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Friendship Is Plushsuits: Chapter 1

By Slippery_Slope
Created: 2024-01-26 08:22:26
Expiry: Never

  1. >When you wake, your vision is blurred and there is a persistent throbbing in your head
  2. >You squeeze your eyes closed and blink a few times to clear the spots away
  3. >But when you open your eyes again, it still feels like you're seeing the world through some sort of mesh filter
  4. >You groan and roll over
  5. >Is your hearing off?
  6. >The noise sounds muffled, though that might also be from whatever fluff you feel stuffed in your mouth right now
  7. >Your limbs feel heavy and not your own, and you flop weakly against whatever soft material you're lying on
  8. >Are you hungover?
  9. >You try to swim through the brain fog to remember last night, but the events are blurry
  10. >In fact, all your memories seem a bit blurry
  11. >You can't remember any of what you've been doing, just a miasma of flashing colors and then your first thoughts as you woke up today
  12. >Who were you?
  13. >Where were you?
  14. >The questions swim inside your mind, around and around
  15. >But you feel so very nice and cozy where you're currently resting
  16. >Warmth envelopes you, and you wouldn't mind just lying here for a very long time, but your curiosity is getting the better of you
  17. >Unsurely, you get up as best you can
  18. >Embarrassingly, it seems like you can't even remember how to stand, so you do it how it feels best: on four legs
  19. >On four hooves, even
  20. >Four plush purple hooves
  21. >Wait a minute
  22. >That didn't seem right
  23. >You're not sure what you normally have, and you can't remember what they're called, either, but these appendages don't feel like something you're used to
  24. >What an odd feeling
  25. >You press them experimentally into the ground, observing as they squish softly
  26. >You giggle as it causes you to feel a slight compression, almost as if you're being wrapped snugly by something else
  27. >You're so occupied with your new hooves that you almost failed to notice you're standing on grass
  28. >Did you fall asleep outside?
  29. >Some part of you tells you that you normally would dislike doing such a thing, but now, for some reason, it doesn't feel so bad
  30. >It's beautiful outside, too
  31. >You take respite in the peaceful scenery: the rustic village behind you, a meadow of flowers and grass before you, the sleepy mountains ahead of you, a chorus of birdsong and the chirps of small critters permeating the quiet stillness
  32. >It's beautiful, it really is
  33. >You marvel at the fact you've never seen anything like it before
  34. >Maybe you just never paid attention before, or maybe it was just something you forgot, but that wouldn't be the first time that happened today, anyway
  35. >“Ah, I see you waking up from your repose, my faithful student”
  36. >You whip your head around
  37. >You weren't expecting company
  38. >Beside you stands a snow-white alicorn with an ethereal mane
  39. >She is imposing, larger than life
  40. >She gazes at you with a smile you cannot detect the meaning behind
  41. >You know this mare. A name pops in your head
  42. >Princess Celestia
  43. >You're filled with a sudden sense of anxiety, and you drop to your knees in a frenzied bow
  44. >Something inside you desperately wants to please this mare and earn her recognition
  45. >Though you still can't speak, a whimper escapes your throat as your breath moves quickly in and out
  46. >You squeeze your eyes shut, waiting for the worst
  47. >But after a few moments, you only hear soft hoofsteps and pressure on your body
  48. >Hesitantly, you open your eyes and find that she’s doing nothing more than gently rubbing your shoulder
  49. >Where her hoof presses, you feel your plush body squish and deform, sending tingles of pleasure through you
  50. >It almost feels like you're being tickled through your fur
  51. >Plush body?
  52. >Were you always like this?
  53. >Like most things right now, the sensation is alien, and something doesn't quite add up in your mind
  54. >But it feels good, and the longer she massages you, the less your knees shake and the better you feel
  55. >So you let it happen
  56. >When you're all calmed down, she pats you twice on the head
  57. >“There's no need to worry, my little pony,” she says
  58. >“I'll always be here for you, and you needn't be scared of me or anything else”
  59. >She turns her head. “Look, and your friends are waking up, too”
  60. >More ponies?
  61. >You follow her gaze
  62. >She's right; there are five other blobs of bright color nearby that you hadn't noticed before, all in various states of confusion, lying down on the soft grass
  63. >Their names come to mind quickly, too
  64. >Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy
  65. >You wonder where you've heard these names before, or why they're so familiar to you
  66. >Though their names and personalities now come to mind quite easily, for some reason, it still feels like you're seeing them in person for the first time
  67. >And something doesn't quite seem right
  68. >They all look soft and huggable, that much is true, but almost *too* soft and huggable
  69. >They all have adorable, wide, unblinking eyes and unmoving smiles, despite their confused demeanors
  70. >When you look closely, there are stitches and seams covering their short fur, something your brain tells you that you haven't quite seen on a living creature before
  71. >And despite their mouths, which are closed shut, you still hear all sorts of unsure moans and grunts, much like the ones you emitted from your own stuffed mouth when you woke up
  72. >Wait, did Princess Celestia call these your friends?
  73. >There did seem to be a missing pony from this pack, after all
  74. >That couldn't mean…
  75. >In a rush, you sit on your haunches and hold out your front hooves in front of you
  76. >You squish them together, rubbing the ends of purple fur together
  77. >You clumsily reach behind you and grasp your hair, and when you hold it out in front of you, you see a very familiar pattern of blues, pinks, and purples that almost don't seem like individual strands, but rather one big piece of multicolored fabric sewn together
  78. >Your tail matches your mane, and turning around to look at your rump, it's almost no surprise that you find a six-pointed star surrounded by five other little ones
  79. >There is one, and only one conclusion you can take from this
  80. >Princess Celestia tilts her head at you in concern
  81. >“Is something the matter, Twilight Sparkle?”

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