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Celestial Hypnosis

By Slippery_Slope
Created: 2023-02-15 23:14:44
Updated: 2023-10-01 22:30:30
Expiry: Never

  1. "...four, almost there, feeling more and more alert now..."
  2. "Five, fully awake, feeling refreshed and fully aware as you emerge out of trance."
  3. >Celestia yawns and stretches her arms wide
  4. >"Hhhhh... Master, did you hypnotize me again?"
  5. "I sure did. How are you feeling, Celestia?"
  6. >"Goooood..."
  7. >She shudders in pleasure
  8. >"Why did you stop? Put me back under."
  9. "It's morning, Celestia. I had to wake you for day court."
  10. >She whines. "No, I don't wanna. Put me back under."
  11. >After weeks of training and mindless obedience, her mannerisms have evidently regressed
  12. "You have to, Celestia. The ponies need their princess."
  13. >She flops to the ground. "But I need youuuuu~"
  14. *sigh*
  15. "Alright, Celestia, look into my eyes. *Focused sun*."
  16. >Her eyes lightly glaze over. "I listen and obey."
  17. "Very good. Celestia, you love being like this, don't you?"
  18. >"Yes, Masterrrr."
  19. "But what do you think would happen if the ponies saw you like this?"
  20. >"N-nnngh..."
  21. "They wouldn't like it very much, would they?"
  22. >"N-no, Master..."
  23. "That's right. We can... convince them to accept this, but it will take time. For now, I need you to be patient."
  24. >"Patience..."
  25. "That's right. Our little secret."
  26. >"Secret..."
  27. "Can you do that for me, Celestia? One more normal day court, just like yesterday."
  28. >"B-but-"
  29. "Shhh. What do good girls do?"
  30. >The words escape like clockwork. "Good girls obey their Masters."
  31. "Good girl. Now, are you ready for day court?"
  32. >"Yes, Master..."
  33. "Very good girl. Out of trance now." *snap*
  34. >She only has a moment to adjust before you give another trigger
  35. "*Solar strings*."
  36. >Immediately, her body freezes limply in place, ready for commands
  37. "Chin up, confident. Good. Smile. Good. Legs straight. Good. Feel your voice becoming wiser, more mature again. Good."
  38. >You pick up the crown on her bed and place it over her head
  39. "Remember what it means to be a princess, Celestia. Let your memories of a thousand years wash over you again. Ready? Nod."
  40. >She nods.
  41. "Release." The command to end all current triggers.
  42. >Her body is hers again. She stretches some more, then brings a hoof near her face, observing
  43. >"You know, it feels odd. Half my mind wants to go back to ten minutes ago and the other half feels right at home now. I can't tell which half feels more familiar."
  44. >It looks like she's back to normal. Nice.
  45. "It almost feels odd seeing you like this when I know you're still com-plete-ly o-be-dient."
  46. >You give her a sly grin
  47. >She grins back. "Don't I get a reward for being such a... good girl?"
  48. "How about this? Every time you feel the need to regress, and you resist the urge, feel a tingle of pleasure shoot through you. Just enough to feel good but not enough for anypony else to notice. And yes, that's a command."
  49. >"How mischievous. It will be done..." she winks. "Master."
  50. >And she's off and out the door, with the rest of the palace none the wiser

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