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A /Kinder/ Kind of Christmas

By Wall-o-text
Created: 2023-12-23 08:58:17
Expiry: Never

  1. >anon had plans
  2. >BIG plans
  3. >he found out that christmas in ponyville just wasn’t the same as back home
  4. >it wasn’t bad, it just didn’t have that same feeling to it
  5. >everypony was happy and cheery but there was no santa
  6. >sure, there’s hearths warming, but ponyville NEEDS a christmas
  7. >what’s a good christmas without santa?
  8. >and what is santa without gifts
  10. >anon had been a very VERY good planner too
  11. >he started this whole operation fucking MONTHES in advance
  12. >at first he didn’t know what to get them
  13. >so many presents, so many bits
  14. >he couldn’t afford it
  15. >going cheap felt wrong
  16. >but then it struck him
  17. >subtly at first, he didn’t believe it could work
  18. >but anon was smart
  19. >he did a few trial runs
  20. >a few compliments here and there to ponies he knew
  21. >and when he saw there reactions he finally understood that what he struck exactly, was PURE GOLD
  22. >they ate it up
  23. >the little ponies loved their compliments and recognition
  24. >there’s no present in the world that could out do that
  25. >so it seems that the gift of recognition was what anon decided on
  26. >in the form of letters of course
  27. >his hand hurt really bad for a while but it was worth it
  29. >now all anon had to do was make these letters very personal
  30. >he can’t just hand them a letter saying they look nice or something
  31. >actually… he could, and it would have been sufficient honestly
  32. >but anon doesn’t do sufficient
  33. >he goes above and beyond
  34. >for pinkie, her letter won’t just be “you throw nice parties”
  35. >it’s going to be a big paragraph full of all the smiles she gave everypony and how much her celebrations meant to them
  36. >pinkie deserves to know that her parties have meaning beyond their beginning and end
  37. >she gives good memories and moments to all of ponyville
  38. >and for big mac it won’t just be “great work on the farm buddy”
  39. >it will be a NOVEL accounting all the wonderful things he’s done for his family and customers
  40. >all the hunger he’s satiated, all the hard work he’s done, how much that work has helped his family and how much of an amazing pony he his for doing those things that nopony else could ever do but him
  41. >THIS is what anon has in store for ponyville this year…
  43. >tonights first stop, Twilight’s library
  44. >Twilight’s letter is extra special
  45. >actually, personal is a better description because a lot of it has to do with how much anon appreciates everything twilight did for him
  46. >but it aint just that, because anon did his research
  47. >all the accounts of friendship problems she’s solved, and all the wonderful things she did for others and to help them become better friends
  48. >oh yeah, when she wakes up tomorrow she’s gonna bask in all her accomplishments
  49. >that is… if she were still in bed right now…
  51. >”s-santa?” twilight says in a quiet little voice
  52. >anon absolutely did not have to invest in a santa costume, but he is sure glad he did after getting caught
  53. “Uh, hohoho, um, ms.sparkle…”
  54. >anon had no clue what to say, he was way too lost in thought during his little plan A that he never thought of a plan B
  55. >”is that really you?” she says with a growing smile, eyes practically glowing at anon
  56. “Sssshhhhhh… do you think you can keep a little secret just for santa tonight my little pony?” anon internally congratulates himself for the recovery
  57. >twilight gets all serious for a moment (in her silly little way of course)
  58. >”yes santa” she says with a salute
  59. >anon pulls out her letter wrapped with a cute bow and hands it to her
  60. “Make sure to wait until morning before telling anypony about little old me alright, I’ve still got a few presents to deliver” anon says with a cheery smile
  61. >twilights eyes spark with wonder as magic surrounds the letter
  62. >she floats it towards herself with the utmost care
  63. >she focuses intensely on the letter but decides to use what little willpower that pone had to wait until morning to open her present
  64. “I have quite the list of good little ponies to visit ms.sparkle, it seems everypony made the nice list this year so i’ll be quite busy this evening”
  65. >as anon turns he hears a tiny squeak
  66. >”wait…” twilights hushed voice rings
  67. >twilight wraps her front hoover around anons leg and looks up into his eyes
  68. >”please don’t forget about anon mr.santa, he talked a whole lot about you last year but you didn’t come…”
  69. >oh boy
  70. >that’s a curve ball
  71. “I know my dear twilight, it was very difficult finding anon as it was. He was always on the nice list but i couldn’t seem to find him last year, I checked everywhere i could but no sign of him”
  72. >anon bends down to get eye level with her
  73. “But now that i have found him, i can assure you he’s getting double this year” anon says with a santa-ish chuckle (or at least his best impression of one)
  74. “And best of all, i’ve found myself some wonderful little ponies in need of presents during the holiday season. I found more than what i was looking for and i couldn’t be more happy than i am now”
  75. >anon gives twilight a big hug
  76. >”th-thank you…” twilight says with a teary sniffle
  77. >anon breaks the hug slowly and gets back up
  78. “Merry christmas twilight…”
  79. >”merry christmas mr.santa…”
  80. >and off anon goes to deliver the rest of the presents for the night
  82. >anon woke the next morning sore beyond belief
  83. >breaking and entering is a very difficult thing to do especially when you're carrying a big ol bag full of letters
  84. >the stuff is pretty heavy when u have as much as anon did
  85. >but anon didn’t have much time to process his thoughts
  86. >no, anon woke up to some of the most excited door banging he’s heard in his life
  87. >he practically throws himself off them bed and stumbles to the door
  88. >he opens the door to see a very excited and very familiar group of friends
  89. >twilight was the first to yell
  91. >behind the six of them was all of ponyville chattering away carrying letters with them
  92. >it seems anon, or “santa” should we say, had a much larger impact on ponyville than anon initially intended
  94. >anon grabs his coat and steps out the door
  95. >the now seven of them make way to sugar cube corner to show off their new found gifts
  97. >though anon initially thought sugar cube corner was an odd choice, the reasoning behind it was mr and mrs cake were also excited to share their gifts too
  98. >as was everypony it seemed
  99. >when anon stepped outside it was an absolute hayday of smiles and pure unfiltered joy
  100. >some ponies even hugged their letters because of how much it meant to them
  101. >who knew anon could make this much of an impact
  102. >but that was just scratching the surface
  103. >as the seven… no, now NINE of them sat down they began to drip with excitement waiting to see who will go first
  104. >it seems pinkie is first to break
  105. >”you guys aren’t going to believe it, santa told me for spreading smiles ALL YEAR ROUND!” pinkie squeals in excitement
  106. >next was applejack
  107. >”well, santa told me how proud he was a’ me that I work so hard to keep ponyville so well fed!” applejack puffs out her chest in pride
  108. >rainbowdash butts in
  109. >”oh yeah, well, santa told me that I’m an inspiration to everypony with all my cool moves, how awesome is that!”
  110. >fluttershy manages to squeak some words in between the brief silence
  111. >”well, santa told me that he’s really grateful that I take care of all the critters in ponyville, he even said that I’m like his special little elf for all the animals!” even fluttershy can’t contain her joy as she squeals too
  112. >rarity excitedly proclaims her news
  113. >”you won’t BELIEVE this… santa told me I’m one of the best gift givers in all of EQUESTRIA, he said I’m an absolute STAR at making ponies feel wonderful with all the dresses I make for them and that I give them the chance to show off how they feel in ways they never could before!” Rarity stomps her hooves in an overpowering joy
  114. >Mrs Cake shares her and her husbands little letters too
  115. >”oh you have to hear this, santa told us how happy he is that we make special treats for ponyville! His letter even said he may have to order from us next year, SANTA. Wants to order. From US next year!!!” the couple embrace each other
  116. >and finally we had twilight
  117. >...
  118. >*ahem* and finally we had twilight…
  119. >...
  120. >oh no is she crying?
  122. >everypony and anon stares at twilight
  123. >everypony is worried that santa didn’t send her a letter
  124. >but anon knew his letter was good
  125. >it was his most important letter after all
  126. >so he wasn’t worried one bit
  127. >he knew those were some of the happiest tears he’s ever seen
  128. >and finally she spoke
  129. >”I… my… my l-letter f-f-from s-santa said th-that I… that I was the bestest friend for anon ever and-and-and th-that he knew that n-nopony else w-would have b-been a better first for a-anon than MEEEEEEEeeeeee-eee-eeeee...”
  130. >Twilight bursted into tears as she hurriedly shuffled over to anon to embrace him
  131. >she holds that embrace but kept speaking through the sniffles
  132. >”and-and he even told me how h-happy you were that we are friends and that he knew y-y-you liked my little talks that nopony else likes to hear b-b-but he said th-that you always loved listening to them a-a-and even though I-I thought you were just b-being nice…”
  133. >she tries to catch her breath but can only manage a softer than normal voice
  134. >”he said he saw how much you always smiled while you listened…”
  135. >twilight looks up at anon with red eyes
  136. >”anon… is it true, do you like listening to my foalish science talks?”
  137. >her eyes are full of hope, pleading with you to say yes
  138. “Of course twilight, they were one of my favorite things when i first came here”
  139. “They meant a lot to me…”
  140. >twilights face contorts from the overwhelming joy as she bawls her eyes out and once again presses her face back into anons shirt
  141. >you know… anon felt pretty nice
  142. >out of everything in her letter
  143. >the praise, the accomplishments, the recognition
  144. >Twilight felt the most joy hearing how much of a good friend to anon she was
  145. >maybe this is what they meant by the joy of giving
  147. Merry Christmas anons!

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 1)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 2)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 3)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 4)

by Wall-o-text

The Preservation of Innocence (Part 5)

by Wall-o-text