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Untitled /moon/ green

By Autopony
Created: 2023-04-17 11:55:45
Updated: 2023-05-29 16:18:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >You've been happily married to Luna for...
  2. >Gosh, how long has it been?
  3. >Time gets lost when you're ageless.
  4. >Regardless, it has been some time.
  5. >Life is virtually pure bliss - the accommodations are a perk, but Luna is your soul.
  6. >Metaphorically and to a certain extent, literally.
  7. >It was a ritual after the wedding that bound you to Luna, and imbued you with the same mystical power that kept the Royal Sisters alive and vibrant.
  8. >As part of the deal as a whole, you ended up with a great sis-in-law, too.
  9. >Technically, you carry the title of prince - but it's more of a formality than anything.
  10. >Still, you've traveled with your wife to all corners of the world, seen so many sights...
  11. >There's always a few trips you don't venture on, due to inherent dangers of the area and your lack of magic or defenses, aside from physical abilities.
  12. >You're ageless, but you can still get fucked up; sometimes, it's agreed the risk isn't worth it, even if you train in combat on a semi-regular basis.
  13. >Even in those cases, Luna always informs you where she's headed, and oftentimes brings back pictures or some intriguing knickknacks.
  14. >Every case but one - and truth be told, it bothers you just a bit.
  15. >It seems about every seven or eight years, Luna goes on a trip - letting you know beforehand, but never where or for what reason.
  16. >It's always a three day excursion, on the dot.
  17. >And it's always her, and her alone.
  18. >Now, to be fair, it does grant you some one-on-one time with Celestia, which always ends up feeling like a special occasion hanging out with her.
  19. >But still, the mystery of this one trip...
  20. >Which happens to be today.
  21. >Luna disappeared shortly after dawn, giving you a kiss and a tight embrace that even if it were to last a whole day, wouldn't be long enough.
  22. >After that goodbye, you forced yourself to get some rest, waking up about mid day.
  23. >Coincidentally, lunch time - meaning you wouldn't have to track down Celestia.
  24. >A quick shower, some clean threads - and you set out for the dining room.
  25. >You really weren't hungry for anything other than some conversation.
  26. >As expected, the solar diarch was seated at the table, enjoying a club sandwich of some sort.
  27. >Upon hearing your approach, Celestia's head tilts up to look at her visitor, her eyes lighting up right away.
  28. >"Anonymous, good to see you this fine day," she greets, beckoning you to take a seat beside her with a flare of a massive feathered wing.
  29. >You oblige her, sitting in the chair and being gently scooted in by a curtain of feathers that remains upon your back like a robe.
  30. "I'm doing fairly well. I suppose you're surprised to see me up this early, eh?"
  31. >"A little bit, though by no means am I disappointed in this surprise. Did you at least get some rest after presiding with Luna last night?"
  32. "Yeah. I suppose I sorta got some rest last night too with the lull of action.
  33. >Celestia emits a faint chuckle at your explanation.
  34. >"Quiet night, I assume?" she asks before resuming her meal.
  35. "Night Court wasn't particularly happening last night, no. I guess that makes it easy, but the audiences requested were for issues pretty cut and dry, so I didn't have any sort of stimulation or informal consults with Luna."
  36. >Upon hearing the last bit, Celestia scoffs.
  37. >"Anonymous, you *are* a part of the royal family, and you *are* formally a prince. Your words and ideas have merit in the courts," she reminds you.
  38. "Yeah, but some of the looks I tend to get when speaking up beyond private words between me and Lu..."
  39. >"You can always give em a look right back," Celestia argues, squaring her jaw and furrowing her brow.
  40. >A tilt of her head upward and looking down her nose at you finishes the look, giving you a demonstration of the stern, stoic, and mildly intimidating look she has to dole out to the rare unruly petitioner.
  41. "Yeah, but that look has more meaning when the power to smite someone lies behind it."
  42. >A hearty chuckle breaks Celestia's demonstration, resuming her calm, casual posture.
  43. >"Neither my sister nor I have had to do any 'smiting' for many, many years, Anon," she reminds you, finding amusement in your term.
  44. "Regardless, last night didn't have anything requiring debate. Some scrolls and reports to peruse, guard checks, few burnt-out bulbs in the stars needing replaced, et cetera."
  45. >Another hum of amusement emanates from Celestia as she works to finish off lunch.
  46. >"Were you planning on getting something to eat?" she inquires.
  47. "Nah, I'm good," you answer, waving away her concerns. "Figured I ought to check in."
  48. >"Mhm. And if memory serves me correctly, it's you and me for the next few days. Gonna paint the town red with your sis in law?" she jokes.
  49. "Heh. Yeah, I suppose so."
  50. >Your reply is a bit lacking in gusto, of which Celestia's keen ears takes note, signified by a slight fade of her smile.
  51. >Even so, she doesn't say anything about it.
  52. >But you have to.
  53. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so blah, I guess maybe I'm still half asleep?" you suggest, patting her shoulder in reassurance.
  54. >The wing that's continued to hover over your frame draws a bit tighter, making you look into her eyes.
  55. >Something else is on your mind this morning," she states, her face lined with intrigue and concern for you.
  56. >Well, she isn't wrong.
  57. >You've tried hinting a couple of times in the past wanting to know what this trip was all about, but Celestia never missed a step in allaying your mind while keeping details sealed away.
  58. >You expect the same outcome, but she clearly wants to know what's eating you.
  59. >Better out than in.
  60. "It's... this thing that Luna does," you start, feeling uncomfortable with sharing your insecurities. "Luna and I have been married... uh-"
  61. >"Forty-seven years come the winter," Celestia chimes in.
  62. >You feel your face grow a little warm at her quick response during your hiccup.
  63. >"Nothing to be embarrassed about. I've got a memory for dates like you wouldn't believe," she comforts you.
  64. "We've been married all this time, share all our secrets, our dreams, concerns - but this one excursion. I'm still in the dark, and it just sorta bothers me," you explain, noting Celestia's posture abruptly become rigid. "Not that I don't trust her, like she's going behind my back, but..."
  65. >Celestia exhales, turning her head away from you for a moment.
  66. >She mutters something quietly, though you can only make out the last bit.
  67. >"...this year was the one."
  68. "What about this year?" you prod, your stomach starting to churn with brewing anxiety.
  69. >She turns back to face you, looking downtrodden the likes of which you don't think you've ever seen.
  70. >It only makes your concern deepen.
  71. >"I don't think I should be telling you this, Anonymous..."
  72. >Her voice trails off, only for a wave of energy to silently weave out from her horn and around both of you, shimmering in a golden light.
  73. >"Luna should have told you. Years ago, if I'm to be honest. She said she was going to explain it this year, but it appears she faltered again."
  74. >Surprised by the sudden casting of magic, you look around, finding nothing out of the ordinary aside from the golden tint of your surroundings created by the bubble.
  75. >"It's an illusionary spell. To the outside, we are having an idle conversation, and nothing of our true discussion can be heard," she explains to you. "I know my assistant will be along shortly, so we aren't afforded the convenience of a private room."
  76. "Gotcha."
  77. >Celestia's lips contort as she ponders the best way to begin... whatever she has to explain.
  78. >The wait in silence does nothing to alleviate the tightness in your chest that's decided to join in on the worry party being thrown in your body.
  79. >"Are you aware of the significance of tomorrow, Anon?" Celestia finally asks.
  80. "Political, or..."
  81. >"Astronomical."
  82. "Well yeah, there's a total solar eclipse tomorrow. Afternoon, right?"
  83. >"Correct," she replies, nodding. "Of course, you are aware of my little sister's... 'past.'"
  84. "Yeah, but that's not really a secret, and I don't hold it against her, it was a long ti-"
  85. >Celestia raises a hoof, a silent request to hold off on further words.
  86. >"Anon, my sister and I, as alicorns... there's a lot of complexity that nopony can begin to grasp. There are things about ourselves we still do not understand. The rarity of our species makes it basically impossible *to* learn everything."
  87. >You nod, urging her to forge ahead.
  88. >"Not to boast, but we both have great magical power, reserves and might we've never fully tapped into. All of that magic is sort of sectioned off into rooms, like this castle. And like this castle, there's one room bigger than all the others, basically the throne room. Unlike all those other doors which we can open and close when needed, that one room is locked. There's no handle, just a straight lock - because there's more than just raw power behind that door."
  89. >Celestia shifts in obvious discomfort as her explanation grows detailed.
  90. >"Both of us know what is behind that door. We hear it from time to time, trying to get rid of reason, humility, restraint. That voice is us, unburdened by care or concern for others - merely obsessed with what we *could* do."
  91. >What.
  92. >"That... thing... it can rattle the door, grow louder when our power is at its zenith. But it cannot break out, that lock on the outside of the room ensures it."
  93. "I'm assuming since you're telling me this, the zenith for Luna is during a total solar eclipse."
  94. >"Indeed."
  95. >Despite understanding the basics of this analogy, you're dumbfounded by one glaring item.
  96. "So what, Luna's mind is weaker? She can't handle that voice?" you blurt out.
  97. >"Anon, I would never insult my sister like that," Celestia replies sounding rather hurt by your bluntness. "Luna is - was - just as capable of keeping that door locked under any circumstance. But when she let her anger, sadness, and jealousy cloud her judgment years ago, she didn't unlock that door - she smashed that lock in a fury, ripped that mechanism off of the door to let that untapped potential free. Along with that voice, Nightmare Moon. Not a separate entity - merely Luna, unbridled."
  98. >If it were any other moment, you'd probably point out her likely unintended pun, maybe even laugh at it.
  99. >But not now.
  100. >"Obviously, Luna was able to close that door again, and 'fix' the lock, as it were. But it is not nearly as strong as it once was," Celestia continues in a solemn, subdued voice. "Under normal circumstances - or virtually any other point in time, she is fine. But during a solar eclipse... it's too much. That door opens again, and she can't fight the changes."
  101. "Mental?"
  102. >"And physical, I'm afraid. From what I have seen checking in on her during these times when she willfully seals herself away with my aid, it is excruciating."
  103. >That last word hangs in the air for what seems like an eternity.
  104. > Your mind can't help but picture Luna writhing in pain, going through this ordeal...
  105. >Alone.
  106. "Where?"
  107. >"What?" Celestia asks, surprised by your outburst.
  108. "Where is she? Where does she go for this... thing?!"
  109. >You can't help it, but your nerves have reached a point where you can't contain your emotions.
  110. >Sadness, worry, anger - there's no difference as they meld into one mess of raw emotion.
  111. >"Anon, I know you're worried about her after everything I've told you, but I assure you, she's fine," Celestia consoles you, giving up on continuing to sit proper at the table in order to put both of her feathery wings around you. "You can't do anything for her, but she will pull through in three days, like always."
  112. "I can be there with her. I need to be there with her. How can she go through this alone, Cel?" you protest.
  113. >Celestia sighs deeply at your response, but abruptly pulls away from you.
  114. >It's only now, free from Celestia's downy cocoon she had formed around you, that you can hear hoofsteps approaching from the hall.
  115. >You turn your head to see Celestia's brilliant young unicorn assistant, Quillpoint, heading toward you.
  116. >Evidently, Celestia's glamor spell is still in full effect, as the bronze-coated, cream-haired mare takes no notice of your attention.
  117. >"Anon, take a deep breath, relax, and face forward. I promise we will talk more once I speak with Miss Quillpoint," Celestia instructs.
  118. >You nod, following her directions as the golden barrier around the two of you flickers and dissipates.
  119. >"Your Highnesses?"
  120. >You turn to face Quill, unable to prevent a cringe of embarrassment at hearing that title.
  121. >She spots it right away, though bows before further address.
  122. >"Quillpoint, right on schedule," Celestia replies with delight.
  123. >"Of course. And my apologies, Anonymous," she says, focusing on you. "I know you dislike the formality, but it is my duty to be proper, at least upon greeting."
  124. "I know, don't sweat it, Q," you reply, doing your best to swallow the distress you're feeling inside.
  125. >"How is the afternoon looking?" Celestia inquires.
  126. >"Court is ready to proceed at the top of the hour - there are eight ponies wishing to seek an audience as of now. Also, the reports regarding quarterly military expenses have been received, I placed them on the desk in your study."
  127. >"Thank you. How much time do we have until court is to resume?"
  128. >Quill turns her head just as a gold pocket watch appears to her right, popping open to view the clock face.
  129. >"Twenty- two minutes, your Highness," she replies.
  130. >"Great - I have something I wanted to share with Anon, I will meet you outside of the throne room. Probably no more than fifteen minutes," Celestia explains, her eyes momentarily flicking to you.
  131. >Despite having resumed her normally calm, cheerful and welcoming demeanor, you can see in her eyes, there's some conflicted feelings about what is to resume in private.
  132. >With a nod and a serene smile, Celestia's assistant agrees, turning to head back to the main atrium.
  133. >Rather than waste any time in travel, Celestia summons up her magic and teleports both of you to her chambers.
  134. >It's hardly a new experience being teleported, but every now and then you still get a mild case of vertigo.
  135. >As Celestia's room replaces the dining room backdrop, you're thankful her bed is nearby, allowing you to quickly take a seat and sink into the sinfully soft and luxurious linen sheets.
  136. >"That still gets you every now and then? I'm surprised your body can't quite fully adjust," Celestia tsks.
  137. "I'm a slow learner," you force yourself to joke.
  138. >"Hm. Well, you have time," Celestia quips back.
  139. >Despite the attempt to lighten the mood, the air is still unbearably tense.
  140. "Where does Luna go for these... the three days?" you ask again.
  141. >"Anon, I know it upsets you to hear Luna goes through this, but I don't think knowing where she is or - skies above, accompanying her during this time-"
  142. "Knowing what I know now, there's no way I can find any sort of enjoyment or think of anything else but her, Celestia," you interrupt with a firm but polite voice. "We always have a good time, but that was still being left in the dark - and you said so yourself, Luna should have told me years ago."
  143. >Celestia bites her lip as she listens intently to your words, but doesn't have any verbal response.
  144. >Instead, she idly paces back and forth across the room, her steps muffled by the rug in that area.
  145. >You're forced to just watch her and wait for... something.
  146. >At the same time, another thought starts to brew in the forefront of your mind.
  147. >Why didn't Luna tell you about this?
  148. >She trusts you with everything - everything but this.
  149. >Is she fearful of what you would think of her?
  150. >Becoming a monster?
  151. >No - no, she isn't a monster.
  152. >Things happen we can't control, actions have consequences that can't be avoided.
  153. >You start thinking of other things with which to ease her mind the next time you see her.
  154. >In some ways, you do feel a bit hurt by this.
  155. >But you won't let that affect how you approach her.
  156. >It's about the time you let those thoughts subside and return to the present that Celestia halts, turning to face you again.
  157. >"I can't fault you for wanting to be with her - the heart is a fickle but powerful thing," Celestia relents with an exhale. "I do hope she can forgive me for this, and I have to assume she will be none too pleased with your appearance, but-"
  158. >Celestia doesn't complete her sentence before the walls of her bedroom melt away like daubs of paint on a wet canvas.
  159. >The warm and bright colors of Celestia's solar-themed decor give way to a dull and dark blue, featureless...
  160. >Nothing.
  161. >There's literally nothing as far as the eye can see.
  162. >Or perhaps you were too soon to judge - as the melancholic backdrop starts to contort, colors shifting underfoot, brightening to...
  163. >What the hell is going on?
  164. "What is this place?" you ask, your voice cracking a bit as the shifting environment unsettles you.
  165. >The substance underfoot has finally transformed into something akin to lightly frosted glass - or ice.
  166. >It means looking down is a long drop into an endless, featureless void.
  167. >Around you, a thin fog begins to manifest, and with it brings pinpricks of light out in the distance.
  168. >Stars.
  169. >Gradually, nebulae, galaxies, and constellations slowly fade into view, the foreboding deep blue from before lightened into a more welcoming night sky illuminated by these wonders.
  170. >"The Aether, Anon," Celestia announces in a subdued voice as everything finally settles into place.
  171. >Well that explains absolutely zilch.
  172. >Celestia proceeds forward, her hooves echoing upon the glass in all directions with a sharp clack.
  173. >She doesn't say anything else for the time being, but you nonetheless join her.
  174. >Wait...
  175. >You feel like you do remember that term from Luna.
  176. >You search through your memory banks, feeling like you do recognize this somewhat.
  177. >It's a bit different though...
  178. >When you and Luna began dating you remember her desire to show you her work - outside of the physical realm.
  179. >She helped you get to sleep one night with a spell... and woke up here. With her.
  180. >But there were doors, weren't there?
  181. >That was the entryway to the dreams of ponies worldwide.
  182. "Cel, are we dreaming?" you ask, your voice also repeating off into the unknown like your steps.
  183. >"No, but you can be forgiven for believing that," she replies, shaking her head. That knowledge makes it clear my sister has shown you the dream realm - that is an extension of the Aether, one only Luna can access."
  184. "Hope I didn't get her in trouble admitting that."
  185. >The comment garners a warm hum of amusement from the elder sister.
  186. >"The dream realm is my sister's domain - I have no say in what transpires there. But knowing how sacred that realm is to her and what those unique duties mean for her - I know it was a harmless insight, assuming there was no prying in other's private dreams."
  187. "Nah, she was really clear on that. It does mean a lot to her - which is why she had such a desire to show me the... entrance, I guess is the best description."
  188. >"A fitting term. But no, the Aether is a distinctly separate plane. There are other realms that are extensions to it, but this is... unique. Only the most powerful of magic can come to this plane of existence, and even so, there seems to be a certain... law attached to that access.
  189. "Law?"
  190. >"How it is dictated, I do not know, but the Aether itself seems able to interpret intentions. Even the most powerful of beings with knowledge appear to be blocked from entry or exit to this realm if there is malice within that individual.
  191. "Which makes it perfect for this situation, I gather."
  192. >"Yes. Magic is virtually useless here aside from mundane tasks, food and water sustenance are not a concern. Physical harm is an impossibility - though pain still exists, oddly enough."
  193. "And you two can control this uh, plane?"
  194. >Celestia shakes her head.
  195. >"Not really. My sister and I have theories on why this exists, as did our prior mentor. Nothing of actual substance - purely speculation. Perhaps a world in between living and deceased, where judgment is passed - hence how this realm seems to be self-governing. Neither her nor I have seen any other entity, but they could perhaps be on a separate..."
  196. >She pauses, thinking of how to proceed with her description.
  197. >"They may not exist to us, in our time here. It is very difficult to really describe the Aether. We cannot control things here, but we can 'nudge' them in a direction. And again, only when the intentions are pure."
  198. >Coincidentally, the path ahead has a branch off point to the right - one that transitions from the current icy glass into a mundane gravel trail.
  199. >"Here," Celestia directs to the distinct path.
  200. >As ominous hollow echoes give way to the crunch of gravel underfoot, your mind tries to comprehend the mammoth amount of information it's been fed.
  201. >How the hell did they find this place?
  202. >How did they find out what knowledge they do have on the Aether?
  203. >You picture the two sisters at a standoff twenty paces from one another, throwing stuff and firing off spells.
  204. >Honestly, with what goes on behind the scenes at the castle, it's not farfetched.
  205. >There's plenty of indulgence in shenanigans as one would expect from siblings who are best friends.
  206. >Maybe with their years of experiences, the stakes have gotten higher.
  207. >There's still a small patch of garden roses that is burnt from when a game of tag got well out of hand in the evening hours.
  208. >Adult beverages may have been involved.
  209. >But as the trail ahead winds through a developing hillside and increasing elevation, you put those thoughts to rest.
  210. >Grass, shrubs, and other foliage slowly filter in, as if you're walking into a piece of art in progress.
  211. >Despite the sky remaining that of a country night on steroids, the landscape is illuminated as if it were late afternoon.
  212. >Odd, but clearly this place doesn't play by the rules.
  213. "I didn't expect to get my cardio in today," you muse.
  214. >"Teleportation does not work here, not like in Equestria. But I doubt that notation would have changed your drive."
  215. "Know me too well, sis."
  216. >After what feels like miles of hiking in what has to be on the cusp of considered mountainous terrain that the landscape plateaus into a trim grassland.
  217. >Up ahead, the trail fades off into the green expanses, only interrupted by a single large oak tree and a large slab of rock that juts out of the ground.
  218. >It's atop that natural platform in this foreign land that you spot a form that is etched in your mind for eternity.
  219. >That svelte, feminine form that doesn't even hint at her true prowess and physical abilities.
  220. >Those wings that are splayed open, whose beautiful navy blue plumage is the greatest blanket for those cool nights.
  221. >Her hair, mane and tail that defy logic and physics with the sinuous, hypnotic movement even in still air, that brilliantly captures a condensed night sky for personal viewing pleasure.
  222. >Th perfect derriere that is accentuated by black splotches, and crowned with a silvery crescent moon on each hip.
  223. >To this day, it excites you so.
  224. >Her back is turned, meaning her facial features are hidden from view at this point in time.
  225. >But you silently vow that won't be the case for long as your walk speed increases dramatically.
  226. >"Anonymous, hold up," comes Celestia's voice, who has increased to a canter to jump ahead of you.
  227. "What?" you ask, undeniably frustrated with the sudden halt.
  228. >"Let me approach her first."
  229. "Wait, you think it's already begun?"
  230. >Your heart sinks with that dreadful thought.
  231. >"No, I know it hasn't. But Luna said she was going to try something new this year, and I believe this is it. I just don't want to startle her."
  232. >You almost feel offended by the notion Luna would be 'startled' by your presence.
  233. >But you know Celestia well - in reality, this is in the name of keeping everyone level-headed.
  234. >Still, you somewhat feel reluctant as you let Celestia lead onward, off to her side.
  235. >It's only when you're mere feet away from Luna that you notice something off.
  236. >Like holofoil as it catches the perfect angle of light, glyphs of some sort weave their way across Luna's navy blue coat in ribbons, shimmering in a blue-tinged silvery light.
  237. >Those ribbons criss-cross and slowly move across her body in a mesmerizing, clockwork-precision dance.
  238. "What the hell is that?" you murmur, not wanting your better half to hear a possibly offensive inquiry.
  239. >"Insurance, just in case the Aether shifts in an unexpected way," Celestia whispers back. "Meticulous spellwork on both of our parts, she's bound to this spot - it lasts for four days' time before releasing on its own, should something impede me."
  240. >The closer you get, the more the urge to rush up to Lu and squeeze her tight in your arms - to reassure her everything will be fine now that you're here and know of her situation - builds.
  241. >You've never seen her as someone fragile - until this moment, now knowing what you do.
  242. >"Luna, sister," Celestia softly calls as she reaches her side.
  243. >...but there's no response from her little sibling.
  244. >You walk to Luna's right side, avoiding her unfurled wing to get a glimpse of her face.
  245. >With her eyes closed and a lack of any sort of expression, Luna looks like she's sleeping.
  246. >Luna can be a heavy sleeper at times, but...
  247. >Celestia carefully extends one of her wings, using her primary feathers to ever so slightly brush against Luna's mane.
  248. >"Sister, I'm here," she repeats at the same time.
  249. >The combination of techniques is enough to get Luna's eyelids to flutter, before slowly revealing those striking turquoise eyes.
  250. >"Celestia... what are you doing back so soon?" Luna mumbles.
  251. >"It's...complicated," Celestia responds, raising a hoof to point in your direction.
  252. >You can't even wait for Luna to take stock of your presence before you rush up to her.
  253. "Lu, I'm here," you console her, throwing your arms around her neck.
  254. >"Anon, what-"
  255. >You feel her jump just a bit in shock initially, but even despite the current scenario, she's quick to return the hug with one of her forelegs behind your back.
  256. >"Sister, what is the meaning of this?" Luna asks in a firm voice, patting your back to emphasize what she is referring to.
  257. >"Perhaps you can tell me the reason for waiting yet another decade in regards to filling in your beloved on this mysterious trip, hm?" Celestia fires back in an overly sweet voice.
  258. >You pull away from Luna, curious to see her response to that.
  259. >Despite everything, a smile has formed on her face - small, but noticeable as she looks over your features.
  260. "I annoyed the hell out of her to get the information," you tell her, nodding off toward Celestia.
  261. >"Somehow, I believe it was a meeting in the middle for you two," Luna replies, leaning back in to nuzzle you. "You really shouldn't have come, Anon."
  262. "Hearing the real reason you leave for three days, how the hell could I not?"
  263. >"I take it Tia explained *everything* about this... ritual," she laments, casting a glance over to Celestia.
  264. >"Don't look at me in that tone of voice, Lulu. I'll remind you again that we had a long discussion about revealing this to Anon weeks ago - and you were sold on the notion that this would be the year you told him," Celestia once again reminds her.
  265. >Luna sighs as Celestia steps beside her, taking a seat.
  266. >Likewise, you release Luna from your extended hug and also take a seat on the stone beneath you.
  267. >"It is one thing to plan that sort of discussion, yet quite another to be there face to face," she says, focusing her eyes on you as her shoulders slump. "It certainly wasn't because I don't trust you, Anon. You know that."
  268. "I hope you do - I don't think anything less of you."
  269. >That gets Luna to perk up again somewhat.
  270. >"But it's really hard to come forth with the idea there's a monster that comes forth from someone you love, no?"
  271. >"I don't think there's a need for self-deprecation, sister," Celestia interrupts.
  272. >"No, I don't really mean it in that sense," Luna protests. "I've beaten her, Nightmare Moon is my past - aside from one point in time, where she comes forth again, no matter what I try."
  273. "Solar eclipses," you finish for her.
  274. >Luna slowly nods.
  275. >"Celestia and I managed to carve out this... 'room' here in the Aether years ago, in the hopes that being away from Equestria itself during the eclipse could help."
  276. >"Speaking of which, I assume we interrupted the idea you had mentioned worth trying this year?"
  277. >"Indeed. Deep meditation - I found a book in the Canterlot Library with techniques I had never heard of. I figured internal focus and lack of stimulus could have some effect."
  278. "Has it?"
  279. >Luna gives you a look of sympathy with the inquiry.
  280. >"It has yet to begin, my dear. Perhaps it may work - I must have some sort of optimism aside that this will be over in three days' time."
  281. "Maybe me being here will help. Give you something else positive to focus on."
  282. >"Absolutely not, Anon!" Luna gasps her eyes growing wide as saucers. "The mere thought of you experiencing me at my worst is unsettling. "
  283. >"He sees you in the mornings when you wake up, doesn't he?"
  284. >All eyes quickly shift to Celestia, who seems just as surprised by the witty comment she just spoke aloud.
  285. >"Just trying to keep things a little lighter," she contends.
  286. "May I also add that Luna sports the sexiest case of bedhead the world has ever seen, despite the early morning grumpiness she sometimes has."
  287. >Luna puts a hoof to your chest and playfully shoves you.
  288. "It's a compliment."
  289. >"I feel like there was a bit of a shot, too," she says with a smirk.
  290. "I would never," you scoff in an exaggerated fashion.
  291. >"I would. I've had to live with her much longer than you," Celestia speaks up.
  292. >"Doesn't count, since you got a nice break from me, too," Luna shoots back.
  293. >"A break that made me realize you aren't quite a pain to live with as I thought," Celestia coos, hugging her sister in a surprise attack.
  294. >"Wow, that was a wonderful choice of words, sis," Luna strains to say through Celestia's evidently bone-crushing hug.
  295. >"I'm wondering if Anonymous being here with you wouldn't be such a bad idea," Celestia muses as she lets go of her younger sister.
  296. >"You cannot be serious, dear sister," Luna replies, flabbergasted by the comment she just heard. "You of all ponies *know* of my nature when that transformation takes hold."
  297. >While you aren't opposed to the idea at all, it does surprise you to hear Celestia's change of heart.
  298. >As well as Luna's reluctance.
  299. >You really feel that deep down, there is concern within her that seeing this darker side of her will change your view of her.
  300. >"I do, Luna. I will not deny that - yet that ire *is* directed at me, no? Am I not the one preventing that side of you from being fully unleashed to the world?"
  301. >Celestia raises a hoof just as Luna begins to protest.
  302. >"I mean aside from when you have control and make preparations. I refer to when that side of you is in full control, Luna. I don't doubt that you continue to fight, but..."
  303. >"Fair enough," Luna relents with a bow of her head. "But what does this have to with Anon's presence being an idea for you?"
  304. "I'm not holding you back like you think she is. Er, the other you... it does get a little confusing, doesn't it?"
  305. >"Try living through it," Luna adds in a slightly bitter tone. "It's like being inebriated - you know what's going on and what you're doing, but it just... your willpower and normal inhibitions don't apply or function."
  306. >"I propose that Anon might be a solid foundation for you to focus upon and possibly fight this," Celestia explains, before directing her attention solely upon you. "But understand that this isn't a certainty. The less pleasant side of my sister may still come out in full force, and you may face the brunt of it."
  307. "I'm willing to take the chance," you respond without hesitation.
  308. >Celestia was going to have to pull you away from her sister otherwise.
  309. >"You're sure on this?"
  310. >Luna's skepticism is met with your hand running through her hair in a smooth motion, and your other hand cupping her cheek.
  311. "Absolutely."
  312. >While you can still see hesitance in her eyes, she nonetheless leans forward, giving you a quick smooch on the lips.
  313. >"I should be going back to resume court. I plan on returning later, and coming up with something that will allow you to contact me should the need arise, Anonymous."
  314. "Alright. Thank you, Cel."
  315. >Celestia offers a solemn nod of the head, unable to fully mask her own concern as a golden aura surrounds her.
  316. >With a flash, she's gone.
  317. >"'The sexiest case of bedhead the world has ever seen,' huh?"
  318. "Mhm. You could set a fashion statement if you allowed yourself to go out in public like that," you answer, booping her nose.
  319. >"I don't think it would be as special to you then. Maybe that's why only you get to see it," she teases.
  320. "Hm, you make a good case. I could come up with some sort of corny line, but I'll save you from that pain."
  321. >Luna gives a small hum of amusement as she lays down, her front hooves tucked into your lap to pull herself closer.
  322. >"There was a time when those corny lines were your go-to whenever we met, Moose."
  323. >Ah, there's the cute name.
  324. >Usually she isn't so hesitant with its use.
  325. "Yeah, I think you were the only one that *didn't* groan at them."
  326. >"They had their charm."
  327. >Even as you sit here with Luna, you can't help but be distracted by the runes that occasionally glow on her body.
  328. >She notices your attention, though hardly seems upset or surprised.
  329. >"You get used to it after a time. After an hour or two, I suppose," she comments, raising one of her legs up from your lap to marvel at the procession of sigils herself.
  330. "This is all just so surreal," you mumble, brushing your hand against her coat where one of the ribbons of magic flashes.
  331. >Predictably, you don't feel anything different from Luna's normal slick fur.
  332. "I hate bringing it up and talking about it, but I should probably be prepared. How does this all go down?"
  333. >"There's no need to feel bad - you make an excellent point," Luna replies, though her voice betrays some understandable reluctance to tackle the elephant in the room. "It always seems to follow the same process - beginning with aches and pains, as if I've just gone out and fully exerted myself for a whole day, with the pain growing in intensity. Then the physical changes begin."
  334. >You take hold of her hoof as she begins to lower her leg back down in your lap as she continues on.
  335. >"At some point... thoughts start pushing through. Foreign, selfish, greedy thoughts. About what I deserve, what the world owes me. I know in the past when Celestia has come to check on me, it's not unknown for an errant caustic comment to be tossed toward her. But at some point, things get hazy - I'm aware of what's happening, but more or less a passenger of actions, thoughts, and words I would never dare to entertain."
  336. >She clears her throat with that ending, shaking her head as if to free it from any further dark thoughts on the matter.
  337. >"It is an unfortunate consequence that I alone am responsible for, but in all reality, this ordeal once a decade is a small price to pay. I do what I must to fight through it, then return to the life I am so grateful for."
  338. >It's at least a positive reminder that this situation is temporary.
  339. >Moreso, the positive outlook that Luna carries with her is comforting to hear.
  340. >But still it has to be hard to stare down this inevitable transformation and just... wait for it.
  341. >At least this year, she isn't alone.
  342. "Well, maybe I'm your good luck charm, Moonbutt. Maybe this is the year you fight it off," you encourage her.
  343. >"Perhaps. I would like to think so," she replies, cracking a small, hopeful smile.
  349. >"You know you don't have to do that, Moose."
  350. >You look up from your work to see the mare attached to it, laying down and leaning up next to the oak tree.
  351. "It gives me an excuse to play with your hair."
  352. >Luna gets a giggle out of your candid response as you resume.
  353. >After some time discussing the events to come, there was some light-hearted small talk before that too petered out.
  354. >As much as you try to keep it out of your mind, it's hard to push the reality that you're both just waiting around for changes to start.
  355. >It's only now the true feelings of helplessness are beginning to invade.
  356. >Really, other than being here, there's nothing you can do.
  357. >So, wanting to feel at least some sense of - well, accomplishment, you began braiding Luna's hair while she began focusing on her attempts to meditate that had been interrupted earlier.
  358. >Hair care was a skill you had picked up not long after arriving in this world, in desperate need of money when it became clear there were no hopes of return.
  359. >The spa in the little town of Ponyville was kind enough to give you a chance at their line of work, seeing what you could do with your digits.
  360. >Massage, hair care, hoof care - it was an odd line of work, something you would never have imagined doing in your old life...
  361. >But it paid.
  362. >And honestly, you felt like you were pretty good at it - though a bit lacking in pedicure.
  363. >Hooficures?
  364. >You never really did get clarification on which was right.
  365. >But massages - your fingers worked magic on tight and weary muscles.
  366. >And you had developed a strong knack for braiding - which honestly became somewhat of a therapeutic exercise.
  367. >Maybe that's why you decided to do it now.
  368. >Though to be fair, Lu looked fantastic with her mane styled up.
  369. >The way the blue and violet strands could complement and highlight in the right light was something breathtaking.
  370. >It did take away a bit from the stars in her hair, though.
  371. "I'm assuming my weaving is keeping you from concentrating, huh? I guess I didn't think of that."
  372. >"No, you're quite fine," Luna assures you, shaking her head. "I'm finding it difficult as a whole to clear my mind."
  373. "Gotcha."
  374. >Basically working by feel and muscle memory, you look around at the fabricated little world the two of you inhabit.
  375. >Just off of the hill is a drop-off, giving way to a lush valley rife with trees of varying heights.
  376. >Further dips and rises in the terrain add variety, along with what looks like a small river.
  377. >It's hard to make out the size or speed, but the calming blue sheen adds further highlight to the landscape and a sense of peace.
  378. >Eventually, like when you first began the hike with Celestia, the world fades out, essentially becoming one with the sky and the true nature of this place, the Aether.
  379. "It really is quite the scene you two created, huh?" you comment, hoping to spur discussion.
  380. >"Yes - my sister's idea, I must admit," Luna replies, allowing a bit of cheer through to grace her face.
  381. >"Originally, I was just tethered to the Aether, but Celestia thought perhaps some sort of tranquil setting could help my focused, as opposed to the undeniably empty and somewhat ominous backdrop the Aether normally affords."
  382. "Really? I guess I would have thought you would like being surrounded by the night sky."
  383. >"It is not the night sky which I tend to with familiarity, only compounded by the sense of floating within an empty void created by a lack of terrain. It gives something of an uncanny feeling after a short period, compounded by unrecognizable patterns in the sky. But, this plane was receptive to shifting into what you see - sans the sky. It was as if it could tolerate being decorated, but not completely covered up."
  384. "Huh. That explains the daylight in the middle of the night."
  385. >"Yes, a fair compromise - an ironic one, considering I once yearned for eternal night, and now desire a balance. But this all began as an attempt to avoid the solar eclipse, in the hopes it was my exposure to the phenomenon that triggered my affliction."
  386. >Luna pauses, a slightly bitter laugh escaping her lips.
  387. >"In hindsight, a foolish notion, considering the effects begin well before the eclipse."
  388. "How is it that the solar eclipse is connected to your transformation? That doesn't seem to make much sense."
  389. >"There is a certain buildup of energy during this time as the moon deviates from its normal pattern to overtake the sun. Quite the paradox, being a natural phenomenon I am bound to complete based upon the connection I share with the moon and the feel for where it must be placed - and yet, in total disregard for the balance of night and day. A beautiful and wondrous sight, one which I admit I miss experiencing and controlling."
  390. >Luna's voice takes on a particularly somber tone on those final notations.
  391. >Fortunately, you're close to finishing her hair, taking just a few moments to complete it before patting her side in sympathy.
  392. >"I am fine, Anon. I must say you do such fine work," she says, lightening up as she inspects your styling.
  393. "My work is only as good as the canvas I'm provided," you croon.
  394. >"Ah, there's one of those cute little lines," she giggles, blushing just a bit.
  395. >Abruptly, Luna winces just a bit as she shifts to lie on her stomach in a rather abrupt manner.
  396. "Everything okay?"
  397. >Your mind instantly flashes to the earlier discussion, remembering aches and pains signal the beginning of her transformation.
  398. >"I'm... fine. Perhaps I should have not been laying like that for so long."
  399. >It sounds more like a question toward herself than a response.
  400. >Her wings flare out wide, stretching upward toward the overhead branches of the tree.
  401. "Normal stress spot?" you ask, knowing this movement all too well.
  402. >"Yes, right between my wings."
  403. >Internally, you breathe a small sigh of relief.
  404. >It seems like whenever Luna has had a rough or stressful day, that frustration always builds up in the muscles between the shoulder joints where her wings sprout from her back.
  405. >That little quirk is the reason you ever crossed paths with her.
  406. >One tight ball of inflammation that could never quite get relaxed by the best masseurs the castle had to offer led Luna to little old Ponyville and the spa in which you worked.
  407. >What started as a visit to rectify a nagging ailment somehow led to so much more...
  408. "Is it gonna be cash or credit today?" you tease her while getting up and circling behind her.
  409. >"Put it on my tab?" she replies with a wry grin.
  410. "Oh, all right."
  411. >You kneel down behind Luna, leaning forward until your hands reach the base of her wings.
  412. >Following practice, Luna relaxes, lowering her head until resting flat on the ground.
  413. >Gingerly, you start to carefully knead at the sore spot, starting with just your thumbs.
  414. >Luna grunts just a bit under your ministrations, while you find yourself awestruck just by how tense this area is.
  415. >It's been a long time since you felt her in this sort of shape.
  416. "Wings down, Lu," you softly instruct her.
  417. >"Sorry," she apologizes, gradually lowering her wings until fully fanned out on either side.
  418. "When was the last time I helped you out with this?" you ask her.
  419. >"I don't reMEMber," she mumbles, her voice picking up just a bit as you continue to work and find a particularly tender spot.
  420. >The whole area feels warm to the touch and swollen, making you wonder if she strained something recently.
  421. >This really isn't normal...
  422. >What is more normal is the sensation of Luna's tail idly flicking across your midriff back and forth, albeit somewhat dulled by the presence of your shirt.
  423. >It's something she has a habit of doing without noticing while you work her back.
  424. >Well, it's allegedly involuntary.
  425. >It was never a thing when you initially started working with her.
  426. >Funny how that happens...
  427. "You're sure you didn't do something out of the ordinary lately?"
  428. >"Mmm. Not that I can think of. Is it that bad?"
  429. "It's not good - I think it's loosening up a little bit though."
  430. >It's a matter of trying different angles and techniques with the tools mother nature gave you, but it still takes some time.
  431. >"You're reminding me of the other reason I married you," Luna teases.
  432. "I knew it. You only married my hands," you gasp, going along with her.
  433. >"Maybe. Or they just sweetened the deal."
  434. "Hands and horrible pickup lines were what sold you on me?"
  435. >"There may have been... other things."
  436. >Your eyes go a bit wide as Luna shifts back toward you just a bit, pressing her tight rump into you.
  437. "Miss, I don't know what kind of establishment you think we're running here..." you quip.
  438. >"Ohh... my mistake. An honest mistake," she purrs, giving her rear just a little wiggle. "Though it doesn't seem like you object too much~"
  439. >"Well I picked an awkward time to return."
  440. >Both you and Luna bolt in opposite directions upon hearing Celestia's voice.
  441. >Turning to look at the path while trying to fight a sense of utter embarrassment, you find Celestia standing about ten paces away, averting her eyes toward the sky.
  442. >Albeit sporting a rather cheeky grin.
  443. >"Anon was helping me with a back spasm," Luna sputters. "You know, right between my wings, whenever I get a lot of stress."
  444. >"You act like I'm scolding you," Celestia laughs, trotting up to meet with both you and Luna. "I never realized how interactive massages were, to be honest."
  445. "You're having way too much fun with this, aren't you?"
  446. >"Maybe. Looks like you were enjoying the massage too."
  447. >You don't have to think of what she's referring to, instead blocking that area with your hands.
  448. >"Guess I should have just taken the prudish route announcing my arrival with shock and horror at the little show," Celestia continues to tease, sticking out her tongue.
  449. >"Okay, okay, we get it, sis," Luna curtly replies. "Why *are* you here?"
  450. >"Right - I am actually here for a reason," Celestia states, shifting away from taunting sister mode.
  451. >Out from under her wing, what looks like a large gold coin appears, hovering over to you.
  452. >You put your hands out, while Celestia gently drops the curiosity into your palms.
  453. > There are various symbols that seem to be etched into the lustrous metal, with the most obvious one also being dead center and the largest graphic - a sun surrounded by rays, quite similar to Celestia's cutie mark.
  454. >"That should allow you to notify me if you have any issues, Anon," Celestia explains while you pick it up to explore the other side, which is a mirror image. "It took a little bit of help from the goldsmith in Canterlot. Rather awkward coming up with some sort of excuse to put some of my essence within the smelting process."
  455. >Uh...
  456. >You glance over at Luna, not entirely sure of the term Celestia just used.
  457. >She stares back, also looking confused.
  458. >"Blood. Not... whatever you two are thinking of right now," Celestia clarifies, her nose wrinkling just a bit at the thought.
  459. >"I know, Tia. I was wondering why Anon was staring at me so concerned," Luna argues.
  460. "I was having a brain fart, that's all."
  461. >"To finish off my point, the rest of the work is mine - been quite a while since I've dealt with physical working of magic like this, but it should work from this plane of existence to ours. Just hold it firmly in your hand for a few seconds, and it should react with my mark."
  462. >As instructed, you set the coin back in your palm and close your hand around it.
  463. >In a matter of seconds, there's a faint pulse of energy that surrounds the sun mark on Celestia's flank, as if the mark itself has become a miniature solar object.
  464. >"Perfect."
  465. >It's... something.
  466. >After the teasing you and Luna had to endure, it might be a good time to pay back the favor.
  467. "So whenever I'm contacting you, I'm basically grabbing a handful of your ass?"
  468. >"I-"
  469. >Celestia's composure goes out the window with your scathing comment, her eyes widening at the realization.
  470. >Meanwhile, you don't have to look over at your wife - you can hear her struggle with a few minor snorts as she contains her laughter.
  471. >"I didn't think of it that way," Celestia finishes, pointing her nose up to the sky as she closes her eyes.
  472. >"Oh, now we want to take the high road?" Luna taunts.
  473. >"I'm always gonna be a bit higher than you, sis."
  474. >"Man, Anon must have you all sorts of flustered if the best you have to say is a cheap and tired height joke."
  475. >"I figured if I didn't say anything right away, you'd hold it against me," Celestia huffs, continuing her snobbish facade.
  476. >"Alright - how about a truce for now?" Luna responds with confidence as she snatches a look at the medallion in your hand. "From what I see, your talent with runes hasn't diminished in the slightest."
  477. >Slowly, Celestia brings her head back level with the world, letting a grin ease onto her face.
  478. >"Very well - your hair looks very nice braided this evening," she states, opening her eyes to study the work.
  479. >Oddly, her positive expression falters just a bit.
  480. >You carefully drop the coin in your pants pocket before patting Luna on the withers.
  481. >"To be fair, that was Anon," Luna says, extending a wing that brushes your back before reaching your other side.
  482. >However, that little gesture wipes away what joyous atmosphere had managed to bloom over the last several minutes, as Celestia suddenly appears very serious.
  483. >You trace her line of vision to your side, where Luna's primary feathers tickle your arm, sticking out just enough that you can see.
  484. >Primary feathers that should be a rich navy blue.
  485. >Instead, the plumage you can see is raven black.
  486. >Craning your neck to get a better view off to the side, the black coloring seems to be restricted to the tips, slowly fading into indigo that is still far darker than normal.
  487. >"What? Suddenly resting a wing on Anon's back is lewd?" Luna jokingly scoffs.
  488. >"I'm afraid it's begun, Luna," Celestia states, her voice utterly flat.
  489. >Curious, Luna retracts her wing from you to inspect, while you take a side step and get a better look as well.
  490. The front edge of her wing still has some blue - but the other odd thing about this is the limb looks... bigger?
  491. >Not that it sticks out in a comical fashion - it's subtle but noticeable.
  492. >"So it has," Luna mutters in a rather bitter voice, unfurling the other wing for comparison.
  493. >At this point, they are virtually matches.
  494. >"I guess the pain wasn't stress after all," Luna notes to you, forcing a hint of a smile.
  495. >It doesn't do much to hide the utter disappointment contained in those eyes.
  496. >"I'm sorry Luna," Celestia quietly apologizes, stepping forward and consoling her sister with a nuzzle. "I believe this may be the latest the transformation has ever begun, though. I suppose that is something positive."
  497. >"It sounds more like an attempt to grasp at straws if I'm to be quite blunt about it," Luna responds, though at least returning the loving gesture. "Thank you anyway."
  498. >"Be strong, Lu. You will get through this as always," Celestia adds before stepping aside.
  499. >Directly in front of you.
  500. >"Though I already know the answer, I'll ask again - are you certain you want to stay?"
  501. >There is a hint of sadness emanating from her - both in voice and expression.
  502. >Clearly, she carried more hope in the idea your presence alongside Luna would make a far greater difference.
  503. "I'm here to the end."
  504. >Celestia leans in, nuzzling the side of your face.
  505. >"Take care of her and yourself, Anonymous," she whispers in your ear. "When it comes to that point, listen to your heart - not her words. Be strong."
  506. "Bet on it."
  507. >You pat the side of her neck before she retreats.
  508. >"I best get going. Sister, rest assured I will care for the moon as you do," she says.
  509. >"Of course. Good night, Tia."
  510. >You nod at Celestia, who summons up a nod and a faint smile of reassurance.
  511. >With that, Celestia once again disappears.
  512. >Meanwhile, Luna shuffles back toward the oak tree, pausing for a moment before flopping down unceremoniously.
  513. >You don't know if you've ever seen her look this defeated.
  514. >She flares her wings out again, inspecting them as if hoping her eyes have played tricks on her.
  515. >You head over to join her, hoping you can say something to brighten her mood.
  516. >It may be a tall order, now that the faint hope everyone had banked on seems to be gone in an instant.
  517. "You okay?"
  518. >Sitting down beside her, Luna's discolored wing gently pushes you more toward her, which you're more than welcome to oblige.
  519. >You end up leaning against Luna's barrel, her wing spread over you like a makeshift canopy.
  520. >If it weren't for the scenario that's led to these changes, you'd comment on how beautiful her wings look with the fading patterns of color.
  521. >"Yeah, I'm fine," she answers, her voice filled with disappointment. "I guess even though I was trying not to get my hopes up, I still ended up crashing."
  522. "I know."
  523. >You extend your arm and hand out, grasping Luna's front right hoof.
  524. >Just holding it, lightly squeezing it, before using your thumb to caress the frog in a loving manner.
  525. >A way of saying you're still here for her without using the tired old phrase.
  526. >"I suppose this has been a bit better than normal," Luna says after a short period of silence between you.
  527. "What has?"
  528. >You sit upright, turning yourself to direct your full focus upon your wife.
  529. >"The talking. Spending time with you, with Celestia. The little bit of back and forth we've had today," she clarifies, barely above a whisper.
  530. >But the inflection sparks a hint of fondness and desperately needed happiness in her expression, as well as her words.
  531. "Yeah, your sis was pretty embarrassed about the implications of the coin she gave me."
  532. >"Serves her right for trying to be a voyeur," Luna snickers.
  533. >You share a laugh with her on that quip.
  534. >"Usually I'm just alone the whole time, waiting..." she murmurs. "It's maddening, knowing what is going to come, and being unable to do anything but pass the time."
  535. "Told you I should be here," you remind her, booping her nose with a finger.
  536. >"Be sure to heed my sister's advice, Moose."
  537. "Hm?"
  538. >The sudden cold shift in tone catches you by surprise.
  539. >"I heard what Celestia said to you. Know you will always have my heart. Do not let anything that I may say when I am... not myself - do not listen to me."
  540. "I know, Lu. I'd like to think there's still some hope me being here is gonna make a difference. Let's focus on that thought instead."
  541. >Luna nods while you lean forward and kiss her on the cheek.
  542. >Before you can back away, she returns and one-ups your gesture, her soft lips pressing against yours.
  543. >Not a smooch of passion, but gratitude.
  544. >"Thank you," she says after you separate. "You're right, there's still a chance."
  550. >Subtle sensations playing upon your senses gradually pull you out of the dark.
  551. >You feel very warm, for one.
  552. >It's right there at the threshold of being a discomfort.
  553. >Secondly, you feel a tremble.
  554. >Again - subtle, but it is noticeably present.
  555. >Feeling a bit confused and still just a bit drowsy, you decide to wait a moment before you crack an eyelid open.
  556. >At some point, you fell asleep with Luna in your arms.
  557. >Stress - and at least for you personally, the lack of a decent night of rest - made a nap sound pretty nice to both of you.
  558. >It didn't help that in Luna's case, she was starting to feel gradual aches and pains creep into her body.
  559. >'The beast scratching at the door,' as she waxed so ominously.
  560. >It was not exactly a pleasant thought to have before falling asleep.
  561. >But that thought gives you the kick in the pants to wake up, rather than drift back to sleep and ignore the oddities that stirred you to consciousness.
  562. >As light hits your eyes and forces you to squint, forms and colors emerge before any clear picture.
  563. >Luna is still snuggled in your arms
  564. >But it becomes clear *she* is the source of the tremors.
  565. >You feel her body still trembling, and the heat -
  566. >She feels like she's burning up.
  567. >All pretenses for an ease back into the waking world go out the window as you force your eyes to deal with their sensitivity to light.
  568. >This isn't the Luna whose body you know so intimately.
  569. >For one, her coat, much like her feathery wings earlier, has darkened.
  570. >Rather than the gentle blue of a moonlit and star-spattered sky, her fur now is more akin to the darkness one would expect from an overcast sky with little illumination.
  571. >Now, the spellwork that taints her hide reminds you of unknown shadows in the dead of night, dancing an unsettling number before popping out in a silvery glow.
  572. >Also coinciding with the changes her wings first underwent, Luna seems...
  573. >Larger.
  574. >As if she has undergone a growth spurt.
  575. >Huddled up next to her, nose to nose and fully stretched out in relaxed bliss, you would normally feel her hooves end neatly with your toes.
  576. >While you still have your shoes on, those legs obviously have more length to them now.
  577. >You can think more about this later - the more concerning question is her health.
  578. "Lu, hey," you whisper, giving her a bit of a squeeze and gentle shake to rouse her. "Luna, you with me?"
  579. >A groan escapes her lips, labored and reluctant.
  580. >Maybe you need to summon Celestia.
  581. >What if Luna is seriously ill?
  582. >You have nothing with which to care for her - if you even knew what was wrong.
  583. "Luna, you gotta get up, hon."
  584. >"I'm *awake,*" she grumbles.
  585. >You ease your arm out from underneath Luna, while scooting back along the ground to give her some space.
  586. >There's another pained groan during this process, as well as a sharp twinge from muscles in her chest.
  587. "Luna - I think you're sick," you inform her. "You feel really hot, and I - should I get Celestia?"
  588. >"I told you this would be happening, Anon," she replies, the drowsiness staining her voice doing little to mask the unexpected biting undertone.
  589. >It's a little more than you would expect from a stubborn Luna on a slow morning.
  590. "Sorry. I remembered you comparing it to being physically exhausted - I just woke up and could just feel the heat radiating off of you. It concerned me."
  591. >"That... pitting this against an illness might have been a better comparison," Luna admits, raising her head up off of the grass while rolling to her stomach. "Sorry."
  592. "It's okay. Can't fault you for feeling like crap," you assure her.
  593. >Only now does she venture to open her eyes to look at you - which gives you pause once more.
  594. >As if her irises had overtopped their dam, her normally white sclera have been tainted by a thin wash of turquoise.
  595. >You push yourself off with an arm to sit upright, thinking it's a trick of the light.
  596. >It isn't.
  597. >"It's my eyes, isn't it?" Luna guesses, taking note of your sudden movements.
  598. "Yeah, they're a different color. The white parts."
  599. >"That's it?"
  600. >You're just as surprised by her befuddlement as she is about your response.
  601. >Frankly, you don't *know* what the end result will look like.
  602. "I have no idea what you're supposed to look like. Back then, when it happened."
  603. >"There is not much in the way of description or images - but surely there are enough to give you a good idea."
  604. "No, I mean I never looked into it at all," you clarify. "I know what happened, but I guess I never got that sort of curiosity to dive into it. Felt disrespectful to you, like digging up your past when it wasn't necessary."
  605. >"I'm... I don't really know what to say to that," Luna stutters. "Certainly you should not have felt bad for my sake. History is history."
  606. "Yeah, I guess."
  607. >"History isn't always pleasant - sometimes it's dark and unsettling. But this is *my* history, Anonymous. It is not to be dismissed."
  608. >She augments her cold tone and rather stern expression with a hoof firmly striking the ground in front of her.
  609. >It's now you're beginning to understand this isn't simply a moody Moonbutt.
  610. >This is very likely the start of her mental changes.
  611. >Your heart sinks a bit with that resounding strike against your optimism.
  612. >This is still progressing as normal.
  613. >You're still of no help in the grand scheme of things.
  614. >But it means now, more than ever, you need to stay strong.
  615. >Don't get upset or take offense.
  616. >Listen to your heart, not her words.
  617. >Easy to remember, but...
  618. >This is the first time things have truly felt off.
  619. >The physical changes were something that in all reality, were set aside without issue.
  620. >But it feels like you're losing the mare you love.
  621. >It's temporary, with the end in sight.
  622. >You still have to take the journey to get there.
  623. "Fair point, Lu," you acquiesce.
  624. >There's the faintest upturn at the corners of her mouth - but is quickly lost as a sudden wince of pain interrupts.
  625. "What is it?"
  626. >"Just... everything hurts," she strains, closing her eyes and clenching her jaw.
  627. >You have to just sit and watch as she fights to endure her pain, the body tremors becoming more pronounced.
  628. >You feel queasy being an audience member of this.
  629. >Rather than do nothing, you close the gap between you and her and gently place a hand on her neck.
  630. >It feels like an inferno is blazing just underneath her skin, out of sight.
  631. >What's more, the muscles underneath seem to throb and pulse, like her entire anatomy is trying to rearrange itself.
  632. >That might not be far from the truth, and it sends a chill down your spine as you rub your hand up and down the side of her neck from jawline to shoulder.
  633. >"It never gets... any easier," she stammers through clenched teeth.
  634. >Clenched teeth that are starting to look like they belong on a predator rather than a pony.
  635. >Her canines are particularly pointed and lengthened - just shy of full-on fangs.
  636. >But you don't bring any attention to it.
  637. >There's no need for that.
  638. >Watching her shake and grimace pushes away the doubts and concerns of 'losing' Luna.
  639. >You force everything from your mind - apprehension, anxiety, thoughts about the future...
  640. >The only thing you care about is comforting your beloved through this.
  641. >This sudden fit carries on for a few more agonizing minutes before her form begins to still.
  642. >It offers an opportunity for the ailing alicorn to take a deep breath through her nostrils and out her slightly agape maw.
  643. >"Thanks," she says, sounding like she's still out of breath.
  644. "Don't mention it."
  645. >A few more minutes in silence passes before either of you moves or speaks.
  646. "How much further does it have to go, Luna?" you ask, feeling a bit awkward inquiring about it.
  647. >Although apparently a bit groggy, Luna slowly turns her head to take stock of her form.
  648. >Both wings unfurl, revealing nothing more than an ink-black curtain of down, devoid of any other hue.
  649. >You get a chance to glance over her again, noting that, while the rest of her coat is gradually darkening, one spot is exactly the opposite.
  650. >The black splotches on her hindquarters appear to have not only lightened, but gained some color - resulting in a very deep shade of plum.
  651. >Concurrently, Luna starts to rise up off the ground - albeit on a set of very unstable and wobbly legs.
  652. "Hey, easy," you gasp, quickly bolting up to aid her standing or catch her if she falters.
  653. >"I'm fine!" she snarls, swiping at you with one of her wings.
  654. >Just because of instinct and the speed and force that she whips her wing at you, you jump back, stumbling with awkward footing before falling flat on-
  655. >You freeze in mid-fall, the sensation giving you a quick jolt of vertigo.
  656. >A glowing blue energy surrounds you, meaning you don't have to look up to realize the mare you know has pushed aside the part of her that lashed out.
  657. >Through your own movements and guidance under Luna's magic, you balance yourself back on two feet.
  658. >Luna, who has managed to stand during this whole menagerie, eases toward you on less-than-ideal footing.
  659. >She is *big.*
  660. >While normally she would be eye-level with your collar bones, Luna has drastically cut the size difference down - at the very least, her eyes are about level with yours now.
  661. >Obviously, she's still shorter than Celestia as well, considering Cel has a slight height advantage on you.
  662. >What's more - it's more apparent at this distance why she felt larger in your arms.
  663. >While Luna still cuts a pleasing and rather athletic figure, there's a noticeable increase in muscle mass in her legs, her wings, her neck...
  664. >Basically everywhere.
  665. >Not a draft horse, but certainly no featherweight, either.
  666. >Right now, Luna holds her head low, her ears folded back flat against her skull as sorrow fills her eyes and chisels a frown upon her face.
  667. >It is a look of utter dismay.
  668. >"I would never - under any other circumstances I wouldn't-"
  669. "I know," you comfort her.
  670. >"I think it would be best for you to summon my sister, Anon. I can't do this," she mutters.
  671. "Luna, I want to be here with you, for you."
  672. >"And you have, Anon! You have!" she cries "But being here now does you nor I any good! I have maybe but a few hours before the transformation is complete, and at that point - 'I' won't be here. Not really, in any sort of reasonable state of mind."
  673. >It's less of an explanation and more of a desperate, final plea from your love.
  674. >"I had one final hope that I could control myself, keep everything... keep myself here. But after already snapping at you twice, trying to hit you - I can't, Anon. I'm sorry."
  675. >It's clear in her voice she's essentially thrown in the towel harboring any sort of optimism.
  676. >You can't.
  677. >Even though it's been unsettling watching her switch moods at the drop of a hat in the short amount of time the two of you have been awake - what if that's the line?
  678. >Moreso, leaving now just feels like you're giving up on *her.*
  679. >Abandoning her.
  680. >Your plan this whole time was to stick it through with her to the conclusion.
  681. "No," you answer, stepping forward and coaxing her chin up with your hand.
  682. >"What do you mean no?"
  683. >Her brow furrows in frustration as her eyes drill through you, but her tone remains calm.
  684. "I'm not going to leave unless you're by my side, Moonbutt."
  685. >"Anon..."
  686. "Nope."
  687. >"You can be such a stubborn fool," she mutters even as you wrap your arms around her neck.
  688. >Her chin rests comfortably on top of your shoulder while you just hold her.
  689. "I learned the stubborn bit from you."
  690. >There was a time early on, when both of you entertained the thought of dating, even as it appeared an unlikely reality.
  691. >You were accepted into Equestria well enough, but a completely different species dating one of the princesses?
  692. >How would that be taken not just by the kingdom, but others across the world?
  693. >Celestia herself had reservations about the idea.
  694. >Luna would have none of the naysaying.
  695. >She brushed it aside at first, keeping you and her a secret behind closed doors.
  696. >But when push came to shove, Luna told you that if the crown would keep her a prisoner from what she wanted and how she could enjoy her life, she would throw it away.
  697. >She seemed serious and prepared to tell her sister.
  698. >It luckily never came to that.
  699. >Or maybe they had a talk without you knowing.
  700. >Maybe it was seeing the joy you and her little sis shared just being with each other that put any downsides to bed.
  701. >Whatever it was, it seemed there were few, if any, negative reactions to the relationship from ponies of Equestria.
  702. >Really, the only time you experienced it was speaking up during court with an opinion disliked by a quarreling party - and they already came in with a sour attitude.
  703. >Now, you just stroke Luna's fur, slicking back her mane that's become disheveled after a nap in the grass.
  704. >All of it still feels familiar.
  705. >Eventually, you're forced to let go of Luna as she gently pulls away from you.
  706. >"I want you to listen to me, even if you don't like it," she states in a firm tone.
  707. "You can ask me again to leave, but-"
  708. >"Silence."
  709. >Her face is stony, virtually devoid of emotion as her tone gets more stern.
  710. >"If you are to stay here, you will promise me not to be a pushover."
  711. >You aren't sure what she's trying to get at here, but you'd rather not draw any ire that could bring her other side out any sooner than need be.
  712. >Not that you're afraid of her...
  713. >You couldn't be afraid of Moonbutt.
  714. >But you don't need to stoke the fire when she's fighting to keep it under control.
  715. >Fortunately, your silence seems to clue her in on the requirement for clarification.
  716. >"I know you love me - you've shown it all the way through to now. And I love you dearly. We hold each other's hearts," she continues, gesturing from her chest to yours with a hoof. "But when the time comes - you can't do anything for me by bowing down to my whims."
  717. "Listen to my heart, not your words," you repeat.
  718. >"Don't let me mistreat you. I know what the cold, dark side of me is capable of - do not tolerate it. She speaks nothing but ill and lies for her own perceived gain. Don't feed it - and if you cannot do that, leave."
  719. >Like the drop of a hammer, her instructions end.
  720. >Really, you have no choice, do you?
  721. >You nod your head in agreement.
  722. >Luna exhales - out of relief, fatigue, or some other reason, you aren't sure.
  723. >But she turns away and pads toward the rocking outcropping upon which you first encountered her during this descent.
  724. >"I would like to feel some sense of peace in what time I have left. Please join me."
  725. >You nod and force yourself to smile for her.
  726. >At the very least, you get to spend just a few last moments with Luna.
  727. >That wording in your head makes you feel nauseous - you have to again remind yourself, this is temporary.
  728. >There was never any expectation from either sister before this experiment you insisted upon.
  729. >It doesn't do anything to dampen the sense of failure you feel right now.
  730. >There's not a thing you could have done differently - you know that.
  731. >But as you relent and slowly make your way to the rock perch, you try to rerun the events in your mind, looking for something that might have had an effect.
  732. >You sit down beside Luna, who, on her haunches, seems to tower over you.
  733. >She doesn't speak a word, nor glance at you - keeping her eyes forward on the illusionary valley below.
  734. >The same valley that has been there this whole time.
  735. >Nothing has changed.
  736. >But it's now in this moment that you notice the sound.
  737. >Or lack thereof.
  738. >No sound from the river's waters, no birds.
  739. >Not even the sound of a light breeze.
  740. >It makes the scenery around you unsettling now that you've taken note of a detail making this world glaringly artificial.
  741. >But at least it's a nice view.
  742. >Bright and vibrant - even though it should be cast in darkness.
  743. >You just try to lose your mind in... something.
  744. >You have come to a point in time where this is truly a torturous waiting game for both of you.
  745. >Maybe it would have been better to not have learned this secret.
  746. >Ignorance is bliss, and all that jazz.
  747. >At some point during this period of silence, you zone out - only coming back into consciousness as a black-feathered wing brushes against the back of your arm.
  748. >Your arm that is closest to her - that is as far as she extends it.
  749. >You glance up at her again, though her eyes are still cast somewhere else, straight ahead.
  750. >With a little apprehension, you bring yourself to reach a hand over and lightly pat her flank.
  751. >She probably notices, but does not respond.
  752. >The gesture ends up making you feel awkward, so you end up folding your hands in your lap.
  753. >At least she didn't snap at you.
  754. >A depressing way to look on the bright side, if there ever was one.
  755. >"The first time... when I thought I wanted it - it was painless," Luna comments aloud once again. "It was a dopamine rush, a surge of energy - and over in a flash. It has never been that way since then."
  756. "Because you don't want it."
  757. >"Because I fight against it. I resist the changes as much as I can," she corrects you.
  758. "But why? Why not just let it happen as it normally would if you didn't fight against it?"
  759. >Your response gets Luna's attention at once, her head sharply snapping down and in your direction.
  760. >As you stare into her leering gaze, her pupils shrink - before expanding again in only the vertical axis.
  761. >Cat's eyes.
  762. >"You think I'm weak?" she snaps at you, her voice growing louder. "That I should just roll over and accept failure?"
  763. >She stands up, turning to face you in an imposing manner.
  764. "I didn't mean it like that, but you said-"
  765. >"I know what I said!"
  766. >Whether coincidence or a trigger, that shout abruptly causes Luna to drop like a sack of potatoes to the rocky surface beneath her, her hooves immediately covering her head as she yelps in pain.
  767. "Luna!"
  768. >This time, you see the change as it happens, as her horn slowly begins to spiral out of her skull, lengthening bit by bit.
  769. >You-
  770. >You don't know what to do.
  771. >Instead, you're frozen while listening to these cries of anguish, watching this sickening spectacle as her entire form undergoes another growth spurt.
  772. >Her coat darkens into the same pitch black as her feathers had done before, while behind her, the markings on her flanks shift into a proper violet color.
  773. >This time, even her mane is subject to the changes, the distinct blue, violet, and lavender all swirling together in a roiling storm, until it's a murky miasmic shade of blue, littered with more stars.
  774. >At some point, Luna begins to calm down, those frantic sounds of pain devolving into groans and whimpers.
  775. >It's only now, despite the helpless guilt of sitting on the sidelines prior, that you move in toward her, off to the side.
  776. >She still clutches her head in her hooves, obscuring her face.
  777. "Luna..."
  778. >Your soft call out to her does nothing to rouse the mare.
  779. "Hey."
  780. >You reach out and place a hand on her neck.
  781. >This time, her wing snaps open and slashes at you.
  782. >You don't dodge it this time - getting whacked hard enough to knock you over and backward.
  783. >"Don't you dare touch me!"
  784. >Dazed by the shock, you prop yourself up on your elbows, the back of your head throbbing after connecting with solid rock.
  785. >No longer cowering in pain, Luna stands before you.
  786. >No, she *towers* over you.
  787. >Her face is twisted into a scowl as her eyes burn through you.
  788. >"I am not your little cuddle pet," she hisses.
  789. >There's no compassion in her voice.
  790. >No love or adoration in her eyes.
  791. >You don't recognize this mare, inside or outside.
  792. >"Do something like that again without my permission and I won't be so nice."
  793. >With that, she steps over your pathetic form as if to further insult you, before circling around and once again taking a seat at the edge of the dropoff, her back turned to you.
  794. >You've been holding your breath this whole time, and your lungs are starting to burn to remind you.
  795. >A deep breath, and you properly sit upright.
  796. >You can't help but just stare at Luna for some time while you rub your aching head.
  797. >Yeah, pain is real here - the check for blood on your hand comes up empty.
  798. >With no other alternatives, and with Luna obliged to ignore you, eventually you get back to your feet and walk back toward the oak where you had slept together what seemed like mere moments ago.
  799. >For the first time, before you sit down, you check your pocket for the enchanted coin.
  800. >Only to make sure it's still there, of course...
  801. >But as you sit in silence, it's hard to think of anything other than the current situation.
  802. >Particularly, the sudden disdain your Moonbutt has for you.
  803. >Maybe you got off on the wrong foot?
  804. >A thought of desperation, but you don't like ignoring her while you sit in isolation.
  805. >You probably startled her a bit.
  806. >With some glimmer of hope, you try to come up with something to start a conversation.
  807. >But you can't come up with anything of substance...
  808. "So, this is Nightmare Moon."
  809. >It feels weird to say that, considering this was your wife.
  810. >*Is* your wife, just... different.
  811. >She turns her head, casting you a sideways glance.
  812. >"I am the superior version of Luna - the real Luna," she says in a voice cold enough to make you shudder. "You sound disappointed."
  813. "I'm... still in shock, I guess. And my head hurts," you admit, rubbing the back of your noggin.
  814. >The pain is fading somewhat already.
  815. >"Are you looking for pity? You won't get it from me, Anonymous."
  816. "No, I just feel like we got off to a bad start."
  817. >Your words cause Luna to completely turn her body around to face you.
  818. >"A bad start? You act as if you have never met me. Your own wife," she responds, sounding just a bit hurt.
  819. >It makes the knot that's formed in your stomach tighten further.
  820. "I guess it's hard to fully understand the transformation. And I can't help but feel like I..."
  821. >You can't finish that sentence - because even though you want to say it, you *know* that you did nothing wrong.
  822. >"While I prefer my chosen name in this form, I am the same - my mind is merely free of the fog that plagues it constantly," she explains, her tone remaining quite stern as it loses any sense of empathy or pain.
  823. "Fog?"
  824. >Lun- er, Nightmare Moon, just stares at you.
  825. >Maybe you should have just stayed quiet...
  826. >"I don't think your mind will make sense of what I have to offer - I won't bother explaining it," she finally answers. "Are we done here? Because I don't feel like you actually care about what I have to say with the way you're looking at me."
  827. "I'm trying, dear, but-"
  828. >"Don't belittle me with your pet names," she seethes, the sudden sharp tone and anger boiling up giving you a good view of her fangs.
  829. "But you just said that I wasn't treating you like-"
  830. >"If you're trying to appear desperate, you're doing a fine job. How pathetic."
  831. >You drop your gaze to your lap, feeling utterly defeated.
  832. >The way her mood switches at the drop of a hat is just so...
  833. >How do you make any sort of conversation?
  834. >She just seems like she wants to fight.
  835. >That's not what you had in mind starting a dialogue.
  836. >You really need to just clear your head.
  837. >Standing up, you cast a glance back at her.
  838. "I need to go for a walk. I'll be back," you tell her.
  839. >Without a word or any sort of care, Nightmare Moon turns away to face the valley floor once again.
  840. >You likewise turn away, and head down the dirt path that originally brought you up here.
  849. >Down through the trails that led you to this clearing, you took your time with the hike.
  850. >You're rather angry with yourself now that the shock has worn off.
  851. >You have to admit, you sort of dismissed how severe the mental changes would get.
  852. >Neither Celestia or Luna are prone to exaggeration unless its amidst a rivalry between siblings over something stupid.
  853. >But you certainly never expected to be physically assaulted.
  854. >Or toyed with.
  855. >You remind yourself that deep down, that black alicorn is your wife, but it's difficult to accept.
  856. >There's no trace of the one you fell in love with.
  857. >It almost feels a little wrong referring to her as Luna.
  858. >Maybe you shouldn't, if it's going to screw with your head.
  859. >You already messed up, letting her words eat into your mind.
  860. >Part of it was a naive hope that somehow, the initial 'meeting' was just a misunderstanding, and playing it calm would be the better option.
  861. >...honestly, why the heck would Luna have exaggerated what was to come?
  862. >You should have been more prepared.
  863. >You're better than this.
  864. >Regardless of the why, you feel rather ashamed and stupid for basically getting caught on your back foot and backtracking from the start.
  865. >Eventually you start to feel a nice burn in your calves, signaling it's best to head back to the clearing and find somewhere to rest again.
  866. >Polite discussion is probably no longer on the table.
  867. >You haven't the slightest idea how to start a conversation with her.
  868. >But you need to stop bending over backward for anything that does come out of her mouth.
  869. >You promised Luna.
  870. >Just like you promised to leave with her.
  871. >Time to do better.
  872. >As you catch sight of the wrinkled oak tree that has come to signify home, you spy Luna's...
  873. >No.
  874. >Nightmare Moon.
  875. >Her tall form still sits atop the rock she was on when you left.
  876. >Except now, she's facing you.
  877. >You cannot make out her face or features at this distance, but those turquoise eyes cut a sharp contrast to her inky black figure.
  878. >She doesn't budge while you make your way back up the hill.
  879. >Perhaps more surprising, she does not cast a harsh glare upon you.
  880. >But it isn't much better - it's a cold, calculated face, like she's studying you.
  881. >You don't say or signal anything to her as you again plop down against the oak tree, giving your legs a respite.
  882. >Nightmare Moon continues to just stare in an uncomfortable silence for some time.
  883. >You can feel her piercing eyes, and while it's not particularly enjoyable, you endure.
  884. >You don't know what to say or how to even try starting a conversation, so you just wait for her.
  885. >"You came back."
  886. >The comment feels... weighted, to say the least.
  887. >Like it's a baited line being tossed near you, anticipating a response.
  888. "Yeah, I did."
  889. >You decide to keep it short and simple for the time being.
  890. >"I thought you had turned tail and left for good."
  891. >Her tone is calm and matter-of-fact, but underneath, it seems meant to be a taunt.
  892. "I'm here to the end."
  893. >"You say that as if it makes you special."
  894. >Sass starts to taint her words.
  895. "Just keeping a promise I made."
  896. >"Yes, that promise to be by my side, through thick and thin," she muses with a sarcastically wistful tone "Yet here we are - virtually in opposite corners."
  897. >That biting comment hurts more than it should, considering *she* wanted you to stay away.
  898. >There's still a nagging feeling that you aren't trying hard enough, that you aren't fighting with her.
  899. >For her.
  900. >You'd like to believe that deep in there, the Luna you married is thrashing to put away this... this...
  901. >Darkness.
  902. >These words are the mind games of an uninhibited sociopath.
  903. "I'm still here though."
  904. >"A pitiful consolation."
  905. >Rather than avoid her to give the impression she's rattling your psyche, you keep your head up and your gaze locked with hers.
  906. >Stand your ground, dude.
  907. >To a reasonable point.
  908. >You'd rather not be knocked around.
  909. >"You think you make some sort of a difference being here?"
  910. "Considering Celestia mentioned the transformation started later, I'd say being here did something. And it's a matter of being here for my wife."
  911. >"Being here for *me*" Nightmare emphasizes, puffing her chest out. "I can't say I feel much affection coming from you."
  912. >... how do you even respond to that?
  913. >You really *don't* feel affection toward her right now.
  914. >Rather than give her ammunition, you remain mum.
  915. >Nightmare Moon settles back down into a straight posture, though her wings slowly spread wide.
  916. >They are utterly massive, easily doubling or tripling her size.
  917. >"How you could not find this form ravishing and awe-inspiring is beyond my comprehension," she gushes, ogling herself with pride. "Though I suppose it's quite telling that you would find a meek and diminutive form more palatable."
  918. "Maybe it's more an attitude thing," you reply, shrugging.
  919. >Nightmare's attention instantly snaps to you, the comment having drawn a twinge of anger that creases her muzzle with a frown.
  920. >You fold your arms in front of your chest, preparing for a standoff.
  921. >She slowly tucks away her wings, though the sour expression on her face remains.
  922. >"Sorry I'm not your little pliable plaything - I deserve more respect than that," she barks back, taking a step toward you. "I'm the real Luna, not bound by attachment. I'm the *better* version of Luna."
  923. >You just shake your head, not willing to listen to this nonsense.
  924. >"Do you know what I've learned in my centuries of experience?" she continues. "Attachments hold you back. But it's easy to string along someone with a few kind words and a smile."
  925. "Shut up."
  926. >"Oh dear, have I touched a nerve? Is there the possibility that all this time, I've been using *you* as my pet? My slave? Maybe you weren't the first."
  927. "I don't have to listen to this. What's even the point of this crap you're spouting?"
  928. >You're just starting to get mad at her now.
  929. >The notion that Luna is just using you is absurd and wholly untrue, and to even think about your relationship like that makes you want to upchuck.
  930. >"Relationships are a burden. Family is a burden. They hold us back for fear of losing those connections. I've known it for a long time, I'm just never willing to admit it. Now I am. You hold me back because you're incapable of taking care of yourself - I have to pick up the slack. I have to hold back, show concern for your feelings."
  931. >You bite your lip, keen to not give her the satisfaction of another response.
  932. >"You're realizing there was never a reason to be here, aren't you?" Nightmare Moon continues. "Go back - and bring that overstuffed goose they call my sister here. I've not had a 'meaningful' discussion with her in quite some time."
  933. >You reach into your pocket and fish for the trinket Celestia gave you.
  934. >The words of this perverted form of your love are nothing but lies.
  935. >You know that.
  936. >So why are you shaking?
  937. >Adrenaline probably.
  938. >You pull the coin out into the light for the first time, holding it out in your palm.
  939. >You could just walk away from this meaningless crash course in psychological manipulation she's bestowing upon you.
  940. >Of course, that also means you're admitting defeat like she says.
  941. >And Celestia has to see her sister this way.
  942. >You could always walk down the trail and meet her.
  943. >But...
  944. >As you glance back up at Nightmare, you see a wicked grin has grown upon her face.
  945. >Something isn't right here...
  946. >Well, obviously.
  947. >But it feels like you're missing something here.
  948. >Like this isn't just a test of how nasty she can be.
  949. >Or maybe it is.
  950. >Does it matter?
  951. >Seeing her so keen to leave, you flash the coin to her, holding it between your thumb and index finger.
  952. >Then, unceremoniously, you slip it back into your pocket
  953. >That toothy grin Nightmare sports vanishes in an instant.
  954. >Maybe you've reached a breaking point dealing with this stress, or maybe it's the notion that this being appears to have an actual agenda.
  955. >This is not your wife - she's being held hostage deep inside.
  956. >Your turn to fight.
  957. >Maybe a pointless fight in the grand scheme of things.
  958. >But Luna put herself through hell to stave off this fiend as long as possible despite the perceived inevitability, too.
  959. "Sorry. I've gotten comfortable here. It would be a shame to leave now."
  960. >Your taunt completely blindsides Nightmare, who just stares in a dumbfounded, unblinking fashion.
  961. >Slowly, a bitter expression returns to her face.
  962. >"If I thought there was any chance I could activate it myself, I would be more than happy to do what was needed to get that trinket from you."
  963. "And if it came down to that, I'd huck it as far as I could to where neither of us would find it," you retort, once again folding your arms in front of your chest.
  964. >Those distinctively predatory eyes narrow with frustration as Nightmare Moon glares at you.
  965. >"What exactly are you hoping to accomplish here?"
  966. "You first."
  967. >The quick turnaround on her question leads Nightmare Moon to give you a queer, questioning look.
  968. >"You think I am trying to accomplish something other than feed you the truth?" she suggests.
  969. "I know my girl is adept at playing the long game, even when I can't see it. You're her uninhibited side, and you can look at anything without concerning yourself with consequences or collateral. And by the way, you don't speak the truth. I know the truth - and Luna is still in there, waiting to push you back into the cellar where you belong."
  970. >You hear an audible growl from Nightmare as she slowly marches toward where you sit, her head lowered to be at eye level with you.
  971. >Again, her wings flare open, as if further attempting to intimidate you by appearing larger.
  972. >She can't actually hurt you - and you've pushed past her mind games.
  973. >Maybe this is Luna - but she's lost what makes her that pony you adore.
  974. >She may as well be a complete stranger - and you have to think that way until the end of this, even if it feels a bit wrong.
  975. >"I *am* Luna, you imbecile," she hisses upon approach, getting up in your face. "I'm the *real* one, not just some facade I put on for all of Equestria. Sorry your feeble heart was drawn to me like a fly in my spider web, but it's the truth."
  976. "You can argue that all you want, but you only get to come out two or three days in a decade, and Luna makes damn sure you can't harm anyone in that time. She's willing to go the extra mile and put herself through misery to do it. That doesn't sound like something a grand scheming mastermind would do."
  977. >A quick strike from Nightmare's hoof to your chest catches you completely out, the sharp pain momentarily knocking the wind out of you combined with sheer force.
  978. >"I can't kill you here, but I can make you wish I could if you're not going to show me the respect I deserve," she quietly snarls, baring her teeth.
  979. >She inches closer to your face, to the point her stifling hot breath is nearly overwhelming.
  980. >Still, you refuse to back down and apologize.
  981. "All you can focus on is sowing pain, sorrow, and misery. That's not respectable in any way. Luna at least knew she was wrong and that's why she was able to rid herself of you almost permanently. We all mess up, and I hate that she has to deal with you at all. I think the least I can do for her is to stand up to you as well."
  982. >"Oh please, you don't even have the full story!" Nightmare laughs. "The only reason I was put away again is by use of the Elements of Harmony. There was no 'fight' to bring her weaker side back out."
  983. "Yeah? Sometimes we need help," you argue without flinching. "You don't ever get out beyond the solar eclipse, so she must be perfectly content without you."
  984. >Another blow to the chest pinning you against the tree is your reward, a searing pain forcing you to cough and sputter.
  985. >Still, you force yourself to look up, directly into Nightmare's eyes.
  986. >At first, you think the sudden lack of air is somehow screwing with you.
  987. >There's been no change in the lighting, but her pupils suddenly look dilated.
  988. >Or shifting...
  989. >It may be a stretch, but you feel like right now, Luna is behind those eyes, trying to force her way back to you.
  990. >You reach up with your arm and deftly stroke Nightmare's cheek in comfort.
  991. "Luna."
  992. >In the blink of an eye, Nightmare pulls away from you and seizes your fingers between those sharp teeth, and bites down on your knuckles.
  993. >Hard.
  994. >You do your best to hold it in, but the sudden, overwhelming surge of pain makes you wail.
  995. >"I'm done being nice to you since you won't listen," she growls while remaining clamped on tight to your digits.
  996. "Fine... go ahead," you strain to reply "I got another hand you can use as a chewtoy."
  997. >You say that even as you feel a trickle of warmth run down the back of your hand, crimson staining the jagged teeth in Nightmare's mouth.
  998. >That wasn't supposed to happen.
  999. >The taunt you gave her causes another surge of agony as her bite strengthens, making you yell again as teeth rend flesh.
  1000. >It feels like her teeth are sawing through bone as blood begins to run down your arm and drip off onto the ground.
  1001. "If going - if this is what I had to do to get my Lu back even - even five seconds sooner, I'll endure!" you shout in defiance.
  1002. >At this point, you don't know how the hell even magic can prevent Nightmare from severing your fingers clean off.
  1003. >Your chest pounds and your head swims through a rush of adrenaline, tears welling up in your eyes just from the sheer intensity of the pain.
  1004. >With no other recourse, you ball your other hand into a fist and wind up.
  1005. "Sorry, Lulu," you mumble through gritted teeth.
  1006. >You manage to sock Nightmare square in the snout with a solid punch.
  1007. >Clearly blindsided by your strike, it forces Nightmare to release the death grip on your hand and stumble backward a few steps.
  1008. >The pain hardly dulls in your hand, though just at a glance, it isn't entirely mutilated...
  1009. But you can't move any of your digits.
  1010. >Meanwhile, you hear Nightmare as she snorts and sniffs through the jab put to her nose.
  1011. >"What-"
  1012. "Shut up. You're nothing but a miserable parasite," you bark before she can speak standing up to prepare for whatever she plans to throw at you.
  1013. >She shakes her head a few times before rising back up straight.
  1014. >Your breath catches in your chest as she looks at you.
  1015. >Her eyes are no longer cat's eyes.
  1016. >"M-Moose?"
  1017. >It's a call uttered in confusion and concern, as her eyes dart up and down your form.
  1018. "Moonbutt?"
  1019. >Her eyes widen with incredulity, slowly nodding her head at your pet name while still wrinkling her nose from the shot you just gave her.
  1020. >Did - did you knock her back into control?
  1021. >"Anon, your hand!" she cries, fear gripping her voice as she moves toward you.
  1022. >But stops after only a step, realization hitting her face.
  1023. >Or perhaps the taste in her mouth...
  1024. >You follow her gaze and look back down at it.
  1025. >The bleeding where she bit you seems to have already slowed down.
  1026. >"I did that..."
  1027. >Looking up at Luna, her head lowers as she closes her eyes in shame.
  1028. "No, Nightmare did, not you. She sure as heck is *not* you, so I won't stand for you taking the blame.
  1029. >"Anon..."
  1030. "It's just a flesh wound."
  1031. >She suddenly moves her legs to take a wide stance, her whole body trembling.
  1032. "Luna, I knew what I got into."
  1033. >"She's trying to come back!" Luna shouts through gritted teeth.
  1034. "And you can fight her! You're better than her," you goad Luna, quickly rushing over to her.
  1035. >Tears stream down her face as she fights the creature within her, while you rest down on a knee and stroke her neck with your good hand.
  1036. "Luna. You're better than Nightmare Moon. She's nothing without you."
  1037. >"I-I can do this..."
  1038. "And if I have to, I'll give you another power boop."
  1039. >Even through the struggle she's involved in - Luna manages to crack the slightest smile.
  1040. >But a low growl from her starts to make you uneasy again.
  1041. >Without a warning, Luna reaches up with a hoof and shoves you back onto your behind.
  1042. >You catch yourself with your hands - which brings a dulled pain back into the forefront of your mind.
  1043. >"No more. Do you hear me?!" she begins to shout, bracing herself. "No *MORE!*"
  1044. >A bright flash forces you to momentarily shield your eyes, as Luna erupts into a ball of white light.
  1045. >The smell of ozone permeates the air before you feel a wave of heat blast past your form.
  1046. >Just out of pure bewilderment, you strain to see through the sudden illumination that's enveloped Luna.
  1047. >You can barely make out a faint silhouette of her, with her head raised to the heavens and wings spread wide.
  1048. >Whether it's a trick of the light or reality, you can see her form rapidly shrinking, from Celestia-sized Nightmare Moon down to something more recognizable.
  1049. >As quickly as it appears, the light show dissipates, with Luna falling to the ground in a heap.
  1050. >Though you're once again left bewildered as you race to where she lays.
  1051. >You skid to a stop on your knees, desperately checking her over as you instantly note her eyes are closed.
  1052. >You can at least see her barrel rising and falling, indicating she's breathing just fine.
  1053. > It's everything else about her that's of concern.
  1054. >Once again, you don't recognize her; what seemed to be a reversion to her familiar form has not occurred.
  1055. >Instead of a navy blue fur coat and wings, her coloring has significantly lightened, comparable to a periwinkle shade of blue.
  1056. >Her hair too has lightened significantly - while highlighted by violet, there's no trace of the ethereal qualities you're accustomed to seeing.
  1057. >It appears and feels like normal hair.
  1058. >Furthermore, she's quite dainty - while not significantly smaller than the Luna you know, this form is definitely smaller, almost making her appear younger.
  1059. >While you're at least relieved to see she's alive, gentle shaking does nothing to rouse her, which only heightens your nerves.
  1060. >You quickly fumble through your pants pocket for the coin with your 'good' hand, grabbing it and squeezing it in your palm.
  1061. >After a few seconds, you feel a warmth emanating from the magical item and a faint glow from between your fingers, indicating it's been activated.
  1062. >With nothing else to do and still gripped by anxiety, you sit down and gently pull Luna into your lap as best you can.
  1063. >The pain is already beginning to fade a bit again and you feel like you could move your hand, but you're afraid to aggravate it.
  1064. >Your blood has already begun to dry on your arm, leaving rust-colored streaks down your limb.
  1065. >Meanwhile, Luna is out cold, leaving her virtually dead weight.
  1066. "Luna, just hang on," you encourage her unconscious form in a hushed voice. "Sis is on her way."
  1067. >Forced to wait, you resort to lovingly stroking her side, watching for any further signs of life.
  1068. >What the hell did she do?
  1069. >Or was it not her, but the Aether reacting to what she did?
  1070. >Pretty damned late reaction, if that's the case.
  1071. >While it's been unclear since the start how time passes, it feels like far too long before you hear hooves galloping off in the distance.
  1072. >By this time, you aren't feeling the pain near as much as you were, meaning you've been able to properly pull Luna into your lap and cradle her, mindful not to stain her fur with what little blood remains viscous that you haven't been able to wipe away with your shirt.
  1073. >Not that you care about ruining a stupid shirt.
  1074. >The rhythm slows as the sound gets closer, with Celestia appearing over the horizon at a decent canter.
  1075. >"Anon... what happened?!" she gasps upon scanning both you and the contents of your lap.
  1076. "I don't know! But she won't wake up, Cel!" you cry, failing to have any sense of composure.
  1077. >Celestia trots up beside you, looking down at her little sister's form.
  1078. >Leaning down, her horn gently taps against the smaller spire atop Luna's head, a faint golden glow sparking between the tips like electricity.
  1079. >A brief moment, but one that allows Celestia to emit a deep sigh that melts away the concern lining her face.
  1080. >"She's fine - she will be fine," Celestia consoles you. "Whatever it was that transpired completely drained her magic reserves - she's essentially in a deep sleep to recuperate."
  1081. >Celestia circles around and takes a seat on her haunches.
  1082. >All of her attention now turns upon you.
  1083. "Before I even try to understand how you're holding my little sis and not dealing with Nightmare Moon's wrath - how are you?"
  1084. "I don't even know anymore," you say, breaking out into a shaky, uncontrolled laugh as you look down at Luna, then at your hand that felt it should be missing fingers some time ago.
  1085. >You flex each digit before making a first, none the worse for wear with almost no residual pain.
  1086. "I'm just... I guess I'm alright. I don't know what to make of what I've seen and been through. How long has it been since the eclipse?"
  1087. >"That's the thing - it *just* happened, Anon," Celestia spouts. "Needless to say, when you called for me I ran as quick as I could to get here, fearing something had happened."
  1088. "Well, something happened alright."
  1089. >"That it did."
  1090. >Once again, Celestia's magic manifests as a golden glowing light snakes its way to Luna's slumbering form.
  1091. >The binding spell that has continued its silent procession around Luna's body reacts, glowing intensely before fragmenting and scattering like glowing grains of sand caught in a windstorm.
  1092. "Is it safe?" you ask, feeling somewhat skeptical as Celestia stands.
  1093. >"It is. When I say Luna is drained of magic, I mean it - I doubt she could levitate even a feather. It will take more than a day to regain even half her strength," Celestia explains. "There is no way Nightmare Moon will have a chance at manifesting again with so little energy."
  1094. >Holy shit.
  1095. >That's it?
  1096. >This is over?
  1097. > There are too many emotions to even begin conveying how you feel right now, leaving you feeling like you're in a haze.
  1098. >It's only when you feel Luna being lifted from your care that you snap back to reality.
  1099. >Celestia's magic has seized Luna, levitating her up toward the elder sister.
  1100. "No."
  1101. >"Hm?"
  1102. >Celestia is left quizzical by your blunt statement, Luna still floating in midair.
  1103. "I got her."
  1104. >With the first genuine, heartfelt smile you've seen in... some time, Celestia nods while you rise to your feet and gently cradle Luna in your arms.
  1105. >You've carried Luna before - notably across her bedroom threshold after marriage, but this incarnation of Luna is a genuine lightweight, shocking you at how little muscle you need to hold her.
  1106. >Nevertheless, her virtual lack of muscle tone due to her condition makes it a tricky affair to keep her limbs and particularly her head and neck from flopping around in a potentially harmful manner.
  1107. >"Normally I wouldn't be in this much of a hurry to return, but in my haste, the eclipse is still ongoing," Celestia comments. "I frankly do not know how much time has passed, and I'd rather not dawdle. The last time an eclipse lasted longer than a few minutes..."
  1108. >Celestia trails off, shaking her head rather than finishing the thought.
  1109. "Yeah, you two need to figure out setting up some clocks here. No day-night cycles make it hard."
  1110. >At least you get an amused snort from Celestia.
  1111. >"If you're ready, I'm going to take us directly to Luna's room - I'd rather she not be seen in this state, and I'm certain she would rather not, either."
  1112. "I'm more than ready."
  1113. >That's all Celestia needs to bring your little group back into the real world.
  1114. >Grass gives way to hardwood floors and decorative rugs, while the night sky only has to shift a bit to match the calming serene blues and pewter that highlight Luna's preferred aesthetics as well as the duties to which she's tied.
  1115. >Though the curtains are drawn both for the window and the balcony door as habitual for a nocturnal lifestyle, there's enough of a gap for daylight to shine through.
  1116. >Or lack thereof, right now.
  1117. >You get lucky with this teleportation, feeling perfectly fine with no hints of dizziness as you carry Luna the few steps needed to reach the bed.
  1118. >Meanwhile, Celestia pulls back the balcony curtains for a moment - long enough to finish the eclipse and allow the sun to shine brightly outside.
  1119. >"There, that should do it."
  1120. >Gently setting Luna down atop the comforter on your bed, you kick off your shoes before laying down beside her.
  1121. >Meanwhile, you hear Celestia head to Luna's private bathroom, with a brief interlude of running water before she returns with a washcloth.
  1122. >"I should be getting back to the throne room - but I can't until I get an idea of what happened," Celestia admits, pulling up a stool and taking a seat beside the bed, giving you the towel to clean off your arm. "Could you run through the events?"
  1123. >Through the course of the next fifteen minutes, you recall everything that transpired once Celestia had left for the second and last time, up until you summoned her just minutes before.
  1124. >Through it all, Celestia keeps a mostly solemn expression, remaining quiet aside from a few requests for clarification.
  1125. >It's only toward the end regarding your physical altercation with Nightmare and the ensuing burst of light after Luna regained control that Celestia's straight face cracks to show concern, reluctance, and finally, bewilderment once again.
  1126. >As well as a brief examination of your hand, upon her insistence.
  1127. >Maybe she wasn't so certain about what could happen in the Aether...
  1128. "That's about when you showed up. Now here we are."
  1129. >"Yes, here we *all* are," Celestia added, glancing over at Luna, whom you've cuddled up next to during the storytelling.
  1130. >She still hasn't stirred a bit.
  1131. >Celestia looks rather reluctant as she rises from her seat, setting the stool back where she found it.
  1132. >"I hate to leave with so many things unanswered, but it's going to take some time to understand exactly what Luna did regardless if I stay here," Celestia says, heading for the door. "Is it safe to assume I'll find you here by day's end?"
  1133. "You should be shocked if I'm anywhere else," you answer her with a smirk.
  1134. >"I'll make sure the staff knows not to enter - honestly, with what you've been through, rest might do you some good, too."
  1135. "Eh, maybe. I just want to be here."
  1136. >With a nod of understanding, Celestia cracks open the door and slips out of sight, turning out the lights in the room before closing the door.
  1137. >Maybe you will sleep - whether you do or don't you have no intentions of leaving your wife's side while she rests...
  1139. ****
  1141. >Movement stirs you awake.
  1142. >You open your eyes just in time to see a pair of beautiful turquoise eyes greet the waking world.
  1143. >Very tired eyes, judging by the lethargic reluctance of eyelids creeping open.
  1144. >"Hey..."
  1145. >Luna's voice comes out raspy and quiet - but touched with relief.
  1146. "I'm not hungry, but if that's what you want, I'll call room service," you joke.
  1147. >It takes Luna a moment to comprehend your silly wordplay, but you garner a hum of amusement for your trouble.
  1148. >"I won't lie - that was pretty bad," she says.
  1149. "I thought it was okay. But more importantly - how do you feel?"
  1150. >"Mmm... tired. And like I was run over by a carriage."
  1151. "Do you remember anything?"
  1152. >You wrap your arms around her and gently pull her close.
  1153. >"Almost everything... but why do you seem..."
  1154. >Luna trails off, lifting her head and taking stock of her surroundings.
  1155. >Or more specifically herself, judging by how wide her eyes grow as she flicks her tail and spreads a wing.
  1156. >"Oh no," she laments, laying her head back down on the pillow while her cheeks redden underneath that light blue fur.
  1157. "Yeah, you did something. But let me assure you, you're a real cutie."
  1158. >Luna's muzzle scrunches up at your compliment, her blush growing more noticeable.
  1159. >"I would rather you not have seen me like this, Anon," she admits.
  1160. "Yeah, your sister said you might feel that way."
  1161. >"But... thank you, I guess."
  1162. "Of course."
  1163. >While seeming to still be quite weak, Luna does her best to return your hug, with her wing draped over you as well as a foreleg.
  1164. >"How is your hand?" she asks, worry tainting her voice.
  1165. "Not a scratch. But you knew that."
  1166. >"I did. But I still feel horrible."
  1167. "Don't. I'm the one that stayed and tickled the dragon's tail."
  1168. >"That you did - but more importantly, you did stay."
  1169. "I said I would," you remind her. "I said when I left, it would be with you by my side."
  1170. >You pause a moment, mulling that statement.
  1171. >"You were in my arms, not by my side. But close enough."
  1172. >"Thank you."
  1173. >You lean in and give her a peck on the forehead as she closes her eyes again.
  1174. "You look like you need more sleep. I'll be here."
  1180. >Almost another full day had to pass before Luna replenished enough of her magical energy to revert to her normal form.
  1181. >No conversation has touched on the events that put her in the situation.
  1182. >It felt like there was an unspoken agreement between you, Luna, and Celestia - to give it some time before approaching the subject in private.
  1183. >That time came tonight - with all three of you relaxing on the rug in Celestia's private chambers.
  1184. >Okay, you were on the rug, and Luna was essentially crammed into your lap as much as possible - which meant her hind legs were on the rug, and her front hooves dangled off the side of your left thigh.
  1185. >It was something you insisted upon, and it was relatively comfortable for both of you.
  1186. >Luna has done most of the talking - going through what she remembered through it all and has been particularly animated about the way 'she' treated you.
  1187. >She is in charge of her emotions, and it has been a way to vent her regrets - but you have made sure to sprinkle in some reassuring affection with either a pat to her barrel or scratching an ear.
  1188. >Every time, you can feel her relax.
  1189. >"...I just - I was so torn. I wanted you to leave for your own sake, but I was fearful that my words were getting to you and *that* was what made you leave."
  1190. "Nah, that was something you should not have worried about. I'll admit, I was fighting a bit with myself on how to..."
  1191. >You pause, trying to brainstorm how to make your thoughts something coherent.
  1192. "I sort of realized that yes, you were still there, but I couldn't keep reminding myself it was you. I basically just started looking at... you - as someone else entirely. I knew you would never say that stuff."
  1193. >"But you just seemed... when I asked you to take Celestia's coin out of your pocket, you seemed more driven to fight against me rather than leave. What changed?" Luna asks, tilting her head back to get an inverted look at you.
  1194. >You have to shrug at first because the thoughts you had at the time are beginning to seem more farfetched.
  1195. >"C'mon..." Luna goads you, patting your leg with her hoof.
  1196. >You relent, seeing no need to keep it mum.
  1197. "Did you - er, Nightmare - was there a plan with all of this?" you begin by asking your own question.
  1198. >"'Plan'?"
  1199. >Luna stares, not quite following your insinuation.
  1200. "It just seemed like, though she was having fun toying with me, she *really* wanted me to leave. Like there was something more to it. That and the simple fact I told you I would stay made up my mind."
  1201. >Luna lowers her head back down, looking at her sister.
  1202. >Celestia, for her part, seems to be lost in thought as well.
  1203. >"Thoughts are where my memory in this time gets tricky - I can view everything that's transpiring, but separating thoughts from my uninhibited side and... me - that's difficult," Luna comments.
  1204. "Can we just go with Nightmare? Because it wasn't you," you recommend.
  1205. >Celestia nods her head in agreement.
  1206. >"Sister, if I'm to be quite honest with you - it doesn't even sound like the Nightmare Moon I had to face all those years ago," Celestia adds, looking rather sick. "It... there was a reason that things transpired the way they did, and while your anger and jealousy begat your alter ego - I could still sense the hurt and sorrow behind the facade. But this incarnation - it just sounds like pure malice with no basis or reasoning. A perverted monster based upon concentrated feelings you released long ago."
  1207. >"Perhaps you are right in that regard, Tia. I have personally never dwelled upon what... what I can remember, what I feel during those times. And I have adamantly instructed you to stay away aside from a periodical checkup - meaning you have not seen this.. this beast that exists once a solar eclipse. In hindsight, it is much more clear to me."
  1208. "Good, because like I said - that wasn't you at all, and that's how I put my mind to endure what happened.
  1209. >"Understood, and it seems we all agree on that now," Luna says with a firm nod, mirrored by her elder sister.
  1210. >"Do you mind if we skip forward? One thing is still bothering me," Celestia interjects.
  1211. >"Oh?"
  1212. >From what you can see of Luna's face, she shows some visible concern with Celestia's admittance.
  1213. >This time, you rest your chin gently on her head, getting lost in the heavenly lavender scent of her hair while stroking her mane.
  1214. "It's about how it all finished, Lu," you tell her.
  1215. >"Oh, that," Luna answers, sounding quite relieved. "When you started standing your ground to Nightmare, there were 'cracks,' so to speak. I could get a better... understanding of what was happening. More conscious. And then when you struck her in the nose - I suppose that was enough of a daze to allow me back through. Completely."
  1216. >Celestia leans forward, her intrigue maximized with this particular part of the discussion.
  1217. >"What did you do?"
  1218. >"I - frankly, I'm not quite certain. Being in control again, seeing what I had done to Anon, and his encouragement despite the fact...
  1219. >Luna pauses before you feel her muscles contract as she shrugs.
  1220. >"I guess I just fired off the strongest beam of magic and energy I could. Just trying to get rid of it. All of it. I figured the increase in magic because of the eclipse was what brought Nightmare out, so if that was gone..."
  1221. >Celestia's eyes widen, though she has no response or other reaction.
  1222. >"I know that doesn't make much sense, but in the moment - that's all I can figure out in regards to what I did."
  1223. "Why doesn't it make much sense?" you chime in.
  1224. >"What Luna is describing sounds like she literally purged everything out of her body in terms of magic," Celestia explains. "I've never heard of anypony doing such a thing. Casting spells will deplete magic sure, but to completely expel all reserves in a matter of seconds even in that way is unheard of."
  1225. >"I'm afraid I have no answers beyond that," Luna says.
  1226. "So, maybe this is a stupid question, but is she... gone? For good?"
  1227. >"No, that part of me is still there, but I feel like I've bested her. Beyond the moral victory."
  1228. >"What do you mean, sister?"
  1229. >"I don't know for certain, and maybe as my energy is replenished, it will change, but I feel more secure. I feel like I've... I finally properly sealed that door once again. I don't know how else to put it. I know she is there, but there is absolute silence. No whispers or anything."
  1230. >"I truly want to believe that, Luna," Celestia gasps, though quickly regaining some composure. "But I don't think you have ever come out of these events in such a weakened state, either. "
  1231. >"Nor do I think I have ever fought with such determination to put away that foul beast," Luna replies. "Perhaps that part of me was weaker than normal, and still is - but I can *feel* something different."
  1232. >"Maybe Anonymous was just the charm needed to aid you after all," Celestia comments, perking up a bit with that conclusion.
  1233. >"Indeed - at the very least, he helped me to make this year an abbreviated appearance," Luna coos, rolling her head side to side, just to rub against your chin in affection.
  1234. >After a somewhat tense period discussing rather unpleasant items, the room is able to relax with smiles all around.
  1235. >Certainly, you'd like to believe in Luna's optimism of having that part of her safely sealed away for good...
  1236. >But time will tell.
  1237. >You're just glad to have her back - and appreciate having her even more after that short-lived deprivation.
  1238. >Celestia lets out a yawn, cutting it short with a hoof to her mouth.
  1239. >"Sorry. Today was busier than I realized," she says.
  1240. >"That's quite alright sister, the moon has been up for some time now - if we aren't past your normal bedtime, we're on the cusp."
  1241. >Luna pats your thigh, signaling to you it's time to head out.
  1242. >"I take it you will be resuming court tomorrow night, then?" Celestia asks, getting up off the floor herself.
  1243. >"Yes. One more day of rest will suffice - just to be on the cautious side."
  1244. "Oh boy, back to the office."
  1245. >Luna snrks at the comment, while Celestia feigns a look of disappointment.
  1246. >"You love it, don't lie," she sasses.
  1247. "I take the good with the bad," you joke back, mussing up Luna's hair as she brushes past you en route to the door.
  1248. >"Of course. Goodnight, you too.
  1249. >"Pleasant dreams, Tia. Thank you for listening.
  1250. "Night, Cel."
  1251. >Pleasantries exchanged, you and Luna head out, just a short jaunt across the hall before entering your shared bedroom.
  1252. "I'm ready to get back to some normalcy," you groan, stretching your arms above your head.
  1253. >"You will hear no argument from me," Luna agreed, closing the bedroom door.
  1254. >With a click a second afterward, you hear the lock being set.
  1255. "Uh oh, more private discussions?" you quip.
  1256. >"A little bit, yes."
  1257. >You kick off your slippers and sit on your side of the bed, while Luna sets aside her regalia on the dresser near her side, also kicking off her slippers.
  1258. >A split second later, she leaps onto the bed with you.
  1259. >"I just wanted to say..."
  1260. >Luna pauses almost as quickly as she starts, making you lift your legs onto the bed and turn to face her.
  1261. >She meets your gaze, before venturing about your facial features, a grin forming on her face as she does.
  1262. >"As much as I was against the idea of you staying beside me during that - ordeal, I will forever be grateful that you did not listen. Perhaps I am mistaken, and that will be known as time passes, but I truly believe you gave me the strength to finally overcome and put away that dark piece of my past that would refuse to leave me in peace - even if I do feel fortunate it was merely once in a total eclipse."
  1263. "Well, I'll admit that was a little more 'exciting' than I ever anticipated - but Celestia was gonna have to drag me out of there. I couldn't bear to think of you being in isolation for three straight days, let alone one."
  1264. >Luna tilts her head, smiling even brighter than before.
  1265. >Both of you lean toward each other, sharing a sensual kiss.
  1266. >Even before she breaks away, her tongue teasing at the slight part in your lips tells you this 'private discussion' may not be over...
  1267. >"There is one other thing... I hate to be a bother, but my back has been a bit stiff today," she murmurs with a slight hint of a smirk tainting that smile.
  1268. "You should have told me earlier - why suffer through that all day?" you tease her.
  1269. >Luna lays on her stomach, flaring out her wings while you situate yourself behind her, reaching toward the familiar trouble spot in between her wings.
  1270. >"You know, it might actually be my wings this time," she suggests before you lay a hand on her.
  1271. >Rather than reply back, you set to work, placing your hands gently around the base of each appendage and tending to those muscles.
  1272. >There's very little tension in them, and what does exist melts away as Luna gives oohs and sighs of approval.
  1273. >It's not that long before her tail begins to flick back and forth underneath you.
  1274. >"Maybe further back than that?" she suggests, turning her head just enough that you can see a knowing glint in her eye.
  1275. >You release her wings, then begin to trace your fingertips deftly down each side of her spine.
  1276. >Pausing a moment, you knead the area just ahead of her hips.
  1277. "Here, maybe?"
  1278. >"Mmm, I don't know..."
  1279. >While enjoying her little game, you decide to take the lead, moving back and squeezing a handful of rump on either side.
  1280. >Whether by design or surprise, Luna lets out a low moan as she presses back into you.
  1281. >"Thaaat's a lot closer," she coos, adding just enough of a wiggle to her rear to entice you.
  1282. >You slowly rub and caress the silvery moon marking on each flank, while Luna continues to goad you with sounds of pleasurable approval and her own attention to your hardening member, still trapped by shorts.
  1283. "I feel like we didn't properly prepare for this session, you say, leaning forward to whisper in her ear.
  1284. >"There's time for adjustments," she teases back.
  1285. >You release her from your care to practically rip off your shorts, shirt, and undergarments.
  1286. >As you return to the task, you see something else that needs attention...
  1287. >Already spying some rivulets of nectar trailing from her nether lips, you lean in and take a whiff of the aroma.
  1288. >The heady fragrance makes your head spin, leading you on to trace where those lips begin to part with your tongue.
  1289. >"O-ooh" Luna moans, while her clit instinctively makes an appearance.
  1290. >Perfect timing to lavish the pink bulb with attention as well, making her marehood glisten with more lube.
  1291. >At the same time, a hand strays down to ensure those delectably prodigious teats are not neglected.
  1292. >You've only seen heavily pregnant mares rival her in size - they are a treasure in and of themselves.
  1293. >One hand isn't enough for this much tender flesh as the other one joins in, tweaking a nipple to garner a lustful squeal from Luna.
  1294. >It seems to stoke her internal flame ever higher, as another wave of heat and arousal teases your mouth and nose.
  1295. >Even without attention, your rock-hard member throbs from the intimacy that drowns your senses.
  1296. >"We have all night to play, but I *need* you right now, Moose."
  1297. >Luna's low, lustful voice combined with the output of natural lube she's already leaked is all you need to get up and on your knees atop the bed behind her.
  1298. >Despite being raring to go, you ease your dick into her, parting her netherlips with a teasing slow motion.
  1299. >"Ahn~" Luna moans as you sink into her sweltering passage.
  1300. >Her inner walls massage and tease at your member, urging you to abandon all sense of pace.
  1301. >You start to back out of her, before ramming back home, reveling in the lewd sounds of carnal pleasure.
  1302. >Having had your fun, and feeling your love quivering underneath you, you start to piston back and forth at a much more rapid pace.
  1303. >Luna's mind has been fogged by lust as she raises her ass up further, trying to get as much of you inside of her as she can.
  1304. >Everyone once in a while, you feel her clit throb hard against you whilst balls deep inside her, making both of you grunt and moan at the sensation.
  1305. >By the time you start to close in on a finish, you have both of her flanks in your hand, thrusting in her with reckless abandon, only adding to the cacophony of lewd sounds.
  1306. >With perfect timing, you hilt deep and hard inside of her as you hit your peak, spurting your load inside her.
  1307. >At the same time, you feel Luna's whole body seem to tense as her pussy spasms around you, milking your balls for all they're worth.
  1308. >Both of you breathing heavily as you share in a loving climax, you lean forward while Luna turns her head and meets you.
  1309. >This time, there's no reservation as you share a passionate kiss, tongues twirling and dancing amongst the confines of each other.
  1310. >You give Luna a few more small thrusts, just to be sure you've given her everything.
  1311. >But spent for the moment, you slip out of her and pull away from the kiss, falling down beside her.
  1312. >She eagerly sidles up to you, grinding against you just a bit even as she accepts an afterglow cuddle.
  1313. >"Thank you."
  1316. *****
  1318. >"Come on, this up here will be perfect!"
  1319. "Slow down - I'm almost ninety, you know!"
  1320. >Luna cackles at your pitiful joke while you struggle to keep up with her torrid trot.
  1321. >"And I'm sixteen hundred thirty-nine come next month - your excuse is invalid!" she playfully taunts, prancing circles around you.
  1322. "Okay, so you're used to being old."
  1323. >"Funny - you still look like the ripe twenty-five-year-old I married."
  1324. "It's the best excuse I could come up with aside from noting you have two more legs than me, Lu."
  1325. >You get another giggle from your wife as she brushes against you affectionately.
  1326. >"We're almost there, just the top of this hill."
  1327. >Way out in the wilderness of Equestria, you and Luna have been hiking for the better part of two hours, finding that perfect spot.
  1328. >Celestia should be along soon - if she hasn't already beaten you two.
  1329. >You can't blame Luna for being so enthusiastic, and it is endearing to see.
  1330. >Finally reaching the end of the path as the crest comes into view...
  1331. >You know this place.
  1332. >The oak tree.
  1333. >The rock that erupts from the ground near the edge of the cliff.
  1334. >And as you draw closer, you recognize the valley down below.
  1335. >"I take it you remember?" Luna asks, making you realize your mouth is agape.
  1336. "I do. It would be a little hard to forget, even if it was fifteen years ago," you admit. "Well, there was also the last time, when we came to the conclusion your feelings were right."
  1337. >"My sister and I used to frequent this place whenever a major astronomical event took place - the view is incredible, and there are no lights to be seen for miles."
  1338. "So you two made that little place as a reminder of-"
  1339. >"Happier times, yes," Luna finishes, a twinkle in her eye as her wings envelop you. "To be quite honest, I had forgotten this was a real spot in our world. I suppose time tainted that memory, when seeing these features meant three days of-"
  1340. >Luna cuts herself off, shaking her head.
  1341. "Yeah. Crazy to know this is a real place."
  1342. >"Celestia reminded me earlier this year, and we both agreed to make time to make this trip again."
  1343. >"Look out below!"
  1344. >Coincidentally, Celestia's voice rings out from above as she glides in, flaring out to stop on a dime right in front of you two.
  1345. >"Perfect timing Tia - we just arrived!" Luna cheers
  1346. >"Ugh, I was getting concerned I'd be more delayed than I was - it seems like everypony in Equestria wanted an audience with me," Celestia sighs, following it up with a stress-relieving laugh. "But I would have found an excuse to get out of there. I've been looking forward to this since... well, I suppose since the last eclipse. Once we realized there would be no transformation."
  1347. >"You too?"
  1348. >"Of course!" Celestia exclaims, stepping beside her little sis and giving her a playful hip check. "I think this has a lot more significance for you than me being able to celebrate an eclipse together again - but this has still been marked on my calendar for a long time."
  1349. "I've seen your calendar - with all the crap you have on it, I'm surprised you can find anything."
  1350. >Celestia chuckles as she swipes at your chest with one of her wings.
  1351. >Her feathers merely brush against you, but you still pretend like it hurts.
  1352. >"Should we have a seat, sister? I feel we're nearing showtime," Luna interrupts, giddiness clearly beginning to overwhelm her as she trots in place.
  1353. >It's fantastic to see her so excited - especially when such an event in the past would have brought a sense of dread for her.
  1354. >No more.
  1355. >With an equally enthusiastic nod from Celestia, all three of you climb up on top of the rocky plateau and sit down - with you on the right of Luna, and big sis to her left.
  1356. >Luna's soft plumage urges you to draw closer, and you don't hesitate to oblige, as Celestia's even wider wingspan lets her just reach behind you as well.
  1357. >"Whenever you're ready, Lulu."
  1358. >With a smile that can hardly be constrained to her face, Luna's horn begins to glow.
  1359. >In the sky, the moon appears above the horizon and slowly ascends toward its sibling.
  1360. >You look back over at Luna before the eclipse officially begins.
  1361. >Tears have begun to well up in her turquoise eyes.
  1362. "Hey, none of that now," you console Luna, putting your arm around her back and giving her a tight squeeze.
  1363. >"It's been so long since I've been able to not only witness this myself, but to grace Equestria with a beautiful solar eclipse under my ministrations. I never thought I would have the chance of either ever again," she replies, as a bad of moisture breaks away to fall down her cheek.
  1364. >But her smile hasn't diminished in the slightest.
  1365. >You brush that pesky tear away from her cheek and give that area a smooch as the skies begin to darken.
  1366. "You did it, Luna."
  1367. >"You helped me, Moose."
  1368. >All attention turns back to the heavens as the moon essentially engulfs the sun - leaving a brilliant halo of fire around the dark silhouette.
  1369. >You still can't get over how staring at the sun or an eclipse without protection is perfectly fine here.
  1370. >Luna leans in and nuzzles you affectionately.
  1371. >"I can never thank you enough."
  1372. "Considering I get to wake up next to you every day, spend my life with you... I'd say we're even."

Changing Lanes 01

by Autopony

Night Princess vs Superbird

by Autopony

Changing Lanes 2

by Autopony

Friendship is Mandatory

by Autopony

Changing Lanes: Dream Taming for Dummies

by Autopony