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Glim Milk

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-01-07 22:12:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon enjoys his milk.
  3. >You are seated at your kitchen table, starting your day off right by chowing down on some Pommel Pops™ cereal.
  4. >It's delicious; not just because of the cereal itself, but also because the milk you poured in it tastes especially good today.
  5. >It's got a sweet, tangy taste to it.
  6. >Also in the room is Starlight Glimmer—your beloved Glim Glam; she's seated on the opposite side of the table.
  7. >She's having breakfast of her own—coffee and a few cupcakes; you swear these horses can subsist on sugary substances alone.
  8. >You keep catching her frequently stealing glances over in your direction.
  9. >Not that there's anything wrong with that—you're guilty of doing the same thing with her, but you note that there's something…strange in her eyes when she looks at you.
  10. >You might even call it a glimmer of some kind; it tells a story—one that you've yet to decipher.
  11. >"Looks like you enjoyed your cereal," she states, interrupting your thoughts.
  12. "Huh? Oh—"
  13. >You look down to find an empty bowl.
  14. "O-oh. Yeah, guess I did."
  15. >She giggles; meanwhile, you're somewhat surprised.
  16. >Did you really finish your cereal already? It certainly was delicious but…wow.
  17. >Starlight, on the other hand, still has a cupcake and a half's worth of breakfast to finish.
  18. >Whatever the case may be, it's time to wash any doubts away with a glass of milk.
  19. >That's right—you came prepared; whatever you've submerged your cereal in deserves a second helping.
  20. >And so you drink it down.
  21. >…Okay, that was a lie—it's more like you gulp it down.
  22. >That sweet ambrosia, gone in a near instant.
  23. >The speed at which you satisfy your craving for calcium surprises you, but it also gives credence to the speed of your earlier cereal consumption.
  24. >You hear a surprised hum from Starlight, so you turn to her and see her…smiling at you?
  25. >Curious.
  26. >Maybe not that curious, she's just happy—nothing wrong with that.
  27. >That's good, even.
  28. >The hum was a little strange though; maybe you should ask if something's wrong.
  29. >It certainly sounds like a better idea than your current course of simply staring at her.
  30. >You weirdo.
  31. >Stop staring at her.
  32. "Uh."
  33. >At least she's still smiling.
  34. "Everything good?"
  35. >"Yep."
  36. "Good."
  37. >You look back at your empty glass.
  38. "This is good milk."
  39. >"That's good."
  40. >Very productive conversion.
  41. >Also—very delicious milk.
  42. >You want more.
  43. "I'm…gonna get more."
  44. >"Okay."
  45. >You set your glass down on the table and walk over to the fridge.
  46. >On the way, you think you hear a faint clinking sound from behind you, but you're too milk-brained to check what it might have been.
  47. >Because you need milk.
  48. >…Okay, even you have to admit that perhaps you're a little too single-minded right now.
  49. >You're not addicted—you're not.
  50. >You just happen to have a mighty thirst.
  51. >For milk.
  53. >Opening the fridge, you come face to face with a milk carton—an empty one.
  54. "Ugh."
  55. >You close the fridge, looks like you're gonna have to go out and buy some more sooner rather than later.
  56. >It's a pity, truly.
  57. >You take the walk of shame back to your kitchen table.
  58. "Hey, Glimmy, we're out of milk so I'm gonna—hm?"
  59. >Your glass of milk has been refilled while you weren't looking.
  60. >With milk.
  61. >Glorious.
  62. >But also curious.
  63. >Casting a raised eyebrow towards Starlight, you see that she's shifted in her seat somewhat—her mane is a little out of place.
  64. >"O-oh, we're out?"
  65. "We are…and I'm pretty sure this was empty when I left." You tap the glass.
  66. >"A-are you sure? You might have just…left some behind! Yes! You did drink it rather quickly, didn't you? Y-you couldn't have drunk it all in that time!"
  67. >She grins.
  68. >Being a long-time acquaintance of Starlight, you have become somewhat of an expert in the academic field you like to call "Glimmer Grinology."
  69. >And you know that grin, it's one of those "I did something I probably shouldn't have" grins.
  70. >You narrow your eyes in suspicion.
  71. "I may be a thirsty boy, but I'm not stupid."
  72. >"It…"
  73. >She sighs, briefly closing her eyes.
  74. >"Okay."
  75. >As she opens her eyes, she looks up at you.
  76. >"The truth is…I have a secret stash of milk."
  77. >You raise an eyebrow.
  78. "A secret stash, you say?"
  79. >She nods in response, likely hoping you'll take her answer and leave it at that.
  80. >That's unorthodox.
  81. >…A little bit *too* unorthodox.
  82. >You take another look at the glass, the glass that you now hold in your hands, the glass that contains wonderful, lilac-tinted, slightly-sparkling milk.
  83. >It's enough to raise some questions, but…
  84. "…Milk is milk."
  85. >You know Starlight, and you know she loves magic—could she have magicked in the milk? It would certainly explain its unique appearance.
  86. >What does magic milk taste like?
  87. >You're about to find out as you raise the glass to your lips and take a sip.
  88. >Let it be known that you don't usually accept magically generated milk, but you're willing to make an exception for your Glimmy.
  89. >The moment that liquid graces your lips you are hit with a sudden realisation—this is indeed the heavenly ambrosia that you were consuming earlier.
  90. "Mm!"
  91. >Your eyes shoot open, and you now know your next, immediate course of action.
  92. >Without wasting any more time, you tip the glass all the way, downing its contents in one greedy gulp.
  93. >You hear Starlight gasp as you do so.
  94. >Turning to her, you see that she's lightly panting—no doubt a little startled by how eager you were in your milk drinking.
  96. "I…sorry about that. I'm not too sure what came over me."
  97. >You peer into the empty glass in your hand.
  98. "There's just something about the milk today…"
  99. >"T-that's fine. Y-you really like it, huh?"
  100. "Mhmm."
  101. >"S-sorry about my reaction. I-I just couldn't help myself after seeing you enjoy my—t-the milk so much."
  102. >Having downed a hearty breakfast and two glasses of milk, your senses are heightened—attuned so they can easily catch slip-ups like the one Starlight made just now.
  103. >And that slip-up has confirmed your earlier suspicions—she must have produced this milk herself.
  104. >But how? Magic is your working theory, but…hm…
  105. >There's something that's been bothering you.
  106. >It's the presence of a dripping sound, and it's coming from Starlight—no, from below her.
  107. >You put two and two together to make one.
  108. >You see—the "one" is the glass that was filled with milk, and the two "two"s are…
  109. "Glimmy, is this milk…?"
  110. >"I-I…"
  111. >She sighs in defeat, staring down at the table—at her half-eaten breakfast.
  112. >"Yes, it's mine."
  113. "Starlight…"
  114. >You stand up and circle around the table over to Starlight's side.
  115. >"H-here, this is what I…used."
  116. >She magically rotates her chair to face you, yet she still continues to look away from you.
  117. >She lifts her forelegs and widens the gap between her hind legs, giving you ample view of what lies there.
  118. >Ample is only barely sufficient to describe what you're seeing; the protruding mounds known as Starlight's teats each look large enough to take the entirety of your hand and then some.
  119. >They squish together, each teat vying for space in the area between her thighs.
  120. >One of her teats is leaking milk, staining the seat around it with some of the excess fluid falling to the floor—no doubt the source of the dripping sound earlier.
  121. >And no doubt the source of what you've been drinking.
  122. "T-they're bigger than I remember."
  123. >You wet your lips and gulp, taken a little off guard from the sheer size of these mammaries.
  124. >"Yeah…I used a spell to…enhance productivity. The…size is a side effect."
  125. "Right, I see."
  126. >Your first assumption was somewhat correct, then; magic *was* involved in the production of this milk.
  127. >It just so happened that it also came from her, personally.
  128. >You shift your gaze upwards to see Starlight still staring into her breakfast, timidly avoiding eye contact with you.
  129. "But Starlight…"
  130. >You exhale through your nose.
  131. "Why didn't you just tell me?"
  132. >She presses her lips together, tensing up.
  133. >"I'm sorry! I-I just wanted to give you a surprise and i-it sounded a lot better in my head and—"
  134. "Starlight."
  135. >She closes her eyes.
  136. >"I know—it's gross and disgusting and abhorrent and I really—"
  137. "Starlight!"
  138. >You kneel down and gently clasp her cheeks with your hands, stopping her spiel; you tenderly turn her head to face you.
  139. "I'm not mad about that. Actually, I love this."
  141. >She opens her eyes, sniffling a little.
  142. >"W-wait, really? You're really not mad?"
  143. >Her eyes widen.
  144. >"A-and you…you still think it tastes…"
  145. >You nod.
  146. "Godlike."
  147. >You remove your hands from her face.
  148. >She relaxes her stance, lowering her forelegs.
  149. >"O-oh, um…thank you."
  150. "However. I'm not letting you completely off the hook, Glimmy."
  151. >You briefly glance between her thighs and see that her forehooves are now covering her teats up; you then look back up to her.
  152. "After all, you *did* still try to hide this from me."
  153. >"I…I did, yeah…"
  154. "But now that I know where it comes from…"
  155. >You reach out a hand towards one of her forehooves.
  156. "I want more. Hell, I'm thinking I could drink this for the rest of my life."
  157. >"A-ah…"
  158. >You take one of her forehooves in your hand, gently lifting it up and gracing your vision with one of her glorious mounds once more.
  159. "How about it? We could even save money on buying milk if we've got our own supply."
  160. >"Um…"
  161. >She blinks at you a few times, stunned by your suggestion.
  162. >"I'm glad that you love my…m-my milk, Anon, really. But this spell has its limitations. I won't be able to uh—supply you with milk every single day."
  163. >She purses her lips in thought for a few moments, then she huffs at you.
  164. >"And I am *not* drinking my own milk."
  165. >You chuckle.
  166. "That makes sense. My bad."
  168. >"Um, that being said, I…"
  169. >She briefly bites her lower lip.
  170. >"If you're in the mood for any more milk today, I…I think I can help you with that."
  171. "Oh?"
  172. >"You've already noticed the size of them, and…well, there's a pretty good reason for that."
  173. "Ah, must be pretty backed up, huh?"
  174. >"Yeah…"
  175. >She rubs one of her teats with her free forehoof.
  176. >"It's a little painful, to tell you the truth."
  177. >You think back to when she stealthily refilled your glass.
  178. "Is that why you couldn't help yourself earlier?"
  179. >She smiles bashfully.
  180. >"Y-yeah, I might have…overdone it with the lactation spell."
  181. "For what it's worth, I'm loving the new look."
  182. >She giggles.
  183. >"I was actually planning on just draining the rest of it into the toilet later."
  184. >Your eyes shoot open at the mere prospect of simply *wasting* such glorious nectar.
  185. "Unacceptable."
  186. >"Hehe, since you love my milk so much, I was wondering…maybe we can help each other out?"
  187. "Straight from the tap, eh?"
  188. >She blushes.
  189. >"W-well, I didn't say *that,* but…"
  190. >She partially lids her eyes.
  191. >"If you want…"
  192. "Hmm…"
  193. >You lazily trail a finger around Starlight's hoof.
  194. "I'm thinking I want."
  195. >Her smile widens.
  196. >But you quickly clear your throat, finally letting go of her hoof.
  197. "But first…"
  198. >You boop her nose.
  199. "Finish up the rest of your breakfast, alright?"
  200. >She turns her head to her poor neglected cupcakes back on the kitchen table.
  201. >"Hehe, alright."
  202. >She downs her cupcakes with a renewed fervour.
  203. >Soon enough, she finishes her food and looks up at you expectantly.
  204. >"So…bedroom, then?"
  205. "Bedroom."
  206. >"Okay, let—w-wha!"
  207. >You pick her up, carrying her in a bridal position.
  208. >"Wh-what are you doing?!"
  209. "Carrying my milk truck to bed, of course."
  210. >"D-don't call me that!"
  211. "Ahah, sorry Glimmy."
  212. >She huffs in annoyance, but doesn't make any attempt to break out of your hold as you carry her to your bedroom.
  213. >You feel the slightest tinge of shame over the nickname you gave her.
  214. >But still.
  215. >Milk truck arrive.
  217. ***
  219. >With both of your arms occupied, Starlight helpfully opens the door to your bedroom using her magic.
  220. >After entering the room, she closes it behind you much the same way.
  221. "Your magic sure is handy."
  222. >"Mmm, although personally I'm quite fond of those hands of yours."
  223. "I think you're going to be a bit more than 'fond' of them after today."
  224. >"Oh~"
  225. >You make your way over to the bed and gently set Starlight down on the sheets; she sits up and shuffles around to sit near the edge of the bed, giving you a half-lidded gaze.
  226. >And you gaze back into those sensual blue eyes.
  227. "You've got beautiful eyes."
  228. >"So do you." She giggles.
  229. >"But we didn't come here just to have a staring contest, did we?"
  230. >You hum in agreement, shifting your gaze down her body; Starlight rests her forehooves to her sides.
  231. >With her hind legs hanging off the side of the bed, that means there's nothing to stop you ogling the space between her thighs.
  232. >And those glorious mounds, squished together.
  233. >You kneel down to reach eye-level with them.
  234. >They're even more awe-inspiring up close.
  235. >You and Starlight have been intimate before, but you've never paid much attention to her teats during your sensual romps.
  236. >Because—truth be told—there wasn't much *to* pay attention to; they were perky, but otherwise unassuming compared to her other mare bits.
  237. >But now, with their impressive size—it's hard to pay attention to anything *other* than them.
  238. >You slowly reach out your hand towards them, before stopping yourself.
  239. "Oh, may I?" You glance up at her.
  240. >"Of course." She smiles back.
  241. >And so your hand continues on its journey, and soon you find yourself resting a palm upon her right teat—the one that was leaking earlier.
  242. >It feels soft and malleable around your fingers.
  243. >"Nff…" She bites her lip.
  244. >You slowly close your palm around her teat, getting a good, firm grip; your fingers sink into her flesh.
  245. >"A-ah—!" She moans out.
  246. >Some milk suddenly squirts out from her nipple; it doesn't spray out far, but it surprises you all the same.
  247. >But you quickly recover, licking your lips.
  248. "Better not waste this."
  249. >And so you move your face towards her right teat, licking its milky surface and making Starlight squirm as you do so.
  250. >Just like before—it tastes sweet.
  251. >You retract your left hand to give yourself room, and you wrap your lips around her teat's nipple.
  252. >Starlight's breathing quickens.
  253. >And you gently begin sucking.
  254. >"A-ah!"
  255. >Her sweet nectar flows into your mouth, filling it up.
  257. >You raise your right hand up to her other teat, resting a few fingers upon it.
  258. >You then lazily trail a finger around her other teat's nipple, teasing Starlight with enough stimulation to feel good, but not enough to leak any wasted milk.
  259. >Meanwhile, you wrap your other arm around Starlight's rear to give yourself some leverage.
  260. >As you containing sucking on her right teat, you close your eyes, allowing you to better focus on your other senses.
  261. >The sweet taste of her milk rolling across your tongue;
  262. >The soft sound of her moans as she gazes down upon you;
  263. >And the building smell of her marely musk as a result of being so close to her most precious parts.
  264. >Soon, you feel one of Starlight's forehooves rest on your head.
  265. >"A-anon…"
  266. >You pause your milk drinking to look up at her; she smiles back at you.
  267. "Hm?"
  268. >"Mmph…other one…"
  269. >Your gaze falls to her other teat—her left one—gripped by your right hand.
  270. >It's leaking milk; you must have unknowingly applied a bit too much force while you were drinking from her right teat.
  271. >You move your right hand away and use it to grip the bed sheets for more leverage.
  272. >Your heart falls at the nectar that you must have unknowingly wasted, but you're ready to right your transgressions as you move your lips over to her left teat.
  273. >As your lips form a seal over her nipple, she moans out.
  274. >"Ah~"
  275. >And you begin to lightly suck on it, drawing out more of her milk.
  276. >This time, you add your tongue into mix, licking around and on the nipple, teasing out more moans from her.
  277. >"O-oh…keep doing that."
  278. >And so you do, enjoying the milky bounty that she rewards you with in return.
  279. >Starlight is clearly into this, but there's more thing you'd like to try.
  280. >You lean forward, gently taking more of her teat into your mouth and letting your teeth graze her nipple; this isn't left unnoticed by Starlight.
  281. >"Hm? Anon? What are you—"
  282. >And you lightly bite down, not hard enough to hurt, but enough to let her feel it.
  283. >"E-eep!"
  284. >Her breathing redoubles, and more of her milk squirts into your mouth.
  285. >She exhales deeply.
  286. >"Oh Anon, that's so…mmph…more…"
  287. >Your gamble paid off, big time.
  288. >Between licking, sucking, and biting—you've got a lot to occupy you while you help Starlight recover from the effects her lactation spell.
  289. >You draw out more of her milk, listening to Starlight's moans and reflecting more on her taste.
  290. >It's certainly sweet, sure, but it's warm too, with a pleasurable tingling sensation as it runs down your throat.
  291. >It's a shame you won't be able to have this every day, but you're not gonna let that deter you from enjoying these milky moments.
  292. >After extracting some more ambrosia, you gently pull back, your lips unsealing themselves from her teat with a lewd "pop!"
  293. >You admire your handiwork—of Starlight's teats having been put to work.
  294. >But you squint your eyes, having noticed something different about them.
  295. "Looks like they've gotten smaller."
  297. >Starlight takes a deep breath to compose herself, glancing down at her own teats.
  298. >"Ah…yeah, looks like all of your hard work paid off."
  299. >She looks back up at you, smiling.
  300. >"Thanks, Anon. Phew…"
  301. >Indeed, they're much smaller than they were earlier; they're small enough that you finally notice the rest of her lovely parts beneath them.
  302. >In particular—her plump pussy lips, with her clitoris winking outwards towards you with an intense fervour.
  303. >It looks like your job isn't quite done yet.
  304. >And you're still quite "hungry" in a sense.
  305. >You move your face back in, this time heading for that familiar area beneath her teats.
  306. >"Hm, A-anon?"
  307. >Upon reaching her entrance, you softly blow.
  308. >"O-oh! Ah!"
  309. >You look up at her panting face.
  310. "There's still work to be done here, Glimmy."
  311. >"But what about you?"
  312. "Don't you worry about me."
  313. >You give her lower lips a quick kiss.
  314. "Consider this my thanks for all the milk."
  315. >"But I—"
  316. >You lean in and lick around her labia.
  317. >"H-hah!"
  318. >You start from the bottom, peppering her pussy with licks and kisses as you work your way up.
  319. >Once you reach her needy clitoris, you give it a few focused licks, before taking it into your mouth as best as you can.
  320. >You apply a small amount of force as you begin sucking on it.
  321. >Starlight throws her head back.
  322. >"D-don't stop! Oh!
  323. >You redouble your efforts, sucking on her protruding clitoris much like how you were sucking on her teats earlier.
  324. >Only this time, there's no milk to be gained—only her pleasure.
  325. >As you go on, you begin working your other tools of the trade into your assault on her button.
  326. >Long, loving licks.
  327. >Tender, playful bites.
  328. >Much like your work on her teats, your ministrations on her clitoris have a similar effect on Starlight, causing her to gasp out in pleasure.
  329. >"Anon! Mmm!"
  330. >Before long, you hear Starlight's rapid breathing and moaning both reach a crescendo, while her body shudders with overcome pleasure.
  331. >It's time.
  332. >You move your mouth lower, licking around her labia in preparation.
  333. >Her hind legs lock around your head and she moans your name out loud as she orgasms.
  334. >You eagerly lap up the juices that pulse out from her pussy as she rides out her orgasm.
  335. >Milk or marecum, she tastes wonderful all the same.
  336. >Her spasms slow down, her squirts decrease in frequency, and her hind legs relax their grip around your head.
  337. >Soon, you are able to pull yourself away from her; she falls backwards onto the bed as you do so, facing the ceiling.
  338. >You stand up and smile down at her.
  339. "Feel better now?"
  340. >She takes a good few moments to respond, still breathing heavily.
  341. >But soon, she steadily props herself back into a sitting position to meet your gaze.
  342. >"*Much* better." She smiles.
  343. >You stretch your limbs.
  344. "Glad to hear it."
  345. >"But we're…hah…we're not done yet."
  346. "Hm?"
  348. >Starlight's horn lights up, and you feel a light tugging sensation on your shirt, pulling you towards her.
  349. >"I wanna…"
  350. >Her eyes drift downwards to your crotch.
  351. >"Wanna see it."
  352. >Her eyes display a desperate hunger.
  353. "Alright, I'll handle it."
  354. >She releases her grip on you.
  355. >You know better than to argue with her when she gets like this.
  356. >At least this way—you'll be able to remove your undergarments in one piece.
  357. >You pull down your pants, kicking them off to the side and revealing your boxers for her to ogle.
  358. >She bites her lip upon seeing the bulge stretching out your boxers.
  359. >But simply "ogling" fell off the menu the moment you entered this room, and so you remove your boxers much the same way, revealing your rock-solid erection that has been eagerly anticipating this moment ever since your lips met her teat.
  360. >She snorts with desire upon seeing your exposed member at full mast.
  361. >"Hah…"
  362. >Her eyes flicks upwards to your shirt.
  363. >"Shirt, too. Wanna feel you."
  364. >And so you take off your shirt for good measure, leaving you mostly naked in front of your Glimmy; your socks are still on, but you doubt she cares about those.
  365. >You watch Starlight take in the sight of you before her, slowly working her eyes up your body.
  366. >She exhales deeply.
  367. >"Oh…Nonny…"
  368. >She licks her lips.
  369. >"Wanna…"
  370. >Her gaze meets yours.
  371. >"Wanna make you feel good too…"
  372. "And I want to feel good with you."
  373. >She half-lids her eyes at you and beckons you with a forehoof.
  374. >"Mmm, come here."
  375. >You obey, moving in close; as you do, she falls backwards onto the bed, exposing herself to you.
  376. >She shuffles backwards a little bit, making it so that you'll have to climb up onto the bed to reach her.
  377. >Looking down at her pussy, you see that it has gone back to winking rapidly at you.
  378. >"Inside," she commands. "Put it inside."
  379. >You climb onto the bed, positioning yourself above her and lining up your key with her lock.
  380. >She buries her face into your chest, and you slowly begin to enter her.
  381. >Once your tip pushes through her lips, her inner walls go into overdrive in their efforts to pull you in, making your grand entrance a brief one.
  382. >In a near instant, her pussy forces you to hilt inside her, greedily taking every last inch of your penis.
  383. >The vice grip that she has on you down there ensures that you can do little more than wiggle around.
  384. >She wraps her forelegs around your back, sighing into your chest.
  385. >Your pelvis brushes against her still-slightly-swollen teats, with some milk squirting onto your skin.
  386. >A shameful waste, to be sure, but there are more pressing matters occupying your mind right now.
  387. >Such as the sheer tightness of Starlight's warm, wet hole massaging your penis, earnest and desperate in her desire to make you feel good.
  388. >And Starlight herself panting and sniffing around your chest.
  389. >"Anon I…ah, I love you so much…"
  390. >You give the top of her mane a brief kiss.
  391. >"I love you IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou!"
  392. "I love you too, Glimmy."
  394. >Her hips buck into yours, and the tightness around your dick feels that much more constricting.
  395. >You're getting close too; you can feel your climax building.
  396. >You hear a squelching sound as her juices flow outwards and stain your crotch.
  397. >She rubs her chest against yours, moaning loudly as she rides out another orgasm.
  398. >After a few moments, she slows down and addresses you.
  399. >"Mmm…Anon…how are you holding up?"
  400. "I'm close."
  401. >She hums in contentment, pushing her body up against yours despite her fatigue.
  402. >Her pussy still has you in a vice grip, too, restricting your movement.
  403. >With nothing else to do but await your climax, you whisper to her.
  404. "Hey, if I cum inside you right now, we might not even need the spell to get you to lactate."
  405. >She doesn't respond at first, but you hear her begin to breath rapidly.
  406. >Her previous pushing up of her body becomes vigorous humping against you as your words appear to ignite a second wind within her.
  407. >"D-do it inside, please…! I want…I need it!"
  408. >She wraps her hind legs around your back, keeping you fully locked in place alongside her forelegs.
  409. >Pulling out is no longer an option; though you doubt that it was ever on the table in the first place.
  410. >You've never seen or heard Starlight this baby crazy before.
  411. >Could the spell subtly be influencing her mind as well?
  412. >There's no more time to reflect on such matters, however, as the pressure within your penis reaches the breaking point.
  413. >You groan out loud as you unload within her walls, pumping stream after stream of seed deep inside her.
  414. >Seed that may very well find its mark.
  415. >"O-oh Anon…a-ah~"
  416. >Judging by the return of the squelching sound from earlier, it sounds like Starlight has cum once again.
  417. >Several more moments pass of your bodies undulating against each other, riding out each other's orgasms.
  418. >But soon, she relaxes all of her grips on you, and you allow yourself to fall over to her side.
  419. >You lie down next to her, the both of you staring up at the ceiling and breathing heavily.
  420. >You soon feel a familiar furry presence on your chest as Starlight turns to face you, resting a forehoof on your torso.
  421. >She pulls herself towards you, nuzzling her snout into your clavicle.
  422. >"Mm…Anon…sorry, I got a little carried away back there."
  423. "It's okay, Glimmy. I think we both got a little carried away there."
  424. >You wrap an arm around her.
  425. "And I certainly enjoyed it, regardless of the carrying."
  426. >"Me too." She softly exhales onto you.
  427. >You run your hand through her mane, enjoying its soft texture while the two of you enjoy each other's company during the afterglow.
  428. >"Hey…Anon."
  429. "Yeah?"
  430. >"About what you said earlier."
  431. >She looks up at you with those persian blue eyes.
  432. >"About kids, would you like to have them someday?"
  433. "With you? Of course, I'd love to."
  434. >She happily hums to herself, resuming her nuzzling against you.
  435. >The two of you drift off to sleep together soon after.
  436. >In the morning.
  437. >…Eh, it's fine; it's a Sunday, anyway.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain