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[REQUEST] Anonymous - "Real Rape"

By Nebulus
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-07-04 18:14:47
Expiry: Never

  1. Originally uploaded to Pastebin: July 29th, 2016
  2. ---
  4. I asked for requests.
  5. Anonymous asked for the following:
  6. "Fluttershy becomes a stallion and tries to forcefully rape anon.
  7. >real rape"
  9. Yes.
  11. Real rape.
  13. ...I can do that.
  15. ...Probably.
  17. ---
  19. >"Yeah I just don't know what to do. It burns like hell, you know?"
  20. "Yeah, dragon AIDs will do that to you."
  21. >You grip your glass and gulp down some milk.
  22. >Despite what you wanted to believe, ponies don't have alcohol.
  23. >They instead have milk bars, and add cinnamon to said milk in order to give it 'kick'.
  24. >Honestly it's just as horrible as you'd imagine it to be.
  25. >You carry on listening to the poor bastard you ended up talking to tonight.
  26. >Some stallion that wandered too close to the Dragon Lands and suffered the consequences.
  27. >Nodding and sipping more milk, you offer the odd "Mm" and "Oh yeah".
  28. >He sighs wearily as his tale draws to a close.
  29. >Your eyes wander away from him and around the bar.
  30. >A pink tail disappears behind a door to the toilets at the other side of the room.
  31. >You think nothing of it, and continue drinking.
  32. >"Th-the worst part is... I-is that no mares will touch me now! So instead I have to seclude myself away from everyone because ponies are too afraid to even go near me!"
  33. "I'm sorry to hear that, Big Mac, I really am."
  34. >"D-do you feel comfortable around me, Anon?"
  35. "Honestly, this is the most you've ever spoken, so at the moment, no, I feel like I'm talking to an imposter."
  36. >Big Mac starts crying.
  37. >You want to pat him on the back, but you're not sure if dragon AIDs is contagious.
  38. >So instead you offer him advice on how to cook a microwave dinner.
  39. >Whether or not Equestria has microwaves is irrelevant.
  40. >It's still quality advice.
  41. >As Mac cries, you notice the bathroom door behind him swing open.
  42. >A tall yellow stallion nervously checks his hooves and mane before craning his neck and looking around the bar.
  43. >You watch him with mild interest.
  44. >Eventually his eyes land on you, and he seems to freeze.
  45. >You cock an eyebrow.
  46. >Does he know you?
  47. >Do you know him?
  48. >Does he have dragon AIDs as well?
  49. >Only one way to find out, and Mac was getting a bit depressing anyway.
  50. >You offer a cheerful wave at the guy.
  51. >He visibly gulps and shakily smiles back.
  52. >Then starts to slowly walk over.
  53. >He drags his hooves at first, as if unsure of how to walk, but gradually picks up the pace.
  54. >When he finally reaches your table, you smile.
  55. "Hey there, you new around here?"
  56. >"N-no, well, yes."
  57. "Well which is it?"
  58. >"Yes, I'm new, I just um, got into town."
  59. "Huh."
  60. >You motion for him to sit and he does so.
  61. >For a second the two of you watch Mac sob into his drink.
  62. >Your new companion gives you a puzzled look.
  63. >"What's wrong with him?"
  64. "He has dragon AIDs."
  65. >...
  66. >The new guy shuffles away slightly.
  67. >"I-I hear it's contagious."
  68. "Hell if I know, so what's your name?"
  69. >"Oh, Flutter--..."
  70. "Flutter?"
  71. >"F-flutter...guy."
  72. "Flutterguy."
  73. >"Yes, Flutterguy."
  74. >Stare at him.
  75. "Not related to Fluttershy by any chance, are you? Because you kinda look the same."
  76. >The yellow coated, pink-haired, nervous individual before you stammers and tries to hide behind his mane before he realises that it's too short and all he was really doing was yanking on his fringe like a lunatic.
  77. >You watch in amusement.
  78. >"I'm Flutterguy and I just got into town and I'm looking for someone to show me around." he says hurriedly in one breath.
  79. "That almost rhymed. You a song writer?"
  80. >"Oh goodness no, I look after Ponyville's aaaaa-- Ponyville's air."
  81. "Sounds fascinating."
  82. >"Well I just got into town, so it's a small job to um, do."
  83. >Flutterguy grins at you.
  84. >It's a pretty fake looking grin, but who are you to judge.
  85. >He's simply nervous, that's all.
  86. "Well I'll happily show you the ropes if you wanna look around town."
  87. >"Really?"
  88. "Sure, things in here are going rapidly downhill as it is."
  89. >You glance at Mac.
  90. >He's still sobbing, having now made a small puddle around his head.
  91. "Also I may or may not have dragon AIDs."
  92. >Flutterguy cringes.
  93. "Come on, hot shot, let's get outta here."
  94. >With a casual, friendly hand motion, you beckon for him to follow you as you rise from your chair.
  96. >Exiting the bar, you suck in the night air as Flutterguy narrowly avoids the heavy wooden door from slamming into him.
  97. >It's a stark contrast to the heady, smoky atmosphere inside.
  98. >You clasp your hands together and turn to your new friend.
  99. >"Alright buddy, first things first, this is the bar, as you know."
  100. >You point at the town hall.
  101. "That's town hall, we have monster attacks there roughly once a month."
  102. >You point at the sky.
  103. "Mare named Rainbow Dash lives somewhere in the clouds around here, she -will- steal your ice-cream if you have one."
  104. >You point at yourself.
  105. "I'm Anon, and spent my first week living in the forest outside town and used to get given fruit baskets to try and appease my wrath."
  106. >You point at a nearby flower shop.
  107. "Girl named Bon Bon lives works there, she's a total bitch, avoid her where possible."
  108. >You point at the ground.
  109. "And there's a caustic mammoth worm sleeping somewhere under this street, try not to jump or make any sudden movements, as it's already developed a taste for blood."
  110. >With a satisfied sigh, you smile at Flutterguy.
  111. "And that's pretty much all you need to know!"
  112. >He looks thoroughly informed.
  113. "Anything else you want to know?"
  114. >Flutterguy looks around, then focuses on a dark and sinister looking alleyway.
  115. >"What's um, down there?"
  116. >You follow his gaze.
  117. "What, down that ominous and grim looking alleyway between the morgue and the haunted pre-school?"
  118. >"Yes."
  119. "God knows, let's find out!"
  120. >Setting off in a confident stride, you lead Flutterguy towards the scary and ghoulish alleyway.
  121. >Once you arrive, you put your hands on your hips and stare into the abyss at the end of it.
  122. "Yep. This is fucking horrible. Thought it would be."
  123. >Flutterguy is shaking in his skin, but he holds a hoof up and points at the end.
  124. >"W-what's past there?"
  125. "Dunno."
  126. >"C-can we g-go there, p-p-please?"
  127. "You seem pretty scared, are you sure you want to go?"
  128. >"M-more than anything."
  129. "You're sweating a whole lot and look like you're about to faint."
  130. >"I-it's excitement."
  131. "If you say so."
  132. >With a shrug, you carry on walking deeper into the evil and fiendish alleyway.
  133. "You know, this reminds me of a movie--"
  134. >Before you even feel the pain, you're heading for the ground.
  135. >A dull pain cascades over the back of your head.
  136. >Your shoulder drives into the dirt, softening the fall somewhat.
  137. >With a groan, you look up.
  138. >Flutterguy holds a comically oversized frying pan in his mouth.
  139. >He spits it out.
  140. >"I-I'm sorry Anon, b-but I need to do this."
  141. >Then he's upon you.
  142. >Fumbling with your clothes, Flutterguy attempts to pull them off you.
  143. >Realising what he's doing, you panic and try to push him off.
  144. >Him being a stallion, he's quite a bit stronger than you, and uses his considerable weight to keep you down.
  145. >You hear him panting, hot moist breath hitting your ear as you turn your head away from him and try to wrest him off you.
  146. >"Don't struggle! It'll make this easier!"
  147. >Your legs kick out at him.
  148. >He grunts as you catch his leg, but it doesn't stop him.
  149. >His hooves mangle and tear your clothes, revealing your bare chest to the night air.
  150. >As the finality of what he's doing sets in, you start fighting less.
  151. >Flutterguy takes a moment to catch his breath, his eyes drinking in his prize.
  152. >Your half-naked body is tantalising to him, and he wets his lips, the stallion nervously looking over you as if stuck for choice as where to start violating you.
  153. >You know full well what he came here for though, and he takes it.
  154. >Gripping the necklace around your neck, he pulls.
  155. >You glare angrily at him.
  156. "Damn you, Flutterguy!"
  157. >He laughs a heartless laugh as he swallows the pendant hanging off the necklace, the ancient gem set in it radiating with an awesome power.
  158. >"At last, the stone is mine! A thousand years of darkness shall envelop this land!"
  159. >The stallion steps off you as you scurry away from him.
  160. >His laughter fills the air as black smoke surrounds him.
  161. >You watch in horror as he reveals his true form to be Sombra, the Lord of Darkness.
  163. >With grim determination you rise to your feet.
  164. >Kicking over a nearby trash-can, you reach into the rubbish and draw out Souldawn, the legendary sword of the Celestials.
  165. >With a scream, you raise the weapon above your head and charge into the mass of swirling shadows before you, the red eyes within taunting you as you launch yourself into the darkness to do battle with the enemy of hope and--
  167. >"Anon."
  168. >You stop talking.
  169. >Twilight gives you a very annoyed, and very flat look.
  170. "What?"
  171. >"You did -not- pull a legendary sword out of a trash-can and do battle with Sombra."
  172. "...You don't know that."
  173. >"Yes I do. And also, Big Mac doesn't have AIDs! That's a really hurtful thing to go around saying!"
  174. "Well why else is he such a recluse?"
  175. >"Because he's -shy-!"
  176. "Shy, having AIDs, what's the difference?"
  177. >Twilight lets out an exasperated groan.
  178. >"Are you going to tell me why we found you buck naked in a back alleyway covered in milk or not?"
  179. "Pretty sure it was semen."
  180. >"It was milk, Anon, Pinkie taste-tested it."
  181. "Gross."
  182. >"Very. Now are you going to tell me what happened last night?"
  183. "...I played strip-poker at the haunted pre-school with a bunch of rebellious teenagers, lost, and got thrown out."
  184. >You pause.
  185. "Then I think Fluttershy raped me."
  186. >"I believe everything except the Fluttershy part. Also I'm guessing that whole bit with the bar didn't happen."
  187. "But she'd turned herself into a stallion! I couldn't fight her off! Also I had to sneak into the bar to steal some milk for the teenagers."
  188. >"I know that's plausible, but I refuse to believe it. Fluttershy isn't a rapist! Also that's disgraceful, Anon."
  189. "But she's raping Spike right as we speak. Also I did what I had to for their respect."
  190. >You both look left.
  191. >Fluttershy is on top of Spike, fondling him.
  192. >She stares at the two of you.
  193. >Then scowls.
  194. >"Don't you judge me, he was wearing the apron I like, he was practically asking for it."
  195. >Spike whimpers.
  196. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  198. The End

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