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Wallflower stuffs you in the basement

By CoolNon
Created: 2023-04-07 09:33:25
Updated: 2023-07-25 01:32:35
Expiry: Never

  1. PROMPT:
  2. >Locks you in her basement but feeds you three square meals a day and allows 2 hours of outdoor exercise.
  3. >Rapes you nightly but makes sure it's all done by 9:00pm so you can get plenty of sleep.
  4. >Points a gun to your temple and lets you use the phone to call your family and friends if you need to so long as you don't give her away.
  5. >Steals all your clothes from you, only to show up a few days later with shopping bags full of new clothes that fit you perfectly and a gleeful expression.
  6. >Tfw you're in the best shape of your life, have never been better fed or better dressed, and you're having regular sex, but it's at the hands of an obsessive sociopath who won't let you leave.
  8. >The sound of the door opening rouses you awake
  9. >Sitting up, you instinctively try to rub your eyes only for your hand to get pulled by the shackles in the bed
  10. >"Good Morning Anon~!"
  11. "Good Morning Wally."
  12. >She quickly walks toward you with a tray of food
  13. >"I made you a vegetable omelette this morning."
  14. "Oh. Thank you. Can you uh, let my arms go?"
  15. >"Of course. Just as long you don't do anything funny."
  16. >She emphasize that last point with the frown but still uses her key to the shackles
  17. >You rub your wrists a bit from the chaffing but you stay still where you are
  18. >Wally was still smart enough to shackle your legs to the floor
  19. >"Now! How about I turn on the tv while you enjoy your breakfast."
  20. >She turns to walk towards the television, which was caged and had a padlock beside to prevent you from hurting yourself
  21. >You take a bite out of the delicious omelette as the sounds of an action movie could be heard
  22. >Wally takes a seat beside you and wraps her arm around you
  23. >"Cheerilee asked the class today for a partner assignment due next week and I requested that you'd be my partner."
  24. "And they still believe that I'm still sick and staying at my house?"
  25. >"Mhm!"
  26. >Another bite of the omelette has you contemplating on how she was able to mix the pepper and squash flavor
  27. >"So... I'm gonna have to leave for school. There's the remote in case you wanna change the channel."
  28. >Wallflower gets up and is about to leave before you call out to her
  29. "Good luck in school Wally."
  30. >"Thanks! Y-You too."
  31. >She closes the door but a few minutes later you hear her muffled screaming
  34. >Wallflower gets bullied by Trixie and Glimmer
  35. >Says she's going to die a virgin without anyone waiting for her at home
  36. >She puts her foot down and says she has a boyfriend
  37. >"Pfft. The Great and Power Trixie doesn't believe a nobody like you punched her V-Card sooner than Trixie."
  38. >"Oh you wanna BET?!"
  39. >Wallflower slams her tray on the table while snarling at the smug Trixie
  40. >"Trixie bets her entire lunch money. Though Trixie doubts you could afford such luxury."
  41. >"Fine! My house. After school. I think you'll picking your jaw off the floor looking at the stud that waits at my beck and call!"
  42. >Anon would later be surprised at the additional members Wally brought with her to the basement
  43. >"Wally?"
  44. >"Shush Anon! I'm going to teach these virgins behind me how a real woman fucks!"
  45. >Wallflower tries to rip her sweater off but she was too weak to destroy the fabric
  46. >She quickly takes it off and slams it to the floor with a war cry
  47. >Anon gets pounced and has his cheeks grabbed by Wallflower's hands
  48. >The girl turns to the two shocked witnesses and speaks
  49. >"You will watch this."
  50. >What follows was an aggressive makeout session and a grind fest on poor Anon Jr.
  51. >"Uh Trixie? Isn't that Anon,the guy who was missing like two weeks ago?"
  52. >"Trixie knows. Trixie tried to seduce Anon with a magic trick but Trixie couldn't find him."
  53. >Wallflower undoes her bra and smothered Anon's head within her bosom
  54. >"Should we call the police?"
  55. >"Trixie agrees."
  56. >The two quietly walked away from the scene, but not without Anon's notice
  57. >"Wrffy? Wrffy!"
  58. >Anon light slapped Wallflower's cheek to get her out of her rage fueled horniness
  59. >Wallflower pulls Anon's head and out and growls at their special time being interrupted
  60. >"What!? What is Anon?!"
  61. >"I uh think they are trying to call for help?"
  62. >Wallflower stops her grinding and facepalms
  63. >"Fuck."
  64. >She reaches for the remote behind the pillow and pushes a button
  65. >The sound of machinery slams on top of the basement activating the lock down protocol.
  67. >Wallflower sits up and produces a wooden bat
  68. >"Be back in a minute Nonny."

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