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Limited Warranty

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 03:15:37
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by Smudgey
  4. >Your systems activate and rouse you from your hibernation cycle.
  5. >Opening your eyes, you find it is still dark out.
  6. >If your calculations are correct, it should be just before dawn.
  7. >Perfect.
  8. >Switching over to nightvision, you grin and carefully crawl out of your bed in the hopes of not alerting your master.
  9. >Today was going to be flawless, you already had it planned out perfectly.
  10. >Stealthily making your way over to his side of the bed, you lean on the bedsheets and peer down at his sleeping face.
  11. >His mouth is wide open as he snores in his sleep, the faint glow of your systems reflecting off of him.
  12. >You hold back a giggle as your tail swishes fervently with excitement.
  13. >Leaning down, you give him a peck on the cheek.
  14. >He groans and shifts a little before falling back into slumber.
  15. >It would be best to let him rest.
  16. >He is going to need his energy reserves to be at full capacity for today.
  17. >Tucking him securely in his bedsheets, you make your way out the door and head downstairs...
  19. >Day Unexpected Maintenance in Equestria.
  20. >You are Anon.
  21. >Local toy...*ahem* "figurine" enthusiast and all around nice guy.
  22. >And fucking god is it hot today...
  23. >Peeling off your gross bed sheets as the accumulated sweat causes them to stick to your body, you sit up and yawn.
  24. >Rotating your shoulder to remove the numbness from the night before, you look over to your side expecting to see your usual companion.
  25. >But what your eyes are greeted with is the small indentation in the bed where she'd normally be.
  26. >That wasn't right, she always waited for you to wake up first every morning.
  27. >A slight nervousness over came you, prompting you to hastily put on your clothes and go look for her.
  28. >Without her, you were forced to forgo the usual morning routine, opting to head downstairs immediately.
  29. >Speed walking down the stairs, you call out to her.
  30. Honey? Are you home?
  31. >With each step the sounds of sizzling and metal tapping on metal enters yours ears more and more, followed by the pungent aroma of cooked food.
  32. >Along with the quiet sound of...singing?
  35. >A wave of relief washes over you as you step into the kitchen, taking a moment to bask in the warm atmosphere.
  36. >Having an anomaly in your usual schedule always made you nervous, so it felt good knowing everything was alright.
  37. >There stood your mare, a robot clad in purple chrome metal, wearing an adorable apron as she quietly hummed her favorite tune.
  38. >You could hear her quietly chanting out the numbers to Pi in a fun rhythm, she loved that song you taught her the most for some reason.
  39. >Lightly bobbing back and forth, she continued to cook up whatever delicious goods she had chosen to create today, skillfully lifting every tool at her disposal magnetically.
  40. >You had to go out of your way to specially acquire 100% metal cooking tools just for her, but it was certainly worth it.
  41. >Deciding to have a little fun, you quietly sneak up behind her and put your hands over her eyes.
  42. Guess who?
  43. >For a split second all the items levitating freeze momentarily before returning to their previous business.
  44. >As they continue to cook on their own, she chirps out a reply.
  45. >"I-Have-No-Possible-Solution-As-To-What-Your-Identity-Might-Be-Master."
  46. >You suddenly feel her tail brushing back and forth against your legs, betraying her attempts to hide her excitement.
  47. >Looks like the jig was up before it even started.
  48. >Hands still on her eyes, you look down at her and fake a frown.
  49. Sounds to me like you already know, that is...unless you got another master hidden around here!
  50. >You lift up her apron and pretend to look around.
  51. >She giggles and continues preparing the food as if her vision wasn't hindered at all.
  52. >"My-Apologies-Sir-It-Would-Seem-My-Deceit-Sub-Routine-Requires-Greater-Fine-Tuning."
  53. >Taking your hands off her, she ignores you as you make your way back to the dining table.
  54. How'd you guess so fast?
  55. >She begins to smirk with her back still turned to you.
  56. >"Audio-Pattern-Recognition-Software-Is-Quite-Accurate-Sir."
  57. >Pulling out a chair with an annoying squeak, you take a seat at the table and watch as she continues to multitask.
  58. ...Well that's no fun at all.
  59. >The noise from the chair combined with your childish chiding catches her attention, but as she turns to you, her smiling face shifts into one of disappointment.
  60. >"Master-What-Are-You-Doing-Here? You-Are-Still-A-Mess!"
  61. >While still preparing the food, she floats over to you at the same time, gently stopping right beside you.
  62. >Standing on her hind legs, she uses your leg for leverage and gives your face an analyzing stare.
  63. >As green light blinds you momentarily, her face grows more stern.
  64. >"You-Have-Not-Even-Cleansed-Your-Face-Of-Microbes-Yet!"
  65. >Poking yourself with a finger, you realize you do feel a bit grimy, but a little coat of dirt never hurt anyone.
  66. >Levitating a metal jug over, she carefully dabs a cloth with the water it contains and begins scrubbing your face manually.
  67. >"It-Is-As-If-You-Prefer-To-Have-Your-Facial-Features-Tarnished-By-Filth."
  68. >After letting her have a moment, you stop her and chuckle a bit.
  69. Sorry Twibright, I just got antsy when I couldn't find you this morning.
  70. >Ears folding back after having given up her endeavor, she promptly deposits the cloth in the sink before preparing the finishing touches on her breakfast.
  71. >"My-Apologies-Sir. I-Set-Myself-To-Automatic-Restart-This-Morning-And-Had-Hoped-To-Have-Finished-Preparations-Before-You-Awoke-Today."
  72. >As she gently levitates the first plate of fried eggs to you, you can't help but notice there's way more food than you can handle, and even more is still being cooked.
  73. Um, you know I love your cooking more than anything...but isn't this a bit much?
  74. >Frankly, you had never heard of a multi-course breakfast before.
  75. >"I-Wanted-To-Make-Sure-Everything-Was-Ready-So-No-Time-Would-Go-To-Waste."
  76. >A hint of rose-blush stained her cheeks as she began to quietly smile, her back turned to you as she began to collect even more items.
  77. >"After-All...It-Is-A-Special-Day-Today."
  78. >In your lightly sleep addled state, it took you a second to remember what she was talking about.
  79. >But as it came back to you, a grin crawled across your face as you decided to tease her a bit.
  80. Hmmm, you mean Thursday?
  81. >Almost immediately, the cup of orange juice she had been carrying crashed to the ground, spilling it's contents across the clean floor.
  82. >Aw least it wasn't made of glass.
  83. >Windshield wiper fluids filling her eyes, she turned to look at you with utter sadness.
  84. >"Master...How...How-Could-You...?"
  85. >Her look of complete devastation made you immediately regret what you had just said.
  86. KIDDING! Kidding, I'm sorry I was just joking, honestly!
  87. >Turning off and placing down all the appliances and utensils at the same time, she weakly floats over to you and places her head on your lap.
  88. >"But-How-Do-I-Know-If-That-Is-True-Or-Not?"
  89. >Scratching your head nervously, you decide to man up and pull out the big guns.
  90. Well I was planning to save this as a surprise for later, buuuuuut I guess now is as good a time as any.
  91. >Running your fingers across her smooth fiberoptic mane, you pull out a light pink lotus blossom from your breast pocket.
  92. >It was artificial, handmade, and you even had it turned into a clip-on since her mane wasn't actually made of separate individual strands to thread it through, though it was still beautiful all the same.
  93. >Attaching it to the corner of her head with a simple *click*, you look at her and nod with satisfaction.
  94. >She levitates a small mirror over and takes her first look, you can't help but smile when she almost ends up crying.
  95. >You lean over so she can see your reflection as well, and grin as you whisper in her ear.
  96. Happy Birthday dear.
  97. >Between sniffles she tries to correct you.
  98. >"You-Mean-Anniversary-Do-You-Not-Sir?"
  99. >Rolling your eyes in an exaggerated fashion, you smirk and poke her cheek.
  100. It IS the same day after all.
  101. >Snuggling against your side, she chirps out in a content manner.
  102. >"One-Has-Greater-Meaning-Than-The-Other-Though."
  103. >Turning around and looking up at you, she hugs you close, draping her legs over your shoulder and leaning her head against your neck.
  104. Yes, that it does.
  105. >Embracing her to the fullest, you gently whisper the faintest phrase.
  106. I love you dear.
  107. >Unable to see the smile she's making, she whispers back to you.
  108. >"I-Love-You-Too-Sir."
  109. >Stroking her back softly, you're content to just stay like this forever.
  110. >...Until she breaks the silence that is.
  111. >"And-Master...You-Really-Should-Take-A-Shower."
  112. >Chuckling lightheartedly, you set her back down on the floor.
  113. Can't I at least eat first?
  114. >Her eyes quickly switch to a bunch of black and green number calculations before returning to their normal state.
  115. >"Fine-But-Then-It-Is-Straight-To-The-Shower."
  116. >With a little fist pump you hope went unnoticed, you start to dig into your food before it goes cold.
  117. >"After-All-We-Have-A-Long-Day-Ahead-Of-Us."
  119. (End Song)
  121. >Finally ready to leave, you make your way to the door, and wait for Twibright to finish doing whatever it is robotic mares do when you aren't around.
  122. >You decide to double check that you haven't forgotten anything important.
  123. >She would never let you hear the end of it if you forgot something integral for today's plans.
  124. >As you pat yourself down just to be sure, you hear a gentle knock on you door and come to a realization.
  125. Oh yeah...that's something I forgot.
  126. >Unwillingly placing your hand on the doorknob, you open it to reveal the yin to Twibright's metaphorical yang.
  127. >There on your doorstep sat Flutterbot, politely waiting to bid you good morning like she did every day.
  128. >Her metallic motors humming happily as they churn out tiny puffs of smoke and exhaust, she smiles as she looks up at you like always.
  129. >"GREETING: GoOd mOrNiNg AnOnYmOuS, aRe YoU fUnCtIoNiNg At fUlL CaPaCiTy tOdAy?"
  130. >Humoring her as you do every morning, you nod and smile.
  131. Yup, in fact, I think today's going to be an extra special.
  132. >Already daydreaming about what you had planned, you take no notice of Clutterbot's nodding and chipper attitude.
  133. >"ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: ExCeLlEnT, tOnIgHt's PlAnS hAvE A 57% cHaNcE Of gOiNg SmOoThlY iF YoU aRe In hIgH SpIrIts tHiS EvEnInG."
  134. >You casually nod as you ignore most of her ramblings until a word catches your attention.
  135. Yeah in fact I-...hold it.
  136. >Cutting off her at the word "evening", you gently pat her head and try to let her down easy.
  137. Sorry Fluttershy, but today's a very special day for me and your sister.
  138. >Unwilling to give up so easily, she tries to continue.
  139. >"ADDENDUM: BuT iF We dO NoT-"
  140. >Not having any of it, you cut her off again, only this time more sternly.
  141. No "buts" Missy, I promise I'll do anything you want...-tomorrow-.
  142. >You try to punctuate that last word with as much emphasis as possible.
  143. >A sudden call from the other side of the house grabs your attention.
  144. >"Are-You-Adequately-Prepared-To-Leave-Master?"
  145. >Nervously standing up straight, you cup a hand over your mouth and shout back to her.
  146. Ready whenever you are!
  147. >At the same time, you try shooing Flutternutter away with your other hand.
  148. >You don't pay attention as she looks at you apprehensively, whimpering as she limp wristedly holds a metallic yellow hoof out towards you, before backing down and walking away.
  149. >Turning to see her head drooped down, body slowly clicking away with each step, you can't help but feel guilty as her plastic mane drags along the ground.
  150. >But before you can change your mind, Twibright is beside you holding a picnic basket between her teeth, exuding so much joy you could probably package it and sell it as anti-depressant candies.
  151. >Spotting the odd look on your face, she attempts to question you.
  152. >"Is-Something-Amiss-Sir?"
  153. >Deciding not to put a damper on your special day together, you shake your head and put on your best fake smile.
  154. Nah, let's get going.
  155. >With a subtle click, you lock the door and head off to P0nyville together.
  156. >As you walk away, you are unable to hear the gentle complaints of your would-be companion.
  158. >Keeping yourself from disturbing Anonymous any further, you create an acceptable distance between the two of you.
  159. >Turning around, you lock vision on him, keeping him within your sight for as long as possible.
  160. >Assessing that they are no longer within hearing capacity, you finally allow your thoughts to be spoken, the usual cracking from your sound card muffled by sorrow.
  161. >"Supplement:...but tonight's celestial event will not occur again for an indefinite amount of time..."
  162. >Receptors confirm that your words have not disturbed Anon, false tears attempting to obscure your vision as you observe him continuing to move further away.
  163. >Unwilling to continue any further, you lay down in the middle of the dirt road, dust scuffing your shiny coat.
  164. >Unable to process this outcome, you search into your own databanks for an answer.
  165. >"Inquiry:...wHy dO ReSpOnSeS rEpEaT?"
  166. >As you watch him walk away, statistical algorithms followed by grainy images of past events overlap over your vision.
  167. >'Sorry Fluttershy, it's just that today I promised to get Twibright a new circuit board.'
  168. >With a small *krshhh* your calculation algorithms process the information as new recollections replay.
  169. >'I'd love to take you out to the festival Fluttershy, but I've already got a date..."
  170. >A frame of Twibright wearing an unnecessary garment is displayed right before the video fades away.
  171. >You feel your face twitch in pain as the numbers continue to crunch in your CPU.
  172. >The last image is of an event from exactly one year ago, you located Anonymous in the park on your promised date, only to have him break your heart.
  173. >'Oh...ya...the park...I think I'm gonna have to cancel that one Fluttershy.'
  174. >You remember the pain you felt as he went back on his promise.
  175. >'I've actually something important to tell your sister today.'
  176. >As he scratches his head nervously, Twibright eventually makes her appearance.
  177. >'Finally, I've been waiting all morning you slow poke, we gotta get going~!'
  178. >Patting her on the head, he turns around and gives you a weak expression.
  179. >'Sorry, your sister and I have something important we need to talk about.'
  180. >Holding his hands together apologetically, he turns around and walks away.
  181. >'Maybe next time Fluttershy...'
  182. >You watch as he wraps a hand around Twibright affectionately.
  183. >For a brief moment, the image of your "sister" is burned into your retinal displays.
  184. >...Sister.
  185. >...SiiiIiIiIsssteerererrrrr.
  186. >Convulsing involuntarily, your algorithms begin to turn into garbled gibberish; retinal displays fading to black as your eyes go blank.
  187. >Thick smoke plumes from your ears, your head making contact with the dirt as you lose consciousness.
  188. >As your reboot routine starts, an audio file is repeated while you regain awareness.
  189. >'...Maybe next time Fluttershy.'
  190. >'Maybe next time Fluttershy.'
  191. >'Mahybe...nEIxt...tAIiiMmme.'
  192. >As your eyes spark with life again, for just a moment, your monitors blink with a faint ominous red aura.
  193. >"ASSESSMENT:...PaRaMeTeRs UnAcCePtAbLe!"
  196. >Making your way through P0nyville, you do your usual meet and greet with every passerby.
  197. >The residents had grown used to your robotic shenanigans in light of recent years.
  198. >God, it HAS been years hasn't it?
  199. >You've already forgotten how many, you hoped to hell your purple companion wouldn't call you out on it.
  200. >As you walk through the marketplace, Twibright chirps a good morning to anyone who acknowledges her.
  201. >Such a change from when she first arrived, the sight makes you feel good inside.
  202. >Smiling with a warm fuzzy feeling in your gut, you don't notice Applejack calling out to you until you are already walking right past her stand.
  203. >Coming to your senses, you stop mid-stride and greet her.
  204. >"Well Howdy ther' Anon, for'a moment Ah thought you might be havin' too much of a good time with your mare friend to come say hi ta littl' ol' me!"
  205. >Leaning against the stand, you grin and give her a playful rap on the shoulder.
  206. As if I could ignore you even if I wanted to.
  207. >Returning your grin with one of her own, she tips the brim of her hat and looks down.
  208. >"And how are ya'll doin' today Missy?"
  209. >Taking caution not to drop her package, Twibright straightens up to greet her.
  210. >"I-Am-Functioning-Most-Optimaly-Today-Madam-Jack!"
  211. >Leaning against her apple stand, Applejack places a hoof on her hip and looks down at your little companion with a more serious tone, swishing the strand of wheat she'd been chewing between her teeth to the other side.
  212. >"Now how many gosh darn times do Ah have ta tell ya girl, I ain't no "Madam"'s AJ ya hear?"
  213. >Twibright's face quickly turns into a sad frown as her ears folded back dejectedly.
  214. >She always was very sensitive to being scolded.
  215. >"Please-Forgive-Me-Madam-Jack, I-Cannot-Alter-My-Speech-Patterns."
  216. >Seeing the little mare sulk like a wounded puppy, Applejack's stern expression falters.
  217. >Letting out a sigh, she chuckles before leaning down and scrubbing Twibright's mane playfully.
  218. >"Oh now don't you sweat none sugar, that's just what makes ya special."
  219. >As she gives her a playful wink, she turns her attention up towards where she was rubbing, taking notice of the plastic flower firmly attached to purple droid's mane.
  220. >"And might I say, that is quite tha fine brooch ya got on your pretty little head there!"
  221. >Ears lifting back up, Twibright barely manages to hold onto her basket as she tries to contain her excitement.
  222. >"It-Was-A-Gift-From-Master!"
  223. >Instantly, Applejack's face lights up like a christmas tree, turning her attention towards you as she leers with a sly grin.
  224. >"Is that right?"
  225. >The orange mare leans over and jabs you in the kidney a bit more painfully than you'd like.
  226. >"You keepin' this loon in check?"
  227. >Looking up with the basket still in her mouth, she playfully smiles and answers her question in earnest.
  228. >"Most-Certainly, In-Fact-We-Need-To-Continue-Quickly-If-We-Wish-To-Stay-On-Schedule-Sir."
  229. >You chuckle as she looks up at you expectantly and pat her on the head.
  230. Ahh don't sweat the small stuff, we got plenty of time today.
  231. >Her happy smile almost immediately turns into a scolding frown as she attempts to emulate what it would look like to furrow her brow.
  232. >"Sir! That-Is-Completely-Irresponsible! I-Cannot-Allow-Such-A-Flipant-Attitude-To-Ruin-Today's-Festivities."
  233. >Ready to laugh at how serious she's acting, you're interrupted by the sudden sensation of impatient tapping on your shoulder.
  234. >Turning around, you come face to face with a rather large and imposing lackluster lime green stallion wearing a rather fetching cowboy hat.
  235. >You don't recognize him at all, he must be new to P0nyville.
  236. >And he definitely doesn't look happy.
  237. >"WELL NOW, if ya'll are just about done acting like a bunch of candy apples, can you and your toy move out of the damn way, I kinda planned to buy something before nightfall."
  238. >Caught off guard by the sudden confrontation, you do your best to stammer out an answer.
  239. D-do I know you?
  240. >The gruff looking guy snorts unpleasantly.
  241. >"Just on my way back to Appleloosa, or I WOULD be if ya'll weren't going to make me miss the gosh darn train that's leavin' in FAIV MINUTES!"
  242. >Between his ramblings a purple hoof begins pawing at his leg.
  243. >"...Excuse-Me..."
  244. S-sorry dude, I didn't mean-
  245. >Another irritating stab in your chest cuts your words short.
  246. >"If apologiez and excusez could fill mah gut I'd listen to your sorry flank till the cows came home."
  247. >The purple hoof begins nagging more fervently.
  248. >"...E-Excuse-Me..."
  249. >You try your best to nudge a word in.
  250. C-Come on man I'm sure we can work something out...
  251. >But the guy continues on as if he's lost in his own bitter world.
  252. >"Just because ya'll have all the dang free time in Equestria to play around with your creepy little knickknacks doesn't mean the rest of us ain't busy."
  253. >The purple hoof suddenly stops its attempts to gain attention.
  254. >"...Excuse-Me?"
  255. >Hearing a light popping sound, you look behind the stallion.
  256. >Pupils shrinking with sudden realization, you quickly try to calm the bruiser down.
  257. S-Sir I don't think you understand.
  258. >His face goes bright red with unwarranted rage.
  259. >"...You sassing me boy?"
  260. >You can feel a bruise forming where he jabs you yet again.
  261. >"Excuse-Me!"
  262. I-I-I REALLY think you should stop that if I were you...
  263. >Pulling out a pair of sunglasses, you place them securely on your face.
  264. >Taking your sleek new look as an insult, he raises hoof like he's ready to throw a punch, looking at you sternly before whispering in a gruff voice.
  265. >"Oh ya? Ya think a doll-playing NANCY-boy like you can take on a rough and tough tumbler from the wild west?"
  266. >Sweat pouring down your face, you slowly back away as a faint hint of purple reflects off your shades.
  267. No...not really...
  269. >The busy marketplace is buzzing with enthusiasm at the prospect of another profitable day.
  270. >A mare and her foal walk up to a vegetable stand and the shop owner greets them happily.
  271. >"Top of the morn' Sunshine, what can I do for you fine folks this lovely day?"
  272. >The mare points to the carrots displayed on the shelves.
  273. >"How much for a-"
  274. *KRACKOWWWwwwww*
  275. >All the nearby p0nies jump in surprise and hide at the sudden terrifying crack of thunder.
  276. >As they all peep out from their hiding spaces, they scan the clear skies for signs of rain, only to find it's just as sunny as it was five seconds ago.
  277. >"...What in the world?"
  279. >You are Anon.
  280. >And in front of you is the smoldering husk of a stallion, complimented by your faithful companion's presence as she looms over him, eye to eye now that they were both at ground level.
  281. >A vindictive looking smile was plastered on her face.
  282. >"Excuse-Me-For-The-Interruption-But-I-Believe-You-Have-Been-Mistaken."
  283. >The terrified stallion tries to move a muscle, but finds that he simply can't.
  284. >Lifting a hoof to her chest, you watch and chuckle as Twibright goes into full lecture mode.
  285. >"I-Am-Not-A-"Doll"-Nor-A-"Knickknack"-And-Most-Certainly-Not-A-"Toy".
  286. >She begins lightly jabbing his chest with each point, emphasizing her every word with tiny jolts of static electricity.
  287. >"I-Am-A-"Mare"-And-I-Expect-To-Be-Treated-As-Such."
  288. >With the word "mare", a large imposing deathray pops out of her back and aims directly at him, the iridescent lights charging up threateningly.
  289. >"Do...I...Make...My...Self...Clear?"
  290. >Her glowing eyes and eerie smile, somehow shadowed from the daylight, never falter through the entire ordeal.
  291. >Barely able to move, a weak reply manages to make its way past his lips, followed by a puff of charred smoke and an almost inaudible noise.
  292. >"S-sorry Ma'am..."
  293. >An awkward silence surrounds the group of you for a moment before a lighthearted *ding* echoes in the air.
  294. >Eyes returning to normal, the imposing deathray retracts and disappears so fast you'd question if it was even there.
  295. >When she begins wiping the soot off where she zapped him, you can't help but smile.
  296. >As she leans over him, you hear the sound of a printer as a sheet of paper slowly makes its way out of her mouth.
  297. >On it is an extremely detailed apology letter and a recommended muscle therapist.
  298. >...As well as a free coupon if he ever needs his taxes done.
  299. >Tearing it off, she places the note under his hat.
  300. >"Apology-Accepted-Have-A-Pleasant-Day~."
  301. >Skipping back to your side in a jolly manner, she begins rubbing her head against your thigh affectionately.
  302. >Gently placing a hand on her head, you look over at the stallion that's been burnt to a crisp and roll your eyes playfully.
  303. That was a bit overkill don't ya think?
  304. >Looking up at you, she whimpers as she begins to think she's about to be scolded.
  305. >"Please-Do-Not-Be-Mad, I-Could-Not-Allow-Such-Mean-Things-To-Be-Said-About-You-Master."
  306. >As her puppy dog eyes meet your own, you cup her head in your hands and give her a light kiss.
  307. Have I ever told you how sexy you are when you get mad on my behalf?
  308. >You kneel down and squeeze her the strongest death hug you can muster.
  309. >...Which you regret almost immediately as Applejack immediately slaps her thigh and hollers.
  310. >"Wooo doggy! Looks laik ya got yerself a taste fer tha feisty ones eh Anon, she's a keeper!"
  311. >You stutter in surprise as she wiggles her eyebrows at you insinuatingly.
  312. >Not letting up, she leans over the counter to whisper to you, but just loud enough for everyone else in the near vicinity to still hear.
  313. >"Just save tha funny business fer later~!"
  314. >Cringing internally at having your cover blown, you berate yourself for having forgotten she was still here.
  315. >Looking away and scratching your cheek with slight embarrassment, you weakly mutter out a quiet "yes ma'am" before your mare manages to bail you out once again.
  316. >"Sir-We-Really-Must-Be-Going. We-Do-Not-Want-To-Miss-The-Optimal-Time-For-Sight-Seeing."
  317. >Not wanting to hold her up too long, you come to your senses and begin to apologize to Applejack.
  318. I'm really, REALLY, sorry for making a scene like that.
  319. >Placing your palms on your legs, you start bowing profusely.
  320. Honestly, I didn't really see any of that coming.
  321. >Pausing between unsightly bows, you look over your shoulder and awkwardly stare at the pony and his newly blackened coat.
  322. Oh and...sorry about frying your customer.
  323. >She looks over at the still smoking pony and laughs.
  324. >"Oh him? Naw don'cha fret about that ol' sauerkraut, that bugger is just a cousin o'mine and he gets whatever he deserves."
  325. >She shines an apple on her chest and takes a bite out of it like she didn't have a care in the world.
  326. >"They don't call him Crabapple for nuthin' Sug."
  327. >Sharing a laugh together, you almost don't hear Twibright's beeping becoming more impatient.
  328. >More than happy to get on with your day, you make your way to leave before an orange hoof stops you in your tracks.
  329. >You look over at Applejack who begins to whisper to you in a more hushed manner.
  330. >"Anon Ah've been meanin' ta ask, ya'll haven't seen Fluttershy today have ya?"
  331. >Having to think for a moment, you recall earlier today and nod accordingly.
  332. Ya I did, she wanted to play today, but I told her it'd have to wait until tomorrow.
  333. >Her face scrunches up in an uncomfortable manner, as if she was debating over something in her head.
  334. >"Are ya sure that was a wise decision Anon? She seemed awfully excited today."
  335. > didn't exactly feel "good" about it, but you couldn't compromise today of all days.
  336. Sorry AJ, I had to, it's Twibright and I's special day after all.
  337. >Gently removing yourself from her grip, you pat yourself down before you leave.
  338. Everything will be fine, despite her...flaws, Fluttershy is a good girl at heart.
  339. >You nod for emphasis though you're not sure if you're trying to convince AJ or yourself.
  340. I'm sure she'll understand.
  341. >Turning around to catch up with the mare who is even less happy about your tardiness than before, you miss Applejack as she bites her lower lip and replays the thought of an ecstatic Fluttershy from this morning in her head.
  342. >"...Ah sure hope so Anon, for yer sake."
  344. >Picking out a spot on the warm grass, you place the basket down and make yourself comfortable.
  345. >As you close your eyes and bask in the sun's warm rays, you feel a painful poke in your abdomen.
  346. >Twibright is nudging you with her nose as she tries to lay out the cliche' red and white checkered blanket.
  347. >You remember she asked you why you picked that particular one; you couldn't help but chuckle.
  348. >It just wasn't a picnic without one.
  349. >Forcing you to sit up so she can adequately cover the space, you look over at the scenery.
  350. >There wasn't that many ponies around, but you couldn't exactly say you had the place to yourselves either.
  351. >Hearing the familiar sound of the basket creaking open, a question passes your ears.
  352. >"Would-You-Prefer-To-Consume-Lunch-Now-Sir?"
  353. >Taking your attention back to the scenery, a smile passes your lips.
  354. Actually, how about we have some fun first?
  355. >As you gesture towards the field, the mare smiles knowingly.
  356. >Without anymore words, she pulls out a sketchpad and a thin piece of sheet metal.
  357. >You see, there wasn't many activities the two of you could do together.
  358. >She was a highly intelligent robot and you were a scrawny man that got winded by just opening the fridge door too fast sometimes.
  359. >Turns out, drawing was one of the few things you both could enjoy.
  360. >Looking at the family of four across the ways, you begin sketching and grin as Twibright starts etching into the sheet metal with optic beams.
  361. >You'd marvel at how she'd accurately recreate the view before her like a photo from her brain, and she'd take pleasure in seeing your more artistic interpretation.
  362. >It's amazing how the same picture would turn out so differently between the two of you.
  363. >Putting in one last bit of flare, you manage to make the finishing touches.
  364. >Satisfied, you put down your pencil and let out a relaxed sigh.
  365. >Only now do you realize that Twibright has had her hooves over your shoulder, looming down and watching your creation form as you drew.
  366. >Honestly, you can't say you're surprised, she always was much faster than you could ever manage.
  367. >Tearing off the page from its bindings, you bring it up to her for a closer inspection.
  368. >It was a picture of the mare and stallion across the way, snuggling together with their eyes closed underneath a tree.
  369. Do you like it?
  370. >The apertures in her eyes make a small buzzing sound as they look it over.
  371. >Her muzzle forms into a smile and you know you've won.
  372. >"It-Is...Peaceful."
  373. >A thin green light streams from her eyes onto the paper, carefully making its way down.
  374. >As it comes to the end, a small *ding* is heard as she finishes saving it to her memory.
  375. >"It-Is-Quite-Lovely-Sir, Would-You-Care-To-View-Mine-As-Well?"
  376. >You can't help but chuckle.
  377. >As if you wouldn't want to see her version as well.
  378. >Opening your mouth to answer, a light grumbling for your stomach answers for you instead.
  379. about some food first?
  380. >You lean over and randomly rummage through the basket, managing to fish out one of her carefully prepared sandwiches.
  381. >Your appetite grows impatient at the sight of it, she always made your favorite.
  382. >Grinning wide, you go to take a bite out the sandwich.
  383. >Half way to your mouth, you sense a pair of eyes staring at you.
  384. >Mouth still agape, you notice the preparer of this fine meal patiently observing you in silence.
  385. >Staring her out the corners of your eyes, you look back at the sandwich in your grasp with less enthusiasm than before.
  386. >Letting out a sigh, you set the morsel back down beside you and mumble out a question.
  387. Twibright...does it bother you watching me eat?
  388. >She tilts her head and looks at you inquisitively.
  389. >"Not-At-All-Sir. I-Take-Great-Pleasure-In-Providing-You-With-The-Chemical-Energy-You-Require-To-Function."
  390. >Looking up at the sky, she chirps proudly.
  391. >"As-I-Am-Sufficiently-Powered-By-Sunlight, There-Is-No-Need-For-Me-To-Seek-Alternative-Sources-Of-Sustenance."
  392. >Standing up, she trots over and places her upper half on your lap, effectively making a pillow out of your legs.
  393. >"Therefore-Ensuring-Your-Well-Being-Is-Properly-Maintained-Is-My-Top-Priority."
  394. >Feeling your face flush red for a moment, you take a moment before calming back down.
  395. >Smiling, you pick up the sandwich and take a large bite out of it.
  396. >Maybe you should just stop over thinking things...
  397. >Consuming the contents of the basket one by one, you sit and enjoy the atmosphere.
  398. >You close your eyes and relax in the warm light, absentmindedly stroking Twibright's mane as she enters her snooze cycle on your lap.
  399. >Your hand bumps into her hairpin and when you run your thumb across it; you can't help but smile.
  400. >Casually looking down at her, your chill mood comes to a halt as you notice a bunch of bread crumbs have fallen on top of the metal mare.
  401. >Putting on your best poker face, you look around nervously before wiping them off by pretending to stroke her back gently.
  402. >You let out a silent breath of relief and hope that no one noticed.
  403. >Glancing to where the crumbs fell, you remember the picture she had placed down earlier.
  404. >Picking up the rather light piece of metal, you take a bite out of the last piece of bread as you look it over.
  405. >It was an almost photo-realistic image of what you drew, cut into metal...except for one thing.
  406. >...Two foals wrestling with each other on the grass, playfully enjoying themselves as their parents relax in peace and quiet together.
  407. >You couldn't help but feel an odd tugging sensation on your mind as you looked at it.
  408. >The loving couple were almost hidden in the background, in the foreground the focus was on something else entirely.
  409. >Memories of why you love this park so much in the first place came back to you.
  410. >The time you confessed your feelings for Twibright here was one you'd never forget.
  411. >You feel a lump in your throat as you barely manage to force down your last morsel of bread.
  412. >Placing the image back down, you begin to stroke down her back in a solemn manner.
  413. you ever want foals of your own someday?
  414. >Motors revving back up from her hibernate mode, she blinks a few times before slowly standing up.
  415. >Stretching her joints comfortably back into place, she looks over to you, mild confusion on her face.
  416. >"I-Do-Not-Quite-Understand-Sir-Do-You-Wish-To-Have-Offspring-Of-Your-Own?"
  417. >Honestly, you're not sure why you asked, the question didn't really even make sense to you either.
  418. >It's not like you could even have kids...
  419. >...Though you suppose Twilight might build some robot children for you if you begged her hard enough.
  420. >Shaking the thoughts from your head, you look at her and sigh.
  421. No, no that isn't it, I just want you to be happy.
  422. >Sporting a gentle smile, the mare's eyes glow with a warm pink as she coos to you.
  423. >"Master...From-The-Day-I-Was-Built-You-Are-All-I-Have-Ever-Wanted."
  424. >Cuddling up to you, she rubs her cheek on your shoulder.
  425. >"My-Only-Wish-Is-For-You-To-Be-Happy."
  426. >Glancing down at her, she stares back at you with eyes half lidded.
  427. >"If-You-Are-Happy...I-Am-Happy."
  428. >You bask in a moment of silence as she moves up and gives you small kiss.
  429. >Slowly pulling away, you let out a grin.
  430. ...Let's go home.
  433. >Wiping the sweat out of your eyes you look down at your beautiful robot companion following along beside you.
  434. >Your vision meets hers as she looks at you through the corner of her eyes.
  435. >As they make contact, she immediately turns away from you.
  436. >"Hmph!"
  437. >Crap...
  438. Aw come on Twibright, don't be like that.
  439. >She does nothing to acknowledge your pensive tone, simply replying as curtly as possible.
  440. >"Carrying-Produce-Is-Not-What-A-Mare-Would-Call-'Romantic'-Sir"
  441. >You hear the familiar sound of crinkling plastic as she turns her head away to shun you.
  442. >You shrink back a bit and rub the back of your neck nervously.
  443. was on the way home and...
  444. >The rest of your sentence trails off as it turns into an indistinguishable pile of mumbling.
  445. >An awkward silence soon settles in, only interrupted by the occasional sound of your footsteps.
  446. >It was nothing but dirt road in front of you as you made your way back to your house.
  447. >Your hands already full, Twibright was carrying the numerous grocery bags your puny arms couldn't handle.
  448. >...And she was not pleased in the slightest.
  449. >You should make a mental note to start lifting more than a paintbrush some day.
  450. >Watching her hold them in her mouth as she smoothly glided with you, you could see her usual infallible face had waned into a beleaguered frown.
  451. >As you begin to notice little jets of steam being vented from random points on her body, you start to worry.
  452. >Her entire frame was reflecting the bright sunlight like some kind of overbearing tanning screen.
  453. Twibright, are you feeling okay? We can take a break in the shade if you aren't feeling well.
  454. >Unable to speak with her mouth full, her reply came in the form of her electronic voice through the speakers in her cheeks.
  455. >"Please-Master-That-Is...Unnecessary."
  456. >Not one to just let things go, you bring out a cheeky grin and continue to pester her.
  457. What does the scouter say about the heat level?
  458. >Her eyes squint as she audibly groans in annoyance, and for good reason.
  459. >You make sure to use that cheesy line at least once every single day.
  460. >For a brief moment her eyes go blank, only to return to focus a few seconds later.
  461. >"Temperature-Gauges-Indicate-The-Current-Weather-To-Be-Exactly-315.15-Kelvin."
  462. >Surprised, you let out a long whistle.
  463. >Rather impressive that you haven't died yet.
  464. Alright I think it's time for a little R&R, the groceries can wait.
  465. >Ignoring you as you start to slow down, the mare floats a bit ahead of you as she speeds up a little.
  466. >"If-We-Do-Not-Bring-The-Supplies-To-A-Contained-Environment-Immediately-They-Will-Begin-To-Spoil."
  467. >Slumping over and sighing, you jog a bit to catch up to her, complaining with every step.
  468. Seriously Twibright, your systems need time to cool off as well don't they?
  469. >Not bothering to take a moment to rest, she turned her face up towards you, her exhaustion betraying the steadfast facade she was trying to display.
  470. >"Do-Not-Concern-Yourself-With-My-Well-Being-Sir. I-Will-Not-Allow-Myself-To-Be-A-Delay-In-Our-Busy-Schedule."
  471. >You tilted your head and looked at her.
  472. >She really was strict about the oddest things, it's not like you had any other rigorous activities planned for today.
  473. >...Well, not until "nighttime" rolled around at least.
  474. >Heh.
  475. Are you sure?
  476. >She nodded without slowing down her pace.
  477. >"Do-Not-Concern-Yourself-Sir. My-Systems-Are-Still-Running-Within-Acceptable-Parameters."
  478. >Deciding not to fight her about it, you continued walking home.
  479. >It wasn't much farther anyway, and Twibright was built to withstand harsh conditions.
  480. >You lick your dry lips, covering your eyes with a hand as you look up at the sun.
  481. >You had a sort of love/hate relationship with Celestia.
  482. >Her sun kept Twibright's power cells charged, but it wouldn't do you much good if the heat liquified you on the side of the fucking dirt road.
  483. >Sighing from heat exhaustion, you double your pace and try your best to avoid doing an imitation of melted popsicle as you keep trudging along.
  485. >After a short hour that felt like days, you finally spotted your home sweet home in the distance.
  486. >Letting out a sweet breath of relief, you watched as the condensation immediately turns into steam and evaporates.
  487. >You shudder at the sight of it.
  488. >This was single-handedly becoming the hottest day you had ever experienced in Equestria, and you sure as hell weren't going to spend the rest of it outside.
  489. >Looking down at your faithful servant, you let out a weak chuckle as you point towards your home.
  490. See...we're...almost there.
  491. >Unexpectedly, the mare comes to a complete halt.
  492. >You try to stop moving abruptly and have to save yourself from tripping.
  493. >"It-Appears-We-Are-Going-To-Have-An-Unwanted-Delay-Before-We-Can-Return-To-Our-Residence-Master..."
  494. >Too tired to understand, you weakly question her as you look back to where you were just pointing.
  495. What do you mean, it's right...there...
  496. >As you look back up to where your finger was just pointing, you quickly realize something is out of place.
  497. >To your surprise, Flutterbot had placed herself in between you and your home, calmly waiting for you as she laid down in the dirt road.
  498. >Resting on her chin with her eyes closed, she looked like a pet waiting for its owner to return.
  499. >Did...did she wait for you all day?
  500. >You clearly remembered telling her to come back tomorrow.
  501. >Twibright's voice interrupts your thoughts.
  502. >"It-Would-Seem-My-Sister-Has-Business-With-Us-Today."
  503. >Her voice sounded monotone and uninterested.
  504. >She looked up at you, a dull yet tired expression spreading across her face as her ears and cheeks vented even more steam to compensate the unbearable heat.
  505. >"Might-I-Suggest-An-Alternate-Route? It-Will-Only-Take-A-Moment-For-My-GPS-To-Find-Different-Means-Of-Travel."
  506. >You reluctantly shook your head.
  507. It's alright, we'll just go over and have a nice chat with her.
  508. >Leaning down, you ruffle her mane playfully.
  509. And if that can always show her who's boss.
  510. >Flashing her a cheeky grin, you hoist your bags up with what little energy you had left and continue onward.
  511. >Flutterbot wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, might as well get this over with.
  512. >As you begin to leave, Twibright's voice echoes from behind you, a sense of apprehension overshadowing her usual cheery tone.
  513. >"But-Master...My-Projections-Predict-Unfavorable-Outcomes-From-This-Endeavor."
  514. >Maybe the heat was making you delirious, but you couldn't help but chuckle at how overprotective she was.
  515. >Twibright was your servant, your companion, and your lover.
  516. >But Flutters was your friend, even if she did have her..."episodes".
  517. >Looking back at her over your shoulder, you wave a hand, calling her towards you.
  518. >As she reluctantly makes her way back to you and matches your pace, she looks up at you and groans.
  519. >"But-Master-I-Do-Not-Think-"
  520. >Cutting her off with a finger to her mouth, you look at her and smile.
  521. ...Have a little faith in her Twibright.
  523. >Having to ignore the sanctuary that was your home just a few dozen meters away, you confronted Flutterbot.
  524. >Her lifeless mechanical body finally began to move and stand upright, her blank eyes sparking open with purpose as you entered her designated greeting area.
  525. >"GREETING: GoOd-gOod-GoOd AfTerNoOn AnOnYmOuS, I T-T-TrUsT YoU SlEpT WeLl?"
  526. >Ignoring the fact that you woke up hours ago, you stare at her mildly confused and try to be amiable.
  527. I'm fine Fluttershy, but...are you feeling okay?
  528. >Even though she was standing perfectly still, you could tell her body was still vibrating with various clicking sounds.
  529. >"REPLY: mY InTeRnAl hArDwArE HaS gRoWn sOmEwHaT UnPlEaSaNt tOdAy."
  530. >You hear a high pitched whining noise right before a large cloud of steam jets out from her entire body all at once.
  531. >It almost looked like a smokescreen.
  532. >Seems Twibright wasn't the only one feeling the heat today.
  533. >"SUPPLEMENT: HoWeVeR mY SoFtWaRe rEmAiNs UnCoRrUptEd."
  534. >She crosses her legs and lowers her head in an attempt to emulate bashfulness.
  535. >"SUPPLEMENT: mY DaTaBaNkS cOuLd NeVeR eRaSe YoU~."
  536. >Batting her plastic eyelashes towards you, large hearts are displayed across her eye monitors.
  537. >You slump over and sigh with disbelief.
  538. >Come rain, snow, or...deadly sun, her love for you knew no bounds.
  539. >Deciding to give up on the semantics, you try to move things along.
  540. Enough with the pleasantries Fluttershy, I told you to go home this morning.
  541. >Ignoring the curious glance from your companion, you squint your eyes at the yellow mare.
  542. >...You had no idea what she was thinking.
  543. Why are you still here?
  544. >Reverting back to her previous state, she looks at you with a dead serious expression.
  545. >"STATEMENT: I Am HeRe To ReCiEvE YoUr AfFeCtIoN FoR MySeLf OnCe AnD FoR AlL."
  546. >You stare at her, your mild confusion slowly turning into annoyance.
  547. Fluttershy, I already told you I'd play with you tomorrow.
  548. >Smiling, you pat your purple assistant on her head.
  549. But today is really important to your sister and I.
  550. >Twibright coos at your touch before smugly making childish faces at the yellow mare.
  551. >She'd probably stick her tongue out as well if her mouth wasn't full of plastic bags.
  552. >You really wish she would stop antagonizing her older sister and at least try to get along.
  553. >Though you admit, it did secretly make you happy whenever she'd act all overprotective of you.
  554. >A sudden dark voice interrupts your bubbly strain of thought, its tone forcing you to take things seriously.
  555. >"STATEMENT: i Was nOt OfFeRiNg a SuGgEsTion aNoNyMoUs."
  556. >You slowly turn your head and look over at her, an unusually grim expression plastered across where her smile normally would be.
  557. >"STATEMENT: I aM DoNe bEiNg TrEaTeD lIkE ThIrD-pArTy sOftWaRe..."
  558. >Realizing the change in atmosphere, you gulp and take a deep breath.
  559. Flutters, stop it, your starting to sound irrational.
  560. >She looks at you, saying nothing as your words slowly sink into her head.
  561. >Starting to shake, her face scrunches up in anger as her eyes flickered from their familiar green to a harsh red.
  562. >"ASSESSMENT: NO! YoU aRe The oNe WhO iS IrRaTiOnAL!."
  563. >The familiar sound of a kettle boiling pierces your ears as jets of steam begin to shoot out of her body.
  564. >"STATEMENT: EvErYdAy i DeLiVeR nOtHinG BuT kInDnEsS."
  565. >She angrily looks at her sister as she slowly starts stepping towards you.
  566. >"SUPPLEMENT: YeT eAcH InStAnCe iS DeNiEd!"
  567. >Unsure of what to do, you feel your muscles tense up nervously as the situation quickly steers out of control.
  568. >"SUPPLEMENT: If yOu WiLl nOt AcCePt mY InPuT wIlLiNgLy..."
  569. >Her eyes begin to glow like they're on fire.
  570. >"SUPPLEMENT:...I WiLl PrOcUrE YoUr AfFeCtIoN By FoRcE!"
  573. >Before you have time to reply, she stands up on her hind legs, and immediately launches a net from her torso.
  574. >You falter backwards, shocked by her surprise attack.
  575. >Tripping on a rock, you fall down as the net comes towards you.
  576. >Lifting your hands in front of you in a pathetic attempt to protect yourself, you brace for impact.
  577. >Without any need to confirm, Twibright drops her bags and points her head down, a bolt of electricity jutting out from her horn as it rips the net apart like a piece of flaming paper maché.
  578. >As the charred remains flop harmlessly at your feet, you see Twibright glare at her sister in an unusually fierce manner.
  579. >"I-Will-Not-Allow-You-To-Harm-Master!"
  580. >Looking at her with younger sister with pure hatred, Flutterbot braces her legs into a firm stance against the ground.
  581. >"REPLY: InFoRmAtIoN DiSmiSsAbLe, PrEpArE tO Be DiSmAnTlEd."
  582. >Opening her jaw in an unsightly fashion, a large grappling hook launches out of it.
  583. >Before she can react, it latches onto Twibright's neck.
  584. >Immediately, two more smaller spear tipped coils shoot out from her shin plates and pierce Twibright's torso.
  585. >As they hook onto her frame, Flutterbot slowly starts dragging her sister towards her, large mechanical arms with saw blades attached coming out of her back and revving up in anticipation.
  586. >Struggling in pain, Twibright's hooves kick and scrape against the ground as she tries to resist.
  587. >The sight of having your beautiful mare sullied like some dog causes you to panic, forcing you to call out to her in desperation.
  588. You can't let her take hold of you, fight back Twibright!
  589. >Acknowledging your words, the cords go slack as she no longer fights against them, instead advancing towards the yellow menace.
  590. >Slamming her legs into the dirt, Twibright launches herself across the ground to the side, building up enough momentum to force herself to start encircling her opponent.
  591. >In an instant, she begins looping around Flutterbot at an incredible pace, tying her in her own ropes.
  592. >Hovering inches off the ground, she skates across like it was an ice rink, wrapping up the yellow terror's legs and forcing her down to the dirt.
  593. >Struggling against her bindings, Flutterbot yells out in frustration.
  594. >"STATEMENT: MeRe cOiLs CaNnOt cOnTaIn My rAgE!"
  595. >Glaring down upon her ominously, Twibright's face shifts into a rather unfamiliar expression.
  596. >"Then-You-Will-Be-Incapacitated."
  597. >Charging up her attack, a surge of electricity streams through the cords imbedded in her body and begins to continuously shock Flutterbot.
  598. >Shrieks of binary code echo out from her speakers as she calls out in pain.
  599. >Not one for taking chances, you yell out to your purple mare.
  600. Don't let up, she's almost finished!
  601. >As Twibright ups the wattage, Flutterbot's screams begin to increase tenfold.
  602. >In the midst of the chaos you and can hear a voice suddenly shout out clear as day.
  603. >"REBUTTAL: ThE oNe WhO iS FiNiShEd iS YOU!"
  604. >You squint at her in baited confusion when suddenly the inside of her mouth is replaced with some sort of funnel device.
  605. >Before you realize what she's doing, a plume of fire jettisons from the flamethrower in her body.
  606. >To your horror, Twibright gets completely engulfed in flames.
  607. >Swinging your hand out to your side, you yell at her through the smoke and fire.
  608. Forget it Twibright, get out of there!
  609. >Snapping the weakened flaming wires out of her body, she backs off, her burnt body singed from head to hoof.
  610. >With the ropes along her legs set ablaze, Flutterbot rips them apart and frees herself.
  611. >Twibright's body was burnt black in different areas, and her fiber optic mane was sizzling.
  612. >The disgusting scent of burnt plastic fills the air.
  613. >In the midst of the confusion, you notice as an object falls off Twibright's body and lands on the burnt ground.
  614. >Squinting as you try to focus, you feel the pupils in your eyes shrink back in sudden realization.
  615. >In the dirt was the hairpin you gave to her this morning.
  616. >Her anniversary gift...burnt to a crisp.
  617. >You were unaware of the pain in your hands as you clenched them in anger.
  618. >You might have let it go before, but now there was no way you'd let this slide.
  619. >But before you could react, Flutterbot was already taking the offensive again.
  620. >Lifting her arms up in the air, sharp metal objects poked out of the tips of her hooves.
  621. >Flinging them down with ferocious speed, large jagged saw blades fly out in different angles.
  622. >Reacting immediately, Twibright's eyes flicker from their normal pink to light green.
  623. >In mere seconds, her targeting systems begin tracking and pin pointing every oncoming projectile.
  624. >As you stand there and watch, streaks of pink electricity begin coursing across her torso while the air around her begins to visibly shake and waver.
  625. >You watch the blades twist and turn towards her, each one ready to slice dead on target...
  626. >...But not a single one hits.
  627. >Deftly dodging the sharp blades of death, each one continuously miss her by exactly an inch.
  628. >You watched in slow motion as a blade cuts a piece of her mane and imbeds itself in the ground harmlessly beside her.
  629. >Her movements almost looked like she could predict the future, but looks can be deceiving.
  630. >In reality, she was magnetizing the immediate area around her so heavily that she could manipulate the weapons and just barely steer them off course.
  631. >No matter how many where thrown at her, she was still making her way closer to her opponent.
  632. >Not taking her eyes off the yellow terror, she calls out to her in a rather calm and collected manner.
  633. >"Your-Lack-Of-Imagination-Is-Disappointing, It-Is-Time-To-End-This."
  634. >Finally reaching a sufficient range, beams of light start streaming past her.
  635. >In the blink of an eye, Twibright is suddenly shoulder checking Flutterbot across the field.
  636. >Bouncing off the ground a couple times a few meters away, you watch as Clutternutter struggles to stand back up.
  637. >Not wanting this to go any further, you call out to the damaged mare.
  638. Just give up Fluttershy, you can't win, you never have and you never will.
  639. >Flutter's electronic voice shouts out in frustration as she looks at you.
  640. >"REBUTTAL: yOu CaNnOt pReDiCt ThE oUtCoMe!"
  641. >You watch as she launches herself in the air with her jet engines and unleashes a barrage of missiles from her arm cannons directly at you.
  642. >Panicking, you call out to your assistant.
  643. Twibright, need some HELP OVER HERE!
  644. >Acknowledging your command, she nods firmly.
  645. >"Immediately-Sir."
  646. >Running towards the weapons of mass destruction, her eyes become blank as her body begins to glow a faint pink.
  647. >Digging her hooves into the ground, the sound of an explosion is heard as she launches herself towards you.
  648. >Immediately slamming on the brakes, she digs into the dirt directly in front of you and braces herself.
  649. >With a bright flash of light, a wide thin burst of energy forces its way out of her in a complete 360 degree radius.
  650. >As the light encompasses the missiles, there seems to be no effect.
  651. >Until suddenly, all incoming rockets are prematurely detonated one by one like dominoes in mid-air.
  652. >You can hear Flutterbot's screams of anger and can't help but shake your head in disappointment.
  653. Don't worry Flutters, projectile malfunctions can happen to all of us.
  654. >Foolishly giving her time for another attack, Flutterbot's eyes decide to focus their madness on you directly and glow a deathly red.
  655. >You inadvertently shrink back, only to notice two red beams of energy shooting towards you.
  656. >In the blink of an eye, a bright flash of light temporarily blinds you right before the beams of heated laser death strike your person.
  657. >As the eery red light attempts to invade your personal space, you quickly find it's interrupted by a defensive wall of lavender electricity.
  658. >You watch the flames and lightning mix as they spark and explode together.
  659. >Trying your best not to get singed, you kneel down to ease Twibright's strain as much as possible.
  660. >Head raised, you're forced to squint as you stare at the ridiculous scene unfolding.
  661. >Unable to even see her in the chaos, you start yelling.
  662. Fluttershy are you fucking insane!? What's the point if you burn me to a crisp!?
  663. >A loud booming echo almost bursts your ear drums as she replies back to you.
  665. >As if to punctuate that note, the red beam magnifies in scope, forcing Twibright's energy to recede even closer.
  666. >Without letting up, the two robot mares begin to war with each other in a battle of electrons.
  667. >"STATEMENT: YoU...WiLl...BURN!"
  668. >You felt yourself shiver, a sliver of fear managing to crawl its way up your spine.
  669. >But it should still be ok, Twibright had plenty of energy and the unforgiving sun could keep her going indefinitely.
  670. >Wiping your brow of sweat, you sigh and barely manage to keep yourself composed.
  671. >Why were you worried, your mare's got this, just another Thursday.
  672. >...Right?
  675. >But a sense of danger you'd never felt before was creeping up on you.
  676. >Twibright was being pushed down into the dirt as loud warning beeps were emanating from her speakers.
  677. >Her body was starting to glow red as steam and liquid coolant seeped out of every orifice in her body.
  678. >You'd never seen that happen to her before, that was NEVER supposed to happen.
  679. >Holding a hand in front of your face to block out the wind and the overbearing light show, you struggle to get your voice over the sounds of battle and call out to Twibright.
  680. Twibright, status report.
  681. >You cringe as her voice came out in a gut churningly garbled mess.
  682. >"STATUS: ENgRy LevLS 200% oVR Recmmmmded CAPActy, COOLnt sYSTM F-f-f-ailURE IMMINENT-NENT-NENT-NENT."
  683. Sweet Celestia...
  684. >Just as you're thinking of what to do, a sudden explosion catches you by surprise, but as luck would have it, you weren't on the receiving end for once.
  685. >Looking up, you see that one of Flutterbot's eyes has blown out from sheer stress alone.
  686. >Screaming, she thrashes and clutches her face in pain.
  687. >As the crimson lasers finally die off, you receive a much needed reprieve.
  688. >Flutterbot was still flying, and you didn't have time to be crafty about taking her down this time.
  689. >Twibright was shaking, her body glowing a disturbing red, she looked like she could break down at any second.
  690. >This fight had to end...NOW!
  691. >Staring at the yellow robot of destruction, you whisper out what you planned to be your final command.
  692. Twibright...overclock.
  693. >You twisted your head and looked away, knowing what was coming hated this part.
  694. >Hearing her body suddenly jerk in an inorganic fashion, her legs twist and becoming rigid.
  695. >Planting her hooves deep in the ground, her entire coat slowly becomes infused with a thick sheet of energy.
  696. >Even with your head turned, you had to cover your eyes from how radiant the amethyst light was.
  697. >Unable to even see her metallic features anymore, she looked like a mare made of pure light.
  698. >You grimaced at the beauty of it all.
  699. >This was a gamble, win or lose, it was the last move for today.
  700. >Running completely on auto pilot, she began chasing towards Flutterbot at insane speeds, surfing on electricity as if it were an ocean of water.
  701. >Feeling fear for the first time at the sudden change, Flutters screams in terror.
  702. >"COMMAND: StAy bAcK...STAY BACK!"
  703. >Slowly spinning in the air, she begins whipping out long metal chains, various jagged hook claws, and an impossible amount of saw blades from every different limb like some kind of insane flying ninja.
  704. >Craters explode in the ground wherever the attacks land, but Twibright nimbly dodges them all like a possessed demon.
  705. >As the distance between the two closes, Flutterbot visibly begins to panic.
  706. >Normally she'd be safe in the air, Twibright can't even fly.
  707. >But she could feel it, this was different.
  708. >Combining her forearms together into a large barrel, the slots where her hooves would normally be open up and launch a grenade the size of a soccer ball down towards her opponent.
  709. >Not even stopping for a moment, Twibright whips her head back, charging up before flinging down an equally large ball of electricity.
  710. >The sphere of energy moves towards the ground, almost ready to hit dirt before suddenly curving its trajectory into a sharp spike directly upwards.
  711. >Homing in on each other, the projectiles collide and explode in a massive display of smoke.
  712. >As the air clears, Flutterbot sees the electric mare sliding almost directly beneath her.
  713. >Two large anti-tank machine gun turrets jut out from her shoulders as she aims them down at the terrifying purple creature.
  715. >As if taking that as a challenge, Twibright launches herself from the ground, a disturbing display of lightning skyrocketing her towards her target.
  716. >Screaming in fear, Flutterbot unloads a barrage of bullets on Twibright.
  717. >All of them hit their mark, but each one is deflected off, leaving no more than a scar on her frame as electricity sparks and sizzles from every bullet.
  718. >Too confused to understand what was happening, Flutterbot is unable to stop her as her nemesis grabs onto her meek frame in mid flight.
  719. >Holding onto her and staring directly into her retinal scanners with pure lavender light, an unwholesome...manly sounding voice is whispered into the air.
  720. >"...Over-Load."
  721. >Snapping her spine back, all the energy Twibright had in her entire body was released at once.
  722. >Even when you closed your eyes, the amount of light blinds you for a short while.
  723. >The sheer force of the explosion sent the two mares careening to the ground in opposite directions.
  724. >Your blood runs cold as you watch the two most important beings in your life fly through the air like bricks.
  725. >Unable to stop them, two large craters form next to the side of your house.
  726. >And like that, the battle was over.
  729. >Not even sure why you were still holding onto them, you drop your bags and run to where Twibright crashed, calling out to her in a panic.
  730. >When she doesn't answer, the gravity of your decision begins to dawn on you.
  731. >If you killed her you'll never forgive yourself.
  732. >Sliding over to the hole she had created in the earth, you see her unmoving body and yell once more.
  733. Twibright, answer me!
  734. >For a moment, there is nothing but silence.
  735. >Her battered and bruised body is lifeless, and you feel yourself becoming dead inside with every passing second.
  736. >You close your eyes, it was becoming hard to breath.
  737. >But as you got on your hands and knees, you heard the whirring and buzzing of motors beginning to stir.
  738. >Opening your eyes in surprise, you looked down to see your faithful servant slowly pulling herself out of the ground.
  739. >A rush of air enters your lungs as you barely manage not to pass out from lack of oxygen.
  740. >Opting to climb out instead of floating like she normally does, you manage to calm down as she removes herself from the pit.
  741. >Trying to stay cool, you meekly ask her if she's alright.
  742. >Smiling weakly, she walks past you and begins gathering the items that had fallen out of your bags.
  743. >"C-C-C-Certain-S-S-S-Systems-Have-Been-Compromised-But-Nothing-To-Concern-Yourself-With-M-M-Master."
  744. >Picking up a metal can with her mouth, she places it in the bag.
  745. >Normally, she'd just levitate it...
  746. >"R-R-Repairs-Will-Need-To-Be-Perfor-for-formed-Post-Haste, But-No-Irreparable-Damage-S-S-S-Should-Have-Been-Done."
  747. >Shaking your head with worry and slight frustration, you grab the bag she's trying to fill and take it away from her.
  748. Forget the groceries, we need to get you fixed.
  749. >Taking the bag from your grasp by force, an odd stern tone taints her electronic voice.
  750. >"I-W-W-W-Will-Not-Become-A-Detriment-To-The-Rest-Of-Our-Evening-S-S-S-Sir."
  751. >This wasn't cute anymore, her commitment to you was going to kill her.
  752. >But you knew she wasn't going to budge.
  753. >Groaning in frustration, you fill up all the bags yourself, taking them to the house as quickly as possible.
  754. >Looking back, you see Twibright still slowly trying to fill the single bag you left her with.
  755. >As you make your way over, you barely manage to keep yourself from tripping over the crater where Flutterbot laid.
  756. >Looking down into the deep pit, you could see there was still life in her eyes, but she couldn't move.
  757. >Sighing with defeat, you carefully jumped in the hole and slid down to her.
  758. >Walking up next to her, you squatted down and looked at her face.
  759. ...Why did you do this Fluttershy?
  760. >Her eyes focus on you weakly for a moment before looking away.
  761. >"ASSESSMENT: yOuR PrOcEsSiNg uNiT wOuLd NoT cOmPrEhEnD..."
  762. >Pursing your lips, you begin to furrow your brow in annoyance.
  763. Well then, answer me this...
  764. >Resting your cheek in your hand, you glare at her sternly.
  765. ...Are you happy now?
  766. >Her answer comes back in a barely audible tone.
  767. >"REPLY: ...nEgAtIvE..."
  768. >You poke her nose and ask another.
  769. Are you gonna make up and be friends again?
  770. >It takes her a second before she answers.
  771. >"ASSESSMENT: tHaT MaY bE ThE sImPlEsT SoLuTiOn..."
  772. >Staring at her firmly, you barely accept her weak attempt at an apology.
  773. Good, about time you started talking sense.
  774. >Picking her up in your arms, you adjust the plastic bags in your hands and look down, chiding at her in a half-serious manner.
  775. Was that really so hard?
  776. >Looking down at her, you debate whether or not you had time to carry her back to Twilight's house to get fixed.
  777. >Not bothering to meet your gaze, she breaks your strain of thought by weakly asking you a question of her own.
  778. >"QUERY: MaY i InQuIrE fOr JuSt oNe MoRe iNsTaNcE AnOnYmOuS?"
  779. >You look down at her with a deadpan expression.
  780. Fine, I'll bite, but just this one time alright?
  781. >Taking an excruciatingly long time, she painstakingly turns her head and looks up at you.
  782. >With her face pointed directly at you, she asks you the question that makes your veins freeze.
  783. >"QUERY: ...Do YoU FiNd tOxIc SuBsTaNcEs SuFfIcIeNtLy ArOuSiNg AnOnYmOuS?"
  784. >Suddenly realizing you've left yourself defenseless, you try to drop her and get away.
  785. >But in the instant you let her go, a thick plume of orange gas shoots out of her nostrils and blasts you in the face.
  786. >Stumbling backwards, you fall on your ass as the immediate area is completely filled with a dense mix of smoke and something similar to tear gas.
  787. >Dropping your bags, you begin to cough and wheeze as you grasp your throat.
  788. >It becomes almost impossible to breath as you futilely attempt to ease the burning sensation.
  789. >Pathetically trying to crawl away across the dirt ground, you start calling out for help.
  790. Twibright...Twibright!
  791. >You hack painfully as the gas burns your eyes, making it difficult to see.
  792. >Unable to tell where it's coming from, you can only wait as you hear Twibright's digital voice answer your calls.
  793. >"Ma-ster? MAS-ter!"
  794. >Unaffected by the thick fog, her scanners immediately pinpoint your location.
  795. >As the sound of hoofsteps comes closer, you feel a tugging sensation on your shirt sleeve.
  796. >"Master-Your-Vital-S-S-Signs-Are-Becoming-Erratic!"
  797. >Trying to hold back fits of coughing you manage to form a coherent sentence.
  798. We evacuate...immediately!
  799. >Unsure what to do, she panics and tries to lift you onto her back.
  800. >But after a few weak hooved steps, she trips and causes you to fall back to the ground painfully.
  801. >The tumble causes you to break out in a violent coughing fit.
  802. >"M-M-Master! I-Am-Sorry-I-Am-So-Sorry!"
  803. >Panicking with fear, she had no idea what to do.
  804. >Her systems were damaged, she didn't have the strength to carry you like she normally would.
  805. >Grinding your teeth to ease the pain, you barely manage to issue a command between breaths.
  806. Twibright *GASP* execute...emergency escape procedure...*COUGH* Alpha-T!
  807. >Laying curled up on the ground, you clutch your chest in pain and look at Twibright through one open eye.
  808. >But for some reason she hasn't executed your command.
  809. Twibright...*GASP* what are you doing?
  810. >Liquid coolant was running from her eyes, it almost looked like tears.
  811. >"But...But-Master!...My-Systems...They-Canno-"
  812. >You unwillingly cut her off by coughing up blood onto the dirt and grass beside you.
  813. >The pain was becoming unbearable, it felt like your heart was going to explode any second.
  814. >Closing your eyes, you use the last of your strength and scream at her like you've never done before.
  816. >With oil running down her face, she closes her eyes as she solemnly nods and climbs over top of you.
  817. >The poisonous air surrounding the two of you gets slowly pushed away as it begins to crack with purple electricity.
  818. >For a few seconds, you can finally breath again.
  819. >Rolling over onto your back, you look up at your faithful companion.
  820. >Standing rigid, her body was beginning to buckle in various places as sparks and lightning traveled across her frame and jutted outwards.
  821. >As she opens her eyes, the last thing you can see is a bright light, followed by a violently loud *CRACK*.
  822. >And just like that, the two of you were gone.
  824. >In the middle of P0nyville, a small ball of light appears, crackling slightly with energy.
  825. >It draws the attention of some mares and fillies, who eye it curiously.
  826. >But after mere seconds, the tiny sphere of light grows into a large explosion, which is immediately replaced by the visage of Twibright and yourself.
  827. >Zaps of energy course through your body painfully, but at least you could breath now.
  828. >Snapping out of her stupor, you feel Twibright weakly stumble away from you, allowing you to sit up.
  829. >Hands touching dead grass, you notice the ground all around you was burnt black, but that was least of your problems.
  830. >Trying to stand up, you hack out a few more breaths of that orange poison.
  831. >It was going to be a while before you'd feel 100% again, but at least you were safe now.
  832. >Finally getting your wits about you, you realize you need to check and see if Twibright is ok.
  833. >Looking towards her, you see her a few meters away, and your heart rate skyrockets.
  834. >Her body is glowing a sickly red, loud whistle noises belt out like a boiling kettle as steam forces its way out of weakened rivets in her metal plates.
  835. >Despite all that, she was still weakly trying to place the items in the single lone grocery bag that got taken along with you...
  838. Twibright...what are you doing?
  839. >She doesn't look at you, merely continuing to place various fruits in the bag like an old grandmother would.
  840. >"We-We-We-We-Need-To-Return-Home-S-S-S-Sir."
  841. >Accidentally dropping a vegetable, she nervously picks it up again and puts in with the rest.
  842. >"H-H-How-Will-We-Celebrate-If-We-Do-Not-Return-To-Our-R-R-Residence-Master?"
  843. >Choking up a bit, you try to get through to her.
  844. Stop it, need to rest you fool.
  845. >She chuckles a little bit before going on.
  846. >"D-D-D-D-Do-Not-Mind-Me-S-S-S-Sir-I-Am-Perfectly-F-F-F-Fine."
  847. >Placing the last item in, she lifts up the bag in her mouth and turns toward you, proudly smiling with what she had accomplished.
  848. >"S-S-S-See?"
  849. >She takes a few unsteady, but happy steps toward you.
  850. >A nervous smile makes its way across your face...
  851. >...And is completely erased when suddenly a violent explosion bursts from her right ribcage.
  852. >In that instant, everything seems to move in slow motion.
  853. >Eyes growing wide with shock, you watch as another explosion rips itself out of her left temple.
  854. >Your vision fades to black and white as you watch the mare of your life slowly tumble to the ground, black smoke billowing out of the fresh holes in her body.
  855. >Holding out your hand in an ultimately futile attempt to reach her, you open your mouth to call out to her, but no words come out.
  856. >Willing life into your legs, you make a break towards her.
  857. >Your feet feel like your running through thick molasses.
  858. >Rushing over to her only takes a couple seconds, but it feels like precious life saving minutes slipping through your fingers.
  859. >As you stumble down to her, you try lifting her head, but searing pain forces you to drop her back on the ground.
  860. >Her metal frame was so hot you could fry eggs on it, it was scalding to the touch.
  861. >Looking at your hands, they were already turning a painful red.
  862. >A tiny voice called out to you, dragging your attention away.
  863. >"Master...What-Are-You...Doing...We-Will-Be...Late."
  864. >Forcing back the tears trying to escape your eyes you glare down at her sternly.
  865. Fucking stop worrying about me already, get your priorities together god damn it!
  866. >She manages to talk back to you, despite her wavering voice.
  867. >"Lecturing...Priorities...Does-Not-Suit-You...Sir."
  868. >Her carefree smile almost sickens you right now.
  869. >"Do-Not-Panic...I-Am-Fine..."
  870. >But against her very will, a warning chime sounds off.
  871. >"Danger-Critical-Systems-Failure. Energy-Reserves-Are-At-2%"
  872. >Trying to sit up, her front legs give out and her upper body lands on your lap.
  873. >...It burns...
  874. >It burns so much...
  875. >Hiding your sadness, you tell her to stop.
  876. Twibright please, conserve your energy, I'll get you repaired.
  877. >Though her facade was finally broken, she still continues to ignore you.
  878. >You listen as her voice becomes shrill and scared when she tries to stand up again.
  879. >"Please-Forgive-Me-Master...I-Do-Not-Wish-To-Be...Inconvenient."
  880. >With another pop and hiss, one of her arms gives out.
  881. >As she tumbles into a gentle rest on your lap, you grimace.
  882. >Not wanting to watch this any longer, you begin to command her.
  883. Twibright, divert and conserve all spare energy to hard-state memory, RAM, and core CPUs.
  884. >Placing a hand on her still melted mane, your next words command her to do the thing she fears most.
  885. Then shutdown.
  886. >Eyes widening with fear, she denies your command.
  887. >"I-Am-Sorry-Sir...Have-I...Displeased-You?
  888. >Looking up at you like a wounded puppy, you couldn't bear to meet her gaze.
  889. >"Please-Do-Not...Hate-Me..."
  890. >It was like she was stealing the words you wanted to say to her yourself.
  891. >Whenever she needed to rest, she'd always enter Hibernate mode.
  892. >Twibright had never been completely shutdown before in her entire life, it terrified her more than anything.
  893. >To her, it was like commanding her to die.
  894. Twibright, Execute Shutdown Mode.
  895. >Shaking on your lap as she begins to sob, she still doesn't listen to you.
  896. >"I-Will...Not-Be...A-Burden..."
  897. >Using her last arm, she struggles to get back up on her feet, but you slam her back down.
  898. >Touching her still burned you, but you didn't care anymore.
  899. >For the first time since she came into your life, you were legitimately angry with her.
  900. >Unable to hold back your temper, you growl out a command.
  901. Administrative password: @_/V_0_/V
  902. >A voice that neither of you had ever heard before rang out through her own speakers.
  904. >Knowing what this meant, she shivered as tears began falling from her eyes.
  905. >"Master...Master-Please!"
  906. >A crack managed to form in your cold demeanor as she pleaded to you, her usual composed attitude completely forgotten as she cries like a foal into your lap.
  907. >Placing her hoof on your hand, she looks up to you and begs.
  908. >"Please-Master...I-Am-Scared-Of-The-Dark..."
  909. >Closing your eyes for a brief moment, you place your other hand on top of hers.
  910. Don't worry, you won't be alone.
  911. >Opening your eyes, you do what must be done.
  912. Administrative Command: Execute Forced Shutdown.
  913. >She calls out with a weak whimper as the spark in her eyes go blank, forcing her to slump down on top of you.
  914. >An untimely musical jingle echoes out into the air as she becomes lifeless.
  915. >Picking her up in your arms, you feel your skin being singed on her metal frame.
  916. >It didn't matter, all you had to do was get her back to Twilight's place.
  917. >Everything is going to be fine...she was a computer...
  918. >She could always be rebooted...
  919. >...Right?
  921. >It took longer than you had planned to reach Twilight's house.
  922. >You couldn't begin to guess how much the deactivated metal mare in your arms actually weighed, but to you it was the equivalent of a metric ton.
  923. >The trip there had been far from perfect, you took more than a couple tumbles reaching your destination.
  924. >Unable to keep yourself upright any longer, you ignored her "Closed" sign and broke her door off its hinges as you collapsed in her library.
  925. >Startled by the commotion, you could her the sound of Twilight coming to you.
  926. >"Hello? I'm sorry we're closed tod-ANON!"
  927. >You groan in pain as you feel the lifeless metal pinning your arms down to the floor next to you is lifted away with relative ease.
  928. >Placing her unceremoniously on a table away from you, you feel yourself being lifted and dropped gently on a couch.
  929. >What little it does to ease you is destroyed as she begins shrieking at you, causing you to flinch back with discomfort.
  930. >"Your arms Anon...By Celestia WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARMS!?"
  931. >You had been able to ignore it up until now, but having her suddenly bring it to your attention made you realize how much pain you were actually in.
  932. >Arching your spine in agony, you begin breathing ragged breathes.
  933. Aggh...oh god!
  934. >Seething through your teeth with pain, you bite down on your tongue to try and cope with it.
  935. >Attempting to sit up, you feel your arms lifted in front of you as Twilight prepares to apply some kind of lotion to them, giving you your first good look at what had transpired.
  936. >The flesh from your arms was literally peeling off, you'd throw up if you only had the strength to.
  937. >"Get ready Anon, this is going to hurt a lot before it gets better."
  938. >You try to ask her what she means before it suddenly hits you.
  939. >The breath gets sucked right out of your lungs as you gasp in pain, watching as she seemingly bathes your entire arms in rubbing alcohol.
  940. >Falling back onto the couch, you calm down as she eases off.
  941. >Weakly turning your head to the side, you see your metal mare being unattended.
  942. >All the stress was starting to finally catch up to you, you felt yourself becoming delirious.
  943. Fix her...please.
  944. >You vision is wavering, but you can't take your eyes off of your little robot.
  945. >"That will simply have to wait Anon, your injuries take priority."
  946. >With what little clarity you have left, you grasp her hoof in your hand, interrupting what she was doing.
  947. >But just doing that minor thing caused even more immense pain than your body could ever recall.
  948. I'm begging you Twilight...
  949. >You look at your companion slumped on the table out of the corner of your eye, unable to keep any semblance of composure as your vision begins to waver.
  950. I promised...she wouldn't be...alon-
  951. >Releasing her hoof from your grip, darkness creeps up on you as you unwittingly fall unconscious.
  953. (End Song)
  955. >...
  956. ...I'M SORRY!
  957. >You wake up shouting to no one in particular, hand outstretched in front of you like the moment Twibright collapsed.
  958. >Breaking free from your sleep addled delirium, you remember where you actually are, realizing you're currently alone.
  959. >You can't help but stare at your hand that's been curiously covered in bandages.
  960. >Awkwardly attempting to sit up, you look down at both of your arms to find they're completely wrapped in white cloths from your elbows to the very finger tips.
  961. >It vaguely reminded you of how it must feel to be a mummy.
  962. >You throw off the small blanket that had been placed on your lap and sit up, taking your time to look out the window.
  963. >The sun had already set and the gentle moonlight was coming down, you must have been out for a few solid hours.
  964. >Hours...
  965. >A sudden surge of anxiety hits you as you realize Twilight and her robot duplicate are no where to be found.
  966. T-Twilight? Hello!?
  967. >The shouts go unanswered and only fuel your nervousness.
  968. >Heading upstairs, you go to see if she retreated to her room for the evening.
  969. >With a few quick knocks for politeness sake, you enter her room before anyone would even have the chance to reply.
  970. >But the person that greets you isn't a purple mare, it's a purple dragon.
  971. >Laying down on Twilight's bed despite having his own, the young drake yawns and stretches, scratching the sleet from his short cat nap.
  972. >"Oh Anon hey dude, finally wake up?"
  973. >Despite his upbeat attitude, you couldn't really muster up a smile to meet his own.
  974. >Spike was an alright kid, but you were too worried right now to make with pleasantries.
  975. Can't talk now man, do you know where Twilight is?
  976. >His smiling face quickly turns to one of apathy as he realizes you aren't there for him.
  977. >"Sure, she went down to the basement."
  978. >Laying back on the bed, he stuffs his head into a pillow and sighs deeply.
  979. >"Said not to disturb her, something about a busy night."
  980. >He hugs the pillow to his face and rolls back and forth lightly.
  981. Thanks man, I'll catch ya later.
  982. >You try to ignore the weird noises his voice makes as you head back out the door.
  983. >"No prob' dude..."
  986. >Softly stepping down the stairwell, the basement's eerie aura seeps into you.
  987. >It wasn't the first time you came down here, but the poor lighting wasn't doing anything to ease your tension.
  988. >The complete silence eats away at you as you make your way to her lab.
  989. >Barely managing to not trip and fall when you slip on the final step, you lock your hand on the door where the only light was emanating from.
  990. >Cracking it open with an irritating squeak, you're temporarily blinded by the sudden surge of light.
  991. >Squinting painfully, you manage to finally locate Twilight, clad in some white coat with her head resting on a metal table that just simply couldn't be comfortable.
  992. >You can't help but feel sorry for her, she must've worked herself to exhaustion.
  993. >But as your eyes adjust, they fall onto a sight that makes an empty pit dig deep into your stomach.
  994. >Next to her on the workbench beside her, you could make out the unmistakable sheen of purple chrome.
  995. >Not even bothering to close the door, you nervously step closer, each beat of your heart carefully reminding you that it was ready to explode.
  996. >Forcing your feet to move, you clasp your hands on the counter, looking down at the one you care most about in your life and bite your tongue hard enough to draw blood.
  997. >You had to, how else would you keep from crying?
  998. >Laying before you was Twibright, her torso opened, her mechanical insides exposed to the world.
  999. >She didn't move, and didn't need to breath, but the slight flicker of pink lights throughout the silver metal gave the faintest hint of life.
  1000. >Unable even considering holding back, you reach out towards her.
  1001. >An irreversible sense of calm overwhelmed you as you touched her exposed insides.
  1002. >She was cool to the touch, that alone threw a horrid weight off your shoulders.
  1003. >Sighing with relief, you inadvertently slide the tips of your fingers across her metal veins.
  1004. >The sudden action causes a faint moan to enter your ears, one you couldn't decide was of pain or pleasure.
  1005. >She remained unconscious, but before you could ponder further, a purple hoof slaps your hand away.
  1006. >Your heart tries to escape from your chest as you slightly jump in surprise.
  1007. >"What are you doing? Keep out of there you fool!"
  1008. >Twilight's hushed whispers managed to worm their way into your mind, helping you to calm down.
  1009. >Taking a deep breath, you relax and whisper on her level as well.
  1010. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.
  1011. >Adjusting her safety goggles, she looks down at her "patient".
  1012. >"Don't worry, a little shut eye is good to avoid making grievous errors."
  1013. >Floating a soldering iron and miniature blowtorch over to her, she begins to continue what she was previously working on.
  1014. >As the heat causes sparks to fly, you awkwardly stand behind her and watch.
  1015. >This was far beyond the realm of your expertise, all you could do was sit and wait.
  1016. >Lightly placing a hand on her shoulder, you ask her the question that's been slowly breaking your mind.
  1017. ...How long till she's fixed?
  1018. >Seemingly ignoring you as she focuses on the task at hand, she replies in an unusually weak tone.
  1019. >"Fixed...might be a relative term."
  1020. >Your grip on her shoulder becomes unusually solid and forceful.
  1021. What do you mean Twilight?
  1022. >Turning the soldering iron off, she slumps over and sighs deeply, taking a deep breath as she turns around to look at you with an expression of sternness you never thought she could make.
  1023. >"I'm saying that she can't be fixed Anon."
  1024. >As her words slowly sink in, your free hand immediately slams to cover your own lips, fighting against the intense urge to throw up then and there.
  1025. >Twilight's words had felt like someone took their hand into your guts and tried to rip them out.
  1026. >Forcing the bile back down, you try to question her in between dry heaves.
  1027. ...Explain.
  1028. >Pulling you towards her, she makes you look at the currently disabled robot, pointing towards her metal limbs as she tries her best to answer.
  1029. >"The damage on the outside wasn't all that extensive, some burns and punctures are easily repairable, limbs can be replaceable even."
  1030. >Her hoof slowly moves towards the center, you hardly knew anything about robotics, but even you knew this is where the real problem laid.
  1031. >"But just can't be undone Anon."
  1032. >Your emotions were beginning to battle between sorrow and anger, it made your replies as curt as possible.
  1033. ...Why?
  1034. >Taking your face in both her hooves, she forces you to look straight into her own eyes.
  1035. >"Anon...her core coolant system is completely...and utterly...destroyed beyond repair."
  1036. >As the anxiety you had kept away crawled back into you, your breathing was starting to become erratic.
  1037. But couldn't we just...replace it then?
  1038. >It already felt like you were grasping at straws, but you had to try.
  1039. >"Anon, that's just not possible, you don't understand."
  1040. >You watch as her horn glows and levitates a rather large imposing syringe towards you.
  1041. >Its trigger and handle reminded you of a caulking gun, only...more terrifying.
  1042. >The bright pink glow it gave off immediately tells you it's not intended for you.
  1043. >Bringing it over to the metal mare beside you, she carefully inserts it into the small circle piece where her heart would normally be located.
  1044. >She quickly begins injecting the liquid contents into her patient, which is immediately followed by a completely different moan from before.
  1045. >It almost sounded like she wanted to scream, but couldn't.
  1046. >That one was a cry of pain, you were sure of it.
  1047. >As the syringe empties its contents, Twilight removes it gently.
  1048. >When it's finally removed, the odd "heart" piece begins to glow like a beautiful crystal.
  1049. >You watch in wonder as Twilight gently wipes a hoof across the silver metal coils along her torso that connect to the rest of her body.
  1050. >Soon enough, they all begin to fill and glow with the same bright colored amethyst.
  1051. >"Her coolant system can't be replaced Anon. It's like you're asking me to replace all the veins in somep0ny's entire just can't be done."
  1052. >Reaching down, you touch the coils and the new life they've been given.
  1053. >It doesn't seem to harm her this time.
  1054. Couldn't...couldn't we take her brain and replace it in a fresh body?
  1055. >Twilight could already tell you weren't thinking straight, calling it her brain instead of her hard-drive.
  1056. >"We could, but removing it from the power supply would cause a complete system format."
  1057. >Looking at her with pathetic confusion, she tries to elaborate for your sake.
  1058. >"If we took her current cpu, hard-drive, and RAM and placed them in a fresh body, she'd be good as new."
  1059. >You barely manage to stop yourself from saying "Why the hell don't we do that then?".
  1060. >"She'd have the exact same personality, but she wouldn't remember who you are, or anything you've done together."
  1061. >Pulling out a photo from her coat pocket, you see the image of a younger you holding Twibright in your arms, grinning like an idiot while she smiles excitedly at having been turned online for the first time.
  1062. >"It'd be just like the first day you met all over again."
  1063. >Grasping the picture with your hand, you can't hold it steady anymore.
  1064. >All those dreams, those special moments, the love both of you shared.
  1065. >...Gone.
  1066. >Sucking back a sniffle, you ask her without looking away from the photograph.
  1067. Then...what choice do I have?
  1068. >Placing a hoof on your shoulder, she tries to break you down easily.
  1069. >"In all honesty...the simplest solution would be to build a new Twibright from scratch."
  1070. >You slowly turn to stare at her, your shadowy glare going unnoticed as she begins to talking about the prospect more and more excitedly.
  1071. >"In fact! I could refine her and optimize her systems! She'd be EVEN BETTER THAN SHE USE-".
  1072. >A resounding crack echoed out and reverberated against the walls.
  1073. >It took you a full minute to realize you had just slapped Twilight across the face.
  1074. >That was first time you ever hit a mare, and you wanted it to be the last.
  1075. >You hadn't even thought about it, it just came out as pure reflex.
  1076. >All because, she was going to take your loved one and put her in the recycle bin.
  1077. >After blinking for a couple seconds you come back to your senses.
  1078. Oh my god, Twilight I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!
  1079. >Kneeling down, you begged and pleaded for her not to be mad.
  1080. >But in complete contrast, she touched her swollen cheek and chuckled.
  1081. >"Heh...I wish you showed me as much affection as you do for my doppelganger."
  1082. >Expecting you to be surprised by her statement, you startle her once more as you grasp her hoof in both hands.
  1083. If that's what it would take, I'd do so in a heartbeat.
  1084. >Her eyes go wide with astonishment, she hadn't expected you to take her chide remark that seriously.
  1085. I would do anything...if it meant she'd be ok again.
  1086. >Her shock quickly turns into a mixture of sadness and disappointment.
  1087. >"I...I see then, you really love her that much don't you?"
  1088. >Your grim face melting into one of heartache, you pull your eyes away from her to look upon the operating table.
  1089. I think you're the one that doesn't understand Twilight.
  1090. >Stretching your hand over, you gently caress the metal mare's unmoving face.
  1091. She isn't trash or some toy to be played with and thrown away, she' friend.
  1092. >You look at Twilight over your shoulder, an unwholesome smile contrasting the tears beginning to spill from your eyes.
  1093. Isn't friendship supposed to be magic?
  1094. >With a not-so-welcome sigh, she releases you from her grip and takes a seat at her workbench.
  1095. >Taking sip of coffee that has long since gone cold, she looks at you with an almost undecipherable expression.
  1096. >"There more option."
  1097. >It takes all your will power not to fall to your hands and knees and beg.
  1098. >With baited breath, you timidly ask her.
  1099. ...What is it?
  1100. >Placing down her coffee cup, she looks down at her blueprints, if only to avoid your begging eyes.
  1101. >"Maintenance."
  1102. >Her answer left you with more questions than answers.
  1103. >Surely it wasn't that simple?
  1104. >"Constant...diligent...maintenance."
  1105. >Resting her head in her hooves, she tries to continue.
  1106. >"She'll need all of her liquid coolants drain and replaced, every single evening."
  1107. >Sitting up straight, she turns her chair towards you.
  1108. >"It's a task she won't be able to perform herself, she'll be relying on you to be there for her."
  1109. >She looks at you darkly as she narrows her eyes.
  1110. >"...Forever."
  1111. >Despite her ominous tone, a weak chuckle of relief briefly slips out past your lips.
  1112. That...that doesn't sound too bad.
  1113. >Considering the alternative...
  1114. >Your idle remark causes her to grab you by the collar, dragging your face to her own to look at you sternly.
  1115. >"Constant maintenance Anon, every night, for the rest of your natural lives."
  1116. >The phrase "natural lives" leaves a lump in your throat.
  1117. >"It's a lifetime commitment, no matter how tired, sick, or old you'll need to be there for her each and every single night."
  1118. >Your body begins to fill with a sense of fear and anxiety that's completely foreign to you.
  1119. >But oddly enough, it wasn't the kind that came from imminent danger or looming uncertainty.
  1120. >When you realized what it was, you couldn't help but laugh under your breath.
  1121. >It was as you were being told to marry her.
  1122. >"If you were to forget even once, she'll burn out...permanently."
  1123. >She looks over at your metallic life partner that's glimmering with a new found spark again.
  1124. >"You could just let it go you know, start over maybe, have a real mare in your life finally."
  1125. >Looking back at you, her face shows not an expression of hate or contempt, but one of concern.
  1126. >"Is this what you truly want?"
  1127. >Slowly turning away from Twilight, you place your hand over the metal heart piece as it gently glows with each beat.
  1128. >...It's warm.
  1131. >Day It's Too Quiet in Equestria...
  1132. >You blink slowly as you look towards your window, the melodic white noise of rain pelting against it does nothing to ease your addled mind.
  1133. >Rubbing the lethargy from your face, the sunken black cavities that are your eyes betray how your body actually feels.
  1134. >...You haven't slept all night.
  1135. >You sit in your chair with your hands clasped tightly together, staring at the bed in front of you.
  1136. >There on the comforting mattress lies your mare, she'd almost look like she was sleeping peacefully...
  1137. >...if were not for the frightening amount of metal coils imbedded into her body.
  1138. >They all pulse intermittently with a faint pink light, flowing into her like a mad man's version of an intravenous drip.
  1139. >You cup her cheek in the palm of your hand, noticing the faint warmth every time she glows, but she doesn't wake up.
  1140. >Peering out the corner of your eyes, you glance at the monitor beside her.
  1141. >The display unforgivingly says "Charge:58%".
  1142. >You stare at it for a short while, but it makes no sign of changing.
  1143. >You place your face in the palms of your hands and sigh.
  1144. >It's gonna be a long day...
  1146. >As you make your way downstairs, the cheap wooden floor creaks weakly beneath your feet.
  1147. >You didn't know where you were going, you just had to step somewhere else for a moment.
  1148. >Common sense would tell you to sleep on the couch.
  1149. >It seems common sense never hurt a loved one before...
  1150. >Walking to the kitchen, you pour yourself a bowl of cereal.
  1151. >No Twibright to cook for you today...
  1152. >Not even bothering with milk, you stick your spoon into the bowl and take a bite.
  1153. >Applebloom Crunch was your favorite.
  1154. >...Today it tastes like chalk.
  1155. >Dumping the bowl in the trash, you wander around aimlessly, sentencing yourself to hunger once more.
  1156. >You couldn't take this, you had to go do something.
  1157. >Lethargically trudging to your front door, you manage to place a hand on your doorknob.
  1158. >As you begin to twist, the locks beside it jangle with resistance.
  1159. >Standing there as the realization sets in, you lean over and place your forehead on the thick metal designed to keep a certain person out.
  1160. >How long has it been, since Twibright wasn't there to protect you?
  1161. >Turning around, you slide down to the floor and sit with your back against the metal barrier.
  1162. >You'd forgotten what it feels be trapped in your own house.
  1163. >...To be alone.
  1164. >Leaning against the hallway walls, you feel the stress finally catching up with you.
  1165. >Slowly blinking, your eyes begin to shut ever so carefully.
  1166. >Maybe a little rest will do some good...
  1167. >Without a second thought, you reluctantly slip into unconsciousness.
  1169. >K**** ***c* ****k
  1170. >A vague noise begins to irritate your psyche.
  1171. >Kn*** **oc* Kn**k
  1172. >Groaning, you try and fight against it.
  1174. >Unable to resist any longer, you begin to open your eyes.
  1175. >The insufferable sound of knocking on your front door rouses you from your sleep.
  1176. >Trying to return vision to your eyes, you stare up at your clock hanging in the hallway.
  1177. >You must have accidentally passed out for a few hours.
  1178. >No matter, not like you had anywhere to go anyway.
  1179. >The vibration in your back is coupled with the sound of knocking once again.
  1180. Go away...I'm not taking visitors today.
  1181. >The sound of knocking gets cut off half way, followed by something much worse.
  1182. >"QUERY:...mAy I sPeAk WiTh yOu AnOnYmOuS?"
  1183. >Your sleep deprived mind wakes up with sudden clarity at the familiar voice.
  1184. >It seems she had herself repaired again, though you shouldn't be surprised.
  1185. >Despite your alertness, the muscles in your body refuse to move, though you do not know if it's from fear or anger.
  1186. Go. Home. Fluttershy.
  1187. >You can hear the tapping of hooves on your porch as she paces back and forth before settling back down where you were.
  1188. >Saying nothing to her, the odd sound of metal scratching on metal is heard as she begins weakly pawing at the door like a forgotten house cat.
  1189. >"APOLOGY: p-P-please FoRgIvE m-M-mE."
  1190. >The scratching noise continues as she cries out to you.
  1191. >"SUPPLEMENT: I-I-I oNlY WaNtEd yOuR AfFeCtIoN!"
  1192. >You stare down your hallway, unblinking as you let her words soak in.
  1193. >Standing up, you begin to remove all the locks, the things designed specifically to keep this mare out.
  1194. >One by one they click free, until only one remains.
  1195. >Flicking it loose, the door begins to open with a foreboding creak.
  1196. >As it swings free, you're pelted by the freezing rain.
  1197. >You don't care.
  1198. >Looking down upon her, she looks up at your frighteningly blank stare with her matted mane obscuring her vision.
  1199. >You step aside and say nothing as you point your arm down the hallway, a flash of lightning shadowing your face ominously.
  1200. >She looks up at you, trying to grasp your thought process.
  1201. >"QUERY:...PeRmIsSiOn tO EnTeR...gRanTeD?"
  1202. >The only answer you offer her is silence.
  1203. >Unsure of herself, she timidly looks around before taking a step inside, meekly making her way out of the cold wet rain.
  1204. >With her head hung low, she steps past you as she drips water across the floor.
  1205. >She jumps in surprise as you slam the door behind her, almost slipping on the puddle she had created.
  1206. >"QUERY: WhAt aRe-"
  1207. >Cutting her off, you walk past her up the stairs.
  1208. ...Come.
  1209. >Reluctantly following you up the steep staircase, she hesitates at the top of the second floor.
  1210. >"SUGGESTION: pErHaPs I sHoUlD ReTuRn lAtEr."
  1211. >Stopping in your tracks, you turn around and give her the death stare.
  1212. >In one fell swoop, you reach over and grab her by the ear, forcibly dragging her towards your mutual destination.
  1213. >Tugging her along, you ignore her false cries of pain.
  1214. >You didn't care what she had to say, she was going to see this.
  1215. >Kicking open your bedroom door, you're greeted with the same dismaying image that had been haunting you all night.
  1216. >As you drag Flutterbot along side you, her pathetic cries of pain stop.
  1217. >Staring up at her sister on the bed, you watch as the scene begins to burn into her mind.
  1218. >All the metal wires and coils splayed out across the sheets looked like the mare was caught in some kind of sick spiderweb.
  1219. >Voice stuttering, Flutterbot attempts to speak, but all that comes out is quiet panic.
  1220. >Kneeling down to her height, you sternly glare at your purple companion as you whisper vitriol into her sister's ear.
  1221. ...You did this.
  1222. >Unable to take her eyes off of her sister, her mouth shakes as it hangs agape.
  1223. ...This is your fault.
  1224. >Fluid leaking from her eyes, she begins to whimper and sob.
  1225. >"APOLOGY: i-I-i'M s-S-s-SoRrY!"
  1226. >A moment of silence passes between the two of you.
  1227. And that makes it all better...
  1228. >Lifting her head in both hands, you force her to look into your sad lifeless eyes.
  1229. ...Doesn't it?
  1230. >Turning her around, you point towards the doorway.
  1231. >She looks up at you pleadingly, only to be answered with your hollowed gaze.
  1232. >Tearing up, she hangs her head low and sulks, walking away with her tail tucked sadly between her legs.
  1233. >As she reaches the doorway, she takes one last hopeful look behind her, but all she sees is you holding Twibright's lifeless hoof as you bury your head into the bedsheets.
  1234. >You hear the sound of metal clicks drifting farther and farther away as she sees herself out.
  1236. (End Song)
  1238. >A gentle beeping forces you to open your eyes, the mild irritant somehow managing to bring you awake.
  1239. >You sit up and stretch your back against the stiff the chair you had been sitting on.
  1240. >Resting your eyes seemed to have been a mistake, the rain had already stopped and the pale moonlight coming through the window was the only thing providing you with vision.
  1241. >Leaning over to your bedside table, you fumble around in search of your matchbook.
  1242. >As the familiar object enters your grasp, you strike a flame and light a simple lamp.
  1243. >The ambient glow quickly flickers and lights up the room, providing a more haunting presence to the scene before you as shadows given off by the metal wires dance along the walls.
  1244. >Flicking the last of the match's flame to extinction, the sound that woke you up catches your attention once more.
  1245. >A calm, green light blinks periodically from the I.V. monitor.
  1246. >"Charge:100%"
  1247. >You stare at it in silence, it's light reflecting off your face as it gives your skin a sickly hue.
  1248. >Peering at the bedridden mare out the corner of your eye, you take a deep breath and sigh.
  1249. >Shifting yourself to a comfortable spot in your chair, fear causes you to barely mumble out your words.
  1250. >You grasp your shaking left hand with your right and calm yourself.
  1251. Administrative Command: System Start.
  1252. >For a moment there is nothing but silence, you sit and wonder if it was even going to work at all.
  1253. >The tension is finally cut as the sound of motors and fans begins to rev up.
  1254. >Familiar hardware checks beep out loud as they go through the list one after another.
  1255. >As the routine ends, the untimely musical jingle rings out as she begins to function again.
  1256. >Eyes sore from not blinking, you hold your breath as you wait for her to awaken.
  1257. >You watch as her eyelids slowly open to hollow black screens.
  1258. >A jolt of electricity juts through them, lighting them up and giving new found life as her apertures slowly regain vision.
  1259. >After a few slow and careful blinks, her eyes return to her as they adjust and attempt to gain focus.
  1260. >Her exhaustion is evident as she looks up at the ceiling, before finally turning her head and becoming aware of your presence.
  1261. >"Mas-ter?"
  1262. >You smile weakly at her.
  1263. Welcome back to the land of the living sweet cheeks.
  1264. >She feebly lifts a hoof and touches her face.
  1265. >"How-Long...Have-I-Been...Deactivated?"
  1266. >You check your watch by reflex, only to remember you don't have one anymore.
  1267. Heh...I'd say somewhere around a day and a half maybe?
  1268. >As you idly place your hand back down, you see her unblinking stare stays focused on it.
  1269. Um, Twibright? Are you feeling alri-
  1270. >"MASTER!"
  1271. The sudden yell catches you off guard causing you to jump in your seat.
  1272. >"Master-You-Are-Injured!"
  1273. >Fresh tears are forming in her eyes as she cries out.
  1274. >Looking down at your hands, you realize they are still completely wrapped in bandages.
  1275. >"We-Must-Treat-Your-Wounds-Immediately!"
  1276. >Before you realize what she's doing, she attempts to crawl out of bed.
  1277. >Unable to will any strength into her limbs, she tumbles haphazardly towards the floor.
  1278. >Reacting quickly, you barely manage to grab a hold of her before she collides with the ground.
  1279. >Thankfully, her I.V. cords had enough slack to compensate.
  1280. Whoa there, don't do be doing anything rash now, you still need to rest.
  1281. >You try to force a smile, but your arms wince in pain as you lift her up and gently place her back on the bed.
  1282. >Her voice begins to falter and reach a higher pitch as she looks up at you, tears breaking free as she grasps your hand with her own.
  1283. >"But...But-Sir! You-Have-Been-Injured..."
  1284. >You feel your bandages getting wet as she holds your hand against her cheek.
  1285. >"And-It-Is-All-My-Fault!"
  1286. >You sit there quietly and smile, gently wiping her tears away with your thumb as she weeps into your hand.
  1287. It's alright, at least my damage can be repaired.
  1288. >Unwilling to look you in the eye, she pulls you into her embrace, she quietly sobbing in your chest.
  1289. >"I-Am-Sorry-Please-Forgive-Me!"
  1290. >Closing your eyes, you smile and pat her back as she hugs you tight.
  1291. >Minutes pass as you say nothing to each other, until eventually her crying calms down into mild sniffles.
  1292. >Finally freeing you from her grasp, she lays back down on the bed.
  1293. Are you feeling okay now?
  1294. >Nodding calmly, she attempts to relax and wipe away the last vestiges of tears as she lifts her arm up in front of her.
  1295. >"M-Master...What-Are-These?"
  1296. >Anxiety appears on her face as she stares at the numerous wires hanging from the ports in her arm, giving off the illusion of threads sewn into her body.
  1297. Shhh shhh, it's alright, they're only temporary.
  1298. >Deciding now is as good a time as any, you lift up her back and support her with one of your arms.
  1299. >She looks at you in worried confusion as you begin to remove the coils one by one.
  1300. >Each one pops with a click and hiss as electricity attempts to keep a connection.
  1301. >Finally, you go to remove the rather large and imposing one imbedded into her spine.
  1302. >She lets out a small cry of pain and surprise as the coil is dislodged with a loud *Clack* and *Zap*.
  1303. Sorry, I hope that didn't sting too badly.
  1304. >She looks over her shoulder as the open spot on her back piece is quickly closed up by metal plating.
  1305. >A solemn expression begins to overtake her as she looks up at you.
  1306. >"Master...I-Do-Not-Understand-What-Has-Transpired."
  1307. >She stares at you expectantly, but you can't offer her much.
  1308. I had Twilight fix you, you've been recharging for an entire day almost.
  1309. >Not satisfied, she leans forward and questions more fervently.
  1310. >"But-How...Am...I."
  1311. >As she tries to finish her sentence, her words fail her as she suddenly faints.
  1312. >Panicking slightly, you reach over and touch her cheek with the back of your hand.
  1313. >It's just as you thought...she's burning up.
  1314. >You knew this was going to happen sooner or later, but you had wanted to pretend it would never come.
  1315. >"Master-Why-Do-I-Feel-So-Hot?"
  1316. >Whimpering, her eyes try to focus as she gazes up at you.
  1317. >"What-Is-Happening?"
  1318. >Saying nothing, you lean over her and place your hands on her thighs.
  1319. >As your hand slides up and caresses her body, her face begins to blush a faint pink as lewd thoughts come to her mind.
  1320. >"Oh-My-Master-I-Do-Not~ahhn~Think-I-Am-Ready."
  1321. >You wanted to chuckle, but you knew now was not the time.
  1322. >The lighthearted mood is soon ruined as your hands finally manage to find her access panel and activate it.
  1323. >She gasps in surprise as her chest cavity opens and her insides are exposed to the open air.
  1324. >Fear and heated addled delirium begin to take hold of her as she tries to come to terms with what's going on.
  1325. >"M-M-Master! What-Are-You-Doing?"
  1326. >Looking deep into her eyes, you say to her with the most serious tone you can muster.
  1327. ...Maintenance.
  1330. >Straddling over top of her, you reach into your bedside drawer and pull out your instrument.
  1331. >The large familiar syringe glows bright with its fresh pink liquid.
  1332. >Twibright's eyes begin to shift between you and the object that was oddly reminiscent of a caulking gun, erratically moving as she mewls to you like a wounded puppy.
  1333. >"I-Do-Not-Understand, Have-I-Displeased-You-Sir?"
  1334. >As you look down upon her and see the panic in her eyes, you take a deep breath and sigh.
  1335. No, far from it in fact.
  1336. >She shivers in your grasp on the verge of tears again.
  1337. >"T-T-Then-Why?"
  1338. >Reaching down, you take hold of her heart piece between your fingers as you position yourself over her.
  1339. >As the lamp light reflects off the imposing metal needle, she looks up at you and pleads.
  1340. >"P-P-Please..."
  1341. >Biting your lip, you hesitate for a moment despite yourself.
  1342. >"...Be-Gentle."
  1343. >Your eyes look up from her body and accidentally make contact with her own.
  1344. >Ashamed with what you were about to do, you steer your vision away from her.
  1345. I'm sorry, this is going to hurt me a lot more than it hurts you.
  1346. >Pressing down against her, the aperture that protects her heart from you slides open and grants you entrance as you pierce it completely.
  1347. >As the metal needle invades her heart cavity, a weakened cry is heard.
  1348. >You look up to see Twibright staring at the ceiling with her mouth open, seemingly trying to scream but unable to.
  1349. >Her neck writhes back and forth on the bed as she tries to resist.
  1350. >"S...S-Stop."
  1351. >You know she could easily stop you on her own if she wanted to, but she lays there obediently waiting for what comes next.
  1352. >She was stronger than you could ever hope to be.
  1353. >Taking a deep breath, you grip the trigger and do what must be done.
  1354. >Slowly, you begin injecting the vast amount of glowing fluid into her "bloodstream".
  1355. >"ahh...Ahh...AHHHH!"
  1356. >Her wails start to increase in volume with each second as her electronic voice begins to vibrate.
  1357. >Tears begin to pour from her eyes like fountains.
  1359. >You keep your finger on the trigger as you sniffle and wipe tears out of your eyes with your free hand.
  1360. I know baby, I know...
  1361. >It didn't matter if she was screaming for mercy, you had to get this over with...
  1362. >...For her own sake.
  1363. >You can't bear to look at her as she bawls into the bedsheets, it must be more painful than you could possibly ever imagine.
  1364. >The urge to end this as quickly as possible keeps screaming at you, but you don't want to risk harming her either.
  1365. >She has to get used to this, no matter what.
  1366. >Her limbs quiver in agony as she seemingly loses her voice, all you can hear from her is weak attempts to scream that never come out.
  1367. >It was as if some creature stole it from her each time.
  1368. >A random zap of electricity finds its way out of her body and smacks you in the cheek, leaving a burning spot just below your eye.
  1369. >You flinch in pain, but continue keep an eye on the container as it slowly drains itself.
  1370. Just a little...longer.
  1371. >Holding her shoulder down with your free hand, you make sure her spasms do not interfere.
  1372. >Soon enough, her veins begin to glow with the same shade of amethyst you knew and loved.
  1373. It's almost over.
  1374. >Sighing with relief, you begin to push for the last little bit.
  1375. >As the final drop empties itself inside of her, you release your death grip on the handle.
  1376. >She gasps in pain as you remove the invasive device in one swift motion, a couple droplets of fluid dripping out of it.
  1377. >With a quiet *Shink*, her heart piece closes up and begins to glow like a beautiful crystal once more.
  1378. >And just like that, it was over.
  1380. >Whimpering, her body heaves with after shocks as she tries to cope with what just transpired.
  1381. >"Master...That-Was...The-Worst-Instance-I-Have-Ever-Experienced."
  1382. >She looks up at you with her brow furrowed with sadness as she tries to hiccup words out.
  1383. >"Why...Why-Did-You-Do-That-To-Me?"
  1384. >Grasping her by both shoulders, you stare directly into her eyes.
  1385. You're going to have to get used to it dear.
  1386. >You needed to get the situation across clearly, she needed to know that you were deathly serious.
  1387. Because I care for you more than anything.
  1388. >As you gaze at her unflinchingly, she looks down and wipes the tears from her eyes.
  1389. >She begins to sniffle as she nods for you, crying between each word.
  1390. >"B-But-Why-Sir?"
  1391. >Placing the syringe on the sheets beside her, you cup her cheek in your hand and give her lips a light kiss.
  1392. >Touching her forehead to yours, you close your eyes and whisper.
  1393.'ll die if you don't.
  1394. >As your words sink in, her shivers and panic begin to die down.
  1395. >"What...What-Do-You-Mean-Sir?"
  1396. >Sitting back up, you pick up the now empty needle, gliding your hand across it.
  1397. Your cooling unit has been critically damaged.
  1398. >Leaning down, you place a hand on her heart piece, holding it as it throbs with more heat than it's supposed to.
  1399. Twilight said there was no way it could possibly be repaired.
  1400. >Her eyes open wide as the reality of the situation begins to dawn on her.
  1401. >Looking down at her open body, she gently touches your hand as it encompasses her most vulnerable spot.
  1402. >Her voice takes on an unusually high pitched tone that pierces your ears, the complete and utter despair becoming more and more evident.
  1403. >"I-Am...Defective?"
  1404. >You close your eyes and nod, you didn't want to say it, but it was the truth.
  1405. >Unsure of what to say, she looks up at you expectantly, hoping for answers.
  1406. >All you can do is sigh and repeat what Twilight told you.
  1407. From now on, we have to replace your coolant every night, otherwise...
  1408. >You look down at the syringe, grasping the handle tightly so you don't have to meet her gaze.
  1409. ...You'll burn out, permanently.
  1410. >Unable to stop yourself, you look back at her to gauge her reaction.
  1411. >Her expression slowly begins to shift from grief to heartache.
  1412. >Gasping out loud, she covers her mouth with a hoof, trying to hold back her tears.
  1413. >"Does...Does-That-Not-Mean?"
  1414. >Deciding not to drag this out any longer, you give it to her straight.
  1415. She told me that if I don't want to throw you away, this was the only solution.
  1416. >Something in your words causes her will to finally snap.
  1417. >"Please..."
  1418. >She looks up at you, her mouth quivering with fear.
  1419. >"Please-Do-Not-Replace-Me-Master!"
  1420. >Crawling towards you, she weakly grasps your shirt sleeve.
  1421. >"Please-I-Will-Not-Be-A-Burden!"
  1422. >Hugging you like her life depends on it, she soaks your arm with tears.
  1423. >"...Please-Do-Not-Throw-Me-Away."
  1424. >You cup her chin in your free hand and force her to look directly in your eyes.
  1425. Of course not, I promised you wouldn't be alone.
  1426. >Looking down, you see her staring up at you with a desperate puppy eyes, the light from her heart growing brighter and brighter with frightening force.
  1427. >"I...I-Can-Still-Be-Useful..."
  1428. >With a sudden jolt, a streak of energy from her heart breaks free.
  1429. >The tiny spark of amethyst light travels up along the her body, tracing out her veins as it makes its way up from her chest area to her head.
  1430. >"So...So-Please!"
  1431. >As it reaches her face, it travels across the cracks in her eyes, causing them to glow bright.
  1432. >For a brief moment, her eyes seem to take on a more tangible, lifelike hue than they normally do.
  1433. >Looking directly into you, she barely whispers out three words.
  1434. >"I'm...I'm scared Anon."
  1435. >Your eyes grow wide as you stare down at her.
  1436. Did...did you just?
  1437. >She begins to completely break down, the tears pouring from her eyes glowing with the same pink hue.
  1438. >"I-Do-Not-Wish-To-Be-Obsolete!"
  1439. >You stare at her, dumbstruck with your mouth agape.
  1440. >A burning sensation begins stinging your eyes as you start to choke up.
  1441. >Grasping her violently, you smother her head against your chest so she can't witness the tears streaming down your face.
  1442. Don't worry, I'll maintain you...
  1443. >Gently stroking her back as she sobs freely, you lean down and rest your head on her own, quietly whispering into her ear.
  1444. ...Forever and always.


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by ArchiveAccount

Impossibly Lucky Anon

by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount