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Mind Link

By Glimbrain
Created: 2023-12-01 15:33:46
Updated: 2023-12-01 22:51:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Starlight has a new spell to try out with Anon.
  3. >"Hey Anon, wanna help me try out this new spell I've been researching?"
  4. "Sure, do we need to go somewhere special to cast it?"
  5. >"Nope! We can test it right here!"
  6. >The "here" in this case is a nondescript room in the Castle of Friendship.
  7. >Starlight Glimmer's horn lights up with a turquoise glow.
  8. >"Here goes!"
  9. >A flash of green and blue eclipses your vision for a moment.
  10. >Your vision slowly returns to you, and you see that Starlight is still standing in front of you.
  11. >Checking yourself, you see that everything seems to be where you left it—no extra limbs or sudden growth spurts.
  12. >The only thing of note is a strange tugging sensation on your brain.
  13. "So, Starlight, mind telling me what this spell does?"
  14. >She doesn't respond.
  15. >She's still looking at you with a smile on her face; her eyes appear normal, so you think she's okay.
  16. >Her smile suddenly widens; that's kind of creepy.
  17. >Then she frowns; now it's weird.
  18. >'Creepy?! Weird?! That's so rude!'
  19. "Wh-what?!"
  20. >That was Starlight's voice! But her mouth didn't move at all! Is this some kind of telepathy spell?
  21. >'Getting warmer.'
  22. >She—wait.
  23. "You can hear my inner monologue?"
  24. >'Yep!' She proudly beams. 'Oh, "proudly beams!" I like that!'
  25. "That's…unique. So this is a mind reading spell of some kind?"
  26. >'Close enough! This is a spell that links our minds together!'
  27. "So telepathy *and* mind reading, then?"
  28. >'With a few extra quirks! It works both ways, so you should be able to see inside my head, too!'
  29. "Huh, really?"
  30. >'And I've gotta say, I never expected your mind to be so…green! And there's a little black in there, too. Are you *sure* you're not a changeling?'
  31. "Still human, last time I checked."
  32. >'It's so…verbose. Do you really see the whole world like this?'
  33. "You get used to it."
  34. >'Oh, I hope so!'
  35. >You push the implications aside and—
  36. >'Hey! Don't push them!'
  37. "…You said something about me being able to read your mind too, yeah?"
  38. >'Oh, yeah! Just try and focus on where you think my thoughts would be. I'll warn you in advance, though, my mind is a little…different, compared to yours.'
  39. >You focus on Starlight's mind, trying to tap in, and—
  40. >Anon Anon's face Anon's shirt Trixie Anon's smell Anon's lips Anon Anon's peni—
  41. "Whoa! Er, alright then."
  42. >'Yeah, sorry! Like I said—a little different, and I haven't really had time to clean my mind up.'
  43. "Th-that's fine. It's a little flattering, honestly."
  44. >'And where are your "Starlight" thoughts, huh?! I don't see them anywhere.'
  45. "Hey, they're in there, somewhere… I'm just better at organising my thoughts, I guess."
  46. >'Hmm, sure… I'll let you off the hook this time, Anon.'
  48. "So what inspired this spell, anyway?"
  49. >'Well…since we aren't able to hang out *all* the time, I started thinking about those "phones" from your world, and came up with this spell that lets us speak with each other. It should be able to work over long distances too, so we'd always be connected no matter what!'
  50. "Wow, I have to say, that's really impressive, Starlight."
  51. >'Thanks! Oh—heads up!'
  52. "Heads up…?"
  53. >"Uh, you okay there, Anon?"
  54. >You turn your head and see Spike looking at you with a concerned smile.
  55. "N-never better, Spike! Why do you ask?"
  56. >"I came over here because I heard you talking to yourself, and well, now I see that you aren't. You're just having having a one-sided conversation with Starlight, instead."
  57. "Now there's a perfectly good explanation for all of this."
  58. >"Any that don't make you seem"—he twirls a finger near his head—"y'know?"
  59. "Uh…Starlight! Little help here?"
  60. >Starlight turns her head to Spike, silently gazing at him with that same wide cree—cute smile as before.
  61. >Spike fidgets around uncomfortably under her stare.
  62. >"Y-you know what? I take it back! You're *both* a bit kooky right now! I've got to go—got some important assistant stufftodoseeya!"
  63. >He hurries off, and Starlight giggles.
  64. "You know, you could have said something there."
  65. >'Mmmaaaybeee, but I wanted to feel how you'd react.'
  66. "'Feel,' right."
  67. >As strangely comforting as this sensation is…
  68. "Any chance you can reverse this spell now?"
  69. >'I could…but are you sure you don't wanna stay connected? It feels so *right* being together like this.'
  70. "I mean…it does, but there's too much of a good thing, you know? It feels good now, but who knows how we'd feel a month from now. Might be some side effects, too."
  71. >A wave of sadness spreads throughout your body.
  72. >'Oh, alright then.'
  73. >Her horn lights up with turquoise energy, and soon, you feel like a tether attached to your brain has snapped, causing you to stagger slightly.
  74. >Regathering yourself, you see Starlight staring at the floor with a pensive expression.
  75. >You crouch down and run a few fingers through her mane.
  76. "Hey, Glimmy, there's no need to be glum. There's still plenty of ways we can be together without sharing our headspace. How about we go out—fly some kites? Weather's great for it."
  77. >She perks up upon hearing the magic words.
  78. >"Now you're speaking my language, Anon! Let's go!"
  79. >And then you went out to fly some kites.
  80. >You totally weren't wondering about what she was thinking the entire time, no way.
  82. ***
  84. >Not too long ago, Starlight Glimmer was able to develop a spell that could link two minds together.
  85. >With it, you could see her thoughts, and she could see yours.
  86. >The spell was intrusive—invasive, even; every errant thought in your mind could be subject to any level of her scrutiny.
  87. >Yet at the same time, there was also a strong sense of intimacy involved; knowing that no secrets could be kept between the two of you was strangely comforting in a way.
  88. >'Aw, so you *do* like it!'
  89. >…And once again, the two of you are testing it out within the halls of the Castle of Friendship.
  90. >Starlight's latest trial of the mind link spell is a game of hide and seek; you wander through the castle, attempting to locate your purple pal.
  91. >'And you're still nowhere near where I am! Chop chop, Anon!'
  92. >You wonder how she seemingly knows exactly where you are in relation to her.
  93. >'Oh, that's easy. I can just read the mind link to find out your location!'
  94. "I see."
  95. >But if *she* can figure where you are through this spell, then *you* should surely be able to do the same, right?
  96. >'Now you're getting it!'
  97. "Don't suppose I can get any pointers on how to do that?"
  98. >'Try and focus on the bond between us.'
  99. "Like, a physical bond? A metaphysical one? Romantic? Magical?"
  100. >'It's hard to explain with words, or even thoughts. Just give it a shot.'
  101. >You fill your mind with thoughts of Starlight and you: on how the two of you ended up together despite—or perhaps in favour of—your differences and similarities, and how your relationship is all the stronger for them.
  102. >The memories you made together, while pleasantly nostalgic, don't seem to offer any immediate guidance as you peruse through them.
  103. >'But keep going! You're getting there!'
  104. >And she's right; behind one memory—the one where you two first met—you see something there with your mind's eye: a "link" of some kind, hanging off of your mindspace.
  105. >You mentally reach out with a metaphorical hand and give it a…tug?
  106. >The resulting "vibrations" of pulling the link orient your thoughts in a particular direction, and you get a gut feeling that the intensity of the vibrations tell you how far away she is.
  107. >'Ooh! You're a quick learner, Anon! I'm proud of you!'
  108. >It's not exact, but the direction and the distance of the tether point to…
  109. >…Her bedroom? Why didn't you check there earlier?
  110. >'Yeah! Why didn't you?!'
  111. >Those are questions that will have to be answered later, as you quickly make your way over there, opening the door, hopefully before she teleports away and finds a new hiding spot.
  112. >'I wouldn't do that to you, Anon!'
  113. >She's telling the truth, because as you enter through the door and into the bedroom, you immediately figure out where she is; it's as if she *wanted* you to find her.
  115. >On the bed, you see that there's a chubby lilac lump sticking out from under the bed covers.
  116. >She sputters.
  117. >'I can't believe you just called me a "chubby lump!"'
  118. >The bed covers are magically lifted and tossed to the side, revealing the rest of Starlight—who is definitely *not chubby,* you might add.
  119. >'Don't bother, Anon. You're a terrible liar, even outside of your thoughts.'
  120. >You glares at you, clearly irritated.
  121. >'Oh you'll wish I was just 'irritated' when I'm done with you.'
  122. "Wait—hold on! I-I mean, I like a bit of chub on my mare."
  123. >She raises an inquisitive eyebrow.
  124. >'Really? Hm, we'll see about that.'
  125. >She sits up and pats a spot next to her on the bed; you don't need to read minds to figure out what she wants from you.
  126. >You make your way over and sit down next to her on the bed, side-by-side.
  127. >She gives you a nudge.
  128. >'So, you like "chubby mares," huh?'
  129. "Especially when they're inventive, inquisitive, funny, and uh…purple."
  130. >She lightly titters.
  131. >'Okay, that's enough buttering up from you, mister! Because now, I'm finally gonna see what's going on in that head of yours.'
  132. "Wait, isn't that what you've been doing this whole time?"
  133. >'Those are just your surface level thoughts—what I'm talking about are your innermost thoughts. Do you remember when you tapped into my mind? They'll be something like that, I think.'
  134. "Right, the whole 'Anon Anon Anon' thing, yeah?"
  135. >She blushes.
  136. >'Well, yeah! And I was asking where you hid your "Starlight thoughts!" So come on, where are they?'
  137. "I'm…I'm not sure? I'm still not used to visualising the inside of my head like this."
  138. >'That's okay, I'll just dig around until I find them.'
  139. "W-wait, don't you think you're taking things a bit too quickly?"
  140. >'Magical breakthroughs wait for nopony, Anon! And besides—you still owe me after calling me a "lump."'
  141. >She smirks.
  142. >'And I'll try not to break anything, promise.'
  143. >As she focuses on your mind, her physical body begins to lean into you, closing her eyes.
  144. >Being together like this, bodies and minds both connected, is a comforting feeling.
  145. >'It is.'
  146. "So were you able to 'clean up your mind,' this time around?"
  147. >'Well, I tried, but it's a lot harder than I thought to keep my thoughts in check. Every time I thought I had them arranged—one stray, impulsive thought is all it took to topple everything down. It's like trying to hang out with Trixie without smelling of fireworks by the end!'
  148. "Yeah, I feel that."
  149. >'How do you do it, Anon? Your mind is so organised, so clean!'
  150. "Human thing, I guess?"
  151. >'Maybe…oh! I think I've found something!'
  153. >You feel something probing at the deepest parts of your psyche; it's a dull, continuous prodding that slowly rises in the force applied, until—
  154. "Wait, hold on a—"
  155. 'Glimmy is so cute.'
  156. 'Sexy, too.'
  157. 'Look at that butt.'
  158. 'I can see her teats.'
  159. 'I want to suck on them.'
  160. 'Can I get milk out of them?'
  161. 'Maybe she needs to be pregnant first.'
  162. 'God I want to breed her.'
  163. 'She'd look so good carrying my kids.'
  164. 'I want to try anal.'
  165. 'I want to—'
  166. "Whoa—stop!"
  167. >Starlight stumbles backwards onto the bed, panting heavily.
  168. >"O-oh… Oh wow…"
  169. >Yep, she's so disgusted that she's speaking using her mouth now; good job Anon.
  170. >"N-no! It's not that! It's just…those thoughts were so *intense!* I knew you loved me but…wow!"
  171. "W-well, you got your answer, now."
  172. >"Yeah…I did. I think we're even on the 'chubby' thing now." She giggles.
  173. >She sits up next to you, leaning against you once more.
  174. >The two of you stay like this for a while, and eventually, you chance a peek at her.
  175. >Her fur, her voice, her smell, her pleasant plumpness, everything about her is just perfect.
  176. >She looks up at you with those beautiful blue eyes.
  177. >God, she's cute.
  178. >Wait, is the mind link spell still on?
  179. >'Yep!'
  180. >She nuzzles against your side.
  181. >"Hey, Anon, I think I can make some of those earlier thoughts come true…"
  182. >She pushes you down onto the bed, straddling your belly.
  183. "Wait! W-what about the mind link? Shouldn't we—"
  184. >"The spell…"
  185. >She boops your nose, giving you a sultry look
  186. >'Stays on.'
  187. >Oh boy.

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