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Nightmare's Anon

By CoolNon
Created: 2023-07-31 13:07:22
Updated: 2024-01-11 01:42:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Picking flowers?! I would rather prostrate myself to my sister than to ever involve myself on such coltish acts!
  2. "Well you've been eating, sleeping, and shitting under my roof for a month and I think it's time you pull your weight around here."
  3. >"I am to be FEARED! By all who gaze at my visage!"
  4. "Used to be feared. Now it's either that or I kick you out."
  5. >"You wouldn't."
  6. "I would."
  7. >"And what's stopping me from removing you from your own home and claiming it as my own?"
  8. "By the sheer fact we're having this conversation right now."
  9. >"...Just give me the basket."
  10. "Here's the list as well. Make sure you look at the picture very carefully to know which is what you're looking for."
  12. ---------------
  13. >"Alllrgiht girls! Ready to have our 'Catching Bees with our mouths' Cutie Mark?"
  14. >"Yeah!"
  15. >"Yeah!"
  16. >The Cutie Mark Crusaders were off to the bare edges of Everfree looking for beehives
  17. >Applebloom was in charge of carrying the bug nets
  18. >Sweetie Belle is holding the honey-scented mouthwash
  19. >And Scootaloo was armed with binoculars to scan their surroundings
  20. >A few hours pass and with no luck
  21. >Sweetie Belle was the first crack
  22. >"Girls... Can we take a break? I think I'm gonna throw up."
  23. >"C'man Sweetie Belle. Its still tha aftahnoon."
  24. >"No no no. I think I might need to take a rest."
  25. >The young filly unicorn laid down on her side under the shade of a tree
  26. >"Isn't it supposed to be this season where bees go out find flowers Bloom?"
  27. >"Ah don' know. All I know is apple seasons."
  28. >"Huff Huff."
  29. >Scootaloo looked at Sweetie Belle with concern.
  30. >"Jeez, Sweetie Belle are you alright? You're kinda breathin' real hard."
  31. >the said filly furrowed her brows in confusion
  32. >"That's not me girls."
  33. >They followed the heavy breathing to a clearing
  34. >A tall robed figure was prodding something in the fields
  35. >All of them looked at each other and nodded trying to approach the figure to satisfy their curiosity
  36. >They could here the figure, a mare's voice, mumbling something
  37. >Scootaloo was the first to speak
  38. >"Uhmm... Excuse me miss?"
  39. >The figure's hidden face turned slightly towards the trio before facing away from them
  40. >"Oh! Uh. C-Can I help you little ones?"
  41. >"We were just asking if you found some bees or beehives around here?"
  42. >The figure was silent at the question before speaking
  43. >"I haven't found any. Maybe check the eastern region of the forest? I've known that they like to make it their home at this season."
  44. >"Cool! Thanks miss!"
  45. >With that the trio headed to were they were pointed to
  46. >The figure relaxed and continued to pick on the flowers with their horns
  47. >"Wow she seems nice."
  48. >"Ah don't know Sweetie Belle. Mah sister tells me we shouldn't talk to strangers."
  49. >"Pfft. How could she be dangerous? Especially when she's out here picking flowers like a colt."
  51. >The three turned around immediately to find themselves face to face to an enemy long forgotten by their sister figures
  52. >"N-Nightmare Moon!"
  54. >"Yes. 'Tis I, Nightmare Moon! I am here to remind you cretins of the true ruler of Equestria!"
  55. >Scootaloo was on her knees bowing towards the cackling alicorn in fear
  56. >Applebloom wanted to book it but she didn't want to leave her friends behind
  57. >Sweetie Belle was on the verge of tears
  58. >Oh how she missed this
  59. >She bared her fangs towards the Crusaders
  60. >"Now now, you troublesome idiots will pay for questioning my maresculinity."
  61. >Scootaloo looked up towards the fear incarnate with tears in her eyes
  62. >"Please, we didn't mean to! Don't eat us pretty please!"
  63. >"SILENCE!"
  64. >The voice was enough to freeze the fillies in place
  65. >"Now, as first order of business, you three will take back at what you said."
  66. >The three looked at each other and then at Nightmare Moon
  67. >"Well?!"
  68. >"Uh-Uh your face looks strong!"
  69. >The alicorn smirked and looked to the side, letting her hair flow into the cosmic winds
  70. >"Why yes it is."
  71. >"Yah! And uh- mah sister said you're the scariest thing she's ever seen."
  72. >"Of course it is."
  73. >"Oh! And when I went as you during Nightmare Night, I was voted the ugliest monster ever!"
  74. >The rest looked at Sweetie Belle
  75. >"What I made it myself. I'm proud of it."
  76. >The filly suddenly finds herself snout to snout with the usurper
  77. >"And you think I am ugly?"
  78. >"Well-"
  79. >A flash of sharp teeth and slit eyes embodies her whole vision
  80. >"DO YOU?!"
  81. >"No! No! I don't- I didn't mean to- I... WAAAH!"
  82. >Sweetie Belle broke under the pressure and started bawling
  83. >The alicorn pulled her face back in surprise and the duo accompanied their crying companion
  84. >Applebloom glared at Nightmare Moon
  85. >"Look at wah ya did! Yah made Sweetie Belle cry."
  86. >Nightmare huffed and looked away
  87. >"Well of course I did. I make ponies cry. That's my purpose"
  88. >"And you call yourself a ruler when they're suppose to make them happy!"
  89. >That pulled the alicorn in to a stop. She glared at the puny worm who questions her right
  90. >"Of course I can make her happy! Watch."
  91. >She approached the crying unicorn
  92. >"Hey there."
  93. >Sweetie opened her eyes to see Nightmare trying to pull a silly face by sticking her tongue out.
  94. >But her rows of sharp teeth and glowing eyes just made her think she was going to be eaten
  95. >"AAAAAAHH!"
  96. >"Ya made it worse!"
  97. >Nightmare Moon stomped her hoof in frustration
  98. >"Well how am I suppose to help her then O smart one?!"
  99. >As the three bicker over the crying filly, the alicorn sensed a magical signature she felt before
  100. >Honesty
  101. >She growled in frustration and turned away from the trio
  102. >"I'm wasting my time here. Beware you three! For if you ever cross me again, eternal nightmare awaits!"
  103. >Her wings sprung out through the robes and splayed wide enough its shadow encompassed them three
  104. >"Beware!"
  105. >She galloped away from them
  106. >"Beware!"
  107. >As soon as she disappeared to the tree line, an orange earth pony entered the clearing
  108. >"Bloom?! I heard cryin' over here!"
  110. ---------------
  112. "So, how was the trip?"
  113. >"It was... it went well."
  114. "Uh huh. Where's the basket. "
  115. >"... *inhale* "
  116. "Where's the basket."
  117. >"You didn't give me one."
  118. "Also why did you punch holes in my robe."
  119. >"You know, giving strangers your personal belongings is a bad habit one must overcome."
  120. "And the flowers?"
  121. >"SOMETHING HAPPENED ALRIGHT?! I had to flee because some fillies recognized me and I forgot to bring it back with me."
  122. "..."
  123. >"..."
  124. "Now did the telling the truth help you feel better?"
  125. >"Silence."
  127. ---------------
  129. >Edge of Everfree Forest
  130. >2:35 PM
  131. >A pink snout sniffs the flower in the fallen basket
  132. >"What do you think Pinkie Pie?"
  133. >The instinct-driven mare turned to her friend, Twilight Sparkle and saluted
  134. >"It smells like evil, narcissism, and a whole lot of hay chips ma'am!"
  135. >The junior princess sighed at her friend's enthusiasm and formed a magic bubble around the evidence
  136. >She felt over the basket and flowers and felt tracings of their nemesis
  137. >"Looks like the CMC were right girls, Nightmare Moon was here."
  138. >Fluttershy visibly gasped
  139. >Applejack just pulled her stetson up
  140. >"Well ah don't care if she's back! She's ganna pay for messin' with mah little sister!"
  141. >A streak of rainbow zipped passed them and turned around to arrive at the group
  142. >"Rainbow Dash did you find anything?"
  143. >The pegasus shakes her head
  144. >"Nah, I looked all over and couldn't find nothing suspicious."
  145. >The cocking of a crossbow was heard
  146. >Rarity was sporting a white sun hat alongside a toothpick between her teeth
  147. >"Well even if we can't find the dubious wench, we'll be prepared for anything!
  148. >"Rarity, why are you even wearing that?"
  149. >The fashionista gasped and landed slammed the stock of the weapon to the ground
  150. >"I will not allow my sister's reputation be blemished by a thousand-year old mare! Her school life was practically dead when they've heard of the incident."
  151. >"Oh, but where is she now?"
  152. >"I've had Spikey-wikey take care of her needs while we're gone."
  154. ---------------
  156. >"Coming!"
  157. >Sweetie Belle was on her bed and watched as Spike entered the room wearing a bowtie and carrying a PB&J Sandwich
  158. >He hurriedly placed the food to the nightstand
  159. >"Is there anything else?"
  160. >"Dance for me."
  161. >Spike was perturbed by the order but nonetheless put his hands on his back and swayed his hips
  162. >The little unicorn sported a goblin grin on her face
  163. >"Mmmm yes. Mama like."
  164. >'The things I do for love.'
  166. ---------------
  168. >"In any case, Fluttershy! Do you happen to know what these flowers were for?"
  169. >The shy butter horse pulled a flower with her wing and examined it closely
  170. >"I know these ones, these are often picked for their medicinal properties."
  171. >Twilight turned away to shake her hoof at the sky
  172. >"So she was trying to help herself up before she attacks."
  173. >"But these flowers need a lengthy process just to make healing solutions-"
  174. >"The fiend!"
  175. >"Twilight-"
  176. >"THE FIEND!"
  178. ---------------
  180. "Oh would you look at that, those nice mares are keeping my ingredients safe. I should introduce myself."
  181. >"Don't you dare! If you as so much as embarrass me or mention my current status I will-"
  182. "Send me in an eternal nightmare yada yada yada I get it."
  183. >"I'm serious! Those six may not look like it but I begrudgingly admit that they wield magic that I haven't seen since forever."
  184. "Aren't you suppose to research about the Elements of Harmony to figure out a weakness?"
  185. >"It- It must be a fluke! How come they get to have more magical power than my sister, who is a purebred alicorn!"
  186. "Must be a generational thing."
  187. >"Whatever! I demand you cease your illogical obsession with plants and take me home immediately."
  188. "Awww so you do care."
  189. >"I do not! I only keep you alive because you have the means to- wait where did you go?"
  190. >"... FFFFFFFFFF"
  191. ---------------
  193. >"Ok girls! Remember to stick to the plan."
  194. >"What plan?"
  195. >Twilight rubbed her crown and scolded Rainbow Dash.
  196. >"The one we discussed as we were getting here?"
  197. >The pegasus just shrugged
  198. >"I wasn't listening, got to boring since we've saved the world a bunch of times."
  199. >"This is crucial! We may not now how strong Nightmare Moon has become."
  200. >"Ah thank she's right Rainbow, we couldn't know how long Nightmare's been lickin' her wounds."
  201. >"C'mon, we all know how this song and dance goes. She appears, says some boring take-over-the-world speech, we use our elements, zip zap bop she's gone. Celebrations all around and I get to smack some stallion tush."
  202. >Sunhat Warrior Rarity scoffed at the speedster's summary
  203. >"We don't do that! At least not that last part."
  204. >Pinkie was confused at what the princess had said
  205. >"You mean we don't? But some stallions go to the Sugarcube Corner and ask me out for a cupcake."
  206. >Fluttershy raised her head in surprise
  207. >"Wait they do? Do you have some of their letter addresses?"
  208. >Twilight stomped her hoof just to get her friends attention
  209. >"Girls! Look, we can schmooze with some hot studs later. Right now we need stop Nightmare Moon first!"
  210. >"Just stay together, and we fight as one."
  211. >"We ain't holdin' back!"
  212. >"For my sister's pride!"
  213. >"For Equestria!"
  214. >"For some hot stallions!"
  215. >"YEAH!"
  216. >Something tapped on Twilight's shoulder and a soothing male voice spoke to her.
  217. "Excuse me miss, would you kindly remove your magic bubble? I need to retrieve my basket here."
  218. >"Oh sure, hold on a sec."
  219. >The bubble surrounding the basket disappeared and the tall figure picked it up
  220. "Thank you, have a pleasant day."
  221. >"Thank you too sir! Goodbye!"
  222. >The figure walked away as Twilight faced her friends again.
  223. >"Anyway, we should stay vigilant in case anything strange happens here."
  224. >She sees all of them slack-jawed as they continued to stare at the stranger walking away
  225. >"T-T-T-TWILIGHT!"
  226. >"What?"
  227. >Rainbow put her hooves on Twilight's head and pointed it at the figure leaving with their evidence
  230. >Twilight readied her horn as the stranger stopped in its tracks
  231. >It's cloak billowed in the wind as its head turned slightly towards her group
  232. "Yes?"
  233. >She had a pause on what she was going to say
  234. >What was it?
  235. "I'm waiting."
  236. >Hold on! The words caught up on her mouth
  237. >Wait
  238. >She held her head up high and responded marely
  239. >"That basket belongs to me."
  240. "No it isn't it's mine."
  241. >"Wrong! That was in custody of Equestria, therefore it doesn't belong to you."
  242. "I mean I did ask for it and you gave it away."
  243. >"That-That doesn't count!"
  244. >"Wait wasn't Nightmare Moon carrying that according to Applebloom? If that's suppose to be her, why does she look gangley?"
  245. >Fluttershy chimed in, already ruining your mojo
  246. "Yeah she kinda left it behind. You know how she is."
  247. >The figure 'shrugged'
  248. >But if it knew her...
  249. >"Then you must be in league of her! A minion of evil!"
  250. >All the mares readied themselves for a fight
  251. >Only for a colty spontaneous laughter erupted from the figure, even holding his middle section with his other limb
  252. "-HAHAHA! Oh that's a riot. You really don't know?"
  253. >The stranger had to stop himself giggling before speaking
  254. "Well I would tell you, but it's patient confidentiality so goodbye."
  255. >It turned around and started walking away.
  256. >"Oh no, you're not getting away that easy buster!"
  257. >Rainbow Dash sped towards the figure mustering up all the strength her wings had
  258. >Everything was in slow-motion, butterfly wings fluttered moved at a snail's pace, blades of grass flowed in a pattern to her eyes
  259. >As she was a hoof's close to the figure's cloak, it turned around suddenly
  260. >In one smooth motion it brought up a single stubby claw from its sleeve, and gently touched her nose
  261. >She could see it mouth something to her
  262. >'Boop'
  263. >The sudden downward thrust on the tip of the blue projectile changed its trajectory entirely
  264. >Right into the ground
  265. >Rainbow Dash landed face first into the grassy terrain and left a long trail of misplaced earth and mud until she stopped
  266. >Her legs bucked in a panic as it protruded from the mound of dirt gathered from her landing
  267. >The rest of the Mane 6 were flabbergasted at what happened
  268. >Twilight only saw the figure moved for a split second and sent Rainbow into the ground
  269. >The figure turned to them, with their cloak covering up their face but she could tell they were amused
  270. "Good try but try to bring someone faster next time."
  271. >With that, the figure continued to walk towards the tree line
  272. >She gritted her teeth and tried to lift the figure up in the air
  273. >However, try as she might, her magic can't reach them
  274. >The alicorn princess exerted so much energy into her horn but nothing happened to the figure
  275. >Think of something fast
  276. >"Rarity, crossbow!"
  277. >The unicorn broke from her shock and tried to aim at the figure
  278. >With a single tug on the trigger with her magic, the bolt flew far
  279. >And landed a meter away from her target and poked into Rainbow's Butt
  280. >"HHHHMMMMFFF!!!"
  281. >Rainbow cried out in pain underground.
  282. >The figure looked back and was surprised
  283. "Oh dear, you should get that looked at."
  284. >Okay this is getting ridiculous
  285. >Instead of targeting the entire body, Twilight decided to yank their hood off
  286. >They stumble backwards as their entire head is finally revealed and they turn towards her revealing themselves to be
  287. >"H-Human?"
  288. >They or he judging from his facial structure, looked at the Princess of Friendship and spoke with a low tone
  289. "You know of me?"
  290. >The two exchanged looks in silence before the human turned away
  291. "Well, guess that cat's out of the bag."
  292. >After that single comment, the figure disappeared into the treeline
  294. ---------------
  295. "Heya, got my stuff back, that you left by the way, let's go home."
  296. "...What?"
  297. >"H-How did you?"
  298. "Did what?"
  299. >"You know what I mean! How did you move so fast that Loyalty got her turd kicked in a-and- what did she call you? Hyooman?"
  300. "Can we do this later? I mean, you already know about how I interact with magic."
  301. >"I know! But being immune to magic and being blindingly quick to catch something moving at the speed of light is different! You're hiding stuff from me again!"
  302. *sigh* "I'll tell you about it all later. Right now, I have a burnt hooves to fix since SOMEONE thought it was a good idea to challenge the local dragon for her hoard."
  303. >"Hrmmmmph!"
  304. "Oh don't you 'Hmph' me missy."
  306. ---------------
  308. >5:10 PM
  309. >Princess' Twilight Log
  310. >We had first contact with Nightmare Moon's forces
  311. >So far we had one casualty
  312. >"Twilight I'm not dead."
  313. >Not only that, but the enemy forces manage to get some sort of magic that negates magic
  314. >Anti-magic magic
  315. >Truly Nightmare's plans know no bounds.
  316. >"Um, Twilight? Do you want the blueberry or the raspberry cupcake."
  317. >"Raspberry please."
  318. >After the culprit escaped deeper into the woods, all of you grouped up in Ponyville Hospital
  319. >So far, Rainbow Dash got some bruises in her face from the impact and a red spot on her butt from Rarity
  320. >Nothing like unicorn magic couldn't fix
  321. >Applejack decided to cut the tension in the room.
  322. >"So Twilight? Ya said the thing was a hyooman?"
  323. >You take a big bite of your cupcake
  324. >"Right, remember the time I went into that mirror world?"
  325. >The earth pony pondered at that
  326. >"I do remember ya tellin' about us in another world. All bipedal and dealin' with that Sunset mare."
  327. >You nodded
  328. >"Precisely, somehow a human from that world ended up here."
  329. >"-And worse he punched me in the face! Oh when I get my hooves on him..."
  330. >Dash punched her hoof with grimace
  331. >"Now now Rainbow Dash, we don't how the colt got into this situation in the first place. Maybe he might be controlled my Nightmare Moon?"
  332. >Rarity butted into the conversation
  333. >"Nope, I could tell he didn't lie about being under her."
  334. >Applejack responded
  335. >"So what do we do now?"
  336. >Fluttershy looked at you with concern and you realized this is bigger than any of you.
  337. >"I'm gonna have to write Princess Celestia a letter."
  338. >With a deep breath you used your newly gained Royal Voice.
  339. >"SPIKE!"
  340. >Your friends covered their ears as you waited
  341. >"You couldn't just warn us first?!"
  342. >You ignore Rainbow Dash and feel the pitter patter of dragon feet on the hospital floor getting closer
  343. >The door opens to see Spike out of breath wearing a bowtie and underwear
  344. >"Ah.. Hah... *sniff* What is it Twilight?"
  345. >Producing a scroll and quill you get to work.
  347. ---------------
  349. >"Oh my~ It seems you prettied yourself for me
  350. >Your hoof glides around the white marble rim of your desire
  351. >"So smooth, I bet it took you at least an hour to prepare yourself for me. How quaint."
  352. >Closing in with your face, you suckle on its red nubs, taking in the faint sweet taste
  353. >With a flick of your tongue, you pluck it and let it roll around your mouth
  354. >It was sweet, sickeningly sweet just the way you like it
  355. >You swallow with an audible gulp
  356. >"Ohhh I can't wait to gobble you up~"
  357. >Opening your mouth, you were ready to take in the thick, creamy, strawberry cheesecake
  358. >*POOF* *SPLAT*
  359. >The surge of green fire caused you flick the dessert up to the ceiling in a panic
  360. >You look up to see your guilty pleasure of the night splattered across your sun mural
  361. >With a deep, deep, breath you look down to see a letter from Twilight
  362. >Taking in the information your brows furrow at the content of the letter
  363. >Clearly this is something that needs to be addressed immediately
  364. >After dessert of course
  365. >Tossing the paper aside you carefully pick up the pieces of the cake with your magic, ready for round two
  366. >Suddenly Raven barges into your chambers
  367. >"PRINCESS!"
  368. >*SPLAT*
  370. >10 minutes earlier
  372. >You are Raven Inkwell
  373. >Assistant to the Princess of the Sun
  374. >And now Princess of the Night
  375. >So yeah you work in two shifts now thanks Celestia
  376. >Granted you were needed to help Princess Luna adjust to the modern age
  377. >But by the Sun she is difficult to read and handle
  378. >Still its a living
  379. >You approach the entrance to her chambers, greeting the creepy thestral guards along the way
  380. >Knocking on the blue marble doors, you speak
  381. >"Princess Luna, I am here to escort you to your Night Court. We have a busy night ahead."
  382. >And by busy you mean sit on the chair for 8 hours while occasionally dealing with a lost pony
  383. >You stood there in silence waiting for her response
  384. >The doors burst open with force, leaving you on your butt
  385. >Princess Luna stands there with a full set of night themed armor
  386. >Fog sets in the room as you shake in fear on what is happening right now
  387. >"She is here."
  388. >Wh-Who is?
  389. >The night princess starts sniffing all around the hall like a diamond dog
  390. >She comes close to you and sniffed at your hair before snorting
  391. >Moving past you, she continued the weird act before her eyes widened and stood up
  392. >With a great flap of her wings, she leaves you three in the dust
  393. >Coughing up the rug dirt in your lungs you realize the thestrals didn't even move a muscle
  394. >"A-Aren't you going to do something?"
  395. >Their eyes looked back at you with intimidation making you flinch
  396. >"R-Right, I'll just uh... Take my leave then."
  397. >Time to go tell on Princess Luna to Princess Celestia. Again.
  399. ---------------
  401. >Be Purple Princess
  402. >Pacing back and forth in the hospital room
  403. >Applejack and Pinkie are playing cards in the corner
  404. >Fluttershy is trying to comfort Dash
  405. >And Rarity is just standing in the corner
  406. >Menacingly staring at nothingness
  407. >Good, all of you should need proper rest and focus for the next battle
  408. >"Ugh, what's taking so long?! Shouldn't Princess Celestia have written back by now?"
  409. >The blue pegasus moaned in frustration
  410. >"Patience Dash, you know she is a busy mare, running the country and all"
  411. >Applejack showed her hoof to Pinkie Pie, to which the latter laughed and showed hers had a better hoof
  412. >The blonde mare growled in frustration
  413. >"Aww don't be a sore loser Applejack, still a bet's a bet."
  414. >Rarity broke her laser focus at the void and looked at Pinkie
  415. >"What are you girls betting for?"
  416. >Applejack glared at the party mare but she just whistles in feign ignorance
  417. >"Oh nothing too big and heavy that I can't handle."
  418. >Pinkie waggled her eyebrows
  419. >"SHUT. Yer trap Pinkie."
  420. >As Applejack pulled a picture from her hat, all of your attention was caught by the parchment suddenly materializing in the center of the room
  421. >"Finally!"
  422. >Rainbow Dash kicked off her bedsheets
  423. >And the cowpony took this time to put the photo back in
  424. >"Applejack what about my prize?!"
  425. >"You can ogle him later!"
  426. >Ignoring the two, you grabbed the letter with your magic and pulled it right in front of you
  428. >'Dear Twilight'
  429. >'The information of Nightmare Moon returning has caught me and my sister's attention'
  430. >'Thus I will be dispatching the Royal Guard, alongside me and my sister to the site where you have made contact.'
  431. >'Do be prepared that my sister, Princess Luna, has taken a head start.'
  432. >'If I were you, I'd cover my head'
  433. >'Sincerely, Princess Celestia'
  435. >Cover our what-
  436. >Something crashes through the ceiling and scatter debris throughout the room
  437. >All of you coughed out the dust as the sight of Luna, clad in full armor, stood where the crash took place
  438. >"Princess Luna, thank goodness you are here!"
  439. >You tried to approach her but her wing blocked you from approaching
  440. >Her head was on a swivel and she sniffed the air
  441. >Leaning down, she started she sniffed the floor like a diamond dog before stopping right in front of Dash's face
  442. >"Uh... Princess what are you staring at."
  443. >Luna leaned back and pointed her hoof at the pegasus' nose while screeching, ears pulled back
  444. >Everypony in the room was silent as the princess of the night did such an absurd gesture
  445. >She suddenly turns to you
  446. >"Miss Twilight, I take it you encountered Nightmare Moon?"
  447. >You shake your head at whatever that was and addressed her
  448. >"Y-Yes, though it wasn't her but someone working for her. I don't know what his relationship is to him but-"
  449. >"That fiend!"
  450. >Luna paced around the room with newfound anger in her eyes
  451. >"Not only did she dare return to Equestria, but manage to find the time to make a colt golem! All for herself?!"
  452. >"Princess no-"
  453. >"THE FIEND!
  454. >You sighed and approached the seething alicorn
  455. >"Princess Luna, while all of us are just as ready to jump the cart as much as you are with fighting Nightmare Moon. I think we should we wait for Princess Celestia and the Royal Guards to regroup."
  456. >She ignored you and addressed everypony in the room with her Canterlot Voice
  457. >"Elements of Harmony, I say we take the fight to her! We must move now in order to catch her off guard!"
  458. >"But um, Princess Luna? It's night time, don't you think we should rest up first? Also I think from a tactical standpoint Nightmare Moon might be weaker in the day."
  459. >Again, ignoring the voice of reason, Luna spreads her large wings
  460. >Her horn glowed a majestic blue and caused all of you to magnetize next to her flanks
  461. >No lezbo
  462. >"We charge at once! Tally ho!"
  463. >Luna, and consequently all of you, launched towards the sky
  464. >Not even bothering to go outside of the same hole
  465. >A mix of coughing concrete and screaming trailed the night
  467. ---------------
  469. "Hmmm... no."
  470. >"But whyyyy?!"
  471. "Because I said so."
  472. >"I wanna to maim and humiliate my lesser half now! I can feel her rage through me! I want to do it now- *gurp*"
  473. "I want you to eat your damn porridge because you haven't eaten anything healthy all day."
  474. >"Bah! I don't need such peasant dish to fill me! I can take on that impostor right now!"
  475. "Alright fine, but if you lose because you got hungry, you'll live and die with the fact I was right.
  476. >"..."
  477. "..."
  478. >"... *swallow* I despise you"
  479. "I try to make it easier everyday."

A Brilliant Research

by CoolNon

Fixer Upper

by CoolNon

At a Confessional

by CoolNon

Wallflower stuffs you in the basement

by CoolNon

Underwear Bandits

by CoolNon