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By Blood and Friendship

By PoppedAnon
Created: 2023-09-05 18:34:53
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day you wish it wasn’t.
  2. >You are Anonymous.
  3. >"Wake up!"
  4. >"That's right, anomaly. It's your turn to fight."
  5. >"It's the princess' birthday today and she requested a visit to the arena to see our star freak."
  6. >Arms and legs in tight manacles you are lead to your wheeled cage.
  7. >"You better not mess this up, or it's no dinner for you again."
  8. >You hold your head up and ask, “Do I get to kill you today, finally?”
  9. >That is what you wanted to say.
  10. >What came out was, “uh ah eh oo ehh oo oay aieri”
  11. >They keep a big bit in your mouth outside of the fights, at all times, save feeding.
  12. >Guess they worry about you eating them or some shit.
  13. >They won’t even be in the same room with you when they would toss your food in.
  14. >Either way, you are answered by the shaft of the lance striking your ribs hard.
  15. >”Remember your place, beast!”
  16. >You’re only wearing a loincloth, but after the years of doing this shit for the rich assholes and wannabe Spartans the pain barely registers.
  17. >You smile big, showing all your teeth.
  18. >He shudders, before striking you again.
  19. >They hate it when you smile.
  20. >Small as they are, your canines put a primal fear in the herbivores.
  21. >It is what gave you your title in the arena.
  22. >”The Laughing Beast”
  23. >It used to be ‘The Weeping Beast’, but you got over that when some pegasus’ mace broke your arm.
  24. >Survival instincts can do wonders to silence empathy’s nagging.
  25. >As you pull up to the arena once again, to kill some other beast from the Everfree, Badlands, or Tartarus you can’t help but smile more.
  26. >Today is your big day.
  27. >Today is the day the years of starvation, pain, and blood will pay off.
  28. >Today is going to be your one hundredth victory.
  29. >That is partially why the princess is here today.
  30. >She always oversees the hundredth matches of the arena’s champions.
  31. >And it is her birthday too.
  32. >You are going to give that mare a show she’ll never forget, and then get the fuck out of this place.
  34. >As you pull up to the shining arena doors you feel your cage stop.
  35. >The unicorns pulling you attach the front of your cage to the gate, and magically remove the shackles.
  36. >You mentally prepare yourself for what you may face.
  37. >Can’t be as bad as your 99th match.
  38. >You had to fight some prisoner who was also at their 99th match.
  39. >Both of you wanted it bad, the end is in sight and both of you were experienced in the rigors of combat.
  40. >You want to say that you wanted it more, that your superior skill led you through, but you were lucky.
  41. >The sun reflecting off some rich fuck’s jewelry blinded the dog thing you were fighting, just long enough for your axe to meet his neck.
  42. >”Its locked in, everypony to the door! I’m about to remove the bit.”
  43. >Just like usual the few guards posted in the room leave within moments save for one unicorn.
  44. >You feel the bit in your mouth tingle with the now familiar, yet still strange, aura of magic.
  45. >As soon as the bit leave your mouth the guard is out of the room and the doors, closed and sealed.
  46. >Now you just have to wait for the pomp and opening fights to end.
  47. Goddamn I can’t wait until I can leave this fucking place.
  49. >Day you wish it wasn’t
  50. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  51. >”Wake up, egghead!”
  52. >”I know the fights haven’t started yet, but don’t fall out on me.”
  53. Sorry guys, this just isn’t really my thing.
  54. >”Honestly I’m with you darling, the whole deal with Pegasopolis’ obsession with duels and violence simply rattles me.”
  55. >”Strange as it sounds Ah’m with Rare, ain’t right beatin up on penned up critters.”
  56. >”You too AJ? C’mon don’t you wish you could take out those timberwolves that always hound your farm? Well you come here, you get good, and you crush anything that tries to hurt you and yours.”
  57. >”Why did your brother even invite us here, Twilight, um that is, if you feel like answering.”
  58. >You fight the urge to roll your eyes.
  59. >You lose that fight.
  60. Shining Armor is going to propose to my old foalsitter after the last match.
  61. >”And then we get to plan a wedding, which is like a big party, only with lots of love and happiness, and a lot of boring sitting around in a stuffy, but still beautiful dress, OH Rarity please don’t be mad but I hate having to dress up almost as much as I hate the extra attention colts give to me. I’m not used to being hot!”
  62. Yeah… well I can understand wanting to propose somewhere public and memorable, but…
  63. >”Whatever could possess him to want to announce his love to the world while somepony bashes in a monster’s skull?”
  64. Yeah, that. I’m not as well versed in matters of the heart like you Rarity, but even I can see that that seems counter to love.
  65. >”N-not if she’s a high borne pegasus,” Fluttershy says before hiding behind her mane
  66. Oh, well pegasai do like their bloodsport even in the post unification era, no offence Fluttershy.
  67. >”Is this true Fluttershy, dear? What other high borne customs do you know of, my knowledge on noble pegasai is somewhat lacking.”
  68. >”I-I wouldn’t really know Rarity. I’m actually erm um.”
  69. >”You’ll have to speak up, darling.”
  70. >”I’m actua-“
  71. >It was then that Rainbow decided to cut in and save us some time waiting for Shy’s volume to reach pony levels of hearing.
  72. >”Fluttershy is low borne, like really low borne, it’s part of the reason she got it so bad during flight camp despite not being sickly or deformed.”
  73. Is that still such a big deal to pegasai?
  74. >”Oh no, well it is to some, especially in Cloudsdale and Los Pegasus, due to my status I wouldn’t be allowed into some hotels.”
  75. >Already sweeping her up into a hug Pinkie almost wails, “That’s awful! How could they deny a pony the right to blow all their bits on clearly rigged games?!”
  76. Pinkie, you’re thinking of Los Burros, Los Pegasus is the cosmopolitan city near Applewood. However, while some hotels are privately owned, I’m surprised that they would outright deny you.
  77. >Just then Rainbow wraps a forearm around Fluttershy adding to the hug, “Not even, I would never let Shy be kicked around by those pinion picking posers.”
  78. >”Uh, girls I don’t know if ya still care, but ya’ll missed a couple fights. And credit where it’s due, that one earth pony fella really gave it to the hydra.”
  79. >”I missed the Herc v. Hydra fight, horseapples!”
  80. >”While I deplore the sheer brutality of these fights I’ll admit that Herc Burleys is quite the strapping stallion. Not necessarily to my taste, but still quite fit.”
  81. >”Well, whatever, so long as we didn’t miss the title fight”
  82. What is the big deal about the title fight, Rainbow? My brother got us tickets to see this so I could be here for him, but you seem really into these fights, why not come yourself?
  83. >”Heh, you kidding me? I have a season pass, egghead,” she says whipping out a shimmering red ticket in stark contrast to the green one that admitted us in, “I come watch the fights whenever I have time off of weather duty, stunt practice, and harmony stuff.”
  84. Well, you still didn’t answer my first question. What is the big deal about this title fight?
  85. >”Woo nelly that chimera will be feelin that’n in the morning!”
  86. >”And did you see the graceful form of Rapier Wit? I’m starting to see the appeal of this type of show.”
  87. >”ANOTHER ONE! Ugh, fine this is the last thing I’m going to say before I focus on the fights. If a prisoner wins 100 fights they’re released. And the title fight is number 100 for the manticore-eating magicless monster Ponyville’s weather team helped catch a couple years back. This is the first time some beast made it to 100 matches. I have no idea what the princess will do!”
  88. >Wait, how could, or how did, Rainbow keep this a secret from me for so long?
  89. >Wait did she say no magic?
  90. >How could it even be alive without ANY MAGIC?!
  91. >Even grass and oats had magic in them!
  92. No magic, at all?! Why did you keep this to yourself, I would’ve loved to-
  93. >”Blah blah blah, books books books, research research research. Watching the fights now. Go Jet Stream! Show that manticore how we do things in Cloudsdale!”
  94. >You finally look down at the barbaric display to see…
  95. >Wow, that pegasus is quite skillful at evasion.
  96. >He actually flew under the manticore and bucked it in his soft underbelly, while dodging fang, claw, and tail.
  97. >But lithe stallion looks really tired.
  98. >And dripping with sweat.
  99. >U-unf.
  100. >Luckily for him, that well timed buck knocked the air out of the manticore, leaving it exposed for a follow up flying punch to the chin.
  101. >You could feel that kick in your haunches.
  102. “Quite the physical, and tactical display. I’ll admit,” you say wiping some sweat from your brow.
  103. >”Oh I know EXACTLY what you mean, darling,” Rarity replies, levitating a silk hoofkerchief to you.
  104. >”Wowie! That manticore was all like ‘rawr I’m gonna eat ya’ and Jetty was all ‘not today, punk’ and then woosh, zip, zip, pow, Shoryuken!”
  105. >”Ah, can’t think of anything that could top that match.”
  106. >”Poor manticore, somepony should feed him more. He looks famished.”
  107. >”Now, do you girls get it? Singular combat for honor, bits, and just the challenge of it! Pegasus tradition rules!”
  108. I’m still a little worried about putting yourself in mortal danger part of it, what happens if somepony loses?
  109. >”Meh, the princess or the highest ranking noble decides if he is worth saving, if he gave a good enough fight a buncha unicorns restrain the beast or opponent and get the colt out of there. Otherwise...,” she drags her hoof across her neck, “they don’t.”
  110. >”Oh my goodness!”
  111. >”That doesn’t sound fun.”
  112. >”Ah’m not so sure ah still like this.”
  113. >”How brutish!”
  114. The princess just lets the colt die?!
  115. >…
  116. >”Gyehehehe, no! Nopony has been left to the beasts during a match attend by a princess for over 2000 years, since Pegasopolis was built.”
  117. Phew, good to know neither Cadence nor Celestia is a murderer by proxy.
  118. >”Darling, you know Prin- oh who am I kidding OF COURSE you know Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. You were taught by Princess Celestia herself, you probably personally know all the members of the noble houses,” Rarity says with a bit of a huff at the end.
  119. And as we all remember from the Gala, and my birthday party most of them are jerks. There is a reason I preferred books over friendship before I left Canterlot, Rarity.
  120. >”Speakin of frothy heads, who wants cider, I know for a fact that Appleoosa brand cider is distributed here.”
  121. >”Ladies and gentlecolts,” a middle aged stallion in the center of the arena announces, “today we have a very special match in honor of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza’s birthday.”
  122. >The large barricade on the steel doors at the end of the arena lights up with a multitude of magical auras and begins to hover off the door.
  123. >”The depths of the Everfree, forever tainted by the chaotic magic of Discord is responsible for many of the monsters that plague our fair Equestria.”
  124. >”Ugh, I hate when they drag this on whenever some VIP shows up, HEY GET TO THE FIGHT ALREADY!”
  127. >You are Anonymous again.
  128. >”—many of the monsters that plague our fair Equestria.”
  129. >And you hate when Colt Buffer drags this shit on.
  130. >Blah blah blah, chaos, blah blah blah, manticore-eating, blah blah blah, noooo maaaagiiiic hoooow spooky.
  131. >Retards.
  132. >You want to get this started so you can get it over with.
  133. >You were going free today, or die trying.
  134. >”—any magic detected by even the most sophisticated of tools.”
  135. >Looks like he is finally wrapping it up.
  136. >”I present to you the Anomoly of the Everfree! The Grinning Beast!”
  137. >Just like that the doors burst open, and you leisurely walk out of the cage.
  138. >Sometimes you’d charge out to intimidate your opponent if they were announced first, others you’d wait until the crowd could wonder if you were there.
  139. >You learned by your 14th match that crowd momentum mattered.
  140. >Horses are herd creatures, so the attitude of their peers strongly influenced their own.
  141. >Keep the audience scared and that fear would translate to even the bravest of fighters, keep them at the edge of their seat and even the most collected of strategists would make a mistake in their excitement.
  142. >Bore them.
  143. >Bore them and even the most ballistic of berzerkers and arrogant of crowd favorites, would lose their steam within minutes.
  144. >Of course that only worked with ponies, zebras, buffalos, and that one goat.
  145. >You had no idea what you were fightining, so you wanted to keep your affect on the audience to a minimum.
  146. >You stop a few feet past the door and sit down cross-legged.
  147. >The audience members who’ve seen you fight before cheer, or boo. Either way your lax attitude didn’t have the intended effect.
  149. >Of course it wouldn’t, this was your 100th match, even if you’ve never been seen by anybody here, they knew you had to be damn good to make it this far.
  150. “God I’m such a dumbass,” you mumble quietly to yourself.
  151. >As usual a magical barrier is erected between you and the far door.
  152. >Had to start doing that after matches 10, through 13 when you just rushed the equines and broke their necks while they were still taking in the cheering.
  153. >Even if you were an opener back then nobody wanted to see a seven second match.
  154. >”A-and his challenger,” well at least you tripped someone up, “a powerful unicorn guardscolt from a noble house of high worth, tasked with the protection of all three princesses. User of the most powerful defensive magic known to equine, captain of the royal guard, and first born of House Twilight, Captain Shining Armor!”
  155. >Just then a white stallion in a moderate amount of armor, wearing a shield on his foreleg walked into the arena from the more ornate doors across from you.
  156. >Then a small armory of weapons appeared on the walls, each ornate and lethal.
  157. >The stallion has a chance to glance at the weapons before the crowd erupts in deafening applause.
  158. >You immediately begin to strategize while he puffs up his chest and takes in the accolades.
  159. >Armor; gotta go for an impact weapon then.
  160. >Defensive magic; watch your balance for counter attacks
  161. >Guard; don’t bother with intimidation.
  162. >Noble; should be weak to humiliation.
  163. >Star mark; watch for powerful magic attacks.
  164. >Shield being worn, not hovering; lacks control don’t have to worry about the weapons coming at you from all sides.
  165. >Best approach would be to draw the match out.
  166. >Make him use up his physical stamina lugging all that metal around, and magical stamina attacking and defending.
  167. >Dodge and weave while taking the occasional shot, whenever it looked like he was trying to recover.
  168. >Mock and laugh at his every error, maybe fit in a yawn if he turtles up too much.
  170. >He takes one last look up at the-
  171. >Oh that’s new.
  172. >So the princess has wings and horn
  173. >And is pink.
  174. >She is adorable, but that had no meaning here.
  175. >Cute little chicken snake damn near turned you to stone in your first match.
  176. >Don’t underestimate any opponent.
  177. >More importantly they share a smile.
  178. >Oh so that’s it.
  179. >Big guy has to prove he is man enough to fuck above is station.
  180. >That must mean that they are probably already fucking on the low.
  181. >You suddenly hope that beating the shit out of her fuck friend, doesn’t reflect in your release.
  182. >The shield drops.
  183. >”And now Captain Shining Armor, of House Twilight, defend yourself!”
  185. >Day popping questions
  186. >You are Shining Armor
  187. >”And now Captain Shining Armor, of House Twilight, defend yourself!”
  188. >You immediately use your magic to retrieve the short flanged mace from the weapons rack.
  189. >The beast is already up from its sitting position and is charging at you.
  190. >Your mace is already in parry range and a simple shift puts your shield in a defensive position.
  191. >It will be a simple matter to parry his hit and follow up with a mace hit to the neck.
  192. >Quick and easy, must’ve fought a bunch of idiots to make it this far.
  193. >Fighting animals isn’t even fair with all your trai-
  194. >What?
  195. >He just ran past you…to the weapons.
  196. >Before you could get over your surprise of a mindless animal not mindlessly charging you, it has already picked up the Labrythian maul and adopts a two-limbed grip.
  197. >Oh horseapples.
  198. So it seems you’re more than just some stupid animal.
  199. >Well, apes in Zebrica primarily use tools, and this thing has limbs like them.
  200. >Yeah, to make it as far as it did, the anomaly had to learn how to use weapons.
  201. >No way it could kill a pony without them.
  202. Well then you big ape, come on over so I can give you a banana.
  203. >It hardly shifted.
  204. >Guess you gave it too much credit, thinking speech could rouse it.
  205. >You decide to circle arou-
  206. >And it is circling with you, keeping you in front of it.
  207. >Maintaining its distance, and adjusting its stance as it moves.
  208. >…
  209. >You should take this seriously.
  210. >Just then the beast made an approach to you.
  211. >You keep your eye on the maul, you easily block it with your shield.
  212. >Before you can make your counter attack it has already jumped outside of your perfect control range.
  213. >You lower your goddamn shield, only for you to see him come in from the right.
  214. >It is no issue to raise your shield, but at the last second it adjusts its arms and is now coming with a vertical slam.
  215. >You quickly erect a small magical shield, and hear the maul hit into it.
  216. >The strike barely shook it, but that contact gave you the signal to come in with a horizontal attack from your left.
  217. >The furless anomaly removed an appendage from the maul and lifted the handle at an angle, putting its hoof behind it and parried your blow, with a practiced finesse.
  218. >It then started barking at you.
  219. >No wait, is it…laughing?
  220. >That son of a nag is laughing at you!
  221. >You dissipate your shield and as the maul dropped, no longer supported by the barrier, using the unbalance to try and hit him with the edge of your shield.
  222. >Rather than try to pick the maul back up the anomaly lets it drop and steps to the left.
  223. >The maul lands on your shield and he adds his weight to it.
  224. >Not enough to topple you it is more than enough to unbalance you.
  225. >You move to adjust your hooves, only to feel a fierce kick to the side of your helmet.
  226. >The armor blocks the impact, but the damage was done.
  227. >All if your weight is shifted to your right by the impact, and your hoof is currently under the weight of your shield, and the beast’s maul on your fetlock.
  228. >You lose your balance and tip over onto your side.
  229. >Rather than retrieve his weapon for a strike, the beast goes for another kick to your belly.
  230. >You quickly bring in your mace to strike him, your magic being the only part of you at full capacity.
  231. >Rather than jump back the beast moves in, taking the shaft of the weapon rather than its head and lands his kick to your unprotected stomach.
  232. >The breath is knocked out of you, but you don’t lose focus and bring in your mace close before thrusting it towards the monster’s torso.
  233. >It quickly backsteps before starting to moving to the side dodging the sharp flanges, taking his weapon with him.
  234. >Weight relieved you quickly bounce back to your hooves, and try to catch your breath.
  235. >As soon as you do the thing is back on you swinging quickly.
  236. >You raise your shield to block strikes on your front and right.
  237. >You parry strikes made to your left with your mace.
  238. >They may be coming in rapidly, but they are actually pretty weak.
  239. >This is what you’re used to, let the enemy expend himself against your defenses and then crush the battered form of what would threaten peace in Equestria.
  240. >You had suffered a couple hiccups in the beginning, but an animal will always be an animal and an equine will always be an equine.
  241. >You’ve found your focus.
  244. >Day keikaiku
  245. >You are Anonymous
  246. >And you’ve found your focus.
  247. >Shining Armor, is playing defensively.
  248. >You’re swinging really predictably, and not very hard.
  249. >You could keep this up for hours.
  250. >He will keep blocking on his right and parrying on the left.
  251. >Dude isn’t even attacking anymore.
  252. >All you need to do to land a solid blow against the guy is keep him in this pattern for a bit then change it slightly.
  253. >Then back to this boring shit until you change it again.
  254. >Eventually the injuries will pile up and affect his stamina.
  255. >Aaand feint left.
  256. >You pull your maul back to hit the same spot on the shield as you have been for the past three minutes, mid swing you swing the weapon over his head.
  257. >The speed was faster, the force was harder, and you struck at a spot you never went for previously.
  258. >He saw the feint but was too set in the pattern to see that his mace wasn’t even close to blocking your weapon.
  259. > And your maul slams into his left shoulder.
  260. >He actually flies a couple feet before rolling on the ground, and coming to a rest a good distance away.
  261. >On his back.
  262. >”Shiny!” you dimly hear some fan cry.
  263. >His little blue hooves kicking in the air.
  264. >Holy fuck that is hilarious.
  265. >And you expressed that in the typical human fashion, by laughing your balls off.
  266. >Sure you could go for a follow up attack.
  267. >But the keks cannot be ignored.
  268. >He just fucking tumbled like he was out of fucking Looney Tunes.
  269. >’Yoinks and away!’ ain’t got shit on you stallion.
  270. >Even a couple members of the audience joined you.
  271. >By the time you were able to open your eyes, he was already back on his feet.
  272. >His mundane shield bent at an awkward angle, and was discarded.
  273. >The thin armor around his shoulder was crumpled, and there were the makings of a nasty bruise under his fur.
  274. >Most visibly was how utterly pissed he was.
  275. >And while it was an ill advised decision on your part, you’ll admit.
  276. >You laughed harder.
  277. >You have no idea how long you would’ve laughed, had that pink beam of magic not interrupted you.
  278. >Unlike Armor, you didn’t touch the ground.
  279. >You flew back until you hit the wall.
  280. >You felt a dull pain in your back and where the attack must’ve made contact.
  281. >You slide down to the ground, and sit on your ass.
  282. >You open your eyes to see the unicorn, with a smug grin on his face.
  283. >Well you know how to fix that.
  284. >You laugh even harder.
  285. >You don’t close your eyes this time, but you laugh like it was 94 and Will Smith was on TV doing safe black things.
  286. >There is the rage again, full red face too.
  287. >He put a lot into that attack.
  288. >But it isn’t the worst you’ve weathered.
  289. >After he is properly infuriated you stop laughing, get up, and proceed to walk to him.
  290. >He responds by walking to you, not as carefree as you are, more of a march.
  291. >”You bucking mutated ape, I’m not going to let my pride keep me from my one chance to marry Cadence.”
  292. >You want to mock him, but a sphere of pink magic envelops him before you can make a move.
  293. >Outside the bubble his mace still levitates, shaking in his magical grip.
  294. >The crowd has stopped cheering or laughing and fell to quiet murmurs.
  295. >The mace then takes a swing at you.
  296. >Your lax posture and loose muscles let you dodge quickly, but the mace was faster and you paid for it by a gash on your arm.
  297. >It was just a glancing blow, but your lack of armor let the flanges cut uninterrupted.
  298. >He takes another swing at you, this time you’re ready and deflect the blow.
  299. >The magically held mace immediately turns and takes an upward swing.
  300. >You aren’t as ready and take a nick to your chin.
  301. >”Where are your fancy moves now, monkey?”
  302. >And he’s a racist, you’re offended!
  303. >Or at least you would be if you were black in the ‘80s, or a fucking Saiyan.
  304. >You rush forward and as the mace takes yet another swing you grab for it.
  305. >Neither you nor Shining Armor saw the move coming, and you manage to grab the mace.
  306. >You and the stallion wrestle for it for a second before his aura wanes and you snatch it.
  307. >He quickly makes a move for your maul, but as you tighten your grip on it to ensure it won’t come under his control you wildly swing for the shield.
  308. >You don’t see any damage, but you do see an effect.
  309. >The aura around your maul faded as soon as you made contact.
  310. >New game plan, pop the bubble, crush your enemy, go free, buy a fucking milkshake.
  311. >You begin swinging at the shield, the unicorn inside unable to do anything else.
  312. >And unbidden a toothy smile spreads across your face.
  315. >Day stupid motherbucker!
  316. >You are Twilight Sparkle
  317. >And if you weren’t so filled with rage over your BBBFF’s current predicament, you would be filled with fear over your BBBFF’s current predicament.
  318. And now he lost his bucking weapon, fan-pony-tastic!
  319. >”Twi, shouldn’t you be frettin more over what that furless critter is about to do with it?”
  320. >Oh, and now he lost his focus enough to have his spell overtaken!
  321. >Outstanding
  322. What could possess that, that COLT to enter the 100th match of an unknown monster’s arena?!
  323. >”If you stop ranting about it I could tell you.”
  324. >”It really isn’t good for your complexion to keep your face flush with rage for so long, darling.”
  325. “Bucking idiot never even passed his course on mental stability,” perfectly imitating that machismo seeking dullard you continue, “Don’t worry about it Twilie, my shield spells are top notch why should I worry about focus when I can’t be interrupted? Besides, the guys got a campaign in Oubliettes & Ogres, and they NEED my level 12 paladin.”
  326. >…
  327. >…
  328. >”Your brother was a nerd?”
  329. >How I wish you were right Rainbow Dash
  330. No, my brother is STILL a nerd, only now he has the guard training so that he can be a paladin in real life. He STILL has the bucking campaign going, only now he has a level 27 paladin, and a level 13 cleric!
  331. Why do you think that bucking idiot took a weapon better suited for armored opponents, rather than a cutting weapon that would be faster, and could channel magic easier! But nooooo, he has to be Shining Light, warrior of sunlight and righteousness. WELL LOOK AT YOU NOW SHINY, HELPLESS IN YOUR SHIELD WHILE A FREAK APE USES YOUR +3 TO HARMONY FLANGED MACE OF THE BUCKING WHALE!
  332. >By Celestia, you've always wanted to get this out.
  333. But hey, at least you don’t have to worry about him breaking your BUCKING FOCUS am I right?!
  334. >”Welp, ah think it is time for little Twilight to give the cider to her good friend Applejack.”
  335. I WANT to be inebriated for a little bit, so get me another cider or I'll make your tongue only taste pears for a week.
  336. >Without changing her face even a hair Applejack tossed a sack of bits to Dash
  337. >Good mare.
  338. >"Rainbow, get the mare her cider."
  339. >And in a rainbow-streaked instant Dash is back with three fresh tall mugs of foamy cider.
  340. Thank you, and quit making that face. I only want to be drunk while this stupidity goes on.
  341. >”Hold up, don’t tell me you know a spell for sobering up, Twilight?”
  342. >”Of course she does, Rainbow Dash, it is a standby for any unicorn of class. The absolute last thing a lady needs is a drunken romp to forever ruin her reputation. I, myself, learned it when I was just a teenager."
  343. >Despite my alcohol-addled mind, I still had the wherewithal to be impressed by Rarity, while it wasn't a teleport the purify blood spell was some pretty high level casting.
  344. >I looked back down to see the ape-thing pound away on my brother's shield, surprised that it was still going.
  345. >Most beasts would be dissuaded after the first couple of minutes, and give the unicorn a time to rest from constantly repairing and reinforcing their shield.
  346. >It was even hitting the shield randomlly to make sure Shining had to keep the entire bubble going strong rather than just a small area.
  347. >It was at that moment you heard a sound, a sound that if you didn't know its purpose would be pleasant.
  348. >But to any unicorn that knows more than simple levitation, it was funeral bells.
  349. >The combined sound of crunching snow and a tiny bell.
  350. >The cute little sound of a shield spell being cracked.
  353. >Day you bucked up.
  354. >You are Shining Armor.
  355. >ting
  356. >And you bucked up so bucking bad.
  357. >Your special talent is Magical defense.
  358. >You know every nuance of the spell you are casting right now.
  359. >You could make a shield large enough to cover a large city
  360. >Maybe even Canterlot.
  361. >And even at that size and magical dispersment your barrier would be just as strong on the top as the bottom.
  362. >ting
  363. >And some wild animal from the Everfree is going to break it.
  364. >Your plan was sound, even after it had managed to steal your weapon.
  365. >Bubble up, let it run itself ragged trying to get in while you rest up, counter attack the exhausted animal, win the glory of beating the Everfree Anomoly in single combat, and the honor of being able to propose to Cadence despite her high station.
  366. >It was simple.
  367. >It was foolproof
  368. >ting
  369. >But it isn't exhausted.
  370. >Not even a little
  371. >The opposite in fact
  372. >Once it saw the cracks show it was energized.
  373. >ting
  374. >It never slowed, it never resigned itself to hitting one spot, or stopping to rest.
  375. >It never grew frustrated, and tried just hitting with its weird paws.
  376. >It never gave you a chance to lower your magical output, by even a hair.
  377. >ting
  378. >And now, even with your special talent, even with you guard training, even with your Royal training under Celestia herself, you are nearly out of magic. Constant reinforcement, and repair spells taking their toll on you, after nearly ten minutes of full output.
  379. >It continued to bear its teeth at you, in a way that would almost be a joyous smile if you didn't know better. But even now you feel no fear.
  380. >ting
  381. >You are the Captain of the Royal Guards, personal protector of Princesses Celestia, Luna, and Mi Amore Cadenza, and you will face your death with your head held high.
  382. >ting
  383. >"SHINY!!"
  385. >Day
  386. >You don't care what day it is.
  387. >You are Anonymous, and it is nearly over
  388. >Your plan was simple.
  389. >Your plan was foolproof.
  390. >ting
  391. >The unicorn is exausted.
  392. >Not just a little
  393. >Completely in fact
  394. >Once you saw cracks your elation energized you.
  395. >ting
  396. >You never slowed, never started stupidly hitting in one spot or giving him a chance to rest.
  397. >You got a bit frustrated, but you knew to just keep hitting, no matter how calloused or bloody your hands became.
  398. >You never let up not even by a hair.
  399. >ting
  400. >And now, even with its mark being a shield, even with its armor, even with you living half starved under lock and key in this arena you are nearly free. Constant strikes and flanking took their toll on you after ten minutes.
  401. >But you couldn't help but smile, you couldn't be happier if you woke up and this was all a dream. You only feel excitement.
  402. >ting
  403. >You are Anonymous F. Aggot, and despite them trying to turn you into a monster you will win, and you will have your hard-earned victory, head held high.
  404. >ting
  405. >"SHINY!!"
  408. >Wut?
  409. >Just as the pink bubble finally shattered a purple unicorn appeared before you, horn charged and pissed the fuck off.
  410. >Before you could mount a defense you were through the wall.
  411. >Pain encapsulated your form, you don’t even know where your weapons flew to.
  412. >You were close, you were so fuck-
  413. >Wait.
  414. >He recieved outside help
  415. >That is a forefit.
  416. >You still win!
  417. >YES!!
  418. >In your elation you stand up triumphantly, laughing at the heavens.
  419. >You felt pain with every heartbeat, but you couldn’t muster the need to care.
  420. >Purple is doing something magically to Shining Armor, but goddammit you just can’t care
  421. >You turn and look up at the high seat, occupied by the pony of highest rank at the match.
  422. >The princess.
  423. >You quiet your laughter and face her, awaiting those magical words.
  424. >She looks away from Armor to you, then back to Armor.
  425. >She stands and the roaring boos and applause of the crowd quiets.
  426. >”Guard Captain Shining Armor,” you don’t even take your eyes off Pink to see his reaction, “though you fought valiantly, the interference from your sister, Lady Twilight Sparkle,” dear God in heaven you don’t care just say the words, “means I must declare your match a forfeit.”
  427. >She then looks to you, directly at your eyes, as you tremble with anticipation at her next announcement.
  428. >”The Anomaly known as, ‘The Grinning Beast,’ you have fought 100 matches, and in each of those 100 bouts you came out alive.”
  429. >JUST!
  430. >”You have bested our lowest criminals, your fellow beasts, and even our proudest knights,” she gives another look to Shining Armor before looking back to you.
  431. >SAY!
  432. >”Though I am not pleased with the result, I am pleased by your strength and stamina,” she looks to the quiet audience surround her, “as everypony here knows, upon the 100th victory in any arena any prisoner is released, having proven themselves worthy in the eyes of eyes of their peers and the pegasai tribunal.”
  433. >IT!
  434. >”However,” she giggles, “your fight with Shining Armor was interrupted, so you weren’t able to prove yourself worthy. So you’ll have to fight ano-
  435. NO!
  436. >The crowd gasps and pulls back, Princess included
  437. I will not be fucking denied! You want a body? I’ll give you a goddamn body!
  438. >You turn and rush the stunned unicorn pair and scoop up Shining Armor by the neck.
  439. >Twilight is back on you and a magical aura forms around your hand trying to pull your fingers off her brother with little result.
  440. >You swing back with your free hand knocking Twilight on her horn, then bring your other hand back to the white unicorn before you.
  441. Sorry, Twilight, but you heard Princess pink up there. It is him or me, and it sure as shit isn’t going to be me again.
  442. >It was then that pain exploded in the back of your head, as the familiar feeling of hooves crashed into you.
  443. >It knocked you off balance, but you didn’t care about balance. All that mattered was maintaining your grip on that furry white neck.
  444. >You let yourself fall, letting Shining Armor take the brunt of it, determined to finish the job.
  445. >You are on your knees now, holding a slightly blue Shining Armor below you.
  446. >You then were knocked away a few feet, you heard the internal crack of breaking bones.
  447. >Specifically your ribs as the most powerful buck you’ve ever endured slammed into you.
  448. >Even then you remained conscious; breathing ragged, and in more pain than you were used to.
  449. >You were still holding onto the stallion. His entire face was blue, and tears were beginning to fall from his eyes as he looked pleadingly to you.
  450. >You’ve killed in this hellish circle, but this is the most intimate you’ve ever been involved.
  451. >Usually it was just a quick stab or bash, and even then it was hardly a sapient, who were often allowed to leave.
  452. >You go to pick yourself back up hands still on the stallion, as a trickle of humanity leaked from your eye.
  453. I’m sorry, really I am. I just want to be free.
  454. >In your distraction of morality, you didn’t notice until the very last second a white hoof dropping onto the top of your head.
  455. >Your vision was fuzzy for only half a moment, but that was enough.
  456. >You lost your grip on the stallion, and he was immediately teleported to safety.
  457. >You spend one second looking at the blue flash of magic fade before you wildly looked around for him.
  458. >You saw that you were surrounded by mares of various colors, Twilight in the center.
  459. Where…?
  460. >You looked up and saw him.
  461. >Being hugged and healed by the Princess herself.
  462. >You looked back to the now slowly approaching mares
  463. >Your chest and stomach are burned, your ribs are shattered, and that axe kick may have given you a concussion.
  464. >But still you rise.
  465. I won’t be caged again.
  466. >They all stopped, save for two.
  467. >The white one and a yellow one with pink hair.
  468. >After whispering something to her friend the white one steps back.
  469. >The yellow one lifts off slowly bringing herself to eyelevel with you.
  470. >”You poor thing.”
  471. >She then flies to you and wraps you in a hug by your neck.
  472. >”What they forced you to do, and the conditions you lived in. It is no wonder you’d be willing to do something like that to be free of this place.”
  473. >You stood there shocked as she hugged you while nuzzling your shoulder
  474. >You couldn’t believe after trying to murder her friend’s brother she’d just do this
  475. >You couldn’t believe that she would even care about you.
  476. >No one cares about you.
  477. >Then your whole experience comes rushing back.
  478. >Being innawoods with your dad and bro, hunting deer.
  479. >Bringing down that 5 point buck.
  480. >The bear that rushed your dad.
  481. >How you missed it, too scared of hitting your father.
  482. >How it chased after you.
  483. >How it caught you.
  484. >How some lion-scorpion thing dispatched it.
  485. >How that animal tasted after using all of your buckshot on it.
  486. >How a bunch of horses caught you naked after you washed all the blood off of yourself and your clothes
  487. >How you don’t even know if you’ll ever see your father again.
  488. >Without thinking you wrap an arm around the little yellow mare.
  489. I just want to go home.
  490. >You don’t cry, but tears pour from your eyes all the same.
  491. >The white one and pink one approach as you finally allow your battered body to come off of its adrenalin rush, and you sink to the ground.
  492. >They are at your sides and join in on the hug, careful to avoid your broken ribs.
  493. I just want to go home to my family.
  494. >The orange one approaches and puts a hoof on your shoulder.
  495. Why can’t I go home.
  496. >Then it happens, what should’ve happened years ago.
  497. >You cry.
  498. >You cry, and mourn your lost life.

Ain't Life Beautiful

by PoppedAnon

Random Superpower Anon: Tattoo Creation

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Anon Teaching

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By Blood and Friendship

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Courage, Wisdom, Power, and Harmony

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