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Your Part

By Slippery_Slope
Created: 2023-06-02 16:36:37
Updated: 2023-06-02 16:39:05
Expiry: Never

As Twilight watched the Maretonian dignitaries exit the palace, she pondered how much effort Princess Celestia could have saved had she simply magicked an illusion of Twilight to appear instead.

Though Twilight knew her role was small, she'd hoped she could've played some larger part regardless. Maybe caught the Maretonians' attention with her knowledge of their tax system or bodies of government. Anything she could've learned something about, or been useful for.

But all they'd done was thank her for keeping herself out of their confidential discussions. Twilight didn't want to admit it, but it hurt a little.

Was she not important enough to know? Was all she was good for as Equestria's newest princess the royal equivalent of scrubbing dishes at The Hay Burger?

Hiding her frustration as best she could, she turned to face the other three princesses. "Is there anything else I can do to assist with their visit?"

Cadance looked at her sympathetically. "I'm sorry, Twilight, but their visit is already over."

"Oh." Twilight's ears drooped in disappointment.

"Something wrong?" Luna asked.

"I guess I just don't really understand why I'm here." Twilight let out a heavy sigh. "I get that the princesses have to keep appearances. But it seems like since I've become a princess, that's all I've had to do."

She pointed at the alicorns one at a time. "Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, you raise the sun and moon and run Equestria together. Princess Cadance, you protect the Crystal Empire. But me? There's nothing new I've been able to do since becoming a princess, except… smile and wave." She turned toward Celestia. "Princess Celestia, you've done so much for me, and I am truly grateful. But…" Her eyes looked away. "I don't know if I really deserve the title of, well, 'Alicorn Princess.'"

Celestia approached Twilight and touched a light hoof to her chest. "Trust in yourself, Twilight. Your time will come."

"But isn't there anything else I can help with?" Twilight asked. "Paperwork that needs filling? Meetings that need attending? Even if it's just a little bit."

Luna chucked. "Nay, Twilight. We can handle our own administrative tasks just fine. You require no 'princesshood internship' to take your place among us. All you need is time."

Twilight groaned. Though she tried to ignore the thought, some part of her told her she was useless, just an auxiliary backup princess in case the real princesses needed saving.

"Sometimes, I wish I was just your student again," she mumbled. "At least then I knew what I was meant to do."

Celestia wrapped her arm around Twilight and drew her into a reluctant hug. "It is difficult charting one's own path, yes. But when I sent you to Ponyville those many moons ago, I had every faith you would find your way, and that faith has never waned."

Twilight looked up at Celestia with pleading eyes. "And I'm sincerely thankful, Princess." She gave a short laugh. "And I guess you knew from the start. You, heh, didn't tell me, but you knew."

And there she was, Twilight Sparkle, newest Princess of Equestria. Yet she felt like a newborn foal, even more clueless than the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

She hesitated to say it, but the words came spilling out of her mouth. "Is all this uncertainty and me feeling useless part of your plan too, Princess? Or am I just being primed for something else I don't know about yet?"

Her cheeks burned. It felt so wrong questioning her role model, her mentor, but she needed to know. She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for Celestia to berate her, maybe even say she made a mistake and that Twilight never should've become an alicorn.

Instead, nothing happened for a few silent moments. Celestia gave a long sigh, and she cautiously peeked her eyes open. Celestia was smiling softly.

"Well, alright," said Celestia. She chewed her lip. "I suppose there is one thing I've been keeping from you. I'd been meaning to tell you later, but now is as good a time as any."

Twilight watched raptly as Celestia looked around, as if observing her surroundings, before turning around to face Luna and Cadance. Celestia muttered a few phrases Twilight was just barely able to make out—"Sleepy Luna. Crystal haze." Confusion clouded Twilight's face as she watched their faces and bodies briefly slump before straightening, before they began walking around Twilight.

"Luna? Cadance? Celestia? W-what's going on?" stammered Twilight. All of a sudden, her fur was tingling.

"Hush now, Twilight," Celestia soothed, her hoof lifting the younger mare's head with gentle grace. "Close your eyes and trust in your teacher once more." Though phrased kindly, it was clearly an order.

"O-okay, Princess." Twilight swallowed hard but did as she was told. She took a deep breath, willing herself to trust Celestia once again. Heart beating rapidly, she bit her tongue as she heard Celestia's magic activate.

After a moment, Celestia said, "You may open your eyes, my faithful student."

So, Twilight opened them. "Princ- huh- wha-"

Celestia's eyes were glowing, shifting. A mesmerizing kaleidoscope of color dragged Twilight's attention in, and her breath caught in her throat as she gazed into the never-ending abyss of iridescent golds, bright whites, vibrant reds, lurid greens. With every pulse and glow, she found her head dragged toward their lapping swirls, thoughts and feelings evaporating, replaced with an inner calm.

It was hard for Twilight to tell where the spirals began and ended. With every passing moment, they only drew her deeper. Lose yourself in me, they seemed to say, and Twilight did.

Eyes heavy.

Thoughts slow. No thoughts when looking at the spiral.

"That's right, Twilight," said Celestia. "Focus on my voice, Twilight. Just keep looking into my eyes and sinking deeper, deeper."

Had Twilight been looking at her reflection, she'd see Celestia channeling golden magic deep into her mind, casting a yellow glow over the spirals forming within her own eyes. She'd see her jaw slack, head barely nodding, almost as if drifting off to sleep.

She felt relaxed, so relaxed.

And yet, some last vestige of her knew something was wrong. Like a cornered dog, it clawed itself to the forefront of her mind.

"Ngh- no, this. Princess, what are you-" It was so hard vocalizing her thoughts. "This is-"

Before Twilight could finish her sentence, Celestia's voice cut in, her tone calm, but unwavering. "It is necessary, Twilight. You must trust me and let go of your doubts."

Trust Celestia. Let go of doubts. Doubts.

"N-no!" It was so hard looking away from the beautiful spirals, but some small part of her forced her to try. "Luna… Cadance… help…"

Desperation welled up within her when she realized they were just standing there, as if completely oblivious to her plight. Their expressions remained neutral as they simply observed, eyes almost staring through Twilight.

She needed help. Why weren't they helping her?

"You d-did something t-to them…" she sputtered. "How could…"

Celestia pressed a hoof to Twilight's lips. Even with just the touch, Twilight gasped in pleasure. It sent tingles through her head, as she found herself lost in the sea of Celestia's closer gaze.

"Trust in me, Twilight. You'll understand soon, just as they have. Isn't that right, sister, Cadance?"

"Yes, your highness." The two chanted their monotonous reply in sync.

"Very good. And shouldn't Twilight be good and listen too?"

"Yes, your highness."

Celestia smiled and nodded, causing Twilight to nod along, following Celestia's eyes. "Your fellow princesses are waiting for you, Twilight," she said. "All you need to do is… submit."

Immediately, the swirling colors in Celestia's eyes seemed to take on even more of a life of their own, dancing and twirling in intricate patterns that drew Twilight in deeper and deeper. The colors shifted from gold to orange to pink and back again, each shade more vibrant and alluring than the last.

Twilight sunk into the hypnotic rhythm of Celestia's gaze. It surrounded her like a warm, comforting blanket, her thoughts and worries threatening to fall away until there was nothing left.

And yet, the cornered dog lashed out even harder.

"Y-you're not Celestia…" she panted. "You're an imposter, a t-traitor…"

"Twilight." Celestia looked at her with disappointment. "You wound me. Do you not recognize your mentor, the one that has guided you all these years?"

"Then P-Princess, w-what are you doing? This isn't like you at all!" Twilight struggled to tear her gaze away, but turning her neck felt like moving concrete.

Celestia's voice was calm and measured. "My faithful student, you must trust that I know what is best for my little ponies. I have always guided you to the light, have I not? All you must do to know is look into my eyes."

Celestia's magic flared more intensely than before, and Twilight felt magic pressure applied deep within her mind. With a gasp, Twilight found herself held even deeper within Celestia's thrall, and time seemed to stand still as all she could do was look.

"My dear Twilight, do you not wish to learn from me again as you did in your youth?" asked Celestia. "Let me help you fulfill your wish. Feel yourself focus. Open your mind. Feel yourself take deep breaths now, in and out."

In and out. In and out.

Twilight's breathing slowed and her muscles relaxed.

As Celestia softly began stroking Twilight's mane, she purred in her ear, "Doesn't that feel nice?"

"N-ngh…" Twilight could do little more than moan, even though she knew it was wrong.

"That's right." Celestia smiled. "Just feel your worries and doubts melt away."

In and out. In and out.

So calm. So relaxed.

"You're doing so well, my faithful student. Letting yourself accept my every word, knowing just what I need you to do."

Accept Celestia. Follow Celestia.

"A lullaby to soothe your troubled mind, my little pony," said Celestia. She briefly turned and beckoned for the other princesses to approach, before beginning with a gentle lilt.

Your destiny's uncertain

And that's sometimes hard to take

But it will become much clearer

With every new choice I make

Luna continued the verse, her voice soft and melodious, blending seamlessly with Celestia's.

Patience is never easy

I understand wanting more

But you must show obedience

To spread out your wings and soar

Cadance joined in, her voice clear and sweet as she took up the next verse.

You stand here for a reason

My voice is as soothing as it's strong

That crown is upon your head because

You will belong

Their voices washed over Twilight, stirring something deep within her mind. A warmth spread through her body with each note, loosening her thoughts and relaxing her will.

Together, the princesses harmonized, their voices blending in a beautiful chorus.

Know that your thoughts are drifting soon

As the sun rises, so fades the moon

As love finds a place in your heart

You are a princess; obey your part

Luna brushed a hoof against Twilight's cheek before continuing.

Don't you feel yourself wanting more

A chance to surrender, a chance to soar

With Luna's touch, Twilight felt her eyes become unfocused. Her view blurred and faded as the lullaby fogged her mind.

Cadance lovingly put a wing around Twilight's back and took up the next verse.

Today is the day it turns around

Finally, the three princesses joined together in one final verse.

Know that your thoughts are drifting soon

As the sun rises, so fades the moon

As love finds a place in your heart

You are a princess; obey your part

The words sunk into Twilight like stones in a tranquil pond. She struggled to keep her eyes open, desperate to embrace sleep, the hypnotic spirals the only thing keeping her afloat.

"Your time will come," murmured Celestia. "Follow my words, and feel bliss in your obedience."

"Obey your princess, Twilight," Luna said.

"Obey your princess," Cadance parroted.

In Twilight's scattered mind, the words of her trusted mentor and friends made sense. Her mouth moved almost of its own accord. "O-ob-ob-b…" But still, some last part of her resisted.

"Take your time, Twilight," said Celestia. "Let the words bounce around in your mind. Let them absorb into you, into your being. Let every word make you even more tranquil, at peace. Can you do that for me, Twilight?"

Twilight only sighed in response, her head bobbing in time with the spirals. Thoughts of giving in echoed deep within her, making her feel even more calm.

"It feels good following my words," said Celestia. "It feels good letting all that stress disappear. So much better letting me do the thinking."

Twilight tried forming her own thoughts and found she could not. Obeying her princess and letting Celestia take control of her thoughts felt comforting, safe.

Celestia cupped Twilight's chin in her hoof and leaned in even closer. "Now try again, Twilight," she whispered, her breath hot on Twilight's face. "All I need is for you to fall."

Twilight's body trembled with conflicting emotions. A part of her wanted to resist, to break free from the hold of her princesses and reclaim control of her own mind. But another part of her longed to surrender completely, to let go of her worries and fears and simply obey.

It felt so nice having Celestia so close, filling her mind with hazy pleasure. She liked having Celestia's voice in her head. With the other princesses urging her on amidst her own uncertainty and fear, it felt so much easier just following the long, narrow, welcoming passage of Celestia's command.

Like a rubber band being pulled in two different directions, she began to feel her resistance let go. For a moment, she remained suspended in this state of tension until finally, with a whimper, her doubts slinked away, and the rubber band could do nothing but hurtle in the opposite direction.

Pleasure coursed through her entire body as everything seemed to just click into place, and Twilight squirmed and writhed in bliss. She squeezed her eyes shut, her breath coming in short gasps and her mouth open in a silent moan of ecstasy.

When she opened her eyes again, they were glazed over, thrumming in the same brilliant light as Celestia's magic.

"Yes, your highness," she said. "I obey. I am yours to command."

Celestia smiled, the corners of her eyes crinkling with warmth, and Twilight's heart swelled. She leaned eagerly into Celestia's nuzzle, craving her affection and praise like a parched flower craving rain. "That's my good princess," Celestia purred, and Twilight glowed at the endearment, longing to prove how good she could be.

Celestia turned to face Luna and Cadance, who were both standing at attention now that their jobs were complete. "At ease, princesses," she said. "I am very proud of the work you've done today."

Immediately, Luna and Cadance softened, wings folding and heads bowing in unison before their ruler. "Thank you, your highness," they intoned.

For the first time, Twilight noticed that their eyes reflected the same glow her own must have been. Finally, it made her feel like she belonged. They must've been so happy welcoming her into Celestia's thrall.

Celestia turned back to Twilight. "Now, I hope you realize the joy they feel in obedience." She slowly ambled out onto the balcony, looking at the night sky. "After returning from her banishment, Luna was… troubled. She feared the Nightmare would come and reclaim her. Now, such a thing will never happen again. Isn't that right, Luna?"

Luna bowed again. "Yes, sister. Thank you for saving me from myself once more." As if repeating a mantra, she added, "There is no envy or jealousy in obedience."

Celestia nodded. "Very good. And Cadance's kingdom was always so distant from my own throne. What if she was kidnapped by Chrysalis again? Or corrupted by Sombra? I needed to make sure they could not get to her mind first."

Cadance followed suit beside Luna. "My mind and kingdom are yours, Aunt Celestia. Obedience means peace and security."

"Well put, Cadance. And now, the time has come for me to extend my control to all of Equestria's princesses. Come, Twilight." She beckoned for Twilight to approach, waiting upon her slow, mechanical steps. "I hope you understand now why I have kept you in the dark until today."

Twilight's newly enthralled mind understood perfectly. She felt only devotion and a wish to serve as Celestia commanded. "Yes, Princess. I understand now."

"Then." Celestia frowned. "Do you understand now why you should not have doubted me?"

Twilight's gut twisted. She didn't know why she hadn't trusted Celestia in the first place. "Yes, your highness. It was wrong of me to resist. Please forgive me."

"Worry not, my dear Twilight. All is forgiven." Celestia's frown faded, and she wrapped a wing around Twilight and pulled her close. "You have always deserved your alicornhood, Twilight Sparkle," she said. "Your intelligence and ability have always had the potential to rival us all."

Celestia's words sent shivers up Twilight's spine. "Thank you, Princess. I am honored by your praise."

"But you were too uncertain, too naive," Celestia continued. "You needed someone to guide you, command you. I hope your new role serves you well." She allowed herself a wry smile. "My little princess. My little hypnotized puppet princess."

Twilight almost purred at the title. It felt like a badge of honor, a symbol of her devotion to her mentor. "Please command me as you see fit, Princess."

"Very well." Celestia coughed and straightened her posture. She intensified her magic, and when she spoke her voice was once again filled with authority. "Now, Twilight, let my words fill your mind again. Let my thoughts become your thoughts. Let yourself sink deep into relaxation again. Deep breaths, in and out. Good."

She waited briefly for Twilight to fully settle in before continuing. "Now, in a moment, I will bring you fully into trance. Let yourself accept that. Do you feel sleepy, Twilight?"

"Yessss," slurred Twilight, her eyelids already drooping.

"What an excellent, compliant princess." Celestia leaned over and began lightly massaging Twilight's shoulders. "Then, let me count down for you, and with each number, feel yourself sink even deeper."

"Five. Any remaining tension beginning to leave your body."

"Four. Even calmer than before, ready to fall deeper into trance."

"Three. Feeling yourself enveloped by my words, each word making you sleepy."

"Two. Ready to pull a blanket over yourself and just float away."

"One. So close you can feel it."


"Zero. Sleep, Twilight Sparkle. Sleep."

Celestia felt the moment all of Twilight's muscles relaxed completely. She caught Twilight in her magic and gently lowered her to the ground.

"Now, Twilight," she said. "As your consciousness drifts, let your subconscious bubble to the surface, ready to listen. Can you hear me, Twilight?"

Though Twilight's eyes remained closed and her breathing remained slow, her mouth moved. "Yes, your highness."

"Very good. Now, I'm going to plant some simple triggers in you. Plant these triggers deep inside your mind, so that you will always recognize them, even if your conscious mind does not. Do you understand, Twilight?"

"Yes, your highness."

"Okay. Listen carefully. Your first trigger is Submissive Sparkle. Remember how this current trance feels, how calm and safe and relaxed you are. When you hear Submissive Sparkle, you will fall right back into this trance. Let your subconscious accept that. Nod when you're done."

Twilight nodded, and Celestia continued. "Excellent. Now, when I say My Faithful Student, even if you are not in trance, you will feel the desire to follow anything I request. It will feel like the most natural urge in the world. You will trust me completely and obey my command without question. Do you understand, Twilight?"

Twilight nodded again, feeling the triggers take root in her mind.

"Lastly, Twilight, when I say Friendship Awaits, you will awaken from trance and resume your normal life as if nothing has changed. This remains a secret between us princesses. Do you understand?"

Twilight nodded one final time. Like a student studying flashcards, she wrote the triggers deep into her memory, eager to activate them when her mentor desired.

"You've been wonderful tonight, Twilight," said Celestia, patting her student on the head. "Now, My Faithful Student, let your tired mind rest. We have much to discuss tomorrow."

And Twilight knew no more as she descended into blissful darkness, her last thoughts of love and obedience toward Celestia before drifting into peaceful slumber.

The Pendant of Power [Daring Do Hypnosis]

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Celestial Hypnosis

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Starlight's Hypnobump

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The Lunar Experience

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Your Part

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