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The Lunar Experience

By Slippery_Slope
Created: 2023-04-21 01:53:26
Updated: 2023-05-01 21:20:35
Expiry: Never

  2. The flag of the Solar Empire hangs over your bed.
  4. In the dingy little hotel room you’ve found yourself staying at, it provides a nice contrast to the muted beige and white tones of the walls and decor. Your eyes trace the flag’s brilliant yellows and reds, Celestia’s familiar sun emblazoned in the middle, enveloped by a pair of commanding wings.
  6. Though fictional, the flag still gives you an odd sense of pride. It radiates power, personality… perfection. Even in the dead of night, it makes you feel just a bit more awake and alert, maybe even ready to take on the world.
  8. Yeah, it feels pretty good knowing Celestia is Best Princess.
  10. There’s a small tightness in your gut, and you feel the urge to pace around, do *something*. Perhaps you feel a vague sense of lingering inspiration and don’t quite know where to direct the energy.
  12. As you wander around your dingy little room, your eyes glance at the door. You approach it, open it, and peer left and right down the long hallway. Gingerly, you step outside and quietly close the door behind you. You decide to go for a walk.
  14. At night, the convention hotel is mostly quiet. As you pass by the balconies overlooking the main foyer, you glance at the illuminated tables. Not six hours ago, they were packed with all sorts of booths and merch and guests, but now lay cleaned awaiting the next day. In the distance, you can hear the sounds of a few remaining room parties, and briefly wish you’d brought a friend. Down the stairs you go, circling each floor of the convention hotel. It feels oddly captivating navigating such a large space without another soul in sight. As much as you hate to admit it, you find yourself enjoying the nighttime peace.
  16. While lost in your thoughts, you round a corner somewhere on the third floor and stop. There’s a door that’s just a little open, and a soft blue light emanates from inside. Curious, you walk up to it and look around cautiously before chancing a peek inside. It looks like no one’s home. Your better judgment tells you to ignore it and keep walking… but surely a brief look couldn’t hurt? Not like you’d be super duper intruding or anything (or at least you hope not). With some trepidation, you open the door further and step inside.
  18. What you find inside stops your breath.
  20. The blue light seems to come from an unknown source in every direction. The ambience is dark, calming, relaxing on the eyes. A star projector decorates the ceiling in a kaleidoscope of dots. The bedsheets have a satin texture, and are adorned with an intricate stitching of silver and navy blue threads. The pillows are plump and inviting. You breathe in and smell soft lavender from flickering candles. A crystal lamp, as if powered by magic, casts a gentle glow across the room.
  22. It makes sense, then, that the room is cluttered with a variety of Princess Luna memorabilia. There are Princess Luna plushies and mugs and posters and prints, most of which you recall seeing in the vendor hall. You press your lips together into a sort of ironic smile—Luna has always been the most popular of all the princesses, to your displeasure, and you suppose it makes sense she’d have a lot of devoted superfans like this.
  24. Still, the aesthetic seems a cut above anything else you’ve ever seen. It doesn’t play to your solar supremacy very well, but you can’t help but respect someone who’s gone all out in their devotion to their passion. Then again, it borders on, nay, crosses straight into downright obsessive. How much time and energy would it have cost purchasing and assembling all this? Sure, you think Celestia is cool, but not like, that cool. Well, maybe having a Celestia-themed room like this would be pretty neat. But given she’s a fictional character could you really bring yourself to-
  26. You hear the door open behind you. Before you can even react, a dignified, soothing voice asks, “What are you doing in my room?”
  28. Well, shit.
  30. With wide eyes and a rapidly beating heart, you turn around and see something so bizarre it takes your mind a second to convince you you’re not dreaming.
  32. Standing before you is… Princess Luna. There’s no mistaking her equine shape, mane and tail of shimmering stars, cutie mark, and blueish green eyes. She matches every one of Luna’s details down to a T.
  34. Well, that’s not entirely true. Even stranger, her entire body seems to be made out of latex.
  36. As you take in Princess Luna's new appearance, you notice that her once soft coat of fur has been replaced by a smooth, glossy texture that looks almost like polished rubber. Her horn, once made of bone, now looks like it's been molded from the same material as her body. Her wings, too, have a strange, synthetic quality to them, with each feather looking almost like a carefully crafted piece of molded plastic. Her mane and tail don’t flow, but rather refract light, giving off an ethereal sparkle.
  38. “Um.” You find yourself short of words. Your brain tries desperately to make sense of the scenario you’re in, until it latches onto something that’s only the smallest bit realistic. “Nice uh, cosplay?” It’s a weak conclusion, but what else could it possibly be beside an extraordinarily well-made suit?
  40. “Cosplay?” Luna seems confused, but maintains her calm, collected expression as she regards you with piercing eyes. “I believe I know not what you speak of.” She doesn’t sound offended, but advances one step regardless. You swear you hear quiet squeaking when she does.
  42. Your heart begins to beat even faster as your mouth stumbles to find words, only to come up with nothing.
  44. Perhaps sensing this, Luna stops and sits on her haunches, but keeps her steady gaze. "Perhaps it would be best if you simply explained what brings you to my chambers," she says, her voice still measured and polite. "I assure you, I am not here to cause you any harm. But I must insist on knowing why you are here."
  46. “I-I was curious,” you stammer. “The door was open, and there was a cool blue light, and I guess I couldn’t help myself.” You swallow. “Uh, I know that’s kind of trespassing and that’s my bad and I guess I should go now goodbye-”
  48. “Wait.” Luna holds out a shiny hoof as you head for the door. You turn nervously to face her, but now she’s the one looking away. In a quieter voice, she asks, “What do you think of it? The room?”
  50. You can’t help but feel somewhat unnerved at how well her voice, even her behavior matches Luna’s. This is clearly someone who has studied Luna extensively, to the point of wanting to be her in every facet. Goodness knows how fatigued she must be under that costume. You’re not really sure what to think or say.
  52. “Uh, it’s very… blue?”
  54. Luna quirks an eyebrow at you. “And?”
  56. You bite your lip. “It’s, um, very dedicated, I guess. The mood is really nice. And cool. But—” You can’t help but say it. “—It’s all a bit *obsessive*, don’t you think? I mean having all this Luna-themed stuff doesn’t seem super healthy or anything.”
  58. She looks hurt by your words (how does her facial expression change like that?, you wonder). Her eyes fall to the ground. “I’m sorry you feel that way. I just- it feels humbling that some humans hold me in such high regard. I used to believe that ponies did not appreciate my night. But having seen my greatest flaws and insecurities, that these humans still look up to me, I am… grateful.”
  60. For a brief moment, you feel a pang of empathy for her. Then, you remember she’s not the real Luna, despite the convincing performance. “But why Luna? I think it’s great she has such a… supportive fanbase, but don’t you think she’s a bit overrated? Celestia is the much better princess, in my opinion.”
  62. At your words, Luna’s eyes narrow and she stands up, mouth creasing into a frown. “I beg your pardon?”
  64. You take a step back. "Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's just my opinion."
  66. Luna snorts. “And yet, it’s an opinion you feel tasteful to express directly in front of your Princess of the Night. You dare-” She raises a hoof, and you can see it shaking a little before she puts it down again and takes a deep breath. “No, I promised I would never succumb to such anger again. Go ahead, plead your case.” She sits down again and crosses her hooves.
  68. Though you feel you’ve probably crossed a line at some point, or probably several, you also feel increasingly weirded out by just how committed she is to the role. “Look, I’m not saying Luna is a bad princess or anything,” you begin, trying to choose your words carefully. "But Celestia just seems... more responsible, I guess. She's always working to maintain harmony and keep the kingdom safe. She managed to hold the kingdom together for a thousand years all on her own, and I’m sure the ponies’ dreams were just fine then.”
  70. Luna's eyes flash with anger, but she remains surprisingly composed. “Dreams work differently in our realm compared to yours, and I’d advise you not to equate the two. It is not an easy job navigating the stormy waters of a troubled psyche. Plus,” she adds, “though I control the dream realm, it is also my duty to ensure the night remains peaceful and harmonious, and that the ponies awaken rested and rejuvenated. I watch over the nighttime creatures just as Celestia watches the daytime ones. These are all important tasks, are they not?”
  72. “Sure, I guess.” You shrug. “But it still seems like Celestia is doing more. She’s always the one more present when crises happen. And I mean, she can just raise and lower the moon on her own too. Honestly, if the ponies had to pick just one princess to keep, it would pretty clearly be Celestia.”
  74. Luna’s gaze hardens. There’s silence for a brief moment, and you can almost feel the temperature of the room drop.
  76. "And what, pray tell, makes you think you are qualified to judge our abilities as rulers?" she asks, her voice icy.
  78. You swallow, feeling a little intimidated by her sudden change in demeanor. "I'm just saying, from an outsider's perspective, it seems like Celestia is doing more for the kingdom."
  80. "Outsider's perspective? And yet, you seem to have very strong opinions about us. Do you claim to know more than us on our own domain? Almost as if you have some vested interest?” She glances at the ceiling and grimaces. “Wait a minute. I recall having almost an identical conversation to this online, once. If I remember correctly, this user also thought it would be quite amusing to make… certain comments about my appearance.”
  82. She stares right into me, her voice dripping with venom. “That was you, wasn’t it?”
  84. Your heart sinks, and as it does, you know that’s all the confirmation she needs. You remember the debate and how you offhandedly said something about how Luna had a “flat ass”, because it was funny at the time. Admittedly, you were not playing nice guy in that discussion. It had been amusing then, but now, face to face with your adversary, things were not looking as good.
  86. So, you grab hold of the only thing you can. “Listen, it was- it was online, okay? So whatever. A-and I mean, isn’t this LARP getting a little out of hand? Look, no offense, but I’m not going to be here and argue all night with some girl in a Luna costume about-”
  90. “But you’re literally made of late-”
  92. “Don’t you *dare* speak about the latex.” Her face flushes a bright red as she glares at you with fury. By this point, she’s back up on four hooves, advancing toward you as you scramble for a wall or any means of escape. “You dare enter my chambers without permission, then have the audacity to insult me to my face?” For a brief moment, she looks on the verge of tears. "You think it's funny to mock me? To insult me behind a screen like a coward? You have no idea what it's like to be in my position, to be constantly scrutinized and judged by others. And yet, I’ve endured it all.”
  94. She pushes a hoof onto the wall right next to you, and you realize you’re trapped. At this point, her face is practically touching yours. Your skin prickles from her cold breath. All you can do is stare speechlessly.
  96. Then, she *smiles*. Her grin is almost predatory.
  98. “You know, I came to this event to enjoy myself,” she says. “And I was, and I’m not going to let you stop me from doing that.”
  100. You return with a woozy smile of your own. “So does that mean you’re gonna let me go?”
  102. At that, she giggles. *Giggles!* When her laughter dies down, she shakes her head. "No. No, I'm not going to let you go just yet." She leans in closer, and your heart races. But instead of attacking you, she whispers in your ear. “You know, this reminds me of a time when a good friend of Twilight’s swapped my cutie mark with that of my sister’s. That day, we learned a great amount about each other, walking in each other’s hooves. I think it’d do you some good receiving the same treatment. And, you’ve given me an excellent idea.” Taking a deep breath, she turns her body away from you, showing you her backside.
  104. “Bwuh?” To be honest, you have literally no idea what she’s getting at here.
  106. It is only when her horn lights up and you begin to hear the sound of low-pitched creaking and stretching that you finally begin to believe you have truly made a grievous mistake.
  108. As her magic covers her body, it starts to stretch and contort, waves rippling out in every direction. She begins levitating off the ground, arms stretched out, wind from the power of the spell sweeping at your face. Her limbs seem to lose solidity as they begin twitching and jerking around. She grunts from exertion, and all at once, she cries out as you hear a loud *zzziiiip!* As if out of some horror show, her whole backside splits open revealing not flesh and bone, but a hollow interior. Empty. Waiting to be *filled*.
  110. For a few more brief moments, you watch in awe and terror as she continues to contort and twist, the sound of latex stretching and creaking. Her once-solid body seems to both move like solid and flow like liquid. At the ends of the latex material, little liquid strands wriggle and blob like tentacles reaching out hungrily. The interior of her body looks almost wet. A strong smell of latex and rubber begins to fill your nostrils.
  112. Luna’s head turns and looks back at you. Her voice echoes with authority. “Prepare to become one with the night!”
  114. And before you can so much as utter a sound or notice your hairs standing on end, with a sudden lurch, she jerks toward you. Strands of latex wrap around your body, pulling you closer to her, and her closer to you. Even as you flinch, they wrap on tight. The latex is cold, almost gooey.
  116. Within a moment, she engulfs you, her living latex body wrapping around you like a second skin. Your arms and hands are surrounded by squishy, skintight hooves with latex hoof shoes that you can barely twist, the sensation of the soft, yielding latex against your skin sending shivers of pleasure down your spine. Your fingers tingle as you feel the latex mold around them, forming a perfect grip.
  118. Your torso becomes equally covered, her latex peytral wrapping you tightly, the pressure making it harder to breathe. Her torso molds to every curve and contour of your body. Even as you struggle for air, you can't help but feel an intrusive thrill of excitement at the feeling of the tight latex against your skin. It's intense and intoxicating and like nothing you've ever experienced before. Your shoulders are forced wider and you tilt your head upward and gasp for air.
  120. As her stomach and lower regions smother yours, you feel your member being compressed and massaged, and you moan with pleasure. The latex material seems to have a life of its own, moving and rubbing against your skin in all the right ways. You can feel the weight of her tail on your behind, and it causes the rest of the latex to sag and pull even tighter against your skin.
  122. Your legs don't slot into her equine ones perfectly, but kind of twist awkwardly as they're coated, lightweight latex padding filling out all the unfilled places. You shudder as the wet substance presses against your thighs and knees. Your legs kick out involuntarily before splaying at unnatural angles as you feel your feet covered by her hind hooves.
  124. The sensation of the latex against your skin is almost too much to bear. It's like being enveloped in a cold, wet hug, the latex material molding to your body almost like it was made just for you. You can feel every inch of her stretching around you, and as she continues to move and contort, your body moves with her, following every twitch and jerk of her limbs.
  126. For a minute, you sit there panting, exhilarated and overwhelmed. Your arms and legs, now completely coated, point upward where the tightness of the latex angle them toward. Underneath, you can still feel the wriggling of liquid latex. You notice Luna is panting too. Her head hovers in front of yours and is nearly detached from the rest of her body, only held up by a last few thick tendrils of latex.
  128. “J-Jesus Christ,” you manage to wheeze out between labored breaths. “What the hell did you just…”
  130. Luna inhales deeply and sighs. “We’re not finished yet, you know. I was just giving you some respite before this next part.” She looks back at you. You’re captivated by that smug, confident, knowing grin until the tendrils start moving again, bringing her head toward yours.
  132. “Oh, no no no.” Desperately, you scramble to push and claw it away, but it’s no use. Your new latex hooves squeak uselessly against her mane, unable to grab much of anything. The most you can do is slow her down as her head stretches in the places where your hooves meet it. In an instant, she begins to slowly cover your head with hers.
  134. You squeeze your eyes shut and don’t dare open them. For what feels like forever, there is nothing but blackness. You can feel the latex stretching and molding around your face, covering every contour of your nose and ears and mouth. The smell of latex is more overpowering than ever. You cough as it invades your tongue, the bitter, rubbery taste almost overwhelming.
  136. Panic begins to set in as you realize you can't breathe. You try to gasp for air, but the latex around your nose and mouth seems to be closing in around you, suffocating you. Your heart races as your hooves reach blindly against Luna’s snout and try and claw at something, anything.
  138. While you do, your body begins to shudder again as you experience new, alien sensations. You feel a vague itching, almost as if the latex is nibbling away at you and your clothing, binding tighter than ever.
  140. And, just as you think you can't take it any longer, with a sudden gasp, your eyes snap open, seeing the outside world once more. You take greedy gulps of air, welcoming the fresh oxygen as it fills your lungs. You collapse onto your back, vision blurry, head swimming with jumbled thoughts.
  142. You lie there for a while just trying to collect yourself. You roll slightly side to side, feeling the latex squish and contort with you. Slowly, you ground yourself in the room again, observing the soft blue light and star projector and bed. The lavender calms you and slows your breathing.
  144. Luna’s been quiet for a while. “L-Luna?” you call out. There’s an extra weight as you move your jaw, presumably from Luna’s muzzle.
  146. Oddly enough, there’s no response. You guess she might’ve fallen unconscious upon fully encasing you. At least that gives you some time to explore.
  148. You look downward and soak in the full view of your new equine body. It’s surreal, seeing yourself from this point of view. Gently, you move your hooves back and forth in front of you, marveling at how they flex and contract under your control. In a way, it’s thrilling being this close to becoming a pony. The latex stretches as you move, tightening the suit in various places. You take a hoof and position it so that the frog touches your chest. You trace idle circles and feel the squishiness of Luna’s barrel as the friction causes the latex to stretch and squeak even more. Though you can’t exactly feel what Luna would be feeling, the sensation of your skin rubbing against the inside of the latex while feeling the outside is bizarre enough.
  150. Tilting to your side, you try to get up, but slip and fall to the ground with a thud as Luna’s hooves feel awkward and ungainly beneath you. You try this several more times, with each time just as fruitless as the last, your balance completely thrown off by your new center of gravity. You’re already exhausted from the time of day and the whole ordeal behind you, and now a dull ache begins to spread throughout your limbs.
  152. Groaning, you flop onto your back again. For a moment, you can’t help but laugh seeing your new limbs sticking up into the air. It looks almost catlike, and you feel a sense of joy from the absurdity at it all.
  154. Looking downward again, you notice that Luna is featureless. Her barrel is entirely smooth, and there are no genitalia or any other features on her body. You wonder if the ponies really are normally like this, or if it was an intended outcome when Luna turned herself into this… latex suit.
  156. But, looking closer, you see the bulge underneath the crotch area of the suit and feel your face warm. Amidst the chaos, you almost forgot how tightly the latex wrapped around your member.
  158. Having what could only be described as an “OwO what’s this” moment was certainly not on your calendar today, but still, you regard it with interest. *Surely, I’m not actually getting turned on by this… am I?*
  160. With measured breath, you steadily bring a hoof toward the bulge. When it finally makes contact, though the touch is light, you gasp in pleasure and instinctively jerk your hoof back. The sensation is incredibly intense, and you can feel a flush of heat spread across your face as you realize just how aroused you are.
  162. With rapt attention, you move the hoof closer again, closer, closer…
  164. And then, it stops.
  166. Your brows furrow. You try to move the hoof more, but it refuses to budge. Your eyes widen as you realize quickly that you’re unable to move the rest of your body as well.
  168. Your mouth coughs once. Against your control, it begins to open. “Apologies for my brief absence.” It’s Luna’s voice. “That spell took a lot more out of me than I’d expected. And, I see you’ve been quite naughty in the meantime.”
  170. As if flipping a switch, as soon as Luna regains consciousness, she’s gained full control over not only her own body but yours as well. Your dick twitches as she withdraws her hoof and presses it to the ground. With practiced grace, she flips around and climbs to her hooves in one quick movement. She wobbles slightly, but stays upright nonetheless.
  172. As she stretches each of her limbs one by one, you feel your head turning along with hers to observe. You can feel her every movement as your own, feel the coolness of her latex body clinging to yours, smell the scent of latex as it flows through her nostrils. You're trapped inside her, unable to move or even speak on your own. It's both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
  174. She begins to walk toward the bathroom, and you experience moving your limbs like a pony for the first time. Your arms press tightly to her own, causing you to closely feel the floor beneath you, but your legs, awkwardly stuffed into her hind legs, tilt at an angle that makes you feel never quite balanced. The rhythm of her gait, so familiar to her and yet totally foreign to you, makes you feel both steady and on the verge of falling at the same time.
  176. Inside the bathroom, she stops at the full length mirror. Your breath catches as you see yourself there not as yourself, but her. It’s unreal knowing you’re under there. From her barrel upwards, you can even trace Luna’s curves to spot your own figure underneath, almost as if her form was made for you.
  178. Your eyes, and hers, explore your shared form. You can’t tell if she can sense your blush hidden beneath her face as she studies herself. She traces a hoof along her “skin”, straightening small creases in the latex and tugging at imperfections. All the while, the latex continues to squeak.
  180. After a long period of silence, she tilts her head back and forth and nods. “Perfect.” With that same knowing grin as when she first encased you, she leans closer to the mirror until her breath starts to condense. "You belong to me now," she whispers, her voice low and seductive. "And I'm going to enjoy every moment of it."
  182. Her words send shivers down your spine. You're completely at her mercy, and some part of you can't help but feel aroused by the thought.
  184. But for the most part, you’re still nervous and a little bit scared. You wish there was some way to leave, any way. All you can do is emit a few muffled “mmmh”s and tug uselessly as Luna’s limbs refuse to give way.
  186. “There, there.” Luna pats her stomach reassuringly. She strikes a pose in the mirror and brushes her mane off to the side. “You look beautiful. Can’t you wait to see what fun we experience together?”
  188. Angrily, you grunt a bit harder, even as your brain still processes the pony in the mirror as you.
  190. Luna titters. “Of course I’ll let you go eventually, human. I’m no monster anymore. I just want you to see things from my point of view for a while.” She strikes another pose, this time rearing onto her hind legs. You would cling on for dear life, but the latex already does a perfect job of it.
  192. Luna falls back onto four legs and turns to face the mirror again. "Now, the question is, when will I release you?" She pauses, as if considering her options. "Perhaps when I tire of you, or more likely, when you've learned your lesson. But don't worry, my dear. I'll take good care of you in the meantime. And who knows, maybe you'll even learn to accept me as much as I’ve… come to accept myself."
  194. She gives a small smile. “On a serious note, it was Twilight Sparkle and her friends who taught me many moons ago how to forgive and love myself. Before then, I maybe even would have agreed with your assessment of me, but now I find no use in putting myself down as such. Perhaps I can pass on this perspective to you.”
  196. She leans closer and stares so deeply into her mirrored eyes that she might as well be staring through them, into yours. Her smile turns into a wry grin. “That doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun while doing so, of course. Now, why don't you tell me how much you love me?"
  198. Of course, you aren’t capable of doing such a thing, nor are you able to. But, inexplicably, you feel your throat begin to itch as your vocal cords twitch. Again, your mouth begins to move against its will. “I love you, Luna. I understand you, and I want to be with you forever.” Your eyes widen. The voice is monotone and dull, but it’s undoubtedly yours.
  200. Luna holds the neutral face for a moment before opening her mouth in mock surprise. “My, how forthcoming. I can’t give you that last part, sadly, but it is a great honor.” She can only hold it in a second longer before she bursts out laughing. “Haha! That is something I can do! Sorry, I’m figuring it out a bit too, but I suppose the latex can control a lot more than you think it can. Though, it would be very nice if you’d willingly say something like that by the end of our little escapade too.”
  202. You ponder the implications of this revelation. Sure, Luna was controlling your mouth too when normally speaking, but that was in her own voice. Now, hearing her borrow yours, she could open up your phone, make a few calls, and have you all to herself for a very long time…
  204. It’s useless, but you continue to squirm and struggle. It feels uneasy knowing Luna has this much power over you, bound only by her word. And even if she does eventually let you go, you want out *now*. But you’re not sure if Luna is capable of manipulating your emotions too, because right about now, that thought feels really hot, too…
  206. Your dick twitches again in response. Luna notices, of course. “Hmm, you like that? At least that means we’re heading in a positive direction.” Her smile grows. “I hope you’ll enjoy this as much as I will. Your Princess of the Night wouldn’t be much of a princess without making her subjects happy, after all.”
  208. Her voice drops to a whisper. “You're going to be my little puppet,” she purrs, “and I'm going to make you feel things you've never felt before."
  210. Right in front of the mirror, Luna trails her hoof down her body toward your increasing erection. As it caresses and kneads the bulge, lightning shoots through your body. Your mouth, and Luna’s, open involuntarily as you moan in pleasure, the sensation of her touch amplified by the tightness of the latex.
  212. Each word Luna speaks drives you closer to the edge. "You love this, don't you, my little puppet?" she purrs, her hoof continuing to rub at the bulge. The latex squeaks and groans where she touches, tugging at different parts of your body. "You love feeling my touch on you, controlling you, making you feel pleasure you've never felt before."
  214. “Yes, Luna.” She switches to your voice again. “I love being controlled and touched by you, Luna.”
  216. Each touch causes you to shudder with pleasure, your body writhing with desire. And yet, Luna’s latex body holds your quivering legs steady. Perhaps even hotter, as you look into the mirror, there appears to be almost nothing out of the ordinary happening. All you see is Luna looking with a sultry gaze, calmly rubbing at her stomach as if scratching a patch of itchy skin. It's almost as if the pleasure is contained within the confines of the latex, visible only to you and Luna.
  218. Luna's hoof trails circles around the spot, teasing at the latex wrinkles forming. "You are such a good puppet," she coos with her own voice, before switching to yours.
  220. "I love losing control and feeling your latex hooves on me."
  222. She begins to rub faster, feeling your erection grow harder under her touch. "Mmm, yes, that's it," she moans, switching to her own voice again. "Such a good little puppet for your princess."
  224. Every inch of you is on edge now. You’re breathing heavily, your heart racing with desire. Luna's touch is electrifying, sending shivers down your spine. As lust fogs your brain, you can’t think about anything else but the coming climax. And you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, fast.
  226. "I'm going to make you cum so hard," Luna says, her voice full of lust. "You're going to explode for me, my little puppet."
  228. You can feel the pressure building. It’s almost too much to bear. All you can do is whimper, begging for sweet release.
  230. There is a knock on the door.
  232. Your heart skips a beat. Luna must be startled, too, because she jumps a little and then freezes, her hoof still pressed against the latex bulge.
  234. “Room service!” a friendly voice calls from the other side.
  236. Luna’s face contorts into pure disbelief. “Room se- what. At this time of night, at this very moment, localized entirely within my hotel room?” she half-hisses under her breath.
  238. Your dick is basically leaking pre at this point, and honestly you despise that, but you feel a renewed sense of hope. If they open that door, maybe they’ll discover what’s going on and free you from your prison. At the very least, maybe they’ll notice something wrong with Luna.
  240. Luna clears her throat. "One moment," she calls out, trying to compose herself. She takes a deep breath and steps away from the mirror. She trots toward the hotel door, adjusting her mane and straightening stray creases in the latex. Your body obediently follows, of course.
  242. Straightening her posture, she puts on a forced smile and opens the door, and if you could, your mouth would drop to the floor.
  244. Waiting there is the epitome of beauty and grace, Princess Celestia. This time, you do not make the same mistake of doubting her identity. And just like Luna, she looks entirely made of latex. Her body is a perfect blend of softness and firmness. Her hooves are smooth and shiny, and her mane and tail are made of shimmering latex strands that catch the light with every movement. Her horn is expertly molded, her translucent eyes gleam, and her sleek, furled wings rest gently at her sides. She radiates a powerful aura of calm and control, and you instantly find yourself smitten.
  246. Your heart falls as it rises. This doesn’t exactly spell good news for your great escape. At the same time, some part of you secretly wishes you’d been trapped inside Celestia instead. On the off-chance she would help you out anyway, you try and muster a grunt. Evidently, Luna anticipated this though, and your vocal cords are cut off just as quickly.
  248. Celestia’s horn is glowing, and she is levitating two small paper cups of orange juice.
  250. “Room service,” she repeats, and gives a roguish grin.
  252. Luna frowns, but drops her formal stature. “You scared me.” She grasps one of the cups in her own magic. “Thank you for the juice.”
  254. Celestia puts a hoof to her mouth. It squishes her snout a little. “Scared you? Why would I possibly do that? And you’re welcome.”
  256. Luna groans and chooses not to respond. Wordlessly, they tap cups. Luna opens her mouth, and by extension yours, and downs the liquid all in one gulp. You give a silent thanks to the sisters, not realizing how parched your throat was until now.
  258. After finishing her drink, Celestia tosses it into the bin and steps past Luna. “Wow, nice place.” Her mouth hangs open slightly as she looks up at the star-covered ceiling. “I knew you had a knack for design, but this is an excellent room makeover, sister.”
  260. Luna scratches her head. Her hoof makes a faint squeaking noise as it moves up and down. “Eheheh, you really think so?”
  262. Celestia nods serenely. “Of course, Luna. I can’t think of anything else that would be more stylized for your tastes.”
  264. “R-really?” Looking through Luna’s eyes, you swear they almost seem to sparkle. “That means a lot. Thank you, sister.”
  266. Celestia smiles. “Of course.” Casually, as she picks up a candle and turns it around, she adds, “Oh, and by the way, was it just my imagination, or did I hear another voice in here before I knocked on that door?”
  268. “Um.” Luna freezes and licks her lips. You can taste the latex as she does. If you could make sound, you’d shriek.
  270. The tips of her mouth begin to curl upward, but she quickly assumes a neutral expression. “Oh, that was the human,” she states. “He turned me into latex and then put me on like a costume.”
  272. You’re briefly confused until you remember what you assumed of Luna when you first saw her. But oh, the *audacity* to say such a thing.
  274. “I’m sorry?” Celestia looks at Luna in bewilderment, brows furrowed.
  276. The two engage in an awkward staring match, but eventually, Luna breaks character and sniggers, and Celestia follows, and soon enough both of them are howling with laughter.
  278. “Ahahah!” Celestia wipes a tear from her eye. “Out of all the things you’ve said in the past, Luna, that has got to be one of the craziest. Where did you come up with that line?” She clears her throat. “Well, never mind that. I do love the posters. I suppose that means you’re having a good time at the convention?”
  280. Luna walks next to Celestia and nuzzles her side. “Mmm. Yes, it’s been nice for the most part.”
  282. “That’s good to hear. But, for the most part? Did something happen?” Celestia tilts her head.
  284. “Oh, it’s nothing much.” Luna rubs one arm with another. “I believe the issue has been taken care of now.” She continues to move your mouth as she speaks, and enunciates this sentence especially clearly, as if to drive the point home for you.
  286. Celestia unfurls a shiny wing and places it around Luna’s back. The tips of the feathers make small squeaks as they touch her. “Luna, you seem troubled,” she says. “You know I don’t like seeing you unhappy. Feel free to tell your big sister whatever’s on your mind.”
  288. Luna whines. “...Alright. One of the humans… they told me to my face they thought I was a lesser princess.”
  290. Celestia gasps. “Oh dear. You didn’t let their words get to you, did you?”
  292. Luna looks down at her hooves. “I tried not to. But it’s hard. I already struggle with being valued as much as you are, and to have someone blatantly say such a thing…”
  294. Celestia’s wing tightens around her, and you can feel her squeezing, too. “Luna, you are just as important as I am. You rule over the night, and your duties are just as crucial to the ponies of Equestria as mine are. You are a beloved princess in your own right, and don’t let anypony tell you otherwise.”
  296. Luna sniffles. “Thank you, Tia.”
  298. Celestia gently strokes Luna’s mane, running her hoof down the latex material. “Of course, sister. And if anypony ever speaks ill of you again, you let me know. I’ll send them to the moon myself.” She chuckles, trying to lighten the mood.
  300. Luna giggles back, but only manages a small smile. “You know, it’s still hard trying to see myself as your equal. Some part of me still fears for… the Nightmare. That if I don’t put myself down, it will return, and fuel my confidence into arrogance.”
  302. “Oh, Luna.” Celestia brings a hoof to Luna’s chin. “Shhh. The Nightmare is no more. But I understand your fears, and feel more sorry than anypony else you feel that way.” She guides Luna with a wing toward the bed. “Come. You’ve had a long day.”
  304. They climb onto the bed. You feel Luna turn to lie on her side and sink into the satin sheets beneath you. Celestia sits next to her and begins massaging her shoulders. As Luna hums in appreciation, you’re left to muse on the conversation behind you.
  306. As Celestia massages Luna's shoulders, their latex bodies squeak softly with each movement. The sensation sends shivers down Luna's spine, and yours.
  308. Celestia's skilled hooves work their way down Luna's back, kneading the latex material and easing out any tension. Luna can't help but let out a soft moan of pleasure as she closes her eyes and lets herself relax into the massage.
  310. The latex material of their skin rubs together, creating a gentle friction that sends waves of pleasure through Luna's body. Celestia's hooves move down to Luna's lower back, applying just the right amount of pressure to ease any stiffness.
  312. At the same time, Celestia presses hard enough that you can feel her touch. Inside Luna, you find yourself able to vocalize again, your soft moans overlapping with Luna’s as you experience the best massage you’ve ever had. Though the latex stretches tightly over you, you still feel tension evaporate from your body.
  314. Luna lets out a contented sigh as Celestia's hooves move down her thighs, latex squeaking with each motion. Celestia's touch is firm yet gentle, and Luna melts into her sister's embrace. Finally, Celestia props up Luna’s back hooves and begins to gently rub, and you feel your soles being kneaded.
  316. When Celestia finishes and sets Luna’s hooves down, all stress has left Luna’s body. It feels almost paradoxical that you lie there limply, yet with the latex still very much restricting your movement. Your breathing has slowed significantly, and for the first time this night, you feel a little sleepy.
  318. Celestia leans down to whisper in Luna's ear. "Would you mind flipping over, sister? I want to work on your front as well."
  320. Luna nods and rolls over onto her back, the latex material of her suit creaking faintly as she moves. As Celestia begins to massage her torso, you’re given full, intimate eye contact with Celestia.
  322. Though your face already flushes from the experience, your excitement soon turns to horror as you follow where her eyes trace, and find her staring right where your bulge protrudes from the latex.
  324. Her eyes seem to linger on it for a second before moving on. Her facial expression does not even change as she begins to massage Luna's chest with gentle, circular motions.
  326. As Celestia works, Luna lets out a soft purr of contentment, and Celestia leans down to nuzzle her neck. She wraps a wing around Luna, pulling her close in a snug embrace. Your heart races as you wonder if Celestia noticed at all, or if you were just being paranoid.
  328. "Feels good, doesn't it?" Celestia murmurs.
  330. Luna nods, her eyes closed in bliss. "So good," she whispers back.
  332. Celestia snuggles her sister closer, her body pressing against Luna's as she continues the massage. Their latex bodies slide against each other as they do. “You’re so cute when you're like this, Luna," Celestia says with a soft chuckle. "I could just hold you like this forever."
  334. Luna lets out a satisfied hum in response, her body relaxed and pliant in Celestia's embrace. You can feel the pressure of Celestia’s latex body against yours, the sensation almost overwhelming in its intensity.
  336. As Celestia continues to massage Luna's chest, her hoof slowly begins to drift lower, down towards Luna’s belly. Your breath catches in your throat as Celestia's hoof barely brushes against the latex bulge.
  338. Your hopes Celestia didn’t notice are quickly dashed when her hoof stops in place. “Oh my,” says Celestia. “It seems some areas are still in need of massaging.” She presses against the bulge harder, causing you to moan and quiver.
  340. “Mmmh, I suppose that’s true.” Luna snuggles closer to Celestia, seemingly impervious to your plight. “Here, let me help you out as well.” She begins pressing her body against Celestia’s, running a hoof up and down Celestia’s side.
  342. With a slow, deliberate motion, Celestia begins tracing circles around your growing erection, sending tingles of pleasure up your spine. You find that in Luna’s relaxed state, her control over your body has somewhat loosened. You gasp and arch her back upward slightly, even as your hand inside her hoof feels Celestia’s every curve.
  344. “Looks like you’ve had a long day too,” Luna mumbles. “Your body feels so tight all over.” She presses her head tightly into Celestia’s chest, using her hooves to squeeze Celestia’s body.
  346. Celestia's hoof finally reaches your tip, and you gasp as she begins to rub with a gentle, yet firm grip. Your hips jerk involuntarily in response, and you can feel the pressure building inside you. It feels so wrong, yet so right. You’re completely trapped inside Luna’s body, hooves moving against your will as she grinds your dick against Celestia’s hoof. Nonetheless, you’re doing it with *Celestia*, the mare of your dreams who you didn’t even think was real. She looks so self-assured, confident, as if goading you on. When you thrash and moan, you’re not sure if you’re doing it out of anger, arousal, or both.
  348. As Luna’s ear lies against Celestia, you hear something beyond the squeaking and stretching.
  350. It’s faint, but you have no doubt what it is. There’s moaning coming from inside Celestia, too. As Luna presses and withdraws, the sound rises and falls, and you realize you’re not the only one.
  352. “Thank you, Luna,” says Celestia. “I- ohh, I guess I’ve ha- ah, had a pretty eventful day too. I didn’t know just how much stress must’ve been building up inside of me.” She continues to stroke you with a practiced hoof even as the evident person inside her continues making soft, sexual noises.
  354. “Maybe I should press harder then?” asks Luna. “I’m sure you’d love to let all that stress out.”
  356. “Yes, please,” Celestia whispers. “I can feel you relieving all that tension.”
  358. The two sisters snuggle each other even closer, wrapping in a tight embrace as they rub cheek to cheek, barrel to barrel, hoof to hoof. Through Luna’s snout, you can smell the rubbery scent of her body and Celestia’s. Celestia’s grip tightens, and you moan louder as the latex stretches fully taut against your arousal.
  360. You can feel Luna's body pressing tightly against Celestia's, her hooves running up and down Celestia's latex-clad back as she murmurs softly in her ear. “You’re such a good sister. Helping me feel so nice and relaxed like this.” As your mouth moves along with hers, it almost feels like you’re saying the same thing.
  362. Celestia exhales softly. “And I couldn’t have a better little sister than you, Luna.” You can hear whoever’s inside moaning louder, causing Celestia to tremble slightly.
  364. Luna presses so hard against Celestia that with a firm scrunch, her hooves cave slightly into Celestia’s latex skin. She traces her hooves over Celestia’s arms, and you can feel a person’s arms underneath, perfectly molded to Celestia’s shape. As she rubs against Celestia’s waist, you can sense their body heat and chest quickly rising and falling.
  366. There is no doubt that all the while, they must feel the same from you, even as you tremble and writhe from Celestia’s hoof—their hand—vigorously rubbing at your member. You can’t tell what gender they are from their muffled cries, nor from how Luna feels around their body. And by this point, you’re too on edge to find out. All you can see in front of you is your beloved Sun Princess and your own cute, dark blue, latex hooves with latex hoof shoes massaging her firmly completely out of your own control.
  368. Everything begins to blur into one. Your arousal clouding your mind, begging for release. Your total loss of control within Luna’s body. The sharp smell of latex lingering in the air. Luna and Celestia’s satisfied hums as they massage each other, juxtaposed with you and whoever is in Celestia’s needy moans. The squeaking and rustling and swishing of latex rubbing against each other. Your body trapped in a tight layer of cool latex squeezing against Celestia’s body.
  370. Everything all funneled into one focus. You are close, so close.
  372. “I’m almost done with the massage,” says Celestia. “Oh, Luna. You’re making me feel so good.” Her voice is only tinged with tiredness, completely absent of any lust.
  374. “I am too, sister,” says Luna, in the same tone. She nuzzles Celestia’s cheek. “Thank you for giving me such a memorable night.”
  376. With each new stroke of Celestia's hoof, you feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, until you can’t take it anymore. And finally, finally, you shudder and cum hard. Every inch of your body tenses and shakes as you let out a loud moan, your release exploding inside the latex suit.
  378. You can feel the warm, sticky mess coating your body as you cum again and again, the pleasure almost overwhelming in its intensity. The slick material clings tightly to your skin as you writhe and thrash in pure bliss, your cock pulsing with each load.
  380. One after another, the orgasms wash over you, each one more intense than the last. You lose track of how many times you cum, how much cum spills out against the tight, latex material, causing it to slip and rub even smoother along you.
  382. Luna and Celestia continue to snuggle each other quietly, seemingly oblivious to the intense sexual activity happening inside themselves. Their voices are soft and gentle as they murmur to each other, the sound a soothing counterpoint to the intense pleasure coursing through your body. Inside Celestia, you can hear a voice crying out too, lilting as they breathe rapidly.
  384. As your orgasm finally subsides, you are left panting and gasping for breath. The scent of latex and sex is heavy in the air, no doubt leaking through the suit. Your entire body is buzzing with pleasure, and you can't help but feel a sense of euphoria coursing through you. It's almost surreal, the contrast between the intense sexual pleasure you just experienced and the calm, soothing atmosphere of the room.
  386. Luna and Celestia seem content just basking in the afterglow of their own innocent massage session. To an outside party, it would be almost as if nothing out of the ordinary just happened.
  388. Luna strokes Celestia's back gently, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thanks for the massage, Tia. I'm glad I was able to help you relax too, sister. You work so hard, you deserve to take some time for yourself."
  390. Celestia smiles softly. "Of course. And I'm grateful to have you by my side, Luna. You always know how to make me feel better."
  392. The two sisters lay still beside each other, and you can't help but feel a sense of peace settle over you.
  394. After a few moments of silence, Celestia yawns softly. "I think it's time we get some rest, Luna. We have a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."
  396. Luna nods in agreement, her own voice tinged with weariness. "Yes, you're right. Good night, sister."
  398. "Good night, Luna," Celestia replies. She rolls over and lays her head down on a pillow.
  400. Though your limbs are sluggish, burdened with a new feeling of heaviness, Luna easily lifts them up, props herself out of bed, and pulls the bedsheets over Celestia. She turns the crystal lamp off with a flick of her horn and climbs back into bed, cuddling beside her big sister.
  402. Completely spent and resigned to staying within Luna at least for the night, you find that sleep claims you quickly. Your last thoughts before you doze off are of the Solar Princess before you and how maybe, just maybe, this wasn’t such a bad experience after all.
  404. =====
  406. When you wake, you find yourself in a wide, abstract space filled with ethereal pockets of light that litter the air like stars. You no longer feel trapped—in fact, you feel lighter than ever submerged in this endless sea.
  408. But in a moment, your body begins to move of its own again. You twist and turn and realize with dread that you look even more like Princess Luna than before.
  410. Your mouth begins to open, and out comes Luna’s voice.
  412. “Welcome to the dream realm, human! What, you didn’t think it was over, did you?”

The Pendant of Power [Daring Do Hypnosis]

by Slippery_Slope

Celestial Hypnosis

by Slippery_Slope

Starlight's Hypnobump

by Slippery_Slope

The Lunar Experience

by Slippery_Slope

Your Part

by Slippery_Slope