “Ah, I see.” You nod “That’s how I woke up next to her.”
  5813. You mustn’t have been out for long then. You don’t have any trauma anywhere on your head either.
  5814. “Pear Plum really is a good filly.” Fen Flower takes a sip for her huge glass. “A real shame she doesn’t know how to have fun.”
  5816. “But let us not talk too much of Pear Plum during this date of ours!” You hide a cringe as you recall that already the date with Night Sprout ended up with mentioning the druid mare for a little too long. “Truly, I am lucky to have found you, Lady Fen Flower. My passion for growth and your plot to beautify yourself and every mare around you have combined in a wonderful way.”
  5817. “Well…” Fen rolls her eyes with a smirk. “In all honesty, it’s wasn’t part of my plan to make the other villager mares as pretty as me. It was just the price for my own youth at the time, and a way for this devil to easily bring more ponies in this scheme of his. It also ended up being quite the chore to run this thing. Truly, you’ve saved me from quite the dire fate.”
  5819. “Luckily, since I freed you from that contract, you aren’t obligated to curse whatever mares happen to be nearby with immense beauty and a soul binding contract anymore.” Fen Flower nods to that. “And now, together we can empower willing mares all over to embiggen themselves with your alchemical talent to the same gorgeous heights you have achieved. Now, now, do not get me wrong here, you shall always grow just that bit further beyond any mare that follows in your hoof steps.”
  5820. Fen Flower bites her lips as she listens to you in what looks like slight embarrassment this time, and she takes a deep breath before replying.
  5822. “Little Spoon…” She starts. “After all you’ve done for me, I couldn’t decently refuse you that, nor would I say anything about how you grow other mares with you own magic. But… I’d rather focus the growth of my alchemy on myself. Unless you meant literally that no other mare shall grow bigger than the steps I will leave in my wake, wouldn’t you prefer it if I grew up to such a size as fast as possible? Like I told you before, I’m having the results I have with my alchemy because I’m playing it risky with my experiments. If I had to make my elixirs safe enough for all to drink, each discovery would mean a couple more inches at best…”
  5824. While she seems ready to change her focus, Fen Flower doesn’t sound too happy to do so. And indeed, will you really stifle the growth of one to further the size of the many? On another hoof, you could certainly sell Fen Flower’s product and make a return on the investment. You even happen to be organizing a party just tomorrow where enthusiasts of size will be gathered. Maybe this could help Fen Flower feeling better about this if you intend to follow through with this choice.
  5826. >What do?
  5828. “Surely you can test potions on yourself first, but if these are then safe, what’s stopping you from expanding your research to other mares after blazing the trail yourself?” You ask to the 11’ Fen Flower at the other side of the table… well, mostly above it actually.
  5829. “Oh, it’s much more complicated than that.” Fen Flower replies. “Working on myself, I take into account how my body reacts to each substance. My current diet, how much time since the last potion, the specificities of my body… all of those can have an effect on the next experiment. To reproduce my current results on another mare, the amount of work would be crazy. And even then, I’m not even sure it’s possible to do so safely. I mean, you’ve seen yourself what happened to Night Sprout when she drank some leftover potion. As a fairy, the unexpected effects were certainly stronger on her, but adverse effects of any kind could happen to anypony I believe.”
  5831. “Well, in that case, would it be possible for you to keep experimenting on yourself, but also devise a separate formula that could grow other mares with little enough risks?” You offer. “I mean, we have a party tomorrow where I expect many mares that would be willing to grow will be present. If you had such a potion to offer them at that time, I’m confident you could rake in quite the golds and finance your own experiments.”
  5832. “Mmh… I do like the sound of that.” Fen Flower sems to genuinely give it a thought. “I’ll see what I can do then.”
  5834. “I can’t wait to see the results!” You grin at the prospect of bigger mares all over the place. “Also, may I ask about this cruse that befell on you? You said this shrinking should be temporary, right?”
  5835. “Indeed.” Fen Flower nods. “And I mean, even before I can get rid of this side effect. Something’s actively keeping my size at bay from my diagnosis, even though I don’t know what could break it yet.”
  5836. “Well, this sounds tamer than I thought then!” You react. “Would it be possible to recreate this shrinking effect? You know, I wouldn’t mind a try at seeing the world from a lower perspective…”
  5837. “Now that’s a bad idea Little Spoon!” Fen Flower frowns her eyes. “I can certainly imagine why this would interest you, but banking on such wild side effects almost never ends well for anypony.”
  5838. “Ah… that’s too bad, but I’ll trust your judgement lady Fen Flower.” You nod.
  5840. You both take a sip of wine. You think it’s time to stop bringing up work. Still, there’s another touchy subject you’d like to talk about with the 11’ mare in front of you.
  5842. “Though, I have to admit I’m getting a little worried about you here, about what you said earlier.” You start pensively. “Big enough none shall be fit in even your hoofsteps… Should you achieve such a size on you own, what would you do then, besides watching the rest of the world happen before your eyes? Wouldn’t you want friends of your own size?”
  5843. “But Little Spoon, dear, I am way past your size, and yet the two of us are more than friends, aren’t we?” She tells you with a smile. “In fact, I should be the one worried about you right now! I’ve never heard you talk about drawbacks of any kind about height. Are you feeling unwell? Anyway, rest assured I am quite certain such melancholy will not apply to me.”
  5844. “Really, though?” You ask. “Do you have something planned, maybe?”
  5845. “I could tell you, but wouldn’t you rather find out by actually growing me that big?” Fen Flower replies with a playful smirk.
  5847. You chuckle and decide to drop the matter for now. Instead, you start to share stories with Fen Flower to get to know her better. The tale of your cutie mark is a good starting point.
  5849. “A puppy love for a larger mare, huh?” The alchemist mare chuckles at the end of your tale. “That is rather cute I’d say!”
  5850. “And what about yourself lady Fen Flower?” You ask. “How did you earn your own mark?”
  5851. “Oh, I’m afraid this tale is merely the most average tale one can deliver.” Fen Flower rolls her eyes. “I learned my trade from my mother and discovered my talent that way.”
  5852. “That’s nothing to be ashamed about.” You nod. “But that reminds me, you were an adventurer for some time too, right?”
  5854. “Oh, it was so long ago… and barely worth a tale if you ask me!” She replies. “I merely saw that as the least boring way to earn money. Most of the time I provided healing for my companions while staying as far away from danger as I could, and whenever I had the occasion, I acted as a doctor for townsfolks of all kind too. As soon as I had the gold for it, I bought a house for myself and settled down. The very one house we met at. I earned enough to live comfortably with my potions, and lazed around for days, which became months… and years… I was always telling myself I would start something grand the next day, but I never actually did so, and I had become one boring old mare before I could realise it....”
  5856. Fen Flower lets out a heavy sigh as she seems to remember those times, but her smile returns as she looks toward you again.
  5857. “This is why I should be thanking you Little Spoon. You took me out of this bog, which I thought was impossible not long ago. That is also why I decided this time I had to think big.” She grins. “REALLY big.”
  5859. You’re done with the hors-d’oeuvre at this point, and the main course is on its way. There, you see Fen Flower stand up.
  5860. “I’m going to the restroom.” She states with a playful smirk. “I need to freshen up a little. I wonder… Is it time yet the ponies of this city really witness the magnitude of my beauty?”
  5862. This feels a bit like an invitation, but perhaps you could wait for a more… comfortable occasion
  5864. >What do?
  5866. “I’ll wait for you right here.” You say with a slightly tense smile. “We have the whole night in front of us after all. We don’t need to go all out yet.”
  5867. “Humf…” Fen Flower pouts, exaggerating her disappointment. “I see. I’ll be back in a minute then.”
  5869. In the meantime, you decide to ask a waiter if he could point you to a nice place where Fen Flower and you could go dance after that. The young earth pony politely tells you about a place.
  5870. “I have to warn you though, they are quite… selective with the ponies they let in.” The waiter says. “They might not like your friend in, being under this size spell and all.”
  5871. “Is there an issue with it? Is the place too small?”
  5872. “Oh, on the contrary.” The waiter replies. “I believe this is might be the only available club with high enough ceilings. But since they let ponies in without a reservation, they’re sorting guests on the way in instead, and they don’t allow in those they believe have the slightest chance to make a scene.”
  5874. Oh. It sounds like they’re thinking about you and Fen Flower in particular. Still, perhaps you could weasel your way in anyway. It is starting to be hard for ponies to refuse demands from your lovely date after all.
  5876. Speaking of her, Fen Flower comes back not long later while the main course is served to you. As agreed, Fen Flower has a portion adapted to her size. Her plate alone is half as wide as the round table you’re around, but the chefs seem to have put as much effort as for any other patron, and your linguini with truffle sauce looks and smell absolutely delicious. You try not to think too much about how expensive this exquisite meal will be, and instead focus on the content moans of fen Flower who savours the exquisite meal.
  5878. “Mmh!” She purrs after downing another mouthful. “I can’t remember ever eating something so tasty!”
  5880. >A: The meal is so good just regular small talk will be enough keep the moment pleasant. Ask her if she wants to go dancing after this.
  5881. >B: Be flirty with Fen Flower. Tell her again how good that size looks on her.
  5882. >C: Talk about the future and what Fen Flower wants to do in the coming weeks, months, or even years.
  5883. >D: Mention Sliver Willow. Fen Flower has to meet her.
  5885. “You have quite the plateful in front of you, lady Fen Flower.” You state. “Surely you’ll need some help to finish it.”
  5886. “You know it doesn’t look that big from my point of view Little Spoon.” She states with a smirk, but doesn’t object when you lean closer to pick from her supersized portion. As you both take from the same plate, the inevitable soon happens and you feel some tension on the other side of the noodles in your mouth.
  5888. Fen Flower notices it too, and rapidly sucks in the noodles, connecting both your mouths. Had the pastas been a little sturdier and Fen Flower a little bigger, you might have been lifted off your chair to kiss the larger mare, but here you merely see her larger head lean to you until your lips connects. But Fen Flower doesn’t stop here. No willing to let her food get stolen so easily, her tongue goes into your mouth to retrieve what you had just taken, you gulp and moan in an arousing discomfort.
  5890. Your mouth has been thoroughly cleaned when Fen Flower lets go of it.
  5891. “Now you know what happens when you try to steal from my plate.” The huge mare seems proud of her little stunt. “Though… I’m not sure that is discouraging you.”
  5892. “I meant to ask, aside from bolstering my liking of bigger mares, what are you plans for the future my lady? You told me that you gave up adventuring to settle down at the time, is that on your mind this time to?”
  5894. “Well, no.” She smiles. “I do intend to keep picking up quests for the foreseeable future. Reaching new heights each time sure makes it a lot more fun. But… I do confess I have another goal in mind that could progress alongside adventuring.”
  5896. Fen Flower inhales sharply, and looks around with a hint of apprehension before speaking.
  5897. “You know Little Spoon.” You friend starts. “I think the time has come I started acting my height and rose above the common rabble. Now, now, I’m no invincible goddess yet of course. But that last quest I went through opened my eyes on how some of the lesser creatures of this word really, really do not compare to me anymore. This time I got rid of these goblins, but in hindsight I believe I could have made them servants of me. They would have made for amusing chew toys, and a good practice before it comes down to have actual ponies under my hooves… figuratively of course!” The mare winks at you, as though she didn’t really mean these last three words.
  5899. “Because you see, these greenskins that where wiped out during our previous quest.” She continues. “What were they good for? Pestering honest ponies with their worthless feud, that’s about it? I’m sure I could have put them to better use than crushing them into minced meat! They could have made money for me, or better yet! These little ones have a knack for alchemy I heard, they could have participated in making me even bigger…”
  5900. The mare lets out a dreamy sigh.
  5902. “Well, at least that’s what I’d love to achieve the next time I meet creatures like that.” Fen Flower concludes. “I do confess, it is only a daydream of mine at the time, and I don’t have any idea of how I could bend, let’s say, tribes of goblins to my will aside from threatening them. But if I get an occasion to try my hoof at it, you can count on me to go for it.”
  5903. Fen Flower takes several gulps of wine from her glass after this. She had a glimmer of excitement in her eye as she talked, but also a slight uneasiness, as though she was genuinely sharing some personal thought this time. Would it have been more charming if she wasn’t talking about forcing creatures and eventually ponies serve her?
  5905. Isn’t that what you want though? For mares to grow bigger and more powerful? Wouldn’t it be logical for a bigger mare like Fen Flower to exercise her superiority on smaller beings? She’s no pacifist for sure, but no bloodthirsty tyrant either. And thinking about it, you believe your alchemist mare friend could quickly come to realise seduction would be a way more effective way of subduing other beings to her.
  5907. Still, these plans of her feel painfully similar to the situation you found Fen in her village in the first place. Leading some cult and corrupting ponies to serve her, but otherwise on her own. But wasn’t the devil she had a contract with the issue in the end? This time she would subdue ponies on her own terms and for her own gain alone, with nopony else to steal the fruits from her work or control her. And anyway, that doesn’t stop you from growing other mares aside from. Surely she wouldn’t get mad or try to harm or influence them, would she?”
  5909. “Little Spoon? Are you alright?” Fen Flower’s voice takes you out of your thoughts, and she looks slightly worried. You didn’t talk since she ended her tirade.
  5911. >A: It’s nothing. You were merely imagining her as the most beautiful empress of the biggest country in the known world.
  5912. >B: Let’s be encouraging, but methodical. Size is a start, but she indeed needs to figure now how she’s going to acquire and keep followers. She better have her tax policy thought out already!
  5913. >C: Warm Fen that you intend for her to have equals in height all over the world. Biggness shall be available for all mares that wish some.
  5914. >D: Remind Fen what happened in the village. It feels like she’s about to commit the same mistake as before. Is that really what she wants?
  5916. “If I may ask, what will be different than back at the village?” You say. “So you’ll be lording over ponies again, but last time you were in that situation, you didn’t look like you were enjoying yourself at all. I sure wouldn’t like to see you experience such melancholy again.”
  5917. “But Little Spoon, this would have NOTHING to do with back then!” Fen Flower shakes her head with a reassuring smile. “I was forced to keep going through this plan by this devil, and all I got in return was a pretty face. They may have served me, but I was turning mares into selfish hags, and stallions into empty husks. I’m certain I’ll find myself some followers who will genuinely adore me this time. Besides, I had to remain hidden, for my actions could have been worthy of a lifetime in prison if you hadn’t stopped me. Meanwhile this time, not only am I free operate in broad daylight and frolic with you and our friends, but I also have the power to defend myself from those who would want to take me down.”
  5918. “So really, this would be nothing like the dead-end I put myself into back then.” Fen Flower concludes. “I do mean to materialize it and show it to you eventually, Little Spoon.” The big mare takes another sip of wine, expectantly awaiting your reaction.
  5920. “Alright. Then I hope I will be granted a pass to visit your mountainous self.” You state. “Though, I do have to admit I hope you won’t be the only goddess around. But I do mean that word, lady Fen Flower. Goddess. Your desire does make it sound to me you wish to become a goddess among the mortals of this world, doesn’t it?”
  5921. “Oh, well…” The big mare blushes slightly. “Me, a goddess…? Well, I can’t say I didn’t think about it before, but I think I should wait a little more before calling me that. But in the future… who knows…”
  5923. “Anyway, if you’re serious about this, you should then think it through as much as you can beforehoof!” You exclaim. “About the method you’ll use to get goblins or other beings to do what you want, but also more practical stuff, like where they’ll live and what they’ll eat. Surely having a bunch of creatures following you around all the time wouldn’t be the best situation, right?”
  5924. “I… I suppose you’re right!” Fen Flower ponders, sounding pleasantly surprised from your suggestion. “And I can’t really have them do my bidding if I don’t provide in return to some extent I suppose. So you mean I should be acquiring estate of some sort?”
  5925. “Well, ultimately it would depend on the kind of creature you plan to have at your service.” You shrug. “But unless you take over their place, I say this could be a start. You know, that makes me think you should really meet Silver Willow. I just met her in the capital the other day. She used to own lots of land and even had her hoof in politics to some extent. I bet she could give you some great hints to figure out what you want to do…”
  5926. “Ah, yes, you told me about her before…”
  5928. As you keep discussing over the meal, Fen Flower ends up thinking about several ways she could go through her dreams of ascension. This is nothing definitive yet, but the huge mare in front of you is eager to start laying the groundwork of her next enterprise that will be devoted to grow her bigger and bigger.
  5930. >A: It should be a company selling growth product all around the world. Fen Flower can start investing right here in the capital and use the benefits to improve herself. And even though they’re not supposed to, employees can end up being the greatest admirers of their boss.
  5931. >B: Surely there must be other lesser creatures to subdue for Fen Flower than those goblins she slayed. Perhaps it would be further from the heart of the civilised world, put nothing would be easier than to make such creatures the most devoted servants of a growing giantess.
  5932. >C: The idea of worshipping should be prioritized, and you’re confident ponies could actually cough up gold to see a mare get bigger. The average pony certainly won’t be your target, but little by little Fen Flower could capture the heart of many you believe.
  5933. >D: Fen’s power might be her greater asset after all. With a boss like her, ponies of little morality could end up making her more gold than anything else, and the threat of her wrath would keep them loyal and compliant to all the demands of their mistress.
  5935. “That sounds rather good.” Fen Flower nods. “Tomorrow night sound be our testing ground then.”
  5937. After discussing about it, you ended up convincing Fen Flower that many ponies could end up adoring her from a mix of infatuation and admiration, and support her financially in the process. In truth, and while you didn’t mention it, you might be rather close to the archetype of ponies she’ll be targeting. Right now you are offering Fen Flower a sumptuous and expansive date after all.
  5938. “I’ll need to keep up a perfect reputation too then…” Fen Flower think out lous. “I should probably embark on quests that will have me look heroic to the public eye. Oh, it’s too bad I’m no good at singing of dancing, but perhaps I could learn? This might be a sound investment to help me entice ponies in. Also, either I’ll need to keep close to all the followers I make, or I could find myself some transmission device so ponies might see and hear me from afar.”
  5939. “Now that sounds like an idea.” You giggle. “I would certainly pay to be able to marvel at your magnificent self wherever you are in the world.”
  5940. “Hm. It’s going to be a priority then!” Fen Flower nods while showing you a smirk. “Anyway, thank you for all the ideas Little Spoon. I didn’t expect you’d be so eager to help me on this.”
  5941. “I shared my worries with you in complete honesty, lady Fen Flower.” You reply. “But aside from that, I wholeheartedly support your plea for growth, and I can’t wait to see you reach the sky.”
  5943. “That I have no doubt about…” Fen Flower giggles, a bit of a blush on her face.
  5944. You’re having dessert at this point, a scrumptious strawberry bavarois before each of you. While you’ve got a slice, Fen Flower got a whole piece as large as a full cake for herself.
  5946. >A: Ask Fen Flower if she’d like to go dance after that.
  5947. >B: Exit the restaurant and find a hotel that can handle Fen Flower so the two of you may have some intimate fun.
  5948. >C: Offer to go dancing, but surely Fen would like a boost of size before that.
  5949. >D: There are still stuff you want to discuss with Fen Flower before you leave the restaurant[spoiler]input talk[/spoiler]
  5951. “How about we go dancing next, lady Fen Flower?” You offer. “I heard about a place where the two of us could have some fun.”
  5952. “With pleasure Little Spoon!” Your date replies with a wide grin. “The night is still young after all, and it’s been so long I haven’t danced with a stallion either…”
  5954. You finish your meal not long after. At 11’, Fen Flower certainly needed larger portions than anypony else, but you didn’t go overboard with size yet. Still, you have a bill to pay that looks more like you treated a few dozen mares than one for a date for two.
  5956. >You paid 200 Gold
  5957. >You have 1168 Gold left
  5959. Next, you head to the club that the waiter recommended to you. Fen Flower looks very pleased by the way this date is going, and trots merrily next to you. At her pace, that means you often have a look to her ample hips that she sways purposedly on every step. Many eyes turn to her and her voluptuous body that her tight, sparkling dress only renders more appealing, but right now Fen’s eyes and smile are only for you.
  5961. The place is near the center of the capital too. While the ponies you see around look younger than at the Crystal Palace overall, all are still obviously from wealthy families. Fortunately, you and Fen Flower don’t look out of place with your fancy clothes. You have to stand in line for less than a minute as indeed ponies seem free to get in. But when your turn comes, the employee at the entrance of the big double doors stands up from its booth.
  5963. “Good evening Sir, Maam.” The receptionist, an elven stallion, steps in front of the entrance to block your path, looking at each of you with a polite smile. “Excuse me, but for the comfort of everybody, I will have to ask you to dispel the enchantments you have on yourselves before entering.”
  5964. “Oh, you have me surprised.” You say. “I suppose you’re talking about lady Fen Flower here, but surely her size shouldn’t be an issue. I’m confident there’s been larger ponies in this estimated establishment, and even if there weren’t, she’s no bigger to a pony than an orc would be to a halfling, is she?”
  5965. “Sorry, but I have never heard of even orcs that were taller than 6’, and the lady here is much over that.” The elf shakes his head, his calm smile still on his face. “The policy of our club forbids me to let in ponies with outstanding physiques such as her. If this is no enchantment of yours, then I am afraid I cannot allow you in at all.”
  5967. >A: Attempt to bribe the receptionist [spoiler]input gold[/spoiler]
  5968. >B: Surely you can talk this out. Will this stallion take the responsibility of ruining this evening between the two of you?
  5969. >C: Let Fen Flower take care of this. The 11’ mare looks like she wants to step in.
  5970. >D: Physically make your way in. It’s not like this guy can physically stop Fen Flower at this point.
  5972. And so here you are.
  5973. You just had the most exquisite diner with the… even exquisiter Fen Flower! …Seriously, the food was great, but how could that compare to your date of tonight? The mare is 11’ tall, sports a magnificent auburn mane, has ample hips, flanks and teats highlighted by a tight black sparkling dress with thigh-highs and a visible bra that all tastefully dig just enough in the flesh they cling on to advertise how supple it is. Between the mare and truffle pasta, one can imagine which makes your mouth water the most.
  5975. And so, indeed, you were having a great time with your friend, when just now some snotty, uppity, scummy elven bouncer of some sort decided that you couldn’t go in the fun zone anymore. He forbid the access to the dance club to you. Just like that! Somepony must have forgot to tell this dunce that the correct course of action when you encounter a 11’ bombshell of a mare was to gaze upon at the magnified, voluptuous assets she mercifully allows the world to see in silence. That, or maybe show a knowing smile to the lucky halfling bard accompanying her, or even, for the bolder ones, to utter a wolf whistle at her in the hope of being kicked down or sat on by her.
  5977. But no, none of that. The densest pony in the world stood in front of you instead. The elven stallion still bars your way and the one of Fen Flower who would be, allegedly, ‘too’ ‘tall’ for the comfort of the other patrons. The fact that you have to deal with such an individual makes you sick in the stomach, but for the love of big mares, you shall deal with this peacefully.
  5979. You think about bribing him. While such a vile stallion would certainly compromise his work ethics for mere coins, the prospect of giving him money is an outrage you’re not ready to inflict on yourself. No, the blasphemous words of the elven stallion must proven false!
  5980. “For the comfort of everypony, NOT letting lady Fen Flower in, you say? This is just preposterous!” You declare, your forced grin almost flawlessly hiding your internal wrath. “This cannot be, for she is expected here!”
  5981. “Ah, you have an invitation you mean?” The stallion smugly cocks an eyebrow. “You should have started by showing it to me, then. Where is it? I do not see it yet.”
  5983. “Sir, I mean that you’re refusing access to latest hit of this city. There mustn’t be one pony who wouldn’t BEG to spend an evening in the presence of lady Fen Flower. Surely you’ve caught word about her debut around here the day before. At the size she was at the time, she was really hard to miss.”
  5984. “Ah, you mean this… incident?” The elven stallion is unconvinced. “Again, this is not our policy to-“
  5985. “Ladies and gentlecolts!” You call to the ponies that have started to gather behind you as this conversation is starting to drag on. “Surely you have heard of Fen Flower before! Well, it turns out this club’s policy wouldn’t allow her to enter this establishment for the sake of your convenience. Surely this is a mistake! Could you help me have this stallion understand that the presence of Fen Flower is wanted in here?”
  5987. “I sure wouldn’t mind her!” One of the young stallions answers, and in the forming crowd most ponies seem to agree on that, safe for maybe a hoofful of small, jealous mares.
  5988. “Please let her in!” Another colt adds. “I was at the plaza the day before. She sure knows how to party!”
  5989. “Aw, thanks to all of you!” Fen Flower lets out a satisfied chuckle. She moves a few steps back to lightly kiss the forehead of the first colt that vouched for her. That turns the colt red on the cheeks and the mare accompanying him pale with embarrassment in front of a mare she can’t compete with.
  5990. “Looks like it’s settled then!” With a confident smile, Fen Flower starts to walk into the club. “Thank you for allowing me in!”
  5992. While the elven stallion is unconvinced, he’s confused enough that he does not stop Fen Flower, you, or the group of ponies who make their way inside. His protests are so meek they’re covered merely by the sounds of the huge mare’s hoofsteps.
  5994. A swarm of fans in tow, you make your way inside the club.
  5995. Again, you weren’t lied to about the place being spacious enough for your friend’s ample presence. The room itself resembles an opera hall where the seats whole have been tossed away to clear the whole middle of the room, and there’s already many ponies dancing together in there. Ponies dance alone, in couple or larger groups, and don’t seem to care much about proper choreography and just amuse themselves instead. There’s an orchestra on the scene playing quite catchy tunes. The music is less uppity than the obviously rich place could have one expect, and instead leans into this new jazz style all the music world is fussing about these days. Frankly, as a bard you should have been able to say more about the music, but the brain space that should be allowed to such knowledge is mostly occupied by big mares instead.
  5997. There’s snacks and drinks to purchase at each side of the room, and it seem possible to access the many balconies on the sides of the room if you want to get some relative privacy.
  5999. >A: Time to have fun! Dance to your heart’s content with Fen Flower, as much as a 3’ and-a-half halfling and a 11’ mare can. Nothing too wild. Yet…
  6000. >B: In the restaurant, you discussed about gaining followers for Fen Flower. While this is a date between the two of you, this is the perfect occasion to start looking out for the adorers the alchemist mare craves.
  6001. >C: There are quite a few pretty mares on the dance floor already. Ask Fen Flower if she’d be up to assert how superior she is.
  6002. >D: Shake your butts a little, but maybe you could also soon find an empty balcony and get a little naughty. There might not be many occasions to show off Fen’s full size to a public after this.
  6004. “What are we waiting for!” You look up to your date “Let us dance my lady!”
  6005. The alchemist mare giggles as you waltz to the dance floor and that she follows suit.
  6007. Neither you nor Fen Flower are professional dancers, but as you noted earlier the crowd here will not mind. And of course, your date has other arguments than her dexterity to have heads turn to her. Thrice the size of other patrons, the rest of the ponies instinctively make plenty room for both of you, and as you argued earlier most seem plentily satisfied to share their space with a mare of her caliber.
  6009. You and Fen turn and twist to the music, you shake and jump, you spin and rear. You can’t hoist Fen Flower yourself, but while keeping up the rhythm the mare throws you up nearly to the ceiling before effortlessly catching you again. Both of you keep a have big smile on your faces as you dance.
  6011. But you aren’t the only ones having a blast here. Fen Flower had quite obviously become the centre of attention here, with the celibates quite shamelessly eyeing her and those in couple embarrassedly stealing glances whenever they could. You think you saw a few flustered mares dragging their partners away after they were a bit too obvious in admiring the largest and sexiest mare of the room.
  6013. “Looks to me like that nopony can keep their eyes off you lady Fen Flower.” You comment, still dancing.
  6014. “Could it be any other way?” The mare smugly asks. “I hope you’re not jealous Little Spoon.”
  6015. “Please, I’m the luckiest colt out there for spending the night with you. Those I pity are the unfortunate maidens around that you make look inadequate in comparison. If you’re not merciful, we’ll be the only couple walking out of this club undamaged.”
  6016. “If I’m not merciful, you say?” Your date shows you a mischievous smirk.
  6017. “No stallion can resist you, and no mare can rival you lady Fen Flower. You might cause heartbreaks without even thinking about it, so I can’t imagine the damage if you decided to play with the ponies around. But I must confess… I might be a little curious about it.”
  6018. “Ah…” Fen Flower whispers with a grin. “If you’re fine with it, I might actually satisfy that curiosity of yours.”
  6020. The prospect of causing a little havoc seems to befit Fen Flower. Spotting her first target, the poor stallion soon finds himself victim of a purely accidental bump from Fen’s thick flanks. Your date apologizes and helps him up, purposedly keeping the partner mare of the colt at bay, and sliding a few compliment that the young stallion can’t resist blushing in response to. The pair then start to awkwardly dance together for a short while before leaving the floor, as there was certainly somepony else on their mind, although for different reasons.
  6022. Through the next hour while you dance, Fen Flower also takes any occasion to use her overwhelming charms to stir a healthy bit of trouble between the present couples. Some stallion would accidentally find himself under her, and look up to teats nearly the size of his head inches above him. A mare’s show of skill would be eclipsed by Fen tantalizingly rocking her flanks right behind her, and the ground would shake from Fen’s hoof or flanks hitting the ground to destabilize any other who would attempt to take the tiniest bit of spotlight from her.
  6024. After a while, the dance floor is basically you, Fen Flower and the ponies admiring her, the rest having left altogether or went away from the giant seductress. You leave the establishment as you would a conquered battlefield, Fen Flower reigning unopposed.
  6026. It is close to midnight when you make it out into the chilly night.
  6027. “Oh, what a blast Little Spoon!” The mare giddily scoops you up and passionately kisses your cheek. “I must thank you again. This is definitely the best evening of my life! You treated me like a queen, and the rest of the populace sure viewed me as such! Now tell me…” And there she whispers in your ear.
  6028. “Surely you’ve booked a room for tonight, or do we have a to show the whole capital around how much you love me exactly?”
  6030. You didn’t actually book in advance, but you have the means to access Fen Flower’s demand. You order a suite for the both of you at a fancy hotel, your date insisting that you take the largest available, with built-in jacuzzi, a glass dome and the largest possible bed. Just for that last one, you’ve got no complain about her pick.
  6032. >You paid 200 Gold
  6033. >You have 968 Gold left
  6034. >Your abilities and stuff as a reminder:
  6036. You and the beautiful 11’ Fen Flower are shown your luxurious room, and then left alone in it. Now, is there anything left to say? Any last barrel of champagne to order? Or should you start in the bed already?
  6037. And in that last outcome, how should you start with the worship of Fen Flower’s huge body?
  6039. >What do?
  6041. “I suppose it would be a shame not to try the jacuzzi.” You suggest.
  6042. “Indeed. It’s just my size too.” Fen Flower nods.
  6043. As a matter of fact, while the luxurious bathtub could have half a dozen ponies sit comfortably in, Fen Flower will need to occupy most of it if she wants to do anything more than dip her legs inside.
  6045. Since you do not think of having to squeeze yourself against the big, voluptuous mare as an issue, the two of you soon disrobe to get in. After cleaning most of the evening’s sweat in the shower, you turn the bubbles on and plunge inside the warm water.
  6047. Fen Flower purrs as she enjoys most of the Jacuzzi’s surface for herself. Her head, large enough to cover your whole upper body, peeks out of the water on one side of the tub while her back hooves come out at the other end. Each of her front hooves rest on the opposite sides of the pool. Aside from that, her teats also make for two elusive islands around the middle of the water.
  6049. You dip inside too. Unlike the large mare, this jacuzzi could make a decent swimming pool for a halfling, and the treasures hidden in the depth make it tempting to take a dive. However, to your surprise Fen Flower doesn’t seem so eager to have you go down on her right away, instead looking up to the glass dome and the night sky above. She enjoys the view and the calm, with only the sound of rumbling water around.
  6051. You float to Fen’s side and rest you head on the huge mare’s chest, who in turn starts to gently hold you against her.
  6052. “Now this is life, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower purrs. “You remember the village you found me in? Living like that, like a peasant, that is going to be a thing of the past for me!”
  6053. Though, the mare seems to hesitate after saying this.
  6054. “I mean, not right away of course.” She adds. “I’m not done adventuring around for a while I guess, but this is what I could be aiming for. I sure can’t imagine myself getting bored of living a place resembling this one, or meals as tasty as the one we had… or having the cutest little colt to my side.”
  6056. Lazily, the mare leans in to smooch the top of your head with her lips.
  6057. “Seems like you appreciated tonight as much as I did.” You say. “May I offer a little massage?”
  6058. “Mmh-hum.” She nods. “Sounds marvellous Little Spoon.”
  6060. After letting go of you, Fen Flower slowly turns around on her belly, resting her head on her hooves while her back emerges from the water. You clumsily climb on, the plumpness of her derriere thankfully providing some decent footing, and there you start to walk on her, rubbing and pushing on the nooks of the mare’s back.
  6062. “Am I doing alright?” You ask after a couple minutes.
  6063. “I can barely feel you.” Fen Flower chuckles nonchalantly, looking back at you with a smile and half-lidded eyes. “But I appreciate the effort. Now, I’m no masseuse myself, but I could certainly make your body feel really great if you want…”
  6065. >What do?
  6067. “Ah, well…” You slide into the water again. “I did talk about a ‘little’ massage. But yes, I’d love to see what a big one could feel like. Just try not to break my bones under your hooves lady Fen Flower.”
  6068. “Please, Little Spoon.” The mare turns on her back again. “I handled you well while being bigger than this in the past. I’ll need to take you out of here, though. I wouldn’t want you to drown you under me.”
  6070. You have to cling on the tub’s side to not be carried away by the waves of Fen Flower exiting the jacuzzi. The huge mare then scoops you up before fetching all the towels available to dry both of you. After putting some of those on the bed, she sits on there and places you on her lap. You feel her still wet thighs and teats under you.
  6072. First she rubs your dry vigorously, her hooves ruffling your coat and mane through the towels. She sometimes hoovers over your skin rather than to scrub too hard on you, but you get to feel her hooves rub over you whole back in fractions of seconds when she has it just right. After that, she places you with your back on the bed while she leans on her side next to you.
  6073. “Let’s see…” Fen whispers. “Your shoulders must be sore. Tell me if I’m pressing too hard Little Spoon.”
  6075. As she goes, you attempt to push back one of her hooves going on you at some point, but of course you’re unable to even deviate its course, and instead have yourself slide on the bed as you push on the wall of Fen’s hoof.
  6076. “Is something the matter Little Spoon?” She asks. “Did I hit a bad spot?”
  6077. “Not at all, it’s just that I can’t help but to marvel at your size, lady Fen flower.” You reply. “As I suspected, I do not even have the strength to repel even your most mundane movement. The difference between the two of us is already so great…”
  6078. Fen quizzically blinks for a second, before presenting you her hoof. Looming over your head, it could certainly cover your whole face. You extend your own leg to touch it in reaction. Not only does your hoof whole fits inside the wall of the one of the bigger mare, but you can’t even cover up her frog completely. In terms of size, you’re barely more than the height of a new-born compared to Fen Flower, your limb looking frail and dainty in comparison to hers.
  6079. “How cute.” Fen Flower smiles. “You’re not small enough yet to fit in my hoof all the time, but we’re getting there, aren’t we?”
  6081. There, Fen Flower shifts to lie on her back too, resting her head on the bed next to yours. Of course, her body extends far further than yours, the tip of your hind hooves merely reaching the level of her chest. She’s about a foot away from you, and with the depression her weight creates in the mattress, the slightest uncontrolled twitch of yours would have you roll onto her.
  6082. “Now… Like I said, I’m not much of a masseuse myself. But maybe there’s some more things you want to compare with me?” Fen Flower playfully asks.
  6084. >What do?
  6086. >What do?
  6088. You let yourself slide on Fen Flower, lightly bumping on the larger mare who awaits to see what you’re up to. Getting back on your hooves, you straddle her neck and wrap your hooves around her head.
  6090. Needless to say, you can’t completely reach around no matter how much you squeeze yourself under her chin. You’re not that far away, though, with both your hooves ending in the lush locks of Fen Flower. Meanwhile, you rest your jaw near her mouth and her eyes look at you amusedly.
  6091. “So? What are the conclusions of your little experiment?” She asks.
  6092. “Well, you really Are big, lady Fen Flower!” You state.
  6093. She chuckles. “Sounds like we’re not learning much here.”
  6094. “Then we shall proceed with the next test! Would you please sit up so I may get a look on that mouth of yours?”
  6096. The mare does as you say, shifting her position with you still on her to have her head rest against the headboard. Her face is now in front of yours, with your mouth at the same level as hers. Her snout goes up to the middle of your head, the calm stream of air from her nostrils slightly tickling your eyes.
  6097. Reflexively, you go in for a kiss. Fen’s lips cover your snout alright as you use your hooves to hold yourself against her. Your tongue can go past her teeth, but barely any further. Her retaliation, however… the mare’s tongue is over thrice the size of your own, and you’re overwhelmed by her taste as she puts you back in place to thoroughly explore your maw, forcing you to open so wide you almost gag. You’re not sure you could even hurt her if you tried to bite.
  6099. You let out a lustful huff as Fen Flower frees your maw, several globs of your your joined spit landing on her neck.
  6101. “You can certainly push my tongue alright, but now I wonder…” you say after catching your breath. “At that size, could I hide in your mouth yet?”
  6102. “Mmh?” The mare cocks an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not a fan of jawbreakers Little Spoon. I don’t think you could fit in comfortably yet.”
  6103. “Well, in that case…” You sit up and then let yourself fall back on Fen Flower’s toned tummy. A little scooting backwards, and the top of your head meets the round tits of the mare. You push your head between the smooth mounds who engulf it entirely, and with you arms you press them further on you. While you certainly can’t reach around each tit with an arm, you couldn’t completely hide between them.
  6105. “Feeling comfortable, Little Spoon?” Fen Flower chimes.
  6106. “I sure wouldn’t mind spending a night or two in here.” You answer, taking a whiff of the bitter-sweet smell of a bosom after a night of partying. “I must admit, this feels a lot safer than the other day, even though I miss how imposing you were back then.”
  6107. “We have a way to fix that I believe, and you seem in the mood for it.” Fen Flower chuckles.
  6109. The large mare places her hoof on your flare which is standing at attention after your experiments. You let out a grunt as she slowly rolls it around the inside of her hoof. Quickly enough, it’s the mare’s tongue that coms to tease you while one of her hoof holds you in place, head still buried between her tits.
  6111. Fen Flower slowly kisses your tip, suckling on it amorously while you head remains between her warm mounds. Slow and steady you feel your release come after a few minutes, and you erupt inside Fen Flower’s mouth.
  6113. The bed creaks ominously as Fen Flower significantly gains in size. There’s your gift of the bard, but here the huge mare grew way more than what you’d have expected, and you can’t keep hugging her breasts as they immediately balloon way too big to be held and push your arms away.
  6114. You sit up and find yourself on the belly on a 20’ mare, while she was ‘only’ 11’ the second before.
  6116. “Huh.” Fen Flower smirks. “I knew there would have been an easy way to reverse this. I told you one of my potions shrunk me today as a side effect, right? Looks like some activity is all it takes to bring me back to my righteous size.”
  6117. “Righteous indeed… would you accept to let me explore your mouth now?”
  6118. “Mmh… Let’s make me as big as I can get first, will you?”
  6120. Again, this is not something you’ll need much convincing to do. The 20’ Fen Flower places you so you may work on her marehood now. Facing a clit as large as your hoof -and growing- and an anus you could bury your face into, you pump more and more size in Fen Flower. One more foot of height every time you come, you see her ample butt cheeks inflate bigger around you every time. Fen Flower soon reaches 26’ tall, the point at which she can make you equipment big enough for her needs, which she does immediately.
  6122. The whole hotel, if not the whole capital may be hearing her moans at this time. Fen Flower pumps you in and out of her, showering you with her juices as she climaxes, and reaching 33’ tall. The vast room of the hotel barely contains her at this point, and the jacuzzi could only serve as a mere hoof bath for the gigantic mare.
  6124. “Now this is a proper size for me, don’t you think?” Fen Flower marks a break and scoops you with a hoof some you may contemplate her body.
  6126. At this size, she has her back leaning on a wall of the room while her hooves touch the other. Next to you are teats much bigger that you are, and above a mouth that could comfortably swallow you this time. Fen’s heated breath washes all over you, giving you a slight chill from being covered with her juice.
  6127. “I believe I’m no jawbreaker to you anymore, lady Fen Flower.” You say. “Perhaps now we could…”
  6128. “You really want this, don’t you?” Fen Flower chuckles. “Well… let me just clean you up a little. I’d rather have your taste than mine in my mouth.”
  6130. Fen Flower dips you inside the remaining water of jacuzzi, and scrubs you a little with her hoof. After that, she decides that the best way to dry you would be to smother you between her teats. Now climbable mounds to you once more, Fen Flower drops you between them, and rubs them together. The smoothest fur of her is all around you, smothering every inch of your skin while you hear the muffled laughter of your giant date above.
  6132. You’re picked up soon enough, and after Fen Flower considers you for a few seconds, she opens her mouth and sucks in the lower half of your body in. You went from warm and soft to hot and wet. Your hooves are out in the open and gripping on Fen Flower’s lips. You’re facing downwards, having a view on the giant mare’s body occupying the whole luxurious suite by itself while her massive tongue rubs against you.
  6133. The muscle is huge enough to cover your belly and crotch, and Fen purposedly stimulate you here. You feel her lips tense into a smile as you groan in pleasure, and soon you climax again to make Fen Flower over 30’ for a short time again.
  6135. You sink deeper in her maw as she grows, and the mare decides to suck you in completely. You find yourself in complete darkness now, Fen’s tongue as big as you are and probing every inch of you. You attempt to wrestle back against it, but the whole-muscle appendage can easily pin you down or up the mare’s palate. You hear Fen’s chuckle echo everywhere around you as she has you cum once more. The mare makes your shaft small enough to remain in her mouth, but big enough to be impractical to you and easy to stimulate by her tongue. Unable to find your footing the dark and damp place, and with little air to breathe, you eventually sort of exhaust yourself and find yourself at the mercy of Fen’s tongue. She has you cum again and again for her, keeping her as big as she can be for what feels like an hour for you.
  6136. You felt ready to accept an eternal fate as the mare’s lollipop, but eventually the light appears in your damp world again and Fen takes you out of her mouth.
  6138. “Honestly, you’re not that sweet of a colt Little Spoon.” She states at your tired and panting form on her hoof. “But I like the idea of a candy I can suck on to grow bigger.”
  6139. You chuckle meekly in reaction. A fleeting hint of disappointment passes on Fen’s face, and with a sigh she drops you on her belly where she lets you rest for now.
  6140. “We’re not done Little Spoon.” She states nonchalantly. “I understand that pleasing a mare of my calibre can be tiring, but I’ve yet to be completely satisfied. Understood?”
  6142. You nod meekly, and minutes later, her moans can be heard by the city again as you pleasure her marehood once more.
  6144. You wake up the next day with one leg of Fen Flower draped over you, and her gentle breathing on the side of your head. She shrunk back to 8’ it seems. Aside from a knocked-over table, her growth of yesterday somehow didn’t cause any unintended destruction. The mare lazily opens one eye not long after you, and she show you a little smirk before taking you in a gentle hug that she concludes with a kiss, reigniting some of the wonderful memories of the night prior.
  6145. “How about you boot up the jacuzzi again?” She offers. “Meanwhile, I’ll go see what this place has for breakfast.”
  6147. There’s no reason to say anything against that, so you just watch the large mare slowly rise up and walk toward the door. As you take your time to get on your hooves, the business of the day comes back to your mind again.
  6149. You planned for your growth-themed party to happen tonight and there’s still about everything left to organize. The only thing you’ve done so far was to spread the word about it. Which isn’t too bad, as you’re thus certain there are ponies out there who would like to partake in such an event. You also convinced Fen Flower about trying to prepare growth potions to sell there. After this date, you should probably get to preparing tonight. Your companions would probably be able to help you. You should meet up with them.
  6151. But that’ll come after you’re done here. Fen Flower comes back with a platter of still warm first-class pastries and coffee for the two of you. You get in the relaxing bubbling water together again, and start to dig in the food.
  6153. >What do?
  6154. >Conclude the date and meet with your other companions?
  6156. After the scrumptious breakfast, you and Fen Flower leave the hotel, the big alchemist mare giving you one more kiss to express how much she liked the evening.
  6157. You then head to the inn where you meet your other companions. The three mares are already here when you arrive.
  6159. “Hello Little Spoon, Fen Flower!” Silver Willow greets you from the table she sits at with Night Sprout and Pear Plum. “How was your evening?”
  6160. “It was wonderful!” Fen Flower answers with a grin as you and her sit at the table. “I and Little Spoon spent the most wondrous night together. Oh, and, pleased to meet you. I believe the is the first time we see each other in the flesh.”
  6161. “Indeed.” Silver Willow nods with a polite smile. “My name is Silver Willow. I’m looking forward to get to know you better. I’ve already heard many praises about you.”
  6163. “I might be able to provide such an occasion actually.” You speak up. “As you know, I plan to organize a party tonight where growth will be at the centre! Though, I must admit, I still have lots of things to prepare, and I hoped you could all lend me a hoof.”
  6164. “Of course, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum nods, and the other mares follow. “I’ll do my best to help. So, what do you need exactly?”
  6166. “Well… a lot of things?” You shrug a bit embarrassedly. “I’ve been busier than I thought and almost everything is yet to plan. I’ll book up the place for a start, likely it’ll be in the outskirts of the city so we can have a big enough space for large mares without it being too costly.”
  6167. “I suppose we’ll need some food and drinks too.” Silver Willow says. “What else then? Music maybe? Or maybe we should plan other activities? Should we get some decorations? And… How many ponies are we expecting actually?”
  6168. “That’s a bit hard to say.” You ponder out loud. “I’ve been spreading the word about this party whenever I had the chance lately, but I’m not sure about how many attendees this’ll translate to. Several dozen at this point I’d say? Well… since the place for the party hadn’t been settled at the time, I’ll need to contact them again anyway.”
  6170. “I can help spread the word.” Night Sprout volunteers.
  6171. “As for me, I’ll be brewing potions today.” Fen Flower states. “We can’t have a party about growth without providing some that’s last longer than tonight.”
  6172. “Would you be able to brew potions to make stallions more endurant too?” You ask. “So they have a chance to keep up with the growing mares?”
  6173. “I certainly can.” Fen Flower nods, before showing you a playful smirk. “You didn’t need one of those yesterday, but indeed there might be stallions out there, that aren’t as much of a stud as you are Little Spoon.”
  6175. “That makes me think, I believe we should decide right now how heated things could end up.” Silver Willow says. “Fen Flower. I believe that when you had this party at the plaza, ponies ended up going openly sexual, right?”
  6176. “Well, yeah.” She nods. “That’s probably gonna happen at this party too I believe.”
  6177. “Of course we can’t stop ponies going somewhere private to do their business, but we can also encourage them to do so openly in the place we will use. Going full-on orgy, or not, is our choice to make.”
  6178. “Well… sorry, but I don’t think I’d be comfortable staying if everybody started doing that kind of things.” Pear Plum speaks up.
  6179. “That’s understandable.” Silver Willow nods. “I believe we’ll lose the most prude part of our guests if things heat up too much, but personaly I’d be in favour of the idea however. Anyway, that’ll be your call Little Spoon.”
  6181. As the mares expectantly look at you, you start to weight your options.
  6183. Booking the place is probably the first order of the day in all cases. But after that, there’s many ways to do the rest. You and your companions could spread out to accomplish as many tasks as possible, or you could have several ponies help each other and spend more time on them if you want to prioritize some ordeals and make sure they’re done well.
  6184. Also… some of your companions may not be the best suited to do certain tasks alone. You don’t think Night Sprout the fairy would be good at negotiating prices for food for example. She could help somepony else do so however.
  6185. That’s for the how, but then there’s what you’ll actually do at this party. You could keep it rather basic with food, drinks and music or imagine more creative activities for it. This is already quite an exotic premise to have physical growth as the focus, so you believe your guests will accept lots of novelty.
  6187. >What do?
  6188. >What will your companions do to prepare the party?
  6189. >Fen Flower? By default, she will spend the whole day preparing potions.
  6190. >Silver Willow?
  6191. >Night Sprout?
  6192. >Pear Plum?
  6193. >You can assign several tasks to each companion and yourself.
  6195. “I believe it would be a step down if ponies couldn’t go as wild as they could with you, Fen Flower.” You decide. “Alright. When we spread the word, we have to make sure ponies understand thing will likely get heated. I have a few ideas to make sure it does actually.”
  6196. “A-alright.” Pear Plum nods with a bit of a blush. “I and Night Sprout will spend the evening elsewhere then.”
  6197. “Can we still help setting up the party?” Night Sprout asks.
  6198. “Yes. Thank you for that too.” You nod. “I’ll be counting on you all. So here’s what I’d like you to do…”
  6200. First, you rent the place for tonight. You end up paying 100 gold of that, and get a large and empty but clean warehouse for it. You can’t wait to fill it to the brim with big mares…
  6201. Next on your list are food and furniture. Nothing too fancy this time. You don’t plan to set up a restaurant, but instead find a hoofful of street vendor who accept to set up a booth at your party so ponies may get fresh snacks at any time.
  6202. One of the vendors indicates you where you can rent some chairs and table after you ask, as well as what you need to set up a stage. You even find some bedwear and mattresses to rent so ponies can get comfortable. The whole stuff ends up costing 60 more gold for the night.
  6204. Fen Flower is pleasantly surprised as you offer to subsidize her potion-making to both make herself bigger and mitigate the side-effects. The price is quite steep, as the mare will need 400 gold for both, but was else are coins good for other than making mares bigger? Anyway, the alchemist mare has a whole day of brewing to do as she also need to prepare potions for all the attendees.
  6206. Silver Willow accepts to see if Whispersun would be available for the party. She comes back around noon to tell you that while it took some convincing to do with the owner of the Sweet Grape club, you have the singer elf mare for tonight as well as a crew of musicians. She also found a bartender to sell drinks for everypony. There were some expanses, but Silver tells you not to worry about it as she took care of it. In the afternoon, she spreads words about the party.
  6208. Pear Plum spends the day decorating the warehouse. The druid mare decides to use her abilities to cover the walls with lush vines and flowers, and also adds isles of flowerbed at some spots in the warehouse. The vegetation is impressively big too, with some plants reaching 6’ tall and flowers as big as a pony’s head. There’s a pleasant aroma in the whole place too.
  6209. “Well, since the theme of the party is growth, I though this could be appropriate.” The druid mare tells you, looking quite tired from setting up all this but satisfied with the result.
  6211. Night Sprout spends the day helping Pear Plum in the morning and Silver Willow in the afternoon. You didn’t really need to have guests help with setting up the party in the end, and they spread the words about the party to their own friends instead.
  6212. In the end, you believe you can expect for over 100 attendees to come the party.
  6214. About 1 hour before the time you told the guests to come, everything seems ready. The booths are set up, the musicians and Whispersun are here, and you and your companions have about 1 hour left to cool off before the event. Fen Flower is the last one to return, carrying one heavy-looking bag, and a couple inches bigger than the last time you saw here.
  6215. “Little Spoon!” Fen Flower immediately calls you. “About the potions I made for tonight, I have to tell you…”
  6217. >Roll 1d100
  6218. >Huge success: DC 90
  6219. >Success: DC 70
  6220. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  6222. Fen Flower gulps uncomfortably, and she look really stressed out.
  6223. “…It’s a disaster! I don’t know how, but something went wrong!”
  6224. “Hold on, are you alright lady Fen Flower?” You ask. “What happened?”
  6225. “It’s the potion. I… I don’t know how, but it didn’t go at all like I expected! All was looking well at first, but the components started reacting in ways I couldn’t explain, and whatever I did I couldn’t manage to rectify it.”
  6226. “Ah… so you mean, we don’t have any potion to sell to our audience tonight, right?”
  6227. “Well…” The big alchemist mare bites her lip. “The solution tuned out weird, but actually, I’m about certain it’ll still affect a mare’s size. Maybe it’s still a growth potion after all? Just not the one I intended?” She shrugs and grins uncomfortably. “Also… there’s a chance, if I could see the effect of my potion on somepony, maybe I could fix what went wrong.”
  6229. “Wait, did you drink it yourself yet?” You ask.
  6230. “Me? No way!” Fen lower shakes her head. “Especially while I was on my own! What if I were knocked out? Or worst, what if I shrunk?! I couldn’t keep working on the potion that way! But I was thinking… Maybe we could ask Silver Willow. I prepared plenty of healing potions and antidotes in prevision, and with Pear Plum around it will definitely be safe. I mean, I said knocked out, but there’s no way somepony could die from this potion. I’m sure of it.”
  6232. >A: That’s too dangerous. Unfortunately, you’ll have to do without potions to sell to everypony tonight.
  6233. >B: Agree and attempt to convince Silver Willow to sample the potion so Fen can try to fix it.
  6234. >C: You’ll have guests tonight that’ll be hungry for growth. Perhaps you can single one daring mare out and try it on her first.
  6235. >D: This is Fen Flower’s responsibility. She should try it on herself. The rest of you will help.
  6237. “Alright.” You nod. “Let go see lady Silver Willow.”
  6238. You inform your companions of Fen’s predicament. Fortunately, Silver Willows sounds willing to try the faulty potion. Fen Flower had stored the result of her experiment in a barrel, and after setting up her ingredients and tools for what’s next, she pours a little cup of it for the noble mare.
  6240. “Are you sure Silver?” Pear Plum says. “I mean, this sounds rather dangerous.”
  6241. “I suppose it is.” Silver shrugs and chuckles. “But if I can contribute to this alchemic adventure, I’m ready to take the chance. Besides, I’m confident that you’ll all make sure everything goes well!”
  6242. Pear Plum pinches her lips. While she visibly still doesn’t approve on the method, she doesn’t object further.
  6244. “Well, I’m ready if you are.” Silver has the purple brew roll in her cup as the rest of you nod determinedly. The mare then gulps it down in on go after which she daintily stifles a cough.
  6246. “Goodness! The taste could use some work!” Silver exclaims.
  6247. “Sorry. But anyway, do you feel anything else?” Fen Flower eagerly asks.
  6249. “Well…” Silver ponders. “There’s a tickling in my belly, and… Woah!”
  6250. You all take a step back as Silver surges a couple feet bigger, going from 6 to 8 feet tall, and it looks like this isn’t stopping yet.
  6251. “This growth potion seems to be working alright for now!” Silver says with enthusiasm as she reaches 9… 10… then 12 feet tall. The growing noble mare takes some steps back so her hooves do not topple the equipment of the alchemist mare while still growing about a foot every second. However, a few feet short of her head hitting the 20’-tall ceiling, Silver Willow gasps as she suddenly shrinks back in less than a second.
  6253. “Your potion grows ponies alright Fen Flower, but I’d say it’s perhaps a bit too explosive.” She comments.
  6254. “No that’s not all!” You exclaim. “You’re smaller lady Silver Willow! You were about 6’ before you drank the potion, now you’re only 5’ anymore!”
  6255. “Oh, a-am I?” The noble mare is starting to sound worried as she starts inspecting herself and noticing the change.
  6257. “I-I think I know what’s happening!” Fen Flower exclaims as she starts to frenetically mix together ingredients in a new cauldron. “The potion does make her grow, but it must be tapping in her existing size for it! I can fix it! I just need a minute… o-or two…!”
  6258. “Uhm!” Silver calls. “I’m don’t think it’s over! I still feel the tickling inside me!”
  6260. Pear Plum reacts by pulling out a pouch from her stuff, and you recognize the fairy dust she obtained at the time you helped the fairies. She takes a hooffull and blows it on Silver Willow in a sparkling cloud.
  6261. “This should dispel the effect!” Pear Plum says “Do you still feel strange Silver?”
  6263. The noble mare only coughs as an answer, but unfortunately the next second you see her body start to rapidly swell bigger again.
  6264. “The antidotes I have won’t cut it but I can fix this! I need a little more time!” Fen Flower exclaims, mixing her brew as fast as she can.
  6266. >A: Maybe Silver needs to drink the fairy dust? Could Fen infuse it in water before it’s too late?
  6267. >B: Use countergrowth! That worked on a magic orb before. Maybe it’ll work for a potion too?
  6268. >C: Grow Silver with whatever ability you can to maybe absorb the shrinking effect. Use you inspiration? Your remaining charge of Embrace destiny? Draw a card for her?
  6269. >D: There’s nothing safe to do but wait for Fen Flower’s remedy you’re afraid.
  6271. Countergrowth! Good-ol’ Countergrowth can surely fix this mess. Or at least, it can try. Surely it can’t make things worse, right?
  6272. Bringing out your luth, you attempt to disrupt the magic affecting Silver Willow.
  6274. >Roll 1d100
  6275. >Huge success: DC 90
  6276. >Success: DC 80
  6277. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  6279. The notes of your lute resonate in the air to no avail, and again Silver Willow is close to reach 10’ tall.
  6280. “Little Spoon!” Silver whimpers loudly. “I don’t think this is working!”
  6281. “I-I’ll try something else!” You exclaim. “The rest of you, go outside!”
  6283. Your companions make a run for it as you start to use your inspiration in the hope it prevents Silver From shrinking further.
  6285. However, as soon as you start it is the opposite that happens.
  6286. “Little Spoon! Stop!” Silver Willow calls as her body surges bigger even faster than before. Her head quickly hits the ceiling, and then she has to duck as her body keep inflating bigger to 30, 35… maybe 40 feet if she were to stand. Soon she’s lying down completely, yet her rear, pushed up by her teats soon draws near the ceiling again.
  6287. You stopped using your inspiration of course, but again this didn’t fix anything. Now you start to worry about the head of the noble mare threatening to smother you as her body occupies more and more of the space of the warehouse.
  6289. Before any real damage is done to the roof however, Silver Willow abruptly shrinks again, and suddenly, she isn’t here anymore.
  6291. Or, that’s what you believe for a second, before you see what’s left on her.
  6292. You walk incredulously toward Silver Willow who’s getting back on her hooves. As she sees you, an awkward smile appears on her face.
  6293. “Well, aren’t you looking hunkier than usual, Little Spoon?” You barely hear the voice of her 3 inches form in front of you.
  6295. As the sounds of Silver Willow’s expansion subside, the rest of your companions come back, and just like you they can’t help but to be shocked by how small the noble mare became.
  6296. “Oh shit!” Fen Flower exclaims. “I-I got an antidote here so this stops! Drink it quickly!”
  6297. “Well, I don’t feel the tickling anymore, but I guess this can’t hurt.” Silver comments. Carefully, Fen Flower presents a spoonful of a green potion to the minuscule Silver Willow. She drinks from it, but her condition seemed stable already.
  6298. “Uhm…” Fen Flower stutters. “So… I believe I can fix my potion. That way I’ll be able to give you a bit of height back, but it’s gonna be a matter of inches for now I’m afraid. And… I don’t think I can turn you back to normal, sorry…”
  6300. “Goodness… Are you alright Silver?” Pear Plum asks nervously.
  6301. “Well, I feel fine.” Silver nods. “I mean, the change of perspective is a little sudden, but surely there’s some fun to be had like this. I became an adventurer to expand my horizons, and I sure am in for novelty right now.” There, she turns to you. “Well, what are you waiting for Little Spoon? I heard that the gentlecolt you are carried Night Sprout around when she was still the size of an actual fairy. Do I not deserve the same curtesy?”
  6302. “You’re even smaller than I’ve ever been.” Night Sprout comments as you gently pick up Silver Willow. And indeed, the noble mare is half the size the fairy was. She’s small enough to comfortably stand on your hoof, but you’re being extra careful at the moment as the reduced earth mare might not be used to such heights unlike a winged fairy.
  6304. “Lady Silver Willow, you…” You’re still slightly confused. “You sound quite fine with your condition.”
  6305. “And what if I am?” She chuckles. “Are you jealous Little Spoon? You’d rather have our sizes be switched, wouldn’t you?”
  6306. “Ahem… Yes, but that’s besides the point!” You retort, holding the 3’’ mare in front of your face. “I’m more worried about you suddenly being so little.”
  6307. “Oh, but I have nothing to fear since you’ll be protecting me, right Little Spoon?” She says, and blow you a playful little kiss. “Sorry, but It’s my turn to be on this side of the size range. And I must say, I might start to understand why you like it so much. The view’s not bad from here, heehee… And besides, if we need to, you can still make me quite the big girl, even if for a short time, right?”
  6308. You nod to that. Only your inspiration would make Silver Willow a proper mare again… though a halfling one.
  6310. As Fen Flower goes back to brewing, you, Pear Plum and Night Sprout are still looking and Silver Willow in bewilderment. The tiny earth mare is now sitting on your hoof, gently probing you with her arms, tickling the inside of your hoof slightly. At 3’’, you still distinctly feel her warm and round tits resting on your hoof.
  6312. >What do?
  6314. “Are you sure you’re alright being at this size?” You ask again. “I meant it when I said I was worried, that wasn’t just the big-mare-lauding bard talking. Things can get rather dangerous at your scale, especially with the horde of large mares that is going to arrive later.”
  6315. “Don’t worry Little Spoon, I was merely teasing you.” The toy-sized Silver shows you a tiny smile. “I know you mean well, but I’m genuinely looking forward to explore the possibilities of that height, at least for now. However, if it worries you too much, then you can grow me right away.”
  6316. “Well, if it’s alright with you, it’s alright with me.” You nod. “If being half the size of a fairy suits you, I’ll look out for you in the meantime. But if at some point in the party you want to return to a bigger size, you know you can ask me.”
  6317. “Alright. Thank you, Little Spoon.” Silver nods.
  6319. At this point, you reckon you might want a bit of privacy to discuss the next part. You ask Pear Plum and Night Sprout if they could check whether the stage is sturdy enough for mares of extraordinary size so they let you and Silver Willow on your own.
  6320. “So… I had this idea to spice things up for the party.” You start. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to pitch it to you.”
  6321. “Do tell me.” Silver chuckles. “It’s not like I could run away right now.”
  6322. “Well, I wanted to have the crowd try to guess some naughty facts about you and Fen Flower.” You explain. “Like having our guests attempt to estimate some of your measurement for example, or bet whether or not somepony could disappear completely under your rear. Though, at this size, this might be a bit complicated.”
  6323. “That sounds fun.” Silver nods. “But on the contrary, I think my current size will only make it better. Let those ponies place their bets while I’m measured in inches, and have then gawk at the results after you’ve grown me. I might not end up the biggest tonight, but with this premise I could have the most spectacular growth of all!”
  6324. “Then I’ll need to grow you back during the party. We have to find a private spot…”
  6325. “Do we?” Silver smirks deviously. “Don’t you like an audience, bard Little Spoon? Because I believe you’ll have dozens of mares ready to grow from your skills if you show them how it’s done in the flesh. Are you not up for it?”
  6327. Before you answer, Fen Flower approaches you.
  6328. “Hey. How are you feeling?” The huge mare starts a little awkwardly.
  6329. “I’m feeling great, and looking forward to the party!” Silver readily answers.
  6330. “Good then...” The huge mare nods. “Anyway, I managed to fix the potion. This time it’s perfectly safe for eveypony!”
  6332. As a demonstration, Fen Flower pours a cup from her barrel of potion and readily drinks it. Seconds later, her 8’ body swells a little bigger and is soon closer to 8 and a half.
  6333. “It’s less flashy than what your bard powers provide, but this is safe and stable growth for each mare that wishes so! Some ponies will grow more than other and I reckon it’s going to be a little random, but no surprise aside from growth.”
  6334. “Would it be able to make Silver Willow grow back to her size?” You ask. “If she drank more of it maybe?”
  6335. “That’s not how it works unfortunately.” Fen Flower shakes her head. “I would have drunk the whole barrel myself if that were the case… No, the potion doesn’t provide any benefit past a standard dose.” And to Silver Willow. “You look like you could use every boost you can, though.”
  6336. “Thanks.” Silver nods. “I’ll take a vial, but I’ll be keeping it aside for now. Can you put it in your bag Little Spoon?”
  6338. That’s no problem for you. You have Silver Willow ride on your hat as you receive the little glass container.
  6339. “I’ll ask Night Sprout and Pear Plum if they want a shot too.” Fen says.
  6340. Like Silver, Pear Plum accepts a vial but for a later use. Meanwhile, Night sprout immediately drinks her serving and gains 6 inches of height, making her 4’ even.
  6342. After that, you tell Fen Flower about your idea for an animation. She likes the idea too and will participate.
  6344. >What do?
  6345. >Proceed to the party?
  6347. You rest a little while you wait for the hour of the party, the tiny Silver Willow cuddling your neck and exploring the surface of your body. Or at least, the most presentable parts of it for now. She’ll be riding your hat while she’s small, and at her size she can hide in it at will.
  6349. Pear Plum and Night Sprout wish you a good evening when the first guests arrive. They’ll be staying at the inn you spent the night at before your date with Fen Flower.
  6350. As you welcome the small groups of ponies, the musicians start to play and the food booths fire up their grills. Whispersun hasn’t started singing yet.
  6351. Most eyes are on the 8’ plus Fen Flower when ponies get inside, even though they seem to appreciate the decorations too. There are some faces you remember from that time Fen had her public party among your guests. The other adventurers Fen Flower teamed up with to defeat goblins while you were investigating the Sweet Grape club are here too. Sky Slash, the barbarian pegasus mare, smirks as she notices you and approaches.
  6353. “Hey there little stud!” She cheerfully greets you. “So neither I or Fen Flower are enough for you, huh? You gotta assemble a whole bunch or mares and grow them up to be satisfied?”
  6354. “What can I say?” You shrug with a playful nonchalance. “Like all adventurers, I always long for a bigger challenge.”
  6355. Sky Slash laughs out loud.
  6356. “Not my idea of a challenge, but I gotta respect your dedication. Anyway, you picked some nice-smelling grub too! I’m gonna check it out!”
  6358. The barbarian mare joins the line of ponies in front of one of the food stands.
  6359. You believe the bulk of your guests has arrived at this point. There must be about a hundred ponies in the warehouse now, even though you can expect a couple dozen more to arrive. You’d say that about two thirds of the guests are mares. That must partly because of Silver Willow, who probably advertised this event around the Sweet Grape club while she was also getting Whispersun to sing here tonight.
  6361. The guests seem content to just have a drink and something to eat for now, but perhaps you could try to start something more interesting already?
  6363. >A: You can dela the main event a little. Go discuss with Fen Flower and her friends and hear what they’ve been up to.
  6364. >B: Get the growth started with your Bardic Inspiration on the whole room except Silver since her growth will be kept for latter.
  6365. >C: Meddle with other guests! Time to meet new mares that are interested in growing themselves.
  6366. >D: Immediately start with the game you’ve though about with Fen Flower and Silver Willow. That’ll be a great way to set up the mood you want. Maybe find other mares that would want to play?
  6368. So what are you waiting for? Level up and grow her back!
  6370. Well, you did it! You assembled a plethora of mares that wish for nothing more than to get bigger. It’s high time you personally met some of those like-minded guests!
  6372. Among the ponies present, you spot a trio of city mares that you approach. The unicorns are richly dressed with colourful gowns and sparkling jewellery. They look to be around their thirties.
  6373. “Greeting ladies.” You start. “Is everything at your liking?”
  6374. “Why, yes, thanks you.” One of them answers while the others smile. “You’re the organizer of this gathering, aren’t you? Little Spoon the bard, right?”
  6375. “At your service, my ladies.” You bow exaggeratedly, causing the three mares to giggle. “I hope you’re ready for a party like you’ve never had before!”
  6376. “Ah, unfortunately, we’re here to see, not touch.” One other mare nods. “It’s already a bit of a sneaky one we’re doing to our husbands by coming at all. But I have good hope my dear Ruby Flash will forget that when he ends up with more of me to love.”
  6377. “Talk for yourselves!” The third ones says. “I don’t have that kind of ball attached on my leg at the moment, so maybe I could find myself a suitable colt tonight.”
  6378. “I don’t think there’s any husband material here, though.” The second mare smugly states.
  6379. “You’re probably right.” The third one nods. “Some stud to have some fun with, however…”
  6381. >1A: Just do some more small talk with them and leave.
  6382. >1B: Flirt with the mare that’s looking for a colt to have fun with.
  6383. >1C: Ask if they’d like to be a part of the activity you’ve devised. They’ll get their potion for free.
  6384. >1D: Grow them with your inspiration and see how they react. [spoiler]Input stat to increase[/spoiler]
  6386. There’s another group that picks up your interest. These three mares look like adventurers this time. One muscular earth mare that must be a beastly druid with a long fluffy mane, a halfling rogue who’s got a perky plump rump for herself, and one elven sorceress that wears a classy see-through dress on her lithe body.
  6388. “Good evening, ladies.” You open the conversation. “Do you have everything you need?”
  6389. “Food and drinks, so yeah. Thanks.” The druid mare replies matter-of-factly, before taking another bite of her taco.
  6390. “Hey, you’re the one who set up this party, right?” The halfling mare says. “So it’s true? You got spells and potions to make ponies bigger permanently? It’s not a scam?”
  6391. “It happens I heard about such halfling magic before.” The sorceress mare says pensively. “At the time it sounded so silly I dismissed it as mere rumours. I have to admit, it is quite astounding that the feeling of inadequacy of halflings mixed with their basest desires came to create actual power. What a particular mistake of nature…”
  6392. “Hey, don’t be rude to our host!” The rogue halfling mare says with a playful smirk. “You don’t know what it’s like to have to look up to everypony, you big twig!”
  6393. “You shouldn’t be ungrateful of your condition.” The elf answers nonchalantly, the tiniest smile at the corner of her mouth. “Without your small size, you’d be an even more catastrophic burglar that you’re now.”
  6395. The halfling mare gives the elven mare’s leg a series of harmless jabs, but this sems to be in good fun. The druid mare looks in silence while focussing on her meal.
  6397. >2A: Just do some more small talk with them and leave.
  6398. >2B: Ask the elven mare what she knows about such halfling magic exactly.
  6399. >2C: Ask if they’d like to be a part of the activity you’ve devised. They’ll get their potion for free.
  6400. >2D: Grow the halfling mare with your inspiration to show the elf she’s wrong… or the elven mare so she utterly dwarves her rogue companion. [spoiler]Input characteristic to increase[/spoiler]
  6402. You’re a bit surprised, but you sight Ebony Vine at the party. The young adult mare seems to have come on her own. She looks rather at ease, but also like she’s looking for somepony. She smiles as she sees you approach.
  6403. “Hello lady Ebony Vine. It looks like you’ve recovered splendidly.”
  6404. “Yes, thanks you.” She respectfully nods. “Though, I wish I could express my gratitude to Pear Plum again… Is she around here?”
  6406. >3A: Tell her this party might get a little weird for her and she should leave. Pear Plum’s not here anyway.
  6407. >3B: Indicate to Ebony Vine where she can find Pear Plum.
  6408. >3C: Invite the young mare to stay even though Pear Plum’s not here. She might meet other mares she could come to like, and Whispersun will be singing too.
  6409. >3D: Be blunt with her. She’s got a crush on Pear Plum doesn’t she? But since Pear Plum told her off once she should leave the druid mare alone.
  6411. As a reminder, these are suggestions and you may input your own dialogue and options.
  6413. You chat some more with the city mares, but they don’t really interest you that much beyond that. Also… you have a bad experience with married mares and jealous husbands. Even the one that’s free right now could have a vengeful ex somewhere for all you know.
  6414. You eventually wish them a good evening after encouraging them to ask Fen Flower for potions. Then you continue on your way.
  6416. -
  6418. Ebony Vine looks like a sweet young mare, but she might be acting a bit pushy here.
  6419. “Lady Ebony Vine, I’m afraid I should remind you that lady Pear Plum isn’t interested in you.” You bluntly state.
  6420. “Oh, uhm…” The mare blushes as she’s caught red-hoofed. “It’s alright. I will just see her from afar then.”
  6421. “Unfortunately, she won’t be here at all tonight.” You shake your head. “But still, perhaps you should stay with us and meet other mares. I must just warn you that things will get rowdy in here for sure. We don’t have booths like at the Sweet Grape club, so ponies will certainly act in the open tonight.”
  6422. “Oh dear…” Ebony Vine blushes further.
  6423. “However, I believe you may like it in here regardless.” You say with a smile. “We managed to borrow Whispersun from the club for tonight… as well as some of the patrons from there as well I believe, so you might meet other like-minded ponies around. Here, why don’t I introduce you to a good friend of mine?”
  6425. As you tip your cap, the tiny Silver Willow shows herself from the fold of your hat.
  6426. “Hello Ebony Vine!” Silver chimes as she waves to the puzzled mare. “I suppose you don’t recognize me from that other night. I had quite some more… presence at the time.”
  6427. “How about trying to be the bigger mare for tonight?” You say. “Lady Silver Willow, surely you wouldn’t mind being handled by lady Ebony Vine for some time, right?”
  6428. “Of course.” She nods. “As long it doesn’t bother her. And she could stay with us for the time being.”
  6430. Surprised by the turn of events, the young mare nods after a few seconds. Carefully, you offer a hoof for Silver to step onto before presenting the 3-inches buxom mare to Ebony Vine. The young earth mare scoops her in a similar fashion, Silver looking amusedly at the giant quizzical face over her.
  6431. Ebony Vine then follows you as you walk around the party.
  6433. -
  6435. You think about pushing the elven mare’s advantage of height, but it’s time your fellow halfling adventurer discovered what being the bigger mare feels like.
  6436. Constitution it’ll be for her! On top of suddenly overcoming the elf in size, the halfling mare’s rump bulges and stretches her leather pants to the limit. Now her buttocks alone probably weight twice her friend’s load. The sorceress opens her mouth, but no sound comes out of it in her surprise. Meanwhile, the formerly-smaller mare just mockingly raises an eyebrow, before giving her friend a big hit from her big butt, which is now powerful enough to send her flying a dozen feet away to land on her side.
  6438. “Oof…” The elven mare shoves a blond stand of mane to the side as she clumsily picks herself up. “I must admit, this has to be the most effective back attack I’ve seen you perform!”
  6439. “Wanna see me follow up with a choke?” The big halfling shows a toothy grin as she presents to her friend a pair of meaty flanks that could easily pin her down.
  6440. “I’ll… pass on that one.” The elf mare says defeatedly.
  6442. After you allow her to get back on her hooves, you ask the sorceress about the halfling magic she mentioned earlier.
  6444. “Ah, yes, it was from a friend of mine quite some time ago. Feather Spin is her name. As an aspiring loretrotter, she was studying the works of Page Turner the Treader at the time. It was a collection of forgotten tales and legends, and one of them was about halflings and their magic. In ancient times, there was a once an immensely powerful, titanic empress lording over the continent. Page Turner argued that her power came from halfling magic which itself was fuelled by a lust for larger mares, but also that her downfall came from a different halfling power, this one motivated by jealousy toward the larger races and that the empress was ultimately shrunk into nothingness.”
  6446. “That’s quite the tale.” You ponder. “I’m quite surprised I didn’t hear about it before. Even where I learned my abilities, I was taught nothing about this empress in any history class or else.”
  6447. “Who knows?” The elven mare shrugs. “Perhaps this empress is so ancient she’s forgotten by most, or perhaps it’s just a legend after all. As I said, I believed this was made up, so I didn’t look more into it. The works of Page Turner are decently renowned, though, so I’m confident you could find them in this very city if you wished to learn more by yourself.”
  6448. “I see. Thank you.” You nod. “I suppose this friend of yours, lady Feather Spin, she isn’t around for me to meet her, right?”
  6449. “Indeed. She travels all around the land, and it’s been quite some time I didn’t see her.” The elven mare says. “We exchange letters though, and lately she’s been accompanying a party of adventurers that worked around the pegasus mountains.”
  6451. You didn’t plan to travel around the mountains so far, but perhaps you could meet this mare if you started questing in that region. Though, you don’t absolutely need her if the stories are all that interest you. You can directly find the books of Page Turner as the elf mare said. You could also send a letter to your school and ask them about such stories. Perhaps they have some information, or they could wish to hear about what you learn. Since you’re doing quite well, they probably wouldn’t mind if you paid them a visit either.
  6453. Anyway, growing this halfling mare got the other guests interested. This is the first potent growth they’ve witnessed this evening after all, and already Fen Flower seems to be making her firsts sales.
  6455. While you ponder about starting the activities you thought about for the festivities, your eyes meet with the one of a mare sitting a couple dozen feet away. She sems to be an elf of some kind, but, surely with some dye, she relinquished the warm tones and natural themes her kin usually prefers for a cold silver mane and pale blue coat. A dark leather corset, hooded cloak, fishnets and black lipstick complement her look. Gothic is a bit out of style for adventurers, but this lady certainly knows how to pull it off.
  6457. She is quite tall too, probably around 5’ of elven slenderness. You didn’t notice this mare before despite her singular appearance. Perhaps she just arrived? You just hope this isn’t some thief that just pickpocketed a dose of potion from Fen Flower… On the other hoof, she smiles as you’ve noticed her, and nonchalantly she sems to be inviting you to come and sit near her.
  6459. “Ah! S-Silver Willow!” Your thoughts are interrupted as Ebony Vine exclaims. “I can feel your… uhm, you know, y-your assets!”
  6460. “Oh, sorry dear.” Silver Willow answers. She was lying on the young mare’s hoof. “I just needed to rest my legs a bit. Maybe we could go sit somewhere and talk a little so you don’t have to hold me like that?” Then she chuckles. “Though, if you’re bothered by my gumballs right now, I’m not sure you’ll handle the sight of me if I happen to grow bigger than you!”
  6462. Ebony Vine looks away embarrassedly, probably both intrigued and intimidated by the idea. You don’t think she has stopped blushing since you confronted the young adult mare.
  6464. >A: Flirt a little with the halfling mare. Surely there’s stuff she would like to try with a stallion while she’s the bigger of the pair.
  6465. >B: Let Silver Willow and Ebony Vine have some time together, but maybe use your inspiration on either of the mares before that.
  6466. >C: Actually, you’re going to start your game of bets with the public, Fen Flower and Silver Willow, so you need the tiny noble mare with you.
  6467. >D: Approach that dark-looking elf mare you noticed, and see what is she come-hithering you for.
  6469. It isn’t time to start the main course yet, so you and the mares around can get some more random fun. While you let Silver and Ebony go find a place to better get acquainted with each other, you can do the same with your new halfling friend.
  6471. “So.” You talk to the 6’, mightily-butted mare. “Now that you’re playing in the big league, is there something new you’d like to try with a stallion?”
  6472. “Why you askin’?” She smirks and turns to face you. “Do I have a volunteer already?”
  6473. “Ah, only if you wish so, but I didn’t even get your name my lady.”
  6475. Without warning, the halfling mare grabs your head and presses it hard on her chest. You find yourself buried in her fur, tasting her sweet and slightly musky smell.
  6476. “Blackberry Brunch here.” She grins down at you. “I gotta say, it feels nice being able to make sure no colt’s gonna bail out on you.”
  6477. “Mlittle Fpoon’s the name…” You say with a bit of difficulty from being compressed against the mare. “Pfwah! And you don’t have to worry. I don’t need such coercion to remain at the side of a mare as pleasant as you.”
  6479. “Ha! I guess what Lilac Leaf said is true then.” The halfling let go of you. “It -Is- horny magic you’re wielding! I guess I know for sure what I got these for…”
  6480. There, Blackberry gives her right buttock a good slap, the sharp noise and swift ripple on the impressive glute showing that it is nearly all muscle.
  6481. “So how does it work?” She asks. “That’s why it said there was gonna be sex at this party, right? I bet you can grow mares bigger with other kinky spells. Works for me! As long as I’m not selling my soul or becoming an addict on whatever, I’m feeling quite in the mood for it!”
  6483. Again, the rogue halfling puts a heavy leg over your shoulder. Her head, twice the size of yours, descend at your level so your cheeks touch.
  6484. “So. Do I get a head-start over the other mares or what?” She grins as she whispers to you, seductively wiggling her eyebrows. “I mean, you just came over to me and my friends but made -Me- the bigger one. That means you’re gonna go wild on me with your magic, right?”
  6485. “Lady Blackberry, the night is still young.” You reply. “I mean, I still have many guests to greet, and surely you’ll appreciate reaching the peak of your size at the height of the party.”
  6487. “Huh. Sounds like you promised me you -Will- grow me a lot!” She says. “Thank you, Little Spoon! I expect to end up at least a head over that alchemist friend of yours if you don’t mind!”
  6488. “Lady Blackberry…”
  6489. “Okay, okay, I’ll let you take care of the other guests a little. Not that I -Have- to, you know? Remember, no more bailing out on me at this size! So I can’t wait for when you’ll keep your promise!” The big rogue mare let go of you once more and give you a wink.
  6491. And as she trots away... “In the meantime, I’ll be keeping an eye on you!”
  6493. Well, you sure made a lady friend that likes to humour you. Hum, yes. Let’s hope this is what she’s doing…
  6494. Anyway, next you decide to approach the shady-looking elven mare.
  6496. “Greetings Little Spoon.” She says with a sultry voice as you sit near her. The elven mare has bright emerald eyes with a glimmer in them that seem to have a life of its own. “I thank you for coming to me.”
  6497. “Hello to you.” You answer. “If I may ask, to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?”
  6498. “Amanita.” She answers. “Warlock, and seeker of strength. I’ll get straight to the point, bard. I am in search of power, and I believe you could help me in my purpose.”
  6499. “Seeker of strength?” You raise an eyebrow. “What is that purpose of yours if I may ask?”
  6501. The mare daintily chuckles in response.
  6502. “Oh, power is an end in itself as far as I’m concerned.” She answers as though it was obvious. “But why worry about that? There are already many mightily powerful beings in this reality, and I don’t see you demand accounts from them.”
  6504. You have a bit of a bad feeling about the intentions of this mare... But also a hunch that she might enjoy growth even more than Fen Flower.
  6505. “Now, I do not come to ask for your services without a reward.” Amanita continues. “I am versed in the arts of gathering power, and I have means to augment your own abilities. It will be for my own sake foremost, but then you’ll be free to use the fruit of our labour for your own devices. Beyond that, I have friends in the shadows, Little Spoon, and I could help you in many bad spots an adventurer like yourself can get himself into. Let’s say, for example, that I could help if you need somepony to be found, or to disappear forever…”
  6506. “W-well…” You find yourself a bit taken aback by the proposal of the mare. “In all cases, you’ll get to experience what I’m capable of if you stay tonight. I plan to have most of the audience here physically grow, so you’ll see if that’s the kind of power you’re seeking lady Amanita.”
  6508. “Mmh, I’d love to, but… I don’t think I’m going to stay.” Her eyes nonchalantly turn to the 8’ plus Fen Flower who’s happily making a profit of her potions. “You see, I really don’t like losing… at anything really, so I’d have to do something about the other mares who could outshine me if I remained here.”
  6509. She turns back to you with an obviously forced sheepish smile.
  6510. “But you wouldn’t like that, would you? It wouldn’t be smart of me to sabotage our cooperation before it even starts. No, we’ll meet later Little Spoon. I’ll give you an address. You can come whenever you want after dark, but please do so alone.”
  6512. >A: You have some more questions to Amanita.
  6513. >B: Evasively tell the mare that you’ll think about her offer, leaving your options open, ad return to the party.
  6514. >C: Politely but firmly tell Amanita she can drop the idea of you cooperating. She’s not your type of companion.
  6515. >D: Evasively tell the mare that you’ll think about her offer… then warn your companions about her. This mare almost certainly means trouble if left unchecked.
  6517. On one hoof, a pony offering to off somepony as a payment sounds like a supremely bad contact to have. But if you think about it a little, you’ve been getting along with a necromancer for quite a long time not so long ago. Well, Ulna didn’t really do that much dead-raising while you were journeying together, but still… maybe you can do without antagonizing the evil-looking warlock mare in front of you.
  6518. At least, you’re curious enough to keep going for now.
  6520. “So what do you mean exactly when you say you can ‘augment’ my abilities.” You ask. “I’m not aware of any way the magic of bards and the one of warlocks could mesh together in particular.”
  6521. “Oh, it is merely a matter of finding it.” The elf mare answers confidently. “The outer planes of existence contain so many odd entities, we just have to find the ones that are capable to support your powers and deal with them properly. I understand you’re sceptical, but I am pretty good at this. Of the many ponies I worked with, there’s not one that didn’t come out pleased with the new powers they acquired. And they’re all still alive. I promise you!”
  6523. You ponder. You’ve already had an experience with outsiders influencing mortals. Fen Flower certainly remembers it. But even though it took a lot of luck and a powerful purification spell, you ended up keeping the benefit of your alchemist friend’s youth in the end.
  6524. “But I suppose these… entities, won’t give me power without something in return.” You say. “What am I expected to do?”
  6525. “As little as possible.” Amanita states. “I’ll strike the deals, take care of the payments and keep your involvement to the minimum. After all, my goal here is for you to be a conduct. When you will be empowered, you will empower me in turn. I’ll make sure there’s some leftover for you to use as you wish of course.”
  6527. You lean back on your chair, trying to assert what you’ve been told. On top of the red flags of earlier, she’s been rather… vague too about what she expects of you and the potential rewards. Sure, this makes sense, somehow, if the process she described is true, but that’ll probably mean you’ll have to deal with her for a bit of time before there’s any result.
  6529. “Lady Amanita.” You start. “I won’t hide the fact that you’re intriguing me. But I wished I could get to know you better before we could think about teaming up.”
  6530. Amanita shows you a disappointed pout for a second, but after a slow chuckle she smiles at you again. Slowly, her hoof come to cover the one you had lying o the table. Almost surprisingly, it is pleasantly warm and soft.
  6531. “Well, I know a way to get to know a pony better quite fast.” She says. “Why don’t we get a little privacy? That way I can show you what kind of mare I am, and that I am fair with those who help me.”
  6533. >What do?
  6535. “Your offer is tempting…” You say, and then remove your hoof from under hers. “But not the latter one. I could be interested in an exchange of services for the sake of power though, but I need to think about it some more.”
  6536. “What a pity, really.” Amanita scowls. Her eyes seem to burn in green flames of anger from being denied. “You’re lucky I am a merciful mare, bard. If you do come around later and make the right choice, I hope you’ll have learned a thing or two about respect.”
  6538. The mare then produces a small paper from under her corset that she places on the table in front of you before standing up. As she leaves the party, you get a look at what she left. As expected, there’s an address on here. Aside from the name of the street and number, the only indications noted are ‘come alone after dark. Knock thrice.’
  6540. You’re not completely reassured, but at least Amanita didn’t make a scene before heading out.
  6542. Looking around, Fen Flower seems to be done with her first wave of selling potions. Now you see her at a table surrounded by 3 stallions that look absolutely in awe of her, something that the 8’ alchemist mare obviously revels in. Blackberry Brunch is still around too, though she and her friends seem to be idly chatting with each other at the moment.
  6543. It takes you a little more time to locate Ebony Vine. She’s at a table, and then you notice Silver using a cocktail glass as a personal pool. The two mares seem to be content to talk at the time, and Ebony looks like she warmed up to your diminutive companion, and perhaps got a little seduced by her…
  6545. >What do?
  6547. It isn’t in your habits to refuse an offer for a good roll in the hay, but you’ve got trouble having regrets on that one. You’ll have other occasions to dip your biscuit in the future, and hopefully with mares who don’t promise you vague demonic powers and discounts on assassinations.
  6549. Instead, you decide to go check on Fen Flower, surely she won’t mind another admirer to her court.
  6550. You’re pleased to notice that some of the mares you walk around on your way must have consumed Fen’s beverage already. They’re standing 3 or more inches above what you’d expect of a mare, and looking very pleased about it. As Fen Flower told you, not all mares grew the same amount, which leads friends to compare their height with each other. One city unicorn mare seem to have been particularly lucky, and proudly stands at 5’ 6’’ now.
  6552. A size still far too small to overshadow the monument of femininity this is the 8-feet-plus, fitter, more buxom and voluptuous Fen Flower. This time it is a trio of wealthy-looking city stallions that seem to have succumbed to her charms.
  6553. Between two compliments on her dress or on her skill as an alchemist, the stallions that are half the size of your friend seem to be talking business when you arrive.
  6554. “That is an interesting offer, mister Marble Walk.” You hear Fen Flower. She briefly registers you approaching, but returns to stare at the stallion on her left. “But… I still need to adventure to expand my knowledge of alchemy, which is quite incompatible with the scheduled repayment of a debt, even at a preferential rate.”
  6555. “Then how about an investment?” The stallion replies. “With results as astounding as yours, you’ll have contributors beg to have a part of your business. You’ll have many time the funding you could dream of in a matter of days.”
  6556. “Again, the obligations that would entail do not match my plans.” Fen Flower pouts. “You know Marble Walk, I’m quite sad that you don’t seem to think of alchemy as the art form is it. If you indeed believe my potions are astounding, wouldn’t you subsidize me for the beauty it?”
  6558. The stallions seem a Little reluctant here. In reaction, Fen Flower who was pretty much ignoring you standing near her until now picks you up to take you in a hug.
  6559. “See?” She starts, showing you in her arms to the three other ponies. “Little Spoon here doesn’t have a fraction of your wealth, Marble Walk, yet not only this gathering, but also the batch of potions I am selling tonight exist largely thanks to his generosity. Little Spoon is a bard who know true art where he sees it!”
  6561. You smile a bit awkwardly as Fen Flower pets your head while purring amorously.
  6562. “I… I will have to talk with my accountant.” Marble Walk says, visibly torn between being financial responsibility and the desire to please the huge Fen Flower.
  6564. The huge mare releases you after that. You sit at the table a little and start to hear about the respective business successes of other stallions which they tell in the hope of wowing Fen Flower. Your companion listens enthusiastically, feigning amazement at their petty feats, which make then giggle in embarrassment each time. The three stallions are putty in Fen Flower’s hooves. In addition to a possible subsidy, Fen Flower will certainly put their tongues to a better use before the end of the night.
  6565. Still, this is quite uninteresting to you and since Fen Flower is driving her affairs the exact way she wants, you pretext the need to supervise the party to leave this table.
  6567. Before going to see Ebony and Silver, you make a stop by the performers that are preparing themselves to get on stage. You offer to the mares present a boost in height.
  6568. “Why not.” Whispersun accepts nonchalantly. “If you don’t mind that I might need to adapt to the voice of a new body we can try it.”
  6569. The other mare musicians accept too once you’ve told them their instrument would grow with them. Soon, the amplified voice of Whispersun fills the room. Stallions and mares seem to welcome the new attraction, a good number of them taking some time to listen to the sensual 8’ singer.
  6570. And then there’s Ebony Vine who’s absolutely subjugated by her.
  6572. The young mare catches herself as she notices you approaching, trying in vain to simulate any kind of composure.
  6573. “Aw, do not mind her Little Spoon.” Silver says. The tiny mare lounges on a folded napkin while eating an olive on a toothpick like one would a huge brochette. “Ebony Vine is learning about herself that she easily falls in love.”
  6574. “Silver! You didn’t have to tell him that…” The beet-red young mare states.
  6575. “I’m afraid he already knows.” The tiny mare replies. “And even if he didn’t, it is pretty much written on your face.”
  6577. Ebony and Silver too seem to be having a good time, even with Ebony’s emotional flourish. You could chat with them or try to start a conversation with somepony else. Blackberry Brunch the halfling rogue you grew is still around with her companions.
  6578. You could also just relax and wait until the time’s ripe to start the games you devised.
  6580. >What do?
  6582. “We sure have a nice angle to look at Whispersun right now.” You comment “So what will it be Lady Ebony Vine? Now that she’s at this size, would you like to be the one to be held and carried around by a bigger mare?”
  6583. “Mmh…!” The beet-red mare puts her head on the table and hides it under her hooves. Meanwhile, her back hooves can’t stand in place, as though she was trying to scratch one mighty itch.
  6585. “Honey, if this is to much for you, perhaps you should go home.” Silver says. “Seriously. Like I told you, you don’t have to feel ashamed of your feelings, but if you’re not comfortable with them at the moment perhaps you shouldn’t push yourself.”
  6586. “Or I could growth you bigger than Whispersun if you want.” You offer instead. “She’ll be less intimidating if you’re the one big enough to pluck her off the ground.”
  6588. “Ah, I don’t think that would work…” Ebony meekly raises a hoof to look at you with one eye. “And, I’ll be alright Silver, thanks. All this is just a bit …intense for me, but I think I’d regret missing out on such a unique show of Whispersun.”
  6589. “that’s the spirit!” You cheer to that. “I’ll make sure you remember tonight for a long, long time lady Ebony Vine. And hopefully in a good way!”
  6590. The young mare pinches her lips, but then she dares to look at the magnified elven singer for a second. In the glimmer of her eye, you see that indeed she might indeed come to treasure the memories of tonight.
  6592. Anyway, it’ll soon be time for you to go on stage with Silver and Fen Flower. The plan is that they will present themselves to your eager audience, they’ll flaunt themselves a little, you take the bets in the audience about the various ways of how huge they’ll become, and then let your powers loose to make the two mares match these sizes and beyond.
  6593. Now, you should probably plan how you’re going to enhance each of the two mares before anything.
  6595. >Silver Willow is currently 3 inches tall
  6596. >Fen Flower is currently 8’5’’
  6598. To grow them you have…
  6599. >Your inspiration: +3’ and a stat.
  6600. >Embrace destiny: 1 charge of +2’ left (Fen Flower hold the 2 others)(needs an intercourse to last more than 10 minutes)
  6601. >Gift of the bard: up to +7’ (with your stamina, you can probably only grow 1 of the 2 mare to that)
  6602. >Embrace Glorious Destiny: +1’ permanently once
  6604. >You can still draw a card for Silver Willow
  6605. >Fen Flower is currently under a side effect of her potion that halves her size, but she gains it back for the day after an intercourse
  6606. >Fen Flower’s card gives her a 25% chance to triple any grow
  6608. >What do?
  6610. In addition to what you thought about, you could probably ask Ebony Vine to look after the potions of Fen Flower while you actively grow the alchemist mare.
  6611. Now, you’re going to pick Silver’s card right now so you know what effect you can use.
  6613. “Lady Silver Willow!” You call the little mare. “How would you like a special chance at growing? I have a spell to do it through card reading.”
  6614. “My, this sounds fun!” Silver smiles. “I just hope I don’t have to lift up the card myself.”
  6616. You perform your spell on the table while Ebony watch with curiosity. Eventually, you reveal for all to see Silver’s card
  6617. “The devil!” You announce. “Symbol of the occult and raw desires!”
  6618. “Well, I could have imagined being called a vixen, but a devil is new!” Silver reacts with an amused chuckle.
  6620. >The Devil: The mare drains the energy of the first pony she has any intercourse with in a day. She adds their height, skills, spells, and marely assets if any to hers for the rest of the day. The victim is knocked out for the rest of the day but otherwise suffers no harm. Recover after this ability has been used 3 times.
  6622. And as the knowledge of the card’s effects is revealed to your mind, you realise that it complicates your plans for tonight. If you want to use your gift of the bard on Silver, either you’re gonna need to find a pony who’ll be willing to be put to sleep… or you could have an unlucky mare or stallion just appear to succumb to her raw sexiness after the shortest session with her.
  6624. Also, you can’t help but to glace at Fen Flower. All 8’5’’ of her, potentially trice more, and then add that to Silver…
  6625. But… nah, there’s no way Fen would willingy accept that... Just like the option of adding your own size to Silver and missing on the party…
  6627. >What do?
  6629. You decide to explain to Silver Willow how her new ability works. She listens attentively, and seems cautiously excited about the new power.
  6631. “My own way to grow is certainly something I can appreciate.” Silver ponders aloud. “But that mean I’ll have to be more careful with who I have an affair with...”
  6632. “Hum.” You nod “And that includes tonight. We’ll need to have somepony willingly miss out of the party before I can grow you properly. By the way, are you exclusively into stallions, or can I look for mares as candidates too?”
  6633. “Well, I do prefer stallions but I don’t mind pretty mares you could say.” Silver looks toward Ebony Vine, probably with the idea of teasing her, but the younger earth mare is completely focussed on Whispersun’s performance at the moment.
  6635. “Well… since I believe she isn’t doing anything tonight, perhaps we could, uhm, ask lady Pear Plum maybe?”
  6636. “Little Spoon!?” Silver shows you a tiny, outraged scowl. “We can’t drag Pear Plum into this! She didn’t stay tonight for a good reason, and she isn’t even into mares. I mean, I can understand why it is tempting. Pear certainly got shapes I wouldn’t mind putting on…” Silver dreamily looks in the air for a second. “B-but that’s no reason to trample over her feelings for sure!”
  6638. “Yes, you’re right.” You nod defeatedly. “But I’m still concerned about how it’ll look to knock out a pony as a starter for a party. Not quite the best image I’d say. But I don’t think we have other options than to ask for a volunteer. We could offer the potion for free to them as a compensation maybe?”
  6639. “Mmh… That’ll do I believe, but if you really want to avoid dampening the mood, perhaps we could still find our volunteer before we get on stage. I’m thinking of these adventurers you met earlier. Their druid companion looked to me like they wouldn’t mind ending it quickly. With a bit of extra gold there’s a chance they could accept to play the part.”
  6641. You consider Silver’s idea. You believe this has a chance to work. Again, you try to think of your options. There’s also Ebony Vine right next to you, but you already plan to ask her to look after Fen’s potions during the show.
  6643. >A: Go with your initial plan, and ask for a volunteer after showing the small Silver to the audience. Be honest about the consequences and offer compensation.
  6644. >B: Same as above, but pretend the volunteer just wasn’t able to hand the exquisite touch of a big Silver Willow as he passes out.
  6645. >C: Go ask the druid companion of Blackberry Brunch if she’d accept to miss on tonight for a potion or some gold.
  6646. >D: You could use this to get back at Blackberry Brunch and trick her into doing this. The halfling rogue won’t be able to demand growth from you if she’s down.
  6648. “Yeah, there’s a good chance we could find somepony beforehoof.” You nod at Sillver’s idea. “Also, I wonder… If I were to grow a mare before you take her size, maybe you’d add the changes to yourself. That mean I could double the benefits of my spells on you!”
  6649. “Huh, now I’m curious to find out if that’s the case too.” Silver smiles longingly. “Though, that means you’ll need to have the other mare jerk your off a number of times to use all the growth you can, right? That might narrow our options for a candidate.”
  6651. “Well, do you think lady Ebony Vine could do that for us?” You whisper to Silver here. The young earth mare is still captivated by the songs of Whispersun, and doesn’t pay you any mind at the moment.
  6652. “Sorry Little Spoon.” Silver mutters back. “But I’m afraid Ebony wouldn’t touch a penis with 10-foot pole. And beyond that, I’d rather let her decide on her own terms whether she gets into the action or just watches tonight. She’s still a little… new to adult love, you see?”
  6653. “Mmh…” You nod, a bit disappointed. You’d love to see Ebony Vine discover herself a liking for stallions too. She seems to love big mares almost as much as you do, and you’d enjoy having a companion to share your interest with and that would also be a pretty mare you could have sex with. But… well, anything you could think of to push this would come out as something an evil manipulator would do. Unless you’re ready to take that route, it’s probably best to let things play themselves out.
  6655. Instead, you decide to find the adventurer mares of earlier. The lively Blackberry Brunch stands out enough this isn’t anything hard. Also, the three mares seem to have drunk their doses of Fen’s potion already. The druid mare now stands at 4’6’’ and her elven companion at 5’6’’ while Blackberry only gained 3 inches to become 3’9’’ since your inspiration isn’t affecting her anymore.
  6656. “Hello again ladies.” You hail them, the little Silver Willow on your hat. “Is everything still going well for you?”
  6657. “Yes, it is… fine I suppose.” The elven sorceress replies.
  6658. “Perfect. Then I’ll get straight to the point. I came to you because I need the help of somepony for what’s next. I will soon be showcasing some more potent growth, but for that I need a volunteer, and while it’s nothing harmful, there’s a bit of a side effect to one spell in particular.”
  6659. “Nothing harmful?” Blackberry raises an eyebrow. “That sounds like some-“
  6660. “YES, I know.” You cut her and continue. “Anyway, that pony will fall unconscious for the rest of the evening. Before that and for the spell to work, I’ll need to have sex with them, and then so will Silver Willow here.” You point to the little mare who waves in reaction “She’ll be at lest of a diminutive size, don’t worry.”
  6661. “So… we buck with you and her, and then we’re out for the night?” The halfling rogue sounds sceptical.
  6663. “This is a bit of an unexpected development, so I’d completely understand if you said no.” You say with a nod. “But still, the only way for me to know if somepony would accept such a favour is to ask them. Like you, lady druid! Pardon me if I’m being presumptuous, but would you accept to turn in a little early?”
  6664. “Mmh…” The gruff druid mare seems to be considering you. “Nah, not feeling like it. I kinda want to see the party when it gets wild.”
  6665. “Then perhaps I could sweeten the deal for you?” You attempt. “I see you’ve already took my friend’s beverage, but perhaps I could give you back the gold you spent on it.”
  6666. “I’m no whore, asshole.” The druid calmly replies while Blackberry snickers. “But once I’m satisfied, I wouldn’t mind going to sleep a little before the end. If that’s alright with you, we can do that. Otherwise, no deal.”
  6667. “Ahem! Well,” The elven mare clears her throat. “If you’re a gentlecolt and take care of my needs first, I could consent to fill that role for you. Though, I’ll take your sweeter deal in addition. I could use some more gold with how overpriced a robe with a decent enchantment is. Something like 1000 gold would do.”
  6668. “Aw, don’t listen to them.” Blackberry barges in. “Since you told me you’ll grow me a lot, it’s natural I’d help you with this. But after that you’d REALLY need to hold your part of the promise, and make me -huge-. Not tonight since I’ll be KO’ed, but as soon as you can you should make sure to give me some serious boost in size.”
  6670. >A: Accept the druid’s offer. Silver will only grow to her peak after your show, and after the orgy’s been on its way for a while already.
  6671. >B: Accept the elf’s offer. 400 gold plus your enchanted Orc Belt should do.
  6672. >C: Accept Blackberry’s offer. She WILL come back to you later and demand payment, and will start to hinder you if she feels cheated. She’ll be definitely satisfied after growing 2’ permanently, or given a satisfactory card draw.
  6673. >D: Unfortunately, finding a mare to grow with your Gift of the bard before giving her size to Silver looks too complicated at the moment. Just find a mare who’d accept to do it with Silver Willow and fall asleep. Ebony Vine could accept that.
  6675. [spoiler]Last post was 2 month ago. Yeesh…[/spoiler]
  6676. >>39016335
  6677. >>39017012
  6678. >>39017381
  6679. >>39017927
  6680. >Previously in Bard Ballad
  6681. >You are currently in the capital city of the country. You managed to organize a growth-themed party with over a hundred ponies attending in the outskirts. So far, you met some interesting adventurer mares like the halfling rogue Blackberry Brunch, Fen Flower has been selling a lot of her safe-for-all growth potions and you rejected some suspicious offer from a shady-looking elf mare. Silver Willow shrunk to 3 inches tall after trying a faulty version of Fen’s potion. Night Sprout and Pear Plum went back to the inn when the guests arrived.
  6682. >After you drew a tarot card for Silver Willow, you’ve been looking for a mare to willingly drain size from.
  6684. “Well, sounds like we have a deal lady Blackberry.” You turn to the halfling mare. “It is my purpose to help mares who wish to grow, and your eagerness commands me to oblige you as soon as possible. I just hope you’re ready with being the most… ahem, visible rogue of the country.”
  6685. “Ha! Don’t you worry about me, bard.” The halfling smirks confidently. “The moment I’m too big to sneak around is the moment I can just smack down my foes head on! I’ll be flanking my enemies all by myself, if you know what I mean.”
  6687. Blackberry Brunch accepted to let herself get knocked out so Silver Willow could grow with her card, and in exchange you promised to permanently grow the halfling mare to some extent, later. With that taken care of, one last thing on your list is to retrieve the endurance potion you asked Fen Flower. Your friend is happy to provide. You then entrust Ebony Vine with keeping an eye on Fen’s potions during your little show.
  6688. A few minutes later, the musicians leave the stage so you may step up and speak to the assembly.
  6690. “Ladies and gentlecolts!” You start, the audience falling mostly quiet to hear you out. “First, let me thank you all for coming. I’m ecstatic to see that so many ponies answered an invitation with such an exotic premise, and I’m glad to see that many of you already seem satisfied with the products provided to them.”
  6691. Fen’s potions made a killing indeed. You think that about half the mare guests are at least some inches taller than when they arrived. A couple luckier ones are even over a foot taller than the rest of the ponies around them.
  6693. “Now, I’d like to give you all a peek into something more experimental, but also more spectacular.” You continue. “I have a couple of mare friends whose growth to come will blow your mind! I believe you’ve all already seen lady Fen Flower!”
  6694. At this cue, you friend steps on the stage with a confident grin on her face, and delights herself in the audience’s attention. So far she’s been the height of the party after all, and not only because of her potions. At over 8’ tall and a figure to bring any colt she wants home, she’s been having a blast making studs putty in her hooves.
  6696. “Do you believe she’s tall now?” You call. “Well, you might want to think again! I’m gonna keep a little suspense on how big she’ll end up, but let’s say I hope I won’t have to repair the ceiling of this place after tonight.”
  6698. “But obviously lady Fen Flower is already on the path of growth. So perhaps the most disenchanted of you won’t be amazed by a giantess becoming more gigantic, right? In that case, there’s another of my friends I’d like to introduce to you, and this one I’m sure you have NOT seen during this evening. Please say hi to lady Silver Willow!”
  6700. You bring out the tiny mare from you hat and present her on your extended hoof for the audience to see. Silver giddily waves at the puzzled ponies in front of her who didn’t expect a mare as tiny as her to appear in front of them.
  6702. “And to spice things up, ladies and gentlecolts, I’d like to offer you a little wager. My two friends here will soon grow bigger, and I dare you to guess how much. Only the front row may see it for now, but this lady here also sports some heavy assets under herself, and I’m neigh certain none you can fathom the amplitude her bosom shall soon reach!”
  6704. The ponies present start to loudly chat together. There’s a fleeting doubt this could be a scam of some sort, but most ponies sound enthusiastic about this. These concerns are definitely forgotten as you step down from the stage so everypony may have a good look at Silver Willow. Fen Flower too takes pleasure in showing off how big she already is, and making the attendees wonder how much more she’ll become.
  6706. When it comes to bets, most ponies seem to think Fen Flower will remain the bigger one. However, this might be their only chance of being right about anything, as you reckon they are grossly underestimating the size you’ll bring these mares to. They wager on them reaching about 20’ tall, with only the most daring player betting for Fen to become 40’ tall. Similarly, they do not expect Silver’s mounds to grow much more, at least in proportion to her body since they’re already so opulent even on the tiny mare. In fact, the majority of attendees bet against her teats becoming larger than them.
  6707. Oh, how wrong they are...
  6709. “Very well!” The bets having been placed, you climb on the scene with the two mares once more. “Ladies and gentlecolts, now that I have a hang of your expectations, please allow me to exceed them. Also, these spells I’m about to use require some rather explicit somatic components, so for those of you who do not mean to partake in debauchery, this might be the last cue for you to leave. As for the rest of you, make yourselves comfortable, and do not be afraid to take part in the show.”
  6711. You’re pleased to see that only 4 ponies make their way out of the place.
  6712. “Looks like we’re all set.” You announce. “Now, let the real fun begin!”
  6714. There, you start your inspiration to grow all the mares present and increase their charisma.
  6716. Gasps of surprise erupt from the audience as the space available for all is suddenly mightily reduced, as most mares surge from 4’ to over 7’. After the initial surprise, it is pleased hums and exclamations that fill the hall. The minority of stallions present soon get plenty of attention as they stayed the viable source of comparison with the average pony. Each of them finds themselves surrounded by several mares whose chin is many inches over the top of their head, and eager to brag about it. Aside from marvelling at their increased size, the mares present also discover they’ve gained a few cup sizes down there. Gawking at their new boobs, most mares are unafraid to stare at themselves and each other, and even start giving these new assets a feel.
  6718. “Heavens, these are humongous!” You hear Silver Willow next to you, lifting a leg to look at the two soft boulders under her.
  6719. With your inspiration, the noble became only a couple inches short of your own height, but you could already bury you head completely between those teats of her. The sturdy cups of her bra would normally keep her udders off the ground, but now the orbs of Silver have just so much inertia to them they’re guaranteed to slam the floor should she attempt anything faster than a walk. They’re each way bigger that the head of the mare they’re attached to, and without her bra these would probably force her thighs apart from the sheer volume of them.
  6721. “You seem even more intrigued by them than I am.” Silver’s voice takes you out of your in-depth analysis.
  6722. “Ah, uhm…” You recompose yourself. “Those are mesmerizing indeed. Perhaps a bit too small, still, but that might just be the whole of you.”
  6723. “Talking big again, are we Little Spoon? Don’t worry, I believe we’ll get there soon enough.” The noble mare adds with a sultry smirk. “But before that, why don’t you help me find out how these feel while you’re still big enough you can wrap your hooves around them?”
  6724. This is the kind of invitation you’d like to receive more often. But as you motion toward Silver Willow, a towering hoof falls between the two of you. You reflexively recoil at the impact, the stage creaking ominously as the 14’-plus Fen Flower steps down.
  6726. “Sorry Silver, I’m in a big mood right now, so you’ll have to wait your turn.” Fen Flower states. The huge mare then glances toward you. “Have you drunk your medicine Little Spoon? If you don’t mind, I believe it’s time we showed everypony how big I can really be.”
  6727. “Uhm… O-one second lady Fen Flower.” A bit nervously, you bring out the endurance potion the alchemist mare prepared for you and drink it under her supervision. It looks like Fen Flower finally got lucky and that your inspiration was multiplied from the effect of her card.
  6729. As soon as the last drop goes past your lips, Fen Flower catches you by the collar of your garment. You quickly see the whole audience from 12 feet over the stage. Most ponies seem to be getting busy with each other already, but others visibly want to so what Fen intends to do with you.
  6731. The alchemist does not mind making a show for them. After stabilizing you with a hoof, the huge mare grabs your pants with her teeth and practically rips them off you. You do not have the time to worry whether your outfit will be salvageable or not that Fen puts your whole crotch in her mouth. You let out a gasp as her tongue treads on your backdoor and then licks your rapidly hardening cock.
  6733. Fen Flower cranes her necks upward as she eats you out, holding you up with her mouth alone for all the audience to see. It is a lost cause to try and suppress the pleasure of Fen’s powerful tongue on your whole crotch, and you’re moaning openly for all attendees to hear. In the midst of pleasure, you see stallions who seem torn between wating to be in your place, and how intimidation the now giant mare is. The mares are enjoying the view more openly, and some look like they regret not being big enough to perform such a move on their partners.
  6735. The inevitable soon happen and you feed the beast some more size. Fen Flower lets out an orgasmic moan alongside yours, and you soon feel yourself sinking deeper in her mouth while getting closer and closer to the ceiling. You only stop inches away from it.
  6737. And that would be thanks to the fact the now 30’-tall Fen Flower lied down to avoid breaking through.
  6739. The giantess gently spits you out on a hoof, which is more that roomy enough for you to rest on. There’s little time for actual rest, though. Panting, you turn around to face the giant Fen Flower and immediately know she’s about to ruthlessly use her mouth on you again. She needs to say no word. The yearning in her eyes and predatory smirk that fill your whole field of vision make it abundantly clear she’s not letting you go before she has milked every inch of size she could from your shaft.
  6741. And indeed, after a purr and an elusive lick of her lips, Fen Flower opens wide before sealing her lips around your hind legs. She then sucks you deeper in as easily as one would a string of spaghetti, until everything under your front legs is inside her warm maw. From here on, Fen Flower relentlessly uses her tongue and the mighty suction of her mouth to pleasure your cock as efficiently as possible. You again find yourself moaning with abandon as you’re milked of all size, grabbing Fen’s giant muzzle while her tongue takes care of the rest of you.
  6743. You climax again, and Fen Flower grows. She grows more than she should in fact. Again the mare has been lucky with her card it seems, and she adds three feet of height to herself each time to cum in her. She merely utters a satisfied purrs as it happens now, for she is merely taking what is rightfully hers.
  6745. Still, as she fills more and more of the warehouse you’ve rented for the night, Fen Flower decides to put some of the other guests to work for her pleasure. None of them uttered any complain as Fen Flower slowly shifted her position to lie on her back and present her nethers to the audience. Her entrances, puffed up with arousal and mountainous teats and thighs demand attention, and Fen needed no word to make that understood by the crowd. While still suckling you and growing, dozens of ponies climb on her and nearly in her, happily stroking her nipples, vulva and even anus. The ecstatic guests worship their new growing queen as much as they can, even while the task gets more daunting but also more erotic as Fen’s otherworldly assets swell bigger alongside her.
  6747. You’ve lost count of how many times you gave size to the alchemist mare, but she must be around 50’ at this point. As once more you climax in her, you realise she’s reached the final push of her growth, and this time she grows so much that even lying down she’s getting cramped inside the hall. Before you can understand what’s happening, Fen Flower sucks you completely inside her growing mouth.
  6749. In damp darkness, you lose your sense of up and down for a moment as Fen Flower shifts around. You fear at one point the alchemist mare might have gobbled you down as you’re squeezed by a hot and wet membrane against another, then hear and ominous creaking muffled through the mare.
  6751. But after that, calm returns, and you understand Fen Flower has grown so massive she could tuck you under her tongue like one would a piece of candy. The wet muscle dislodges you from under itself, and gently you’re eventually spit out on a hoof again.
  6753. This time, a dozen of you could fit onto said hoof, as Fen Flower cleared the 70’ mark. She’s sitting in the hall whose roof she tore off as cleanly as such a feat is possible, and put it in one piece next to the rest of the building. You hear shocked but admirative exclamation from the little ponies bellow.
  6754. “Thank you for your contribution Little Spoon!” Fen Flower chimes with a huge smile. “You really outdid yourself this time, don’t you think? Also I’ll pay for the roof, don’t worry. I’m done with you for now, so you can go grow Silver Willow, or whatever smaller mare if you want.”
  6756. You meekly nod in reaction. Fen’s potion may have made it so little Little Spoon was still standing at attention, but between your brain that was deep fried with pleasure and your whole lower body being soggy after dozens of minutes inside the giant mare’s mouth, you might need to catch your breath a little.
  6758. Fen Flower allows you to stumble down her hoof onto the ground, and after that her attention turns to the many other guests who are willing to worship her prodigious body.
  6759. You originally planned to grow Silver Willow mostly, but Fen Flower ended up taking the matter in her own hooves first. Still, you can go back to your original plan now. You do not see the noble mare at the moment, but that’s probably because of a certain 50’ mare blocking the view of most of the hall to you. Fen is going to stay that size for the rest of the night, but any load from you will make her 70’ again for a minute. Of the ponies that do not attempt to get a spot on Fen Flower, most are either kissing or rutting each other too.
  6761. >A: You need a break. Order something to eat. The food stands are still standing somehow.
  6762. >B: It is no time to rest. You have plans to grow Silver Willow using her new card that need your input.
  6763. >C: With how she was focused on growth only, there’s still a lot of fun to be had with the 50’ Fen Flower. Catch your breath then go back to her and show the audience how it’s done.
  6764. >D: A wild idea you had was to attempt to use your countergrowth to bring you friends to even greater heights. Find some magic users in the audience that could help you with this.

Witch Quest (MMP)

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Bard Quest MMP CYOA : intermission

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Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

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