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Diego Status

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-01-12 22:19:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Anon and Fluttershy have been dating for a while now, and they're ready to take their relationship to the next level.
  3. >It's a lovely evening in Equestria.
  4. >You sit back in your couch, taking the time to relax.
  5. >The soft crackle of the nearby fireplace soothes your soul.
  6. >It won't be long now until she arrives.
  7. >As if on cue to your inner thoughts, you hear a soft set of three knocks on your front door.
  8. >You stand up, stretching your limbs, and make your way over to answer it.
  9. >Opening the door, you see a familiar yellow pegasus with a pink, curled mane.
  10. >She looks up at you with those cyan eyes of hers.
  11. "Hey, Flutters."
  12. >"Hi, Anon." She smiles at you.
  13. >There's a brief silence as you stare into each other's eyes.
  14. >Eventually, you speak up.
  15. "So—um, wanna come in?"
  16. >"Y-yes please."
  17. >You usher her in, closing the door behind her as she enters your house.
  18. >It's hard to believe that not too long ago, you'd be screaming at her and threatening to punt her across your front yard.
  19. >But things have changed now.
  20. >You watch Fluttershy wander deeper into your house, taking in the sights around her.
  21. >The paintings hanging off the walls, the photo frames on the shelves, the plants in their pots—and all of the memories associated with them.
  22. >She hums a happy tune to herself as she looks around; it's music to your ears.
  23. "Enjoying yourself?"
  24. >"O-oh!"
  25. >She turns her head to you, blushing slightly.
  26. >"It's just…your house is so cosy."
  27. >You nod, making your way up to her.
  28. >"I mean, I've been in here a lot of times, but most of them were…you know."
  29. "Yeah…"
  30. >"Being invited in here is so…nice."
  31. >You crouch down and ruffle her mane.
  32. "Feel free to get used to it. My doors are always open for you, Flutters."
  33. >She giggles, walking away.
  34. >Your relationship wasn't always as pleasant as it is right now.
  35. >The truth is—Fluttershy was a pony responsible for many unpleasant problems in your life.
  36. >From the moment you had entered Equestria on that fateful day, Fluttershy had quickly developed a crush on you.
  37. >She confessed to you soon enough, but your initial arrival in Equestria was a tumultuous one—one with many non-romantic concerns pressing your mind, so you rejected her.
  38. >But that did little to deter her—in fact, her crush began to fester, turning her subtly-shy confessions into outright-amorous advances.
  39. >Simply put—she made your life hell in her ploys to get into your pants.
  40. >A lot of property damage and psychological trauma (and not just your own, for that matter) could be directly attributed to her earnest, yet obsessive attempts to win your affections.
  41. >Needless to say, a schism was generated between the two of you; nearly every day was spent denying her advances, fighting her off if need be.
  42. >But after an intervention forced on you by pretty much every pony in Ponyville—the two of were able to find some common ground.
  43. >In fact, it turned out the two had a lot more in common than you thought.
  44. >And so the two of you decided to bury the hatchet over your several-years-long feud.
  45. >But that's not all…
  47. >"Um, Anon, is it alright I sit here?" Fluttershy points a hoof towards your couch.
  48. "Of course, Flutters; you don't need to ask. My couch is your couch."
  49. >"O-oh, thank you."
  50. >She hops onto the couch, lying on her side.
  51. >You figure you have a bit of free time before the big event, so you make your way over to the couch and sit down next to her.
  52. >The two of you watch the crackling fireplace for a few moments, before Fluttershy speaks up.
  53. >"Your couch…smells like you. I like it."
  54. "Oh? You do, do you?"
  55. >She bashfully smiles off to the side.
  56. >"Mhmm, I love it…"
  57. >She looks back to you.
  58. >"Almost as much as I love you."
  59. "Love you too, Flutters." You smile at her.
  60. >When the two of you found out how much you had in common, you decided to give your relationship with her another shot.
  61. >At first, it started out with casual hangouts with the rest of her friends present.
  62. >But the more you got to know each other—the more you two got to like each other.
  63. >So soon enough, the two of you started dating.
  64. >Fluttershy—for her part—was able to restrain her lecherous side remarkably well.
  65. >For a time, you had almost thought she'd sworn off lewdness completely.
  66. >But when you saw the way she longingly gazed at you when she thought that you weren't looking, you realised just how much she'd been holding herself back for your sake.
  67. >Her devout vow of chastity won over your heart.
  68. >And fired up your loins.
  69. >She's still very much a degenerate, but she's your degenerate, damn it.
  70. >So here you are now—having invited her into your house, ready to progress your relationship to the next level.
  71. >You stand up.
  72. "I'm gonna go check on the dinner. I'll call for you when it's ready, alright?"
  73. >"Mmm, okay."
  74. >You smile at her.
  75. "And hey…if you want to 'enjoy' my couch, I'm not gonna complain."
  76. >She nervously rubs her forehooves together.
  77. >"I…oh…I want to…"
  78. >She smiles at you.
  79. >"But I want to save my energy for later."
  80. >You chuckle as you head off to the kitchen, ready to set up dinner.
  81. >As you enter the kitchen, you reflect on your current state of affairs.
  82. >Despite your rekindled amity with Fluttershy, some things never change.
  83. >Such as the mysterious disappearance of various items within your house.
  84. >You had thought to attribute this to Fluttershy, as you knew her to be a frequent thief of your undergarments.
  85. >But she's been very well behaved recently, as you've noticed that none of your boxers and socks have escaped your home since the two of you started hanging out again.
  86. >So unless she's made a secret habit of stealing your kitchen knives, you don't think this is her fault.
  87. >You look at your near-empty knife block, sighing to yourself.
  88. >You'll have to make do, you suppose.
  90. >Despite your knife shortage, the table is set and dinner is served.
  91. >You call Fluttershy over, you two of you begin to eat dinner together at the table.
  92. >It's freshly-baked apple pie with a side of roasted carrots.
  93. >You've also got a glass of fresh orange juice to the side.
  94. >You briefly wonder if Applejack would throttle you for being such a loose whore when it comes to fruit and veggie consumption.
  95. >Then again—aren't the Apples friends with the Orange and Carrot clans?
  96. >It's probably fine then, as long as you aren't eating any grapes or—God forbid—strawberries.
  97. >Fluttershy eyes her food appreciatively.
  98. >"Mm, this is nice."
  99. "Thanks."
  100. >You grip your knife and fork in your hands.
  101. >As a civilised monkey man, you eat your food with civilised monkey utensils.
  102. >After forking a chunk of carrot into your mouth, you make some small talk with Fluttershy.
  103. "I gotta say, it's nice eating food around you without having to worry about it being drugged."
  104. >Fluttershy giggles.
  105. >"I think the first time I tried that was in your drink."
  106. "Heh, that's right." You nod.
  107. >You grab your glass of OJ and take a sip.
  108. "It was a good thing you were willing to taste test it right after you spiked it."
  109. >She shyly ruffles through her mane.
  110. >"Ahaha…I really wasn't thinking straight back then, was I?"
  111. >She smiles at you.
  112. >"But we've come a long way, haven't we?"
  113. "That we have, and later tonight…"
  114. >You lean into the table.
  115. "I'll show you just how *long* I'm willing to come for you."
  116. >"O-oh…" she blushes.
  117. >The two of you soon finish your dinner.
  118. >After putting your plates and cutlery away, you both head to the bedroom to cap off the night.
  120. >Entering your bedroom, you notice that you left a window open.
  121. >You chuckle to yourself; back when Fluttershy was menacing you, you would never consider leaving your windows open.
  122. >"S-so…Anon."
  123. >You look back to Fluttershy; she's already hopped onto your bed and is lying on top of it.
  124. >Eager beaver.
  125. "Yeah, I'm coming."
  126. >You see her bite her lip, probably finding a double entendre within your words.
  127. >Making your way over to the bedside, you quickly pull off your shirt and throw it to the side.
  128. "Let's get started, then."
  129. >You pull down your pants, kicking them out of the way.
  130. >Her breathing quickens and her tail flicks around impatiently.
  131. >Only your boxers remain; Fluttershy's eyes are transfixed upon them.
  132. >"O-oh my…it's really happening. We're really going to…"
  133. >She gulps.
  134. >"Have sex."
  135. "That's right."
  136. >You slip your thumbs under the waistband of your boxers, eager to savour Fluttershy's every reaction as you begin to pull them down…
  137. >"『THE WORLD』!"
  138. 'What?!'
  139. >Your body no longer responds to your demands, with your thumbs still wedged under your boxers.
  140. >You can't even move your mouth, all you can do is think.
  141. >Fluttershy's body has also stopped moving, and the room itself is dead silent, as if…
  142. >"Time has stopped!"
  143. >That voice! It rings familiar, but who…?
  144. >You can no longer move your eyes, but a blond-haired figure slowly steps into view from the corner of your vision.
  145. >He stands on the other side of your bed, holding a hand on his hip.
  146. >He wears a blue, grid-patterned turtleneck sweater; brown, wide-legged breeches; dark brown riding boots; and an equestrian helmet adorned with the letters of his nickname.
  147. >And…he's human.
  148. 'D-Dio?! It…it can't be!'
  149. >His full name is Diego Brando—a genius jockey from Britain.
  150. >But this isn't right; how…why is he here?!
  151. >You were supposed to be the only human in Equestria!
  152. >"My greatest trial is to cockblock you at all costs."
  153. >He glares at you, reaching a hand into his pocket.
  154. >"You think I didn't catch you slacking, Anon?"
  155. >He tilts his head downwards, still glaring at you.
  156. >"You were gonna fuck that horsepussy, weren't you?"
  157. 'How the fuck did you know?!'
  158. >He pulls out around ten knives from his pocket, holding them by their blades.
  159. >Wait a minute, those knives…!
  160. >Those are the fucking kitchen knives that have gone missing from your house!
  161. >"Looks like it's up to me to remind you how MUDA MUDA MUDA that endeavour is."
  162. >He tosses all of the knives at you; they freeze in mid-air, but you know that it's only a matter of 「Time」.
  163. >The way he can stop time and throw knives with such speed…he must have some kind of special 「Ability」!
  164. >But whatever the reason, even though you can perceive the stopped time, you can't see 「It」.
  165. >"Touch grass, you fucking coomer."
  166. >He reaches up his right hand to pull down the collar of his sweater, while he opens the palm of his left hand and raises it above his face.
  167. >"And time moves again."
  168. >Several knives pierce your body at various angles, the force of it all sending you flying away from the bed and careening to the floor.
  169. >You try to scream, but all that comes out is a gurgle.
  170. >Once you impact the floor, you spit blood.
  171. >"Wha—A-ANON?!"
  172. >You hear a scream as a panicked Fluttershy rushes over to your side.
  173. >"Anon?! W-what!? Why!?"
  174. >You scan the area—your assailant is nowhere to be seen.
  175. >"S-stay with me, Anon, please! I…I…I'll go get my animals to call for help!"
  176. >Fluttershy rushes over to the open window and frantically calls out to the local wildlife.
  177. >You're bleeding out quite heavily.
  178. >As you glance downwards at the blades still sticking out of your body, you sputter at the human pincushion you've become.
  179. "F-fuck…"
  180. >Fucking Diego.

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