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Hero of the Home Front

By PoppedAnon
Created: 2023-09-05 20:29:54
Updated: 2023-09-05 20:30:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >Rarity gets drafted into war
  2. Jesus, real combat would chew her up and spit her out all mangled. If by some miracle she didn’t die she’d never be the same again from the PTSD
  5. >Though she was just a seamstress with big dreams Rarity was drafted all the same
  6. >You raged, bargained, and eventually wept as she answered the call
  7. >You offered to join, in any capacity but without a cutiemark they couldn't risk you even as a nurse.
  8. >The only solace you had was the letters you received every couple months
  9. >Eventually the letters stopped
  10. >For a full year you received no word.
  11. >Until you received a letter that Rarity's troop had been captured.
  12. >You slept little, ate less.
  13. >Eventually less scrupulous mares started to attempt to 'comfort' you.
  14. >The nicest of them received a glare that could strike fear into Queen Nightmare Moon herself.
  15. >Until there was a body before you, you wouldn't entertain the idea that Rarity had fallen.
  16. >And even then, you wouldn't forsake her for another.
  17. >Soon the war was over.
  18. >Declared a victory
  19. >Mares started pouring back in.
  20. >First those who were no worse for wear, but glad to be with their stallions and foals
  21. >Then, those who were injured.
  22. >Some were barely recognized as the ponies they were
  23. >Still no word of your dearest.
  24. >Last came the flag covered coffins.
  25. >Those who gave all, who should be celebrated as heroes.
  26. >It didn't stop the stallions from wailing at their losses
  27. >...even then
  28. "No body, no death..."
  29. >The mantra kept you safe, sane.
  30. >It was the only hope you had in your life
  31. >A month after the coffins you received a letter.
  32. >"To the husband of Mare-at-arms RARITY, we are to inform you that your wife RARITY has been promoted to Dame Commander of the Equestrian Empire for her.."
  33. "I don't give a shit, is she ok?!"
  34. >You frantically scan the letter, not caring who saw that you shouted at the scroll.
  35. >When a particular sentence crossed your eyes you felt the icy claws of terror seize your heart.
  36. >"...shall be returned to you in one fortnight.
  37. >'The living are sent, not returned'
  38. >Anger flared at the thought, then sorrow.
  39. >Drops dotted the scroll before you balled it up and threw it away.
  40. "No body no death!", you say like a prayer.
  42. >...
  43. >Two weeks later you sat at the train station.
  44. >With some other stallions awaiting loves, sisters and daughters.
  45. >You saw the occasional familiar face.
  46. >" 'Non", Macintosh said to you with a nod.
  47. >You returned the gesture, Rarity and his sister had been longtime friends.
  48. >They, of course, had been in the same platoon.
  49. >He had to be going through the same torture as you have.
  50. >You'd just been too worried and self-involved to think about it
  51. "How's Applebloom?", it's such a nothing question, but it is all you have to try and reestablish a connection that you've neglected.
  52. >He snorts, "School, wantin' ta be here."
  53. >'But I'm not sure if I could keep strong if AJ doesn't walk off that train', you mentally finish for the stallion.
  54. >"Sweetie Belle?" he asks, seeming to realize that he also had a part in the decayed relationship
  55. "Yeah, she's at school too making a wreath for her out of violets. Rarity was right about it being good practice for magic dexterity."
  56. >He looked on for a moment, before nodding.
  57. >"Eeyup, imagine she's got right skilled."
  58. >You nod back to him, some of the anxiety lifted by the simple talk.
  59. >For a quarter hour the two of you sat in silence, only moving when the royal train from Canterlot pulled into the station
  60. >As usual the first things unloaded were the coffins, of which there were thankfully only two.
  61. >After they passed you, you felt lower than garbage at your relief as Bon Bon beat on a coffin with a lyre on the top of it. Grinding her teeth and trying to suppress the sobs.
  62. >"All you had to do was keep your bucking head low and play your lyre! Nopony needed to know you could fight!"
  63. >After a few mares walk out you notice that they are worse for wear, and some are familiar.
  64. >The rainbow-haired one had a prosthetic wing as she walked up to hug her two parents.
  65. >She has a deep, marring scar over her eye. Luckily it wasn't deep enough to damage it
  66. >After a couple others, Macintosh squeals and nearly tackles his sister as she walks out
  68. >"Easy Big Mac, this dang 'ol metal leg ain't as strong as mah old one. Is tha farm doin' alright?"
  69. >He doesn't answer, only crying and hugging the orange mare tightly
  70. >His unreserved joy and relief is infectious.
  71. >"Aww come on ya big lug. We're blockin' the other mares."
  72. >He only moves when Aj does, seemingly fearful that she'd disappear if he let go of her.
  73. >When they're able to leave the train the other girls aren't put off at all, and are happy for their sister-in-arms.
  74. >One after another they file out, tearful reunions are had, but Rarity isn't to be seen.
  75. >It takes some time, but the last of the soldiers from Ponyville walk out.
  76. >The last one, a grey mare with crossed eyes, hugs Time Turner for a few moments to address the crowd.
  77. >The crowd you notice only now hasn't dispersed at all
  79. >All of the mares stop and turn to the grey one stiffly.
  80. >Training takes hold and all emotion is wiped clean off of their faces as she turns to the door way and salutes.
  81. >A dainty, pure white, perfectly hoofacured hoof delicately steps onto the platform
  82. >Every soldier in the crowd salutes as one.
  83. >"Come now, darlings. We're far from the front, and Canterlot. If you must insist, 'Miss Rarity' shall be more than adequate.
  84. >With the exception of an eyepatch and a perfectly maintained sword, it looks like she never left
  85. >Her mane was done in her favorite coiffure, and shimmered in the sun.
  86. >She wore two thick stockings on her rear hooves too, but even they were perfectly made and tailored.
  87. "R- rare bear?", you voice quivered afraid that you were talking to a hallucination.
  88. >She turned to you and smiled wide before trotting to you and wrapping you in a hug and giving you a chaste kiss.
  89. >Her eyes shimmer as she looks at you, her ear flicks as she turns to the crowd. Still locked in salute.
  90. >"Oh for sun's- at ease everypony," she says rolling her eye. "Honestly, you organize one little rebellion."
  92. >"Y'all saved our flanks, Rares. And took punishments t'wert yers ta take. I reckon yer, never gonna hear the end of thissun."
  93. >You wrap your arms around her, unable to believe that even missed a spa trip.
  94. "I'm just glad you're ok, after the letters stopped I didn't know what to think."
  95. >She nuzzles your cheek, "Well, I'm here now, and Equestria is safe at last.", she plants a kiss under your chin. "And I have missed you dearly."
  96. >...
  97. >From there, stories are shared, glasses are raised, toasts shared, the celebration spanned the entire town as closure came for everypony in the town.
  98. >Rarity was at the center of it all.
  99. >After the girls were captured they weren't treated kindly.
  100. >The torturers tried to make the ponies choose the victim, but Rarity volunteered for all of them she could endure.
  101. >All the while gathering intel on the layout of the camp and making an escape plan by dropping gems in key locations.
  102. >In the dead of night the troop could escape, but led by Rarity they opted to stay and fight.
  103. >This way the rest of the captured ponies would be saved too.
  104. >The fighting was hard, and those who weren't suffering from their injuries were half starved.
  105. >Rarity, constantly tried to change the subject but every pony who was captured wouldn't allow a moment where Rarity's heroics weren't exalted.
  106. >...
  107. >"Finally home!" Rarity sighs, worn out from the party
  108. "I can't believe they're still going out there."
  109. >"Oh, Pinkamina wanted to throw a party for ages, no doubt it'll be still going on when the sun rises."
  110. "The war is finally over for the rest of us. There's a lot to celebrate" you say as you bend to kiss your mare on the top of her head.
  111. >"Mmm, shower first, dearest. I smell like sweat, frosting, and cider." She says returning the kiss and setting the sword on the table.
  113. >She trots upstairs and shortly after you hear the shower start.
  114. >Minutes after a lewd thought crosses your mind as you walk up the stairs.
  115. >"AAH!" Rarity shouts as you hear her tumble
  116. >The million worries that you had over the past 18 months come rushing back as you sprint up the stairs to the bathroom.
  117. >You open the door to see Rarity laying in the tub, struggling to gain her footing.
  118. >You look again, and see her struggling to put her legs on.
  119. "The stockings..."
  120. >"Anonymous?! Wait, no! Ah!" She slips again as she tries to hide herself from view, forgetting she doesn't have rear legs to support her
  121. >You rush to her side and grasp her body, before she can slip again.
  122. >"Please, don't see me like this." She says quietly.
  123. >Despite the constant fear and worry having you fall neatly into your new gender role, you're at a loss of what to do.
  124. >So you default to what you know.
  125. >You kiss Rarity deeply, and hug her close.
  126. >She searches your face for something, maybe pity, maybe disgust.
  127. >'She'll find neither.'
  128. >Without hesitating you grab one of the metallic legs
  129. "What do you need me to do, Rare Bear?"
  130. >She looks away for a moment, before replying, "Just hold it against my rear left leg, I have the spell to attach it."
  131. >You do so and watch as the machinery near the tops twists before stopping and being covered with thin plating meant to shield the inner workings.
  132. >"Same with the other."
  133. >Once again, you grab a leg and hold it against where her former leg ends near the bottom of her thigh.
  134. >"Anonymous, I'd understand if-"
  135. >You cut her off, not allowing the treacherous thought to take root.
  136. "You're my wife, and I just got you back. If you think that I'd do anything but stay by your side then you've been gone too long.
  137. >She looks up at you and smiles before hugging your neck and giving you a deep kiss.
  138. >"You're right, dearest. I've been away for far too long to think that."
  140. >>32921663 (You)
  141. Oh god, what was Sweetie Belle doing this entire time? If she's still in Ponyville, does that mean Anon's been taking care of her this entire time?
  143. >Since the war started Mom and Dad have stopped their Equestria wide tour.
  144. >We permanently moved back to Ponyville.
  145. >Which was great because Rarity and Anon were here.
  146. >And Applebloom, and Scootaloo, and everypony.
  147. >This place is much more fun than Mineighsota.
  148. >Soon enough though, Rarity had to go to fight too.
  149. >Anonymous was really mad when he found out,he tried to volunteer
  150. >As a guy nurse, or a cook.
  151. >But when he came back he said they couldn't take anypony without a cutie mark.
  152. >You wish you could go with your sister to help protect Equestria.
  153. >But she said you were too young, and had a more important job.
  154. >"I need you to watch over my dearest. Enemies and bad ponies will try to do mean things to him, and he'll need protection."
  155. "Sure thin-, I mean 'Yes, ma'am!'" you say with a proper salute.
  156. >She saluted you back and you haven't seen her since.
  157. >There were letters, though.
  158. >You and Anonymous would read them together.
  159. >You visit every day you can, you don't even play that much with Applebloom or Scoots anymore outside of school.
  160. >Your mission is more important than playtime.
  161. >Diamond Tiara thought your sister just told you that because you were a little foal.
  162. >But you know better, you saw a bad pony try to make Anonymous her boyfriend.
  163. >Even after he said he was married!
  164. >"Look at you looking so sweet. Come on by my place, I'll make you feel sweeter." the orange mare in the striped dress and oversized sun hat said.
  165. >"Not interested, I'm married." Anon said as soon as she was done talking.
  166. >Now she finally looks at you and you don't shake at all when she does, "To her? No? Where's your wife then? I wouldn't leave you alone sweet thing..."
  167. >"She's on the front line, with braver mares than you." Anon was hard to understand, he sounded like an angry timberwolf.
  168. >At his anger you remember yourself, and the mission Rarity gave you.
  169. "Yeah! My big sister is a mare-at-arms and tough and brave, and I won't let you try and make my brother your coltfriend."
  171. >You sounded really feminine, but that only made the bad mare smile wider.
  172. >"So...she isn't here to protect ya then..? Sounds like no mare to me. Come on, I know a stallion's got needs same as a mare." she says approaching slowly
  173. >'Oh no, shes going to do mean things like Rarity said!'
  174. >You don't have your super realistic Jane Eagle sword, so you have to find something else
  175. "Lady, if you take another damn step." Anonymous says with a snarl.
  176. >'I guess this big stick will do.'
  177. >With all the magical strength you had you wap the mare good on her back.
  178. "Stop trying to do mean thin-", she turns to you looking real mad.
  179. >Before you know it a hoof hits your chin and knocks you away, "Hit the bricks, kid. I'm trying to get filled over her- AH!"
  180. >Anon struck her on top of her head and she fell hard into the dirt.
  181. >"Ah, you bastard.. and here I was tryin' to be all nic-" you bring the stick down hard on her head right in front of her ears.
  182. "Don't call my brother bad names!" your roar just like Dame Lancelot from your books would.
  183. >"Come on Sweetie Belle," Anonymous lifts you up and runs away, carrying you ponyback.
  184. >Your chin hurt really bad, but Anonymous kissed it and baked you cookies as thanks.
  185. >He takes you home after the sun sets, and you walk beside him with your head held high.
  186. >When you told your mom about it, she gave you a big hug and was really proud of you.
  187. >Dad was super worried, and after he gave you some ice for the swelling asked Anon to stay overnight.
  188. >After a bit of Dad's 'I'd be really sad if you didn't' face as Mom calls it, Anon agreed.
  189. >All the girls wondered what happened when they saw your bruised chin, and you told them about how you protected your brother from a bad pony.
  190. >Ms. Cheerilee reported it, and you had to talk to the guards and everything.
  191. >One of them even let you hold a real sword while you were at the guard post.
  192. >'Now who's a little foal Diamond Tiara?'
  194. >Just like that you were the coolest girl in school.
  195. >Both Button Mash and Rumble wanted to be your boyfriend.
  196. >You told them, 'no', though.
  197. >Firstly because boys were dumb, but you didn't say that because it would've been mean
  198. >Mostly it was because you couldn't do the kind of marefriend stuff that Rarity does with Anonymous if you're going to be a good Dame protecting her charge.
  199. >Now you made sure to take your Jane Eagle sword with you everywhere you went, you never know when danger may strike.
  200. >After a month you got a package from Queen Daybreaker herself.
  201. >It was Rarity's sword, Anon was really scared for a bit but it said that Rarity uses a different one now and wanted you to have it.
  202. >Like everything Rarity owned it was really pretty, and even had a gem in the middl- hilt!
  203. >When you picked it up, it was amazing, and a little scary.
  204. >It was so easy to hold, easier even than your toy sword.
  205. "This is what Rarity used to protect Equestria..."
  206. >It felt, wrong to swing it around like you would a toy.
  207. >You looked over to your mom who was reading the letter meant for her and Dad.
  208. "Hey Mom," she looked up from reading, "Can we put this up somewhere? Like a rack or something, it doesn't feel right to play with this."
  209. >Mom smiled really big like when she was at Rarity's wedding.
  210. >"Look at how responsible my filly is becoming don'tyaknow... Sure Sweetie Bell, you can even help make it."
  211. >You, Mom, and Anonymous spend the day making the sword rack.
  212. >Mom said that she'll each you how to wield one with a friend from the crossbow range every weekend.
  213. >Dad didn't like that part, until Mom told him that I'll be safer if I know how to fight the bad ponies like a real mare.
  214. >Anon smiled and agreed, but it didn't look like a happy smile.
  215. >Most of Anon's smiles don't look happy when you thought about it.
  216. >He must miss Rarity, a lot of ponies look like that when they think of those who left.
  217. "Anon must think of sis a lot..." you say to yourself.
  219. >After the letters stopped, things got worse with Anonymous.
  220. >You tried your best, but you're not Rarity and Rarity was all Anon wanted.
  221. >Dad was doing pretty bad too, but at least he had Mom and you to make him feel better.
  222. >He walked slower, and got skinnier.
  223. >More than once you'd have to double back because Anon would just stop in the middle of a walk and just look at the ground.
  224. >You try to tell him to stop believing Rarity died, she was smart and tough.
  225. >He would smile, he would laugh, he would agree, but he would still look tired and sad.
  226. >It made you sad.
  227. >You wanted to stop going over there, because of how sad it always made you feel.
  228. >But Rarity gave you a mission, and Dames don't quit their mission just because it gets tough.
  229. >So you try to get him to do other stuff, like swim or read or anything.
  230. >But it looks like he is just losing all of his color and life.
  231. >You're determined to make him feel better, but nothing you do works.
  232. >Your frustration brought you to tears once, Anonymous held you, cried, and apologized to you.
  233. >You practice using swords, and crossbows every weekend.
  234. >It is like leaving a dark cave and playing in the sun when you're not in Anon's house.
  235. >And it hurts that you think that.
  236. >It hurts that your brother can be so sad.
  237. >You thought it would be better when Derpy delivered an official letter from the thrones.
  238. >It said that Rarity was brave and saved a whole battalion of ponies!
  239. She was even promoted to Dame Commander of the empire since she turned the war around by freeing so many behind enemy lines.
  240. "Rarity might have single-hoofedly won the war!"
  241. >You felt so proud of her and glad she would come home
  242. >When you took it inside and gave it to Anon, hoping this would finally pull him out of his sadness.
  243. >"I don't give a shit, is she ok?!" Anon screamed at the letter crying.
  244. >It look like he skipped the whole thing and then he balled the thing up and whispered to it, "No body no death.."
  245. >He said that a lot, you wish he believed it.
  247. >Two weeks after the letter was sent, and you were in school.
  248. >You were practicing your magic dexterity just like Rarity said you should. By making wreaths.
  249. >Apparently that's how she got so good using a bunch of weapons.
  250. >Mom's friend, Glittering Arsenal, said that she taught Rarity the wreath thing because she liked artistic stuff and making things.
  251. >Rarity practiced so much on wreaths, bird nests, and even sewing that no weapon was outside of her ability to learn.
  252. >Since every weapons ever falls into, 'put metal bits there'.
  253. >You wish you were at the station with the adults.
  254. >Ms. Cheerilee does too, but she said that learning was important.
  255. >'Just because this war was won, doesn't mean there won't be others. Strong mares won fights, smart mares won wars.' were her words.
  256. >To say you were popular was the understatement of the century.
  257. >News had spread that Rarity had been the one who lead a big jailbreak and was able to hit the back lines of the enemy army clearing the way for the entire army to march on their capital and force an unconditional surrender.
  258. >Rarity was a greater war hero than Dame Lancelot herself.
  259. >...
  260. >After school the entire town was already in the middle of a huge party
  261. >You see Rarity sitting at a table surrounded by mares cheering for her
  262. "Sis! You're finally back!" you yell running to her.
  263. >She turns and smiles, "Sweetie, darling. Come here, come here."
  264. >The mares part and let you through giving you pats on the back and the occasional flank slap.
  265. >"Mom and Dad already told me, how much you've done looking after Anonymous. Thank you, little sister. I knew I left my dearest in the right hooves." she said hugging you with one arm.
  266. "I'm so glad you're back, Anon was so sad with you gone. He doesn't even act like a janefilly anymore." you say
  267. >"I'm not the same mare I was either, but time together will fix both of us." she says nodding.
  269. >She leans and pulls a dagger with a pink hilt from her stocking.
  270. >"Now, this has been blunted, but it is still no toy. After I've spent some time with my husband I'll show you how to maintain it and eventually how to sharpen it."
  271. >She gives you another hug and then separates.
  272. >"Thank you Sweetie Belle, it was easier for me on the front knowing that Anonymous was safe."
  273. >You rub the back of your neck bashful at the praise from the mare who is going to be in every history book in the world for what she did.
  274. >You then remember yourself, and give a crisp salute.
  275. "Mission accomplished, ma'am!"
  276. >Some of the other mares laughed, but it wasn't mockingly
  277. >"At ease, and well done, soldier." Rarity says looking at you with a wide smile and returning the salute.

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