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Old Mare's Tale

By PoppedAnon
Created: 2023-09-05 20:40:50
Expiry: Never

  1. >Despite the scene of the battle the most dominating sound was a series of pretty chiming.
  2. >Like a small glass bell being rang by an eager filly as the powerful magical barrier was finally beginning to strain under the combined assault.
  3. >”See now, my sisters, his boasts of invulnerability art merely boasts!”, the armored earth pony stallion shouted to his compatriots’ delight.
  4. >His plated armor was well worn and thoroughly tested from the battles leading up to this confrontation, but it still managed to gleam in the moonlight.
  5. >The diamond armor, enchanted to buckle rather than break was inlaid with mithril so deeply enchanted that it glowed gold rather than its usual silvery hue, and adorned with emeralds matching his bright green coat. Used to protect him from all manner of spell and attack. Though a stallion, there was no fear to be found in the earth pony. Only righteous fury.
  6. >His blade, “Awreak” named for its purpose, was pristine despite not having a single touch of magic upon it. There was no enchantment, rune, or blessing upon the blade. Nor would there ever be, for the blade was made of purely of wrought iron. Anathema to all magic and spellcraft. Forged by the stallion himself, the hilt crafted from a branch from one of the harmony blessed trees from the Everfree fields, and wrapped with the blonde mane of his alpha. Who had long fallen to the vile ram.
  8. >”Ho, sister!” said the robed white unicorn to her pegasus kin, “Thy valorous strategy may yet bear fruit!”
  9. >Conversely her adornments had yet to become less than splendid with even mundane dust and debris. Not for a lack of courage in engaging the enemy, but due to her great healing magic healing even the star-spider silk robes to such a degree that they were all as fresh as the day the spider-queen gifted them to the worthy mare.
  10. >They offered no protection, not even from the elements so. Even the hood that hid all her features save a white muzzle and a lock of her pink mane did little else.
  11. >What they did offer was a constant flow of magic from the aether winds into herself. She feared no blade, curse, disease, or venom. Such was the strength of her healing magic that she was warded against death itself, and could never die in a singular strike.
  12. >Her unique weapon, a simple sash filled with enchantments and tipped with the stingers of manticores, the teeth of a basilisk, and the fangs of a chimera’s serpent on both ends, so chosen since her restorative spells would passively keep the venom flowing long after being separated from their former owners.
  13. >The terrible poisons individually were capable of corroding flesh, stone, and magic. However, combined they could give death to the deathless. A deadly weapon in the hooves of the unicorn and a final countermeasure against corruption. For should some curse or hex manage to slip by her thousands of defenses and compromise either the spirit or mind of the mare the sash will plunge the teeth into her barrel flooding her veins and ending her life instantly.
  14. >True invulnerability was a detrimental weakness and an ever-corrupting force, proven by the monster choosing to remain on his seat of power and ignore the turning tide of the battle. The very weakness that was currently being exploited, and like all weaknesses she was warded against it.
  16. >The deep cobalt pegasus huffed as she darted around the old ram, “Hmph. Dark magic or no a colt is a colt, even hideous misshapen ones such as this abomination. Should they ever stray from the path of Harmony the firm hoof of a mare is all one needs to remind them of their place” the mare replied as she harassed the shield from every angle looking for an opening or mere weakness.
  17. >Her twin blades were of platinum make. An impressive feat itself. The metal being critically rare, the largest single source of it on the planet being in her very hooves. The second largest being the sewing needles of the star-spider queen.
  18. >The blades were made for disruption of magic instead of destruction. Many griffin thunderbirds, minotaur rune-casters, and zebra witch-doctors had fallen when their defenses had been cut through and their terrible spells were turned back onto them.
  19. >Even now the mare darted to catch every terrible black bolt fired by the ram only to redirect it to his shield. Though the daggers were almost worthless physically, which was preferential. Should she ever consider using any weapon instead of wing and hoof to dispatch a non-spellweaver she would clip her wings in shame.
  20. >While it could be said that she had very little in the way of weaponry, she had much less in the way of armor.
  21. >She was nearly naked, relying on the changing winds to warn her of any incoming attack. Scorning protection and relying purely on her abilities, as pegasi honor demanded of those in the ranks of leadership. The only adornment she had was a single silver locket, a gift from their father, containing a family portrait painted by their mother shrunken to fit with magic.
  23. >Soon the chimes gave way to the distinct sound of a barrier shattering, like a hundred wind chimes caught in a gust
  24. >Twas the sound of hope.
  25. >As he perfected the weaving of his baleful magic he had long enchanted his flesh to be the hardest of stone found only in the core of the world.
  26. >The binding left him immobile, but he was able to act through his thousand score minions.
  27. >”Ponies. Always hopeful until the last of your light is snuffed out. Even in my all-encompassing power I cannot weave a curse as terrible as hope. In less than a minute the Queen of Bones shall return from the front. Tell- ARGH!!” the villain’s words were cut off by a roar as he felt real pain for the first time in centuries.
  28. >Cold iron cared not for the ram’s words nor enchantments as Awreak bit into him.
  29. >”Ha! Tis an arrogant fool who tells his foes how long until his defenses arrive. Thank Harmony for prideful imbeciles End his affront to Harmony, my sisters!” the stallion yelled defiantly.
  30. >Iron clashed against stoneskin finding purchase as the ever reinforcing enchantments were dismantled and destroyed. The bolts of darkness were coming faster, though still unable to match the speed of the pegasus who flung them all back to the goat forcing him to fret over his attacks as well as his defenses.
  31. >”Be more focused in thy strikes, brother. Thou needs to find flesh, even a spot shalt end this war and this fiend.” the unicorn said, stabbing the teeth into the rocky hide. Wielding her sash as though they were claws dousing the goat in the powerful venom.
  32. Still the rock dissolves only to find more rock.
  34. >”You shall serve, but you have earned the right to not be mindless minions. You will stare out of the windows of your eyes and watch as your strength and skill is used to decimate your homes, devastate your families, and ravage your lands. Your souls will sc-” the goat gasped as he bled, quickly weaving spells to shift the enchantment to cover the hole before the unicorn could strike true.
  35. “YOU WILL FALL, AND YOUR DEATHS WILL ONLY BE THE BEGINNING OF YOUR TORMENT!” he roared walls of his citadel quaking at his anger.
  36. >”Just like every one of you vile stallions bluster about your might ‘till it is tested, then you scream as though it inspires fear in any but yourself, you shall not see another sunrise you fatherless harlot!” the pegasus boasted as she tore at the fabric of the spell like a cat in a wardrobe.
  37. >“My beloved wil-” the green stallion started before he went silent and slumping to the ground, behind him stood the skeletal form of an armored diamond dog bitch. The former queen of the gem-rich Cliffs of Rover.
  38. >She had led the first strikes against the monster, and paid dearly.
  39. >”Flee!” above the form of their brother stood a pony that glowed golden said in their brother’s voice. Though it couldn't be, since their brother had been a simple earth pony while this being had both wings and a horn.
  40. >There were only scant few seconds to ruminate before the soul of their brother exploded knocking back the queen and melting some of her arrmor to her bones. However there was no pain to make the dog hesitate
  41. >”Sister, we must fall back!” the pegasus called as she wove out of range of the giant mace. The pegasus pulled at her final family member, who ran after her.
  42. >”Forgive me, brother. Forgive us all...” she said mournfully knowing that should they return their dear brother would be fighting alongside their current pursuer.
  43. >He would be denied Elysium, tortured until broken and turned against those he loved.
  44. >The unicorn’s gallop slowed
  46. >She blinked and felt the pull of the aether, and heard the voice of one she hadn’t heard in far too long.
  47. >”Are you seriously fucking running?” the voice chastised. Not angrily, only shocked.
  48. >”Father, I cannot touch the iron with my magic and I lack the hoof skill my brother has...had.” the unicorn replied
  49. >”You’re still thinking of- For Christ’s fucking sake, CC that faggot just killed your brother! Little more important than a damn sword.” the voice yelled, frustrated at her priorities.
  50. >”But father I cannot return life to the lifeless, it is beyond me and goes against the teachings of Harmony. And without the sword I wouldn’t have the opportunity to even try” she says unable to meet his glare.
  51. >He sighs, and the unicorn feels him stroke her mane like when she was a filly. Like every time it brought her deep comfort, “Celestial Chorus, nothing is beyond you. Nor Lunar Grace, and not Junior. You wouldn’t be so close if you couldn’t win.” he says tenderly.
  52. >”Without AJ to distract him and burn away his magic Grogar could-” she is cut off
  53. >”Is it worse than leaving your brother to his mercy?” he asked, rhetorically.
  54. >The thought of that bastard laying a hoof one your brother fills your throat with bile, and your heart with fury. You don’t even try to hide it.
  55. >He nods approvingly, “I love you CC. Now show some grit, seize the day and save the world.”
  57. >Great white wings unfurl from under the silk robe and in one great flap the mare is propelled back to the cackling goat who is already beginning to repair his barrier. The air itself exploding outward to give way to the newly born alicorn.
  58. >She fires a blast at him, just to shut up his laughter before turning to the fallen form of her brother.
  59. >She pours golden light into him as though the sun itself is shining through her. No shields, no enchantments, no stratagems. Her task is singular.
  60. >”You fool, you imitate necromancy with harmony? Here, let me show you the right way to raise a corpse.” the ram bellowed before unleashing a torrent of darkness.
  61. >Though the darkness only lasted for a moment before a brilliant display of lights pulled themselves between the spell and herself.
  62. >She spared a glance to her sister, horn aglow as she held a hundred twinkling lights together to shield them all.
  63. >She saw past her, past the ram, through the top of the citadel a dark circle in the sea of stars in the night sky.
  64. >The dark blue alicorn had pulled the very sky to aid them.
  65. >There was a masculine gasp as their brother breathed once again. He looked shocked for a moment before remembering where he was. He grabbed the blade in his mouth and swung at the beast, shattering the nascent barrier.
  66. >At once the torrent of evil stopped as the ram screamed, his life essence flowing freely from the wound. Too focused on claiming their souls and bodies that he had neglected his own, thinking he was invulnerable.
  67. >In an instant the teeth of the sash bit deeply into the wound, poison flooding his system before his passive healing spells closed the wound, sealing his own fate.
  68. >The pained scream turned to a roar of agony as the magical poisons did their foul work.
  69. >Crystallizing the magic within Grogar, blocking his ability to absorb more magic, and shutting down all magical processes.
  70. The poison wasn’t instant and anypony with even rudimentary healing ability could cure it.
  72. >Just not the pony it was afflicting. Only those who had isolated themselves through a life outside of harmony or gorged themselves on the magic of others would fall to the venom giving the concoction its name of, ‘Nag’s Pasture’ or more recently ‘Centaur’s bane’.
  74. >The slow skeleton had finally made it’s way back, movements jerky as control and function were lost and it fell into a heap.
  75. >Grogar still seated on his throne, arrogant smirk on his motionless face exploded, blue crystallized magic pouring out of him like sapphires out of a dragon’s mouth
  76. >The stones soon turned gold and the light rushed out of them most streaking upwards to finally find peace, a lucky few in the direction of the door to bodies still intact enough to live again.
  77. >”Dark times come, but Harmony sees to her children,” the white mare says bowing her head low as her sister sends the stars back to the sky.
  78. >As the last of the lights flickered out the room glowed a golden hue, the party turned to see the golden form of the Queen’s soul above her bones.
  79. >It smiles and bows its head, “Thank you, ponies. Had We known your kind had such skill and bravery We would not have fought alone.”
  80. >”Rest now, and have no regrets Queen Blue. Red Beryl has been a just leader and a skilled warrior, thy packs are safe under her. Beryl’s bitches are a formidable force and held the line against the army of the fallen.” the former pegasus said offering the warrior queen a salute.
  81. >Blue Diamond’s smile grew from solemn to prideful, “We-.” she hesitate for a moment, “No, I. I no longer speak for my Diamond Dogs. I know, my sister and I were locked in even combat before the fel ram summoned me back.”
  83. >She gestured to the imposing mace, ”If you would, please bear “Master’s Bap” to her and tell her that I shall await her upon the Master’s porch.” her shoulders slouched and her ethereal tail tucked itself under her and for the first time, as either the Queen of Diamonds or the Queen of Bones she looked truly fearful, “Though I wish to receive His divine headpats and be allowed to play in the eternal yard, I...I do not know if Master will still see me as a good girl after this,” she squared her shoulders and forced her tail from under her, “But, even if I’m to be condemned to the Underporch I wish to see her once more. To tell her that I shall always love her, regardless of His judgment.” with that the queen’s form faded and shot up into the heavens to await her sister.
  84. >The stallion stabbed Awreak through the base of the hollow shell that was once the dread ram and into the throne that had pulled the veins of magic from the earth to flow into it.
  85. >The spell was broken and the dark throne of the foul necromancer was no more magical than the stone it was crafted from.
  86. >The band left the citadel and as they left cheers and celebration hit their ears as the warriors who had held the line won out and even some of the victims were able to return to life.
  87. >The dogs howled, the pegasi cleared the sky and danced with the griffons, unicorns shot blasts of light into the night sky, and earth ponies stripped themselves and were rolling in the earth feeling the magic flow beneath them once again. The multitude of species setting aside all claims of ownership of the earth, gems, and sky as they came together to fight and then celebrate.
  88. >Even the amassed flocks of sheep, who many first believed followed the ram willingly, bounced in joy having their free will back from Grogar’s magic.
  90. “And feeling another pull from the aether the two mares rotated the sky lowering the sun and raising the moon. The stallion seeing past the celebrating females of many species to the desolated ground, clear in the sunlight, felt a different pull. And so he pushed all his magic into the earth to return its fertility and life. Sacrificing his potential for the eternal life and power of an alicorn so that foals, puppies, lambs, and chicks alike would have grass to freely play in and graze.” I smack my lips and take a sip of my apple juice so reading comes easier, “The two mares were forever called Celestia and Luna for the skies they commanded, and were revered by all species who witnessed the horrors of Grogar. The stallion known merely as Junior who had lived a simple life compared to his sisters, and only took up the blade to avenge his first love is regarded as Anonymous Gift by the earth tribes. For he gave all with neither request nor thanks, with only his three remaining mares and the foals of the world in mind. He was survived by his children named as simply as he. His four sons were Stone, Seed, Fields, and Filch. And his two daughters Silver and Apple.”
  91. >You take a breath, age and the length of the story being all it took to wind you. You finish off your juice and smile at the classroom of foals before you, looking at you with rapt attention. Before closing the tome that is one of the few things older than your family name.
  92. >’You’ve still got it ‘ol girl.’
  95. >A familiar yellow hoof shoots into the air, and you nod towards your granddaughter
  96. >”Granny, issat “Apple” filly from tha end related to us?” Applebloom asks eyes wide.
  97. “Well, a’course she is, ain’t you ever wondered why us Apples take such pride in our family name? Ain’t no Apple that ever lived, or will live without honorin our heritage,” you give her the crazy eye knowing that spookin her a bit will make sure the message sticks, “so don’t you go bending to some colt that wants to name your youngins anything but Apple ‘ya hear?”
  98. >The filly nods quickly, just like all your grandchildren did when you told them the same.
  99. >A gray hoof raises into the air, you point to the bespectacled filly and she speaks.
  100. >” is that the same for the Silvers, ma’am?” you squint to get a better look at her.
  101. >’Her eyes look familiar, Silver Smith? No, too old, maybe Silverware? Yeah, such a cute little foal, I remember holding her as an infant. Better to ask than assume.’
  102. “Ya’ll have any relation to Silverware?” you ask tying her features to numerous ponies that you’ve know throughout your many years.
  103. >”Uh-huh!” she replies nodding happily, “That’s my mom’s name!”
  104. >You give the filly a smile and a single nod, “Yep, ya’lls kin ta us and descended from Gift.”
  105. >She bounces up and down with the type of joy and energy only the young have, “So, I’m like totally a princess! Maybe I should be the one wearing the tiara DT,” she says turning to a pinky filly actually wearing a little tiara.
  106. >You recognize her as Filthy’s little girl, one of those who thought being surly meant she would be the alpha.
  107. >Luckily it seems she learned better before she got a rude awakening in the form of a cold bed as an adult.
  110. “Don’t get carried away, youngin. Earth ponies don’t have any royalty. We always picked our leaders rather than have somepony jus be born lucky. Nobles and princesses and all that hoosafudge is a purely unicorn thing.” You roll your eyes at the thought of all you heard from your horned friends throughout life. “They’re good ponies same as anypony else, but they need a list of titles and rules to say hello to their aunt.”
  111. >Most of the foals laughed, including the unicorns. The white filly, Sweetie Belle itched the back of her head in embarrassed acknowledgment careful not to muss her mane.
  112. >She then took on a thoughtful expression, and raised her hoof.
  113. “Go ahead Sweetie Belle.”
  114. >”What about the Princesses? Did they have any foals?” she asked
  115. “Shoot, well a’course they did. Ain’t no mare born don’t get the urge to carry a foal. Forget all yer mom’s talking about choppin trees, bustin clouds, or shootin’ spells. Why, there ain’t nothin in this world more feminine than carryin a foal.” you say with a proud smile remembering your years of fecundity and how you did your part to make sure the Apple clan was the biggest familial herd in Equestria.
  116. >”Doesn’t sound very marely,” Applebloom’s orange pegasus friend says thinking your hearing is gone instead of nearly gone.
  117. “You fly every day with an extra twenty pounds of foal and fluids in your gut for eleven months, and I guarantee that by the end if it your wings will be stronger than ever before, lil missy.” you say correcting her, and subtly chastising her
  118. >’Can’t get too harsh with pegasi, ego means as much as their feathers and are just as delicate’
  121. >Next a tubby little unicorn raised his hoof.
  122. >’Looks like Escargot a little, ‘cept there’s too much of him. Downside of having a world class chef as a father I suppose.’
  123. “You there, Escargot’s boy.” you say pointing to the little fatty.
  124. >He hesitates like he wants to correct you, but thinks better of it. ”Why didn’t the princesses try to be friends with Grogar? Princess Twilight makes friends with everypony, even bad ponies.” he asks.
  125. “Because Grogar was so evil that he makes Sombra look like a kitten, and iffin I remember AJ right Twilight didn’t make friends with that one either.” you reply not needing to emphasize his eagerness to kill everypony and everybody since you just finished reading the story.
  126. >”Fillies, colts we don’t have a lot of time left. And I’m sure Mrs Smith would like to get back to her farm.
  127. “I got nowhere t’ be.” you say with complete honesty.
  128. >Teaching these young ones to appreciate what those that came before them did is the most fun you’ve had since you last scared off timberwolves with cookware.
  129. >”Yeah, well I do” she says to you quietly, “we have time for one more question. Yes, Scootaloo”
  130. >’Hm, she’s grown a bit of backbone since Mac brought in that cute Sugar Belle and made himself a real herd. Nothing like a little competition to make you plant your hooves.
  131. >”Is there a copy of that book in the library? I think Rainbow Dash would really like to read that, but I’ve never seen a book that looks like that.”
  132. >Lots of the class nodded in agreement, either approving of the question or agreeing that they’d like a copy for themselves.
  133. >You look at the book, noticing that while it is so old that it was merely bound together with bark and twine it was so new that not even the fibers of the strings were frayed in the least.
  134. >You choose to blame it on magic, magic was usually the culprit.
  138. “Nope, you won’t find this in any library, store or anywhere else. This is an Apple family heirloom, given to the firstborn mare upon the birth of her firstborn filly. Hafta make sure the line keeps going an’ all.” You heft the tome atop your back and with decades of practice balance it perfectly so it doesn’t even wobble. “Can only trust grannies with this type of responsibility.”
  139. >”And that’s all the time we have,” Cheerilee says before any other foal can try to get another question in, “Class is dismissed, Granny Smith thank you for your time.”
  140. “Twern’t nothin, Cheerie. Oh and Mac says ya’ll need some lube for the backdoor. No idea why, we’ve got plenty of oil, and the door isn’t even squeaking...”
  141. >The kids file out and Cheerilee tries to hide her blush as she shoos them out.
  142. >’Must be some sorta code for maritals, glad that boy is finally carrying on the line. Bein a granny is fine, but I want to try bein' a great granny.’
  143. >You leave the building only to see Bloom and her two friends waiting for you.
  144. >”Granny, me and the girls were about ‘ta head to Twilight’s for Twilight Time. And um...” she starts to kick her hooves a bit worried at your answer before she even asks the question.
  145. >”We were wondering if you’d let us take the book to Twilight so she can make a copy.” the pegasus says proud of her courage
  146. >”We’d be really careful, and would only go straight to Twilight’s and straight back to Sweet Apple acres, you know Twilight knows how to be careful with books.” Sweetie Belle adds, making sure to cover any details just like her sister would when she was trying to get Applejack out of trouble.
  149. >’Well nothing in the book was particularly secret, you just read a good chunk of it to a bunch of foals so you hope it wasn’t secret. Plus if anypony would take good care of a book it would be that Twilight mare. Surprised she doesn’t have a herd with books.’
  150. >You snort with laughter at the thought of Twilight cradling a small book with a horn and wings before answering
  151. “Sure,” as expected they try to rush you, but for the first time in a long long….long time you’re too fast for them “BUT absolutely no running. This thing is older than everypony, except the princesses and that’s not by much. If’n there is a single speck of dirt or a tear in that book when I get it back I’ll tan your hides, and then tan all yer mama’s hides too! Don’t think I won’t, just ask Carrot Top!”
  152. >At hearing her name in your angry voice she tucks tail and runs away as fast as her hooves will carry her.
  153. >The girls are shaking now.
  154. >’Good.’
  155. “I mean it, I’d rather the whole orchard burn down and the dirt spoiled so it only grows pears than to see this book in anything less than pristine condition! I’m trusting you three with history.”
  156. >The three gulp loudly before slowly taking the book from your back, they then all huddle together to balance it on all of their backs.
  157. >The pegasus spreading her wings for more balance and the unicorn using magic to hold it in place, they walk off stiffly careful to not let the book even rock.
  158. >You watch them leave, stern expression on your face until they turn the corner, and you’re unable to hold your laughter anymore
  159. “Better that they learn to be careful now than know that thing is loaded with protective magic and treat any which way, hee hee hee,” with the knowledge that the tome will be in no danger you head on home.

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