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Trixie and Treat

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-10-31 08:01:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon and Trixie enjoy their first Nightmare Night together.
  3. >Nightmare Night is upon you.
  4. >But technically, it's more like Nightmare Evening right now, you suppose.
  5. >You had spent most of the Nightmare Day handing out advertisements to those in Ponyville who would listen.
  6. >Standing in your kitchen, you hold a cup of coffee—your lifeblood to withstand the rest of the night.
  7. >It's a night you want to stay wide awake for; you know the upcoming show is going to be one to remember.
  8. >You calmly take a sip of your coffee—
  9. >"Oof!"
  10. >A loud crashing sound coming from outside your home catches your attention.
  11. >Nodding to yourself, you take a peek outside your nearby window.
  12. >The wagon in your backyard is wobbling in place.
  13. >Suddenly, it violently tilts 45 degrees to the right, then 45 degrees to the left, then 45 degrees to the right again, before crashing back down into its resting position.
  14. >"Ugh!"
  15. >You hear a sound reminiscent of a kettle boiling as a heavy fog suddenly billows out of the wagon windows for a few seconds.
  16. >The wagon then propels itself about 10 feet into the air, before slamming back down; thankfully, it's still intact.
  17. >"Ow!"
  18. >…Yeah, you're gonna check up on her, just to be safe.
  19. >Exiting your kitchen and out of your home proper, you head into the yard where the parked problem awaits.
  20. >Mercifully, the caravan does not perform any more sudden manoeuvres as you approach.
  21. >You knock on the wagon door.
  22. "Hey Trixie, everything good in there?"
  23. >"Uh—yes! Trixie has got everything under control! There is absolutely *no* need for you to come inside!"
  24. "If you say so. Just let me know if you need anything, alright?"
  25. >"Trixie—I mean, I will, thanks."
  26. >You head back inside your home and make your way up to your bedroom to grab a couple of things.
  27. >The voice in that wagon belongs to none other than Trixie: travelling showmare.
  28. >Or at least, she used to be travelling; right now, she resides in your backyard as she plans her latest and greatest shows.
  29. >Just as well, too; you two are dating, after all.
  31. >You two first met through a mutual friend, where Trixie promptly invited you to her upcoming magic show.
  32. >You fell in love with her show at first sight, something which was not left unnoticed by her.
  33. >After the show, the two of you got to chatting, and she eventually asked you if you wanted to sign on as her assistant for her upcoming tour.
  34. >Naturally, you agreed, wanting to see more of this mare's wonderful talent.
  35. >From there, one tour eventually led to another, and you soon found yourself travelling all over Equestria with this showmare.
  36. >The frigid climes of Yakyakistan… The arid sands of Saddle Arabia… The tranquil, yet subtly-fierce atmosphere of Kirin Grove… You and Trixie went and saw it all.
  37. >You figured being the only human in the world was a pretty good publicity boost for her.
  38. >Knowing this, you had pondered the possibility that she may have just been using you to promote her career, but you didn't mind; her show was one-of-a-kind in your eyes, so you were happy enough to see more of it.
  39. >But one day, she surprised you by confessing her feelings to you *during* one of her performances, catching both you and the audience off guard.
  40. >Not too off guard, though, as by that point you had already developed feelings of your own towards her.
  41. >After that, the world tours started to slow down, and now the two of you effectively live together in Ponyville; she eats in your house, sleeps in your house, but she still goes off to your backyard to practise routines for any upcoming shows and tours.
  42. >Shows and tours that, naturally, you always make sure to attend.
  43. >However, as the days move closer and closer to the holiday resembling Earth's Halloween, Trixie has started to spend more and more of her time secluded inside her caravan, practising…something.
  44. >But you're not worried; you've been around her long enough to know that she gets this way whenever she's developing a new trick that she wants to surprise you with.
  45. >Rummaging around in your room, you locate your prizes: two boxes—one blue and one green—each containing a costume.
  46. >One of these costumes belongs to Trixie, but you're keeping the both of them in your house for safekeeping considering her…explosive practices.
  48. >Heading back to your living room, you sit down on your couch, placing the boxes on the nearby table.
  49. >You hear your front door open.
  50. >"Rejoice, my assistant! For the Great and Powerful Trixie has arrived!"
  51. >Looking up from the table and towards your home's entrance, you see a unicorn mare covered in soot, but those magenta eyes divulge her true identity; that, and her tendency to announce her presence wherever she goes.
  52. "And just in time, too."
  53. >"Indeed, this Nightmare Night will be spellbinding, spectacular! Are you as excited for the show as I am?"
  54. "You know it. Any teasers for the upcoming act?"
  55. >"Nope! You'll just have to watch it in *person!*"
  56. "And you're sure you don't need any help?"
  57. >"It would spoil the surprise if you were privy to the show, Anon!"
  58. "Alright, fair enough."
  59. >You pass her one of the boxes—the blue one.
  60. >"Oh! The costume, my thanks!"
  61. >She reaches out a sooty hoof, before quickly retracting it, grinning sheepishly.
  62. >"Ah—right…"
  63. "You never know, maybe ashen wizards are *in* this season."
  64. >She smirks at you.
  65. >"Ahem, Trixie will put her costume on…"
  66. >She points a forehoof towards the stairs.
  67. >"But first, Trixie requires the shower!"
  68. >She rushes up the stairs, turning towards—
  69. "Hey, Trixie? Shower's the other way!"
  70. >"T-Trixie knew that!"
  72. >One shower later, and an elegant, blue-coated unicorn proudly stands before you.
  73. "Is the Squeaky and Clean Trixie ready to put on her costume?"
  74. >"That's right!"
  75. >Trixie levitates the items out of the blue box, you see some fashionable vestments and…hair—mane gel?
  76. >"Now close your eyes, Trixie will be done in just a moment."
  77. >You do as you are told, and your thoughts drift to what Trixie has been practising these past few weeks.
  78. >She has been quite secretive about the specifics of her upcoming act, but you've gathered that it likely involves water in some fashion; some of the advertisements you have been handing out have mentioned water, and she has recently purchased a large storage tank which she has stashed away somewhere in Ponyville.
  79. >But you know Trixie, she's always been one to up the ante—
  80. >"Trixie is ready!"
  81. >As you open your eyes, you slowly take in the form of the mare in front of you.
  82. >"And now, feast your eyes upon…the one, the only…"
  83. >Trixie's mane has been done up in short, parted curls, and she's swapped out her traditional cloak and wizard hat for the closest pony equivalent of a waistcoat and pin-striped shirt combo.
  84. >She rears up and strikes a pose.
  85. >"The Great and Powerful Hoofdini!"
  86. "Oh, Hoofdini! He's that legendary escape artist, isn't he?"
  87. >"Indeed, Hoofdini is my hero! My inspiration! The reason that Trixie is the mare she is today!"
  88. >The resemblance of Trixie's idol: Hoofdini, and the famous escape artist from your world: Houdini, is not lost on you.
  89. >But you've long come to accept the strange similarities that link your worlds together as just another Equestrian quirk.
  90. >You recall that the tales of the two late stage magicians are similar in many ways, but Hoofdini was a unicorn; magic must have added an whole new dimension to his escapades.
  91. >There is a part of you that wishes you could have seen Hoofdini back when he was alive; but as you gaze upon Trixie, you know that you've got constant front row seats to somepony even more amazing.
  92. "I must say, it all looks very dapper."
  93. >"Why thank you, dearest assistant! But I'm not the only one dressed for Nightmare Night, am I?"
  94. >Using her magic, Trixie gently nudges the other box—the green one—towards you.
  95. >"Now come on, Trixie is eager to see her assistant's costume…"
  97. ***
  99. "What is a man? A miserable pile of secrets!"
  100. >"As much as Trixie loves that line…
  101. >"That's the fifth time you've said it this hour."
  102. "Can't beat the classics."
  103. >She giggles.
  104. >Your costume is, of course: the one and only Dracula, Lord of the Night.
  105. >You remember it like it was yesterday: armed with only a crude sketch of the bloodthirsty baron, you stepped foot into Rarity's Carousel Boutique, asking—nay, begging her to help bring about your dream of becoming a demonic darkstalker to fruition.
  106. >She gave you a curious smile, muttering something about you and her sister sharing the same brain cell.
  107. >But the Element of Generosity is never one to back away from a challenge, and she was soon able to produce an incredibly accurate costume of the Count himself.
  108. >Sporting a tailored suit, shrouded in a black silk cape, and wearing a white wig to top it all off, you feel like the night personified; Princess Luna could only dream of matching your magnificence.
  109. >You walk alongside Trixie as she pulls her wagon behind her.
  110. >You'd offer to help, but she's a lot stronger than you are, surprisingly; you could barely move it when you tried.
  111. >As you head to the location where Trixie will set up her show, you keep an eye out for any potential last-minute attendees.
  112. >Along the way, you spot two earth ponies walking by, one pink and one blue; the costumes they're wearing are reminiscent of stereotypical Miami gangsters from your world.
  113. >You wave to them as you approach.
  114. "Happy Nightmare Night, my good mares! May I interest you in our upcoming show?"
  115. >They look between themselves and giggle mockingly.
  116. >"Sorry, we're not interested in any comedy routines."
  117. >Trixie steps in.
  118. >"Ahem! Trixie is not running a comedy routine, she is running a magic show."
  119. >"Could have fooled us, you've already got the jokes prepared."
  120. >"Totally! Two big ones, right in front of us!"
  121. >Trixie grits her teeth.
  122. "Hey, the Great and Powerful Trixie is a national hero, you ought to show some respect."
  123. >They look at you with a bemused expression.
  124. >"Respect? Her? Seriously? What did she do again?"
  125. >"Yeah, one quarter of a changeling invasion versus—like—what, enslaving the entirety of Ponyville with a cursed amulet?"
  126. >"Trixie—"
  127. >"Or that Ursa Minor—sorry, Ursa *Major* attack, right?"
  128. >"That…"
  129. >Trixie looks away into the distance with a frown as the two hecklers continue giggling to themselves.
  131. >You're not gonna stand for this.
  132. "Look, we get it, you're not gonna see our show. If that's all, then piss off, we don't need you."
  133. >"And if we don't 'piss off?'" They flash a snide grin at you.
  134. >Inhaling sharply through your nose, you clench your fist on instinct, which they pick up on immediately.
  135. >"Ooh, we better watch out. Trixie's about to sic her pet monkey on us—"
  136. >"BACK OFF!"
  137. >The two mares look back to Trixie, who is baring her teeth at them as her horn is enveloped in a magenta glow.
  138. >They look to each other with a brief show of fear, before composing themselves.
  139. >And then they look around.
  140. >Passers by stare at the two mares with a look of firm disapproval, causing them to exhibit a guilty grimace.
  141. >"…Let's go, Turf, these losers are like, totally not worth it, anyway."
  142. >"Y-yeah, Surf, stupid show, anyway."
  143. >They walk away, snouts turned upwards in indignation.
  144. >Trixie sighs as her magic dissipates.
  145. "Don't worry about them, Trixie. You know that pretty much all of the ponies in this town love you at this point."
  146. >"Trixie is used to dealing with neighsayers."
  147. >She glances at you with a smile.
  148. >"But thanks, Anon. I appreciate your concern."
  149. >With her mood improved, the two of you continue down the path towards your destination.
  151. >The two of you finally reach the area where Trixie will be setting up for her show: a vacant podium that Trixie has performed on in Ponyville time and time again.
  152. >Trixie detaches herself from the wagon, and the two of you get to work on setting up the stage together.
  153. >It's a dance that the two of you have practised many times over on your travels, and soon enough, you have the majority of the stage prepared.
  154. >There's still plenty of time to go before the show starts, so you two take a breather to admire your handiwork.
  155. >"Well done, my assistant! Although we're still missing a few things before we can get started."
  156. "Oh, we still need to get that storage tank, right?"
  157. >Trixie nods.
  158. >"I'll arrange for somepony to bring it here, but for now…"
  159. >She smiles at you.
  160. >"Why don't we enjoy the festivities in the meantime? We only get to enjoy Nightmare Night once a year, after all!"
  161. "Right, and it's our first one together, too."
  162. >Trixie hums in agreement.
  163. >And so, the two of you set off into the night, eager to take in all that Nightmare Night has to offer.
  165. ***
  167. >"Could you believe that foal, Anonymous?! She had no idea who *Hoofdini* was!"
  168. "I know! And hey, I'm not having much luck on my end either. I can't believe Dracula is so…tame in this world."
  169. >As it turns out, there is a pony equivalent of Dracula in Equestria, but he prefers to gently sip on fruit juice instead of blood or wine.
  170. >You still can't believe it; all of this effort to become a fearsome fiend of the night, and the worst thing that ponies expect you to do is take a sneaky nibble out of one of their apples.
  171. >…On the bright side, you *did* get a lot of apple-flavoured candy, so it wasn't a total loss.
  172. >Trixie giggles.
  173. >"Well, if ruling the night doesn't work out for you, the Great and Powerful Hoofdini will always have room for a Tall and Bloodthirsty Assistant!"
  174. "Hah. Thanks, Trixie."
  175. >The two of you have been passing the time trawling through Ponyville, trick-or-treating, and trying out the various games on display.
  176. >When it comes to carnival games, Trixie is a savant; you've never seen anyone—or pony clear out an apple bobbing pool that fast before. Even Applejack was speechless.
  177. >The two of you wander down a dirt path, continuing to banter about various topics.
  178. >But soon, you see two familiar purple mares in the distance; one is a lavender purple, while the other is a more lilac shade.
  179. >The lavender alicorn is dressed up as a wizard of some kind, while the lilac unicorn appears to be a rock star.
  180. >Your duo and theirs meet, and you already know what's going to happen next.
  181. >"Sparkle."
  182. >Trixie squints her eyes.
  183. >Twilight squints her eyes back.
  184. >"Trixie."
  185. "Hey Starlight."
  186. >"Hey Anon."
  187. >"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see *you* here, Sparkle."
  188. >"Well, yeah, I *do* live here."
  189. >"Yes…well, just *who* are you supposed to be?"
  190. >Straightening her stance, Twilight beams proudly.
  191. >"Starswirl the Bearded!"
  192. >"And *how* many Nightmare Nights have you gone as Starswirl, hm?"
  193. >"Twelve!"
  194. >Twilight smiles sheepishly.
  195. >"Can't beat the classics."
  196. >"Hmph, you could certainly learn to show *some* originality."
  197. >"Oh yeah?! And what's your costume?"
  198. >"Why, I thought you would never ask!"
  199. >Trixie smirks.
  200. >"I am…"
  201. >She rears up, striking a pose.
  202. >"The Great…and Powerful…Hoofdini!"
  203. >Placing all four hooves back on the ground, she flashes Twilight a smug grin.
  204. >Twilight responds with a confused smile.
  205. >"Um, Hoof…"
  206. >"Hoofdini! The *paragon* of stage performers everywhere! Surely the bookworm would have known *that!*"
  207. >"Oh…oh! Him!"
  208. >Trixie rolls her eyes.
  209. >"Yes, *him,* Sparkle."
  210. >"But that's not so different from mine! We're both dressed as our idols."
  211. >"Hoofdini is more than just an idol, he's a legend among legends!"
  212. >Trixie playfully bats her hoof towards Twilight.
  213. >"Starswirl is just some…old fogey."
  214. >"WHAT!? Take it back!"
  215. >"You can't take back the truth, Sparkle!"
  216. >"Starswirl is one of the Pillars of Equestria! He—"
  218. "Nice costume, Starlight. Rock star?"
  219. >"Yep. Vampire?"
  220. "Yep. Specifically, Dracula."
  221. >"Nice."
  223. >"—and I bet your Starswirl couldn't do *that!* Hah!"
  224. >"Yeah? Well, Hoofdini is…not as good as you think he is!"
  225. >Trixie gasps.
  226. >"Oh, it is *on,* Sparkle!"
  227. >"So on!"
  228. >"What place? What time?"
  229. >"The Web Stall! Right now!"
  230. >"Then prepare to suffer another humiliating defeat at the hooves of Trixie!"
  231. >And that's how of the four of you got roped into playing a competitive match of Spider Toss.
  232. >The game is about as simple as it sounds: each player takes turns trying to throw a toy spider onto a distant web; the scoring system is point-based, where you get more points the closer you land your spider to the web's centre.
  233. >It's Trixie's team versus Twilight's; three guesses to who's on which side.
  234. >The use of magic has been banned from this game, so you don't feel totally out of your league here.
  235. >You and Starlight are total amateurs at this; it's a game of chance whether either of you can even hit the web or not, but you're having fun.
  236. >Twilight, however, has some experience in this game, and she is taking it very seriously; keeping a notepad close on hoof, she's constantly taking notes on the trajectories of everyone's shots.
  237. >Trixie clearly showcases the most skill out of the four of you here, but her tendency to showboat via her attempts to pull off extravagant manoeuvres with her shots results in her frequently fumbling her aim.
  238. >The game is around halfway over now, and it's your turn to line up a shot.
  239. >You toss over a spider and it lands dead centre on the web; you fist pump in victory.
  240. >"Well done! As expected from the Great and Powerful Trixie's Great and Powerful Assistant!"
  241. >Looking back, you see Trixie stomping her hooves in applause, while Twilight is furiously scribbling into her notepad with an intense expression.
  242. >The web is cleared, and Starlight moves up to take her shot.
  243. >She lines up her aim, ready to throw—but Twilight suddenly trots up to her, notepad floating behind her.
  244. >"Wait a minute, Starlight."
  245. >"Yeah?"
  246. >"I have calculated the *perfect* angles for these next few shots. We can guarantee our victory!"
  247. >"…It's just a game, Twilight."
  248. >"It's not 'just a game!' Look, just give me your spider…a-and the next few ones, and I—we can show Trixie who the real dynamic duo is!"
  249. >"Um, alright then."
  250. >Trixie notices the illicit exchange between the two mares; she gasps in shock.
  251. >"Ooh! Did you just *see* that, Anon!"
  252. "Yeah, Twilight's got a mean competitive streak, huh?"
  253. >"She's *cheating!* Stealing turns! Trixie will *not* take this lying down!"
  254. "Well, as long as we have fun—"
  255. >"Give me your spiders."
  257. >"Trixie calls this one…the Hoofdini Hoofdunk!"
  258. >The showmare launches a spider into the air and leaps up to spike it.
  259. >"There's no way that's a real—wait what?! how did that land in the centre?!"
  260. >"You stand in the presence of the Spider Toss world champion, Sparkle! Six years and counting!"
  261. >"You're bluffing!"
  262. >"Am I? Who's the one losing, Sparkle?"
  263. >"W-well, I call this one the Friendship—uh…Flash! Friendship Flash!"
  264. >Twilight does…some kind of manoeuvre with her spider and misses the web entirely.
  265. >"…Maybe you should rename that one to the Friendship Failure."
  266. >"Grr… This game is *far* from over, Trixie!"
  268. >You and Starlight are sitting down, watching all of this unfold.
  269. >Starlight whispers to you.
  270. >"Those two really are alike, aren't they?"
  271. "For sure. Don't tell them that, though."
  273. >You two lost the game.
  274. >Trixie put up a valiant effort, but Twilight had unlocked some kind of optimised spider-slinging zen mode near the end there.
  275. >Hitting bullseye upon bullseye, she barely managed to eke out a win over your team.
  276. >You'd love to say she won with grace, but her maniacal victory laugh would tell you (and every other pony in the nearby vicinity) otherwise.
  277. >Trixie is surprisingly unperturbed about all this as you two stroll through the streets of Ponyville once more.
  278. "It's too bad we lost."
  279. >"Not to worry, my dear assistant, for we surely trounced them in style!"
  280. >Trixie gestures for you to move in close, whispering to you as you do.
  281. >"And I scribbled over Twilight's costume when she wasn't looking, hehe!"
  282. "Delightfully devilish, Trixie."
  284. ***
  286. >The start of Trixie's show is almost upon you.
  287. >Back at where the wagon has been set up, you walk into the backstage area with Trixie.
  288. >You see that the water tank that Trixie will be using for her performance has finally arrived; it is a see-through container that's bit larger than her own wagon, and it has already filled with clear water that been tinted a light green.
  289. "Very festive."
  290. >You see fish flitting around the tank, you move in for a closer look.
  291. "Those fishies look—whoa!"
  292. >One of the fish slams against the wall in your direction.
  293. >"Silvertooth Piranhas. Don't stand too close, they bite."
  294. "And they're…also part of your show, I'm guessing?"
  295. >"That's right!"
  296. "Wow. Good luck, Trixie."
  297. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie has no need of luck!"
  298. >Closing her eyes, she turns her head away from you in mock indignance.
  299. >"…Unless it's in the form of a good luck kiss!"
  300. >Opening one of her eyes, she sticks her tongue out at you playfully.
  301. >This mare!
  302. >If she wants a kiss, you'll give her one.
  303. >You kneel down in front of her and swiftly press your lips against hers.
  304. >She hums in surprise, but closes her eyes as she reciprocates.
  305. >Trixie slowly begins to lean into you; one of forehooves snakes under your shoulder and around your back as her tongue cautiously prods your lips—
  306. >A loud bang catches the attention of you both as another piranha slams against the wall of the aquarium.
  307. >Trixie suddenly pulls back from your shared kiss, blushing.
  308. >"W-we can save the rest for later."
  309. "Y-yeah, good idea. Don't wanna distract you and all."
  310. >"There are just a few more things that I need to set up, but I can handle them on my own. *You* should go and ready your mind to be *blown away* by Trixie's upcoming performance!"
  311. "Alright, sounds good."
  312. >"…Trixie *will* see her assistant in the crowd, I hope?"
  313. "You know it, Trixie. Wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
  314. >She smiles at you, and you wave to her as you exit the backstage area and head to the front where the audience is beginning to gather.
  316. >There's a pretty good turnout for this show, you see a lot of familiar faces, including Twilight and Starlight; they're situated near the rightmost edge of the crowd.
  317. >They notice you as you make your way over to them.
  318. >Twilight is innocently beaming at you, while Starlight is sitting to her left; she's nervously grinning, flitting her eyes between you and Twilight.
  319. >Yeah, she knows.
  320. >You decide to move closer to them so you can sneak a few looks at Twilight's 'improved' costume.
  321. >Her cloak has written advertisements to Trixie's show on it: "The Greatest Show in Ponyville!" "The Great and Powerful Return of Hoofdini!" "Trixie Trounces Thalassophobia!"
  322. >Her hat has "Hoofdini rules, Starswirl drools" written over it.
  323. >It takes all of your willpower to not burst into laugh—
  324. >"Hey Anon! Looking forward to the show?" Twilight suddenly queries you.
  325. "Y-yeah! I—uhm, I'm looking forward to it."
  326. >"Me too! Trixie is always full of surprises!"
  327. >You nervously laugh; she's not wrong…
  329. >Sitting to Twilight's right, you briefly look over your shoulder to make sure that you aren't blocking anypony's view; you wouldn't want anyone to miss Trixie's show.
  330. >Once you have confirmed that your back is indeed pony-free, you look over Twilight to question Starlight.
  331. "So Starlight, you aren't helping Trixie for this one either?"
  332. >"Nope. She said she could handle this one all on her own!"
  333. "Huh. Wonder what she's planning."
  334. >You hear the telltale sound of the stage spotlights being turned on, Trixie's show is about to begin.
  335. >A familiar voice echoes throughout the crowd.
  336. >"Come one, come all! To a very special Nightmare Night show!"
  337. >A heavy fog starts to envelop the stage as Trixie prepares to make her entrance.
  338. >"Long ago, a legendary showpony redefined what it meant to be a magician! What it meant to be a performer!
  339. >"He dazzled and amazed the crowd with his breathtaking, death-defying escapes!
  340. >"This pony's name was none other than…Hoofdini!"
  341. >You see a pony's silhouette begin to form within the mist, drawing closer and closer…
  342. >"And now—this Nightmare Night, Hoofdini's legacy lives on! In the form of…"
  343. >Rearing up, the shape strikes a flamboyant pose.
  344. >"The Great and Powerful Trixie!"
  345. >The fog disperses all at once, revealing the showmare in all of her glory; some fireworks light up the sky above the stage as the audience collectively stomp their hooves in applause.
  346. >True to her theme, she's still wearing her Hoofdini outfit.
  347. >Trixie returns to all four hooves as she glances over the crowd, sizing her audience up; her eyes linger on you for just a brief moment.
  348. >Brief though it may have been, it seems to be enough to invigorate Trixie as she enthusiastically bows to the audience with a proud smile.
  349. >She levitates some of her props from offstage, ready to start her performance.
  350. >As a warm-up, Trixie goes through some basic tricks that have been rebranded with a Nightmare Night theme.
  351. >She begins with a hat trick where she pulls a seemingly-endless stream of tarantulas out of a top hat; thankfully, they all vanish into coloured smoke as soon as they reach the edge of the stage.
  352. >Following this, she invites some volunteers for the classic card guessing trick; all of the cards in her deck are illustrated with classical Equestrian monsters, and she accentuates her guesses by making the appropriate monster pop up in an illusionary spell.
  353. >And after that, she takes an ornate sword that's as long as her torso and swallows it whole; you'd compliment her on her gag reflex, but you know from experience that she's just using a cleverly concealed teleportation spell to transport the sword away as it enters her mouth.
  354. >The crowd cheers for every trick she pulls off, yourself included; even after living with her for so long, you never get tired of watching her perform.
  356. >"And now, for the main event!"
  357. >Trixie begins to magically pull back the curtain behind her; starting from the right side, she stops at the halfway mark, revealing the water tank—or the right half of it, rather.
  358. >You also see a small staircase leading up to the top of the rightmost edge of the container; this is likely where she plans on entering it.
  359. >Curiously, you see no fish in the tank; maybe they all have stage fright and are hiding in the left side?
  360. >"One of Hoofdini's most iconic performances was the Moisturised Magician's Moontank Escape!
  361. >"He would lock himself within a water tank such as this!"
  362. >She gestures towards the container; there is an opening at the top.
  363. >"This tank is open now, but it is enchanted to magically seal itself once Trixie enters it!
  364. >"Then, he would bind himself with shackles such as these!"
  365. >She levitates two sets of hoofcuffs in from the side, showing them off to the audience.
  366. >"Yet, despite all odds, he would somehow escape from his prison every time, without fail!
  367. >"'Failure means a drowning death!' Those were the words that Hoofdini lived by!
  368. >"And tonight, Trixie will execute that very same feat that Hoofdini first accomplished many decades ago!
  369. >"…But what is a special Nightmare Night performance without a little bit of *extra danger* to keep things exciting!?
  370. >"Indeed, drowning will not be the only threat that Trixie has to contend with!"
  371. >Trixie pulls back the curtain fully, revealing the left side and uncovering the tank in all of its glory.
  372. >Swimming around the left side of the tank are those piranhas that you saw earlier.
  373. >"These are Silvertooth Piranhas. Coming straight from the depths of the Forbidden Jungle, they're said to have been employed by the great Ahuizotl himself!"
  374. >Twilight turns to you and whispers.
  375. >"She's right. Those piranhas were mentioned in 'Daring Doo and the Sunken City' as protectors of the amulet of—"
  376. "Shhh."
  377. >"—These fiends are ferocious, bloodthirsty! They can tear apart an unfortunate pony in mere seconds, leaving *no* trace! Allow Trixie to demonstrate!"
  378. >Trixie levitates a tray full of apples above the left side of the tank; the apples have crudely drawn pony faces on them.
  379. >She then tilts the tray, dumping them in the water.
  380. >The piranhas quickly swarm around the submerged fruit in response, quickly devouring them.
  381. >Within just a few seconds they disperse, and true to Trixie's word, they really did leave nothing behind, not even the core…or the stem.
  382. >"My apples!" a pony with a southern twang shouts out.
  384. >"The two sections of this tank are separated by a magical barrier. This barrier is set to disappear ten seconds after Trixie enters it!
  385. >"It's a desperate race against time. Drown? or be eaten alive? The Great and Powerful Trixie will prove that she can avoid either fate and emerge unscathed!"
  386. >Trixie pauses as the audience murmurs among themselves.
  387. >"…But there is one more challenge that Trixie will have to overcome, one more shackle she has to break!
  388. >"This—!"
  389. >Trixie floats a small ring around, showing it off to the audience.
  390. >"This is a royal-issue anti-magic horn ring. When it is fit upon Trixie, she will not be able to cast magic of any kind!
  391. >"No telekinesis, no barriers, and no teleporting!"
  392. >The audience gasps.
  393. >"No magic? But then…how is she going to escape the tank?" You hear a concerned voice say.
  394. >The audience continue to murmur among themselves as Trixie examines the crowd, looking for a certain—
  395. >"Ahem, *Princess* Twilight Sparkle! If you would be so kind as to confirm Trixie's claims?"
  396. >"Huh—whuh—wha?"
  397. >Casting a spell, Trixie shines a magic spotlight on Twilight, who is caught by surprise.
  398. >"Um…okay!"
  399. >Twilight nervously grins as she heads up on stage.
  400. >Trixie addresses her as she steps onto the podium.
  401. >"Go ahead, place the ring onto your horn and try to cast a spell—any spell."
  402. >Removing her hat and setting it down nearby, Twilight slips the ring onto her horn with an audible *click*.
  403. >"Okay, here goes!"
  404. >The princess attempts to channel magic through her horn, but all that results is the production of a few short sparks; further attempts at spell casting just exhaust her.
  405. >Twilight is left breathless for her efforts, she addresses Trixie.
  406. >"It's…it's true! I can't cast any magic!"
  407. >"Excellent! Now to just take it off…"
  408. >Trixie removes the ring from Twilight, and the lavender mare turns around to head back into the audience.
  409. >"Oh, and by the way, Sparkle, Trixie thanks you for advertising her show. Your costume is a most effective piece of publicity."
  410. >A confused Twilight turns back to a smirking Trixie.
  411. >"Huh? But I didn't—wait a minute—WHAT?!"
  412. >Twilight scans her cloak, noticing Trixie's scribbles.
  413. >Turning to her hat that she had placed on the stage, she finally notices what's been written on there as well.
  414. >"Starswirl…drools?!"
  415. >You can hear some snickers from the audience.
  416. >"You—I—hrrmmm!"
  417. >For a moment, you worry that Twilight will boil over and do something very unprincess-like, but she quickly composes herself, turning back around.
  418. >Twilight quietly grumbles to herself as she picks up her hat and leaves the stage.
  419. >As she returns to the spot next to you, you catch an earful of her continued grumbling.
  420. >"Be the better mare, Twilight… Be the better mare…"
  422. >With the aid of her magic, Trixie quickly removes her Hoofdini costume, flinging it into the air and leaving the mare bare.
  423. >The vestments sparkle in mid-air before vanishing.
  424. >Trixie ascends the staircase on the right side of the tank, positioning herself to start her daring escape.
  425. >She then telekinetically grabs the hoofcuffs and ring, bringing them close.
  426. >"Trixie will now shackle herself! First, the hindlegs!"
  427. >She secures the first pair of hoofcuffs around her hindlegs with an audible *click.*
  428. >"Next, the forelegs!"
  429. >She similarly secures the second pair of hoofcuffs around her forelegs with an audible *click.*
  430. >"And finally…her horn!"
  431. >With a third *click,* Trixie fits the ring on her horn.
  432. >"And remember! Ten seconds after Trixie enters the tank, the piranhas will be released!"
  433. >She takes a deep breath, and gives you another brief glance.
  434. >"…Now, without further ado, let the show begin!"
  435. >Trixie leaps into the container.
  436. >As she does so, magical chains and padlocks suddenly surround the aquarium—the seal that she had mentioned earlier.
  437. >The fish on the left side of the tank still their movements, eyeing the showmare as she descends into their territory.
  438. >Her bound form struggles in the water as she sinks deeper and deeper.
  439. >Trixie, for her part, desperately tries to bite into the shackles, to no avail.
  440. >The barrier begins to wobble and shake as the fish impatiently crash against it, eager to bite into their newly-arrived prey.
  441. >Noticing her soon-to-be aggressors, Trixie intensifies her flailing around, a look of panic present on her face.
  442. >She holds her forehooves above her head, frantically trying to use the chain in-between to slide the anti-magic ring off her horn; it doesn't work.
  443. >And then…the barrier disappears.
  444. >The piranhas flood into the right side as they attain freedom; their intentions are obvious.
  445. >As soon as she sees the barrier dissipate, the sunken showmare suddenly abandons her efforts to free herself, instead opting to try and swim away from the fish.
  446. >But the piranhas quickly close the distance as they all barrel straight towards her, swarming around Trixie in a near-instant, and then…and then…
  447. >She's gone.
  448. >The piranhas disperse from around Trixie's last known location just as quickly as they arrived, leaving nothing behind except the shackles.
  449. >You watch them slowly sink to the bottom of the tank.
  450. >One of the fish spits out the anti-magic ring.
  451. >You watch it slowly sink to the bottom of the tank.
  452. >Everything becomes still.
  453. >No…no. That can't be it, can it?
  454. >You scan through the murky green liquid as intently as you can, but all you see are the shapes of fish swimming around the tank.
  455. >It…it's hard to see.
  456. >The crowd is speechless.
  457. >It feels as if time has slowed down.
  458. >You can barely squeak out your beloved's name.
  459. "T-Trixie…"
  461. >You're not sure how long you've been staring into the tank.
  462. >Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Time has lost all meaning to you at this point.
  463. >Indistinct whispers sound out around you.
  464. >But you can't parse any of it; your mind is only focused on one thing: the Trixie-less aquarium.
  465. >You try and recollect your thoughts.
  466. >Maybe the ring was a fake and she did teleport out…? No, that can't be right, Twilight confirmed its authenticity herself.
  467. >Maybe the piranhas don't eat ponies after all…? But how does that explain her disappearance?
  468. >Maybe the pony in the tank wasn't Trixie…? No, Trixie wouldn't endanger another pony like that, and that was definitely her performing those tricks earlier.
  469. >But you know…you know Trixie wouldn't have just—
  470. >The distinct sound of something exiting the water sharply catches your attention; it's coming from the stage!
  471. >It's followed by the sound of a pony catching their breath, but you don't see her; where could she…?
  472. >A familiar blue mare staggers onto the stage from behind the aquarium.
  473. >"Th-the Powerful and Great Tixie has done iiiit…!"
  474. >She's completely soaked, but alive.
  475. >Your instincts take hold of you as you rush onto the stage, taking your place by her side.
  476. >Kneeling down, you scoop the soggy showmare up in a hug, caring not for the dampness of your own costume.
  477. >Her own hooves wrap around your back in return.
  478. >There's so many things you want to say to her, so many emotions within you fighting for dominance.
  479. >But you settle on the one line that you know she'll love to hear above all else.
  480. "That…that was amazing, Trixie!"
  481. >You can hear her sniffle a little.
  482. >"A-all in a night's work, Anon!"
  483. >With your nose half-buried in her mane, she smells decidedly of wet mare.
  484. >Your lucidity soon catches up with you as you realise that you're hugging Trixie in front of an audience of about 50 ponies; you reluctantly release her from your embrace.
  485. >Floating over a box of tissues from offstage (Trixie always comes prepared), she quickly wipes the tears that have been building up in her eyes; you wipe yours, too.
  486. >Taking a deep breath, she faces the audience.
  487. >"This show is dedicated to Trixie's hero, Hoofdini!"
  488. >She turns to face you, gesturing a forehoof towards you.
  489. >"And also…my special somepony, Anonymous."
  490. >She bows to the audience and you do the same.
  491. >The applause feels like it lasts into the night.
  493. ***
  495. >The show is now over, and the two of you are taking down the stage decorations, stashing away the props into the wagon's various trunks and chests.
  496. >Trixie walks up to your side, her mane is once again styled in that crescent swirl you know and love; she's levitating a large basket stuffed to the brim with sweets.
  497. >She places it in front of you and the two of you examine your spoils side-by-side.
  498. "Now *that's* a serious haul of candy."
  499. >"They're all a symbol of the audience's appreciation for our show! We really dazzled them tonight!"
  500. "'We?' 'Our?' Trixie, that amazing performance back there was all you!"
  501. >"…That's not true at all, Anon."
  502. >You turn to her.
  503. "Trixie I—"
  504. >You are given no time to react as Trixie swiftly launches herself at you.
  505. >The sudden impact forces you onto your butt; you soon feel Trixie's lips upon yours and her forelegs wrapped around your back.
  506. >This time, her tongue is far more courageous, quickly breaking past your own lips and wrestling down your own tongue in a passionate dance.
  507. >You know you can't win this particular battle of man vs mare, so you do the next best thing: lifting up one of your arms, you give her a few gentle scritches behind one of her ears, causing her to moan into your mouth in response.
  508. >Soon after, Trixie pulls back from your kiss; as you two catch your breath, she lightly giggles to herself.
  509. >"T-that was for backstage. We're even now."
  510. "E-even is…even is good, yeah."
  511. >She gives you a peck on the cheek for good measure.
  513. >"We're not interrupting anything, are we?"
  514. >You suddenly notice that Starlight and Twilight must have walked up to you during the excitement; Starlight is giving the both of you a knowing smirk.
  515. >Trixie counters with a smirk of her own, leaning forward against you.
  516. >"Not at all! In fact, if the two of you desire an *encore* then Trixie—"
  517. >Starlight's smirk quickly falters.
  518. >"Uh—no! That's fine, really! We just came to check up on you two."
  519. >The two mares charitably offer to help you two put the rest of Trixie's props away into the wagon, including the candy.
  520. >Soon enough, everything has been stashed away, and Trixie has linked herself up with her wagon, ready to head home.
  521. >"That was amazing, Trixie! Did Hoofdini really pull that off? That felt even more intense than the Moonshot Manticore Mouth Dive!"
  522. >"That's right, Starlight! Although I did add a few…enhancements to the original act to keep things exciting!"
  523. >"I have to admit, that *was* a great show in spite of your…Trixieness. Hoofdini really was something!"
  524. >"Why, thank you, Sparkle! And *you* were a gracious volunteer in spite of your Twilighting! And…"
  525. >Trixie clears her throat.
  526. >"starswirlisokayiguess—Now, my faithful assistant—Anonymous, let us be off!"
  527. >Trixie prances off with the wagon in tow.
  528. >"…I suppose that's as good as a concession that I'll ever get from her."
  529. "Aha…thanks for being a good sport, Twilight. Well, not counting the spider thing."
  530. >She chuckles dryly.
  531. >"Yeah, yeah… Go on, Anon. You don't want to keep your 'Great and Powerful' somepony waiting."
  532. >You wave to the two purple ponies as you head off to go catch up with Trixie.
  533. >As you leave, Twilight begins to ponder to herself.
  534. >"The spider thing… Oh! Starlight, for my next signature move, how does 'Magic Missile' sound?"
  535. >Starlight sighs.
  537. ***
  539. >At the end of your trek through Ponyville, the two of you have finally made it back home.
  540. >In your backyard, Trixie detaches herself from her wagon.
  541. >Floating the candy basket out of the interior, she eyes the sweets with glee.
  542. >She casually unwraps one of the pieces of candy from the festivities and munches on it.
  543. >"Mmm! Trixie thinks these are *quite* delicious!"
  544. >She then slowly levitates the basket back into the caravan.
  545. >Your eyes meet.
  546. "Hey, where are you taking those?"
  547. >"Into my wagon, of course!"
  548. "All of them? Hey…"
  549. >She smirks at you, before letting out a mock gasp.
  550. >"Oh no! It seems that all of tonight's candy will be solely feasted upon by Trixie! Unless…?"
  551. "Alright, alright. Make some room."
  552. >The wagon's interior is a cosy fit, but you and Trixie are able to seat yourselves opposite each other; the haul of candy lies between you two.
  553. >After consuming a few confections between you both, Trixie speaks up.
  554. >"So, What did you think? Were you amazed? Enchanted? Mystified?"
  555. >She wiggles her eyebrows at you.
  556. "All three and then some! Tell me, Trixie, just how did you manage to pull that off?"
  557. >Trixie looks around, before settling her gaze onto you with a serious expression.
  558. >"What Trixie tells you must *never* leave this wagon. Understood, my assistant?"
  559. "Of course, I'd never reveal my favourite magician's tricks."
  560. >She smiles at you.
  561. >"Feast your eyes…on this—!"
  562. >Trixie channels a spell through her horn, chanting.
  563. >"Similo…Duplexis!"
  564. >She fires the spell into an empty corner of the wagon, generating a puff of smoke.
  565. >And from that smoke emerges…a second Trixie?!
  566. >Her posture is stiff and her pupils are shrunken to pinpricks, but this is undoubtedly a copy of the showmare you know and love.
  567. "Two of you?!"
  568. >"Yep!"
  569. >The original Trixie proudly nods, while the clone Trixie continues to stand there with a vacant expression.
  570. >"This spell creates a body double! I can switch between them with a simple spell—"
  571. >Trixie no.1's horn lights up for a brief moment, and her head droops down, unconscious.
  572. >Looking back to Trixie no.2, you see a sparkle enter her eyes; blinking a few times, she turns to you, smiling.
  573. >"I can't control both bodies at the same time, but I didn't need to for my performance."
  574. "That makes sense, the audience was only expecting one Trixie."
  575. >She nods.
  576. "Wait, so this second Trixie—she was the one who dove into the tank?"
  577. >"Indeed! She was the one with the hoofcuffs and the anti-magic ring—the one who locked herself in a water tank—the one who had placed herself in an impossible situation!"
  579. >Clone Trixie turns her head to the original.
  580. >"Meanwhile, the *real* me was waiting within a secret compartment under the stage, behind the water tank.
  581. >"Once my second self dropped into the tank, I simply had to wait for the right moment."
  582. "The moment when the piranhas swarmed you—uh, her?"
  583. >She giggles.
  584. >"That's right! They provided the perfect cover for me to recall my clone, like so—!"
  585. >Even though she's unconscious, the original Trixie's horn lights up, and clone Trixie disappears in a puff of smoke.
  586. >Soon after, the real Trixie wakes up, shaking her head a few times and stretching her back.
  587. >"Once the other Trixie was out of the picture, it was time for me to make my Great and Powerful escape!
  588. >"All I had to do then was exit the secret compartment and walk out in front of the audience, completely unscathed!"
  589. "So…the piranhas weren't a threat at all. In fact, they were a distraction! That's brilliant, Trixie!"
  590. >"Oh do go on! No really, Trixie loves it!"
  591. >You recall the moment where you saw the clone Trixie struggling in the water.
  592. "But it—it didn't hurt did it? The piranhas swarming around your clone, I mean."
  593. >Noticing your worried expression, Trixie leans in to give you a reassuring pat on the side.
  594. >"Of course not, Anon. By the time they had reached my clone, I was already back in my original body."
  595. >She gives you a wink.
  596. >"But you know the audience loves a show."
  597. >You chuckle.
  598. "That they do, Trixie."
  600. >"Also, the piranhas weren't the only distraction. Do you remember how the water got murkier as the escape went on?"
  601. "Oh, right. It was see-through at the start, wasn't it?"
  602. >"Yes! The audience loves it when they think they can see the entirety of the escape!
  603. >"But if I had opened the secret compartment when the water was clear, somepony would have seen me pop up behind the tank, so I had to think of something…"
  604. >She levitates a empty cup, placing it between you two; she then fills up the cup with water.
  605. >She drops a tiny blue ball into the cup.
  606. >"Watch, and observe."
  607. >She grabs a canister from a nearby shelf and slowly empties some of its contents into the cup.
  608. >You see the cup of water start to grow muddier; Trixie then gives the cup a light telekinetic jostle, and you can no longer see the blue ball inside of it.
  609. >"This is what I used to obscure the tank. My clone was covered in it, and as she thrashed about, she would disperse it all around, gradually making the water murkier and murkier."
  610. >"Between this, and the piranhas going wild, this gave me the perfect opening I needed to open the secret compartment and emerge out from behind the tank without anypony suspecting a thing!"
  611. "Wow, you really thought of everything!
  612. "But hold on—if the real you never went into the tank, why were you soaking wet near the end?"
  613. >"I had half-filled the secret compartment with water to partially submerge myself. After all, the audience *was* expecting a reappearance from the Drenched and Breathless Trixie!"
  614. "'Breathless' is right. You *did* look a bit out of it when you escaped."
  615. >"That was a side-effect from the spell, I had spent so long in my clone's body performing the opening acts that when I returned to my original self, it took me a while to readjust.
  616. >"I *had* hoped to make a more dazzling reappearance, but it ended up working in my favour. I *did* just escape a sealed, piranha-infested water tank, after all!"
  617. "True, any pony would be a little shell-shocked after leaving one of those."
  618. >She smirks.
  619. >"It's all about the presentation, Anon! Make the audience *think* you're in danger, and they'll be eating out of your hoof!"
  621. "That Duplexis spell really is something, where did you even get the idea to use it?"
  622. >"It first came to me when Starlight was showing off one of her spells—Similo Duplexis: a spell that can create an exact duplicate of oneself!
  623. >"Needless to say, my mind was buzzing with opportunities of how I could use this in my performances!"
  624. "I see. So you asked Starlight to help you learn it?"
  625. >"That's a reasonable assumption to make, but no, this spell is entirely self-taught."
  626. "Wait, really? But why?"
  627. >Trixie gazes towards a particular spot in the caravan where a banner is hanging off a wall; the banner is decorated with an image of her cutie mark.
  628. >"…I wanted to test myself.
  629. >"Starlight had already helped me with so many spells—shielding, levitation, teleportation, and so on.
  630. >"But I've come a long way since then, and…I wanted to see if the Great and Powerful Trixie could live up to her name. To see if she could learn a spell like this on her own."
  631. >Opening up one of her trunks, she floats a tome out and shows it off to you; it's titled "Me, Myself and I: A Mare's Manual on Multiplying the Mage."
  632. >"So I purchased an old spellbook from a book store in Canterlot and set about studying this spell by myself."
  633. >As she sets the book away, you're reminded of all those times leading up to Nightmare Night where Trixie would sneak off into her caravan.
  634. "Oh, so *that's* what you've been practising all along!"
  635. >Trixie puffs out her chest with pride.
  636. >"And the results should speak for themselves!
  637. >"I might not be a magic user on the same level as Starlight or Sparkle, but…
  638. >"This mare's still got some tricks up her sleeve!"
  639. >Trixie giggles mirthfully as she stretches out a bare hoof.
  640. >"Well, metaphorical sleeves, anyway!"
  641. >You match her laughter with your own.
  642. "And all of this…this was really a trick that Hoofdini pulled off?"
  643. >"Indeed! But here's the kicker, Hoofdini never bound his horn when attempting his escape.
  644. >"So you definitely knew there was magic involved when *he* did it."
  645. "But *you* were able to convince the audience that you escaped the water tank *without* the use of magic!"
  646. >Trixie nods proudly.
  647. >"Oh, and there were no flesh-eating piranhas in his version."
  649. "You've surpassed your idol, Trixie, that must feel pretty great."
  650. >"We magicians always aspire to innovate and challenge ourselves."
  651. >She holds a forehoof to her chest.
  652. >"Trixie may have surpassed Hoofdini this night, but he will always remain her inspiration for having become a magician."
  653. "You really look up to Hoofdini, huh?"
  654. >"But of course! Hoofdini is the second most important figure in my life!"
  655. "Second?"
  656. >She smiles at you.
  657. "May I ask who's the first?"
  658. >Reaching out the same forehoof that was on her chest, she gently boops you on the nose.
  659. >"You, silly!
  660. >"Performing for a crowd is one thing, but performing for my special somepony?
  661. >"It's invigorating! I feel like I can take on the world with you by my side! Every day we spend together, I'm constantly struck with inspiration, ideas to impress you, and…
  662. >"Having somepony—someone to come home to after everything, it…it means a lot more to me then you might know.
  663. >"So…thank you, Anon, for being there with me and giving me the drive to keep improving."
  664. >You smile back at her.
  665. "Anytime, Trixie.
  666. "…And you know, this all reminds me of the most important figure in *my* life."
  667. >"And may I ask who that is?"
  668. >Reaching out one of your fingers, you gently boop her on the nose.
  669. "Just a certain Great and Powerful mare."
  670. >Trixie giggles.
  671. >"She sounds magnificent."
  672. >She levitates an unwrapped piece of candy to your mouth, and you swallow it in mid-air.
  673. >Trixie circles around the candy pile, making her way over to your side; she leans against you, draping a foreleg over your body and laying her head on your chest.
  674. >Tenderly wrapping an arm around her barrel, you gently pull her close.
  675. "…Back then, when I first saw your show, I knew you were something special.
  676. "All of the unicorns I saw beforehand used magic rather conventionally: whether it would be to shoot laser beams or just help carry out mundane tasks in their everyday life.
  677. "But there you were—combining fantastical magic *with* stage play! It was so unique, so refreshing! You…you reminded me of home."
  678. >Trixie happily hums.
  679. >"You remind me of home, too."
  680. >The two of you snuggle together, gorging on the rest of your haul from the show.
  681. >The moonlight shines in through the wagon windows, illuminating the interior and giving it an almost-dreamlike atmosphere.
  682. >Best Nightmare Night ever.
  684. "So if I'm first and Hoofdini is second, where are Twilight and Starlight?"
  685. >"Starlight is third, and Sparkle is…"
  686. >Trixie counts her hoof.
  687. >"Forty…fifth?"
  688. "Ouch!"

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain