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Random Superpower Anon: Tattoo Creation

By PoppedAnon
Created: 2023-09-05 18:25:14
Expiry: Never

  1. >It began as a kind favor for children
  2. >When the creature Anon landed in Equestria things were so exciting
  3. >Studies were done, questions asked, clothes made, parties thrown
  4. >When the dust cleared he was just another citizen of the community
  5. >Then he met the Crusaders
  6. >They were complaining about their lack of cutie marks after an attempt to be flautists had ended with them covered in tree sap somehow
  7. "Hey girls, something wrong?'
  8. >"Howdy there Anon, we were just going for our cutie marks as flutists!"
  9. >"It's flautist Bloom, but um, it didn't work out" Sweetie says as she wipes more sap out of her mane
  10. "I think I can help with that."
  11. >"Really"
  12. >"Really"
  13. >"REALLY! Oh, sorry."
  14. "Yeah, if you're talking about the tats most of you ponies have on your flanks."
  15. >"Um Mr. Anon, what's a tat?
  16. "This is Sweets."
  17. >Anon pulls up his sleeve to show another
  18. >Intricate designs and pictures covered his entire arm
  19. >Seemingly leading to a picture on his bicep of a hand holding a tattoo gun drawing the line that leads to everything else.
  20. >Their eyes lit up as they eyed the biggest and most detailed cutie mark they've ever seen.
  21. "Yep, that's my power. I can give anyone some sweet tattoos, or cutie marks if that's what you want to call them. Completely pain free."
  22. "So girls what do you want?"
  23. >"We get to CHOOSE?!"
  24. "Yep."
  25. >"Well, Mr. Anon I'd lik-"
  26. >Before Sweetie could continue she was shoved out of the way by Scootaloo.
  28. "Um, ok sure. Going to change it to your colors, though. I don't think Dash would appreciate an exact replica of her mark."
  29. >Anon traced his finger over Scoot's flank
  30. >Then the other side, leaving an outline of Dash's signature cutie mark, a couple more taps and the colors filled in.
  31. >He could've just touched her lightly for the same result, but he wanted to make it more of a show fore the awestruck fillies.
  32. >And just like that Scootaloo had a fluffy white cloud with a purple lightiningbolt below it with a streak of orange in the middle.
  33. "There we go, not too bad a job if I say so myself."
  34. >Then there was a flash of light from the tattoos on Scootaloo's flanks.
  35. >When the light faded nothing had changed.
  36. >"Wow, thanks Anonymous, you're the coolest ever!"
  37. >Scootaloo jumped up wings buzzing with excitement
  38. >However when she opened her eyes she was miles above the ground
  39. >All joy left her replaced by pure terror
  40. >She screamed as she fell, pegasus instinct taking over she extended her useless wings
  41. >...
  42. >...
  43. >When she opened her eyes she saw that she was gliding smoothly above the clouds.
  44. >Scootaloo gave a test flap of her wings, and saw that she lifted slightly higher and flew slightly faster
  45. >"I can fly?!"
  46. >"I CAN FLY!"
  47. >Scootaloo dove hard towards the ground, and once she saw her friends below she pulled up and flared her wings rising once again.
  48. >"I can fly!"
  49. >"You can fly now?"
  50. >"That's great Scootaloo!"
  51. "Couldn't she always?"
  52. >"Eenope, she's always had trouble getting off the ground."
  54. >After a few more loops, dives, and banks Scootaloo came back, grabbed Anon by the head and gave him a kiss.
  55. >"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
  56. "Um, you're welcome."
  57. >Seeing Anon still in her hooves, inches from her face, Scootaloo finally realized what she did
  58. >And flew back a few feet, blushing furiously.
  59. >"Y-yeah it was really cool o-of you, Anon.
  60. >"Applebloom, would you like to go next?"
  61. >"No, Ah'm still thinking.
  62. >"Well I'd like..."
  63. >"I'd like Rarity's cutie mark"
  64. "Beginning to see a pattern here."
  65. >"Not exactly like her's Mr. Anon, but different."
  66. >"Different like mine?" Scoots asks still hovering a few feet in the air.
  67. >"No, different like Big Mac's."
  68. >Upon hearing her brother's name Applebloom started paying attention again.
  69. >"What'cha mean like Big Mac's?"
  70. >"Well you know how Applejack has three apples for a cutie mark, and Big Mac has a big apple. That's what I want."
  71. >"A big apple? Sweetie, Ah thought you were over wanting to trade sisters."
  72. >"No!", Sweetie Belle squeaked, "A big gem, so I can help Rarity at her shop without messing things up."
  73. "I've talked to Rares while I was getting a couple of outfits made, she doesn't dislike you or anything like that."
  74. "She is actually pretty proud of you, and loves you dearly."
  75. >"I know all that, but I also know that when I help at her shop I'm either doing something she could do better herself."
  76. >"Or I'm just doing something simple like picking up different bolts of fabric that she could with her magic easily."
  77. "So you just want a big version of one of Rarity's diamonds?"
  78. >"Well, could you put some stars around it like Twilight's, she was a big help finally getting me to start learning magic."
  79. "Sure that sounds easy enough."
  80. >Anon moved over to Sweetie Belle's flanks and traced a large diamond, purple line following his finger.
  81. >The detail of the diamond turning off on their own while he drew the shape.
  82. >As Anon pulled back his hand to start adding some stars Sweetie spoke up again, smile growing as the tattoo took shape.
  83. >"I'd like four please, three for the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and one for my sister.
  84. >Anon, smiled and nodded and dotted the tattoo placing three small pink stars at the bottom and a larger one at the top.
  85. >Simple four pointed stars, so Twilight's influence in their making wouldn't be too obvious.
  86. >And just like Scootaloo there was a bright flash of light as the color for the large purple diamond filled in.
  87. >"Huh, I don't feel very different."
  88. "I guess that happens every time."
  89. >"Try your magic Sweetie Belle! Didn't even notice I had super wings until I started flapping them."
  90. >"Well stay close girls, remember when Rarity got her cutie mark she was dragged up a mountain by her magic.
  91. >So in the name of caution Sweetie Belle decided to just put a small amount of magic in her horn.
  92. >And just like Scootaloo what was just a little effort, now wasn't.
  93. >Instead of the usual sparks and glow she usually experienced when trying magic, there was a brilliant emerald light
  94. >It only grew in intensity, and there was a slight rumble from beneath the earth.
  95. >Then raised trails of earth started making their way to Sweetie Belle.
  96. >As the trails reached her and stopped she began to float slightly in the air, eyes glowing a pure white.
  97. >Anon, while quite used to pegasi flying around wasn't entirely used to magic.
  98. >Picking up Applebloom and scooping Scootaloo out of the air he hid behind the nearest tree in the park.
  99. >Once in the air he rumbling grew in intensity and from the earthen trails rose gems of all sizes and types.
  100. >Each hovered in place for a second before they were all cut a multitude of ways simultaneously.
  101. >Once the process was done they were set down in a perfect circle around Sweetie Belle as she landed.
  102. "Wow."
  103. >"No foolin'"
  104. >Once her eyes returned to normal she looked at what she'd done
  105. >"I can get gems for Rarity, I-I can even cut them."
  106. >Tears started to pool in the filly's eyes.
  107. >"I can finally help my sister. Really help her, a-and she'll have time to spend with me."
  108. >She was fully crying now but never had a bigger smile.
  109. >She turned to Anon and her friends coming back from their hiding place.
  110. >"Thank you, thank you so much Mr. Anonymous."
  111. "You're welcome, anytime."
  112. >As Anon knelt down to put Applebloom back on the ground Sweetie walked out of her jewel encrusted circle
  113. >She rose up on her hind legs and hugged him, still teary eyed.
  114. >"Thank you so much."
  115. "I, uh. No problem."
  116. >Anon hugged back, stroking the crying filly's mane
  117. "Well Bloom, think of you wanted yet?"
  118. >"After that, Ah don't think Ah could stand to get a cutie mark in something frivious."
  119. >"Frivolous." Sweetie said automatically still hugging Anon.
  120. >"Anyway, Ah think Ah should get a cutie mark that would help out at the farm."
  121. >"Like what Bloom?" Scootaloo said idly doing flips and twists in the air, "Applejack and Big Mac seem to have everything covered."
  122. >"Hmm, maybe fixin stuff. Thinks breaking around the farm eat up a lot of time and bits replacin' them."
  123. "Not to derail your train of thought, but what would that even look like?"
  124. >"Besides Applebloom, you already are good at fixing things?" Sweetie added, finally ending the tender hug.
  125. >"Huh?"
  126. >"Like when you fixed up the clubhouse."
  127. >"Or made that pumpkin float that Babs wrecked" Scoots added.
  128. >"Or the apple float you made afterword."
  129. >"To get revenge on Babs."
  130. >"Ok, ok Ah get it we didn't start off great with Babs and I fixed up a couple things. But that don't mean it's my special talent, otherwise Ah'd a gotten my cutie mark already."
  131. "Again, what would that even look like?"
  132. >"Maybe a wrench or hammer or sumthin?"
  133. >"Wait, you gotta take this seriously Bloom. This is going to be on your flanks for the REST OF YOUR LIFE!" Scootaloo said dramatically.
  134. >"Not to mention if you get it wrong, you might be good at fixing things like pipes, and you'd only be able to help when the plumbing gets broken."
  135. >"Good point Sweetie, maybe a hammer and a wrench crossed behind an apple? Shows that I can repair anything on the farm."
  136. >"Pfft, or repair apples."
  137. >"Ugh, Ah know fixin is my talent but-"
  138. >Suddenly Applebloom's flanks shine brilliantly, just as bright as her friend's before her.
  139. >"Wow!"
  140. >"I knew it, I knew it!"
  141. >Once the flash ended Applebloom looked at her flank to see a humble apple, with a flower blooming from it's stem.
  142. >"Ah don't get it."
  143. "I could still toss on a hammer or something if you'd prefer."
  144. >"Ah'd like that. Just a hammer behind the one I got.
  145. "Alright," Anon said as he knelt behind Applebloom
  146. >"It originated from over here girls!"
  147. >Anon heard the incoming ponies, but paid them no mind.
  148. >Wanted to get this last tat right.
  149. >"Ah, can't wait to show Applejack."
  150. >Just as Anon finished the second hammer on Applebloom's flank six familiar faces crested the hill.
  151. >And six familiar gasps rang out
  152. >"What the buck are ya doin' ta our sisters?!"
  153. >Anon only then noticed the picture.
  154. >Him behind Applebloom hands on her rear.
  155. >Sweetie Bell nearby fur still wet from her tears.
  156. >Scootaloo hovering nearby, watching the delicate work.
  157. >"Anon is just helping us get our cutie marks!"
  158. >Before Anon could even inhale to explain Applejack was charging down the hill, looking more like a bull than a pony.
  159. >"Sis, wait!"
  160. >Bloom's plea fell on deaf ears as Applejack was already beside Anon reared to deliver a tree-breaking buck to his kidneys.
  161. >Before she could though her hooves were caught in a green aura.
  162. >"Applejack, please calm down. Mr. Anon was just helping us. See!"
  163. >Sweetie Bell then turned to the side showing off her brand new cutie mark.
  164. >"Ohmygoshohmygosh, I gotta get started on your cutecinera."
  165. >"Hold on Pinkie," Twilight said grabbing the excitable mare before she could zoom off, "that doesn't explain what was going on."
  166. >"Yeah! Like why he had his messed up hooves all over mah sister's flanks!"
  167. >"That's how he has been giving them to us Applejack," Scootaloo said hovering in front of the still enraged farmer."
  168. >"Wait, us? What do you mean Scootaloo"
  169. >"Scoots! You're flying!"
  170. >Before the girls can even react Rainbow tackles her in a fierce hug.
  171. >"I know, its all thanks to Anon!"
  172. >"Um, how did he help you girls get your cutie marks"
  173. >"Well, that's his special talent Fluttershy, cutie mark for it and everything.
  174. "Tattoo, girls, 'cutie mark' is the girlier than Fluttershy and Rarity combined"
  175. >"His cutie mark is helping ponies get their cutie marks? That's impossible, literally impossible."
  176. >"Well how could you know Twilight, he keeps his flanks covered at all time in the most stylish human clothing in all of Equestria."
  177. "I think the girls are talking about the TATTOO on my arm."
  178. >"Cutie marks on your forelegs? Oh how novel. Come now, be a dear and roll up those sleeves."
  179. >With an eyeroll and a few grumbles Anon rolls up his sleeve again to show off his tats.
  180. >"W-wow."
  181. >"THAT is an awesome cutie mark."
  182. >"Three filly cutecineras and a human cutecinera in the same week! Or would it be a tatcinera? Whatever its called it calls for my biggest party ever! Until I throw a bigger one, hee hee hee."
  183. >"Such detail, such color, darling it is simply beautiful, you are beautiful."
  184. >"What does it mean?"
  185. "Mean? I got this one back when I was growing into my power."
  186. >"Power? You mean magic? Human magic?! We have to schedule a day to talk further, why didn't you tell me you had magic?!"
  187. "It isn't exactly special, well wasn't. Nothing too impressive about being able to help people get the tats they're after."
  188. >"But you can help humans find their cutie marks? How can that not be awesome?"
  189. "Find? No I can make tattoos, the fact that they're super special to ponies is news to me."
  190. >"Wait, you mean the girls didn't find their cutie marks, you MADE them?"
  191. "Uh, yeah. Isn't that what we're talking about."
  192. >"But a cutie mark is somepony's destiny, how can you just, just choose their destiny."
  193. >"Who are you to choose their destiny?!"
  194. "No need to get riled up Twilight, besides I didn't choose them. They did."
  195. >"Don't be mad Twilight, we've just been so frustrated that we couldn't find our talents.
  196. >"Yeah what Bloom said."
  197. >"Mr. Anon was just helping, isn't that what a friend does for a friend."
  198. >"That isn't the point Sweetie Belle, imagine for a second that when I was a filly I met Anonymous."
  199. >"If I could get any cutie mark I wanted I would've chosen one that would lead me to a life of learning or scientific pursuits."
  200. >"Perhaps magic theory, maybe not magic itself,but definitely not the mark I have now."
  201. >"If that happened, and I got what I wanted as a filly, I would've never studied under Princess Celestia, I would've never came to Ponyville, I would've never stopped Nightmare Moon."
  202. >"But Twilight we-"
  203. >"I would've never been able to fight off the changelings at the wedding. There would've never even been a wedding, no way an alicorn princess foalsits for a librarian or scientist."
  204. >"Twilight, dear."
  205. >"King Sombra would've ruled the Crystal Kingdom unapposed, Discord would be ruling Equestria!"
  206. "Jeez, thought this place was peaceful."
  207. >"Twi, Ah think they ge-"
  208. >"I never would've met my friends, Spike would've never even been born!!"
  209. >"Twilight, seriously, breathe." Rainbow added, breaking the hug with Scootaloo as the mood shifted.
  210. >"And I would have lived my life alone, never even trying to make any friends."
  211. >"So I know this will hurt you girls, but Anonymous needs to remove your cutie marks."
  213. >"No."
  214. >Scootaloo said firmly looking Twilight right in the eye
  215. >"Scootaloo I kno-"
  216. >"Shut up, you don't."
  217. >Scootaloo was flying slightly higher than Twilight forcing the mare to look up to the filly.
  218. >"I finally got to be a pegasus today, and there is no..,"
  219. >Scootaloo hesitated getting up the nerve to say the dreaded word,
  220. >"No BUCKING way I'm letting you make me go back to being whatever I was."
  221. >"I'm with Scootaloo, I can finally stop being a burden to Rarity."
  222. >"Sweetie, dear, you're not a burden. Don't ever think that you are, I love you."
  223. >"I know you do, and I know I am. Rarity, I know that all you have me do is stuff that you could do better yourself, just so I can have something to do."
  224. >"Thanks to Mr. Anon, I can actually help."
  225. >"Look at all these gems Rarity, I gathered them. I even cut them."
  226. >"Now you don't have to go so close to the Diamond Dog burrow to get your gems, and you won't be so close to deadline on so many of your orders."
  227. >"Sweetie Bell I-I do not know what to say, you had the choice of any destiny you could think of, and you thought of me first."
  228. >"We can work together, your boutique can be a family business. Just like the Apples."
  230. >"Ah did the same thing, Applejack." Applebloom added taking the lead from her friend.
  231. >"Thanks to my cutie mark, I can help fix up anythin that breaks at the farm. Big Mac ain't gotta miss a day of harvest just because the barn has a leak."
  233. "Besides, they're permanent."
  234. >"What?"
  235. "Seriously, Twilight, my power is tattoo creation. Not manipulation or removal."
  236. "Those puppies are here to stay."
  237. >"Yay!" All three fillies shout at the top of their lungs. Much to the 'delight' of everyone present.
  238. >"But their destiny should not be altered on a whim, no matter how great it looks in the short term."
  239. "Maybe meeting me was their destiny?"
  240. >"How could that be, you appearing here was a fluke brought on by Discord's chaos magic running wild after he escaped."
  241. "Well if everything is destined, then there is no real argument to be made now is there?"
  242. >Now that things have calmed down, everyone starts to head back to town.
  243. >Each of the girls beside their sister, or idol, with the gems being carried in a blue aura.
  244. >"I guess that the possible consequences frazzled me a bit, for a second there I thought you might really be a danger to Equestria."
  245. >"Yeah, by the way, Ah'm sorry I thought you were doin uh, uncouth things to lil' Bloom."
  246. "No problem, you just wanted to protect the tyke."
  247. >"Not gonna lie if'n it wasn't for Sweetie stoppin me when she did, Ah'd a broke ya."
  248. "Nah I would've been fine."
  249. >"Oh really, how would have you stopped the second best bucker in all of Equestria?"
  250. "Same way I would've stopped all of you, erase your cutie marks."
  251. >All of the mares stopped in place, except Pinkie who hopped along, humming while deciding if either chocolate or vanilla cupcakes were more appropriate for a tatcinera.
  252. >Anon continued, unaware of the fear his words were putting into his friends.
  253. "Yea, I can't remove any tattoos, but I figured that I can just layer over your marks with the same color as your fur. Get the same effect."
  254. >Five jaws hit the ground, while one just kept humming the same tune.
  255. "Good thing I'm not some edgelord faggot, that would seriously harm his best friends over a misunderstanding."
  257. >"Wait a second." Scootaloo said flying in front of Anon.
  258. "Yeah, Scoots?"
  259. >"Does this mean, you can make Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon blank flanks?"

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