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Like Mom used to Make

By PoppedAnon
Created: 2023-09-05 19:09:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >And you're almost done
  3. >The imported ham has been slowly cooking for hours.
  4. >You doubt you needed a ham this big for your primarily vegetarian guests, but you need to do this right.
  5. >Just like Mom would've.
  6. >After marinating the ham you close the oven and move to dicing the green onions that will go into the mashed potatoes.
  7. >"I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with mah own eyes."
  8. >You quickly turn to see Applest pony holding a bag of presumably the apples your ordered.
  9. >Without answering you grab the bag out of her mouth and separate the reds from the Granny Smiths.
  10. >With what is now a well practiced knife stroke you cut the stem and butt of the apple, core it and cut it into thin circles.
  11. >You repeat that for every green apple, before opening the oven and laying the slices onto the ham.
  12. >You core and quarter the reds and set them into a crust-lined tin that was already half filled with the sweet filler made up of brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
  13. >"What's all that stuff in the pie tin? Never seen no apple pie that looks like that."
  14. >As you gently stir the mix, you reply, "Pie filling, gives a tart contrast to the apple flavor."
  15. >"Contrast? Sounds like Rares, issat the same reason ya'll got onions and butter in your taters?"
  16. >Remembering that your mashed potatoes have been sitting for a bit, you turn to stir them so they don't get burnt to the bottom of the pot. Only to see Applejack stirring them with a spoon in her mouth.
  17. >With that no longer a concern you take the asparagus out of the fridge and break off the bottoms
  18. >"Hiya Nonny! Looks like Mrs. Cake won that bet with Mr. Cake! Whatcha bakin? OH! I have the rolls! They're all buttery and sweet and mmm mmm good! Oh no! That pie doesn’t even have any crust on it, Auntie Pinkie will take care of it. Mmm! Smells sweet and spicy, cinnamon and nutmeg? I can’t wait to taste it!” as she spoke she pulled out a pristine ball of dough from her mane and began flattening it with a rolling pin.
  19. Thanks, Pinkie.
  20. >You’ve been here far too long when you can understand every word and action that was just performed by the upbeat mare.
  21. >You toss the asparagus into a colander, and place the colander into a large pot with a small amount of boiling water and set a top on the two to steam them.
  22. >You bent down and pulled out the ham again to pour another layer of marinate on it, and sighed happily as it looked just a bit closer to the image in your mind’s eye.
  23. >You then felt a very delicate tap on your shoulder.
  24. >You turned to see Fluttershy, who immediately looked away.
  25. >”Um...I-I got all of the decorations you needed, it wasn’t hard or anything. My animal friends were a big help.”
  26. “Thank you very much Fluttershy”, you punctuated your statement by giving her mane a couple soft strokes.
  27. >”Y-you’re welcome.” she relaxes for a moment before looking panicked and taking two steps back “I-I-I’ll go help Rarity set them up, bye.”
  28. >Cute.
  29. >You turn to the pie to see Pinkie placing the crust perfectly on the top
  30. >You turn to the mashed potatoes to see Applejack, adding a bit of pepper before resuming her stirring
  31. >Your ham is well glazed and only has about ten minutes left before it is perfect.
  32. >The asparagus needs little maintenance.
  33. >The decorations and rolls are taken care of, so you get started on making the gravy for your mashed potatoes.
  34. >You don’t notice your own smile
  35. >…
  36. >You started hours ago.
  37. >The pace was hectic and you were unable to take a break.
  38. >Macaroni, mashed potatoes, asparagus, string beans, ham, apple pie, peach cobbler, gravy.
  39. >It was as perfect as you could make it, and you don’t think your pony friends would miss another meat dish.
  40. >You were exhausted, and empathized a little more with your mom always laying out on the couch after one plate.
  41. >Just as you went to set the table, all of the food disappeared in a series of purple flashes
  42. >You turn around, in shock and with your temper rising to see a smiling Twilight.
  43. >”Don’t worry Anon, I made sure to map out the perfect place for each dish placement”
  44. >Seeing that it wasn’t that fuckhead Discord trying to turn your hard work into whatever stupid bullshit his prop comedy warranted you cooled down immediately.
  45. >The beginnings of a scowl fades, quickly.
  46. Thanks, Twilight.
  47. >You walk out of the kitchen to see all your friends already seated.
  48. >And more importantly every dish, steaming hot, perfectly placed.
  49. >Cutlery, and plates float about in a series of blue auras as each plate is made and set at each place.
  50. >”You've done more than enough work for today, dear Anonymous. You just sit back and relax and enjoy this wondrous feast you've made for us.”
  51. >You take a seat at the head of the table, just in time for a plate consisting of one of each dish including two servings of ham settles down before you.
  52. >Each mare is seated, looking at you in anticipation.
  53. >”Well Anon, is there anything else to this holiday of yours?” Twilight asks, scroll and quill floating beside her.
  54. >The memories come floating back, and you reach out and grab the hooves of the closest mares.
  55. Now we each join hands, and hooves, and state something that we are immensely thankful for.
  56. >Immediately Pinkie's hoof flies in the air, “Ohh ohh, can I go first?”
  57. >With no disagreement from the energetic mare she grabs Applejack's and Twilight's hoof.
  58. >”I'm thankful for all of the bright smiles and super fun parties I was able to share with my friends.”
  59. >Smiling, Applejack continues, “I'm thankful for the great crop that came in this year, and fer mah family and friends' help in making the farm run right smooth.”
  61. >Flush-faced and staring at her plate, Fluttershy hesitates.
  62. >So from across the table from Applejack, Twilight speaks up.
  63. >”I'm thankful for my friends, all that we share and everything that done to help me become the mare I am today.”
  64. >Next to her Rarity piques for a second before starting, “I am very thankful for my successes, in business and in life, and for my friends being able to share in my joy.”
  65. >Finding her courage Fluttershy finally speaks,”I-I'm thankful that we were able to overcome all of the hardships put before us.”
  66. >And in a voice so quiet you're not sure you actually heard it, [spoiler]“And I'm thankful a colt is finally holding my hoof.”[/spoiler]
  67. And I'm thankful that I was able to share a piece of my culture with those most important to me. Thank you, all of you, for indulging me in this.
  68. >They all voice their approval, Pinkie even cheering.
  69. >”Well shoot, it was worth it to see you act like a proper colt fer once.” Applejack says as she eats a spoonful of mashed potatoes.
  70. >”Darling, don't be so crass. Anonymous is a perfect gentlecolt, this just showcases his diamond in the rough nature.” Rarity replies cutting a sprig of asparagus.
  71. >”Well I think he is a great cook! You should come work at SCC sometime Nonny!” Pinkie says excitedly putting two pieces of pie on her plate.
  72. >You close your eyes and smile, reveling in the all too familiar friendly banter.
  73. >In your reverie an urge overtakes you, and almost as if music is playing you sing
  74. Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness.
  75. Sowing in the noontide, and the dewy eve.
  76. Waiting for the harvest, and the time of reaping, we shall come rejoicing, bringing in the sheaves...

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