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Happy New Tears

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-01-02 22:05:19
Updated: 2024-01-02 22:06:45
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon's New Year's Resolution is to make Fluttershy cry whenever she tries to hit on him.
  3. >Day Plus One in Equestria.
  4. >You trot up through Anonymous's yard and stand in front of his front door.
  5. >Because you are Fluttershy; Element of Harmony; Caretaker of Animals.
  6. >Lover of Anonymous.
  7. >Unfortunately, you're only a 'lover' in the sense that you love him very much, but he's yet to reciprocate your feelings.
  8. >But that changes today!
  9. >New Year, new you, and that means new guesses for that golden kink that will sweep him off his cute feet and into your bed.
  10. >Today's lucky guess is something you read about in one of Rarity's comic books that you…borrowed from her.
  11. >She doesn't know that you borrowed it, but she'll get it back later.
  12. >Apparently, there's a facial expression that—well, *expresses* complete and utter sexual arousal towards the one you love.
  13. >And that's exactly what you need to show Anonymous you mean business.
  14. >And if it also happens to be his fetish, that'll be like…feeding two birds with one hoofful of feed!
  15. >Anyway, it's called an "ahegao."
  16. >You flex your facial muscles, ready to practice it one last time before the real deal.
  17. >Mouth open, tongue lolled out, and eyes rolled out to the back of your head.
  18. >Hold that pose for five seconds and…there, done.
  19. >You're confident that you can call yourself an "ahegao" master now, after all the practising you've been doing today.
  20. >The concerned looks that Angel gave you while you were "ahegao"ing in your house earlier did little to boost your confidence, but you pulled through anyway.
  21. >Not that you hold it against Angel; he doesn't know what it's like to fall so deeply in love with somehuman that you just…ah~
  22. >Easy there, Fluttershy; don't finish yourself off before you can even enter his house.
  23. >That'll cum—come later.
  24. >Okay! Time to get down to business.
  25. >And then maybe you can get down on him, unf.
  26. >You give the front door three curt knocks, letting him know that you're here and ready.
  27. >And you patiently wait.
  28. >For a minute.
  29. >For a few minutes.
  30. >For several minutes.
  31. >Hm.
  32. >Maybe he didn't hear you?
  33. >Three more knocks—with feeling, this time.
  34. >A few more minutes pass.
  35. >You bring out your outdoor voice—which is every other pony's indoor voice, but it gets the job done well enough.
  36. "Anooon? Are you in there?"
  37. >No response.
  38. >But you know he's in there somewhere; he's off work today and you saw his silhouette on the other side of the window an hour ago.
  39. >You saw it because you were staking out his house at the time.
  40. >It gave you ample opportunity to practise your "ahegao," too.
  41. >Wait a minute, the window!
  42. >Glancing to your right, you see that one of his windows is slightly open.
  43. >Of course! It all makes sense now! He *wants* you to come in this way!
  44. >Well then, you're not one to leave your beloved waiting, so you hover up to the window and pry it open the rest of the way.
  45. >It takes a bit of hoofwork, since there's a window limiter attached that hinders your progress, but no chain can stand in the way of true love.
  47. >After opening the window, you slip inside the house, quickly recognising that you're in the living room.
  48. >No sign of Anonymous.
  49. >Plenty sign of his couch.
  50. >His wonderful, smelly couch that must have soaked up so much of his butt-sweat, mmph~
  51. >Maybe you can take a quick detour on your search for Anonymous to…appreciate the finer things in life.
  52. >You trot over to the couch and plant your face on the seat, taking a good, long whiff.
  53. "O-oh yes…"
  54. >Heaven. Pony Heaven.
  55. >Human Heaven too, but you like to think you and Anonymous will head to the same afterlife together when your times come.
  56. >You're not sure how long you have spent snorting up his couch, but it doesn't matter; every moment here is pure bliss.
  57. >What *does* matter, is the sound of footsteps moving closer to your position.
  58. >The footsteps stop once they're close enough, and you hear dulcet tones grumble indistinctly.
  59. >You don't need to be Twilight Sparkle to figure out the identity of those footsteps or that voice; you groggily raise your head and look to your side.
  60. >Standing a couple metres away from you is Him.
  61. >Or his legs, at any rate; he towers above you, so you take the opportunity to slowly work your eyes up his sexy, sexy body.
  62. >Those long, muscular legs, unf.
  63. >That broad, thick upper body, double unf.
  64. >That…gas mask he's wearing.
  65. >Huh?
  66. "Anon? Why are you wearing a gas mask?"
  67. >"I'll be damned. There's still enough brain cells rolling around in there for you to notice something different about me."
  68. >His words are harsh, but you know there's a lot of love hiding behind them.
  69. "Could you take it off, please? I'd like to see your face."
  70. >His handsome face.
  71. >"No can do, Flutterbutt."
  72. >Flutterbutt? Saucy. He rarely uses that nickname with you. Is he looking at your butt under that mask? You hope so.
  73. >Can he see your tail flagging? You hope he can; maybe you should turn around and—
  74. >"BEFORE you do anything to embarrass yourself any further, I'd like to inform you of my plan."
  75. "Oh, okay. Does it involve your mask?"
  76. >"Yes. You see, I'm a man of goals, of resolutions—"
  77. "Me too! A mare of resolutions, I mean."
  78. >He silently stares at you.
  79. >You sit down on your haunches and proudly cross your forelegs.
  80. "My New Year's Resolution is to get you into my bed."
  81. >"Great. Are you done?"
  82. "Well, I've still got to go through today's guess. I've got a good feeling about—"
  83. >"Don't bother. Whatever it is, it's not my fetish."
  84. "But you haven't even seen it."
  85. >"Don't need to. Besides, don't you want to hear about my New Year's Resolution instead?"
  86. >His resolution? You suppose your guess can wait.
  87. "Okay, sure!"
  88. >Maybe it'll involve getting you into *his* bed!
  89. >"You see, it involves me, you, and our fucked-up relationship we got going on…"
  90. >You're hearing "you" and "fucked-up" in the same sentence—you like where this is going.
  91. >"For this year, I figured—hey, why not spice things up, yeah?"
  92. "Yeah?"
  93. >"So for this year: I'm gonna make you cry whenever you try to hit on me—sound good?"
  95. >You stare at him for a bit, taking in his words.
  96. "Oh."
  97. >That's certainly…a unique resolution.
  98. "Um…I guess that sounds good. Do you want me to start crying now?"
  99. >Maybe you can work it into your "ahegao."
  100. >"That won't be neccessary."
  101. "Hm?" You tilt your head.
  102. >He raises one of his glorious mare-hugging arms, and it's only now that you notice he's holding something in his hand.
  103. >It's a controller of some kind.
  104. >He presses a button on the controller, and you hear a beeping sound throughout the room while the surrounding area begins to flash red.
  105. >"Heads up, Fuckershy."
  106. >Naughty name, ominous omen.
  107. >The window shuts behind you and you hear a locking sound.
  108. >You hear a hissing sound as a thick, grey gas is released in the room from various angles.
  109. >He's gassing you! You never knew he was into this!
  110. >Looks like you have the next week's worth of guesses planned out!
  111. >As more of the gas fills the room, you gulp.
  112. "I-is this sleep gas?"
  113. >You never thought *he'd* be the proactive one here! Oh my!
  114. >You hear him exhale deeply and sexily through his mask.
  115. >"No, it's not, you fucking degenerate."
  116. >The smell is somewhat pleasant, a little bit spicy, even.
  117. >"It's tear gas. I had this all set-up before you got here."
  118. "What does it do?"
  119. >"Just give it a little bit longer…"
  120. "What do you—"
  121. >It suddenly hits you, all at once.
  122. "H-huk!"
  123. >Your throat closes up, your eyes burn like mad, and snot flows freely from your nose.
  124. >It's very hard to talk—or even breath.
  125. >"What do you think? This is just a taste of how you've made me feel over all these fucking years, you fucking yellow maniac!"
  126. >This is how he felt? If only he had accepted your advances sooner—he wouldn't have had to go through this torture!
  127. >He cackles in victory while you struggle to look up at him through your teary eyes.
  128. >Oh—teary eyes, now you get it.
  129. "Fuh…fuh-wah…"
  130. >"Hm? Oh, speak up, Flutterbutt. I can't hear you."
  131. >If he calls you that one more time your lower body is gonna start leaking too.
  133. "Fuh-feh…feh-teh…"
  134. >"Yeeesss?"
  135. "Feh-teh-shuh…"
  136. >He tilts his head.
  137. >"Oh, you're asking if tear gas is my fetish, right?"
  138. >Unable to formulate a verbal response, you weakly nod.
  139. >"Hm…"
  140. >He saunters over to you, crouching down to meet you down at eye level.
  141. >Your strained attempts at breathing quicken even more.
  142. >"You really wanna know…?"
  143. "W-wah…wahwugweh…"
  144. >You're pretty sure that's a "yes" in some long-lost dialect.
  145. >"Well…"
  146. >He reaches out one of his hands towards your head.
  147. >"Since you asked so nicely…"
  148. >Oh gosh! Oh gosh! It's really going to happen, isn't it?
  149. >You'd live your whole life like this if he would—
  150. >He flicks your forehead.
  151. >"It's not."
  152. >Darn.
  153. >He stands up and walks away, chuckling to himself.
  154. >The tear gas continues to fill the room, and with no open window to ventilate it out, its effects only intensify with time and exposure.
  155. >Your skin is burning, your eyes are forced shut, and you can't stop coughing.
  156. >You can't go on like this, especially when it's not Anonymous's fetish.
  157. >What do you do?!
  158. >…Quick, ahegao!
  159. >Okay—no, that just made the situation worse.
  160. >"What—what the FUCK are you doing?!"
  161. "A-a hay…guh…"
  162. >"You know what—never mind. You just enjoy yourself over there. I'll check back in later when you've learned your lesson."
  163. >That's not his fetish either then. Double darn.
  164. >In a moment of last-minute desperation, you manage to fly up and smash through the window you came through, propelling yourself out of the building.
  165. >"Oh for fuck's sake! Should've expected that, I guess."
  166. >After flinging yourself through the window, you land on the grass back-first.
  167. >Everything hurts.
  168. >But it still pales in comparison to the pain that comes from being rejected by your beloved Anonymous once again.
  169. >You can feel your body slowly start to recover from the ordeal.
  170. >Your throat opens up enough for you to take in the fresh air of the outside world.
  171. >You can open your eyes up the narrowest of squints, seeing a sliver of blue sky up above.
  172. >Eventually, even your heart will recover—just in time for tomorrow's guess.
  173. >You hear footsteps as Anonymous pokes his head out of the window.
  174. >"Stay the fuck away from me!"
  175. "S-see you…tomorrow…"
  176. >"Urgh!"
  177. >You hear him stomp further into his house, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
  178. >This was a pretty roundabout way of going about things.
  179. >But you now know that tear gas *and* "ahegao"'s aren't his fetish.
  180. >A smile forms on your face.
  181. >You really *did* feed two birds today!
  182. >Nice work, Fluttershy!
  183. >You've got a good feeling about this year!

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