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Shattered Will Review

By cloudruler
Created: 2023-11-14 11:24:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Very well, here’s my comprehensive review of this artpack. Don't get hurt feelings, because the only thing more autistic than contributing to a smut artpack is reviewing one:
  3. >AlexCNSFW
  4. His ponies are anatomically very pleasing. No weird proportions, nice eyes, etc. Pipp’s belly is very cute, even as she’s taking a cock. Starlight manages to actually be kind of cute. I like the Pipp picture more because the scenario is a little more interesting, even if the hypno is pretty weak in my opinion. Starlight’s got a really nice vacant face, though. Really makes me want to fuck it. The scenarios could have been more interesting, but the art is quality.
  5. >BeardieArts
  6. Poor Shining can’t even visit the exotic market, it seems. The ass is very tempting, but as the other anon said, it’s barely a mind control picture. The scene could have used something more, perhaps having him being led away to be used, to make the implications of this picture more enticing. Also, could have used crotchtits.
  7. >BlueCoffeeDog
  8. There seems to be a connected story between these pictures, which for an autist like me helps make them hotter. I don’t mind anthro as long as the characters look like they make “sense” in their bodies, since you’re basically grafting a pony head onto a humanoid form. I liked the Pinkie pictures the most, imagining her bouncy personality being molded into bouncing on dick is fun. I also like the cold industrial nature of their conversion; the sense of powerlessness is palpable. Anthro/10.
  9. >Czubox
  10. This is my first “meh”. The concept is fun, and I could see myself enjoying this as a short story about Sunburst. But as a one-off picture, I don’t think it does enough. I feel like it really needs a transition panel between “curious” and “fucked” to make it better. Also, it would be nice to see his full body in the picture. Being able to see Sunburst’s hind legs maybe lifting off the floor a little with each pound in his ass would have made the picture more stimulating.
  11. >DarkDoubloon
  12. This here is what we play for. Nice concept, cute unsuspecting mare, and a collar with powers beyond her control. It also has one of my favorite views: The mare being spread eagle for the viewer. Minuette looks adorable in this set; she’s slim but her body looks like it’s actually made of flesh and not some cartoon putty. The subtle contours and shading that divide her thighs, pits, and little chest make it easy for the coomer to imagine how it’d feel to actually handle this soft pony. The nose and mouth are a little too abstract for my liking, but I can see past it.
  13. >Devi
  14. Double hypnosis is not something I see a lot, which may or may not be a shame. I have a thing for nice, fluffy wings. And Celestia’s wings are so pretty in this picture. I don’t mind the anatomy overall, but I think it’s too off-show in a few parts, like the panel of both characters’ faces in the magic smoke. The scenario is fun, and I like to imagine this being an embarrassing memory for both ponies after they somehow break free of the spell.
  15. >DigitalDomain
  16. Another meh, if not for my own imagination. These proportions are not my thing; rarity is literally a trapezoid mare. However, I like corruption stuff and the thought of her giving Spike a sort of “be careful what you wish for” treatment is pretty hot. It just would have been better with normal proportions. The second picture has some silly proportions - and the artist knows they’re silly. An odd little compliment I can give is that I really like Celestia’s horn in this picture; the non-uniform spiral and little sun glyph is a cool detail. The third picture is my favorite of this set for a number of reasons: The magic book’s obvious effect on both of them, literally chaining its victim down. Rarity’s obviously been bespelled, but she has a great look of power and pleasure on her face. And the anatomy is tastefully (imo) exaggerated here, too. After all, that mare’s gonna need that big ass to take such a big cock. And I really like her mane.
  17. >Dorpapu
  18. Seeing some maredom is fun, and Starlight’s got a great evil face on her. I wish I knew more about how they ended up like this.
  19. >Ebonyglow
  20. On second read, I realized I can just open it in wordpad, which makes it much easier to enjoy. Seeing a confident, capable mare like Daring Do get utterly crushed is great - and knowing that SHE knows it’s happening is better. Something about the taboo really appeals to me; it’s a character who we know is highly competent, but her success leads to complacency and arrogance. That’s all it takes for a mare of such indomitable will to be consumed by fate, and all she can do is panic and struggle against a power she can’t possibly overcome. It’s a kind of… Wastefulness that I think is a driving factor behind the attraction that I and others have to it; sort of like vore, or guro, or that weird fucker who commissions images of white chicks buying tons of wonderbread while bragging about nature getting destroyed (you know the guy). Daring’s mind and spirit have been wasted, melted down and recast into something weak and singularly useful. Her excellent body, sunbaked and honed through countless adventures spanning the globe, now a soft moaning receptacle for its owner’s enjoyment. It’s exquisite.
  22. That being said, Ebony’s got some tropes I commonly see in his work that I’m not totally partial towards. The thing about ass clapping is weird to me. It works okay here, but I guess I’m just not crazy about imagining all these characters with gigantic dummy thicc cheeks wobbling around everywhere. It makes me think of rap videos. Another one is a sort of “author’s wink” that I find excessive in a few parts. It’ll be like, “Daring struggles in her mind against the rising magic… But it’s too late *wink wink*”, or “Daring doesn’t think she’s preggo… But she’s wrong *wink wink*”. I dunno, on reviewing it again, there’s not much I can think of to put there instead, and the constant internal battle does play out well, so I’m probably being autistic. A sex scene that’s just “Unf unf, ten percent slave. Unf unf, twenty percent slave…” Would be much worse. I guess I just don’t like the fluid sort of way that the perspective keeps on switching between character and author. It’s like Daring is getting heckled while she’s being fucked into servitude.
  24. Good shit, though. Daring is up there with the top mares to get humbled, and this doesn’t disappoint.
  25. >EILewdsFur
  26. I don’t like dudes getting rimmed. I don’t like mares with flares, either. I do like soft ponies getting fucked, though. Simple as. Fluttershy’s cowgirl picture is by far my favorite; she’s nice and voluptuous with a great expression. Flutter/Sombra is alright because I like POV stuff, and the same goes for Cadence. Fluttershy/Zecora is meh, the hypno is pretty low and doesn’t seem to serve much of a purpose. Big Mac is alright, though not the right proportions for me. I like the concept that he’s obsessed with his own dick, though. That could make some interesting hijinks. The final triple princess picture has great expressions. But I can’t approve of these crazy 80% butt ponies. It’s a stylistic choice I wish was optioned out with alts.
  27. >Kokobiel Draws
  28. I love some Spitfire action, but this first comic didn’t go far enough in my opinion. It’s hot seeing her immediately degraded with the *Angry hole noises* blurb, setting us up for a nice downfall. But showing her doing nasty shit with her mouth and skipping the rut is disappointing. Also, Spit’s clearly missing her wings in the main panel. But the final image from her POV, where she sees the result of her hypnosis, and her cunt instinctually twitches in excitement… That kinda saves it.
  30. The second comic… I don’t give a shit about Twilight and Shining Armor. The scenario is whatever, and the anatomy is shaky at times. But the final two pages of the comic are good because it adds a layer to the story that was pleasant. Twilight escaping her enchantment just long enough to acknowledge her own doom is sweet, and that final panel of Twilight’s ass is a great end.
  32. The Soarin pic isn’t my cup of tea. The concept would be helped a little with an extra scene where he undresses or is manhandled a bit before jumping into the butterfly pose. Just snapping out of a tight wonderbolts uniform is a bit of a waste. Finally, the mane six picture is my favorite of this artist’s set. It manages to hit most of the popular tropes a degenerate like me looks for in mind control stuff: A friend collaborating with their new master, others reveling in their new purpose in life, engaging in classic debauchery that’s uncharacteristic for them, and finally a single remaining rebel. Seeing Dashie helpless, forced to hear the sounds of her friends cheering on her enslavement while she’s slapped on her new master’s cock like a toy is good shit, and their cropped tails are a perfect way to indicate their conversion into eager slaves for their master’s stable.
  33. >LightArts
  34. I’m getting burnt out now from writing all this autistic shit. But this is a great comic because it uses a method of control that’s not commonly seen, and makes the sexual gratification of our victim even more degrading because it’s not just her will that she loses, but her own body. I’d like to see the looks on Celestia and Luna’s faces when their conquered young student struts into the throne room. The anatomy is fine, though I think her neck’s pretty thick at the end. And I kind of wish we got a little something between the first and second parts of the comic. Twilight’s jump from dazed to ahegao is a little stark. Also, great shading! Loved the light effects on Sombra’s metal and Twilight’s forelegs.
  35. >Welost
  36. A nearly perfect set to go along with Ebony’s story. Welost’s style is very likable because the ponies look show-accurate enough, while adding a bit of realism or heft to their forms. Daring’s face is especially good, watching her eyes turn to pin pricks as the spell takes effect is exquisite. And seeing her tits grow swollen is as great to see as it was to read. I’m glad her proportions weren’t exaggerated in this picture as he’s sometimes known to do with his art. I will say the hind legs seem just a teeny bit off to me, like she’s got all that thigh and not enough actual leg. Anyways, great as usual.
  37. >Moonatik
  38. Nightmare Moon and Twilight is always good. It’s cute to imagine her getting transported to alternate Equestria, just to get captured and fucked by a villain she previously beat. And she even gets a smart little outfit, too! Twilight struggling is my easy favorite, because I enjoy the process of mind control more than the product most of the time. NMM’s magic working on Twilight’s crotch while she’s forcibly converted is hot; just imagine the thoughts racing in her head as she realizes what’s happening, and how little of a chance she has to escape. I’m afraid to say the Octavia and Vinyl picture is dogshit. Something COULD be done with this story-wise, but I dunno, I’m too much of a sperg to imagine it right now. They lack any form to their bodies and the sex looks static, despite the motion lines. Sorry, bro. The final picture is neat, though. I love a villain gloating about their victory while the slave happily works to please them. The style for this set is nice, though I typically enjoy more solidity to my ponies. Great, expressive artist.
  39. >Pabbley
  40. I love this scenario, love this mare, and love what’s being done to her. Seeing Rainbow’s rugged exterior swiftly broken with some magic bondage is my shit. And those uniforms were made to be torn in all the right places. I just wish I got more. I disagree with the other anon who said it’s less grabbable than Pabble’s other work. That is one wonderbolt ass that’s ripe for grabbing. I could write a little story about this concept because it’s hot to imagine the uncaring, procedural fashion that such a shining star of Equestria is broken into being a thoughtless broodmare, recorded only as a number on a ledger somewhere, followed by how many foals she’s produced for the cause. Would have been great to get an in-between picture but I like what I got.
  41. >PonyDreaming
  42. Quality princess ass. The way Celestia’s pucker just kisses the tip of her master’s throbbing shaft is better than if it were just sex. Her flanks are just the right amount of exaggerated, and the perspective helps a lot. I love the audacity of deflowering the princess on the steps of her own throne as well. The second picture is good, too. Just not as good as the first one. It’s a rarer pairing, but that ass is still fat and I could imagine the sensations going on in that position.
  43. >Qlop
  44. This is an odd pairing as well. Pipp is a mare in need of more fucking and mind-bending, though. Without the dialogue, it’s meh for me; anyone remember Sonic.exe? This art style looks like it takes a lot of effort and has a ton of heart in it… But I’m not a fan of the “hyper-realistic” sense I get from it. Now, to step away from being a cunt for a moment, I haven’t seen Qlop’s other work before, so maybe it’s got to grow on me. And if you’re capable of making something this detailed, I’d love to see what you can do with some simpler designs. With the dialogue, I did feel the dick stir, though. And when she’s got some fishnets on, things start to fall into place. There’s something cool about an ancient evil returning to the present day to catch it by total surprise. Pipp, I’m sure, is the first slave of many, and it’s cute to see her begging to sink deeper into her new life.
  45. >QuotePony
  46. Quintessential hypno story with the perfect subject. Rainbow really makes a collar look good, and this artist uses my preferred blend of accuracy to make her look irresistible. I need more of this comic, maybe an epilogue where she’s swollen with pregnancy, still eagerly gorging herself on cock. Part of me kind of wishes the perpetrator was someone we knew, though. Especially given the name of the collar, it could have had a tie-in to the pet episode.
  47. >Selenophile
  48. I’m familiar with Selenophile’s other work, and his princesses are always very fuckable. His style reminds me of Johnjoseco. Celestia and Luna are perfectly represented here with subtle differences in their equally submissive expressions; Celestia seeming more eager and confident, while Luna is slightly more reserved - though just as devoted to pleasing her master’s tool. Frankly, this picture works better for me without the hypno, though. I think it’s lacking substance, feeling more like an afterthought than anything. Great art, meh hypnosis. The second picture makes up for it being Twilight/Shining Armor focused by spoiling us with a hundred thousand alts. I like the dynamic shifts in these, and the adoring control that their handler shows is cute.
  49. >Skinny
  50. I wish you had more art in here. Shining’s expression is the right kind of vacant/enraptured that I like, and Twilight’s quivering ass is just right. I don’t know if there’s an OC in mind for this image, but I could imagine some hypnotic predator snaking his way into that bed with both siblings helpless to his power. That would be a pretty hot story if someone were to write it.
  51. >Slimewiz
  52. Mayor Mare doesn’t get enough love, and this makes up for that nicely. It’s so cute to see her acting so innocent, just to be immediately betrayed and turned into an obedient slut. The magic object is great, too (though I feel a little too easily accepted by her, considering what it is). Her enthralled eyes are pretty, and they make her worship much more enjoyable than if she were a dead-eyed drone. I also love “societal threat” stories like this… I could imagine the snowballing story of her using her position as mayor to slowly enslave more ponies to her master’s will.
  54. Now, I know I said I don’t care for Twilight/Shining. But I always love animation, and this is fucking awesome… At least, I think it is, because my piece of shit computer won’t run it properly. But damn does it look good. I can almost feel the weight of Twilight’s plump ass slapping down like that.
  55. >SnowstormBat
  56. A classic and fun pairing. If this were anything more than this one picture, it’d be killer. But without dialogue or lead-up to the rutting, it’s just meh for me. Anatomy’s a little wonky in places, a little too elastic and wavy. A royal guard should have a backside that’s thick and powerful, and a prince should have the same but with a little softness due to his more upper-class lifestyle. Part of the appeal for me is seeing that finely tuned warrior get turned into a slut. But whatever, I can feel the emotion behind it, and our victim’s dull, pleasured face is nice. If you took another shot at something like this, I’d say focus on the muscle of a stallion, focus less on the fur, and add some balls, bruh. If you’re gonna fuck a dude, you’d might as well see the balls, that’s what I always say.
  57. >Sondy
  58. Another new artist to me. The first AJ picture is my quick favorite because it’s nice to see a hard-working pony like her “willingly” degrade herself like that. But the scenario itself is weird to me, and I think it’d be better served by making her enthrallment be at the hands of different suspects. Her muscle definition is nice, if a little on the anthro side, but her cute crotchtits and obedient posture make up for it. The second picture is alright, though I’m less impressed by the anatomy. I wish there was more story to it, because I don’t really know how she ended up in this situation. But her tits are nice, and she’s got some sweet hips, too. The final picture is a welcome pairing, though I wish there was more to it than what we get. Rarity’s size and face make her really cute in this one; something about that mare just makes me want to see her getting destroyed like she is here. But the dialogue is kind of tacked on, and I don’t really see where the hypnosis comes in. I could see these two being a unique couple for a mind control story, maybe where Rarity insists on inserting herself into a social sphere she really has no business invading, or she tries to become his new entourage or something, walking herself right into a trap… Kind of like in Goodfellas when Maury gets whacked, but in a sexy way with ponies.
  59. >TacoGhastly
  60. That ass, holy fuck. Big Mac is hands down my favorite stallion because he’s got the perfect mixture of muscle and fat just based on his show depiction alone. This picture unfortunately takes it too, too far. The shading is excellent, the scenario is hot (A recently conquered farmpony marched out and displayed in town?), the leash and Mac’s facial expression put this well above most depictions I’ve seen of him. The only problem is the artist moved the character creation dial about fifty times too far to the right. Again, this is near perfect art that really could have used an alt with normal proportions.
  61. >Testo
  62. Thank god I’m at the end. First, I see what the other anon meant about your muzzles. They’re pretty non-pony-ish. However, the content itself is strong. The NMM picture is a great POV shot, and that diabolical bitch’s yielding expression is lovely. She’s got great knockers, too. The dialogue is just what I’d expect her to say as her mind breaks. The Lightning Dust set is fucking awesome. I love seeing her in reigns, and she has a beautiful set of flared wings, too. The irony of her being hypnotized by her own nemesis’s signature move is hot. Some of the alts are off, but a couple of them are great. I particularly like the one with Spitfire and the human who’s calling her his “little wingpony”. It makes me imagine she’s been trapped on earth, and to make things worse, this human has been fucking her brains out the whole time. The third set has a good looking, muscular stallion for once. The method of control is neat, I imagine his own domineering personality worked against him to goad him into her trap. Funny enough, I think I like the poses and ass of the shitpost the most out of the whole set, though. But is the implication that Testo IS Starlight? More research is required.
  64. To conclude, you’ve got to have a very high IQ to write this much about a single smut artpack. But I was asked to give more detail, so here it is. Keep in mind that everything said here is my opinion. I don’t mean to come off too harsh or reverential to anyone in particular. Many of the artists are new to me, while others I’m very aware of, and judge them with a bias in mind. I’m not an artist, and I’m not much of a writer, or really anything other than an autistic cumlord on /mlp/ so get too raw over anything I said. Hopefully, we continue to see more good stuff from all you artists in the future.

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