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Glim in the Interim

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-10-17 08:21:29
Updated: 2024-03-31 01:32:56
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Starlight from in-between the S5 premiere and finale becomes Anon's housemate.
  3. >You're on the move.
  4. >On the outskirts of the Ponyville, you discreetly follow a lilac unicorn through the countryside.
  5. >You dive from corner to bush to corner, channelling the lessons of all those accursed tailing missions you've had to suffer through in the video games you played back on Earth.
  6. >The mare you're stalking is one that has been spoken of through hushed whispers around the town.
  7. >Apparently, she's been sneaking about all over Ponyville, glaring at passers by.
  8. >Naturally, it's been making the residents nervous, several flower-loving mares are even losing sleep over it.
  9. >So you've decided to take it upon yourself to investigate, as a way of thanking Ponyville for being so welcoming to you.
  10. >Earlier today, you spotted the suspicious stalker skulking around Sugarcube Corner, so you moved in for a spying session of your own.
  11. >You weren't able to get a read on what she was looking for, but you'd wagered it was related to Pinkie Pie in some fashion; you've noticed that this mare seems to have a certain interest in the Elements of Harmony.
  12. >Back to the current time of day: evening, and you are following the unicorn to her next destination, presumably where she resides, considering the setting sun.
  13. >Peeking through a bush, you see her stop in front of a lone old hut that looks like it's been abandoned for years.
  14. >She looks around to check if there are any stragglers; once she confirms that she thinks she's alone, she opens the door and enters the building.
  15. >And that's your cue to move in, so you gingerly approach the hut.
  16. >The door has been left slightly ajar; moving in to examine it closely, you see why: it's barely holding on; the frame is sagging, and one of the hinges are gone.
  17. >Slowly opening the door, you cautiously make your way into the building.
  18. >Stepping in and looking around, you see that it's empty.
  19. >There's a hole in the ceiling, drawing in some of the lingering sunlight, and several of the floorboards are cracked and bent.
  20. >But wait, there's only one floor in this house, where did she…?
  21. >You hear a low sizzling sound, and feel a growing source of heat against your back.
  22. >"Don't move." You hear a voice from behind you.
  23. >You freeze up. Busted.
  25. >"Did you really think I wouldn't notice somepony—or whatever you are—following me?"
  26. "Th-that was the plan."
  27. >"Who are you?! Why are you here?! Are you one of *her* lackeys?!"
  28. "I-I'm no lackey—I'm just Anonymous."
  29. >"I'll be the judge of that."
  30. >The mare circles around to your front, glaring up at you from under her purple bangs, horn charged with magic.
  31. >She scrutinises you from top to bottom.
  32. >"*What* are you?"
  33. "Human, only one of my kind here."
  34. >"The only one…?"
  35. "Yeah, it's a bit lonely, but I make do."
  36. >She relaxes her posture slightly.
  37. >"Why are you here?"
  38. "I was investigating reports of a suspicious pony hanging around Ponyville."
  39. >"And you think *I'm* that pony? I'm not suspicious in the slightest."
  40. "Well…"
  41. >You scan your environment.
  42. >While most of the building is destitute, you see some items that look new: books, but the bookshelves themselves are dusty and rotten, looking liable to fall apart any moment.
  43. >The windows have been boarded up, and you can hear the sound of the wind rushing against the wall from the other side.
  44. >You see a worn, stained mattress in the corner; several opened wrappings of hayburger takeout are strewn around the nearby area.
  45. >Damn, mare, you live like this?
  46. "Not many ponies hang around in run-down houses, or spy on their fellow ponies, for that matter."
  47. >"I…I don't have any 'fellow ponies,' not any more…"
  48. >She stares at the floor with a bitter scowl, dissipating her spell.
  49. "So… You do live here?"
  50. >"For now, yes."
  51. "But why? I've never seen a pony live like this."
  52. >"I lost my *real* home. All thanks to *her.*"
  53. "'Her?'"
  54. >"The one who stole everything from me, my happiness, my friends…"
  55. "And that's why you've been lurking around Ponyville? Why you're living in a run-down hut?"
  56. >Frowning at you, she stays silent.
  57. >Looking down at her, you feel a strong sense of pity.
  58. >In a world where friendship and harmony reigns supreme, what would drive a pony to live so rough? Even a human like you was given a fair shot.
  59. >A sympathetic sensation starts to surface from within in you; even though you don't know this mare, and she did threaten you, you don't want to just leave her in this situation.
  60. "If you want a proper place to stay, I have a spare guest room over at my house."
  61. >She glares at you.
  62. >"And what's in it for you?!"
  63. "Nothing, I just…don't think it's right seeing a pony live in a place like this. Not after all the kindness they've shown me."
  64. >"This place is just *fine!*"
  65. >She stomps the floor as if to emphasise her point; a beam from the ceiling comes crashing down, just barely missing the both of you.
  66. "Could have fooled me."
  67. >"A-and for all I know, you could just be leading me back to your lair to gobble me up!"
  68. "That's a valid concern. Look—I won't say anything. Just keep your skulking around to a minimum, alright? We never met, if that's what you want."
  69. >"Hmph."
  70. >You leave the residence, and make your way back to your home.
  72. >Cutting through the centre of Ponyville, you travel towards the outskirts of the Everfree.
  73. >Your thoughts drift back to the pony you encountered earlier; while she wasn't receptive towards the help of a lumbering alien, perhaps you can bring up her situation to Town Hall?
  74. >You eventually make it to your house—a nice little cottage bordering the Everfree Forest.
  75. >Moving in to open the door, you suddenly feel eyes on your back; turning around, you see her—the lilac mare you spoke with earlier today.
  76. >You try your best to mask your surprise; perhaps you should've expected that the stalker would have become the stalked, considering the circumstances.
  77. "You're good at this."
  78. >"Or maybe you're just bad at noticing."
  79. "Touché. Why did you follow me?"
  80. >"I'm just…evaluating all my options."
  81. "Right, and your evaluation?"
  82. >She stares up at your house with a scrutinising expression, which slowly turns to one of yearning before she shakes her head and looks back to you.
  83. >"I can see that it's not a lair."
  84. "Thanks, I do try to keep it tidy."
  85. >The unicorn nervously scuffs one of her forehooves across the pavement.
  86. >"Were you serious, back there? About giving me a place to stay?"
  87. "Of course, that kind of generosity is why I even have this house."
  88. >She eyeballs your home for a few more moments, before looking back to you.
  89. >"Anonymous, was it? I think I'll take you up on that offer.
  90. >"…If there's still a room free, I mean."
  91. "Sure."
  92. >"G-great! I'll just go and get my things."
  93. "Alright, I'll be wai—"
  94. >"Okay, done!"
  95. >With a flash, you see that the mare has teleported her belongings to her side.
  96. "Wow, you're pretty good at magic."
  97. >She smiles sheepishly.
  98. >"Y-yeah, it's just something I'm…"
  99. >She stops, looking away and frowning to herself, as if recalling a bad memory.
  100. >"Anyway, the guest room, you said?"
  101. "Yeah, up the stairs, first door from the left."
  102. >"Right, and…thank you, by the way."
  103. >You give her a thumbs up.
  104. >She tilts her head.
  105. "Ah right, that gesture means 'that's good.'"
  106. >"Oh!"
  107. >She raises up one of her forehooves and wiggles it around in your direction.
  108. >That's cute.
  109. "So—hey, you know my name, what's yours?"
  110. >"It's Starlight, Starlight Glimmer."
  111. "And why *were* you hiding in bushes all day, Starlight?"
  112. >She grins nervously.
  113. >"Are you sure you want to hear it? It's kind of a long story…"
  115. ***
  117. >And that's the story of how you got a vengeful unicorn as your housemate.
  118. >It turns out that the *her* was Princess Twilight Sparkle, an acquaintance of yours.
  119. >Back in Starlight's old village, she lived harmoniously together with her fellow villagers, until Twilight and her friends *apparently* sowed doubt and upended her lifestyle.
  120. >You get the distinct feeling that Starlight left some crucial details out, but you can't bring yourself to pressure her too much; you're the one who offered her a home, after all.
  121. >And it's not like you can ask Twilight directly; that'll raise a ton of red flags.
  122. >Fast forward a couple months later, you open the door to your house and—
  123. >"Whoa-oh!"
  124. >You see Starlight flying around your living room; she's covered herself in a turquoise glow.
  125. >You close your door, gazing in awe at the aerobatic equine.
  126. "This is a new one!"
  127. >"Yeah—levitation!"
  128. >Starlight soars over your head.
  129. "And here I thought only pegasi could fly!"
  130. >"With enough magic—anything is—wah! Possible!
  131. >She nearly collides with one the shelves hanging off the wall.
  132. "Try not to crash into anything, will you?"
  133. >"I—hold on."
  134. >She steadies herself.
  135. >"I have to practice this."
  136. "For your epic showdown with the Princess of Friendship, right?"
  137. >"Yes—also, don't call her that! She doesn't know what friendship is—whoa!"
  138. >The aura surrounding her suddenly dissipates; with no magic to hold her up, she begins to fall to the floor.
  139. >Luckily, you've already prepositioned yourself below her; you catch her in your arms, carrying her in a bridal position.
  140. >"Ah!"
  141. >After several seconds of holding her like this, she looks away, blushing.
  142. >"…Put me down, please."
  143. >You gently set her down onto the floor.
  144. "Are you alright? What happened back there?"
  145. >"I just lost focus, that's all. All I need is a bit more practice."
  146. "But what if you lose control over the spell at a crucial moment? It might be too dangerous for you to—"
  147. >Starlight clears her throat.
  148. >"What was our agreement, again?"
  149. >You sigh.
  150. "No trying to convince you against your path of revenge. My bad, Glimmy."
  151. >Starlight nods.
  152. >It's a hard bargain, but on the other hand, you get to call her by her nickname without her grumbling.
  154. >"I won't lose control. I can't afford to, not after last time."
  155. "Last time… Your town, yeah?"
  156. >"Yes."
  157. "You liked it there, right?"
  158. >"Yeah, it was…great."
  159. >She closes her eyes in reflection.
  160. >"Everypony was friends with one another, everypony treated each other equally, and nopony was left out."
  161. >She smiles wistfully.
  162. >"It was my perfect little slice of harmony, I loved it."
  163. >She glances up at you.
  164. >"…You would have liked it, I think."
  165. "Maybe I would've."
  166. >You sit down on your couch, taking a breather.
  167. >Starlight looks towards a calender that's attached to one of your living room walls; she ponders to herself.
  168. >"…I'm still not ready to take her on. I need more."
  169. "How much 'more' do you think you'll need?"
  170. >Starlight holds a hoof under her chin in contemplation.
  171. >"Can I ask a favour, Anon?"
  172. "Sure, shoot."
  173. >"I need you to find me a spell that can encase ponies in crystal."
  174. "Wow, that's a bit hardcore, isn't it?"
  175. >"Perhaps, but I'll need it if I'm going to be able to contend with Twilight Sparkle."
  176. >This isn't the first time she's asked you to cover for her.
  177. >Logically, you should've let Twilight know about this unicorn a long time ago, but there's a certain sense of satisfaction that comes from helping her out and seeing her appreciate your efforts; it reminds you of when you first arrived to Equestria.
  178. >And…there's still a part of you that believes she'll change her mind at the last minute.
  179. "Alright, but where am I gonna find a spell like that?"
  180. >"Twilight's castle, she has a library there, doesn't she? There must be all kinds of spellbooks hidden away in there."
  181. "Well…"
  182. >"Please? I don't have anypony else to turn to."
  183. >Oh be still, your beating heart!
  184. >"And I can't go there myself, although I suppose I could…"
  185. >Okay, seriously, beating heart, be still, you need to respond here.
  186. "No! That's fine. I'll go and grab your…crystalling spell."
  187. >It's not that you're worried about Starlight, it's more that you're worried about any pony who's unfortunate enough to cross her path.
  188. >She smiles at you.
  189. >"Thanks Anon, I appreciate it."
  191. >And so here you stand in front of Twilight's castle, ready to borrow a book that will inevitably inconvenience the castle's owner.
  192. >You knock on one of the large, imposing doors.
  193. >The door opens slightly, and you see a little purple dragon on the other side.
  194. "Spike! My brother from a dragon mother!"
  195. >"Hey Anon! What's up?"
  196. "Just looking to borrow a book."
  197. >"Sure, come in!"
  198. >He ushers you inside the castle, leading you towards the library.
  199. "Twilight not in today?"
  200. >"Nope, she's off on one of her friendship quests along with Fluttershy. Somewhere in the mountains, I think. She was *really* excited about it."
  201. >You count your blessings that Twilight isn't in today; you really don't want to try and explain why you need a spell that immobilises (probably purple) ponies.
  202. >"Well, we're here!"
  203. >Looking around, you find yourself in a large room; bookcases line the walls and reach all way up to the ceiling.
  204. >"So, what are you looking for?"
  205. "You wouldn't happen to know any books with spells to encase…stuff…in crystal, would you?"
  206. >"Hmm… Oh! Yeah, there was this book that Rarity borrowed the other day that had some spells on that!"
  207. "What about…living…stuff."
  208. >Spike raises an eyebrow.
  209. "Well—i-it's for a magic exam I'm taking—yeah."
  210. >Spike raises his eyebrow further.
  211. >"I…guess we have a book on spells which do that."
  212. "Thanks man—uh, dragon. And um—don't tell Twilight about this, yeah?"
  213. >Spike raises his eyebrow even further.
  214. >"…Why?"
  215. "B-because…it's for a surprise! Yeah—big surprise…party… With Pinkie and everything, so don't tell anyone, actually."
  216. >Spike's eyebrow has dislocated from his body; it is now floating above his face.
  217. >"…Alright Anon, just this once, okay? And you owe me *big time* for this."
  218. >Spike goes off to grab a ladder; soon after, he begins shuffling through the shelves to locate the discussed book with a tactical precision honed through years of Sparkle servitude.
  219. >You wonder how Starlight was planning to peruse this place; she does have that levitation spell…
  220. >"Here you go, one book on 'How to Encase your Enemies' right here!"
  221. "Thanks."
  222. >"Oh, don't thank me yet. I still haven't decided on what you owe me for my silence."
  223. >He hands you the book.
  224. >"Just don't immobilise any ponies *I* know, alright?"
  225. >You nervously chuckle.
  227. ***
  229. >Back in your house, you enter the guest room where Starlight resides; she's expecting you.
  230. >"Were you able to get it?"
  231. "Yep, smooth as butter."
  232. >You hand Starlight the tome; her eyes light up.
  233. >"Wonderful! Thanks again, Anon!"
  234. "Anytime."
  235. >She sets the book down on the table and immediately starts flicking through the pages.
  236. >"Oh, this is the one!"
  237. >She studies the pages with an intense fervour, not paying attention to the world around her.
  238. "I'll leave you to it, then."
  239. >You turn to exit—
  240. >"Wait, Anon."
  241. "Yeah?"
  242. >She grins at you.
  243. >"Do you want to…watch me practice? J-just in case something goes wrong and I need help or something or—"
  244. "Sure thing, Glimmy."
  246. >You and Starlight are in your backyard, facing out into the field.
  247. >Out on the grass, you've positioned an empty bottle on top of a stool for target practice.
  248. >The bottle is one of lavender perfume that Rarity gifted you one Hearth's Warming; you figured that it'd be fitting for the occasion.
  249. >Starlight is rereading the spellbook, triple-checking her incantations.
  250. >You're munching down on a home-made sandwich while you watch; it's tasty.
  251. >"So first, we're starting off with something that isn't alive."
  252. "Right, so this spell works on both the living *and* the non-living?"
  253. >"Yes, so does the other type, actually, but ponies caught in that kind of spell tend to…deteriorate quickly with no way to properly respire."
  254. "Ah, so you wanted to make sure that Twilight can breathe then? Very thoughtful of you, Glimmy."
  255. >"W-well, it's only because I want to see her face when I finally beat her."
  256. "Sure, sure."
  257. >"Anyway, you're the one who picked it. I would've been fine with either spell, really…"
  258. "Aren't they both in that book?"
  259. >Starlight stares blankly at you.
  260. >"…So! I should really get to practising! Busy, busy!"
  261. >She faces towards the bottle, horn at the ready.
  262. >Focusing herself, she fires off a bolt of magic towards it.
  263. >It impacts the bottle, encasing it within a purple prison.
  264. >She trots off to go and inspect it.
  265. >Returning back to you with the crystal floating behind her, she proudly shows it off.
  266. >"Look! It worked!"
  267. >She beams at you, and you give her a thumbs up.
  268. >"Great! So now we just need a live subject!"
  269. >Starlight examines you as a smirk builds on her face.
  270. >You suddenly feel a chill climbing up your spine.
  271. "W-wait a minute, I'm not volunteering."
  272. >Still smirking at you, Starlight suddenly bursts into laughter.
  273. >"I was just joking, Anon! I wouldn't freeze my only friend."
  274. >She tenses up.
  275. >"I-I mean, I won't freeze you, if you forget what I just said."
  276. "Lips. Sealed."
  277. >"Good."
  278. >You two sit on the porch step and start critter watching.
  279. "…But we are friends though, right?"
  280. >"Well—yes, of course! I just—we should move on now."
  281. "Good idea."
  282. >Staring back into the verdant plane, you swear you can feel her stealing glances at you every so often.
  284. >She spies a squirrel running onto the grass.
  285. >"Oh, this one will do quite nicely!"
  286. >She stands up, smirking, quickly channelling power through her horn.
  287. >She fires a beam at the poor critter, levitating it upwards in a turquoise aura and preventing it from escaping.
  288. >You briefly wonder if Equestria has an ethics department for woodland creatures.
  289. >Holding it in place, Starlight attempts to channel another spell through the beam.
  290. >She succeeds in lightly pelting it with small purple rocks conjured out of thin air, but not much else.
  291. >"Come on…come on…!"
  292. "Hope Fluttershy doesn't find out about this one."
  293. >"Fluttershy… *Fluttershy!*"
  294. >Starlight's horn begins to light up brighter than before.
  295. >"She's one of the ponies who—!"
  296. >With a grunt, she fires off a spell at the squirrel, encasing it in a purple crystal.
  297. >No longer floating, the rock soon hits the ground; the squirrel trapped within is anxiously flitting its eyes around, but is otherwise unharmed.
  298. "Wow."
  299. >Admiring her results, Starlight laughs.
  300. >"Perfect! This is *exactly* what I'll need to beat her!"
  301. "Well done, Glim—"
  302. >Starlight suddenly turns around and hugs you.
  303. >The embrace lasts just a few moments, as she quickly disengages and turns away, blushing.
  304. >"Sorry—I just got so caught up in the moment that I—um…"
  305. "Oh—it's fine, really. Nothing wrong with a bit of post-magic cuddling."
  306. >You turn your head to the still-crystallised squirrel.
  307. "So, is he gonna be stuck like this forever or…?"
  308. >"Oh, it'll wear off on its own eventually."
  309. "Could you maybe…unfreeze him now?"
  310. >"Why would I do that? It's just a squirrel."
  311. "I mean… Karmic balance and all that."
  312. >"…Fine, Anon. Just for you."
  313. >She zaps the encased squirrel with the same spell, uncasing it.
  314. >Once freed, the squirrel squeaks and flees up a nearby tree.
  315. "Hey Glimmy, you can head back inside, I'm gonna go clean up here."
  316. >"Alright, don't be too long though. There's a few other spells I want to go over with you."
  317. "Mastered one spell, and you're already thinking of the next ones, eh?"
  318. >She lightly giggles, heading back inside the house.
  319. >You walk up to the tree, looking up at the squirrel.
  320. "Sorry, little guy."
  321. >The squirrel glares at you from up the tree
  322. "Look, please don't tell Fluttershy about this, okay? I'll—I'll give you this."
  323. >You lay down the rest of your sandwich at the base of the tree.
  324. >The squirrel comes down to inspect it.
  325. >After several seconds, it gives you a nod, picking it up and scurrying away.
  326. >Some would call you mad for bargaining with woodland animals, but you know that yellow pegasus has got…connections.
  328. ***
  330. >It has been some time since you got Starlight that spell.
  331. >Since then, she has become highly proficient in both the levitation and crystallisation spells, among other kinds.
  332. >It's late at night; carrying a bag, you enter Starlight's room.
  333. >She's sitting on a stool, facing away from you.
  334. >As she stares intensely across a variety of transcribed spell pages on her desk, it's clear that the day of her confrontation is drawing near.
  335. "Hey, Glimmy, brought you some study snacks."
  336. >You set down the bag near the foot of the table.
  337. >"Aw, thanks."
  338. >You notice she's been reading some parchment that you haven't seen before.
  339. "What's that?"
  340. >"This—"
  341. >She levitates the scroll off the desk, turning around and showing it off to you.
  342. >"Is my trump card. Time travel."
  343. "Wait, really? Actual time travel?"
  344. >"Yes, with it, I'll be able to go back in time and change the past."
  345. "Whoa."
  346. >Truth be told, the thought of this mare changing events in the past unsettles you, but you're in too deep to back out now.
  347. "So you'll be able to beat Twilight with this."
  348. >"Yes, with it, I will…"
  349. >She pauses as she glances you over, a mixture of emotions present on her features.
  350. >Eventually, she shakes her head.
  351. >"Tomorrow."
  352. "Eh?"
  353. >"Tomorrow, that's when I'm going to settle things."
  354. "Oh, well… Good luck, Glimmy, I'm rooting for you."
  355. >"…Thanks."
  356. >She turns her back to you and continues her studying.
  357. >You make to leave her room.
  358. >"Hey, Anon."
  359. "Yeah?"
  360. >"Where did you say you popped up in Equestria again?"
  361. "Well…do you remember where we first went out to test your superspeed spell? It was like 20 metres north of there—in the clearing."
  362. >"And the time?"
  363. "Uh, suppose it's been about three years and…three months now?"
  364. >"Okay, got it."
  365. "Why do you ask?"
  366. >She's silent.
  367. "'Cause that's a *very* specific question, and you know how I am about those."
  368. >"I'm…evaluating, that's all.
  369. >"You should get some sleep. It's getting late."
  370. >You chuckle nervously.
  371. "…Hey, if you do manage to pull off your crazy-time-travelling-revenge plan, I'd love to join you in your town."
  372. >She doesn't verbally respond nor look back, but you can see her tail start to loosely swish about.
  373. "Good night, Glimmy."
  374. >"…Good night, Anon."
  375. >You know that tomorrow is going to a big day for Starlight, regardless of the outcome.
  376. >But whatever happens, you've decided you'll be there to support her.
  378. ***
  380. (Alt. ending)
  381. >Tomorrow morning has arrived.
  382. >You woke up earlier than you usually do so you could see Starlight off.
  383. >In the early hours of the rising sun, you and Starlight are sitting on your couch, counting the moments away.
  384. "So…it's the big day, huh?"
  385. >"Yeah…"
  386. >Starlight takes a deep breath.
  387. >"Hey, Anon."
  388. "Yeah?"
  389. >"…Stop me."
  390. "What?"
  391. >"You heard me."
  392. >She looks at you.
  393. >"Revenge has been what's driving me all this time. I've been planning this out for so long.
  394. >"…But Twilight is your friend, isn't she? I know that this can't be what *you* want.
  395. >"We've danced around the subject so many times, but…you've never outright stated it.
  396. >"Please, I-I need to hear it."
  397. >Looking deep into those uncertain, persian-blue eyes of hers, you decide to make your move.
  398. >You wrap an arm around her, bringing her close; she doesn't resist.
  399. "Glimmy… You have to stop this."
  400. >"Why?"
  401. "Because you belong here, with me, in my—our house."
  402. >She hums with contentment.
  403. "What about you?"
  404. >"I…want to stay here, with you, practising spells, eating junk food, flying kites…"
  405. "Then stay, please."
  406. >Leaning into you, she closes her eyes in contemplation, smiling.
  407. >"Okay."
  408. >Draping a hoof across your body, she nuzzles her face on your chest.
  409. >"…Well, there goes our agreement."
  410. "We don't really need an agreement at this point, do we?"
  411. >Still smiling, she looks up at you.
  412. >"No, I suppose we don't."
  413. >You two stay like this for a while.
  414. >"…I totally could have taken her, though."
  415. "Maybe I can introduce you two later. She's not that bad."
  416. >"That will have to be a long later. I *was* kinda planning on ruining her whole life."
  417. "You'd be surprised how many friends she's made that have tried to do just that."
  418. >She chuckles.
  419. >"Thanks, Anon, for everything."
  420. "Of course, Glimmy."
  421. >The two of you continue to lay there together, content with the choices you've made, and content with the future you've chosen.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain