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MMP Cyoa : Bard Ballad (part 2)

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2023-02-11 08:09:21
Updated: 2024-03-21 21:06:40
Expiry: Never

  2. >You recovered 1’ to your growth pool from Fen Flower’s card effect
  4. No, it isn’t time to say goodnight yet. With everything you’ve set up, NOT growing Silver Willow this instant would be a crime. There shall be no rest for this bard at least until you can tuck yourself between the two biggest mare pillows of this plane of existence!
  6. Now, where’s is Silver Willow?
  7. Looking around, most ponies seem to be mesmerized by the giant Fen Flower rather than caring about you. This is good. You don’t need additional attention right now. You just have to find your ample-bosomed friend while making sure not to be crushed under a hoof of Fen Flower.
  9. You find Silver Willow quickly enough through the maze of 7’ mares. She’s sitting next to Blackberry Brunch, and they’re both observing Ebony Vine and Whispersun. The young mare and the singer seem like they’re getting to know each other better by sharing a passionate kiss over a drink.
  10. “Aren’t these two adorable?” Silver comments as she notices you approaching. “I’m glad Whispersun was in a good mood tonight, and that Ebony could follow my advice.”
  11. “I didn’t know you liked to play matchmaker.”
  12. “Did I have a choice?” Silver turns toward you. “I couldn’t get involved myself since I didn’t want to send anypony to sleep before you could grow them.”
  13. “Yeah, when do we buck?” Blackberry brunch feigns annoyance. “Can I motorboat her teats yet or what?”
  15. “I will have to grow you first as we agreed, lady Blackberry.” You say. “I shall do so the same way I did for lady Fen Flower.”
  16. “Heh. The things you bards do to get some.” The 6’ rogue playfully huffs. “So what? Do I have to suck you off until I’m as tall as your friend?”
  17. “This is probably the quickest way, but any kind of relation will do.”
  18. “I see.”
  19. There, Blackberry puts a hoof on your head, and irresistibly pulls you to be sandwiched between her thighs. The leather of her pants smothers your head down to the base of your neck, and yet it still feels like you’re looking at the mare’s face from the bottom of a warm hole. There’s just that much bulk above your snout.
  21. “Huh. This is easier than I remember.” You barely hear Blackberry’s cheeky remark, muffled through the thickness of thigh flesh around your ears. “Looking real’ cute here Little Spoon! Also, If I’m going down after this, then I’d rather get some real action first. And some service before too! No objection, right bard?”
  23. As the tall halfling mare releases you from her legs, you reflexively inhale sharply and take a few steps back. After you’ve caught your breath, Blackberry Brunch indicates you her pants by placing a hoof under the seams at her waist.
  24. “Mind pulling these off for me Little Spoon?”
  25. “With pleasure.” You answer, and approach the mare again to take off her trousers.
  26. The leather pants do justice to Blackberry’s impressive glutes, and peeling them off to reveal the sizeable muscles underneath makes your mouth water. The halfling mare uses her hooves to lift herself slightly over her chair so you may successfully disrobe her, but even that way the bulk of her thighs stretching her pants makes it hard to pull off. You find yourself nearly hugging the mare’s hind legs to do so with enough strength, something that is to the displeasure of neither of you.
  28. “Good boy…” Blackberry purrs. There, she splits her legs wide open, showing you a glistening wet entrance. “Now how about your return to the good place? Bards train their tongue, right?”
  29. “I see you want a private performance, lady Blackberry. I’ll be happy to oblige.”
  30. You anchor your arms around the mare’s massive thighs, then get your mouth to work.
  32. The bigger halfling mare purrs as your tongue and muzzle come in contact with her. Her ample thighs come against your head again, but only moderately brushing against your cheeks and ears this time. Blackberry wouldn’t want you to stop so soon.
  34. A mare’s flower is a particular instrument to play with. Whimsical, but in the most delicious ways, as the smallest touch can cause an impressively loud response. One must start to learn about each chord of a specific individual, taste every bit in a timely manner and listen the to the whimpers and twitches it produces on the whole body. Blackberry feels like an eager and confident one. You’re pleasured to hear the moans she openly lets out and feel her controlled humping and shifts which naturally direct you where the mare wants. Once there, you go crescendo, allegretto, increasing the heat and wetness in result.
  35. “Ah! You’re doing great, bard!” Your conductor and instrument coos, the bitter yet fruity aroma of her as well as her thighs rubbing on your head more urgently providing some much-appreciated feedback.
  37. A few moments later, the mare pushes your face away, before grabbing you by the neck with her teeth to bring you on her belly. Blackberry is sitting on a chair and her head rests on a bar countertop, and now she holds you against her with a hoof. The big halfling looks at you with a heavily red face and a cheeky smile.
  38. You could have finished with your tongue, but if the lady wants the percussions to come in, this is the finale she will get. You grab her by her toned waist and start thrusting in her. Blackberry arches her back in pleasure while you drum it in, a wide grin on her face. Since the play had started for a while now, it isn’t long before you reach a climax.
  40. With an orgasmic cry, Blackberry locks you in her with her thighs, your belly pressing against her boosted teats. With that, the halfling mare grows another foot of height, reaching nearly 8’ tall. The chair gives up as the rogue attempts to rest her weight on it again, thankfully without damage to you of the large mare as you fall a couple feet down.
  41. Blackberry’s sturdy enough to ignore this event, and you both forget the more subtle parts of music to focus on a simple steady rhythm of growth. The halfling mare grows under you as you pound her, and so do her ample thighs, teats, and all tasteful parts of her.
  43. After a dozen minutes, Blackberry reaches the maximum size your Gift of the Bard can give her at nearly 21’ tall.
  44. “I guess now’s the time for me to join!” Silver Willow states giddily. The noble mare has been touching herself while watching you, waiting for her cue to waltz in. She readily climbs over the halfling’s thigh, which is quite the feat considered the loads attached under her. Placing a hoof on your chest, the mare gently pushes you away from the big rogue’s cum-splattered sex.
  45. “Sorry to interrupt, but this was the plan, right?”
  46. “Ah, of course!” You chuckle, a bit light-headedly, before letting your spot at the epicentre of Blackberry’s legs to the noble mare. “I got a bit caught in the moment, as you may imagine.”
  48. “Then I guess it’s time I went to-aaaah!” The halfling’s sentence is interrupted by her own moan as Silver took action, shoving a whole leg in the big mare’s pussy while grabbing a plump teat with the other and aggressively suckling on it. “Woah! Y-you’re really good too, Silver! Oh fuck, you’re gonna send me to sleep in a jiffy...”
  50. Indeed, Silver’s impetuous ministrations bear their fruit quickly enough the temporary growth from your Gift of the bad doesn’t wear out.
  51. “Oh, YES!” Blackberry exclaims, and in the same breath. “And goodnight everybody…”
  52. As her orgasmic cry dies out, Blackberry Brunch passes out, and it is instead Silver Willow that howls in pleasure as her body start to surge massively in all directions.
  54. You did not give the noble mare enough clearance you realize. Thinking quickly to avoid getting smothered, you decide that anchoring yourself on the expanding buttock of Silver Willow is the safest place for you. Silver had doubled in size in a second when you grabbed her, and you feel her body push you away and stretch your arms apart rapidly after that.
  56. Tentatively opening your eyes after this short but explosive growth episode, you find yourself clinging to a wall of soft fur.
  57. Silver Willow must have reached about 24’ in height, but the addition to her assets is what strikes your mind the most. Blackberry’s thighs were stunningly thick already, but now that has been added to a mare that was in no way thin either. The flanks of Silver are massiver that she’s massive herself, her waist flaring up to 3, maybe 4 times the width at the level of her flanks, before sliming toward hooves that look like needles in comparison. Still being hooked to these glutes, you feel the power of the muscles under the fur. Silver has a healthy bit of padding, but you’re confident those legs of her could easily bend metal between them right now.
  59. And speaking again of disproportion, after stepping down from the noble mare’s rear, you see something you normally shouldn’t. The curve of Silver’s mountainous tits spilling on her lap, from behind her sitting form. Your magic allowed the bra of Silver Willow to keep up with her teats, and now there’s impossibly round orbs of silk forcing her legs way apart. They rest on the ground, and yet still go up to her chest. You don’t think Silver can even walk at the time.
  61. “Goodness!” Panting and flustered, Silver straightens her hat on her head as she looks down to you with a grin. “This tarot spell was quite intense!”
  62. “Well, well, well…” You hear Fen Flower’s voice resonating all around you. Looking up, you see the 50’ giantess hunched over you, a bemused smile on her face.
  63. “Are you meant to be a challenger of some sort?” The giant mare giggles. “Oh dear… did you mess the proportions or something? These tits and buttocks are as large as my own.”
  64. “Well, I believe I might be larger than you in some ways in fact.” Silver proudly says while stroking the massive orbs immobilizing her.
  66. Fen Flower scrunches in reaction. It seems like the two mares you grew tonight are going to have a little talk together… and probably some action too.
  67. Can you stop it? Do you want to stop it? If anything, what bothers you the most is that you still haven’t grown Silver Willow with everything you have. The Gift of the Bard could give her another 7’ for the evening, and double that for a short while. You don’t think you can have her outgrow Fen Flower unless you find more sources of growth than just your abilities, though.
  69. >What do?
  71. “Hold on, where’s Blackberry?” You exclaim.
  72. “Oh, uhm… I believe I can feel her under these.”
  73. Silver starts to dig between her two teats with her hooves, but she cannot hope to completely part the sea of titflesh that way.
  75. “I’ll go look for her!” You exclaim. “Get me in!”
  76. After a nod, the noble mare offers you a hoof to climb on, then lifts you on top of the expanse of her breasts. You step on a warm coat of white, your hooves sinking about half a foot in it.
  78. Now, you have a rescue mission to do! You motion toward the cleavage of your friend, minding the slope. Hopefully you won’t hit your head before the end...
  79. The task seems more doable this time. By holding Silver’s teats together, your friend’s bra makes a good job of stabilizing the terrain. You should be able to safely descend into the warm abyss between them, and so you readily dive in.
  81. Silver’s cleavage swallows your head easily enough, putting you in a dark ad soft stuffiness. For a second you find it difficult to advance as your hind legs were fruitlessly flailing in the air, but Silver gently pushes you completely in so you can use all 4 limbs to swim. The air is saturated with Silver’s scent in here, slightly musky from the sweat too. You cannot resist the urge to hug and squeeze the everything all around you, revelling in the smothering pressure. Your whole world shifts about slightly while you hear a muffled moan after you treated yourself to a big old bite on the silky-smooth skin around you.
  83. Now, now, you have to focus o the mission a little. You swim down and down, this time carefully looking out for the time you might reach the downward slope of the mare’s teats and lose your adherence. Again, Silver’s bosom being tastefully held by her garments, you manage to find the cloth barrier containing it. From here, you can safely explore down with also a bit of light and more freedom of movement.
  84. You find Blackberry Brunch soon after between the bottom of Silver’s bra and her cleavage. As she passed out, your magic on her wore off, and you have a chance to dig out the halfling mare that is only a couple inches bigger than you at the time. Also, even though she’s out, the rogue still has a wide grin on her face somehow.
  86. Anyway, you grab her by the waist and start to swim up. This happens to be a little more complicated than expected, as less pull from your hooves and more weight for you makes it hard to find your footing back into the bulk of Silver’s cleavage.
  87. You patting her probably gives a hint to the giant noble mare, and in reaction she squeezes her breasts at the base. This puts you in the dark and smothers you again, but that way you find yourself able to pedal up, the pressure from bellow making you almost feel buoyant and sometimes sliding upward between the giant tits of the mare.
  89. You gasp as your head emerges from Silver’s Blossom, followed by the one of Blackberry Brunch, although still unconscious.
  90. “Congrats Little Spoon.” Fen Flower says with a chuckle. “You saved the damsel in distress, and safely got up a pair of teats this time.”
  91. “I got my revenge indeed.” You reply as Silver Willow picks up Blackberry with the intend to find a safe place for her for the rest of the night. “I shall now deal with giant tits without any further animosity. I can start whenever any of you wants.”
  93. The mares take your word for that, and you spend the rest of the evening stuffed somewhere between or in then. Silver Willow grows to a total of 33’ tall quickly enough, definitely making her teats unquestionably bigger than the ones of Fen Flower. The alchemist mare is no sore loser about it though, and finds the massive breasts to her taste, getting some interesting whinnies out of Silver as she plays with them.
  95. At some point, you manage to have the big mares ear your request for a certain service. For the effect, Silver Willow requests that you unclasp her bra yourself. At her size, opening the gilded attach feels more like the work of a blacksmith, and the power with which the straps lash away foreshadows the massive size of the breasts you’ve unleashed.
  97. With the other effect of your Gift of the Bard, Silver has you grow a shaft that won’t just be a needle in a haystack. The noble mare places you to rest on top of her bosom. Several times your own, the weight of you cock inevitably plunges it into her cleavage.
  98. What follows is blissful times between two heavenly pillows. Silver has to use both her front and rear legs to significantly move her breasts around your length, but as she does it is a dozen feet of your cock that feel the rubbing as well as your body. You’re buried completely between the warm mounds at times, but your empowered pole prevents you to fall too far, and Silver Willow is soon used enough to this you don’t have feel the cold ground on your flare anymore.
  100. Being rocked by Silver’s shifting breast, you allow yourself to go limp, close your eyes and enjoy their warmth and softness, cumming whenever you feel like it, which feel like it happens nearly every minute during this interlude.
  102. For the rest of the night, you’re often somewhere between the two giantesses during their playtime, or having your cock buried inside one of their love caves. Or between their teats, or once again diving in a cleavage. You’re not alone either. Party mares and stallions assist you in worshiping the bodies of your two giantess friends, and sometimes you also have a romp with another lady of more down-to-earth proportions. Your memories of late in night get foggy, the last thing you remember dimly is kissing an earth pony mare while both of you were smothered between the teats of Silver Willow.
  104. You wake up the next morning next to Fen Flower, 8’ and a half, the sun above you head.
  106. Oh, right, the ceiling…
  108. You groggily raise you head to take in your surroundings. As you were going to pick up your hat, you see that Silver Willow, which is back to 3’’, is sleeping in while curled like a tiny mouse. You’ll be carrying you hat in your hand for now.
  109. Aside from that, you note that there are still about 40 other ponies in here, and the food stands are starting to prepare breakfast for everypony. The rest must have gone home already. Blackberry Brunch, back to 3’9’’, is already in line with her two friends to get some grub. You see neither Ebony Vine nor Whispersun.
  111. In all cases, you think you can say this party was a success.
  113. That’s already one big goal crossed on your list, so you can consider what to do next you believe. Perhaps searching for another quest is in order so you may gain levels, fame and gold to organize events of even greater proportions. You could also try to capitalize on the new interest in growth your sparked in town. Though, it is primarily Fen Flower who might easily benefit from that now that she has a readily available recipe for permanent growth. You can pull off bigger growth stunts than her, though.
  115. There’s also more specific stuff you could take care about. You still have the address the gothic elven mare wanted you to go at after dark, even though you’re not sure it’s a good idea to go there. You also promised to grow Blackberry yesterday. You recovered some growing powers, so you may attempt to draw a tarot card for her.
  117. You could also check how things are for Pear Plum and Night Sprout. Nothing’s stopping from seeing how Silver Willow, Fen Flower or Blackberry Brunch feel after this wild night either.
  119. >What do?
  121. It’s time you caught up with your friends you believe. But before anything, you should fulfil your engagement and grow Blackberry Brunch.
  122. To do so, you may either draw a tarot card for her, growth her 1 foot permanently by directly using your growth pool, or give her your remaining shot of Embrace Destiny for 2’ that she’ll keep for how long as she likes. Fen Flower currently holds your 2 other charges of Embrace Destiny.
  124. There’s also the note Amanita, the shady-looking elf mare, passed to you, but it says to only come after dark. So you’ll have to wait regardless of what you decide for this… unless you do not want to abide to her rules.
  126. >Draw a card for Blackberry
  127. >Grow Blackberry permanently 1’ with your growth pool
  128. >Grow Blackberry 2’ from as long as she decides with Embrace Destiny.
  130. There’s one vendor that sells beignets. You think that’ll make for a swell breakfast for you and your friends that stayed at the inn. Also, you have the means to give the halfling mare what she asked in exchange of lending her size to Silver. After explaining what will happen, you draw a card for the halfling mare.
  132. >The Magician: The mare gains the ability double her size for 10 minutes with then a 1-hour cooldown. Climaxing triggers the effect if it is ready. Recover after she used this ability 3 times.
  133. “Would you look at that!” You exclaim upon revealing the card. “The Magician! The future is in your hooves, lady Blackberry, and so is the power of growth that you may wield as you desire.”
  135. “Come again? But how would I… Wait, hold on.” The rogue squints her eyes as she focusses, and a couple seconds later she surges twice as big, near instantly growing to 7’6’’ tall.
  136. “Oh, whoa!” The rogue mare grins, pleasantly surprised. “This is awesome, Little Spoon! See? You didn’t have to worry about my stealth.”
  137. “This turned our wonderfully well indeed!” You take a step back to contemplate the big rogue mare in front of you. Even if your debt is paid, you wonder if you could convince her to party up with you at some point…
  139. You wish the halfling mare a good day for now regardless. If you want to see her again in the near future, you’ll have a good chance to find her hanging around the adventurer’s guild with her companions.
  141. Fen Flower is stirring awake too, and she gladly accepts the pastries you fetched for her.
  142. “It was definitely a big success!” Fen Flower happily replies when you ask her about her sales. “Frankly, I made way more than I expected. I’m not even sure what to do with it anymore at this point. I mean, I could go all out on researching my potion to grow myself, but now I also feel like re-investing it to sell more potions to others would bring me even more gold, especially with the hype we generated with this party. However, that would take time, and I still want to go on quests to hone my raw skills as an alchemist.”
  143. “Mmh.” You nod. “Well, whatever you decide, I’ll do my best to help out. It’s always been a pleasure to go on adventures with you, so business ventures should be no different. Anyway, I’ll go meet Pear Plum and Night Sprout at the inn to see what they’re up to.”
  144. “Oh, uhm…” Fen Flower starts. “If it’s not too much trouble, I’d like for us to put back the ceiling where it belongs ourselves. That way we’ll waste less money on reparations. Can you ask them for me? I’ll be cleaning the place a little in the meantime some they don’t have to step in any puddle of… suspicious fluid.”
  146. It seems the previous night was a quiet one for Pear Plum and Night Sprout. As you meet them, they accept to help Fen Flower when she asks about the ceiling of the warehouse. Once you’re back here, Fen Flower decides she could use a boost of size to make it easier. A few minutes later, she returns from your hiding place behind the warehouse at 17’ over tall. With your inspiration increasing the size and strength of your friends, Fen Flower, Pear Plum and Night Sprout manage to put the roof back where it belongs. There’s still a lot to fix since the ceiling has merely been placed back without attach, but as Fen Flower said the damage doesn’t look nearly as expensive now.
  148. “Pear Plum, Night Sprout, I must thank you again.” You state, and start to hug the fairy and part of the waist of the big druid mare. “We couldn’t have made this possible without you, and you helped even though this kind of party wasn’t your cup of tea.”
  149. “Ah, it’s nothing.” Pear Plum answers, a hoof coming do gently pat your back. “I just like to help.”
  151. There’s some time left before you have to leave, so the five of you enjoy a nice breakfast together. Unless you want to go to place Amanita pointed you to, you have no obligation today.
  153. >What do?
  155. “So what did you do last night?” You ask the druid mare and the fairy.
  156. “Oh, we certainly did not do anything as… climatic as you did.” Pear Plum chuckles slightly uncomfortably. “But we found a library and bought a novel each for the evening.”
  157. “Some ponies have lots of imagination.” Night Sprout comments, and from her deadpan tone you can only assume she isn’t being sarcastic.
  158. “I hope we didn’t bother you too much.” You say. “At some point lady Fen Flower and lady Silver Willow got quite big and noisy, and I was fearing the whole city was going to hear us.”
  159. “I… don’t think we heard you.” Pear Plum says with a bit of a blush. “It’s alright.”
  160. “I heard the roof break.” Night Sprout says. “There was a loud noise yesterday.”
  161. “Huh?” Pear plum ponders. “Oh, I forgot, but that could have been that crash we heard in the distance indeed...”
  163. “And so? What book did you pick?” Silver changes the subject. “I’m curious to hear what genre you’re in.”
  164. “It’s actually, uhm…” Pear Plum starts. “It’s not exactly my genre… I mean, I don’t often read fiction so to try something new I bought one of those murder mystery ones. I head these were popular.”
  165. “I picked a romance novel.” Night Sprout states.
  166. “Ooo! What’s the title? From which author?” Silver giddily asks the fairy.
  168. The 4’ fairy blinks in reaction, and then she starts to dig into Pear Plum’s bag to find the book in question.
  169. “Encounter at Summer Bay, by Rosewater Heartstrings.” Night Sprout reads from the cover.
  170. “My, she still writes new titles? Goodness!” Silver chuckles. “There were already books of her when I was a filly!”
  171. And there, Silver Willow starts to talk about some of her reads as a teen, and giving the fairy some recommendations if she finds herself liking this author.
  173. As you switch to other matters, you end up bringing up yesterday’s encounter with Amanita. How your interaction went and the place she told you to go meet her alone after dark.
  174. “You were right to send her away. The further we stay from these types, the better off we’ll be.” Silver nods to herself, before looking at you suspiciously. “Wait, you’re not thinking about actually meeting her again, Little Spoon, are you?”
  175. “Well…” You smirk a bit nervously. “I must admit this mare was quite intriguing to me. What if she really has a way to help me grow all of you more?”
  176. “You can’t be serious!” The tiny noble mare exclaims. “You’ll be dealing with nefarious powers for sure if you go. And that’s the best case! You could very well end up chained in a dungeon forever!” She turns to the other mares. “Come on girls, we cannot let Little Spoon happily waltz into in a death trap like that!”
  177. “Eh… I don’t know…” Fen Flower shrugs. “I mean, I wouldn’t be standing here or at this size if Little Spoon didn’t decide to trust me at a time nothing compelled him to do so.”
  178. “But this is different!” Pear Plum exclaims. She sounds genuinely worried. “From how you made it sound, this mare has no shame being evil. If anything, we should report that place to the authorities. Please do not go there alone Little Spoon!”
  180. “I-I’m sorry ladies!” You blurt, taken aback by the strength of their reaction. “I… How about we go look for quests instead? We won’t have to worry about me visiting witches while I’m adventuring with you, right?”
  181. You’re not sure they would go as far as to physically prevent you from going, but Silver Willow and Pear Plum openly disapprove you meeting Amanita again. There’s always the option to go without telling them of course.
  183. Anyway, your mare companions accept to go see what jobs the guild of adventurers has to offer. You encourage them to look for quests they want this time. You remain with Silver Willow to help her browse through the quests. After some time, you have a selection of quests from your friends.
  185. >A: A group of a dozen ents has reportedly started to attack pony travellers in the countryside indiscriminately. They’ve been sighted at several spots, moving large distances seemingly at random over weeks. Find a way to pacify them. Meet Red Maple at the forester guild for details.
  186. “Something must have gone really wrong!” Pear Plum explains. “Ents do not normally attack ponies outside their woods, much less pursue them in the open like the reports on this request says. I want to find out what happened. Also… I’m worried other adventurers might take this job and go straight for the kill… And that would be wrong! Ents are wise guardians of the woods. Surely there’s a way reason with them.”
  187. “I would like to meet ents.” Night Sprout also supports this quest. “I know of them, but I never met them. I am curious to meet other dwellers of the woods. I believe Pear Plum can reason with them too.”
  189. >B: Wanted: Wandering merchant giving out highly dangerous books of demonology, inciting ponies to bind themselves to the service of demons. There’s a high suspicion this pony may be under demonic influence themself. Meet inquisitor Cloudbreacher at the church of Smitin for more details.
  190. “Does that sound familiar?” Fen Flower says after showing you the abstract of this quest. “I have no way to prove it, but that sounds like there’s a chance it could be the pony who gave me the book that brought me to… you know, do all the things I did to my village. Even if it worked out for me in the end, I’d like to have a word or two with that pony. And even if it’s not them, it would still be a good deed to bring them to justice.”
  192. If you remember correctly, once you freed Fen Flower from the demon’s influence, the book she used had become unreadable and her memory of the spells involved was wiped out.
  194. >C: Unauthorised alchemic wastes have been observed in the sewers of the city, causing unusual monster sightings such as giant rats or slimes. While the monsters can be taken care off, the same pollution has been observed regularly, about once each week. The source must be found. Official alchemic workshops and the wizard academy have already been investigated without finding any lead.
  195. “I’m a bit surprised, lady Silver Willow.” You comment. “I didn’t expect you to pick a quest that would bring a lady like you to investigate the sewers. I think this request was already there a few days ago, when I started investigating the disappearances of Ebony Vine, so that kind of sewer investigation might really be boring.”
  196. “Well, getting out of my comfort zone is the point for this one.” The tiny mare states. “I may be wrong, but slimes and giant rats sound like the average first quest an adventurer may embark on. I want to know if that kind of stuff is for me. Plus…” The tiny mare smirks. “If it really is too dirty for me in the sewers for me, I can hide in your pocket!”
  198. Now, you don’t need to go questing right away. You could spend a bit of time in the capital still, and offer a few more dates to Night Sprout so she may grow bigger. These quests all have good chance to still be available after a day or two.
  200. >What do?
  202. “Those are all interesting quests indeed.” You start. “But I have to say I have a preference for the one about ent attacks. Dealing with large creatures outside, pacifically or else, is right in our alley unlike treading trough narrow sewer waterways. Also… I won’t speak for the rest of you, but as much as I’ve progressed since I started adventuring, I’m not comfortable yet about having to face demons head on, and I feel like this could have a non-null chance to happen with that other quest.”
  204. “Mmh.” Fen Flower pinches her lips. “I don’t know. I’d hate to leave a potential lead go cold.”
  205. “Well, even if we don’t accept the quest, we can still hear out what they know at the church of Smitin.” You offer. “Perhaps you could figure out if it is the same vendor that gave you the grimoire from the intel they have.”
  206. “Alright.” Fen Flower nods after a few seconds. “Let us pay them a visit.”
  208. The rest of your friends agree to this. Before you go meet your contractor at the guild of Foresters, you first make your way to the temple of Smitin. Smitin is the three-faced God of laws, work and battle. Their adepts are often warriors to some degrees, and they’re among the most zealous fighters against all they consider evil. The cult luckily keeps the application of their dogma to unquestionably harmful beings of evil rather than taking on petty thieves and such … or… their official places of worship do at least.
  210. This temple, not at the centre of the city, looks more like a little fort than a church, although while keeping some bits of ecclesiastic aesthetic like stained glass windows depicting heroes triumphing over evil monsters. There’s also an adequately high ceiling that allows event Fen Flower to get in.
  212. Once inside, there’s a place for the public to pay their respects and leave offerings. You go talk to one of the adepts standing nearby about the quest. He asks you to wait here.
  214. A pegasus mare approaches a few minutes later. She has a pearl-white mane cut in a bowl and a cream coat. Her emotionless, yet perfectly smooth face and bright yellow eyes makes it hard to guess how old she may be. She wears a gilded plastron, and her toned body looks ready for battle. Her piercing gaze goes over each of you as she walks closer. She remains unphased as she does so, even with Fen Flower standing at over 17’ in front of her.
  215. “I thank you for coming.” She starts. “I am Cloudbreacher. I happily welcome those who wish to partake in our fight.”
  216. “Greetings lady Cloudbreacher.” You bow slightly. “Before anything, we would like to learn more about this issue.”
  218. “Hum.” The inquisitor mare nods. “Was there anything in particular you wanted to ask?”
  219. “Yes, actually.” Fen Flower speaks up “I wanted to know if you knew what does he look like? The pony who sells these damned books I mean.”
  220. “From our reports…” Cloudbreacher stares up at Fen Flower intensely. “It was an earth pony stallion. In his prime. Brown coat, unkempt neck-length purple mane. Thick, round glasses. Conic straw hat and a seemingly too heavy bag… does that ring a bell?”
  222. “Y-yes! Definitely!” Fen Flower responds a bit unsure. As she does, you hear the door you used to get inside being shut, and you turn you see a dozen adepts starting to surround you. They do not bear weapons at you. Yet.
  224. “Stand down inquisitors!” Silver Willow shouts as commandingly as her size allows. “Our friend was freed from all evil influence, and it is in fact why we want to help stopping its spread today!”
  225. “I clearly feel the devil’s taint on her.” Cloudbreacher coldly asserts. “How could she bear his gift still, if she isn’t under his influence?”
  226. “We won it in a game of luck!” You explain. “It’s true! Fen Flower quitted, and over some quite lucky rolls of dice she could remain young.”
  228. “Really?” The inquisitor’s gaze falls on you. You feel an unpleasant chill on your whole skin, as though even quare inch of you was being scrutinized. “A devil giving away his power in a game of luck, and with no consequence for any of you at all?”
  229. “W-well…” You shakily reply. “While doing so, another mare ended up having their body cursed, but we cured her!”
  230. “Yes!” Pear Plum adds. “I harnessed the necessary power from a living forest, and cleansed her from the devil’s curse.”
  231. Now the eyes of Cloudbreacher linger on Pear Plum for a while, but then, the inquisitor lets out a defeated sigh, and you believe you see her blink for the first time since you saw her.
  233. “Well, I suppose it true that you believe you’re free from this devil’s influence.” The inquisitor admits.
  234. “So… Even if you believe us, I take it you think Fen Flower could still be affected somehow?” You comment.
  235. “I believe it is a possibility indeed.” She answers, then turns toward Fen Flower. “Whatever happens from now, I strongly suggest you refrain for pursuing this devil yourself. You could end up being used to hurt your companions. This is why I demand you remain here. Your friends can go.”
  236. “E-Excuse me!?” Fen Flower blurts outragedly. “You can’t ‘demand’ something like that! You don’t have the right!”
  237. “We have plenty of reasons to keep you here.” Cloudbreacher starts. “This affair is of the utmost importance, and even if you’re no accomplice you could be an easy target for this devil to influence. On another hoof, you could also be the key to lead us to our target. He’s been hard to track, and we could use a sample of the devil’s magic to find its lackey. Anyway, if as you said you renounced the demon’s power, you have nothing to fear from us.”
  238. “H-hold on!” Fen Flower starts. “I hope you’re not thinking about removing what I earned. I’m not becoming an old hag again!”
  239. “Would you choose to keep your beauty, if it meant a devil could come and control you at any time?”
  240. “B-but… that’s not possible!” Fen Flower protests. “We… Little Spoon won against him! Fair and square! And he’s bound by word, right?”
  241. “Really? Which word of this devil freed you specifically?”
  242. “Well…” Fen Flower tries to remember, but has nothing to say after this. Thinking about it, the devil didn’t do any grant declaration you can remember. He was brief and dismissive when releasing Fen Flower.
  244. “Oh, naïve ones.” Cloudbreacher shakes her head. “A deal with a devil is not something you can easily put behind you. Not until said devil is destroyed at least, which is why you should listen and help us.”
  246. >A: It’s cute they think they can stop you from leaving. Just walk away, and see if they actually try to get in the way of Fen Flower’s tree-sized hooves. Add your inspiration to the mix too.
  247. >B: She’s making great demands, but doesn’t offer any payment for it. If it is all so important, that means she could offer vast riches in return for Fen Flower’s help, right?
  248. >C: As rude as she may be, the inquisitor is right. Try to convince Fen Flower to stay with them while the rest of you go deal with the ents.
  249. >D: You’ll be taking on the inquisitor’s quest. Remain with Fen Flower. Cooperate, but make sure they don’t do anything she doesn’t want to your friend.
  251. You do a double take, shaking you head as you try to retrace the chain of event that led you in this absurd situation. Like, why didn’t you or fen Flower just lie to the inquisitor mare? But merely glancing at Cloudbreacher, you feel your thoughts going numb at the mere prospect of hiding or deviating from the truth. You realise some magic may be at work in this place of holy power. You don’t think uttering a lie is gonna work, or if it possible at all. But still…
  253. According to all known laws of this land, you should not be surrounded by a dozen clergy ponies threatening you and your friends. The knowledge they have of the situation is too small to reasonably justify their demand to detain Fen Flower. The inquisitor mare, of course, arbitrarily wants to detain your friend anyway, because she doesn’t care what ponies think is reasonable.
  255. Anyway, you can still attempt to talk your way out of this…
  256. “Lady Cloudbreacher, this demand of yours is absolutely unacceptable!” You state. “My friend was nearing the end of her lifespan before her youth was restored, so your eagerness to cleanse her might actually kill her!”
  257. “If I were in her place, I would gladly take the risk of dying rather than to live in the shadow of a devil.” Cloudbreacher nonchalantly states.
  259. “What the Fuck!?!” Fen Flower furiously stomps the ground upon hearing these words. The walls shake at the force of the impact, and so do the adepts around you with the exception of Cloudbreacher who remains stoic. “That’s it! Go FUCK yourself you lunatic piece of shit! Go suck a dozen cocks and choke on it! All of you! I fucking swear to your triple-retard god that if I ever see your lot again I’ll crush you to a pulp! So stay out of my fucking way, AAARGH!”
  261. After that, your alchemist friend turns around and storms out of the fort, effortlessly smashing the handle and lock of the temple double-door in the process. The adepts were too scared to attempt anything, let alone stand in her way.
  262. You find yourself at a loss about what to do from here. Your eyes meet the imperturbable ones of Cloudbreacher.
  264. “You can go. I have no quarrel with you.” She tells you. “I’m not gonna ask any payment from you or your friend for the door if you were wondering.”
  265. “Uhm…” You’re unsure what to do, and in the confusion, you deliver some arguments you had thought up. “Well, rather that using Fen Flower, perhaps you could find the mare whose flesh was cursed to track the devil and his servant. I can tell you the village they’re from.”
  266. “That could work indeed.” The inquisitor mare nods. “We shall investigate this place.”
  268. “What are you still in this shithole for?!” You hear Fen Flower bark outside. “Let’s get lost already!”
  270. >What do?
  272. “Uh... Please wait a minute lady Fen Flower!” You shout back. Before leaving the temple, you indicate to Cloudbreacher where she can find Fen Flower’s old village and wish her luck on her crusade. The rest of you then leave the adepts of Smitin.
  274. “Took you long enough.” Fen Flower hisses, her face still red from her angry outburst of earlier.
  275. “My apologies.” You say. “I told them the way to your village. Hopefully they’ll go investigate there rather than to come and bother us again.”
  276. “Let them come.” Fen Flower huffs. “These freaks seem to have a death wish. I’ll gladly give them what they want!”
  278. “Ah… let us not think about it anymore.” You say. “How about we head for the forester’s guild and take on this ent quest?”
  279. “Mmh…” Fen Flower grumbles with a nod.
  281. The alchemist mare seems to calm down a little as you walk around the capital. You try to make sure you’re not followed by anypony, but you don’t see any sign of being tailed. Hopefully these adepts are not the kind to lay traps and do surprise attacks.
  283. “How are feeling, lady Fen Flower?” You ask after a few minutes.
  284. “Right now?” the alchemist mare huffs disdainfully. “Ready to crush the next bozo who tries to patronize me! I mean, who do they think they are? These god-damned wanabe paladins… nobody’s stopping them to throw THEIR life away. But NO, they gotta bother US with their stupid holier-than-thou mumbo jumbo. I hate them so fucking much!”
  286. It sounds to you like Fen Flower isn’t done ranting, but venting up might just be what she needs. At least, she doesn’t seem to be worrying about the devil potentially having some grasp on her still.
  288. >A: Just let her vent. Add some more jokes of your own on the adepts of Smitin.
  289. >B: Ask Fen Flower if she’s worried about what they said. Would she like to see an exorcist or a priest of another cult about possible evil influence?
  290. >C: Does she want to get back at the inquisitors? These ponies look like a pain in the rump, and maybe you ought to teach them a lesson somehow. Nothing too violent of course…
  291. >D: It would be best if she just stopped caring about them. Attempt to change the subject. Ask Pear Plum what she knows about ents for example.
  293. Fen Flower is not out of indignities about the adepts of Smitin. You nod and sometimes snicker at the huge mare who vents out her frustration, and slowly calms down as she goes.
  295. Unfortunately, you can’t completely dismiss what the inquisitor mare said to you. There is indeed a possibility Fen Flower could be in danger. You’d rather not find out one day that Fen Flower has been possessed by evil intent. Well, it would be incredibly hot to see an evil giantess mare crush or eat or enslave ponies left and right of course, but for the short time before she would kill you or get herself arrested or worst, it probably isn’t worth it…
  297. “Fen Flower.” You start once Fen Flower is done blaspheming. “I just want you to know that we’ll see this problem through, and we’ll resolve it together if we have to.”
  298. “A problem? What problem?” Fen Flower frowns at you. “This is all behind me now. Or do you really believe a word they said about me? My contract ended! There’s no way I could be influenced in any way anymore!”
  299. “Well…” You show an embarrassed cringe. “I’m afraid this is well within the means of a devil to do so…”
  300. “But… But that’s not possible!” Fen Flower protests. “I mean, this devil’s trick was to let me in control. I knew I had to obey or else I would lose my soul, but I was never compelled to do something in particular…”
  301. The mare lets out a sigh. Looking at the ground in silence.
  303. “Fucking shit. These nerds Are kinda right about this issue, aren’t they?”
  304. “Fen Flower. Like I said, I’ll be looking out for you no matter comes next.” While you speak, you rub your side against one hind leg of Fen Flower. It might have the girth of it, but your friend’s leg is warmer and softer than a tree trunk.
  306. “Thank you, Little Spoon.” The huge mare smirks, and her large hoof comes from above to affectionately ruffle your mane. “Anyway, let’s hear what the foresters have to say about their ent problem. Before we leave the city, I’ll go find some generic countermeasures for the time being. Potions, a charm or whatever to repel outsider influence just in case.”
  307. “I’ll come with you!” Pear Plum speaks up. “I’m not sure I have the capacities, but there’s a chance I could help.”
  308. “Oh, uhm…” After the surprise, the big alchemist mare nods. “Sure. I appreciate that. I’ll look deeper into this when we come back, and hopefully figure out something. If we’re lucky, these paladins might even take care of my former contractor for us.”
  310. For the time being, you head for the guild of foresters.
  311. This place looks more like an office, and this time Fen Flower has a bit of trouble squeezing herself in the hall for visitors. There’s a desk where you can ask for the contractor. While you wait, you take a look at the pieces of carpentry and forest maps displayed in the hall. Meanwhile, the rest of the workers and civilians present can’t help but to contemplate the 17’ Fen Flower, as much to make sure not to become victim of any unplanned movement in this confided space than to appreciate her attributes.
  313. After a minute, your contractor arrive from behind the counter.
  315. “Hello adventurers.” A mare with a bright red mane and orange coat approaches. She must be around 30 years old. “A pleasure to meet you. I’m Red Maple. I heard you’ve come for our ents issue, correct?”
  316. “Indeed.” Pear Plum speaks. “I read there would be more details to be heard.”
  317. “Ah, yes of course.” Red Maple nods. “I’ll show you where your targets have been sighted so you may track them down. There’s 9 of them. Most are around 10’ tall, but the biggest of them is closer to 20. I see you’re up for the challenge, though.”
  318. The guild mare gives a wink to your huge alchemist friend.
  320. “Uhm…” Pear Plum speaks up again. “If you don’t mind, what I mean to ask was… well, do you know why these ents got so vindictive? This is highly unhabitual for them to even leave their woods, let alone attack ponies at random.”
  321. “Unfortunately, I don’t believe there’s time to solve this mystery.” The mare from the guild shakes her head. “We don’t know what happened and couldn’t find any clues. I strongly suggest you put them out of their misery. They’re just too dangerous for everypony at this point.”
  322. “Oh, uhm…” Pear Plum falls silent, but you can tell she’s not happy with what she was told.
  324. This story sounds a bit fishy to you too. You know little about ents, but indeed they’re not your usual wandering monsters.
  326. >What do?
  328. “So… you have absolutely no idea why these ents are attacking ponies?” You ask.
  329. “As I told you, we unfortunately don’t.” Red Maple shakes her head. “The encounters with them were fortunately brief and without casualties so far. Most travellers merely run away at the sight of 10’ living trees going in their direction. Their hostility makes no doubt, though. One of our witness reports having nearly been crushed by a boulder the ents hauled at him. Another group was only able to get away after letting their cart behind, which had been crushed to splinters by the time we could safely check it. These last ponies attempted to talk with the ents, but they did not utter a word back, only furious, unarticulated shouts, they reported.”
  330. “This can’t be…” Pear Plum reacts. “Ents are ancient and sensible beings.”
  331. “I have no doubt about that, but that doesn’t change what the reports say. This is why I’m telling you there’s little hope for any other outcome than putting them down.” Red Maple gives an appraising look to the rest of you. “You know, you don’t have to force yourselves if this job makes you uncomfortable. We can find somepony else…”
  333. “We will take care of this.” You pat Pear Plum’s leg. “We’ll figure out how, but you can trust we will solve this issue. So, how many ponies were attacked exactly?”
  334. “There’s a total of 8 encounters, with 2 that got close to end in disasters.” Red Maple answers. “It is those I told you about specifically.”
  335. “Alright, can you show me where they’ve been sighted?”
  336. “Of course.” Red Maple nods, before bringing out a map where the places of the encounters have been marked and linked in timely order.
  338. The ents are in the hills northeast of the capital, about two days of walking away… for normal ponies. Half a day for a mare the size of Fen Flower. However, the displacements of the ents do seem random and erratic. They came from the north and then followed the road south for several days, before going back north, then south again, then even further north than at their first sighting. The fact they seem to be following the road is about all you can say, but that might just be because the encounters with ponies happened there.
  340. However, one thing you learn that Red Maple didn’t deem necessary to tell you, is that the ents apparently come from a forest area that is noted on the map. Or at least, this looks like the most likely scenario considering where the first encounter was.
  342. “Do you believe we should worry about more dangerous ents other than this wandering group?” You ask.
  343. “Well, it’s not impossible they could be additional dangers around, but I don’t think you’ll meet more ents than this.” Red Maples says. “This group sticks together too. Even from far away, they look like a lonely tight grove in the hills.”
  345. “Hmm…” You nod. “Well, you can count on us to solve this ent issue lady Red Maple. Also, while I’m here, I’d like to introduce you to my friend here, lady Night Sprout. I bet you’ve never met a fairy this big before!”
  346. Night Sprout jumps on her hooves at the mention of her name. Believing she wasn’t needed in the conversation, she had gone back to examining the maps of the region displayed on the wall.
  347. “Ah, I’m no field agent actually.” Red Maple chuckles. “But I know our associates have to deal with forest spirit such as fairies sometimes.” And then to Night Sprout. “Don’t worry, it always ends pacifically for everypony involved. You are indeed much bigger than what I’ve heard about fairies.”
  348. “Yes.” Night Sprout answers. “I might soon be taller than you.”
  349. Red Maple blinks in slight confusion, and doesn’t really know how to answer that.
  351. Anyway, you note that she just told you the guild can deal pacifically with forest dwellers when it is needed. That would beg the question: why can’t they do so with those ents?
  352. You do not speak up, though. You’ve been trying to hide your concerns about this quest until now, appearing as non-inquisitive as possible so they don’t suspect you might try to investigate the guild’s actions.
  354. >A: Thank the guild mare for the information. Go out of eavesdropping reach and discuss your next move with your friends.
  355. >B: Be a little more inquisitive. Why are the ents attacking? Did the guild attempt mediation and if yes how did it fail?
  356. >C: Bounce back on what Night Sprout said. Ask Red Maple if she’s ever envisioned herself bigger. Also grow Night Sprout with your inspiration or something else to showcase your talent.
  357. >D: Ask about the payment. With so little information on the ent, this is quite dangerous. Surely the compensation is at the measure of the challenge.
  359. “It seems to me the ents might be coming from this area.” You point at the forest north of the map. “Can you confirm whether that’s the case or not?”
  360. “Well, it is likely indeed.” Red Maple nods. “However, this forest hasn’t been exploited for as far as our archives can trace, so we cannot confirm this.”
  361. “Mmh…” You nod. “So… the guild hasn’t tried to communicate with these ents, right?”
  362. “No.” Red Maple shakes her head. “Since the reports we received were consistent, we did not want to further put our agents at risk.”
  363. “Alright. Thank you for telling me all this lady Red Maple.” You nod. “Then, we shall be on our way. You can count on us to solve this issue!”
  364. “Good luck.” The guild mare smiles politely. “Take care of yourselves.”
  366. You exit the guild after that. As noon draws near, you find a spot at a tavern where you can all sit down and plan your next move while you eat. It takes a little bit of time to find an establishment at the measure of Fen Flower, and avoiding eavesdropping completely when one of the party member is over 15’ tall might be tricky, but you’ll manage.
  368. “I don’t know about the rest of you.” You start. “But something feels a bit off about this quest. The fact they were so quick to ask us to go for the kill with those ents is… strange.”
  369. “Mightily strange indeed.” Silver Willow pops her head out of your pocket to speak. “Why is the forester’s guild even the contractor if this situation has nothing to do with any foresting activity? They’re hiding something from us, obviously.”
  370. “Do we want to find out, though?” Fen Flower argues. “I mean, whether or not they’re hiding something, somepony has to calm down these ents. I doubt they’d go as far as to fabricate several fake testimonies about them having gone berserk, so the core issue certainly is real. Also… If we embarrass them, I don’t think we’ll earn any coin whatsoever…”
  372. “But what if they’re the ones that made the ents mad?” Pear Plum says. “They could be withholding some crucial information that we could need to help these ents. Or they could cause more trouble later even!”
  373. “So what do you suggest?” Fen Flower replies. “That we sneak into the guild to investigate? I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
  374. “I will not sneak into places.” Night Sprout comments. “Especially now that I am bigger.”
  376. “But…” Pear Plum pleads. “So we all agree the guild is hiding something, but you say we can’t do anything about it?”
  378. >A: Fen Flower has a point. The ents must be stopped in all cases, so you might as wall start with that.
  379. >B: You could start with investigating the forest where the ents come from. You might find information here without having to investigate the guild itself.
  380. >C: Maybe somepony else from the guild of foresters could disclose more information. Especially if a big and sexy mare like Fen Flower was the one to ask.
  381. >D: Sneaking into the guild could help you find answers. There’s a tiny Silver Willow that could go unnoticed, but there’s also a rogue friend of yours you could ask for help.
  383. >You recovered 1’ to your growth pool from Balckberry Brunch who apparently was fond of trying out her new ability.
  385. There, you start to hug Pear Plum, or, you hug as much of her side as you can fit between your arms.
  386. “Do not worry lady Pear Plum.” You say softly. “The last thing we want to do is to hurt these ents. I can only imagine, but hearing those reports and the order to hunt them down must have been disheartening to you. We’ll figure a way to help them.”
  388. The druid mare remains quizzical as she listens to you, but shows back a warm smile once you’re done talking.
  389. “Thank you, Little Spoon.” The druid mare hugs you back, and there she gently lifts you up to place you in front of her while she sits down. She lightly rests her chin on top of your head, and her front legs are draped over your body.
  391. “Uh, A-alright everypony.” You start, still in the cushy embrace of the near 8’ mare. “It’s important we understand what truly happened here, or else there could be a repeat of this situation in the future and we can’t let that happen! Now, lady Pear Plum.” You crane your neck upwards, your mane brushing along the big druid’s chin as you do so. “Can you tell us more about ents? I know dreadfully little about them. For starters, is it possible for us to communicate with ents?”
  392. “Well, not all ents speak our language, but most usually know a pony dialect or two.” Pear Plum explains. “The guild mare told us the biggest ent was 20’ tall, and an ent is usually quite old to reach such a size. I’d be surprised if at least they couldn’t speak with us. But even if that is not the case, I know how to communicate with them in their own tongue.”
  394. “How do they usually react if harmed?”
  395. “Well… the behaviour Red Maple described is just incomprehensible to me.” Pear Plum sulks as she speaks. “Ents are reclusive, and usually drive away visitors they don’t like long before resorting to violence. If they or their forest are threatened, they usually confront the intruder quickly and try to get them to leave on their own. They use intimidation, but actually fighting is already close to a last resort for them. And that’s not the only thing wrong. Ents almost never leave their forest. Ents going out of the woods to fight happened once in all history I know of, and the whole world was threatening to fall to darkness at that time! In normal circumstances, when ents are aggrieved, they can try to kill intruders, they can hold a grudge for centuries, but they do not pursue anything beyond the edge of their woods. And finally, when they do fight, ents wield powerful magic in addition to using their natural strength and… I mean, not that I wish it would have happened at all, but a regular pony shouldn’t be able to escape a furious ent. They’d find themselves trapped by roots as soon as the ent notices their presence.”
  397. “So… You believe these ents are not in their normal state, right?”
  398. “Uhm…” You feel the druid mare nod above your head.
  399. “Well, so far that doesn’t contradict what the guild mare told us.” Fen Flower comments. “If they have indeed gone berserk, that could justify why she told us to put them to rest.”
  400. You feel Pear Plum’s hooves hug you a bit tighter at these words and hear her whimper neigh imperceptibly. You give Fen Flower an angry pout for that.
  402. “…I mean, that’s not to say we have to give up on them!” The alchemist clumsily attempts to reassure Pear Plum.
  403. “Anyway, do you believe we could find more of them?” You continue. “In the forest for example?”
  404. “I don’t think so.” The druid mare shakes her head. “Ents of a same forest are like a family. If there were more of them, it’s extremely unlikely they wouldn’t have tried to help their brethren and keep them in the woods. Unless they were…”
  405. Again, Pear Plum’s hold on you gets a little tighter.
  406. “I-it’s alright!” You caress the big mare’s arm. “Like you said, this is probably not the case. And we’re gonna help these ents return to normal for sure. Now, that’s it for the questions I had, but can you think on anything else we would need to know.”
  408. “Well…” Pear Plum ponders. “Please… remember ents are as sensible as ponies. In a different way for sure, but please think of them as respectable and wise. We must save them, even if these guild ponies seem to view them like mere monsters.”
  409. “Do you have ent friends?” Night Sprout asks.
  410. “Well… when I was a filly I met some.” Pear Plum nods. “So yes I suppose. I was young, so we didn’t talk much, but one played with me at the time. It’s a good memory.”
  411. “We will save them.” You speak up. “This guild is hiding something from us, and we must discover what it is, even if they don’t want us to!”
  413. After lunch, you eventually have to leave the comfort of Pear Plum’s arms. While Pear Plum and Fen Flower go look for a charm to prevent possible outsider influence, you and Night Sprout decide to return to the guild of adventurers and meet Blackberry again. Silver Willow is still in your pocket too. You find the rogue mare easily enough and approach her.
  414. “Hey, Little Spoon!” Your fellow halfling that’s a few inches taller hails you. “And… whoa, hello pretty face! Whatever you are, ha!”
  415. “I’m Night Sprout.” Night Sprout states. “I’m a fairy.”
  416. “Huh.” The halfling rogue looks impressed upon inspecting the fairy that’s a few inches taller that she is. “Blackberry Brunch here.” And then she turns to you. “You’ve been on this growing business for a while, haven’t you Little Spoon? Anyway, what brings you here? Looking for work too?”
  417. “Actually we’re already onto something, but I might need the help of somepony who’s good at going unnoticed for a particular task.”
  418. “Would you hear that…” She smirks. “Do tell me about your problem Little Spoon.”
  420. You proceed to explain your issue. The quest, the ents, and the hunch you have about the forester’s guild hiding information.
  422. “Huh, I see…” Blackberry nods to herself when you’re done. “Well, there’s a good chance this Red Maple mare knows more, then. As in most guilds, these ponies drown in paperwork, so there’s a good chance I could find some clues in her office.”
  423. “So, will you do it?”
  424. “Slow down a bit, stud.” The rogue mare silences you by putting a hoof on your mouth. “First, there’s no guarantee I’m gonna find anything definitive. Just hints probably. People rarely write down their whole conspiracies on paper, you know? Second, if I’m going, I’m going this evening. These jobs are better done after office hours and when the sun is down. I’m sure you can understand why. And third…” The mare’s smirk widens. “I’ll take 500 golds beforehoof for that job if you don’t mind. The guild of foresters might not be a fortress, but it’s still some pretty official stuff, and I’d be in trouble if I got caught. Not that it will happen! Just saying, so you understand that this is too big of a job for me to do it for free. Do we got a deal?”
  426. This is… expensive. Though, you don’t have enough experience in crookery to know whether Blackberry is overcharging you or not. However, you’re suddenly tempted by doing the sneaking yourself. You’re no rogue, but you’re small and dextrous, and you’ve got some skill for that kind of trade.
  427. Another option you have is to go investigate the forest where the ents came from. If it’s similar to the fairy problem you encountered in the past, you might find a potential source of the ents’ corruption there. Your options are still open.
  429. >What do?
  431. >You have 408 GOLD
  432. > for your skills and full inventory
  434. “Mmh…” You nod at Blackberry’s offer. “Well, thanks for reminding me that kind of investigation might not return exploitable results. I’m gonna talk about it with my companions. You can keep this for your expertise!”
  435. “Huh?” The mare looks incredulously as you leave a couple coins on the table you were at. “H-hey! You don’t need to give me alms like I’m a hobo!”
  436. But already, you’ve exited the guild of adventurers with Night Sprout. After a moment, the rogue mare sighs and begrudgingly pockets the coins.
  438. You manage to find Pear Plum and Fen Flower soon enough in the shopping streets of the capital. The alchemist mare now has a pendant around her neck which should protect her mind from evil intent.
  439. With everyone gathered, you tell them of your options. Fen Flower in particular does a double take as you announce the price Blackberry Brunch asked for.
  441. “I believe you should be the one to decide, lady Pear Plum.” You conclude by turning to the druid mare. “We’ll have as much luck finding information in the forest where the ents come from than in the offices of the guild I reckon, so I’m fine with either course of action. But with your knowledge of the stakes at hoof, you are the best suited to guide our steps. So what do you say?
  442. “Well…” Pear Plum ponders, and eventually allow herself a smirk. “I suppose our team is not really made for discretion, are we? I believe we should go to the forest, and try to understand what happened there ourselves. Even if we don’t find the solution to everything, we can always come back with a more solid case against the guild, and demand explanations from them at this moment.”
  444. You and Fen Flower nod to that.
  445. “Then it’s settled!” You announce. “I’ll go tell Blackberry Brunch we won’t be requiring her services for now, and then we can leave. If we start travelling now, we should reach the forest at around nightfall. Is everypony ready?”
  446. “I’ll pack some food for the trip.” Fen Flower says. “But aside from that I believe we’re ready to go!”
  447. The rest of your friends think they have everything they need too.
  449. >What do?
  450. >Anything else to do in the city before you embark on this adventure?
  452. “I can think of a few supplies that could be of use, and then we’ll be ready to go!”
  453. First on your list is a map. You could probably ask the forester’s guild somehow, but rather than going through the trouble of hiding your intentions to them again, you manage to find what you need at the guild of adventurers. You can also get a spyglass and a tinderbox for a fair price there.
  455. You also purchase a pouch of ball bearings. You’ve heard too many stories of adventurers turning the tides of battles with this inconspicuous gear to not acquire some yourself.
  456. With all that, your saddlebags are a bit heavier, but thankfully you’ve been gaining some muscles thanks to a certain belt you still carry around.
  458. >You have 401 GOLD
  459. >You have your LUTE, your CLOTHES, a DWARVEN DAGGER, a LIGHT DWARVEN CROSSBOW and BOLTS, WRITING SUPPLIES, some ROPE, a BEEKEEPER’S SUIT, three SMOKE BOMBS, an enchanted ORC BELT, a MIRROR, a LANTERN, a deck of TAROT, two HEALING potions, one INVISIBILITY potion, a WIG, a DRESS, some classy BARD GARB (pants missing), 1 dose of FEN FLOWER growth potion (for Silver Willow), a TINDERBOX, a MAP(of the hills and woodlands north of the capital) and a COMPASS, a pouch of BALL BEARINGS, a SPYGLASS.
  461. With that taken care of, you and your friends start to walk to the outskirts of the capital, and eventually leave the city.
  463. Well… Not exactly all of you are doing the walking actually. To reach the place of your quest in a timely manner, Fen Flower has to accept carrying you and Silver Willow for the trip.
  464. “I wonder.” She comments bemusedly. “Should I invest in a basket of some sort to carry ponies around? It feels like it’s becoming a habit.”
  465. The alchemist mare is currently a bit over 20’ tall as you’re using your inspiration to increase her constitution for the trip, and the one of the other mares. You and Silver Willow are laying on the expanse of her back. The noble mare wished to be at a pony-like size for the trip, and thus she holds you from behind while you travel.
  467. You and Silver take turns using the spyglass to look around for anything of interest, and make sure you do not meet the angry ents sooner than planned. You have an already good vantage point, but sometimes you lend your gear to Night Sprout. The fairy flies above and has some fun being able to look far away with this piece of equipment.
  468. While Fen Flower might be a little bored, Pear Plum is certainly the one who has it the least easy. Fen Flower travels at a good walking pace, so the druid mare who’s half as big has to maintain an energic trot to keep up. She declined your offer for a break about 1 hour in, arguing, between heavy exhales, that it would be better if you reached the forest today.
  470. You cross the path of other travellers as you go north. There were of course many ponies on the road while you were still close to the capital. These were on their ways from or to the homesteads around the city. You cross the path of a few groups of adventurers and some trading caravans, but nothing more than polite greetings and gawks at the size of the mares in your party come out of those.
  471. After an hour and a half in, you’re getting well into the wilderness. The capital is no longer visible behind you and the terrain is getting hilly. It’s bee a while you’d didn’t see anypony else on the road either.
  473. “There’s something over there.” Night Sprout flies down to you and points eastwards at some point. She had borrowed the spyglass again and gives it back to you. You take it and look in the direction the fairy’s indicating toward.
  474. “I don’t think I’m seeing it, lady NaaAAAH!” Your sentence stops as the fairy mare pulls you up in the sky. After steadying yourself, now with the added altitude you manage to see what your friend spoke about. There’s a black mound in the distance, seemingly lost between the hills. It looks like something roughly the size of a cabin might have been burned to cinders and crumbled a while ago. There’s no smoke anymore. It must be about a mile away from the road, but otherwise in the middle of nowhere in the grassy hills.
  476. You’re still a substantial distance away from where the ents have been sighted.
  478. >A: Ignore it. You’re on a mission, and have better things to do. Note the place on the map for when you have time later maybe. Remain vigilant.
  479. >B: Send Night Sprout investigate for a start. Tell her to be careful.
  480. >C: Take the little detour. That could justify Pear Plum taking a break too…
  481. >D: As above, but offer to grow Fen Flower with your gift of the bard before that for extra safety
  483. “Everyone!” You call as the fairy motions you down. “Lady Night Sprout noticed something to the east. It seems to be a small construction that was burnt down recently. Lady Pear Plum, do you think we should go investigate or carry on our way?”
  484. “Hum…” The druid mare sems taken aback by your question. “I… don’t know?”
  485. “Well, it’s not on the map, so this is just out of curiosity.” You continue. “So, we could go investigate, unless you believe we don’t have time for this since we’re already on a mission.”
  486. “Oh, uhm…” Pear Plum ponders. “In that case, I guess we can spare a moment? Is that alright with everpony of course.”
  487. “Works for me.” As the rest of you nod, Fen Flower turns to leave the road in the direction Night Sprout pointed toward. “Let’s see what this is all about.”
  489. “Lady Pear Plum…” You start on the way there. The druid mare perks up to hear you out. “Sorry, I realize I should have made the offer sooner, but how about I grow you some more for the rest of the trip to make it easier on you? I could probably make you as tall as lady Fen Flower, and you wouldn’t have to run to match her pace that way.”
  490. “Oh, uhm, Thank you Little Spoon but I’m alright..” Pear Plum answers, and even from up there, you see her blush slightly. She probably understands what it would take to grow her by that amount.
  491. “Then how about you let Fen Flower relieve you and let yourself be carried, at least for a while?”
  492. “But I wouldn’t want to bother Fen Flower too much.” Pear Plum replies. “She’s already taking the two of you as a burden, and I’m certainly heavier than you and Silver. Don’t worry Little Spoon, you’re already helping me a great deal. Aside from the height, I’m more endurant thanks to your spell and I’m doing fine.”
  493. “Yeah, let Pear Plum have it her way Little Spoon.” Fen Flower turns back, a mischievous smirk on her face. “And what’s with ‘You’ offering that ‘I’ carry somepony else? Maybe you should do the rest of the trip on your own hooves. Wouldn’t that teach you a lesson?”
  494. “Ah… Sorry about that, yeah.” You chuckle. “Please have mercy lady Fen Flower…”
  495. “I will carry you if you want.” Night Sprout offers, gracefully landing on Fen’s rump. “Like during our date.”
  496. “Don’t spoil this bard, Night Sprout.” Fen Flower playfully advises. “Or you might end up having to carry a whole adventuring party on your back.”
  497. “I would not mind if I were big enough and if they were friends.” The fairy readily answers.
  499. The alchemist mare shows an elusive frown at that, but doesn’t reply to Night Sprout.
  501. You wished you could help Pear Plum feel better, but unfortunately, she is obviously not comfortable with your way of relieving stress. You probably could try to ease her into it at another time, though. For now, the fate of the ents seems to preoccupy the druid mare too much for her to allow herself to serenely explore new heights of pleasure.
  502. That’s right. As much as you’d wish to just be bluntly honest with your desires, or even ask Pear Plum if she’d like to have her size borrowed by Silver Willow after some hot mare-on-mare action, it’s probably best to delay all that for the time being. Hopefully you can resist giving in to those urges. The ample-thighed Pear Plum certainly isn’t making this easy on you…
  504. The black mound is getting in view for everypony at this point. It’s indeed a cabin of some sort that has burnt and collapsed. It’s been a good while you believe. The ground nearby bears no trace of any recent fire anymore. When you’re about fifty meters away however, you see a couple of little forms skittering out of the pile of debris.
  505. “Wait…” Fen Flower mutters. “These are…”
  507. There, you hang tight on the alchemist mare as she starts sprinting, catching up with the little forms in seconds. She stomps her hoof in front of them and you hear panicked shrieks as they have to stop in their tracks.
  509. “You stop moving this instant or I’ll crush you!” Fen Flower barks.
  510. You think you see them attempt another course, but Fen blocks them again in the same manner. A couple more times, and they seem to have frozen in her tracks. Fen Flower motion to have them in front of her rather than under, and you and Silver can have a good look at them.
  512. You realise that what you see in front of Fen Flower must be the two smallest mares you’ve ever seen. It’s indeed the first time you’ve met goblins. These two little green mares clad in furs look terrified, trembling as they hold each other’s 2’ bodies.
  513. “Do you know who did this?” The alchemist mare coldly asks, nodding toward the cabin.
  514. “No! no! Search for scraps!” One of the goblins blurts out in approximate common. “No burn nothing!”
  515. “No more stomp! Please mercy, Bloodhooves! We no fight no more!” The other adds.
  517. Fen’s behaviour is undeniably violent right now, but not out of place. In both stories and reality, they’re often violent scavengers or underlings of dark powers, an as a result often the enemies of ponies, and adventurers in particular.
  518. At this moment, Pear Plum is finishing to catching up on you.
  520. >What do?
  522. Goblins can be dangerous. But in the open, with only two of them, without any special magic or equipment, and with no option for them to take you by surprise, they can only be as dangerous as stray dogs. If anything, it’s more important you make sure there’s no more of them nearby, but there’s barely any place to hide around you. Only small and scattered groves of trees in these parts. But before anything else…
  524. “Bloodhooves?” You utter quizzically. “Lady Fen Flower, you hid to me that you earned yourself a villainous tittle.”
  525. “That’s new to me too.” The giant mare glances back with a smirk, but only a second so as not to let the two goblins without surveillance. “Hey, why are you calling me Bloodhooves?”
  526. “We know!” one of the goblin replies. “We were there! Pinhooves fight Sparkteeth, and Bloodhooves punish all! Make them red paste!”
  527. “We no fight!” The other says. “Me Pinhoof. She Sparkteeth. We friends! No need for paste!”
  528. “It sounds like you’re a punishing deity to them, Fen Flower.” Silver Willow notes. “Were you pursuing that during the quest that opposed you to goblins?”
  529. “Well… not really.” She shrugs. “I didn’t think there were enough of them left to get me any reputation at all, to be honest.”
  531. “Hey, you two.” You address the two tiny mares. “Who are you working for? You aren’t the only of your kind to search this place, are you?”
  532. “Only us! Only us! Saw nopony else!” One of them retorts. “Left tribe, left red paste behind! We new friendship between Pinhooves and Sparkteeth!”
  533. “Really?” You ponder. “Then, do you know anything about this place?”
  534. “No, Find on way!” The other answers. “We travel! Search new home… So we search stuff. Was collapsed on way, nopony, but maybe things inside.”
  535. “Yes!” The other adds. “M-maybe food…”
  536. “Searching stuff, uh?” You raise an eyebrow. “Can you show us what you found?”
  538. The two goblins exchange a worried look, and proceed to empty the content of their bag for you to see.
  539. They show you some metal arrowheads, a bear trap, a crock pot and three knives of different length, all darkened by ashes. If those indeed come from the burnt cabin, it could have been a refuge for hunters before.
  541. “Did you find the remain of anypony in there?” Pear Plum asks, now that she has come close enough.
  542. “No bones.” One greenskin replies. “No kill, not us, not fire, please no paste!”
  543. “We should let them go.” Pear Plum states. “I don’t think they’ll be of any trouble for us.”
  545. “Mmh… Before we decide…” You turn to the goblins again. “Do you know anything about the ents that roam these hills?”
  546. “Eh…Ents?”
  547. “Big tree ponies that walk.” You explain. “As big as Bloodhooves.”
  548. “No.” They shake their heads. “No see any Bloodhooves trees.”
  550. >What do?
  552. “I believe we can let them go.” You nod toward the druid mare, then, to the little green ones. “You two better not think about hurting any ponies! These tools and arrows will be for hunting wild game only!”
  553. “Yes! We promise! No hurt, only friendship now!” The two goblins nod frenetically.
  555. “Then it looks like you’ve earned yourselves the mercy of Bloodhooves.” Fen Flower nonchalantly states. “Now, SCRAM!”
  556. Fen doesn’t have to tell the goblins twice, as they immediately start to run away in the distance.
  558. “I… hope they’ll be alright.” Pear Plum comments.
  559. “Eh.” Fen Flower shrugs. “They’re just goblins.”
  560. “Now, how about we search the cabin then?” You say. “Perhaps we could learn what happened here after all.”
  561. “You can do that.” Fen Flower says. “I don’t think I can ‘seach’ this plae without collapsing what remains of it. But I’ll make sure nothing falls on your head Little Spoon.”
  563. There isn’t much left of the cabin really. As the goblins said, there’s no trace of any pony that could have been hurt in or around here, and they took everything that was salvageable. There’s some trace of gear that didn’t survive the flames, like pelts or a waterskin.
  565. Most likely, this place was empty when it burnt. Either a fire wasn’t probably snuffed or lightning could have hit the construction. Whatever happened, you have no lead to investigate further at this point. You should probably resume your trip. Given the distance that separates this place from the closest ents sightings, there is almost certainly no link with your current quest.
  567. Well, at least, everypony is taking a break at the moment. This could be an occasion to talk with Pear Plum is you wish to.
  569. >What do?
  571. “Lady Pear Plum, is everything alright?” You approach the brooding druid mare. “If it’s about these two goblins, I’m sure they’ll find another tribe to live with and be alright. Unless… you regret not taking them to your service yourself?”
  572. “N-no! I mean, I do hope they’ll be alright but… not to the point of… chaperoning them?”
  573. “Aw, that’s a shame.” You say with a cheeky smile “I’m sure you’d have made a magnificent goblin queen my lady!”
  575. That take a meek chuckle out of her. The 7’ plus mare relaxes a little, and you allow yourself to lean on her head as she rests on her side.
  576. “The thing is, I’m a bit worried about this quest.” Pear Plum says. “I… don’t know how to say it, but I’m not sure if we’ll be able to make things right on this one.”
  577. “Lady Pear Plum, I have no doubt you will be able to help those ents.” You try to reassure her. “And I and our companions will all make sure you have the support to do so.”
  578. “Thank you, Liltte Spoon.” She shows you a smile. “I know we can help the ents, but… well, then what? You remember what you said back at the capital? If we can’t find what caused this, it could happen again. But if it is the forester’s guild after all, I’m not sure we’ll be able to do anything against them. They’re not monsters we can just put in chains of fight with our bodies. At best there could be a trial, but… well, of the opponents I could face, I’m practically sure a lawyer in a court would be the one I’m the least prepared for.”
  580. “Oh, I know a couple ponies that could help with that.” Silver Willow pops out of your pocket. “If the guild made anything illegal, they will definitely pay for it.”
  581. “Mmh… I hope so, but then, will the ents be satisfied with that?” Pear Plum continues. “If it is the fault of ponies they turned mad, maybe they’ll be mad at us too? And even if we find a pony that is responsible, we wouldn’t have the legal right to bring it to the ents, would we? And yet would that be the right to do if we could? The ents could want to hurt them… So, I mean… I don’t know… It feels like there’s no good way to fix this situation…”
  583. >What do?
  585. “Well… That’s unfortunately part of being an adventurer.” You start. “What if we could've saved Ulna's tribe and sought a peaceful resolution with Ulna's master? What if there was a way to save Fen Flower without that mare going through that horrible transformation and experience? What if there was a way to catch the perpetrator from our last quest? No quest goes smoothly and perfectly, and sometimes things have imperfect resolutions. This time too. I don’t know if there’s a perfect way to make amends to the ents after the fact. However, I doubt they’ll be angry at us if we’re the one to cure their condition. You did tell me they’re wise ponies, right?”
  587. “Hmm.” Pear Plum nods meekly, her head still against you.
  588. “And besides, we shouldn’t beat ourselves about every single thing that goes wrong.” You add. “Especially things we have little control over. I mean, how about being happy about the good we did instead? Because we sure did some! Even if we didn’t catch the kidnapper, we did save Ebony Vine and reunite her with her father. Weren’t you glad we did what we needed to witness that sweet moment?”
  589. “Yes, of course.” She replies, a smirk on her face.
  590. “Also, let’s trust other ponies a little.” You continue. “If we can prove the forester’s guild did enrage those ents, you certainly won’t be the only pony outraged about it. I doubt there’s no law out there about messing with otherwise non-threatening beings, and I’m sure the capital is full of uppity lawponies ready to prosecute such offenders to hell and back!”
  591. Again, you feel her nod against you.
  593. “Lady Pear Plum.” You take one of her big hooves between yours, and turn to face the eyes she can’t completely hide behind her hat and glasses. “You’re a beautiful, strong, selfless and kind mare, but you do not need to hold the weight of everyone alone! I know it’s hard to just change how you view things, but I wish you could be happy with what we are able to do to help these ents. I want nothing more than to see you happy, so that’s why we will do this together.”
  594. There, you lean in and take the head of the druid mare in you embrace. As you bask in her warmth, you place a dainty kiss on her cheek. You feel her recoil slightly, but she doesn’t push you back.
  596. “Little Spoon, uhm… Tha-thank you…” She mutters, while gently stroking your back with a hoof.
  597. However, the druid mare remains stoic. After you lean away from her, you see her pinch her lips, as though there was something more she wanted to say, but can’t.
  599. “But really, if being an adventurer still doesn’t suit your ideals, you can still go chase those goblins to build the most prosperous and kind goblin queendom of this plane of existence instead.” You attempt to ease the mood since the druid mare isn’t looking very comfortable. “After the quest please, though, I don’t want an angry ent to club me to death, thank you.”
  600. The druid mare chuckles to that.
  602. “Thanks for supporting me Little Spoon.” She stands up. “I appreciate that. Also, you’re right. I have no reason to be so negative when we are helping, even if it’s not perfect. Now, let us get this job done!”
  604. It’s time tp hit the road again indeed.
  605. This time, you manage to convince Fen Flower to carry Pear Plum in addition to the rest of you. She isn’t exactly happy about it, but an additional boost of size from your Gift of the Bard makes this deal sweeter for her.
  606. “We should have done this sooner.” The alchemist mare comments, wiping her lips after sucking the size out of you. “I guess we were in hurry to leave after both the guild being suspicious and the church being arseholes on us, huh?”
  608. With that done, you leave the ruined cabin behind.
  609. Now on the back of a 27’ alchemist mare, you manage to make it to your destination before nightfall. As the sun start to disappear behind the western horizon, you’ve reached the edge of the forest where the ents most likely come from.
  610. You remained on the road until about twenty minutes ago, but you saw no sign of any ent or suspicious looking grove for as long as you journeyed.
  612. “Alright, everypony get down!” Fen Flower wipes the sweat from her brow as she stops. “You weren’t that heavy, but that was still a long walk.”
  613. “We should probably set up camp in the forest eventually.” You think out loud, while Night Sprout transports you down the back of the giant alchemist mare. “Since the ents might come from outside the woods, it’s better that we have some cover.”
  614. And with the current size of Fen Flower, nothing else than a whole forest will do.
  616. “Then we should start investigating right away.” Pear Plum declares. “We still have time before going to sleep, and we’ll make sure the woods are safe too that way. I can make it so we can still see around in the dark.”
  617. “Gee! Calm down! It shows you weren’t the ones doing the traveling…” Fen Flower huffs grumpily, and the hear shakes slightly as she plops her rumps on the ground. “I say we could use a break.”
  618. “Oh, uhm…” Pear Plum doesn’t really look like she wants to contradict the giantess, but still she glances toward the forest uncomfortably.
  620. Nothing compels you to go in the forest right away, but you feel like Pear Plum is eager to start looking for clues. While begrudgingly so, you could probably convince Fen Flower to still go in the forest at once.
  621. There’s also the option for the group to split up temporarily.
  623. >What do?
  625. “How about we split up?” You tell Fen Flower. “You and lady Night Sprout should stay here while I and lady Pear Plum start surveying the forest… with lady Silver Willow too of course!” You hurriedly add as the tiny mare manifests herself again, a pout on her face. Since you stopped to investigate the burnt cabin, she chose to remain small.
  626. “We’ll make a fire if we can find a nice spot to camp, and you’ll be able to find us that way. If that’s not the case we’ll return, probably in an hour or so.”
  627. “Alright…” The alchemist mare gives you a nod. “We can do that.”
  628. “If you see the ents.” You turn to Night Sprout, and offer her your spyglass again. “It’ll probably be safer if you come inside the forest. Try to find us if that happens.”
  629. The fairy nods in response.
  631. Before you leave, Pear Plum also casts a spell for everypony to see in the dark.
  632. “There. This should last long enough until we meet up again.” She explains. “That way you’ll be able to see if anything dangerous comes your way.”
  633. As Fen Flower lowers her bags to find something to drink and munch on, you and Pear Plum walk into the woods. Soon enough, the druid mare that is grown by your inspiration takes you on her back so you may go faster.
  635. The forest covers a portion of hilled terrain. The slopes go up and down in succession and Pear Plum makes sure to tread carefully despite her eagerness to find answers. For now, though, this forest looks rather normal to you on all aspects. The untouched trees are tall and the canopy is still way over Pear’s head, but this is nothing like the cyclopean trees in the living forest you saw in the past. While of course the critters around try to may low as the giant mare walks near, there’s still a healthy amount of sounds from animals. Bird flying over you through the leaves, or small mammals skittering away as you come close. You see some of the typical wallows boars leave around where they thrive too.
  637. You can still notice all that alright in the waning light thanks to Pear Plum’s spell.
  638. “Do you know what we’re looking for?” You ask, breaking the silence.
  639. “I’m not sure.” Pear Plum says. “Traces of ponies coming here mostly. But if there’s anything else you think is weird, do tell me.”
  641. You keep walking further inside the forest for a dozen minutes, and eventually you come in view of your first clue. Fallen trees, a row of it, as though something utterly big had cleared a path through the woods.
  642. “What… happened here?” You utter as you motion closer, after thoroughly making sure there was no threat around.
  644. Pear Plum slowly walks to the fallen trees with you on her back. These weren’t cleanly cut by any tool, but cracked down like sticks. It is recent enough the wood hasn’t started to rot, but it’s several days old at least, perhaps a few weeks from how the leaves still attached are wilted.
  646. “This is so sad…” Pear Plum comments in a sigh. “Ents usually view trees like friends.”
  647. “You think it’s the ents that did this?”
  648. “I believe so.” Pear Plum nods. “Anything else wielding such power would have left much more traces. I see no blood, no marks of tools, and I don’t believe these prints could be anything else.”
  649. By prints, the druid mare refers to the roughly circular, jagged depressions she points to you on the ground, of sizes from a dozen inches across to about twenty.
  651. “Well… At least we have our lead.” Pear Plum says. She turns toward where the source of the destruction likely came from. “There’s a good chance going where this trail is heading to will just get us out of the forest I believe. I think we should search the origin of it first instead. Ents usually have a grove they prefer in a forest, their ‘home’ in a way. Maybe we can find it that way.”
  653. Pear Plum seems determined to go, but perhaps you could check this ‘ent home’ with your friends just in case there’s still somepony there.
  655. >What do?
  657. “Let’s hurry then, and let’s hope we won’t find any bad surprise.” You nod, grabbing the big mare’s neck a bit tighter. “Also, if you don’t mind me asking, lady Pear Plum, would you be able to talk with the animals or plants or this forest?”
  658. “Hmm…” She nods. “I’ve been listening to them. The trees are sad, mourning even. But I would need to stop for a while to hear a whole story. Same for the critters. They’re too scared to talk right now. If we can’t learn anything, I’ll calm them down so they may tell me what they saw. But I believe there are things in these lands we can see with our own eyes.”
  660. Pear Plum starts to trot to where you suppose the home of the ents is. The path of fallen trees takes some twists at times, seemingly at random, and at some point you start to believe you might be going in circles. The druid mare confidently keeps her pace up.
  662. “I think we’re getting close.” Pear Plum starts to slow down at some point, and you return under the cover of the trees, following the path from the side of it.
  663. You start to note some changes in the vegetation. Thicker bushes and a grander variety of mushrooms, mosses and flowers on the ground, all in a state of health that would normally rarely happen in the wilds. This part starts to remind you of the living forest in some aspects, or the grove where you met the fairies at times.
  665. But you see it come abruptly to an end in front of you. For a second you thought you were getting close to the edge of the forest again, but soon you realise it is a giant clearing in front of you. And not a natural one. Instead, here it looks like trees have been put down through at least an acre.
  666. Pear Plum stops in her tracks suddenly. You soon realise there’s a single pony among the smashed trunks. They seem to be wearing a cloak of some sort so you can’t tell much about them, and they seem to be inspecting a particular place of the clearing, or collecting something. You can’t say for sure.
  668. They’re about 200 feet away from you, and you’re still under the cover of the trees.
  669. “Should we…say hi?” Pear Plum mutters to you.
  671. >A: Keep looking from afar, follow whoever this is when they leave.
  672. >B: Get closer and attempt to see who this might be.
  673. >C: Attempt to hail the pony, but be ready to run after them.
  674. >D: Wait until they leave, and try to figure out what they were doing then.
  676. “Let’s look at what this pony is doing first.” You whisper back.
  677. Pear Plum slowly lays down among the ferns and you watch the cloaked stranger. It seems that indeed they’re collecting something, as you see them put something inside a satchel, and distinguish the form of a sickle their mouth. As darkness falls, the pony lights up a small lantern and places it next to them to continue their work.
  679. However, a couple of minutes after you started watching, a raven suddenly starts cawing madly above your head. The noisy bird then swiftly flies toward the cloaked figure, landing on its back. The pony doesn’t seem surprised by the cawing critter on them, and seem to listen to its words in fact.
  680. “It’s rude to stare, you know?” You soon hear an old mare’s voice calling in your general direction. “If you have something to tell me you can say it to my face. I don’t bite.”
  682. >What do?
  684. “Uh… I guess there’s no point in hiding anymore.” You whisper to Pear Plum.
  685. Slowly she rises up and you tentatively come out of the cover of the woods. The old forest mare has little patience for it thought, and already she’s back on her work around the trunks.
  687. “Greetings my lady.” you say once you’ve approached her enough you don’t have to scream. It is indeed and old mare, wearing a heavy robe made of a patchwork of cloths, feather and furs. Her limbs are thin and her skin wrinkled. Her grey mane, whose colour is indistinguishable from the one of her coat, is held together in a messy bun with bone trinkets. Her movements are swift and assured despite her apparent age and condition. As she stands straight to face you, you see she is a unicorn too, and strange tattoos of black ink adorn her forehead, converging toward her horn. From her piercing purple eyes, you wager she has lost nothing of her intelligence.
  689. “Sorry about our poor manners.” You continue. “My name is Little Spoon the bard, and my friend here is Pear Plum the druid.”
  690. “Mmh…” The old mare only grumbles in response, and the raven that jumped on her head gives a series of enthusiastic caws in addition.
  691. “Again, forgive our carefulness my lady. But surely you understand, given the… ahem, issues of the forest, that we’d be wary of a stranger.”
  692. “You got some nerve coming in my forest and calling me a stranger.” The mare coldly replies.
  693. “This is your forest?” Pear Plum asks in reaction.
  694. “I live here, so yes.” The old mare readily says. “And if you didn’t take the hint, I prefer to be left alone.”
  695. In reaction, the raven starts to lightly peck her forehead, and the old mare pats its chest in return
  696. “…not you, not you. Hehe…” She mutters.
  698. “Ahem…” You speak up again. “We’re investigation this place and were wondering if you’d accept to help us understand what happened. From… one druid to another, maybe? Would you accept to tell us what you’re doing for a start?”
  699. The old mare eyes you in silence for a second.
  701. “Did you bring presents?” She suddenly asks
  702. “Hum… presents?” Pear Plum repeats.
  703. “Yes.” She states. “You come to my home, stalk me and then you demand answers in exchange of nothing. You two are a rude bunch.”
  704. And just like that, the old mare gets back to collecting some moss on the trunks, ignoring you entirely.
  706. >What do?
  708. “Ahem… My apologies.” You say. “I didn’t expect to find somepony here, so indeed I didn’t think about bringing any gift. Perhaps we could help with your work to make amends for it?”
  709. “You better not put your filthy hooves anywhere near me!” The mare suddenly barks at you. “I don’t trust either of you.”
  711. You sure hope having to deal with grumpy forest hermits isn’t going to become a habit. It is a quite bothersome task…
  712. Since the old mare started ignoring you again after lashing at you, you and Pear Plum take a few steps back.
  714. “Do you think you could try talking to her?” You mutter to your big friend. “Perhaps she’ll listen to a fellow druid?”
  715. “I’m… not sure she is part of any druidic order actually.” Pear Plum says. “Her raven speaks in a way I can’t understand at all. That would be very unusual for a druid. And the marks on her forehead are foreign to me.”
  716. “Oh… but… still. I believe you have a better chance than I at this point, lady Pear Plum. I’m afraid I used all the patience she had with me already. You were right to try to greet her at least, so perhaps telling her that could soothe her a little.”
  717. “I… Alright.” Pear Plum nods. “I can try.”
  719. Again you come closer to the old mare. While she doesn’t stop her work, her raven eyes you with interest.
  720. “Please, at least listen to my friend.” You plead. “She wishes to know what happened to the ents that lived here. Unlike me, she wanted to hail you rather than to spy on you.”
  721. “Hello.” Pear Plum speaks. “My name is Pear Plum. Would you accept to… uhm, share a word over a few snacks?”
  723. “That’s it! I’m fed up with you two!” As a response, the mare shouts as she turns you with a furious scowl. Suddenly, the mare’s horn flares up with sickly green magic.
  725. >Roll 1d100
  726. >Success: DC 70
  727. >Huge success: DC 90
  728. >You may choose to use Countergrowth or not. Roll either way.
  730. You don’t have time to react properly to the sudden attack. Before you can muster a Countergrowth, a ray of green light hits you and Pear Plum strait in the head. You feel dizziness overcoming you, and an unspeakable weariness taking hold of your being.
  732. You can only see Pear Plum collapse before falling yourself into a deep slumber.
  735. >You are Silver Willow.
  737. Peeking from Little Spoon’s pocket, you desperately look for a way to help your friends out of this sticky situation.
  739. Minutes ago, you were hearing Little Spoon and Pear Plum talk with this forest mare, and suddenly she cast a spell on your friends. Fortunately, you believe it has only put them to sleep.
  740. Still, you’re far from being out of danger. Using her magic, the hag has carried you all into what is probably her dwelling in the forest.
  742. You’ve remained hidden so far, but it’s been a while you didn’t hear the pet raven of the old mare and can finally attempt a peek outside the bard’s pocket.
  744. You’re inside a hut made of wood mostly. Both Little Spoon and Pear Plum are on the floor, frozen in a magic coma. The hag wasn’t gentle as she transported you, and yet they remained fast asleep. You’re afraid you won’t be able to wake them up by normal means.
  745. Right now, you captor is facing away from you. She has emptied your friend’s bags on her bedding and is focussed on examining their contents. You don’t see her bird anywhere right now, so this might be the chance for this 3-inches mare to attempt something.
  747. Though, as much as being little helped you not being seen, you’re not feeling very safe right now. You have your rapier, but it’s a mere sewing needle to the old hag that looks colossal in comparison. At least, you’ve noticed that being little has a few perks. You body feels lighter, and even climbing vertical surfaces doesn’t demand much efforts from you.
  749. Around you, you see the bodies of your two friends of the floor. The hut is rather small, and only has one room. There’s the space where the old mare probably sleeps, where she’s looking through the stuff of your friends at the moment. To her left, there’s the door that leads outside. To her right, there’s a stove and cauldron with a hearth made of mismatched bricks under it.
  751. Finally, behind the hag is a workbench with many shelves over it that climb up to the ceiling. They’re all overflowing with books, vials containing brews of atypical colours, and many jars containing what look like magical ingredients. There’s also herbs, bones and pelts of small animal hanging from the ceiling.
  753. The room is dimly lit by the witch’s lanterns she hung above her, and a few other candles here and there. The hag mumbles to herself as she examines the stuff.
  755. >A: Perhaps there’s something on the shelves that could help you, either to wake up your friends or hinder the hag. It looks like at least some of the vials are labelled.
  756. >B: You need to use the effect of your card to grow and defeat the hag. Little Spoon might be unresponsive, but perhaps his body will still respond to a mare’s touch.
  757. >C: …Or, you could try with Pear Plum. Unlike Little Spoon, you don’t think she’d readily accept, but the additional height would definitely help taking down the old mare. The time might be desperate enough.
  758. >D: Stay hidden in the hope that Fen Flower comes to rescue you. This hag has a big cauldron and a stove. There’s a good chance she’ll start a fire at some point and alert your friends that stayed behind.
  760. Oh, dear… you hope Pear Plum will forgive the intrusion, but borrowing her size is your best chance at defeating this hag right now.
  762. You escape Little Spoon’s pocket with little noise thanks to your size. Your friends are lying on the ground, but still the druid mare looks like a mountain to you. At your current size, she might as well be a hundred feet tall, and her flanks, cliffs you have to climb to access the cave where you need to go. At least, Pear Plum’s body is facing away from the hag, so you shouldn’t have to worry too much about staying out of view.
  764. Since Pear Plum is lying on her side, you climb on one of her rear hooves, and then swiftly travel up her inner legs and thighs. You need to hurry, and you fear your captor might not be looking through the stuff of your companions forever. Thankfully, the druid mare’s thighs are soft enough you have a good enough footing, and you manage to reach her marehood quickly enough.
  766. You’re a bit tense to be enjoying this, but you hope you’ll do a good enough performance regardless. A least, you won’t face any issue finding the mare’s clitoris when it’s nigh as large as you are. This is also good because you won’t have to go far inside her and risk being squished by Pear Plum’s inner walls. You’ve yet to see how she’ll react to your touch.
  768. After about a minute, you start to feel Pear Plum’s body react to your actions. The warmth around you increases, and her muscles twitch around you. By the time the hag suspects something is afoot with Pear Plum, you’ve already done the deed. It a matter of seconds, the old witch finds herself facing an 8-foot mare, with the tip of your rapier inches from her throat.
  770. “You better not move.” You state.
  771. With nowhere to run, the old mare remains frozen in shock indeed, not even uttering a sound.
  773. Now, what should you do with her? Her spell should wear out on its own, but she might still have answers about what happened to the ents.
  774. Still, a part of you wishes to end her now. This hag did put your friends to sleep very swiftly, and she could use this spell on you too if you leave her the chance.
  776. >What do?
  778. >You are Little Spoon.
  780. There’s no better feeling than waking up against the body of a bigger mare. But as the circumstances of how you went to sleep come back to your mind, you jolt awake on the lap of Fen Flower.
  781. “Don’t worry little bard.” The alchemist mare pats your head, while speaking softly. You’re all safe now.
  782. “Lady Fen Flower?” You look around. There’s a fire next to you where a cauldron is boiling. It is the night, and you’re still in the forest. “I… Thank you. But what about lady Pear Plum? Where’s the witch?”
  783. “I’m afraid Pear Plum won’t be available until tomorrow.” Silver Willow comes into your field of view. “I had to borrow a bit of her size. I’ll tell you what happened exactly.”
  785. There, the noble mare recounts how she used the effect of her tarot card and gained the upper hoof against the forest hag. Fearing that she might use her magic, Silver Willow knocked her out.
  786. After lighting a fire outside to alert Fen Flower, she tied up the old forest mare and put a blindfold on her. When Fen Flower and Night Sprout came, they could also catch the raven and trap him in a neat burrito of cloth. Some string also keeps its beak shut.
  788. Pear Plum, still unconscious, has been neatly put in her sleeping bag next to the fire. The forest mare and her familiar are neutralized for now, and they’re under a blanket so they don’t get too cold yet remain in sight.
  789. “I could wake her up by now.” Fen Flower nods toward the old forest mare. “Also, she has gathered some nice ingredients in here.”
  790. “Really?” You ask. “Did you find something unusual maybe?”
  791. “Not yet.” The alchemist mare says. “I had to wake up sleeping beauty first!” And there she pets the Little Spoon on her lap again.
  793. “Maybe it’s time we tried looking around, then.” Silver Willow says. “I’m afraid I don’t know enough about herbs to figure out if anything is worthy of interest myself. That, or we could interrogate this witch.” And to Fen Flower. “You’re sure you can neutralize her magic, right?”
  794. “Yeah. See how fast Little Spoon woke up?” Fen Flower nods. “A whiff of my potion and this spell of her won’t work on us for a while. And seeing how crude her interior is, I strongly doubt she got the skills to incapacitate us in yet another way.”
  796. >What do?
  798. “Let us search her shack.” You say. “With how readily she started rummaging through our belongings, this feels quite fair.”
  799. “I’ll keep an eye on that witch.” Fen Flower states. “I mean, I do believe I am bigger than this mare’s home, so I couldn’t look inside if I wanted. Do show me if you find something that could be linked to alchemy.”
  801. The cabin isn’t very big so you’re quick to look all around it. Mostly, you find mostly herb and ingredients, magical or not, that were foraged from the forest. The majority of them are quite common, Fen Flower tells you. There’s also potions of dubious quality covering the shelves above the workbench. Most of them are poisons of some sort, and none really strike you as extraordinary.
  803. Among the more particular things, there’s a thick grimoire of some sort. Its pages are worn, and some are too damaged to be read. However, many pages also have added hoof writing on them. Both the original scripture and the notes are in a language none you understand, though.
  804. “This quite particular.” Silver Willow comments, while she attempts to decipher the volume. “I do believe this is an ancient kind of Uniscript, but most unicorn wizards stopped using that for ages. I don’t think I’ll be able to understand these runes with at least a reference of two.”
  805. “So that means… could this witch be a member of an ancient order of some sort?” You ask.
  806. “That, or the author and her could just be using that language to make it hard to understand to foreigners and protect their secrets. This wouldn’t be unheard of either.”
  808. Another odd finding you make takes the form of a blue plant among the many ingredients from the witch’s shack. You notice that Fen Flower has been examining it for a long time.
  809. “Is anything the issue lady Fen Flower?”
  810. “Well, that’s strange.” She ponders, rubbing the plant against her hoof and smelling it. “This is… kinda mistletoe.”
  811. “Kinda?” You raise an eyebrow.
  812. “Well, yes…” Fen Flower huffs, shaking her head as though she had smell something unpleasant. “I mean, I’ve never seen mistletoe that looked or smelled like this. But still, it’s definitely mistletoe. I never heard about such a variety, and this forest doesn’t strike me one that house any exotic stuff.”
  813. “Could it be magical in some way?”
  814. “Maybe.” Fen Flower ponders. “But there’s nothing obvious from just looking at it for now. Now I want to ask this old mare about this.”
  816. Finally, you find a little chest under the old mare’s bedding. It was locked, but after checking there was no trap, Fen Flower just crunches the lid with her teeth to open it. The only thing inside looks like a pelt of some small animal. It is white, at first glance but also emit a faint blue glow.
  817. “Little Spoon, Silver, do you have any idea what this is?” Fen Flower exclaims after looking at it for a few seconds, a big smile on her face. “It’s a full pelt of moon rabbit! That’s gotta be worth two thousand golds!”
  818. “Two thousand?” You do a double take. “Huh. So this witch did hide some treasure.”
  819. “You bet it’s a treasure!” Fen Flower carefully uses some cloth to wrap the pelt and put it in her bag. “This fur is imbued with magical energies of time and space. These properties are invaluable for about any magic user, and this kind of pelt is about the only ingredient with such properties that does come from monstrously powerful elementals or extra-planar beings.”
  820. “Do you believe the witch could have caught one of those… moon rabbit?” Silver Willow asks. “Do you think there could be some in this forest?”
  821. “Eh… I wouldn’t know, sorry.” Fen Flower shakes her head. “I only know about the fur of moon rabbit as an ingredient, and why it’s so expensive. It’s the first real one I ever see too.”
  823. You believe this is everything interesting you could find inside the hut of the old forest mare. She’s still unconscious at the time.
  825. >What do?
  827. “Well, I suppose it’s time we woke up the sleeping beauty of these woods.” You state as you return next to the fire. “Or more likely, the evil witch of the story.” And to Fen Flower. “Also, keep that pelt nearby, my lady. Perhaps we’ll be able to squeeze more information from our host if we threaten to destroy that precious fur.”
  828. “Mmh… Why not.” Fen Flower nods. “That crone doesn’t have to know we’ll be keeping it anyway.”
  829. “We were only searching for information through her stuff.” You say. “It would be quite immoral not to give it back. Has a devil overcome your mind already, lady Fen Flower?”
  830. “Hey, looting is part of the adventurer experience!” Fen Flower pouts, bringing down her face next to you. “Besides, this mare kidnapped you, and frankly I do believe she’d have killed you both if she didn’t find any use for you.”
  831. “Come on lady Fen Flower.” And in a whisper. “Do I need to spank your overgrown ass to teach you some manners?”
  833. The mare’s eyes go wide at the sudden lustful remark, and with the effect of surprise, you place a playful kiss the mare’s warm lips above you.
  834. However, Fen Flower suddenly opens her maw and takes you head whole in her mouth, sealing her lips shut around your neck. In the darkness, you feel the 20-feel-plus mare stand up before you’re let out to fall on a hoof of the giantess.
  836. “Little Spoon…” Fen Flower says with a devious smirk on her face, while you’re still catching your breath from having been lifted by the neck. “I appreciate you. But just because you made me this big, doesn’t mean I’m not the bigger pony here. You think I’m going evil? Then perhaps I should embrace it. Perhaps I should make you my little growth slave, keeping you in a cage like a songbird while I make cartloads of gold with my potions. You know, I could have allowed you to slap my glorious flank, it’s not like you could hurt me… but right now I feel more like I should be the one teaching you some respect with a good spanking!”
  838. “Ahem, please?” Silver Willow interjects. “I’m into powerplay as much as the next mare, but perhaps we can save that for later? We have a prisoner to question I believe.”
  839. “Hum, y-yes.” You nod to that.
  840. “I’ll take care of you later…” Fen Flower whispers, placing you down again.
  842. While you were searching her shack, Fen Flower prepared a brew that should wake up the old mare. You have her rest with her back on the cabin, still tied up, when you apply the balm. You removed the blindfold too.
  843. The eyes of the old witch flutter open up soon after. She lets out a small panicked gasp as she realises her position, her eyes going worriedly between each of you. Seeing here familiar not far from her seem to relieve her a tiny bit.
  845. “Hello my lady.” You start. “I’m really sorry the gentler approach didn’t work out. Anyway, I hope you’ll be quicker to help us this time, so let’s try again then. We are investigating what happened to the ents of this place. Do you know what happened with them?”
  846. “It wasn’t me!” The old mare retorts frenetically.
  847. “I believe you.” You try not to startle further the old mare. “But then what do you know about the ents? Did you interact with them?”
  848. “No… not really.” The crone answers, apparently calming down. “They didn’t mind me living here. I was keeping to myself, and so did they.”
  849. “Then do you know what happened to them?” You ask again. “From what we know they went mad and started rampaging through the countryside. You know that since we met you where their home was before that happened. When did they leave?”
  851. “I don’t know for sure.” She answers. “It was a couple weeks ago. One day, I started hearing a loud thumping in the forest. I didn’t dare to approach, and I was ready to flee if whatever that was came closer to me. But eventually, it stopped. When I investigated a few days later, I found the grove of the ents in ruins, like it is today. There are still many plants to collect there, though, which is why I was there today. What I heard must have been the ents going crazy and walking out of the forest.”
  853. >What do?
  855. “So… you weren’t bold enough to check out noise, yet you can knock out guests on a whim…” You note with a bit of irony
  856. “I don’t like ponies.” The old mare grumbles. “That’s why I live here in the first place. But I don’t go on my way to seek battles, and whatever that was sounded way too big for me anyway.”
  857. “And when you went to investigate later, did you find anything that could explain why the ents became enraged?”
  858. “Mmmh…” She ponders. “I’m… not sure. There was nothing in the aftermath that told me anything. But I believe that there were other ponies around these woods.”
  860. “Other ponies, you say?” Silver perks up. “Do you happen to know if they were part of the Capital’s forester’s guild maybe?”
  861. “I don’t know about no guild, but they sure were looking fancy, so they could have been from the big city alright. There was a small pack of them, around two dozens. Well groomed clothes and manes, but still they looked like they knew their way around this forest. I saw them lurking around a few days before the ents left. This was also the second time this bunch was here. They also came for a couple days before. That was two weeks ago.”
  862. “Now we’re getting somewhere!” Silver smiles to herself. “Did they tell you why they were here?”
  863. “No.” She shakes her head, then glances toward her winged familiar. “She watched them, but they didn’t meet any of us.”
  865. “Anyway.” You nod as both mares fall silent. “I believe it has become clear enough there won’t be any more hostilities between us. Ladies?” You turn to your friends. “Should I untie her?”
  866. After thinking for a second, Fen Flower, Silver Willow and even Night Sprout give you a nod.
  868. Slowly, you start by freeing the raven, who immediately flies away to sit on her master’s head. You then go untie the old witch under the vigilant eye of your friends. You can do this with any trouble, not even a peck from the bird, and then the old mare waits until you take a few steps back before standing on her legs and wiping the dust of her. Her raven starts to caw defiantly at you, but her master tells her to shush it.
  870. “See? Perhaps we could start on a new hoof, now.” You say with your best smile. “We’re still in dire need of a guide in these woods so we may understand what happened. Somepony who knows the ents of these parts would also be a huge help.”
  871. “I have no intention to guide you anywhere.” The old mare grumbles. “The ents aren’t here anymore, and even if they were, we were not friends in any way. Though, I’m not gonna interfere with anything you do either, and I might oblige you a couple more answers to boring questions even... but I’d be mightily happy to hear you’re out of those, though.”
  873. While you could end this here, you still have the crone’s grimoire, magic pelt and the blue mistletoe you found in her home.
  874. What she told you and your mare friends could also warrant further questions.
  876. >What do?
  878. “Can you tell us more about these ponies you saw?” You then ask. “Sure, they didn’t tell what they were here for, but you saw what they were up to, right?”
  879. “Mmh…” The old mare grumbles to herself. “Meh. They could have been tourists for all I care. They didn’t bother me, so I didn’t pry into their business either.”
  881. “That sounds rather strange to me. Because, in this filthy hole of yours, how else would you have got your hooves on this?” Fen Flower says, and she shows the shimmering pelt.
  883. “Hey! This is mine!” The old mare exclaims angrily. Her horn lights up for a second, but she stops herself as she remembers at how much of a disadvantage she is.
  884. “Alright, you wanna know what the city ponies were here for?” The old mare points at the pelt. “This is what! The forest started teeming with moon rabbits. These ponies must have caught word somehow but then the biggest ruckus of the century happened and it scared all the rabbits away!”
  885. “Scared them away?” Silver Willow ponders. “Couldn’t they track these critters?”
  886. “Moon rabbits don’t just run away with their little feet. When they’re scared, they leap through time and space, and then they all pop out somewhere else miles away and years into the future. I somehow managed to catch one without scaring the pack before the city ponies came, but now there’s not a single one left in this forest anymore. So you better give this one back to me you thieves!”
  888. >A: Give the old mare her belongings back and let her be. No hard feelings. She did look through your stuff too after all.
  889. >B: That mare is irrational and will be a danger as long as she’s around. Get rid of her. Plus, she has some loot…
  890. >C: Perhaps there’s still a way to collaborate. Give her stuff back and offer her some gift from your stuff. Has she ever wished she was bigger?
  891. >D: This small and frail wild mare has to learn her place. Keep her stuff, and dare her to do anything about it.
  893. “Come on lady Fen Flower.” You turn to your big mare friend. “Please give her back this pelt. We are the civilised ponies here.”
  894. Fen Flower frowns at that, but despite a disdainful huff, she throws the precious fur back at the witch who safely catches it with her telekinesis.
  896. “Still, are you sure you didn’t see any emblem on the ponies that came?” You ask. “Any uniform that we could identify?”
  897. “Not that I could tell.” The old mare shakes her head. “Or… They did look like they wore the same clothes to me, but this is all the same prissy city pony fashion as far as I’m concerned. I guess they wore mostly green and brown? Does that help?”
  898. “That could be the guild of foresters alright.” Silver Willow comments. “And given their involvement in this whole story, I’d say we can assume it was them.” And then to the crone. “Did they set up an encampment in the forest?”
  899. “They did. But the few things that were left behind were stomped into the ground by the ents when they left.” She says. “I searched the place and found nothing interesting for me, but perhaps you’ll find something that’ll serve your little quest.”
  901. The old mare gives you directions to find the campsite. Unless she lied, you believe you’ll find it rather easily with her indications since it is right on the way out of the forest that the ents took. It is quite close to the home of the ents too, you and Pear Plum must have barely missed it. This position also suggests these ponies had some business with the ents.
  903. “Now, there’s also some thing else we need to ask you.” You start. “You’ll forgive our inquisitiveness but in your home we found this plant and this-“
  904. “Give me back that book!” The old mare shrieks and her face suddenly contorts with barely contained rage as she sees the grimoire that Fen Flower shows. “It’s my life’s work! I don’t care about that blue plant! It’s teeming everywhere near the ent’s home. But you’ll have to go through me if you don’t give me back that book this instant!”
  905. “Is that a dare?” Fen Flower, perfectly calm, shows a devilish grin.
  906. “My lady! This book is of no use to us, unlike an Entente Cordiale with … ahem… our estimated host.”
  907. “Alright, fine…” Fen Flower rolls her eyes and presents the book on her hoof. Again, the old mare is quick to levitate it back to her. She seems to calm down after that.
  909. “So, about this blue plant.” You ask again. “My friend here told me she never saw anything like it before. Is it native of these parts?”
  910. “I don’t know for sure.” The old mare says. “I saw it for the first time too when I found some in the grove of the ents after they left. I had never seen that variety before, so either the ents have been cultivating it for themselves or…”
  911. “Or it’s been introduced recently somehow, and it’s another clue for our case.” Silver Willow finishes the sentence. “I overheard Fen Flower say it resembles mistletoe. Do you happen to know anything more?”
  912. “Well, I noticed it grows only on blue lindens and has the same properties as its bark. It’s very strong even. I knocked myself out with the fumes as I tried using it in fact.”
  913. “Blue lindens have soporific properties.” Fen Flower explains for the sake of those here who aren’t versed in potion-brewing. “But again, mistletoe that copies such properties is unheard of.”
  914. “I don’t know much more beyond that either…” The old mare shrugs.
  916. You got a lot of information and many leads already from the old mare. Even though you still have to understand the whole story, it is likely the guild might have hidden too some prior involvement in these woods. There’s this camp you can search and the home of the ents.
  918. Though, it would probably be best to investigate these with the help of Pear Plum, and under the light of the sun too.
  920. >What do?
  922. “Thank you for the information. Now we’ll be on our way to set up camp for the night.” You politely nod toward the old forest witch. While she clearly still doesn’t like you and tried to rob you, she gave you a couple leads that may help you discover why the ents went mad. You learned that ponies from the city stayed in the forest right before it happened, and it’s very likely they were part of the guild of foresters.
  924. However, you’re still far from having taken a liking to the old witch either.
  925. “I believe this spot will be perfect!” You state after having taken only a couple steps back from the hut of the old forest mare. She lets out an annoyed grumble, but doesn’t even bark any more insult at you. With Silver Willow and Fen Flower being 8 and 20 feet tall respectively, she has given up on looking for trouble with you for today.
  926. The old mare and her pet raven go back into her shack without another word while you and your friends let your bags down and set up a campfire. With the help of the giantess Fen Flower, you soon have a satisfying blaze to warm yourself next to and eat your rations.
  928. Pear Plum is still knocked out from having had her size borrowed by Silver Willow. Also, you didn’t have any occasion to admire those yet, but the noble mare also added Pear Plum’s curves to herself, and she currently sports thighs that you could bury yourself between several times over.
  930. But rather than Silver Willow or Fen Flower, it’s with Night Sprout you wish to have a word with right now. As you stopped all inspiration, the fairy is back to being 4’ tall. The purple-eyed mare is staring at the huge fire as you approach her.
  932. “Hey.” You greet her, and the fairy mare perks up to look at you. “May I sit with you?”
  933. As a response, she moves a little to the side of her bedroll, inviting you next to her and you oblige.
  934. “So, how are you feeling?” You ask, not sure about how to bring your thoughts on the table. “This is your second quest as an adventurer, right? Are you feeling the call of adventure yet, lady Night Sprout?”
  935. “Not really.” She answers. “That old mare was mean. I hope we can help the ents and talk with them soon enough.”
  936. “We’ll get to that for sure.” You nod. “But… ah, I guess a night camping out in the forest doesn’t hold much novelty to you. This is like your home forest in here, isn’t it?”
  937. “It reminds me of home here, but it is not it.” Night Sprout replies, and there she leans against you slightly, her warm cheek and mane brushing against your head. “I miss my home a little, but there are other nice things here and now.”
  939. “Well… There is something I wanted to talk about with you lady Night Sprout. I believe I should …apologize to you in a way. I mean, about the whole date thing. I should have known better that to assume you’d be perfectly fine with me being flirty with others mares, and I hope I didn’t hurt you. But still, this is me. This is how I’m going to behave, as you heard with Fen Flower earlier. So… do you still believe I can be one of those nice things about adventure, even like that?”
  940. Night Sprout remained stoic as you spoke. Her breath remained slow and steady, and after pondering for a few seconds, she speaks up.
  942. “Silver showed me pictures of stallions the other day.” She says. “They looked… nice. Several looked nice. So I understand why you would want to do dates with several mares.”
  943. “Ah, pictures are one thing, lady Night Sprout, but many ponies won’t want to interact with a romantic partner if they already have a lover. Let alone several.”
  944. “Then, you are one lucky stallion Little Spoon.”
  946. There, Night Sprout places a gentle kiss on your cheek. As she does, you feel her body grow in reaction from the effect of her card, until she has a whole head over yours.
  947. “I like to kiss you Little Spoon, and I liked our date.” The now bigger fairy mare says, draping a leg over your back. “I like spending time with you, even if you do so with other mares. Maybe I will find another stallion I like more later, but for now you are my favourite one.”
  949. >What do?
  951. Craning your neck, you kiss back the fairy under the chin.
  952. “I like spending time with you too, even if in time you may find another colt you like.” You chuckle. “Or several… But still…”
  953. “What is it?” Night Sprout eventually asks as you have trouble finding your words.
  954. “I feel a bit like I’m cheating on you, because even if you know you can get with other stallion later, I’m afraid that might hurt you to learn you might have liked something else, like a single lover.”
  955. Night Sprout glances toward Silver Willow.
  956. “She seems to be doing fine.”
  958. “Well, yes. But Silver had a lot of time and thought to put into her relations. And Fen flower too actually. That is not the case for you however. And as much as you’re a very special mare to me, I feel like you’d deserve to at least know what it’s like to have one lover of your own.”
  959. “I told you. I understand what you want, and I am fine with spending time with you regardless.”
  960. “Well, I’m happy to still be in your sights, and I wanna try my best to remain that stallion for your sake. But at the same time… I feel like you’ve got so much to learn. Like, if you’re pursuing other stallions you better not tell one he’s the favourite. I mean! If pursuing several stallions is your goal… or actually, if it’s being honest you COULD say it I suppose. I’d also say communication is the key after all. Yes, that’s important. And… that’s why I want to make sure the way I am is fine with you.”
  961. “Do I have to repeat myself again?” Night Sprout says, tilting her head to the side. “Wait, I have a better idea.”
  963. There, the larger fairy takes your head in her hooves to then kiss you on the mouth. You feel a pleasant rush of heat on your cheeks as your lips meet the lush and smooth ones of the mare.
  964. “Night Sprout…” You stutter in a daze once she backs away. “I want nothing more for you than you to learn and grow into somepony who-mmh!”
  965. Again, the bigger fairy silences you with a kiss. The fruity aroma of her mouth messes up the order of the reassuring words you wanted to add, and you find yourself speechless as she moves her head back to look at you in the eyes again.
  966. “Thank you for caring about me, Little Spoon, but you talk too much right now.” Night Sprout states.
  968. While a part of you wishes to take Night Sprout here and now, you decide something gentler will do for today. That’ll spare you the trouble of having to find a private yet comfortable place in an unknown dark forest…
  969. Also, Night Sprout didn’t leave you a chance to explicitly say so, but you have the idea to remain faithful to the fairy mare for a time. That way she could have an experience of a less libertine relation. And also… you’ll recover some growth from her card. While it seems like Night Sprout lost her patience for technicalities for tonight, you ought to tell her that later if you decide to actually commit on it. Letting go of their lust for all mares but one is not a vow a bard should make lightly…
  971. “Anyway, I heard you purchased a romance novel the other day.” You say to get something a little more romantic going again. “How abut we read some of it together?”
  972. The Fairy mare nods in response. From her bags, she pulls a novel adorned with the picture of a mare and a stallion dancing together on the deck of a ship.
  974. “I already started reading it.” Night Sprout says, opening the volume where a small piece of cardboard had been left.
  975. “Well, then how about you introduce the characters to me as they come up? Then you can tell me about them and if you like the voice I do for them.”
  976. “Mmh…” The fairy nods.
  978. And so, you start to read out loud the novel where your fairy friend left it off. It is about a gentle bookish stewardess of a noble house meeting the handsome captain of a ship of the merchant navy. They fall in love with each other, but after a date one evening, the captain leaves her while letting only a letter behind, invoking how he can’t leave the sea for long, and that he wouldn’t want to impose that kind of life on her. But the stewardess mare decides, with the help of her friend and employer, to learn to navigate a boat of her own and find him to prove both how much she loves him and how capable she is.
  980. By the time the heroine is ready to set sail on her own, Night Sprout has fallen asleep, her head resting lightly on yours. Gently, you store the book back in her pack and move the big fairy down in her bedroll. She does wake up a little as you do so, and ends up taking you tighter between her legs as both of you nestle yourselves under the cover.
  982. It is early in the morning when you then wake up. Silver Willow and Fen Flower were polite enough to take care of the watch this night and did not notice any threat. Pear Plum also has woken up by now, and Fen Flower tells you she talked to the druid mare and explained to her what happened the previous day.
  983. “Pear Plum also says we should both check the home of the ents and the camp left by the city ponies.” Fen Flower concludes, and then fails to stifle a drawn-out yawn. “Oh crap… I need a couple more hours of beauty sleep if you don’t mind. Also, Silver is with Pear Plum if you’re looking for her.”
  985. You do not see the noble mare, but by now she must have shrunk back to her diminutive size. You don’t think there’s any harm in letting Fen Flower sleep some more. You can talk with Pear Plum a little or just wait and proceed to visit one of the points of interests you identified. Night Sprout feels like she’d enjoy napping in her bedroll with you some more.
  987. >What do?
  989. All things considered, you don’t think trying to play a role for Night Sprout is the best thing to do. Nothing stops you from changing your mind later, but for now you’d rather be yourself and keep trying to be a good stallion for Night Sprout, but also for the many other mares you love.
  991. You decide to leave Night Sprout’s side and go talk with Pear Plum. As you approach, you see that the tiny Silver Willow is safely tucked against the plum druid mare, sleeping peacefully.
  992. “Hello lady Pear Plum.” You announce yourself. “How are you feeling?”
  993. “Well, I’m okay, mostly.” She nods with a meek smile. “From what Fen Flower told me, we ran into quite the troubles yesterday. I’m glad it turned out okay in the end. And… Sorry I couldn’t be of any help…”
  994. “Ah, please don’t blame yourself my lady!” You shake your head. “Or at least share some of it we me. I got caught just like you did. Anyway, that’s history! I believe lady Fen Flower also told you about the information we got from this hermit mare. What do you think of it?”
  995. “Well… I’m feeling a bit upset to tell you the truth.” She answers with a wince. “It’s getting more and more likely the forester’s guild do have a hoof in this, and they didn’t tell us. I hope we’ll find some proof against them today. If they did something to those ents, I want them to answer for their actions once we’ve helped them!”
  997. “We’ll probably find out today.” You say. “And otherwise, did you hear anything that might help us with the ents proper?”
  998. “Well, there’s something bothering me about that plant, that blue mistletoe.” Pear Plum says. “It’s a bit farfetched for now but…” The druid mare stops in her sentence. “I believe I’ll be able to know for sure if we go to the home of the ents. There’s supposed to be more of that plant here, right?”
  999. “That’s what we’ve been told, indeed.” You nod.
  1001. Sounds like there’s little left to do other than checking the camp and the home of the ents. It might just be a matter of preference for which you visit first.
  1003. “Also… If I may, ask, did Silver Willow tell you that… well, how she saved us from this forest witch?”
  1004. “Oh, uhm….” The druid mare blushes slightly. “Yes… I can understand this was the best option Silver had at the moment. She had to protect the both of us. Also, I don’t remember feeling anything. Just… Please don’t make that a habit…”
  1005. “O-of course!” You nod energetically, an apologetic smile on your face.
  1007. From how the big druid mare is holding the tiny Silver Willow, you don’t think she’s mad at her.
  1009. >What do?
  1011. You can’t help but to think it’s a bit unfair that Pear Plum seems a bit upset at you for this. Though, you also reckon that trying to explain she should be mad at Silver Willow instead for using the power you gave her in an emergency is not likely to make things better…
  1013. “Anyway, let’s wait for the others to wake up an then we’ll visit the home of the ents.” You state, and Pear Plum replies with a nod of agreement.
  1014. You wait a couple more hours, keeping watch of your surroundings while Fen Flower finishes her sleep. During that time, you see the old witch mare and her bird come out of her shack and give you the stink eye before walking away somewhere into the forest. This is the only thing worth noting during that time.
  1016. Once everypony’s awake and after a frugal breakfast, you start to go to the clearing where the ents supposedly dwelled.
  1017. Pear Plum lets out a sad sigh as again you contemplate the wreck of all the surrounding nature. But still, you’re here to find some clues, and these are not hard to find here.
  1019. “That old witch was right.” Fen Flower comments, pointing at a tree that sports a ball of blue mistletoe. “That stuff is teeming around here. Look, there’s several trees that bear some.”
  1020. Pear Plum approaches one of such trees. In silence, she slowly rests her hoof and forehead on the bark of the trunk. She remains like that for a minute, until she straightens herself up again, with a deep frown on her face.
  1022. “Did you… talk to this tree?” You tentatively ask.
  1023. “I couldn’t.” Pear Plum growls. The druid mare sounds downright angry, which is a quite surprising state to see her in. “Something is very messed up here.”
  1024. The druid mare then motions toward another tree, one that doesn’t bear any of that strange plant this time, and again rests herself on it to focus.
  1026. After a while, on of her back hooves stomps the ground in frustration, and she turns to look at you again.
  1027. “I knew it! It’s that thing!” She points at some blue mistletoe in the previous tree. “It cannot talk, and it made the trees it’s attached to incoherent! It didn’t know what it was anymore, and I’m ready to bet that stuff must have infected the ents!”
  1028. “Did the tree tell you this?” Fen Flower asks.
  1029. “Not yet, but it is completely fine compared to the other one. Now, it’ll take a little time but I’ll get the full story out of it. Can you rid the other trees of this abomination while I do that, please?”
  1031. The rest of you exchange a quizzical nod, and then get on this task as there’s no reason not to trust your druid friend. While there’s many balls of such mistletoe scattered around the clearing, no tree is completely covered in it either. Fen Flower notes that the infection is quite recent too, and the roots of the mistletoe are not yet too deep in the branches. You almost never have to make a full cut to get rid of the parasite plant.
  1033. That job is cleared rather rapidly thanks to your tall or winged mare friends. You’re done in about half an hour, and then go back to discuss with Pear Plum.
  1034. “So… what are the news around the forest?” Fen Flower asks with a little smirk. “Could you learn what happened with the ents?”
  1035. “Yes.” Pear Plum nods. “And I’m almost sure it is that… thing, that caused it. I was told the ents got some of that blue mistletoe on them, and soon after they started going insane. From what I see in the other contaminated trees, I can see it has… changed them, mutated them I’d say. I don’t know exactly how, but all of them became part blue linden somehow. I don’t even know how’s that possible.”
  1036. “Part blue linden?” The little Silver Willow raises an eyebrow. “You mean, like a graft of some sort?”
  1037. “Not really. I mean, from the point that weird mistletoe is attached, the mutation spreads like a disease into the tree, deep inside the wood and sap and turning it into a linden instead of its usual type. But this is absolutely not something either mistletoe or lindens can remotely do. Besides, as much as it can be considered a parasite, mistletoe is normally still a plant, a living thing that is part of nature. But that one… I’m not even sure it’s a plant anymore! It bears no meaning or purpose, and the afflicted trees lost their very sense of self too. They’ve become completely incoherent! If such a thing was to affect ents, it’s reasonable to assume it would make them go completely insane…”
  1039. “Can you heal the trees?” Night Sprout asks, breaking the silence that had fallen after Pear Plum’s explanation.
  1040. “Well… I don’t know yet.” She replies. “Removing the mistletoe did not reverse the damage, obviously. The good news is that I have subjects to try a treatment on. If I can figure out how to heal these trees, there’s a good chance that will work for the ents too. I’ll start to look into a cleansing ritual right away, but this will take some time. I’m not sure I’ll be done before the end of the day.”
  1042. “I wish you luck on that.” Fen Flower says. “So… while you’re on this, perhaps we could check the camp while you do so? Maybe we can confirm if it was the guild or not after all.”
  1044. >A: There’s no reason to split. You’ll have time to check the remains of the camp together later.
  1045. >B: Remain with Pear Plum and try to support her while the others go look for the camp.
  1046. >C: Go look for the camp with Silver and Night Sprout. Fen Flower can remain with Pear Plum to help with her alchemy if necessary.
  1047. >D: A thing you should do is confirm that indeed the ents are infected with that parasite. Perhaps Night Sprout and you could fly and try to locate the ents to get a look at them from a safe distance.
  1049. “I have another idea.” You say. “I believe we might soon need to locate the ents if lady Pear Plum is looking into a cure for them. Perhaps I and lady Night Sprout could fly in search of them. Also, we’ll be able to confirm that they have indeed been infected by this blue plague that way.” You turn to the 6’ fairy mare. “What do you say? In the sky, we should be safe enough.”
  1050. “Mmh.” The fairy nods resolutely after pondering for a few seconds.
  1051. “Then I should probably try to lend Pear Plum a hoof with that cure.” Fen Flower says. “I don’t think it’d be safe for any of use to be alone.”
  1053. Before you leave, you decide to pull Pear Plum aside for a moment, as you wish to discuss something with her. You entrust Silver Willow to Fen Flower at this point too.
  1055. “Lady Pear Plum, I feel like I should apologize further about what happened yesterday while you were unconscious.” You say. “Are you sure you’re alright? Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
  1056. Pear Plum looks a bit uncomfortable as you speak, and she ponders for a few seconds before answering.
  1057. “For now…” She sighs. “…let’s just focus on what we need to do to save the ents, please. That’s one thing that’ll make me feel better.”
  1058. “Oh. I see.” You nod. “In that case I better get going.”
  1059. “Yes” Pear Plum nods. “And don’t worry, I’m fine. Take care of yourself and Night Sprout.”
  1060. “You can count on me.” You nod.
  1062. With the help of your inspiration, Night Sprout grows to be 9’ tall, a size a at which you can comfortably ride on her back. The additional constitution will make sure she doesn’t get tired of carrying you too soon, as well as to provide more meat for your back hooves to cling on.
  1064. You start the search under the morning sun. You fly toward the last place the ents were sighted and reach that point in about an hour thanks to the huge Night Sprout and her wings. As expected, you do not find any ent exactly there since the sighting was several days ago by now. Still, you descend to inspect the portion of road among the hills to see if you could at least get a clue for the direction the ents could have gone toward.
  1066. There are the remains of a cart here, which have been stomped to pieces. There’s nothing to salvage, but you believe you figured a direction for where the culprits went, even if actual tracks become impossible to distinguish into the wild.
  1068. Again, you take off to the sky on the back of Night Sprout. You only got a general sense of direction, but the day is clear and you can go high and get a good vantage point. A bit unsurely, you go in that direction for another hour. The good thing is that no settlement is in danger in this general area, but you do not find a trace of your targets yet. You decide to go perpendicular for a time and then go back to where you began to cover more ground.
  1070. It's getting close to noon when you finally see something of interest. It looks like a strange thicket from afar, but as you get a little closer you can confirm those are indeed the ents you’re looking for.
  1071. Hurdled together, they seem asleep in some way for now. As you get closer, the sickness of the equine-shaped masses of bark and wood become apparent. While their body and limbs have the thickness of tree trunks, many branches also stem from their backs and neck. However, those smaller appendage look mangled, either cut in many spots, with damaged remains sometimes dangling from the stems or with the leaves on it looking wilted.
  1072. You’re also able to confirm the presence of some blue mistletoe on them. Like the rest of their body, it’s not exactly in pristine shape, but it’s clear they were infected by this mockery of a plant at some point. Also, they’re not covered with the stuff from head to hoof, but like for the trees in the forest you believe each ent has at least one sprout on them.
  1074. >A: You got their location pinned down and confirmed the infection. Time to go back.
  1075. >B: Keep looking at them from far away, at least until you can figure out were they’ll be heading toward.
  1076. >C: Attempt to get really close while they’re asleep. Perhaps you’ll find more clues, a mark on them or something. They seem asleep right now. As much as tree-ponies can look asleep at least…
  1077. >D: The smaller ents are ‘only’ about 8’ tall. Perhaps, if you grew Night Sprout as big as you can, you could isolate one of the smaller ents and bring them back to the forest to attempt to cure them.
  1079. >What do?
  1081. “Alright! We’ve located them and confirmed they were infected.” You tell Night Sprout. “Let’s go back now. There’s no point in risking an encounter with just the two of us.”
  1082. You feel Night Sprout nod in reaction, and thus she starts flying away in the direction of the forest again. The ents didn’t move for the time you saw them. You hope you haven’t missed anything important, but the broken branches and their sorry state in general may just be caused by the commotions they’ve been through.
  1084. Again, you take about an hour to return. Night Sprout shows no sign of tiredness yet, but still she seems glad to be able to land in the clearing again. Fen Flower, Pear Plum and Silver Willow are all still there.
  1086. “It’s good you could find them.” Pear Plum comments once you’ve given them the gist of what you saw over some lunch. “I’m glad they’re not about to run into some trouble either. I believe we’ll be able to help them serenely.”
  1087. “Have you found a cure yet?” Night Sprout asks.
  1088. “Well, yes, but it’s not exactly usable yet.” Pear Plum nods. “I’ve been able to channel power into a tree and have the mutated parts recede completely. The tree became sound again in spirit too! The problem is, this is a rather long process. It took me over an hour to get rid of one of the smaller infections on a tree. If there’s a dozen ents infected, the full process will take up days, and it’s gonna be dangerous for us and for them to contain them that long.”
  1089. “That’s still amazing!” You exclaim. “I knew you could do it, Pear Plum! We’ve never been this close to save these ents for sure!”
  1090. “I… Yeah.” Pear Plum allows herself a smile. “I was worried we’d run into a dead end, but now I know there’s a cure. Though, I still have to figure out how to apply it properly to a pack of raging ents…”
  1091. “Well, Pear Plum honey.” Fen Flower starts. “Perhaps you just need a bit of a boost in power.” And there the alchemist mare turns to you. “Little Spoon, why don’t you give Pear Plum here the full course? I’m sure her healing spells will pack more buck if she’s the size of the trees she wants to cure.”
  1093. Pear Plum start to blush heavily in reaction, which seems to amuse Fen Flower a lot.
  1094. Though, while she’s teasing the druid mare about it at the moment, this could have a chance to work. You did establish that growing a mare allowed her to wield stronger magic.
  1096. >What do?
  1098. “Isn’t that a wonderful idea?” You pick up on Fen Flower’s teasing, and approach to take the druid mare’s hoof between yours. “I could do a bit of card reading for you lady Pear Plum. Surely the future will deliver a fitting reward for a beautiful and intelligent mare like you. What do you say?”
  1100. Though, Pear Plum doesn’t seem like she wants to answer that. She just looks at you with a slight frown as you smile at her.
  1101. “I mean, i-if that is what you want of course!” You awkwardly add, refraining yourself from kissing the big hoof on the mare like you intended. “Perhaps you have another way in mind?”
  1102. “Well, I found a cure in general, but it’s still rather rough. I believe there’s room for improvement that way already.”
  1103. “Oh, I understand.” You nod. “Do let me know if you need anything.”
  1105. Shortly after, Pear Plum goes back to interact with one of the infected trees. In the meantime you decide to take back Silver Willow. There, you’re able to ask the little noble mare for advice, and if she can help you figure out why Pear Plum might be upset at you.
  1107. “Well, it’s a bit complicated Little Spoon.” Silver answer. “Pear Plum is troubled, but she’s not angry at you. Well, not exactly so at least.”
  1108. “What is it then?”
  1109. “It’s several things. I believe she feels like it’s your fault, but she also knows it isn’t true. You see, she realizes we would have been in a really rough patch if I couldn’t have stopped that old mare. There’s a real chance she’d have killed us were I not to intervene. But because of the nature of the power I got from you, well… my best option included touching her. Pear Plum knows that, and she’s both angry that she couldn’t prevent this, and that the only solution demanded a breach on her privacy.”
  1110. “Mmh…” You grumble. “You’re lucky she doesn’t take her frustration out on you…”
  1111. “Well… part of the issue is, from what I understand, that Pear Plum is also frustrated because this isn’t the first time either. I heard it from Fen Flower. She had to pass trials in a forest, and for that she needed the help of your magic, even though she was reluctant to do so because of the sexual acts that were needed.”
  1113. “She was troubled at first, but by the end she overcame her fear, and she did enjoy herself at least to some extent.”
  1114. “That may be true, but still, I believe she remembers it as a mixed bag. It seems to me like she isn’t comfortable with her sexuality yet, so clearly that didn’t change her outlook on the matter completely.”
  1115. “I guess that’s true…” You sigh. “But then… what can we do to help her?”
  1116. “It’s… complicated.” Silver Willow shows you a hesitant smile. “The healthiest thing to do would be for her to have some time to reflect on all this, without such stakes attached to her sex life. But that could take a lot of time. Weeks. Months maybe. And to be honest, with how things are now it’s likely Pear Plum will take a break from questing for such a respite once we’re done with this quest.”
  1118. “And… you think that would be for the best?”
  1119. “Well… It would be an acceptable outcome, but still a huge waste I believe. Pear Plum is such a good pony, and I believe she has enormous potential. The world needs adventurers like her, so I’d rather help her overcome her insecurities as soon as possible.”
  1120. “Do you believe we can help her with that, lady Silver Willow?”
  1121. “Yes.” She nods. “I have good hope solving this ent issue will help her confidence a lot for a start. Until then, we have to look out for her well-being. If it turns out she’ll need to have you grow her using sex, let her come to terms with it on her own. She’ll knows what needs to be done, so let make the first step. Let her speak first and touch you first if she wishes so. Just be nice to her in other ways in the meantime. For example, you can use that luth of yours for regular music, right?”
  1122. “I suppose so.”
  1123. “Good.” Silver Willow nods. “Also… there might be another way. One thing about Pear Plum is that she doesn’t want to show her anger. Perhaps we could help her… let it out in some way? I’m not sure it would work, but maybe she’d feel better if she could let out some of that pent up frustration.”
  1125. >What do?
  1127. “Well, this all sounds… a bit weird to me.” You say. “First, I can’t really picture how lady Par Plum could vent out her anger in a satisfying manner right now. Unless you were thinking about some rough night together? Hold on… I feel like we don’t have the full picture here, lady Silver Willow. Allow me to narrate my adventures with Pear Plum so far.”
  1129. There, you start to recount some events when you and Pear Plum got intimate or were confronted to the subject. That happened in the living forest where Pear Plum got scared she might have hurt you during an intercourse, but you also had some decent time together before that. There was also the time you entered the capital, and that you grew Pear Plum to a big mare through what you believe was a pleasant moment under the sheets too.
  1130. Hearing that seems to relieve Silver Willow. The situation may not be as bad as she first thought. However, the noble mare cringes when you bring up the fact you said you’d take care of all the work in the bedroom with Pear Plum.
  1132. “Oh, now that’s no good.” Silver shakes her head in reaction. “I understand the logic behind it, but that doesn’t work in practice I believe. The best way to feel confident through something is to actually do it yourself. I have no doubt you’ve been doing your best to please Pear Plum and make her feel safe, but what she needs is to take the initiative to some extent.”
  1133. “I wish she did, but she didn’t feel ready to do so. That’s why we agreed on that.” You explain again.
  1134. “Well, I can imagine.” Silver nods. “But precisely, since she had a few good experiences with you now, you need to convince her to start taking care of the agency. To do what she wants for a change! And make her understand she doesn’t have to feel ashamed about it. Or…” Silver ponders. “At least talk to her about it. And also remind her of the good times you had. I believe she’s too focussed on the negative right now. And again, helping the ents will make her feel a lot better, so don’t overdo it for now.”
  1135. “So… I’ll have to wait until we’ve saved the ents to ask lady Pear Plum out on a date, you say?”
  1136. “That would be better.” The tiny Silver Willow nods.
  1138. “Hum.” You bow slightly to the tiny mare you hold on your hoof. “Lady Silver Willow, You have my thanks for helping me see through this. For now, let us focus on helping Pear Plum. I say we should attempt to track down the source of the mistletoe.”
  1139. “Good idea.” Silver replies with a smile. “I believe inspecting that camp would be a good start.”
  1141. You go there in a few minutes with Night Sprout in your step.
  1142. It’s no wonder you missed it when you arrived in the forest, as there’s no visible sign of any camp until you’re already right upon it. The remains have been thoroughly stomped to smithereens, and then a couple weeks of nature doing its work already covered in mud and moss the shredded tent cloth, paper and wooden utensils.
  1144. It’s even hard to figure out what any piece of this mess could be with how everything has been destroyed. You can only recognize a few metal tools, like a knife or a ladle, but even those have been bent out of shape by an immense force.
  1145. Still, after a while you find something interesting. On a shred of cloth, you can recognise an embroidered emblem. It features an acorn, a maple leaf, and an axe.
  1146. “Well, that seals it.” Silver comments. “This the crest of the guild of foresters from the capital. I clearly recognize it.”
  1147. “So it was them who came here after all…” You grumble. “The old witch told us they talked with the ents even, right?”
  1148. “Hey.” You’re interrupted as Night Sprout softly call you. “There is blue stuff here.”
  1150. You and Silver approach, and indeed the fairy stand near a tree that has been infected. This is the only one you’ve seen outside of the home of the ents. Also, here the blue mistletoe sprouted from the ground… or from the roots of the tree maybe.
  1151. Wishing to have a better look, you dig away some dirt with you hoof, and find that indeed the parasite is attached to the root, but also that there was a little pouch of cloth here. This one bears the mark of the guild too, and it contains a hoofful of tiny blue seeds.
  1152. You’re no expert in botanic, but you believe you know what these seeds are.
  1154. “They knew it!” The druid mare stomps the ground angrily once you’ve reported your findings. “They knew it was their fault, and yet they still told us to kill the ents! Ar! Those… bastards! How could they be so cynical… and irresponsible!”
  1155. “Yes, they are bad ponies.” Night Sprout adds.
  1156. “Well, at least we have a wealth of proofs to build a case against them now.” Silver Willow asserts. “Don’t worry Pear Plum. The guild will face consequences.”
  1158. With that taken care of, only the task of healing the ents remain to do in this region. Unless… maybe you have ground to pay the guild a visit and demand an explanation now. Maybe they’ve got information that could help healing the ents. Or maybe not. Them being clueless about it could also be why they so strongly advised you to go or the kill. In all cases however, the round trip there and back would cost you a day or two of time.
  1159. The other option is of course to help Pear Plum improve her purifying spell and save the ents before returning to the city.
  1161. >What do?
  1163. “We shall deal with them later.” You state. “Unfortunately, I doubt they can help us actually solving the damage they caused. For now, we need a working cure.” You turn to the druid mare. “We’re almost there. I know you’ll find a way. Please take your time, and do tell us if there’s anything we can do to help you, lady Pear Plum.”
  1164. She nods resolutely in response.
  1166. You entrust the seeds to Pear Plum in case it could help her research and there she goes back to work. In practice, the druid mare enters a meditative stance near one of the infected trees. You see a faint green glow of magic around her.
  1167. After a couple minutes, you see the blue parts of the tree slowly start to recede with a faint hissing sound. However, it takes about half an hour for the corruption to be cleansed entirely from a single tree. By that time, the rest of your companions went back to your camp, leaving only Pear Plum and you in this clearing.
  1169. “Ah…” Pear Plum huffs. “That’s already better, but that’s still too long to safely work on an ent. In a way, it’s good thing I have many occasions to train.”
  1170. “Would a little music help you focus?” You offer “Something light to soothe the mind. It really helps one to concentrate.”
  1171. “Alright. We can try, thanks.” Pear Plum nods.
  1172. “Do tell me if it’s not helping.” You say as you bring out your luth.
  1174. During the cleansing of the next tree, you draw a series of calms campfire songs out of your luth. It’s getting late in the afternoon by now, and the sun is about to reach the horizon. While you do you best to provide a calm stream of notes, Pear Plum proceeds with her ritual. As for the previous tree, the corruption starts to recede as Pear Plum focused her magic on it. It goes a little faster this time, and with less of a noise too. Still, this takes about 20 minutes for this attempt.
  1176. Pear Plum lets out a sigh as she stands up again. She seems to ponder her options for a moment while you’re still playing your tunes.
  1177. “Little Spoon?” Pear Plum then calls you. “Can you do your… uhm, card reading thing with me?”
  1179. >If you accept: ROLL 1 D22 ONCE
  1181. “Lady Pear Plum, I’m afraid a card won’t have a growth effect on its own if that’s what you’re looking for.” You reply reluctantly. You’ll never feel right denying a mare that demand growth, but you believe this is for the best. “Most of the time, they’ve been amplifying other powers of mine, or require some, ahem, bedroom activities to work.”
  1182. “But… You said earlier…” Pear Plum looks at you with surprise.
  1183. “Apologies, lady Pear Plum.” You bow slightly. “The teasing came at an unwelcome time. Er… surely you wouldn’t want to end up with a card the likes of lady Silver Willow’s, right?”
  1184. “Oh! Uhm….” Pear Plum gets a little red in the cheeks. “I-I guess so… Well, in that case, can you use your music to make me bigger then? That way I’ll be able to assess how much it help me with this spell.”
  1186. You nod, and start using your inspiration to make Par Plum clear the 10’ mark, and give her a boost of constitution to go with it.
  1187. The druid mare then takes a deep breath and starts the cleansing of yet another tree. This time, the green glow of Pear Plum’s magic seems more consequent than ever before. The spread of blue mutation looks like it is burned away by it, leaving behind healthy tree bark. In the end, it takes as little as 5 minutes for Pear Plum to complete her ritual.
  1189. “We’re getting close…” Pear Plum says to herself with a relieved huff, before going silent again. You let the mare think about her options while still playing a relaxing music.
  1190. Eventually, after a few minutes, the druid mare turns to you.
  1192. “Little Spoon?” She asks. “Can you grow me bigger, and can you be quick about it please?”
  1194. >What do?
  1196. “Lady Pear Plum, may I suggest you take the lead in that interaction?”
  1197. “Huh?” The big druid mare blurts. “B-but, listen Little Spoon… I wished I could see how size will affect my magic sooner than later. And you said that, well, if we needed to, you’d take care of the practical part of growth…”
  1199. “About that, I believe I realized you will get accustomed to sex better in this manner actually.” You explain. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re still uncomfortable about it, right?”
  1200. “Well…” Despite being three times your size, Pear Plum shyly looks away. “I guess so…”
  1201. “Do you feel ashamed about doing it?”
  1203. Again, Pear Plum uncomfortably wiggles on her hooves
  1204. “I… I think so.” She nearly mumbles. “A little…”
  1206. Slowly, you walk up to the druid mare, and gently start to hug one of her tree-trunk of a leg. She doesn’t recoil, and soon the big mare sits down in front of you, and her other front hoof falls on your back while she bends her head over you.
  1207. “There is good to be found in intimacy.” You whisper to the huge mare around you. “It doesn't have to be this terrifying experience to be wary of. What is it that troubles you about it?”
  1208. “Well, it always feels a little… forced on me.” Pear Plum says. “I mean! Because of the circumstances of course! Like when we passed the trials, or… well, right now, it is to help the ents too.”
  1209. “Given what you just said, lady Pear Plum, do you get why I’d like you to take the initiative?”
  1210. “But… it doesn’t feel like it can be the case right now...”
  1212. You lit out a little sigh.
  1213. “Lady Pear Plum, please speak honestly.” You start. “Have the intimate moments we spent together been a negative to you?”
  1214. “Well…” You feel the leg you’re hugging shift slightly. “There was that time I almost hurt you, but… I-it was… rather pleasant… the other times.”
  1215. “Did the time we shared when we entered the capital feel like a chore?”
  1216. “Ah, hum…” Even from where you stand, you swear you can feel the mare’s cheeks burn up with red above you. “N-not at all! It was… rather nice, yes…”
  1217. “See, this is what we should build on.” You reassure her. “This is what we can have, and much more. I know I’m asking you to make a big step into the unknown in a way, but I really believe you should do this.” There, you let go of Pear Plum’s leg and take a few steps back to look at her in the eyes. The big mare is heavily flustered at the moment, but when you smile at her, she offers you a little smirk back. “Please, trust me on that lady Pear Plum. Would you accept to take the initiate? And to do what you actually want?”
  1219. “A-alright.” Pear Plum nods with a shaky resolution. “Then, uhm, let us do this my way, Little Spoon.”
  1220. “I’m waiting your commands, lady Pear Plum.” You bow with a smile.
  1221. And you wait for those for a little while. At first Pear Plum looks at you in the eyes, opens her mouth, inhales, before letting out a sigh and glancing into this air.
  1223. “Well, uhm… then…” Pear Plum fidgets with her hooves, and turns her back to you. “Hold on, take a few steps back please.”
  1224. After you oblige, Pear Plum firmly plants her hooves on the grown and you see the glow of her magic spread in waves through the ground around it. Soon, a layer of lush green moss starts to rise all around Pear Plum.
  1225. “There. I want to be comfortable for a start.” Pear Plum nods to herself. “Hum, yes…”
  1227. You tentatively pat the green mattress of moss to find it soft and fluffy under you hoof, and less cold than it looks.
  1228. “That’s a good start.” You comment as you move in the green area that is more than large enough for you and Pear Plum to lie onto. “Or… that’s more of a good set up actually. I still need to hear how do you want to start.”
  1230. “Uhm…” Pear Plum mutters, stoically examining you, and at a loss about what to do. “I… uhm, Little Spoon? can you… can you, hum, g-get yourself hard?” Pear Plum tentatively asks. “While I watch I mean? I-if that’s okay with you of course!”
  1232. >What do?
  1234. “Of course, my lady. You’ll find out that at your size, you have nothing to fear from my toothpick.” You give the mare a wink, which gets a meek chuckle out of her.
  1236. You motion toward her until you’re between her front hooves. Pear Plum lifts one up in reaction as you do.
  1237. “There’s no need to be afraid.” You say, as you lie on you back near the other one. “I trust you’ll look out for little me. And that way you’ll have the best view. May I begin?”
  1239. “Mmh.” Pear Plum nods, as she sits down and puts her other hoof next to your body. As Pear Plum asked, you start to touch yourself, thinking about the mare in front of you to get you going. Pear Plum’s ample flanks, her caring hooves, her evasive lips, you’d love a touch from any part of her really. You keep looking longingly at Pear Plum as you do, uttering soft groans as you stroke yourself.
  1240. In turn, the mare looks at you with a slightly embarrassed smile. Her eyes dart between yours and your shaft. Somewhat, it feels like Pear Plum is unsure which options makes her feel the more awkward. However, you do see her wiggle on her flanks, as though she had an itch of some sort back here.
  1242. “This is as big as I’ll get.” You say once you’re fully erect. “For now at least. During the act, my magic may eventually allow you to make it bigger.”
  1243. “I see.” Pear Plum nods. “Well… Y-you look really cute, Little Spoon.” And after a few seconds. “Uhm, may I touch you?” She asks.
  1244. “You may play with me as much as you wish.” You readily reply. “Knowing you lady Pear Plum, I have no issue trusting you with my body.”
  1246. Pear Plum lies down to bring her face closer to you, looking curiously at your cock standing at attention. Tentatively, she lifts a hoof put it on the top of your flare, making you feel the softer part of it in the inner side of her hoof wall.
  1247. “Do tell me if I’m hurting you Little Spoon.” Pear Plum says, as she slowly starts to bob your shaft left and right, but stopping before whenever she feels any strain. Then, she pushes it until it is squeezed between you own belly and her hoof. There, she starts to slowly stroke it up and down with her hoof, the depression at its back matching the girth of you shaft. This elects a pleasured grunt from you, and Pear Plum show you a little smile in return as she continues massaging you.
  1248. “Uhm… does this feel good, Little Spoon?” She asks, genuinely. “Do you like it?”
  1250. You certainly do. But you do wonder how you should respond. There are several ways you could encourage Pear Plum, and also maybe spice up this moment a little.
  1252. >A: Just be honest without fluff. Even if that might lead to slightly disappointing outcomes, Pear Plum needs to discover what she likes herself.
  1253. >B: Overplay submissiveness a little. Beg her to mak you finish and voice out how good her touch on you feels in great detail. Also, it’s not like you’d have to force yourself to be putty in a big mare’s hooves.
  1254. >C: Attempt to guide her a little through her choices. Offer her advice on how to use her hooves now, and then tell her what usually makes a stallion or a mare feel really good and what she should try.
  1255. >D: Just tell her she’s doing well at servicing you right now, and that you’d love to hear how to pleasure her in return after.
  1257. As a reminder of your abilities:
  1259. “Yes, lady Pear Plum!” You utter between two blissful grunts. “I like it very much!”
  1260. The big druid mare giggles in reaction, and she fastens the pace she jerks you off with her leg. As pleasure mounts, you arc your back against Pear Plum’s hoof, and you erupt on you own chest a few seconds later while letting out a deep grunt on pleasure.
  1262. Pear Plum removes her hoof from you as you climax, instead observing you with interest. As you orgasm subsides and that your gaze meets hers, you see her jump slightly, as though she had been caught peeping at an undue time.
  1263. “Oh, uhm, let me clean you up!” Pear Plum hurriedly says. With her mouth, she tears a bit of the moss around you and uses it to rub your body. You recoil slightly as the big mare’s head descends to thoroughly scrub you. The tip of her snout occasionally bumps lightly into your head.
  1264. “There!” Pear Plum smiles to you after spewing the moss aside. “You’re all clean little Spoon!”
  1265. “Ah, thank you lady Pear Plum.” You chuckle. “Though, I’m afraid I might get dirty again soon enough.”
  1266. “Oh, uhm…” The mare shyly adverts her eyes for a second. “I guess that’s true…”
  1267. “But I sure wouldn’t mind seeing you so close again.”
  1269. Pear Plum eyes you a moment, and with a little smirk her head comes down again to lightly rest on your chest. At her size, she’s only a few inches from your own face. You can’t resist placing a little peck on the mare’s snout, which makes her giggle in return. The mare then smooches you on the neck and then adds a tentative lick from its base up to your jaw that makes you shiver with delight. Seeing that your smile only grew, again she places a smooch on your check that she punctuates with a little lick. The tickling of her tongue makes you giggle, but you decide to start retaliating a little, pecking whatever part of Pear Plum’s head is the closest to you at any moment.
  1271. You entwined laughs daintily echo in the forest as you play together. You do go quiet at times, when both your mouths meet for a proper kiss. The mare’s warm lips against your own fill you with elation, even if the druid mare doesn’t dare to use her tongue. You still greatly enjoy the warmth and elusive breath of her in your own maw.
  1273. Pear Plum leaves you some respite after a while, resting her head on her hoof next to yours.
  1275. “This is a lovely moment, lady Pear Plum.” You whisper. “Is there something you’d like to do next?”
  1276. “Well…” Even in the dim light, you see Pear Plum’s blush deepen. “I suppose we show go on to… er, what will make me bigger now?”
  1278. Still willing to take the initiative, the 10-feet-plus Pear Plum rises on her hooves. While you’re still lying on your back, she steps forward until you’re looking at her massive inner thighs looming over you. Her hips start to slowly descend, then stop a foot away from you. Pear Plum then advances a little, which gives you a glimpse of her plump and wet marehood before she straightens her legs again.
  1280. “Lady Pear Plum?” You call. “Is there an issue, or are you merely teasing me?”
  1281. “Oh, uhm, n-no!” She stutters, lowering her head between her legs to look at you. “It’s just that… I’m not sure how I can, you know, keep my eyes on you at my size. Unless…”
  1283. You’re freed form the massive shadow of the druid mare as she moves to the side, but soon you feel yourself being gently grabbed by the neck in Pear Plum’s mouth. Then, after a few steps its Pear Plum that lies on her back, using a sturdy tree to propel her rear upwards. With her hooves, she puts you on her butt, sitting between her raised flanks, and feeling moisture under you.
  1284. “Here!” Pear Plum says, looking satisfied. “Hum, can we do it like this?”
  1285. “Of course.” You nod. “Though, I’m not sure you can participate much to the movement in that stance.”
  1286. “Mmh…” Pear Plum ponders, then she stretches a hoof to hold your back, pushing you slightly deeper between her butt cheeks. “Then, like this maybe?”
  1287. “That doesn’t look very comfortable…” You can’t help but to comment, as you see the big mare contorting herself. Still, as you see her smile with her face framed between her thick hind legs, you decide follow though regardless.
  1289. You wiggle yourself slightly until your erect shaft rests on Pear Plum’s entrances. Then, you pull yourself up by pushing on Pear Plum’s ample buttocks, and then let you down to penetrate her awaiting fold.
  1290. You’re welcomed by an eager squeeze from Pear Plum’s inner walls, and a pleasured whimper from the mare. She adverts her eyes for a second, and you feel the big hoof over your back tremble slightly, but soon the big druid mare shows you a smile, and you feel her body relax under you.
  1292. “I’m good. You can keep going Little Spoon.” Pear Plum tells you.
  1294. As the mare desires, you grab her thighs at each side of you to start pumping into her. Pear Plum purrs in delight as you do, her thighs, sometimes coming to brush against each other in a mix of nervousness and pleasure. You’re between those of course, but Pear Plum still makes sure you’re not under too much pressure. Unfortunately so, you think to yourself…
  1295. Still, a first climax soon rocks your body, and as you feel Pear Plum surge in size under you, she utters a drawn-out moan as she shivers all around you.
  1296. “Ah! This does feels good, Little Spoon.” The bigger Pear Plum purrs. “Please, keep going…”
  1298. You obey the growing mare’s command, and with each climax she seems to be enjoying herself a little more, letting her lustful moans freely escape her lips, and pressing you in her with her hoof more urgently while thrusting her massive hips upward in rhythm with your own moves.
  1300. “Ah… L-lady Pear Plum!” You catch your breath after yet another climax, yet another surge of size for Pear Plum. “I believe this is as large as I can reliably make you!”
  1301. Indeed, for her last climax Pear Plum reached 19’9’’, the top size you’re able to grant her with the consistent part of your Gift of the Bard, and the charge you had left of Embrace Destiny. At this point, you feel like you’re swimming between Pear Plum’s flanks, even if your position at the top prevents you from drowning in these curves. Her entrance you’ve been pounding is now also big enough is gushes on your crotch and up to your torso, and you feel the mare’s peach-sized clit pulse against your belly from the stimulation.
  1303. “Alright!” Pear Plum smiles, and carefully picks you up to place you on the ground again. Even though she clearly enjoyed herself all the way, the druid’s focus immediately returns to her task of healing the forest and trying out the effect of your boon of size.
  1305. One more time, Pear Plum approaches a mutated tree, albeit this time, it looks like a mere baton compared to the massive druid mare. You see her prepare herself to stomp the ground like she did before to use her magic, but after a hesitation, instead Pear Plum hugs the tree whole.
  1306. The tree starts to glow with a green hue, and soon this light intensifies on all the blue part of the bark. You clearly see the corruption disappear, being peeled away much faster than before. In only half a minute, the tree has regained a natural state, looking as healthy as it can be.
  1308. “This… this should do it!” Pear Plum nods to herself, sporting a big smile. “It’s still no going to be an easy task, but if I can heal the ents this fast, we should be able to save them!”
  1310. You can’t help but to smile to yourself upon seeing Pear Plum’s elation. Though, perhaps that means you could have some more fun without this pesky need for results in magic potency, if lady Pear Plum is still in the mood of course. Also, you still have a few ways to grow her bigger still you could offer her, even if those are a bit fickler that what gave her this size that will last until the end of the day.
  1312. >What do?
  1314. “This is wonderful indeed!” You comment. “And you know lady Pear Plum, now I believe you could perhaps use the benefit of a card. I mean, if you still wish to try and grow to greater heights.”
  1315. Pear Plum ponders, but only for a few seconds before answering.
  1317. “Mmh.” She nods with a little smile, and lies on her belly in front of you. “Let’s see how this card will grow me.”
  1319. >ROLL 1d22 ONCE
  1321. >Since we can’t roll 1d22 – 1, a roll of 22 means 0 instead.
  1323. >0: The Fool: You choose two cards from the deck other than the fool and the world, whether you’ve discovered their effects or not. The mare may randomly pick one from these two and receive its effect from Tarot Growth.
  1325. “The Fool!” You announce. You already picked that before, you recall. “Bearer of new beginnings. Your path has only begun, and already limitless possibilities of growth lie before you. For this card, we have a little more work to figure out what kind effect it will bear for you.”
  1327. Pear Plum listens as you tell her the effect of the card, and then as you tell her about the possible card affects you know about.
  1328. “I’m glad I didn’t pick the same card as Silver.” The huge mare says once you’re done. “I mean! I’m not saying it’s bad for her, but I wouldn’t have been as comfortable with it than she is. Anyway, I believe The Magician sounds good for me. Some growth that I can trigger at will would definitely be good. I’m not sure about the other option, though… The Wheel of Fortune sounds safe enough, but… I’m not sure I’d like that kind of surprise that much actually. Perhaps another card you don’t know could be better? Death of Judgement don’t really sound like my thing, but could another card be nice for me? What do you think Little Spoon?”
  1330. >Which 2 cards will Pear Plum randomly pick from? (you may discard her suggestions entirely if you wish)
  1332. “Well, there’s another card I think could benefit you lady Pear Plum. Come on, pick one!” You announce as you lay the two cards, face down in front of the 20’ druid mare.
  1333. Aside from The Magician, there were actually two cards you couldn’t decide between, so you picked one among these two at random.
  1335. >Roll 1d4 ONCE
  1336. >1 or 2: The magician
  1337. >3: The Empress
  1338. >4: Strength
  1340. As you show the card Pear Plum chose, you see the mare in front of you utter a little moan as she surges a couple feet bigger.
  1342. “The Empress, embodiment of femineity!” You state, as the knowledge of the card’s effect is revealed to you. “Through your marely energy and beauty, you shall bring balance and fertility to the world around you!”
  1344. >3: The Empress: The mare permanently grows 2’ and her charisma increases. She also gains the ability to lactate at will. After another pony drinks from her teats for at least 1 minute, for the rest of the day she grows 5’ bigger and her charisma increases further. Recover after 3 days.
  1346. “Ah, well, I suppose I am a little bigger. Is that all?” Pear Plum asks.
  1347. “There’s something else actually.” You say. “You might have just grown in another way, lady Pear Plum.”
  1348. Pear Plum’s blush returns as you tell her about increased charisma and what it implies. Lying on her side and lifting one thick leg, both of you can verify that Pear Plum’s previously unremarkable milk bumps turned into averagely round little hills.
  1350. You also tell the mare that she and her tanks could grow further were somepony to drink from them, and that she may get herself lactating at will.
  1351. “That’s… quite unexpected.” Pear Plum chuckles a little awkwardly. “I mean, it’s not bad! It’ll be all the easier to help the ents the bigger I am, so I thank you for that Little Spoon. And… I don’t mind the additional… ahem, curves…”
  1353. Pear Plum is not the kind of mare to have a complex over her small teats for sure, but in turn it’s understandable she doesn’t really know how to react to suddenly getting bigger ones.
  1355. >What do?
  1357. “You look uncomfortable lady Pear Plum.” You note. “You don’t have to. These new assets add even more beauty to your wondrous figure. Also, you didn’t seem to mind it that much when my magic would enhance the shape of your legs. I believe I must have grown your bosom a couple times in the past too.”
  1358. “Ah, y-yes.” Pear Plum nods. “But it wasn’t permanent. And this… ahem, milk stuff in new too. Though, you said I’d be able to control it?”
  1359. “Indeed. I believe you’ll find out how to do so naturally. Lady Blackberry Brunch was immediately able to control her growth when she drew The Magician.”
  1361. “Hmm…” Pear Plum ponders. The huge mare in front of you lifts a back leg and looks at her enhanced assets again. She seems to focus for a little moment.
  1362. “Ah! G-goodness!” The giant mare suddenly exclaims
  1363. “Did you figure it out lady Pear Plum?”
  1364. “I suppose so? I feel… a little strained over there, but I never…” Rather than to continue with words, one of Pear Plum’s front hoof goes to probe her mammries. The mare lets out a little whimper as she touches herself, and a higher-pitched one as she presses a teat and that a trickle of white milk wets her hoof.
  1365. “Y-you were right Little Spoon.” Pear Plum lets out a slightly awkward giggle. “I didn’t expect to start lactating before I became… I mean, not so soon. Though, perhaps I overdid it a little right now. I think I’m a little too full at the moment.”
  1367. “If you’re alright with it, perhaps I could help you out?” You offer. “I won’t hide that I’d love it if you allowed me to have a taste. Also, that way we could try how further growth will look on you.”
  1368. “Well… alright then.” She nods. “I just hope I’m not too big for you…”
  1369. “Oh, I don’t believe that’s possible.” You answer with a sly smile as you start to walk toward Pear Plum’s udders. Before you can get there, though, the druid once again lies on her back and scoops you up so you may access her nipples without climbing on the giantess.
  1371. “There. That way there’s no risk of me sitting on you by accident!” The mare gives you a reassuring smile. Eventually you’ll have to clear that misunderstanding about being sat on by a beautiful mare being an undesirable thing, but… one thing at a time. You already have a pair of full tits to take care of.
  1373. With a few steps, you’re now in front of the mare’s udders. While a lot less impressive that the ones of Silver Willow or even Fen Flower a few days ago, the little hills of the huge mare still come up your knees, and the thick nipples capping them are as thick as your hoof. Also, right now Pear Plum’s breasts have something your other companions don’t.
  1375. You can’t resist any longer, and Pear Plum lets out a little moan as you lie down and hug the teat on your right. The pliable flesh is warm under your hooves and slightly elastic. Pear Plum’s light musk fills your nostrils at first, but soon another smell, sweeter, arrives as you squeeze the teat and that a bit of milk drips on the top of your head.
  1376. You proceed to the main course, but can’t completely wrap your mouth around Pear Plum’s huge nipple. And while a lot of her sweet cream comes into your mouth as you squeeze her teat, spills of milk also wets your snout and hooves.
  1377. “This tickles Little Spoon!” Pear Plum exclaims, and then utters a moan of pleasure. “But… i-in a good way. Y-you can continue I guess…”
  1379. You’re glad to know Pear Plum’s enjoying this, and you press her little hills with all the more strength in reaction, drawing yet another moan out of her and a jet of warm milk into your gullet.
  1380. You’ve found your pace now. Pressing your face on Pear Plum’s nipple and squeezing it with your hooves, and then gulping it down and breathing the air heavy with the scent of milk while you release your grip.
  1382. After a minute of this, suddenly Pear Plum grows more. The nipple you were suckling on is forced out of your mouth as the druid mare grows to become nearly 10 times your size, and that her teats swell even bigger in proportion. After a second, you’re now facing a couple of near perfect half spheres, and nipples that are eye-level with as you stand on Pear Plum’s lower belly.
  1383. “Woah, I really did become bigger…” Pear Plum sheepishly comments.
  1384. “Indeed. Though, I’m afraid Lady Silver Willow still has much bigger arguments…” You answer while showing her a playful smirk.
  1385. “Ah, uhm. I meant in height. I wonder if I can see over the trees now…” Pear Plum gazes at the stars above now that the night has fallen for a few seconds, before looking back at you. “Uhm, Little Spoon? Can you take care of, uhm, the other one please? Then I want to check something.”
  1387. You can feel Pear Plum has something else in mind, so you take care of this task quickly, hugging the teat that is now heftier that yourself and squeezing it in an upward motion to relieve the druid mare of her milky burden.
  1388. After that, Pear Plum lets you down so she may stand up. For a moment she looks around the clearing left by the raging ents, and you understand that she counts how many afflicted trees are left.
  1390. “Seventeen…” The druid mare mutters to herself. “Alright… I can do this…”
  1391. Pear Plum takes a deep breath, and soon you can see the glow of her magic fill the air around her. The mare slowly rears, and then slams her hooves on the ground. The leaves around rustle from the impact, and waves of green magic travel through the ground, from Pear Plum’s hooves to all the trees around. Her magic then climbs through the afflicted trees trucks, radiating into every branch and leaf, and all at once you see the disease start to disappear from all of them.
  1393. Again, it takes about half a minute, but after that, there isn’t a single ill plant in the whole clearing anymore.
  1394. “It worked…” Pear Plum says, letting out a relieved sigh. Then she looks at you, and a second latter the 25’ mare is nuzzling you on the head. “And that’s thanks to you Little Spoon. I guess… this time I feel like I should apologize. Your powers can help a lot of ponies, and they aren’t as… bothersome as I believed, on second though. Thank you for taking the time to help me see through this.”
  1396. >What do?
  1399. “Ah… no need to thank me lady Pear Plum.” You chuckle, and feel warmth climb to your own cheeks under contact with the giant mare. “You are growing as a druid on your own. I mean, you’re gaining knowledge and experience that the size I give you only magnifies, and I’m lucky to be on these adventures with gifted companions such as yourself.”
  1400. “Heehee…” Pear Plum giggles softly. “Thanks for saying that Little Spoon.”
  1402. “…And… yes. I know my powers are indeed unconventional, and they can leave a bad impression for sure. But I’m just happy it can help other ponies in the end.”
  1403. “It’s alright Little Spoon.” Pear Plum sits near you. Now there’s a cutie mark bigger than you are a couple feet away from you. “I guess… I don’t find those abilities of you so bothersome anymore. It can be, ahem, fun even… I guess… And also… in a place like right now, I don’t feel so worried about knocking down anypony, and I kinda like being so big.”
  1404. “You do?” You react with a grin you turn upwards to the giantess. “I’m always glad to hear such words. How do you feel about your size?”
  1405. “It’s… comforting.” Pear Plum lets out a pensive sigh. “Nature is so big. A single tree is much bigger than a pony… well, usually it is…” She giggles. “But yet, a forest is made of thousands of trees, and there are thousands of forests in this world. Thousands of thousands perhaps. Sometimes, my path to protect and heal… with how unfathomably huge the world is, what I can do feels so insignificant in comparison. It has always been the care of many that could protect the world, but right now, I feel like I can make a difference by myself.”
  1407. You remain silent in response for a little while your druid friend glances over the trees. Indeed, Pear Plum can surely accomplish feats that would normally require many ponies of her profession. You’re glad you could bring Pear Plum to realize her size could help ponies. Now, maybe it’s time to put these thoughts into practice.
  1409. “Anyway, should we go see the ents with everyone, or is there something else you want to do lady Pear Plum?”
  1410. “You think it would be alright?” Pear Plum perks up. “I figured we would wait until tomorrow since it is night already.”
  1411. “The sooner we go, the sooner we can save the ents.” You declare. “In addition, we’ve located them today, so it’ll be easier to find them again if we act fast.”
  1412. “Well, if that’s alright with everypony…” Pear Plum nods resolutely. “Hum! we can go tonight!”
  1414. You climb on Pear Plum’s back and return to your encampment where Silver Willow, Night Sprout and Fen Flower are waiting for you. As you ask them if they’re ready to go find the ents, they seem willing to do so right away.
  1415. “We’re going to need a bit more size, though.” Fen Flower says, while showing you a smirk. “You say that Pear Plum can heal them fast enough, but I still want to make sure we can handle them. There’s, like, a dozen of them, and they’re between 10 and 20 feet tall, right? I’d feel more comfortable if I was looking down to them. Also, what’s the plan? Does the rest of us just hold off the ents while Pear Plum uses her cleansing spell or is there more to this?”
  1417. Well, that is pretty much how you envisioned it so far… About size, if you maximized the growth from your Inspiration and Gift of the Bard, you reckon your team would end up with a 26’ Pear Plum, a 27’ Fen Flower unless her card effect grants her more growth, and Night Sprout would end up 7-feet-tall or double that if you were to fully use your Gift of the Bard on her. And then there’s Silver Willow. The problem is that you can’t use your Gift of the Bard on her unless she takes the size of another mare first. Perhaps you could ask Fen Flower to lend her size to Silver Willow? That would make the noble mare at least 38’ tall… but with teats so big even moving around will be hard. The noble mare can only end up less than 4’ otherwise from your inspiration alone.
  1419. Also, aside from the size of mares, is there any other plan you could use? The ents will certainly still be in the hills, away from any landmarks that you could use in any significant way.
  1421. >What do?
  1423. “That’s the gist of it.” You reply to Fen Flower. “We’ll see once we’re there if we can think of something more, but we should be alright. Anyway, let’s get to growing you, Lady Fen Flower! Though, it would help if you had another of those stamina potions to spare…”
  1424. “My, I didn’t expect Pear Plum go so hard on you.” The alchemist mare smirks at Pear Plum, who shyly looks away in reaction. “Just give me a few minutes so I can fix you Little Spoon.”
  1426. Indeed, it doesn’t take much longer than that for the alchemist mare to brew another batch of that potion. In addition to the one you drink right now, she also gives you two more vials for good measure. As for herself, she prepares some smoke bombs for the coming ordeal.
  1427. After that, Fen Flower picks you up and takes you aside to make a meal of your cum. While the alchemist mare doesn’t seem in the mood for extra playfulness, she thoroughly sucks you off until she’s 28’ feet tall. Unfortunately, her card didn’t gift her with any more growth this time.
  1429. Anyway, you won’t be growing Night Sprout or Silver Willow beyond your inspiration, so after this romp you’re ready to go. Aided by Par Plum’s night vision spell, you’re able to walk out in the night and exit the forest. Then, you travel through the hills, toward where you and Night Sprout sighted the ents earlier today. While you do so, you and Night Sprout fly up at times to survey the area and hopefully see the walking trees before they notice you.
  1431. After about an hour of walking in this fresh night of late spring, you and Night find the group of ents again. Not exactly at the same spot, though, and now they’re on the move. The group of a dozen tree ponies are confusedly dragging themselves through the terrain with low thuds and earthly groans. They’re behind the next hill from the perspective of your group.
  1432. You believe they didn’t notice you or the two big mares yet. They’re still several hundred meters away.
  1434. >A: Be straight forward. Have Fen Flower approach them with Pear Plum right behind to cast her cleansing spell as soon as possible.
  1435. >B: Flying with Night Sprout, attempt to get the attention of the ents to allow the big mares to approach undetected.
  1436. >C: Stalk them for a while. With a little luck, they might need to stop and rest soon enough.
  1437. >D: You have smoke bombs of your own. With that and some provocations, perhaps you could confuse them enough to get the group to split.
  1439. “Lady Pear Plum. Do the ents have a good vision at night?” You ask after coming back to your friends and explaining the situation. Still on Night Sprout’s back, you hoover a few feet away from the face of the giant druid mare. “I’d like to know how safe it would be to stalk them for a while. Perhaps we can wait for them to stop and rest so we may have the upper hoof.”
  1440. “Well, their vision is rather normal, like the one of a pony.” Pear Plum answers. “They can use magic like I do to see better, or sense the world through the feelings of plants nearby, but the reports made it seem like they could not use any of such abilities.”
  1441. Pear Plum ponders a little more before giving her verdict.
  1443. “Uhm.” The giantess nods. “I think this is safe enough to try.”
  1445. >ROLL 1 d 100
  1446. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 40
  1447. >Success: DC 60
  1449. >Now the whole story is on Ponepaste! (too big too fit in one paste even)
  1451. From there on, your group starts to follow the ents at a safe distance, waiting for a better occasion to get closer to them. You and Night Sprout fly over to make sure you do not lose track of them at times, but the ents neither notice you nor take any abrupt change in the direction they follow.
  1453. This goes on for a couple hours when you follow the tree ponies around without trouble. As you were starting to wonder if this hunt was worth it, your next patrol with Night Sprout shows what you were waiting for. The ents have stopped. One of them fell down it seems, and the rest of them halted their march in reaction. They settle down soon after, and about half an hour later, they seem to have fallen asleep.
  1455. With this occasion, Pear Plum, Fen Flower and Silver Willow start to get closer, doing as little noise as 20-feet-plus mares can, while you and Night Sprout survey the situation from above. Your bigger friends can put themselves in position, only a couple strides away from the ents.
  1456. There, Pear Plum starts to channel her magic, rearing while a green glow starts to form around her front hooves. Even if she tries not to make her following stomp as dramatically loud as in the forest, the ents all wake up in a concert of angry growl as the wave of magic reaches them.
  1458. Fen Flower stands ready, but the ents only clumsily start to move and get back on their hooves at first. You all see the corruption being cleansed from them, and before the smaller ones can even stand properly, they fall back on their side with confused moans.
  1459. The biggest ent however, a 20’ tree ponies, can stand up while still glowing as the cure is yet in progress. With an ominous angry roar, he charges forth toward Pear Plum. Fortunately, Fen Flower easily catches the dissident. While the ent’s limbs are as thick as the trunks of full grow trees, he still looks like a teen in comparison to the 28’ tall alchemist mare.
  1461. “Stand still, will you!” Fen Flower utters as the ent starts to thrash between her hooves. The bigger mare manages to keep it under control, or she does until she receives a mean wooden headbutt in the jaw.
  1462. “OW!” She blurts. You believe you see a trickle of blood escape her lip. “You fucking ass!”
  1463. In a fit of anger, the alchemist mare throws down the smaller ent to the side with enough strength he barrels a couple times before stopping. Then, his hooves flail in the air for a few seconds before stopping. At this point, Pear Plum’s magic seem to have made its job.
  1465. A semblance of calm returns in the hills as the glow of Pear Plum’s spell fades. Only remain pained groans from the ents. Though, those are sounding more articulated than before.
  1466. “Is everypony alright?” Pear Plum calls. The ents slowly turn to face her, shakily standing up on their hooves.
  1467. “What is this place?” You hear a low rumbling voice coming from one of the ents. “Do you know what… what happened?”
  1468. “Oh, goodness, you’re yourselves again!” Pear Plum exclaims in relief as she approaches the ents. They do not show any sign of aggression anymore. They just looking mightily confused.
  1470. After helping the most damaged ents on their hooves, a lengthy explanation begins. You tell the ents they’ve been affected by a strange disease and that they’ve spent weeks wandering the hills in a sort of blind rage. They only dimly remember it, they tell you.
  1471. “It feels like I’ve been through a too-long sleep, full of nightmares.” The biggest ent says. You didn’t notice before, but the deep low voice of this one sounds rather feminine, and the features of the face of moving bark do remind you more of a mare. This is the case for about half the ents too actually. “My memories are fuzzy, the last thing I remember clearly was back in our home.”
  1472. “We… Uhm, we’re sorry.” Pear Plum says. “This is because of the ponies that came. Those from the forester’s guild. I believe they used this strange blue mistletoe on you, and it clouded your mind.”
  1473. “Mistletoe…” The ent mare seem pensive. “Oh… I remember. Yes, the ponies from the guild. They desired to hunt down creatures in our home. We forbid them. And so, you said they created this breed? By the earth… if only we knew, we wouldn’t have let in grow on us.”
  1474. “Hold on, you let yourselves get infected?” Fen Flower frowns. “Isn’t mistletoe a parasite?”
  1475. “How could we have thought such small seeds could affect us in such a way?” The ent mare replies. “Yes, Mistletoe feeds on a tree’s sap, but to us this isn’t more dangerous than for a pony to pierce its ear to attach jewellery. Oh…” She seems to examine herself for a second. “I lost my mushrooms too… How sad. They were the prettiest I grew in years…”
  1476. “And I lost my tits.” Another ent adds with sadness in his voice. “Their tweets were so pleasant in the morning. I hope they found another good place to lay their eggs.”
  1477. “Ahem!” Pear Plum interjects. “Perhaps it would be better if you all went home? We can talk more on the way.”
  1479. “Mmh… yes.” The ent mare nods, and the others seem to agree on that too. “Resting in a familiar place sounds like what we need.”
  1480. Groggily, the ents start to walk again. They’re going slowly, so you’ll probably arrive at dawn.
  1482. >What do?
  1484. “Lady Fen Flower.” You turn toward the big alchemist mare. By now, Night Sprout let you go back on the ground again. “Are you alright? It did look like you took a blow back then.”
  1485. “Ah, yeah, that hit busted my lip.” The giantess wipes her mouth on her leg. There’s still a bit of red that comes out. “But I’ll be okay, and I don’t think I should go complain to the culprit right now.”
  1486. “That may not be a grievous wound indeed, but I believe a little kiss would help it heal faster.” You offer with a smirk. “That, or a healing potion perhaps?”
  1487. “Mmh? Well, let’s not mix the two. I never really bothered to give my potions a good taste actually.”
  1489. Fen Flower brings out a vial from her bags and swiftly drinks its content. After a few seconds, she gives a tentative pout that doesn’t seem to sting, and to make sure it healed properly, her head descends to kiss the top of your head. Her plump lips are impeccably smooth on your face.
  1490. “As good as new!” Fen Flower chimes after ending her smooch with a sonorous smack. “And you were right. A kiss does make it feel better!”
  1492. After that, you start the long walk back to the forest. The ents aren’t as fast as you big friends, so this takes several hours. You even drowse off on Fen Flower’s back at time, her warm coat under you proving to be a comfortable mattress.
  1494. Also, out of curiosity you attempt to use your inspiration on the ents at some point, since some of them seemed like mares. And indeed, about half the ents grow bigger as you play your music. Also, since you chose to increase charisma, you see flowers burgeon on their higher branches.
  1495. “Well, these are interesting abilities you have, halfling.” The 20-feet, now 23-feet-tall ent mare turns to you in reaction. “I suppose the impressive size of your friends is also your doing.”
  1496. “Well, it is indeed, lady…”
  1497. “You can call me Pinelock, bard.”
  1499. The sun is close to rise when you arrive. The sight of the destruction they left in their rampage saddens the ents, but still they seem content to tread on familiar grounds again.
  1500. “There is much we must regrow.” Pinelock states, once in their home. “But that will wait for a few more hours. My stems are dry and my battered mind longs for a rest that is not troubled by insanity. You have our thanks, ponies. We shall talk again later.”
  1501. She and the other tree ponies root themselves into the ground. You’re not against getting some rest either, so the rest of you go back to your camp and fall asleep again after a little snack.
  1503. >You levelled up and reached level 8!
  1504. >4’ have been added to your growth pool. You have 4’ in your growth pool.
  1505. >You gained 1 skill point! You have 2 skill points available.
  1506. >Your inspiration is stronger (now grows mares 4’ taller)
  1507. >You gain the following ability:
  1508. >Lvl8: Bard Bucket List: the first time you achieve an item of the following list, you and the mares involved each gain a bonus, and up to two new items to achieve are added to the list.
  1509. - Simultaneously give the maximum size bonus that lasts for the day from Gift of the Bard to at least 5 mares
  1510. - Be completely engulfed in any orifice of a mare for at least 1 minute
  1511. - Have 1000 mares under the effect of your bardic inspiration at the same time
  1512. - Permanently grow 10 different mares or give them a growth ability permanently (5/10)
  1513. - Grow a mare to at least 100 feet tall
  1514. - Have a pool or beach party with at least 4 mares that have been grown
  1515. - Have an intercourse with a non-pony, mare-like entity that is naturally at least 10’ tall
  1518. You wake up the next day around noon. Fen Flower, who shrunk to around 8’ is still sleeping, but Pear Plum and Night Sprout seem to have left already. You remember Silver Willow spent the night with Pear Plum, so she’s probably with them. They probably went to talk to the ents.
  1520. >What do?
  1522. Being the adventuring bard that you are, your dreams were always filled with the prospect of meeting new and exotic kind of mares. You only now ‘realise’ that some of these ents are, in fact, mares. Though, you have to admit… in that niche, you’d have rather imagined yourself meeting a comely dryad than a full-blown tree mare. Well, the later sure is bigger at least. But are you going to be the kind of pony to make it a challenge to fornicate with the least mare-like females of this world? There are many other big mares in this vast world after all.
  1523. Anyway, nothing stops from trying to get to know the ent mares better first and decide latter. Perhaps they have a softer, more attractive side to show under that rough shell… well, bark of them.
  1525. For now, though, it is another mare that you’d rather lay your eyes on.
  1526. You approach Fen Flower who’s still in her bedroll. She’s far from the gigantic height of yesterday night, but even lying on her side like she is right now, the bulk her body comes up to your chest, and goes a little higher every time she serenely breathes in.
  1528. Slowly, you decide to slip in between the big mare’s back and her bedroll. It’s quite a tight fit, but still you manage to bury yourself in there with only your muzzle sticking out in the air. That didn’t wake up the big mare, and you find yourself hugging as much of her back as you can, while enjoying the warmth and scent of the mare after a whole night stuffed in here.
  1530. You would almost have drowsed off again if Fen Flower hadn’t started to stir awake.
  1531. “Mmmh… Little Spoon? Is that you?” The mare groggily asks, before stifling a silent yawn.
  1532. “It is I indeed.” You gently rub the mare’s back with your hooves. “I just figured I could be the big spoon for once and protect you from nightmares, Lady Fen Flower! Did you sleep well?”
  1533. “I did. I guess your plan worked out, big Little Spoon.” She chuckles.
  1535. Then Fen Flower exits her bedroll, dragging you out as she does. Once on your hooves, she gives you a kiss with just an elusive use of tongue and just a bit too long to be an innocent good-morning greeting. The bigger mare seems satisfied by the enraptured smile she leaves on your face, and thus seem ready to start her day.
  1537. “Hmmg…!” Fen Flower groans with a grin as she gives her hooves a good stretch after rising up. “Well, maybe sleeping in the wood isn’t so bad after all. Or maybe that’s the feeling of a job well done.”
  1538. “Speaking of that, I believe our friends went to see how are the ents faring already. How about we join them?”
  1539. “Sounds about right.” Pear Plum nods. “With a little luck, perhaps they’d like to reward us with some special plants I could use as ingredients.”
  1541. After a little walk, you indeed find your friends in the grove of the ents, talking with Pinelock. The other ents have rooted themselves in around the grove and are still resting right now. Or… that’s what you suppose they’re doing. While being quadrupeds definitely makes them stand out among the trees, how still they are, head toward the sky, makes you question if you wouldn’t have mistaken them for oddly shaped trees if you didn’t know better, especially with their eyes and mouth closed. While the ents have thick, sturdy bodies of wood, many thinner branches stem from their backs toward the sky. Though, right now, a lot of these branches have been broken, or the leaves on those dried up like you noticed the other day.
  1543. For now, you approach Pinelock who glances to you as you do. Inside dark slits in the bark of her head, her eyes look like swirls of living, luminous amber.
  1545. “Greeting, bard Little Spoon, alchemist Fen Flower.” Pinelock greets you with her low rumbling voice. “We were discussing again about the doings of the city’s guild of foresters.”
  1546. “Y-yes.” Pear Plum nods. “We really ought to tell them not to come here anymore when we’re back at the capital.”
  1547. “Their crimes are too grave indeed, and the wound is deep.” Pinelock speaks. “Should they not heed this warning, we will show them no mercy, just like they have shown us none. And by the time we’re ready to forgive, their children will probably have grand-children already.”
  1548. “They are lucky you are all nice enough to not seek revenge I’d say.” Silver Willow adds. “You have my word. I will make sure that they get the punishment pony laws demand for their crimes.”
  1549. “Hmm…” Pinelock seems unconvinced. “I thank you for your intent, but I have my doubts about the virtues of pony fines and jails. If anything, I’m more reassured by the fact that what they sought in these woods isn’t here anymore.”
  1551. “Oh, right!” Fen Flower perks up. “I’m curious, what was it they were searching here in the end? Where they trying to turn you into blue lindens for profit?”
  1552. “That wasn’t it.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “Well, not directly so. A flock of moon rabbit popped up in these woods and they wanted to hunt them. Remember the fur we found at the old which’s hut?”
  1553. “This old mare was happy with one prey.” Pinelock explains. “Meanwhile, when the guild came, they straight up told us they wanted to hunt down every single moon rabbit. We were thoroughly shocked by the extent of their greed. They talked to us as though the gold and rarity of their pelts on a market were sound arguments to justify the extermination of their population. We didn’t even try to bargain after that, and told them we’d have all the rabbits warp away if they tried to touch even one. But then they propagated the seeds of their altered mistletoe one us by feeding it to birds, and then we turned mad. You know the rest of the story I believe. Anyway, I’m glad the ponies from the guild didn’t get what they wanted.”
  1554. “But why did they use these seeds in the first place then?” Fen Flower asks. “I mean, making you go berserk was a bad idea even for their plan. Do you think they made a mistake at some point?”
  1555. “We do not care to find out, as long as they leave us in peace.” Pinelock states. “Pear Plum gave us the altered seeds they left behind. Now we can recognize them and make sure every tree in this forest rejects this stain before it can even sprout.”
  1557. “But enough of that.” Pinelock’s rumbling voice suddenly seems to mellow out a little. “I believe we have not given you proper thanks, adventurers. We would really love to give you something for saving us. As I was telling Fen Flower, we shall conduct a ritual of regrowth later today. We will ask the forest to lend us some of its reserves to heal ourselves and this grove. Bard Little Spoon, I believe your magic would allow your mare companions to grow from this ritual too. Does that sound like an acceptable reward to you?”
  1558. “What? Uhm, wait, why do only I get a reward?” You blurt out in surprise. “And… you’ve just been through so much lady Pinelock, really, you don’t have to feel obliged.”
  1559. “We insist.” Pinelock relies. “And you are not the only one. It is to each of you we want to give an appropriate boon.”
  1560. “Hum.” Pear Plum nods. “She offered me and Night Sprout to teach us some magic. I didn’t know that, but they say there’s some spells they can teach to a fairy even if she’s not in here home.”
  1561. “I want to try it.” Night Sprout states.
  1563. “Sooo…” Fen Flower chimes. “We can wait for after your rejuvenating ritual of course, but ent dew… or ent sap make for great ingredients in alchemy! Oh, and do you know if your leaves are the kind a pony may smoke? Eh… You’ll have more leaves again when you’re done with your ritual, right?”
  1564. “That kind of donation is possible.” Pinelock’s voice rumbles with a hint of annoyance. “Within reasonable bounds. Surely I hope you’re aren’t as greedy as the guild of foresters.”
  1565. “Ah, m-my apologies!” Your friend produces a hasty bow toward the tree mare. “I’ll take what you can give me, but this is such a good gift I couldn’t help but get a bit too excited…”
  1567. Pinelock doesn’t look like she wants to patronize your friend any more than that fortunately.
  1568. Anyway, of course the idea to participate in this ritual and grow your mare friends seems like a wondrous idea, especially now that you believe they’re all willing to reach new heights. Though, you had the idea to offer your magic to help the ents healing and grow anew before that.
  1570. >A: Decline Pinelock’s reward, and offer to use your power of growth to fuel their ritual for the ents instead. (This will use any number of feet from your growth pool that you want. Your companions will NOT grow from the ritual if you focus your power on the ents)
  1571. >B: This regrowth ritual is an excellent idea. When are we starting?
  1572. >C: Has Silver Willow been offered a gift yet? Talk to her about it. Maybe she needs ideas.
  1573. >D: Aside from the reward, asks Pinelock what she thinks of ponies in general. Does she find some of them… pretty? Should you ask a date with her for your reward instead?
  1575. “I thank you for your gift, Lady Pinelock.” You say to the ent mare. “…but may think about it a little? I might want to consider a few other options.”
  1576. “If you wish, we can find something else for you.” She answers. “However, we must perform this ritual while the sun is still high, and we desire to do so today. So you have a few hours to tell us if this is what you want or something else.”
  1577. “Thank you for your consideration lady Pinelock.” You bow slightly. “I’ll try not to leave you hanging for too long.”
  1579. Then, while Pinelock talks with Fen Flower about what ingredients she’ll be offered exactly, you catch Silver Willow from Pear Plum’s back to see how she’s doing, and what she asked to the ents.
  1581. “Well, I haven’t decided yet for sure Little Spoon.” Silver Willow says. “I want something that can be useful in our coming adventures, but I don’t know what exactly. They did offer me a potent solution of healing, but I’m not sure that’s what I want. I’d have wished for something more… active you know? But also…” The 3-inches-tall mare shows you a little cringe. “…I believe nothing of that kind will amount to much if I remain that size anyway.”
  1582. “Ah? Are you saying you’re done experimenting life at a fairy’s size, lady Silver Willow?”
  1583. “I do believe I’m through indeed.” The noble mare nods. “I feel like I didn’t help you all much during this quest. And also the one time I did, I made things complicated. Now… this isn’t urgent. I suppose I can stay small if you can bear with me like that, but if you have some size to spare, I’d appreciate being at least the height of an actual pony at all times again.”
  1585. >What do?
  1587. “Don’t be too harsh on yourself, lady Silver Willow.” You attempt to reassure the small mare. “Even if, as you said, there were complications, you did save us all when your small size prevented you from falling asleep to the spell of that witch.”
  1588. “Well… It really was mostly luck I wasn’t affected I believe.” Silver Willow ponders. “Had this spell affected an area rather than the two of you in particular, I would have been rendered helpless just like you and Pear Plum. No, I’ll be much more efficient at a bigger size! And I’m starting to miss the view too…”
  1590. “Then perhaps you could ask for more ingredients for Fen Flower to brew a potion for you to grow?” You offer
  1591. “Mmh…” Silver ponders. “If I remember correctly, she explained to us the effects of her growth potions don’t stack. She might just make the effect a little better overall with even more ingredients, so I don’t think me asking for this will amount to much. But that reminds me Little Spoon. Do you still have that potion of her I wanted to save for later? I believe now’s the time for me to drink it!”
  1592. “Sure thing my lady.”
  1594. You produce from your bag the vial that’s as tall as the mare who wishes to drink it. While she gulps it down, the noble mare earn herself 6 more inches. Silver Willow just tripled in size, but as impressive as this may sound, she’s still quite small.
  1596. “Well, that’s a start…” The doll-sized mare wipes her mouth. “Also, I just thought about something else. I wonder if our hosts much about protection magic. Growing helps us fight enemies physically, but things like sleep or worst… mind control sorceries can still do a number on us. I’ll ask if they have something that could protect me.”
  1597. “Let us ask them, yes.” You nod.
  1598. While Silver talks to the ent mare, you also ponder about your own reward. Pinelock said you would be able to channel growth into your friends, but perhaps if you focussed everything on Silver Willow she’d reach a pony-like size again. It’s hard to tell if that’ll be the case, though. Neither you nor the ents, you suppose, can estimate how much growth is at stake here.
  1600. >What do?
  1601. >Accept to participate in the regrowth ritual as a reward?
  1602. >Focus the growth on Silver?
  1604. “Lady Pinelock, I’ve decided to accept your offer to participate in the ritual.” You say once Silver is done discussing with the ent mare. “Sorry to have kept you waiting. I am very glad about this present.”
  1605. “Wonderful.” The bark of the ent mare bends to form a smile. “We shall begin shortly then. All you’ll need to do is to remain between us while we perform the ritual of regrowth and use the spell that made us bigger last night. We will take care of the rest.”
  1607. “Thank you.” You nod politely. And then to the little mare near you. “Let’s use this ritual to bring you back to a good size again, lady Silver Willow. If it turns out to be insufficient, I’ll give you a little more from my magic reserves to ensure you’re at lease a mare of adequate size.”
  1608. “Why, thank you Little Spoon!” Silver Willow grins at you. “I’m quite glad you could work something out so quickly.”
  1609. “So… I guess that means no growth for the rest of us?” Fen Flower speaks up, exaggerating a disappointed pout. “That no good… but I guess I can make an exception for our tiny friend here.”
  1610. “Would you hear that? Now that’s rich from the pony that caused me to shrink to this size in the first place, right Fen Flower!” Silver Gutsily retorts.
  1611. “Y-you knew the risks and accepted them! Alright, alright, do grow back, Silver…” Fen Flower hurriedly replies, while embarrassedly looking elsewhere. And then to with a sultry note in her voice. “You and I will have other occasions to make me bigger. Right Little Spoon?”
  1613. “Bard Little Spoon.” Pinelock solemnly calls you. “Are you ready to commence?”
  1614. While you were talking, the ents started moving, and formed a big circle in the clearing that is their home.
  1615. “Yes! Coming right up!” You and the little noble mare walk to the middle of the circle. Once there, you start using your inspiration, causing the mare ents around to grow bigger and bloom with flowers, while Silver become a little more than a foot taller that you again, since your inspiration became stronger since you gained a level.
  1616. The ents fall silent, barely acknowledging their changes after a few seconds. Instead, they all close their eyes and start to slowly rock their bodies to the sides. Soon the wind rises, rustling the leaves and branches around, and then it swirls around you and ents with supernatural steadiness. There’s a near imperceptible thrum in the ground, like the beating of a heart. Slowly at first, the vegetation all around seem to start shifting, like the hairs rising on a titan’s back rising on a chilly day, reaching out to the sunlight. And then the sprouts, the moss, the branches start to grow, and so does Silver Willow.
  1618. You feel the flow of magic through you and your music. You’d only disrupt it by adding more from your growth pool or any other source. Growth already is right now.
  1620. >Roll 1d20 ONCE
  1622. Around you, sprouts of trees burgeon to life, one leaf becoming two, then four as the stems lengthen and goes from inches to feet of height. Likewise, Silver Willow grow from a mare to a giantess. You stop looking at the flora around you as the noble mare soon becomes double your size and keeps growing.
  1623. “Little Spoon! Ah!” Silver coos. “This… this feels good!”
  1624. The not-so-little mare stretches her hooves over her head in elation, which gives you a perfect view on her sweeling teats. It is like seeing watermelons grow to maturity in fast motion, and then billow out as large as two coaches for a spoiled Cinderella.
  1626. The ritual lasts just a minute, and Silver Willow grew to become 12’9’’ tall, outmatching several of the ents around you.
  1627. “Woah, Little Spoon!” Silver tells you with a grin once the ritual is over. “I didn’t expect, well, so much! This is a wonderful surprise of course. Is this permanent?”
  1628. “Well, let’s see exactly what is.”
  1630. Stopping your inspiration, Silver goes back to being 8’9’’ tall. You do believe that being eye-level with Silver’s legs is her new normal. Only a couple feet more, and ponies like you will be able to just walk into her cleavage.
  1632. “I’m pleased to see you’re satisfied with your reward, bard Little Spoon.” Your contemplation is interrupted by the voice of Pinelock.
  1633. You failed to notice since your eyes were elsewhere, but the ent mare changed quite a bit after of the ritual. While she was all raw bark before, she’s now covered green patches of likens and other little plant life. She sports a mane of thick, budding moss that descends several feet under her chin, and her hooves are also encased in a similar green mass up to the fetlocks. Green-blue ivy grew all over the tree mare in a way that mimics the seems of a phantom dress, making it look a tiny bit naughty even, as this illusion of clothing is absolutely transparent. Finally, and not the least, the branches on the mare’s back grew up and sprouted so many leaves, the mare’s amber eyes shine all the brightest under the shade of a proper canopy.
  1634. All the ents around underwent a similar transformation, and they all seem very pleased about it, admiring themselves and each other, and content chuckles coming out of their wooden mouths. The rest of the grove is in much better shape too. From a clearing littered with fallen trucks and stomped by the rampaging ents, the home of the ents is now full with healthy young trees while colourful flowers, emerald ferns and thick mushroom of all sizes and shapes occupy the ground.
  1636. “About your request, Silver Willow.” Pinelock turns to your friend. “I believe we could offer you a charm to protect your mind against magic. It will take a little time, as we will need the light of the moon and morning dew to perform the enchantment. Tomorrow at noon it shall be ready.”
  1637. “My thanks to you.” Silver bows politely. “I’m thankful for this reward, but you can take all your time if you want. After all, Pear Plum and Night Sprout will remain a little longer with you anyway since they are to learn magic from you, right?”
  1638. “Indeed.” The tree mare nods. “They seem both eager to learn. It will take several days to go through the topics I have in mind.”
  1640. That didn’t click in your head until now, but some of your friends are about to remain here for a while. Meanwhile, you believe Fen Flower will want to go back to the comfort of the city, and so will Silver Willow.
  1641. Maybe you should ask around about what to do next overall. Saving the ents is a success it seems, but are you just going to go collect your reward and instruct the case against the guild of foresters, or is there another kind of closure you could seek?
  1643. >What do?
  1645. “Lady Silver Willow.” You speak up. “Is there anything we can do now to help the case? I’m afraid our evidence could be insufficient.”
  1647. “Oh, I actually think we have a good case already.” Silver confidently states. “Since we have some of the seeds the guild used, it should be easy to prove how noxious these can be to ent ponies with the help of an independent expert, just like Pear Plum could identify the taint even on trees. Then, I’ll have a statement summing up the situation I’ll ask our hosts to certify in some way, to testify about the guild’s wrongdoings and the associated prejudice. If I can collect the testimonies of the ponies who encountered the ents when they were aggressive because of the infection, that should be enough to at least command an investigation to here, where the authorities will find the remains of the guild’s camp and demonstrate their involvement.”
  1648. “That… actually sounds better that I reckoned, yes, but will it be enough?” You ask. “And is it worth getting on the guild’s bad side? Do you think the guild might try to hurt you if you press the charges?”
  1649. “Well, they looked more like ruthless entrepreneurs than violent mobsters to me.” Silver shrugs. “I could be wrong, but I doubt they could be that dangerous, at least not to a mare of my new stature. Anyway, I still want to get through with this. These ponies deserve punishment. I’ll take my time in all cases and find out what kind of opponent this guild can be. I’ll also speak to the witnesses before taking the case to the authorities to make sure they don’t try to manipulate or hide information.”
  1651. “Well… Alright. But.” You nod. “I must confess, I am probably going to remain with Pear Plum and Night Sprout in this forest, so please stay safe Silver Willow.”
  1652. “Aw, you don’t need to worry about me Little Spoon.” The big mare leans down to take you in a hug and press you against her head. “Not this time. I may be a beginner as an adventurer, but when it comes to dealing with courts and companies, I’m the mare of the situation!”
  1654. She’s probably right. Of all the ponies of your party, Silver is probably the best suited to battle a merchant guild on the field of law. On another note, you believe you can trust Silver Willow or Fen Flower to keep the shares of the reward you or the fairy or druid mare do not collect, so you don’t need to return to the city at all in the immediate future.
  1655. Anyway, you still have probably until tomorrow before at least some of your friends return to the capital. You could probably still spend some quality time with them before that.
  1657. >What do?
  1659. You have the enchanted orc belt with you, but it’s been a while you haven’t been wearing it. You’re quite fit at the moment, but not overly muscular.
  1661. “Do take care lady Silver Willow.” You tell the big noble mare as you leave her warm embrace. “I know you’ll do great, but I can’t help but to worry about you.”
  1662. “Aw, you’re cute Little Spoon.” Silver smiles, and gives you a little peck on the forehead. After that, you approach Fen Flower.
  1664. “Lady Fen Flower!” She perks up as you call. “How’s it going? Are you satisfied with the reward you got?”
  1665. “Yeah, it’s amazing!” She grins “I can’t wait to get back to the city and see how big I can grow myself with those ingredients and what I can get with the gold from the reward. One sure thing is that I’ll get rid of that pesky side effect that’s been keeping me half as tall most of the time.”
  1666. “That’s great to hear.” You nod. “Though, I must tell you I plan to remain here while Pear Plum and Night Sprout.”
  1667. “Oh…” The big alchemist mare seems genuinely saddened as she hears that. “I see. You want to watch over our little Night Sprout while she learns magic I suppose.”
  1668. “Indeed, that the gist of it.” You nod. “But if you’d like, perhaps you and I could spend some quality time together this evening. I’m confident the ents know the most romantic spots of the forests in their quality of guardians of the nature.”
  1670. “Uhm… Well…” Fen Flower bites her lip. “Little Spoon, I know I said sleeping in the woods wasn’t so bad this morning, but… I’d much rather sleep in an actual bed again. Oh, I planned to treat myself to a spa once I get back to the city. You know, lie on a good mattress and have some little ponies massage me while I drink a cup of champagne. Now, that’s the good time I’m in the mood for right now.”
  1671. “I can do the massaging part.” You offer. “And Pear Plum surprised me yesterday. She was able to grow from the ground a mattress of moss as soft as the finest fabrics. I’m afraid I have no solution for the champagne however… but wouldn’t that be better than just a boring night in the wood? You need to wait tomorrow so the ents can deliver the ingredients, right?”
  1673. “Mmh… I guess so.” Fen Flower concedes. “Very well! Then, I’ll let you decide where we’ll go. I must confess I’m not as close to nature as a mare like Pear Plum.”
  1674. “Of course.”
  1676. After that, you go ask the ents about some nice spots you could visit with a mare friend of yours. They do seem to know some landmarks that would make for a nice date. They’re a little far from each other, so you may only reasonably visit one today.
  1678. >A: There a hill higher than the others in the forest, and a cliff with a view on dozens of miles around.
  1679. >B: A river flows through the terrain, and at some point there’s a 30-feet cascade and a pond of clear water at the base.
  1680. >C: Somewhere in the woods there’s an outcrop of big crystalline formations that refract beautiful colours at dusk.
  1681. >D: There’s a grove in the wood that’s ripe with all kinds of forest berries. Strawberries, mulberries or blueberries among others are teeming in these parts.
  1683. Those all sound pretty good actually. You have your pick for this day with Fen Flower, but you’re gonna keep all locations in mind for later if you want a nice place the spend time with Night Sprout or Pear Plum.
  1685. Anyway, you embark on the journey toward the waterfall the tree ponies told you about. The trip there is quite uneventful, but after about half an hour you find the river and start to hear the sound of water crashing a few minutes later.
  1687. You’re delighted to eventually find a pond at the bottom of a cliff. It’s a 50 feet wide half-circle of shallow but clear running water before the stream narrows to a deeper river again. Water falls from the cliff above. There’s a slight recess that makes the stream easy for somepony to get fully under. The grey stones of the riverbed are fully visible here with how clean the water is, and they look polished enough these shouldn’t hurt anypony’s hooves.
  1688. The sun’s still high up, and the basin itself is clear of all trees that could block the light. The temperature is pleasant enough to stir one’s desire of testing the fresh water.
  1690. “My! This looks quite lovely indeed.” Fen Flower comments with a satisfied smile as you discover the landmark. “It’s been a while I couldn’t find a bathtub my size, and I’m quite sweaty from our little walk right now. Let’s not waste any time!”
  1692. After dropping your stuff on the ground, you and Fen Flower get in to the water, which is colder than you expected, even for the bigger mare. It’s still enjoyable, but you’ll need a little time to acclimate yourself.
  1693. “A-alright.” Fen Flower says. The mare carefully lowers herself to gradually get into the water. “I planed to take a good shower here, but I’ll need a little time.”
  1694. “It’s alright.” You splash your own face, the fresh rush invigorating you. “We still have most of the day in front of us. I know this is no spa, but I hope this place is still to your taste, lady Fen Flower.”
  1695. “It’s… adequate.” Fen Flower nods with feigned haughtiness. “Though, it’s a real shame that tomorrow you won’t go back to the city with me Little Spoon. Since our two tree-loving friends will spend some time here, I planned to seize the occasions and purchase a workshop to open my business in the capital. My potions earned some fame with your party of the other day, so I believe I could start to rapidly make money if I opened a shop, and you’ll miss a lot of mares experiencing their first growth spurt ever. A place for myself will also make for a better laboratory that my portable gear. It’s gonna be a lot easier to make myself bigger… and bigger…”
  1696. The 8’ alchemist mare stares in your eyes with an enticing smirk as she talks.
  1697. “Are you sure you want to miss on all that Little Spoon?” She asks.
  1699. >What do?
  1700. >Talk about other subjects?
  1701. >Do/ask Fen Flower to do something specific?
  1703. “My, my… you sure know how tempt me lady Fen Flower.” You reply. “But are you sure it’s not you who’s going to miss your favourite stud to help and grow you whenever you want?”
  1704. “You’re pleasant to be around Little Spoon, I won’t deny it.” Fen Flower whispers. “I’ll miss you, yeah. But at least I’ll have even more motivation to further grow myself by my own means.”
  1706. “Well, I’m not sure how encouraging I can be, but…”
  1707. There, you approach the mare lying in the water and share a kiss with her. Fen Flower’s sensual purr echoes in your ears while her lips cover your snout and that you get to vainly wrestle your tongue with a twice-as-big opponent.
  1708. The aftermath of the kiss leaves you feel pleasantly hot. Another of these and you might actually get yourself at full mast despite the fresh water. You sit and hug the big mare’s neck, who in turn drapes a possessive hoof behind you back and lightly presses you against her. Her warmth seems to radiate even stronger in the running steam of water.
  1710. “So tell me about that workshop of yours, lady Fen Flower.” You speak after catching your breath, mouth half-buried in the soft fur of the mare’s neck. “Did you find a place that can withstand your magnificence? And if you work with employees, you better account for them being distracted by your beauty. And that’ll only get worse as you get bigger.”
  1711. “Woah, calm down Little Spoon!” You feel the chuckle slightly rock the mare you hug. “I don’t have the place yet, much less employees. Although, the prospect of little ponies at my orders makes me giddy… But before we come to that, I’m not even sure whether to buy or rent a place. After all, I could rapidly outgrow a given workshop.”
  1712. “Aah.” You nuzzle against her as you nod. “That could solve the issue, and will make things easier if you wish to bring your trade out of the capital. So what kind of shop do you want?”
  1713. “Well… mostly a fine place to work. I haven’t worked on the details, but I thought I could maybe have a large window to the street, and I’d be visible through it as I brew my potions. Showing off my figure will surely beat every other kind of advertisement!”
  1715. “You’re certainly right about that, lady Fen Flower.” You say, and after that, you remind yourself of something that bothered you the other day. “Also, there’s something I wished to talk to you about. About Night Sprout. Is everything alright with her? It looked to me like she upset you the other day.”
  1716. Fen Flower freezes for a second, and pulling your head back you see she’s giving you a quizzical frown.
  1717. “Hold on, when was that again?”
  1718. “Just when we arrived to the forest.” You reply. “You… ahem, complained about having to carry all of us that day, but Night Sprout said she’d have gladly done that if she could, and then you looked at her quite… strangely.”
  1719. “Oh, that!” The mare’s eyes widen as she remembers. “Don’t you worry Little Spoon, that’s nothing. What happened is that at the moment, I was feeling a bit tired and I was ready to give Night Sprout some snark back, but I wasn’t sure she’d take it well so I said nothing in the end. Don’t worry Little Spoon, I got no grudge against this precious little filly.”
  1721. “Ah… I see.” You nod and show a reassured smile. “Sorry, I guess I might have overinterpreted your reaction.”
  1722. “Heh. You really worry about Night Sprout, don’t you?” Fen Flower smirks. “Can’t blame you for that! She’s the kind of cute that makes you want to protect her. I guess that’s why you won’t come with me and remain in this crummy forest instead.”
  1723. “Ah, I’m afraid you might be right.” You smile to yourself. “Say… do you trust me lady Fen Flower?”
  1724. “Huh? Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?” The alchemist mare raises an eyebrow.
  1725. “It’s just… I don’t know, sometimes I feel like I don’t say much about myself? It’s a bit of a weird feeling. I know my abilities and purpose are a bit bizarre, and I’m so glad you’re all happy to accept it so easily… to the point it feels a bit unreal, I guess. Days like this are a dream come true, so I guess I get the urge to pinch myself. Really, don’t you have questions for me?”
  1727. “Little Spoon, you don’t need to get so worked up all of a sudden.” Fen Flower chuckles, bringing you against her again to gently pet your mane. “But if that’s alright with you… Out of curiosity, now there’s Pear Plum, me, Silver and Night Spout in our party. I guess that won’t stop you from getting intimate with other mares, but do you have your eyes on another companion? One that you’re gonna travel with more often, like for example that halfling mare that was at the party the other day?”
  1729. “And on a related note, we’re getting… I mean, I and the other mares, we’re starting to get really, really big.” Fen Flower inquires. “You know, pony-crushing kind of big. What if one of us, like, kills somepony, by accident or else? Would that make you just stop growing that mare? Fight her if she’s really big already?”
  1731. “Oh yeah, and…” Fen Flower shifts to lie on her side, and lifts up on of her hind leg to show her ample bosom. Each teat of the 8-feer mare is about as large as your head. “Do you think bigger breasts would look good on me? I thought I was already quite big, but I have to admit Silver’s rack really looks hypnotizing. That really hit me when she grew today.” And then with a mischievous smile. “I wonder if she’d get mad if I made myself bigger than her…”
  1733. >What do?
  1735. “You don’t have to worry about more competitors in the near future, lady Fen Flower.” You reply to her first question. “I already feel quite happy with the five of us, and while we may in some situations need the talents of a rogue the likes of lady Blackberry Brunch, I feel like I couldn’t give all of you the attention you deserve if there are more mares accompanying us long term.”
  1737. “Though… I can’t really say that’s final.” You then admit. “For a long time, I’ve dreamt of meeting a crystal mare... Though, from how long of a shot this might be, that’s not gonna happen tomorrow.”
  1738. “A crystal mare, huh?” Fen Flower comments, and squishes you a little more against her bigger body. “That’s odd. I’d have said you liked mares that have at least a bit of softness to them.”
  1739. “They’re not actually mares of crystal, well, from what I heard… which is actually just a number of fairy tales… But what about you lady Fen Flower? Do you have new companions in mind?”
  1740. “Well…” She smiles pensively. “We’ve been talking employees, but perhaps there are ponies out there who would like to serve me while we adventure. That could even help me interact with the world when I become definitely too big, let’s say, for the streets of a city.”
  1742. “I see.” You nod. “I never really thought about it before, but we’re getting to the point a city like the capital might not be able to accommodate a mare like you at the biggest size I can grow you. If anything, that is what would start to make me think twice about growing a mare even bigger yet. You once told me you wished to grow as big as a mountain. Is that still your goal?”
  1743. “You bet it is, Little Spoon.” She shows you a sultry smile. “But I don’t mind making sure of it once more.”
  1745. Before you can react, Fen Flower takes your head between her hooves and smothers your face with her lips once more. Entranced by her taste, you barely feel yourself being gently pushed on your back in the shallow water, the big alchemist mare still atop of you.
  1746. You contemplate her confident smirk again as she breaks the embrace, to then position herself over you and your erect shaft. Fen Flower carefully lowers herself on you, taking you length inside her warm, velvety folds while uttering a pleased moan. She moves slowly, and you have all the time to admire and feel her already ample teats gently drop and slightly squish on your belly. A grin on your own face, you hump up when the mare comes down, making her breasts giggle more, and her marehood clamp on you in reaction.
  1748. “I see you’re really fond of my tits already, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower comments amusedly, between two heated huffs. “It does look like you’d love to see these two even bigger.”
  1749. “As large as you can have them, lady Fen Flower!” You reply after a pant. “A bigger set for the bigger mare will look the best, and I’d love to hear you gloat over growing them bigger than even lady Silver!”
  1750. On these words, you climax inside the alchemist mare, who more than doubles in size in a few seconds. As she lets out an orgasmic cry, you fear for an instant that her amplified bosom might drown you under, but soon Fen Flower rises fully on her hooves, putting you entirely in her shade.
  1752. After showing you a satisfied smile, the giantess walks away toward the waterfall that has become an adequate natural shower for the 20’ mare.
  1753. “I do love your tits, lady Fen Flower.” You say as you stand up yourself. “But let me reassert that nopony wears the size like you do. Lady Silver Willow can’t hold a candle to you on that field.”
  1754. “You don’t say, Like Spoon.” Fen Flower looks back with an approving smile while she’s getting her mane soaked by the fresh water. “Nothing will be able to hold a candle to me on anything eventually. Just like this cascade. By the time we’re done here, I expect to be able to walk over it like a mere stepping stone.”
  1755. “A stepping stone…” You look at the waterfall and the mare that’s already halfway up the cliff in height. From her size, you realise that you got lucky with your gift of the bard, and Fen Flower will grow more from it today because of her card. It is not impossible indeed she might be able to merely step or jump up this wall before the end of the day.
  1757. “So I take it you really don’t think you could become too big, lady Fen Flower?” You add, walking closer so you may be showered by the water trickling down from the body of the giant mare. “Are you not afraid you might hurt somepony?”
  1758. “Oh, but I did hurt ponies Little Spoon. I killed some under my hooves even.” Fen Flower scoffs. “I mean, goblins if that counts. I can get rid of such pests if I want, but you haven’t seen me hurt anypony else did you? That’s part of the appeal I’d say. I don’t use that might to crush ponies, and I know, they all know I’d be in big trouble if I did. But yet, ponies still make the extra effort to make sure I do not see them as pests.” From down here, you see a devilish grin form on Fen’s face. “I can feel it, and frankly, I just love it!”
  1759. “What I meant… aren’t you worried about hurting somepony by accident?” You ask. “I mean, I do not say that you should be worried. I’d defend your case in a heartbeat if somepony was too dumb to not get out of the way of a 10-feet-wide hoof coming his way, but doesn’t that concern you still?”
  1760. “Mmh…” The big mare ponders for a second, and then just shrugs. “Nah. I’m careful enough. And like you said, if somepony gets in my way while I can swat them down like a fly, intentionally or not, then they had it coming.”
  1762. “I see…” you nod. “Anyway, on another note, if you do find a way to amplify your breasts, I’d love to have a front-row seat for the event, lady Fen Flower.”
  1763. “With pleasure!” She chuckles. “Maybe I’ll make it public… or maybe It’ll be a private event. I haven’t decided yet.”
  1764. “I can’t wait, and I love that mindset of you. I don’t know about the future, but for now in terms of size you really have a head-start over the competition lady Fen Flower.”
  1765. “Excuse me Little Spoon?” Fen Flower turns to you with loud thuds and splashes. Her tree-like hooves are soon planted a couple feet away from you, and craning your neck up you see a wicked smile on her face. “Competition? Are we talking about the same mares? Don’t you insult me, Little Spoon! Silver was a mere pixie less than a day ago, Pear Plum will stop growing the second she realizes she’s crushing grass, and Night Sprout just doesn’t understand how the world works. They’re nice ponies, and I’d gladly call them my friends. But none of them embraces growth like I do. Sure, at times you’ll make them bigger than me for a short while, but ultimately, I’ll be biggest mare of them all!”
  1766. “Ah, well…” You find yourself a little uncomfortable. “That is undeniably true now. But truly, who can say what the future holds?”
  1768. “That’s not acceptable, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower bends her head over you, and you reflexively take a step back as her wet mane forms a pair of walls at each side of you. “Some correction is in order I’m afraid.” She adds while she looks down at you with a devious grin.
  1770. There, the giant mare opens her mouth and swiftly takes in your whole head down to the base of your neck. You feel yourself being lifted up, your hooves soon flailing in the air while you head is encased in warm, moist darkness.
  1771. You’re released soon enough on a mat of moss and ferns. But before you can get on your hooves it’s now your groin that Fen Flower takes in her mouth. You find yourself on your back, Fen Flower’s face occupying most of your vision with her luscious lips covering everything past you belly. You feel jolts of pleasure as her tongues aggressively plays with you bit, the massive and rough muscle has you moan in bliss as it expertly rubs against your whole length many times over. It is so hot inside Fen Flower. And the suction feels so good, and her eyes, so big you could drown in them looking amorously at you…
  1773. You climax in what feels like a few seconds, making the giant mare bigger still. She’s about 23’ tall at the moment.
  1774. “Now listen Little Spoon.” Fen Flower releases you from her mouth, but then gently holds you in place with a giant hoof pinning down your entire arm. “You will admit that I am the biggest mare, now and forever, and that any other state of affairs can only be temporary and ultimately unimportant. I will suck you off, I’ll drain your balls until they hurt, growing bigger and bigger until you admit I am right. I believe I’ve made myself clear.”
  1776. And indeed, without waiting for an answer, Fen Flower takes your whole lower body in her mouth again, getting a sharp moan out of you as her tongue meets your shaft again.
  1778. >A: Give in. Tell Fen Flower all she wants to hear.
  1779. >B: Genuinely attempt to resist no matter what.
  1780. >C: Pretend to resist, but happily let yourself be sucked off until you pass out.
  1782. “B-but lady Fen Flower!” You utter while a shiver of raw pleasure rocks your body. “Let us remain reasonable here, nopony can say for sure what the future holds!”
  1783. In response, Fen Flower just gives you a disapproving look, before sucking you off with even more strength. Your sharp moan is barely audible under the suction sound of her lips against your body, and then the rumble of Fen Flower’s hooves rolling on the ground as she grows bigger still.
  1785. “So… *pant* So it’s gonna be like that, huh?” You try to muster some courage, but you’re already close to being a sweaty mess in the mare’s maw. Dang it! You must work on your stamina if you wish to keep up with how big these mares are getting. “I'll show you that I can fight and resist you, you succubus! A-as long as you don’t use your teeth…”
  1787. A smile immediately creeps on the corner of the giant mare’s mouth, and a few seconds later, you feel her teeth slowly clamp on you, squishing you just a little around your lower belly and back. You can’t refrain a whimper, and this time it’s a cold sweat that runs through you as your distinctively feet you cock wedging itself between the two front teeth of the giantess while being pressed on your belly.
  1788. “Ahem… Lady Fen Flower, have we agreed on a safe word yet?” You ask, but as a response her tongue licks your behind which get a panicked yelp out of you. Immediately after, Fen Flower releases you from the grip of her teeth, but not of her lips, and she focusses the action of her tongue on your cock again. She easily converts your adrenaline rush in yet another climax, and thus Fen Flower grows bigger still.
  1790. After that you thrash, you push, you try it all to attempt to break free from Fen Flower’s mouth, but at her size you might as well try to push away a mountain. And yet she grows bigger and bigger still, and while you’re getting numb. Soon enough, Fen Flower is so big her snout obscures the rest of her face to you. Even attempting to hit her with your hooves does nothing at this point. You tried tentatively at first, but after the mare cleared the 30-feet mark, even a proper punch would harmlessly bounce away from her snout.
  1792. Now she’s over 40 feet tall. You’re drenched in a mix of swat, saliva and traces of your own fluids, and the successive climaxes took a toll on you already. Guessing what comes next, you probably won’t last much longer.
  1793. And indeed, you feel that Fen Flower uses your ability to turn your shaft from a toothpick to a proper toy for a mare of her stature, which she starts to take in and out of her mouth at a frantic rhythm. You feel yourself climax nigh instantly, and then again, pumping gallons of seed inside the mare’s gullet with your multiplied stallionhood. You scream in extasy, your body feels hot, fizzy. In rapture, was it an hour? Or was it a minute, but your brain couldn’t count anymore. You lose your grasp on it eventually, all while Fen Flower still extracts more and more cum from you.
  1795. You come back to your senses under a cold draft. You’re still wet, and the sun’s still high. Your groin is a little sore but you feel like you should be able to move and get back on your hooves.
  1797. You’re still on the bank of the pond under the cascade, or, under Fen Flower actually, if you choose to take into account the highest formation. The alchemist mare is tall and massive enough to drink the river from over the cliff, making the whole flow disappear in her gullet for a few seconds. Once she’s done, she straightens her neck and lets out a huff of contentment, revealing that the 30-feet cliff barely comes up to her chin anymore. There, she also sems to notice you.
  1798. “You know, you didn’t even have to actually say it.” Fen Flower says. “Your magic spoke louder than your words. Also, you’re pretty tasty. I’ll remember that if I ever get so big nothing else can feed me.”
  1800. Then, her eyes turn to the formation in front of her, and then to you again.
  1801. “Say… I really wanted to outgrow this waterfall Little Spoon. By much more than that I mean. Don’t you have any growth left to spare?”
  1803. >What do?
  1805. “I already gave you quite a lot more size already lady Fen Flower.” You call toward the giantess. “Let me think a little… You wouldn’t happen to be under the effect of a spell I wouldn’t know about?”
  1806. “Mmh… I’m afraid I’m not.” She shakes her head.
  1808. If that’s the case, you don’t think there’s any reliable way you could use your Countergrowth at the moment…
  1809. Fen Flower stands at over forty feet tall right now. Your Gift of the Bard grew her way more than you expected. The magic of her card enhanced that growth for the day it seems. You realise you haven’t been using your inspiration so far, so that’s 4 more feet you could easily add to her stature. Then there’s 2 feet that could come from Embrace Destiny, and 4 more from your Growth pool. Though, you’d rather keep those last two options for other mares…
  1811. However, while you don’t the result it will produce yet, there’s one thing you can try right now.
  1813. “Lady Fen Flower, may I ask something of you? I… would like to know how it would feel to be completely inside of you.”
  1814. Fen Flower arches an eyebrow to you from above, but then a giggle takes her.
  1815. “Alright, you got me by surprise here Little Spoon. But the more I think about it, the most I realise I should have expected a demand of that kind.”
  1817. You take a few steps back as the giantess lies down in front of you. You feel the ground shake slightly, and little waves of fresh water come crashing on your legs. Soon, you’re eye-level with a 5-feet wide grin, while the mare’s auburn mane floats in the water near you.
  1819. “Completely inside of me, huh?” She smirks. “Yeah, you can definitely fit by now. I’d say you have options even.” The mare pauses to lick her lips. “Which opening do you have in mind exactly?”
  1820. “Well… I’ll let you decide, if you don’t mind.” You bow slightly. “I’m already making a strange request to you after all. I only wish for it to last a little longer, a minute at least. I’ll find a way to tell you when I’ve had enough, but there’s a chance you might notice it yourself.”
  1821. Fen Flower looks at you with an intrigued smirk.
  1823. “Very well Little Spoon.” Fen Flower purrs. “I heard your wish. You may come and get it.”
  1825. There, the mare puts her jaw in the water and open her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out in the water while her big green eyes are watching you.
  1826. “Many thanks, lady Fen Flower.” You bow slightly, before approaching her cave of a mouth. “I shall not keep you waiting.”
  1828. Indeed, the alchemist mare has grown more than enough to take you completely in her mouth. You get closer, beckoned by the dark and damp expanse of red and pink that is her gullet. Her hot breath washes all over you at the moment.
  1829. You hesitate slightly to walk on her red carpet of a tongue, but at this scale the mare’s mouth muscle can handle you. If anything, it is you who should watch your step, as the living ground under your legs flexes in reaction to your weight, nearly throwing you off balance. Seeing you like that, a smirk creep on the corner of the giant mare’s open mouth.
  1831. Your hooves on teeth that might be marble slabs, you ready yourself to pull yourself in. But as soon as you move, the tongue under retracts itself inside Fen Flower’s mouth and carries you with it. Your scream of surprise is soon muffled as the mare closes her mouth.
  1832. A thrill of panic takes hold of you as you feel yourself tumbling further in. Down the mare’s gullet? And to her stomach? No, not this time. But you think the 40-feet mare just stood up. You’re in the dark, wet maw of her. You got in head first, and so you definitely feel the beginning of a downward slope before you. It’s the way down her throat, and toward an inevitable demise if you went through it.
  1834. With everything around being slippery and dark, you’re not sure how you can navigate away from the chasm. Your hind hooves can feel some teeth behind them, but the only thing you accomplish by probing about for a hold is to push yourself a couple inches deeper.
  1835. After hearing a chuckle echo everywhere around, your host has mercy on you, and gravity shifts so you can slide toward the front teeth of the mare. There, you can turn over and lean your back on the solid incisors and catch a breath. A breath that is saturated with heat and moisture, but still.
  1837. Fen Flower’s tongue comes to hold you in place soon after that. The slimy muscle covers everything up to your neck, and so its tip comes to tickle you chin and smother you face. You attempt to push the appendage away, but it’s just to slippery for you, and wetly slaps you face again while you hear another little laugh rock this cave.
  1838. You attempt to tame the rude tongue, but it soon appears to be a lost cause with its owner controlling this whole space. The second you could get a semblance of a grip on in, nearly all the space in Flower’s mouth is gulped away, leaving you to be squeeze by her beast of a tongue. To assert her victory, you’re suckled fast like a piece of candy, the roughness of a tastebuds against your body stimulating your crotch again. You let it happen, humping slightly again the squirming appendage that you soon reward with some spurt of your cream. The giantess doesn’t rub that on you, and holds you in place while you feel the rest of her mouth shift to swallow your load along some saliva.
  1840. After that, everything was calming down in this fleshy cave, but then there’s a rumbling…
  1842. >CLEARED: Be completely engulfed in any orifice of a mare for at least 1 minute :
  1843. >The mare permanently grows 10 feet bigger.
  1844. >You permanently gain the ability to survive without air for 1 hour.
  1845. >NEW ON YOUR LIST: Be swallowed alive by a mare
  1846. >NEW ON YOUR LIST: Convince a mare you've grown to eat alive another pony
  1848. The space you’re in changes while a loud moan of Fen Flower blasts all around you. You don’t get much more room as you’re still held down, but you do feel the tongue smothering you get bigger, much, much bigger in fact. With a thrill of mixed excitement and apprehension, you realize that again Fen Flower’s card must have tripled this growth. You don’t have the time to do the math that you’re expelled out in a world of light again. Covered in slimy saliva, you get on your hooves as fast as you can to observe the grandiose scene.
  1850. “Oh, Little Spoon…” The mare who towers 40’ feet over you coos. You’re at the top of the waterfall. She’s standing in the pond below. “Look what you did to me… It’s wonderful!”
  1851. You can’t believe your eyes, and you can’t stop a grin from blooming on your face. Right now, Fen Flower stands at over 70’ tall. And in a haze the likes of a dream, you bring out your lute to add the finishing surge. You inspiration affects the mare in front of you, and you nearly climax instantly as you see the already titanic Fen Flower grow by yet a dozen more feet right in front of you!
  1853. “Yes! More!” She exults. “Oooooh!”
  1854. After her moan, the now 80-feet-plus mare gives her improved rump a sonorous snap that resonates through the whole forest. The trees shake, and you see birds fleeing up from tree for miles around.
  1856. This is a new record for you. With your trained eye, you can tell Fen Flower stands at over 83 feet tall, which is a new record for you. You remember being at the bottom of the 30’ cliff down this cascade. Now, it doesn’t even reach the top of the mare’s legs. Without even thinking, Fen Flower casually takes a step back, but the pond isn’t wide enough to accommodate her anymore, and with just that inconspicuous move she crushes several trees like if they were blades of grass. Those didn’t come up to her knee, and the mare’s leg must have been ten times thicker than they were.
  1857. “Oh my…” She giggles in elation. “I hope our ent friends won’t mind this, because I’m afraid I’m gonna need some more room than this...”
  1858. Then, the titanic mare starts to lie down on her belly. While she roughly aligns her back legs with the flow of water below, they’re just too thick to not level dozens of trees and reshape the riverbed in the process. The loud creaking of trees being broken, again makes many critters flee in panic for yards around. It’s far from impossible some couldn’t make it and were just crushed by Fen Flower actually. The though doesn’t seem to cross the mare’s mind.
  1860. Anyway, that way Fen Flower could lower her head enough the top of her snout is in front of you. And what a snout… Fen Flower has become a landmark of her own now. The waterfall doesn’t even look like it could quench her thirst anymore, and that she could just lap the whole river up if she wanted. Most full grown trees are smaller than her head is large. And ever single move of her looks prodigious, strong enough to reshape the terrain. Goodness, you can’t see from here, but by hr sheer weight her hoofsteps must have seriously altered the pond below.
  1862. “Hello there, little one!” Fen Flower’s eyes fall on you, so big her pupils look like portals of black ink you could just walk through. “Look at me Little Spoon, look at me! Do you realize how gigantic you just made me? I love it! I didn’t realize you had all of THAT in you yet. What a rush! Your powers got a lot stronger!”
  1863. “There’s a bit of that, yes.” With a blush, you nod to the titanic mare. “But do you remember when I read your future in the cards, lady Fen Flower? Let’s say… you go particularly lucky today.”
  1864. “I see. But I think my real luck was having a stallion like you to make into a goddess.”
  1866. One of her titanic hooves grabs the cliff so she may pull herself up, causing a rumble in the ground and cracks in the rock. But you don’t have the time to dwell on that before a puckered-up mouth bigger than you are descends from the sky. You’re smothered flat on the ground by it, her plumps lips covering you whole body. You’re squished so hard you find yourself glued to her lips as she lifts her head back up. You soon feel yourself coming off her skin, but you only fall a few feet before a hoof as large as a little plaza catches you.
  1868. “Whoopsies. I really have to watch out for everything at this size, don’t I?” The titan mare chuckles. “You’re just so small Little Spoon. So adorable. I’d say I’d want a thousand more of you for myself, but I know there not a single colt who can compare to you.”
  1869. “Oh… Th-thank you my lady.” You can’t help but to feel flustered at the 10-feet-wide luscious grin of the mare in front of you.
  1870. “Now, bard, am I the mare of your dreams yet? I certainly feel a lot closer to your ideal right now... And I think you deserve a little reward for giving me all this Little Spoon. Today, I’m all you yours. I’ll do whatever you want, anything… though…” Her eyes get malicious. “If I may just make a suggestion, are we gonna stay in this crummy little forest? I feel like there could be much more interesting playgrounds to have some fun at. You know, places where other ponies could see us and get green with envy at your goddess of a date. I’m sure I could walk us to such a place in a minute…”
  1872. Something in your mind tells you that there’s gonna be issues if you don’t stay out of view from others. The discussion you had earlier about accidentally crushing ponies seems more relevant than ever, and you don’t think going back to the capital at that size can end well. Though, at this point you already unleashed to the world a mare who will easily be able to grow to nearly 50-feet-tall on her own every single day. There’s no coming bak from that, so wouldn’t you just be delaying the inevitable?
  1873. There are also towns other that the capital in the region. From the humblest hamlet to the busiest industrial towns. There are also isolated domains of nobles you could visit. You have no trouble believing that Fen Flower could easily walk the way to any of those places before nightfall.
  1874. Maybe a smaller settlement could be a good… training, to make sure she doesn’t do too much unintended damage.
  1876. But that’s if you listen to her suggestion of course. In all honesty, you’d already love to explore every inch of this titaness of a mare all by yourself for the rest of the day.
  1878. >What do?
  1880. A wild thought crosses your mind.
  1881. Already, staying inside Fen Flower’s mouth made her so large, so what if you pushed the trip further and went down her hatch… Would she grow even bigger? Would she clear the 100-foot mark and reach even greater heights still?
  1883. The thought is making you tingly all over…
  1885. Though, to be eaten by a sexy giantess, that sounds a little like something at the end of a bard’s bucket list. Sure, Fen Flower could certainly spit you out, but have a hunch you could PERMANENTLY LOSE SOMETHING down that path anyway.
  1886. But yet… if Fen Flower accepted to go so deeply into becoming a goddess, she’ll certainly gain access to untold growth power in return of your sacrifice…
  1888. Are you ready to go the end of this with that mare? At least a part of you, the one enraptured after seeing her grow so big, certainly wishes so. To recklessly throw yourself into unknown depths without protection, is it not what it means, to be a bard and an adventurer?
  1890. >What do?
  1892. “You’re right lady Fen Flower, we should bless some lucky mortals with your presence.” You answer. “But… let me fetch my map first. I’d rather see what kind of goddess you are in a place where there’s still room for you to walk, so let’s avoid the capital, at least for now...”
  1893. “As you wish, Little Spoon.” She nods, a tiny bit of disappointment in her voice. “Let me bring you down, first.”
  1895. Carefully, Fen Flower’s hoof transports you down the waterfall. She’s still lying down, and her mountain of a body rises even higher than the cliff around her buttocks. Them being mountain is no longer a mere image. The titanic mare also reshaped the pond by her mere presence. Most of the water is gone right now, splashed away by her sheer weight, and you see hoof-shaped craters all around. 15-feet wide and more than a foot deep, an uninformed mind would sooner believe this to be a crashing site of meteors than the doing of a pony’s steps.
  1896. “So, are you getting that map?” Fen Flower’s voice takes you out of your contemplation. She feigns impatience, but from her mischievous smirk you can tell she’s delighted by your admiration of her size.
  1897. “Uh, y-yes, of course!” You nod, and scurry toward your bag. It’s wet from some of the waves Fen Flower made, but the map inside is undamaged.
  1899. Let’s see… you’d rather visit a small and remote town with your titanic mare friend. You’re gonna get further away from the capital too if possible. You’d like to avoid making the headlines so suddenly, if that’s even possible.
  1900. Anyway, there’s a pony village further north that seems quite small. You see no large road anywhere close to it, so the ponies here must live fairly isolated from the rest of the world. This might be what you need.
  1902. “Alright! I know where we’re going.” You announce. “It’s a little far to the north. Well, it would have been far, for any mare other than you, lady Fen Flower.”
  1903. “Of course.” She smirks, and brings her head to ground level. “Then climb on Little Spoon, and make sure you’re somewhere you’re not gonna fall.”
  1905. You accept the mare’s invitation and start to climb on strands of her mane as sturdy as ropes. The giantess makes sure to keep a hoof under you while you climb the 15 feet to the top of her head. There, you find a spot around her ear that seems safe enough, with stable ground, much hair to grab on, and an access to the mare’s ear so you may easily talk to her.
  1906. “The north is to your right, lady Fen Flower.” You say. “Please try to be careful with the forest, alright?”
  1907. “I can try my best…” She chuckles. “But honestly, with how big you made me I don’t think I can completely avoid wrecking a little havoc.”
  1909. Fen Flower turns and starts to walk north. She goes relatively slowly, lifting her knees high, and placing her hooves were there seem to be enough space for them. Though, as she said, it’s impossible to avoid all damage at her size. Each of her steps leaves a crater in the soft soil. While she avoids knocking down trees with her legs, just displacing and compressing the ground like she does ends up making some of them fall even a minute after she left a print from her impossible weight. No matter how careful she is, Fen Flower can’t put her hoof down without a significant amount of dirt being then lifted up and away by her titanic step.
  1910. This doesn’t seem to bother the mare too much. From her smirk, the fact she’s still causing damage even while genuinely making her best not to is amusing to her.
  1912. You reach the edge of the forest about fifteen minutes later.
  1913. “Now we’re in the hills, there’s no risk of angering the tree ponies, right?” Fen Flower says. “Am I still heading in the right direction?”
  1914. “Yeah, this should be good.” You nod, and before you can continue, you feel a sudden acceleration as the 80-feet mare starts an earth-shaking gallop through the terrain.
  1916. You feel like you’re about to fall off with how fast you’re going. The landscape is zooming away around you, each valley being crossed in less that a minute. A huge cloud of dirt starts to form behind Fen Flower as she leaves a huge trail of ploughed ground in her wake. All that from a run that wouldn’t have been remarkable in any way from an average-sized mare.
  1918. “I…, uh, I believe we’re getting close!” You call in the mare’s ear. Her gallop slowed to a mere trot after a dozen minutes, but it still felt like you were riding a pegasus flying at top speed for the last half hour. “You should just pass the next valley and then follow the ridge of the next hill to your left.”
  1919. “Hmm?” Fen Flower marks a pause here. “Hold on… yep, I can see it already.”
  1921. Her huge hoof points to the north west, and indeed you distinguish the bellower of a church detaching itself from the shape of the hills.
  1922. After a few more minutes of Fen Flower walking, you reach the settlement.
  1924. The tower you saw indeed belonged to a church which rests at the top of a hill and in the centre of the village. There’s about a stone dozen houses surrounding it, and also a bigger workshop of some sort a little bellow. There are many little vegetable gardens around separated but cute wooden fences, but most importantly the hillside is covered with vine. A shame it’s still spring, and there’s no fruit for now.
  1925. The town otherwise looks clean and pretty. The walls of houses are grey when they’re not covered in vigorous ivy or blooming wisteria, and the roofs and stone paths linking the buildings together are made of some shiny pinkish slate. This little town looks really pretty from above. Even while she stands at the bottom of the valley, the top of the belltower would only come up high enough to tickle Fen Flower’s snout.
  1926. Also, you don’t see any sign of ponies being around.
  1928. “Huh. Nopony’s home?” Fen Flower thinks out loud, sounding disappointed.
  1929. “I believe you might be scaring them, lady Fen Flower.” You speak in her ear. “The place looks well-maintained, so my guess is that they’re all hiding right now.”
  1930. “I see.” She nods, before taking a big breath in.
  1932. “Greeting Little ones.” Fen Flower speaks up, her voice without a doubt heard by any pony in a mile around. “Do not be afraid. We merely have come to visit this pretty village of yours. We’ll be gone before tomorrow. I’d be happy to meet the inhabitant of this place.”
  1933. Despite the mare’s invitation, nopony still dares to show up.
  1935. >A: Get to ground level and check the houses from a little pony’s view.
  1936. >B: Flirt with Fen Flower a little. The place looks nice anyway, so there’s no reason to not enjoy yourself, even if the locals can’t handle you.
  1937. >C: Advise Fen Flower to show some benevolence. Surely, they have issues a mare of her magnitude could solve in a matter of seconds.
  1938. >D: Wisper to Fen Flower that these are very rude ponies, denying her after she went all this way to greet them. She should make sure they will not offend her more.
  1940. “I should go investigate from a closer point of view.” You offer. “There’s a chance something might have happened and they all vanished for a reason other than our presence. Would you mind letting me down lady Fen Flower?”
  1941. “Of course.” She presents a giant hoof for you to stand on. “Be careful, though. Please stay where I can see you Little Spoon.”
  1943. You’re easily transported in the centre of the village. There’s still not a sound around for now…
  1944. Since it’s the closer to you, you decide to investigate the church. The tall wooden doors aren’t locked so you can push them open. The benches are all empty in the nave in front of you, but again everything’s so clean you don’t believe this place is unoccupied. In fact, there are a few candles that are still lit in here.
  1946. “Hello? Is anypony here?” You call out, but get no answer.
  1947. Fen Flower probably heard you, and her head descends on the village plaza as she tries to get a peek of the inside of the church. You distinctively hear a yelp of panic coming from behind the altar as the massive shadow of the mare obscures the stained-glass windows.
  1949. “Ahem… I heard you...” You utter since there was a silence after that again. “We mean no harm, I promise. I and my friend just came to visit. There’s no reason to hide.”
  1950. After few seconds, you see the head of a middle-aged pony peek from behind the altar. Ever from where you stand, you can tell he’s absolutely terrified.
  1951. “I-Is this the end of times?” He stammers. “Why is a titan walking the mortal realm again? Are you the herald of a new order? What’s happening!?”
  1953. >What do?
  1955. “Wait, again?” You jump at the word. It there some secret big mare history you’re not aware of? “What do you mean ‘again’?”
  1956. “I-I don’t know! What’s happening?” The stallion blurts. “Has an ancient evil been awakened? Has the time of equinity in this world come to an end? P-please don’t hurt me…”
  1958. You sigh. Looks like this one was only babbling nonsense.
  1959. “Please come out, we are but ponies.” You say as you calmly walk inside the church. “My friend outside just grew this big recently… and she might grow bigger still eventually.”
  1960. “B-bigger still!?” The stallion gasps.
  1961. “Ah, yes, but not right now. Probably… Anyway, would you accept to come out? We just wish to chat a little. Just because she’s the size of giants doesn’t mean my friend won’t understand you.”
  1962. You’ve come to see being the altar by now, and count about a dozen ponies hurdled in here. Stallions and mares, all adults.
  1964. “Her name’s Fen Flower.” You continue. “She’s a very sweet pony. Come on, why don’t you go out and say hello…”
  1965. Outside, Fen Flower moves, and the shadow of a massive hoof grabbing the whole building is seen through the glass. The ground quakes slightly, the bell up here resonating slightly in response.”
  1966. “…she might tear of the roof off if you don’t…”
  1968. That argument convinces the ponies in here to move out, though they don’t look one bit reassured. Seeing them come to meet her, Fen Flower makes herself comfortable, lounging on her belly across the hill. Her head rests on her front hooves while it’s at the level of the top of the hill where the church is.
  1970. “Hello again little ones!” The mare chimes at the anxious group, now standing together in the open with nothing between them and the 80-feet giantess. “See? There’s nothing to fear from me, even after you’ve been so rude. Really, what got into you? Is running away and hiding the proper way to greet a visitor in these parts, Hmm?”
  1972. The ponies cannot muster a response, instead hurdling together and shaking in terror.
  1974. >A: Whisper to the ponies that this is the part where they grovel down and humbly ask for an apology.
  1975. >B: Ask Fen Flower to show them some mercy. Little ponies like those did not expect to meet a goddess today.
  1976. >C: Change the subject. Why don’t these folks show you around their village and tell you how they live? This should help everypony calm down.
  1977. >D: Again, there’s no need to be afraid. Ask Fen Flower to give you a kiss to prove it.
  1979. “Lady Fen Flower, we should give these villagers a break.” You plead. “Surely they didn’t expect to meet a mare of godly proportions such as yourself today.”
  1980. “Mmh? I would have liked them to show more enthusiasm about receiving such a blessing. But…” she sighs. “I suppose I have to be the bigger mare. Alright, I forgive your cowardice, little ones.”
  1981. “Come on my lady, that’s not a very reassuring thing to say. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re doing this on purpose.”
  1982. “Oh? Really?” She smirks. “I have no idea what you’re talking about Little Spoon…”
  1983. “Would you mind giving me a little kiss, then?” You ask. “Just to prove them you’re still a mare despite your formidable height.”
  1985. Fen Flower smiles in reaction, and you hear a few yelps from the villagers behind you as the massive shadow of Fen Flower’s face descends on the village. But no destruction comes, and instead your face meets the wall of her plush lips. Your companion still makes sure to produce a loud smooching sound through this.
  1986. The villagers are left mesmerized by this unexpected show of affection, and you see many of them look away embarrassedly as Fen Flower gives them a titanic wink while her face backs away from you.
  1988. “As I told you before, we’re visiting.” You turn to the flustered bunch. “Would you mind showing us around this pretty little village of yours?”
  1989. “Hum… A-alright.” The stallion you first saw nods. “Please follow me. I mean, you follow me.” He then looks to the giant mare looming over. “I suppose you can, ahem… look over.”
  1991. The folks start to walk you around the place. It appears they’re a small religious community, seeking spiritual peace through work of the earth and prayer. They’re producing fruits and vegetables for themselves, and they get money to buy what they don’t make from selling the wine they produce. They also tell you they donate all the extra money they make to charity.
  1992. This is what the large building down the hill is for actually, it’s a facility full of barrels of aging liquor.
  1994. “Here, you can have a taste.” One of the ponies produces a cup, and fills it from a tap on a barrel waiting on a cart outside. This little visit did allow everypony to get a little more at ease.
  1995. “Why, thank you!” You say, and indeed the taste of the deep purple wine is very pleasant, fruity and earthy, just bitter enough yet without a trace of sourness.
  1997. “Don’t mind if I help myself!” You hear the voice of Fen Flower over you, and before you can react, the barrel you got a cup from is lifted in the air. Fen Flower effortlessly bites off a corner of the wooden container, and after spitting far away the broken planks from her mouth she slurps down the 100-litter barrel in a few seconds.
  1998. “My! This is quality indeed!” Fen Flower tells her shocked audience. “This tastes even better than the bottle we had in the capital, right Little Spoon?”
  2000. >A: Discreetly tell the locals you’ll pay for that.
  2001. >B: Continue as if nothing happened. These ponies did offer a sample to you.
  2002. >C: Change the subject. Would the local mares be interested in getting bigger? This could also lead to ponies getting in the mood for something more fun.
  2003. >D: Call out Fen Flower. She might have just engulfed hundreds of gold worth of product here! Tell her she should apologize.
  2005. “W-well! Isn’t this brew a real treat!” You exclaim toward the villagers while forcing a smile on your face. While they don’t look like they’re gonna get angry, it’s likely they didn’t expect to have your big mare friend chug in a whole barrel at once. “This is truly an amazing product you offer to the world so I wish I could help you with it. Say, working the earth like you do, I’m convinced some of you folks could use a boost from my magic. If you wish, I could work my music on you, and grow you bigger just like I did for lady Fen Flower!”
  2006. “Wait, you can grow ponies?” One of the stallions says, while many eyes go wide among the local folks. “Any pony? As big as her?”
  2008. “Well, THAT big takes a lot of time and dedication. Weeks, if not months. And I can only grow mares actually.” You correct yourself. “But if some of you are still interested, I can double their height temporarily for a start.”
  2010. There’s a feeling of unease going through the village ponies. They seem cautious, but you can feel that some among the group of about twenty ponies here are at least curious.
  2011. “You say it’s just a temporary spell, right?” A rather young earth mare steps forth. She’s wearing a plain brown tunic, and like most ponies here she’s stocky but well-built from her healthy life as a farmpony. “Alright, I guess I’ll try.”
  2013. You feel a few disapproving glares fall on the mare from her companions, but already your music is at work, and seconds later the mare gasps as she goes from four to eight feet of height. The others reflexively take a step back from the mare which they only come up the chest now, amazement on their face.
  2014. “Woah! Haha…!” The mare smirks as she looks around herself, towering over the rest of the villagers. “Being big feels alright I must admit!”
  2015. “I’d call that being less tiny.” Fen Flower comments with a smirk. “But it’s already a vast improvement. And I’m not just talking about the height here. I really like the other stuff Little Spoon’s magic does to a mare body, don’t you?”
  2017. The grown villager doesn’t seem to understand immediately, but a second later she notices that her already meaty behind became wider and lusciously bubbly. The other villagers do notice too, and find themselves adverting their eyes in shame as their companion notices their looks.
  2019. “S-so you’re sure this is temporary?” The mare asks.
  2020. “It’ll last for as long as you’re close enough to hear me.” You reply.
  2021. “Why do you say it like it is an issue?” Fen Flower comments with a pout. “You should be happy! With such a body, you’re gonna be the envy of all mares and the wet-dream of all stallions that may cross your pass. Wait, you’re not of those boring, no-fun, abstinent cult, are you?”
  2022. “We’re not, but we do not condone debauchery either!” One of the oldest stallion retorts to an unphased Fen Flower.
  2024. “Mmh… I see.” The titanic mare nods, before turning to the village mare you grew. “Well, why did you want to get bigger, then? To make your work easier in the fields, right?”
  2025. “Y-yeah!” The mare nods. “I mean, less to make it easier than to do more work…!”
  2026. “How quaint…” Fen Flower smirks. “But how about you take this body for a test ride, then? Don’t you all have work to do right now? I do believe the extra size is gonna compensate the time our visit took from your schedule.”
  2028. Indeed, the villagers planned to till one of their fields today, and Fen Flower seems interested in watching them do so. After a few adjustments, Tendril, the mare you first grew, now has tools matching her size. It takes only a few minutes for everypony to realise the bigger mare is much quicker and more efficient than anypony else on her tasks. You soon have to grow the rest of the local mares so they have a chance to compete. With that, the job of the day will be done in a fraction of the time. So much that the stallions of the hamlet decide to take a break while the mares make it a race among themselves to see who will have finished tilling their lane first.
  2030. While the race of the working and sweating big-bootyed mares is a pleasant show already, something else catches the attention of the colts presents.
  2031. Fen Flower watches from the other side of the field in the valley. Lounging on her side, both the mountainous width of her hips and the bountiful girth of the boulders she has for teats is on full display. There’s an air of awkwardness among the stallions present, Fen Flower makes sure of that. She wiggles on her flanks and thrusts her hips forward at times in a manner no red-blooded pony can ignore.
  2033. Still, the mares are having fun with their competition, and the stallions decide not to let themselves get distracted and cheerfully encourage their folks without calling out the giant seductress embedded in the landscape.
  2034. When the work is done, you all share a snack it the form of seasonal fruits and plenty of fresh water. Everypony feel giddy, and generally flustered, but very pleased with their activity of the day.
  2036. You believe the mares and stallions of this place are as ripe as they can get for lustier offers, or for the mare to consider further or more permanent growth.
  2038. From Fen Flower’s pleased smile, you believe she’s gonna make a move even if you don’t.
  2040. >What do?
  2042. “See? There was no reason to be afraid in the end.” You speak up among the group. “I understand that lady Fen Flower may look a little intimidating, but I believe we’re all glad about how this day turned out.”
  2043. “Yeah, this was fun!” Tendril nods. She’s still 8-feet tall for now. “You have some unusual specialty, adventurer. I didn’t know bards could specialize in such magic.”
  2044. “Well, my talents certainly put me among the odd ones, but it’s all the more fun. You’re not complaining about today’s experience, are you?” And as Tendril shakes her head. “So, what would you say about going bigger still?”
  2045. “Bigger you say? Uh…” Tendril blushes as she looks up at Fen Flower. The giant mare notices, and smirks in return. “You said you couldn’t do as large as your friend, so how big are we talking?”
  2047. “Double what you’re now.” You readily reply. “But I should probably confess at this point that my magic taps into rather… lusty energies.”
  2048. It’s mostly the mares around that were listening until now, but you do get a couple frowns from the village stallions to from this point on. Everypony sems a bit cautious again, but at least for the mares their curiosity has them listen to you.
  2049. “I see.” Tendril nods. “I guess the… more developed glutes that came with your spell weren’t only for utilitarian purposes. Hehe…”
  2051. “Please.” Fen Flower’s voice echoes above. “You could have reached that conclusion by just looking at me. And looking at me you all did! You don’t need to pretend to be surprised.”
  2052. “And it’s not like this fact prevented anypony to genuinely enjoy themselves earlier.” You add, while the other stallions vainly attempt to avoid watching the sexy giantess nearby. “If you’re not feeling comfortable, I won’t press anypony into anything, but if you want to experiment further…”
  2054. Speaking of which, you’re not sure if you should offer to draw cards for the mares of this village. A bit more growth without any lewdness involved could certainly ease the ponies here further into the idea. However, you probably won’t be able to see these mares in the future so recovering your investment might not be possible. There are also some wild cards in your deck. You don’t think anypony’s gonna be happy if you draw, let’s say, The Devil for any of those mares.
  2055. Still, travelling around and growing mares wherever you go sound like something you could start accomplishing right here and now. Do you really want to act so conservatively with such a pleasurable power at your disposal?
  2057. >What do?
  2058. >Draw cards from some of these mares if they agree?
  2060. Well… you’re gonna try to conserve your resources for the time being at least…
  2062. “If we want to experiment further…” You continue telling the village mares. “It’s gonna have to involve getting a little naughty.”
  2063. “Oh, uhm…” Tendril blushes further, and the other mares too seem to get a little more awkward. “I see. I didn’t exactly expect that.”
  2064. “Was that your plan from the beginning?” The grumpy stallion from before speaks up again. “Say it! You came to our village to bring depravity!”
  2065. “If that’s how you want to call it, you’re damn right that’s why we came here for!” Fen Flower states, and there she sits in a way her teats slam the ground a mere dozen feet away from you all. On full display, the two orbs nearly twice as high as the houses nearby.
  2066. “THIS. Is what we bring to you.” She continues. “It is indeed the power of lust that gave me this godly body which you’ve been feasting your eyes on. And I’m not complaining here. Why would I? You folks seems nice, and your place is pretty, so now all you have to do is to accept to play with us. Come on, I mean no harm to you. I think you’re all adorable! Even you, little grump. It’s just so cute when a tiny pony like acts all big. I just can’t wait shut your trap with a mouthful of my teat.”
  2067. For emphasis, Fen Flower cups her tits with her hooves, producing an enticing wobble as the two masses are released on the ground again.
  2068. “You heard it. Today and just today, you all have a chance to get a piece of this. To have fun with a mare better and sexier than even your wildest dreams. Now, if you’re dumb enough to let this chance pass, I won’t prevent you to leave. Cowards can go back to their houses and miss all the fun. But you better believe that even if you leave me and Little Spoon alone, we’ll make sure our games will keep you awake All. Night. Long. So what will it be? Hide and masturbate alone it your little shacks? Or will you dare to actually take part in the fun?”
  2070. At first, the ponies seem frozen by Fen Flower’s proposal, probably from understandably mixed feeling. On one hoof, the biggest pair of teats they’ve ever seen and an enticing invitation. On the other, slamming them on the ground shook even the houses on their foundations. These ponies understand all too well that as much as being buried under mountains of milky tit flesh is a good way to die, it still is a way to die nonetheless.
  2072. After a while, the sanctimonious stallion seems to take the inaction of his companions for a refusal of Fen Flower’s invitation. But just as he allows himself a victorious smirk, a younger pony trots past him toward the massive Fen Flower.
  2073. “Miss Flower, ehm…” The stallion stutters as he cranes his neck up with a big smile on his face. “You’re, uhm, very beautiful! I’d love to spend more time with you!”
  2075. And following the first one, all the other stallions flock toward the giantess, only the one from earlier left behind in confusion.
  2077. “Good boys…” Fen Flower purrs at her new playthings. “I’ll help you figure out how to please a lady of my stature. Don’t worry, I guarantee you too will enjoy this process. And then, you’re gonna see your mare friends like never before.” Her gaze points to you. “Right Little Spoon? How about you take care of the mares of this place. Then they can get a glimpse of what being in my position feels like. Now, about you…”
  2078. Fen Flower goes back to her eager cohort of little stallions. Gently asking their names, and then thinking out loud about where on her immense body they’ll end up.
  2080. “So, uhm…” You hear Tendril next to you, taking you out from watching the antics of your giantess friend. The village mare looks more than a bit flustered, and slowly wiggles her ample flanks as she speaks. “Y-you said you could still make us twice as big, right?”
  2081. Looks like you’re got eleven 8-feet mares to play with right now. Fen Flower’s show didn’t only turn on the stallions, so while they seem a little shy from the unusual situation, the group of mares definitely craves some fun and some growth from you. You’re in a position where you could easily take the lead here.
  2083. >What do?
  2085. You arrived in this little isolated village on a hill just a few hours ago, and now already you’re setting up an orgy with all the in habitants. Fen Flower’s curves and flirt, made impossible to ignore on her 80-feet-plus body, eventually went through the timidity and chastity of the ponies of this place. Your inspiration on the mares of this place probably helped too…
  2086. Anyway, Fen Flower got the stallions to rush to her, ready to obey her every command, while the mares of the village surround you. Using your magic to make them double their usual size and thickening their thighs was a start they appreciated, and now the eleven mares are longing to tower even higher above their colts.
  2088. And it is your job to do give them the size they desire. Still, you should be gentle with these country mares. It’s their first party of this kind after all. You start with some small talk, asking their name and re-introducing yourself to put them at ease.
  2089. Then, gently, you overcome what remained of these mares’ timidity, starting with Tendril. You first service her with your mouth under the envious eyes of her fellow village mares. By the time you’re going in her, the rest of the mare couldn’t resist asking for a piece of you. Still, Tendril was now bigger than the rest of the 8’ mares, and could easily push them away while you plowed her bigger and bigger.
  2091. Frustrated, the other mares threw away the last of their chastity, and started kissing you and each other, giving you a faceful of mare pussy while you were already working on growing Tendril. It’s only when Tendril reached 16-feet-tall that she allowed you to be plucked away from her love cave, which you were getting pretty deep into at this point. Two other mares disputed your favours after that, each sucking you off as fast as they could to grow big enough to attempt to prevail over the other.
  2093. Still, they eventually managed to each get enough shots out of you to both grow to be 16-feet tall too. At this point, the rest of the mares were just doing it with each other. Tendril’s comparatively massive tongue has been sending her smaller friends to cloud nine, and another couple of them seemed dedicated to pleasure the bigger mare with their hooves and mouth. Some village stallions also came back to see what you were up to, looking absolutely enraptured by how you grew the village mares.
  2094. Meanwhile, Fen Flower had one of the stallions dive completely inside her, with a couple more to make sure he could be pulled out if necessary.
  2095. Night has fallen now, and this party is pretty much guaranteed to go on with similar debaucheries until morning.
  2097. Now, if you go all the way with another of those mares, you’re gonna cross a goal on your list, which means these ponies you will likely never see again will benefit from it. Is that alright with you?
  2099. Oh, what are you even thinking here? Of course you’d like for your friends to grow the most, but not to the point you’d prevent other mares to grow! To hell with such moderation, you shall leave monumental mares as a proof of your passage in this village!
  2101. Forgetting about these fleeting doubts, you reach another village mare that didn’t get her full growth yet, and find yourself welcome to hump her while anchoring yourself on her hips. Again you get to grow this one bigger and bigger at the melody of her moans and coos until she too reaches such a height she may see over the rooftops of this place.
  2103. >CLEARED: Simultaneously give the maximum size bonus from Gift of the Bard to at least 5 mares
  2104. >Those mares now also grow from your Gift of the Bard ability when they climax, even if you are not involved in the intercourse or close to them.
  2105. >The first mare each day that you grow to the maximum size from Gift of the Bard has a 1/3 chance to permanently grow an additional 2 feet of height. This cannot happen more than once for the same mare.
  2106. >NEW ON YOUR LIST: Give the maximum size bonus from Gift of the Bard for 10 consecutive days to a mare. Do so for 5 different mares.
  2107. >NEW ON YOUR LIST: Have an (at least)8-some with at least 1 mare of each pony race (earth, pegasus, unicorn, dwarf, orc, halfling, elf) each over 20’ tall.
  2109. Indeed, the mares of this place will have something to remember from you. But what really interests you right now is to thrust deeper into Lawn Daisy. The mare’s coos of pleasure are just such a delight to your ears, you can’t help but to push harder and fit a hoof inside her to hear how loud of a moan she might scream.
  2110. As expected, this debauchery continues well into the night. All stallions end up coated from head to hoof in a mix of juices from various mares. Needless to say, you ended up making all the local mares 16 feet tall. You think it’s around midnight that everypony starts to tire out, and that the fucking turns back into mere cuddling between the mares and stallions.
  2112. “Well, what a splendid evening this was!” Fen Flower declares, standing up on her hooves. “But now, my dear little toys, I’m afraid I and Little Spoon must return to our own tidings. I hope you all liked today as much as I did.”
  2113. “Fen Flower?” You yawn. “You… you don’t want to spend the night here?”
  2114. “Eh, no thank you.” She shakes her head. “I’d still like to make the trip back to the forest while I’m at this size. The night is clear enough I can still follow my… trail back to where we came from. Plus…” Even in the dark, you see her titanic smirk widen. “I really want our friends to see how big you made me today, Little Spoon.”
  2116. Indeed, you remember it took you an hour to come here on Fen Flower, galloping, while being over 80-feet tall. This is a size she reached partially thanks to luck, and you might not be able to replicate it completely tomorrow.
  2117. Unless you have objections, it sounds like you’ll be leaving this humble settlement, leaving giant mares and sexually satisfied ponies in your wake.
  2119. >What do?
  2120. >Anything you want to do before leaving the village?
  2121. >Anything you’d like to discuss with Fen Flower on the trip back?
  2123. Before you leave, you tell Tendril and the three other mares that gained the power to grow from their own orgasms. They’re a bit surprised, but do not completely freak out.
  2124. “I… didn’t quite expect that.” Tendril comments, looking a bit flustered about the fact she shall grow bigger upon each of her intercourse. “It’s gonna be a little embarrassing if… ahem, I ever find a partner.”
  2125. “Nonsense, lady Tendril.” You shake your head. “I’m convinced that whoever is lucky enough to earn the right to spend some quality time with you will be ecstatic about such a discovery. I mean, surely what happened tonight is proof enough of this.”
  2126. “Haha…” The mare blushes. Now that the calm has returned, it seems to feel a bit surreal to her that the whole village turned into one big fuckfest for a night. “I-I guess you’re right Little Spoon.”
  2128. With that, it’s time you and Fen Flower said goodbye. Fen Flower offers one last kiss to the stallions of this place, as in, a single kiss on the ten of them at once. In the end, the village ponies even tell you that you’re welcome to come back any time you desire.
  2129. Fen Flower offers you a hoof to lift you up, and then safely places you in her mane and next to her ear where you’ll remain warm for the trip. Then, the giantess starts strolling away from the village and into the night.
  2131. “These ponies were quite nice.” You say. “I’m glad we travelled here.”
  2132. “Yeah, at first I was a bit sceptical about finding anything interesting in the wild, but these folks were fun to play with… once we helped them loosen up of course.”
  2133. “Heh, you might be right about that lady Fen Flower.” You smirk to yourself. “But that got me wondering, wouldn’t you want to set up a workshop in a place like this? I’m sure these villagers would gladly have lent their little hooves to work for you. Plus, there’s a lot of room to grow around here.”
  2134. “Mmmh…” Fen Flower ponders, but you then feel her lightly shakes her head. “Nah, I’m not really feeling like it. Seeing the same few dozen ponies gawk at me every day would get old quite fast. No, I want thousands, I want the whole capital to admire me! So that’s where I’ll be going. You’ll find me there one you’re done watching over Pear Plum and Night Sprout.”
  2135. “I see.” You reply. It sounds like Fen Flower took her decision. Though, you wonder whether she’ll actually find a suitable place. She might not be able to afford a workshop big enough for her growing self.
  2136. You guess you’ll have to wait to find out. You did plan to remain with Pear Plum and Night Sprout while they learn some magic from the ents that you helped during your last quest.
  2138. “Also… there’s another matter I’d like to talk with you, lady Fen Flower.” You start. “Say, would you ever consider swallowing another pony alive?”
  2139. “Sallowing…?” The mare misses a step, but then continues on. “What’s with that all of a sudden, Little Spoon?” Her voice get teasy “Did our experiment of this afternoon leave you scared I might go all the way? Or are you giving me your last will and telling me how you want to die?”
  2140. “Ah! No, I’m not talking about me!” Even though, if you were to choose your death, being eaten by a big sexy mare would be pretty high up in your picks. “Actually, this might another way for my power to manifest. I’m not exactly sure in what manner, but a mare who would eat another pony would probably grow bigger.”
  2141. “Aaaah…” You hear delight in her voice. “So you want me to eat somepony so I can grow even bigger…”
  2142. “B-but of course, such a pony would have to be vile and beyond all redemption!” You add. “I must admit, as much as I’m tempted to experiment, I don’t think I or our companions would feel comfortable if you started eating random ponies left and right.”
  2143. “Then… would that forest crone be evil enough for you?” Fen Flower calmly offers.
  2144. “Wait… you…”
  2145. “Frankly, I thought about crushing that hag at some point. She’s alone, she’s obviously evil and she tried to hurt you. Besides, I don’t think the ents appreciate her much. Looks more to me like they merely tolerated her, and won’t mind it if she disappeared. So, should I eat her? I’ll make sure to pick a time when there’s no witness… unless you want to see it of course.”
  2147. >What do?
  2149. “I… I’m not sure you should do it.” You admit. “I didn’t expect you to be so quickly on board with this.”
  2150. “Oh?” You hear her chuckle. “Really, you didn’t see it coming? I just grew so huge after I let you in my mouth once, and now you’re surprised when I’m on board with the next step?”
  2151. “Actually, it’s more about the… ahem… moral implications of it that I’m a bit taken aback. Of course I believe there are terrible ponies in this world, and that them becoming a meal for a beautiful mare is the only redemption they can hope for. But… sure, it was rough when we met this forest witch, but then we kinda made peace with her. And I don’t know how Pear Plum or Night Sprout would react if… well, if you ate her.”
  2153. “Aw, you don’t want to show pure little Night Sprout what can happen to really bad ponies?” Fen Flower says. “You know, one day, you might grow her enough she’ll be the one crushing or eating ponies to protect you. But anyway, if you’re feeling bad about it, I can allow our friends to keep thinking they’re pure little cinnamon rolls for a bit longer.”
  2154. “Mmmh…” You keep pondering out loud. “But on the other hoof, I can’t help but think you’re a bit right about that which being alone… and a good occasion for this. Beyond our party, there won’t be anypony who’ll know if we do away with her. Plus, we’d be able to take that pelt and that grimoire of hers…”
  2155. “Hahaha!” This time Fen Flower laughs out loud. “I was thinking about it, but I reckoned you’d feel offended if brought up looting her stuff as a good argument to eat that witch!”
  2157. “But… yeah, no. You’re right actually!” You shake your head, trying to dispel the greedy thoughts. “Their riches shouldn’t be a valid reason to eat somepony! You know what? If we found that pony who sold you that devil book… then I’d have no problem if you gulped them down right away, even if they’re still a pony after all this meddling with devils! But that forest mare, well, we know too little about her to understand her reasons. Perhaps she was mistreated in the past, and that’s why she’s so aggressive now? I’d rather make a difference between evil and irredeemable evil.”
  2158. “Mmmh…” Fen Flower ponders. “I’ll be honest, Little Spoon. I think this old hag is evil enough to deserve a spot under my tooth or hoof. But you know what? I won’t touch her for the sake of Pear Plum and Night Sprout. I can imagine they won’t like it, and I don’t wanna have the kind of talk that would inevitably follow if I killed that old witch.”
  2159. The giant mare you’re riding chuckles.
  2160. “But now that you told me this Little Spoon, I think I’m gonna be looking for opportunities. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure our friends do not learn about it. But I’ll try to keep a front row seat ready just for you, if the chance comes.”
  2162. You eventually return to the forest of the ents. You’re able to navigate through it without toppling any tree as you go through the path the ents cleared in their frenzy. It is large enough for Fen Flower to use without further destruction. As you get close to the tree-ponies’ grove, down below you notice some ponies coming to meet you.
  2164. “Goodness, Fen Flower!?” Pear Plum exclaims in shock. “I… I see you and Little Spoon, ehm… really enjoyed yourselves!”
  2165. “My, is it that obvious?” Fen Flower smiles to herself. “Anyway, sorry about waking up you lot. I guess I can’t make any less noise than this, can I? Now, I’m quite tired too, so I’m gonna try to find a spot to sleep where I won’t do too much damage.”
  2166. “S-sure.” Pear Plum replies.
  2168. With that, Fen Flower finds a space that’s large enough to accommodate her giant body and just lies down on the ground. She’s tired enough this will do as a resting spot.
  2169. She keeps you against her, and you see no reason to refuse sleeping with a mare so big and beautiful. Before you forget, you inform Fen Flower that now she has another option to grow on her own after today. She takes note of it with a satisfied smile.
  2170. “You really spoiled me today, Little Spoon.” She comments, and gently offers her titanic lips for you to kiss. And after you do. “I’m looking forward to our next date.”
  2172. You wake up the next day still against Fen Flower’s head and front legs. She shrunk quite a lot, but she’s still at a towering 23-feet tall and a half, and her head alone could pin down your whole body. The giantess is still asleep for now.
  2173. Today, Fen Flower and Silver Willow will return to the capital while you planned to remain here with Pear Plum and Night Sprout who wish to learn from the ents. This shall last a number of days, but you don’t know how many exactly. This might be your last chance to change your mind or otherwise to talk with these two mares for a while. Fen Flower plans to start setting up a business while Silver insists on bringing the guild of foresters to justice for their actions in this forest.
  2175. >What do?
  2177. After waking Fen Flower up, you join everypony to take your breakfast. You then go to the grove so Fen Flower may receive the alchemic ingredients she asked. Silver Willow is also offered a glowing orb of amber mounted in an earring made of vine. According to the ents, that will protect her from diseases and poisons. Soon after you’re done, Fen Flower and Silver Willow prepare themselves to leave. But before that…
  2179. “Lady Silver Willow! There’s something I’d like to know out of curiosity. Do you remember the time we were both investigating the disappearance of lady Ebony Vine? Before we realized we were on the same case I mean.”
  2180. “Well, yes.” The noble mare nods. “What do you want to know?”
  2181. “At some point I saw you, without recognizing you, prowling around the Sweet Grape club. You were wearing a long coat over yourself, and I do believe you were carrying something heavy under it. May, I ask what was in this package?”
  2182. “Something heavy…” Silver ponders, looking puzzled for a few seconds. But then, suddenly her eyes go wide and she lets out a clear laugh.
  2184. In front of you, the 8’9’’ mare sits down, and gently squeezes her thighs together which pushes up her imposing bosom. With a smile, the caresses the expanses of white coat encased in her sturdy bra.
  2185. “Little Spoon, dear.” She looks at you amusedly. “I believe you simply saw me carrying my usual burdens, don’t you think?”
  2186. “Oh! Uh…” Thinking back about it… Yes, whatever was under that coat waddled to the sides along the bearer’s steps. It was teats! So that why it caught your eye so much!
  2187. “Silly me!” You exclaim. “I’ll try to remember that. Should I be looking for you, I’ll ask for the mare who carries the heaviest loads under her.”
  2189. “Sounds to me like you’ll be missing these.” Silver says. “Come on, give them a hug.”
  2190. You’re not gonna refuse such an invitation, but with Silver’s new size, her warm mountains are too big for you to hug properly. As you try, you soon find yourself lacking enough grip on your hooves, and instead have you head and body sink into the mare’s cleavage.
  2191. “Or…” She chuckles, and gently rubs you back. “Let them give you a hug. That is going to become the norm since I permanently grew this big, right? Anyway, take care of yourself Little Spoon. I look forward to hear about you when your return with Pear Plum and Night Sprout.”
  2192. “Mmyeah!” You extract you head from her soft abyss. “Let’s meet again, lady Silver Willow.”
  2194. After that, you turn toward the biggest mare present.
  2195. “I look forward to see you again too, lady Fen Flower.” You tell the giantess. “And you know, even if you don’t pick a countryside abode for your workshop, I’d still advise you chose somewhere in the outskirts of the capital. You know, so you have some spare room to grow.”
  2196. “Hmm?” Fen Flower smirks. “It’s starting to sound like you have some plans to make me reach even greater heights, Little Spoon. Should I expect to grow soon?”
  2197. “Well… not immediately so from me, but it’s still a goal of mine to make you bigger. In time, you better believe you’ll outgrow whatever place you choose, no matter its size.”
  2198. “Glad to hear we’re still on the same page.” Then Fen Flower smooches your face with her velvety lips. Their controlled, warm pressure leaves you all smiles, and a bit tingly all over. “I’ll make sure I have a running business to show you when you come to the capital.”
  2200. Fen Flower and Silver Willow leave soon after. The alchemist mare made use of your gift to grow herself, and since it also dispelled the side effect that shrunk her in half, she was now over 50-feet-tall for the trip. Graciously, she allows the much smaller Silver Willow to travel on her.
  2202. After that, you return to the grove of the ents so Pear Plum and Night Sprout might commence their lessons. Pinelock will be their teacher, as the other ents are less comfortable interacting with ponies.
  2204. “I shall teach Pear Plum in the day and Night Spout in the night.” Pinelock declares, looking at both mares. “Your powers are vastly different in nature, and tap from different domains of the mind.” And then to the nearly 10-feet-tall earth mare. “Druid Pear Plum. Today I will assess what you already know.”
  2205. “Uhm.” Pear Plum nods resolutely.
  2206. “May I be of any use?” You speak up, siting at the edge of the grove of the ents. “As my songs increase a mare’s size, they also increase her power. Surely that’ll make things easier, right?”
  2207. “Mmh… Your offer is appreciated, bard.” Pinelock nods. “But I’ll ask you to stop at times. As some points, your friends might need to focus on the incredibly small or seize the infinitely fickle. A great power will not help them in such cases.”
  2208. “I’ll do as you say.” You nod back. “Consider me at your service.”
  2210. Your inspiration will do for now. And with a bit more constitution, your friends will be able to sit more comfortably through this class. You have other means to grow mares for the day, but today’s lesson is probably not a good time from what you just heard.
  2212. Pinelock and Pear Plum start their first lesson. For this day, Pinelock first asks many questions to Pear Plum and how much she knows about her magic and nature in general. The topics are varied, and the answers quickly escape the scope of your own knowledge, like the energies at play in the change or seasons or the differences in the soul between an herb and a mushroom. The questions even turn into debates at times, as Pear Plum and Pinelock express different point of views on matters of the wild. While the ent mare seem to have vaster knowledge that the young big mare, Pear Plum still defends her arguments with confidence while accepting the other’s point of view. In fact, it’s a bit of a surprise, but a pleasant one, to see her talk so confidently on a subject.
  2213. Then, things get a little more practical, as Pinelock asks Pear Plum to showcase her spells proper. As she does so, the ent mare puts her powers to the test both in strength and precision. Among other things, she summons roots from the ground and constricts the druid mare’s armour of bark nearly to the breaking point, she asks Pear Plum to grow a single strand of lily of the valley from a seed, and then have its flowers bloom one by one. She also asks her to identify every single living organism in and on an elder tree by merely touching its trunk, down to each individual ant or lichen. These challenges leave Pear Plum tired at the end of them, but Pinelock looks anything but displeased by her performance.
  2215. “Druid Pear Plum.” Pinelock concludes after the challenges. “You already have a potent mastery of your magic, and your connexion with nature is both sincere and strong. What more do you wish to achieve?”
  2216. “Well, recently, I’ve had access to… more raw strength than I used too, and I wonder how best to use it. I still wish to defend the harmony of this world and mends its ills, but I’m not sure if I’m doing it the right way.”
  2217. “Interesting.” The ent mare answers, and her eyes turn to you for a second before coming back to your friend. “Very well, druid Pear Plum. I will do my best to direct you to the path you seek. Tomorrow, we start.”
  2218. “Thank you Pinelock.” Pear Plum nods resolutely. “I will do my best too.”
  2220. After that, there will be a little break before the night when Pinelock will teach Night Sprout. Until now, the fairy mare mostly stayed next to you to observe Pear Plum’s training.
  2221. You had in mind to invite Pear Plum on a date this evening. Should you follow through with it, or remain here to see Night Sprout’s training?
  2223. >What do?
  2225. Well, maybe another day. Right now, Pear Plum looks like she wants to rest, and you’re also a bit curious to witness Night Sprout’s training.
  2226. There’s a break for everypony which you use to cook yourselves some dinner. After that, while the sun is setting, you and Night Sprout go back to the ent grove.
  2228. “Night Sprout.” Pinelock speaks. “Before we start, may I ask why you left your home? And then, why do you wish to learn magic?”
  2229. “I left to discover the world.” Night Sprout replies. “And I want to help my friends and protect them.”
  2230. “Mmmh…” The ent mare nods. “I understand. Now, I have to warn you, Night Sprout. Usually, fairies draw power from the bond they have with their home. Without that, you will need to draw the power from yourself. As you are a being of primordial magic, that means your very essence will be at stake, and should you overextend your power too much, you will cease to exist.”
  2232. “Then, I can’t learn magic?” The fairy mare asks after a pause, a little shaken.
  2233. “The matter is up to you.” Pinelock replies. “To be clear, I wouldn’t’ recommend it to the average fairy, but right now you have much more… substance than others of your kin. Since your material existence is tightly entwined with your magic energy, that means you actually have a decent amount of power to draw from before risking any trouble thanks to your size. Besides, I plan to teach you how to replenish your strength in addition to using it.”
  2235. Night Sprout seems to hesitate for a moment, but eventually, she gives a nod to the tree mare.
  2236. “Then I agree. Please teach me.”
  2237. “Very well, Night Sprout. In that case we will commence. Our first goal will be to perform a very simple manifestation of magic from your own power. Conjuring a weak light will do. Now come closer, I will guide you and look after you.”
  2239. Pinelock sits down and beckons Night Sprout to come close to her. Then, she gently takes the fairy in her embrace, holding her against her bark.
  2240. “Now close your eyes and focus, Night Sprout.” Pinelock mutters. “Remember your home. Remember how you drew power from here. Before materializing into the world, this power went through you. You need to pinpoint that ‘you’. Stay calm, and take your time. There is no need to be hasty, you will feel it in time. I will guide you.”
  2242. This goes on for quite some time. While Night Sprout looks like she is merely held close by the tree mare, you understand she’s trying to figure out a way to wield her own power. You hear Pinelock mutter encouragements or directions at times which concerns the world inside their minds.
  2243. You remember from your own training as a bard, that the first silver of growth from your music was the hard to squeeze out, so you continue performing your bardic inspiration without word to help them focus. In that case, more power and size might help Night Sprout from what you understand, and Pinelock didn’t tell you to stop it indeed.
  2245. Without a word, Pear Plum comes to meet you. The nearly 10-feet mare lies down on her belly so her head may be at the same level as yours. You lean against her, enjoying her warmth and the sound of her calm breathing. You forbid yourself from falling asleep yet though.
  2247. After about half an hour, Pinelock starts to move.
  2248. “Take a break, Night Sprout.” She states. “You are getting closer, but I can feel you’re becoming frustrated. That won’t do. Unwind, put your mind to rest and then we shall continue.”
  2249. The fairy mare nods slightly and then turns toward you.
  2250. “Little Spoon? Do you have something in mind to help her relax?” Pear Plum asks you with a smile.
  2252. >What do?
  2254. “In cases like this, I recommend a good hug.” You state before turning to your fairy friend. “Lady Night Sprout! Come over here and let us rest together.”
  2255. With your inspiration, the fairy stands at about 8 feet tall already. As she moves closer, you take her slim legs in an enthusiastic embrace. The fairy mare soon starts to pet your head in reaction.
  2256. “Some and sit with us!” You enjoin her, and then to Pear Plum. “I’m doing it my best right now, but I believe our hug would be even more enjoyable if you joined.”
  2258. After a chuckle, Pear Plum, who’s currently nearly 14-feet-tall, lies on her side and invites the fairy mare to do so next to her. You too come along as Night Sprout does so. Then, Pear Plum gently drapes her arms over Night Sprout to pull her closer while the Fairy’s already embracing you.
  2259. Now, you’re held both by the arms of Night Sprout and the ones of Pear Plum over them. The fairy’s warmth on your back, and the feeling of her beating heart and breathing makes you shiver in contentment. Night Sprout probably feel something similar from Pear Plum’s body, but she also holds a cute little bard on top of that, who keeps making his best to draw out a restful tune out of his luth.
  2261. You feel Night Sprout fidget a lot at first, as though she couldn’t find a satisfying position, but over a few minutes she calms down, and you’re all able appreciate each other’s comfort.
  2263. “Do you wish to continue this lesson, Night Sprout?” Pinelock’s voice wakes you up. From what you feel behind you, Night Sprout too just took a nap. “You can enjoy some rest if that’s what you decide, I don’t mind if we continue another day. However, I believe you can do more progress tonight still.”
  2264. “I… I am coming.” Pear Plum frees Night Sprout from her hug, and after you move aside, the fairy returns to the side of the ent mare.
  2265. “Is that alright if I sleep here?” Pear Plum asks out loud, and Pinelock nods to that. After a little stretching of her legs and a yawn, the druid mare again places her head on her hooves and seem content to stay like this for the night.
  2267. She’s not sleeping yet, so you can still take her aside and talk to her if you want to ask or propose something to her.
  2268. In general, you might want to plan what you’re gonna do in the coming days. For sure, most of the time you’re gonna watch the lessons Pear Plum and Night Sprout will receive from the ents and provide some growth to help them. However, there were other plans you once had in mind. You didn’t invite Pear Plum to a date today, but you could tell her about your idea ad plan it now.
  2269. Same goes for Night Sprout. A few days ago, you told yourself that this break in the forest with only the three of you would be a good time to try and maximize the growth from her tarot card.
  2271. >What do?
  2273. You’d rather not wake up Pear Plum right now. You’ll talk to her later about inviting her somewhere. For now, you’ll wait until Night Sprout has finished her lesson, and keep using your inspiration in the meantime.
  2275. After another half hour, Pear Plum seems fast asleep, and you have to fight to stay awake yourself. Last night was quite tiring indeed…
  2276. But at some point, you perceive something from Night Sprout that catches your interest. While she’s still in contact with the ent mare, you see a slight, flickering glow near her.
  2277. “Very good.” Pinelock whispers. “You’re here. Now secure your hold. You’ve done the hardest part.”
  2279. And indeed, over the next hour, Night Sprout seems to get a grasp over this first manifestation of magic. The glow becomes steadier instead of weak bursts of light, then it is intensified, and then shaped in the form of a hoovering ball near the fairy. After another hour, Night Sprout has left the contact of the tree mare, and manages to conjure this light on her own, even if doing so requires her full attention to maintain.
  2280. “Let us stop here.” Pinelock states. “You’ve done well, Night Sprout. Let us continue tomorrow. Now, rest.”
  2282. The fairy mare nods toward her as the light disappears, and then turns to you.
  2283. “So how was your first lesson, lady Night Sprout?” You whisper.
  2284. “It is embarrassing, how hard this is outside of home.” She replies, keeping her voice down too. “But I will get better.”
  2285. “I have no doubts you will.” You reply, while she lies down in front of you. “And, before we go to sleep, I wanted to ask you something. The ents told me about some nice places to visit around here. Namely, a grove full of forest berries of all kinds. Did you have much of those where you come from?”
  2286. “Yes.” She nods. “This is a good season for fruits at home too.”
  2287. “I see, well, if you’ve already seen that, there’s also a crystalline outcrop that produces very pretty lights at dusk. How about we go there instead someday? Though, that might mean you’d need to move your lesson… later into the night perhaps?”
  2288. Night Sprout ponders for a few seconds.
  2289. “Is that a date?” she asks.
  2291. “Yes it is, lady Night Sprout.” You nod, and before you can react, Night Sprout swiftly takes your lips in a kiss. A sudden thrill of delight courses through you as you taste the sweetness of the fairy again. Then, you feel her lips get plumper against yours, and see her head grow in front your eyes as she gains a couple more feet of height. As she backs away, you feel the heat of her breath left on your face.
  2292. “Then I will move my lesson.”
  2294. “That’s good!” You nod with a big smile. “And… would you like it if we spent the night together, for now?”
  2295. “Yes.” She replies.
  2297. So after fetching your stuff, you return to rest near Pear Plum so she doesn’t worry tomorrow. You find yourself being Night Sprout’s Little Spoon tonight, sleeping between her arms while you share one of the sleeping bags.
  2299. You wake up the next morning still embraced by Night Sprout. At this moment, without inspiration, she’s twice as tall as you are.
  2301. Originally, you planned to get on this date in a few days, but you feel like your companion might be eager for it. Should you go today?
  2302. Aside from that, Pear Plum and Night Sprout will continue their training today. Do you have anything else in mind beyond watching and providing support while they go through it?
  2304. >What do?
  2306. With how enthusiastic Night Sprout seems, you don’t think making her wait anymore would be nice. You shall go today! After you tell this to the fairy mare, you go talk to Pinelock about it, and the tree mare has no problem starting Night Sprout’s training later in the night, or even skip this day if your date ends up taking too much time.
  2308. While Night Sprout is going to rest, Pear Plum starts her second day of training.
  2309. “Druid Pear Plum.” Pinelock starts. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but you seem to refrain yourself from calling critters or plants to your aid. You seem to rely almost exclusively on your own body and strength when it comes to fighting and your purification magic.”
  2310. “Well, I do prefer to avoid involving others when I don’t need to.” She replies. “Besides, now that I have more power of my own, wouldn’t it be unfair for me to call the aid of smaller than me?”
  2311. “On the contrary, druid Pear Plum.” Pinelock calmly retorts. “The power you have now can inspire and embolden life all around to a much greater degree. And I believe that if you truly wish to be a defender of the wild, you must commune with it even when you fight in its name. Seeds, flowers, trees… they shape the harmony our world, but in a slow, continuous process. Only you can make their purpose a reality in the temporality of morals, where a day can mean a shift in the world. You need not to be afraid. For somepony like you whose heart is full of kindness, it is an honour from all to help you.”
  2313. “I…” You see Pear Plum blush slightly. “Thank you Pinelock, even if I don’t feel like I’m worthy of that amount of praise...”
  2314. “How about aspiring to attain such worth, then?” The ent replies with a smile. “There’s a way to wield the power of the nature around you, and I wish to train you in this art. I believe this is what you need the most, lady Pear Plum. Do you agree?”
  2315. Pear Plum thinks for a few seconds, and then nods at her teacher.
  2317. “Well very. I shall trust your judgement, Pinelock.”
  2318. “Good. Then let us begin.”
  2320. For this day, Pear Plum uses her magic to summon various forms of life. Given her affinity with plants, Pinlock has her grow roots from the ground and vines from the trees.
  2321. Pear Plum is immediately able to conjure huge stems from the earth, but she lacks the knowledge to have them twist and coil where she wishes. The druid and the ent mares spend the whole day working on that while you provide your inspiration to Pear Plum.
  2323. It’s the end of the afternoon when you and Night Sprout leave for your date. At twice your size, the fairy can carry you on her back and fly where the ents told you.
  2324. After a dozen minutes, you have your destination in sight.
  2326. The crystalline formation is indeed quite impressive. In the middle of a craggy, 200-feet-wide clearing in the forest, the row of massive columns of quartz looks like the fin of a titanic fish breaking out the surface of the earth.
  2327. The crystals must be 25-feet tall and 5-feet wide for the biggest of them, and they’re aligned in a nearly clean row. They’re clear and smooth enough for a pony to see its reflexion on it. Otherwise, the formation has a slight blue hue to it, but depending on where you look from, evanescent rainbows of colours also sparkle under the light.
  2329. Though, for now, you only see a little irisation on the ground. The sun may be a bit high still, and you’ll see more as time goes on and that light comes from the side instead of the top.
  2331. It seems like you’re a little early. So! How should you entertain the damsel while you wait?
  2333. >What do?
  2335. “Looks like we’ll have to wait a little.” You say once you’ve climbed down the back of the fairy. “How about we have a little walk in the meantime, lady Night Sprout?”
  2336. There, you rear up and extend you arms toward the big fairy mare, and give her a little smooch on the mouth when she leans down. That causes her to show you a cute little smile, and to grow an additional couple feet.
  2338. You and Night Spout walk away from the crystals for now, treading under the trees again. The air is nice, just pleasantly warm under the canopy, and you hear many birds around, among the rustling of leaves under a light wind.
  2340. “I’m glad this adventure turned out alright, and that we could heal the ents of these woods.” You start. “What about you lady Night Sprout? What did you you think of this quest?”
  2341. “It is good we helped Pinelock.” She replies. “She deserved it. The other ents too. Next time I hope I can help more.”
  2342. “So I guess you’re still on board with more adventures?” Night Sprout nods to your words. “Then, what kind of quest would you like to do next?”
  2343. Night Sprout ponders for a few seconds.
  2345. “I’m not sure, but I liked helping out other ponies. I must still learn magic. I hope I’ll be able to help more next time.”
  2346. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.” You say. “Lady Night Sprout, you were a great help these last days. Your flight was crucial to help us find and save the ents. Nopony will think less of you if you’re not at the frontline to face danger at all times. In fact, I’d prefer not to have anypony in danger at all if it was possible… But the problems we face just aren’t always so easy unfortunately.”
  2347. “Hum.” You feel Night Spout’s leg rub affectionately against your side. “Then… maybe I’d like a quest that’s not so dangerous. And where I can use the magic I’m learning to help. And in a place I’ve never seen before… if that’s possible.”
  2349. “I see…” You wonder what your next adventure will be indeed. It’s always a bit hard to assess whether there’ll be danger or not in a quest, but perhaps you can start to broadened the range of locations you’d accept to travel to.
  2350. You and your mare friends are packing some real power now, and you also have means to travel further away more easily.
  2352. “I’ll keep your wishes in mind, lady Night Sprout. I’ll try to make sure we discover new things on our next travel.”
  2353. Night Spout nods to that.
  2355. You walk a little more in silence. Just enjoying the sights for a while. In you case, the one of the slender, 8’ mare in particular. She may not have much curves, but there’s an otherworldly charm to her long and thin limbs, and gem-like purple eyes.
  2356. And even after flirting with much bigger mares, you still find yourself getting red in the cheeks when these eyes catch you staring.
  2358. “I’ve been curious about something, lady Night Sprout.” You say, somehow feeling the need to justify your insistent look. “Are there any male fairies? I do remember there being only mares in the forest.”
  2359. “There is none.” Night Sprout replies. “We’re all mares. I remember Flower Sprite telling me this. Some spirits are all males. Other all females. Some are neither and other can even be both. Also, it is not an issue to not have males since fairies do not… make babies like that.”
  2360. “Ah… thanks for the answer.” You nod. “Now, is there something you’re curious about? Something that you’ve been asking yourself about ponies? I can answer your questions too.”
  2362. Night Sprout remains silent to that, so after a minute of silence…
  2363. “Well, then I’ll give you another question while you’re thinking.” You speak up. “What do you think about our companion? Do you get along with them?”
  2364. “Pear Plum is easy to talk too. Silver Willow is… nice.” You see Night Sprout blush slightly. “She gives the best hugs. Fen Flower is… a bit intimidating.”
  2366. There, the fairy mare stops in her tracks.
  2367. “Little Spoon.” she tells you. “You made her too big. Especially last time, way too big! You need to make me bigger too so she’s not so intimidating.”
  2369. >What do?
  2371. “Was she really that big to you?” You raise an eyebrow. “I mean, with how small you were when we met, aren’t you used to see ponies this big?”
  2372. “She was way bigger to me than regular ponies were. And now I’m a pony’s size.” Night Sprout retorts. “She shouldn’t be so big when I’m a pony’s size. She had her head way, way over the trees.”
  2374. You can’t refrain to rejoice internally. Night Sprout getting so used to bigness is definitely good news.
  2375. “Let me tell you lady Night Sprout, even at this size you don’t have to be afraid of Fen Flower.” You try to reassure her. “She might get a little mean when she faces enemies, but still, she’s a good pony at heart. Unless… Did you feel something unusual coming from her?”
  2377. “No, she’s not intimidating because she’s mean. She’s intimidating because…” Again, the fairy’s cheeks get a little pinker. “…because she’s very sexy. And now she’s so big, I fear she’s gonna keep you all for herself when she’s around…”
  2378. “Aw, lady Night Sprout…” You come and hug the fairy’s legs. In reaction, she plops her rear on the ground, and soon, the 8’ mare takes you in a hug. “Don’t think that. I’m with you right now, see? Even with how big Fen Flower got I stayed with you. Her size doesn’t matter to me… I mean, it does, but certainly in a way that’ll make me leave you behind.”
  2380. “Then… can I be the biggest instead? That way you’ll still visit Fen Flower even if she’s not the biggest like you say. I would prefer if it was that way…”
  2381. “Well… this will take a while lady Night Sprout. I’ll do my best to grow you as my powers get stronger so you won’t be intimidated so much, but lady Fen Flower did get bigger faster than I thought. I’m sorry the difference in size got so great between her and the rest of you. Among other things, she really got lucky with her card recently, and grew a lot from it.”
  2383. “Yes. Meanwhile I was unlucky with my card.” Night Sprout states, while still affectionately petting the back of your head with a hoof. “I know you don’t want one mare, and I don’t know one pony I want either, so I don’t grow much from it.”
  2384. You just keep hugging her on that, not sure what to reply. Night Sprout seems to accept your choices, even if she might wish things were different. You should really grow her more. Perhaps there are some items from your bucket list you could clear with her…
  2386. “Then I will find something another way.” The fairy continues. “I will ask Pinelock if there is a spell I can use to grow bigger. And you…”
  2387. There, Night Sprout picks you up with her hooves under your arms, and holds you in front of her at arms’ length.
  2388. “I will need you to make me bigger.” Night Sprout resolutely demands. “You heard Pinelock. The bigger my body is, the more magic I have. I need all the power I can have to learn magic. And also…” Her blush returns, and you see her start to pant between her sentences. “I want you to start right now. Grow me already Little Spoon. Earlier, it felt really good when you grew me, so I want to be even bigger than this.”
  2390. >What do?
  2392. You cannot deny the lady after such request worded so clearly.
  2394. First, you use your inspiration and increase Night Sprout’s constitution. You better give her some endurance to match the eagerness you see in her right now.
  2395. “Yes!” The fairy moans, and her eyes flutter in delight as she gains four more feet of height in an instant. And when these two purple gems fall on you again, she pulls you in for another kiss.
  2396. More forceful that the last, the mare smothers your face against hers. The difference of size between you is great enough already that her lips cover the whole side of you head. Night Spout opens her mouth and licks you in her needy but clumsy attempts at kissing more of you. In fact, trying to squeeze you closer has you gradually slip from her grasp. But rather that to let you fall, the now 12-feet mare lets herself slowly descend on the ground.
  2398. While you’re lying on your back, again Night Sprout’s lips come to meet yours, for a proper kiss this time. You’re able to taste the wet sweetness and warmth of the inside of her mouth while her front limbs hold your head in place and that you feel her chest leaning against your crotch. You hear her moan whenever your tongue meets hers, and her wings flutter in excitement at times. After a minute of this, Night Sprout lets go of your mouth. She’s blushing heavily, and her breath on your skin feels hot.
  2400. “Little Spoon...” She pants, her face an inch away from yours. “I feel a burning need. I want you.”
  2401. “Lady Night Sprout… may I offer that we merely tend to that fire for a moment, instead of letting it consume us right away? I do believe we’ll have a splendid spectacle later that’ll make it even better.”
  2402. You see Night Sprout silently consider the idea for a short moment, looking unconvinced.
  2403. “I… I don’t know. What will we do while we wait? I don’t think I can talk much more, except to say how much I want you Little Spoon.”
  2405. You’re feeling quite willing to give in to her will, and grow her as much as your power currently allows. But on the other hoof, you wouldn’t mind hearing some sweet words from Night Sprout, or tell her some more yourself.
  2407. >What do?
  2408. >Speak to Night Sprout?
  2409. >Just give in and let your bodies speak?
  2411. “Lady Night Sprout… I didn’t realize you had such urgent needs in you…” You whisper.
  2412. “I feel… like it has to be now. It is sudden to me too, but I do not want to resist it.”
  2413. “I hear you. Just let go of me, and I’ll make sure to grow you enough your wings will put these crystals to shame.”
  2414. “I don’t want to let go of you.” The big fairy replies. Then, she scoops you with a hoof to hold you against her chest while she stands up. After a few steps, she rests her back on a tree large enough to support her. Her hoof still accompanying you, you slide down along her slender body and perfectly smooth belly until you find yourself between the mare’s amplified thighs. In between them, you perceive the damp heat come from Night Sprout’s nether regions, and soon feel it on yourself as Night Sprout gently presses you against it.
  2415. “I know where you need to be.” Night Sprout states.
  2417. Losing no more time, you grab the mare’s thighs, and resolutely penetrate her wet folds.
  2418. “Yes!” Night Sprout coos in delight. You feel her whole body shiver and shift in reaction to your first thrust, and hear the excited buzzing of her dragonfly-like wings. Each of you hump is rewarded by an enraptured moan from Night Sprout, and you feel her arousal drip on your shaft and balls and then spill to the ground.
  2420. You soon reach a first climax, and throw in 2 more feet of growth so Night Sprout immediately reaches 15 feet of height. She howls in extasy in response, the growth pushing her over the edge too. Her legs thicken at each side of you, and her head gets into the foliage of the tree she leans against.
  2421. “More!” She demands, not yet satisfied, and more she gets. As eager as the first second, Night Sprout now holds you firmly against her entrance with a hoof so you may keep pounding her. Foot after foot, Night Sprout just gets bigger and bigger, enjoying each spurt with a renewed intensity. You can hear the tree she’s against creak as she clears the 20-foot mark, but continue your pleasure mission to grow Night Sprout.
  2423. At 30’ feet tall, she’s as big as you can make her. Even if this size is only for a minute after a climax, the fairy mare seems like she wants to make it last.
  2424. “Little Spoon! I love it!” Night Sprout exclaims, who keeps riding you. At this point, you’ve left alone the poor tree who was close to break, and instead you’re lying on your back on the ground for Night Sprout to please herself on your stallionhood. Each time she slams herself on you, you get a faceful of her clit on your face, and her rump imprints your body a little deeper in the ground. She’s going hard, and perhaps a little carelessly so, but the pleasure of your own ejaculations and the music of Night Sprout’s moans convince you to bear through this.
  2426. After several, minutes Night Sprout starts to slow down as she’s getting out of breath. Her humps on you get erratic and she’s panting hard, and eventually the 30-feet rolls on your side, your enlarged shaft being freed from her folds with a wet shlorp sound before getting back to its normal size. You’re completely drenched in her fluids at this point, still lying on your back. You’re a little sore, but the afterglow of this romp is more than making up for it.
  2428. Now, this might be the occasion you wanted to take a little break and see those evening lights on the crystals. However, even if she looks exhausted, Night Sprout still looks she’d enjoy some more attention. You’re still in condition to use your hooves or your mouth on her while she recovers.
  2430. >what do?
  2432. The poor mare burnt her energy too soon it seems. A gentlecolt like you should allow her to enjoy herself fully regardless.
  2434. You wobblily rise on your legs and approach the giant mare’s crotch again. Conveniently, her thigh is roughly as thick as you are tall when you rear, so when she’s lying on her side like she is, you can still stand up and please her more. Slowly, you grab as much of Night Sprout’s hip as you can with one hoof, and plunge your other into her flower.
  2435. “Aah…” You hear Night Sprout coo meekly in reaction. She sounded out of breath a second before, but again your performance is meeting an enthusiast reception. Her thighs shake and she gently hump your face… but pushes the whole of you at her size. Still, you’re able you grab her engorged clit, the size of a little peach, in your mouth to suckle on it.
  2437. Night Sprout lets you please her, letting her moans echo freely in the forest. After you feel her gush fluids through two more orgasms, you start to slowly kiss your way up her body, enjoying the smoothness of he slim midsection, her chest, then her neck until you’re finally kissing Night Sprout on the chin.
  2439. “Little Spoon…” The mare’s big eyes look at you amorously, and without knowing which word to use next, she concludes the sentence with a kiss. Again her lips hot with passion meet your face, and when she retreats, you see her show you one of the earnest smiles you’ve seen on her usually neutral face. However, after a few second, she reverts to a nearly blank expression, safe from her persistent heavy blush of arousal.
  2440. “I… we are making it really hard for me.” Night Sprout whispers. “To not just want you all for myself.”
  2441. “You don’t need to think about that right now, lady Night Sprout.” You whisper back. “Let’s think about the now, shall we?”
  2442. “Little Spoon. If I stopped thinking about it, now I would be flying away with you so it would just be the two of us forever. You are definitely the most wonderous thing I discovered since I left my home. This adventure was worth it, all because of you.”
  2444. >What do?
  2446. “And I’ll never tell you enough how glad I am that a beautiful little fairy decided to sneak in my bags. On that fateful day, my whole life as adventurer changed for the better.”
  2447. “You make this really, really hard…” Night Sprout replies, and again gives the side of your face a big little smooch.
  2449. “If I may ask, lady Night Sprout, could you tell me the reason you do not feel like sharing me? I mean, you don’t have to feel embarrassed about showing the feelings I see now when our friends are around.”
  2450. “You say that like it is easy.” Night Sprout ponder, looking to the ground. “It is easy for you. And Fen Flower. And Silver Willow. But me…”
  2451. “What is it about you?” You try to encourage her so she may figure this out.
  2453. “I… don’t have their confidence.” There she turns to you again. “I would have it if I were bigger.”
  2454. “Lady Night Sprout.” You chuckle. “I’m normally all for saying that making mares bigger can solve lots of issues… but I believe this might not be the solution for this one. Do you mind if we talk it out?”
  2455. “Mmh… we can talk…” Night Sprout nods.
  2456. “Well, how about we do so near the crystals?” You offer. “I believe the time is right now.”
  2458. You move back toward the crystalline formation and find out what the ents told you about. As the sun falls closer to the horizon, its light hits the crystals from the side and seem to reverberate inside, making the formation glow as though it was ablaze. The craggy clearing, which was dull an hour ago, is now bathed in an iridescent glow. Each facet of the massive crystalline formation seems to project a different colour, and then those interfere with one another to pain the ground in and incredible mosaic of all hues you can imagine.
  2459. However, looking up at Night Sprout, it doesn’t look like this light show is impressing her more that that, and she seems more interested by you than by this wonder of nature at the moment.
  2461. Well, this is still a pretty landscape to have good talk over.
  2463. “So, lady Night Sprout.” You sit down, and your 22-feet companion does so next to you. “Tell me. What is it that would stop you from, let’s say, sharing a kiss while other ponies watch?”
  2464. “I…” She hesitates. “I was told this was supposed to be private.”
  2465. “You were told?”
  2466. “It is… supposed to be that way?” She utters, but doesn’t sound sure of herself at all.
  2467. “Well, sure, there are limits to what we can do in the broad daylight in a city.” You reply. “But surely you’ve seen me interact with other mares while other ponies were around. Again, let’s suppose a kiss. Wouldn’t you feel comfortable about it if our friends were looking?”
  2469. “I can’t tell you why exactly, but it feels right when it is just the two of us for a kiss.” Night Sprout replies
  2470. “Then you can just tell me if you’re in the mood, and we’ll find a place with some privacy. Would that work?”
  2471. “I… Yes.” The big Night Sprout fidgets with her hooves. “Maybe. If I’m confident enough to ask.”
  2472. “Confident, eh? Or… are you afraid you couldn’t do this because you wouldn’t want a bigger mare like, let’s say, Fen Flower to pull me away for herself instead?”
  2473. “Something like that.” She nods.
  2475. “You know lady Night Sprout, Fen Flower wishes to have many, many ponies at her hooves. She wants to be admired, and I can guarantee she’ll get intimate with her admirers. But that’s something I’m okay with. Now, I can’t say you’ll feel exactly the same, but wouldn’t you want to hear how I make it work?”
  2476. “Yes.” Night Sprout replies. “How do you make it work Little Spoon?”
  2478. Well, what is it?
  2480. >A: You revere Fen Flower herself. Regardless of what she does with her size, you want to please her and see her get bigger.
  2481. >B: You just know that these other ponies can’t compare to you. Only you can give Fen Flower what she truly desires. The others are mere toys to her.
  2482. >C: You have your own special bond with Fen Flower, and you believe both you and her want to make that bond flourish. An exclusive relationship isn’t necessary for that to work out.
  2483. >D: Fen Flower is going to draw many mares willing to grow to you, and you’ll find a time to love each of them at least a little. Isn’t Night Sprout interested in some other of our beautiful friends?
  2485. “It’s quite simple actually.” You reply. “The two of us share a bond that doesn’t need to be exclusive. We have a common interest in her growth that both her alchemy and my magic allow us to pursue together. And we both have fun with it, and we’re happy with that. Now, our relation grew over time. This wasn’t clear at the moment I met her, but now I know that no number of other suitors she might get can break what we share.”
  2486. “How can you be sure of that?” Night Sprout asks.
  2487. “Well… actually, more than knowing it for sure, it would be best to say I trust lady Fen Flower about it. I trust her to not forget about me in the midst of being the center of attention the same way she trusts me to not forget about her while spending time with other mares.”
  2488. “Mmmh…” Night Sprout nods, and again she starts squirming with her hooves uncomfortably.
  2489. “Lady Night Sprout, may I ask… do you trust me?”
  2491. The fairy looks to the sky, slightly rocking herself back and forth as she ponders.
  2492. “It is strange.” She eventually says, still looking up. “I think I should trust you, but I still feel scared, as though I shouldn’t.”
  2493. “Then I’ll do my best to be worthy of your trust, lady Night Sprout.” You pat the side of her flank, which is bigger than you are. “I have good hope it will happen as time goes on. Sooner than you think in fact. Now… I know I said that size wasn’t the whole solution, but perhaps being bigger will help you understand you have as much of a say in the actions of our group as anypony else. I reckon you’ve never been bigger than the rest of our friends… except for that unfortunate time with the potion. So I bet it’ll be easier for you when you close the gap in height with our friends, and-”
  2494. “Yes. About that.” Night Sprout looks back to you. “While we’re in this forest, can we make it so I grow as much as the card you drew for me says?”
  2496. The question is direct.
  2497. The big fairy’s eyes on you make it hard to refuse, but that would mean you’d need to refrain from doing anything more than friendly with Pear Plum, or another mare you’d get your eyes on. Are you willing to give Night Sprout that for your stay?
  2499. >What do?
  2501. You’re the prey of conflicting impulses. On one hoof, you want to accept and make Night Sprout as big as possible right now, but you feel like giving her this edge only for this stay in the forest might not be the best thing for her in the log run.
  2503. >Roll 1d2 ONCE
  2504. >On 1 you give in to Night Sprout’s demand
  2505. >On 2 you refuse
  2507. >That or somebody changes their mind/breaks the tie
  2509. “Yes, let’s do it.” You tell Night Sprout. Against all other considerations, you couldn’t say no such a big and pretty mare, and the last of your doubts are erased when the giant fairy leans down to kiss you again.
  2510. “Thank you, Little Spoon.” Night Sprout then mutters, her hot breath washing over your face. “I can’t wait to get even bigger.”
  2512. You hope that you didn’t make a mistake here. You originally planned to split your time nigh evenly between Night Sprout and Pear Plum, but now that’s not gonna be the case for at least 8 more days. Regardless, when you’re back together you’ll put in a word about Night Sprout’s personal issues to Silver Willow. Surely her experience will help Night Sprout figure out how do better deal with her desires.
  2514. For now, Night Sprout pulls you in for another kiss, and then her mouth starts to taste places lower than your lips. You understand she wants to have a little more fun with you. Under the shimmering lights, you’re in for another ride with the giant Night Sprout.
  2515. A little sore but satisfied, you return in the middle of the night so your friend may get her lesson. You still make use of you inspiration to help her progress faster through it, and after another session during which the fairy re-learns to project her magic, you end up going to sleep between her arms.
  2517. “I love you, Little Spoon.” You hear before falling asleep. “Thank you for letting me do this.”
  2519. >Unless you have something specific in mind or until something particular happens, Night Sprout and Pear Plum will continue their training every day
  2520. >You will grow Pear Plum using your inspiration, and Night Sprout with your inspiration and Gift of the Bard
  2521. >Night Sprout will reach the maximum size from her card in about 8 days that way
  2522. >The training will last for about 20 more days total.
  2524. >Plan for something specific? What and when?
  2525. >Wait until something out of the ordinary happens?
  2527. A routine sets itself up in the following days. You would wake up rather late in the morning next to Night Sprout who you’d find bigger than the day before. After extracting yourself from her embrace, you’d go witness Pear Plum’s training and use your inspiration to help her. Then, Night Sprout would join you and would soon ask that you took a little break to grow her with your Gift of the Bard. In the evening you’d witness Night Sprout’s training and eventually go to bed with her.
  2529. This was the basic structure of your days so far. Aside from that, you gather the freshest fruits, herbs and mushrooms for your meals, and find yourself enjoying the cooking which is mostly done by Pear Plum. Though, you’re gonna be craving some cakes or fritters when you return to a city…
  2531. And speaking of it, you think you’d like to have a little party with everypony before Night Sprout and Pear Plum finish their training. You don’t think you can send a letter from the forest, but with how big Night Sprout is getting, you might be able to fly to the capital in about an hour when the time comes.
  2532. Anyway, Pear Plum genuinely doesn’t seem to mind that you focus your attention on Night Sprout these days.
  2534. About their actual lessons, through the first days, Pear Plum kept learning more about conjuring vines and roots from the ground. Pinelock gets in rather deep matters with her, teaching her to empower those wooden constructs to make those more resistant than regular wood, on top of guiding their path quickly and precisely.
  2535. Meanwhile, Night Sprout keeps learning some basic ways to project her magic, and it seem much easier with how vast of a pool of power she has to draw from. Pinelock did look rather surprised when she suddenly had look up to her pupil when you started using your Gift of the bard on her, but merely acknowledged it and continued as usual. Now Night Spout can materialize a ball of light at will, and can focus on something else while she keeps it up. Pinelock also starts the process of teaching Night Sprout how to replenish her energy through meditation at night.
  2537. Five days later, though, around the time Night Sprout would start her training, you hear that Pinelock wishes to speak to you and Pear Plum.
  2538. “Druid Pear Plum, Bard Little Spoon.” The ents mare starts “There is something I’d like to discuss with you. Tonight, I planned to teach Night Sprout a sleeping spell. I believe this would be an adequate tool for her to defend herself, one that would not exclude a peaceful resolution later.”
  2539. “Yes, that’s thoughtful of you Pinelock.” Pear Plum nods.
  2540. “However, I have a concern, and I’d like to hear your opinion about it.” Pinelock continues. “The way Night Sprout would learn such a spell, would bring her to access the mind of her target. And from here on, the door to more… questionable spells would be open. I do not intend to teach those, but with the raw power she has now, she could easily reach into the privacy of once mind or even influence it, should she wish so. Now, I do not believe she wishes to do any harm, but I see a great curiosity in her, and while she lacks mastery, accidents may happen. I already explained this to your friend, and she told me she feels ready to proceed…”
  2541. At her mention, the 30-feet fairy nods vigorously.
  2542. “…But I wish for her to hear other opinions about it, just to be sure she understands the implications. Also, should I indeed teach her such magic, I’d like for the two of you to help her stay on her path so she won’t do something she might regret out of negligence.”
  2544. >A: Night Sprout should probably not learn mind-altering spells just yet.
  2545. >B: Talk with Night Sprout and make her promise to use her powers responsively and to not go beyond what Pinelock will teach her.
  2546. >C: You’re willing to allow Night Sprout to satisfy her curiosity on you. In a clutch, she might be brought to go beyond the limits she knows anyway, so she should experiment while you’re in a controlled environment.
  2547. >D: Say out loud that you trust Night Sprout’s judgement. If she says she’s ready, she’s ready.
  2549. >Night Sprout permanently grew 2 feet bigger from the improvement of Gift of the Bard on the third day
  2551. “I trust lady Night Sprout’s judgement.” You state toward Pinelock. “If she says she’s ready, I believe she is. In fact, I’d recommend she also explored the other possibilities of her powers as soon as possible too. There’s curiosity, but she might also be brought to try and go past what she knows if she finds herself in a pinch during our adventures. Wouldn’t it be best if she explored such paths while we’re not in a rush and under you guidance? I’ll do my best to guide her too in all cases of course, and for now I’ll let her train herself on me. You need somepony, right?”
  2552. “Are you sure Little Spoon?” Pear Plum asks. “I mean, of course I’m willing to help Night Sprout keep her abilities in check too, but… Pinelock said there could be accidents.”
  2553. “I already said that I am ready to entrust lady Night Sprout with myself.” You nod. “I know she’s as pure of heart as ponykind can get since she a fairy… even if a very big one. In fact, I must confess I’m probably the least clean mind in this grove at the moment, but I’ll do my best to make sure Night Sprout doesn’t stray aside.”
  2555. The ent mare looks at you in silence for a short time, considering your words.
  2556. “Druid Pear Plum.” She says. “Are you alright with this?”
  2557. “Well… alright” She nods after a slight hesitation, and then to you. “You’re probably right. There’s no reason not to trust Night Sprout with these new powers.”
  2558. “I will do my best.” Night Sprout says in reaction. “I won’t betray your trust.”
  2559. “Very well Night Sprout.” Pinelock nods. “I believe you’re in good hooves to learn. Now listen carefully...”
  2561. The lesson begins, and over you, you watch the 20-feet tree mare explain to the 30-feet fairy what she is gonna do. For the first day, the two giantesses invite you to make yourself comfortable, so Night Sprout may pick up what your mind feels like when you’re asleep. After several natural naps, you think you’re starting to feel Night Sprouts influence on you. Though, at first, the foreign force you feel pulling on your brain startles you and makes you jump awake more than anything else.
  2563. Over the days, your big friend gets better at this. On the next one, she’s be able to impose neigh unbearable weariness on you even if you were feeling quite rested a second before. Another couple days, and you’d find yourself unable to resist the magic of Night Sprout at all. No matter how hard you’d try to remain awake, you’d lose your consciousness in a matter of seconds, barely able to feel her influence on you before it’s too late. This could have been rather frightening, if you weren’t waking up each time in the arms of a mare that was making her way up to the 40-feet mark.
  2565. At this point, you’ve grown Night Sprout to the maximum size the card you drew for her could. After you use you inspiration and gift of the bard, Night Sprout is 40 feet tall even.
  2566. On another note, you recovered 1 foot to your growth pool from Night Sprout, Pear Plum… and even from Silver Willow.
  2568. Now, you’ve been planning on setting up a pool party for your mares to partake in. Looking at your map, you have only a few possibilities. Unfortunately, the ocean is quite far from where you stand, so even with Night Sprout’s size, it’s a full-day trip to the closest beach. A mere lake will have to do, but a river probably won’t considering the sizes your friends are reaching. You think there are two spots within reasonable range you could choose from. Both lakes are several hundred feet wide, so even the largest mare should be able to swim in them. The main difference is that is one case you’ll have a small town one edge of the lake, while you’d be completely in the wild in the other. In both cases, you’ll be among the green hills of the countryside, with forests and some wetlands beyond the shore.
  2570. A visit in the capital is in order in all cases as you’re going to inform your friends of this. Also, you should probably order some stuff to make it more fun, life food, chairs maybe? Pool toys? Should you hire some more musicians? Should you make the party public? Advertise in the capital? Do you have any specific activity in mind? If you start to do all that, it’s gonna be hard to plan this for just a day after. So maybe you’d wish instead to go after something smaller and more private where you’ll likely be the only stallion present…
  2571. Goodness, you don’t believe any of your big mare friends has any fashionable swimwear ready, and that’s terrible.
  2573. >Have the pool party near the small city, or in the wild?
  2574. >Who to invite in addition to your four friends? If you can find them, Blackberry Brunch? Ebony Vine? Whispersun? Sky Slash? (barbarian companion Fen Flower quested with once) Somepony else?
  2575. >Advertise the party and make it public so random ponies will come? Do so in the capital? In the small city near the lake? (if you chose to have it there)
  2576. >Prepare some food? Chairs? Music? Pool toys? Activities?
  2577. >Tell your friends they should get some swimwear? (Fen Flower and Silver Willow don’t need to be told)
  2579. >You have 7' in your growth pool
  2580. >You have 0/4 charge of Embrace Destiny available
  2582. After a bit of thought, you believe you’ll have the party happen in 3 days of time. You’re not in the mood for something public for this one. You’ll let your friends hoofpick whoever they want to invite of course, but you’re not gonna advertise it beyond that, and you’ll pick the lake without any settlement nearby.
  2584. Now, while you’re gonna take care of the music yourself, you’d like to prepare some food and furniture so everypony can be comfortable on the party site. After telling your plans to Night Sprout and Pear Plum this morning, you ask the druid mare if she’d be capable of summoning some wooden appliances from the ground.
  2585. “Well… why not.” She nods. “That would be a good training to make something sturdy enough for Night Sprout to lie on. I’d rather prepare the place the day before, though. Can you and Night Sprout bring me there?”
  2586. “No problem.” You nod. “Thank you very much, lady Pear Plum.”
  2588. About the food, well, neither of you is that good at cooking. Pear Plum would certainly be the one who’s the more skilled at this, but since you’re already asking her quite the favour with the chairs, you’re gonna need to ask somepony else.
  2589. You don’t think Fen Flower or Silver Willow are versed in the culinary arts either. Maybe you’ll find somepony at the capital? You’re going to go there anyway.
  2591. Grabbing the mane of Night Sprout who you grew to 40 feet, you now zoom in the direction of the big city. With how fast the landscape is passing bellow the flying fairy, the trip that took you a whole day a few days again will be cleared in less than an hour this time.
  2593. >A: Visit Fen Flower first. You’re curious to see whether she could open that shop of her already.
  2594. >B: Find Silver Willow first. Hopefully the case against the Forester Guild is going well.
  2595. >C: Perhaps you should find somepony to hire for the food first. You don’t want to bother your friends with these questions.
  2597. You decide to look for Silver Willow first, you tell Night Sprout.
  2599. The giant fairy slows down as the big city comes into view and she lands in its vicinity. The road is quite wide, but already your friend is so large she has to place her hooves in a row to make sure she doesn’t block the way completely.
  2600. Ponies around gasp at the sight of the formidably tall mare, some even taking a few careful steps back in astonishment, but others look merely curious. Between the party you started in the central plaza and Fen Flower’s probable public presence, the city folks of the capital look like they’re getting used to the sight of a giantess in the streets.
  2602. While you still ride next to Night Sprout’s ear, you now look for your bigger-breasted friend first. Carefully making her way through the comparatively narrow streets, Night Sprout starts by going to the inn Silver Willow stayed at last time.
  2603. The receptionist has no problem believing you’re a friend of hers, given the resemblance with Night Sprout in being abnormally tall, and tells you that indeed she resides here. While the buxom mare isn’t here right now, the worker advises you stayed around since noon is approaching and she usually passes by here. In the meantime, you decide to go in a nearby park so Night Sprout may rest her butt on the ground without risking to smother anything. Even if you’re not waiting at the inn proper, Night Sprout’s head still towers way over the houses in this section of the capital even while sitting, and you’re confident Silver will notice you.
  2605. And indeed, about a dozen minutes later you see Silver Willow arrive in the park and give you an enthusiastic wave of the hoof.
  2606. “Little Spoon, Night Sprout, my!” She exclaims with a big smile. “I didn’t expect you so soon! Nor was I prepared to see you 10 time taller than you were Night Sprout! You look amazing!”
  2607. “Thanks.” Night Sprout replies. “You too.”
  2608. “Glad to see you too lady Silver Willow.” You say, having come down from Night Sprout’s head a while ago.
  2610. “So, to what so I owe the pleasure?” The noble mare asks. “Did you miss me that much Little Spoon?”
  2611. “I won’t say no to that, but there’s another reason. I’d like to organize another party and of course I’d like to invite you. I’m planning for us to have some fun around a lake, to have a pool part of sorts in other words. That should be a nice intermission for all of you hard-working mares.”
  2612. “That’s a wonderful idea!” Silver smiles. “Bigger strides do open much more vacation options for us. I’m sure it’s going to be fun!”
  2613. “I look forward to it.” You nod. “But before we talk further about that, how have you been lady Silver Willow? Is the trial going well?”
  2614. “Oh, yes, I’m good! Now about the trial, this is going okay I’d say, even though this isn’t gonna be a clear or fast judgement you see…”
  2616. The good news is that they found no way to deny the charges as whole, Silver Willow explains. In fat, the debates are turning into an intestinal tussle between the higher ups of the guild who blame one another. The executive of the guild blames the alchemist who devised the seeds, who in turn denounces too much pressure to act without care by the expedition leader, who incriminates the representatives for deciding to try and cover up everything with a quest to kill the ents. They’re each adding more to the pile, but that might make the procedure lengthy when it comes to determine each pony’s responsibility. Fortunately, Silver Willow could get in touch with a prosecutor who takes care of pressing the charges and she doesn’t have to do everything herself.
  2618. “There isn’t much more I can do for the moment unfortunately. I finished the bulk of the work I had to do to put the case in motion yesterday. From now on, this is no longer gonna be a struggle of every instant. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the treatment of such cases, but it can take years to be settled if you account for the appeals, with more than a month between each session. Well, the good news is that I’m free to participate in that party of yours, Little Spoon!”
  2620. “That’s good to hear.” You nod. “And speaking of that, I’d like for us to have some food prepared directly at the party. Do you have an idea of who I could hire? The set up is a bit particular, but we can bring everything they need to the lake thanks to Night Sprout’s size.”
  2621. “Mmh… I think I know just the pony.” Silver nods after pondering for an instant. “Come with me you two!”
  2623. While you walk, you talk to your friend about who she wants to invite. There are a few acquaintances she caught up with while she was building the case, and she also believes Ebony Vine and Whispersun could say yes if you offered them to come.
  2624. Silver brings you to a caterer who says he’s up for the task. Given the size of the attendees, he offers you to take care of everything for 200 Gold. Silver gave you your share of the quest reward that she could obtain before bringing the guild to justice.
  2626. >Silver Willow plans to invite 4 more stallions and 6 more mares in addition to Ebony Vine, Whispersun and the 3 cooks. Is that okay with you?
  2627. >Talk to Silver about something else?
  2629. >You got 2000 gold
  2631. There’s no reason to refuse the guests Silver wants to invite, and this caterer looks ready for the job. You pay his fee right away. You’ll come pick him up with Night Sprout or another mare if your fairy friend hasn’t retained her current size by then. Fen Flower will certainly have the height for the job otherwise.
  2633. “Thanks for the advice, lady Silver.” You say as you come out of the shop. “You made this way easier than I thought.”
  2634. “Always glad to help.” The 8-feet-plus mare smiles in return.
  2635. “Now, it’s about time I formally invited lady Fen Flower to that party.” You say. “Do you know where I can find her?”
  2636. “Of course.” She nods. “I’m a little surprised you don’t actually. I mean…”
  2638. Silver starts to looks around in the street, and after only a few seconds, she stops and raises her head toward… a 6-foot-tall unicorn mare and her equally tall friend walking down the street! You never grew these mares, nor do you remember them from the party… but then it hits you, and you start to look around too.
  2640. You can’t believe you didn’t notice it before. With your head in the clouds riding Night Sprout, and then with Silver Willow’s imposing presence, you just now realize that there is a number of mares in the capital that are at least a foot taller than what their race would suggest. There’s a lot of ponies everywhere, and around a twentieth of the mares you see benefitted from growth of some sort. If that’s the case in the whole city, and that your friend is the origin, thousands of mares might have already bought Fen Flower’s potion.
  2642. “Business is booming for Fen Flower.” Silver Willow explains. “With the money and ingredients she got from our quest, she managed to both set up her shop and improve her formula in this short amount of time. I helped her get started too. I got in contact with the bank for her, negotiated the purchase of her shop and set up its renovation. I even sorted out the applicants who would work for her. That way she could work on deals with her suppliers and then devise her formula to finally prepare as much of it as possible before the grand opening. That was three days ago, and it was just incredible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many ponies line up to buy something. I think she might have already repaid her loan by now. Which is good.” Silver smirks. “Because I negotiated a 25-percent cut of her profit once that was the case, in return for that help.”
  2643. “Woah… ehm, do you think she’s gonna have any time to spare for us?” You ask.
  2644. “Uh-hum!” Silver nods. “I’m sure she’ll be glad for the opportunity to take a break, and also to prepare her first day off. She and her workers are still very busy, but not to the point she’ll turn us down. Besides, we have the perfect way to get her attention, no matter the crowd.”
  2645. Silver says, looking up to Night Sprout.
  2647. Thus, you let Silver Willow lead the way to Fen Flower’s. She tells you she and Fen found an abandoned abbey building for her business. It is a little off-center in the capital, but the nave and cloister are roomy enough even Fen Flower can comfortably work and rest in them.
  2648. You also tell the noble mare about Pear Plum and Night Sprout’s progress. As Silver Willow congratulates the big fairy, you see a proud little smile bloom on her face up here.
  2650. “Lady Silver Willow.” You then ask at some point. “If you don’t mind be asking, is your daughter doing okay? Surely you’ve paid her a visit in these last few days.”
  2651. “Oh, uhm, she’s doing well… I heard…” Silver shows you an uncomfortable smirk. “She has been almost independent for a while already since she started her studies three years ago. She’s still working well and doesn’t let the situation get to her from what I know, so I… didn’t go talk to her since the time I had to announce her the bad news. I sent her a couple letters and received one from her however. She didn’t ask to see me yet. Right now, she’s in the middle of her exams so I think it’s better I waited a couple weeks before trying to see her.”
  2653. Silver hasn’t talked much about her daughter, and you reckon this might be a bit difficult topic for her. You wish you could help your friend, but you wonder if you can decently involve yourself in such matters, aside from saying you’re there if Silver wants to talk of course.
  2655. >Anything else you with to talk about before arriving to Fen Flower’s
  2657. “Yeah, exams are a decent excuse.” You nod. “But you should head over once they’re over. I mean! If you don’t mind me saying lady Silver Willow. I merely wish to help, whether you need advice or if you with to vent out. I heard talking it out could usually help.”
  2658. “Thanks, Little Spoon. but I… well…” Silver stops in her sentence, before letting out a little sigh of resignation. “Oh, you might be right actually. Truth to be told, I have trouble putting my thoughts in order on this matter. Perhaps voicing those can help indeed.”
  2660. “Then if you don’t mind me asking, how did your daughter react when you had to tell her the news?”
  2661. “Well, she was… a lot more stoic about it than I expected. I and Silver Oak decided to tell her the whole truth. I mean, she’s studying law among other things, and she’s no longer a filly, so she would find out all the information on her own eventually. When I told her, well, that not only we were breaking up, but that her father would face a trial, she didn’t cry. She didn’t shout either. She didn’t ask any question. It looked to me like she didn’t even flinch for the whole time I was talking to her. We had a hug before I left. But… I don’t know… It feels to me like it should have been different.”
  2663. “It sounds to me like she might be bottling up her feelings. That could be worse than if she got angry...”
  2664. “She was certainly putting up a façade indeed, but… so far, from everything I heard she seems to be doing okay. That didn’t affect her work from what I heard from the principal. So, if she wants to be strong, I want to trust that she can do it. As I told you, she answered my letter and there was nothing bitter or angry in it, so… this is why I believe I should wait until she tells me she wants to see me. I feel like this should be her choice. When she’s ready.”
  2666. “Uhm.” You nod. “But that reaction… did she view you and your ex-husband highly before that? Do you think you might have broken a vision she had of you?”
  2667. “View us highly?” Silver chuckles. “That’s not how I would describe it, but first I believe she knows we love her dearly. There are many good memories we share together. But about your question, she hasn’t been seeing me or Silver Oak as beacons of perfection since she was small filly. While she’s been enthusiastic about our work quite early, that was because she was eager to take a part in it. If anything, she firmly believes she can do greater things that we did, and that ambition is something that makes us very proud of her.”
  2669. “Don’t you think she noticed you weren’t very close to your husband while she was growing up?”
  2670. “I… don’t know.” Silver slowly shakes her head. “Perhaps. Probably. What I believe, is that she figured this out later, when she actually saw elsewhere what a loving couple looked like.”
  2672. Silver Willow falls silent for a second, before letting out a nostalgic sigh.
  2673. “But even like that, well, we probably still disappointed her with our actions. I don’t know how much exactly, though...”
  2674. “Is there something I can do to help?” You offer. “Or to make you feel better?”
  2675. “Well, getting me to put some words on my feelings already helped, Little Spoon.” Silver Willow smiles gently to you.
  2676. “You’re welcome, lady Silver Willow.” You slightly bow in response.
  2678. This whole conversation roused your curiosity. You feel very close to offer to Silver Willow to check on her daughter for her. Or even to do so without telling your mare friend. Surely with her reputation, you could find her without too much trouble. What if mother and daughter got reunited for the first time at this pool party? Or… maybe that’s not a good idea.
  2680. Perhaps you should just talk with Fen Flower and keep it there. In fact, what if you grew a mare there to finish an item on the bucket list? You could even do a publicity stunt with it. ‘A chance to win extra growth if you buy a second potion’ or something…
  2682. >What do?
  2684. “Lady Silver Willow, would it help if checked on your daughter for you?” You offer. “If you give me permission, perhaps I could talk to her on your behalf. Would you accept that?”
  2685. “Goodness, Little Spoon, I… I don’t know. I mean, I’d really like it if somepony talked to Silver Ash, and when I recounted our adventures in my letter, there didn’t seem to be any animosity about you or my companions in her reply. But still… you know, it’s not impossible that she believes her parents broke up partly because of my affairs, so for one of them to go and meet her… I have no idea how she’d react if she figured it out. Please, don’t have me make such a decision Little Spoon.” Silver shakes her head in dismay. “I’m so eager to learn what my daughter thinks that I dearly want to say yes, but on the other hoof I feel like that wouldn’t be a proper thing to ask you…”
  2686. “Alright then…” You say with a nod. “Forget about it. I won’t ask you about it then.”
  2687. “Mmh…” The noble mare nods. “That’s better, thanks.”
  2689. You chat idly about more mundane stuff for the rest of the trip, and you take notes of all the big mares whose path you cross. Most are only about a foot taller than average, but you notice a few rare mares that must have grown at least 3 feet from Fen Flower’s treatment and proudly stand above the crowd of the capital.
  2690. Silver tells you there are about 200 000 ponies living in the capital when you ask, plus a couple tens of thousands that make the trip to work here from the nearby villages every day.
  2692. Eventually, you think you see your destination in front of you. You don’t see the shop proper, but already there’s a colourful mass of mares tightly gathered a hundred meters ahead while you should have left the busiest streets of the capital by now.
  2693. “We’re getting close.” Silver Willow says. “See? There’s already the crowd of her clients out there.”
  2694. “Yes, I see Fen Flower.” Night Sprout states, and then stops in her tracts. “And she saw me too. She’s coming our way.”
  2696. Indeed, a second later you witness nearly 24 feet worth of mare leap into the street from the nearby building, slightly startling the gathering of small ponies nearby. Fen Flower starts to walk toward you, but you see her step get hesitant as she does, as she has to look up, and up the closer she gets from Night Sprout. The fairy has over 10 feet of height over the alchemist mare right now, and Fen Flower can’t seem to believe her eyes, looking positively stumped by this fact.
  2697. “Hi Fen Flower.” Night Sprout says, and looking up, you can’t help but to notice the shadow of a smug little smile of the giant fairy’s face.
  2698. “H-hello, Night Sprout, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower says, and soon the discomfort she showed is buried behind her usual confidence again. “Well, I see that this training session in the forest is paying off in more ways than one. I thought you went all out on me Little Spoon, but it looks to me you still had some growth to spare that night. I’d almost be jealous, you know, if I wasn’t running the more profitable business of the capital right now, mwahahaha!” The big mare openly gloats, before showing you a sultry smirk. “Anyway, you come here and greet me properly you little stud…”
  2700. There, Fen Flower’s head quickly descends toward you, her lips puckered up for one big saucy kiss.
  2701. …which you think would probably terminate Night Sprout’s card growth here and now.
  2703. >Roll 1D100 if you want to dodge.
  2704. >Success: DC 70
  2706. You swiftly hop back between Night Sprout’s legs, Fen Flower’s huge lips meeting air where you stood a second before.
  2707. “Apologies lady Fen Flower.” You tell to the quizzical giant mare. “For the good of Night Sprout studying, I need to hold off from your attention right now. Believe me, it is as much of a surprise to me that I’m in a situation where I’d have to dodge a kiss as I would an incoming attack.”
  2708. “Huh. Well, your loss then.” Fen Flower raises her head back up with a shrug, before showing you her usual confident smile again. “So, how have you been? You probably heard from Silver that I’ve been very busy myself, but damn the gold I’m making is SO worth it! As you can see, I’m selling my potions by the hundreds. This is an astounding success! A few more days and you’re gonna be able to call me your sugar mommy, Little Spoon!”
  2710. “Watch out not to overwork yourself.” You reply. “I mean, you’re not looking… much bigger than last time, if you don’t mind me saying. Are you still sparing enough time to take care of yourself Lady Fen Flower?”
  2711. “Ah, I am but one mare Little Spoon.” Fen Flower nonchalantly shakes her head. “Even with Silver’s help, I have to spend all my energy into running the shop these days. Between getting filthy rich first or grow myself… I’ve decided to choose the money this time! But don’t you worry about my size so much. A new kind of personal growth formula is in the works as we speak. I’ll perfect it as soon as the influx of customer slows down a little.”
  2712. “I understand.” You nod. “But I must admit that’s a surprise to me. You’re still under the side effect that’s cutting you height in half, right? Don’t you want to get rid of it?”
  2713. “Actually, it’s decently useful to stand at this height, at least when I’m working in the shop. And you know, I’ve come to find the idea that at all times I’m one get-off away from doubling in size to be quite thrilling! Especially since I already tower over…” She glances toward Night Sprout “…well, almost everypony. I might reconsider if I end up feeling small next to everypony else.”
  2715. “Sounds like you’ve got everything sorted out, then.” You nod. “Anyway, I came to visit to plan a little party with everypony in three days. We’re gonna spend a day relaxing around a lake in the wild countryside. This won’t be a public event this time. Just our little group with a few more guests we might want to invite. We’ve got the food covered already, and lady Pear Plum will help us make furniture that’s adequate for mares of your stature.”
  2716. “Oh, that’s nice!” Fen Flower’s smile widens. “Well, I didn’t plant to take a rest so soon… but I should be able to arrange things to free myself at that time.”
  2717. “Are you sure this successful business mare you became can spare time for her old friends?” You cheekily ask.
  2718. “Of course!” Fen Flower smiles. “Forgive me, I didn’t intend to sound distant or anything. I look forward to this little party of yours, Little Spoon.”
  2720. This sounds good.
  2722. Still, Night Sprout and Fen Flower’s reaction to each other startled you a little. You’re afraid Night Sprout might be getting too cocky with her current size and could have hurt Fen Flower’s feelings. Though, Fen Flower has indeed the possibility to outgrow Night Sprout on a whim, and there was no trace of her being displeased anymore after mere seconds. Night Sprout too didn’t keep up haughtily looking down at the alchemist mare for more than a short while, especially since she was reminded that Fen Flower had some growth to spare.
  2723. Nothing stops you from talking it out with Night Sprout and Fen Flower if you want, anyway.
  2725. About the party, Fen Flower thinks about rewarding the few most performant of her employees by allowing them the privilege of going with her on this daytrip. That would make for 3 more stallions on the list of guests.
  2727. >What do?
  2728. >You planned to maybe grow one of Fen Flower’s customers to complete an item of the bucket list. Follow though it?
  2730. “Lady Fen Flower, there’s a little offer I’d like to submit to you. Would it be okay if I grew one of your customers? Perhaps we could use that in some flash publicity stunt of sorts.” You say at some point.
  2731. By now, you accompanied Fen Flower back in her shop. You’re inside a cloister that’s been remodelled as an open-air alchemy workshop. Instead of a fountain in the middle of it, there’s a huge brewing vat your friend uses as a cauldron for her potions.
  2733. “Huh. Any particular reason you’d like to grow a random pony rather than me?” Fen Flower replies with a smirk.
  2734. “Well… with that it’ll be 10 mares that I’ll have grown or allowed to grow on their own. Let’s say I’d consider it a milestone of sort for my purpose. And with it, I might be able to deepen my understanding of my magic.”
  2735. “I see.” She nods. “That works for me. Let’s make sure we have a return on that investment of yours, then.”
  2737. Fen Flower decides to make it a game for customers purchasing more than one vial of her formula, allowing them a chance to gain your growth as a bonus. This persuades a number of clients to indeed go for more than one serving of Fen Flower’s potion while it lasts. You find your winner after about 1 hour. The 30-something, city earth mare lets out an excited scream as she realises she won, and with a touch you grant her another foot of height and thus clear another item from your list.
  2739. >CLEARED: Permanently grow 10 different mares or give them a growth ability permanently:
  2740. >Whenever you permanently grow or increase the stats of one or more mares, one random mare among the 10 from this item grows that way in addition.
  2741. >When you gain a level, you recover all charges of Embrace destiny but mares that held charges from Embrace Destiny permanently keep the growth.
  2742. >NEW: Permanently grow 10 different mares to at least 30’ tall
  2743. >NEW: Collect 1000 litters of milk from one mare you’ve grown in one day and have other ponies than you or said mare drink it
  2745. With that taken care of, you can go back to planning your party. Though… is there anything you still have to do? Unless you want to try and catch up with them today, inviting Blackberry Brunch, Ebony Vine or Whispersun shouldn’t take much time. Alternatively, you could still try to spend some time with Silver or Fen if you want.
  2747. >What do?
  2748. >Talk with any of the mares you want to invite in particular?
  2749. >Return to the forest?
  2751. Inviting some other mares shouldn’t be any trouble. Also, Fen Flower isn’t opposed to transport the guests, so there’s on issue on that side either.
  2753. But right now, there’s something you feel like you need to do. While Fen Flower discusses with Silver Willow, you catch the attention of the big fairy by patting her leg.
  2754. “Lady Night Sprout.” You whisper after her head descended to hear you better. “I believe you should talk to Fen Flower about your feelings.”
  2755. The fairy glances at the buxom alchemist, and then back at you, looking unconvinced.
  2756. “Please, I believe it’s for the better.” You insist. “Trust me. I’m sure at the end of this conversation, we’ll all feel better.”
  2758. Night Sprout hesitates a little more, but eventually gives you a little nod. She waits until Fen is done with her bit with Silver, and then goes for it.
  2759. “Fen Flower.” Night Sprout calls.
  2760. “Hm? Yes?” The alchemist mare turns to her.
  2762. And then they look at each other in silence.
  2764. “Fen Flower.” Night Sprout eventually starts. “Please don’t keep Little Spoon all for yourself.”
  2765. “What now?” The alchemist mare raises an eyebrow. “You’ve just spent a week with Little Spoon and away from me. And I see you’ve grown a lot from it too, so you got some nerve saying that. Unless…” Fen Flower turns to you. “Little Spoon, was growing her your answer to her qualms?”
  2766. “Part of it, yes.” You nod.
  2767. “Fen Flower.” Night Sprout speaks up again. “You’re too big and sexy. I’m afraid Little Spoon will only want to stay with you since you’re so big and sexy.”
  2769. This time Fen Flower blinks in surprise, but now she doesn’t look as annoyed as before.
  2770. “Well, thanks for the compliment.” The alchemist mare chuckles, but then you see her getting a little awkward. “Now, though, you’re putting me in a harsh spot. I’d gladly keep Little Spoon all for myself if I could, but after you asked me like that, I’d just feel too guilty about it. But then… I don’t know what I can do, really.”
  2772. Fen Flower then turns to you.
  2773. “Little Spoon, this is a bit about you, isn’t it? You don’t plan on forgetting about Night Sprout and only stay with me, do you? Can’t you just tell her?”
  2774. “Of course!” You nod. “I already told you so, lady Night Sprout, and I’ll tell you again as many times as needed. But now, it seemed important to me for us to have this discussion. You see, from how you reacted to each other when you met earlier, I couldn’t help but notice you seemed a little upset when you saw how big I made lady Night Sprout, lady Fen Flower. And you Lady Night Sprout, for a second you looked like you were enjoying being the biggest… maybe in a bad way, you see?”
  2775. “Yikes...” Fen Flowers cringes. “So just because of a few bad impressions you’re trying to force some sort of explanation between us? Little Spoon, do you think we’re foals or something?”
  2776. “Apologies! It’s… I didn’t want some quarrel to go unresolved. I just want for everypony in our party to remain on good terms…”
  2777. Fen Flower lets out a tired sigh, but then ruminates your words for a little while, showing you a pensive pout in the meantime.
  2779. “Alright, alright…” She smiles to you again. “I get it. I’m gonna be the bigger mare, here.” And there, she turns to the fairy in front of her.
  2780. “Night Sprout!” The bigger mare jumps slightly as Fen Flower solemnly calls her. “It seems Little Spoon is worried sick we’re gonna get mad at each other. This won’t do! We can’t have our favourite little musician torture himself over us, can we?”
  2781. “Uhm, y-yes.” Night Sprout nods after a slight hesitation.
  2782. “Now, I must admit, I don’t really… get you so far, Night Sprout. It’s not that I don’t like you, but I feel like we didn’t share much until now, and that could be why you’re so worried about me taking away Little Spoon for myself. So what I say, is that we should bond with each other! When you’re done with your lessons, you and I are gonna spend some quality time together… How does that sound?”
  2783. “Uhm, y-yes.” Night Sprout, again, sounds a bit dumbfounded.
  2785. “Wonderful!” Fen Flower cheers. And there, before anypony can react, you’re scooped up by one of her hooves to be held against her chest. Still like that, Fen Flower takes the bigger Night Sprout in a hug, and you soon find yourself sandwiched between the warm chests of the giantesses, with no longer any hoof to hold you in place. This isn’t exactly their softest spots, but the two mares take extra care to not squish you between their powerful bodies.
  2786. Looking up, you see Fen Flower’s smiling down to you, her cheek against the one of Night Sprout who’s looking a little flustered by all this.
  2787. “See? Everything worked out.” Fen Flower says. “Are you reassured Little Spoon?”
  2789. >What do?
  2791. “Y-yes, thank you lady Fen Flower!” You blurt. “I’m glad I was probably just reading too much into this. Sorry about the uncomfortable discussion I forced on you.”
  2792. And then to the other mare.
  2793. “See lady Night Sprout? Lady Fen Flower’s nothing to be afraid off. I reckon you’ll like her hugs as much as I do. In fact, from the compliments you gave her and your blush, I’m starting to wonder if you might not be succumbing to her charms already.”
  2795. “Who wouldn’t!” Fen Flower giggles in reaction, and hugs Night Sprout just a bit tighter who in turn blushes harder. You have to pull yourself up a little to avoid being squished too badly at that moment, but then you’re eventually released from this double embrace.
  2797. With that matter closed, you can talk about other topics again. And there’s one bit in particular you’ve been curious about.
  2798. “Lady Fen Flower!” You call your big friend. “You say you’ve been mostly working on this commercial growth potion, but surely you haven’t been putting all those ingredients from the ents in that. Come on, I wanna hear what do you plan to grow yourself next.”
  2799. “Well, aren’t you a curious little stud?” She shows you a grin. “Alright, I’ll tell you Little Spoon. You see, I’ve done a bit of thinking and decided to change my method. I have to admit Little Spoon, how much you grew me vastly outclassed my expectations. I’m very happy about it of course! But with how I did it before, I just cannot compare with your magic. It would get increasingly more expansive to grow myself by a foot at most at times, when clearly, you’re able and willing to do much more than that for me.”
  2801. “So, I decided to switch to another method. I’ve been seeking knowledge o another staple of adventuring alchemists. Mutagen! It’s a brew that alchemists make to transform into a more savage version of themselves and fight hooves on for a certain amount of time. Mine will be a little… different though.”
  2802. “So… am I right to guess you’re working on a mutagen formula to grow yourself?”
  2803. “You guessed it. My brand of the stuff will do that, among other perks…” Fen Flower’s smile widen. “But also, to make the best use of the ent components I got, I’ll have to make it a magic flask instead of potions, which is also something I need to work on. A magic flask is a device that will hold the power in a container rather that directly in the brew, and it will infuse the fluid it contains with its magic to create a dose of potion for me to use once a day.”
  2805. “That sounds interesting…” You reply. “So… will I have the pleasure to discover this new growth method of yours when we meet by the lake?”
  2806. “Well, as much as I’d like to blow the rest of the competition out of the water in terms of size…” Fen Flower bites her lip. “I just can’t risk rushing things. So, no, sorry Little Spoon. I won’t have it ready in three days. I still need at least a week of work to get it right.”
  2807. “A shame.” You shake your head. “But of course, I won’t ask you to put your research in danger for just one stunt. There’ll be plenty more occasions to show off your results.”
  2809. Shortly after, you leave Fen Flower to her shop, and start seeking the other mares you wanted to invite.
  2810. There shouldn’t be any issue to contact Ebony Vine or Whispersun, and you find Blackberry Brunch quite easily after asking around the adventurer’s guild. They’re all willing to come to your little party.
  2812. >What do?
  2813. >Discuss with any of the other mares you want to invite?
  2814. >Seek a quest to stomp with big fairy powers?
  2815. >Return to the forest?
  2816. >Proceed to the lake party already?
  2818. Wispersun is convinced by Silver Willow to take a break and to come to your party without trouble. Similarly, you merely have to say that Pear Plum will be there to have Ebony Vine accept. Blackberry too turns out to be interested since she’s currently taking a little break from questing, and you don’t have much persuasion to perform here either.
  2820. Out of curiosity, you ask around the guild if they heard about a mare called Star Shooter. Since the elven ranger didn’t mean to hide her tracks, the ponies from the guild have no trouble telling you she came in the capital a couple weeks ago, but left after only a couple days to return to her forest after acquiring the cure she was looking for. Sounds like you’d need to travel to her community in the deep woods if you wished to meet her again. You could also try to write her a letter someday. With the experience they have to serve even wandering adventurers, the guild runs a postal service that is shockingly competent to find who they need to deliver mail to.
  2822. With that, you’ve cleared everything you meant to do in the capital, and it’s time you returned to the forest, so you’re in for another ride on your giant fairy friend. Again, the time you take to clear the distance is laughably small thanks to the wings of your 40-feet-tall friend.
  2824. “Thank you for the ride, lady Night Spout.” you tell her after she gently places you on the ground again. “Now, apologies lady Night Spout, but I’m affraid the time has come for you to return to a less impressive size. I’ve been meaning to invite Par Plum on a date you see. Is that alright with you?”
  2825. The mare tilts her head in silence for a few seconds before answering.
  2826. “Yes. You told me it would happen.” She replies. “Have fun with Pear Plum, Little Spoon.”
  2828. By the time you returned, it’s about the end of the afternoon. While she isn’t done with her training of the day, Pear Plum waves to the two of you as she sees you approach.
  2829. “Hello!” Pear Plum says with a warm smile. “Looks like your trip to the capital went well. How are Fen and Silver doing?”
  2830. “They’re’ both doing great.” You reply. “And they’ll be coming to the party we’re planning. Lady Fen Flower will carry most of our guests actually.”
  2831. “I see.” Pear Plum nods. “Is it okay if we talk a little later? I want to practice a little more today.”
  2832. “Sure thing lady Pear Plum.”
  2834. With that, the druid mare turns to Pinelock again, and you see her interact with one of the many birds currently sitting on the tree mare. Apparently, Pear Plum making an effort to give them instructions they can follow.
  2835. Now, how do you spell out this invitation you have in mind? Should you hit Pear Plum with the D word, or just ask for a nice moment of respite between the two of you?
  2837. >What do?
  2839. Pear Plum finishes her training about an hour later and then comes to meet you.
  2841. “Did your lesson go well lady Pear Plum?” You ask, as the bottom-heavy, 10’ mare sits next to you.
  2842. “Hm! I think I’m doing okay.” She replies. “And I’ll be sure to put Pinelock’s teaching to good use in the future. How about you Little Spoon? Sound like you managed to invite our friends to your party like you planned. I must say, I’m rather impressed by how quickly you got to the capital and back. This is amazing!”
  2844. “It’s all thanks to lady Night Sprout.” You say. “She travelled as fast as the wind, even with me as a passenger. But before we talk further, Lady Pear Plum… Our ent friends told me about a place that has a view on the whole forest, not far from here. I was thinking we could have a nice picnic over there to catch up, you and me. How does that sound?”
  2845. “Hm? Why not.” She nods with a smile. “Do you want to go right away?”
  2846. “Sure. Let’s just prepare some ingredients to cook ourselves a meal and be on our way. Unless… you had other plans?”
  2847. “No, I’m good.” The druid mare stands up. “Alright, let’s see what we can find to make something tasty.”
  2848. “I’m glad to hear that!” You exclaim, and take one of the druid mare’s legs in a hug. Pear Plum lets out a little chuckle in reaction, gently patting your back in return.
  2850. Like you reckoned, as much as she knows where to forage food in the woods, Pear Plum isn’t that much of a cook beyond that. Still, in addition to the fine flowers, berries and mushrooms she puts into your basket, Pear Plum also convinces a beehive to let her squeeze a jar’s worth of honey from their lair.
  2851. Soon after, you and Pear Plum start the trip toward the hill the ents told you about. You note that already, Night Sprout went back to being only 20 feet tall as a consequence of your infidelity.
  2853. Now you walk along the druid mare among the bushes and fens. She looks like she’s in high spirits at the moment. In fact, you believe she’s been feeling quite good since you could solve your last quest, and also perhaps thank to how you could help her ease up a little before that. On the way to your destination, you tell her more in detail about what you’ve seen in the capital and what you’ve planned.
  2854. Pear Plum seems genuinely impressed to learn that Fen Flower’s business is so successful, and seems content to hear that Silver’s case is moving forward. The fact you could find a cook for your party also seem to please her. Pear Plum then tells you about her lesson a little. She learned to conjure plants quickly enough to use that ability even in a fight, and also to use her empathy to better communicate her needs to plants and animals in general.
  2856. You’ve been treading on an upward slope for several minutes now, and at some point, the trees start to clear up and the edge of a cliff is revealed to you. In front of you, a sea of lush green illuminated by the late-afternoon sun, nestled in the surrounding hills. Miles ahead, you see the rive snake through the forest and toward the horizon.
  2857. “Wow!” Pear Plum exclaims, marking a pause as she takes in the surroundings. “This place really Is pretty.”
  2858. “Once again our tree friends were right indeed.” You comment. “This forest holds some nice secrets for sure.”
  2859. “Mh-hm.” Pear Plum nods, and takes a few steps forward toward the edge. “As long as you’re not afraid of heights. But… I feel like you’d be offended if I asked if you were, Little Spoon.” She chuckles.
  2861. >A: Talk about the future. Now that she’s bigger and that she learned some more skills, what does Pear Plum see herself do in the future.
  2862. >B: Admit that this moment you share is a date to you. Is that ok with her?
  2863. >C: Keep mostly silent, have your meal, and just hug Pear Plum as much as you can.
  2864. >D: Talk about the upcoming party. Surely Silver and Fen are gonna come with some fashionable swimwear. Does Pear Plum think she might need some now that her assets might need to be held in place?
  2866. “But I am afraid of heights.” You smirk. “The fact so little of it belongs to mares fills me with dread every night.”
  2867. That gets a giggle out of Pear Plum.
  2869. For now, you set up the space for the picnic. As she did in the past, Pear Plum has some comfortable moss bloom on the ground, which makes it feel like you’re on a layer of fresh pillows. You pull out the various foods you prepared from the basket, and lie next to each other with the view in front of you.
  2871. “Truly marvellous, lady Pear Plum!” You say once you’ve generously spread honey on the bread you had left from your rations. “This reminds me of my days as a little foal, when I and my friends or family would plan a picnic at the hill over my village. Oh, the memories… Did I ever tell you how I got my cutie mark, lady Pear Plum?”
  2872. “I don’t believe you did.” She replies. “And I’m a bit curious too. Has it always been a big mare craze that has driven you?”
  2873. “Let’s not spoil the story just yet.” You say, and recount the events you once told Night Sprout. In your late teens, a comely earth mare came to your village’s baking contest and you were designated to be her assistant. Your mark came up during the event, as the bigger pony awoke powerful feelings inside you. While you’ve recovered from your crush on that mare in particular, it is then that you realised bigger mares was the purpose of your life.
  2875. “But what about you, lady Pear Plum?” You say once you’re done. “I don’t remember you telling me how you discovered your talent either. Is there any anecdote you’re willing to share?”
  2876. “Oh, well, it’s nothing special, really. I don’t remember if I told you, but I learned the druidic arts from my parents. I simply got my mark the first time I managed to grow sprouts from a couple of seeds.”
  2877. “Let me guess… a pear and a plum seed?”
  2878. “Yes.” She chuckles. “I told you my story was plain. My mother’s favourite fruits are pears, and my father’s are plums.”
  2879. “I see… and your parents were adventurers, right? Life with them must have been really exiting. You must have travelled a lot.”
  2881. “We did.” Pear Plum nods. “My parents treaded all around the continent to help other ponies. I’ve seen the cold steppes in the north and the dry mountains to the west. Through, we always preferred the more temperate climates, forests and grasslands. The woodlands of the elves were also a favourite destination of ours.”
  2882. “Surely they inspired you to become the brave and empathetic mare I’m looking up to right now.” You turn to her. “And no, I don’t just mean that literally.”
  2884. “Ahaha…” Pear Plum giggles nervously, but she blushes slightly too. “Well, in a way, yes. Though, whenever they felt like there was trouble ahead, they left me in the care of somepony else so I wouldn’t be in danger. I almost never saw them fight a real battle. Most of the feats I saw from them were when they performed healing magic or rituals, and I soon felt like helping with those would be the right thing to do. They taught me more about the druidic way of restoration when I asked them, and eventually I decided I should go my own.”
  2885. “So this was the debut of Pear Plum the adventurer.” You smile to yourself. “Do tell me, what other quests did you take on before you met me?”
  2886. “Ahem…” Pear Plum adverts her gaze for a second. “Well… I wasn’t that big on quests before I met you actually. I… tried to, sometimes, but most were about killing or capturing or… you know? For a long while I couldn’t find a job that seemed right… or met friends that I’d trust to do such jobs with. I preferred to stay in the woods more often than not, and just enjoy the quiet of the life here. That, or I would provide my services as a healer to villages.”
  2887. There, the druid mare smiles to you.
  2888. “I’m glad I heard about this issue with the fairies in the end.” She says. “That time, I mustered the courage to take on a job that I felt was worth it, and I was able to meet you and everypony else in the process. Now I’m confident we can do some good no matter the quest we take on.”
  2890. There, it’s your time to feel yourself getting a little red in the face.
  2891. “Sounds like you’ve seen a lot already… but, could there be another distant place in particular you’d like to discover?” You then ask. “Because if your height keeps going up, this place might soon not be so distant anymore.”
  2892. “A place to discover? Hmm… I’m not sure… but from the stories I’ve read about, I’ve been curious about the underground. I know such places are teeming with dangers, but I’ve also heard the life there can still flourish in completely different ways, with forests of giant mushrooms, winding underground rivers where eurypterids still exist, or even flora that learned to adapt to the proximity of lava! I… don’t think I’m brave enough to adventure in such a place, though…”
  2893. “Nonsense!” You retort with a smirk. “I’m sure you’ll gaze upon the marvels you wish to discover one day, and sooner than you think!”
  2895. “Oh… I don’t know…” The mare fidgets with her hooves uncomfortably. “Perhaps if we met somepony who has experience in such underground journeys to guide us, but right now I’d rather complete my training with Pinelock.”
  2896. “Alright, then.” You nod. “We can take our time for that… and so, what do you like to do when you’re not on a job? I think you picked up a book lately, right?”
  2897. “Well, yeah…” She chuckles. “But I found out murder mysteries aren’t really my thing. Even as a fiction, such machinations in the hearts of ponies just make me feel dull. No, I still prefer a good walk wherever. There are just so many little things to discover if you know where to look, even in the cities there’s so many of it.”
  2899. “I see. That does sound nice…” You nod to yourself. “Also, lady Pear Plum… have you realised?”
  2900. “Hm?” She turns to you, a quizzical look on her face.
  2901. “Right now, the two of us… We’re on a date, you know?”
  2902. Pear Plum blinks slowly to your statement, and then she gives you a sigh.
  2903. “Lady Pear Plum?”
  2904. “Little Spoon… what does it mean to you if it’s a date?” She asks. “You told me you used to do picnics like these your friends and family. Is there something different right now, for you to make a statement about it?”
  2906. >What do?
  2908. “Well, getting to know each other better is a staple of any date, and surely you understand the difference between a picnic with many friends or family, and one that a colt would invite just one mare to. Most ponies would understand this is a date.”
  2909. “Ehm, not me…” Pear Plum shakes her head. “Sorry, but I don’t think all interactions between one stallion and one mare have to be romantic, Little Spoon… But really, what I don’t get is, why tell me now that it’s a date and not before then? Do you want me to feel… obligated to do something now that I know it’s a date?”
  2911. “Goodness, no!” You blurt out embarrassedly. “It’s just… is the prospect of a date with me so unappealing?”
  2912. Pear Plum looks back to you in silence for a moment. She glances down toward her hooves for a second, before showing you a compassionate smirk.
  2913. “Little Spoon. Were you afraid that I would say no if you asked me out on a date to begin with?”
  2914. “Well… I reckoned such a word might have some bad feelings attached to it for you…”
  2915. “I see.” Pear Plum nods to herself. There, she lifts her front leg and drapes it over you neck, before gently pulling you against her warm, bigger body.
  2917. “I don’t care about the word you call it.” Pear Plum says with a soft voice. “We can hang out like this if you want, Little Spoon.”
  2918. “Hmm…” You nod. Accepting Pear Plum’s compassion, you allow yourself to rest on her side and place your hoof on her chest. Closing your eyes, the steady and vigorous rhythm of her heart could easily lull you to sleep.
  2920. “Sorry about this little trick, lady Pear Plum.” You say. “It’s just that, I’m trying to figure out if the two of us can… you know, have something together. Or, what can we have. I’ve definitely fell for you lady Pear Plum. Your personality, your achievements, I feel drawn to everything about you like a moth to a flame. But I also know that building something out of it isn’t only up to me, so I’m looking for ways to, ahem, test the waters, for the lack of better words. I might have been a little clumsy about it this time...”
  2921. “Mmh…” Pear Plum nods slowly. “Sorry if I’m assuming, but from how you behave with Silver or Fen, I believe I have a good grasp on what are your desires, Little Spoon. Though, I don’t think I have a clear answer to give these desires. Sorry.”
  2923. >What do?
  2925. “Its alright.” Your reply. “I know there won’t be an answer anytime soon. That’s the point of these dates, to figure it out.”
  2926. “Mmh.” You feel Pear Plum nod.
  2927. “Though, I think you’ll be surprised when you really find out about my desires.” You add. “I mean, other than the one about growing mares. This one is explicit enough; I’ll give you that.”
  2929. The druid mare doesn’t reply to that, and merely keeps you in her soothing embrace. You nuzzle yourself closer against Pear Plum, hugging her chest as mush as you little arms allow, and in turn, she gently strokes your side.
  2931. You both seem to reach a comfortable position in your hug, you, and the anchoring rock of a mare you have your arms around. Eyes closed, only the motion of your breathing and hearts remains. You hear the wind rustling in the leaves behind you. The critters around have become accustomed enough to your presence you hear the occasional skittering of small ground mammals, or the chirping and flapping of birds close to you.
  2933. You could very well fall asleep like that and call it a wonderful time with Pear Plum… but do you have other things to ask her? Or do you want to talk further about these secret desires of yours?
  2935. >What do?
  2936. >Ask something from ?
  2938. Pear Plum’s presence is so comforting, it takes some willpower to shake yourself awake again. A hoofful of berries from the basket helps you set yourself straight.
  2939. “Lady Pear Plum, you got a pretty good idea of what are my tastes in mares.” You start. “But now, I must confess I’m quite curious about yours. Do you have a type of stallion you prefer?”
  2940. “Me? Uhm…” The druid mare gets slightly embarrassed. “I don’t think I have a ‘type’, haha…”
  2941. “Really?” You smirk. “I mean, you don’t need to force yourself to tell me if you don’t want to…”
  2942. “Well, it’s more like, I never really had the occasion to ask myself such a thing. But… I suppose that most of the times, when I found a colt pretty, they were usually, like, rather lean. And I think I find long manes pretty for a stallion too. To tell you the truth, I’ve always found elves to be pretty whenever I was around them, more than other ponies. I’m certainly more moved by the graceful demeanour of such stallions rather than the bravado some burly colts put up.”
  2943. “I see…” You nod to yourself.
  2944. “B-but that’s for first impressions!” Pear Plum hurriedly adds. “Surely you can guess I’m not the kind of mare to go after a colt on looks alone.”
  2945. “I wouldn’t think less of you if you did, lady Pear Plum.” You reply with a chuckle. “You don’t have to be ashamed of your preferences. In fact, I think that not acknowledging one’s own likings is the best way to have those cloud one’s judgement.”
  2946. “Mmh… perhaps you’re right…”
  2948. “Anyway, sounds to me like your travels through the elven woodlands really left an impact on you. Would you say it’s your favourite place? Are there some fabulous things in particular you remember from there? Aside from the colts living there of course…”
  2949. Pear Plum chuckles, still a bit rosy in the face.
  2950. “Hum, that’s probably it.” She then nods. “Their capital is breathtaking. The trees there are hundreds of meters tall, and at least fifty across. Their houses are built as rings around those monolithic trunks, and instead of streets they have huge bridges linking the clusters of constructions together. And even up there that have fountains and canals, whose water is brough up by huge windmills above the canopy. It’s really a sight to behold.”
  2951. “That sounds amazing indeed!” You smile, even though you wonder if such an infrastructure could support the presence of large mares. “You must have met some interesting ponies through these travels. Is there an elven prince I should be worried about if I date you? Or powerful woodland spirit maybe?”
  2952. “Oh, well… I don’t think so. I’ve seen wood nymphs in the past, but I didn’t approach those.” Pear Plum says. “My parents made sure to keep me away from harm but also from the stakes of their quests. Actually, it’s when they had left me in the care of an ent-friend that I could meet one. Mom and dad weren’t the kind to meddle too much with powerful ponies either. They never liked the idea of getting responsibilities that would prevent them from traveling the land whenever they liked.”
  2954. “Travellers to the very core, eh?” You smile. “And what about you, then? Now you’re on your own, is there some place you wish to visit? Or in a broader sense, now that you’re a big and powerful druid trained by the ents, what plans do you have in mind for your next adventure?”
  2955. “Ah…” She mare shifts on her hooves. “Actually, I meant to talk to you about it. I’m not in a rush or anything, but eventually I’d like to go the living forest of restoration.”
  2956. “So it’ll be a return to your roots in a way…”
  2957. “Actually, I never went there.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “Well, not since I was very young and accompanying my parents. I didn’t learn my magic there either. Mom and dad taught me on their own. Now, well, I’ll never say I have nothing left to learn of course, but the reason I want to go there I because I think I could be of help now. That place is not like the forest of alpha we went to. There are many druids coming to this one all the time, and they share knowledge from all around the world. Surely, they can tell where my powers could be of use.”
  2959. “You’re looking for a challenge I see.” You smile. “That’s commendable. Is this forest far away?”
  2960. “It is, yes.” Pear Plum nods. “It’s a very long way to the south, even past the desert and zebra lands. Even with you blessing, I don’t think I could make it less than a month. And so…” Pear plum seems to get a bit embarrassed there. “I… I mean, I’m not saying it has to be right away, we can still do some work around here… but still, I’d really like it if we could go there together…”
  2961. “Oh? Just the two of us?” You say with a teasing tone.
  2962. “N-no! I mean, with our friends if they want of course! B-but like I said, that’s not urgent. We can wait. It wouldn’t be fair to just do what I want. But that’s just something I’d like to do eventually…”
  2964. You let out a chuckle at her reaction.
  2965. “Say, lady Pear Plum, this time you sure realized there was something romantic about a stallion and a mare travelling on their own to a foreign place.”
  2966. “W-well maybe there shouldn’t.” The big druid mare retorts with a blush. “But after what you said, now I know what to expect from you…”
  2967. Again, you allow yourself a little laugh at Pear Plum’s confusion.
  2968. “I must admit lady Pear Plum… I’ve been trying to get your attention from quite some time. Did I fail to convey my romantic intention before today? Have the hints I tried to give you really fallen on deaf ears this far?”
  2970. “It was… complicated.” Pear Plum replies. “I felt that you were being flirty at times, but I wasn’t sure of it and I didn’t want to be rude, so I tried to ignore it for a good while. It’s when you started, well, doing it with our other friends that I was definitely sure of it. Still, I don’t really know how to deal with it, even now…”
  2971. That’s probably the best answer you’ll get for now. Still, you believe you’ve made some progress recently. Pear Plum accepted to benefit from the size from your Gift of the Bard last time, and that went rather well. All that’s left to do is to ease her into the idea that there doesn’t need to be a practical reason to justify some sexy times.
  2972. Maybe today’s the day, maybe not. For now, there’s something else that crossed your mind.
  2974. “Lady Pear Plum, I just thought of something.” You speak up again. “Pardon the question, but do you think you’ll need to prepare some swimwear for the upcoming party? I reckon that because of me, you might need a little support down there to remain comfortable now that there’s more to hold in place.”
  2975. “Wh-what?” Pear Plum’s face get redder, and you she her hindlegs shift under her. “Oh, uhm… maybe? I didn’t really think about it...”
  2976. “That won’t do!” You state. “If we end up playing some games in the water, you’ll surely get inconvenienced. When have to think of something so your two burdens remain manageable.”
  2977. “Uhh… M-maybe I can use some bandages? That should be enough, right? I’m not… well, not as endowed as Silver or Fen.”
  2979. That might be true, but if you end up using your inspiration on her, or convince her to use the perks of her card, mere bandages will never be able to comfortably hold in place Pear Plum’s mounds.
  2981. >A: Say bandages should do… but don’t tell Pear Plum there’s a high chance of wardrobe malfunction if she keeps it to that.
  2982. >B: What if she tried to summon some vines and leaves to make herself something? You’re confident even plants will happy to be used for such a purpose.
  2983. >C: There’s gotta be a tailor in a nearby village where Pear Plum could have herself some swimwear made for her. You’re binging her there tomorrow!
  2984. >D: Insist that emphasising her assets is very important at a pool party regardless. Use your inspiration to show her how big she’ll get, and tell how beautiful she is.
  2986. “I’m afraid bandages will not be enough to contain you, lady Pear Plum.” You tell the large mare. “Especially since it would be the first time you try something like this. No, you need a proper garment. How about this? First thing tomorrow, let us go to a nearby village and find a tailor to make you a piece of swimwear. I’ll pay for it of course. That, or you could try to make one out of vine and leaves, but I’d advise you to have a professional do the work this time at least. What do you think?”
  2987. “Well, thank you Little Spoon, but…” Pear Plum ponders for a second, before giving you a timid nod. “I mean, alright. I suppose we can visit a town for that.”
  2988. “I’m sure you won’t regret it.” You smile to the still slightly flustered big mare. “And trust me, you’ll grow into it. All the more reason to make an investment now.”
  2990. That’s one important question that’s been taken care of. Pear Plum will probably ask for something modest, but you hope that’s gonna be a first step.
  2991. Now, you’re still on a date with Pear Plum, and you’ve just wedged your hoof into rather delicate matters. Should you try to push it, or give your mare friend a break?
  2993. >A: The sun is tarting to set, and the colours of the panorama are really pretty… Just have the two of you calm down an enjoy view with each other’s comfort.
  2994. >B: As above, but add extra nuzzling and sneak in a few kisses on Pear Plum’s chest if things go well.
  2995. >C: Ask Pear Plum if she’s alright with her new assets since she drew her card. Tell her this is yet one more reason you’ll be attracted to her. Would she be curious to know what they feel like if you grew them with your inspiration or something else?
  2996. >D: Pear Plum told you she’d like to be a bigger help to ponies and take on big task. Ask if she’d like you to grow her more for her training.
  2998. “Well, I believe I’m done with the bothersome questions, lady Pear Plum.” There, you turn back to the landscape beyond the cliff. “Looks like the forest’s putting on its evening gown, now. I see why you say there’s so much to discover in nature. Even the same place, a different time will reveal a new display.”
  2999. “Hm.” Pear Plum nods, and again she sits next to you. “That’s part of what’s making it wonderful, yeah.”
  3001. With the wind brushing over the two of you, you soon get and excuse to wedge yourself closer to Pear Plum. Eventually, you take the big druid mare in a hug again, nuzzling your cheek against her strong and warm chest. In reaction, the mare gently rubs you back and cranes her neck down to ruffle your mane with her snout.
  3003. “Heh. I guess I still am the best mascot around.” You whisper with a chuckle.
  3004. “A mascot…” And after pondering for a few seconds. “Yes, you are Little Spoon. Keep it to that for today, will you?”
  3005. Well if that’s the case, you’re gonna have to keep your kissy plans for another time…
  3007. >A: Anything you want to do before the end of the date?
  3008. >B: Proceed to a shopping day with Pear Plum?
  3009. >C: Proceed to the party? (Pear Plum will pick a form-fitting, green swimsuit covering everything from her thighs to her waist)
  3011. You choose not to push your luck and accept your fate as a mere mascot this time. At least, this means you have full right to hug and nuzzle the big druid mare as much as you want. At some point, Pear Plum decides to answer your cuddling by rolling on her back and taking you in her arms so she could hold you in place a little. The soft belly of the mare is indeed soothing enough to calm your onslaught. At her size, straddling her midsection feels like resting on a soft bed of warm fur.
  3013. Once night has fallen, you eventually come back to your camp in the forest.
  3014. “Did you like our little date, lady Pear Plum?” You ask on the way back. “And so… would you like it if I invited you again on dates in the future?”
  3015. “Well…” the big mare looks toward you with a little smirk “If you’re okay with calling what we did a date, I wouldn’t mind spending other moments like that with you, yeah.”
  3017. On the next day, you decide to go to a town to find something for Pear Plum to wear at the party like you planned. However, after you revealed your plans, it turns out Night Sprout is interested and wishes to get herself a fashionable attire too, so in the morning the three of you depart in quest of some swimwear.
  3018. You remember there was another lake than the one you planned your party at, and there was a small town at its shore. Your guess was that surely such a settlement would have a tailor that could fabricate what you need. After facing the now usual surprise from the local ponies meeting mares taller than their houses, you can verify that you were right.
  3020. “Greetings, merchant!” You address the flabbergasted artisan mare while your two big friends peek through her windows. “Would you be up for a challenge? My two friends here are in dire need of new swimwear for a pool party that is just in a couple days. Of course, I’m ready to pay for your finest wares!”
  3021. After giving the tailor some time to pick up her jaw and show her that you indeed have the gold for your ambitions, she accepts to deal with you. Soon, she brings some of her material outside.
  3023. “I’ll start by taking your measurements.” The tailor says as she climbs a little ladder with a tape ready. “In the meantime, why don’t you tell me what you want exactly?”
  3024. “Oh, uhm, something simple please.” Pear Plum replies. “Mostly, I’d like to make sure I’m not bothered while I swim. You know, hold stuff in place, haha…”
  3025. “Well, shorts should do for you.” The tailor nods, while throwing the roll of tape over Pear Plum’s back to measure her midsection. “I’ll make them tight enough you won’t feel them float around your coat, and thus you shouldn’t bounce too much. Then, what about you?” She turns to Night Sprout.
  3027. “I’d like something pretty, please.” Night Sprout simply replies.
  3028. “Mmmh…” The tailor ponders for a second. “I have some bright pink fabric I could use that would complement your eyes and mane. If that’s alright with you, I’m gonna go for panties. Don’t be afraid if that sounds a bit skimpy. You’ll remain very elegant with how slender you are.”
  3030. >What do?
  3031. >Try to influence the choice of your friends?
  3033. You don’t see much reason to interfere here. It’s not like a snug pair of shorts for Pear Plum or some cute swimming panties for Night Sprout are displeasing choices in any way.
  3034. You pay for the stuff in advance, and accept to come retrieve your order the next day. Before you leave, you ask your two friends if they want anything more while you’re in this town, and so Pear Plum simply decides to buy some fresh bread for today.
  3036. >You spent 250 Gold
  3038. With that, you think the preparations of the party are going well. Tomorrow, Pear Plum is going to go the lake and use her magic to create some furniture adequate for the large guests.
  3039. Aside from that, is there anything else you wish to do before the party in two days?
  3041. >What do?
  3042. >Proceed to the party?
  3044. You spend a couple more days in the forest with your friends who keep training under the mentorship of Pinelock. You seize an occasion to offer to Pear Plum to give her some extra size and power for her training like you do for Night Sprout. The druid mare accepts that you use your inspiration to help her, but no the Gift of the Bard.
  3046. And so, after a couple more days, the time for the party has come!
  3048. You’ve been blessed with impeccable whether today. There’s not a single cloud in the sky, and the sun is making the clear water of the lake sparkle. The temperature is perfect too as summer is right around the corner. The scenery isn’t half-bad either. The lake, which is about 300 meters across and 1 000 long, is nestled in a cup of lush green woodland hills. There’s a bunch of reeds and other flora on the banks in a lot of places, but there’s also one side of the lake where there’s a strip that’s about two hundred feet wide of polished gravel where you’ve settled down. It’s almost like sand at some spots, and never too hard on the hooves. The water is particularly calm and shallow near that bank.
  3050. You already accompanied Pear Plum here to scout the area the previous day. Then, the druid mare took it on herself to summon wooden furniture for everypony to use. Long chairs, stools and tables for regular sized-ponies, but also for mares that could be 20 feet tall, and even a couple of rowboats of similar proportions that look like proper barges to you. Your friend even made sure to prepare a long chair for a mare that could be over 50 feet tall, knowing that could be a likely size for Fen Flower to show up at. This one looks like a proper building in the middle of the wild, and you can look up at its arches way above your head. It’ll be even more impressive with a giant mare lounging on it, you think to yourself.
  3052. The plan is for your lot to remain here all day, so you, Pear Plum and Night Sprout arrive in the morning.
  3053. Already, the druid mare has put on her dark green shorts to contain her teats and ample behind. She also stashed away her glasses and usual hat, letting her neck-length and messy puff of a mane flow free.
  3054. Night Sprout too has already put her swimwear on. As the tailor said, the small panties complement both the silhouette and natural colour of the mare, and the little cups of fabric do draw attention to the otherwise nearly flat bosom of the fairy. Today, like on other days, Night Sprout wished to grow from your Gift of the Bard, and thus currently stands at 16 feet tall, while Pear Plum stands at nearly 12 feet tall.
  3056. You’ve yet to use your inspiration on any of them for now as you plan to do that when all the guests are here. Though, you start to feel little shakes in the ground that may indicate you might not have to wait for too long.
  3058. The rhythmic tremors get closer, and less than a minute later, you see Fen Flower’s head peek from over a hill. She’s large enough that all but the tallest pines can barely come high enough to tickle her underbelly. Your trained eye estimates she’s over 51 feet tall.
  3060. Anyway, Fen Flower’s face lights up as she notices you and the display of furniture you prepared. She gleefully takes the little stroll she needs to cover that last mile or so that separated her from you.
  3061. “Well met lady Fen Flower!” You wave at her as she giant mare approaches on the beach.
  3062. “Hey there Little Spoon!” She greets you and looks around. “This place is pretty nice indeed! Now, let me put everypony down…”
  3064. Indeed, even at her size Fen Flower is carrying quite the load. First, she carefully lies down so Silver Willow can climb down from her back. The noble mare is already nearly 14 feet tall, which means she must already have used the effect of her card on some pony back in the city.
  3066. Anyway, your friend first helps placing down two stagecoaches that were strapped on the back of Fen Flower with thick ropes. Once their position is secured, the rest of your guests come out of them.
  3068. There’s Blackberry Brunch, the lively halfling rogue you met at your first party. The bottom-heavy mare stretches herself after taking a few steps outside, before showing you a smirk.
  3069. “Hey Little Spoon!” She tells you. “So what’s this secret big mare party you’re setting up? Is Fen Flower gonna sell us another growth potion?”
  3070. “Ah, I’m afraid there’s no such business in my plans, lady Blackberry.” You shake your head. “This is meant to be a fun and relaxing day between friends.”
  3071. “Heh. That works too.” Blackberry shrugs. “I guess you just want to see some mares taking a bath, don’t you? Let me tell you, you’ve put enough effort in this I’m not even mad. You’re right, this place is a great find. Thanks for the invitation Little Spoon!”
  3073. And with that, the rogue mare walks toward the water to get a better look at the lake.
  3074. Next comes Whispersun, the elf singer mare from the Sweet Grape club. Then Ebony Vine, the young earth mare you saved from the hooves of a changeling and who had a crush on Pear Plum. There’s also a middle-aged earth mare you do not recognise. She soon goes talk with Silver Willow, and you reckon she’s an acquaintance of your friend.
  3076. There are also some stallions that came. There’s the cook and 2 helpers of his. They have Fen Flower place down the last large package she had on her back which seem to contain all their cooking supplies and ingredients. As she planned, some of Fen Flower’s employees made the trip with her. The 3 colts look delighted by what they see, both the scenery and the big mares around. Finally, somepony, probably Silver, also seems to have brought some… eye candy for the mares too. A trio of athletic, well-groomed and beach-ready stallions last make their way out of the coach.
  3078. With that, it looks like your party’s ready to start!
  3080. - CLEARED: Have a pool or beach party with at least 4 mares that have been grown
  3081. >The height of the mares at the party is evened out for the duration of the event, and some may gain permanent growth through one contest of your choice.
  3082. >As long as the mares are in a body of water, the height gained from your bardic inspiration is doubled, and charisma is also increased in addition the stat you choose.
  3084. “LITTLE SPOON!!” Fen Flower is the first to react in horror at the changes. “What is HAPPENING?!”
  3085. Indeed, the size of all the mares present suddenly changed. Fen Flower most noticeably just shrank significantly, going from over 50 feet tall to a ‘mere’ 13’ and a half. However, every other mare also reached that size. While the change was rather small for Night Sprout, Silver and Pear, Whispersun, Blackberry Brunch, Ebony Vine and Silver’s friend all just made their debut in the world of big mares by reaching three times the size of an average stallion.
  3087. “Th-this is only temporary!” You tell the panicked alchemist mare that walked to you. “You’ll get back your size by the end of the day, I promise!”
  3088. “Why is this happening? It has to be the first time your magic has made me smaller Little Spoon!”
  3089. “I… It’s new to me too! I didn’t expect it to work that way to tell you the truth. Again, this is just for this party…”
  3090. Fen shows you and angry pout. You’re not exactly sure how you can explain this to her. Apparently preparing a contest of some sort could make some mares of this party grow further, so perhaps your magic just made it sure all mares had a chance in this.
  3092. Still, you don’t have to deal with this right away. You’ve got all day for that. Once you’ve calmed Fen Flower’s worries, there’s a number a newly grown mares you could talk to, or just have some fun in the water with your friends.
  3094. >What do?
  3095. >If you wish to go for a contest now or later, these are options you have, but you can make up a contest of your own as long as there one winner in the end:
  3097. >A: Make it a beauty pageant. The mares will parade in front of the other guests, and those who get more cheers out of them advance to the next round. Half the mares advance to the next stage each time.
  3098. >B: Have a beach volley tournament. The losing team is eliminated each time, and the winning one is split to make the match for the next round.
  3099. >C: Prepare a tournament of this silly water wrestling thing you’ve heard about. Two mares are on the same small floating platform, and have to make the other fall while facing away from each other. No bucking allowed, so they need to mostly push the other with their butt.
  3100. >D: Just make it a game of pure luck. The mares will pick a paper from a hat and half of them will be eliminated each time.
  3102. “Listen lady Fen Flower.” You start. “Let me tell you, with the magic at work here, I can guarantee there’s gonna be more growth to come today, and this one will add to your definite size. Please, can you bear with your current smallness for now, please?”
  3103. “Mmh… well, I suppose there’s no choice.” She sighs. “I know you wouldn’t just shrink me after all. It’s just too bad, though. I really looked forward to being the height of this little party.”
  3105. “Is that why you were so gigantic already when you arrived?” You smirk. “Please tell me you found a way to make that your basic size, and that you could have doubled you size later today.”
  3106. “Ah, sorry to disappoint you Little Spoon, but I just had some early morning fun to get my full size for the day.” Fen Flower replies nonchalantly. “And while I liked the idea of being the biggest for the whole party, it was mostly so I could easily carry everypony here in a timely manner.”
  3107. “I see… thanks again for that by the way.”
  3108. “No problem Little Spoon. Now, I’m gonna test the waters if you don’t mind!”
  3110. On that, Fen Flower’s starts to giddily trot toward the lake. She’s already wearing some black swimming panties, and her teats bounce noticeably on her way despite the bikini piece she wears.
  3111. She giddily splashes her way into the water, and when she’s in to the top of her neck, you decide to start using your inspiration on everypony. Most mares around see themselves gain 4 more feet of height as well suddenly sporting thicker thighs and buttocks, but Fen Flower grows more, and even half submerged, you she that her bikini piece now has even more boob to handle.
  3113. Realising that and after checking herself with a pleasantly surprised smile, the 20-feet-plus Fen Flower turns around to give you a wink and blow a kiss in your direction.
  3114. As much as you’re eager to join her in the water, you’re gonna check around a little more before that. There one mare here you don’t know yet, so you think it would be rude if you didn’t introduce yourself. You walk up to her while she’s discussing with Silver Willow.
  3116. “Hello lady Silver Willow!” The two mares perk up and turn to you. “Would you mind introducing your friend to me? I don’t think I have met her yet.”
  3117. “Ah, yes, greetings.” The other mare starts with a polite smile. “My name is Wine Sip. It’s a pleasure Little Spoon! Thank you for organizing this refreshing excursion in the wild.”
  3118. This unicorn looks to be about the same age as Silver Willow, and probably also a noble or at least a well-off pony from her demeanour. She has a magenta coat with a pearl-white mane that’s tied in an elegant bun right now, and with a few grape-colours strands in there.
  3120. “She’s the owner of the Sweet Grape Club, by the way.” Silver Willow says. “I’ve been visiting her a lot in the time I’ve been staying in the capital. She’s been helping me out with to case too, I really owe you, Wine Sip.”
  3121. “Siler Willow, dear, you’re the one that solved these horrible disappearance cases. I’m the one in your debt.” And then to you. “You had your hoof in this too if I remember correctly, right? You were all able to save the young lady Ebony Vine from this dreadful changeling. I reckon you’re an adventurer of many talents Little Spoon. I had already seen the effects of your magic on Silver Willow, but I must admit I didn’t expect to experience them so soon myself.”
  3122. “Ah, yes, this spell of mine did end up manifesting itself without much warning. I hope you don’t mind, lady Wine Sip.”
  3123. “Oh, don’t you worry little colt.” Wine Sip glances at Silver Willow, and her smile widens. “I’m very much enjoying this.”
  3125. You could speak some more with these mares, or leave them to their own tidings.
  3127. For now, Fen Flower is having a swim in the lake.
  3128. Night Sprout is looking with curiosity at the cooks who are setting up their facilities.
  3129. Ebony Vine is having a chat with Pear Plum right now.
  3130. Blackberry seems to be breaking the ice with the 3 athletic stallions. They look like they’re all about to go in the water.
  3131. The 3 employees from Fen Flower look like they want to put one of the boats into the water and give it a try, but they might need the help of a bigger pony to do so.
  3132. Whispersun settled on one of the big long chairs and observes the rests of the guests while lying down.
  3134. >What do?
  3136. “May I ask for how long you’ve been running this fine place, lady Wine Sip?”
  3137. “I started the business myself 14 years ago.” The magenta mare states with a certain pride in her voice. “The capital really lacked a place for mares to spend some quality time with each other, away from the prying eyes of stallions. The special attention to privacy also caught the interest of business mares like Silver Willow. She was one of my early adopters, and later she helped me find a bigger place in the city. I was renting a floor in somepony else’s hotel, but thanks to her I could acquire my very own establishment after only a year of activity.”
  3138. “Indeed.” Silver nods. “And we kept doing business together since then. You know, exchanging contacts and all that. You have no idea how long and boring networking can get when you’re running an estate or an affair of any kind.”
  3139. “It also helps that Silver Willow is a real delight to be around. Especially since she became an adventurer, and that she isn’t such a tease anymore…”
  3141. On that, Wine Sip turns her head and goes to place a little smooch on Silver’s cheek. Your friend just rolls her eyes in reaction while showing a little smirk.
  3142. “Wine Sip had always made it clear she was… open for some fun.” Silver comments. “So now that I don’t have my reputation to maintain, I have no more reason to deny her anymore.”
  3143. “That’s right Silver Willow dear…” Wine Sip whispers sultrily in your friend’s ear. “You’re free to come and be my big buxom amazon whenever you want.”
  3145. “Well, sounds to me like you’re a mare of the finest taste, lady Wine Sip.” You say with a smile. “I’m sure we’re gonna understand each other.”
  3146. “I think so too.” The magenta mare replies. “I usually don’t really like the company of stallions. But seeing you so small…” There, Wine Sip suddenly takes a step forward and stomps the ground only a couple feet away from you, causing you to jump back in surprise. “So easily scared away… it really makes your presence more bearable.”
  3147. “Don’t worry Little Spoon.” Silver calmly speaks up. “Wine Sip likes to play, but she wouldn’t hurt anypony.”
  3148. “Would I, now?” She grins mischievously. “Nopony will know what happens in this remote place. Isn’t that why we’re so far from the city?”
  3149. “Don’t listen to her.” Silver tells you with a smirk. “Wine Sip. Do I have to correct your behaviour like the other time?”
  3150. “Do try, Silver Willow dear.” Wine Sip licks her lips. “You’re not looking as big as before. I might not be the one to receive a correction this time.”
  3151. “Sounds like I might want to check on the other guests.” You say. “Have fun you two!”
  3153. As you leave their side, Wine Sip tries to steal another kiss from Silver, and the two large mares start to lightly wrestle each other while giggling.
  3155. Next, you decide to approach Pear Plum and Ebony Vine. You feared the young mare might be bothering your friend, but it looks like things are going smoothly for now.
  3156. “Greeting lady Ebony Vine.” You catch the attention of the two large mares. “Is everything alright?”
  3157. “Oh, uhm, yes!” The dark earth mare produces a quick bow. “Thank you, Little Spoon.”
  3159. “We were just catching up.” Pear Plum says. “I’m glad to hear Ebony didn’t experience any long-lasting effect after her capture.”
  3160. “Ah, y-yes.” Ebony Vine nods embarrassedly. “That’s true, but. Well, I guess I should apologize to you too Little Spoon. When I was saved by Pear Plum, I… I guess it got to my head, being rescued by an adventurer and taken care of. I let my feelings get the better of me and I made your companion uncomfortable as a result.”
  3161. “It’s alright.” Pear Plum nods. “What matters the most is that you’re okay, now.”
  3162. “Yes, thank you.”
  3164. >What do?
  3166. “Anyway, I hope you’ve been doing well lady Ebony Vine.” You tell the young mare. “Have you been able to get back to your ordinary life without trouble after the incident?”
  3167. “I’m good, thank you Little Spoon.” She politely nods in response. “By now I’ve mostly caught up on the lessons I missed at the university. I believe I’m gonna be alright.”
  3169. “That’s good to hear.” You smile back to her. “Also, If I may ask, how are things going with lady Whispersun?”
  3170. “Ah! Uh, I mean...” You see Ebony’s face get red the second you mention the elven singer mare. “It’s… yeah, but…”
  3171. “It’s okay if you’re not comfortable telling us.” Pear Plum says with a comforting smile.
  3172. “Th-thank you, but...” Ebony Vine glances toward Whispersun who’s lounging on a long chair not far from here. “I’m alright. It just that Wispersun is… so cool, and pretty, and so classy too. And whenever we’re together, I still can’t believe I got so lucky to catch her attention.”
  3174. “So… are the two of you together then?”
  3175. “Well, no.” Ebony shakes her head. “It’s more like… we have fun together sometimes, I think. After her performance when I’m at the club, Whispersun usually has me come to her room and we… spend the night together. Ah, sorry, it would probably sound tame to you Little Spoon, but I think I’d die of embarrassment if I told you what the two of us do behind closed doors. It’s always so magical… Oh, I think I’m under her spell…”
  3176. “Well, you don’t have to. I can certainly understand being entranced by the company of a mare already. I hope you’ll be able to find an occasion to have some fun with lady Whispersun later today.”
  3177. “Ah! I… Maybe, yeah…” Ebony replies before letting out a series of embarrassed giggles.
  3178. “Very well. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s another splendid mare I need to visit. Have fun!”
  3179. “See you later.” Pear Plum says, while you start to walk toward the lake.
  3181. Things are still looking good in this little lake party of yours. With the sizes of all mares equalized to a bit over 18-feet-tall, it’s a pleasure to look around everywhere.
  3182. Silver Willow and Wine Sip joined Night Spout who was lurking near the facilities of the cook ponies. The 3 big mares seem to be having some cocktail prepared for them right now.
  3184. Meanwhile, the 3 employees from Fen Flower’s managed to put one of the boats afloat, but now Blackberry Brunch and the 3 other stallions are playing pirates. Leaning on the side of the boat, the big mare jokingly threatens to topple the embarkation with her sheer weight.
  3186. Fen Flower is still swimming on her own. She’s doing the plank right now, with only half her face and snout coming out of the water… as well as the twin orbs of teat-flesh clad in a black bikini piece. Now those are islands you’d like to get stranded on, you think to yourself as you run into the water and start swimming toward the big alchemist mare.
  3188. Paddling your way through the lake, the feeling of fresh water on your coat could almost make you forget the rising heat in yourself from approaching Fen Flower’s body. Now, where should you dock? Should you swim to her face for a little kiss, or try to climb those twin dunes you see?
  3190. However, just when you had made up your mind for the second option, Fen Flower’s eyes fall on you. A mischievous smirk blooms on her face, and without a word the 20-feet-tall mare turns around and then dives into the water. The waves of her massive body already throw you off-balance, and you don’t have time to notice the big shadow under you before it’s too late.
  3192. Fen Flower jumps out of the water right from below, mouth open. You find yourself screaming in surprise as you’re suddenly lifted by her tongue and teeth, quickly going up in the air. This only lasts a second though. Fen Flower doesn’t hold you in any way, and when she’s done jumping up you just find yourself free-falling down from about 10 feet in the air and into the water.
  3194. The water is deep enough the splash is quite harmless. In the midst of a cloud of bubbles, you quickly swim up and gasp for air when you breach the surface. While the rush of adrenaline is coming down, you see the giant Fen Flower giggling at you, a dozen feet away in the water.
  3196. “It’s really a shame.” Fen Flower says with a smirk. “I could have made this a lot more exciting if I was my real size. I had some water cave exploration planned for you little stud...”
  3197. “Lady Fen Flower… I told you. I’m sure this is only temporary, and you’ll grow back to your rightful size before the end of the day, if not bigger.”
  3198. “I know, I know Little Spoon” Fen Flower rolls her eyes, but shows you a smile as she does. “I was just teasing you here. Anyway, it’s been a while I didn’t have a body of water big enough to bathe in. This little vacation is a really good idea Little Spoon.”
  3199. “Glad to hear you’re enjoying it!” You reply. “With everypony working so hard, I figured you all would appreciate a day off like this. Bu the way, what have you been doing since last time lady Fen Flower?”
  3201. “Me? Well, these last 3 days I’ve been making more money of course!” The big alchemist proudly declares. “Tons of gold! It’s crazy, I didn’t even have time to think about what to do with it with how much I’ve been working.”
  3203. Again, Fen Flower rolls in the water to do the plank, the side of her face a dozen feet way from you.
  3204. “But now that I have some time, I’ve started thinking.” Fen Flower continues. “First I’ve been telling myself that I’d love to have a manor of my own near a lake like this one, with tons of servitors to pamper me and all, but that’s not the priority now… Instead…” She glances at you with a smile.. “First I gotta make sure my business can roll without me when we go out adventuring again, so hiring some more ponies is on the list. Aside from that…” Her smile widens. “Well, I’m not sure I can tell you yet, Little Spoon. Maybe it’ll be more fun if I keep it a surprise.”
  3206. >What do?
  3208. “What? You can’t tell me? But you cannot not tell me lady Fen Flower!” You theatrically whine. “The suspense would eat me out from the inside. I don’t think I’ll survive long that way... Please, what can I do to have you tell me the truth?”
  3209. “Well, well, well, Little Spoon…” Fen Flower chuckles mischievously. “I guess you’ll have to die… unless you happen to have a way to make me bigger of course.”
  3210. “Again my lady!? Truly your thirst for growth knows no bound…”
  3211. “I know!” You see her grin confidently “And that’s why you adore me. Also, I understand you may not be able to alter my height during this party, so I’ll accept a promise for when it’s over. Am I not magnanimous? So, what do you say?”
  3213. “I needblbl to rblblest and think.” You grumble, head halfway inside the water. “Would you allow me to land of one of those two islands of yours, lady Fen Flower?”
  3214. “Sure, let’s see you do that.” She replies, still lying on her back in the water while you swim toward her crotch.
  3216. Fen Flower’s teats proudly emerge out of the lake several feet into the air, and each is about twice as wide as you are tall. Climbing one of them proves to be trickier than you first thought. Fen Flower’s coat is smooth, and her warm orbs are so full and buoyant the slope is nearly vertical at the level of water.
  3218. Moreover, the whole boob escapes in the water after you try giving it a full hug to get a decent hold.
  3219. “Please, lady Fen Flower!” You shout to your friend after you head emerges again. “Could you not move so much?”
  3220. “But you tickle me Little Spoon!” Your friend chuckles. “I’ll do my best but I can’t promise anything if you’re gonna wiggle on me like that.”
  3221. “Alright. In that case, I’ll try something else.”
  3223. There, you decide to grab one strap of Fen’s Flower bikini piece, which is as thick as a rope to you, and wrap it around your hoof to secure your climb. Like that, you can actually ascend the soft mound. The additional tightness of Fen garment, making it dig dipper in into her soft skin, as well as the little moan she utters when you pulled on her clothes is also a nice bonus.
  3225. “Yay! You did it Little Spoon!” You hear Fen Flower as you proudly stand on her, but then a mere giggle of the mare makes her shake enough to nearly make you fall on your knees. “Just try not to move around too much. It feels a bit… sensitive where you are.”
  3227. >What do?
  3229. “Hang on lady Fen Flower, I still have to find a safe spot to stand…”
  3230. While Fen Flower’s teat is smooth and round, it is also supple enough your weight is creating a depression that should prevent you to fall. Still, you’re on an uneven and shaky ground right now, so you try to feel around for a way to make sure you won’t fall.
  3231. With all four hooves, you tentatively push around the hill of softness that is the mare’s giant breast, and making sure you probe the mare’s nipple in particular.
  3232. “Mmh…” You friend purrs in reaction. “Little Spoon, will you stop moving already you little tease?”
  3233. “But I can’t! It is not stable.” You reply, trying to refrain a mischievous smile. “Lady Fen Flower, could you stop pushing me away with your nipple please?”
  3235. Indeed, one part of your smooth island was getting harder under Fen Flower’s bikini right now. Despite your joke that got an offended huff out of Fen Flower, maybe this could help you stay in place. For that purpose, you decide to use your hooves to give the darker nub of skin a good rubbing.
  3237. “Aah! Little Spoon!” Fen Flower moans immediately, and the ground under you shakes. “I’m only so good at doing the plank! I can’t…!”
  3239. And in a second, you plunge into the lake again, still holding on Fen Flower’s erect nipple. The water flows around your head, and light is occulted as Fen Flower can’t help but to turn on her belly again. You suddenly feel a bit scared, as Fen Flower’s hooves flailing wildly around you make you doubt trying to swim up is a good idea. You bid you time, holding your breath. Where you’re clamped, you’re confident Fen Flower will know exactly where you are, and you trust she’ll take care of you.
  3241. Indeed, a couple seconds later, you emerge again as Fen Flower turns around while hugging a nipple as thick as your snout.
  3242. “Say, Little Spoon, if you really wanna play in the water, you should know I packed some waterbreathing potions. I figured this could be fun in several ways.”
  3243. “That’s a good idea indeed, lady Fen Flower.” You nod. “But I wonder if it’ll be more fun that way.”
  3245. If you wanted to fetch one of those, you’d have to get back on the bank. So perhaps it’s time to do something else?
  3246. By now you think everypony got into the water.
  3248. Night Sprout and Pear Plum went to rescue the boat that Blackberry was trying to board, pushing her and her studs back with some well-placed boops and splashes.
  3249. Silver Willow and Wine Sip are playing volley with a beach ball that looks comically small for the two mares near the shore. The water comes up to their knees where they are
  3250. Whipersun and Ebony Vine went swimming a little further away from the rest. The two mares are one against the other and hugging inside the water at times.
  3252. There’s also this contest you ought to set up for this party. You haven’t figured how to go with it exactly yet.
  3254. >What do?
  3256. “Maybe later, but anyway I need to get to the shore for now.” You tell Fen Flower. “There are a few last bits of preparation I need to do.”
  3258. This party needs a queen, and it’s time you prepared the crowning event. There’s a particular kind of wrestling you’d like to try out for this, one that you’re confident everypony will like to watch. Additionally, this game is unconventional enough everypony should have a chance since each contestant will be a beginner, even if you think some of your friends might have physical advantages in it.
  3259. You swim back to the shore, and from here you manage to get the attention of Pear Plum. You will need her help for what’s next.
  3261. “Hm, okay.” Pear Plum nods after you explain what you want. “I should be able to do that.”
  3262. “You sure that won’t be too much work?” You ask back. “After you’ve already helped me so much, I’d hate to bother you with tiring chores today.”
  3263. “No, it’s alright, don’t worry.” She smiles. “But can you tell me what kind of game is this for?”
  3264. “I’ll explain to everybody after.” You say. “I hope you’re up for a little challenge lady Pear Plum.”
  3266. Intrigued, the druid mare follows your lead into the lake again. Where the water is deep enough, she summons a big vine from the bottom that then coils in a spiral to form a big floating disk on the surface, about 30 feet in diameter so two big mares may stand on it facing away from each other. This takes a couple minutes to your druid friend, and then she has a vine grow from bellow and attach it the platform to make sure it doesn’t drift away too much.
  3268. Your preparations with Pear Plum seem to have intrigued everypony, and you find them out of the water when you return.
  3270. “My dear guests! May I have your attention?” You call, and once you think everypony’s paying attention. “I’d like to interest you in a little competition of sorts. A proper beach or lake party needs a queen, so I’d like to propose a contest between the mares present to decide who it shall be.”
  3271. “Queen of the party, huh?” Blackberry smirks. “Do I get a crown if I win?”
  3272. “Not exactly a crown per say.” You reply. “But I have a strong hunch everypony else will have to look up at whoever wins.”
  3274. “Ah, now we’re talking!” Fen Flower grins. “I hope you’re all ready to call me your majesty!”
  3275. “Sounds like I’ll actually become the biggest today already.” Wine Sip tells Silver Willow. “It’s good we have a chance switch roles so soon.”
  3276. “Keep dreaming.” Your friend replies with a playful chuckle. “At the end of the day, your place will still be under me.”
  3278. Meanwhile, Whispersun mutters something in Ebony’s ear, and again the mare lets out a confused giggle as her face flares up with a blush.
  3279. Night Sprout doesn’t voice out her enthusiasm, but you clearly got the big fairy’s undivided attention right now. You believe she’s quite eager. Even Pear Plum, while probably the least pumped up of the guests sems interested in participating.
  3281. “Does that mean you’re all up for the challenge, ladies?” You ask.
  3282. “Yeah!”
  3283. “Of course!”
  3284. “Uhm hum!”
  3285. They all reply, nodding or raising their hooves.
  3287. With that, you start to explain the rules of the game you’re prepared. Two mares climb on the disk. They have to face away from each other and push the other away. No kicks allowed. Falling in the water or having your belly touch the disk counts as a loss. This should be quite simple, but there’s a few technicalities you might need to iron out…
  3289. >Allow everypony to do some warm-up matches?
  3290. >Use a double-elimination bracket? A Simple Elimination?
  3291. >Randomly do the matchups or plan them yourself?
  3293. >The mares competing are:
  3294. Fen Flower, Blackberry Brunch, Wine Sip, Silver Willow, Pear Plum, Night Sprout, Ebony Vine, Whispersun
  3296. While a round robin tournament would be the absolute fairest, you believe things could get a little too lengthy down that path for the enjoyment of your guests, so you’re gonna settle for a double-elimination bracket.
  3298. With that, you announce the matchup for this tournament, and the two first mares swim toward the platform while the stallions use a boat to get closer and get a good view on the action.
  3299. It’s time for the first matches of this day!
  3301. >Fen Flower vs Wine Sip
  3302. >Roll 1D100+10 for Fen Flower, Roll 1D100 for Wine Sip
  3304. >Blackberry vs Silver Willow
  3305. >Roll 1D100+30 for Blackberry, 1D100+10 for Silver
  3307. >Pear Plum vs Whispersun
  3308. >Roll 1D100+30 for Pear Plum, 1D100 for Whispersun
  3310. >Ebony Vine vs Night Sprout
  3311. >Roll 1D100 for Ebony Vine, 1D100+20 for Night Sprout
  3313. >You may roll for the result of both mares of one face-off at once. Make sur to precise whose mare you’re rolling for and in what order. Each roll for each mare happens is once per match.
  3315. First up are Fen Flower and Wine Sip. The two giant mares quickly swim to the wooden platform then climb on it. Their weight is great enough the massive surface still tips to their side when either mare has to hoist herself up.
  3316. Soon, both Fen Flower and Wine Sip are ready, facing away from each other. Both mares look confident, but Fen Flower has a downright predatory grin on her face.
  3318. “Ready….!” You call, rising your hoof in the air. “And… GO!”
  3319. Both mares lunge backward as soon as you shout, and a meaty slap echoes in the air when Wine Sip’s butt collides with the generous glutes of Fen Flower. On the ring swaying in the water under their weight, both mares aggressively charge the other with their behind, making shockwaves of soft flesh on their flanks that are visible even at a distance. The audience can’t help but to cheer and go ‘wow!’ in amazement upon witnessing such a display, replying to the loud grunts and moans of efforts of the two wrestling mares, and of course to the meaty noises of butt hitting butt.
  3320. Wine Sip proves to be more competitive than her age or demeanour might suggest, but Fen Flower is just merciless. While the older mare bravely pushes back on every attack from you friend, there’s just too many of them. Fen Flower seems to charge every second, royally unbothered by the shaky ground.
  3321. After half a minute of intense fighting, Wine Sip can’t seem to reposition herself in time after a charge, and Fen Flower immediately seizes the occasion. Your alchemist friend lowers her behind to get it under Wine Sip’s wide-open legs, and then lifts herself up.
  3322. “Aaaaaaah!” Wine Sip shouts as her hind legs are lifted off the ground, her crotch resting on Fen Flower’s tail dock. Of course, your friend then walks backward, soon forcing her opponent on the edge of the platform, and one great final push sends Wine Sip butt over head to splash in the water.
  3324. “Yeahey!” You shout, while the other guests cheer and clap too.
  3325. Wine Sip coughs a bit of water after her head emerges, but she seems to be alright. If anything, the most painful thing to her is probably Fen Flower arrogantly staring down at her from the platform.
  3326. “Sorry, gal. But I think we all know… Ah…” Fen Flower’s gloating is interrupted by one of her own moans, as all of her just surges a little bigger. 1 more foot of height you’d say. “…who’s the bigger mare on this beach.”
  3328. ‘oh crap…’ you hear a lust-filled mutter from one of Fen Flower’s employee next to you in reaction, and he might not be the only one excited by Fen Flower’s confidence and growth.
  3329. Satisfied with herself, Fen Flower dives to join the spectators again so the next fight may happen.
  3331. Next up are Blackberry Brunch and Silver Willow.
  3332. “Tough luck Silver.” The halfling rogue smirks while they climb on the ring. “Against me on the first round? Guess you’ll be starting this tournament in the loser bracket.”
  3333. “My, did nobody tell you about counting your chickens, Blackberry dear?” Silver Willow scoffs. “You’re sounding quite cocky right now.”
  3334. “You bet I do! And you’re about to find out I can…” The halfling rogue confidently gives her stout tush a smack with her hoof. “…Back up my claims!”
  3336. “Ready…!” You shout once the mares are in position. “And… GO!”
  3337. This match starts more slowly. Silver seems to wait and see what Blackberry will do, and in turn the rogue mare just takes this chance to crack some more quips.
  3338. “What’s the matter?” She taunts, wobbling her sizeable derriere. “’Afraid it’s gonna bite?”
  3339. “Well…” Silver does look a little unsure. “Why don’t you come to me instead?”
  3340. “Eh, good question now… Let me think about it a little…” The halfling mare says mischievously, and start to sway her body side to side to rock the platform… and also causes both the top of her big buttocks and Silver’s teats to jiggle in the process.
  3342. Silver still waits to make her move, but just her opponent moving the platform ends up giving her trouble. At one point Silver seems to lose her footing, and immediately Blackberry lunges back with all her weight. However, may it be mere luck or a calculated move, but Silver stumbles to the side at that moment, and effectively evades Blackberry’s attack.
  3343. The older mare then manages to regain her stance quicker than Blackberry, and immediately gives a good push to the mare that’s now at the side of her.
  3344. “Crap!” The rogue mare utters as one of her back hooves misses the platform. She then falls on her belly, before the combined weight of the two mares greatly tilting the platform makes her pitifully slide into the water.
  3346. “Oh, come on! How did I mess this up this bad!” The swimming rogue mare hits the water with her hoof in frustration.
  3347. “Well, well, well… look who received a lesson in humility.” Silver says a little haughtily, and then a little more haughtily as she grows bigger in front of everypony.
  3348. “Oh, I’m not done just yet!” Blackberry shows your friend a toothy grin again. “Just you wait! I’m gonna make my way back up in the matches and win this thing, and the victory’s gonna feel all the better!”
  3350. After that last taunt, she swims away from the ring, followed by Silver Willow.
  3352. Next, it is Pear Plum who’s going to be facing Whispersun.
  3353. Both mares swim to the platform in silence and then await your signal.
  3354. “Ready… and… GO!” You shout.
  3356. Whispersun immediately attempts a charge, but her petite butt harmlessly collides with Pear Plum’s wall of an ass. Even if they’re the same height, it looks for a second that Pear Plum could just sit down to immobilize her slimmer opponent.
  3357. The druid mare doesn’t however, and counter attacks way too slowly, almost if she was afraid she’d hurt Whipersun. The elven mare however takes this more seriously, and swiftly moves away to then hit Pear Plum’s flanks from the side this time. This makes your friend take a step back and utter a little cry of surprise. Now the platform tilts toward her side, and Whispersun attempts to press her advantage, unleashing an onslaught of quick charges and retreats, making Pear Plum move one inch closer to the edge at a time.
  3359. However, this isn’t enough. Despite her peaceful nature, Pear Plum eventually gets her mind into the match. All of a sudden she takes a steady posture despite the unfavourable tilt, and braces herself for Whispersun’s next attack. Right when the elven mare lunges with her butt, Whispersun pushes right back. You swear there’s a shockwave in the air when the glutes of the two mares collide. This time, Pear Plum just overwhelms the slimer mare with raw strength. Butt against butt, not letting Whispersun any time to regain her footing, Pear Plum walks up the slope of the platform and bulldozes the elven mare all the way to the other side of the ring before smoothly pushing her out into the water.
  3361. “Goodness, you’re one unmovable mare, Pear Plum.” Whispersun comments with a smile from the water. “I’m glad I’m not on the list of your enemies.”
  3362. “Oh, uhm, thank you for the compliment Whispersun.” Pear Plums bows slightly, and then straightens herself 1 foot taller.
  3364. And for the final match of this first round, Ebony Vine will face Night Sprout.
  3366. “Ready… And… GO!” You shout once the mares are in position.
  3367. Both mares circle around the ring for a second, before Ebony performs the first charge. Night Sprout swiftly evades that one, but as she doesn’t seem to counter-attack fast enough, Ebony can attempt to push her even further to the edge. However, even with the ring tilted to her side, Night Sprout still manages to light-hoofedly hop to the side, forcing Ebony to spin around on the swaying platform to attack again.
  3368. This goes on for a minute. Ebony Vine seems really worked up, but can’t seem to land any decent blow of the swifter fairy. Night Sprout, meanwhile, patiently waits for good occasions to strike. The second Ebony shows any sign of getting tired, Night Sprout would immediately lunge backward and attempt to deliver a coup de grace. While the first time that happened, Ebony managed to stay on her hooves, the next one Night Sprout could push her enough one of Ebony’s front hooves missed the ground and she then tripped to slide into the lake.
  3370. “I win.” Night Sprout simply declares as she proudly stands alone on the platform, now a little bigger than before.
  3372. And with that, you’re done with the first round, and all your friends made it despite the odds. Anyway, it’s very clear all the guests like the show regardless of the winner. Everypony’s been cheering the whole time during all the matches. Now, should to proceed with the next ones, or maybe take a little break?
  3374. >What do?
  3375. >Start the next round?
  3376. >Have a little break and do some pep talk?
  3378. >Next matches are:
  3379. >Wine Sip vs Blackberry Brunch (loser bracket)
  3380. >Whispersun vs Ebony Vine (loser bracket)
  3381. >Fen Flower vs Silver Willow
  3382. >Pear Plum vs Night Sprout
  3384. You let everypony catch their breaths before the next matches. In the meantime, you decide to approach your druid friend who’s swimming near the boat you’re on.
  3385. “Are you alright lady Pear Plum?” You start. “You looked like you were hesitating during your fight.”
  3386. “Ah, I guess I was…” She giggles a bit embarrassedly. “It’s just that I didn’t expect everypony to get so serious about this contest. I mean, Fen Flower and Blackberry Brunch, I definitely could imagine these two going all out, but I was really surprised to see Whispersun fight so wildly.”
  3388. “I see… So, you were underestimating her?” You say teasingly.
  3389. “I… probably was, in a way…” Your friend admits. “I still believe this butt-wrestling tournament of yours is quite silly Little Spoon, so I didn’t think Whispersun would put so much effort in it. But now, after seeing everypony giving their all, I think it wouldn’t be appropriate if I didn’t do my best too.”
  3390. “You better do so.” You tell your friend. “With how much your opponents want to win, I don’t think you’re gonna last long otherwise, lady Pear Plum.”
  3391. “Hum!” Pear Plum nods resolutely. “In that case, I’m gonna try to win another fight or two.”
  3393. Next, you decide to approach Blackberry Brunch. The rogue mare still looks very displeased to have lost the first round on a stunt. That means the time is perfect to add more fuel to her fire…
  3394. “Lady Blackberry.” You approach her with a little smile. “Sorry to bother you, but I must say that you really seemed out it during your last match. Perhaps you should sit the next one out and forfeit. I mean, clearly you don’t have the butt to measure up to any of the other contestants.”
  3395. Blackberry Brunch first looks absolutely dumbfounded by your sudden mockery, but soon she shows you a smirk full of skull-crushing-between-thighs intent.
  3396. “Alright here, you little smart ass...” She seethes. “I don’t know what you’re trying to do making me angry, but you better believe I’m gonna bump all your friends out of this tournament. And once I do that, you better get ready to BEG, Little Spoon.”
  3397. “Well, that remains to be seen.” You answer with a smug smile. “Frankly, I don’t think you have the beginning of a chance against, let’s say, a mare with much more powerful flanks than yours like Pear Plum.”
  3398. “Oh yeah? I can’t wait to see your face when I beat your tree-hugging friend, Little Spoon...” The rogue mare retorts. “Once I’m the biggest in the party, I’ll make sure to use her as a seat for the rest of the day!”
  3400. “No, you must use me!” You almost say, but you believe that’s precisely what Blackberry will want to hear you beg for if you say it out loud.
  3401. “Again, we’ll see about that.” You tell her instead. “I believe it’s time for the next round to start. You’re up against Wine Sip.”
  3402. “Yeah, I’ll send her back to the retirement home where she belongs!” Blackberry says, while she starts to swim towards the platform.
  3404. “Ready…” You call once Wine Sip has joined her there. “And… GO!”
  3406. The two mares charge backwards from the get go, and right away Blackberry takes the advantage. Her thicker, more muscular booty forces her opponent back on her corner with a meaty slap. Then Blackberry swiftly gives Wine Sip one swipe, two swipes back and forth from the sides with each of her flanks. That finishes to destabilize the older mare, and a final backward bump cleanly pushes her off into the water.
  3407. The rest of you barely had time to really encourage the contestants as the match must have lasted less than 10 seconds.
  3409. When she’s not trying to brag, Blackberry is definitely a fearsome opponent…
  3410. “Heh. I don’t really like getting all serious…” Blackberry smirks toward the audience and the other contestants as she too grows 1 more foot of height. “But I guarantee you’re all gonna like it even less than I!”
  3412. Next are Whispersun and Ebony Vine. The two mares calmly climb onto the platform. Though, Ebony looks a little reluctant fighting her friend. Still, both get in position eventually.
  3413. “Ready… And. GO!”
  3415. And there, while Ebony seems to hesitate, Whispersun takes a few steps back until her slender plot gently squishes against the one of Ebon Vine.
  3416. “Ah!” The younger mare moans in surprise.
  3417. “Are you not gonna fight?” Whispersun speaks, a hint of playfulness in her voice while she slowly rubs her behind on the one of Ebony, who’s both paralysed and heavily flustered.
  3418. “Yeah, fight already!” Blackberry shouts. “I need to know who I’m gonna crush next!”
  3420. “I’ve been thinking.” Whispersun sultrily say. “If you win this one, you’re gonna be as tall as me Ebony. I think that would be really nice… but not as nice as if you were even taller. I think I’d really, really love such a change of perspective…”
  3421. Ebony still seems unable to move, so Whispersun gives her another little rump bump that has the younger mare meep and jump slightly.
  3423. “So, Ebony dear, can you try to seize another win for me… or even more than one?”
  3424. As a reply, and after hesitating a second, Ebony starts to walk backwards and push Whispersun away. The elven mare barely resists, and after being brought to the edge she almost jumps on the water by herself.
  3426. “Oh, yeah.” Whispersun says, as from the water she looks up at Ebony Vine who just grew a foot taller. “You’re looking awfully cute from that perspective...”
  3428. Next up are Fen Flower and Silver Willow. The two buxom mares go climb on the platform and stand ready for the match.
  3429. “Ready… And. GO!” You shout.
  3431. The two mares confidently engage each other, charging backward for another thunderous first contact. Evenly matched, Fen and Silver both grunt and moan as they attempt to push each other away, butt against butt, and their respective impressive bosoms wobbling greatly under themselves.
  3432. Since that doesn’t seem to work, Fen Flower suddenly hops to the side, letting Silver get carried backward by her momentum. This was probably a clever move… but as the two mares break contact, you all realise their bikini pieces have hooked each other somehow.
  3433. “Huh?”
  3434. “What in…?” Fen Flower and Silver Willow respectively utter in sudden discomfort from the strain on their teats, a second before their bikinis snap back on them.
  3436. “AAAAH!!!” Both mares scream as they sensitive parts are whipped by their own swimsuits. May it be bad luck, or because Fen Flower’s piece was more elastic than the one of Silver, but while the noble mare merely stumbles from the shock, Fen Flower can’t help but to trip completely and then slide into the water while holding her pained crotch with a hoof.
  3438. “Come on!” Fen Flower dejectedly utters when she emerges from the water. “I can’t lose like that. That doesn’t count, right?”
  3439. “I’m afraid it does count.” Silver states, as already the mare grew 2 additional feet, so 3 feet total with her previous victory. “Though… I hope I won’t have to win all my matches that way...”
  3441. While Fen Flower is upset by this result, both mares make way for the next fight. Meanwhile, it seems they’ll get to the shore a little to adjust their garments and try to ease the pain on their teats a little.
  3443. The final fight of this round will have Pear Plum face Night Sprout.
  3444. “Ready… And. GO!”
  3446. This time Pear Plum is on the offensive, and she indeed has a humongous advantage of power against the lithe fairy. Again, it looks like Night Sprout could end up smothered by Pear Plum’s mountainous glutes as they collide, and this time the druid mare sems ready to go through this, easily pushing back Night Sprout.
  3447. The victory doesn’t happen however. With surprising agility, Night Sprout manages to evade her fate and dance out of the way of Pear Plum’s bulldozing flanks. The fairy attempts a sideway attack before Pear Plum can reposition herself, but even with that advantage her charge barely seems to affect the stalwart druid, her little flanks harmlessly sinking in the stout buttocks of Pear Plum, only making them jiggle a little.
  3449. What seems like a battle of attrition starts between the two mares under the cheers of the crowd. Pear Plum has the obvious advantage in power while Night Sprout is clearly swifter. Surprisingly, both their stances are really stable. While of course she doesn’t fly, Night Sprout has her wings unfurled and uses them to keep her balance on the shaky platform.
  3450. Pear Plum remains the one doing the attacks, and several time she seems to push Night Sprout to the very edge of the ring, but as soon as she’d go for a decisive push the fairy would flawlessly hop out of the way.
  3452. You see Pear Plum getting increasingly bold with her attacks, probably in frustration actually. Once again, she has Night Sprout in the ropes, inches away of pushing her out, so there she goes all out and attempts a fast and powerful backward charge.
  3453. But yet again the fairy manages to move out of the way at the very last moment. Carried by her momentum, Pear Plum finds herself in a bad position with the ring heavily tilted toward where she jumped, and this time the little push from Night Sprout is the last straw that makes her fall.
  3455. “I… win!” Night Sprout states again, although with a much shorter breath than last time. She proudly stands on the ring under the applauds of the audience, now 2 feet taller than at the beginning of the match.
  3456. “Wow, you did really great.” Pear Plum congratulates her from the water. “I really gave it my all this time, and you won fair and square.”
  3457. “Uhm… Thanks.” Night Sprout nods toward her adversary, a little blush on her face.
  3459. And that’s it for this round. The mares in the winning bracket grew more this time. You wonder how big the winner of the tournament is gonna get…
  3460. Again, you have some time if you want to interact with your guests between the matches.
  3462. >What do?
  3463. >Proceed with the next matches?
  3465. >Next matches are:
  3466. >Blackberry Brunch vs Fen Flower (loser bracket)
  3467. >Ebony Vine vs Pear Plum (loser bracket)
  3468. >Silver Willow vs Night Sprout
  3469. >Whispersun and Wine Sip are out.
  3470. [spoiler]Please do not roll right away, a little talk between matches could change the modifiers of the mares involved. We wouldn’t want the dice results to influence who you may want to encourage… [/spoiler]
  3472. Using the break between this round and the next, you decide to go talk with the competing mares. First, you go join Fen Flower who’s sitting on the shore. The mare has adjusted her bikini to make sure it hugs her curves as snuggly as possible, squishing her two soft orbs a little to reduces the jiggle.
  3473. “Lady Fen Flower!” You hail her. “How are you doing?”
  3474. “It should be okay like that…” She absently says to herself, and gives her hips a big wiggle that sends her teats bounce from side to side. Her bikini doesn’t slip anywhere during that, which sems to satisfy your friend.
  3476. “Looks like you’re done preparing yourself.” You comment as the mare’s eyes fall on you. “Anyway, I must congratulate your plan to participate in more matches before the big final. Now you have a change to amass even more growth.”
  3477. Fen Flower ponders for a second, but soon she shakes her head in annoyance.
  3478. “Little Spoon, everypony saw what happened during the match.” She replies. “I don’t get what you’re trying to imply. I didn’t lose on purpose…”
  3479. “Well, like I said, that’s still a chance for you to win more matches. An occasion for you to grow even bigger I’d say!”
  3480. “But winning is haaaaard Little Spoon...” The 20-feet-tall mare produces a theatrical whine, and again she squeezes her thighs to emphasize her bountiful teats once more. “Look, this bikini is for making colts fall head over heels for me, not for wrestling against mares that are somehow my size. It’s not fair. They should be smaller than me!”
  3482. “Come on lady Fen Flower, where is the fiery determination I saw during your first match?” You try to encourage her. “Of course the path to being the biggest mare is hard, but you can’t tell me you’re giving up on growth just now. Just imagine, how big you’ll get if you win the tournament.”
  3483. “Mmh?” She perks up. “How big will I get exactly?”
  3484. “Well… You’ll tower over everypony else, that’s for sure!”
  3485. “Will I be big enough to hold them in my hooves like dolls?”
  3486. “Well…” You don’t actually think she’ll grow that big even if Fen Flower wins the whole tournament, and she probably realises that too, but you know for sure that thinking about growing really big psyches her up like nothing else. “Yeah! They’ll all be as small as toys to you!”
  3487. “And will I be big enough I could us the platform as a frisbee?”
  3488. “Yes!” You just shout back.
  3489. “Big enough this lake will become a knee-high puddle for me?”
  3490. “YES!”
  3491. “Alright then!” Fen Flower rises on her hooves a gives the ground a stomp that you feel resonate in your bones. “I cannot lose to anybody then! Let the best… and the one true biggest mare win!”
  3492. With that, your friend goes back inside the water. Against Blackberry, she’s gonna need all the motivation she can find.
  3494. After Fen Flower, you decide to go talk to Night Sprout.
  3495. “Congratulation on wining your match lady Night Sprout!” You tell the fairy mare swimming near the boat. “Your style is really working out for you! You’re showing all your opponents that it’s not only size… well, not only rump size that matters.”
  3496. “Thank you, Little Spoon.” The fairy nods to you, a bit rosy in the cheeks.
  3497. “Now you’re getting close to the finals!” You add. “In fact, just one more win an you’ll be in! You’d be the only mare undefeated of the tournament at this point. So surely, you’ll grow a lot more if you win this time.”
  3498. “Really?” She asks curiously. “How much more?”
  3499. “Well, you grew 1 foot on your first win, 2 on the second… so I’d say at least double that if you win again. At least…”
  3500. “Double that…” She repeats to herself, and you see the mare’s wings vibrate in the water in reaction.
  3501. “Also, if you really want to win…” You try to keep your voice down a little. “Hooves are forbidden, but nothing stops you from using other parts of your body to fight, like your wings… or your tail. You saw what happened when Silver took a slap on her teats, right?”
  3503. Night Sprout looks at you is silence, tilting her head to the side slightly.
  3504. “That doesn’t sound fair.” She states. “I won’t do that to Silver Willow.”
  3505. “Oh.” That reply stung a little. “O-of course, you don’t have to. Anyway, I wish you the best of luck. I can’t wait to discover how big this win is gonna make you, lady Night Sprout!”
  3507. After that, you go find Whispersun and Ebony Vine. The two are swimming together, and already the elven mare seems seems to appreciate that her friend gained a little height over her. They’d be the same height if they were their permanent size right now, but at last for today, Whispersun can have a taste of what having a bigger mare as a partner feels like.
  3508. “Hello again, lady Ebony Vine, lady Whispersun.” You approach them, and then to the elven mare. “Say, it’s a surprise to me that you’d share my interest of larger mares. Could it be that today awakened something in you?”
  3510. “Certainly not for just any mare, bard.” Whispersun replies, but then turns back to show Ebony a smile. “But you… I guess I didn’t realize there was a possibility for me to enjoy more of you. We can talk about an awakening on that front, I suppose.”
  3511. “Oh, Whispersun…” The younger mare can only utter that and an embarrassed giggle.
  3512. “If I may ask, may you tell me what you like about Ebony getting bigger?” You ask Whipsersun. “It is always inspiring for me to hear about such feelings.”
  3513. “Ebony, do think this is something Little Spoon should hear?” Whispersun asks annoyedly.
  3514. “Uhm, actually, not really…” She shakes her head. “…Maybe you could tell m-me instead.”
  3515. “Yes, that sounds better. So how about you get rid of this curious little colt, Ebony dear?”
  3516. “Hum.” She nods before turning to you. “Sorry Little Spoon, but you’ll have to respect our privacy a little!”
  3518. Before you can protest, Ebony sends a splash of water to you with her hoof which feels like you’re hit by a little tsunami. By the time you’ve recovered, the two mares have swum away from you, laughing among themselves.
  3520. Well, you guess Whispersun’s support will have to do in the next fights.
  3522. At this rate there are few mares you don’t want to encourage, but it can’t be helped. Everypony’s so invested you’d be happy to see any of them win, and grow even larger. You have a quick chat with Pear Plum and encourage her to do her best again. Ebony’s really gonna give it her all too after all.
  3523. Anyway, it’s time for the next batch of matches.
  3525. >Blackberry Brunch vs Fen Flower
  3526. >Roll 1D100+40 for Blackberry Brunch, 1D100+20 for Fen Flower
  3528. >Ebony Vine vs Pear Plum
  3529. >Roll 1D100+20 for Ebony Vine, 1D100+35 for Pear Plum
  3531. >Silver Willow vs Night Sprout
  3532. >Roll 1D100+10 for Silver Willow, 1D100+25 for Night Sprout
  3534. >You may roll for the result of both mares of one face-off at once. Make sur to precise whose mare you’re rolling for and in what order. Each roll for each mare is once per match.
  3536. First up are Blackberry and Fen Flower. Thanks to your encouragements, it’s the two mares that are the most eager for growth that find themselves butt to butt on the ring.
  3537. “Ready… And. GO!”
  3539. Both the rogue mare and Fen Flower immediately charge backward for an earth-shaking contact. While Blackberry has a little advantage in rump size, this time it’s not enough to get her any significant edge. In fact, it’s Fen Flower who manages to take the initiative, repositioning herself faster and getting a chance to try to lift her opponent’s rump off the ground. Blackberry can avoid that, but barely, before attempting another attack.
  3541. About equal in strength, each mare tries to take the advantage by getting a better position over the other, and Fen Flower seems like she’s better at this in this fight. Blackberry is off-tempo, her hooves always not so stable, and she’s exhausting herself faster than Fen Flower to make up for these little mistakes.
  3543. After half a minute, Blackberry and Fen Flower again find themselves trying to push each other out, rump against rump at the middle of the platform. The rogue mare attempts to suddenly disengage and let her opponent get destabilized by her own momentum, but Fen Flower sees right through her opponent. Blackberry hops away, but instantly Fen Flower is on the offensive again.
  3544. “What the…” Blackberry utters in surprise, as she didn’t expect to be immediately under pressure again. In fact, her feint brought her to the edge of the ring, and with the tilt to her side she cannot stop Fen Flower from striking her big buttocks with all her weight, sending her to her defeat in the water.
  3546. “Now that’s how it’s supposed go.” Fen Flower proudly stands alone of the platform, but then gets a little disappointed as she ‘only’ grows a foot taller. “…Hold on, that’s all? God, I’m really gonna have to earn it, won’t I?”
  3548. After Fen Flower climbs down from the platform, it’s Pear Plum and Ebony Vine’s turn.
  3549. “Ready… And. Go!”
  3551. “FOR LOVE!” Ebony Vine’s shout answer yours, which completely takes Pear Plum by surprise. The younger mare is the first to jump back with great force, hitting the wall of Pear Plum’s rump like a cannonball. While this is barely enough to make your druid friend budge, Ebony immediately follows with a barrage of blows with an ecstatic smile on her face.
  3553. Pear Plum never has the occasion to completely recompose herself. Ebony strikes and dodges like a whirlwind, completely impervious to any kind of weariness. Pear Plum’s few attacks only meet air. May it be one lucky shot, or maybe Pear Plum getting startled by the sudden change of behaviour of her opponent, but after about half a minute of this your druid friend trips and slides into the water.
  3555. “Yay! I made it Whispersun!” Ebony Vine jumps in excitement. Even if the tiredness of what she did seems to be catching up on her body at this point, she now stands a foot taller for her victory, and Whispersun blows a kiss to her partner as a reward for it.
  3557. Next come Night Sprout and Silver Willow
  3558. “Ready, and… GO!” You shout.
  3560. Again, Night Sprout’s agility gives her the advantage in this fight. Silver’s attacks never quite connect enough to corner the fairy mare. Silver is also less stable that Pear Plum, and overall can’t bring anything on the ring that Night Sprout didn’t triumph over already.
  3562. After less than a minute of attrition fight, Silver makes the mistake of going too far with a backwards charge, and Night Sprout can use that to cleanly send her in the water.
  3564. “I win. Mmh…” Night Sprout states, and can’t refrain a moan as she shoots up in the air. Not only does the mare grows 5 feet taller in one go, but the audience can also see her teats expand under her, going from mere bumps to noticeable half-spheres that look quite sizeable on her slim frame. Absently, Night Sprout can’t refrain an urge probe her new assets a little whit her hoof, before realizing the dozen pair of eyes ogling her, at which point she flies back to the shore.
  3566. Night Sprout made it to the finals.
  3567. The next two matches will decide who’s going to face her. First Ebony Vine and Fen Flower will fight. The winner will then have to go against Silver Willow for the other place in the finals. And even then, for winning everything until now Night Sprout will be able to afford one loss against her last opponent.
  3568. The end of this tournament is getting closer. As always, you can check on anybody to see how they’re doing and try to encourage them.
  3570. >Next match is:
  3571. >Fen Flower vs Ebony Vine
  3573. Would you look at that. I’m getting excited for this to so you get double update.
  3574. >Double growth in water is only for your inspiration.
  3576. First you decide to go check on Blackberry who went to sit on the shore. As you’d expect, she looks quite bitter about losing her last match.
  3577. “Well, looks like I was right about you not making the cut.” You taunt the plump mare some more, which makes her frown harder than she already was. “It seems your flanks aren’t as strong as they look in the end...”
  3578. In response, the 19-feet halfling mare suddenly rises on her hooves, turns back, and plops down her rump on you.
  3580. While she didn’t just let herself fall on you, something you can deduct from the fact you aren’t a red smear on the ground, Blackberry’s butt came to hit you fast enough you had no time to run away. You’ve been squashed flat on the floor, immeasurable weight and pressure painfully imprinting you on the ground, your chest too compressed for you to even breathe.
  3582. The mare cruelly decides to quickly stand up after only a few seconds, not letting you any time to really appreciate her buttock smothering you entirely after the initial shock. While you painfully peel yourself off the ground, you see her strut away in front of you, looking like she’s a little less upset than before. You took a notable hit on the jaw when you hit the sand, but you don’t think you broke anything.
  3583. And you didn’t even have the chance to offer Blackberry some growth after the party…
  3585. “Are you alright?”
  3586. You were so fixated on the rogue mare’s behind that you didn’t realise Night Sprout approached you. Right now, she’s over 25 feet tall, and looking and you a bit worriedly.
  3587. “Ah, yes, thank you lady Night Sprout.” You turn toward the giantess fairy. “And congrats again on your win! At this rate you really are gonna be the queen of this party.”
  3588. “Hum.” She nods. “I’d like that.”
  3589. “But say, I hope you’re not gonna get distracted by your new assets, right?”
  3590. “I won’t.” Night Sprout replies. “It’s not the first time I’m this big.”
  3591. And thinking about it, indeed Night Sprout probably experienced this size before with your magic. In fact, right before if she was in the water. You don’t think she’ll be that bothered after all. It was probably just the surprise earlier that struck her.
  3593. “Make sure to make the most of this break.” You tell your friend. “You’re one win away from becoming the queen of this tournament, lady Night Sprout!”
  3594. “Uhm.” She nods resolutely.
  3596. Anyway, there’s one final mare you need to talk to. Leaning on the boat near the ring, Fen Flower looks like she’s in high spirits still. Again, you’re gonna try to remind her that phenomenal bigness is within her reach.
  3597. “Looks like you’re ready for the next match, lady Fen Flower!” You say as you approach. “I’m sure you’ll manage to win and grow more.”
  3598. “You bet I am!” She smirks back, but then lets out a little sigh. “Though, your magic is being tedious today. Even if I win now, I believe I’m only gonna grow enough to match Silver’s height.”
  3600. That’s probably the case indeed, and Fen Flower will have only grown 3 feet total after 3 victories if she comes to face Silver Willow.
  3601. “The path to greater highs will ask a bit of fortitude from you this time.” You nod. “So… I’ll let you on a little secret. You see, you’ve probably noticed my magic acts up upon certain circumstances, like when you got me in your mouth entirely the other day.”
  3602. “Yes, I remember that.” Fen Flower smiles as she remembers how much she grew that time.
  3603. “Well, let’s say that if you were to win, you’ll probably get really close to reach the 100-feet mark. And I have a hunch something good will happen to the first mare that reaches that threshold.”
  3604. “I see…” Fen Flower’s smile widens. “I guess I have no choice but to win after you said that.”
  3605. “Yes. That’s what I’m telling you this for…” You reply.
  3607. After a little giggle, Fen Flower’s plump lips come to smooch your whole face.
  3609. And with that, it’s time for the next fight!
  3611. >Next match is:
  3612. >Fen Flower vs Ebony Vine
  3613. >Roll 1D100+20 for Ebony Vine, 1D100+25 for Fen Flower
  3615. The two mares climb on the platform, both looking at the peak of their condition.
  3616. “Ready. And… GO!” You shout.
  3618. Again, Ebony starts with a gutsy backwards charge, but this time she faces an opponent who’s desire to win is at least as great as hers. Ebony hits the meatier flanks of Fen Flower in a great clap, but practically rebounds away to the other side of the ring. Fen Flower sports a supremely confident grin on her face at this point.
  3619. Far from defeated, Ebony unleashed a series of attacks from all sides, but Fen Flower answers to all of them, their butts clapping against each other every second. The younger mare can’t seem to gain any ground over her opponent who responds with an equal push to each of her charges.
  3621. Far from discouraged, Ebony redoubles her efforts. But for her greatest attack yet, she only glances on Fen Flower’s butt who got out of the way instead of parrying this time. Everypony realizes it is too late for Ebony.
  3622. Despite her efforts, Ebony Fine cannot regain her stance before Fen Flower can hit her once to send her at the edge of the ring, and a second time to send her head-first into the water entirely.
  3624. “There! That’s how it’s done” Fen Flower proudly exclaims after her win under the cheers of the audience. After she grows 1 foot taller, you see her gaze meet with the one of Silver Willow who return her cocky smirk. Your friends are in for a rematch.
  3626. Next match will decide who shall face Night Sprout in the finals.
  3628. >What do?
  3630. By now, only three of your lovely friends remain in the competition.
  3632. You have to admit to yourself… Fen Flower and Night Spout’s eagerness about growing bigger is making you wish they win over Silver Willow.
  3633. Though, at this point, you don’t think you have much to add to the match. You’ve already bolstered Fen Flower a lot, so all that’ll left to do is to see how this will end up.
  3635. >Next match is:
  3636. >Fen Flower vs Silver Willow
  3637. >Roll 1D100+25 for Fen Flower, 1D100+10 for Silver Willow.
  3639. The clash of the buxom mares is about to begin. After they climb on the platform, Fen Flower and Silver Willow can’t refrain from adjusting their swimsuits one last time to make sure it remains in place this once.
  3640. “Ready… And. GO!” You shout.
  3642. This fight begins with another direct hit between the mares. Much like during their first fight, the two sexy ladies charge backward and make contact with a meaty clap.
  3644. A lengthy brawl begins between Fen Flower and Silver Willow. They’re both equals in term of raw strength, and while they both take their turns being on the offensive, neither manages to gain much ground or to trap the other into losing her balance. The feints don’t work on either side, the charges end up in a fruitless contact in the middle of the right, and pushing backward is met with an equal resistance.
  3645. What’s left of this, is both mares slowly turning into a mess as their pendulous assets swing around widely for minutes. There’s only so much these little strings can do to contain their mountainous boobs after all. As they go around and around, and that the mares’ crotches make contact with each other, their groans of effort take the accents of moans of pleasure. Their movements get more sluggish eventually, and the push of their butt against the other is looking more like they’re rubbing on each other now.
  3647. That doesn’t stop the audience from cheering on them, and even if a sultry smile is gradually replacing the winces of effort on the contestants’ faces, they each still attempt to make the other fall down.
  3648. In the end, it is still her breasts that betray Silver Willow. After minutes of combat that left both mares drenched in sweat, one of Silver Willow’s cups slips off an erect her nipple after another heated contact. Her attempt to put it back in place isn’t swift enough, and Fen Flower seizes the occasion to break out of this standstill.
  3650. She charges the mare that was only standing on three legs, and Silver Willow trips before cleanly sliding in the water.
  3652. “Pfew! At last! The victory I deserve!” Fen Flower proudly stands alone on the ring, her breath short but her smile radiant. There, not only does she grow 5 feet taller, but her already huge teats swell even larger under her. At this point you believe Silver Willow might still be a smidgen bigger in proportional boob size, but to the average untrained eye, the seas of teat flesh or the canyons of cleavage of the two mares will look overwhelmingly gargantuan in equal measure.
  3654. The final encounter will have Night Sprout fight Fen Flower. Though, since she’s been undefeated until now, Night Sprout needs only to win this once while Fen Flower must do so twice in a row.
  3656. >What do?
  3658. You decide to go talk to Silver Willow who was exchanging a few words with Wine Sip on the shore. Overall, she’s still looking lively and sports a content smile despite her defeat.
  3660. “How are you holding up Lady Silver Willow?” You say as you hail her. “My apologies, but I’m afraid there’s no special prize for the third place.”
  3661. “Oh, Little Spoon dear. I’m very pleased with my results already.” She replies. “I didn’t think I’d get this far to tell you the truth, so I’m already glad I got a few more feet of height for myself. These will be permanent, right?”
  3662. “I believe so.” You nod. “But I must admit… I’m a bit conflicted about your loss. On one hoof, I am pretty sure your breasts would have been touching the ground if they grew more and seriously handicap you for the finals. But on her other hoof, we all missed a chance to witness the biggest teats of this plane of existence reach dimensions yet unheard of.”
  3664. “Goodness, Little Spoon!” Silver Willow chuckles. “I had forgotten how much you adore my puppies.”
  3665. “They were… difficult to ignore during that last fight. They’ve been weighting on my mind as a result. But seriously, don’t’ you think you’d have been in trouble had you won and that your breasts had expanded further? Especially since it is permanent. How do you think you’d deal with even bigger teats?”
  3666. “Well, let me think…” Silver ponders, showing you a little smirk as she seems willing to indulge your wish to hear her talk about her giant breasts. The mare who’s over 23-feet tall sits in front of you, her twin mountains held in place by a golden bikini and occupying your whole field of vision.
  3668. “For the final match, it would be very tough indeed if I won.” Silver starts. “You’re right, my teats would be touching the ground, and having your nipples scratch some wooden floor is definitely not comfortable to move around. On a short notice, I would have been obliged to band them closer to my chest I some way, like this.”
  3670. To illustrate, the mare squishes her bosom against her body with a front leg in a way that makes her nipples point up. The massive orbs of flesh already cover her whole belly like that, but you suppose there is still some room for them to grow while allowing movement that way.
  3671. “That still wouldn’t be convenient at all, and it would have been very hard to win a fight like that. But you know, if we went back to the city, I could pay a visit to my tailor then. I guess you’ve never seen me wear one, but he learned to make what we came to call a ‘bra of holding’ for me, that would make any size manageable.”
  3672. “So…” You know a bag of holding is one that is enchanted to be bigger on the inside. “In short, you would find a way shrink your tits?”
  3673. “Sorry Little Spoon, but I’m not ready to give up on the possibility to move around just for tats.” She smirks. “I’d like to keep the possibility available to me at least. But you know, there’s a lot of fun to be had with such a bra. My tailor, a genius, didn’t just make it an on-off switch or something like that, no. Instead, the band is adjustable and my bosom will just look as big as it allows. In the past I had lots of fun gradually letting it just a little looser every minute at a dance party. The reactions of the guests and their incredulous glances were priceless. I’m sure you’d love it! And besides, now that I’m this big, we could answer the question of what would happen to a pony shoved inside such a bra. Wouldn’t you want to know?”
  3674. “A matter worthy of in-depth exploration indeed.” You smile back. “Now, even if you didn’t grow this time, maybe you should already prepare such a magic bra. I have a hunch there might be other occasions for you to increase your bust size in the future. So if you want to seize those…”
  3675. “I better be ready, yes.” She smiles. “Thanks to the cut I got from Fen Flower’s profits, I should have the means to order such a piece.”
  3677. After that, you decide to talk to Fen Flower. Unlike Silver, she still has a chance to grow even bigger tits today.
  3678. “Congrats lady Fen Flower!” You address the mare who’s swimming in the water near the boat. “Looks like you’re on the way to obtain the growth you deserve.”
  3679. “Yeah, with that last boost things are getting really interesting!” She smirks. “I can’t wait to see how big I’ll be when I win.”
  3680. “Are you sure your wardrobe can take another upgrade, though?” You ask. “You look like you’re almost done catching on Silver when it comes to the size of your assets. But you also planned to have your next potion or flask make your boobs larger too, right? Aren’t you afraid it might be a bit uncomfortable to go around if you grow that way any more?”
  3681. “Mmh…” She ponders, before giving you a shrug. “Eh, I’ll figure something out. You see Little Spoon, it is very easy to draw the aspect of fertility out of the ents’ essence I got, so I’m not cutting that out now! I’m sure you’ll appreciate the results when you see them. I can still count on you to be the first colt to witness the effects of my creation, right?”
  3682. “Of course!” You nod with a grin. “Also, you talked about fertility, so should I also expect it to affect your hips?”
  3683. “Clever colt…” Fen’s smirk widens. “You better get ready for that too, yeah.”
  3684. “Then I can’t wait…” You reply, Fen’s promises making you hot in the face and around the groin. “I hope you’ll be even bigger by that time! Now, let me wish you good luck for the next fight.”
  3685. There, you lean over the edge of the boat to give the giant swimming mare a kiss on her snout. After a little chuckle of contentment, it’s you whole face and neck that is smothered by the mare’s soft lips in return.
  3687. Finally, you go meet Night Sprout. The giant fairy has been flying around the lake, looking excited by what comes next. As you wave to her from the shore, she lands within talking distance a few seconds later.
  3688. “Lady Night Sprout!” You call. “So how does it feel to be one step away from winning this tournament?”
  3689. “My heart beats fast.” She replies. “I’m scared but also eager. I really want to win.”
  3690. “It sure looks like it.” Looking around, you pick up a polished stone from the shore, and then show it up to Night Sprout. To the fairy, this pebble could fit in a nostril of her.
  3691. “Do you remember, lady Night Sprout?” You continue. “Not long ago you were no bigger than this. And now look at yourself! Look at everypony else and how small they look to you. At this rate you’ll be able to hold up ponies like this, and even Fen Flower will have to look way up to you.”
  3692. “Even Fen Flower…” Night Sprout repeats to herself.
  3693. “That’s right! You’re one step away from becoming the queen of this party, so its future rests on you lady Night Sprout! Please, let me wish you luck for the fight to come.”
  3695. As you extend you hooves toward her, Night Sprout brings down her head to your level so you may give her a proper kiss. The mare then gently nuzzles her cheek against your body, letting you hug her warm face for a few seconds.
  3696. “I won’t disappoint you Little Spoon.” She nods vigorously after raising her head back up.
  3698. And finally, it’s time for the last faceoff of the day. The winning mares have been growing more and more with each match they won. First 1 foot, then 2 feet, and 5 feet for the semifinals. You can’t wait to discover how much growth winning the whole tournament is worth…
  3699. As they climb on the platform that’s now barely able to contain the two 25-feet mares, they both look ready to find out.
  3701. >The final match will be Fen Flower vs Night Sprout
  3702. >Roll 1D100+30 for Fen Flower, 1D100+30 for Night Sprout.
  3703. >Night Sprout might win immediately, but there will be another roll if Fen Flower wins.
  3705. Night Sprout and Fen Flower are in place. The audience has its eyes glued on the two giant mares. The time has come to end this tournament.
  3707. “Ready…” You breathe in. “And. GO!”
  3708. The match begins under the cheers of the guests. Eager to finish this, Fen Flower immediately goes for a backward push. At this point, the mares on the ring are so big they barely have any room to properly charge their opponent. But even in this state, Night Sprout still manages to manoeuvre around to evade most of the attacks. It is harder now, and the fairy has to really twist her body to really disengage from Fen Flower’s imposing behind. Still, for now it looks like she’ll manage, as long as she doesn’t tire out before Fen Flower of course…
  3710. At some point, Fen Flower makes her stance as wide as possible to deny Night Sprout any way of escaping. Her hooves nearly cover the whole diameter of the ring, and the weight and volume of the alchemist mare’s breasts would surely make any dodge from bellow impossible.
  3711. This time Night Sprout can’t avoid contact, and Fen Flower can actually push her back a few feet. A victorious grin on her face, the bustier mare raises her rear and forces Night Sprout’s bottom legs off the ground. Fen Flower then charges backward, the fairy unable to produce any resistance and having her rear forced even higher. Night Sprout looks like she’s almost doing a headstand at this point, with her front hooves on the edge of the ring and Fen Flower’s teats nearly in her face.
  3713. But just as Fen Flower tries to push her out, Night Sprout’s lower body springs to life again. In a smooth, dance-like move, her hind legs go find the ground behind the one of Fen Flower. When Fen Flower goes for a decisive push, Night Sprout bounces up over her, her front hooves joining her hind ones.
  3714. There, Fen Flower’s confident smile turns into a frown as she realises that not only did the lithe fairy evade her attack again, but she threw herself to the edge of the platform that is dangerously tilted toward her. And after half a spin around, Night Sprout charges, her butt hitting Fen Flower in the side of the flank with all the strength the fairy could muster.
  3715. “Nooooo!” The alchemist mare whines as her hoof misses the ring, and that trips before sliding into the water. Night Sprout still stands tall, victorious.
  3717. “I won.” The undefeated fairy states.
  3718. And there, she starts growing. A lot.
  3720. The mare starts shooting up in the air, and it lasts much longer than after other wins. You’re not sure if you’re more impressed by her body tirelessly growing foot after foot seemingly endlessly, her teats that swell to become thigh-lever orbs, or her flanks that also gain some meat. While she’s still far from attaining a thickness the likes of Par Plum’s, Night Sprout’s thin waist now seem to double in width at the level of her hips to accommodate her new flanks. The fight had brought her to the edge of the ring, but now she’s getting so tall only standing in the middle will do.
  3722. By the time she stopped growing, Night Sprout nearly doubled in size, growing 25 feet bigger at once.
  3723. “I’ll try to be a good queen of the party.” Night Sprout merely announces to the dumbstruck audience. There, the giant fairy takes off, and in a swoop she picks you up from the boat before flying up hundreds of feet in the air.
  3725. “Little Spoon.” She says while she holds you in front of her face with her hooves. “You must tell me how to be a good queen of the party. That, or…”
  3726. There, Night Sprout goes silent for a few seconds, before her mouth rushes to cover your body with a kiss. You’re squeezed on her hooves by her lips, and the mare doesn’t remove her mouth without giving the whole of you a slow, hot and sloppy lick.
  3727. “Little Spoon… That fight made very excited Little Spoon, and now I feel really hot… in another way.” Night Sprout breathes on you, a mere foot between you and her titanic mouth.
  3729. >What do?
  3731. “A Queen may do as she pleases.” You reply. “And I am ready to sate your desires lady Night Sprout.”
  3732. There, you lean forward and kiss the giant mare’s sweet lips again, and you feel her slowly press back against you, a soft and low moan of pleasure echoing from her throat.
  3734. “Now, I wouldn’t mind if we did it flying.” You offer. “But perhaps you’d prefer a more secluded place? Perhaps a clearing in the woods would be better so I can safely explore your new body as much as you’ll allow me...”
  3735. Night Sprout nods to that, and starts looking around for a direction. When she flies away, you see waves form on the lake’s water as she darts away. Even if you’re very high from the ground from your perspective, you’re not nearly as high as Night Sprout could bring you. At her size, the mare could go over the clouds in mere seconds.
  3737. Still, when she starts zooming away while holding you against her chest, you hear the wind loudly howl all around you. Kept safe by her warm hooves and chest, you can only imagine how fast she’s actually going. After barely more than a minute, you see the light again as Night Sprout carefully proceeds to roll on her back and free you so you may stand up on her.
  3739. You find yourself in a different part of the hills. You’re in a forest and Night Sprout chose a spot without trees near a river. You went far enough you have no idea where the lake could be relatively speaking.
  3740. Now of course, the more enticing landscape to explore is the giantess lying under your hooves. Night Sprout breathes heavily as she looks at you, a faint but definitely sultry smile on her face. So what should you visit first? Her newly formed twin hills? Go back to kiss her ever-enticing mouth? Or maybe something gentle and see how ticklish she is now? Or on the contrary, skip the preliminaries and go straight for her love cave…
  3742. But here, suddenly Night Sprout shrinks a little. Not by much. She’s still probably over 45 feet tall and just as curvy, but at first you wonder what happened.
  3743. And then you realise leaving the vicinity of the party probably put an end to the spell that levelled the height of your friends. So that means…
  3745. “Lady Night Sprout!” You beam at the giant mare as you stand on her chest. “This is your real size now! Only my inspiration is growing you at this moment!”
  3747. But that’s not all actually. Suddenly, you feel your magic act up yet again…
  3749. >Many mares grew permanently during your contest.
  3751. >Mares grew 1 foot bigger 9 times
  3752. >Roll 9d10
  3754. >Mares grew 2 feet bigger 2 times
  3755. >Roll 2d10
  3757. >Mares grew 5 feet bigger and their charisma increased 2 times
  3758. >Roll 2d10
  3760. >One mares grew 25 feet bigger and their charisma and constitution increased 1 time
  3761. >Roll 1d10
  3763. >Each D10 roll will decide which mare will be affected. On 1 it be Fen Flower, on 2 it will be Pear Plum and so on.
  3764. >The full order is:
  3765. >Fen Flower, Pear Plum, Night Sprout, Silver Willow, Blackberry Brunch, Wine Village mare 1(Tendril), Wine Village mare 2, Wine Village mare 3, Wine Village mare 4, Capital city customer mare.
  3766. >Make sure to indicate which size increase you’re rolling for.
  3768. Leave some rolls for the other posters, I’m not coming back until tomorrow.
  3770. The ground under you shakes again as Night Sprout regains the few feet she had lost, but in addition, her new teats expand further yet on her. You can’t resist looking at them. This morning, Night Sprout was nearly flat, and now you’re looking at giant orbs that are growing under your eyes to become nearly as big as the mare’s head, and thus many times as wide as you are tall. Her swimsuit grows with her, but the strings of her bikini piece are digging on her valleys of teatflesh that are deeper than ever.
  3771. “Little Spoon.” Night Spout moans, and you’re nearly brought to your knees as her body arches up. “Growing feels good. I want you…”
  3772. You turn back to see the fairy mare’s face consumed by lust. Oh, what you wouldn’t do to make this mare grow even more. You find yourself considering getting eaten alive by her to fuel her size further.
  3774. Night Sprout has her own plans for you, though. Her hooves zoom in to catch you, only slowing down a foot away to do so you with at least a little care. You’re scooped up, and feel the mare contorts herself on her side so she may bring you to her crotch. Getting a glimpse of it, there’s wetness dripping from under her pants.
  3775. Not in the mood for any foreplay, Night Sprout just pulls her swimsuit and shoves you on her swollen folds.
  3777. “Aaaah…” You dimly hear her moan as you’re smushed against her hot, you-sized entrance. The light gets dimmer as she releases the pink panties on the hoof holding you.
  3778. You promised you would sate her desires, so you start your work. Grabbing her labia and securing a hind hoof on the edge of her crevice gets a spasm out of her already. On that, she removes her hooves enough time to allow her swimwear to get in place again before putting it back. You have no choice but to face her groin now, but you didn’t plan to run away anyway.
  3780. Using your hooves, your legs, and your body, you pleasure your eager friend as best as you can. She’s insanely responsive to your touch, your world shifting and her drenched cave squeezing itself every few second, or when you give some attention to her clit that is conveniently not far from your mouth. A first climax rocks her in a minute, and in her extasy she pushes you further into herself, her hot walls pressing your whole body like a lemon. You find yourself very aroused too, and your ministrations soon include humping the inside of Night Sprout.
  3782. You climax, and Night Sprout grows. Night Sprout grows, and she climaxes. She climaxes, and she pushes you further in. You accept your fate at the hooves of the giantess, and let yourself be engulfed completely, remembering that you need no more air that her sweet musk all around you. You hump all around and thrash around with your hooves in the dark gullet of flesh. As before, hitting a particularly sensible spot makes you whole world squeeze you tight between warm membranes. Along the muffled orgasmic cries of your friend that get you off too, you grow Night Sprout yet another foot bigger.
  3784. Getting deeper still each time, you eventually get to the bottom of her… you think. It’s hard to tell in complete wet darkness. But at that moment, your next orgasm grows Night Sprout as big as your magic allows, and thus another effect takes place. Your shaft was just a tool of pleasure among others, but it seems Night Sprout wishes it grows in length and girth. Soon, your flare reaches the bottom of Night Sprout, and then your length starts pushing you out while forcing the mare’s walls wider open. Her contractions press a shaft that is now larger than you are, and soon and the magnified waves of pleasure cause you to erupt in Night Sprout almost continuously.
  3785. You exit the giant fairy’s pussy at the sound of her orgasmic cry. Your back pushes back on her panties while the mare just lets you grow out of her until there a dozen feet of your shaft overflowing from her canal that you’ve now filling to the limit with your meat. You both ride your respective orgasms for a dozen more seconds before it dies out, and you’re both left as panting hot messes. With how tightly your genitals are interlocked, you’re not very far from the edge, though.
  3787. “Little Spoon.” The giant fairy looks at you from over her rump. She’s lying on her side. From your perspective, you see her reddened face over your titanic shaft that is still jammed in the engorged pussy of the 60-feet-plus Night Sprout. “Right now, I just want to get you in me again, again and again. For as long as I can. Until you or I pass out.”
  3788. “Why don’t you just do it?” you reply, more than fine with that prospect.
  3789. “Should we do something else… Before I do that?” She tentatively asks.
  3791. >What do?
  3793. You don’t know what to say.
  3794. Today you came to witness the birth of another true giantess in the form of Night Sprout growing bigger than ever, now dwarfing the trees of the forest around you. You would be content to just gaze up at her magnificent beauty for hours, but instead the giant mare wanted to make love to you, and even right now, your augmented shaft is snuggly buried in her folds that are pulsating with lust, keeping you in a state of heavenly arousal.
  3795. So what is there to respond now that she asks you what else you could want?
  3797. “I love you.” Is the only answer sounding proper in your mind. “So whatever you want. I just don’t want to leave you in need.”
  3798. “Ooh, Little Spoon…” She coos with an earnest smile is response to your words. “I… Aah… AAH!”
  3799. You feel her canal spasm around your cock, and soon there’s another gush of fluid squirting out of her entrance as the fairy climaxed yet again.
  3800. “I…” She pants “I love you too Little Spoon. I want to do this with you every day... and more. More things. And more me. I want to keep growing bigger and bigger for you Little Spoon.”
  3802. Hearing this both warms you heart and brings you near the edge of a climax. So when Night Sprout comes to grab the part of your shaft that comes out of her to then use you as a toy, you erupt inside her again at the first pump, and almost faint in bliss as she keeps ramming you inside her while you do.
  3803. Night Sprout seems insatiable. You lose count of how many times you cum inside the giantess, as she pleasures herself with you until she’s out of breath. But then she would take you out of her, allow your member to return to a manageable size, and cover you in steamy-hot kisses and whole body nuzzles. At some point, usually not long after you’d repeat that you love each other, the amorous smooches would turn into lusty licks, any shortly you’d be in for another ride into the ever-wet folds of Night Sprout. And then this loop would keep happening. Once. Twice. Several more. For hours.
  3805. You lose track of how long this goes on. The party is an afterthought to you at this point. The guests are all adult ponies, so you don’t worry that they’ll find their way home if you don’t come back.
  3807. During another onslaught of body-smothering kisses, you suggest to Night Sprout that you should try experimenting with her newly enlarged tits.
  3808. Soon, Night Sprout lies on her back to expose her new assets, her swimsuit long undone at that point. Despite their colossal size, about four times as wide as you’re tall, Night Sprout’s tits remain roughly spherical despite their own weight. As you’re dropped on them by the giantess’ hoof, you find her skin silky-smooth but firm under your hooves. Her nipple is quite dainty too. It’s barely bigger than your whole hoof despite being erect, which makes it easier for you to pounce on it and nibble on the sweet nub of flesh.
  3810. It's good you lied down the soft expanse of Night Sprout’s breast and bit it, because your move causes Night Sprout to arch her back while uttering a sharp moan of delight. You soon see one of her hooves go fondle her other teat, and looking up at her face, you see her watch you with lust-crazed eyes as she sensually bites her lip between two irrepressible moans. You soon hear a dripping sound from bellow, and seconds later you’re plucked from her nipple to go please her pussy for another loop.
  3812. Hours later, you’re being kissed by the giant fairy again, but this session of smooching has been going on past the time Night Sprout needed to regain her stamina. It seems like she’s satisfied for now, but the embers are still hot, and you feel like you could keep going all night long.
  3813. You definitely missed lunch and had quite the workout, but the all-you-can-kiss supply of Night Sprout’s face in front of you keeps those perky needs out of our brain. It’s the evening by now. During your love-making, the terrain around turned into a wetland of mare juices an cum. Night Sprout ploughed through and flattened the dirt repeatedly. The trees around have remained unharmed, but you definitely retraced the bed of the river around this part. Also, you’ve walked upstream a little since then, so the Little Spoon Night Sprout keeps smothering with her lips could be first washed fresh and clean.
  3815. “Oh, Night Sprout…” You mutter after kissing her vision-filling snout. “I must be the luckiest stallion in the world to have met mare that loves growing so much and dedicated to do so.”
  3816. “I’ll grow bigger for you Little Spoon.” Night Sprout softly replies. “As big as you want. And then twice as big. And then ten times. And then a thousand times.”
  3817. You feel your heart race and your head spin a little at the thought, and can’t help but to consider ever option that would make Night Sprout bigger as fast as possible. Unfortunately, you’re already giving her all the temporary effects you have, and she is ‘only’ 60 feet tall right now, so too far still from the 100’ mark. The fairy mare isn’t lactating either. You think about all the ponies around and that surely one of them would deserve to be eaten, or that they would accept to jump in the maw of such a beautiful mare, but… wait, no. The only pony that would do that…
  3819. “Night Sprout…” You say absent-mindedly. “Would you consider swallowing me so you may grow bigger?”
  3820. As Night Sprout nuzzling instantly halts, you realise you could have phrased this better. She lifts her head a little to look at you, a hint of puzzlement o her face.
  3821. “That sounds dangerous.” She states.
  3822. “I know. It probably is.” You nod, and decide you might as well say the whole thing. “But I wanted to be honest, and tell you that to me, getting swallowed and slide down your throat would feel like a dream come true.”
  3823. Night Sprout doesn’t answer, and you see her eyes look to the side as she doesn’t seem to know how to respond.
  3824. “Of course, I’m not asking you to do it!” You add. “Not at all! It’s just that when you’re so close, I can’t help but to admit I want to discover and love every single part of you.”
  3825. “Hmm. Then I won’t do it.” Night Sprout nods. “I like you in me. I like growing bigger too. But I still want you next to me afterwards, Little Spoon.” And there, the massive lips of the mare come down to softly kiss you again.
  3827. >What do?
  3829. “You know, I should be glad you’re a gentle giantess and didn’t take me up on my offer.” You mutter after her lips release you, and that you’re cuddling her face again. “But now that I’ve let you on one of my secret fantasies, I feel curious about yours. Is there’s something you’d like to try with me? Other than using me to pleasure yourself I mean.”
  3830. “Well…” She hesitates a little. “I don’t know. That’s why I asked if we should do something else.”
  3831. “Ah… well…” You kiss the giant mare’s snout, and she slightly pushes back as she feels your touch. “We can save that for later, when you figure something out. There’s no need to think about it too hard for now. Let’s just keep doing what feels right in the moment.”
  3832. “Yes. That sounds good.” Night Sprout replies.
  3834. You spend the rest of the evening together, Night Sprout soon demanding that you pleasure her some more.
  3835. It’s the middle of the night when you decide it’s time to go back. As you fly over the lake, you see that the party ended and that everypony when home. With Night Sprout’s size, the travel back to the ent’s forest is only a short while away.
  3837. Though, the place is not exactly the way you left it, as now there’s another mountain of a mare waiting you here.
  3838. Pear Plum is curled in a ball to sleep, and with every beath she takes it looks like her plump body might swell enough to outgrow the treeline. You’re a bit drained at the moment, so you’ll probably catch up with her tomorrow. For now, you just take some provisions to munch on before going to sleep.
  3839. Of course, Night Sprout decides that your sleeping bag with you inside belongs in her hooves for tonight, so it’s with her warm breath wafting over your face that you fall asleep.
  3841. Night Sprout is still sleeping when you wake up, but Pear Plum seems to be preparing herself for her lesson with the ents already.
  3842. “Hello little Spoon.” Pear Plum whispers once you’re done climbing down Night Sprout’s hoof. The druid mare not only grew spectacularly in height, but her flanks grew plumper yet under her. At this point, her legs look twice as massive as the rest of Pear Plum, her now impressive bosom included. Her teats are about the same size as Night Sprout’s right now, but it’s a lot less noticeable with how bottom-heavy the druid mare is.
  3844. You also notice that she took off her shorts that are now lying around not far from here, the size of a discarded circus tent.
  3845. “Good morning lady Pear Plum.” You reply. “How are you doing? Are you adjusting to the extra size well?”
  3846. “I… don’t think I realise how big I am yet.” She chuckles nervously. “I was already so big, and then all of sudden I was three times bigger. I hope I can keep everypony safe around me if I stay that big all the time. You’re… looking really small right now Little Spoon, but Night Sprout on the other hoof…”
  3847. “Yes, she’s quite the stunning giantess, right?” You smile. “That’s the first prize from winning yesterday’s contest, but it looks like it rubbed on you a little lady Pear Plum.”
  3848. “I don’t think ‘a little’ is appropriate to describe any of this…” Pear Plum smiles. “Anyway, I’m going to meet Pinelock. I’ll make good use of this new size and power!”
  3850. You feel the ground shake slightly and see her buttocks shake greatly as Pear Plum walks away. For a short while you enjoy the calm of the forest to take you breakfast while hearing the slow breathing of the sleeping giantess near you.
  3851. After a little while, you hear her stirring awake behind you. You do now move as you’re covered in her shadow, and soon you feel a soft good-morning kiss on your back.
  3852. “Good morning lady Night Sprout.” You giddily state. “Did you sleep well? Ready to continue your training?”
  3853. “Good morning Little Spoon.” She replies. “Yes. I need to get better at magic. But also… Now that I’m bigger, can we make me as large as possible again? I want to see what it is now.”
  3855. You reckon Night Sprout is talking about her card effect, so you’d be staying only faithful to her for the rest of your stay here at least, and also growing her with your gift of the bard every day.”
  3856. Right now, she’s 47 feet tall, without any inspiration.
  3858. >What do?
  3859. >Your friends planned for the training to last 7 more days
  3861. “Sorry lady Night Sprout.” You reply to the titanic mare. “But I wish to bond with lady Pear Plum too while we’re still here.”
  3862. “I see…” Seeing the giant fairy frown ever so slightly makes your heart sink, but you have to be honest with her.
  3863. Still, you beckon her to come closer and give her a kiss. And even if you won’t be with Night Sprout all the time, nothing stops you from having a romp with her in the forest every day to keep her big and strong.
  3865. Pear Plum and Night Sprout continue their training, now with a significant increase of power since the pool party. You keep using your inspiration to help the two giantesses whenever you can, but even without that boost, at all times both of them are looking way down to their tree-pony mentor.
  3866. Even if she witnessed your powers before, Pinelock seems a bit shocked by the change in scale of your friends’ bodies, and also how much their powers increased. Pear Plum can grow trees as thick as sequoias from the ground in seconds, and bend those to any shape she wants just as fast. Meanwhile, Night Sprout is getting freakishly better at magic. As the days pass, she learns several tricks like making ponies invisible and muffling all sounds around them, and also gets a first crack at entering the minds of ponies. In mere hours she was able to communicate words and feeling to you through telepathy and hear yours back. The only hard part for her was not stunning you by sending an overwhelming influx of emotion in your mind at once.
  3867. “Your spells already made her unbelievably strong.” Pinelock explains when you ask about the synergy your magic and the one of Night Sprout could have. “As she’s a being of magic, growing her body makes her power increase exponentially.”
  3869. Aside from the progress in their skills, you can also spend some good time with your friends. A few times you revisit some of the spots the ents told you about when they’re on breaks. While such escapades often end up in a steamy evening of sex with Night Sprout, you’re also content to hike around with Pear Plum, and sometimes take the occasion for a nap on the mare’s soft and warm belly.
  3870. At times like these, the view of her thighs is really a sight to behold. You think her whole legs, from hip to hoof, are twice as big as the rest of her. Probably a little more.
  3872. Among the conversations you share, you ask Pear Plum how the party ended without you.
  3873. “It’s a real shame I wasn’t here to see you grow to this height.” You say. “And the rest of the day must have been quite wild too.”
  3874. “Well, after you left, Fen Flower was still definitely the biggest around by a whole lot.” Pear Plum recounts. “But still, she looked a bit disappointed that you weren’t there to see it. But after we all had lunch she lightened up again. These cooks you hired were amazing by the way! And then we all played in the water with everypony. Fen Flower really liked teasing all the colts, but she remained more… behaved that I anticipated. If anything, it’s Ebony and Whispersun that got a little naughty with each other, even though they tried to find some secluded spots. But overall everypony had lots of fun!”
  3876. Through this schedule, you can also try to get a better understanding of how Night Sprout’s card works. While it seems little gestures like good morning kisses on the cheek or even nuzzlings are okay, you’re disappointed to find out that any significant one-to-one time with Pear Plum is enough to reset’s Night Sprout size. Even if Night Sprout doesn’t know what you’re doing, even if you don’t explicitly call it a date. It seems that you bonding with a mare you already like as much as Pear Plum counts every time as romantic interaction...
  3878. You wonder if there’s a way to change the card you bestowed upon a mare. That power is a real headache considering that you want to bond with different mares all the time. Right now, you don’t know any, but perhaps you could find a way with sufficient knowledge. Maybe you’ll find some books about it in the capital.
  3880. Eventually, it’s time you part ways with the ents. After thanking your hosts for their hospitality and tutelage, the three of you start to make your way to the capital again, where you plan to reunite with Fen Flower and Silver Willow.
  3881. You didn’t exactly pick a time or place, but you can safely expect to find Fen Flower at her shop at least, and she’ll probably know where Silver Willow is too.
  3883. >What do?
  3885. >Among the things you wanted to do around the capital:
  3887. >Offer Pear Plum and Night Sprout some magic bras. You should go talk to Silver Willow to meet her tailor. And also get some new pants since Fen Flower teared off yours with her teeth.
  3888. >Fen Flower planned to show you what her new alchemic creation can do, and she also said she had another surprise for you.
  3889. >Fen Flower said she should plan a day with Night Sprout so they would get to know each other better.
  3890. >You thought about experimenting with cards and using Tarot Growth on other mares around here. Should you just pick random mares? Somepony in particular, like the guests at the party that do not have one yet?
  3892. “Lady Pear Plum!” You call your friend on the way to the capital while ridding on Night Sprout’s back. “Say, I still cannot wrap my head around this. You told me Fen Flower was bigger than you once I left the party, but you’re so big already I have trouble imagining it.”
  3893. “Really?” Pear Plum raises an eyebrow. “Of all ponies, I think you would be the one to accurately keep track of our heights Little Spoon. I mean, Fen Flower got back to the size she was when she transported everypony from the capital to the lake, so you even saw how big she was.”
  3894. “Well, maybe… but can you still tell me what it felt like?”
  3895. “Oh, I get it.” Pear Plum chuckles lightly. “Well, then, when you left, I suddenly started growing a lot. It was like everything shrunk around me, and then the stallions where all so tiny in comparison, like little toys. It was a little scary even. But then there was Fen Flower. I didn’t realise right away because I was so bewildered by my own growth and that she was in the water. But when she walked out of the lake, her head kept going up, and up, and up. I couldn’t believe it for a second. I had grown so big, yet I only came as high as the base of her neck when she was next to me. But somewhat, it made me a little more comfortable with how much I just grew, as I thought that maybe, I wasn’t so big yet after all.”
  3897. Oh, you reckon she’s about right. Night Sprout’s recent growth spurt could almost make you forget how big Fen Flower truly is whenever she doesn’t remain at her halved size. You wonder if you’ll find her this big in the city. You remember her saying something about taking measures should other mares make her feel small too often for her taste, and you’re binging a pair of those to her right now.
  3899. With the amount of land that is covered by each stride of your friends, you’re soon in view of the capital.
  3900. While Night Sprout already got familiar with navigating near small ponies, Pear Plum seems a bit fearful about at it at first, slowing down as she’s being careful with every single of her step, and blurting out excuses to the ponies that would merely quizzically look up to her, even if they weren’t inconvenienced. As you noticed before, Fen Flower’s continuous presence around made ponies used to giantesses like your friend. Among those who aren’t indifferent to you, only about half look a bit anxious, while the other merely seem glad to stand idle and look up to the pretty giant mares walking over them.
  3902. You see Fen Flower’s head over the roofs way before you actually get to her shop. Of course, she immediately notices and waves to you since your two friends are also visible for acres around.
  3903. “Hello Little Spoon!” Fen Flower enthusiastically greets you once your close enough. Like last time, you find your alchemist friend in the cloister of her shop where she’s brewing a batch of potions in her giant cauldron. Right now, she’s nearly 30 feet tall, and that impressive stature is only half of the mare’s true size.
  3904. “Hi Night Sprout, hi Pear Plum!” Fen Flower adds. “How are you doing?”
  3905. “We’re good, thank you.” Pear Plum replies, and Night Sprout nods too.
  3906. “Hello you three!” Silver Willow is also here. “Good thing I was right to think you’d stop here. That’ll spare us a trip around the capital to find everypony.”
  3907. “Nice to see you two!” You hail the two mares from Night Sprout’s back. “So, what’s new in the city? How’s the shop going?”
  3908. “Fine as ever!” Fen Flower replies. “But let’s get a little more comfortable. There a place I’ve taken a liking to whenever I take a break.”
  3910. Fen Flower steps over the wall of her shop to come in the street, and she invites you to follow her. She brings you to the central plaza of the capital again. There, you’re quick to notice the café Fen Flower point toward has one huge table in front of it, which is at an adequate size for Fen Flower to sit at.
  3911. “Isn’t it adorable?” Fen Flower beams with pride. “They took on the challenge of actually making some installations that are big enough for me. I guess my stature is a big enough advertisement to warrant so much effort to accommodate my person.”
  3913. While Fen Flower, Pear Plum and Night Sprout sit around the table where considerable amounts of hay and pillows have been dispatched, you and Silver Willow who’s ‘only’ 13’9’’ tall climb on it. There’s a ramp you can use to do that is also probably used to bring in orders on the giant table.
  3915. As you start to catch up, Fen Flower starts telling you in more detail how her business is going. The profits are still hefty even if the initial bulk of customers that came for the novelty has been dwindling a little. Fen Flower made sure to start offering different products like mane dyes and basic antidotes so the clients she got still come back even if there’s no more growth for them. She also has a stock of her star-product that’s big enough she could go away from her shop a couple weeks and still satisfy the demand.
  3917. “Hello! Are you Little Spoon?” You hear a mare’s voice you don’t recognize while Fen Flower was gloating about how her new employees accepted less that their usual wages once she had allured them a little. As you turn your head, you see a young pegasus mare wearing a worker’s uniform and a cap, hoovering next to you.
  3918. “Looks like you are indeed! Sorry to interrupt but I have a letter for you.” The mare says with a polite smile, and then offers you a letter. You realise she’s probably one of these mail ponies from the adventurer’s guild.
  3919. “Ah, uhm, thanks.” You nod and take the delivery, and thus the mail mare waves to you before flying away.
  3921. Looking at the letter, it seems it comes from your bard school. Huh. You wonder what they want with you, but you’re not obliged to take care of that right away.
  3922. “That mail pony already came to ask about you a couple das ago.” You perk up at Fen Flower’s voice. The big mare is watching you with your letter. “I told her you’d come around eventually, and since it wasn’t an urgent delivery, she said she’d find you when you’re in the capital.”
  3923. “Ah, I see.” You nod, and stow the paper in your shirt’s pocket. “Also lady Fen Flower, while I’m thinking about it, may I ask if you got any news form the church guys that were chasing the pony that gave you this devil book back at your village?”
  3925. “Well… no.” Fen flower replies, and you see her absently pat the protection necklace she still wears. “I don’t even know if they could capture that guy. They didn’t come to bother me at least…”
  3926. “I see.” You nod. You’re not sure you should investigate this matter further. If Fen Flower had to worry about something, at least these paladin guys would have warned her in some way, right?
  3928. Anyway, there are so many other things you want to talk about. You’re gonna be busy for a long time with everything you have in mind, so it’s best you try to prioritize things a little here…
  3930. >A: Bring up Fen Flower’s new alchemic find and if she’s ready to show it to you.
  3931. >B: Remind Fen Fower she planned to spend some time with Night Sprout to bond
  3932. >C: Insist on visiting the church again. You won’t sleep soundly if there’s the slightest chance Fen Flower could be in danger.
  3933. >D: Ask Siler Willow if she wants you to go talk to her daughter and try to arrange a meeting (or just plan to find her daughter without telling your friend)
  3934. >E: Read the letter you received from your former bard school.
  3935. >F: Pitch your idea to grow 1000 mares at once with your inspiration. This could be another big publicity stunt for Fen Flower’s potions.
  3936. >G: Ask Silver if she can point you to her tailor, as Night Sprout and Pear Plum might need a new bra themselves.
  3938. First, you decide to check the mail you received while Pear Plum tells the mares that remained in the city about the training they did in the woods. There doesn’t seem to be anything inside the envelope besides the letter itself.
  3939. “Dear Little Spoon.” You read. “It is with great pleasure that we learned the tales of your growing achievements. To show the potential of mares of exceptional size in the very capital of this realm is a feat worthy of praise. If I am right about the level of mastery that you demonstrated, you have outclassed all in this humble school of ours, and you have my most sincere congratulations for it.
  3940. Bard Little Spoon, if you happen to have some time to spare between your adventures and growing mare companions, we would be honoured if you came to visit our school. Your presence and the one of your companions of inspiring size would help showcase to our students what a bard of high calibre strives for. You and all your friends shall receive the best hospitality we have to offer, whenever you decide to stop by. We may also discuss some secrets about the power of growing mares, that were not suited for an adventurer to learn at the beginning of his journey. But now, your obvious mastery of our arts obliges me to reveal anything you may ask. Such matters are better discussed in the flesh however. I humbly hope to see you soon.”
  3941. “Sincerely yours, Loremaster Ticklebug.”
  3943. You find yourself feeling a little nostalgic reading this. The rural school you attended only had about a dozen students at a time and a hoofful of teachers, but you have some good memories from here. Professor Ticklebug was among those who taught you your abilities. You remember him as an old stallion whose dignified and wise demeanour hid a formidable hornyness for big mares.
  3945. You had a hunch this message could have been about your recent exploits in the capital even before opening the letter, but getting some recognition for it does make you feel a little proud of yourself. That invitation reminds you that you should eventually find another job to take on so you may enhance your mare-growing abilities even further. And getting some mail also reminds you that you wanted to know what became of Star Shooter, the elven mare you once adventured with, but even though you learned she stayed in the capital for some time you didn’t come around to actually write anything to her.
  3946. Though, that can come later. You have more important thigs to talk about, like buying some comfortable lingerie to your big mare friends among other things.
  3948. “Lady Fen Flower.” You call. “I must admit I’m getting impatient about that new growth formula you told me about. So? Were you able to finish it yet?”
  3949. “Little Spoon, what kind of alchemist do you take me for?” The giant mare puffs up her chest and proudly shows around her grin. “Of course I perfected it! I can show you its premiere whenever you want. All we have to do is get a little away from the city just to be safe. Nothing dangerous, don’t worry, but I’d rather not take any chance with a physical shift I haven’t experienced yet. Tripping on a house or inadvertently crushing a peasant under me would be bad for business.”
  3950. “Wonderful news.” You smile back to the giantess. “When is the demonstration scheduled?”
  3951. “Again, whenever you want, little stud.” Fen Flower winks at you.
  3953. “Then it’s urgent I clear some space in my agenda.” You state. “Thought, there’s another offer I’d like to tell you about first. You see, a bit similarly to this pool party we had, there could be another growth event I would like to organize. This one will be simpler. All I would need to do, would be to grow a thousand mares with my music at once, and then growth will happen. Well, more than usual I mean… I thought we could use this as an advertisement for your business Lady Fen Flower. Do you think that would be feasible?”
  3954. “A thousand mares?” Fen Flower huffs nonchalantly. “I’ve head way more client than that! The number shouldn’t be a problem, but where could we gather so many ponies at once… hmm… this plaza would be nice, but I can’t really afford to do so without getting an authorization of some sort anymore. If you want to go through with this, just give me a day or two for that, and then another couple to spread the news.”
  3956. >Go through with this?
  3958. After that, you ask Silver Willow to point you to her tailor so you may gift Pear Plum and Night Sprout a bra that’s adequate for their new proportions. Your whole group ends up following you there. The tailor is a polite middle-aged unicorn mare who suggests she takes the measurement of your two friends for a start.
  3959. While they do so, Fen Flower approaches you.
  3960. “So, Little Spoon…” She mutters in your ear. “Are you free for my demonstration yet? Surely Silver Willow can give our friends good enough advice on lingerie, and I’m sure the tailor trusts her enough to accept payment on delivery.”
  3962. >What do?
  3963. >Go with Fen Flower?
  3964. >Stay here for now?
  3966. “Alright, lady Fen Flower.” You nod to the giantess. “Let me just tell-aaaAAAH!”
  3967. Your sentence turns into a shout of surprise as you’re lifted 20 feet in the air, Fen Flower having caught your vest between her teeth.
  3968. “I’ll come back later!” You call toward your other friends, while already Fen Flower is turning to walk away. “500 gold for each of you should cover everything! Make sure you consider a regular bra or the magic one that’ll take longer to outgrow!”
  3970. But already, Fen Flower is trotting away in the street with her Little prize in her mouth.
  3971. After a few turns, the giant mare decides to let you ride on her mane for your comfort and safety. Fen Flower did tell you she wished to avoid the crowd for her demonstration, so there’s gonna be a few minutes of traveling at least. And it’s easier to talk that way for the big mare too.
  3973. “Lady Fen Flower.” You start. “I realize I still haven’t apologized about leaving the party unexpectedly the other day. I didn’t plan to be whisked away, but I confess I didn’t try to free myself from Night Sprout’s embrace either. Sorry about that. It was rude of me.”
  3974. “It’s alright Little Spoon.” Fen Flower sighs. “To be honest, kidnapping you was something I could have done myself had I won. I guess I’ll just have to make sure to remain undefeated in the future.”
  3975. “On the good side, at least all you mares are more or less matched in size now...right?”
  3976. “Are you provoking me Little Spoon?” Fen Flower replies, a hint of deviousness in her voice. “I’m still much bigger that the rest of our friends at my full size, and I’m right about to show how much more I want to grow!”
  3978. “Ah, lady Fen Flower…” You swoon over the big mare caring you. “Hearing your enthusiasm about growing is a treat that’ll never get old. That reminds me about the letter I received. It was from my bardic school of old. To keep it short, they’re amazed by how big you’ve become, and they humbly ask if I could visit them with an awe-inspiring mare like you to talk about our adventures to the new students and motivate them. What do you think? Would you mind coming along for such a trip? I’m sure both teachers and pupils will give you the admiration you deserve.”
  3979. “Mmh? Why not.” Fen Flower replies. “How far is it?”
  3980. “The hills I’m from are about ten days of travel away from where we first met.” You reply. “I mean, it is that far for somepony my size. For you, it’s probably more like a day or two of walking from the capital.”
  3981. “That sounds okay for a little curtesy visit.” Fen Flower states. “Also, I’m a bit curious to see in what kind of place a pony learns skills like yours, Little Spoon.”
  3982. “You’ll see that alright when we go.” You tell your mare friend.
  3984. You’re heading out into the remote suburbs of the capital at this point. You had in mind to maybe go check the church to see if the inquisitors have some news, but you didn’t really have any occasion to do that without ruining the mood.
  3986. “There. This place will do.” Fen Flower announces as you reach what seem like an abandoned dead-end street with deserted houses and overgrown gardens on each side. There aren’t any other ponies around this block, but you’d meet some travellers again a couple streets away.
  3988. “So, Little Spoon. First, there’s something I’d like to give you.” Fen Flower starts as she carefully places you on the ground in front of her. The 29-feet mare then sits in front of you, and produces a little pouch that was apparently attached to the dock of her tail.
  3989. “Little Spoon, you’re such a gentlecolt.” The giantess smiles to you. “You always do so much to please everypony, organising parties, buying us clothes, taking us on dates… you’re always so generous when it comes to me and our friends. You’re just the best! But still, I’m starting to think an adventurer like you should think about protecting himself a little. What if something happened to you during our adventures? Now that would be terrible! So… I decided to purchase a little something to help keep you safe.”
  3991. Fen Flower delicately presents you the pouch on her massive hoof that she lowers to your level. You take it to see what’s inside, and find a purple leg band with a glowing gem on it. The item looks finely crafted, and the jewel has the glimmer of a magical enchantment in it.
  3992. “I think you’ll like this one.” Fen Flower smiles. “If you wear it, this item will allow you to teleport yourself to the location of the sister gem of your band. That way, if you ever feel in danger, all you’ll have to is think about getting away and you’ll be warped to the safest place imaginable in a flash… with a cooldown of 1 day, but that shouldn’t be an issue.”
  3993. “Woah, thanks a lot lady Fen Flower.” You reply, putting on the band. “So where’s this sister gem I’ll be teleported to?”
  3994. “Oh, wouldn’t you want to know little stud…” Fen Flower’s smile widens and gets mischievous. “You can try it now if you want to find out. You’ll recognize the place right away. You’ve been in there already…”
  3996. And without further explanation, the giant mare starts leaning back until you’re facing her genitals, and there she just starts touching herself, the shlicking of her hoof on her giant folds and her pleased purrs breaking the silence of this abandoned place. For a while you remain frozen in place by the suddenness of this.
  3997. “Well? Are you coming?” Fen Flower nonchalantly asks after a dozen seconds. “For the demonstration of my new alchemic creation, I’d rather be as big as possible already. Or… would you prefer if I gave you a show as an appetizer, Little Spoon?”
  3999. >What do?
  4001. “Yes please, fair lady.” You grin at the salacious display. “I suppose this is why you brought me here. It looks like there’s some toys you could use around here. Are you sure there’s no poor soul huddling in here, though?”
  4002. “Oh, I’m sure the quakes will make them run away soon enough.” Fen Flower replies, and then louder. “This is your cue to flee to whoever’s still around!”
  4003. There doesn’t seem to be any reaction to her warning. You still only hear your friend pleasuring herself with a hoof, so hopefully these buildings are empty indeed. All that’s left to do is to enjoy the show offered by your buxom and massive companion.
  4005. You’re facing a mare that’s over 5 times your height while sitting down. Right now, Fen Flower is leaning back to expose to you her flustered marehood that she digs into with one of her front hooves, while the other makes sure she doesn’t fall backwards. The vision of her folds as thick as your limbs being forced open by a giant hoof fills out with a burning need. Everywhere your eyes might look, it’s a display of overwhelming erotism that you behold. Fen Flower keeps her massive hind legs and flanks in the air, jumping up a little with each thrust of her hoof on her snatch, and squeezing her massive teats at times. Her teats. Two mountains of flesh, endlessly wobbling to hypnotize you thanks to Fen Flower’s deep lusty breaths and her eagerly humping her hoof. Her dark nipples are pointing to the sky, and between them you see Fen Flower’s face, her torso and neck completely hidden from your perspective by her house-sized milky orbs. Fen Flower’s half-lidded eyes are locked on you, filled with lust, while she keeps her mouth open to turn every exhale into moans that have been growing crescendo. By now, they’re loud enough to make your ears buzz a little, and then make you whole body shiver with need every other second. The giant mare doesn’t keep her tongue hidden either, giving her plump lips a discreet little lick on every breath. But how much you want her must be getting physically visible on you by now, and Fen Flower’s mouth nonchalantly twists into a luscious smile of satisfaction, after which she slowly licks her upper lip, before puckering up to suggest a kiss that would smother your whole face in her opulent warmth.
  4007. To think she’s still only half her size yet. And without your gift of the bard. And without your inspiration. And without her new growth trick she wants to show you…
  4009. “Do you like the sight, Little Spoon?” Fen Flower asks with a grin.
  4010. “I can barely resist pouncing on you, lady Fen Flower.” You reply, an enraptured smile on your face, and a raging erection between your legs. “To say I like it is a vast understatement!”
  4011. “Really now?” Somehow, the giantess gives you a disappointed pout. “Come on Little Spoon. Please me with that mouth of yours a little more. I just love it so much to hear you scream out loud how much you adore me. How much witnessing every part of me growing larger and sexier is making you wild!”
  4012. Fen Flower inhales sharply there, and her entrance made puffy by arousal clenches for a couple seconds, before relaxing again. It looks like she bit the inside of ger cheek to deny herself for now.
  4013. “Oh, yes, praise me Little Spoon.” Fen Flower moans. “Make me your muse for today. Sing for me. Worship me, and I’ll grow bigger and more beautiful than any other mare in this world!”
  4015. >What do?
  4016. >What say?
  4018. “Lady Fen Flower!” you shout in aroused fervour to the masturbating giantess in front of you. “You’re the most stunningly beautiful mare of the world already! Any mare in their right mind will look at you with jealousy, while stallions would sacrifice everything just to be blessed with a shred of your attention.”
  4019. “Oh, yes…” Fen Flower closes her eyes, and smiles as she pictures your words in her mind. The pace of her hoof increases.
  4020. “My lady, I wish for nothing more than to savour every part of our body. I want to enjoy your lips. I want to drink from your teats. I want to lose myself into your marehood in the hope of pleasing your ever-growing beauty!”
  4021. “Yes, Little Spoon, YES!” Fen Flower cries in bliss, and this time she goes over the edge.
  4023. Before your eyes, the already giant mare doubles in size. With a low rumble, her hind legs grow higher still in the air, each of her teats gets the size of a two-storey house, her flanks grow too wide for the streets and start bulldozing down the gardens in front of the abandoned houses, and her pussy you could only have squeezed yourself into is now a proper door to a wet world of pleasure.
  4024. And that’s only the beginning.
  4026. “Yes, please, keep growing!” you grovel in front of the titanic mare. “I beg you, Fen Flower, keep growing bigger and bigger! Every aspect of you needs to grow so big any other mare will look worthless in comparison!”
  4027. “Yes…” Fen Flower moans to herself, another climax rocking her, and thus increasing her size further one foot at a time. “Compared to me… misshapen little twigs…”
  4028. “Yes! Grow more!” you chant, enthralled. “Please grow more than even I could imagine! The whole world needs to know of your magnificence, oh lady Fen Flower. Have mercy on ponykind, and may your body grow so vast all nations may gaze upon your beauty at once. Become as big as reality itself, so no mare of stallion will be able to ignore you, and worship your godly being forever!”
  4030. “YYYYES!” Fen Flower climaxes again. As she grows bigger still, her body gets closer to you. Her entrance that is still being jammed by her hoof gushes a splash of mare juice that lands less than a foot away from your hooves. Even if you resisted touching yourself so far, you’re starting to feel a leak between your legs. Your eyes can’t get enough of her overwhelmingly erotic form, your ears are filled with the mare’s blissful moans, the air around you is saturated with her musky mare scent, to the point you can feel the moisture on your coat, and taste it on your tongue.
  4032. However, you can’t just abandon yourself to idle contemplation just yet.
  4033. Detaching your attention from Fen Flower for a second, you ready your instrument and use your inspiration.
  4035. “YES! MORE!” Fen Flower demands as her body clears the 70-feet mark. Beyond that, her already mountainous teats swell even more, hiding your companion’s face to you as the twin orbs overfill the lap of the titanic mare, bulging to become twice as big than even her ample thighs.
  4036. In reaction, Fen Flower leans forward. You see her face again, first looking at you, but then she shows you a playful smile as her eyes glance at her earth-shattering bosom. After licking her lips, her mouth lunges toward on erect nipple, and she starts aggressively suckling her own breast while her hoof is still at work.
  4038. You aren’t done singing the praises of Fen Flower, but even in front of this maddeningly hot show she’s putting up for you, it’s another kind of admiration you want to voice out right now.
  4039. “Lady Fen Flower… What a talented, skilled knowledgeable alchemist you are.” While still nibbling on her teat, the mare gives you a slightly quizzical look. “You’ve become so many great things. A creator of artistic and exciting potions, a successful business owner with plenty of workers who adore you, and a magnificent companion who I only wish to have further adventures with.”
  4040. Fen Flower has stopped touching herself at this point, and instead she looks at you with a strangely surprised expression. You continue speaking up nonetheless.
  4041. “You’re brash but sincere, haughty but kind, and a lady who isn’t afraid to make a mess when you must. You the complete package, and a complete mare, a-and I’m making a complete fool of myself by telling you this… I think…”
  4043. Fen Flower seems confused, just looking at you with wide-open eyes at first. But then a small giggle escapes her lips, a somewhat awkward one, and she feels the need to hide her half smile with a hoof. The giant mare straighten herself up while shyly looking away, her tits now resting in front of you.
  4044. “Oh, goodness… Little Spoon, you little crook.” She speaks. “Here I wanted to make you go crazy with lust for me, and instead I find myself getting sentimental like a teen filly at your words. And I can’t just keep acting so crass if you’re gonna make declarations like those...”
  4045. “I’m sorry lady Fen Flower.” You hurriedly bow in apology. “I don’t know what went over me. It’s not like me to ruin such a mood…”
  4046. “I-it’s alright.” Fen Flower shakes her head. “And you know, it was still…. Touching to hear you say all that Little Spoon. After all, maybe I don’t need the whole world to admire me. Maybe I just need you Little Spoon…”
  4048. The giant mare gives you a warm grin from high above, one that is surprisingly earnest from the luscious alchemist, and seeing it makes your heart flutter a little.
  4049. It’s not like you to ignore a raging erection between your legs, but right now the kiss you’d dream of with Fen Flower would be a surprisingly chaste and emotional one.
  4051. “Anyway, I think the time’s right!” Fen Flower recomposes some of her bravado. “Feast your eyes on THIS, Little Spoon!”
  4052. Attached on a small earring, the mare produces a strange bottle from behind her ear. As she careful brings it you your level on her hoof, you discover a flask that is chaotically ridged inside and out. It’s mostly transparent and orange, but there seem to be various, opaque bits frozen inside the glass. The container looks rather small compared to Fen Flower’s massive hoof, but to you it still looks like a full-fledged amphora.
  4054. “This is the flask I told you about.” Fen Flower proudly explains. “Inside this, I got the distilled power of the ents! Not only is it gonna make me bigger in several ways, but I’ll also gain some ent-like features and powers! I hope Pear Plum won’t mind that I got myself all the content of her training in this little bottle, hehehe…”
  4055. “That sound very interesting.” You say. “Any… side effect to expect?”
  4056. “Well, normally, these kinds of brews influence the mind of the drinker in some way, making them closer to the entity they draw power from.” The alchemist replies. “Usually, that makes the alchemist a more beastly and savage version of himself, but in my case, it’s ents we’re talking about, so instead I might actually get smarter and wiser from this!”
  4057. “Then it sounds to me you did perfect it!”
  4058. “Again, of course I did!” Fen Flower gloats. “The closest thing it has from a flaw, is that it will only last for about 10 minutes, and then I have to fill the flask with water and wait twenty hours to get another shot ready.”
  4060. “That’s great. So… are we ready for the demonstration?” You ask with an excited grin.
  4061. “Now we are!” Fen Flower replies. “Take a few steps back, please.”
  4063. You put about 20 feet between you and the already gigantic mare. Once she sees you’re standing at attention, the mare gulps the potion and quickly reattaches the flask to her ear.
  4064. Only a second later, you start to feel another rumbling coming from Fen Flower. At over 70-feet-tall, the mare starts growing again, and fast! The mare moans as one spurt makes her 5’ taller at once, and there’s a second one, and a third one, and a fourth one…
  4066. “Oh… OH! that’s… That’s more that I planned!” Fen Flower exclaims. “Little Spoon! It seems my card multiplied the growth for the grand debut of my formula. Hold on to something, I’m gonna get HUGE!”
  4068. It’s not only her height, but her teats are swelling bigger again too. The two boulders are growing your way. Still, there was a chance you could still be safe where you stood.
  4070. But then you can feel it.
  4071. “Ooooh! YES! MORE!” Fen Flower exults as the biggest growth spurt yet hits her when she reaches 100 feet of height. Meanwhile, on the ground, the tsunami of her expanding boobs is coming to swallow you. You only have a second to react. If you stand where you are, you should end up in her cleavage.
  4073. >CLEARED : Grow a mare to at least 100 feet tall
  4074. >Half of this mare’s permanent size in feet, rounded down, is added to your growth pool once.
  4075. >Then, this mare permanently grows by half of what she would need to be permanently 100’ tall.
  4076. >You no longer have a limit to how much you can grow 1 mare with Embrace Glorious Destiny.
  4078. >New goals have been added:
  4079. >Grow a mare to at least 500 feet tall
  4080. >Have a grown mare do 100 000 gold’s worth of property damage of actively used buildings in one hour with only her body.
  4082. >Also…
  4083. >Fen Flower grew 22’10’’ feet bigger
  4084. >Roll 1d10 ONCE
  4087. >What do?
  4089. There’s no time. You’ve got to warp away at once!
  4090. You’re not sure how this leg band works, but you attempt to focus on the idea of getting away, and banish the thought that behind smothered by Fen Flower’s giant breasts could be a good experience.
  4092. There’s a sizzle in the air, and instantly you’re in another place. A dark and wet cave, but even before you can realize where you are, suddenly you feel the ground shift under you.
  4093. “OOH YEEESSS!” Fen Flower’s cry of bliss rings through your body, coming from her through that is just behind you. A ray of light comes into her mouth as she does, but in her bliss she tilts her head back, probably not having noticed you’re here.
  4094. And now gravity pulls you right to the mare’s gullet. You’ve got to hold on something!
  4096. >ROLL 1d100
  4097. >Avoiding huge failure: DC 50
  4098. >Success: DC 60
  4100. You manage to get a grip on Fen Flower’s gum somehow, and you stop sliding down by hiding yourself under her tongue. The slimy wall of muscle undulates as the giant mare still voices out her extasy, but after a couple more seconds, she seems to notice you.
  4102. “Mmh?” You hear her moan in surprise, and then your giant friend sets her head straight again. A ray of light pierces through her mouth above you while Fen Flower’s jaw stops moving. The mare must be inviting you to come out.
  4103. You climb on Fen Flower’s tongue again. She has her mouth open wide, her tongue looking like a red carpet as you walk on it. You notice your friend got herself a piercing on the togue. And the gem on it does look similar to the one of your legband, which probably explains why you ended up in here when you wanted to teleport away.
  4105. Now, as tempting as the abyss of Fen Flower’s throat may be, you tread toward the light and exit her mouth.
  4106. After being blinded by the light for half a second, you start to realise how high you stand. At this altitude you’re close to seeing the whole capital in front of your eyes. While it’s a little far away, you believe you’re looking straight to the top of the royal castle where you are. Your gaze then starts trailing to closer areas, to abandoned suburb houses, which look small, as though you were flying high over those… and then two hills than wrecked several blocks of those houses.
  4108. Not only did Fen Flower grow into a 100-feet-plus titaness, but her breasts also experienced so much growth their bulk is only about fifteen feet away from you at this point, with the mare being sit down. It’s getting hard to even comprehend how sky-blotingly big, how earth-shatteringly heavy these are. They’re blocking the view of everything on ground level for hundreds of feet around you. The houses that haven’t been crushed can’t even remotely compare, the little cottages reaching maybe a quarter up the formidable girth of the teats of Fen Flower. Even without a bra, they’re so large and probably so soft they form a natural cleavage that stretches so far it’s a horizon line of its own in front of you.
  4110. “Ey.” Fen’s voice along her breath comes from behind you. You didn’t even notice the mare offering you a hoof for you to stand on in your contemplation. Well, it is definitely a hoof, but the mare’s limb partially turned into wood, making it look like she’s wearing a knee-high boot of living bark. You step on the huge platform which makes you think of the stump of a ten-thousand-year-old tree. It feels like at least thirty ponies could fit on here at this point.
  4111. As she brings you a little away from her, still on her hoof, you can see the giant mare’s face. Fen Flower can close her mouth to show you a smile, and now that her snout isn’t obscuring your view anymore, you can get a better look at her.
  4113. It is the mare’s eyes that shock you the most, as they changed to match those of ents the likes of Pinelock. The white of Fen’s eyes turned black, and her iris is now a swirl of glowing green sap that looks like it could engulf you in her pupil. The coat around her eyes also turned into smooth, light-brown wood in the pattern of a domino mask.
  4114. But another very visible change is the huge flower that grew just behind Fen Flower’s left ear. Reminding you of a nenuphar’s flower in its shape, the plant is formidably big just like the mare it’s attached onto, with dozens of thick orange petals that must be ten feet long and about five wide, and bright yellow stamens poking out that must be thicker than your legs. There are five lush green leaves supporting the flower on the mare’s mane, making it look like she’s wearing a hat that’s covering the whole side and half the top of her head. Many long and thin vines also hang from under the flower, giving the illusion that Fen Flower has some green highlights on this side of her mane.
  4115. And as if the smell of Fen Flower’s saliva on you wasn’t tantalizing enough, the sweet aroma of that flower seems to be filling the air all around.
  4117. And along these changes, there’s of course the sheer scale of Fen Flower that hits you. Fen Flower just grew to over 130 feet tall, making regular ponies, and halflings like you in particular, even smaller than mice to her. Her teats may have wrecked these abandoned homes while they grew, but really, her hooves, her butt, her snout… any part of her could topple such wee constructions at this point. You don’t think there’s any part left of Fen Flower that isn’t gigantic to you. You’ve already experienced that her mouth is like a room you can move around in, or that her hoof is a plaza to walk on, but you could also hide completely inside her ear, and you’re not even sure you could reach both her nostrils with your arms anymore if you hugged her nose.
  4119. “So, Little Spoon, what do you think of my new creation?” The entified-mare asks with a smile, taking you out of being awed by her new appearance for a second. “Leaving you speechless is a good start in my book. Not gonna lie, I’m ready to call it an astounding success already!”
  4121. You’re not sure what to say. Is there even anything to say to such a goddess? Is there any praise that you wouldn’t want to say to please her? Or perhaps you can be a little more pragmatic here, and discover together what kind of magic this new body of her can do.
  4123. But also…
  4124. After the show Fen gave you earlier, you’re feeling eager for any kind of interaction with the impossibly big and endowed mare in front of you. You might climax from just about any touch from the titanic mare at this point.
  4126. >What do?
  4128. “Lady Fen Flower…” You speak, still on the mare’s hoof, in awe of the titaness you helped create. “You’re so beautiful… and after everything you’ve shown me already, I’ll reach heaven the second you touch me. Would you accept to do so with a hoof, please? I’d like to pretend I could have the whole of you atop me for a second.”
  4129. “How could I refuse that to you, Little Spoon?” Fen Flower smiles.
  4130. The mare raises her other front hoof, and you witness the monolithic limb approach in the sky. Even if Fen Flower goes slowly, you can’t help but to recoil slightly as the light of the day disappears behind her sole.
  4131. Her hooves clop together, but it turns out that wall against wall, the space between the soles of her hooves is enough to comfortably contain you. You almost have enough room to stand up straight, with the top of your head and your ears brushing against the nail turned wood.
  4133. “Oh dear…” You hear Fen Flower comment, and you feel yourself being brought upward so a giant green eye may peek into your hoof containment. “I didn’t realise you were THAT small, Little Spoon. Try squeezing yourself a little further near my frogs maybe?”
  4134. “I have another idea.” You say. “Please release me, and trust me for what comes next. I believe I just need to be on softer grounds so you may push on me a little.”
  4136. Fen Flower raises the hoof over your head again, and without a second thought you rush to the edge of it and jump over the wall into the ocean of Fen Flower’s breasts. Their expense is so vast to you this is barely an understatement, and they fill your vision entirely even at the start of your jump where you were over 10 feet away. Only the mare’s cleavage can be a landmark is this infinity..
  4137. You meet the giant teat hooves first, but your legs can’t prevent you from sinking into the soft flesh until you get a faceful of warm boob. You bounce back once, and then land on your back, head slightly further down as you’ve landed on the upward slope of the mare’s breast. The soft and warm ground wobbles slightly under you for a second while you look up at the giant ent-mare’s face, and soon at the hoof that comes to squish you. You welcome it with open arms.
  4139. You’re pressed into Fen Flower’s immense breast. the pressure keeps slowly increasing as you’re buried deeper, inches at a time, until you’re several feet deep on the mare’s supple flesh. The frog of her hoof is right on your crotch, somehow giving you just enough space to prevent too much rubbing and making the teasing last a little bit longer, while your face is already smothered hard enough you’re having trouble breathing. But as soon as Fen Flower twists her hoof with you under it, you can’t hold it anymore. The pressure and friction make you erupt near instantly against the mare’s hoof for what feels like minutes, as every little move of hers draws another shot of cum from you. You can barely hear the sounds of your own ecstatic shouts, smothered like you are, and even if every muscle of your body wants to arc and hump back in reaction, the hoof over you doesn’t budge. Fen Flower is just so big she probably doesn’t feel your struggle at all even.
  4141. After a while, the giant mare releases you. The hot surface of her breasts lifts up your panting form in the air as the pressure over is removed, and the sky and Fen Flower’s smile are again visible over you.
  4142. “Looks like you enjoyed that.” You think she sees your meek nod, as her satisfied smirk widens. “But say, you’re not the only thing that started squirting back then!”
  4143. Fen Flower again presses her breast with her hoof. There’s more that enough of it in front of her you’re not even bothered by this. As she does, you hear something far away, like the sound of water falling after a few seconds.
  4144. “Oh goodness…” Fen Flower lets out a lustful sigh. “That’s a side effect I didn’t expect… but a welcome one! This flower has some honey, Little Spoon! Too bad I can’t really reach over there… But wait. I wonder…”
  4146. Fen Flower looks into the air in front of her for a second. You wonder what she means for a second, but then you start to hear a light rumbling below you, and soon the earth creaks all around you as massive green stems sprout all around the titanic mare, up to her height. Just like with Pear Plum, this ability seems as powerful as the user is, and as a result these stalks are many times thicker than you are tall. You see a few debris of houses fall from them after they were brought up by the sudden growth.
  4148. “My! Isn’t this nice?” One of the plants obediently bends to nestle itself on Fen Flower’s extended hoof. “Good to know I’ll still have some way to defend myself, even if I’m too big to walk. Now, I have an idea about how to get more familiar with these skills. You don’t mind if I move you around Little Spoon, right?”
  4150. Without waiting for an answer. One of the vines bends to come and grab you. You barely have time to see that some of these are directed toward where the giant nipples of the mare must be that you’re buried inside Fen’s cleavage. You soon realise that you’re brough to the mare’s steamy-wet entrance, and that she’s eager for satisfaction too at this point.
  4152. The abandoned neighbourhood is completely wrecked once you’re done. What remained of the pavement has been smashed into a messy mix of dirt, stone, and fluids from you and Fen Flower. The houses nearby have been flattened by the mare’s body at the peak of its height, and those a little further demolished when she summoned giant vines off the ground.
  4154. Right now, you’re resting on Fen Flower’s belly while she’s lying on her back. The mare fucked herself on your length while her transformation lasted, getting countless climaxes for you and her. Now, she’s gone back to being ‘only’ 90’ tall, but her assets also shrunk back to a size she can actually walk around with her legs.
  4156. Even if she’s not as massive as before, you doubt that Fen Flower can still navigate the streets of the capital at her current size. Even the widest streets might be too small for her to lay down her hooves without destroying the building on the sides, and she might be so massive at this point her step will leave craters even in the stone roads.
  4158. For now you’re both basking in the afterglow of this time you shared in the afternoon.
  4160. >What do?
  4161. >Anything else you’re like to discuss/do with Fen Flower?
  4162. >Ask Fen Flower to stay here for now?
  4163. >Go back and meet with your friends again?
  4165. “Lady Fen Flower.” You utter while on the mare’s soft belly. “Allow me to remind you that I love you from the bottom of my heart.”
  4166. “Aw, you’re just the sweetest little stud today.” Fen purrs in reply, and the tip of one giant hoof comes to carefully pet your mane. “I love you too Little Spoon.”
  4168. You nuzzle the giant legswhen it’s close, thankful for this day. Laying down like you are, part of your vision is occupied by the twin monolithic orbs that are Fen Flower’s teats. Resting on her lower belly, their own weigh squish them slightly, the curve of their bulk magnified by the sunlight from above.
  4170. “Say, have you thought about using a bra of holding, like lady Silver Willow?” You ask. “I reckon you wouldn’t have been able to move around with how big your bosom was a few minutes ago.”
  4171. “Mmmh… I would be practical for sure, but it feels a bit like cheating to me.” Fen Flower replies pensively “I don’t like the idea of shrinking my breasts Little Spoon. Don’t you think everypony around should be able to admire the whole of those? Now, I think their growth was tripled this time. They shouldn’t become THAT big all the time, even if I liked the experience... In most cases, I thought about summoning vines to make a net to hold them, and perhaps grow some heels on my hooves to keep everything above the ground. I’ll make sure to try that the next time I drink my flask.”
  4172. “But what about the times it does happen then? That’s still gonna be a quarter of the times Lady Fen Flower.”
  4173. “Well, you know what?” Fen Flower scoffs. “I think I’ll just accept being immobilized then. I mean, I’ll be over a hundred-feet of bark-clad, vine-summoning goddess. Why would being unable to walk for a few minutes be a problem? If anything, that would just be merciful to any adversary of mine, allowing them a tiny chance to flee when I grow even more massive than usual.”
  4174. Fen Flower is amused just imagining this, and shows a smug grin on her face as she talks.
  4175. “Now, if that can reassure you Little Spoon…” She adds. “Perhaps I could summon enough plants to carry myself a little if it really happens I need to move for some reason while I and my tats are extra big. That should be sufficient for the rare situations when being a titaness won’t be enough.”
  4177. “I see.” You nod. “It’s as you wish lady Fen Flower. And I can only support your will to show the peak of your beauty to the world at all times. But still… I hate being the one to bring up the practical issues of being a giant mare little yourself, but I have to ask. Do you have anything planned for when you become too big to navigate the streets of the city, Lady Fen Flower?”
  4178. “Well… not really.” She chuckles a little uncomfortable. “And I’m growing even faster than I planned thanks to you Little Spoon. I thought I could keep the status quo for a while longer, especially since I’ll be half this size again tomorrow, but with how I just grew, it’s gonna get difficult to move around without contorting myself.”
  4180. “So… do you have a solution for today?”
  4181. “Nothing aside from sleeping outside of the city until tomorrow.” She shakes her head. “I have to face the facts. This capital just isn’t big enough to handle me at the size I’m right now. If only the streets were wider… by a lot! And the buildings way higher too… well, that’s not gonna happen anytime soon. I don’t think the authorities are just gonna say yes if I asked. I think they don’t like me much actually.”
  4182. “Hold on, did something happen?” You ask. “Did you have trouble with guards or something?”
  4183. “Come on now, Little Spoon.” The mare slowly shrugs. “I’m big enough I’m turning this city upside down just by being around. As much as citizens are now used to seeing me, there’s still the fact a giantess has taken residence among small ponies, and they’re seeing her walk over buildings and streets every single day. From the day you demonstrated your growing abilities in the central plaza, we’ve been a bit of a headache for the guards and stuff. The way I see it, they probably think mares my size are a bit of a public nuisance.”
  4184. “Goodness… I feel a little bad Lady Fen Flower.” You meekly say. “I didn’t expect to put you in that kind of awkward position.”
  4185. “Now, it’s not that bad Little Spoon.” Fen Flower smiles again. “Do you realise all the stuff I’m getting away with? Even right now? This place might be abandoned, but I’m about certain it’s illegal to just do the destruction work we did. And I’m big enough MANY ponies must have seen everything, even in the capital, or they even felt some tremors, or heard my voice when I climaxed, and yet it’s still just the two of us here.”
  4187. Her smile widens.
  4188. “That’s because nobody dares to bother a mare my size.” She continues. “I’m freer than I’ve ever been right now! Even if they don’t like me, I feel like the authorities don’t want to engage with me, and they’ll let me do whatever I want as long as I don’t push it too far. The fact my growth potion is a riot among the population might be helping, but mostly that’s because you made me a giantess nobody wants to mess with. I’m not really sure what’s ‘too far’, though. Hurting somepony definitely would be, but I’m not sure about the rest.”
  4190. For sure, Fen Flower’s no longer a citizen like any other, simply by the fact she’s a force of nature to be reckoned with, just like any sufficiently big mare.
  4191. But still, your mare friend deserves better than just being merely allowed around while she behaves. You wonder what you could do to make the situation change.
  4193. >A: If more ponies all around the country liked Fen Flower, she’d have no problem being welcomed everywhere she wanted. Maybe she should try to help around and show the world how much of a benevolent giantess she is.
  4194. >B: If she’s got the funds, maybe it’s time to start her own settlement, one where everything can be at her size.
  4195. >C: How strong is the military of this country anyway? Isn’t it time you thought about making demands to the castle for some big mare accommodations?
  4196. >D: Maybe it’s best to just make profit for now. You’ll be on adventures often enough anyway, so maybe it’s not so bad that the authorities don’t really like Fen Flower or big mare antics in general.
  4198. “Once you got the money, perhaps you could found your own new big city lady Fen Flower.” You dream out loud. “Imagine, a place where both mares of any size and regular ponies could comfortably live together. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
  4199. “Sounds sweet indeed.” Fen Flower pensively looks to the sky. “But to be honest, I don’t even know what that would look like, especially if a big mare like me would just keep growing bigger and bigger all the time. Hmm… I wonder if there are artisans or architects that could take on such a challenge. Perhaps with some magic contraptions they could figure out a way to do it? Right now, I wouldn’t know.”
  4201. “That can only be the long game for sure.” You nod to yourself. “But I believe. To behold the sight of magnificent giantesses like yourself, that will eventually inspire ponies to find a way to live around you. Now, in the meantime, maybe we could try to get on the good side of the ponies of this country somehow. By helping them I mean. That’ll make sure you’re given the warmest welcome wherever you go.”
  4202. “So you mean… we should just keep doing quests in some way?” Fen asks.
  4203. “Well… actually, more like helping ponies out without demanding a reward.” You say. “I mean, I’m sure there’s a lot of stuff that’ll be a breeze for a mare of your stature to accomplish. Ponies will adore you in no time if you show them what a benevolent force of nature you can be.”
  4205. “Mmh… Not gonna lie Little Spoon, this all sounds a bit… boring to me.” Fen Flower replies after pondering for a second, but as you look up to her face, you see a playful smile bloom there. “Unless, of course… if it was just the two of us going on this charity tour together! If it’s just me with you on my back, walking around the country will feel like a lovely sightseeing vacation. How does that sound?”
  4206. “What’s the problem with the rest of you friends?” You ask. “If anything, more giant mares helping ponies out will make everypony like you even more.”
  4207. “Well, sure. Pear Plum, Night Sprout and Silver Willow can go help other ponies at some other place too of course, but honestly, after I help a particular bunch of ponies for free, I want their eyes to be on me only. Besides, I’d rather not worry about Pear Plum being awkward if said ponies would like to show me how much they admire me in a more… physical manner.”
  4208. “I don’t know lady Fen Flower…” You ponder, a little bit uncomfortable. “Our party just got back together, so I’m not sure how to feel about splitting it again.”
  4209. “Come on, Little Spoon, it’ll be fun!” Fen Flower insists. “Just the two of us, traveling around the country and helping ponies for a couple weeks. That’ll be a nice change of pace after all that time you spent like a hermitin the woods. And if you accept doing this my way, I’ll make sure to get rid of that effect that’s making me half my real size before I climax. This country has to get used to really BIG mares!”
  4211. “Now, what do you say, stud?” Fen Flower asks.
  4213. >If you choose to follow through this, the tasks you perform will not earn you any gold.
  4214. >Since they’ll be trivial for you and you friends, you won’t get closer to gaining a level either.
  4215. >You’ll gain fame, and most likely the sympathy of ponies who may reward you and Fen Flower in other ways.
  4216. >Taking up and performing each of these easy tasks will be one or two posts long with a roll to determine how well you do it.
  4218. >A: Actually, all of this is probably too much of a bother just for brownie points. You’d rather find a real quest with big stakes to go on a more exciting adventure.
  4219. >B: Apologize to Fen Flower, but you want to keep your group together for now. Would she still accept to go on such errands with everypony else if you ask really nicely?
  4220. >C: Agree to go a charity tour with the biggest mare in your life right now.
  4221. >D: Would Fen Flower accept to leave you some time to think about it? You’ll return to the rest of your group for now and meet Fen Flower again tomorrow. Maybe you’ll keep that option for later altogether.
  4223. “You know, on second thought, maybe we should focus on taking on some big adventures rather than just do some sightseeing.” You say. “Forget what I said, lady Fen Flower. I’d rather keep facing new challenges and bring you and everypony else to even greater heights!”
  4224. “Hehehe…” The soft ground under you shakes as Fen Flower giggles. “Why, it’s as you wish, Little Spoon! Like I said, I found the idea to be rather dull by itself. Honestly, I’m glad you’re longing for ways to improve your growing abilities even further over just playing good little hero in front of peons.”
  4225. “I mean… I still think we should be nice and helpful to other ponies...” You comment. “But surely people will come to like us as our legend grows anyway. We might end up fighting some big bad dragons terrorizing the world for all we know! Sky Slash seemed to say there were plenty of those left around. Once we have such deeds under our belt, ponies will be kissing the ground you walk on the second they see you, Lady Fen Flower!”
  4226. “Yes…” Fen Flower smirks as she seems to ponder the idea. “I’m sure I could add the power of a dragon to my flask… oh, and, having ponies worship me for it would be great too of course!”
  4228. To search for an adventure worthy of your companions might require a different approach than before. This country isn’t under any threat that would require the help of castle-sized ponies right now, with maybe the exception of this potential devil-dealing pony that the church is hunting. Earlier today, you were wondering whether it was a good idea to check on these adepts again for information, with or without Fen Flower.
  4229. Paying a visit to your old bard school is also on the table, but this should fall under what Fen Flower calls sightseeing, that is, unless these bard secrets the headmaster wants to tell you about turn out to involve some heavy action.
  4231. Aside from that, you’ll have to either travel to countries that are not as peaceful as this one, or hunt some big and ancient evil that you’ll have to find yourself before they start trouble with ponykind.
  4232. But you have time to think about all this of course. You don’t have any obligation on your back right now, and you can still enjoy some quiet days if you want.
  4234. “Lady Fen Flower.” You speak up again. “Do you think you can still spend a day in the capital with Night Sprout at you size? I mean, the city might be smaller than you planned now.”
  4235. “Mmh…” The giantess ponders for a few seconds. “Alright, I think what I have in mind should hold up even at that size. I mean, not at THIS size, but I’ll be half that tomorrow. Can you tell her to meet me at the plaza at 10 in the morning, please?”
  4236. “Of course.” You nod, mostly to yourself as Fen Flower looks to the sky. “…and… what about today?”
  4237. “Well… since right now I can’t really navigate the city without wrecking the streets, I guess I’ll just go for a walk through the countryside.” You see and feel the titanic mare shrug. “Don’t worry about this big girl, Little Spoon. We’ll meet again tomorrow.”
  4239. >A: Rejoin with your other companions. See what to do from here.
  4240. >B: Return to the city, and go check if the church of Smitin found anything about the devil-dealing pony they were tracking.
  4241. >C: Accompany Fen Flower on her walk, at least for a little while.
  4242. >D: You’ll be fetching the rest of your friends so you all spend the rest of the day together. They all need to see how big Fen Flower became from up close too.
  4244. “If that’s what you want, then let’s meet again tomorrow.” You nod. “I’ll be sure to tell lady Night Sprout about the meeting.”
  4245. “Good.” Fen Flower smiles “See you later Little Spoon.”
  4247. The body under you starts to move as Fen Flower changes her position. The giant mare offers you a hoof to step on to safely put you back on the ground so she may then stand up. You start to walk toward the capital again, but you can’t help but to look back when you hear the mighty hoofsteps of Fen Flower going in the other direction.
  4248. The sway of her mighty thighs and buttocks is a sight to behold, and today even more so than ever before as it stands way over the trees or houses around. It takes you a few seconds to notice Fen Flower is looking back to you, and she gives you one last knowing wink for today before being on her way.
  4250. Getting back to the heart of the capital turns out to take longer than you expected. It’s only half an hour later that you finally make it back to the lingerie shop. Your friends aren’t here anymore, but the tailor informs you they left a message for you to tell you where they are... which is quite unnecessary with Pear Plum standing at over 30’ tall, visible way over most rooftops of this part of the city. You still came here first to pay for enchanted bras for both Pear Plum and Night Sprout as you promised. Their orders will be ready tomorrow
  4252. >You spent 300 GOLD.
  4253. >You have 1651 GOLD left.
  4255. After that, you simply head toward where you see the big druid mare, a few streets away. You find her sitting in a public garden, listening to some business story Silver seems to be narrating to her.
  4256. Pear Plum smiles as she notices you coming, and Silver turns her head as she sees the druid mare look in your direction.
  4258. “Ah, Little Spoon!” Silver chimes. “Looks like Fen Flower is finally done monopolizing you.”
  4259. “Yes!” You reply. “Sorry to have left so suddenly by the way. And… where is Night Sprout?”
  4260. “Here.” You hear the fairy’s voice right behind you, and a second later the head of the 45-feet-tall mare materializes a couple feet above you along the rest of the giant mare.
  4261. “Goodness, lady Night Sprout!” You can’t help but to do a double take at the sudden big mare. “Do you plan to use your new invisibility spell to pull such pranks on me?”
  4262. “Yes.” She states matter-of-factly. “But not only on you.” And after another second of pondering. “But mostly on you. And what do we do now that you’re back, Little Spoon?”
  4264. “Hold on, lady Night Sprout.” You reply. “I have a message to deliver to you first.”
  4265. You tell the big fairy about Fen Flower’s invitation. She nods after you tell her, and confirms she’ll go. You do believe she’s become less wary of Fen Flower, and might even be curious enough to look forward to this day with her.
  4267. That’s for tomorrow, for Night Sprout and Fen Flower. You’re free to do whatever this afternoon and the day after.
  4269. >A: Just chill out and have some light fun with your mare friends for the rest of the day. (skip to the next day, when Fen and Sprout have their day together.)
  4270. >B: Get flirty with one of your friends! You could try spending a night out in the city with one of them… (input mare/detail if you don’t aim for a regular date)
  4271. >C: You still have quite the amount of gold left. Perhaps there could be some fun or useful magic items you could buy in the city. Search for some with your friends. (the capital is big enough you may search for certain kind or purpose of your choice for magic items)
  4272. >D: Prepare for future quests! Look for knowledge about big bad evils that you and your friends could challenge!
  4273. >Talk about inviting them to visit your school?
  4275. “Now, there’s something I must check first.” You start. “I’d like to hear out if some inquisitors of Smitin found the pony they were tracking. They were on the tail of the stallion that gave lady Fen Flower the devil-summoning texts she used to take over her village at the time. I wish for their success of course, but they’re also quite the zealous bunch, so...” You turn to your big fairy friend. “Would you mind accompanying me lady Night Sprout? I’d feel a lot safer around those quick-to-judge paladins if a big mare like you was looking out for me.”
  4276. “Of course I’ll protect you.” The big mare readily replies, standing straight to a height that would defiantly make the holiest warrior think twice about bothering her.
  4278. Your protector watching over, you make you way to the church. Night Sprout turned invisible by the time you arrive, but she will probably have to wait outside to keep that camouflage up. She could probably squeeze herself through the big doors, but not without bulldozing everything in her path.
  4279. Instead, you now feel her presence on the back of your mind as she keeps an eye on you by borrowing one of yours.
  4281. After entering the sacred building, you find a cleric to ask about the request they posted about a month ago. The stallion seems to recognize you through this exchange, giving you a bit of a mean glare despite your polite smile. Repairing that door must have been expensive…
  4282. Still, he doesn’t say anything about it, and instead agrees to call somepony to answer your questions.
  4284. A minute later, you recognize Cloudbreacher, the pegasus inquisitor mare that you met the first time you came. Just like last time, her emotionless face and piercing, gold-coloured eyes seem to stare into your very soul. You even feel Night Sprout’s presence waver slightly in reaction.
  4286. “Greetings, bard.” She speaks. “I was told you came to inquire about one of our latest mission. Is that correct?”
  4287. “Well, indeed.” You nod. “About the matter we discussed last time, I was hoping to hear some good news that could reassure both me and my friend. Did you manage to catch that devil-worshipping pony, then?”
  4288. “Unfortunately, things got complicated.” Cloudbreacher replies. “We did catch the stallion we were looking for, but despite his body bearing the taint of devils, all knowledge and memories had been wiped from his mind. We couldn’t find any trace of the material he was handing over to ponies the likes of Fen Flower either. An optimistic interpretation would be to think his patron bailed on him, but I believe we’ve merely caught what amounts to a discarded moult of a pony, and that the real devil peddler still roams the land, under a new appearance probably.”
  4289. “If you say so.” You nod. “So… what do you plan to do now?”
  4290. “Unfortunately, we no longer have any… physical lead on them.” The inquisitor mare replies. “We’re a few squares back in this hunt, and I think we’ve scared off our target. They might just be laying low for now, or will travel to new lands entirely. I’m not satisfied with this outcome of course, and through divine insight we still hope to find that fiend and to properly neutralize them this time.”
  4292. “I see.” You nod again. “I wish you luck with that. But if they’re running away, does that mean my friend could be considered… a bit safer, perhaps?”
  4293. “The situation hasn’t changed as far as I’m concerned.” Cloudbreacher replies. “I still believe she’s a danger, and a growing one with that. We have… witnessed her growing even larger, earlier today.”
  4294. You think for a second that she or another cleric might have been spying on you, but then you remember the whole capital could realistically have had a glimpse on Fen Flower with how big she got.
  4295. “It would be a disaster if your friend ended up being controlled by an evil entity at the size she attained.” The inquisitor mare continues. “She could kill thousands before being stopped, and even defeating her at all wouldn’t be a certainty at this point. I still strongly advise that she turns herself to us and renounces the rest of benefit she got for her contract with a devil. That would be the best way to keep everypony safe.”
  4297. There she comes again with this… You feel Night Sprout being troubled by the holy mare’s words too, but you’ve got no reason to abide the words of this mare. Fortunately, even if Cloudbreacher may openly call Fen Flower a threat, this church doesn’t look like the kind that will break the law in the name of their faith.
  4298. Not at this point at least.
  4300. >A: Thank Cloudbreacher for her time and leave this church.
  4301. >B: Ask if they need help, aside from Fen Flower turning herself in.
  4302. >C: Would Cloudbreacher feel safer if she was bigger? Surely Fen Flower would seem less threatening to her if she was bigger herself. Offer to draw a card for her.
  4303. >D: Taunt her a little. Looks like just catching one pony is too much for them. That’s the life of a small, lonely and stuck-up mare you guess. Has she considered she might just be jealous after peeping on Fen Flower having fun this afternoon?
  4305. “Could you… use some help by any chance?” You offer. “I mean, other than turning in my friend to you of course. I understand you’re trying to locate that devil peddler through some magical means, right? I have noticed with my more magic-inclined friends that a bigger size meant stronger spells.”
  4307. On that, you mentally whisper to Night Sprout to reveal herself, and thus the head of the 45-feet mare suddenly appears to blot out the whole view of the outside from the large door of the church. While another cleric that remained around jumps in surprise, Cloudbreacher remain unfazed.
  4308. “If what you’re offering is for your friend here to help us with our spell, I have to warn you that our target might be able to notice such scrutiny.” She replies. “I am not the kind to be picky about the help I receive on my mission, but be warned that the more involved you get, the more you should prepare yourself to follow through this to the bitter end.”
  4310. “Well, actually I was more thinking about using my power to grow you, or some colleagues of yours that will practice the scrying magic.”
  4311. This time, the inquisitor mare blinks slowly in reaction, as though she was slightly perturbed.
  4312. “Well… again, I mustn’t be picky about the help I receive.” Cloudbreacher repeats, this time partly to herself you’d wager. “I have proof before my eyes that what you say is true about size and magic power, and despite or disagreement about your friend, I have no doubts that you genuinely want our target caught. So if you’re indeed willing to do so, then you can make me bigger for a start.”
  4314. >What do?
  4315. >Draw a card for Cloudbreacher?
  4316. >Use some growth from your growth pool on her? You have 33' in your growth pool
  4318. Reposting the up-to-date skills list since it’s been a while :
  4320. “Hold on, do you think lady Night Sprout here could help you with your spell?” You ask. “I mean, she hasn’t studied any divination magic.”
  4321. “She could still support us.” Cloudbreacher replies. “If her raw power is indeed as great as her size suggests, other ponies could compensate her lack of knowledge during a ritual, and take care of the fine tuning while she powers the spell.”
  4322. “I see. Well, maybe she could participate then.” You think out loud. “In fact, there are other of my friends that could help if that’s how it works…”
  4323. “Talk about it with them first.” Cloudbreacher tells you. “Do not take this kind of involvement lightly please. I told you there were risks.”
  4325. “Alright, we’ll give it a proper thought first.” You nod. “Now, about growing you, I have a little warning of my own, lady Cloudbreacher. I have the means to offer you some permanent growth ability, but it’s going to be a little random, and there’s a good chance it might be linked to intimate matters. You see, my magic draws a lot of its power from carnal desires so there’s no going around it. It shouldn’t be forcing anything on you, though, and the worst outcome would be that nothing notable happens I believe. Are you still okay with me growing you, then?”
  4327. The mare’s mouth twitches, and her glare on you intensifies. But then she glances toward the giantess she can see through the door, and you detect a hint of longing in how she contemplates the 45-feet-tall fairy. A little huff of frustration escapes the inquisitor’s snout after a couple seconds, and she looks back to you.
  4328. “Very well, bard.” She concedes. “Do you magic.”
  4330. >Roll 1D22 Once (22 is the Fool since we can’t do 1d22 – 1)
  4332. “But of course, lady Cloudbreacher.” You nod with a satisfied smile “Bear with me a little, and let’s see what kind of growth does fate have in store for you.”
  4333. You pull out your cards, and after the quick set-up to bind Cloudbreacher to it, you draw her card.
  4335. “The tower!” You announce as the card is revealed. “Bearer of brutal change! The very foundations of your being are about to be shaken, lady Cloudbreacher. May you find the strength to weather the upheaval to come.”
  4337. >The Tower: Whenever she grows permanently, the mare’s size is multiplied by 5 over 1 minute, then she stays that size for 1 other minute before shrinking down over 1 minute again. Does not stack with itself. Recover the next time this mare grows permanently.
  4339. “Is that so?” The inquisitor mare sounds annoyed. “I don’t feel any different.”
  4340. Well, from the effect of the card you just learned, that is to be expected. Though, you could probably give the mare a taste of true bigness right now. In fact, you’d need to grow her at least once to recover the foot of height you invested on this card. And if you invest just a little more power into her, it wouldn’t even be hard to make the pegasus mare outgrow Night Spout here and now.
  4342. >What do?
  4343. >Grow Cloudbreacher with 1’ from your growth pool?
  4345. “Of course!” You confidently utter in response to the inquisitor mare’s doubts. “That’s because the card you drew enhances the growth you may experience from now on. Will you follow me outside, so I may properly demonstrate what this is about?”
  4346. “I suppose we can at this point…” Cloudbreacher replies, and then she stoically follows you through the door under the watchful eyes of Night Sprout.
  4348. “Each card is different, you see lady Cloudbreacher?” You start a course on growth for the grumpy pegasus. “In the case of lady Night Sprout, her card will react to romance and grow her as she receives attention.”
  4349. You turn to the giant fairy.
  4350. “Lady Night Sprout? Would you care for a kiss?”
  4352. The giantess readily bends her neck down so her lips may meet your face, and you get a taste of that sweet musk of hers that’s as enthralling as ever. And as she does, all can witness the huge fairy growing yet another couple feet bigger.
  4354. “M-That’s how it works for lady Night Sprout” You turn back your blushing face to the inquisitor who watched this romantic smooch. “But since your card is different, you won’t grow from a kiss. We can verify that right now.”
  4355. “We don’t need to, bard.” Cloudbreacher coldly replies as you pucker up toward her. “I see no lie in your words.”
  4356. “Right! Right…” You recompose yourself. “So, that’s for lady Night Sprout’s card. Next, I have some growth magic that will last only while I’m around.”
  4358. Bringing forth your lute, you start to use your inspiration on the two mares of interest. Both grow 4’ in height and see their constitution increase.
  4359. “See? You and Night Sprout just grew bigger.” You say while Cloudbreacher methodically started to examine her new body. “By the same measure of height in fact, but it shows a lot more on you, lady Cloudbreacher!”
  4360. “Y-yes!” The now 8-feet-tall mare utters. After her body changed, her stone-like stoicism now seems like it’s starting to crack. You don’t think she’s flustered about her muscular thighs bulging to tree-trunk width in particular, but there’s still some form of amazement about the changes in her body. “This is quite the surprise. I didn’t expect it to be so simple, but… You said my card would enhance growth, right?”
  4361. “Actually, it’s not all growth that’ll be enhanced.” You reply. “The magic you’re enjoying right now will only last while I’m around. I can do so that as much as I want, but it won’t hold forever. However, I can also muster the means to grow mares permanently, and THAT growth will be enhanced for you. This trick I can only do a set number of times, but I’m willing to spend some of my power to give you a demonstration.”
  4363. There, you approach Night Sprout, and with a touch of your hoof, the mare utters a little moan as yet again she pulses another foot larger, bringing her to 54 feet total.
  4364. “That last bit of size will stay on lady Night Sprout.” You explain. “And as you can see, this happens in addition to everything else. But now, if I do the same for you lady Cloudbreacher…”
  4366. The inquisitor mare stands ready as you approach, crouching and slightly thrusting her chest down toward you so you may touch her with a hoof like you did for Night Sprout. There, Cloudbreacher surges yet a foot taller, but it doesn’t stop here in her case. Now, the pearl-maned pegasus mare starts to steadily swell bigger. With a low, almost imperceptible rumble, she looks around in bewilderment as her head keeps climbing higher in the air, the mare growing about 7 inches bigger every second.
  4368. “Bard, I’m growing fast…” Cloudbreacher almost seems a little panicked. “Is that permanent too?”
  4369. “Sadly, no. The growth will stop, and then it will recede.” You shake your head, slowly stepping away from the growing holy mare. “But you’ll keep the original bit of growth I gave you for good.”
  4370. “Then how long will this last?”
  4371. “You’re gonna keep growing like this until you’re a dozen feet short of lady Night Sprout’s height.” You reply. “Then, you’ll remain that large for about 1 minute before shrinking down just as fast.”
  4372. “That isn’t a lot, but still…” The inquisitor mare thinks out loud. She closes her eyes to ponder for a few seconds during which she breaks the 20’ mark, and then lock eyes with you, a fiery determination in them.
  4373. “Bard, I must admit your magic shows a potential usefulness that is unprecedented to me.” The commanding voice of the towering mare booms in the street of the capital. “I can feel more strength coursing through me right now than ever thought possible. If I could have such power at my disposal, hunting down the devil peddler will be an easy task. In fact, I’m making you an offer. If this spell lasts one minute, then I’ll need your help five more times. If I can get five minutes with this power, I can rid the world of this particular devil influence before midnight. You have my word on it. Do you agree to help me here and now, bard?”
  4375. >What do?
  4377. >You recovered 1’ to your growth pool
  4379. >Two mares grew by 1’
  4380. >Roll 2D10
  4382. >Somewhere is a small village, two mares grow 1’ bigger…
  4384. “Lady Cloudbreacher!” You exclaim. “That’s… a little bashful of you! I want this peddler gone as much as the next pony, but going for it right now just raises too many questions. What do you even intend to do?”
  4385. “I…” The mare hesitates for a second, but quickly shakes these doubts away “I understand this is sudden, but your magic commands me to act fast, bard, and my offer still stands. As for what I intend to do with your help, I will need it one time to amplify the scrying spell and uncover the target’s location, once more to cut off their means of escaping or taking hostages once we reach them, and finally, two more to confront them. The fifth use is a safety if one step needs to be redone.”
  4387. “I can’t deny you sound confident, but what if they’ve gone on another continent altogether?” You ask.
  4388. “In that case, I will need until midnight to be done indeed.” The mare states. “But then, as I explained, I expect the confrontation itself to be quick.”
  4389. Cloudbreacher has reached a full 45 feet of height by now. To make a point, she punctuates her sentence with the smallest stomp on the ground, and there not only do you feel the air charge up with static, but your mind goes blank for a second as if overwhelmed by the sheer presence of the inquisitor mare. Recomposing yourself, you see that Night Sprout was staggered in a similar way despite her size.
  4390. “Even if a devil protects this peddler.” Cloudbreacher continues. “they’re still not a devil themselves. And Smitin hear my words, they won’t last more than two minutes against me with the power I have now.”
  4392. “A-alright…” You stammer “It certainly feels like you have the might to back up your claims. But wait. First, what will happen to Fen Flower? She won’t lose the youth she regained from her deal, right? And then… what if you could grow to… let’s say, about three times as large as you’re now for a minute or two, and then remain, like, 20 feet tall for the night? How would it change your plan?”
  4393. “At such sizes…” Cloudbreacher ponders for a second. “…confronting the target will only take one minute, and I wouldn’t need any boost before facing them either. The size would also help me travel faster, so we will come back much sooner, no matter where they’re hiding. As for your friend, she’s not at any particular risk here. The spell on her is more like a brand. It won’t disappear if the devil is vanquished, but it’ll be much easier for any devil to track or influence your friend in many ways while she has it, so getting rid of one helps actually.”
  4395. “Can we… wait a little maybe?” You ask. “What about another day?”
  4396. “A quick answer would be best.” Cloudbreacher retorts. “The longer we wait, the bigger chance we have to find unexpected complications in this hunt.”
  4397. It's around 6 p.m. right now, and Cloudbreacher is shrinking back to 9’ at this point.
  4399. >What do?
  4401. “Alright, let’s do this lady Cloudbreacher!” You decide with a resolute nod. “You’re right, the sooner this peddler will be gone the better. They might even spread misinformation about big mares for all we know. May my companions accompany us?”
  4402. “If they can keep up.” Cloudbreacher replies. “I intend to fly to our target. Very fast. I can take you with me, but probably not any other pony. Anyway, I’ll need a few minutes to gather the components for the scrying ritual and perform it, but we’ll be taking off right away after that.”
  4403. “I can keep up.” Night Sprout steps forth, and as she endures the glare of Cloubreacher, the inquisitor mare eventually give an approving nod to the big fairy.
  4405. “Lady Night Sprout. Please find Pear Plum, and inform her we’re going a quick… crusade. We’ll be back be midnight.” And once the fairy flew away, to Cloudbreacher. “Now, lady Cloudbreacher, perhaps it’s time we talked about a reward for my services. I think you may have a thing or two to teach my friend Lady Night Sprout. She’s very talented, and you seem versed in the art of entering minds too.”
  4406. “Our arts are taught to the followers of Smitin only.” Cloudbreacher replies. “I don’t think your friend or you want to join us. Instead, we shall award you a handsome sum of gold for your participation. You’ll learn that we are generous with those who help our righteous cause.”
  4408. You guess you’ll have to accept this for now. Hopefully Cloudbreacher might mellow out at some and you’ll be able to make less formal demands.
  4409. Regardless, looks like you’re going through this. You’ll be granting Cloudbreacher 4 or 5 bursts of growths during this hunt, but if her plan works, you’ll be back here by tonight.
  4411. >ROLL 1D100
  4412. >Success: D75
  4413. >Avoiding huge failure: DC40
  4415. You follow Cloudbreacher in the church of Smitin where she starts ordering ponies to prepare each component of the scrying ritual. After only a few minutes, you’ve followed the inquisitor mare into another part of the church, a laboratory of sorts. The several followers of Smitin that are here start drawing some big magic circle onto the ground and lighting candles around it. Soon, everything seems in place. Along nine other ponies of her church, Cloudbreacher puts herself at the edge of the circle.
  4416. “We’re about to begin the ritual, bard.” She tells you. “Use your magic when I tell you. Make sure you don’t disturb the circle once we start.”
  4418. After you nod, Cloudbreacher exchanges a few more instructions with her fellow clerics, and then they all get in position and start incanting, begging for they deity to reveal to them the evil the that must be smitten. There are 10 ponies channelling their power at the moment, Cloudbreacher being among the 3 of then to not be unicorns. The circle seems to be reacting to their actions, glowing slightly.
  4419. While the rest of them keeps a deep focus, Cloudbreacher glances toward you and gives you a nod. Understanding that’s you’re cue, you use your power to make Cloudbreacher a foot taller, 10’ tall now with the help of your inspiration, and also trigger her card effect that’ll make her five time that for a short while.
  4421. You’re not sure whether Cloubreacher and her acolytes took that new size into account for their ritual, and the inquisitor mare has to bend over the magic circle to account for a ceiling that wasn’t meant to accommodate a pony her size. As she gets close to the peak of her growth, Cloudbreacher is hunched so far over the magic circle she has to slam a hoof on the other end to prevent herself from falling forward.
  4422. “Focus!” The inquisitor mare orders, and the couple ponies that jumped after a hoof larger than them landed a foot away from them hurriedly get back to the ritual.
  4424. The light emanating from the circle intensifies, and Clondbreached too seems to enter a more intense trance. The 10 clerics have their eyes closed, and while Cloudbreacher seems to merely be deeply focused, the others seem almost in pain, groaning slightly as though they were under a too heavy burden. Fortunately, after about a minute, seconds after Cloudbreacher had started to shrink back, all the clerics suddenly ease up and some let out a relieved huff.
  4425. “We have found him.” Cloudbreacher states toward you. “Quick now. Our target is near the sea. We have to go now!”
  4427. Once again you run after Cloudbreacher in the hallways of the church. You only stop once at an armoury to get a harness to make sure you don’t fall off from Cloudbreacher as you’ll be flying on her back, and then you and the Pegasus mare exit the temple of Smitin.
  4428. As you do, you see that your giant fairy friend has returned
  4429. “I told Pear Plum and Silver Willow.” The 45-feet-tall Night Sprout says. “Now I can go with you.”
  4430. “You can follow us if you want.” With you on her back, the 10-feet Pegasus mare is already flying up. “But time is of the essence on this one, so I won’t wait for you.”
  4432. And as soon as her last word escapes the inquisitor’s mouth, with a powerful beat of wings she starts to zoom to the west. You hang on tight on the muscular neck of the mare, seeing the capital buildings blurring under you. When you get past the last habitation, again the inquisitor mare accelerates even further. Risking a glance behind you despite the strong wind over your body, you see Night Sprout having trouble keeping up despite her larger size, and getting smaller and smaller as the distance between you grows.
  4433. You feel a slight tug on your mind. Physically left behind, Night Sprout clings on your spirit instead, trying her best to take in the landscape your eyes witness in the hope of catching up eventually.
  4435. It’s hard to focus, though. Cloudbreacher is going insanely fast, probably with the help of a spell of some sort. That way at least, you only need 15 minutes to reach you destination, as small port town on the edge of the sea.
  4436. “He is in this town.” Cloudbreacher declares, while you remain high up in the air. “Grant me power again, bard. I need to prepare the flied for the confrontation.”
  4438. As agreed, once more you grant a permanent foot of height to Cloudbreacher, and trigger another strong growth spurt which she welcomes with what you think is an appreciative groan. This time, the inquisitor mare waits until she’s her full size to act. The now giant mare mutters a prayer while wielding her spear like a magic sceptre. You see clouds gather in the twilight, and feel the air charge itself with static. When Cloubreacher ends her incantation, the cloud seems to turn golden, and a pillar of light descends to the ground, encircling the whole town and a mile around.
  4439. “While that spell holds, there won’t be any interference from outside this plane.” Cloudbreacher explains. “And no escape through there either. Now, let’s end this. Boost me again as soon as we have our target in sight.”
  4441. With that done, Cloudbreacher dives toward the town, which you find in a bit of a panic, probably as a result of the unsolicited city-wide magic going on. Most ponies around start to scream and run as the 11’ mare lands in the middle of a street and starts to hold her head up like a hound trying to pick up the scent of a prey.
  4442. “They’re close. Very close.” The inquisitor mare states “Get ready. I’ll need you again soon.”
  4444. The mare starts to gallop through the streets, and soon you find yourselves on the harbour, in view of the sea. There’s a single embarkation on the water right now, some longboat setting off.
  4445. “Now bard! They’re on that boat.”
  4446. You obey, and again the inquisitor mare starts swelling with power under you with an appreciative groan. Cloudbreacher flies up to catch up with your target. Soon above the comparatively slow vessel, you see several ponies on board. With the exception of one stallion at the helm, there’s about a dozen ponies on board who seem to be constricted by menacing tendrils of some smoke-like, unnaturally dark matter.
  4448. “Not an inch closer, paladin!” You hear a voice come from the ship. “Or else I-“
  4449. Like lightning, Cloudbreacher falls. Near instantly, the 30-feet and growing mare dives to the centre of the ship, her spear striking the deck with a thunderous crack and generating a shockwave that sends all ponies flying away. you only have an instant to comprehend what’s happening and witness the black magic surrounding ponies being disintegrated by the shock. After that, the boat cleanly breaks in half from the impact.
  4451. The cold water rushes around your coat, but only a second later you feel Cloudbreacher flying above the surface again. Right in front of you, a unicorn stallion still clings on a half of the boat. His face distorted by anger, and dark matter that is physically oozing from his body seems to be concentrating around his horn.
  4453. While this stallion seems to be preparing a truly heinous spell, Cloudbreacher doesn’t falter, and you’re about certain she’s capable of taking on this attack too. But still… You have a shot to try a bit of your own magic at this moment, and Cloudbreacher didn’t say anything about not using your own spells for this confrontation…
  4455. >A: Prepare to use your countergrowth on this demonic magic. More size to the mares is always good.
  4456. >B: Don’t risk messing up Cloudbreacher’s plans. Stay still and let the big mare take are of this
  4457. >C: Hold on, Cloudbreacher just sent a dozen ponies flying in the water, and given the might of her attack they might be knocked out and in danger of drowning. Somepony has to help these ponies! Scream that to Cloudbreacher!
  4459. Such a nasty looking spell… I would be much better if such power this was used to make mares bigger.
  4460. In the midst of this chaos, you tune in your luth to make this a reality.
  4462. >ROLL 1D100
  4463. >Huge Success: DC 90
  4464. >Success: DC 70
  4466. Your magic makes its work, and while Cloudbreacher was ready to zoom out of the way of this attack, the spell of the possessed pony comes out as a bright burst of light instead of the expected ominous attack. Your giant mare ride lets out a moan of surprise as she’s hit, and that she grows another dozen feet bigger in an instant, bringing her to over 50 feet of size at this moment.
  4468. This confusion doesn’t last, though, and a second later Cloudbreacher readies her spear again. After a quick prayer to her deity that charges her weapon with holy power, she descends again and her shinning spear strikes right through the possessed stallion. While her target utters an otherworldly scream of pain, no blood is shed despite the pony being sliced by a spearhead lager than he is. Instead, Cloudbreacher slowly rotates her weapon, and while the blade seems to pass right trough the flesh of the pony, a dark, whirling shadow remains skewered on the inquisitor’s weapon as she lifts it toward the sky.
  4470. And as she points her weapon toward the heavens, there’s a flash and a deafening boom as lightning strikes it. When you can see again, the shadow is no longer. And the pony is unconscious on the sinking half boat.
  4472. With that done, Cloudbreacher immediately starts looking for the ponies that her attack on the boat sent into the water. Night Sprout arrives around that time too and starts to help even as she’s thoroughly out of breath. After a few minutes, the former hostages, despite their state of shock, manage to confirm you were able to bring all of them back on land. Two of them were knocked unconscious in the water, but Cloudbreacher and Night Sprout managed to make them breathe again.
  4474. The spell of Cloudbreacher than encircled the city has ended, and night is starting to fall by now, bringing back a semblance of normalcy on this harbour town again. Well, it would be so if the rest of the townponies weren’t still hiding in their homes. Right now, there’s only a 25’ feet tall Cloudbreacher and a fairy twice as big standing on the harbour, along a dozen regular ponies that are bruised and shocked, probably too scared to ask if they can go home at this point.
  4475. Meanwhile, you’re still riding on the back of Cloudbreacher.
  4477. “Our work here is done.” Cloudbreacher unceremoniously states once you confirmed all the hostages were alive. “We can go back to the capital as we planned. I’ll be taking the pony that was possessed with us for questioning.”
  4478. While the inquisitor mare was undeniably efficient about taking down this devilish threat, you can’t help but feel this whole operation was a bit messy. You’d be leaving a wrecked boat in the harbour and a town full of ponies scared to death at this moment. Maybe this was necessary, but maybe you could suggest staying a little to amend for the collateral damage, even if that means you might not return to the capital as soon as you planned.
  4480. >What do?
  4482. You sure caused quite the commotion, but you don’t think there’s much you can do for the damage. Fortunately, there’s only the boat that has actually been destroyed.
  4483. “Are you sure we’re finished here, lady Cloudbreacher?” You ask the giant mare you’re still attached to. “I mean, this almost seemed too easy to be honest. You did speak about needing four boosts of power, but I only provided three.”
  4484. “Yes.” Cloudbreacher nods. “I must say, I still underestimated the power you granted me. I never thought it would be possible for me to channel the will of Smitin so well. Rest assured that the devils influence has been thoroughly purged from this stallion.”
  4486. “Alright, but do you think this peddler could have done some business before we caught him?”
  4487. “I doubt so since he has been focused on running away after our previous hunt, but it’s not impossible.” Cloudbreacher nods. “However, now that we’re taken care of the main source of propagation of this evil, we must come back to a more… subtle approach. Different ponies will investigate this town again, but another time. I don’t think my current state is suitable for the due tact of this approach.”
  4489. Before leaving, you accompany the scared ponies back to their homes. With the intimidating presence of the inquisitor mare above them, they can only show forced smiles rather than any genuine gratefulness, and hurriedly shut the door to you as soon as they can.
  4491. After that, you start to fly back to the capital under the moonlight, this time at a more reasonable pace. You’re still riding Cloudbreacher, who shrunk back to being 12 feet tall at this point.
  4492. “So… How’s your church doing, lady Cloudbreacher?” You ask to break the silence of the trip. “Do you have some sort of plan for the future?”
  4493. “Our work is never done.” The inquisitor mare says. “We eliminated one threat today, but many other evils, yet to be discovered, wish to sink they teeth in the civilisation of ponies. We will keep watching over as much of the world we’re allowed to, and we shall keep advertising our ideals to the masses. Though, my duties mostly involve the first part of that.”
  4495. There, Cloudbreacher utters a little sigh.
  4496. “It is truly a shame your ideals do not match the ones of Smitin, bard Little Spoon.” she adds. “You and I could help a lot of ponies if we worked together… or, as I should properly say, your talents would be a great benefit to our order if you joined us. Again, that’s a real shame…”
  4498. >What do?
  4500. “There’s a simple solution to that.” You reply. “You could join out party lady Cloudbreacher! There’s no short supply of paladins doing their work among adventurer groups, and that way you could teach a thing or two to Night Sprout. She only recently picked up mind magic. I’m sure she would benefit from the tutelage of an experienced mare like yourself.”
  4501. “That’s… a flattering offer from you, Little Spoon.” For the first time, you think you hear Cloudbreacher utter a little chuckle. “While it could be possible for me to free myself enough from my duties at the temple to accompany an adventuring party, especially now that we’ve taken care of our most wanted target of the time, I am about certain that your friend Fen Flower will refuse that I join you. Besides, while today we could work together, I believe my views would often clash with the wills of an adventuring party. Or… to put it more bluntly, I believe the rest of you would soon enough view me as a stick in the mud. Also, sorry to douse your hopes again, but the faith in Smitin is a big part of our teachings, so I can’t train your friend much unless she converts to our faith.”
  4503. You gotta admit she has a point. About Fen Flower at least. Your big alchemist friend got very angry at the inquisitor last time, and quite justifiably so. During their first encounters, Cloudbreacher tried to intimidate the two of you into giving up the magic that made Fen Flower youthful again. You wonder if it’s even possible to smooth things out between the two big mares.
  4505. “By the way, now that you’ve… exorcised that devil peddler, lady Fen Flower IS safe, right?” You ask.
  4506. “Safer than before, that’s for sure.” Cloundbreacher nods. “As I explained, as long she’ll keep the benefit granted by devil magic, those with an eye for it will see it in her. What we did today, is that we severely weakened the grasp on our world of the entity that was the most likely to seek your friend out.”
  4507. “I see.” You nod. “If you don’t mind me asking, would you tell me what you think about Fen Flower? Honestly?”
  4508. “I have never not been honest with you, bard Little Spoon, and I believe Fen Flower is a potentially dangerous mare.” Cloudbreacher unambiguously replies. “She has succumbed to corruption once, and her moral fibre feels weak to me. Showing herself off and earning gold seem to keep her entertained for now, but I fear that she might make a wrong choice and turn to evil again eventually. With the size and power she has now, the result could end up being catastrophic. Stopping her would require at least as much effort as we put out today.”
  4510. You remember that Cloudbreacher told you she saw how big you made Fen Flower this afternoon. Earlier, as your alchemist friend showed you her last discovery, she grew into a 130-feet titaness who could bend plants and trees to her will. You’re even wondering if Cloudbreacher isn’t overestimating her strength a little. She displayed great power against the devil peddler for sure, but she would still be dwarfed by Fen Flower in size and probably in power too.
  4512. Somewhat, the idea of the two giantesses confronting each other has a weird appeal to you. Your mind drifts off to imagining the two impossibly powerful mares unleashing the full extent of their power against the other, casually destroying entire streets of the capital from the sheer dimensions of their bodies, and leaving the puny pony population at the mercy of being unconcernedly crushed by a house-sized hoof or a meteoric buttock or teat. These two mares could be fighting over your favour in fact, and would each promise even greater boons to you to try and earn your favour, begging you to grow them bigger than their opponent…
  4513. …But realistically, you should do everything to prevent such a thing from happening of course!
  4515. “A-alright, thanks for being honest, lady Cloudbreacher!” You shake away these thoughts. “Joining our party aside, there’s something else I’d like to ask you. It happens the school I learned my trade at asked me to visit them, you know, to encourage the new students and show them all the great deeds one can achieve with the power of growing mares. Today’s battle is a perfect example of that I believe, so I wondered if you’d accept to accompany me there too.”
  4516. “Visiting your bard’s school?” Once more, Cloudbreacher sounds a bit surprised. “That’s… not something I ever envisioned myself doing. And again, won’t my… views just sound out of place to the students? Halflings are among the least common of the pony races in the church of Smitin I believe. The order and rigor we followers of Smitin aspire to usually does not match well with you little folks’ laid-back culture. Are you sure this is a good idea?”
  4517. “I helped you today, didn’t I?” You reply. “So I say there’s enough of a match. Besides, there’s a serious chance some students might get wowed by a strong-willed mare like yourself, so if you’re looking for a bard like me to join your order, this might be a good place to start.”
  4518. “Well, if you say so, then I could accept to accompany on a one-time visit.” Cloudbreacher replies. “Preaching to potential new adepts isn’t usually my duty, but you’ve intrigued me enough I want to see this for myself, and our cooperation of today could justify that I take this role for once.”
  4519. “That’s good to hear!” You smile, and let yourself rest a little more on the back of the big holy mare. “I’ll keep you updated about the place and date then.”
  4521. The capital is eventually in view again. As promised, the time is before midnight and you’re flying back toward the church of Smitin. However, even before the building, it’s Pear Plum that you notice from afar, and on her face a relieved smile as she sees you from over the rooftops.
  4522. “Little Spoon!” Silver Willow calls while you land with Cloudbreacher and Night Sprout. “Thank goodness you’re back! Where were you? What happened?!”
  4523. “Well, we were helping Lady Cloudbreacher with her issue.” You reply. “Didn’t Night Sprout tell you?”
  4524. “Yes, but…” Silver Willow’s eyes dart between you, Cloudbreacher and the giant fairy. “Night Sprout dropped by and just said you were going on a crusade before flying away!”
  4525. “Yes. That’s what we did.” Night Sprout says.
  4526. “We had no idea what was going on!” Silver Willow adds.
  4527. “Our mission was a success.” Cloudbreacher calmly states while she lies down to allow you to climb off her. “Thanks to Little Spoon, we could quickly take down our target. There’s nothing to worry about anymore, and you friend Fen Flower in less at a risk too, now. Please forgive me for the trouble. It is I who asked Little Spoon to depart at once without notice. The matter at hoof demanded that we act swiftly.”
  4529. That seems to calm down Silver Willow a little, and she eventually lets out a defeated sigh.
  4530. “Well… I still think you should have found a better way to warn us.” She begrudgingly tells Cloudbreacher. “But I guess we can forget about it since everypony’s fine.”
  4531. “That’s right.” Pear Plum adds, the giant druid mare gently patting the back of Silver Willow. “We’re all together again, so there’s no reason to be angry.”
  4533. Cloudbreacher is going to carry the exorcised pony inside the temple for question and care in general. He is still unconscious at the time. The inquisitor mare will also bring the compensation in gold that she promised you for your trouble. For now, you wait outside with your three big friends.
  4534. After growing too big to safely navigate the streets of the capital, Fen Flower decided to go have a stroll around the countryside, and she said she’d return tomorrow.
  4536. You’re probably going to spend the evening with your friends now. You’re a bit tired after the events of today, but not to a point that would prevent you to have some more fun. Also… You wonder if you could invite Cloudbreacher for a drink to celebrate this successful crusade. Smitin doesn’t impose abstinence to his followers, right?
  4538. >What do?
  4540. “Pardon me if I’m being stubborn…” You tell Cloudbreacher when she returns. “But how about you taught something to Night Sprout instead of giving us this reward? I’d take even one spell over these coins.”
  4541. “I believe I was clear the first time.” The inquisitor mare coldly replies “I will not teach such magic to somepony that is not part of our order, and this isn’t a matter of money. To affect the minds of others is only allowed to us through the rigor and righteousness of Smitin. If you friend was ready to accept such precepts, I would gladly teach her even for free, but this isn’t the case.”
  4542. “Please, can’t you make an exception?” You sheepishly ask. “Night Sprout can’t be anything but a good pony. I’m about certain she doesn’t have the shadow of a bad influence in her.”
  4544. There, Cloudbreacher gives Night Sprout a piercing, appraising glare. The giant fairy recoils slightly in reaction.
  4545. “A freer sprit that most, I’d say.” The inquisitor mare concludes. “Without an ounce of malice, that’s for sure, but without much regard for order either. That’s nothing to be ashamed of. Many upstanding ponies live their lives though that path, but still, that isn’t the point and I refuse to teach her. Please do not insist further, Little Spoon. The answer will be the same.”
  4547. Unfortunately, it sounds like Cloudbreacher won’t let herself get talked into tutoring Night Sprout, at least for now. Instead, she gives you 500 golds as a reward.
  4548. “Thank you, lady Cloudbreacher.” You nod as you put the coins in your bags. “One last thing. To protect herself from a potential possession, lady Fen Flower got herself a warding charm. Do you think that could suffice as a protection?”
  4549. “I’m not sure how effective that charm could be since I haven’t seen it.” She replies. “I suppose it can’t hurt to protect her mind from outside influences, but that won’t change a thing if she’s persuaded into giving in.”
  4550. “Unlike you, I believe she won’t be that easy to sway, but thanks for your answer.” You nod. “I’ll come back when I’ll know when we will visit my school to tell you, lady Cloudbreacher.”
  4552. You decide to leave the temple after that, along your three big friends. At ‘only’ 13-feet-tall, Silver Willow can walk alongside you, but Pear Plum and Night Spout who are several times that respectively walk in front and behind you to avoid blocking the street entirely. By keeping your voice low, you can speak to Silver without the bigger druid mare hearing.
  4554. “Lady Silver Willow.” You mutter toward the bigger mare’s ear. “There’s something I’d like to have your advice about. Since Night Sprout and Fen Flower are gonna spent tomorrow together, I was thinking about asking Pear Plum out. Do you know about some good dating spots in the capital that would work for a mare of her stature?”
  4555. “Well, there’s certainly a lot of her to accommodate, now. Let me think…” Silver Willow whispers back. “You could bring her to see a play or an opera. They certainly have a room big enough for her, but I’m not sure what kind of show would Pear Plum like. Maybe a concert would be better? Aside from that, you could always organize a picnic. They have a wealth of specialities from all around the country at the open market, and some from all around the world even. Then you could either settle in a park or just leave the city to find a quieter place. With Pear Plum’s big legs, that won’t be a problem.”
  4556. “I see. Thank you for the advice.” You nod and smile to the large mare.
  4557. “You’re welcome Little Spoon.” She smirks back. “But… those ideas are for the mundane stuff.”
  4558. “The mundane stuff?” You raise an eyebrow “What do you mean?”
  4559. “Well, these are dates that regular ponies could have that Pear Plum can enjoy DESPITE her size.” Silver argues. “We might need to think out of the box a little, but there must be some activities only a mare with a presence the likes of Pear Plum can do.”
  4561. “Huh. Well, of course.”
  4562. Indeed, something only a giantess can do would be truly amazing. But… you have to think about something that won’t disturb the peace of the city, and that Pear Plum will appreciate too.
  4563. “Do you… happen to have anything in mind, lady Silver Willow?”
  4565. “Well, this is going to be a bit of a stretch from here on, so I’ll let you improve the idea.” Silver whispers. “Aside from food in the market, there are also many seeds and living plants from all around the world. If you bought some of those and found a quiet place to plant them, Pear Plum could certainly grow those and discover essences she has never seen before with her powers. If you’re feeling like going the extra mile, you could even purchase a little plot of bare land in the in the outskirts for a few hundred golds, so you’d have your very own garden you could come back to from time to time. Again, that’s certainly not a standard date in any way, but Pear Plum seems like the kind of mare that would enjoy that rather than regular urbane activities.”
  4566. “Mmm… Alright, I’ll give it a thought.” You nod toward Silver Willow. “Thanks!”
  4568. After that, you decide to stop for a drink at the pub where Fen Flower brought you earlier today since you know for sure this one has what it takes to accommodate mares that are larger-than-life.
  4569. In front of a good pint, you tell your friends about your quick holy mission. It lasted only about 2 hours in total. On you friends’ side, while you were still with Fen Flower, Silver tried to interest Pear Plum and Night Sprout into some other lingerie once they were done fitting their bras. In front of a lightly blushing Pear Plum, she laments that she didn’t let herself talk into trying those garter belts, or even those frilly knee-high socks.
  4571. Overall, you have a pleasant time together, and while chatting, Silver offers to teach you all a game of card you could all play together. The way things are heading to for now, you’re going to have some light fun together before the end of the evening.
  4572. Tomorrow, you plan to ask out Pear Plum, and Fen Flower is supposed to take the day to bond with Night Sprout a little.
  4574. >What do?
  4575. >Anything you’d like to discuss with the mares present before tomorrow?
  4576. >Try to sleep with a mare in particular?
  4578. About the date with Pear Plum, you think about doing everything Silver mentioned, but you’re afraid you’ll only be able to see a play in the evening since that’s when those are typically scheduled. What Silver mentioned about offering Pear Plum her own plot of land sounds like a very nice idea, though. You’re gonna bring her there for a picnic, and only then reveal that where you’re at is actually her place. That’s your plan for now.
  4580. And for that to be perfect, maybe you could try to hear what kind of seeds would Pear Plum like to have at her disposal by then. Over the conversation, you manage to sneak in a little question about that, hopefully without revealing your intent.
  4581. “My favourite plant?” Pear Plum chuckles. “I don’t think I could decide on something like that. There’s about no wildlife that isn’t interesting out there. So instead… well, this isn’t a plant actually, but I like it when I find colourful mushrooms on the ground. These can be so elusive, it’s always a good surprise when I find some. It’s a bit like flowers. Ah, I love flowers too of course! A meadow in bloom is a sight I’ll never get tired of. Oh! But flowers are also pretty on trees. A peach tree clad in white must the most perfect depiction of spring I can think of. And then in autumn, the spectacle of whole forests turning to warm colours is one of my favourite times of the year. But that’s not to say I dislike pine trees, no! Have you ever seen a pinecone? I mean… uhm, yes, of course you have… b-but don’t you find those fascinating? They’re like an infinity of little wood sculptures, all unique, yet all so regular and geometric like finely crafted piece of art!”
  4583. Pear Plum continues on, mentioning ivy, lichen, algae, orchids, ferns and even moss for a couple more minutes. You have… a lot of options to pick from, and you’re about certain that she’ll be pleased whatever you pick. Maybe you should focus of variety then? Or perhaps find something exotic she doesn’t expect?
  4584. Well, you’ll figure that out tomorrow when you see what they have at the market. For now, it will soon be time to go to sleep. You and Silver Willow head for the inn since you’re the only ones who can still fit is such a building at this point.
  4586. “There will be no need to book more than a room for tonight.” You tell Silver Willow once it’s just the two of you. “If you’re feeling like it, tonight I’m longing to feel and taste your body once more, lady Silver Willow. What do you say?”
  4587. As you reach for it, Silver Willow allows you to grab her hoof which is as tick as your midsection, and bring it high enough so you may smooch it.
  4588. “Aw, Little Spoon.” Silver Willow purrs with a delighted smile. “I guess you still care about a small mare like me after all. I sure would love to play with you tonight. Come here now…”
  4590. There, Silver Willow bring her head down to share a kiss with you. The plumpness of her lips on your whole snout, the sweet yet musky taste of her strong, expert tongue, and the way her deep lustful moans resonate though your whole skull make you shiver with need already.
  4591. “Though, I have to remind you.” Silver lusciously whispers after breaking the kiss, her breath still wet and hot on your face. “Because of your magic, you won’t last a minute with me on you. Are you sure that’s alright with you?”
  4592. You figure that’s the case. With the card you drew for her, Silver Willow will drain the size and knock out the next pony that she will make climax, and you don’t see yourself resisting for long under the opulent curves and ample body of the noble mare.
  4594. >A: Allow yourself to be a flash in the night. Earnestly ride Silver Willow and let your energy turn into growth for your big friend.
  4595. >B: Tonight, you shall serve the noble mare entirely. You’ll refrain from climaxing yourself, but you shall pleasure Silver Willow for as long as you can.
  4596. >C: Wouldn’t Silver know of a charitable soul that would allow themselves to be knocked out by her beauty? That way you’ll be able to go all out with her tonight.
  4597. >D: Silver isn’t small. In fact, with her power she’s always a single romp away from outgrowing any mare she wants. Ask Night Sprout is she’d accept to be pleasured by Silver before going to sleep.
  4599. While possessing immense potential, Silver Willow’s card is a bit of a bother at times like these. You’ve been wondering if there could be a way to change it somehow. You were thinking about asking the headmaster of your former school if there was a way to do that, but maybe you could try and see what happens if you draw another card for Silver Willow. You guess the worst that could happen is that nothing changes.
  4600. However, you won’t be able to try that out right away. Already, Silver Willow is pulling you by the ear toward your room, and you don’t feel like refusing her advances right now.
  4602. A few minutes later, you’re already straddling Silver Willow’s neck while she’s laying with her back on the bed, covering your face with hot and sloppy kisses.
  4603. “Say, lady Silver Willow.” You seize an occasion when your lips aren’t sealed by the ones of your lover. “You’re wearing your enchanted bra right now, aren’t you? I’ve been wondering what would happen if I were to use my songs to enhance your bosom while you wear it. Do you mind if I do a bit of experimenting?”
  4604. “Experiment as much as you want, Little Spoon.” Silver smiles, punctuating her sentence with a little peck on the tip of your snout. “Probe them all you want too.”
  4606. You’re glad to meet a like-minded scientist in Silver Willow.
  4607. Turning around, you pull yourself along the mare’s body by a few feet to face the twin mountains of the noble mare, still neatly wrapped in her elegant white frilly bra. With Silver being nearly 14 feet tall, they’re each as wide as you’re tall already.
  4608. “The spell isn’t active right now.” Silver Willow hunches over you, her chin coming to tickle your ears. “But all I have to do…is…”
  4609. She pulls on the band of her bra, and rather than tightening around her teatflesh, it’s her whole bosom that shrinks down just a little. It’s a quite saddening sight, to tell the truth, but necessary in the name of science.
  4610. You slip your front hooves under the magic fabric, and feel the sot skin and pliable flesh under. There, you start your inspiration to increase Silver Willow’s charisma. While she lets out a groan of delight as her whole body swells larger, her teats push back on your hooves as the pressure inside her bra increases, but only for a second. Like a gently swelling tide, Silver’s cleavage gets just a bit tighter for a few seconds, but then the pressure recedes as her breasts seem to return to the size they were before.
  4611. “How fascinating!” You comment. “Your enchanted bra did absorb the extra boob, lady Silver Willow. Even with more of you to contain, it must have expanded on the inside on its own.”
  4612. “Interesting. Why don’t you get a closer on that, Little Spoon?”
  4613. Before you can react, a big strong hoof pushes you face in the cleavage your eyes were glued too. Your gasp of surprise is muffled by the two expansive warm orbs, and while you hear the giggle of your partner, your whole body is then pushed head-first between them, into a subspace of reality full of two gigantic mare teats.
  4615. You suddenly find yourself lost in an ocean of cleavage. Everywhere you flail your arms, there’s only more of Sliver’s teats at each side of you. You don’t even feel gravity dragging you anywhere anymore, and in this instant the mare’s breasts feel like they’re truly infinite.
  4616. “Say, you’re alright in here Little Spoon?” You hear Silver’s muffled voice. “There’s air to breathe in here, right?”
  4617. “Y-yeah!” You shout against one of her tit, tasting the sweet skin in the process. “There’s enough space for that.”
  4618. “Well, that’s no good!” You hear Silver reply mischievously. “We can’t have you take too much space in here.”
  4619. And suddenly, reality itself tries to crush you. The pressure of the two breasts that are your entire universe right now suddenly augments on you, pinning every inch of you between their warmth. While you hear the distant chuckling of Silver Willow, you feel her breasts then rub against the other and on you, their smooth friction greatly stimulating your whole body at once.
  4620. The soft abyss smothering you feels like heaven, you realize too late that already you’re being brought over the edge. All energy leaves your body as you climax, and you feel yourself fading into the smoothness of the expanding pillowy space.
  4622. You feel yourself coming to your senses again, resting against a warm and smooth wall. You soon realise it’s the morning, and that you’re cradled next to Silver’s chest. With the light coming through the window behind your big mare friend, you see the shape of her curves illuminated above you like the tops of a glorious mountain range.
  4624. Almost immediately, you feel the mare stir awake next to you.
  4625. "Well, look who's conscious again Mmmh~.” The big mare stretches against you, holding you firmly against her with a hoof as she does “Ah… It’s the little bard that couldn’t resist me last night.”
  4626. “I’m so terribly sorry, lady Sliver Willow.” You place and apologetic smooch on the mare’s smooth coat. “I let myself get distracted by your magnificence way too fast, and at the cost of your enjoyment. This is very embarrassing for me.”
  4627. “I expected better from you Little Spoon.” Silver Show you a playful pout. “Frankly, if I didn’t know you have plans for today, I would have demanded you satisfy me here and now. You’ll have to find another time to make it up to me.”
  4629. >What do?
  4630. >Anything you want to do before asking Pear Plum out?
  4632. “Say, now that you’ve had it for some time, how do you feel about the ability of the card I granted you?” You ask. “There’s no doubt it is powerful, but I feel like it’s been in the way when it comes to personal fun.”
  4633. “Well, I do confess it can be a bit of a bother at times.” Silver replies. “When I have a little time to look around, I usually find a pony who’s willing to let themselves be my way to greater heights, but it complicates things when I want to be spontaneous like yesterday.”
  4634. “I see.” You nod. “Well, I’m looking to see if I can find a way to change the card I bestow. I plan to look in the library of the capital to find some clues, and ask the head of my school when we visit.”
  4635. “Alright then.” She nods. “But don’t you worry too much about that. I can live with it. You know, yesterday I could confirm that it’s safe to have a pony stuffed in my bra, so I was pondering the idea of finding a willing lamb to permanently carry in there and to drain every day.” Silver Willow chuckles mischievously. “I’m sure I could find a cute victim to carry around easily enough… I guess I’ll refrain from it while you search, then.”
  4637. “Ah… too bad for them. Being your cleavage padding while you’re on adventures sounds like a very enviable position. Also… I feel like I should apologize about the state of affairs we’re in.” Silver gives you a slightly confused frown. “I mean… you’ve chosen to embark on a life of adventures, and instead you’ve been spending your days helping Fen setting her shop and doing legal work, and now all I’m speaking about is visiting a boring old school. I promise we’ll take on a more exciting challenge after that!”
  4638. “Aw, that’s no big deal Little Spoon.” Silver shakes her head while uttering little chuckle. “Having fun with you and our friends is all the adventure I need.”
  4639. “Gald to hear you’re alright.” You smirk back. “But still, don’t get used to this calm. Soon enough, I promise you we’ll take on quests full of danger and mystery!”
  4640. “I can’t wait then.” Silver’s smile grows. “At your side, I’m sure we can triumph over anything.”
  4642. After exchanging a couple more kisses with Silver Willow, it’s time you went to prepare your date with Pear Plum.
  4643. After asking Silver Willow about it, the noble mare told you where you can purchase some land for what you planned with Pear Plum. She also tells you what she reckons the prices will be like, and once you’re there, those are indeed in the range she predicted.
  4645. >You have 2151 gold
  4647. >1 acre of free space in the periphery of the capital costs 800 gold. You’d be close enough to the heart of the city many ponies will pass next to this land.
  4648. >1 acre of land costs 500 gold right beyond the periphery. There won’t be much traffic around here, but ponies will see from the capital from times to times if you grow something unusually large around there.
  4649. >1 acre of land costs 300 further away from the capital. This will pretty much be a secret place that nopony else will see unless looking for it.
  4651. [spoiler]1 acre is a 208x208feet square, or about 65x65 meters[/spoiler]
  4653. After that, you go for the market to find seeds of different kinds. You’re not exactly familiar with purchasing such things, though. There’s almost too much options too chose from actually, and you’re soon feeling both a little overwhelmed.
  4654. Is addition to what you purchase, you can find common plants of temperate climates around where you’ll be. In this day and age, things like dandelions in fields or acorns and saplings in forests are free to take.
  4655. In the market, you find many options to buy from.
  4657. >A number of common ornamental flower bulbs or seed, like tulips, daffodil, roses or pansies among many others. 1 Gold for many seeds of 1 type AND colour of flower.
  4658. >Fuit and vegetable seeds, may it be strawberries, green beans or zucchinis among many others. 1 gold for many seeds of 1 species.
  4659. >Regular fruit tree seeds. 1 gold for 5 deferent seeds. (you’re actually buying the fruits here)
  4660. >An assortment of seeds of many aromatic plants like thyme, rosemary or sage. 10 golds for the bundle.
  4661. >A hot pepper sapling for 5 gold.
  4662. >A single baobab sapling for 30 gold.
  4663. >Up to 10 sequoia saplings, for 10 gold each.
  4664. >A bag of mycelium for a comestible mushroom culture. 5 gold.
  4665. >1 Ebony and mahogany saplings, each at 50 gold
  4667. The food will cost about 10 gold total to have something tasty and a bit exotic, whatever you pick.
  4669. >Search for something specific for the food?
  4670. >Search for some more exotic of even magical seeds? You’re no expert so you’re not sure how much of a good idea this is to do on your own.
  4672. For the land, you can acquire a patch of 1.3 unoccupied acres right over the periphery of the city for 650 golds. You’ll be among the farmlands near the capital, and it won’t be too long to walk there form the city, even for a short-legged pony like yourself.
  4673. Since you have the money in hoof already, you can complete the transaction right away.
  4675. >You spend 650 gold.
  4676. >You have 1501 gold.
  4678. For the food, you’re going to trust the halfling cuisine on this one. As expected, the many stalls at the market include some from your home region. You’ll come back with Pear Plum, because otherwise you won’t be able to carry the fruit pies, jams, bread, stuffed pumpkin and cheese cauliflower you want to purchase. You have to prepare at least that for your big mare friend to have a hearty meal.
  4680. However, you’re not sure which seeds to pick. Aside from the fact you should make sure to have plants that will survive in a temperate climate, you might need some advice to pick the right plant.
  4681. You decide to check if you can ask for Silver’s help once more.
  4683. On the way back to the inn, you catch a glimpse of Night Sprout and Fen Flower walking among the streets with each other. They’re a bit far, but you still overhear Fen Flower telling the big fairy’s she’s gonna love it at Fen’s favourite massage parlour.
  4684. You suppose their day is going well, so now it’s your turn to prepare a good date for Pear Plum.
  4686. However, once back at the inn, you realise Silver isn’t here anymore. She should return eventually as you can learn she booked the room for at least another day, but she didn’t tell the receptionist where she went. And unfortunately, unlike Fen Flower or Night Sprout, you have yet to grow Silver Willow big enough she can be seen over the rooftops of the capital.
  4687. You guess you’ll have to try and assess those rare seeds on your own. Coming back to the market, you look around the stalls again, trying to find something truly amazing for your druid friend to plant.
  4689. >A: An elven mare has some iris flowers on display that look like they’re made of translucent crystal. The stems and leaves are clear like ice, but the flowers are iridescent, and seem to project little rainbows around as light passes through them. These are very slow to grow and thus weak to insects, the elven mare tells you, but otherwise can support about any weather or temperature, even growing below freezing point. She sells each bulb, which look like solid hoof-sized crystal balls, 70 golds each.
  4690. >B: A dwarf pony sells glowing mushroom mycelium nuggets. On display on his stall, the mushrooms look like 2 feet wide boletus for about 1 feet of height, with the top of the cap glowing brighter than the rest. The dwarf tells you it can grow outside in dirt as long as it isn’t exposed to direct sunlight too often and that the soil is humid enough. The mushroom is non-toxic, although not very tasty. He sells a bag of mycelium of 1 colour at 30 golds. The available colours are cyan, yellow, blue, red, white, purple.
  4691. >C: A zebra colt sells what he calls ‘ratcatchers’. As he pets the hoof-sized, red bell flower on his stall, the plant reacts by gently rubbing back on his hoof, its stem slithering like a snake and the bell briefly opening to reveal something a pseudo-maw. These are carnivorous plants, and they can even uproot themselves to go after rodents when they lack water and food. The zebra assures you these are harmless to ponies, and that they’re even a lot more placid if grown around these parts of the world as the soil is rich enough in nutriments the plant won’t need to run around to hunt critters. He warns you that the plant must stay clear of fungi as it would eat its root easily, but you can actually clean them like you would a pet if the plant trusts you enough. He sells the fully formed plants at 50 golds each.
  4692. >D: An earth pony stallion sells what he advertises as giant melons shoots, the 3-feet wide fruit next to him seemingly acknowledging the claim. He explains that unlike regular plants, these will only produce a single fruit at a time, and it will keep growing until it is cut from the rest of the plant. Unlike regular melon plants, those are perennial and will keep growing new fruits as long as it’s over freezing temperature. He says the biggest melon he ever produced was about 5-feet wide, at which point the skin under was tearing up from the fruit’s own weight and it would have gone bad if they didn’t collect it then. He sells each shoot for 25 golds.
  4694. >You can still purchase the plants mentioned in in addition
  4696. You’re definitely going to pick the glowing mushrooms, in white. This will make for a very fine atypical piece for Pear Plum’s garden. To keep those in shade, you think some good-old oak trees will do the job, but you’re also able to find some tulip trees seeds. You could have found those acorns elsewhere, but you’re able to buy some at the market for cheap. And to put those magical ones in perspective, you’ll have some for regular mushrooms too. You’re going to have one of these crystal iris bulbs too. Hopefully Pear Plum’s magic can give it enough strength the bugs won’t be a problem. Then… you’re not sure about the ratcatchers. The zebra will only let you buy the fully-formed plant which doesn’t really match the plan you have to surprise Pear Plum, but you guess you can come back later if you change your mind.
  4697. Aside from that, you also take some roses, white and red, tulips, yellow, blue and black, artichoke seeds, some of chick peas and amaranth. And also, a coconut tree seed, so… a coconut. And finally, a sequoia sapling that could easily become the centerpiece of Pear Plum’s property. And on a side note, this will be a worthy tree for Pear Plum to eventually outgrow.
  4699. >You spent 129 golds.
  4700. >You have 1372 golds.
  4702. So… now you got the land, you have the food covered, and the plants. Is it time you went to find Pear Plum and invited her on that date, or is there anything else you wish to prepare before that?
  4704. >What do?
  4705. >Go find Pear Plum?
  4707. You guess you still have a little time. Aside from having a walk in the city, there’s gonna be little to do along Pear Plum before noon, so you might as well meet her when you’re about ready for picnic and your surprise.
  4709. First, you’re gonna need a proper bag to carry all this stuff and keep your surprise hidden. In fact, just like with the bras you gifted your mare friends, there are some enchanted bags that could help you store all that without breaking your back. Bags of holding are a stapple of an adventurer’s magic gear actually, and it could be a good time to get yourself one of those. With such an item, you could even hold some Pear Plum, or some Fen Flower-sized items for your friends.
  4711. >You can have a regular, non-magical huge backpack for 2 golds. You could carry up to your own weight on your back with that since you’re one well-built halfling pony.
  4712. >You can purchase a regular bag of holding for 100 gold which can hold up to 8 cubic meters of matter
  4713. >You can purchase a premium bag of holding (Dragon Hoard Edition©) for 1000 golds, which can hold up to 125 cubic meters of matter
  4715. Another thing you’ve been meaning to do is try to contact some of your friends you haven’t seen in a while. If your school could make sure a letter finds you, you suppose you could entrust some messages of your own to the guild of adventurers for your friends.
  4716. In particular, you’d like to hear about Star Shooter and Ulna again. You decide to write them about the adventures you’ve had, as well as about your companions in addition to asking them how they are.
  4717. You don’t see Blackberry Brunch around the adventurer’s guild either, so you decide to write something to her too. You’re a bit curious to hear what she thinks about how Fen’s growth potion has become the latest fad among the mares of the capital. You mention you’d like to party up for another adventure sometimes, if she’s available. This might be a chance for your collaboration to grow once more, you add.
  4719. >Anything in particular you want to tell Ulna, Star Shooter or Blackberry Brunch in addition?
  4720. >Sending the letter will cost 3 gold each using the services of the guild, to make sure they’ll find your companion wherever they are in this plane of existence.
  4722. Finally, you have some second thoughts and decide to add some more plants for Pear Plum. A potential ebony tree is too rare of an occasion to miss, and you also get two giant melon shoots to see if your friend will be able to grow those even bigger than the earth pony farmer. And finally, another of those crystal iris flowers too so you may have a change to reproduce the pair.
  4723. You’re still undecided about the ratcatcher. One thing you could do is tell Pear Plum about it later and let her decide.
  4725. >You spent 170 golds.
  4726. >You have 1202 golds.
  4728. >What do?
  4729. >Go meet Pear Plum?
  4731. You’ll go for the regular bag of holding. This will have to do for now, but you’d appreciate getting a bigger one eventually. Also, the fact there’s a capacity for those bags means it’s the same for the bras of your friends, so there’s a chance you could make those burst with enough growth and suddenly expose some truly massive teats to an unsuspecting world. Or, would the bra’s inner space grow along the mare that’s wearing it maybe? That will be another interesting thing to find out.
  4733. >You spent 100 golds.
  4734. >You have 1102 golds.
  4736. With that, you think you’re ready to go meet Pear Plum. You’re still holding off getting the ratcatcher. Since you’ve got those glowing mushrooms, that would probably demand its roots are cleaned regularly, even if it stays in the ground, and that could be bothersome. Again, you suppose you could still purchase one later if you change your mind.
  4738. Now, where could you find a nature-loving, 36-feet-tall mare in this big bustling city?
  4739. You don’t see where Fen Flower or Night Sprout are right now, and you didn’t plan any meeting place with Pear Plum either so you’re gonna have to be a little smart. She doesn’t know you planned a whole date for her either. There’s a chance Pear Plum might be sitting at that café at the plaza, but you have another hunch you decide to verify first.
  4741. You know you picked the right choice a couple streets before arriving, as Pear Plum’s lying form is already visible in the park from here. Since you met your friends here yesterday and the druid mare seemed to like the place alright, you figured you could find her there. She’s relaxing at the time, on her belly, and looks like she found a new book to read.
  4743. As you approach, you can’t help but to marvel again at the sight of your druid friend turned giantess.
  4744. Behind a rather tubby appearance, Pear Plum actually has a strong and endurant body. The mare is definitely bottom-heavy, her hind legs and rump packing a healthy balance between some fat and powerful muscle, and right now those look absolutely monolithic as you walk past them, with merely the cutie mark being wider than you’re tall twice over and yet too high up the wall of her buttock to hug, even while the mare’s lying down. And yet, despite being several hundred times the mass of any other pony around, neither you nor anypony else around seem intimidated by her calm and gentle presence.
  4746. You notice a tan strap going around the mare’s midsection, digging slightly in her dark brown coat. Looks like Pear Plum is wearing the present you bought her already. You walk up toward the mare’s head and her messy neck-length mane whose hue is a bit closer to plum. Even now, Pear Plum hides most of that under a giant, light pink bindweed flower she uses as a hat. This natural headgear covers everything above her snout, with the exception of her eyes and ears which poke out of it.
  4748. “Hello, lady Pear Plum.” You greet your friend, and she perks up in reaction before turning to you.
  4749. “Oh, hi Little Spoon.” A smile shines on her face as she speaks, and you get a glimpse of her chocolate-colored eyes behind her thick glasses. “How are you doing today?”
  4751. >What do?
  4753. “I’m doing great lady Pear Plum.” You readily reply, before turning your eyes to her read. “Is this a new book? May I ask what this one is about?”
  4754. “Actually, I borrowed this from Night Sprout since she finished it. I think you know this one.” As Pear Plum shows you the cover, you indeed recognize that romance novel you even read with the fairy while you were still on your quest to help the ents. “It’s certainly a lot less gloomy than a murder mystery novel, but I’m not sure I’m gonna read the whole thing. The story and the writing just feel a little… overblown to me, I don’t know to explain it.”
  4755. “Well, maybe those sentimental pieces aren’t for you either.” You shrug. “But’s it’s certainly commendable you’re willing to try out genres you don’t know. Anyway, speaking of writing, this morning I decided to write to some of our friends to hear how they’re doing. I sent a letter to lady Blackberry Brunch and to lady Ulna, an also to another previous companion of mine you haven’t met I believe.”
  4756. “Huh…” Pear Plum gets a bit pensive as you mention the orc mare’s name. “Yeah, it’s been a while we haven’t met Ulna. She left us once we were done in the Forest of the Alpha, right? I wonder if she could meet her master again in the end.”
  4757. “That’s a good question.” You nod. “Hopefully we’ll get a reply that will answer that. So, looks like you’re liking the park. Isn’t it nice that ponies can have this patch of nature around even in the middle of this big city.”
  4759. “Hm-hum.” She smiles, looking around. “And the gardeners are doing a really good job with this place. Though, I’m here because I was waiting for you Little Spoon.”
  4760. “Wait, you were?”
  4761. “Uh, I mean, sort of…” The big mare can’t help but to look away for a second, her cheeks getting rosy “I’m not saying you’re late or anything, but, it’s that… I met Silver earlier. She told me she had places to be today, but that you’d probably want to spent the day with me once you had taken care of some errands. She advised me to wait for you someplace familiar, so… I chose this one.”
  4763. Sounds like Silver has been trying to help you set up your date. That works for you.
  4764. “In that case, I would be a fool to not answer these expectations of yours!” You theatrically bow in front of the mare. “Therefore, I am formally inviting you to a date, lady Pear Plum! I was thinking we could explore the fields beyond the periphery and find a nice place there to have a picnic there. What do you say?”
  4765. “Well, alright, sure.” She chuckles, and the giantess rises on her hooves. “I’m not against a picnic. Do you already know what food we could get?”
  4766. “As a matter of fact, I do have an offer!” You nod. “Please follow me to the market. With the help of some of ponies from my home region there, I’m gonna give you a taste of a real halfling hospitality!”
  4767. “Ooh!” Pear Plum grins. “That sounds really nice! There isn’t one story about halflings that doesn’t involve their hearty village feasts. I’d love to discover a piece of that.”
  4769. Along Pear Plum, you make you way to the market to pick up everything your ordered. You let the mare carry this load for now, so you don’t have to reveal that you bag currently contains dozens of different plants and seeds.
  4770. In addition, Pear Plum buys a checkered sail to use it as a giant picnic blanket. She could have made some moss grow to make you both comfortable, she says, and she will do so under the blanket in fact, but the cloth is part of the picnic experience in her opinion.
  4772. After a walk that was made short by Pear Plum who insisted on carrying you so the food wouldn’t get too cold, you arrive at the land you purchased.
  4773. For now, the place is unassuming. Just a piece of grassland with a couple of old and small trees on in, and whose limits with a wheat and a carrot field are shown by rustic wooden fences. You lay down the blanket on the ground so you and Pear Plum can sit there and start to unpack all the delicious meals you bought. The air fills with aromas that remind you of your blissful foalhood, and Pear Plum seems eager to start and dig in too.
  4775. >What do?
  4777. You start to eat shortly after. Pear Plum really seems to appreciate the dishes you chose, and you hear the giantess purr in appreciation as she can sink her teeth in a whole stuffed pumpkin. It’s a good thing you brought some extra servings, and you can witness the big druid mare’s maw come down and eat pies and loaves whole several times over.
  4779. “These taste really good!” Pear Plum comments after gulping down another mouthful. “I love how halfling cuisine uses simple ingredients but to make stuff that’s so satisfying to munch on. I could get used to that.”
  4780. “That’s good to hear that.” You wipe your mouth. “That makes me think, you must have discovered a lot of dishes during your travels, lady Pear Plum. Say, how was food when you were in elven countries?”
  4781. “Oh, it was very different.” As she replies, Pear Plum gets herself another serving of potato and celery mash. “Elfs adore raw fruits, and most of their daily meals are made of that, cold soups and juices. And even in the capital they make sure to have those picked from the day, so everything is always extra fresh. They also love salads for when there’s more ponies around the table, and to those they add lots of fragrant leaves, nuts and flavored oils and vinegars. I have to admit though, there were times I didn’t feel full after a lunch in the elven lands, and I was too shy to ask for more than a second serving. And I wasn’t even nearly as big as I am now!”
  4782. “That’s one thing that can’t be beat about halfling cuisine for sure.” You chuckle. “Nopony shall leave a meal with an empty belly! Like at my older brother’s wedding. We spend so much time eating through dinner, we weren’t done that the sun was rising again. Oh, and… don’t be afraid to ask about anything else you would wish to know about. I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to learn more about big and beautiful mares like you, so the least I can do is to return the favour.”
  4784. After you’ve told her about the many lunches and brunches and picnics of your young days, Pear Plum asks you some mundane stuff about you and your family at first. For example, if you’ve known you grandparents, what is the job of your mom and dad, whether you have siblings or had a pet. You answer these without trouble, recounting a little more about your childhood. Your parents were farmers. You’re the last of a family of four, and good-old Patchy must still be prowling around the field to catch rodents there. Your gradma was the last one of her generation and passed away when you were too young to realize.
  4786. “Then...” Pear Plum ponders for a second, still munching on some pie. “What does your… dream life look like, Little Spoon? I’ve been wondering about that. You sure have been changing a lot of things around yourself, but you seem more like the kind of pony who will enjoy each new day to the fullest without caring too much about what’s next. Am I wrong about that? And even if you aren’t planning for it to happen, what would you wish your life to be like?”
  4787. “Woah, that is one vast topic, lady Pear Plum.” You react.
  4788. “I guess it is.” She chuckles. “But I mean, do you see yourself retiring from adventuring eventually? Your school’s inviting you already, so have you even considered settling down and becoming a teacher there for example? Or do you want to keep going on adventures for as long as you can?”
  4790. >What do?
  4792. “Well, thinking about it, it has become a bit difficult to say.” You start to reply. “I’ve been meaning to spread my love of growth as far and wide as I could while helping ponies around, and for that first part, I didn’t even think it was possible to go this far. And I mean that in a good way! Half the mares of the capital of this country want to gain a few more inches from Fen’s potion at this point, and then, there’s you, lady Pear Plum, and there’s our friends. The heights you’ve reached, the me from a few months back wouldn’t have dared to dream about meeting mares as magnificently big as you.”
  4793. “We’ve all come pretty far indeed.” Pear Plum nods. “And you’ve… certainly played a role in that for everypony around you too.”
  4795. “I’ll take that as a compliment.” You continue. “But now, if there’s one thing I dearly want to accomplish, it’s, well... To make it work with everypony. I’m gonna be perfectly honest here, and whether we’re talking about now or when I might retire, my ideal live is with you Pear Plum, but also with Night Sprout, and Fen Flower. I have a dreadful feeling that all those might not be compatible, but still, I can’t help but to strive and foolishly trying to chase it all anyway.”
  4796. You make a pause here, somehow feeling the need to see Pear Plum’s reaction. Your eyes meet the ones of the big druid mare, and eventually her smirk widens. With a hoof, she carefully gives the top of your head a gentle rub.
  4798. “I think I understand.” Pear Plum speaks softly. “You know Little Spoon, I really appreciate that you can manage to be so honest. It makes everything much simpler. And at this point, I… I really like you as a…” She seems to hesitate for a second. “… I really like having you around me, and what we share is precious to me Little Spoon.”
  4799. “Lady Pear Plum…” You look up at the comforting smile of the giantess. “When you speak such words, I feel I might have already reached my ideal life. So if you would accept, for now I’d love to keep going on adventures with you and our friends.”
  4800. “That sounds good, yeah…” She whispers.
  4802. At this moment, you feel like you could take a dive in Pear Plum’s beautiful eyes, if only those thick glasses where in the way. So instead, you jump on your hooves and take the few strides you needed to smooch the druid’s check.
  4803. You feel the big mare jump ever so slightly in reaction, and after uttering a little chuckle, Pear Plum kisses back the whole side of your face, holding you with a hoof to properly smother you with her lips.
  4805. “Well…” After that, you take a few steps back so you may have the whole giantess in your vision again. “Now that I’ve told you about my desires, lady Pear Plum, would you accept to tell me about yours? What are your plans for the future?”
  4806. “Me? Mmh…” She perks up, and ponders for a few seconds before answering. “Well, I have to admit, a few things changed for me too since I met you. I mean, since we’ve been adventuring together actually. Until recently I was planning to travel on my own and discover the world by wandering wherever I’d feel like it, perhaps for the years to come at least, and then settle down somewhere quiet eventually. That’s still something I wish to do, I mean the traveling part, but now…”
  4807. The giant mare shifts on her hooves slightly. She places a hoof on the ground next to the sail, immediate the grass and flowers there quickly grow to a luxurious 6’ of height of vibrant greenery, and without any apparent effort from your druid friend this growth propagates itself outward to a circle of a dozen feet.
  4809. “It still feels bit … weird to acknowledge it, but I think I could achieve more than that. I’m not exactly sure how yet, but thanks to you I feel like I have a chance to help a lot of ponies, like I’m strong enough to make a big difference, and I want to seize that chance. That why I want to travel to the living forest of restoration. Once I get there, I have hope that the elders will know where my power would be best used.”
  4810. “The elders, you say?” You smirk. “Sounds like they’ll just be giving you a different kind of quest and that you’ll still keep adventuring in the end.”
  4811. “I’m not sure what they would say.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “But… yes, that could be it, and that’s an outcome I would like. I mean, if they ask me to just remain in the forest for some reason, I don’t think I could accept it. I would probably search for guidance elsewhere in that case.”
  4813. “Now listen to yourself, you sound even more intrepid than I do, Lady Pear Plum!” You smile at her. “You’re not even thinking about retiring anymore.”
  4814. “W-well, I guess I don’t.” She chuckles a tiny bit nervously. “I’m not sure what retiring wound look like if I’m this big, or even bigger still. I’m not sure. Maybe I’ll be among the keepers of the forest when I’m done traveling.”
  4816. At this point, you’re done with dessert and it’s the middle of the afternoon. You wonder if it might be time to reveal the surprise you prepared for Pear Plum.
  4818. >What do?
  4819. >Tell Pear Plum the land you’re on is hers and show her the seeds?
  4820. Pear Plum really seems to have appreciated halfling cuisine, and she tells you she wouldn’t mind trying out more of it when you ask.
  4821. “Don’t worry.” She chuckles. “I won’t embarrass you in front of your teachers when we visit your school. I’ll be sure to lick my plate clean.”
  4822. Which will make everypony there happy indeed, you’re sure of it.
  4824. Then, you ask Pear Plum a little more about the elven lands, and about any traditions that seemed out of the ordinary to your druid friend. One thing she tells you, is that while life in their capital resembles the one in earth pony or halfling lands, there are actually a lot of small tribes in elven woodlands that pursue a more reclusive, and also primitive life to be more in tune with nature.
  4825. “I remember one group in particular we visited with my parents while I was still quite young.” Pear Plum recounts. “They didn’t have a single piece of metal, not even a coin in their whole village. And their huts would look like, you know, like those hanging nests some birds make, but giant, and there was no road or path around. If anything, their place looked more like Night Sprout’s home than a pony village. They welcomed my parents and me like friends, though.”
  4827. “That’s interesting indeed.” And there you allow a playful smile to creep on your face. “But still not as interesting as you lady Pear Plum. Yes, that’s what I wish I knew you more about. So, would you accept telling me something I haven’t discovered about you yet? Not necessarily a big secret of anything, just a new part of you to contemplate.”
  4828. “Huh? What…? I’m not sure I understand what you want me to say here, Little Spoon.” The big mare giggles a bit nervously at the sudden question. “I don’t think I’m that remarkable, aside from how big I’ve become maybe, but you know that already.”
  4829. “I simply refuse to believe I have discovered every magnificent fact about you already, lady Pear Plum.” You give her an inquisitive glare that makes the flustered big mare look away. “Surely there is more. A hobby I haven’t seen yet maybe?”
  4830. “Sorry, but I can’t think of anything. Ehm…” She ponders anyway. “My… favourite colour is… orange? Does that count?”
  4832. “I see…” You feign a devilish smile. “That is mightily interesting indeed. In that case, lady Pear Plum, there’s something I have for you!”
  4833. “Mmh?” The big mare seems curious, even if a bit wary after your display of earlier. “Yes? What is it Little Spoon?”
  4834. “Actually, I wanted to give you these.” You say as you bring out a first hoofful of seeds, from among the more common ones you have. “I’ve been trying to think about a gift you could enjoy, and I figured having these to plant could be fun for you.”
  4835. “Aw, that’s really thoughtful of you Little Spoon.” Pear Plum smiles again. “I think I recognize a tulip bulb here. I’m sure we could fine a nice place for it.”
  4836. “Of course! What about right where we are? I’m sure you could even make it grow out in an instant with your magic.”
  4837. “Good idea.” She nods. “Those tulips could be a good reminder of the nice time we had here, and other picnickers will find them too. Though…” She eyes the other seeds in your hoof. “I’m not sure we can plant those acorns and just grow trees at random like that.”
  4839. “Oh, don’t you worry about that lady Pear Plum.” You shake your head. “We can do whatever you want here, because this patch of land is yours.”
  4840. “Huh?” The big druid mare blinks in confusion. “What do you mean it’s mine?”
  4841. “Well, it’s like I said. From the dirt road here...” You point to where you came from, and then toward the other end of the property 200 feet away from that. “…To that fence over here, we’re on a place that I purchased. And now I’d like to give it to you so you may do whatever you want of this land.”
  4843. The mare’s eyes go wide.
  4844. “Little Spoon!?” She blurts, almost looking like she’s in a panic. “Wait… I-I can’t accept this! I mean, it’s too much! This can’t be a proper present for a date out of the blue like that! Goodness, this must have been way too expensive, and just after you bought me these fancy clothes…”
  4845. “This is my pleasure.” You insist. “There’s no money better spend than in making you happy, lady Pear Plum, and you’re an exceptional mare that deserve exceptional presents. Come on. I assure you that nothing would make me happier than to see you enjoy this new place of yours. Here’s the deed if you’d like to take it right away.”
  4846. “I… Give me a second, please.”
  4847. The reveal left Pear Plum dumbfounded. Even now her eyes dart between your satisfied smile, the seeds and the deed. A couple times she inhales sharply as though she was about to utter an objection, but eventually, she lets out a little sigh of defeat.
  4849. “You’re… you’re not gonna let yourself get talked out of this, are you Little Spoon?” She asks with a smile.
  4850. “Indeed I won’t.” You assert while decidedly shaking your head. “Come on now. Let’s make this place your perfect garden! What do you want to start with?”
  4851. “I… I have no idea. I didn’t expect this at all…” The mare contemplates what you brought out of your bag. “Maybe… some trees?”
  4852. “Or course lady Pear Plum!” You offer her the acorns and tulip tree seeds.
  4854. It starts slowly.
  4855. A bit unsurely, Pear Plum takes one acorn at first. She wanders a bit around the property, double checking, and then triple checking with you where the boundaries are before finally planting it. She then works her magic, and in only a minute, a healthily tree has sprouted from the ground with an ample canopy, and stands high enough to tickle the giant mare’s snout.
  4857. And from here, Pear Plum start to get in the swing of things.
  4858. For starters, she decides to make this place a little piece of woodland, surrounding the space you had your picnic at with a row of bushy oaks and tulip trees and getting more excited with each new one she grows. Once you’re surrounded by green, the druid mare comes back to you and eagerly asks to see everything you’ve got.
  4860. She does get a bit embarrassed again upon seeing the wide selection of plants you’ve gathered, telling you you’ve brought too much, but she forgets about it faster this time. She quickly recognizes most of the common seeds you’ve prepared. In fact, with the exception of the mycelium, the sequoia and ebony tree saplings, and the crystal iris, she recognizes everything.
  4861. Since you tell her to find out by growing them herself when she asks about those, Pear Plum decides to first spread around the flowers and plants she already knows.
  4863. But a second after jumping on her hooves again, she turns to you and shows you her earnest and brightest smile of the day yet.
  4864. “Little Spoon! I… I don’t know what to say, but… Thank you. Thanks a lot. I… I don’t know what I did to deserve such a gift, but... just thank you. This is really amazing!”
  4866. >What do?
  4868. “As long as you’re happy, it’s all that matters.” You reciprocate the mare’s smile. “Let’s keep setting up your garden, shall we?”
  4870. You don’t need to tell Pear Plum twice.
  4871. Despite the variety of choices you provided, Pear Plum decides to go search for a few more local essences. A healthy grove is made of many different trees, she tells you. After taking you on her back, the druid mare eagerly starts trotting away in search of seeds and sprouts. Even on the side of the road she finds little treasures, and you come back with some wild mint, a couple of blackberry brambles she uprooted, and saplings of beech, elm, hornbeam, birch and hazel trees.
  4873. With her magic, your druid friend quickly helps the plants grow to their full heights. This is even easier for her after you grew her a little taller with your inspiration at her request. You also ended up increasing the mare’s charisma for this once, as Pear Plum feared she might knock over a tree she just grew by mistake should she have more butt.
  4874. About an hour and a half later, this land has turned into a bushy little patch of forest full of 20-feet-ish trees. Pear Plum left the centre of it empty, where the sail is still laid down. With this as a basis, now Pear Plum starts to use the seeds you provided.
  4875. She’s most eager to see what this strange mycelium you brough will produce. Following the advice you got from the dwarf merchant, Pear Plum puts those at the base of the trees that cast the most shadow.
  4877. “Just a question, but do you know if those will be poisonous Little Spoon?”
  4878. “I’ve been told they’d be awful for a roast but not toxic.” You reply. “But dinner isn’t what these are for. You’ll understand when you see it.”
  4879. Again, Pear Plum doesn’t wait any longer before working her magic. Before long, the unusually large cap forms in from of Pear Plum’s eyes, and already it’s glow is visible even in the light of the day.
  4880. “Woah! Those are amazing!” She smiles. “And they’re so big too! Where did you even get those?”
  4881. “Well, halflings aren’t the only ones to offer a piece of their home stuff in the market of this city. A fine dwarf fellow sold me these.”
  4882. “They’re so nice! Ooh, I can’t wait to see how they’ll look in the night. I’m sure the place is going to be magical with these around. Come on, let’s plant them all!”
  4884. There, Pear Plum takes it on herself to spread the glowing mushrooms all around the grove, putting some under all the trees whose cover will allow it, thus making a ring around the clearing at the centre. She also circles those with some of the smaller, edible mushroom you bought. She then spreads the tulips, roses, amaranth, artichoke and chick peas seemingly at random, mixing the colours both under the trees and outside their shade.
  4885. You don’t even have the time to comment on the significance of the white and red roses you bought, your druid friend in a sprouting frenzy while she covers the grove and also the rest of the terrain in a vibrant mix of colours. You suppose that this is a small price to pay for seeing the usually demure mare enjoy herself so openly.
  4887. At this point, you’re already in a grove so packed with colourful flowers and mushrooms that it might be a fairy’s home, and yet you still have a few nice surprises for your friend. While it seems to demand a bit of extra effort out of her, Pear Plum can make both the bulbs of crystal iris grow and bloom. Right at the edge of the clearing, the light of the sun seems to make the two plants shimmer. Then the ebony sapling is a bit of a disappointment to you, while Pear Plum happily makes it a grown tree, today you learn that only the heart of the wood is noticeably dark for the variety you acquired, and while obviously of a different kind, the tree doesn’t pop our as much as you hoped among the grove.
  4888. Which is unlike the coconut tree, which definitely looks out of place, yet adds to the impossible mix of colours in this place.
  4890. Finally, there’s the sequoia. For this one, Pear Plum decides to make it grow a bit further away from the rest of the grove and flowers, knowing all too well how tall and more importantly how wide the tree can become. With great effort, you watch Pear Plum make the giant plant grow to about 60 feet tall over a dozen minutes. This is the first plant that the mare could make bigger than herself today, and yet this is far from being the tree’s full size.
  4892. Pear Plum does start to look a little tired after this, and since it’s been over 3 hours of foraging and extra-large gardening since lunch at this point, you decide to take a little break here. There, the two melon sprouts you got come into play. As advertised, once in the soil and with the help of Pear Plum’s magic, you’re soon facing a pair of melons larger than you are and that aren’t a metaphor for a mare’s bosom for once.
  4893. These make for a sweet and refreshing afternoon snack, as you shake the couple of giant fruits with the druid mare.
  4895. Pear Plum then lies down on her side, letting out a content hum.
  4896. “Thes were delicious.” She says with a calm vocie. “And… I still don’t know how I could thank you enough Little Spoon. This is such a beautiful gift, and I had a lot of fun today.”
  4897. There she chuckles.
  4898. “I never even thought about ever doing something like this. Both because I didn’t realise I could have the money, but also because I wouldn’t have dreamed I could ever use my magic to such an extent before today, so… anyway, I don’t know if I can ever repay you for this, so for now, just… thank you Little Spoon.”
  4899. Pear Plum tells you, and then places a melon-sweet kiss on the side of your face. Then, she rolls on her back again.
  4900. “I think I’m gonna take a little nap. Do you want to join me?” She asks, and invitingly pats the top of her chest.
  4902. >What do?
  4904. You don’t think you’re ever gonna turn down an invitation like this one.
  4906. As you were a bit unsure about where to start the climb of the nearly 10-feet-high wall of mare, a providential hoof comes to support your ascent on Pear Plum’s neck. From here you can easily walk on her warm coat to her chest, where you’re soon taken in a big hug by your mare friend.
  4907. Pear Plum’s pleased purr as she nuzzles you against her cheek makes you feel right at home for a nap indeed. Surrounded by her careful and soft embrace, you’re quick to fall into a serene slumber.
  4909. You’re so comfortable resting against the larger mare that it’s night already when you wake up, because of a poke on your head.
  4910. “Little Spoon.” You hear Pear Plum gently whisper. “Look around.”
  4911. While there are still some traces of orange in purple in the sky, you realise the sun has set for long enough a grove like the one you’re in should be completely in the dark. But instead, the pale glow from the mushrooms reveals the place to the eye. Under the dim white light, the flowers seem to have taken a new alien, but beautiful hue altogether. The trunks of the trees being illuminated while their canopies remain in the dark makes it look like you’re in a little haven of light is a sea of shadows, you and the giant mare Pear Plum.
  4913. “It’s so pretty…” Pear Plum whispers. “It feels like we entered a different world altogether.”
  4914. And there, suddenly the big mare’s voice gets most than a little unsteady.
  4915. "I..." She croaks. "I guess it's... a little r-romantic..."
  4917. >What do?
  4919. “Yes.” You reply softly. “This is truly a romantic place you’ve created, lady Pear Plum.”
  4920. There, you nuzzle yourself a little closer to the druid mare, resting you head against her cheek which is big enough to be a proper pillow to you.
  4922. “Little Spoon…. I…” Pear Plum starts, but her voice seems to die in her throat.
  4923. “Yes? What is it?” You try to encourage her.
  4924. “Sorry, I-I’m sure how so say it but, ah...” You can feel her heart beating faster though the contact you make with her body. “I feel like right now, I would like, if we… Ahem… Arg! It’s harder than I thought when you’re not the one bringing it up…”
  4925. “It’s alright, lady Pear Plum.” You say. “You don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. I didn’t make you this gift for any kind of reward, so feel free to enjoy yourself the way you want with your creation.”
  4926. “But, Little Spoon… what I mean is… oh, screw it!”
  4928. Hurriedly, Pear Plum carefully grabs your head between the tip of her hooves, brings you in front of her face, and then swiftly covers yours with a kiss. Everything from your eyes to your chin are pressed again the mare’s warm and soft lips. Unsure about where to go from here, Pear Plum ends up applying a constant suction on your face as she smothers you against her, all while uttering a whimper that contains pleasure and apprehension in equal measures while this last.
  4930. After releasing you with a sonorous smack, somehow the mare that is many times your size seems way more out of breath from this than you are.
  4931. “Sorry Little Spoon…” She pants, a heavy blush on her face while she still holds you up. “I know I’ve been… but right now… if that’s okay with you… I-I… I would like to… I mean, what I want to say is… I-I want you Little Spoon…”
  4933. Well, she sounds rather decided, even if right now Pear Plum is getting stressed over how to voice out what she wants. A true gentlecolt would help her ease out a little before engaging with her.
  4934. But perhaps you could tease her a little instead…
  4936. The last time you had an intercourse with Pear Plum, you eventually got her to somehow take the lead, which helped her feel less afraid and in control to some extend. Should you keep that approach up this time too?
  4938. >What do?
  4940. A little earlier you reckoned Pear Plum might have been avoiding that kind of contact on purpose, but as it turned out she needed to muster a little bit of courage for it, now you need to embrace it.
  4942. “I want nothing more than to make you have a good time, lady Pear Plum” You reply, making sure to sound reassuring so the giantess may be more at ease. “Would you allow me?”
  4943. The big mare holding you gives you a nervous giggle, but then also a somewhat assured nod as she puts you back on your hooves.
  4944. “Ahem, what do you want to do?” She asks. “Should I move?”
  4945. “If that’s fine with you, I’d like to please you with my mouth.”
  4946. “Oh. A-alright then. Hold on.”
  4948. The giantess picks you up again to safely drop you at her side. She then carefully stands up, seems to hesitate a little, before slowly turning around so you may face her rear, and then plops herself down on her belly while making sure to have her legs spread so you don’t end up under any part of the massive mare.
  4949. In the canyon of her colossal legs, you’re now facing the you-sized entrance of Pear Plum, slightly occulted by the soft bulk of the mare’s flanks. But as you take a step toward the good place, suddenly a vine comes from beyond the mare legs. Recognizing your friend’s magic, you do not panic as the plant slithers toward you and then loosely wraps itself around your leg and body.
  4950. “Lady Pear Plum?” You quizzically call your mare friend.
  4951. “Ah, sorry.” Pear Plum shifts slightly, and you barely see her head peek over her mountainous buttocks as the mare cranes her neck to look back at you. “C-can you bear with this while you… ahem, while you do the thing? Please? It’s just so I can feel where you are. If I end up moving somehow, I’d rather know where you are so I can avoid you.”
  4953. So a security harness for cave diving? That makes sense you suppose, even if Pear Plum is the one mare whose tunnels you’d be the least afraid of getting in trouble in.
  4954. Now properly equipped, you get down the dark corridor of her thighs and closer to Pear Plum’s marehood. A dark brown and ridged crevice at the moment, you start by testing how strongly shut it is by pushing the tip of your hoof inside. The two muscular folds allow the intrusion, and let you on a hint of the pinker flesh inside. Once you’re a couple inches in, you run your hoof down the several-feet-long entrance like a zipper. Pear Plum lets out a surprised yet needy gasp while her folds clench on your hoof for a second, before relaxing again and giving you a whiff of her moisture and sweet musk.
  4956. You push you hoof in a little deeper and prepare a path for your muzzle. Your vegetal harness holds you back just a little at first, but as you start to lick the sensitive walls of flesh, you eventually almost feel yourself being pushed further in along Pear Plum’s moans. At first every spike of pleasure seems to catch her by surprise, and you’d feel everything around, immense legs and buttocks, jump slightly in reaction, but the giant mare seems to get more into it as times goes on, relaxed purrs of contentment replacing her gasps while the cavity you work on has now produced a healthy amount of lubrication. Getting a bit offended that you head in her pussy and your fervent licks in the dark don’t seem to trigger than much of a sharp response anymore, you decide to tentatively add a bit of teeth to your ministrations on the strong flesh.
  4957. You’re immediately rewarded by a little cry of pleasure, and Pear Plum’s buttocks tensing enough you feel the two masses of butt trap you by squishing both your sides that are out of the mare as of now.
  4958. “Ah…! Y-yeah…” You hear her coo in delight. “C-can you do that again, Little Spoon?”
  4960. As a response, you continue to supply some love bites along your licks on the wet inner folds of the mare, much to her delight. You’ve got yourself neck deep into Pear Plum at this point, and your forehooves now rest on her clit to stabilise yourself. Soon enough, you feel her moans get more feverish, and decide to send her over the edge.
  4961. You lie down on your belly, and all while kneading the mare’s button with your hooves, you redouble the hickeys you provide on the inside of the mare.
  4963. The result is almost immediate. Pear Plum utters a series of moans each louder than the last, and after her wet tunnel shifts a couple times, the big mare lets out an orgasmic cry. You’re squeezed again both by her interior and legs for the part of you that’s out of her, but not to the point you can’t bear with the pressure. When the you’re freed again, a healthy amount of the mare’s cum gushed over you before you could stand up and exit her entrance. Outside, you hear the satisfied panting of your big mare friend.
  4965. “Oh, Little Spoon…” Pear Plum purrs. “That was… that felt amazing. Thank you… But I-It didn’t hurt, right? In the moment, I forgot about my magic, even when I… eh… tensed up with you in, back there...”
  4966. “I’m alright lady Pear Plum.” Indeed, the lose harness of vines didn’t pull you out when she climaxed, and you’re pretty glad about it. “You’re gonna have to grow a lot more before you have to worry about hurting me.”
  4967. “Really?” The mare’s head that you see again from over her giant flanks shows you a smile. “Aren’t you being a bit cocky here? I feel like my body could really do a number on you.”
  4968. “Well, in that case, how about something safer, then? Would you allow me to taste your teats lady Pear Plum?”
  4970. “Ah, m-my teats?” You hear a passing hint of prudishness in the mare’s voice. “Alright. Wait a little so I can move.”
  4971. Anchored by the vines around your body, you stay still while the giant mare carefully rolls on her back. Once there, the vine lifts you off the ground. From between Pear Plum’s legs, you’ve got an amazing view of the mare pulling up her bra to reveal a pair of generous hills between her massive thighs.
  4973. “O-oh!” Pear Plum seems surprised that so much teatflesh sprung out of that bra. “Y-you’ve been using your magic on these, right…”
  4974. A part of you wanted to latch on Pear Plum’s milkers with her bra still on, but you guess that’ll have to wait another time. Right now, you’ve landed on a tit that’s larger than you are, and your hooves sink slightly in the very soft flesh while an erect nipple demands your attention.
  4976. Even with the mare’s humidity down there, your throat feels mightily dry, and so you’re quick to take the hoof-thick bud of coarser flesh in your maw. But as your mouth remains empty of any milk, you give a pleading look toward the face of Pear Plum. The mare daintily giggles, and along a renewed blush on her face, the taste of a warm stream of milk adds itself to the one of the musky ski of her nipple.
  4977. A bit tired by your work of earlier, you seize the chance to relax a little, lying down on the soft bulge while suckling down a warm treat.
  4979. “Ah!” Pear Plum lets out a lustful gasp after a minute of this, the effect of her card growing her further. All while the whole mare just gained a few feet on height, her bosom was amplified even further proportionally. The already sizeable and soft mounds of the druid mare swelled to become near-orbs that are each half as big as her head. Keeping the whole nipple of her in your mouth has become impossible, but you don’t let that get in the way of your drinking, and now you’re soaking your face with her milk that is spraying everywhere around.
  4981. Pear Plum really let go of most of her usual inhibitions by now. Night has fallen at this point, and the illusion that only you and her exist in this little shrine of light did wonders to subside the mare’s shyness.
  4983. After a bit of a rest, both you and Pear Plum decide that you go for today’s main course.
  4984. The tickle of your shaft on the big mare’s folds was quite insufficient to really get Pear Plum off, but she refused to let you dive completely into her. While she was content to let you get off in her, you could still stimulate her clit and lips while you did, and tonight your friend seemed to particularly enjoy the bursts of grows your climax triggered.
  4986. And after 8 times, Pear Plum can finally suit you for her needs. After another dozen minutes of more intense pounding that leave you drenched in a mix of both your fluids, you can catch your breath in the gentle embrace of the big mare while you both purr in contentment.
  4988. “Little Spoon…” The mare squeezes you just a bit tighter between her legs. “Today was wonderful. Thank you again for those gifts, and…” she chuckles a bit meekly. “I didn’t expect to… ahem… to crave or to enjoy the intercourse part so thoroughly either. I guess what I mean is… I-I could want to do something like that again in the future. I mean! Maybe not tomorrow, or just at any random time, and not necessarily each time we have a date but, uhm…”
  4989. “I can hear a no from you, lady Pear Plum.” You decide to cut into the big mare’s messy explanation. “And as much as I may attempt to make you comfortable, I can read a mood too. I won’t be any pushier with you than I’ve been until now because of today, if that’s something you were worried about.”
  4990. “Mh. Thank you Little Spoon.” She nods. and then her mouth closes in to smother you with another kiss. “Sorry, I’m bothering you about the next time while we’re not done with this one. I mean… If that’s fine with you Little Spoon! You’re not feeling tired?”
  4991. “I swear I’ll be up and ready for as long as you want me, lady Pear Plum.”
  4992. “Thanks. So, I’d like to feel you inside me again then.” She mutters, a slightly hesitant sensuality in her voice. “And that feeling of growth too. Today, I’ve been enjoying it much more than ever before. Right now, I kinda feel like I wouldn’t mind letting you grow me much bigger still, and even make m-my teats…”
  4994. But the end of that sentence never comes. Embarrassed by her own words, the mare shyly hides her face while the vine holding you drags you toward her crotch again to relive some of that sudden stress.
  4996. >What do?
  4997. >Any more pillow talk you want to have with Pear Plum?
  4998. >Ride Pear Plum through the night in the grove?
  5000. Another hour in the dim light, another hour of fun with Pear Plum during which you get to be shoved in her giant love-hole and slammed between her landmasses-like cheeks. Once again, you’ll be a little sore in the morning… unless you asked your druid friend for a bit of healing she’s happily provide.
  5001. But even as you’re nestled between her arms like you are now, you don’t feel like bringing it up yet.
  5003. “Say, Lady Pear Plum.” You break the quiet of the current cuddling session. “May I ask, is there still something that makes you hesitant about the idea of us being together, relationship wise? Perhaps the thing about the… openness on my side?”
  5004. “Hum… I’m not sure I get what you mean, but…” You feel her calmly shake her head. “Uhm, I don’t think that’s it anymore. Sure, I never imagined I would partake in… those kinda activities with somebody else than a colt that would become my husband. And that’s if I had ever found one! You know, I had no particular desire to be in a relationship before I met you. Talking to strangers was already uncomfortable to me, so finding myself a coltfriend wasn’t a goal of mine at all. But, well, then there was you, and even if I didn’t think it could have happened not some long ago, right now I feel good about what we did. I just need to get used to the mood of it.”
  5006. Again, the druid mare gives you another slow and big kiss, and this time you can leave a peck on her warm lips in response.
  5007. “Imagine my surprise, though, lady Pear Plum.” You speak up again. “I had just prepared this special day with you, making sure that intercourse wouldn’t need to be in the equation as I thought you wouldn’t like it, and yet you ended up being the one triggering the first of our kisses.”
  5008. “Oh? That really was our first kiss?” She chuckles. “It’s weird. We’ve done, ahem, ‘worse’ before, but I think you might be right. Or are you? In all the… situations we’ve been in with your magic, I think a kiss could have happened before.”
  5009. “I’ll treasure the memory of this kiss as our first anyway.” You state. “It happened during my second date with the gentlest mare I’ve ever met, and it is her that took the initiative for it.”
  5010. “Well… Maybe I’ll do the same.” She chuckles. “How I felt I the past isn’t important anymore, is it? Anway, you can rest easy, Little Spoon. I really wanted what we did today, and I’m glad for what we shared.”
  5012. And there she whispers to you.
  5013. “… and maybe we can share a little more still? Hm?”
  5015. You take Pear Plum on that offer, and the two of you experience more pleasure together for the rest of the night.
  5017. You wake up the next day in the idyllic grove you created yesterday, sleeping on Pear Plum’s belly, your head resting between her teats. The large mare is still snoring peacefully on hr back. As you think of how to wake her up if you decide to do so, the ordeals of the days also come back to your mind.
  5019. Night Spout and Fen Flower spent the day together yesterday. Maybe you could inquire how that went.
  5021. Then, you’ve been thinking about going to visit your former school with your companions. In fact, you even asked the inquisitor Cloudbreacher about it and she’d be ready to follow you there. You’ve yet to bring that matter up to Fen Flower, though.
  5023. >What do?
  5024. >Anything else you want to tell Pear Plum while it’s just the two of you?
  5025. >Meet with the rest of your friends to decide of what to do next?
  5027. You slowly get on your hooves before walking toward Pear Plum’s head. Her hat and glasses fell to the side, so you’re getting a sight of the mare’s messy mane over her face. Slightly tilted like she is, you can rear over her chin to kiss the side of her mouth. Pear Plum shifts slightly in reaction, and soon you see her chocolate eyes slowly open.
  5028. At this point, you have to go for a second one to make sure she notices you. This time Pear Plum jumps slightly under the contact of your lips, but then utters a purr and a gentle chuckle before reciprocating the smooch on yourself.
  5029. “Good morning, Little Spoon.” Pear Plum then speaks softly. “I take it you slept well.”
  5030. “Wonderfully so.” You reply with a smile. The night was rejuvenating indeed, and you don’t feel the need to ask for any healing after the heated night. “Shall we start the day? As must as it’s shame to leave our secret garden behind for now, we should probably meet with our friends.”
  5031. “Hm.” Pear Plum nods as she puts her hat and glasses back on. “You’re right. Then… I guess that’s the end of our date, isn’t it?”
  5032. “Well, after all, a date must end so we may have another.” You state.
  5034. After Pear Plum grows one of those giant melons again for breakfast, you make it back to the busier streets of the capital on the back of the giant mare.
  5036. Since it’s still quite early, you decide to check at the library to search for a wait to change the magic of the tarot cards you bestowed to your friends before meeting them.
  5037. While you and Pear Plum find some literature about the use of tarot cards in magic, there’s no mention of your specific kind of spells. From the records you read, the fate magically predicted by the cards tends to stubbornly twists itself to befall on whoever tries to change it anyway. Hopefully, this won’t be true in your case.
  5038. Regardless, this research is quickly bringing you to a dead end since your particular bardic feats aren’t mentioned. Maybe you’ll have more luck asking your former head master directly if you pursue a path where you’ll meet him.
  5040. Aside from that, the only thing you could attempt would be to just draw another card for a mare that already has one. Surely the worst that could happen is nothing, right?
  5042. Anyway, you’ll be joining your friends and decide what to do next before any more research.
  5043. You manage to find the other giantesses easily enough, as they’ve chosen to share a coffee at the plaza, again in the establishment that has been providing adequately sized treats and seating to exceptionally large mares on Fen Flower’s impulse. They all seem in high spirits as you see them. While Fen Flower seems to be discussion with Silver Willow at the moment, Night Sprout is sitting next you alchemist friend, looking quite relaxed.
  5045. Aside from the usual greetings, you suppose it’s time you chose your next destination as adventurers.
  5046. You already told Pear Plum, Night Sprout, Fen Flower and Silver Willow about visiting your former school, and the four mares seemed up for it.
  5048. >A: Ask your friends if they’re ready to depart. At their size, halfling country might only be a couple days of walking away.
  5049. >B: Pitch the idea of bringing along Cloudbreacher too, and maybe Blackberry if she available. The more and bigger the mares the merrier!
  5050. >C: You feel like telling Fen Flower about Cloudbreacher coming could be problematic. Pretend that you wish to do some preparations on your own and go tell Cloubreacher to meet you at your former school on her own to avoid friction.
  5051. >D: Actually, that’ll all a bit boring. Maybe you should find a more exciting adventure to have with your friend after all. Discuss other possibilities with your friends.
  5053. “Lady Fen Flower! Lady Night Sprout! Lady Silver Willow!” You giddily greet your friends after you’ve been dropped on the table around which you giant friends are sitting. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again! How are you doing? Did your day together go well, my ladies.”
  5054. “Yeah! We had an awesome time! Right Night Sprout?” The fairy mare nods as Fen Flower speaks. “I’m so glad they could find enough ponies to handle both of us. They usually had to book the whole place already the few other times only I came around.”
  5055. “I’m so jealous of you two…” Silver playfully whines. “You should have told me about that massage parlour! If I had known they could service a pony my size, I would have treated myself there a couple times.”
  5056. “Sorry Silver.” Fen Flower chuckles. “I think a second goddess-sized customer would have overworked the poor team until recently.”
  5058. As they get into the details, it appears Fen Flower wanted to show Night Sprout the benefits of being large and in charge. The two mares spent the day being serviced by armies of smaller ponies that have been massaging them, prepared them delicious meals, and basically satisfied their whims like good little puppies. Fen Flower paid for everything.
  5060. While you talk, the question of what you will do next comes on the table. It’s pretty much OK for all your friends to go visit your school next, but as you start to get into the specifics, you can’t refrain from telling your friends about some impulsive invitation you gave out.
  5062. “… and I was thinking, that maybe lady Cloudbreacher could come with us.” You say.
  5063. “Wait, WHAT?!” Fen Flower’s smile vanishes after a second of stupor, the mere mention of the inquisitor’s name immediately making her shoot daggers at you. “Little Spoon, are you out of your mind? Why would you want this psycho bitch to tag along with us?! How is that even an idea?”
  5064. “W-well…!” You find yourself fidgeting on your hooves under the wrathful gaze of the giant mare. “After I lent her some help to catch that devil peddler, it sounded like she was appreciating the growth magic by the end of it, so I figured it could be nice to showcase her perspective to the students at my school too, so… I asked if there was a chance she’d come and she replied she would accept an invitation.”
  5066. “But she’s a stuck-up arsehole!” Fen Flower retorts. “I mean, if these students are anything like you Little Spoon, do you really think they’ll like having most the most sanctimonious, violent and probably prudish whore visiting them?”
  5067. “Little Spoon liked her enough to invite her.” Night Sprout interjects matter-of-factly, but she backs away slightly when an outraged Fen Flower turns to her.
  5068. “Really? You too now?” Fen Flower seethes “What did she do to you during that night, now? Did she convert the two of you to her bullshit cult or what?”
  5069. “She did nothing to us. She only fought the evil pony.” Night Sprout recounts. “She was impressive. And strong. And scary too. I was scared at first, but now I find her intriguing. She’s very different from us, and she’s not an enemy, so she’s a pony I’d like to learn more about.”
  5070. “Humf…” Fen Flower sighs. “Well, if you want to learn about horrible ponies, you’ll get that alright with Cloudbreacher…”
  5072. Then, Fen Flower turns to Silver Willow and Pear Plum.
  5073. “Hey! What about you two?” She barks. “Please don’t tell me you think this a good idea!”
  5074. “Well, I don’t know…” Silver replies a bit embarrassedly. “Honestly, I would have liked to trust Little Spoon’s instinct when he asked her to accompany us. Just the fact an inquisitor like her would consider saying yes to this makes me think it couldn’t be that bad. But if you feel so strongly against it Fen Flower, then we shouldn’t impose Cloundbreacher on you.”
  5075. “I-I couldn’t say either.” Pear Plum shakes her head. “I haven’t really met Cloudbreacher so I can’t tell how bad she is, but I’d rather avoid having that kind of animosity in our party…”
  5076. “Well, yeah, I’m definitely against it!” Fen Flower states. “Or… tell you what Little Spoon. That bitch would have to grovel in apology for what she told me, and then literally kiss my ass before I allow her anywhere near me again! Humf!”
  5078. >A: You got it. No Cloudbreacher. But you’re still gonna tell her that she can’t accompany you out of politeness before you go.
  5079. >B: An apology and literal ass-kissing? If that’s really what Fen Flower wants, you’ll pitch that to Cloudbreacher as a condition if she really wants to come.
  5080. >C: Doesn’t Fen Flower understand? When a pony like Cloudbreacher will be out of her sheltered, no-fun church, converting her to the sins of the flesh will be easy as pie, and a very fun thing to do.
  5082. “Alright, alright, I got it. Loud and clear lady Fen Flower.” You say. “Cloudbreacher won’t be coming to my school with us. Sorry to have bothered you with this.”
  5083. “Glad we’re on the same page again, Little Spoon.” Fen Flower nods with a little victorious smirk. “Now then, should we depart right away? I managed to clear my schedule at the shop, but still I’d rather not waste any time.”
  5084. “Well, first I’m still gonna inform lady Cloudbreacher that the invitation’s called off.” You say. “Just out of politeness, so there as little bad blood between us as possible.”
  5085. “Humf… I suppose that’s fair.” Fen Flower begrudgingly says. “Don’t mind if I wait here that you’re done.”
  5087. Eventually, it’s just Night Sprout that decides to accompany you to the church. Once there, you can enter the fortified holy building and ask a cleric to query for Cloudbreacher while the giant fairy stays outside. The inquisitor mare arrives a few minutes later, all 8’ of her.
  5088. “Hello lady Cloudbreacher.” You greet the tall pegasus mare as she approaches.
  5089. “Hello.” She replies, her face as emotionless and her voice as cold as ever. “Did you want to discuss something with me?”
  5090. “Well, I and my companions had a little talk, about whether you should accompany us to visit my school, and… well, sorry, but I don’t think I can follow up on that invitation. Lady Fen Flower is still feeling very offended about our first encounter, and she won’t accept travelling with you. Sorry about that.”
  5091. “I see. That’s not surprising.” Cloudbreacher says with a little nod. She doesn’t look like your words moved her much. “I appreciate that you took the time to inform me, bard Little Spoon. Now, I have nothing else to add to the matter. So if that’s all you had to say, I believe we’re done here.”
  5093. Should you ask something else to Cloudbreacher? You’re somehow still tempted to ask her to come to your school by her own means, or to tell her about Fen’s demands for a potential ‘apology’
  5095. >What do?
  5097. “Well, actually, let me just tell you where my former school is.” You say. “Even if you can’t come with us this time, perhaps you could try and persuade some students to join your church later on your own.”
  5098. “You don’t have to try and make amends.” Cloudbreacher replies. “Besides, I don’t think I can just arrive at stranger’s place and expect any kind of warm welcome.”
  5099. “But on the contrary, lady Cloudbreacher!” You exclaim. “Now, a little letter to let them know you’ll visit would be more courteous of course, but I assure that even if you come unannounced, my fellow bards will treat you with more than due respect as soon as they witness your stature.”
  5100. “My…? Oh.” You see the inquisitor mare do one slow blink as she understands. “Truly, how silly your fixation on height is in comparison with the amount of raw power it enables is baffling to me.”
  5101. “So… do you have any paper so I can leave you the directions?” You ask.
  5102. Cloudbreacher lets out a little sigh. “Let us fetch you some, yes.”
  5104. You accompany the mare to a nearby room with desks. After a quick discussion, another cleric provides you with a piece of scroll and a pencil.
  5105. “Since I’ll be travelling to my school soon, do you want me to tell them they should expect you someday?” You ask as you write.
  5106. “There’s no need.” The inquisitor mare who’s peeking over your shoulder imperceptibly shakes her head. “I’ll send a letter when the time is right.”
  5107. “As you wish my lady” You nod. “Also… actually, I didn’t mention it until now because I thought it was too much of a stretch, but lady Fen Flower told me she would have tolerated your presence if you… ahem, if you subjected yourself to a bit of a humiliating apology.”
  5109. “Well, she won’t have it.” Cloudbreacher replies. “Not even the apology part. I still see her as prone to accept the temptation of evil, and thus dangerous considering the sheer power she has, and by my vows she will hear it again no matter how many times she asks.”
  5110. “I see. I expected as much.” You nod as you finish writing the address. “Sorry about her and … sorry about bringing it up too now that I think about it. It’s rare to see her so vengeful…” You turn to Cloudbreacher again. “Do you… think that could be something I should be worried about? Should I be looking out for something?”
  5112. Cloudbreacher considers your question of a second, her piecing gaze locked on your own eyes in silence for a moment.
  5113. “Remember the peddler we fought?” The tall inquisitor mare starts. “This is one pony that gave in to temptation from evil. It is this choice that eventually made him capture all those ponies we saw on the boat, and what made it necessary for me to fell him. Had he not made that one choice, had he not made that one action that turned out to be irreparable, he could have lived peacefully with his peers, even though the evil in his heart would have remained unchanged. I’m not Smitin themselves, Little Spoon. I have no right to smite a pony simply because of what I think of them, and I believe this is how mortals like us must deal. In actions. I still believe there is evil your friend’s heart, Little Spoon, but as long as her actions are not, the only things I’ll be aggrieving her with shall be my honest words. In practice, this is the cutout, so if you want to protect Fen Flower from evil…”
  5114. Cloudbreacher leans her head closer to you, and slowly whispers the next few words. “…And from ponies like myself, what you should look out for as her friend is the times she might be tempted to act as a force of evil, and then do all you can to persuade her not to trot down that path.”
  5115. “Uhm… A-alright. I’ll do my best.” You reply, a bit stunned by the sudden lengthy sermon. “But… say, the first time we met, locking us in here and intimidating Fen Flower, wasn’t that taking action against her already?”
  5116. “That was within the realm of proportioned persuasion as far as I’m concerned.” The inquisitor mare replies, seemingly unphased by your sass. “We didn’t do anything to you while you were here, neither did we chase you when you broke your way out, did we?”
  5118. You left the paper with the directions to your school on the desk. And with that, you believe you’re done here.
  5120. >What do?
  5121. >Say something else to Cloudbreacher?
  5122. >Anything else you want to do in the capital before leaving?
  5123. >Are you ready to depart? Being regular provisions will be trivial and won’t cost much.
  5125. “Alright.” You nod after that exchange. “Well, thanks for hearing me out lady Cloudbreacher. I’ll be going then.”
  5126. “Safe travels, bard Little Spoon.” The tall Pegasus says as a boodbye.
  5128. While you walk toward the exit, you start to wonder if this was all a good idea. You do believe Cloudbreacher will try to recruit some bards into this cult, and there’s a non-null chance she may succeed. Should bards really be part of an organisation as strict and militaristic as hers? Wouldn’t bards bring more growth to the mares of this world by being as free as possible, or on the contrary should they get into even the most policed fields of society to propagate growth there?
  5129. It's hard to answer such questions for sure. Big mareithmetic can be a tricky flied of study. But anyway, you met a mare who wished to grow, and you help her get bigger. There’s a chance you may regret that one in the future, but in the present it felt right enough.
  5131. For some last preparations, a new pair of pants is in order. You think about getting some that are stretchy enough to survive a 100-feet mare pulling them off with her teeth, but on second thought, the prospect of such elastic pants snapping back on you after an immense force stretched them makes you realise that being shredded by an impatient and lusty giantess is probably the most honourable end a piece of cloth can meet.
  5133. >You get some comfortable pants for 5 gold.
  5135. After that, you start to look for protective gear. You can’t really wear any heavy plate, and the mithril stuff that’s both hard as steel and light as feathers is too expensive for you at this point. You’ll have to look for enchanted vests and cloaks if you want anything more than a gambeson. For now, you still have the legband Fen Flower gave you as a last resort defence. It will let you teleport in the warm and wet safety of the giant mare’s mouth once a day.
  5137. >You have 1097 gold
  5139. >For 20 gold: you can get a nicely fitted gambeson. It’s better than nothing against blades and arrows.
  5140. >For 800 gold: you may purchase an enchanted verst that protects you completely from either: fire, cold, lightning, diseases&poisons or acid
  5141. >For 500 gold: you may purchase an enchanted Chameleon’s cloak that mimic the shape and colour of surrounding material when immobile, hiding the pony or stuff behind it.
  5142. >For 300 gold: you may purchase an enchanted cloak of slow fall that one can effortlessly hang on to avoid any hard fall.
  5144. >Purchase anything?
  5146. The cloak of slow fall sounds like a useful tool for you. After all, each mare you meet might end up a high place you could fall from.
  5148. >You buy the cloak of slow fall
  5149. >You have 797 gold
  5151. “Lady Night Sprout.” You call your mare friend as you exit the shop. “I’ll be joining the rest of our friends now. See you there!”
  5152. And right at the end of your announcement, the giant fairy witnesses you vanishing into thin air.
  5154. A near-instant trip through the aether later, you reappear in a damp and dark place, and you hear the surprised hum of Fen Flower echo all around you.
  5155. Quick to understand what happened, the alchemist mare opens her mouth wide for you to get out, which is perfect for the stunt you prepared. Immediately, you run on the mare’s tongue and jump into the air.
  5157. “W-wait! Little Spoon!” Pear Plum has the time to exclaim while Fen Flower hurriedly tries to catch you with a hoof, but it takes you several seconds to smoothly glide down the 20’ separating you from it, and you land there as delicately as a dandelion seed under the confused looks of your friends.
  5158. “Hello again ladies.” You announce to the three big mares that were still waiting for you at the plaza. “I’m done preparing for the trip. Are we ready to go?”
  5159. “Ah… Looks like you got yourself something useful Little Spoon.” Fen Flower smiles. “The cape suits you by the way.”
  5160. “Thank you, my lady.” You reply as you turn to face her. “That way you can all be a little less worried when handling me too.”
  5162. Once Night Sprout has found you all again, you think it’s about time your group went on its way. And so, along a convoy of 4 large to gigantic mares, you start to flatten the roads a little more in the direction of the halfling hills. You expect to travel for the rest of this day and for about half of tomorrow to reach to your destination.
  5163. This would have been a two-weeks long journey for regular ponies on hooves, but your strides are on another level.
  5165. It’s summer and the weather is warm, but there’s a chance you may experience some light rain at some point as you travel through the plains around the pony capital and then in the halfling hills.
  5167. >What do?
  5168. >Who do you travel on this time?
  5169. >Anything you want to discuss in particular with Night Sprout, Pear Plum, Fen Flower or Silver Willow?
  5171. “Say, lady Fen Flower.” You speak loudly to make sure the biggest mare can hear you. “How about we make this trip even more trivial? Should I grow you to your full size, I’m sure we could reach our destination in half the time.”
  5172. “Mmh?” The giantess pouts. “I don’t really like being the pack mule of our group. You know that Little Spoon…”
  5173. “I’m aware, which is why I think it would be polite of me to sweeten the deal once more.”
  5175. To emphasize, you begin using your inspiration for a start, increasing the size and constitution of the mares present.
  5176. “When I say ‘grow you’, I do mean you could end up even bigger than you’ve ever been, lady Fen Flower.”
  5177. The mare lets out a playful sigh in response to the enticing offer.
  5178. “You know, one day that bargaining chip might not work on me anymore.” And there she looks back with a familiar excitement in her eye. “But that’s certainly not today. Come here you little piece of candy.”
  5179. Stopping in her tracs, Fen Flower offers you a hoof to climb on. From her back, the giantess brings you in front of her face.
  5181. “I know a good way to quickly get the size out of you Little Spoon.” You witness her toothy grin. “Say, it’s alright is your new cape gets wet, right?”
  5182. Without waiting for an answer, Fen Flower just puts you in her mouth again, and in there her tongue starts rubbing against you while you feel the giantess walk forward. You don’t play hard to get on this once, and greedily hump the slimy yet coarse muscle in the dark wetness of her maw. With each climax of yours, your living prison get a little roomier. A little more than you expected in fact. It appears Fen Flower’s card strengthened this part of the growth.
  5184. After eight times, your panting form is allowed to see the light of the sun again. As Fen Flower spits you on her hoof again, you see that already she has grown bigger than the rest of your companions, even though she’s still half her real size at the moment.
  5185. With a few strides, Fen Flower brings you to a little grove to the side of the rode.
  5187. “Just to pretend we’re not total perverts if somebody else come on the road.” Fen Flower comments with a mischievous smile while she positions you under her. This mare is used to manipulate the size of your dong to her needs at this point, and she’s aligning your shaft for a snug fit in her drenched marehood.
  5189. “I know you’re not lying to me when you say I might end up bigger than ever, so you’ve made me pretty excited already.” You inhale sharply as Fen Flower plunges you inside her, her tight walls on your magnified penis feeling as maddeningly good as ever. “I want to finish fast, Little Spoon. I want to grow bigger already!”
  5191. And indeed, you were both pretty heated up, and Fen Flower pumps you in and out of her with vigour from the get-go. Very soon you feel yourself and your partner getting close.
  5192. “Ah…!” Fen Flower’s moans build up in intensity. “Now’s the time to see how big you plan to make me today, Little Spoon! Give it to me… NOW!”
  5194. And so you give it all to Fen Flower.
  5195. As you both climax, the mare atop you grows bigger from having her limitation lifted. And bigger from the size you add from your magic.
  5196. “AaaAAHHH! YES!” Fen Flower howls in ecstasy. The mare lets herself fall on her back in her rapturous growth, her body crushing the measly trees under it. Your pretences at modesty fall apart past this point. You’re still buried inside the mare’s folds, and yet by the thickness of her body alone you’re getting way above the 20’ trees around.
  5197. The already giant mare doubles… wait, no, she must have tripled in size with your boost!
  5199. “Oh, Little Spoon…” The absolutely massive mare coos. “Look what you’ve done to me… I’m closer from becoming a goddess than ever. Mmmhhh…!”
  5200. Fen Flower arches her back to the sky in pleasure, her midsection looking like the whole ocean swelling in front of you, while her teats may be towering islands on it.
  5201. “Little Spoon… This isn’t enough!” The giantess calls needily. “I still feel so hot… I want to grow even more! Come on, one more time. I want to feel that rush again. Give me everything Little Spoon! Grow me MORE!”
  5203. With a hoof, the mare starts to rapidly thrust you in and out of her again. In the flurry of sights and feelings, you also see that Fen Flower prepares herself to use her flask.
  5205. >What do?
  5206. >Surrender the rest of your growth pool Fen Flower?
  5208. >You have 9’ left in your growth pool.
  5209. >You grew Fen Flower 19', that were tripled by the effect of her card
  5211. It is extremely hard not to surrender the rest of the growth you have in store to Fen Flower right here and now.
  5212. She’s a titaness to this world already, her body having reached dimensions more appropriate to landscapes than ponies. To satisfy Fen Flower, you’re attached to a penis that is ridiculously oversized compared to you. Had your crotch been glued to the dungeon of a castle, you would have looked just as silly. And yet, to Fen Flower, this is just an adequately-sized toy, much like an actual castle would be a playset she could topple over with a push of the hoof.
  5214. As if this situation wasn’t pushing all your buttons by now, despite being an anomaly from how gigantic she is already, Fen Flower’s just as hungry for size as the first day, and only enjoys her ascension more intensely the more she grows. You wish you could make her grow like this every time the two of you rolled in the hay, her feverish pleads for more size ringing more urgent to your ears than the cries of any damsel in distress.
  5215. But, No. Even as you feel your climax grow near, you steel your resolve. So you may grow a mare tomorrow, you have to restrain yourself from growing one today. More than you already did at least.
  5217. “Little Spoon…” Fen Flower moans. “I’m about… I’m about to get bigger again! Please give me more!”
  5218. Or… maybe just a tiny bit…
  5220. When you feel the mare get over the edge, you decide to add a foot of your reserve to her size, which adds to the boost of the flask she drinks at the same time.
  5221. The titanic mare grows once more in a cry of orgasmic bliss. The ent-like features she gains from the tonic seem almost forgettable to you, compared to the marvel of Fen Flower overcoming the 200 feet mark. Both these thoughts and the feeling of Fen Flower’s body around your augmented protuberance send you in a rapturous orgasm yourself.
  5223. Once your climax stars receding, a tendril of plant comes to pluck you off Fen Flower’s crotch. Every part of you becomes normal-sized again so you can be transported toward the mare’s face, and Fen Flower is so large this is a little voyage of its own. 20 feet over the ground, you move at the side of Fen’s body, around her spectacular thighs, near her slim and toned midsection that’s still wider than nearby trees are tall, then her chest that is rising with each of her heated breath, and finally next to her monumental head. Her auburn mane covers everything on the ground for half-an-acre around.
  5224. “Ah… Mmmh…” For a while, Fen Flower just pants heavily as she basks in the afterglow of sex and growth, but then, she turns her head so the gaze of her lake-sized eyes may meet yours. “Oh, Little Spoon… That felt so good. Are you sure there isn’t anything else I could do to grow bigger? Right now, I feel ready to do anything for more…”
  5226. “Come on, lady Fen Flower.” You try to assert yourself in front of the mare to whom you’re barely bigger than a bug. “You promised to carry us if I grew you. Besides, it’s really gonna be a short trip at the size you’ve reached.”
  5227. “Mmmh… are you sure you want me to do some boring walking at this size?” She shows you a playful pout. Her plump lips are thicker than you’re tall. “Really, you have a goddess of a mare like me in front of your eyes, Little Spoon, and all you can think about is how handy she is to carry you around?”
  5229. >A: Fen Flower will be almost this big whenever she wishes from now on, so there’ll be plenty of occasions to have more supersized fun. Should she need any more convincing, you’re sure the students and teachers from your school will shower Fen Flower with the devotion she deserves.
  5230. >B: Actually, about growing Fen Flower even more… Could there be an item of your bucket list she could go after? [Input bucket item you may want to try clearing. See:]
  5231. >C: Ask the other mares to keep traveling toward your school on their own. You’ll catch up, but you have a big date that you urgently need to schedule right now.
  5233. >In a certain wine-making hamlet, a certain farmer mare suddenly turned into a giantess this afternoon.
  5234. >In the middle of interrogating another ruffian, a certain halfling rogue mare suddenly found herself hulking a foot higher over her prey.
  5236. Unfortunately, your brain can’t think of any reasonable way of achieving any of the items from the bucket list on a short notice. Your head being filled with thoughts of hugging Fen Flower’s pony-sized nipple or of her growing big enough to crush the capital with a teat don’t help in devising a plan either. You’ll probably have to wait for another time.
  5238. “Lady Fen Flower, you’re so huge…” You can’t refrain from marvelling at her. “If I held your hoof, would I die?”
  5239. “If you held my hoof?” Fen Flower smirks. “I don’t think so. If I tried to hold yours, though…” To Illustrate, the mare heaves her two building-sized cloppers in front of you, holding her frogs together so her hooves seem to form a neatly chiselled chasm in front of you. These are big enough you could live on her sole, but when she clamps them together, the loud and reverberating sound make it clear that whatever stood on her walls would have been flattened to smithereens.
  5241. “Y-you’re a big mare.”
  5243. “Finally, I am.” And the alchemist mare seems supremely delighted about it. “Which is why I think we should do something special. Come on Little Spoon. You can’t peel your eyes off me right now…”
  5244. “Of course I can’t.” You reply to her tease. “Which is why I want to share this sight with the ponies that will appreciate it the most. Also, my headmaster told me he had something special to share with me in his invitation. Who knows… He might want to let me in on some secret growth magic.”
  5245. “Really?” You see the mare’s eyes go wider. “Mmh… I didn’t know that. In that case…” The titanic mare starts to rise on her hooves. “Let’s go. To the halfling hills! …or the halfling bumps compared to me I’d wager, haha!”
  5247. You join you friends that were still around the road shortly after. I was a bit rude to leave them here while you had some extra hot growing sex with Fen Flower, but how utterly gigantic the mare has become makes them forget about it while they climb on her back.
  5248. Over the plains, then over the hills, you travel like the wind on Fen Flower who shrunk to ‘only’ 160’ tall once the effect of her flask and the short-lived one of your Gift of the Bard have winded down. At this pace, you’ll reach your destination by nightfall
  5249. Usually, you wouldn’t encounter than many ponies on a single day of travel, but you’re so fast and covering so much distance that you pass many other groups of travellers that may as well be immobile compared to the giant alchemist’s speed.
  5251. You even encounter a couple of particular situations. While a bit out of the ordinary, those are much less so than the mere existence of Fen Flower at her current size, though, and probably won’t take long to resolve if you get involved, so what will you do of it?
  5253. While still within the pony plains, you witness a strange scene as you approach a group on the road. As you come closer, 5 pegasus suddenly fly away. When you ask the middle-aged unicorn that remained on the road about it, first he needs to pick up his jaw from the sight of your companion, and then her tells you those pegasus were bandits that tried to rob him, but fled at your sight. The tiny criminals are still visible to you, and they seem to be retreating toward a little forest away from the road.
  5255. >A1: Well, you scared the bandits now, so all is well. Wish safe travels to the unicorn.
  5256. >B1: Go catch those bandits and demand they surrender all their loot to you.
  5257. >C1: Follow the bandits to their lair, and let Fen Flower trample their camp, and whoever of them that’s too slow to not get out of the way. That should teach them a lesson.
  5259. In the halfling hills, you encounter a couple of mares that are stranded on the side of the road. They were pulling a cart filled with 12 big barrels of fruit juice, but broke a wheel on the way, or so they tell you after accepting the fact Fen Flower isn’t gonna trample them or their precious cargo. They were wondering how do deal with this before the earth-shaking stomps of your friend made them panic a little.
  5261. >A2: Pear Plum could almost certainly use her magic to create a replacement for the broken wheel. That’ll only take a minute.
  5262. >B2: These gals’ destination is minutes away at your size. Fen Flower can carry them home and their load with little effort and time.
  5263. >C2: Would these mares accept selling the juice to you and your friends for a delicious little break? That way they won’t need to worry about their shipment. It will cost you 60 golds.
  5265. While Fen Flower sits to allow you all to climb down, the young colts come out of the school to marvel at the four giantesses, and soon a few of them even dare introduce themselves to the intimidatingly big and beautiful mares.
  5267. Meanwhile, headmaster Ticklebug comes to talk to you. The halfling is still steady on his hooves despite his age. He wears a comfortable-looking tunic, and a green beret covers his grey mane. The long moustache atop his lightly mischievous smile is as well-kept as ever. His instrument, a drum as thick as his torso hangs on his side like it always did in your memories.
  5268. “Greetings, Little Spoon. I hope you had a pleasant trip.” He starts. “And let me first say, thank you, thank you very much for coming. I didn’t think I was ever going to witness a mare as big as your friend, but when I felt her steps rattle my old bones even before I saw her, I knew I was about to witness something out of this world. Correct me if I’m wrong, but she’s even bigger than she was in the stories I heard. Much bigger. Did you manage to grow lady Fen Flower even more recently?”
  5269. “I very much did.” You nod, feeling a bit flattered as you see genuine admiration in the eyes of your former teacher.
  5270. “Then, what I said about you having outclassed everypony in our humble school in my letter is all the truer.” The old halfling bows his head to you. “It is an honour that you and your friends accepted to bless up with your presence. We’ll do our best to make your stay as comfortable as possible. Make yourselves at home, and ask about anything you may need. We’ll do our best to answer.”
  5272. Meanwhile, the admiration of the students gets the better of their shyness, and some spontaneously start to gush over your friends and how big they are, Silver politely thanks them for the compliments, Fen Flower seems the most pleased about this situation, Night Sprout considers the colts with curiosity, and Pear Plum is a little bit embarrassed but not to the point she’s uncomfortable.
  5273. You also see the headmaster’s wife, lady Moonscratcher. The 9’ unicorn has a talent for changing the size of objects with her magic, and today she’s in for a big workout with your companion. Right now, she has taken it in on herself to grow some pillows so you friends may have somewhere comfortable to sit.
  5274. Ticklebug tells you the rest of the teachers are preparing dinner for everypony right now.
  5276. Now, aside from catching up with Ticklebug about how things have been going at the school, what should you.
  5278. >A: Now that you’ve come, what does Ticklebug expects you to do to motivate the students exactly?
  5279. >B: In the letter, there was a mention of something Ticklebug wanted to reveal to you in person. You’re very curious about that actually...
  5280. >C: For now, join your friends into narrating your adventures to the students. Inspiring the next generation of bards starts now!
  5281. >D: Go help Moonscratcher with the preparation. She might need a bit of a boost too.
  5283. “Looks like the students can’t resist my friends’ charms.” You comment. “But they all look quite plucky already, master Ticklebug. What more do you have in mind to motivate them? I mean, aside from showcasing my spells, recounting our adventures and answering their questions?”
  5284. “Well, I would be very thankful already if you did all of that.” The old halfling nods, and from here he keeps his voice a little lower. “Now… I’ll let you be the judge of how indecent this request is, but for some of our students, the concept of a sensually appealing giant mare has been only theorical until now. Bad taste is a plague of the youth, and many of these colts don’t even acknowledge the grace of lady Moonscratcher.”
  5286. You can’t help but to take a glance at the headmaster’s wife. Despite her age and the wrinkles at the corner of her eyes and mouth, a tasteful combo of an elegant blue dress, an elaborate manedo and colourful make up highlight the svelteness of the mare’s body and the elegance of her moves.
  5287. “Fools. All of them.” Ticklebug speaks while looking fondly at the unicorn. “But anyway, your companions are certainly awakening desire in the heart of all our students. If any of your friends are comfortable with it, I wish they kindled that flame as much as they can. Tease these students. Give them a peek. Make their imagination go wild. I wish for these aspiring bards to be as thirsty for big mares as equinely possible, so they shall strive to embiggen their own future mare companions to the sizes they witness today and beyond. And don’t worry, just like you when you studied here, these students are adults. Young, inexperienced ones, but legally adults.”
  5289. “I see…” You nod. “I’ll have a word with my friends about that. But first, let’s provide a helping tune to lady Moonscratcher. Or… do you want to do it yourslf master Ticklebug?”
  5290. “Your magic is stronger than mine.” The old halfling shakes his head. “If you accept, I’d love to witness the skills you’ve honed through your adventures.”
  5291. “As you wish.” You nod.
  5293. Then, you use you inspiration on lady Moonscratcher. While she was enchanting some pillows to make then big enough for your mare friends to comfortably sit on, the unicorn grows 4 feet bigger.
  5294. “Ah, thank you Little Spoon!” The older mare reacts by showing you a content smile. “But now, if I want to have a chance to make something big enough for Fen Flower, I’m gonna have to go all out!”
  5296. On that, the old unicorn braces herself before spontaneously doubling in size, and with that new size she’s slowly making one pillow big enough that even Fen Flower may use it. That’ll probably require to make it as large as the school’s main building.
  5297. You remember witnessing Moonscratcher suddenly growing like that while you were studying here sometimes. With the experience you have now, you can deduce what is the origin of this ability.
  5299. Ticklebug lets out a longing sigh at the growth of his wife, and shamelessly performs the antique bard technique of walking under Moonscratcher’s dress and looking up. While keeping up her spell, the unicorn reacts by carefully sitting down on the old pony while both giggle like teen lovers.
  5300. You suppose you should leave these two enjoy themselves for the time being.
  5302. For now, it’s mostly Fen Flower that’s that talking to a fascinated audience of young halflings, openly bragging about her recent discoveries on potions and her successful business. You could talk to your other companions without interrupting the alchemist mare.
  5304. >What do?
  5306. You were curious about it, but after taking a good look at the students, there doesn’t seem to be any mare among them. There weren’t any either while you were studying here, but you remember you had been curious about whether female bards of your particular specialty existed, and asked Ticklebug about it at the time.
  5307. While possible, such mares are definitely a rarity, as they would need to lust for bigger mares only, and to do so in a way that is more akin of the typically male way of feeling desire, regardless of whether such dispositions are intrinsic or come from one’s upbringing. In any cases, Ticklebug told you such mares wouldn’t be able to grow themselves or even to be grown by another bard’s magic, for it is lust for bigger mares that fuels the magic of your songs, and growing bigger defeats that purpose.
  5309. About the colts you see in front of your eyes, you’d wager the students know a weaker form of the bardic inspiration you use. This is the primary way of growing mares that is taught here, and you remember during your time that you learnt the spell itself early during the cursus, but that it would only grow a mare an inch at first. It’s as you learnt to focus your feelings and lust about big mares that you progressively managed to perform the proper inspiration. From a certain point, when a bard’s inspiration is potent enough to grow a mare 2 feet taller, the rest has to come with field experience. At this point, it’s a life of adventures that usually begins for a greenhorn bard.
  5311. But now you’re also curious about the level of skill of old Ticklebug. Lady Moonscratcher looked impressively tall to you in the past, but since then you’ve grown much, MUCH bigger mares. You have no trouble believing your old master when he tells you that you surpassed him. He probably has more theorical knowledge than you still, but when it comes to practice, it’s almost certain you have more power than he does. After all, for a mare Ticklebug committed himself to, Moonscratcher isn’t that big of a mare. Yet, you believe he has given her a tarot card from what you saw. That’s probably the best Ticklebug can do.
  5313. Anyway, for now Fen Flower is still talking about her business to the students. You’re starting to think she might want to recruit the whole class of bards into her company.
  5314. For travelling purposes, all your friends have made sure to alleviate the burden of their udders. Which is great for later teasing purposes. You remember Silver Willow telling you she used to let her bosom get progressively more apparent at the time when she was at fancy but boring social gatherings. Frankly, the noble mare might be the more experienced when it comes to tasteful and efficient teasing. Maybe she could use her card to claim Fen Flower’s height for tonight, as long as the alchemist mare accepts. You ought to talk to them about that.
  5316. Also, Old Ticklebug clearly talked to you about the rawer seduction a big mare could exercise on a pony, but maybe you could also to engage the students in different ways. A big hug from a gentle mare like Pear Plum could certainly trigger another kind of yearning for giantesses.
  5317. Same for Night Sprout, but in her case you’re not sure how she would understand this. She might be attracted to you, but you’re not sure she knows how to be seductive on command, of if she’d like to do it with other ponies. On the other hoof, her exoticness might be something enticing to showcase to the future bards, so maybe you could guide her into doing something nice.
  5319. There are 19 students right now, and that’s probably all of them. Also, you notice lady Baked Buns, the cook-lady of the school, coming out of the building with a huge trail of food. The stocky halfling mare brings steamed carrots and potatoes, spinach soup, a big pile of bread and spreads of olive and eggplants. Moonscratcher will probably supersize that for your friends too.
  5321. >A: Attempt to discreetly grow Silver Willow using your gift of bard before anything else.
  5322. >B: Try to convince Fen Flower to let Silver Borrow her size for the rest of the evening. Isn’t she tired after this day of traveling on hoof?
  5323. >C: Talk to Pear Plum. See if she’d like to help steer these students toward a path of love and gentleness.
  5324. >D: Discuss what Night Sprout could do with the students with her.
  5326. When it comes to teasing, Silver Willow is definitely the expert. You better tell her about this first.
  5328. “Lady Silver Willow. May I talk to you about something?” Your friend perks up as you poke her leg, and she brings her head closer so you may whisper in her ear. “Headmaster Ticklebug told me he wished you large mares used your charms to really rile these students up. Their chests need to be filled with desire so they may sing the purest songs of growth. So, would you mind using your appeal and charm to give them a taste of the sensual power of a true giantess like yourself?”
  5329. “Mmh… they’re a little too inexperienced for my tastes, to tell you the truth.” She fakes a pout, before showing you a smile. “But if it’s for pedagogic purposes, you can count on me to give them a good show. You better believe I’ll be haunting their dreams for months, Little Spoon.”
  5330. “Oh, that you will.” You smirk back to the big and sexy mare. “Especially once I make you even bigger than you’re now. While Fen Flower has their attention, do you mind if we have a bit of fun?”
  5331. “It’s been barely an hour since we arrived at your school, and already we’re doing something sinful?” She chuckles, and softly kisses the side of your face. “How naughty Little Spoon… I’d love too.”
  5333. You and your friend quietly move behind the school to get down to business. After smothering your face with a couple kisses, Silver Willow presents you her deliciously plump rump and wet marehood that you eagerly start to rut.
  5335. “Aah…” Silver moans as your arousal mounts. “I’m so glad you found a way to bypass the effect of my card Little Spoon. It’s so much easier to have you ready whenever we want!”
  5337. Well, actually… You didn’t. Yet.
  5338. Those are your last thoughts as you erupt inside lady Silver Willow, and that your energy is sapped to feed the mare’s size.

Witch Quest (MMP)

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Bard Quest MMP CYOA

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Bard Quest MMP CYOA : intermission

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Witch Quest MMP CYOA + prompts

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Milky Way /mmp/ story

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