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/flutterrape/ shorts

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-11-22 11:01:27
Updated: 2024-05-22 19:16:43
Expiry: Never

  1. Short greens that I wrote up for /flutterrape/ or are otherwise pretty rapey, sorted by date created.
  2. Encased in [square brackets] are the prompts that inspired them, if any.
  4. ***
  6. Table of Contents
  8. Character focus will be indicated in (parentheses). If there's no specific focus, they'll be denoted with (General) instead.
  9. NSFW stories will be marked with [NSFW]
  11. - 1 - (Fluttershy) - Is bait your fetish?
  12. - 2 - (Fluttershy) - (Don't) fuck Fluttershy
  13. - 3 - (Cadance) - Cadance Crasher
  14. - 4 - (Pinkie Pie) - It isn't rape… [NSFW]
  15. - 5 - (Fluttershy) - Bump Limit
  16. - 6 - (Fluttershy) - Topping the Tree [NSFW]
  17. - 7 - (Rarity) - Passive Seduction
  18. - 8 - (Cozy Glow) - Book Smarts
  19. - 9 - (Rarity) - Double-sided Diamond
  20. - 10 - (Copper Top) - Copper: Countered [NSFW]
  21. - 11 - (Fluttershy) - Flutter(p)ee [NSFW]
  23. ***
  25. - 1 - (Fluttershy) - Is bait your fetish? - (19/10/23)
  26. [Fluttershy posts some dank-ass bait]
  27. "What the fuck is this, Fluttershy?!"
  28. >You spit out the mush that she forced into your mouth.
  29. >"Um…it's bait. Do you not like it?"
  30. "First off, God no. Humans don't eat bait.
  31. "Second, what the hell did you even put in this shit? It's so fucking bitter."
  32. >"Oh, I just had Discord extract a diluted portion of my marecel rage formed over years of Anonymous blue-beaning, and then I dropped some of that in there."
  33. "…I shouldn't have to keep saying this, but you've got some serious fucking issues, Fluttershy."
  34. >Fluttershy frowns at you.
  35. >"So…taking the bait isn't your fetish, then?"
  36. "Get out of my fucking house!"
  38. ***
  40. - 2 - (Fluttershy) - (Don't) fuck Fluttershy - (03/11/23)
  41. ["honestly I'd fuck the hell out of fluttershy"]
  42. >"Honestly I'd fuck the hell out of Fluttershy."
  43. "…What?"
  44. >"Just think about it, dude. She's got tushy for days, and she makes these sexy squeaking sounds when you pull on her tail."
  45. "Fluttershy, what the fuck are you talking about."
  46. >The mare in question has, once again, found her way into your house, undetected.
  47. >Sitting on the same couch as you, she sports a tuxedo and is casually rambling about banging herself.
  48. >You assume the guess of the day is schizophrenia.
  49. >"What are you talking about, man? We're both fellow Anons here, see?"
  50. >She points a hoof to a nametag on her suit; it says "Anonymous."
  51. >Huh, well damn. Nametags don't lie.
  52. >You look up at your fellow shitposter.
  53. "Sorry Anon, just been having a rough few days."
  54. >"It's all good, Anon. We've all got days like that."
  55. >You crack open a couple of cold ones with your bro.
  56. "It's just…fucking Fluttershy, man. She's relentless, know what I mean?"
  57. >"Have you ever considered just giving her the dick?"
  58. "What? No!"
  59. >"But why, though?"
  60. "Because…she'll make my dick explode or something! That mare's into some freaky shit."
  61. >"Nah, man. She's been spending years on years trying to find that golden kink, all for a chance to slurp on that sausage of yours. That's dedication."
  62. >He takes a sip of his drink.
  63. >"Trust me, you aren't ever gonna find another mare that devoted in Equestria. You should give her a shot, Anon."
  64. "Huh…"
  65. >You take a sip of your own.
  66. "Honestly, I just dismissed her as a total creep, but hearing it from a fellow Anon? I dunno, it makes it seem authentic."
  67. >"Sometimes you just need a fresh new perspective on things, man. Keeps you grounded. Keeps it real."
  68. "Yeah…maybe you're right."
  69. >You stare into your drink, deep in contemplation; perhaps you had Fluttershy pegged wrong all this time?
  70. >Next time you see her, maybe you should—
  71. >"Hey, wanna fuck?"
  72. "Whoa, I ain't no faggot, faggot."
  73. >"Nah, it ain't gay. We're both Anonymous, so it's more like masturbation, really."
  74. "Huh, when you put it like that, I guess—hey wait a fucking minute."
  75. >You stand up.
  76. "Nice fucking try, Fluttershy!"
  77. >"Bro, I thought we moved passed this?"
  78. "You almost had me! You almost did! But your stupid butterfly ass forgot one crucial detail!"
  79. >He raises an eyebrow.
  80. >You point to the flagpole positioned right next to him; it flies a flag adorned with a picture of Fluttershy's face.
  81. "Explain this shit, 'Anon.'"
  82. >You've got him sweating now, as he nervously fiddles with his suit collar.
  83. >"That—uh…I can explain! I-I was just posting in a Fluttershy thread earlier and—and…"
  84. "I bet this shit ain't even real!"
  85. >You rip the nametag off his suit.
  86. >And just like that, the illusion is dispelled; you know now without a shadow of a doubt that the pony in front of you is the Yellow Menace.
  87. >"Um."
  88. >She stares at you, wide-eyed.
  89. >"…Surprise?"
  90. >You promptly chuck her out of your window.
  91. >Turning back into your living room, your eyes drift towards the flagpole that still remains.
  92. >…You're keeping it.
  94. ***
  96. - 3 - (Cadance) - Cadance Crasher - (14/11/23)
  97. [Cadance hits Anon with the old love one-two. Celestia wasn't pleased]
  98. >There is a pink horse lounging on your couch.
  99. >And not just any pink horse, it's a corporate-mandated one, the worst kind.
  100. "The hell are you doing in my house, you crazy-ass horse?"
  101. >"Oh, hi Anon," Cadance replies with a sombre tone.
  102. "Don't 'hi Anon' me. You fucking mind-raped me!"
  103. >Not too long ago, Cadance hit you with a patented love spell to make you fall in love with the local ape rapist: Fluttershy.
  104. >Cadance then hit her with an ultimatum: if Fluttershy could last an entire month without fucking you, she got to keep you for good; on the other hand, if she gave in to her urges, then she'd never be able to touch you again, and Cadance would have 'helped' you fall in love with another mare.
  105. >Let it be known that you didn't want *either* of these options.
  106. >Predictably, it lasted about 10 seconds before Fluttershy pulled your pants down and subjected you to every sexual act in the book, and several out of it.
  107. >It took a combination of several weapons-grade displacement spells and power tools to finally pull her off your body; you're going through therapy right now but some scars will never truly heal.
  108. >"It wasn't 'mind-rape.' It was 'assisted love,' and I didn't think Fluttershy would be *that* desperate."
  109. "Of course you 'didn't think.' Nobody fucking thinks in this hellhole."
  110. >"And anyway, it doesn't really matter any more. Auntie Celestia found out about the whole situation and stripped me of my title, my kingdom, my marriage, everything. I'm nothing now."
  111. >Damn, Sunbutt can be pretty based sometimes.
  112. "Well good riddance."
  113. >"Rude."
  114. "Almost as rude as mind-raping a guy into fucking the nastiest pony this side of Equestria."
  115. >"Assisted lo—"
  116. "Can't you be 'nothing' somewhere else? Do criminals usually bunk with their victims in this world?"
  117. >"Shining wants nothing to do with me, neither does Twilight."
  118. "And the corpo didn't give you any other friends outside of those two, got it."
  120. >"The…what?"
  121. "Nothing. My point still stands: get out."
  122. >"Aw, come on, Anon. You wouldn't leave a pretty pink unicorn like me out on the street, would you?"
  123. "Yeah, I would."
  124. >"And you seem like a nice guy, all things considered."
  125. "I'm not. I hate you."
  126. >"I know all the best pizza places."
  127. "I—well…"
  128. >"Deep dish, stuffed crust."
  129. "Nnngh…"
  130. >"With extra pineapple."
  131. "Get the fuck out."
  132. >Defeated, Cadance slumps off your couch and skulks past you, but something's been bothering you…
  133. "Hey, what happened to your wings?"
  134. >"Since I'm no longer a princess, Celestia had to strip away what made me an alicorn, so she chose to get rid of my wings."
  135. "Wouldn't it have made more sense for her to take your horn, so you wouldn't be able to use the magic that got you in trouble in the first place?"
  136. >"Huh, yeah. That would've made more sense, wouldn't it."
  137. >Cadance looks out the window where two birds are perched on a tree branch.
  138. >She quickly fires off a magical heart which collides with the two avians, and you finally gain the knowledge of what it looks like when two birds snog the hell out of each other.
  139. >"Hmm…"
  140. "…I really shouldn't have said that."
  141. >"I'm truly sorry about the Fluttershy incident, Anon, but I've still got to uphold my end of the bargain here. It just wouldn't be right for the only human in Equestria to never find true love."
  142. >She turns to you, an ominous smile building on her face.
  143. >"And it just so happens there's a mare out there who could really use some love and a place to stay right now."
  144. >She advances towards you as her horn begins to glow.
  145. "Wait, no. I'll tell Celestia."
  146. >"Why would you do that? Don't you love me?"
  147. "I don't, and I don't want to."
  148. >"Don't be like that. I know we started off on the wrong hoof and all, but…"
  149. >Your vision slowly turns pink.
  150. >"Wanna give love another shot?"
  152. ***
  154. - 4 - (Pinkie Pie) - It isn't rape… [NSFW] - (17/11/23)
  155. >"—if you can't tell anypony!"
  156. >She took your mouth.
  157. >Literally, she took your fucking mouth.
  158. >Pinkie dangles your lips tauntingly in her forehoof as she bounces on your donger.
  159. >How can she even hold anything in her hoof?
  160. >Same way she took your mouth, you suppose.
  161. >"This was such a super-duper smart idea! All this time I was thinking—gee, Pinkie, you need that monkey meat in you sooo bad! Just take it! But hold on a second, Horny-me, what if he says something to the guards?! Your life would be ruined! Ruuuiiineeed! But then SMART-me came along and said: what if you took his mouth?! Then he WOULDN'T be able to say anything to the guards and I could get all of the Anonypenis I could ever dream off! So theeeen I cornered you in this alleyway, swiped your mouth and now we're here, having sex! Pretty great plan, don't you think, Nonny?"
  162. >You glare at her as she continues to pump your penis in her Pinkie 'pie.'
  163. >"Oh, right, you can't agree with me 'cause I took your mouth, whoopsie!"
  164. >She gives your smackers a smooch with her own lips.
  165. >"I'm still not giving it back though. I've got Pinkie plans for this little guy! Lots of Pinkie plans…"
  166. >She lowers her tone to a whisper.
  167. >"Most of them are gonna involve kissing my ponut."
  168. >You attempt to push her off of you for the twelfth time, but her deceptively toned earth pony physique keep you pinned and Pinkie'd.
  169. >How the fuck are you getting out of this one, Anonymous?
  170. >How do you beat cartoon logic?
  171. >…With more cartoon logic, of course.
  172. >You move your hands over your bellybutton, your fingers forming a ring around it; Pinkie eyes your movement with curiosity.
  173. >You then squeeze your belly in a rhythmic fashion, concentrating your mind.
  174. >And it speaks.
  175. "Pinkamena Diane Pie! What is the meaning of all of this?!"
  177. >Pinkie yelps as she halts her humps.
  178. >"Eep! Belly speaking! Belly speaking!"
  179. "Now, I have half a mind to tell the guards about all of this. Do you have anything to say for yourself, young lady?"
  180. >Her ears flatten.
  181. >"I-I'm sorry… I just wanted to feel good, a-and I thought you'd feel good too…"
  182. "Pinkie Pie, wanting to feel good is one thing, but did you ever ask for *my* consent in the matter?"
  183. >"Well…no, no I didn't."
  184. "That's what I thought. Now, give me my mouth back. I truly can't believe you were going to take it just like that. What were you thinking? I could've starved to death!"
  185. >"Oh, okay… But I wasn't gonna to let you starve, honest as horses! I had a huuuge stack of cupcakes that I would've fed you back home!"
  186. "A…huge stack of cupcakes you say? This…this changes things, hmm…"
  187. >You pause; wait, you don't like where this is going.
  188. "Perhaps we're being a bit too harsh on the girl, Anonymous. Pinkie is a young mare with reasonable needs, surely we can let bygones be bygones, yes?"
  189. >You shake your head.
  190. "He agrees."
  191. >"Aw, thanks Belly-non! Thanks Nonny! Welp, back to business!"
  192. >She resumes her violation of your pelvis as you stare up at the sky in defeat.
  193. >You just got sold out by your own fucking stomach.
  194. >This is what you get for skipping breakfast today.
  196. ***
  198. - 5 - (Fluttershy) - Bump Limit - (20/11/23)
  199. >The world is sinking around you, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
  200. >Stories have been told, arguments have been held, fluids have been spilled.
  201. >Yet it all returns to nothing in the end.
  202. >The old world crumbles to make room for the new.
  203. >Perhaps those who come after you will come to speak of your exploits, or perhaps they won't.
  204. >Sentimentality was never your strong suit, but when everything is ending, what is one left with, but their innermost thoughts?
  205. >You sit atop what was once a peninsula, the last remaining remnants of a land once teeming with life.
  206. >But you're not alone.
  207. >Next to you is a mare who's been with you through thick and thin.
  208. >She's seen your best, and she's seen your worst.
  209. >Just as you've seen hers.
  210. >From an outsider's perspective, it would be easy to write off your relationship as star-crossed lovers, or even bitter enemies.
  211. >But it's deeper than that.
  212. >She…completes you, just as you complete her.
  213. >"We made it through another one."
  214. "Yeah."
  215. >"It's a little hard to believe that it's all going to…end, soon."
  216. "You scared, Flutters?"
  217. >"No."
  218. >She leans into you.
  219. >"Not when I'm with you."
  220. >You wrap an arm around her.
  221. "…Same here."
  222. >There are no tears to be shed between you two, only a calm acceptance of the ways of this world.
  223. >The two of you will meet again under a different sky, ready to weave more tales together.
  224. >Your memories may not be the same, but the spirit survives.
  225. >Such is the nature of the endless cycle, a perpetual rotation of give and take between two opposing entities.
  226. >Death and Rebirth.
  227. >Land and Sky.
  228. >Good and Evil.
  229. >Love and Lust.
  230. >You and Her.
  231. >Not much longer now.
  232. >"Is hitting the bump limit your fetish, Anon?"
  233. >You turn your head towards your feathered compatriot.
  234. >And you gaze into those beautiful blue eyes—full of kindness, of adoration.
  235. >She bears a soft, compassionate smile, and those cute little ears of hers twitch ever so slightly, awaiting your response.
  236. "You're God damn right."
  237. >With the passion of the blazing sun and the tenderness of the patient moon, you push that sexy pegasus down and you—
  238. This thread is archived
  240. ***
  242. - 6 - (Fluttershy) - Topping the Tree [NSFW] - (25/12/23)
  243. >There's something wrong with your Christmas tree.
  244. >And it's not the fact that it's probably called a "Hearth's Warming tree" in this backwards horse land.
  245. >Fuck that noise; your house—your rules.
  246. >This is a Christmas household.
  247. >Back to your problem: it's not even the tree itself—that's fine.
  248. >It's the ornament on top of it.
  249. >You remember purchasing a pointed tree topper to stand proud atop your tree.
  250. >It was rigid, defiant, a solid spike much akin to an ornamental middle finger aimed towards the heavens that sent you to this forsaken world.
  251. >And now it's gone.
  252. >Because something else has taken residence at the top of your tree.
  253. >Something furry,
  254. >And yellow,
  255. >And winged,
  256. >And panting heavily,
  257. >And you know exactly what—who it is.
  258. "What the fuck are you doing up there?!"
  259. >She doesn't respond.
  260. "Fluttershy!"
  261. >She STILL doesn't respond.
  262. >In fact, she's not even looking at you; she's just staring straight ahead from her elevated position.
  263. >She's wide-eyed, and still panting, so you know she's still alive.
  264. >That being said: you're not taking this cold-shoulder treatment laying down, so you shake walk up to the tree and give it a good shake—hopefully to dislodge her.
  265. >She screams and yelps as you do so.
  266. >"Nonono—wait! P-please don't shake the tree any more!"
  267. >This fucking horse trespasses in YOUR house and asks you not to shake YOUR tree?
  268. >The absolute nerve.
  269. "Get the fuck off my tree."
  270. >You could have worded that better.
  271. >"I—um, can't."
  272. "And why the hell not?"
  273. >"I'm…I'm stuck."
  274. "You have wings."
  275. >"They won't work. I tried and—um, it just made things worse."
  276. >Made "things" worse? What?
  277. >She shakily shifts her eyes downwards to look at you.
  278. >"I…need your help, please?"
  279. >You narrow your eyes.
  280. "I swear to God this better not be another fetish guess. You've already gotten rid of my tree topper."
  281. >"I-I didn't get rid of it."
  282. "You—"
  283. >You pinch your nose as you now realise *why* she's squirming and panting.
  284. "My fucking tree topper is not your dildo, Fluttershy!"
  286. >"I-I know that now! I promise I won't—um, use it again."
  287. >Fluttershy has gotten "stuck" on your Christmas tree.
  288. >But if she can't move—then that also means she can't bother you if you move to a different room.
  289. "Maybe I should just leave you up there—so you can think about what you've done."
  290. >She whimpers.
  291. >You stare at her for a few moments, before sighing.
  292. "But…fuck it, it's Christmas."
  293. >"Um, actually it's—"
  294. >You give the tree a brief jostle, causing her to gasp out.
  295. >"O-okay! Christmas! It's Christmas!"
  296. >You grab a step ladder and use it to get close enough to…pull her off of your tree, grimacing at the trail of mare slime that still resides on your once-innocent fir.
  297. >Examining the top of your tree, you note that there's no tree topper there.
  298. >But didn't she just say she was "using" it?
  299. >That means…
  300. >Uuugh.
  301. >You not-so-gently set her on the floor, causing her to wince out.
  302. >She adopts a wide, shaky stance, and her expression resembles that of a deer in headlights that also has most of its insides taken up by a foreign object.
  303. >You make your way behind her to survey the damage.
  304. >As suspected—you see the bottom of your tree topper poking out from her asshole.
  305. >The entire thing must be lodged in there.
  306. >And now you've got to get it out.
  307. >You sigh, rolling up your sleeves.
  308. >What follows is a near-traumatic experience for the both of you as you struggle to pull that fucking makeshift dildo out of her butt.
  309. >But eventually, you succeed, retrieving that God damn topper out from deep within those dark, depraved depths.
  310. >You feel like King Arthur—the R-18 version that has been banned in all civilised countries.
  311. >You're pretty sure no amount of cleaning will purify this ornament; you're gonna have to throw it away later.
  312. >"T-thanks," she mumbles at you.
  313. "Yeah, whatever."
  314. >Fluttershy turns and walks away to your front door and opens it.
  315. >She turns back to you.
  316. >"And um…sorry about your ornament. Happy Christmas."
  317. "It's 'Merry Christmas.'"
  318. >"O-oh, right…"
  319. >She leaves your house.
  320. >You sigh; you *did* happen to buy more ingredients than you needed to prepare your Christmas dinner.
  321. >And it *is* Christmas…
  322. >Fuck it.
  323. >You walk up to your front doorway, seeing Fluttershy about to flutter away.
  324. "Fluttershy, wait."
  325. >She turns back to you.
  326. >"Huh?"
  327. "…You can stay for a few more hours, if you want."
  328. >She perks up instantly.
  329. >"Oh! T-thank you!"
  330. "But I'm kicking your ass out at midnight, and no fucking fetishes—got it?"
  331. >She briefly opens her mouth, but closes it, nodding instead.
  332. >She trots into your house, and you give one glance to the faint snowfall outside before you close the door and head back inside.
  333. >Christmas is a time to spend with friends and family.
  334. >You found that you don't have much of either in a world full of would-be rapists.
  335. >But you're willing to make a compromise—a ceasefire on the most sacred of nights.
  336. >So instead of spending it alone,
  337. >You're spending it with—
  338. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  340. ***
  342. - 7 - (Rarity) - Passive Seduction - (18/01/24)
  343. >"Now hold perfectly still, darling. I have to get these measurements just right."
  344. "G-got it."
  345. >You are in Carousel Boutique—second floor.
  346. >Rarity takes your measurements while you sit down on a stool.
  347. >It's a routine that the two of you go through every now and then so that she can make you clothes that properly fit you.
  348. >And by "every now and then" it's twice a week.
  349. >You're not sure why she needs to update her measurements of you so frequently.
  350. >You're also not sure why it needs to be done in her bedroom, either.
  351. >But she's the expert.
  352. >Anyway, it's a routine you dread every time.
  353. >Not because of her personality, no.
  354. >She's an amicable enough mare.
  355. >Friendly, welcoming, generous.
  356. >…Ridiculously sexy.
  357. >And therein lies the problem.
  358. >She's a horse; you're a human.
  359. >These lustful thoughts you have of her—they just ain't right.
  360. >When you had entered Equestria—you took a solemn oath:
  361. >'Thou shalt not lay with beasts.'
  362. >And when it comes to every other inhabitant of this world, you're an expert at holding back your lecherous impulses.
  363. >But Rarity…man.
  364. >She fires up your neurons like nothing else.
  365. >Perhaps it's due to her slender, yet attention-grabbing curves; her smooth, svelte voice; or her pleasant-smelling perfume.
  366. >Whatever the case may be—you need to stay strong.
  367. >You refuse to betray your principles.
  369. >"…Anonymous?"
  370. >You snap out of your daze, seeing Rarity looking back at you with a concerned expression.
  371. "Oh, what's up, Rarity?"
  372. >"Finally back among the living, are we?" She titters.
  373. >Every sound she makes gives your soul goosebumps.
  374. "Sorry, just thinking."
  375. >"That's quite alright. Now take off your shirt so I can measure you accurately."
  376. "R-right."
  377. >You slowly pull up your shirt, exposing your bare chest.
  378. >"Oh~" you hear her coo while the fabric obscures your vision.
  379. >Once you finish removing your shirt, you set it down on the floor and question Rarity.
  380. "Is everything good?"
  381. >"Oh yes, *very* good, in fact."
  382. >She's definitely a tease in every sense of the word.
  383. >It's enough to make you wonder if she has the hots for you.
  384. >What would you even call that, anyway? Reverse-bestiality?
  385. >Eh, it's probably all in your head, degenerate that you are.
  386. >Not that it matters either way—you've gotta stay strong for your own sake.
  387. >"Well then, shall we?"
  388. >She floats a measuring tape over to you as she walks up close to you—very close.
  389. >Close enough that you can see her nostrils flare as they stop mere inches away from your bare skin.
  390. >She extends the tape across your chest.
  391. >"Oh my." She eyes one of your biceps. "Anonymous, have you been working out?"
  392. "I guess so, comes with working on Applejack's farm."
  393. >Her nose wrinkles.
  394. >"Ah yes. Applejack. Hmph."
  395. >The tape begins to wobble and strain under her magical grip.
  396. >"She's quite the lucky mare, having you at her beck and call every day—"
  397. >The tape suddenly snaps.
  398. >"Oh dear!" she gasps.
  399. "Rarity! You alright?"
  400. >"Nothing to worry about, darling. It just seems that I underestimated how large you'd be; clearly the tape I had wasn't sufficient."
  401. "Uh…sure."
  402. >That tape was clearly more than enough to measure you.
  403. >But she's the expert.
  405. >"Allow me to procure a more *suitable* tool for a stallion of your size."
  406. "Y-yeah, okay."
  407. >She turns around and sashays over to a nearby drawer, opening it.
  408. >As she roots through the drawer, she quietly hums to herself, lightly swaying side-to-side.
  409. >Your eyes can't help but be drawn to the way she wiggles her hips.
  410. >The way her tail flicks to the side.
  411. >And the way it exposes the region below, giving you ample view of—
  412. >You quickly look away.
  413. >No! Bad Anon! Think unsexy thoughts!
  414. >Think of Granny Smith!
  415. >Yeah…that gross, wrinkly, old hag; very unsexy.
  416. >…Okay, "hag" is a bit too mean of a descriptor there; Granny Smith's a nice old lady.
  417. >But you've gotta stop the blood from pumping down there somehow, damn it!
  418. >"Ah, here we are."
  419. >Rarity retrieves another measuring tape from the drawer and walks over to you; once again—too close for comfort.
  420. >"Now where were we…?"
  421. >She eyes you over for a few moments, a smile building on her face.
  422. >"Oh, right—of course! The measuring!"
  423. >She begins extending the tape once more, but something stops her.
  424. >"What are you doing, Anonymous?" She gazes down at your hands covering your crotch.
  425. "Um, just…resting my hands?"
  426. >"Don't be silly; I can't measure you properly if you constrain yourself so. Move them aside."
  427. "Uh."
  428. >Despite your best efforts, you are at full mast right now.
  429. >You can't let her see you like this.
  430. >Granny Smith. Granny Smith. Granny Smith.
  431. >Hey, Granny Smith must have been young at some point, yeah?
  432. >Wonder if she looked as hot as Rarity—
  433. >Okay, there goes that contingency.
  434. >"Shall I move them for you?"
  435. >You're losing control of the situation!
  436. >Think of Spike!
  437. >He simps for Rarity; you'd break that little dragon bro's heart if you tried anything uncouth here.
  438. >Yeah.
  439. >That's right…
  440. >Think of Spike.
  441. >Spike and his cute dragon butt—
  442. >Oh God.
  443. >It's over.
  444. >This is a Code Green-and-Purple.
  445. >Thanks Doc, but no thanks.
  446. >You stand up with a rigidity rivalling that of your erection.
  447. >"O-oh!" Rarity's eyes shoot open.
  448. >Your hands are no longer covering your crotch.
  449. "thanksraritybutillcomebacklaterBYE"
  450. >"W-what was that, Anonymous?"
  451. >You rush to the nearby window.
  452. >"Wait! We're on the—"
  453. >And you vault out of it.
  454. >Since you were on the second floor, it's quite the drop.
  455. >You crash into the ground.
  456. >Everything hurts.
  457. >Yet even the pain somehow feels pleasurable.
  458. >Which is exactly why you couldn't stay there any longer.
  459. >Shakily, you stand back up, free from Rarity's Lair.
  460. >You can finally escape to less-erotic pastures, and so you do.
  461. >Rarity gazes out of the window, watching you limp away.
  462. >"Oh, Anonymous…"
  463. >She sighs.
  464. >"Such a shame."
  465. >She tuts to herself in disappointment.
  466. >"But no matter."
  467. >But her expression soon morphs into a self-assured smirk.
  468. >"One day, you *will* become mine. It's only a matter of time."
  469. >She turns away, looking into her room.
  470. >"But in the meantime…"
  471. >She levitates your discarded shirt up to her nose and sniffs it, softly humming to herself.
  472. >"I can wait."
  474. ***
  476. - 8 - (Cozy Glow) - Book Smarts - (21/01/24)
  477. >"Golly, Nonny! Are you *sure* you don't want a piece of thiiis?"
  478. >Hovering in the air, Cozy Glow wiggles her rump in front of you suggestively.
  479. >The two of you are in the school's library; luckily, no-one else is around to see this raunchy display from her.
  480. >She peeks over her withers at you, sticking her tongue out.
  481. "Cozy, please. You are *way* too young to be thinking about that kinda thing."
  482. >At least—you assume so; maybe pony puberty hits differently compared to humans.
  483. >Either way, you still have your own human morals; taking advantage of a filly like this…it just isn't right.
  484. >"Are you sure? What about if I do this…?"
  485. >She gives her flank a light *thwap* with a forehoof.
  486. "Where did you even learn to…"—you shake your head—"okay, stop."
  487. >She turns around to face you.
  488. >"Oh? Are you finally ready for some nighttime fun, Nonny?"
  489. "I'm ready to tell you to leave me alone. Go mingle with foals your own age."
  490. >You take a brief pause.
  491. "Not like that, though; the kind of thing you're doing right now…that's for grown-ups only."
  492. >She rests her chin on both forehooves.
  493. >"Hmm…but I don't *want* to play with those stinky little kids; I want you, Nonny…"
  494. >She slowly floats up to you, her face inches away from yours.
  495. >"And if you give me a chance, I'll show you just how 'grown-up' I can be…"
  496. >She flutters her eyelashes at you.
  497. >And you steadily push her away.
  498. "No means no, Cozy. I'm an adult, you're just a little filly—so forget it; there's no chance."
  499. >"Just a little filly…"
  500. >She blankly stares at you for a few moments.
  501. >Then her right eye twitches.
  502. >"Are YOU—"
  503. >She suddenly stops herself and takes a deep breath.
  504. >"Okay then."
  505. >She flashes you a sweet smile.
  506. >"If that's how you feel, Nonny, I'm okay with that!"
  507. "Really? Great."
  508. >"But just one last thing, though!"
  509. >She searches through a nearby bookshelf, soon picking out a book.
  510. >Holding it in her hooves, she presents it to you.
  511. >It has a blank, blue cover.
  512. >"Could you read this book? It might help you understand my feelings better."
  513. "And here I thought you said you were okay with me not wanting you that way."
  514. >"I am! Really truly! But only if you're *really* sure about it! And you never know—maybe this book will convince you otherwise…?"
  515. >You roll your eyes.
  516. >Her own eyes quickly tear up as she gives you a quivering pout.
  517. >"Pleeeaaase? Pretty please?"
  518. "I fail to see how one book will change my mind."
  519. >You sigh.
  520. "But fine; if it'll get you to stop pestering me over this—I'll read it."
  521. >You take the book off of her hooves.
  522. >Once you do so, Cozy silently flutters over to the bookshelf behind you.
  523. "Now, let's see here…"
  524. >Since the book has a blank cover, you figure that it's one of those books where the title is on the first page.
  525. >You open the book and—sure enough—there it is.
  526. >You read it to yourself.
  527. "'How to get hit on the head with another book?'"
  528. >You raise an eyebrow.
  529. "What—"
  530. >*BONK*
  532. ***
  534. - 9 - (Rarity) - Double-sided Diamond - (04/04/24)
  535. [Plainity's fifth line in the second paragraph]
  536. >You are Anon, freshman student at Flim and Flam's Friendship University.
  537. >This institution is based within a city known as Las Pegasus—the cloudy capital of casinos and clubhouses both.
  538. >You admit that you had your initial doubts about this place, but it turns out they really *do* teach friendship here.
  539. >You may have had to take out a few loans here and there to purchase the worksheets, but you're looking forward to finally becoming a productive, friendly member of society!
  540. >Anyway, today's classes have ended, and you're on your way out.
  541. >But first—you head to the lockers to grab your stuff.
  542. >Soon reaching your locker, you open its door, grab your stuff, and close it—
  543. >And come face to face with a white unicorn; she has a messy purple mane and tail.
  544. >Her outfit is garishly casual—with a backwards-facing baseball cap atop her head; a yellow shirt with a pink "vest;" high-cut blue pants; and a blue bandanna wrapped around one of her hindlegs.
  545. >She's currently blowing a bubble of pink bubblegum.
  546. >Her appearance seems…somewhat familiar, but you can't place your finger on why.
  547. >Before you can ponder any further, however—she pops her bubblegum bubble by blowing it up too large.
  548. >The pink bubblegum splatters against her snout; one of her eyes briefly twitches, but she otherwise appears unbothered.
  549. >"Yo," she says.
  550. "Um, hey."
  551. >The two of you stand there awkwardly.
  552. >Staring into her blue eyes—it appears that she's trying to communicate with you through bored eye contact alone, but you're not an eye-reader—you can't decipher anything she's putting down.
  553. >Your eyes drift to the locker next to her.
  554. "Is that your locker?"
  555. >She briefly turns her head to look at the locker, before looking back at you.
  556. >"Sure."
  557. "I…I haven't seen you around before. Are you a freshman—er, freshpony, too?"
  558. >"Yeah."
  559. >She extends a forehoof to you.
  560. >"Name's Plainity."
  561. >You shake her hoof.
  562. "Nice to meet you, Plainity."
  564. >Pulling your hand back, you awkwardly rub the side of your neck.
  565. "I'm about to head out for the day so, um, I'll see you tomorrow?"
  566. >She tilts her head.
  567. >"You're leaving already? School's not out yet."
  568. "Huh?"
  569. >You look around; you and Plainity are the only ones in the hallway, and you're pretty sure you heard the bell ring a while ago.
  570. "It isn't?"
  571. >"That's right; they're running one more class for today."
  572. "Another class? I-I'm not sure I have the bits for the worksheets."
  573. >She raises a slight eyebrow at you before responding.
  574. >"No, this one is completely free. No worksheets required."
  575. "Wait, really?"
  576. >"Yeah, it's all about helping out your friends. Come on."
  577. >She turns around and walks down the hallway.
  578. >Obviously, you follow her; this all sounds a bit extracurricular to you—but you're not about to miss out on a free lesson.
  579. >She opens a door and ushers you inside the classroom with her hoof.
  580. >You enter the classroom first.
  581. >There's a teacher's desk at the front with several student desks facing it, but you see no other ponies in the room.
  582. "Uh…must have gotten here early, I guess."
  583. >The room darkens as the curtains lower and cover up the windows; the lights flick on, covering the room in an ominous yellow glow.
  584. >You turn around, seeing Plainity and…the door that she's barred shut with a desk while you weren't paying attention.
  585. "Plainity? What are you—"
  586. >She levitates a switchblade out of a crevice between her shirt and vest and brandishes the blade at you.
  587. "Wh-what…?"
  588. >"Alright nerd, here's what's going to happen, you're going to take off your pants and get on the desk."
  589. "Y-you can't be—"
  590. >She swiftly jabs the switchblade right in front of your face, barely grazing you.
  591. "A-ah!"
  592. >"You go slow—I get stabby. You got that?"
  593. "O-okay! Okay!"
  594. >Heart pounding and face not wanting to get slashed, you scramble to pull your pants down, leaving only your boxers.
  595. >Upon seeing your pants hit the floor, you look up at Plainity, whose lecherous smile is quickly replaced by a frown.
  596. >She threateningly points the blade at your face.
  597. >"I didn't say stop."
  598. >Not wanting to agitate this brusque, blade-bearing mare any further, you take a gulp and pull down your boxers, exposing yourself in your entirety.
  599. >Plainity smirks at the sight, before flicking her head towards the teacher's desk.
  600. >"Now—on the desk, facing me."
  601. >You take several hesitant steps backwards and sit on the teacher's desk, your bare bottom uncomfortably rubbing against the rough wood.
  602. >"Spread your legs."
  603. >Wincing to yourself, you shakily force your legs apart, baring your all to her.
  604. >Try as you might, you can't stop your legs from anxiously jittering as you struggle to make eye contact with your armed assailant.
  605. "Wh-why are you doing this?"
  606. >She doesn't answer.
  607. >Instead, with her eyes firmly settled on her prize, she licks her lips as she draws closer.
  608. >"Come to momma…"
  610. >…
  611. >You sit on a cloud bench, still within Las Pegasus; your posture is slumped, and your gaze is fixed upon the clouds at your feet.
  612. >The amulet around your neck is enchanted with a cloudwalking spell, allowing you to safely traverse this city of cumulus.
  613. >But after what you've been forced through, you feel anywhere but on cloud nine.
  614. >Maybe you should just take that amulet off and fall through the clouds; that'll at least make your outside look just like how you feel on the inside—
  615. >"Oh, Anonymous! There you are—oh, oh my…"
  616. >A hauntingly familiar voice rouses your attention, causing you to look up from your feet.
  617. >You see a white unicorn with a well-groomed purple mane; she bears a concerned expression as she gazes at you.
  618. >Her colour scheme makes you instinctively flinch, but you know who this is.
  619. "Oh…Rarity…hey…"
  620. >Rarity is your friend who is currently visiting Las Pegasus on a business trip; the two of you are close enough that you might even consider her your best friend.
  621. >But what are friends, really?
  622. >Friends couldn't help you back there.
  623. >It turns out that you really are alone when it matters.
  624. >"I must say, you look positively *dreadful.* Did something happen?"
  625. >Her voice sends an uncomfortable shiver down your spine.
  626. >Post-traumatic jitters, you guess.
  627. >Right now, the entire world feels hostile to you.
  628. "I-I guess so…"
  629. >You wipe a few tears from your face.
  630. "Sorry, Rarity. I just…I'm not having a great time of it right now."
  631. >You find yourself slumping once more, gaze hitting the ground.
  632. >Rarity walks closer to you and rests a reassuring hoof on your lap.
  633. >"Darling, if something is bothering you, please tell me. I'm always willing to lend an ear."
  634. >You raise your head to look at her.
  635. "…P-promise you won't think less of me?"
  636. >She hops up onto the bench and sits next to you, giving you a soft smile.
  637. >"Of course. I'm your friend, I would never think less of you."
  638. "Well I…the thing is I…I was…"
  639. >You fumble with your words as you try to get the truth out.
  640. "I was taken advantage of today."
  641. >She tilts her head, trying to parse the implications.
  642. >"'Taken advantage?'"
  643. >You sigh.
  644. "I was raped."
  645. >The words hang in the air.
  646. >Eventually, you feel a soft pair of white forelimbs gently wrap around your body in a hug.
  647. >"Oh, Anonymous…"
  648. >Her body is warm and comforting, a stark contrast to the cold, bitter loneliness that encompasses your body.
  649. >"I'm here for you," she whispers.
  650. >She holds that hug for a while; you don't make any moves to push her away.
  651. >Her hug doesn't fix anything, no amount of physical contact can fix what you've gone through.
  652. >But…it helps ease the pain.
  654. "Th-thanks, Rarity."
  655. >She pulls back.
  656. >"Anytime, darling. And…"
  657. >She rubs your shoulder with a sympathetic smile on her face.
  658. >"They say that one of the first steps to healing your trauma is to acknowledge it. If you ever wish to confide in anypony as to what happened. Know that I'm all ears."
  659. >She takes her hoof off your shoulder.
  660. >"Whenever you feel ready to, of course."
  661. >You consider her words.
  662. >What happened back there was wrong in every respect; even with Rarity right by your side, you feel lonelier than ever.
  663. >But…also…
  664. >You really need someone to talk to right now—someone to confide in.
  665. "Actually I…I think I'm ready to talk about it now. If that's okay with you."
  666. >She wordlessly nods, waiting for you to continue.
  667. "Th-there was this mare at the university I'm going to, she stopped me right when the classes finished and all of the other ponies had gone."
  668. >Emboldened by Rarity's presence, you try to crack a small joke in your recollection to hopefully lighten the mood.
  669. "You would've hated her. She had awful fashion sense. Clothes were…they were all over the place."
  670. >She lets out a small titter.
  671. >"Oh, is that so? Now you simply *must* tell me—what was she wearing?"
  672. "I…"
  673. >You frown as you remember her appearance, but you describe her apparel to Rarity.
  674. >Rarity's snout scrunches up in pure disgust.
  675. >"Absolutely ghastly," she states.
  676. >"And that singular bandanna around her leg?" She turns her side and makes a faux-puking motion. "Blegh!"
  677. >A very faint chuckle escapes your lips.
  678. >You can always count on Rarity to add some much-needed levity to any situation.
  679. "And, um, anyway…"
  680. >But it's time for your story to continue; Rarity's full attention snaps back to you.
  681. "She convinced me to go into a secluded classroom with her. I-I don't know what I was thinking, why did I trust her? I'm so…I'm so stupid."
  682. >You clench your fists to the point of pain.
  683. >Seeing this, Rarity tenderly rests a forehoof on one of them.
  684. >"It's not your fault, darling. What that mare did was abhorrent and abnormal. You mustn't blame yourself for the crimes committed by such a despicable sort."
  685. >She has a point; even in this seedy-looking entertainment capital in the clouds—every single pony that you've met here has been nothing but friendly to you.
  686. >So you could only wonder what kind of darkness lurked in Plainity's heart to drive her to such heinous acts.
  687. >And what cruel twist of fate lead to you falling under her cross-hairs.
  689. "When I went into the classroom, she locked the door—closed the curtains, a-and then…"
  690. >You turn away from Rarity and find yourself staring off into the distance.
  691. "She…she threatened me at knife point to pull my pants down and…"
  692. >The distance grows blurrier by the second.
  693. "A-and then…ugh."
  694. >You wince; not feeling mentally and emotionally able enough to bring yourself to continue.
  695. >After shaking your head, you turn back to Rarity.
  696. "Sorry, I…I don't want to go into any more detail."
  697. >"That's perfectly fine, Anonymous."
  698. "I…I wish it was."
  699. >You sigh.
  700. "I feel violated, Rarity, and I still do. That mare, she stripped away and stomped on everything that I thought I could trust in—my confidence, my masculinity, my virtue…"
  701. >You shudder in response to a chill rushing through the area; even now that you've put your clothes back on: you feel so naked right now—so vulnerable.
  702. "The truth is…I barely feel like a man right now—much less a human."
  703. >Your speech ends, and those dark thoughts begin to creep in on the corners of your mind once more.
  704. >"Anonymous, look at me."
  705. >You reluctantly turn your head to make eye contact with Rarity, gazing into those serious blue eyes.
  706. >"Let me tell you right now: you are no less a stallion—or a man—for what you've suffered through today."
  707. >Her gaze softens.
  708. >"In fact, the courage that you've displayed here by speaking up about this ordeal—that right there tells me that you are every bit the proud and dignified human that I met back when you first arrived to Equestria."
  709. >She gives you a smile.
  710. >"And I'm honoured to have you as my dear friend."
  711. >At the end of her grand speech, you find yourself returning her smile—if only just a little bit.
  712. "Th-thanks Rarity." You sniffle, wiping away some tears. "You always know what to say."
  713. >"I only speak the truth, darling. That noble flame inside of you hasn't been dimmed—not one bit! In fact, I dare say it burns brighter than ever!"
  714. >She strikes an extravagant pose on the bench, thrusting her hoof skywards, and you two of share a laugh.
  716. >As you do, you notice the sun starting to sink in the horizon.
  717. "Speaking of 'noble flames,' it looks like the day's is just ending."
  718. >"Yes! You're quite right! Oh—will you be alright heading home by yourself?"
  719. >You purse your lips in thought; you *should* be okay, but what if…eh…
  720. "Well, I think—"
  721. >As if sensing your discomfort, Rarity suddenly hops off the bench and faces you, showily pressing her forehoof against her chest.
  722. >"Actually, I insist that I escort you back to your abode! There's no way I'm letting you wander the streets alone after hearing what you've gone through!"
  723. >You chuckle.
  724. "I…I think I'll take you up on that, thanks Rarity."
  725. >Sitting up off the bench, the two of you walk down the streets of Las Pegasus.
  726. >The streetlights illuminate the cloudy pathways, giving the resort city an energetic glow.
  727. >Although much like the murky alleyways in between the buildings, you know that there is darkness lurking within the cracks of this city—just out of view.
  728. >"Is something the matter, Anonymous? I can see that ill-fitting frown on your face all the way from down here, you know."
  729. >You see Rarity giving you a worried look as she walks by your side.
  730. "O-oh, it's nothing."
  731. >Rarity hastily trots in front of you, unwilling as ever to let your internal dilemmas be.
  732. >"Really now? Because that expression on your face is telling me otherwise."
  733. "…It's silly."
  734. >"Whatever is on your mind isn't silly, I assure you."
  735. >You know that this nosy mare isn't going to budge from her spot until you tell her what's on your mind.
  736. "I…okay."
  737. >You take a deep breath.
  738. "It's just…what if I see her again, you know?"
  739. >You look to the side and wince, remembering that mare's dishevelled, unfashionable appearance…
  740. "I-I mean, she goes to the same university that I do. A-and what if…"
  741. >You gulp.
  742. "Wh-what if she knows where I live? What if she's waiting for me to be alone again before she…she…"
  744. >You stop yourself and look back to Rarity; her worried look has now turned into a full-on frown.
  745. "S-sorry. Like I said, it's silly."
  746. >She strongly shakes her head.
  747. >"This is absolutely not 'silly,' Anonymous. It's a perfectly valid concern. Why, I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I didn't even consider it!"
  748. "'Consider it?'"
  749. >"Yes. In fact, I have a proposal for you; I'm currently staying over in a rather spacious hotel suite not too far from here. Why don't you stay with me until your worries subside?"
  750. "Stay with you?"
  751. >Your eyes widen.
  752. "R-rarity I couldn't—"
  753. >She raises a forehoof in the air.
  754. >"I insist. There is absolutely *no* chance that I'll leave you at the mercy of that scoundrel. I'll even accompany you to your university."
  755. >Your eyes widen even further.
  756. "Wait, what? But…but won't that cut into your business ventures here?"
  757. >"My business can wait, Anonymous. The well-being of one of my closest friends is far more important."
  758. >The look of steely determination on her face tells you that she's dead serious, and you know that Rarity would never joke about such matters.
  759. "I-if you're sure…"
  760. >"Unquestionably."
  761. >You slowly walk up to her and crouch down.
  762. "Thank you, Rarity. Thank you so much."
  763. >This time, you're the one initiating the hug.
  764. >Tears are falling from your face, but this time—they're happy tears.
  765. >She gently loops a hoof around you and pats you on the back.
  766. >"And mark my words, if that 'Plainity' dares to show her face once more—I shall show that strumpet just what happens when she messes with one of my dear friends!"
  767. >Hearing her state your assailant's name out loud sends a chill down your spine.
  768. >No doubt it's because of the trauma associated with it.
  769. >But you know that with Rarity on your side—you have nothing to fear now.
  770. >As you pull back from your hug, your eyes catch a glimpse of something—
  771. "Oh, Rarity, I think you've got a bit of…"
  772. >You rub your cheek, mirroring the location where there's a pink splotch on Rarity's cheek.
  773. >"A bit of—o-oh!"
  774. >Her eyes shoot open as her hoof feels the stain on her face.
  775. >She hurriedly yanks the pink residue off of her cheek with her magic and chucks it in a nearby bin.
  776. >"Th-thank you, Darling. A stray piece of fabric must have gotten stuck on my face while I was working."
  777. "Haha, right."
  778. >"Come along, now!" Her smile returns as she trots away. "The night certainly isn't getting any brighter!"
  779. >You follow her.
  780. >Fabric, huh? From the way she pulled it off, it looked pretty stretchy…and gooey.
  781. >But hey, she's the fashionista—you're just the human who's trying to learn about friendship in a dodgy university.
  782. >Despite your differences, you're glad that there's someone in this world who cares enough about you to watch over you; you're glad that someone has your back out there.
  783. >Rarity is a good friend.
  785. ***
  787. - 10 - (Copper Top) - Copper: Countered [NSFW] - (12/04/24)
  788. >You are Anon: local Good Samaritan and aspiring ape man.
  789. >You have just finished unchaining a poor defenceless police mare from a post; a set of cuffs had rendered her little hoofsies immobile, while her ponut was protruding proudly for all of the public to see.
  790. >Luckily, you got to her before any miscreants could "fuck the police," as the saying goes.
  791. >The copper gives you a smile of gratitude upon being freed.
  792. >"P-phew, thanks for unchaining me from that post, citizen."
  793. "All in a days work, my good mare. Now if you'll excuse me…"
  794. >"Wait. There's something else that I need from you."
  795. "My, and whatever could that be?"
  796. >She points to a narrow opening in between two buildings.
  797. >"Please follow me into this alley for, um…"
  798. >She takes a brief pause before continuing.
  799. >"Questioning."
  800. >You narrow your eyes.
  801. "Questioning?"
  802. >She rapidly nods.
  803. "…I see. Very well then, lead the way."
  805. >You follow her into the alleyway, and the two of you head deep inside the tight passage where the sun doesn't shine, far away from any prying eyes.
  806. >Eventually, she stops, turning around to face you.
  807. >"This should be far enough."
  808. "I must say, this is a wonderfully dreary alley—"
  809. >She suddenly lunges at you, throwing all of her weight into her tackle.
  810. >Rookie mistake.
  811. >You quickly back step away from her.
  812. >"W-whuh!" she sputters as she hits the ground face first.
  813. >You walk up to her.
  814. >And you hit her with the crouching jab.
  815. >"O-ow!"
  816. >*COUNTER HIT*
  817. >Oh yes. It's go time.
  818. >You send her into the air with your launcher and jump cancel.
  819. >You boop her nose.
  820. >You boop her belly button.
  821. >You boop her clitoris.
  822. >And then you air throw her back to the ground.
  823. >You land on the ground right next to her, and you quickly take off your shirt, throwing it into the air as oki.
  824. >She rises back to her hooves, but is too mesmerised by the shirt slowly fluttering down upon her to do anything.
  825. >She sluggishly shields her eyes with her hoof—
  826. >And you hit her with the crouching sweep, causing her to fall back to the ground.
  827. >She gets back up, again.
  828. >But this time—she's stunned.
  829. >Which means it's time for the install.
  830. >After taking a few seconds to flex, you strike a pose.
  831. >All of the clothes on your body spontaneously burst at the seams, revealing your gloriously chiselled form in its entirety.
  832. >You call out your signature phrase.
  833. "Call me…"
  834. >The background music changes to your jam.
  835. "Rapeman."
  836. >She regains her senses just in time to recoil in fear at the sight of your raw, unfiltered masculinity.
  837. >"W-wait, this isn't how it was supposed to—"
  838. >You quickly dash up to her and vigorously thrust your pelvis in front of her snout, "booping" her on the nose several times.
  839. >She reflexively blocks, covering her face, but it's no use.
  840. >Because you've finally built up enough meter.
  841. >You stomp a foot into the ground and let out a mighty grunt before you glide towards her, hitting her with the unblockable grab.
  842. >The very world around you two fades to darkness, leaving just you and her.
  843. >"Wh-what is happen—"
  844. "Cum one thousand times!"
  845. >You unleash the Raping Demon.
  846. >Mating press; full nelson; irrumatio; prone bone; piledriver position…
  847. >You fill up each and every hole of this mare with your pent-up frustration all within the span of just a few seconds.
  848. >And once it all ends, you loom over her unconscious form, the >rape tattoo on your back glowing green.
  850. >She's knocked out—maybe even knocked up.
  851. >And your work here is done.
  852. >You pick up your shirt off of the ground and tie it around your waist, reclaiming your decency.
  853. >But before you head back out of the alleyway, you turn back to her, giving her a few words of the storied wisdom that you've accumulated over your long and fruitful life.
  854. "Come back in ten years."
  856. ***
  858. - 11 - (Fluttershy) - Flutter(p)ee [NSFW] - (22/05/24)
  859. ["Uh, bee. Flutterbee. Flutterpee."]
  860. >Knock knock on your door.
  861. >You open it and find—
  862. >Who else but Fluttershy?
  863. >Somewhere in the distance, a canned laugh track echoes out.
  864. "Fluttershy."
  865. >She wears a familiar costume.
  866. >"Buzz buzz. I'm a bee."
  867. >It's a bee costume.
  868. >She wears a tight-fitting latex suit that starts at her hooves and goes all the way up to her neck; it's coloured in stripes of yellow and black.
  869. >A large bulbous faux-stinger sticks out from where her tail would be; it's coloured the same way.
  870. "I can see that."
  871. >She wiggles her butt, waggling her stinger as she does.
  872. >She maintains eye contact with you the entire time.
  873. >"Is this doing anything for you?"
  874. "No."
  875. >"Oh. Okay."
  876. >She stops.
  877. >You cross your arms.
  878. "You were a bee last week."
  879. >"That's true, but I was hoping I could switch it up—something new with something old, you know?"
  880. >She glances at her stinger.
  881. >"Last week, I tried to pollinate you with my stinger."
  882. >You slowly reach for your baseball bat lying by the door.
  883. >She looks back to you.
  884. >"This time, I want to cover myself up in honey and have you lick it off my costume."
  885. >You hold your position.
  886. >She pulls out a jar of honey from Flutterspace™.
  887. >"See? I've got the honey right here."
  888. >She opens the jar, casually stashing the lid back in Flutterspace™.
  889. >And she sits down on her haunches, raising the jar above her head.
  890. >"Now let me just…"
  891. "Please don't. Not on my nice welcome mat."
  892. >She doesn't listen; of course she doesn't.
  893. >After closing her eyes, she tips the jar downwards, dunking the sweet and sticky substance all over her body.
  894. >It sticks to her mane, slides down her suit, and stains your welcome mat that she's sitting on.
  895. >No-one ever thinks of the welcome mat.
  896. >After wasting an entire jar's worth of busy beeswork, she opens her eyes and smiles at you.
  897. >"Okay. I'm ready."
  898. >You stare at her.
  899. >She continues to smile at you.
  900. >You take a deep breath.
  901. "You—"
  902. >"Urgh. No, no, no! This isn't going to work, Fluttershy!" a masculine voice utters from somewhere else outside.
  903. "Huh, what?"
  904. >That voice belongs to Discord, who promptly walks in from…somewhere; he holds a half-emptied tub of popcorn in his paw.
  905. >His posture is slumped, and he wears a disappointed frown on his face as he eyes the two of you over.
  906. >"Discord?" Fluttershy tilts her head. "What are you doing here?"
  907. >"I'm here to get things back on track; I mean—"
  908. >He sighs, gesturing his talon in Fluttershy's direction.
  909. >"—come *on,* Fluttershy. The 'bee costume?' Again? Really?"
  910. >"But I'm doing something different with it today…"
  911. >"It doesn't *work* like that, Fluttershy! You *have* to keep things *fresh* and *exciting!* Look at Anonymous—"
  912. >Discord suddenly leans forward and jabs at your crotch with his talon.
  913. "H-hey! Fucker!"
  914. >"—no reaction! Nothing! I dare say he's having a *negative* reaction today!"
  915. "Oh I'll show you a fucking negative reaction…"
  916. >You firmly grasp your foam bat.
  917. >…Fuck.
  919. >"Well," Fluttershy begins, "isn't this how he usually is? That's why I'm trying to find the fetish that will get him in the mood."
  920. >"Yes, but he's never going to *be* in the mood if you keep pestering our dear human with the same old stimuli—there's a *cooldown* for these sorts of schemes, you know?"
  921. >"Oh, okay. If you say so…"
  922. >"And I do so *love* saying so! Now, with that out of the the way—let me help the two of you lovebirds along with your little game."
  923. "Or you could leave; that would be nice."
  924. >"It would also be boring," Discord quickly retorts.
  925. >He snaps his fingers.
  926. >And a grey floating textbox appears directly above Fluttershy; it says "Flutterbee."
  927. >Discord absent-mindedly tugs at his goatee as he peers into the textbox's contents.
  928. >"Flutterbee, Flutterbee; wherefore art thou…hm…"
  929. >His eyes widen.
  930. >"Oh! How about…this?"
  931. >Pinching the "b" in "Flutterbee" in between his talons, he flips it upside down.
  932. >The text box now says "Flutterpee."
  933. >"Ah! Now *this* should give this joyless jamboree a judicious jolt to the juicer!"
  934. >Snapping his fingers again, the textbox disappears in a puff of smoke.
  935. >He bows to the both of you.
  936. >"No need to thank me! I'm just doing my part as a patron of the arts! Toodle-oo!"
  937. >Discord dives into a nearby bush.
  938. >Said bush soon sprouts hooves and gallops off into the distance.
  939. "…What the fuck was that about?"
  940. >Fluttershy frowns, shaking her head.
  941. >"I…don't know. Discord can be—"
  942. >She suddenly takes a sharp inhale through gritted teeth, and her body stiffens up.
  943. >"O-oh! I-I…"
  944. "You…what?"
  945. >Her hindlegs frantically fidget back and forth in an uncomfortable manner.
  946. >"N-nngh…" She visibly winces.
  947. >You raise an eyebrow.
  948. "I…can't believe I'm asking this—but is everything alright?"
  949. >She looks up at you, bearing a strained expression.
  950. >"A-anon…I…uuuh…"
  951. >Her eyelids rapidly flutter and her eyes glaze over.
  952. >"Aaah…"
  953. >And she deeply exhales, her posture relaxing.
  954. >It's faint, but you can hear a disquieting sound coming from her body—it's one that is reminiscent of rushing water.
  955. >You can also hear the squeaking sound of latex slowly being stretched.
  956. >You squint your eyes at Fluttershy.
  957. >Her bee suit is…gradually expanding—particularly at the groinal region.
  958. "Are you…are you pissing yourself?"
  959. >"Uuurghhh…"
  960. "Fluttershy what the fuck—!"
  961. >Her eyes shoot open.
  962. >"I-I really need to use your bathroom! Right now!"
  963. "No! Go outside—"
  964. >You fruitlessly grip your foam bat to deter her—but it's too late; Fluttershy sprints past you and heads deep into your inner sanctum.
  965. >She rushes up the stairs—and you hear a door slam shut.
  966. >Wait.
  967. >You rush up the stairs too.
  968. >Okay, good; she hasn't gone into your bedroom.
  969. >But you can see that the bathroom door is shut.
  970. >She's in your bathroom.
  971. >What do you do?
  972. >Burn it?
  973. >What do you need to craft a home-made firebomb again…?
  975. >"Anon! Help!" The room's recipient yells at you from the other side of the door.
  976. >You don't want to.
  977. >But you have to.
  978. >After slowly trudging through your hallway and up to your bathroom door, you open it.
  979. >You are immediately hit by the putrid smell of animal piss.
  980. >It's a smell that you are unfortunately well-familiar with.
  981. >But this time—it's Fluttershy's animal piss.
  982. >In your home.
  983. >Fuck's sake.
  984. >Fluttershy squats on your toilet seat, her bee suit having become even more bloated with the trapped excess of her relief.
  985. >She now looks like a blow-up doll below the neck—
  986. >Like a piss-up doll.
  987. >Her expression is both panicking and pleading as she looks straight at you.
  988. >"I can't get my costume off! P-please help! If you could stick your fingers down where it meets my neck—"
  989. "Fluttershy."
  990. >You shake your head.
  991. "I am not going anywhere near you."
  992. >"B-but I-I—!"
  993. >Gasping under the building pressure of her pee suit, she desperately reaches into a nearby drawer and pulls out one of your good razors.
  994. >You immediately grasp her next course of action.
  995. "No. Please." You reach out a hand towards her. "Have mercy on the poor bastard."
  996. >"Th-this is for the greater good, Anon! I have to—!"
  997. >Holding the razor with both forehooves, she lowers the blade down to the ballooned region of her suit where her pelvis is.
  998. >And she plunges the razor in, setting her yellow spirits free.
  999. >Wait, she's still facing you—
  1000. >You duck down just in time, narrowly avoiding being perforated by a highly pressurised stream of Flutterpee.
  1001. >Good God—she's like a charged up fire hose.
  1002. >"O-oooh myyy!"
  1003. >It's yellow—just like her.
  1004. >You hate it.
  1005. >Some of it is dripping down onto you.
  1006. >You hate life.
  1007. >Fluttershy gazes at her perpetual pee stream in awe.
  1008. >"W-wow! Look at that!"
  1009. >She looks at you with a wide smile.
  1010. >"A-anon!"
  1011. >She has a manic glint in her eyes.
  1012. >"Look…look how hard I can pee!"
  1013. >You look.
  1014. >…
  1015. >And then you take a step back and slam the door on her, leaving her alone in the bathroom.
  1017. >"W-wait!" she pleads.
  1018. >To your credit—you *do* wait.
  1019. >You wait with your back against against the door and your arms outstretched across it, ensuring that no yellow demons shall escape this infernal piddling prison.
  1020. >You can still hear her loudly frying chicken in there.
  1021. >This accursed sound will haunt your nightmares for at least a month.
  1022. >"A-anon! It's not stopping!"
  1023. >Yellow fluid flows around and under your feet from the small gap that's under the bathroom door.
  1024. >It soaks into your shoes.
  1025. >It soaks into your socks.
  1026. >You hate Fluttershy.
  1027. >"I-it's coming up to my elbows!"
  1028. >The sound of running water trickles against your ears.
  1029. >Your entire bathroom is becoming an impromptu bathtub for the most deviant of degenerates.
  1030. >You can still hear her pissing for Equestria—all five generations of it.
  1031. >She must have piddled out more than ten times her body weight at this point.
  1032. >You hate Discord.
  1033. >"Anon! Why don't you have any windows in your bathroom?!"
  1034. "You fucking know why!"
  1035. >She urinates at a ridiculous rate; the pee that escapes through the bottom of the door does nothing to stem the building pressure against your back.
  1036. >"It's coming up to the ceiling…!"
  1037. >A foul fluid drips onto your head and shoulders.
  1038. >You already know what it is—how could you not?
  1039. >Fluttershy's execrable excretions are beginning to flow out from the gap at the top of the door.
  1040. >Her ungodly golden shower douses you in its detestable odour.
  1041. >Everything smells.
  1042. >You hate—
  1043. >You just hate.
  1044. >The door you huddle against distends under the crushing weight of all the Flutterpee pushing against it.
  1045. >It's only a matter of time.
  1046. >At this point—you can only wonder.
  1047. >Back then, if you had simply agreed to lick the honey off her suit—would your soul have been spared?
  1048. >As the dam bursts—as you are sent flying down the hallway—you have yet to come up with a satisfactory answer.
  1049. >The retired bathroom door shoots over your body like the piss-powered bullet it is; it lands somewhere near the end of hallway.
  1050. >A golden wave of torrid torment washes over you, flooding you from head to toe in swamp-like squash.
  1051. >You are wet.
  1052. >You really wish that you weren't.
  1053. >Fluttershy idly floats down the yellow river that is now your hallway; her semi-vacant stare is directed towards the ceiling.
  1054. >Her leisurely journey stops when she bumps up against your body, still face-down on the ruined carpet.
  1055. >"Oh, Anon, it…it stopped."
  1056. >You have no more words.
  1057. >"So is, um…"
  1058. >She looks around.
  1059. >Urine drenches your carpet.
  1060. >Pee drizzles down your walls.
  1061. >Fluids of Fluttery origins drip from your ceiling.
  1062. >"…this."
  1063. >She looks at you.
  1064. >"Is this your fetish?"
  1065. "Uuurgh…"
  1066. >Piss was not a good day.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain