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By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-02-06 22:40:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Just another normal day in Anon's office; absolutely no lewdness here, no siree.
  3. >There's a knock on the door to your teacher's office.
  4. "Uh…"
  5. >You don't answer it.
  6. >And soon, there's another knock—the same as before.
  7. >"Anon? Are you in there?" a mare's voice from outside the room shouts.
  8. >"Well?" you hear a sultry whisper from below. "Don't keep her waiting, Anon."
  9. "C-come in!" you manage to wheeze out.
  10. >The door opens, and in comes Twilight Sparkle—Headmare of the School of Friendship.
  11. >She walks up to the other side of your desk and smiles at you.
  12. >"Good morning, Anon!"
  13. "Hey…Twilight."
  14. >Her smile morphs into a look of concern.
  15. >"Is everything alright? You didn't answer me the first time I called for you."
  16. "P-perfectly fine! Just had to clear up my desk, that's all."
  17. >"Oh, okay!" Her smile returns, good as new.
  18. >You rest your hands upon your chair, gripping the arms tightly.
  19. "So, what brings you here?"
  20. >"I'm looking for Cozy Glow. Have you seen her around by any chance? She volunteered to be my assistant for the day, but…"—she frowns and shakes her head—"she hasn't shown up."
  21. "Nope. Haven't seen he—ah! H-haven't seen her."
  22. >She raises an eyebrow at your sudden disfluency, but nonetheless gives you a solemn nod.
  23. >"Okay then…"
  24. >She sighs.
  25. >"I can handle the work myself if it comes down to it, but I'm just a little worried about her, you know?"
  26. "Sh-she's a smart kid; I'm sure she's fine."
  27. >You're not lying—you *are* sure that she's fine.
  28. >Because Cozy Glow is under your desk right now, diligently working your shaft.
  29. >She's out of view from Twilight's eyes, and she's an expert at masking her sounds of slurping and sucking on your schlong.
  30. >If only you could say the same for your own sounds of sinful satisfaction.
  31. "Ngh!"
  32. >"Are you sure you're okay, Anon? Your face is all red," Twilight adopts a worried tone.
  33. "I-I uh—yes. Just a bit of the old common cold going around, I-I think. It'll pass."
  34. >"Hm. The cold, huh…"
  35. >She purses her lips in thought, still seemingly oblivious to the penis polishing that you are receiving down below.
  36. >Cozy purses her lips around your penis, bobbing her head up and down, up and down…
  37. >She lathers your length with her sweet, slimy saliva as she tends to you.
  38. >You squirm as subtly as you can under her care, a reaction that she appreciates quite thoroughly.
  39. >The thrill of a sexual encounter just out of sight, the taboo of it being between a teacher and his student, and the equal measures of love and lust that the two of you direct towards one another.
  40. >Every single aspect of this amorous affair sends waves of perverse pleasure rippling through her body with every bob of the head she makes; such pleasure ripples through you too, naturally.
  41. >The little minx knows all of your weak spots and how best to exploit them.
  42. >And exploit them she does; she pulls back so that her lips form a seal around the base of your head.
  43. >She then works in her dainty little tongue, licking and suckling around your glans, keeping her noises to an absolute minimum.
  45. >It's a miracle that she's able to minimise her salacious sounds to such a degree of secrecy, but it's also a testament to how well she's able to constrain her own emotions, allowing her to best fit the mould of a "pure, innocent little filly."
  46. >That "mould" gets thrown out of the window whenever the two of you are alone, of course.
  47. >But right now, that proverbial window is very much shut, as Twilight is still in the room with you.
  48. >She unpurses her lips to speak to you.
  49. >"Yeah…I've had a few students write in sick today; there must be something going around."
  50. "R-really? Uh, I mean—yes, of course. Must have caught it from another student, haha."
  51. >"Are you sure you're good to stay in today, Anon? I'm more than okay with letting you have some time off to recover from your sickness. We're still not entirely sure how Equestria's microbiology affects your immune system, so it might be better to be safe than sorry."
  52. "Th-that'll be fine, Twi—uh—Twilight. I can barely feel it!"
  53. >"Really? Because you're sweating quite heavily now."
  54. >You raise a hand to wipe the sweat from your brow.
  55. "Th-that…that—uh, that's because my fever has this…um…tendency to flare up every now and again. D-don't worry. It'll…it'll calm down soon enough."
  56. >"If you say so…alright."
  57. >She chuckles and glances out of the nearby window.
  58. >"Sounds like we're in for another round of the seasonal 'Filly Fever,' huh?"
  59. >You nervously chuckle back; if only she knew…
  60. >Obviously, it's best that she doesn't.
  61. >Cozy continues to carefully tend to your meat; she has taken it out of her mouth and is now peppering it with loving kisses from top to bottom.
  62. >Your head? That gets a few soft pecks.
  63. >Every vein running down your length gets slow, tender licks.
  64. >And your ballsack gets a warm blast of affectionate filly breath as she gratuitously sniffs and snorts around and about the area.
  65. >She's meticulous in her ministrations, yet never forgets to show you the genuine affection she feels for you, making sure to slow down and savour your every reaction to her oral offerings.
  66. >Looking up at you from below, she gives you a playful wink.
  67. >You reach down a shaky hand and slowly pat through her curly blue mane; she gives you a few tender kisses over your balls in response.
  68. >"Still, I'm worried about Cozy Glow," Twilight says as she turns her head back to you.
  69. "W-worried? Wha—why? She'll be…hah…she'll be fine."
  70. >You feel Cozy work her way back up your shaft, tenderly pecking it as she goes.
  71. >You're getting close.
  72. >"She hasn't written in sick today, and she hasn't showed up to my office. What if she's gotten herself into some trouble?"
  73. "I d-doubt that; she's a…she's a good filly."
  74. >Cozy gives your head one long, affectionate lick.
  75. "Nngh…"
  76. >She then takes your entire length in her mouth, smushing her soft lips against your hilt.
  78. >"Good?" Twilight asks you.
  79. "Y-yes, sh-she…ah…"
  80. >Cozy begins to bob her head up and down your shaft once again.
  81. >You take a deep breath before answering.
  82. "She's smart, resourceful, attentive, caring. A sweet little filly like her knows how to stay out of trouble. Whatever she's—ah—working on, I'm sure she'll be back sooner rather than later."
  83. >"Mm…"
  84. >Twilight takes in your words and looks down at the floor in thought.
  85. >And Cozy picks up speed on her fellatio, sensing your impending climax.
  86. >Thankfully, with Twilight's attention directed groundwards, she can't see your rapid breathing, your twitching eyebrow, or the biting of your lip.
  87. >You continue to affectionately pet through Cozy's mane as you draw closer to your imminent eruption.
  88. "Hng!"
  89. >As it comes, you place your other hand on her head and buck your hips upwards into her mouth, eliciting a small squeak from Cozy.
  90. >Hastily, you look up at Twilight in fear of her noticing the sudden noise.
  91. >Luckily, it appears that the floorboards remain a far more interesting phenomenon for her to ponder.
  92. >As you bury Cozy's cute little face up to your hilt, you feel her snout tickle your pelvis as you blast rope after rope of filly-fooling batter right down her tight throat.
  93. >Being the composed and covert filly that she is, she emits only the faintest of gulping sounds as she diligently drinks down every last drop from you.
  94. >She relishes your roughness, making sure to work in additional tongue-lapping around your shaft to coax out any shy loads from your balls.
  95. >Eventually, you feel your climax subsiding, and you relax your grip around Cozy's head, giving her more freedom to manoeuvre.
  96. >Cozy pops herself off of your member; her mane is a little mussed up due to your haphazard hold, but she gives you a sly smile all the same.
  97. >She licks her lips and begins cleaning your dick with a dutiful determination.
  98. >Twilight slowly nods to herself and looks up at you.
  99. >"Yeah…I think you're right, Anon. I'm just worrying over nothing. I'm sure Cozy will turn up soon."
  100. >Your eyes slightly widen when you remember that Twilight has been here all this time.
  101. >But you quickly compose yourself.
  102. "O-oh—uh—y-yeah, definitely."
  103. >"Thanks for talking this out with me, Anon. I'll catch up with you soon!"
  104. >She waves at you and turns around to leave.
  105. >You consider waving back at her, but then you realise that both of your hands have blue strands of Cozy's mane conspicuously attached to them, so you opt to simply nod and hum in acknowledgement instead.
  106. "M-mhm."
  107. >Twilight exits your office and closes the door behind her.
  109. >You slouch back into your chair and exhale in deep relief—both sexual and social.
  110. "Hah… God damn it."
  111. >"Well then~"
  112. >Cozy climbs up your body and hops backwards to sit on your desk.
  113. >Your eyes linger on her firm, inviting flanks for a good few moments.
  114. >Until she boops you on the nose with her hoof.
  115. "O-ow!" You reflexively cover your nose with both hands.
  116. >"That's for messing up my curls." She frowns at you while ruffling a hoof through her messy mane.
  117. >You pull your hands back and sigh.
  118. >It doesn't surprise that she's more annoyed over you tussling up her mane than you forcing yourself down her throat.
  119. >She's a filly that values her cutesy outward appearance above all else, after all.
  120. >Not that you mind her current look, personally; she gets you going no matter how messy her mane looks, and she knows it, too.
  121. "Sorry about that—"
  122. >She suddenly leans in and tenderly presses her snout against your nose, affectionately nuzzling against it for a few moments before pulling back.
  123. >"*Without* letting me know beforehand." She smiles.
  124. "Yeah, well…it's a little difficult to give you a heads up when Twilight's giving me a heads down."
  125. >She giggles.
  126. >"But wasn't it *exciting,* though? Miss Headmare didn't suspect a thing!"
  127. "Exciting, maybe, but we both could've gotten into some serious trouble back there, Cozy."
  128. >She shakes her head.
  129. >"Oh, you love it. I know you do, because…hm…what was it again…?"
  130. >She thoughtfully rests a hoof on her cheek.
  131. >"Smart…resourceful…attentive…caring…oh, and sweet…"
  132. >She bobs her head from side to side, savouring every word she utters.
  133. >"Hm~!"
  134. >She gives you a soft smile.
  135. >"Golly, Teach! You know exactly what to say to get a *filly's* heart pounding, don't you?"
  136. "Y-yeah, sure, but don't you think you should go and let Twilight know that you're okay?"
  137. >"With my mane looking like this?" She puffs her mane up for emphasis. "I don't think so."
  138. >She smirks at you.
  139. >"And also…"
  140. >She shuffles forwards off of the desk and sits her cute, pert rump on your lap.
  141. >"I think this smart, resourceful little filly would rather *reward* her favourite teacher! What do you think, Teach?"
  142. >She wiggles her rump against your still-erect member.
  143. "S-sounds great…"
  144. >She half-lids her eyes.
  145. >"Wonderful…"
  146. >You can tell you're gonna be in for another hard, long day today.

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