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A Brilliant Research

By CoolNon
Created: 2023-04-07 09:22:11
Updated: 2024-04-20 06:46:54
Expiry: Never

  1. >CMC decided to see if Anon's balls are bigger than Big Mac's
  2. >Scootaloo and Applebloom argue whether or not their brotherly-figure is better
  3. >Sweetie Belle currently has several tissues stuck up to her bloody nostrils
  5. >"Hello and Good Morning!"
  6. >"My name is Sheer Brilliance"
  7. >The camera pans to a spectacled unicorn mare with a sky blue coat and orange mane
  8. >She fiddles with the camera before clearing her throat
  9. >"Erhm... My Name is Sheer Brilliance and today I'm going to present to you my thesis for Alien Sexual Anatomy"
  10. >"Now you might be asking 'Alien Sexual Anatomy? Isn't that a bit too far out there and a bit crude for your taste?'"
  11. >"Even I thought so to. But, I have recently discovered an opportunity of a life time!"
  12. >She turns to the side and brings up a newspaper with her magic to the front of the camera
  13. >"' 'Alien living in Ponyville', 'Hairless Ape welcomed to the land of Equestria by Princess Twilight Sparkle.' "
  14. >The paper floats down revealing her excited face
  15. >"This is my new chance of finding out how other species other than our own world repopulate!"
  16. >Brilliance fixes her glances and coughs
  17. >"B-But I can assure you this isn't some ploy to get into some alien pants. I have been an avid fan of aliens in my childhood."
  18. >"I looked up to Princess Luna's stars and thought of them as worlds farther than our own."
  19. >"Thinking of how other ponies, or even somethings even live."
  20. >She stares at the camera with a surefire look
  21. >"I picked sexual anatomy because it's a subject never been taken by other researchers."
  22. >"Usually it's just 'culture, eating habits, or any other boring topics of the like."
  23. >"But Sexual Anatomy? Ooh that's a spicy topic any pony would want to pick up."
  24. >"Plus, it could lead some insight on some of the rumors I've been hearing about the subject."
  25. >She looks to the left and right before whispering closely
  26. >"Apparently the mares on his world wear bras."
  27. >The unicorn steps back
  28. >"Right so... I've been packing up for the train for Ponyville."
  29. >"I got my notebook, crystal etcher, contracts in case I don't want to get sued, food, clothes, everything I need."
  30. >"Alright I think that's all that I need to say for my first log in my thesis."
  31. >"Next time, I'll be on Ponyville interviewing all the locals that know our subject."
  32. >"Hopefully it gives me on insight on how to approach the alien and hope fully get a hooves-on-"
  33. >She shakes her flustered head
  34. >"u-up close and personal interview with him."
  35. >"Anyway... This is Sheer Brilliance signing off."
  37. >The next video cuts to the camera under the face chin of Sheer Brilliance
  38. >"So uh... Here we are. Ponyville"
  39. >The camera turns towards the station with very few ponies coming and going
  40. >"Very rustic. Not that's a bad thing, just not what I'm used to."
  41. >"The next step would be looking for the hotel I'm staying for the next few days."
  42. >Sheer Brilliance stops for a second and looks around
  43. >"Maybe I should ask around..."
  44. >The camera mare trots towards a nearby tall red pony
  45. >"Excuse me ma'am?"
  46. >"Pardon?"
  47. >The video feed jumbles as the tall mare turns out to be a stallion
  48. >"Oh! Uh! Sorry Sir! I'm just looking for a hotel called 'Cozy Camper?"
  49. >The red stallion's brow furrows a bit before happily responding
  50. >"Sure! Just head thataway and turn at the second street corner and ya'll find yerself there in a jiffy."
  51. >Sheer Brilliance audibly sighs in relief
  52. >"This way right?"
  53. >"Eeyup"
  54. >"Cool! Thanks!"
  55. >"No problemo."
  56. >The stallion picks up a basket of apples and trots away
  57. >"Huh... At least the colts here are different."
  58. >The camera slowly but subtly starts zooming in on the stallion's behind-
  59. >"HEY!"
  60. >The camera turns to see a furious stetson wearing mare trotting towards Brilliance
  61. >"Ya'll think ya can ogle mah brother and git away with it!?"
  62. >"No! I-I mean! I was just asking for d-directions!"
  63. >"Oh ya'll need directions alright, for whats up and down when ahm thru with ya!"
  64. >"No no no WAIT-"
  65. >The video cuts again, now in a modest room with Sheer Brilliance peeking through the peep hole
  66. >The mare was breathing heavily before sliding down the door
  67. >"Okay. I think *sigh* I lost her."
  68. >Sheer Brilliance takes a deep breath before approaching the camera
  69. >"As- *audible swallow* -you can see. The first day of the research almost went horribly bad."
  70. >She takes another deep breath to calm herself
  71. >"But who's to say anatomy was easy amiright?"
  72. >The mare chuckles to herself
  73. >"Anyway. Tomorrow marks the first official day of research. I'll be interviewing folks here at Ponyville about the alien to get a feel for how to approach him"
  74. >"This is Sheer Brilliance signing off."
  75. >She reaches up for the camera to turn it off
  76. >But not before her heavy whispers reach the camera's mic
  77. >"Celestia's sun I need to lose weight..."
  79. >The camera turns on to the view of a busy street
  80. >"Hello... This is Sheer Brilliance with the first official day of research for 'Alien Sexual Anatomy.' "
  81. >"My first stop is the Carousel Botique, where the subject buys their clothing."
  82. >Sheer Brilliance turns the camera towards her face, excited
  83. >"Wish me luck."
  84. >She cleared her throat and attempted to knock on the door
  85. >Only for a little white filly to open it first
  86. >"Oh! Excuse me miss."
  87. >"No no! It's okay. I just uh... I'm just going to talk to the owner of the Carousel Botique?"
  88. >"You mean my sister? Sure I'll get her."
  89. >Sheer Brilliance waited for the filly to go back to the shop.
  90. >She waited for a moment about to ask if she was gonna get her sister until the filly started screaming
  92. >The cacophony of crashing and angry meowing emit from the inside
  93. >"J-Just a minute."
  94. >The filly, not caring about what happened inside, pranced away and left the boutique
  95. >The camera pans towards the open doorway
  96. >Sheer Brilliance sighs and enters the building
  97. >Rows of pony mannequins draped with various patterns of cloth are littered around the interior
  98. >A white mare with purple mane reveals herself from the cover brushing her mane
  99. >"Sometimes I wish Sweetie Belle would just learn about- Ah. Welcome to the Carousel Boutique!"
  100. >The seamstress noticed the small camera pointed at her
  101. >"Ah! You must be from the Frame Perfect Monthly for my long awaited interview?"
  102. >The colty mare posed with a sofa magically appearing behind her to catch her fall with a spotlight lighting the center
  103. >"Er... Not exactly. I'm Sheer Brilliance and I wanted to have an interview with you since you make clothes for a certain alien."
  104. >The mare stops her posing and the sofa and spotlight disappear
  105. >"Oh. Well if introductions are in order, allow me to introduce myself as Rarity. I'm also the only known tailor for the only human in Equestria!"
  106. >The sound of scribbling could be heard right near the mic
  107. >"Okay Rarity, I umm I apologize if this sudden actually. It looks like you're a bit busy with all this."
  108. >The camera pans towards the mess of a shop
  109. >"No no no. It's fine darling. Follow me to the dining room. I'll fix us up some tea and we can talk about Anonymous."
  110. >"An-non-ee-moous... So that's the subject's name."
  111. >Sheer Brilliance whispers to herself as she follows the mare now known as Rarity
  112. >The video cuts towards a table with Rarity positioned at the center
  113. >Her name and title flashes on the side
  114. >"So Ms. Rarity-"
  115. >"Just Rarity is fine please. It makes me feel like I'm older and we are in casual setting."
  116. >"Okay so Rarity, tell me how you met the subject Anonymous?"
  118. >Rarity hovered a tea cup to her lips for a sip before speaking
  119. >"Well darling, It was around 2:34 pm where I was taking inventory and preparing for the upcoming Fall Fashion Season when the door opened to my good friend Twilight."
  120. >"However, behind her was a creature unlike I've ever seen before."
  121. >Setting the tea aside, she continued
  122. >"It was a lanky minotaur, but with no horns or tail to begin with. He introduced himself as Anonymous."
  123. >"Though the first thing I noticed was the awful, soot-covered clothing he was wearing!"
  124. >The sound of scribbling notes could be heard
  125. >"He was covered in soot?"
  126. >Rarity suddenly leaned forward and slammed her hooves on to the table
  127. >"Yes! It was awful! No stallion will ever be caught dead with so much as a stain on their neckerchief!"
  128. >The unicorn huffed at the memory and continued, sitting upright again
  129. >"In any case, Twilight explained tome the situation. Apparently she was experimenting on dimensional travel with the mirror and accidentally summoned the poor thing."
  130. >"As the bearer of Generosity, I offered to sew clothes for dear Anonymous. But not before scolding Ms. Sparkle for dragging the colt's garments through the ringer."
  131. >More scribbling
  132. >"So what was it like sewing clothes for an extra terrestrial."
  133. >Rarity gave her an odd look but continued
  134. >"It was not that difficult in retrospect darling. All I needed was some references to Anonymous' measurements and some spare minotaur clothing."
  135. >"Uh huh. No problems whatsoever?"
  136. >The unicorn gave a smug grin
  137. >"Of course."
  138. >"But what about his er- anatomy down below?"
  139. >Rarity took a sip and answered without a beat
  140. >"Already taken care of. I took in to account his size with my keen eye and field tested the undergarments by yours truly."
  141. >There was a pang of silence after
  142. >"Alrighty then... Well uh thank you Ms. Rarity for the interview. It was... quite informative."
  143. >"None to worry darling! It was the least I could do."
  144. >With that, the video ends.
  145. >It cuts to the next scene of a colorful cake shop
  146. >"Mare, all this walking is making me hungry."
  148. >-Extra-
  149. >Rarity bids the unicorn farewell and returns to the shop
  150. >Fixing all the mess with a single flick of her horn she comes across the near finished briefs of a certain alien
  151. >She grabs a piece with her magic and wears it, giving her a butt an extra wiggle in front of the mirror
  152. >"Hmm. Should probably add more elasticity to the waistband for a good grip. Ooh! And make the fabric it more compact to hug those extra goodies."
  154. >"This is Sheer Brilliance reporting in for my scheduled lunch as I continue my research on the subject Anonymous."
  155. >The camera opens to unicorn stuffing her face with a gigantic cupcake with blueberry filling
  156. >"This fine establishment where I am now is Ground Zero."
  157. >Brilliance turns the camera to the ceiling revealing a 5 pointed squiggly star-shaped hole that was hastily covered with two by fours
  158. >"Sugar Cube, the dessert shop, was where Anonymous, the human, landed here."
  159. >She wipes her face to clear the crumbs on her muzzle
  160. >"At least that's what the papers have said."
  161. >"Right now, I'm going to interview one the subject's first contacts, Pinkamena Pie."
  162. >"THAT'S MY NAME! Don't wear it out."
  163. >"GAH!"
  164. >Sheer Brilliance near flipped her dessert when a pink earth pony shoving her face on to the camera
  165. >"Is this a camera? Am I on TV?! HI MOM, HI DAD, HI MAUD, HI LIMESTONE, HI MARBLE-"
  166. >A hoof places itself on the noisy mares's mouth
  167. >"Ms. Pie! I mean, Ms. Pie, I'm sorry if I bother you but-"
  168. >Pinkie pulls away and shakes the mare's hoof
  169. >"Daw! Don't be sorry Sheery! If someone calls my name I can't help but show up! Though I prefer to be called Pinkie Pie. It's what my friends call me! And everyone's my friend here."
  170. >"Well okay then-"
  171. >*gasp* "You must be new to Ponyville! I should throw you a welcome party here! Even Nonny liked it when I threw him a party.
  172. >"No, please, I don't need a party. But I want to talk to you about-
  173. >"Actually you remind me of my friend Twilight! She's such a good friend. She's even a princess of Friendship .Could you imagine that?!
  174. >"PINKIE!"
  175. >The party pony stopped bouncing around the booth and sits on the opposite side of Sheer Brilliance
  176. >"Yes?"
  177. >The unicorn takes a deep breath
  178. >"I just want to interview you about Anonymous. It's for my research."
  179. >Pinkie leans forward with a raised brow
  180. >"You mean Nonny? Current talk of the town Nonny? My bestest alien friend besides my other 5 bestest friends Nonny? Currently reigning top 3 best smiles to protect of Equestria and rising Anonymous?
  181. >With each new title, the earth mare was getting closer and up at the unicorn's face. Her one eye pointed down at her nervous customer
  182. >"Y-Yes that Nonny."
  183. >Pinkie zips back at her seat like rubber and lets out a big smile
  184. >"Okie dokie lokie! What do you want to talk about?"
  185. >Sheer Brilliance wipes her forehead in relief and fixes herself
  186. >"I want you to talk about you handled your first contact with Anonymous the alien."
  187. >With a pen and paper, she was ready to write down everything this mare has to offer
  189. >Pinkie was on a roll
  190. >While skating around the parlor, she took several orders and threw them in the air
  191. >Each dessert landed perfectly on each table filled with happy stallions
  192. >"Such agility!"
  193. >"Such strength!"
  194. >"Bear my children Pinkie!"
  195. >She salutes the stallions before spotting a depressed Caramel
  196. >"Oh me oh my! If only there was a pink mare that could make me smile."
  197. >Pinkie landed on the table and pulled out Caramel's order from her hair
  198. >"BEHOLD! You're pumpkin spiced frappe with extra sprinkles and coffee bits on the side my good colt."
  199. >The stallion let out a gasp before blushing up a storm
  200. >"Oh Pinkie Pie! You always know a way to a stallion's heart."
  201. >"You know me Caramel! Say how about you tip me the usual."
  202. >The stallion presented his rump towards the mare and the latter gave it a mighty slap
  203. >"Ah~!"
  205. >Sheer Brilliance could only sit still, slack-jawed at what monstrosity she wrote on her notepad
  206. >"And then, several stallions suddenly stood up and fought just to tip me. Of course, I wasn't gonna allow a fight to occur so I requested each and every stallion there to form a line and-"
  207. >"How about we just fast forward to the time Anonymous entered."
  208. >Pinkie visibly deflated
  209. >"But I was going to gonna talk about how I beat the Equestrian record for most booty slaps per minute."
  210. >"Please, Pinkie? I just... can't put this in."
  211. >Pinkie Pie reflates herself by blowing into her hair and continued
  213. >Suddenly there was fire
  214. >The whole ceiling lit up and upon there descended an creature unlike any another
  215. >He landed on the ground with his fist down
  216. >The alien stood tall and looked around, flames still burning on his back
  217. >"To where may I find sustenance to fill my needs?"
  218. >All the ponies in the room gasped and looked around, thinking of something they could do to appease the mysterious creature
  219. >All but one
  220. >Pinkie Pie, the brave mare, stepped forward and presented a giant cupcake
  221. >It was the Tuesday Jello Special, with frosting replaced with red jello jiggling top of it
  222. >The creature picked up the food and smeared all over his face
  223. >The fire on his back slowly extinguished
  224. >He had a smile on his face and and knelt down on the brave earth pony
  225. >"What is your name?"
  226. >"Pinkie Pie! The number one party mare of Ponyville!"
  227. >The alien laughed and pulled her up to his shoulder
  228. >"The name suits you! Everyone, give it up for our number one party pony, Pinkie Pie!"
  229. >"Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie! Pinkie Pie!"
  230. >Everypony clapped
  232. >"-And that's how I met Nonny! The end."
  233. >Pinkie let out a squee just from the memory
  234. >Sheer Brilliance could only scratch her forehead with the pencil's eraser while looking down at her notes
  235. >"So let's see if I can interpret this right, Anonymous crashed down from the ceiling, he was on fire, and you used your Tuesday Jello Special-"
  236. >"-You should try it! We have it every Tuesday. It says so in its name."
  237. >"-to put out the flames while he was on fire, then he introduced himself you."
  238. >The unicorn looks up from her notes
  239. >"Is this correct?"
  240. >"Yep!"
  241. >Pinkie emphasizes the 'p'
  242. >"Great!"
  243. >Sheer Brilliance began to pack up her stuff
  244. >"This has been an insightful interview butIhaveplacestogossightstoseeandI'msorryforleavingsosoonokaybye!"
  245. >Wit that, she dashes out of the Sugar Cube Corner
  246. >"What is wrong with this town?"
  249. >-Extra-
  250. >"Bye Sheers! It was nice knowing you!"
  251. >At the same time, Caramel entered the parlor with a grumpy look
  252. >Pinkie Pie noticed and trotted behind him
  254. >The stallion lets out a screech when he felt a firm slap on his rear
  255. >He looks angrily at Pinkie and fires a quick buck with his legs, earning the mare a sunken face
  256. >"B-Baka!"
  258. >The camera cuts to a street in Ponyville
  259. >"Okay, so far we have a good idea on the subject's first contact with Ponykind."
  260. >"Given the information given to us by 'eccentric' eyewitnesses. I have a good idea on how to approach Anonymous for tomorrow's goal-"
  261. >"YOU!"
  262. >She turns to see a furious stetson-wearing pony wielding a crossbow
  263. >"Ohhh shoot."
  265. >The camera shakes as Sheer Brilliance runs away from the crazy mare.
  266. >A bolt zips past the camera making her scream
  267. >"I didn't mean to peep on your brother!"
  268. >The angry mare only yells back as a response and already shoots another bolt, nearly missing the researcher
  269. >"Eep!"
  270. >Brilliance turns the corner between two houses and finds herself back to a deadend blocked by a fence
  271. >Using her wits, she pulls a trashcan with her magic and uses it as a foothold to climb up
  272. >"Oh no you don't you pervert!"
  273. >The projectile lands near inches to Brilliance's leg as she hoists herself up
  274. >When she is finally at the top of the fence, her horn glows and rolls the trashcan towards her pursuer
  275. >The mare was surprised at what the unicorn did and in response bucked oncoming obstacle
  276. >The impact causes it to spew out the rest of its remains and on to the earth pony
  277. >"Awwh! Ahh! Gross!"
  278. >Leaving the crazy pony sputtering out the muck, Sheer Brilliance lands at the other side of the fence and scurries off
  279. >Her heavy breathing is audible as she takes a rest on the nearby edge of the woods.
  280. >"I think- *cough* I think I lost her."
  281. >She plops her plot on to the ground and wipes away the sweat on her forehead.
  282. >"Is Ponyville really this crazy? How does one even survive here?"
  283. >"It can be a bit much but I consider it home."
  284. >"AHHH!"
  285. >"EEEP!"
  286. >She turns towards the new voice and finds a yellow pegasus shaking and hiding away from Sheer Brilliance with her wings.
  287. >Taking a good look at her, the mare doesn't look too threatening
  288. >Yet
  289. >"Oh uh, sorry for scaring you miss! I'm just a bit jumpy after some crazy mare was hunting me down. My n-name is Sheer Brilliance by the way! Unicorn researcher from Canterlot!"
  290. >She extends a hoof to the quivering pony
  291. >The pegasus lets one eye peek from her wings before approaching her slowly and taking her hoof.
  292. >"F-Fluttershy"
  294. >The scene cuts to Sheer Brilliance walking with Fluttershy
  295. >"Wow, being a researcher must be pretty fun."
  296. >"It is! You get to travel all over Equestria and beyond! Though I guess being a caretaker for critters isn't too different from my profession."
  297. >The pegasus tries to smile but bows her head when the camera starts focusing on her
  298. >Sheer Brilliance notices this
  299. >"Oh uh, sorry if recording you is making you uncomfortable."
  300. >"It kind of is. Could you kindly turn it away."
  301. >The unicorn turns the camera away leaving it only seeing the ground they walk on
  302. >"So, what kind of research are you doing?"
  303. >Sheer Brilliance chuckles with pride
  304. >"The first of its kind! I'm doing research on a never before seen creature that landed on Equestrian soil."
  305. >"Really what's it like?"
  306. >"It's a confirmed he! The specimen is something of a oddity within our books so I wanted to be the first."
  307. >Fluttershy was silent at first before speaking
  308. >"Would this specimen be Anon?"
  309. >"Oh do you know him?"
  310. >"I do, I'm one of the people who showed him around Ponyville alongside Twilight."
  311. >Sheer Brilliance was ecstatic
  312. >"That means you can tell me all about him!"
  313. >"Oh that's a good idea! We could share each other's information about him?"
  314. >The pegasus was looking into Anonymous? Strange but just another opportunity about her research.
  315. >They arrive at Fluttershy's cabin as the mare fiddles with her keys to open the door
  316. >"I think I could share you some of my notes here. Oh! Do you mind if I take some notes about your testimony about the alien?"
  317. >"I don't mind at all."
  318. >Fluttershy opens the door and lets Sheer Brilliance in
  319. >It was a quaint little cabin suited for a mare living alone
  320. >"Is it okay if I record your notes?"
  321. >"Sure, my 'notes' are over here."
  322. >The camera finally pans up to reveal a corner of the room draped with a red velvet cloth
  323. >"Is this it?"
  324. >"Yes, here let me pull the dust cover."
  325. >She pulls the drapes with her mouth revealing a site Sheer Brilliance wished she'd never see
  326. >It was a shrine
  327. >A shrine dedicated to Anonymous
  328. >Photos from the view just a few yards away from the unaware alien
  329. >Jars of hair, nails, and ...other fluids
  330. >Scrapped letters filled with hearts written with a red crayon
  331. >In the middle was a group photo cutout leaving Anonymous and Fluttershy as the two remaining
  332. >"What the buck..."
  333. >"Language."
  334. >Sheer Brilliance hears a click from the only exit
  336. >Turning around, Fluttershy is at the door staring daggers at the camera's owner
  337. >"So, you think you know sooo much about Anon."
  338. >The pegasus takes a step forward
  339. >"Uhhm... Fluttershy what are you doing?"
  340. >Fluttershy takes a deep breath
  341. >"What I am doing is a service to my future colfriend."
  342. >Suddenly all manner of critters emerged from the furniture. Each baring their teeth, claws, and any other dangerous body part that could poke hard
  343. >Sheer Brilliance gulps at what she had gotten into
  344. >"You see, all manner of 'maress-uh' tried to take Anon away from me. And they all end up the same way."
  345. >"Y-You kill them?!"
  346. >That put's Fluttershy to a halt
  347. >"Kill? No, I just knock them out and send them on a one-way trip to Timbucktu."
  348. >"Oh."
  349. >The unicorn breathes a sigh of relief
  350. >"But that's not a bad idea actually. Bring her to me my pretties!"
  351. >Fluttershy lets out a wicked laugh as all the critters moved to pounce on Sheer
  352. >Suddenly Sheer Brilliance a war cry
  353. >But it was more like a howling changeling with a voice-crack
  354. >All of the knick-knacks containing the shrine of Anon floated up and was thrown against the small army like a gatling gun
  356. >The critters tried their best to catch as many jars and photos as possible
  357. >But it was too late, a jar of nails was smashed onto the floor sending Fluttershy in a crazed frenzy
  358. >"NOT THE NAIL JAR! It took me weeks to engrave every date I took them from the trash!"
  359. >The screen cuts to see an image of chaos as Fluttershy and her animals all try to recover the Anon collection
  360. >Suddenly the scene zooms in on the pegasus before fading to black
  362. >Sheer Brilliance threw a jar out of the window and climbed out
  363. >She lands hard on the grass floor and books it to the nearest tree line
  364. >The unicorn made sure she wasn't being followed
  365. >But she ran as far away from this crazy place as possible
  366. >Good thing Unicorn school taught her basic self-defense using magic
  367. >By the time she was tired of running, she was somewhere unfamiliar to her
  368. >She realized she was in the middle of nowhere, at night
  369. >"Oh great. Just great. Well it looks like I'm in a bit of a pickle her folks- Wait where is it?"
  370. >Her camera is missing. Why is it missing?!
  371. >It was around her neck and then-
  372. >She threw it at the crazy pegasus
  373. >The unicorn took a deep breath
  375. >She let out all her frustrations from that outburst
  376. >But now what?
  377. >"I mean, it can't get any worse can it?"
  378. >The sound of thunder echoed through the night sky, and a heavy downpour emerged
  379. >Sheer Brilliance clicked her tongue and looked down
  380. >No food, no water, no camera
  381. >Stuck in the middle of nowhere
  382. >"Well at least there's one thing to do."
  383. >She lied down and silently cried on the wet grass
  384. >Stupid town, stupid pony towns, stupid thesis, stupid STUPID STUPID!
  385. >Sheer Brilliance decides to let nature take its course and just swallow her whole
  386. >The unicorn cried her heart out, letting tiredness put her to sleep
  387. >Unaware that a creature was approaching her
  389. >Sheer Brilliance woke to the sight of Celestia's sun peering down on her
  390. >Is this Elysium?
  391. >If it is, why is her nose clogged up and her throat hoarse?
  392. >She sat up and coughed on the blanket on her before realizing where she is
  393. >She was at someone's home.
  394. >But it was quite uncanny, everything looked like it was bigger than most ponies
  395. >Tartarus, even the bed she was laying on looked like it could accommodate a herd
  396. >Where is she?
  397. >The door opened up to the sight of some sort of bipedal monster
  398. >Unicorn School of Magic Defense Secret Art: Throw the nearest furniture!
  399. "Shitting fuck!"
  400. >The creature's tray of food was knocked out from his hand with a clock, which led the hot soup pouring down on to the floor
  401. >The utensils clattered on to the floor as the weird bipedal monster- wait biped?
  402. >Sheer Brilliance eyes widened at the entity before her who was jumping around and nursing his burnt foot
  403. >"Y-You're Anon!"
  404. >Anon had to sit down to a nearby chair as he rubbed on his burning foot before looking at her with a raised brow
  405. "Yeah, and I'm glad you're awake. Didn't expect the warm welcome though."
  406. >Oops.

A Brilliant Research

by CoolNon

Fixer Upper

by CoolNon

At a Confessional

by CoolNon

Wallflower stuffs you in the basement

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Underwear Bandits

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