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Cath's Initiation

By ffanon
Created: 2023-02-14 23:51:16
Updated: 2024-11-04 03:41:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >I enter the dimly lit room and see a white mare spread-eagle tied to the table
  2. >She looks up at me in fear
  3. >"W-who are you? I'm not a slave, you have to let me go!"
  4. >I ignore her and walk over to the furnace and push the coals around with a poker
  5. >"Hello? Please, I don't belong here"
  6. >I turn and face her with a smile
  7. "If you aren't a slave then why were you being sold at the auction today? You were listed as a criminal who was charged with murder."
  8. >Her eyes go wide when I mention her being a criminal
  9. >"That's not true! He was an evil stallion and I did what I had to do!
  10. >I put my hand up for her to stop
  11. "You are my slave now, don't make this harder than it needs to be"
  12. >She actually stays quiet for a moment but becomes agitated as I approach
  13. >"What are you going to do?"
  14. >I chuckle matter of factly
  15. "I need to inspect you, duh"
  16. >She blushes angrily and pulls at the rope binding her
  17. >"Your thugs already did..."
  18. >She trails off and looks flustered
  19. "Yes, so I've been told. But they don't have the eye for the finer details."
  20. >I place my hands around her rear hooves and examine the sole and frog. Both hooves seem to be in relatively good shape
  21. >I give a nice poke which elicits a yip from the white mare
  22. "Sensitive down here? Normally that's not the case."
  23. >I move on to her rear legs and rub my hands around checking for any injuries or deformities
  24. >She's looking up at me, face red as a beat
  25. "I can assure you this is all necessary, we won't be too much longer"
  26. >She looks at me quite serious
  27. >"Yes, I killed a stallion but that's because he murdered my father and tried to rape me!"
  28. >I continue to check her rear legs while listening
  29. >I nod my head and move to her forelegs and forehooves
  30. >"The town council didn't believe me when told them what happened..."
  31. >Yup, these hooves look good as I think to myself
  32. >She starts to tear up at this part of the story
  33. >I give her a pat on the head as she sniffles
  34. "Go on, I'm listening. Next I'm going to inspect your torso, this might tickle slightly."
  35. >She regains her bearings
  36. >"Okay...well the stallion was the Mayor's son and they sent guards after me when they realized I had fled the town"
  37. >She grunts as I poke into her armpits
  38. >I check her heartbeat next, it's fast but that's to be expected
  39. "Fascinating, please do continue"
  40. >She looks almost relieved to get all of this off of her chest
  41. >"Well next thing I know I was wandering around in the forest when I came across a campfire. I was so hungry and could smell something cooking..."
  42. >She trails off again with a grimace
  43. >I inspect her navel, judging by the smell or lack thereof, she hasn't been a runaway for too long
  44. "Oh, I forgot to ask. What's your name? You may call me Anon."
  45. >She trips on her words for a moment
  46. >"Cath, just Cath."
  47. "Alright Cath, so far so good, we're almost done"
  48. >"Okay, and can you remove the rope please? It's uncomfortable"
  49. "Right now we need those on, but I promise we can unbind you later."
  50. >She kind of just shrugs as she was hoping for a better answer but she knew it could have been worse
  51. "What happened at the campfire? Oh, and I'm going to check your head and mane now. Need you to open your mouth wide for me"
  52. >Reluctantly Cath opens her mouth
  53. >"Ah"
  54. >Her breath is awful but her teeth and the inside of her mouth are healthy
  55. >I move onto checking her eyes
  56. >" at the camp, I was greeted by a small group of stallions and they shared their food with me. I was worried they might try to rape me but I was so hungry I just had to risk it."
  57. >I start to comb through her golden mane looking for any signs of lice
  58. >"But they were welcoming and even offered me some of their tomato soup"
  59. "Sounds yummy"
  60. >I continue to check her mane carefully
  61. >"It was the best soup I ever had. They let me stay at their camp for the night even after I told them my story. But when I woke up..."
  62. >She grits her teeth in anger as a tear slides down her cheek
  63. "Cath, how do your wings feel?"
  64. >Breaking her concentration she looks confused
  65. >"Wings?"
  66. "You know, those things you flap around with. You are a pegasus are you not?"
  67. >"Oh! Um... they're kinda cramped up. Seeing as I'm tied to a table against my will."
  68. >Disregarding her comment I reach behind her back and gently feel the areas I can get to
  69. "I'll look at them in more detail later once you are off the table"
  70. >Her face brightens up at that
  71. "So what happened when you woke up?"
  72. >I walk over to the furnace and push the coals around some more with the poker
  73. >"It was terrible...I woke up in a cage next to other ponies, mostly mares and even foals...they were so dirty looking. Some of them were crying. Some were defecating..."
  74. >She trembles as she remembers everything that happened
  75. "That's definitely an unpleasant situation to wake up to."
  76. >I walk back over to the table and inspect the inside of her ears
  77. >She flinches at first but she's already getting used to my touch
  78. "Don't be alarmed I'm just checking your ears, you may continue."
  79. >"Well...I tried asking what was going on but no pony would talk to me. It's like they were afraid of me."
  80. >I nod my head at her
  81. >"Turns out the stallions at the camp were a bunch of scoundrels and sold me off as a slave. They also said I was a murderer..."
  82. >She starts to cry
  83. "Cath, this next part is going to be a little personal. I'll need you to remain calm."
  84. >That gets her attention as she finishes up sniffling
  85. >"W-what do you mean?"
  86. >I bring my face down to eye level directly in front of her marehood
  87. >With limited mobility she looks down to try and see what I'm doing
  88. >I take both my index and middle fingers on both hands and try to pry open her lips
  89. >She fails about furiously
  90. >"What the hay are you doing! Get your filthy paws off of me!"
  91. >I sigh and stand up
  92. >She's practically snarling and sending her best death glare my way
  93. "I know it's your first day as my slave but you should be more careful to mind your manners"
  94. >I tighten the rope bindings which flattens her to the table
  95. >"You bastard, let me go!"
  96. "I wanted to do this in a civilized fashion, oh well."
  97. >I pull out a ball gag from my coat pocket and walk around the table towards her head
  98. >"I'll kill you! You damn mon-"
  99. >I grab her head firmly from behind and shove the gag in her mouth
  100. >Her eyes go wide as she tries to scream into the gag
  101. >I fasten it around her head and go back around to the other side of the table
  102. >I bend down and resume my analysis
  103. >I'm met with some resistance on her walls
  104. >But Cath unable to do more than a slight wiggle so I'm able to look inside without too much trouble
  105. >I stick my index finger inside and probe around
  106. >Cath grunts defiantly but I take my finger out after a couple moments
  107. "Alright, everything looks good there. And now the anus check."
  108. >She's looking down at me like an enraged bull. I'm finding her murder story quite believable.
  109. >Without further delay I take a look at her puckered up anus. She tries to move her tail but it's been caught under her leg since I tightened the bindings
  110. >I try prying it open with my fingers but it's not budging
  111. "Cath, I need you to open up for me. I am just checking to make sure you are healthy"
  112. >She tries to say something but she can't
  113. "If I take your gag off will you behave?"
  114. >The fire in her eyes subdues for a second or two and she nods at me
  115. >I walk around the table and remove the gag
  116. >With tears in her eyes she looks at me with controlled rage but doesn't say anything
  117. >I walk back around the table and resume the task at hand
  118. >I rub my finger on the outside of her ponut. White, puffy and firm.
  119. >She's clenching her teeth as I poke and prod
  120. "Alright I need to take a quick peek inside"
  121. >She's looks away from me as I slowly spread her open with my fingers
  122. >She grunts awkwardly as I do this
  123. "Looks clean, just need to feel inside for a moment"
  124. >"Just make it quick..."
  125. >I slowly stick my middle finger inside which brings out a moan from Cath
  126. >I continue to examine the inside with my finger for a little longer drawing a few more moans and grunts from her
  127. "And done"
  128. >Pulling out my finger I walk over to a bucket with soapy water and thoroughly wash my hands
  129. >"Like done, done?"
  130. "Well no. That was just the health exam. Congrats Cath you passed."
  131. >"Can you please untie me from the table now? I'm really starting to ache"
  132. >Well at least she's showing better manners now
  133. "Like I said, I will later. And for this next step, I'll need to put the gag back on you."
  134. >Her temper flares up again
  135. >"Look, I'm tired of playing these games. Let me go already, I'm not your slave!"
  136. >Well so much for the manners
  137. >She tries to move her head around when I go to put the gag back on her
  138. >Eventually I'm able to get a grasp and put it her mouth
  139. >She's looking at me with pure poison, if she wasn't bound I'm certain she would try to end me
  140. "Cath, what did I say about manners?"
  141. >I walk over to the furnace, the coals are burning brightly
  142. >Laying inside is my branding iron, a small smirk creeps along my face as I grab the warm handle
  143. >All of my slaves are marked on their first day, Cath will be no exception.
  144. >As I take the hot iron out of the furnace, Cath's previous look of animosity is now one of horror
  145. >I turn around and walk over to the table, iron in hand
  146. >Her eyes go wide as she tries screaming into the gag, but I do not slow my advance
  147. >Now standing at the edge of the table, I look down at where I am going to mark
  148. >Cath is frantically bobbing her head around but she can't move anything else
  149. "This is going to sting, just a tad"
  150. >I bring the iron down slowly. Aiming below her navel but above her teats
  151. >I frown internally for a second when I realize I forgot to check her teats. It will have to wait.
  152. >Her eyes almost bulge out of her head as the iron makes contact
  153. >Amongst muffled screams and wailing, hair evaporates and skin sizzles
  154. >I count to three and then remove the iron
  155. >The shape of a question mark is now branded onto Cath and I can't help but smile at my handiwork
  156. >She's bawling her eyes out, most usually do
  157. >I sit the iron down next to the furnace and face Cath
  158. "Your initiation is complete. I'll have somepony fetch you supper in a couple hours. Until then, sit tight."
  159. >Tearful eyes look at me pleadingly but the gag prevents her from verbally begging
  160. >I give her a wave goodbye as I leave the room, locking the door behind me.

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