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>swn tickle you

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2024-01-17 03:15:15
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >>40702385
  3. >Get to equestria
  4. >Everything going great
  5. >Realize you can't get tickled anymore because ponies have hooves
  6. Why even live?
  8. ///
  9. >>40702445
  11. >>40702385
  12. >Can still tickle ponies and have an advantage of having hands immediately available to you
  13. >Ponies can still tickle you only with their mouths, wings, tail or magic
  14. >If you still need to be tickled by hands there are dragons and griffins which have things like talons and claws.
  16. Seems like an ok trade off to them just having hooves...
  17. ///
  18. >>40702467
  20. >>40702385
  21. Anon, feathers are one of the staples of tickling.
  22. ///
  24. >she will never tickle you
  26. ///
  27. >>40702511 (Me)
  29. >>40702445
  30. >>40702467
  31. >Be cuddling with your cutie pie marewife
  32. >Suddenly BAM
  33. >She's nuzzling you in that one super ticklish spot just below the back of your ribs on your lower side
  34. >You jerk away on impulse
  35. >She looks at you in surprise, confused at your sudden flinch away from her affectionate cuddling
  36. >"Ahaha... sorry dearest. I'm just a little ticklish right there."
  37. >She takes a second to digest the information before adopting a wry expression
  38. >"Is that so?..."
  39. >You've made a grave mistake that no amount of additional pylons can fix
  40. "Er- no...?"
  41. >She raises an eyebrow and smirks harder
  42. >"Uhuh."
  43. >Your position underneath her much smaller frame and a pile of blankets and pillows simply stood no chance at escape
  44. >Doing so would require you to throw her off AND unravel yourself to get away
  45. >So you helplessly scotch back into the arm of the couch in an attempt to preemptively surrender in hopes that your companion would show you mercy
  46. >She takes the advantage given and fully crawls atop you and pins you beneath her
  47. >Nervously looking up into her predatory eyes is all the communication needed to understand that she had no intent of exercising restraint at this new information about you
  48. >And so it began
  49. >An assault of marshmallow hooves, nuzzles, feathers, and even her tail on occasion
  50. >Your relaxing cuddle session unexpectedly became the site of a ruthless ambush wherein your closest love took uncaring advantage of your most personal weaknesses
  51. >Only when you'd grown a set of abs and nearly passed out from lack of oxygen did she relent
  52. >A few moments of labored breathing followed
  53. >But little did she know that you'd already set your mind on revenge
  54. >This was but a false moment if peace to lure her into a sense of security for your counterattack
  55. >She looked up at you to gage your recovery
  56. >You returned that smile she gave you earlier, keen to show off your canines
  57. >Her eyes widened
  58. >She had a split second to launch herself off of you, but by the time she realized that it was too late
  59. >She was in your clutches, trapped beneath the same blankets that had doomed you
  60. >Using your overwhelming size you pinned her to your chest as you used a free hand to assault her suspected weak points
  61. >She wriggled fruitlessly and batted her hooves when she untangled them from the flurry of sheets
  62. >But alas, nothing was to save her
  63. >Her previously playful laughs were now additionally desperate and breathless as you focused your assault on the spots that compelled her to tell you their weakness with squeals and laughs
  64. >You attacked her thighs and haunches with squeezes to her nerves and joints
  65. >Twisting in your arms to try and hide her weak spot against your body proved to be a grave mistake
  66. >She had exposed the most sensitive spot of all
  67. >The area of her svelte back that her flight muscles were
  68. >The entire area around her wings
  69. >Her pleas for mercy and to stop would've been cause for concern anywhere else, but in this sleepy village of Ponyville only ever meant play
  70. ///
  71. >>40702528 (Me)
  73. >>40702511
  74. >And once you had your fill, you ceased fire
  75. >This time she was as labored and exhausted as could be
  76. >Limply resting against you while she heaved
  77. >Even her wings lacked the energy to fold themselves on her back properly, left to drape over both your forms
  78. >And so your conflict had settled into peace once again
  79. >Both content to cuddle and recuperate on the couch together
  80. >*huff* "Jerk." *whoo*
  81. >She half-heartedly punched you on the shoulder
  82. >The smile in her eyes despite her worn expression told you she enjoyed that wholeheartedly
  83. >You smiled mirthfully back at her, leaning in for a kiss and nuzzle before falling back and resigning yourself to your rehab

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