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Double Glimmy

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-03-31 01:29:39
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Glimmy and Glimmy (from the past) team up to drain Anon's balls.
  3. >You're currently within the Castle of Purple.
  4. >It's an aptly descriptive name.
  5. >And not just because of how its many floors are purple.
  6. >Or its many walls.
  7. >Or its many ceilings.
  8. >But it is because the castle's inhabitants themselves are *also* purple.
  9. >Truly, there can be no more fitting name for such a purple castle.
  10. >At least, that's how *you* see things.
  11. >Everyone else insists on calling it the "Castle of Friendship" or "Twilight's Castle" or some derivative thereof.
  12. >But you prefer your name.
  13. >Because this castle is *very* purple.
  14. >Also, you are *very* thirsty.
  15. >Hence, why you're in the kitchen, currently seated at the dining table.
  16. >You lovingly gaze upon your prizes that are on the flat surface:
  17. >Two steaming mugs of coffee—both brewed with love.
  18. >And they're both going to go down your gullet.
  19. >Because you're a big boy.
  20. >Some might even call you a big guy.
  21. >But only for yourself.
  22. >And a certain lilac unicorn.
  23. >The time is neigh—you slowly reach out your hand towards one of the mug handles.
  24. >Further and further…
  25. >And further.
  26. >…And further.
  27. >You're leaning over the table at this point, fruitlessly reaching out towards the coffee mug.
  28. >But you can't reach it—because the mug had suddenly started sliding away from you as soon as you moved your arm.
  29. >And now it's hovering in the air, held within a turquoise glow.
  30. >"I'll be taking that~"
  31. "Hey!"
  32. >You defeatedly slump back in your chair and grumble to yourself.
  33. >The mug floats out of your vision; you don't bother following its movement.
  34. >You already know who the culprit is—that singsong tone and magical aura can belong to no other.
  35. >But you're the most smarterest human in Equestria for a reason—you prepared for this eventuality.
  36. >That's why you filled up *two* mugs, hah!
  37. >Gathering your second wind, you reach out towards the other mug—
  38. >"And I'll be taking that~"
  39. >And it also floats away.
  40. >Same glow; same voice; same building frustration.
  41. "Oi! What's the big idea, Star…"
  42. >You pivot your head to face the perpetrator of the heinous crime of dual coffee-napping.
  43. >There she is: the lilac mare of the hour—Starlight Glimmer.
  44. >And standing right next to her is the lilac mare of the hour—Starlight Glimmer.
  45. "…lights?"
  46. >Wait, what?
  47. >There are indeed two Starlight Glimmers standing by the kitchen door, side by side, and they're both levitating a coffee mug close by.
  48. >You quirk an eyebrow; you've known Starlight for a long while now, long enough that the two of you have become well acquainted.
  49. >In fact, you're *very* well acquainted with each other—because she's your loving wife.
  50. >But you've never known her to undergo mitosis.
  52. >Be that as it may, there are a few possible explanations for this—and you go with your gut feeling.
  53. "Starlight, don't panic, but I think there's a…"
  54. >You raise your hands and make two holey "O" shapes by pinching your fingers together—you're pretty sure that's sign language for changeling incursion.
  55. >One of the Starlights quickly picks up on your inference—you hope that one's your wife.
  56. >"She's not a changeling, Anon." She giggles.
  57. "Am I seeing double, then?"
  58. >"Um, kind of…? Take a closer look at us."
  59. >The two mares walk up to you; as they do so, you quickly notice one key difference between the two unicorns.
  60. >The one who has been speaking to you has her mane styled in that long loop that you know and love.
  61. >And other one who has been silent has her mane styled in blunt bangs—you kinda like those, as well.
  62. >Given that you're mostly familiar with the former manestyle, you figure that you've identified which Starlight is the *real* one.
  63. >In contrast to your Starlight's all-too excited grin—Bangs Starlight wears a calm, practised smile on her face; her eyes are the exact same shade of persian blue, but her gaze is piercing.
  64. >It's a little off-putting, to be honest; it feels like she's subtly sizing you up.
  65. >You clear your throat to clear the air.
  66. "Alright, so who is she?"
  67. >"Oh, right!"
  68. >Starlight does a big gulp, downing her mug of coffee near instantaneously.
  69. >After setting her empty mug down on the table, she begins to explain.
  70. >"Well, she's me!"
  71. >She excitedly gestures towards her counterpart.
  72. >"From the past!"
  73. "The…oh, you mean from when you used to be—"
  74. >Starlight rapidly shakes her head.
  75. "Used to be…having that manecut, yeah. Cool."
  76. >The other Starlight sniffs through her coffee and takes a small sip.
  77. >"Hm~" she hums.
  78. >An awkward silence hangs in the air, with your Starlight nervously smiling, the other Starlight sipping her coffee, and your eyes switching between the two.
  79. >Eventually, your Starlight clears her throat and speaks up.
  80. >"Oh, feel free to, uh, introduce yourself, me!"
  81. >The other Starlight—you're going to call her Pastlight at this point—nods and steps forward.
  82. >"My name is Starlight Glimmer, but I suppose you already knew that, Anonymous."
  83. "Feel free to call me Anon, Starlight."
  84. >God, you're getting some serious deja vu from saying that.
  85. >Her smile widens ever so slightly.
  86. >"How informal! I'll be sure to keep that in mind…"
  87. >She leans forward.
  88. >"Anon~"
  89. >Her husky voice sends a shiver up your spine.
  90. >She quickly stands up straight again.
  91. >"I'm the leader of a wonderful little town that celebrates Equality, but I suppose you already knew that, as well."
  92. >You were never there, but you've heard about your wife's "troubled" past.
  93. >So you nod.
  94. "Yeah."
  95. >"Mm-hmm. I look forward to seeing you in action."
  96. "Um, same, I guess?"
  97. >She titters.
  99. >Meanwhile, you're more than a little confused.
  100. >What does she mean by "action?"
  101. >There's a piece of the puzzle you're missing here.
  102. >So you look to Starlight for answers.
  103. "So, um, it's gotta be asked…"
  104. >You clasp your hands together.
  105. "Why?"
  106. >Starlight smiles.
  107. >"I wanted to surprise you!"
  108. "Well, consider me *very* surprised."
  109. >And *very* decaffeinated, but you don't mention that.
  110. "Can't imagine you set this up just to give me a quick jumpscare, though."
  111. >"Hehe. That's right! The surprises don't stop here! They also extend into the, um, bedroom, as well."
  112. "The bed—?"
  113. >The realisation hits you like two tons of soft, pillowy bricks.
  114. "Oooh."
  115. >Starlight chuckles as you realise what she's putting down—and what she's going to be going down on later.
  116. >"And I know you're going to ask about the "how" next, so…"
  117. >You nod, waiting for her to continue.
  118. >Pastlight also turns her head to look at Starlight, having grown interested in the conversation at hand.
  119. >"I cast a spell—a time travel spell. It wasn't too difficult to put together, really, since I've…you know, done it before."
  120. "Right…"
  121. >"So I went back to my past—" Her eyes flit to Pastlight. "—also known as *your* present."
  122. >"Mm-hmm."
  123. >"And using the Friendship Map, you can go anywhere and anywhen in Equestria! So I went to her village—"
  124. >"Our lovely little community."
  125. >"Y-yeah! And we met!"
  126. "Just like that?"
  127. >"Well, um, we did have a bit of a disagreement at first. But I'll spare you the details."
  128. >"What is there to detail? I trapped you within a magical prison—and you begged me to let you out."
  129. >Starlight frowns at the smirking Pastlight.
  130. >"Yes. *Thank you* for your account."
  131. >Starlight sighs, turning back to you.
  132. >"But anyway, after that initial hiccup, we got to talking—talking about you, specifically."
  133. "Yeah?"
  134. >"And I put forward the idea of her meeting you. And, well…"
  135. >"I accepted. That's how she persuaded me to come over here."
  136. >Pastlight's smug smirk falls into a thoughtful smile.
  137. >"To see my 'future husband.'"
  138. >You nervously chuckle, scratching the back of your head.
  139. "Hope I'm matching up to your expectations."
  140. >Pastlight hums in thought, looking you over.
  141. >"Well, I must say—you really are one of a kind~"
  142. "Aha, thanks…"
  143. >Her voice sends another shiver up your spine.
  144. >She's really good at that.
  145. >Just like the other…other Starlight?
  146. >Huh.
  147. "Alright, so I'm really glad you went this far for me, Starlight, I really am, but I have to address the elephant in the room."
  148. >You take a deep breath.
  149. "Won't this—you know—mess up the timeline?"
  150. >Your voice cracks a little bit as you continue.
  151. "Won't it mess up you?"
  153. >Giving you a reassuring smile, Starlight shakes her head.
  154. >"Don't worry, Anon. The spell I'm using is a little different from the previous one. It's focused around temporarily bringing something—or somepony—back from the past."
  155. "Temporarily?"
  156. >"That's right, think of the other Starlight here as a magical snapshot—frozen in time. Once this spell expires, she'll be sent back to the past, but anything that she experiences here won't be carried over. It'll all be reverted—like a fresh, clean slate."
  157. "Oh, you mean memories and so on?"
  158. >"Yes, exactly. To her—it'll be like this never happened."
  159. >You blink a few times, taking in her explanation.
  160. "Wow. That's amazing, Starlight."
  161. >Amazing—and somewhat horrifying.
  162. >Having the ability to just pluck whatever or whoever you like from the past for your own ends sounds like a terrifyingly great power.
  163. >And with great power comes great responsibility, right?
  164. >…Starlight is using this great power to double the fun in the bedroom.
  165. >In a way, you're not surprised; Starlight has always been an avid entrepreneur when it comes to experimenting with magic—and you trust her enough to not go overboard.
  166. >But still…is Pastlight really okay with that? With being "used" for one night of fun?
  167. >She may not remember it when she's sent back, but she's aware of the implications in the here and now.
  168. >When you look back at her, you see her wearing that same practised smile, calmly gazing at Starlight; it's impossible to tell what her thoughts are on the matter.
  169. >And you're not sure if you should ask.
  170. >After Starlight shyly chuckles in response to your praise, dead air once again fills the room.
  171. >In this moment of drawn-out silence, you find yourself reflexively reaching out to the coffee mug on the table.
  172. >Raising it up to your lips, you take a sip and—
  173. >Oh, right.
  174. >It's empty.
  175. >Setting it back on the table, you sigh.
  176. >"Oh, um…" Starlight nervously grins as she looks back at her empty mug on the table.
  177. >"Here, you can have mine."
  178. >Pastlight floats her coffee mug up to you, and you take it; unlike the other mug, this one still contains coffee.
  179. "Oh, thanks."
  180. >You eagerly raise it up to your lips, but then you lower it slightly, raising an eyebrow at Pastlight.
  181. "But it was technically *mine* to begin with, just so you know."
  182. >She smirks.
  183. >"Oh, come now; I only took my equal share."
  184. "Uh huh…"
  185. >Well, she's not wrong; she left you with exactly half of the coffee in the mug.
  186. >Sipping up your share of caffeine, you wonder if this is technically your first kiss with Pastlight—an indirect one, anyway.
  187. >"Um, so!" Starlight begins. "Once you're finished with that—do you want to…you know, get to it?"
  188. >Pastlight giggles into her hoof, and a smile forms on your face.
  189. >It doesn't take a genius to know what "it" is.
  190. "Absolutely."
  191. >Not much longer after that, you finish your coffee, put your empty mugs away, and leave the kitchen.
  192. >Next stop—the bedroom.
  194. ***
  196. >A few traversed hallways later, and you open the door to the bedroom that you and Starlight share.
  197. >Luckily, you didn't come across any of the other purple inhabitants on the way; you didn't come prepared with an explanation as to why two Starlight Glimmers are accompanying you.
  198. >Starlight trots into the room first, with Pastlight leisurely walking in after her; you enter the room last, closing the door behind you.
  199. >A familiar, homely smell flows into your nostrils; yeah, this is definitely the right room.
  200. >Much like all of the other rooms within the Castle of Purple—this one has an overwhelming sense of purple to it.
  201. >Thankfully, the furniture arranged within the room *isn't* purple, giving your eyeballs a much needed reprieve.
  202. >There's the "princess-size" bed over by the left wall—which is basically a king-size; it has white pillows, white bedsheets, and a green wooden frame.
  203. >Plenty of stocked bookshelves and wooden drawers, all in lovely shades of blue and brown;
  204. >Several vibrant, green potted plants lovingly arranged throughout the room;
  205. >Many differently coloured kites hanging from the ceiling;
  206. >And a few windows, with the over by the far side providing a beautiful view that overlooks Ponyville—a diverse splash of colour in its own right.
  207. >"Oh, this is a nice room," Pastlight hums.
  208. >"Hehe, it's our room."
  209. >"'Our room,' I like that~"
  210. >"Ahah…"
  211. >Starlight quickly hops up on the bed and pats the space next to her, looking at you expectantly.
  212. >You kick off your shoes and sit on the edge of the bed; Starlight leans against you, humming happily.
  213. >Pastlight doesn't join you; instead, she wanders around the room, examining its furnishings.
  214. >She stops in front of a wall where there's a curious square patch that has been left untouched by dust.
  215. >"There used to be something hanging here, I assume."
  216. >"O-oh, yeah. It was getting a bit old so I thought I'd swap it out for something else later. Redecorating—you know how it is, right? Ahahah…hah…"
  217. >"Redecorating. I see."
  218. >You're pretty sure there used to be something hanging there just yesterday—it was a painting of some kind.
  219. >What was it again…?
  220. >Oh right, it was the one with the crossed-out equals sign.
  221. >Speaking of equals signs, that brings you to something else you've noticed about Pastlight.
  222. >It's something that you had noticed during the walk-up to your room—something that you can now witness in full as she walks around the room:
  223. >Her cutie mark is different; whereas Starlight bears a star with two green trails upon her flanks—Pastlight's flanks bear an equals sign.
  224. >You know it has something to do with Starlight's past in her village, so it doesn't surprise you.
  225. >What *does* surprise you is Pastlight looking over her withers at you with a wry smile.
  226. >"Is something wrong, Anon? You've been staring at my rear end for a while now."
  227. >Oh, she's good.
  229. "A-ah, you've got, um, nice flanks."
  230. >You hear Starlight nervously hiss in a breath through her teeth.
  231. >Pastlight giggles.
  232. >"Why, thank you! But they're the same as hers, are they not?"
  233. >She walks up to you with a knowing smirk.
  234. >"I suspect there's another reason you're interested in my rear end."
  235. >Her smirk falters a little bit as she corrects herself.
  236. >"Ahem, other than the obvious, I mean."
  237. "Y-yeah?"
  238. >"It's something I've been meaning to bring up, since my counterpart has been quite evasive about the matter."
  239. >She turns to the side and shows off her Equality mark to you both.
  240. >"As I'm sure the two of you are well aware. The symbol on my flanks stands for the ideology that we all strive for: the complete and total abolishment of the cruel destiny that binds us—cutie marks and their 'magic,'" she spits out that last word.
  241. >Pastlight turns that piercing gaze of hers on Starlight, narrowing her eyes.
  242. >"Everypony in our village proudly bears this mark as a show of solidarity—myself included—so I'm a little curious: why aren't *you* bearing the symbol of Equality upon your flanks?"
  243. >"Um…"
  244. "Uh…"
  245. >"I'm sure at least one of you can answer my question."
  246. >Starlight swallows a lump in her throat before speaking up.
  247. >"Anon knows about our cutie mark. He knows that the Equality mark on our flanks is fake."
  248. >"Yes, I gathered that. Fake though it may be—we still bear it to show that we're a part of our harmonious community."
  249. >"That—!"
  250. >Starlight quickly stops herself and takes a deep breath.
  251. >"You're right; we do. And I still *do* wear the Equality sign in public. But right now, it's just us and our husband."
  252. >"I don't see how that changes things."
  253. >"I don't have to hide my cutie mark from Anon. I display my mark—my real mark—to him because I know that no matter what, he'll always be there for me. It's a sign of the deep trust that we have in each other."
  254. >"Trust…"
  255. >Pastlight chews on the word for a bit, before looking up at Starlight.
  256. >"I see."
  257. >A small smile forms on her face.
  258. >"He must mean quite a lot to you."
  259. >"Of course!" Starlight happily nods. "He's my husband, after all!"
  260. >"Hm-hm~ I imagine he must be a lot of help when it comes to running Our Town."
  261. >"O-oh yeah! Absolutely! Most, uh, helpful right hoof there ever was!"
  262. >"Glad to hear it."
  263. >Pastlight circles around the bed, intent on examining more of the bedroom; she poses a question as she moves.
  264. >"How is Our Town, by the way? I imagine it must be quite the bustling community by now…?"
  265. >"Good…great, even!"
  266. >"Wonderful."
  267. >Pastlight makes her way over to the far window and looks through it, gazing out at Ponyville.
  269. >As you stare at her by the window, a few hoofstrokes along your chest directs you to Starlight by your side; she has a nervous smile on her face.
  270. >She leans forward and wiggles her snout in the air; you know that as code for "nuzzle time."
  271. >You lean forward to meet her nose-to-snout, lovingly rubbing your faces together in a tender Eskimo kiss.
  272. >And the two of you share an intimate conversation during your intimate moment.
  273. "She doesn't know?!" you whisper.
  274. >"She *can't* know!" she whispers back. "If she learns about what happens in the future, things could get…messy."
  275. "Are you sure that this was a good idea? It sounds like this situation can fly off the handle real quick."
  276. >"We…we just need to be careful. I know we can make this work. Give her a chance, Anon. She's still me, and she's very eager to please."
  277. "…Well, if you're sure."
  278. >"Mm. Trust me, Anon, and follow my lead."
  279. "Alright, I trust you."
  280. >"Then let's get started~"
  281. >You suddenly feel hooves upon you as Starlight playfully pushes you onto the bed.
  282. "Whoa!" you yelp.
  283. >"Here I come, Anon~"
  284. >Starlight pounces on you, giggling all the while, as she aggressively nuzzles your face once more.
  285. >Her hooves rest upon your shirt, and she quickly pulls back.
  286. >"Oh! Let's get this off."
  287. >Sticking her tongue out of her mouth and lighting up her horn, she attempts to pull your shirt up.
  288. >You lift your arms to help her; there's no sense in making it difficult for her, or worse—causing her to tear through one of your good clothes.
  289. >Through your combined efforts, she pulls the shirt off of you and tosses it over in Pastlight's direction; it lands close by her legs.
  290. >Starlight slides her forehooves all around your bare chest.
  291. >"Oh, I've been waiting all day for this~"
  292. "But it's only noon—ah!"
  293. >Her lilac fur brushing across your skin makes you squirm.
  294. "S-stop, that tickles!"
  295. >She slides her hooves around even more.
  296. "Y-you! That's it!"
  297. >Finding an opening, you sink your hands into her exposed belly and begin wiggling your fingers around.
  298. >"A-ah! Anooon! Stop iiit~!"
  299. >But you don't stop; she doesn't stop, either.
  300. >The two of you play-wrestle around the bed, soon finding yourselves both lying on the pillows in the middle of the bed.
  301. >Starlight lies on your left side, and the two of you are panting heavily.
  302. "You…hah…you give up yet?"
  303. >"No, I…hah…never!"
  304. >'Tis war, then.
  305. >The two of you ready your armaments—your bare limbs—as you prepare for battle once more.
  306. >"Ahem."
  307. >You and Starlight quickly turn your head towards the right side of the bed.
  308. >Pastlight sits on her haunches just beyond the edge of the bed, ear twitching; she gazes at the two of you cuddling and raises a bemused eyebrow.
  309. >"Is this what passes for 'fun in the bedroom?'"
  310. >Starlight giggles.
  311. >"No, silly. This is just the warm-up. Come on up."
  312. >Pastlight hesitantly clambers up onto the bed.
  313. >And she lays down on her side—all the way over at the edge of the bed.
  315. >Starlight shakes her head.
  316. >"Come on, cloooser. We don't bite—only tickle." Starlight pats the spot to your right.
  317. >"Ngh…" Pastlight winces.
  318. >"Okay, no tickling."
  319. >Pastlight slowly crawls over to you, one limb at a time…
  320. >And once she gets within range, you quickly wrap an arm around her and pull her close.
  321. >"Ah!"
  322. "Don't worry, no tickling."
  323. >"Then why'd you…ugh…"
  324. >She sighs, reluctantly laying down on her side next to you, and you rest your hand on her barrel.
  325. >Gently, you begin to run your hand along her fur, stroking it.
  326. >Her fur bristles slightly.
  327. >"Hey! I thought you said—"
  328. "This isn't tickling, this is petting."
  329. >She squints at you.
  330. >"I…fine."
  331. >Pastlight watches you carefully as your hand glides along her fur.
  332. >It takes a minute or so of straight petting, but gradually, her strict gaze starts to falter, and her breathing becomes more relaxed.
  333. >And eventually, you manage to coax a satisfied murmur out of her.
  334. "See? Not so bad, is it?"
  335. >"Hm…"
  336. >Pastlight closes her eyes and nuzzles into your chest.
  337. >"It's…"
  338. >She trails off, leaving her sentence unfinished as she seems content enough to just lie against you.
  339. >Starlight watches Pastlight with a soft smile.
  340. >"Wow…somepony's got the magic touch."
  341. "I like to think I was transported into this world for a reason."
  342. >You run your hand through Starlight's fur.
  343. "And that reason is to pet *all* of the Glimmies."
  344. >"Mm, that's a good reason."
  345. >The three of you lay there for a few good moments, with you having a contented Starlight resting on each side.
  346. >Starlight lazily circles her forehoof over your stomach.
  347. >"So…how does it feel, Nonny? Two mares, all for you~"
  348. "Heh, I like it."
  349. >Starlight giggles.
  350. >"I can tell."
  351. >Her forehoof trails down your body, lower and lower…
  352. >It goes over the hem of your pants…
  353. >And rests upon your crotch—right upon your bulge.
  354. >"I know a certain part of you really likes it~"
  355. >Starlight shifts her body and crawls over to your groin, resting her forehooves on your left leg.
  356. >"Let me help you with that~" She smirks.
  357. >Her horn lights up as she, slowly, begins to take off your pants.
  358. >You know she loves to savour this moment, so you've got some time to kill.
  359. >In the meantime, your attention drifts to Pastlight, snuggled against your right side, eyes still closed.
  360. >Considering that you and Starlight shared an intimate nose-to-nose moment not too long ago, you'd feel amiss if you left your other lover out.
  361. "Hey, Starlight," you whisper to Pastlight, rubbing through her mane.
  362. >"Hm?" She raises her head to meet your gaze.
  363. >You press your lips against hers.
  364. >"Mm!" Her eyes widen.
  365. >Your mouths press together in a chaste meeting.
  366. >After a few moments, you feel her tongue cautiously prodding at your lips; you let it in.
  367. >Her tongue bursts into your mouth, curiously lapping at whatever it can.
  368. >Your canines; your palate; your inner cheeks.
  370. >All the while, Starlight continues to pull down your undergarments with her magic; she takes off your pants, then begins to work on your boxers.
  371. >Pastlight's tongue soon finds your own tongue and prods at it, inviting it to dance.
  372. >Your tongue rises to the call, and it entwines with hers as you two of you wrestle each other down and swap saliva.
  373. >It's a clumsy dance, with her tongue awkwardly lapping at yours with an excessive amount of force, but you don't mind.
  374. >Her eyes slowly flutter shut as she loses herself in this meeting of the mouths.
  375. >While her inexperience may be clear, so is her delight, as she soon lets out a moan into your mouth.
  376. >"Somepony's having fun~" Starlight teases.
  377. >Pastlight's eyes shoot open, and she slowly pulls away from you.
  378. >She takes a few moments to catch her breath.
  379. >"Yes…I suppose."
  380. >"Aw, there's no need to be shy. Come on, take a look at this."
  381. >It seems that while you were lost in your deep kiss—Starlight has managed to pull off your boxers, exposing your genitals for both Starlights to witness.
  382. >Your rigid member stands proud—with two lovely mares right next to you, it's no surprise why.
  383. >Pastlight crawls over to your crotch; she positions herself alongside your right leg, mirroring Starlight.
  384. >Together, the two gaze down at your dick.
  385. >"A-ah, this…" Pastlight's breath hitches.
  386. >"Wanna have a sniff?" Starlight grins.
  387. >Pastlight's eyes flick up to Starlight; she blinks a few times, then looks back at your penis, nostrils flaring.
  388. >"I'll take that as a yes~" Starlight giggles.
  389. >Starlight lowers her snout, with Pastlight quickly following, as they both get a good whiff of your dick.
  390. >Pastlight's tail instantly flags, while Starlight's tail happily swishes about.
  391. >"Mm…it's good, isn't it?" Starlight smiles.
  392. >"It's…strong." Pastlight sucks in her lips.
  393. >Starlight nods and presses her nose against your rod.
  394. >"This…this is ours. This is what we come home to."
  395. >"Oh…"
  396. >Starlight pulls back with a nasally snort.
  397. >You catch her tail straightening, flagging up just like Pastlight's.
  398. >"And this…"
  399. >Starlight plants her snout against your balls, inhaling deeply.
  400. >"This is where our babies come from."
  401. >Pastlight bites her bottom lip.
  402. >Starlight nuzzles your nuts as she continues to huff them gratuitously.
  403. >Pastlight, on the other hand, levels her snout near your tip, lightly sniffing at your head.
  404. >She loses herself in your smell, closing her eyes.
  405. >Each sniff brings her closer and closer to your penis, until she slowly opens her maw…
  406. >She's stopped by a hoof firmly resting itself against her chest; Pastlight opens her eyes to see Starlight shaking her head.
  407. >"Let me show you how to please him."
  408. >Pastlight pouts at having been pushed away from her prize, but nods all the same.
  409. >"Fine."
  411. >Starlight repositions herself between your legs and goes back down to your balls, laying a soft kiss upon each nut.
  412. >Then, she works her way up your length, peppering it with kisses.
  413. >Finally, she lays one last kiss right on your tip; you throb in response.
  414. >Starlight's lips curl upwards.
  415. >"He's ready."
  416. >She takes your head into her mouth, gazing up at you with half-lidded eyes.
  417. >Swirling her tongue around your tip, she examines each and every subtle reaction you make in response to her care—every grunt, every snort, every twitch.
  418. >And with every reaction you make, she adjusts her technique ever so slightly; rolling her tongue instead of rocking, suckling your tip instead of sucking…
  419. >Every little thing she does is carefully curated so as to draw out even more moans from you—the auditory ambrosia for her twitching ears.
  420. >Seemingly satisfied with your reactions, she lets out a light moan and closes her eyes, letting her instincts guide her.
  421. >Pastlight eyes her counterpart with interest, watching her bob around your penis.
  422. >"Quite the technique."
  423. >"Mm-huh," Starlight answers without opening her eyes.
  424. >With Starlight working your head, Pastlight's eyes drift downwards towards your unsucked length.
  425. >You can see Pastlight subtly swaying back and forth with uncertainty, as if she wants a piece but isn't too sure how to ask.
  426. >Her eyes flit up to yours.
  427. >"How about you, Anon? How are you feeling?"
  428. >It's heaven.
  429. "F-fucking fantastic," you grunt.
  430. >"Hm-hm~" Pastlight smiles.
  431. >She turns her head back to your untouched length, pursing her lips.
  432. >After a few seconds of pondering, you catch a glimmer of emotion flashing across her eyes, and her lips curl upwards into a wide, ominous smirk.
  433. >"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, Anon."
  434. >A low, throaty chuckle escapes her lips.
  435. >"But I think she could do with putting a little more effort in, don't you think?"
  436. >"Mgh? Mghrgh—MRGH?!" Starlight's eyes shoot open.
  437. >You figure that Starlight would know to take her mouth off of your dick before speaking.
  438. >And that's because she does know—and she tried.
  439. >But something is holding her in place.
  440. >It's a turquoise aura—courtesy of none other than Pastlight's horn.
  441. >"Mghrgh!"
  442. >"Don't talk with your mouth full, dear~"
  443. >Starlight glares at Pastlight.
  444. >Pastlight smirks back.
  445. >"You've left so much of our dear husband woefully untended! How utterly thoughtless!"
  446. >"Mrh—"
  447. >"Let me help you with that."
  448. >Using her magic, Pastlight slams Starlight's face right down to your hilt, forcing her to take your length in it's entirety.
  449. >"Ghrrgh!"
  450. >"*Much* better~"
  451. >Starlight lets out a loud, guttural groan as she struggles to accommodate your full member.
  452. >Even as your dick slides into the tight depths of her warm, wet, throat—she still puts her best efforts towards working her tongue around your length, lapping at it from all angles.
  454. >Luckily, you and Starlight have been together long enough that you've had the chance to train her gag reflex, so you're not too worried about any "accidents."
  455. >Pastlight tenderly rubs a hoof around the back of Starlight's neck.
  456. >"You're right down to the base. Take in his scent, dear."
  457. >Despite her struggles, Starlight's nostrils flare out on command, and you feel warm air flowing across your skin as she snorts around your pelvis.
  458. >"Mmrgh…" she moans.
  459. >"Good girl~"
  460. >With a satisfied smile on her face, Pastlight gives Starlight a few gentle pats on the withers.
  461. >Starlight slowly begins to get used to the sensation of being held nose-to-groin.
  462. >And then Pastlight forces her back up.
  463. >"And now up~"
  464. >She slides up your length, almost leaving your dick entirely.
  465. >"Mmf! Mmf!"
  466. >Starlight desperately clings onto your tip with her lips.
  467. >"Ooh~!" Pastlight taunts. "Somepony doesn't want to let go of her human, does she?"
  468. >Starlight gives Pastlight another glare.
  469. >"Oh, don't worry," Pastlight reassures her, "I have no intention of separating you, after all…"
  470. >Pastlight's expression falls into a sneer.
  471. >"The fun is *just* beginning!"
  472. >She slams Starlight back down to the base.
  473. >"Down, down, down you go~"
  474. >After a few seconds, she brings her up again—and a few seconds after that: back down.
  475. >"Up, and down~ up, and down~ hehehe~"
  476. >Pastlight pistons Starlight's face up and down your dick, wilfully giggling all the while.
  477. >Starlight groans and moans through her stuffed mouth, still intent in providing you with some tongue-based care despite the "assistance" that she's receiving.
  478. >After a few moments, Pastlight lifts her head to gaze at you, her sadistic sneer morphing into a soft smile upon meeting your eyes.
  479. >She lays a tender kiss upon your pelvis.
  480. >"Let me know when you're about to finish, Anon~"
  481. >It's surreal seeing the technically less-experienced Pastlight "coaching" your Starlight on how to please you.
  482. >But with how tightly Starlight's throat works your dick, along with her desperate licks along your length—it's also really hot.
  483. >You're throbbing—you're close.
  484. "A-actually, I think I'm about to…"
  485. >Pastlight's eyes widen.
  486. >"Oh! Well then, let's not waste any time~"
  487. >After lifting a dazed Starlight up to your tip, Pastlight slams her face down to your hilt one final time.
  488. >"All the way down to the base, and now…"
  489. >Pastlight firmly presses a forehoof into the back of Starlight's head, pushing her as close as possible to your genitals.
  490. >"Grrk!"
  491. >Pastlight whispers in Starlight's ear.
  492. >"Receive of his bounty~"
  493. >And just like that—you nut.
  494. >Ropes upon ropes of semen surge down your wife's throat.
  495. >She gulps it down to the best of her ability, with the room's ambience being that of her "gluk gluk gluks."
  496. >But the more you cum, the more it overflows, with some of it leaking out of her nostrils.
  498. >Pastlight mercifully lifts her counterpart's head as you shoot your last loads into Starlight's open mouth, stuffing her cheeks with your white goo.
  499. >"Wow…" Pastlight smiles.
  500. >She finally dissipates her spell, letting go of Starlight.
  501. >"Taste good?"
  502. >"Mmrgh…"
  503. >"Don't talk with your mouth full, dear~"
  504. >Starlight gives Pastlight a brief side-eye; you're pretty sure she lacks the energy to do more than that right now.
  505. >She lazily chews on the "bounty" held within her cheeks as she bides her time for the opportunity to swallow it.
  506. >You see Pastlight licking her lips as she watches Starlight chew.
  507. >Suddenly, she slips a forehoof under Starlight's chin.
  508. >"And now…"
  509. >"M-mm?"
  510. >Pastlight tilts Starlight's head to meet her face-to-face.
  511. >"Give that…"
  512. >Her eyes widen in manic glee.
  513. >"To me~!"
  514. >Pastlight lunges forward, locking lips with her counterpart.
  515. >"Mmph!" Starlight's eyes bulge open.
  516. >Wasting no time, Pastlight forces her tongue into Starlight's mouth, lapping and licking all throughout the inside and taking what's hers.
  517. >Pastlight narrows her eyes in focus while Starlight's eyes nearly roll over to the back of her head.
  518. >The two mares moan into each others' mouth while Pastlight steals your load from Starlight.
  519. >It's hard to believe that she's the same mare who was hesitantly exploring your mouth just moments ago.
  520. >She's a quick learner.
  521. >"Pwah!"
  522. >Pastlight disengages from Starlight, and the two catch their breath.
  523. >She quickly gulps down her spoils.
  524. >"Mm~!" Pastlight licks her lips. "Delicious!"
  525. >"H-hey! That,"—Starlight coughs—"that was mine!"
  526. >"Sorry~ all gone~ see~?"
  527. >Pastlight opens her mouth and exhales onto Starlight's face, blasting her with a warm, musky dose of cumbreath.
  528. >Starlight recoils in response.
  529. >"Urgh!"
  530. >Pastlight giggles at her cum-found victory.
  531. >And then she burps.
  532. >"O-oh!"
  533. >Her face flushes near-instantly as she looks away.
  534. >"Um, excuse me."
  535. >A shadow of a smile crosses Starlight's face, though it's quickly replaced by jealous indignance when Pastlight turns her head back and looks at you.
  536. >"Ahem," Pastlight begins, "did you like the show, Anonymous? Our husband deserves only the best, after all~"
  537. "That…that was really hot."
  538. >You reach down and give both mares a few "good job" pats.
  539. >Starlight sighs, her tense expression faltering.
  540. >"Fine, you win this round, me."
  541. >She sits up on her haunches and turns her head to face Pastlight.
  542. >"But I think it's time for *you* to *give* something back after that."
  543. >Pastlight tilts her head.
  544. >"Hm? What do you…?"
  545. >Starlight leans forward and whispers something inaudible into Pastlight's ear.
  546. >Pastlight's ears immediately flatten, and she gives you an uncertain look.
  547. >Starlight whispers more inaudible tones into her counterpart's ear, and Pastlight chews her upper lip.
  548. >Starlight pulls away and makes her way back over to your left leg; she smiles at Pastlight.
  549. >"Trust me. Trust him."
  550. >"I…"
  551. >Pastlight gulps, then looks to you.
  552. >"Okay."
  554. >She positions herself between your legs, looking down at your flaccid penis.
  555. >"Oh, right—before I forget," Starlight says.
  556. >Starlight's horn lights up, and your genitals are wrapped up in a warm turquoise glow.
  557. >In mere moments, your penis springs to action, ready to go another round.
  558. >Ah, the spell that both cancels your refractory period and boosts "production"—a Glimmer classic.
  559. "Should've known you'd be using this one."
  560. >"It's like she said earlier—the fun is *just* beginning!"
  561. >She grins, then quickly coughs, perhaps remembering the context in which her counterpart uttered the line.
  562. >"Um, anyway, you can go ahead now." She tilts her head towards Pastlight.
  563. >Pastlight takes that as the go ahead to lift herself up, positioning her lower body above your dick.
  564. >In between her thighs, you can see her pink flower, intermediately winking at you with a shy need.
  565. >Pastlight sits down, lowering herself against your erection, and she slowly grinds against it, reluctant to take it in just yet.
  566. >"Nn…"
  567. >"Hey, Anon…"
  568. >Starlight strokes along your left side with her forehoof.
  569. >"Take it easy on her, okay?"
  570. "Oh, sure."
  571. >You answer her without questioning.
  572. >But you can't help but wonder: "take it easy?" Why?
  573. >You're sure that she had a good reason for saying that, but for the life of you—you can't think what it could be.
  574. >Pastlight slides herself up alongside your dick, aligning her folds with your tip.
  575. >After taking a deep breath, she gradually brings herself down, allowing you to penetrate her.
  576. >Her insides are warm and moist, constricting around your member with equal measures of curiosity and cautiousness.
  577. >You rest your right hand on her barrel as she descends further; she makes great efforts to steady her breathing, staying focused on the task at hand.
  578. >She's incredibly tight, so much so that you're encountering a fair amount of resistance as she takes more of you in, is she…?
  579. >She suddenly hisses in pain.
  580. "Starlight! Are you alright?"
  581. >It's there that you see it—the blood trickling down her thigh.
  582. >Of course; it all makes sense now.
  583. >"I'm…fine," Pastlight says through a shaky breath.
  584. >You just took her first time.
  585. >…For the second time.
  586. >You turn to Starlight with a look of worry.
  587. "This…this isn't gonna mess things up, is it? Like between the first time you and I—"
  588. >Starlight leans forward and gently rests her forehoof on your lips.
  589. >"It's fine. The spell will revert everything, remember?"
  590. "R-right," you answer as Starlight removes her hoof and leans back.
  591. >"And we'll always have *our* first time together."
  592. >Pastlight raises a curious eyebrow towards Starlight.
  593. >"Really? No other stallions?"
  594. >"No, as I'm sure you'd know."
  595. >"Ngh…" Pastlight winces.
  596. >Seeing her discomfort, Starlight gives her counterpart a few reassuring pats on the withers.
  597. >"And besides, it's nice to have your first stallion be your only, right?"
  599. >Pastlight stares at Starlight for a few seconds; then, she looks away from the both of you, flattening her ears.
  600. >"I…I never thought…"
  601. >Moving your right hand off of her barrel, you reach out and take a hold of Pastlight's left forehoof, gently squeezing it.
  602. "Hey now, there's nothing to be ashamed of."
  603. >Pastlight's eyes gingerly travel back to meet yours; they shimmer with uncertainty.
  604. >But the longer you gaze back into her eyes, holding her hoof—the more that uncertainty fades away.
  605. >Her ears slowly rise back up; her eyes blink away her tears; her lips curl upwards.
  606. >And she lets out a sigh; shaky though it may be, you can tell that it's one of deep relief.
  607. >"I'm beginning to see why you fell for him."
  608. >You can hear Starlight giggling off to the side, but right now—your attention is squarely focused on Pastlight.
  609. >While your right hand holds her hoof, you move your left hand down her barrel.
  610. >It rests upon her flank, upon her cutie mark.
  611. >Her…starry cutie mark with green trails that you have uncovered.
  612. "Oh, crap. Sorry."
  613. >You take your hand away—but she stops you, resting her right hoof upon your wrist.
  614. >"No, Anon. It's okay…"
  615. >She sniffles, smiling at you softly.
  616. >"I trust you."
  617. >You allow your fingers to sink into the fur of her flank while you match her smile.
  618. >She wiggles her hips, moving once more, as she continues where she left off and takes more of you in.
  619. >Soon, she has you hilted, her hole a snug fit for your member.
  620. >She lets out a satisfied moan, enjoying the extent of which you fill her up.
  621. >Despite how bashful her marehood was in initially accepting you, now that you're wedged deep within her—you don't think she'll ever let you go.
  622. >Her inner walls flex around you in a tight, loving embrace; she massages your member thoroughly and meticulously, coaxing you to stay with her—to become hers, just as she's become yours.
  623. >The pleasure comes in like a flood, and the two of you find yourselves closing your eyes as you drift through the sea of intimacy, anchored together by your hand over her hoof.
  624. >In the darkness of your devotion, you hear a conversation between the two Starlights.
  625. >"So…? How is he?"
  626. >"Mmph, he's the perfect fit…"
  627. >"It's like I said…"
  628. >You hear a breathy sigh.
  629. >"He's ours~"
  630. >"All ours~"
  631. >You're in danger.
  632. >But it's the kind of loving danger where two sabre-toothed tigers want to keep you in their cuddle pile.
  633. >Maybe you *are* the danger.
  634. >Pastlight continues to rock her hips against yours, coating your crotch with her excitement.
  635. >Your moans match hers, as does your love.
  636. >Suddenly, you feel a warm, fuzzy presence on your stomach.
  637. >Opening your eyes, you see that Pastlight has moved a lot closer to you.
  638. >Wait, no—Pastlight is still grinding on your cock.
  639. >That's Starlight—Starlight is sitting on your stomach.
  640. >"Hi Anon!"
  641. "H-hey," you grunt.
  642. >She leans forward and gives you a quick smooch on the lips.
  643. >"Don't mind me~!"
  645. >She stands up and walks up to you.
  646. >And then over you.
  647. >She stops when her hindlegs are right above your face; you can hear her grab on to something.
  648. >"Hm~"
  649. >She wiggles her hips side-to-side, and a few musky droplets land on your nose.
  650. "Um."
  651. >Unable to contain your curiosity any further, you look up.
  652. >Starlight is reared up right above you, balancing her forehooves on the headboard right behind your head.
  653. >Her moist marehood flashes you with need, dripping a few more drops of potent marejuice onto your face.
  654. >She looks down at you with a smirk.
  655. >"Oh, by the way, is this seat taken?"
  656. "I—"
  657. >"Too bad~!"
  658. >She drops down onto your face, planting her pussy right up against your mouth.
  659. >Her forehooves press against the sides of your forehead, keeping you in place, and her pink pearl gives your nose a few playful pokes.
  660. >"Aah~!" she moans.
  661. >She wastes no time working on her own pleasure, she wiggles her hips and grinds against your face, soaking it deeply in her musky, floral scent.
  662. >"Well…hah…somepony can certainly be assertive when she needs to be," you hear Pastlight remark in the midst of her own moan.
  663. >"Oh, he loves it, really!"
  664. >"Does he now…?"
  665. >Starlight hums in affirmation, and then gently taps your head with a forehoof.
  666. >"Heeey, Anooon~ how about a little game? See how many times you can finish me off before you finish in her?"
  667. >With your mouth plugged by her lips, you can't answer her—not that she's waiting on your answer anyway.
  668. >With her hips still humping your face, you get started on her "game."
  669. >You stick your tongue out, gently lapping at her outer folds; it vents you with an intoxicating heat that sends your mind racing.
  670. >Starlight splashes you with her need.
  671. >"O-one!"
  672. >Recovering just as quickly as she came, she goes right back to grinding against your face.
  673. >If her musk was potent before—now it's overpowering.
  674. >Pheromones of marely need travel up your nostrils and electrify your brain, *commanding* you to please your mare.
  675. >And so you do, probing apart her labia and working around her inner flower with your tongue.
  676. >You are rewarded with another gush.
  677. >"Ha-ah! Two!"
  678. >Only two orgasms in, and your brain is close to frying in her heated presence.
  679. >The sensations are overwhelming; if you weren't lying flat on your back—your knees would be buckling.
  680. >And yet, despite everything, you are not letting go of that hoof.
  681. >With a heated resolve of your own, you double down on your licking and lapping while she shudders and shouts.
  682. >Soon, she sprays you once more.
  683. >"T-three! Ooh!"
  684. >At this point, if you weren't already balls deep in another Starlight, you'd pick this one up off your face and breed her relentlessly.
  685. >You're drowning in pleasure—quite literally, in fact; you're going to have to start gulping down her ambrosia with gusto if you want to keep breathing.
  687. >You suckle, slurp and swallow up her fluids while you continue to work your tongue in around her walls, clearing and cleaning the immediate area.
  688. >Her juice goes down your throat like honey—thick, musky honey—and it tastes just as sweet.
  689. >And just when you think that you've cleaned it all up—she squirts on you again.
  690. >"Mmph~! Four!"
  691. >You're drenched both above and below, struggling to keep your head above the ocean of mare.
  692. >During all of this time, Pastlight has been clamping down on your cock, riding out her own orgasms as she rides you.
  693. >Thanks to the potent mare pheromones that Starlight has been pumping you with—you can keenly feel how Pastlight's slippery wet tunnel undulates around your member, desperate to coax out your load.
  694. >And with how your balls are hitching and your hips are twitching—soon she shall have it.
  695. >You grunt into Starlight's cunt, feeling your climax approaching.
  696. >"Ooh~! I recognise that grunt! Come on, Anon~ one more before you blow!"
  697. >She rides your face with fervour while you contemplate how to work her walls.
  698. >At the rate that you're going, you don't think you can make her hit the finish line before you do.
  699. >Unless…
  700. >You're going to have to use "that."
  701. >Throughout Starlight's orgasms, her hoofy grip on your head has weakened substantially, allowing you to angle your head upwards and head straight for her weak spot—her pulsing clitoris.
  702. >In the midst of this marely mayhem, you manage to latch your lips onto her pearl, eliciting a sharp gasp from Starlight.
  703. >And you give it a firm tongue lashing.
  704. >Starlight howls in pleasure.
  705. >"A-aaah! F-five! Fiiive!"
  706. >She seasons your features with her fifth orgasm; she then falls off of your face and onto your left side, panting heavily.
  707. >One mare falls, and your eyes meet the other.
  708. >Pastlight gazes at you with equal amounts of love and lust, breathing raggedly as she squeezes both your hand and your dick.
  709. >Riding your victorious high, you quickly sit up and wrap your left arm around her, pressing your lips to hers.
  710. >"Mmph~"
  711. >The two of you share a deep kiss as you unload inside her.
  712. >Even as you cum, you continue bucking your hips into hers, following your primal instinct to seed this mare as deeply as you can.
  713. >Your bodies writhe as one as you swap saliva and sexual fluids both.
  714. >Aeons of amorousness pass, and you finish busting the last of your nuts deep within your wife from the past.
  715. >You break the kiss, collapsing back on the bedsheets.
  716. >Pastlight follows you, falling on top of your body; she willingly slides off of your dick so she can chase your face up for a post-coital nuzzle.
  717. >You don't have the energy or the desire to deny her, so you happily let her press her snout against your nose, and the two of you hungrily snort up the same air.
  718. >And throughout all of this—you're still holding her hoof.
  720. >Out in the left corner of your eye, you catch a glimmer of a smile.
  721. >You turn your head to see a grinning Starlight lying on her side.
  722. >"Hi!"
  723. "H-hi."
  724. >Pastlight also turns her head to see Starlight.
  725. >When their eyes meet—Pastlight's ears prick up, her nostrils flare, and her hindlegs tighten around your body.
  726. >Starlight giggles.
  727. >"Whoa, easy there…"
  728. >Undeterred by her counterpart's defensive posture, Starlight stands up and positions herself above you—and directly above Pastlight.
  729. >She flops down, trapping Pastlight in a man-mare sandwich.
  730. >"Ah!" Pastlight gasps.
  731. >Starlight then hugs Pastlight from behind, rubbing up against her and sniffing around her collarbone.
  732. >"Wh-what is the meaning of this?!" Pastlight yelps.
  733. >"Mm…you smell like Nonny now. It's nice…"
  734. >"Nng…"
  735. >"He's marked you…made you his…"
  736. >Starlight's grin widens.
  737. >"I wouldn't be surprised if his scent stayed with you all the way back to the past~"
  738. >Pastlight lets out a huff as her hips wiggle against your abdomen, and you feel a fresh patch of moisture forming.
  739. >Starlight sniffs the air.
  740. >"Ooh~ I think somepony is quite fond of that idea~"
  741. >Starlight rolls off of you and Pastlight, and she makes her way to a spot on the bed past your legs.
  742. >Glancing over her withers, she waves her hoof.
  743. >"Hey, come over here, me! There's something I want to try."
  744. >Pastlight gives you an uncertain look, and you give her a gentle kiss on the snout.
  745. >You loosen your grip on her hoof and, reluctantly, she lets go of your hand.
  746. >Pastlight gingerly stands up and walks over to Starlight.
  747. >"What are you planning?"
  748. >"You'll soon find out~! Trust me, Anon will love this."
  749. >"Hm."
  750. >"Okay, lay on your back."
  751. >"…There. Will that be all?"
  752. >"Not quite. Nooow bend your hindlegs over there."
  753. >"Wait—wh-what are you doing?"
  754. >"All part of the plan!"
  755. >"Ugh. Are you *certain* he'll love this?"
  756. >"Yes, absolutely! In fact—"
  757. >Starlight looks over her withers at you.
  758. >"Hey, Anon! How is it looking back there?"
  760. >Now that they've stopped moving, you sit up and get a good look at your wives.
  761. >Pastlight is lying on her back, hindlegs bent backwards and lingering in the air.
  762. >Starlight lies on top of her; her own hindlegs are spread apart, lying on the ground.
  763. >The two mares are very close together—rubbing belly to belly; Pastlight's tail lies flat on the ground while Starlight's tail is hiked to the side.
  764. >Their rear ends are both pointing towards you, and your eyes are naturally drawn to the area where they meet:
  765. >Where you see their marehoods lovingly squished together.
  766. "God damn."
  767. >They both wink at the same time upon hearing your approval.
  768. >And then they both squeak at the same time, having "collided" with each other.
  769. >"Y-you! You poked me!"
  770. >"S-so did you!"
  771. >You crawl closer to the two mares and sit on your knees directly behind them.
  772. >You feel both pairs of blue eyes upon you as you gaze upon the Valley of Glimmer.
  773. >The glimholes at both the top and the bottom periodically squelch as they wink at each other, eager for your entrance.
  774. >This hole…it was made for you.
  775. >"See? I told you he'd like it~"
  776. >"Mm~"
  777. >Your dick is once again raring to go.
  778. >Placing both hands on Starlight's rump to steady yourself, you slowly sink yourself deeper and deeper into the crevice between your wives' pussies.
  779. >The sensation of them both undulating around your member is rapturous—no, beyond rapturous—actually, beyond even that.
  780. >The indescribable nirvana that you're experiencing right now can only vaguely be given form through what amorous allegories and carnal comparisons you can muster.
  781. >It's like being trapped in a wet, sticky sandwich.
  782. >It's like being splashed with heated passion on a swelteringly hot summer day.
  783. >It's like being caressed by two of the most important mares in your life—and they also happen to be the same mare.
  784. >It's…it's…!
  786. ***
  788. >Your name is Sir Anonymous the Second, and you are an explorer, travelling uncharted lands.
  789. >Your journeys have taken you far and wide, but your latest expedition has taken you to your greatest trial yet:
  790. >To this strange, otherworldly valley nestled away in the desert.
  791. >The canyon walls have a fleshy texture, and they appear to pulsate every so often.
  792. >Your feet sink deep in the ground with every strained step you take; it's as if the earth itself ploys to swallow you whole.
  793. >And the heat—God, the heat! The unforgiving sun shines directly overhead, broiling you under its intense gaze and turning this alien valley into an organic furnace.
  794. >The air wafting over your face is overbearingly humid, and it carries a peculiar scent with it; it's a potent scent, one that fills your nostrils with sweet spices and fills your ears with sweet nothings.
  795. >The land itself is whispering to you, telling you to give in and become one with it.
  796. >Had you been a fraction less of the man you are today, you very well would have fallen prey to its siren song.
  797. >But you are Sir Anonymous the Second, and you shall persevere.
  798. >You press forward, taking weighty step after weighty step, trying your best to ignore the thick fluid congealing around your feet.
  799. >Past the other end of the valley lies your destination: the Fertile Fields of Lilac—that tantalisingly hilly expanse.
  800. >But before you can reach those heavenly plains, you have to safely pass through your final challenge—the pulsing twin gates guarding the valley's exit.
  801. >These fleshy, circular gates continuously clash against one another, blocking off and opening up the passageway to your goal at their discretion.
  802. >Every time they meet: the entire valley shudders slightly, and you have to quickly reposition yourself so as to not be engulfed by the ground.
  803. >The closer you draw to the gates, the narrower the valley becomes, and the more resistance you encounter while wading through the musky swamp pooling around your legs.
  804. >By the time you reach the clashing titans, the walls have somehow closed in to the point where the capacious valley has become a claustrophobic tunnel, squeezing you tightly from both sides.
  805. >You slowly try to reach through the gates, but your lethargic movements prove no match for their excited clamouring—and they *pummel* you with soft and sticky kisses.
  806. >You are forced backwards, and the world around you begins to violently quake; the panic that you feel is only compounded by the cacophony of warbling moans resounding throughout the area.
  807. >The walls gush out torrents upon torrents of thick, heady fluid; it quickly reaches up to your neckline, and only continues to rise.
  808. >The valley closes off at both ends, and the slippery wet surfaces that surround you quash any hopes of climbing out.
  809. >With no means of escape, you can only await the end as you are slowly drowned in her essence, body and soul.
  810. >…
  811. >Everything goes dark, and you cum.
  813. ***
  815. >You awake to find yourself drifting afloat a sea of lilac passion.
  816. >The night sky above you is lit up with the stars of sensuality.
  817. >Each star contains a story—a scene of ardent affection between three intertwined souls.
  818. >Of you and her—and her.
  819. >As the scenes drag on, the two mares become indistinguishable from one another, their secrets laid bare and their manes mussed up beyond recognition.
  820. >You reach out and grasp one of the stars within your hand, witnessing its titillating tale in its entirety.
  822. >You're sitting up on the bed, each hand patting a different Starlight's head as they go to town on your dick.
  823. >One of them slurps a nut up in her mouth, rolling it around on her tongue.
  824. >While the other Starlight works her tongue up and down your rod, peppering it with kisses along the way.
  825. >Once she has sufficiently lathered up your length, she takes your tip in her mouth and lovingly suckles on it, coaxing out your next load.
  826. >With one of the Starlights dutifully churning up your balls, it doesn't take much longer until you bust.
  827. >You unload into Starlight's mouth, bulging out her cheeks.
  828. >The nut-loving Starlight raises her head to meet her counterpart at the lips, and the two start to make out.
  829. >An intimate tongue-tying tug-of-war takes place between the two mares as they both vie for your "bounty."
  830. >Compared to the last time that such bawdry banditry occured, neither Starlight folds quite so easily when it comes to sustaining their hold on your seed.
  831. >After a good deal of cum-swapping, they each gulp down their share of your load, and they both lewdly gaze at you, eager for the next round.
  833. >In another tale, you're pounding one of the Starlights doggystyle into the bed sheets.
  834. >Your hands grip her firm flanks as you slam into her again and again; her walls ripple around your length, constantly dousing you in her arousal.
  835. >Each thrust you give pushes her deeper into the other Starlight, who has seated herself directly in front of her counterpart's face, hindlegs spread out.
  836. >The seated Starlight wears a gleeful grin on her face as she has her hooves wrapped around the head of the pounded Starlight, firmly pressing her snout into her cunt.
  837. >The Starlight at the bottom moans into the muff—and she is rewarded with a splash of nectar across her face.
  838. >The Starlight on the top gives you a look of longing as her breath hitches; she leans forward, trying her best to reach you while still rubbing the other Starlight's face against her snatch.
  839. >You lean forward to meet her, and the two of you share a deep kiss as you cum.
  841. >As you continue to drift through this ethereal sea, many more stars soar by, each of them carrying a salacious story which makes your body shudder.
  842. >But eventually, and regretfully, you find yourself face to face with one last star—the final scene in this passionate plot.
  843. >You grasp the star and brace your senses, ready to bring this encounter to a close.
  845. >You're sitting up against the bed's headboard, and a single Starlight slowly grinds up and down your lap.
  846. >Her inner walls comfily caress your member, which is snugly lodged inside of her.
  847. >Both of your arms are wrapped around her back; one of your hands massages her withers while the other rests on her rump as you gently rock her back and forth.
  848. >Her forelegs lay hung over your shoulders, and her hindlegs lay splayed over your thighs.
  849. >The two of you rub noses together as you both enjoy this slow, tantric sex.
  850. >"Ah…I love you, Anon… I love you…" she whispers.
  851. "I love you too, Starlight…"
  852. >Just your words themselves seem to be enough to cause her to flood you with her appreciation.
  853. >With the way she completely relaxes in your embrace, murmuring softly, and the way her canal warmly welcomes you as it has many times over…
  854. >You know that this is your Starlight.
  855. >Your ejaculation within her depths comes as less of a climax—and more of a familiar tradition between two lifelong partners.
  856. >Starlight lets out a deep sigh of satisfaction, instinctually appreciating the instant that her one-and-only fills her up.
  857. >"What…what did you think, Anon?"
  858. "Mm?"
  859. >"The two of us…the two of me…did you like it? I hope you did…"
  860. "Yeah…I loved it."
  861. >"Ah…that's good…that's…"
  862. >She drifts off before she can finish, softly snoring in your hands.
  863. >You can't blame her; this has been a long and hard…and tiring day.
  864. >After gently setting her down on the pillow next to you, you lay down.
  865. >You're pretty tired yourself—as to be expected, really, considering what you've just gone through.
  866. >But…hm…
  867. >Was the Castle of Purple always this…turquoise-tinted?
  868. >And where's the other one?
  869. >Oh, there she is; she's sitting down at your other side, gazing at you with familiar persian blue eyes.
  870. >She was there all along—your guiding Starlight.
  871. "Oh, was wondering where you…went off to…"
  872. >She scooches closers to you and rests a hoof on your chest.
  873. "Man…what a ride, huh…?"
  874. >You can make out her smile.
  875. "And after this…guess you won't see me for a few years…"
  876. >Her smile doesn't falter, but you mentally slap yourself for being so rash with your remarks.
  877. "Shit…sorry, didn't mean to…didn't mean to put it like that…"
  878. >"It's okay."
  879. >You're thankful that she's so understanding.
  880. >She really is your Starlight, regardless of the time she's from.
  881. >Her horn has the exact same turquoise glow to it, too.
  882. "Hey…why's your horn glowing…?"
  883. >"Don't worry about it. You should get some rest."
  884. >She raises a good point.
  885. >You are really, really tired.
  886. "Yeah…good idea…"
  887. >The last thing you feel before drifting away is a light kiss upon your forehead.
  888. >"Sleep well, my love."
  890. ***
  892. >You wake up in your bed, alone.
  893. >Your eyes drift up towards the clock on the nearby wall, and you see that evening will soon be upon you.
  894. >Nothing like a few good hours of power napping to recover after a sex marathon with your wife.
  895. >And your wife from the past.
  896. >Ah, right; things got a little crazy back there, didn't they?
  897. >It was the good kind of crazy, though—the fun kind.
  898. >You sit up and yawn, checking your surroundings.
  899. >The room is still pretty purple, which is nice.
  900. >Also, by the vanity in the corner, you see Starlight looking herself over in the mirror.
  901. "Oh, Starlight."
  902. >Her ears flick up and she turns to face you.
  903. >"Anon!" She smiles.
  904. >Her mane is done up in that trademark long curl—she's your wife, alright.
  905. "What a day, eh?"
  906. >She giggles.
  907. >"It was wonderful~"
  908. >You look out of a nearby window, noting the evening sky.
  909. "Thing the sun's about to set on us. You got any plans? If not, how do you feel about…"
  910. >You pat the spot on the bed next to you.
  911. "…cuddling in bed?" You grin.
  912. >Her eyes sparkle.
  913. >"Ooh~! Tempting, tempting! But as a matter of fact—there is *one* thing I'd like to get done before the end of today."
  914. "Oh yeah?"
  915. >She nods.
  916. >"And I'd like for you to help me with it, if it's not too much trouble?"
  917. "No problem at all. Just let me get decent first."
  918. >"Mm."
  919. >A short while later, and you stand by the bedside as an appropriately clothed human.
  920. >Starlight stands by the bedroom door, gazing at you.
  921. >"All set?"
  922. "Yep."
  923. >She magically opens the door, waiting for you.
  924. >As you make your way over to her, you catch sight of something on top of the vanity—it's that painting with the crossed out equals sign.
  925. >If she has brought it back out, then that can only mean one thing.
  926. "Oh, by the way…" You stop in front of her, leaning against the doorway.
  927. >"Yes?"
  928. "The other Starlight—is she gone?"
  929. >"Mm-hmm, I sent her away; you don't have to worry about her any more."
  930. "Worry? I wouldn't say that."
  931. >"Hm?"
  932. "I liked her."
  933. >She blinks at you, before walking past you and out into the hallway, brushing against you along the way.
  934. >Standing in the hallway, she casts a soft smile over her withers at you.
  935. >"Come on, Anon. Let's go."
  937. ***
  939. >The curious thing about the Castle of Purple is that the hallways are *also* purple.
  940. >Oh, and the inhabitants, too—but you think you mentioned that already.
  941. >But it's a very pertinent point, as when you turn the corner, you come across two of the purple inhabitants—one Twilight Sparkle and one Spike.
  942. >Twilight's eyes widen upon seeing you and Starlight; Spike's eyes remain the same—completely composed.
  943. >"O-oh, Starlight and Anon!" Twilight blurts out. "You're up! Haha…"
  944. "Hey Twilight. Hey Spike. You guys knew we were sleeping?"
  945. >"How could we *not,*" Spike answers, "especially with how loud you two were being in the afternoon."
  946. "Wait, uh, you mean…"
  947. >Spike leans forward and cups his mouth with a claw.
  948. >"We can still smell it, by the way."
  949. "A-ah…"
  950. >You rub the back of your neck while Starlight bashfully scuffs a forehoof across the floor.
  951. >"Smell? Smell?! What smell?!" Twilight sputters. "I—we don't smell anything, e-especially not 'that,' whatever 'that' is! Eheheh…"
  952. "Alright, Twi, I get the picture; we'll take a shower soon, alright?"
  953. >"You two are gonna need a magical powerwash to wash 'that' off," Spike quips.
  954. >Twilight lifts a foreleg and quickly covers Spike's mouth.
  955. >"Okay, okay! Enough washing—enough smelling! Spike and I are heading out, and we're going to be gone for a few days."
  956. >You cross your arms, noticing the filled saddlebags that Twilight dons, as well as Spike's backpack.
  957. "Oh, friendship mission?"
  958. >"Yep!" Spike proudly nods. "We're going straight to the Dragon Lands!"
  959. >"Right!" Twilight adds. "That means you two will have the castle to yourselves, so…try to keep it clean, please?"
  960. "Sure."
  961. >"Thanks! And, um…"
  962. >Her nose wrinkles hard.
  963. >"YoutwoshouldreallytakeashowerOKAYBYE!"
  964. >Twilight hurriedly trots past you and Starlight.
  965. >Spike snickers to himself, but his amusements are cut short as he is swiftly yanked forward by a purple force.
  966. "See ya."
  967. >"Bye Anon. Bye Starlight!" Spike waves as he's carried away.
  968. >Left alone with your wife, you turn to Starlight.
  969. "Couldn't get a word in, eh?"
  970. >She giggles.
  971. >"I suppose not. Not that I mind; it's just…"
  972. >You quirk an intrigued eyebrow.
  973. "It's 'just…?'"
  974. >"Twilight has the most *lovely* wings, doesn't she?"
  975. >Your intrigued eyebrow now arches.
  976. "Oh. Yeah, I guess so."
  977. >Is your wife coming up with a curious case of wing envy? As her loving husband, you ought to fix that.
  978. "But wings don't make the mare. You know? There are plenty of amazing ponies out there without wings."
  979. >You crouch down and pat around her unwinged back.
  980. "Like the one standing in front of me right now."
  981. >She flutters her eyelashes at you.
  982. >"Oh, flatterer~! But you're quite right! Come along now—there's still work to be done!"
  983. >She trots down the hallway with pep in her step, and you follow.
  985. ***
  987. >Heading down another hallway, you catch sight of an open door to the side.
  988. >It leads to an open balcony and—oh!
  989. "Hey Starlight—one sec."
  990. >"Hm?"
  991. >You head through the doorway to the balcony.
  992. >"Anon!"
  993. >You hear the clippity clop of Starlight following you.
  994. >Making your way over to the railing, you lean against it, taking in the view.
  995. >The sprawling village of Ponyville lies in the distance—but that's not what interests you.
  996. >What truly captures your attention—is the sunset.
  997. >The descent of Celestia's Sun, the rise of Luna's Moon, and the subsequent arrangement of every single star that decorates the night sky…
  998. >It's beautiful.
  999. >You're glad you woke up in time to see this.
  1000. >Once the Moon reaches the apex of its ascension, you turn to your side to face Starlight.
  1001. "Sorry about that, but you know I couldn't miss this."
  1002. >Unlike you, her gaze is transfixed upon Ponyville.
  1003. "Okay, we can head back now."
  1004. >You lean off of the railing and begin to make your way back to the doorway.
  1005. >"Anon."
  1006. >Turning around, you see that Starlight still gazes at Ponyville.
  1007. "Yeah?"
  1008. >"Do you think the ponies down there are happy?"
  1009. >The prodigal eyebrow returns.
  1010. "Uh, well, depends on the pony, I guess."
  1011. >"How do you mean?"
  1012. "Some of those ponies are having good days, while some of them are having bad days."
  1013. >"What about the ponies who have had a long streak of bad days—too many to count. What of them?"
  1014. "That's…that's a loaded question."
  1015. >You take a deep breath.
  1016. "But…I think there's always that light at the end of the tunnel; push through enough bad days—and the good days won't be far behind."
  1017. >"Enough bad days…?" She tuts. "How refreshingly optimistic."
  1018. >You catch some bitterness in her voice.
  1019. >She sighs.
  1020. >"What about you? Are you happy?"
  1021. >Finally, a question that your monkey brain can handle.
  1022. "I'd say so, yeah. I've got you. Every day's a good day when you're around."
  1023. >She casts you a quick glance before fully turning around to face you.
  1024. >There's a small smile on her face, although what kind of smile—you can't really say.
  1025. >"I feel the same way."
  1026. "You're very philosophical today, aren't you?"
  1027. >She titters and flicks her mane upwards.
  1028. >"Something in the night sky, I suppose."
  1029. >She walks past you, stopping by the doorway.
  1030. >"I'm looking forward to those good days."
  1032. ***
  1034. >One more hallway later, and you find yourself in a familiar room within the Castle of Purple—it's the throne room.
  1035. >In the centre of this room stands a large round table known as the Friendship Map; it's a highly magical piece of furniture that's capable of highly magic things.
  1036. >It's what sent Twilight and Spike on their "friendship mission" to the Dragon Lands.
  1037. >…And it's what Starlight used to bring her past self here into the present.
  1038. >There are six chairs surrounding the table; they're fairly magical in their own right—but they pale in comparison to the table.
  1039. >Directly above it all hangs some tree roots from the ceiling—the remains of a historic library, from what you've heard.
  1040. >Starlight walks up to the Friendship Map and rests her hooves on it, humming to herself.
  1041. >You walk up to her, but keep a safe distance—about a couple metres apart.
  1042. "So what did you want to show me?"
  1043. >"Well, why don't you take a guess, Anon?" she answers without looking back.
  1044. "What do you mean?"
  1045. >"I'm sure you must've figured it out by now, considering our conversation earlier."
  1046. >You purse your lips.
  1047. "…Yeah, I had a hunch."
  1048. >Your eyes flit to the nearest door; you briefly entertain the idea of running, but you know that such an endeavour would be fruitless.
  1049. >From the moment you woke up, you doubt running was ever in the cards anyway.
  1050. >Taking a deep breath, you address the mare in front of you.
  1051. "You're the other Starlight, aren't you?"
  1052. >She takes her hooves off the table and turns around to face you.
  1053. >Her horn lights up, she takes something out of her mane—a scroll of some kind—and levitates it in the air next to her.
  1054. >Her manestyle flows and flutters about in the air, soon reforming into those blunt bangs that you remember.
  1055. >"I am."
  1056. "What did you do with my Starlight?"
  1057. >She frowns, and you have a pretty good idea as to why—as to which word she doesn't approve of.
  1058. >"She's unharmed, I assure you, but she won't be bothering us."
  1059. >You can't help but let out a relieved sigh at the mention of her being unharmed.
  1060. "Okay."
  1061. >Your eyes drift to the floating scroll.
  1062. "I'm guessing whatever you brought me here for has something to do with that."
  1063. >"Yes."
  1064. >She nods, taking a step forward.
  1065. >"Anon…please come with me."
  1066. "I…"
  1067. >Deep down, you were worried something like this could happen.
  1068. >You know Starlight, but you also *know* Starlight.
  1069. "You know I can't say yes to that, Starlight."
  1070. >Her brows furrow.
  1071. >"If I 'knew,' I wouldn't have brought you here."
  1072. "But I belong—"
  1073. >"With me, in my village, as my loving husband."
  1074. >She sighs, looking down on the floor.
  1075. >"There was always this sliver of doubt within my mind. I had created true friendship within my perfect little community—I had created true harmony—and yet…and yet I had nopony to truly share it with."
  1076. >She looks back up at you, expression resolute.
  1077. >"I want to share it with you, Anon. I want you by my side as we change Equestria for the better."
  1079. >She lifts up her left foreleg, holding it out to you.
  1080. >"Trust me, Anon. I'm still Starlight; I'm still the same mare you fell in love with—the same mare who's fallen in love with you. This is the best option for all three of us."
  1081. >'For all three of us?' You doubt that she asked your wife permission to steal you away into the past.
  1082. >…Just as she never asked to be whisked away into her future.
  1083. >You sigh.
  1084. "Starlight, this isn't the way. What you're attempting to do now will have severe consequences on the present—on your future."
  1085. >"If you're so worried about the future I envision, then come with me into the past so you can steer me right."
  1086. "I *will* be there with you, but I'll be with you here—in the present. I promise you—we'll eventually meet again, and the memories we make together will be magical, but you have to persevere in your time."
  1087. >She scoffs, stomping her raised forehoof into the floor.
  1088. >"'Persevere?' You mean fail—utterly and completely—and be broken down into a shell of a mare? Is that what you want for me?"
  1089. >You stagger back slightly at her outburst.
  1090. "N-no! That's not what I want…"
  1091. >She raises her foreleg again.
  1092. "But…the Starlight I know isn't a shell of a mare, not by a longshot. She's a strong, resilient mare—the love of my life—and that's why I could never leave her."
  1093. >She squints at you, slowly lowering her foreleg.
  1094. >"…And that's your final answer, hm?"
  1095. >You give her a small nod, and she briefly closes her eyes, sighing.
  1096. >When she opens those eyes of her once more, you feel a chill run down your spine as she glares directly at you.
  1097. >"I didn't come here just to be abandoned yet again."
  1098. >Pastlight takes a wilful step forward.
  1099. >Her ear twitches.
  1100. >And she suddenly surrounds both you and herself in a magical barrier, blocking a turquoise laser beam aimed at her side.
  1101. >Both of you turn your attention to its source, seeing Starlight Glimmer—the present one—galloping towards you.
  1102. >She stops at the edge of the shield, and the two mares glare daggers at each other.
  1103. "Starlight!"
  1104. >She briefly gives you a shaky, relieved smile, before turning back to face her counterpart.
  1105. >Starlight doesn't make any further moves to break the shield, and you can understand her caution; being this close to Pastlight means that you're also in close-enough range for any other spell she has in mind.
  1106. >But still, you're glad to see her safe.
  1107. >"You broke free of my prison, I see."
  1108. >"Of course I did! You think I wouldn't know how to counter my own magic?"
  1109. >"No. But it certainly bought me enough time, didn't it?"
  1110. >"Let Anon go," Starlight growls. "He has nothing to do with this."
  1111. >"He has *everything* to do with this, and he's better off in my hooves than yours."
  1113. >Starlight scowls, and her eyes drift to the scroll floating next to Pastlight.
  1114. >"That scroll…"
  1115. >"It's the one containing the spell you used to bring me here, isn't it? I must say—it was very considerate of you to leave it in the drawer for me~!"
  1116. >"I-I locked…ugh…"
  1117. >Starlight sighs, shaking her head.
  1118. >"And that's how you plan on bringing him with you?"
  1119. >"Why, yes! Is there a problem with that? Other than the obvious, of course~"
  1120. >"The spell only affects you! If you destroy that scroll, you're the only one who will be brought back!"
  1121. >"Oh…"
  1122. >Pastlight purses her lips, lazily looking to the side as she ponders Starlight's words.
  1123. >Her eyes soon flit back to her counterpart as she flashes Starlight a smug grin.
  1124. >"Is that all?"
  1125. >"…What?"
  1126. >Pastlight's grin widens and she giggles into her hoof.
  1127. >"My, out of everything that's happened today—I certainly didn't expect to be one step ahead of my future self!"
  1128. >Pastlight whimsically rotates the scroll about in the air.
  1129. >"Who said anything about destroying this scroll? Why do you think I brought Anon to this 'Friendship Map,' hm?"
  1130. >Starlight squints her eyes a few times in thought, trying to understand Pastlight's plan.
  1131. >And that must have been exactly the kind of opening that Pastlight was looking for.
  1132. >She expels the shield outwards, dissipating it and knocking Starlight off balance.
  1133. >Starlight's eyes widen.
  1134. >"No—!"
  1135. >"It's so I could do *this!*"
  1136. >Pastlight tosses the scroll above the Friendship Map fires a magical beam at it.
  1137. >Hovering in the air, the scroll reacts by firing a magical beam of its own down into the table.
  1138. >The Friendship Map then generates its own beam of magic, travelling upwards past the scroll and into the base of the roots above it.
  1139. >And that beam generates a magical wormhole right at the base of the roots; on the inside of it is a swirling turquoise-tinted tunnel—the same colour as Starlight's magic—and it seems to stretch on forever.
  1140. >You feel a potent magical pressure from around where you're standing as you are suddenly yanked forward by your feet; Pastlight lunges at you at the same time, hooking all of her hooves around one of your legs.
  1141. >The tunnel roars as a strong turbulence begins to sweep up the room, billowing manes and clothes both, but most pressingly, taking Pastlight up into the air—and you with her.
  1142. >"Anon!" you hear Starlight shout.
  1143. >You can feel an ethereal force trying to pull you back to earth, but as you catch Pastlight's horn glowing—you suspect there's a magical tug-of-war at play here.
  1144. >Unfortunately, with the wormhole also active, whatever force trying to keep you ground-bound is soundly beaten out, and you find yourself floundering as you are dragged upward.
  1145. >You reach out your hands, trying to grab something—anything—to stop your ascent.
  1146. >And…
  1148. >You do.
  1149. >One of your hands finds purchase, and your fingers tighten around something wooden and bendy.
  1150. >It's one of the tree roots by the ceiling.
  1151. >You are able to grip onto it with your other hand, steadying yourself and hanging upside-down.
  1152. >But it's only a temporary reprieve from the vortex that is sucking you in with increasing intensity.
  1153. >At this rate…
  1154. >"Anon!" You hear Starlight shout again at you from the ceiling—no, the floor.
  1155. "Starlight!"
  1156. >"You have to—" her voice is cut off by the deafening roar of the wormhole.
  1157. "What?"
  1158. >"—have to kick her off!" she repeats.
  1159. "Kick…?" you whisper to yourself.
  1160. >Wait. Could she mean…?
  1161. >You look down—or perhaps up, considering the circumstances.
  1162. >You see that Pastlight is still tightly clinging to your leg; the spell is pulling her up, and thus pulling you with her.
  1163. >And beyond her: the turquoise tunnel of time—your imminent destination if you don't act soon.
  1164. >But…act?
  1165. >The lilac mare down by your legs will happily drag you with her if it means she'll have you.
  1166. >Your other leg is free; you can use it to pry her off.
  1167. >But can you bring yourself to?
  1168. >"A-anon…"
  1169. >Pastlight looks up to you with fear in her eyes.
  1170. >She shakily reaches her left foreleg out to you.
  1171. >"P-please. Help me."
  1172. >Her flowing mane billows out in the chaos.
  1173. >And in those glimmering persian blue eyes, you see the kindly mare that you met when you first came to Equestria.
  1174. >You see the mare that you confessed your feelings towards during one of your kite-flying picnics, and you see the mare who cheerily confessed that she felt the exact same way.
  1175. >You see the mare that you exchanged vows with at the altar—to always be there for each other through thick and thin.
  1176. >You see the mare that's holding your outstretched right hand with a thankful smile on her face.
  1177. >…Damn it.
  1178. >Using your hand, she pulls herself up along your body, soon latching herself onto your chest and meeting you face to face.
  1179. >She rubs her snout against your nose, then rests her head on your shoulder.
  1180. >The wormhole pulls at you much more strongly now.
  1181. >Your grip on the roots is slipping and straining.
  1182. >You can't help but feel that you've made a dire mistake.
  1183. >But there's no going back now, whatever happens.
  1184. >Your fingers come undone, one by one; you lose your grasp on the roots.
  1185. >And you fall.
  1186. >Up…
  1187. >…and then nothing.
  1188. >The roaring has stopped, and you feel an ephemeral moment of calm as the forces that act on you reverse their polarity.
  1189. >And you fall, once more.
  1190. >The Friendship Map draws closer and closer, and you instinctually turn your back to it to protect the mare within your grasp.
  1191. >You brace yourself for the spinal impact you are about to receive.
  1192. >…But it never comes.
  1193. >A soft, ghostly blanket cushions your fall, and it carries you horizontally towards the floor next to the table, buzzing all the while.
  1194. >It gently sets you down, and you look back up the roots above the table, seeing just that—roots and nothing more.
  1196. >Standing close by is Starlight—your Starlight—with the magical aura around her horn dissipating.
  1197. >And even closer is the other Starlight, still clinging to you tightly; she has now nestled her face into your chest, eyes firmly shut.
  1198. >You look up at your Starlight, who bears a solemn expression.
  1199. "Starlight! You…it…the wormhole…"
  1200. >She nods.
  1201. >"I cast a counterspell."
  1202. >Her brow furrows, eyes flitting to Pastlight.
  1203. >"If I didn't, she would have taken you with her, and I…"
  1204. >She frowns and looks away, not wishing to continue that line of thought.
  1205. "I know."
  1206. >You sit up.
  1207. >A tense, uncertain silence fills the room.
  1208. >It's crushing. You don't like this dead air, especially after what had just happened.
  1209. >So you blurt out the thing that's bothering you the most.
  1210. "What happened to the scroll?"
  1211. >"It's gone."
  1212. "But she—the both of you are still here?"
  1213. >She turns to you, frown turning into a scowl.
  1214. >"She is. And I am. Unfortunately for you, I'm sure."
  1215. "What?"
  1216. >She sighs in frustration.
  1217. >"Why didn't you get rid of her, Anon?!"
  1218. >You chew your lip and shake your head.
  1219. "I…when I looked into her eyes, I saw you and…and I couldn't. I'm sorry."
  1220. >She sucks in her own lips, eyes wavering.
  1221. >It takes a while for her to respond, but when she does—it stings.
  1222. >"You…you shouldn't have looked, then."
  1223. >You know she has a point, but—
  1224. "But I—"
  1225. >"I know! But what am I supposed to do! This was just supposed to be a fun little surprise and now everything is all messed up and now there's another Starlight Glimmer! And it's not just any Starlight Glimmer—no! It's the one I've had to spend years trying to overcome! What am I going to tell Twilight!? What *can* I tell Twilight!?"
  1226. >She takes a few frantic breaths and a gulp, before finishing her rant.
  1227. >"All because you 'looked!'"
  1228. >She slumps to the floor, covering her face with her forelegs and groaning loudly.
  1229. >You can understand her frustration.
  1230. >But…what can you say?
  1231. >Pastlight huffs into your chest, opening her eyes.
  1232. >"Now, now. Don't go blaming him."
  1233. >Starlight immediately springs back to a defensive standing position upon hearing the voice of her counterpart.
  1234. >Pastlight gently pushes herself off you and begins to circle Starlight.
  1235. >"After all, wasn't it *you* who made the decision to bring me here for—what was it now—a 'little surprise?'"
  1236. >Pastlight stops in place, smirking at her counterpart.
  1237. >Starlight grits her teeth in response.
  1238. >"You—you were supposed to go back when the spell ran out! You wouldn't have remembered anything!"
  1239. >"But *you* would've remembered. And so would he."
  1240. >"Well…you…you're me, so…"
  1241. >"And I suppose that makes it perfectly fine to use me up and toss me aside when you're done, hm?"
  1242. >"I-I…"
  1243. >Pastlight sighs, turning back to you.
  1244. >"Really, Anon. Do you really think you can trust a mare like this? She endangered you—endangered everypony here for her own selfish ends. Never considered anypony but herself—and only in her own time. Tut tut."
  1246. >"Y-you…you're the exact same!" Starlight snaps back. "You used innocent ponies to suit your own ends!"
  1247. >"*We* used them, you mean."
  1248. >Starlight huffs, aggressively scraping the floor with her forehoof.
  1249. >Pastlight merely chuckles in response.
  1250. >"At least I know what I am—what I aim for. Look at you, defanged and docile. You may as well be that princess's second pet."
  1251. >Pastlight narrows her eyes.
  1252. >"It's pathetic."
  1253. >The two mares glower at each other.
  1254. >"I can…I can still get rid of you," Starlight spits.
  1255. >Pastlight's eyes widen in mock surprise.
  1256. >"Oh really? Without the spell?"
  1257. >"Yes…" Starlight mutters under her breath.
  1258. >"Now how do you plan on doing that? Tell me~! Tell Anon too, while you're at it."
  1259. >"You…" Starlight growls, horn sparking up.
  1260. >Pastlight slowly advances towards her counterpart, horn also sparking up.
  1261. >"But you'll have to be quick on the draw, because I don't plan on—"
  1262. "Stop!"
  1263. >Rising to your feet, you quickly dive in-between the two mares, and you hear gasps from both sides.
  1264. >That was by far the most idiotic idea you've had today, but thankfully it appears to have worked, as the two mares release their spells.
  1265. "Please. I don't want you two to fight."
  1266. >You sit back up on your knees and shuffle backwards a little, getting both mares in your field of view; Starlight is on the left, while Pastlight is on the right.
  1267. >Starlight looks at you with pursed lips and tired eyes.
  1268. >"It…it doesn't have to be a fight, Anon. All we have to do is send her back before it's too late. You agree with me, right?"
  1269. >Pastlight lets out a low, throaty chuckle.
  1270. >"I imagine it'll be easier on your conscience if he's your accomplice in my 'banishment'—am I right?"
  1271. >Pastlight smiles at you; it's that same practised smile you've seen before.
  1272. >"But what do *you* think, Anon? You're just as important in this as either of us."
  1273. "I…"
  1274. >Both mares gaze at you expectantly, waiting for your input—perhaps to "choose" one over the other.
  1275. >But your decision has already been made.
  1276. >The moment you reached out for Pastlight's hoof, you knew there was no way you could pick between just one of them.
  1277. "I love you both. I don't want to lose either of you."
  1278. >They both blink, unsure of what to make of your declaration.
  1279. >Both mares are within arms reach; you rest your left hand on Starlight's shoulder.
  1280. "You're the love of my life—the mare I vowed to support through thick and thin. I know this situation didn't turn out how you planned it, and I know you're worried right now, but know that I'll always be there for you, no matter what happens. I promise."
  1281. >Starlight's eyes flick to the side, still understandably hesitant.
  1283. >Looking at Pastlight, you see that her smile is gone, replaced by an uncertain frown.
  1284. >You rest your other hand on her shoulder; she flinches at your touch, but doesn't make any moves to push you away.
  1285. "I know that you're hurting just as much as she is."
  1286. >"Oh, you do, do you?" She turns up her nose.
  1287. "After everything I've seen and heard from you today? Yeah. And I also know you don't have a place to return to now."
  1288. >"Hmph, no. But I'm sure there's at least one way you can get rid of me."
  1289. "But I don't want that. I want you to stay here with us."
  1290. >Pastlight scans your expression intently, with her own expression and voice beginning to waver.
  1291. >"…Won't I just get in the way?"
  1292. "Not at all. I think we make quite the trio, and also…"
  1293. >You kiss her on the cheek.
  1294. "I love you as well."
  1295. >Pastlight turns her head and rests her chin on your hand, rubbing against it while closing her eyes.
  1296. >"Anon…"
  1297. >A small smile forms on her face.
  1298. >"Okay," she whispers.
  1299. >She opens her eyes and turns to face Starlight.
  1300. >"Well, there you have it, I suppose," Pastlight states.
  1301. >After moving a little closer, Pastlight extends a forehoof towards her counterpart.
  1302. >"How about a truce—for the human who loves us both?"
  1303. >Starlight's eyes flit between Pastlight, you, the floor, and the Friendship Map.
  1304. >Eventually, she sighs, reaching out her hoof and shaking Pastlight's hoof.
  1305. >"Fine."
  1306. >As they pull back from their hoofshake, you give Starlight a kiss on the cheek.
  1307. >"Huh?"
  1308. "Didn't want you feeling left out."
  1309. >She raises an eyebrow, before casting Pastlight's cheek a brief glance.
  1310. >Then, she fixes a fierce, uncompromising stare on you.
  1311. >"…You had better be ready for this, Anon. Because now you've got two of me to deal with, and I better not catch you playing favourites."
  1312. >You stand up and cough.
  1313. "G-gotcha."
  1314. >You get the distinct feeling that Starlight isn't fully on board with the whole "trio" thing.
  1315. >And you'll likely have to keep a close eye on Pastlight too, for that matter.
  1316. >But that's okay—the three of you have got time.
  1317. >Speaking of time…
  1318. "And—uh, let's steer clear away from any more time magic, alright?"
  1319. >Starlight rubs her temple with a forehoof and groans.
  1320. >"Believe me—I don't want to even look at another time-related spell again after this."
  1321. >You turn to look at Pastlight, who is smiling at the both of you.
  1322. >And you know that smile.
  1323. >She notices your look turning into a stare.
  1324. >"Hm?"
  1325. "You too."
  1326. >"Oh! Of course!"
  1327. "I mean it."
  1328. >"And so do I~"
  1329. "Because if you dabble in any more time magic…"
  1330. >"And I won't~"
  1331. "No nuzzles for a month."
  1332. >"I—"
  1333. >She takes on a serious expression.
  1334. >"Very well."
  1336. "Great. And, uh…while we're here."
  1337. >You glance at Starlight.
  1338. "Do you have any idea how this happened—the whole 'two of you at the same time' thing?"
  1339. >"Well…"
  1340. >Starlight casts a look towards the table.
  1341. >"Considering everything that has occurred today, from the spell's amplification via the Friendship Map to the counterspell that I cast—we must have caused a fracture in the timeline."
  1342. "That—uh, sounds pretty bad."
  1343. >"Maybe, but now that the scroll is gone—it's not like we can un-fracture it. Timelines can be…slippery."
  1344. "'Slippery,' right. Um, neither of you plan on suddenly 'slipping' away from me, do you?"
  1345. >"I don't *feel* like I'm fading away from existence," Starlight answers, "so that has to count for something."
  1346. "Something good, I hope."
  1347. >Starlight nods.
  1348. >"The other Starlight and I have most likely become two distinct entities at this point. Our memories and experiences are going to diverge from this point onwards."
  1349. >Starlight briefly purses her lips, perhaps trying to recall something.
  1350. >"Like our…first times, for example."
  1351. "Oh, you mean when we did it against that tree while we were flying kites?"
  1352. >Starlight dreamily sighs.
  1353. >"Yes~"
  1354. >You see Pastlight quirk a curious eyebrow, but she doesn't say anything.
  1355. "Hey, wait. If I'm hearing you right—doesn't that mean there's now a timeline out there with no Starlight Glimmer in it?"
  1356. >"Why, that sounds dreadful~!" Pastlight interjects.
  1357. >Starlight sighs.
  1358. >"I don't know. It sure must be peaceful over there."
  1359. "Aw, don't be like that, Glimmy." You pet through her mane. "There's two of you now. That means twice the amazing mare."
  1360. >A shy smile forms on Starlight's face.
  1361. >While Pastlight tilts her head.
  1362. >"'Glimmy?'"
  1363. "Oh, right, yeah. It's a little nickname we have—like 'Glimmer,' you know? But with a 'Y' instead of the 'E.R.'"
  1364. >"Ooh…is that right…?"
  1365. >Pastlight leans in towards you.
  1366. >"Call me Glimmy, too~"
  1367. "Er…Glimmy Two?"
  1368. >She stares at you for a few moments, then snorts in laughter.
  1369. >Even Starlight lets out a soft giggle.
  1370. >You love these mares.
  1371. >But you're gonna have to get used to the plural.
  1373. "Hey, bring it here, you two."
  1374. >Balancing on your knees, you scoop both mares into a hug.
  1375. >Despite their differences, they both quickly reciprocate, with each of them resting their head on one of your shoulders and wrapping a hoof around your back.
  1376. >Well, you've got two wives now—and they're both the same mare.
  1377. >One of them used to be a villainous cult leader.
  1378. >While the other still is—in spirit.
  1379. >The past has been brought to the present, and the future is riddled with uncertainty…
  1380. >But whatever happens—the three of you will face it together.
  1381. >Starlight pulls away from your hug.
  1382. >"Okay, the two of you are coming with me, because I am *not* gonna be the only one present when I have to explain to Twilight why I suddenly have a younger sister who looks exactly like me."
  1383. >Pastlight ponders her situation for a moment, before a wry smirk forms on her face.
  1384. >"Or…~"
  1385. >"We are *not* taking her cutie mark!" Starlight scowls.
  1386. >Pastlight opens her mouth to respond, but Starlight cuts her off.
  1387. >"And we are not Equalising *anypony!*"
  1388. >Pastlight wraps a foreleg over Starlight's withers.
  1389. >"We can work on that~"
  1390. >Starlight pulls herself away from Pastlight's hold and lets out a tired sigh; it's not the first sigh she's made as a part of this tumultuous trio, and you know it certainly won't be the last.
  1391. >"Anyway, you won't have to worry about Twilight for a while," Pastlight continues. "She's off for a trip to the…'Dragon Lands,' was it?"
  1392. >Pastlight looks to you, and you nod in affirmation.
  1393. >"And she took her baby dragon with her."
  1394. >Starlight's eyes widen.
  1395. >"W-wait, she's gone?"
  1396. >"Mm-hmm."
  1397. >"But that means…that means…!"
  1398. >Starlight turns to face her counterpart.
  1399. >"We have the castle…"
  1400. >"…all to ourselves~" Pastlight ends her train of thought.
  1401. >Both Starlights look at you, and lecherous grins slowly form on both of their faces.
  1402. >You are suddenly reminded of a phrase uttered by one of the Starlights earlier today.
  1403. >How did it go again?
  1404. >Ah, right.
  1405. >The fun is just beginning.

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain