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The Preservation of Innocence (Part 10)

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2023-03-06 06:09:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >as you made your way home you noticed a familiar orange pony coming your way
  2. >she rubbed her face against you
  3. >”c’mon, let’s get you home, I got something to show yah!”
  4. >the two of you made way back to sweet apple acres
  5. >but applejack took sudden turn leading you through a more open area
  6. >behind the cover of a few trees there was a grassy hill looking down at a clear pond
  7. >but most importantly you saw applebloom and big mac sitting behind a basket
  8. >big mac gives you a confident smile but appleblooms is the widest and happiest grin you’ve ever seen
  9. >”Yah hungry ‘non?”
  10. >applebloom flips up the top of the basket and presents everything
  11. >”applejack told me all about how much yah liked zap apple jam”
  12. >she digs through the basket and lifts up a big jar
  13. >”so we brought’cha a whole ton of it!”
  14. >she presents both the jar and her wide smile to you
  15. >before you could properly thank her the idea of the sensation of eating it causes you to drool
  16. >out of embarrassment you quickly wipe your mouth
  17. >the three of them start laughing
  18. >their joy rubs off on you as you join in their laughter
  19. >it felt nice to finally have a moment of peace to enjoy with them
  20. >once the laughter dies down you finally spoke
  21. “Thanks applebloom, that was really generous of you…”
  22. >you pick up the enormous jar
  23. >applebloom seemed to be the manager of the whole ordeal as she sets out silverware on plates and a big blanket to sit on
  24. >applejack hands you one of the spoons, presumably for the jam
  25. >excitedly you pop open the jar and take a big spoonful
  26. >the flavor was just as amazing as you remembered
  27. >the taste and sensation were the same as before yet still just as elusive
  28. >before you could take another bite applejack offered you some other options
  29. >of course, mostly apple related
  30. >as the four of you ate your meals you all began to slow down as your appetites subsided
  31. >applebloom turned to big mac
  32. >”C’MON, LET’S GO SWIMMIN’!”
  33. >before he could react applebloom bolted down the hill
  34. >big mac slowly made his way down obviously more in the mood for a nap than to swim
  35. >nevertheless his journey down hill continued leaving you and applejack alone
  36. >right as you turn to her she sneaks in a sudden kiss
  37. >it was quick and unexpected leaving you with little to say
  38. >”I love you… by the way…”
  39. >her words left you even more unable to speak
  40. >”I’m sorry, I, I just wanted to be the first to say it…”
  41. >within the time it took her to speak you regained your composure
  42. “...I love you too AJ…”
  43. >a gentle smile formed as she locked her eyes to yours
  44. >she slowly made her way closer to you and brought you into a hug
  45. >her forehead pressed against the side of your neck
  46. >”I’m just so glad you’re home now…”
  47. >the sounds of applebloom and big mac playing in the nearby pond only seem to add to the moment rather than distract you from it
  48. >the combination of their joy and the love you share with applejack only further solidifies your sense of belonging
  50. >as applebloom and a very tired big mac make their way back up the hill you and apple jack pack everything up
  51. >the walk home was uneventful but enjoyable in a relaxing way
  52. >by the time you got home it was dark out
  53. >applebloom yawned and wished you all good night
  54. >big mac didn’t have the strength to even speak
  55. >he simply walked slowly up the stairs and crashed into his bed loud enough it could be heard from the front door
  56. >he didn’t even bother to close his door
  57. >just as applejack is about to close the front door a lone stallion ran up to you
  58. >”anon!”
  59. >he spoke in a whispered shout
  60. >”sorry i’m late, i’ve got your order right here!”
  61. >thinking nothing of it you thank the blacksmiths son and take the package
  62. >while he walks off applejack eyes the delivery in your hands
  63. >”whatcha got there anon?”
  64. >her question immersed you back into the reality of your situation
  65. “It’s… um… I can’t tell you right now”
  66. >she gives you a confused look
  67. >”how come?”
  68. >it’s difficult to think of an excuse but you need one now more than ever
  69. “Well… you’re going to find out soon anyways, so just be patient”
  70. >despite her acceptance of it the wording felt so wrong
  71. >it wasn’t going to be a pleasant surprise for her
  72. >or for anyone…
  74. >the two of you made your way upstairs
  75. >you toss your box next to your rifle
  76. >apple jack opens her closet
  77. >”ya know anon, did i ever show you my old record player from when i was little?”
  78. >before you could respond she dragged out some kind of wooden box
  79. >it looked quite nice but definitely worn to some extent
  80. >she opened the top to show it with a record already inside
  81. >”we got it from a relative in manehatten, the record came with it too”
  82. >”here, go up on the bed and get cozy, i wanna show it to ya”
  84. > (The Preservation of Innocence)
  86. >she lets the record play and climbs up into bed next to you
  87. >you both cover yourselves in the blanket and lay down near the edge of the bed facing the record player
  88. >neither of you spoke
  89. >rather, you sat and listened to the performance of the machine
  90. >the two of you were extremly close to each other
  91. >faces pressed together cheek to cheek
  92. >both of you could have moved away at any time
  93. >but the comfort of being this close was too much for either of you to give up
  94. >as if you couldn’t get any closer, she climbs onto your back
  95. >over the left shoulder and under your right arm, she wraps around you giving you an abnormally tight hug
  96. >her face burrows into the side of your neck no longer focused on the record player
  97. >you were her only focus now
  98. >as time passed you felt her breathe draw air across you
  99. >in
  100. >out
  101. >it’s pacing slowly became unsteady
  102. >in
  103. >in
  104. >in
  105. >and a shaky breathe out
  106. >you could feel something damp on your neck after her stuttered breathe
  107. >as the song ended her uneasiness was more audible
  108. >the wet sensation became more evident
  109. >you moved your hand over to caress her
  110. >once she registered your touch she spoke
  111. >”I hate when things change anon…”
  112. >”I just want to wake up and show you things that make you happy”
  113. >”I love seeing that innocent excitement you have”
  114. >she goes silent for a moment
  115. >”I just wish you didn’t have to go…”
  116. >”I wish we could have beat king sombra on our own”
  117. >”I wish I could have been there for you in canterlot”
  118. >she pauses for a second
  119. >”anon… I know what’s in the box…”
  120. >you’re paralyzed by the thought of what she said
  121. >”it’s okay… I know what’s going on”
  122. >”it’s the changelings, isn’t it…”
  123. >you can’t find a way to respond
  124. >”I hate this anon, I really do…”
  125. >”but i know how severe things are now”
  126. >”just promise me… don’t ever stop being the sweet anon that I know”
  127. >”I really wish you didn’t have to shoulder this responsibillity”
  128. >”I get so scared that it’s gonna change you somehow”
  129. >”I don’t want you to come home… different… than you are now”
  130. >”Ponyville is my whole world anon, it wouldn’t be the same if you changed”
  131. >she takes a few labored breathes
  132. >”I was always so worried you were going to change some day, that your sweet side was going to be replaced by this hard, bitter shell”
  133. >”that’s why I was always so secretive with you, that’s why I acting so overprotective”
  134. >”I couldn’t stand the idea of your adorable ways being torn apart by how cruel the world can be sometimes”
  135. >”but even now, you’re just as sweet as ever anon, I can’t tell you how relieved I am”
  136. >”promise me you’ll always have that innocent joy, and when you come home, promise me you’ll stay for good”
  137. “...”
  138. “I promise…”
  140. >last nights rest was not as good as you had hoped
  141. >as nice as it was to be with applejack again you struggled to keep a clear mind while falling asleep
  142. >even your dreams were filled with high speed nonsense
  143. >there’s so much you wish you could get done but so little time
  144. >the more you think about it the more you realize there’s nothing meaningful you could get done within the last day that you have
  145. >applejack, being the most hard working pony you know left bed an hour ago
  146. >you’re still laying in bed thinking it all over
  147. >every innovation that could prove useful would take weeks to do
  148. >mustard gas, flashbangs, spikey armour?
  149. >half of your ideas would never turn out anyways
  150. >but spikey armour would sure as hell get changelings off of you
  151. >as ridiculous as it sounds, it’s a lot better than a repeat of canterlot
  152. >It’s terrifying to think about getting swarmed by those things
  153. >but with an army plus the princesses there fighting along side you, you should be fine
  154. >the goal is to end the war quicker
  155. >that’s all it is
  156. >as overwhelming of a force the equestrian army should be, both you and big mac should be home relatively soon
  157. >the pressure of it all begins to lift
  158. >it won’t be so bad after all
  159. >”anon? You been sleeping all day?”
  160. >you jolt awake realizing you fell back asleep
  161. “Aj? How long was I asleep?”
  162. >”uh, well”
  163. >she pulls the blinds back exposing the room to the orange glow of the evening sun
  164. >”about that long…”
  165. >damn
  166. >”don’t worry about it anon, you’ve had a rough week”
  167. >”the only thing im worried about is if you’re gonna be tired enough to fall asleep again tonight”
  168. >she snickers to herself a bit
  169. >”don’t wantcha stayin’ up all night, maybe go tire yourself out a bit while there’s some sun left out”
  170. >can’t argue with that
  172. >before you can get dressed there’s a knock at the door
  173. >you can hear applejack answer the door with confusion
  174. >as you put your clothes on you hear a mild argument between the two
  175. >what the hell are they on about?
  176. >just as you get yourself fully dressed applejack calls down for you
  177. >”anon, somepony wants to talk to ya!”
  178. “One second”
  179. >oh shit, that’s probably shining armour
  180. >you rush downstairs to see the visitor
  181. >as you catch a glance of him on your way down you notice it most definitely isn’t shining armour
  182. >rather, the doctor
  183. “Uh, can I help you?”
  184. >he opens his mouth to speak but notices applejack behind you
  185. >”why don’t we talk outside for a bit”
  186. >you step through the doorway as he closes the door in front of applejack
  188. >”there’s been a change of plans”
  189. >”pack light, we’re only going to be there for a day at most”
  190. >only a day?
  191. “That’s, that’s great news!”
  192. >”when ur ready get in the balloon, it’s gonna be a long ride”
  193. >you quickly make your way back inside
  194. >”so what in the hay was that all about?”
  195. “Just a minute AJ”
  196. >she gives you an pouty scrunch as you rush back to your room
  197. >you grab the box and your rifle
  198. >if it’s only going to be a day you won’t need much of anything besides that
  199. >you pop open the box and fill your rifle as well as some of your spare pockets with a decent amount of pellets
  200. >with your rifle slung over your back you make your way back downstairs
  202. >she notices what your carrying and freezes
  203. >”ah-anon, are you leavin’ already?”
  204. >she asks in a nervous tone
  205. “Yeah, but i’ll only be gone for a day, isn’t that great aj?”
  206. >you cup her face with your hands
  207. >she smiles with closed eyes
  208. >”that’s the best news i’ve heard in a while”
  209. >but her tone changes when she opens her eyes
  210. >”make sure you’re stayin’ safe anon, I know you can handle yourself now, but that don’t make me worry no less”
  211. “Of course aj”
  212. >you give her a big kiss before heading out
  213. >”see ya when you get home anon!”

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text