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Starlight's Hypnobump

By Slippery_Slope
Created: 2023-02-21 04:04:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >"What was that?"
  2. >You quickly jerk your head toward the opened door, hoping you alt-tabbed in time
  3. >"N-nothing..."
  4. >Starlight walks into your room carrying dinner. She sniffs the air and crinkles her nose
  5. >"Anyway. It kind of smells in here. You should clean up more often."
  6. >You choose to ignore her comment and accept the dinner plate, hoping you're not looking panicked or anything. "Thanks."
  7. >"Anyway, Twilight is in the process of handling your legal documents at the moment. You should take a read and go talk with her."
  8. >She levitates a bunch of papers and a pen
  9. >"Uh, sure." You set your dinner on the table and grab the papers, giving them a quick scan
  10. >They seem simple enough. Mostly just a few signatures here and there. You scribble them hastily with the pen
  11. >"I'll go deliver these now I guess. Lemme just close my compu- hey!"
  12. >As you look up, you realize with sinking dread that Starlight has used your momentary distraction to secretly poke around on your computer
  13. >And oh boy, does she have this *look* on her face
  14. >"Mind control thread 16? That is certainly an uh, interesting picture of Twilight you have there."
  15. >Fuck
  16. >Your finger slam the tab closed. "I-it's not what it looks like! I was just following a link from a friend and it ended up there for some reason ahahahaha"
  17. >Starlight giggles. "I'm not mad! You know..." Her voice drops to a whisper. "After all, I did my fair share of mind control back in the day."
  18. >Of course you knew that, though you'd been too embarrassed to bring it up before. "B-but, it was bad purposes, right?"
  19. >Starlight sighs. "Unfortunately, yes. I was in a much worser place then."
  20. >She eyes you, then the screen, then back at you and your flushed face
  21. >"But you, you're different. You're here looking at this all on you're own, aren't you?"
  22. >She says it slowly, teasingly. You're not sure where she's going with this (but at the same time you kind of are)
  23. >"No, I swear, I-"
  24. >"Shhh." She brings a hoof to your lips. "You. It's almost like you want this to happen."
  25. >"Starlight..."
  26. >You're feeling a lot of things. You don't know what to say
  27. >"It's okay, I know." You realize her horn is beginning to softly glow. "Just let me do the rest."
  28. >And suddenly, the world is a bit hazier, and there is a bit of pressure on your brain
  29. >Your jaw goes slack. You realize your arms are hanging limply by your sides, but it feels so nice not to move them
  30. >You adopt a loopy grin. "I listen and obey," you slur. The programmed words to indicate the spell has fully kicked in
  31. >For a moment, you feel your body and mind are very much not your own
  32. >Then you blink once
  33. >No, that wasn't true
  34. >You wanted this. You've always wanted this
  35. >And Starlight wanted this too, and why would you disagree with your Mistress?
  36. >You flinch as Starlight boops you to snap you out of your stupor
  37. >"You still in there?" She peers curiously into your eyes
  38. >Your words are a calm monotone. "Yes, Mistress." It feels good answering your Mistress.
  39. >She squees in delight. "Ooh, I haven't had the chance to use that spell in forever! And I still got it in me. Ahem. Um, open up that tab again, please."
  40. >"Yes, Mistress." You turn back toward the computer screen and obey, with no shame or hesitation
  41. >She walks closer beside you and squints, guiding your hand to scroll down the page
  42. >"Mmmm. Not a very active thread, I see. Hmmm."
  43. >She ponders for a moment
  44. >"Tell you what. For a first command, why don't you help keep the thread active a bit."
  45. >She tilts her head away, though you don't notice
  46. >In a quieter voice. "After all, you're not the only one here with an interest in seeing where it goes."
  47. >She turns her head back, trying to hide her blush. She looks at you in earnest. "You can do that, can't you?"
  48. >Of course you can. In fact, you never had any other intention. "Of course, Mistress."
  49. >She claps her hooves together. "Excellent! Tell you what. I'll go handle these papers for you. And I'll be back for the fun stuff later, okay?" She winks
  50. >You nod. As she takes the papers and pen back and heads out the door, your fingers begin moving to the keyboard, almost of their own volition, typing out the next post...

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