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At a Confessional

By CoolNon
Created: 2023-04-07 09:29:32
Updated: 2023-04-07 09:30:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Faithful Prayer
  2. >Currently a priest(ess) for the Church of the Sunhat Tippers
  3. >It is a Saturday, and according to tradition, you are stationed at the confessional booth waiting for sinners and repentful perverts to enter your sacred space
  4. >The sounds the heavy hoofsteps could be heard across the meshed wooden wall
  5. >"Bless me Mother for I have sinned. It's been... so many years since my last confession"
  6. >The voice is heavily distorted thanks to incantations that prevent the identity of the confessor to being exposed
  7. >You adjust your seat on the sacred pillow and listen close
  8. >"There has been a colt, as it were, that has been plaguing my thoughts as of late."
  9. >Ahh another one of those types of mares
  10. >"I've been having these sinful thoughts regarding his body."
  11. >"His toned foal-chasing legs, that chiseled jawline, for everypony's sake he even wears socks all day!"
  12. >Ooh filly, 'tis moment of weakness for a promiscuous colt.
  13. >The sinner takes a deep breath and continues
  14. >"But those thoughts couldn't compare to who he is."
  15. >"He... You could say isn't like any other stallion."
  16. >"He takes what he wants, speaks his mind without any care of decency to others, and most of all he always tries to do things on his own without a mare's supervision."
  17. >You absentmindedly shook your head dissatisfaction
  18. >"But the worst part is I kind of like it"
  19. >And there it is
  20. >"The way my wings feel tingly as I watched hims behind sway behind him."
  21. >"The worst part is he doesn't care, no matter how much I try to cover for him away from other mares."
  22. >Atta filly, at least there's some decency in this world
  23. >"But because he doesn't care that I ogle him, it ended up fueling my... needs for a stallions touch. His touch"
  24. >"I would have my hooves gently trail down my sinful cavern and s-schlick my self silly for nights on end!"
  25. >You let out a sigh, hoping that it didn't come to this degeneracy
  26. >"I could imagine his ha-hooves just grab and pin me down the bed."
  27. >"His bold attitude fueling the thought of him taking my mouth with his own-!"
  28. >You clutch your sunhat in front of your chest, trying to push any and all naughty thoughts of the erm 'imagination'
  29. >"-Then his hoof fingers would grab my horn and push me against the mattress and buck me silly!"
  30. >honeybutterwhat.jpg
  31. "Hoof fingers?"
  32. >Oh poop you're not suppose to talk during confession phase
  33. >"A-Ah I think I've said too much. F-Forgive me mother, for these sinful thoughts have been plaguing me."
  34. >You take a deep breath
  35. "My child I see this stallion has been plaguing you of your thoughts and dreams. I recommend
  36. praying for our Goddess Celestia for guidance and her sister Goddess Luna for protection."
  37. >The sinner mumbled something but you continued
  38. "As for the stallion, do not admonish him by his actions, but protect him from the environment that caused those actions. Be the stone he needs and he will be set on the right path."
  40. >"I-I see. Of course Mother."
  41. "Now then let's pray the Act of Purification to cleanse you of your sins."
  42. >The two of you, in sync, pray for her blasphemous thoughts and actions
  43. "In nomine matris et sororis et sancte confectionis amen. Go forth fellow sister and bring a brand new day for yourself and all stallions."
  44. >The sounds of wood creaking suggest the sinner takes her leave from the booth
  45. >The next thing you hear are powerful wing beats getting farther and farther away.
  46. >You sigh in relief, praying that this one manages to make the Great Celestia proud
  47. >A few minutes later and another pony enters the booth and sits on the opposite side of wall.
  48. >"B-Bless me Mother for I have sinned. It's been last week since I've made my last confession."
  49. >"Today I a-accidentally broke in to my cute neighborhood stallion's bathroom and accidentally sat on his p-penis."
  50. >Oh great it's this one again.

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