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Milky Diamond

By Glimbrain
Created: 2024-04-06 21:31:13
Expiry: Never

  1. Synopsis: Diamond Tiara has Anon by the balls, so he decides to grab her by the teats.
  3. >Waking up in the middle of an alien town populated by talking horses was bound to throw most people off of their game.
  4. >But for you—it was just another Monday.
  5. >After the initial hubbub of your arrival died down, you knew you had to hit the ground running and stake your own place in this new world; you weren't planning on being a mooch forever.
  6. >You've read some isekai manga in your time; you know the breaks:
  7. >Ingratiate yourself with the locals.
  8. >Get a new job.
  9. >Find your own place to live.
  10. >New world, same shit, basically.
  11. >Major difference is: compared to the emotionally detached humans of yester-dimension—these ponies are downright pleasant to be around.
  12. >Damn-near every one of them would warmly greet you whenever you walked on by, and you were quickly making new friends by the dozens.
  13. >Your new life in this new world was going splendidly, you thought.
  14. >That was until a certain pink filly saw you and decided right then and there that she *must* have you.
  15. >As in *have* have you—owning you as her exotic pet.
  16. >When she had first approached you and demanded that you serve her for the rest of your mortal life, you scoffed at her and told her to get lost.
  17. >She huffed and stomped away, but you weren't too worried at the time.
  18. >After all, she was just a little filly; what was she gonna do—come back with a platoon of hired goons and kidnap you?
  19. >…That's exactly what she did.
  20. >She took you back to her estate and hit you with her ultimatum once more.
  21. >You scoffed at her once more.
  22. >And that's when she politely informed you that as a new, undiscovered species—you technically don't have any legal rights.
  23. >Hence, why she picked you up like the proletariats pick up their free ducks at the park.
  24. >You called out her bullshit for what it was—stinky and unfounded.
  25. >Unfortunately, you would later learn that she was telling the truth—even if the truth was still stinky.
  26. >But you had friends in high places: namely, the Princess of Nerds—Twilight Sparkle.
  27. >Nerdlord that she may be, she promised to push for a set of laws that would establish your rights as a proud, independent member of society.
  28. >Problem is, the legal channels in Ponyville run like molasses.
  29. >And they run even slower when there's a conflict of interests caused by a certain wealthy family who would rather their kidnapped human *stay* kidnapped.
  30. >Until your humanity could be established, the only thing that was standing between you and the end of basic human decency was the whims of the local government.
  31. >Thankfully, the mayor of the town was initially opposed to the idea of human slavery.
  32. >Un-thankfully, she was very receptive to a few gratuitous bribes here and there.
  33. >It turns out that money makes the world go round no matter what the dominant species is.
  35. >By the time Twilight was able to get any kind of legislation drawn up, it was already too late—you were officially property of the Rich family.
  36. >Or to be more specific, property of its heiress.
  37. >And so began your new life at the whims of a spoiled filly.
  38. >…
  39. >Actually, it's not that bad.
  40. >If this is a prison, it's a gilded cage—one with a king-size bed and a well-stocked kitchen.
  41. >You clothe yourself in the finest of fineries, wash yourself in the bathliest of bathtubs, and spritz yourself in the perfumiest of perfumes.
  42. >But like any slice of heaven, there's a fine that must be paid at the gates.
  43. >And your price? It's to put up with *her.*
  44. >Diamond Tiara.
  45. >All of your amenities, all of your luxuries—they're all in service of making yourself presentable for her and her peers.
  46. >You're forced to wear a bright pink collar around your neck; it has "Nonny" engraved upon its heart-shaped nametag.
  47. >And said collar simply isn't complete without a long lead hanging off of it, with the end almost always being wrapped around one of Diamond's forehooves as she leads you around town.
  48. >She drags you with her wherever she goes, showing you off to her friends, rivals, and every pony in between.
  49. >She'll have you entertain them how she sees fit, watching you debase yourself with that infuriatingly smug smirk on her face.
  50. >And when the day draws to a close, she'll have you accompany her back home, where she'll subject you to a long list of chores which take place under her direct supervision.
  51. >Cleaning her room.
  52. >Cooking her meals.
  53. >Bathing her.
  54. >Brushing her mane.
  55. >Reading to her.
  56. >And pretty much any other whim she can think of.
  57. >You're her personal pet, trophy, and manservant all in one.
  58. >With everything that you do for her, you wonder what the hell her parents are doing with all of this newfound free time.
  59. >Or the other servants, for that matter.
  60. >You rarely see them around her estate, but you assume that they're in charge of maintaining everything else that isn't directly related to Diamond.
  61. >The other servants tend to give you and Diamond a wide berth; whether it's due to them not wanting to associate with you, or not wanting to risk playing any part in Diamond's whimsical games—you can't really say.
  62. >In any case, this means that when at home: you and Diamond are usually left to your own devices—or rather, *her* devices.
  63. >Like right now, for example; the two of you have the entire living room to yourselves.
  64. >The living room is a spacious area surrounded by dark brown mahogany walls with plenty of gilded family paintings lining them.
  65. >You are seated on a vintage pleather couch, with your feet resting on the oriental rug underneath it; a marble fireplace crackles nearby, providing you with both light and warmth.
  66. >Next to you, Diamond lies on her side, using your lap as a pillow; naturally, she still has your collar lead wrapped around her forehoof.
  68. >One of your hands rests upon her barrel, while another holds a book.
  69. >And from that book, you read:
  70. "…And so, Flash Magnus, equipped with the fireproof shield: Netitus, acted as a distraction towards the dragons, dodging and blocking bursts of deadly dragonfire along the way. It was all thanks to Flash's cunning plan and stalwart bravery that the legionnaires were able to rescue their captured comrades, and it was in recognition of such traits that Commander Ironhead bestowed Flash with the Netitus shield for good."
  71. >Diamond Tiara yawns.
  72. >"And will this be on the history test tomorrow?"
  73. "Hell if I know. I can't see the future."
  74. >"Well you should; what else am I paying you for?"
  75. "You're not. You kidnapped me."
  76. >"Hmph. You should be thankful that it was *me* who sought to elevate you from your lowly station and not some peasant filly."
  77. >You roll your eyes at her remark.
  78. >It has been a couple of months since she has "elevated" you off of the streets.
  79. >This spoken history lesson of yours is yet another one of your implicit obligations to her.
  80. >Diamond is the type of filly who prefers to learn via auditory reinforcement, particularly when said reinforcer also does her homework for her as well.
  81. >And what better tutor than the monkey she has accompany her everywhere?
  82. >It's not just history she has you teach her—she has you go over *everything* that she's learned that day.
  83. >Old Ponish, Calculus, Biology, Physics, Chemistry…
  84. >For such a tiny horse, the school system sure doesn't shy away from teaching her big concepts.
  85. >One day she even had you go through how to build a derby cart from scratch.
  86. >Perhaps filly brains are simply built different.
  87. >You feel a sudden yank from your lead.
  88. >"Ahem, next!"
  89. >Dutifully, you turn the page over and read to her.
  90. "Next up: The Legend of Rockhoof."
  91. >She groans.
  92. >"Uuurgh! Why do I have to learn about these has-beens? Did you know that these 'legends' used to be just that? Old mare's tales to be passed around the playground. But now that they're the 'Pillars of Equestria,' everypony just *has* to know eeeveeerythiiing about them."
  93. "Hey, don't blame me; it's your curriculum."
  94. >"Whatever. Just get it over with."
  95. "Alright, so this dude gets roided the hell up…"
  96. >And so begins your next history lesson.
  97. >One that is frequently interrupted by her critiques and complaints as she whines either about how "boring this is" or how "that totally didn't happen."
  98. >There's truly no winning with this filly.
  99. >But you know that despite all her grumbling—she can't bear to leave your side even for a second.
  100. >Because this filly is completely infatuated with you.
  101. >Ever since she captured you on that unfateful day, she's made sure that you've never left her sight—toilet breaks aside.
  103. >You wake her up.
  104. >You take her to school.
  105. >You take her back home.
  106. >You spend the rest of the day keeping her company.
  107. >And then you tuck her into bed, sleeping right next to her.
  108. >Some may call it cute puppy love—you curse it for the being the reason why she had decided to enslave you in the first place.
  109. >Well, you *should* curse it, but…
  110. >…but you do! Of course you do!
  111. >She may own you—but you're still human, damn it!
  112. >You're part of a proud, defiant race!
  113. >You will *not* be broken in by this brat!
  114. >While you can't outright defy her, you *can* mess with her during your involuntary vassalage.
  115. >If she plans to have you at her side at all times—then you'll just have to make "all times" as awkward as possible for her.
  116. >And that's why one of your hands is sliding down her belly towards her tiny filly teats.
  117. >While you read about Rockhoof carving a trench to stymie the flow of a volcanic eruption, your fingers trail through a trench of their own—the trench of budding youth between Diamond's tiny mounds.
  118. >In comparison to her soft, well-groomed pink fur, Diamond's bare teats are exposed to the elements, standing erect and expectant in the stuffy mansion air.
  119. >It's a contrast you relish, lazily trailing your finger around the base of one of her nipples, enjoying the feeling of skin against skin, before giving the twitching duct itself a gentle flick.
  120. >She shivers at your touch and lightly bites her lip, but otherwise remains silent.
  121. >Has the situation now escalated beyond mere book reading? Yes, absolutely.
  122. >But it wasn't always like this.
  123. >Much like how a bratty filly suddenly decides that you're her property—events just happened to pan out this way.
  124. >This little tête-à-tête of yours started in a situation much like the one you're in now.
  125. >It had started about a month ago; you were reading a book to her on the couch much like you are now—something about the origin of cutie marks—and your hand was resting on her barrel.
  126. >She was heckling you, as per usual, on the nature of your literal lecture.
  127. >"This is so boring, make it interesting!"
  128. >"I'm pretty sure that's *not* how cutie marks work; don't you know *anything* about cutie marks?"
  129. >"You're reading too slow! Go faster!"
  130. >"I can't understand a word that you're saying! Go slower!"
  131. >And so on.
  132. >Your hand started to drift away of its own accord.
  133. >Lower and lower…
  134. >And all of a sudden—her complaints stopped.
  135. >Looking down, you saw that Diamond's eyes were glazed over, as if she was in some kind of trance.
  136. >And then you saw—and felt—your hand cupping her itty bitty filly titties.
  137. >The first thought was to yank your lecherous hand away.
  138. >But then your subsequent thoughts were those of how she had cruelly snatched you away from your life of independence, and forced you to serve her every whim, day after day…
  139. >So you decided to have a little fun with her—and subject her to *your* whims.
  141. >You ran your fingers over that soft mass of filly flesh—kneading it, massaging it, groping it.
  142. >Twisting it, pinching it, squeezing it…
  143. >All while still reading your book with the utmost nonchalance.
  144. >And yet for all of the work you put into working her over, the only reaction you could milk out of her was a hitched breath here and there.
  145. >Her apparent apathy made you want to play with her even more.
  146. >When your reading session had eventually ended, she wouldn't speak to you for the rest of the day, but she still never left your side either.
  147. >And when the next day came around, you were only more determined to make her squeal at your teaty touch during reading time.
  148. >You rubbed her for longer, pinched her harder, massaged her more thoroughly…
  149. >But she still showed very little reaction to your rubdown; in fact, she even seemed to grow accustomed to your touch past the first day, and went straight back to insulting your narrative skills while you felt her up.
  150. >The thought inevitably entered your mind of travelling even lower down her body and prying open her flower.
  151. >But you quickly shooed such a thought away—fingering a filly who didn't want it would simply be immoral.
  152. >And you are nothing but an upstanding slave—you only grab fillies by the titties.
  153. >This brings you back to the present day, where your continued ministrations have done little in the way of making her moan.
  154. >But it *does* do wonders when it comes to working off the building stress of servitude.
  155. >You're surprised that she has let you keep doing this for so long, though; playing the stoic is one thing, but attempting to ignore your invasive touch in its entirety?
  156. >It's peculiar; almost like…
  157. >It's almost like she's secretly enjoying it.
  158. >…Nah, you're totally punishing her right now.
  159. >"A-ahem, sweet!" Diamond yanks your leash yet again.
  160. "Right away."
  161. >She closes her eyes and opens her mouth, flattening her tongue.
  162. >No doubt she's expecting a treat for winning the award for being the most spoiled little filly you've met for two months and counting.
  163. >There's a tray of sweets on the nearby glass coffee table, and you have every intention of giving her one.
  164. >But first…
  165. >You pinch the very end of one of her teats in between your fingers, and you stretch it out.
  166. >Further and further…
  167. >And when it can stretch no further: you hold that position for a few seconds—and then you let go, causing it to snap back to the base.
  168. >Diamond sharply inhales through her nose at the impact.
  169. >You've taken to calling that technique the "teat stretch," and it has quickly grown to become a favourite of yours.
  170. >There's just something so *satisfying* when it comes to stretching that bossy filly's teats as far as they can go—and then giving them a few gentle rubs afterwards.
  172. >You've even made a game of it to see just how far they can go, and you swear that you're stretching them out further day after day.
  173. >Perhaps it's just her natural growth, or perhaps…
  174. >Perhaps she's more receptive to your touch than you realise?
  175. >But you can ponder on that more later; you've got a filly to feed.
  176. >Setting your book down and (reluctantly) taking your other hand away from her teats, you reach forward and grab a wrapped piece of hard candy from the sweet tray on the table.
  177. >You quickly unwrap it with both hands.
  178. "Here."
  179. >And you gently set the boiled sweet onto her tongue.
  180. >She rolls it around on her tongue for a second, then closes her mouth.
  181. >"Mm."
  182. >She opens her eyes and turns her head away from you, swishing the candy around in her mouth.
  183. >You pick the book back up.
  184. "Now, where were we…ah, here we are—so Rockhoof kept skipping leg day…"
  185. >Rockhoof might have skipped leg day, but you sure haven't.
  186. >By that, you mean that your free hand is right up against the space between Diamond's hindlegs once more.
  187. >And now, back to your regularly scheduled filly fondling.
  188. >You rub your palm over her teats in a slow, circular motion, and you catch movement out from the corner of your eye.
  189. >Her topmost hindleg is twitching ever so slightly.
  190. >Hm…
  191. >Your thoughts are interrupted by the loud *slurp slurp* of Diamond still sucking on her piece of candy.
  192. >Ever the phlegmatic filly, that one—even when your hand is pressing against her teats.
  193. >Although…maybe you can do more than just press against it.
  194. >With the way her hindleg is still twitching—you believe you just may be on the edge of a breakthrough.
  195. >You may just be able to squeeze a substantial reaction out of her yet.
  196. >Focusing your efforts on just one of her teats, you run your fingers all around the base, and you use your thumb to rub up and down along the underside.
  197. >Her hindleg begins to rock back and forth.
  198. >You pinch that surprisingly generous amount of teatflesh, and then you gently…ever-so-gently…
  199. >Squeeeze…
  200. >"Nff…!"
  201. >Diamond hisses through her teeth as her topmost hindleg lightly kicks at the air, and your hand is coated in a warm wetness.
  202. >Wait, "warm wetness?"
  203. >Did she…?
  204. >Pausing your dictation, you raise your hand up to your face and examine it.
  205. >You see that your hand has been soaked in a white liquid—you give it a few exploratory licks.
  206. "This is…"
  207. >This taste—it's not sweet nectar, but rather a mild lactose.
  208. >There's also a faint aftertaste of strawberry to it.
  209. >Given what you have been playing with all this time—there's only one possible identity to the fluids you have just sampled.
  210. "…Milk."
  211. >You lower your fingers and look downwards, finding Diamond looking back up at you, wide-eyed.
  212. >Upon meeting your gaze, she quickly looks away, breaking eye contact.
  213. >She swallows hard, disposing of her succulent sweet treat.
  214. >And you can feel her heavily breathing against your lap.
  216. "Oops. Didn't know that was gonna happen."
  217. >She huffs.
  218. >"You…you kept playing with them! Of course this was…hah…going to happen!"
  219. "Oh right. My bad."
  220. >After giving your fingers a few more licks to clean them off, you find yourself having to the resist the urge to slip those digits right back to where they were.
  221. "But hey—you're the one who kept letting me do it."
  222. >She remains silent.
  223. >You set the book down on the table.
  224. "Well, whatever; let me get a towel."
  225. >"No."
  226. >She pushes herself off from your lap and shuffles further down the couch.
  227. >"You're going to use your mouth to clean me."
  228. >She tilts her head upwards and glares at you.
  229. >"You did this. And it's time for you to take responsibility for your disgusting deeds."
  230. >She yanks on your lead, making you lurch forward slightly.
  231. >"Do I make myself clear?"
  232. >As much as you hate to admit it—she's in the right here.
  233. >You may have taken your teaty teasing a step too far in places.
  234. >So it falls to you to clean up your mess.
  235. "Ngh…loud and clear. Let me just…"
  236. >You sit up off of the couch and make your way in front of her, crouching down to get a better look at what you're working with.
  237. >Diamond still lays on her side; although without your lap to support her, she props up the upper half of her body by resting on her forelegs.
  238. >She gives you an expectant scowl with those sharp blue eyes of hers.
  239. >Her topmost hindleg is lifted into the air, giving you the full view of her budding teats; since she's lying on her side, they look like they're stacked on top of each other.
  240. >You've never had the chance to look at them head-on like this, as you've always had to "feel things out" while you focused on your book of the day.
  241. >You're surprised at how much they protrude—your "efforts" have clearly born fruit.
  242. "They're cuter up close."
  243. >Her face flushes as she maintains her scowl.
  244. >She may be your "mistress," but you'll take any opportunity you can to tease her.
  245. >It's a fitting comeuppance for the filly who loves to lord her ownership over you.
  246. >…Or perhaps you're just a depraved pervert; whatever works.
  247. >You notice that the teat on top is leaking milk—that's no doubt the one you were "teasing out" earlier.
  248. >You *also* notice that her hindleg is still twitching slightly.
  249. >It gives you pause; you would really prefer *not* to get reflexively kicked in the head while suckling on some filly teats.
  250. >So you take a firm hold of said hindleg.
  251. >"H-hey!"
  252. "Gonna need this bad boy to stay steady while I work you over."
  253. >She snorts and thwacks her tail on the couch, but doesn't yank your lead.
  254. >Which can only mean she approves.
  256. >Starting from the wet spot on the couch where she initially sat, you run your tongue along her milky snail trail, lapping up her bounty.
  257. >Over the couch, then up her groin, over her bottom teat, and up to her top teat.
  258. >You swirl your tongue around the base…
  259. >And then you gently flick the nipple with your tongue.
  260. >It spurts out a little more milk in response—which you swiftly catch in your mouth.
  261. >"Nn…!"
  262. >You pull back, swishing the fluid about in your mouth for a couple of seconds before you gulp it down.
  263. "Yum."
  264. >Perhaps predictably, Diamond yanks your lead in frustration.
  265. >"S-stop playing around! Get it all out!"
  266. >You arch an eyebrow at her.
  267. "'All' out?"
  268. >"Obviously, idiot! Otherwise it's just going to keep leaking, isn't it!?"
  269. >Confirming her claim, you look back at her teat and see a tiny build-up of white fluid at the very end.
  270. "Suppose so."
  271. >"And the other one, too! They both feel…sloshy. A-and it's all your fault!"
  272. >You smile as you draw closer to her teat.
  273. "As you command."
  274. >You exhale hot air from your nose onto her bare skin, making her shiver.
  275. >And then you take her top teat into your mouth, sealing your lips around the base.
  276. >Then, you suckle on it, working your tongue back-and-forth across her mound.
  277. >And your reward is a stream of filly ambrosia—delivered straight down your throat.
  278. >With how much you're drinking down—the subtle strawberry flavouring of her milk is now much more apparent to your palate.
  279. >"Ah…! Ah…!"
  280. >Diamond's moans ring in your ear while her hindleg furiously wobbles in your grip.
  281. >It's at times like these that you're glad that all of the ponies in this house are more than content to give you and Diamond a wide berth.
  282. >Then again, with how loud she's being, you wouldn't be surprised if the whole estate knew about your little teaty tryst at this point.
  283. >Better that they don't, though; no matter which world you're in—you're not sure how you can explain the absurdity of a grown man nursing from his filly mistress's teats.
  284. >At the very least, you know that both of her parents are out on a private getaway somewhere, so you're safe from *their* immediate judgement.
  285. >The milk continues to flow and flow…until it doesn't.
  286. >There's a light tug upon your lead.
  287. >"S-stop. It…" She takes a deep breath. "It's dry…"
  288. >You slowly pull away from her, still holding her nipple in between your lips.
  289. >"Wha…?"
  290. >Once you can go no further, you unseal your lips from her nipple with a wet *pop,* watching it snap back with a satisfying jiggle.
  291. >"Ngh…!"
  292. >You examine your handiwork; her teat is pristine, with no traces of leakage.
  293. "So it is."
  294. >That's if you discount the fact that it's absolutely *lathered* in your saliva.
  295. >Still, mission successful—or half of it, anyway.
  296. >You turn your head to meet Diamond's glare.
  297. >Her breathing is ragged, and her mane is a little mussed.
  298. >After all you've put her through today, you'll be lucky if you make it out of here with just a little extra brush-duty.
  300. >It's amazing how one little filly can look so pissed off and so exhausted at the same time.
  301. >Your awe comes in the form of a light rumbling within your stomach and—oh wait.
  302. >You quickly face away from her and perform a mighty belch.
  303. "Oh, 'scuse me."
  304. >"Ugh, gross!" Her brows furrow just that little bit more.
  305. "Hey, if you want to blame anything, blame your milk. Speaking of which…"
  306. >You lower your head down to her other teat.
  307. "Bon appétit."
  308. >Lips locked and tongue at the ready—you're ready to begin round two.
  309. >You roll your tongue around her mound, appreciating the release of the ambrosia that you've grown accustomed to.
  310. >Before you know it—you've settled into another rhythm of suckling and slurping.
  311. >It won't be much longer before this teat is also fully drained, a fact that fills you with a strange sense of sombreness.
  312. >You find yourself wanting to leave her a little parting gift—a gentle reminder of sorts.
  313. >Pulling your tongue away from her teat, you slowly, subtly close your teeth in around her flesh, gently grazing her with your canines.
  314. >"Huh…?"
  315. >You've been pretty good at keeping your teeth away from her teats up until this point, but you feel that this is a fitting finale for her first milking session.
  316. >After bringing your tongue back in, you lightly nibble upon her mound through your suckles.
  317. >"A-ah! N-no!"
  318. >*Squirt squirt squirt*
  319. >You don't bite hard enough to draw blood, of course, but you use enough force to remind her of just what kind of creature she's got under her hoof.
  320. >You can feel her tugging on your lead as the last of her milk flows down your gullet.
  321. >After one last victorious snort against her bare skin, you pull yourself away from her teats and examine your thoroughly-milked filly.
  322. >Her face is buried into the couch seat, and she heavily breathes through the cushion.
  323. >You finally let go of her hindleg, and it flops onto her side, covering up the milky valley that you have just finished exploring in its entirety.
  324. "There. All done."
  325. >As you clear your throat, you hear a hoarse whisper from her.
  326. >"N-not yet…"
  327. "Mm?"
  328. >She slowly and steadily picks herself up from her lying position; she sits upright to face you, propping her back up against the back of the couch.
  329. >Her forelegs hang at her sides; despite everything, she has never let go of your lead this entire time.
  330. >Her gaze is fiercely fixed upon you despite the clear exhaustion on her face.
  331. >After taking a few moments to catch her breath, she addresses you with an authoritative tone, holding your lead taut.
  332. >"Look at what you've done to me."
  333. >She spreads her hindlegs apart, giving you ample view of what lies between.
  334. >You see her teats, which you're well familiar with at this point.
  335. >And below them…
  336. >Ah, yes.
  337. >That.
  338. >Her pulsing pink flower, vibrantly winking at you.
  339. >In hindsight, you probably should've expected that this activity would "excite" her in such a way.
  341. >"You are going to take care of this."
  342. >You blink and stand back up.
  343. "Whoa, teats are one thing but—"
  344. >She yanks your collar with a strength much fiercer than what you're used to.
  345. "Urk!"
  346. >The force nearly takes you off-balance; you grip onto the back of the couch to stay standing.
  347. >"You. Are going. To take care. Of this."
  348. >Her tired face contorts into a scowl.
  349. >"If you don't…"
  350. >She yanks your collar again.
  351. >"I can make life *very* difficult for you."
  352. >You purse your lips; this damn filly really can make you do anything she wants, can't she?
  353. >Despite all of your teasing, this was never a line you wanted to cross.
  354. >And yet it seems you have little choice in the matter.
  355. >…Although even then, perhaps you don't feel as reluctant as you should be.
  356. "…Alright, I get the picture."
  357. >As you slowly begin to crouch down to her level once more, she stops you with another tug, having already figured out your intentions.
  358. >"Not your tongue."
  359. >Her eyes drift down your body, and she bites her lip upon seeing her prize.
  360. >"*That.*"
  361. >It doesn't take a genius to know she's fixated upon.
  362. >Her lips curl into a wry smirk the longer she gazes upon your bulge.
  363. "Are you sure?"
  364. >"Yes. Take it off. Now."
  365. >You sigh, removing your undergarments—
  366. >"Take them off faster."
  367. >Even now, she's still an impatient, bossy little filly.
  368. >You remove your undergarments at a brisk pace, exposing your dick to her.
  369. >It's fully erect.
  370. >"Hah! Look at how worked up you are! You wanted this all along, didn't you?! You creep!"
  371. "Whatever."
  372. >You can't deny that this entire situation has…excited you in many ways, but that's only because she's never given you the privacy to rub one out.
  373. >Your Johnson operates on a hair trigger at this point, and playing with a pair of titties—equine or otherwise—acts as quite the stimulant.
  374. >Still, you figure that you've got one last chance to dissuade her from crossing a line that can't be uncrossed.
  375. "Hey, sex makes babies, you know? That doesn't scare you?"
  376. >"Hmph. We're completely different species. There's no chance of that."
  377. >Her nose wrinkles a little, and she continues.
  378. >"I'm not in heat, anyway."
  379. "Could have fooled me."
  380. >And that's another tug from her.
  381. >"Stop wasting time! Put it in already!"
  382. "Fine."
  383. >You balance one knee on the edge of the couch while you rest one of your hands at Diamond's side, and another on the backseat behind her.
  384. >Slowly, you line yourself up with her entrance, gently prodding her filly folds, and then you go deeper…
  385. >She chews on her bottom lip while your penis parts her petals.
  386. >Her folds welcome you with an almost-familiar slickness as you cautiously stick your tip inside.
  387. >Even with only the tip sunk in, you can still feel her walls desperately flex and convulse around it as she tries to entice you further inside; you can also feel her impatiently grinding against you as she subtly thrusts her hips outwards.
  389. >It's a bizarre role reversal; she's now the one "suckling" on you, in a way.
  390. >Despite the fact that she has effectively threatened you into this—she's still a filly, so you have every intention of taking your time to make sure you don't hurt her.
  391. "Okay, I'll take it slow; this might—"
  392. >You suddenly careen forward as she yanks your lead with true earth pony strength.
  393. "Ah!"
  394. >And you bury half of your length inside of her.
  395. >"Hff!"
  396. >The both of you gasp out as her inner walls instantly get to work on the sudden intruder, clamping down *hard* on your dick.
  397. "Diamond…! Are you…are you okay?"
  398. >She looks up at you with a vague expression that almost seems to suggest uncertainty, but it quickly morphs into a sneer.
  399. >"Yes. Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"
  400. "Well, it's just…you…"
  401. >You trail off as you feel out the sensations around your dick.
  402. >With half of your length twitching inside her, you can feel yourself pressing against something solid—you must've hit the end of her tunnel.
  403. >And yet you came in with surprisingly little resistance; she's a filly, so shouldn't she…?
  404. >You gaze down at the site where your sexual organs meet, and you don't see any blood.
  405. >Glancing back at Diamond's face, she doesn't appear to be in pain, so…
  406. "…Not your first rodeo, I take it?"
  407. >She blinks at you a few times, before her face turns into a smug sneer.
  408. >"Ah—ahah! That's right! What—are you jealous? Jealous that you couldn't be my first?"
  409. >You shrug.
  410. "Not really. What you do is your own business."
  411. >Your answer only makes her scowl further.
  412. >"Whatever you say. You're pathetic. Loser."
  413. >She gives you a few taunting tugs of the lead.
  414. >"You can't even please a filly!" she jeers. "What a pathetic excuse of a—"
  415. >While she runs her mouth, you steadily pull back…
  416. >And slam right back into her with a grunt, silencing her.
  417. >In that moment, she lays her true emotions plain for you to hear.
  418. >"Ooh~!"
  419. >With the dams now broken and all sense of restraint thrown out of the window, you begin pumping in and out her, pushing her into the pillowy back of the couch.
  420. >The flood of sensual sensations leave her staggered and speechless for a few blissful moments, but gradually, she regains some of her former strength—strength that she is eager to put into use to goad you further.
  421. >"R-rut me harder, you beast!"
  422. >She repeatedly tugs on your lead.
  423. >The strain she places on you through your collar is very light, but ceaseless—like little leathery love bites around your neck.
  424. >Yet you nonetheless rise to her challenge, picking up your pace.
  425. >"You disgusting monkey!"
  426. >You lose yourself in the meaty, wet slaps of your flesh against hers.
  427. >The sweltering heat that emanates from her filled flower.
  428. >And the overwhelming scent of her arousal that flows into your nostrils.
  429. >"You barbaric ape!"
  430. >You can't bring yourself to answer her slights and slurs, with the only sounds coming out of your mouth being feral, throaty grunts.
  431. >"You're my slave! MINE!"
  433. >You drive yourself into a pink haze of pistoning and plapping and pounding.
  434. >And in the midst of it all—you feel a moment of clarity surfacing.
  435. >It comes in the form of a stray thought entering your mind, one that tells you that perhaps she had this planned all along.
  436. >The strict supervision, the demanding commands, and now the juvenile name calling…
  437. >It was all her way to try and rile you up.
  438. >To get you to take your frustrations out on her.
  439. >You're a wild, exotic beast that towers over every pony in this town.
  440. >But right here—right now—you're *her* beast.
  441. >Diamond's insults have long since abated, with the filly's noises having been reduced to needy moans and quiet mewls.
  442. >Her forelegs lie limply by her side, having let go of your lead.
  443. >You can feel your climax building.
  444. >But the question is—where do you finish?
  445. >You could pull out and hose her down, but…ah, no.
  446. >She'll never let you hear the end of it if you mess up her immaculately groomed mane and fur.
  447. >And you wouldn't dare cum on the furniture; the clean-up on this couch is gonna be bad enough as it is.
  448. >So it'll have to be inside.
  449. >It'll be fine, right? She said she can't get pregnant.
  450. >She *did* say that, but…
  451. >A playful, perhaps-cruel thought enters your mind.
  452. >One final tease for the little filly.
  453. >After a few more frenetic thrusts, you press right up against her cervix, giving it a sweet, sticky kiss.
  454. >You thrust both of your hands into the back of the couch right above her, making her jump.
  455. >Staring down at Diamond Tiara, you growl at her with a singular, dominating command.
  456. "Get pregnant."
  457. >Her eyes widen.
  458. >"I-I…o-oh…"
  459. >Her nostrils flare out, her eyes glaze over.
  460. >You can feel something start to give way at the end of her tunnel.
  461. >Your throbbing, pulsing meat pushes just a little bit deeper into her…
  462. >And then you unload.
  463. >Two whole months of backed-up frustration surge up your length and paint this pink filly's insides white.
  464. >You cum and you nut and you *breed.*
  465. >Each cumshot brings catharsis, each splurt gives you a full-body shudder.
  466. >With nuts both clenched and busted, you fill this filly up until you can't fit any more loads in her—and then you fill her up some more.
  467. >You ejaculate so much that you notice her belly starting to bulge out slightly.
  468. >The sight only makes you cum harder.
  469. >You flood her womb through her throaty moans, watching her abdomen distend more and more.
  470. >But eventually, your tank runs dry, and your two-month-long dry spell is brought to an end.
  471. >Diamond's abdomen bulges out like a pouch—a cum-filled pouch.
  472. >It takes some effort to pry your dick out from her well-fucked fillyhole.
  473. >But when you do, only a sliver of semen trails out.
  474. >You must have really planted your seed deep in there.
  475. >"Uuurgh…"
  476. >Diamond groans through laboured breaths as she retains her balance, propping her back up against the couch's back cushion.
  477. >She stares off into the distance while she recovers from your beastly rut.
  479. >You pull up your boxers and sit down next to her.
  480. >Staring into the crackling fireplace, you enjoy the relative silence while you ponder about where to go from here.
  481. >There's no going back now; is this going to become a regular occurrence? Or is she going to rat you out to the authorities and get you locked up in the filly-fooling dungeons?
  482. >"This…mrgh…"
  483. >Regaining some measure of lucidity, Diamond slowly reaches a forehoof up to her abdominal bulge and feels around.
  484. >After she presumably confirms that she is indeed young, dumb, and full of cum—she huffs.
  485. >"You…you idiot…"
  486. "Hey, I did what you asked."
  487. >"But…but look."
  488. >As you make eye contact with her, she worriedly pats her bulging belly.
  489. >"H-how am I going to explain this?"
  490. "Well…"
  491. >You pick a sweet up off the tray.
  492. "Too many sweets?"
  493. >She gives you a frustrated frown.
  494. >And you set the sweet back onto the tray—you imagine that she doesn't have any more room down there anyhow.
  495. >"We're staying in this room until *this* goes away. Nopony can see this."
  496. "It might go away…"
  497. >Your lips curl upward into a smirk.
  498. "Or…it might get even bigger."
  499. >She scowls at you.
  500. >"Sh-shut up! We're different species, remember? It's not possible!"
  501. "I don't know about that…"
  502. >You look away from her and cup your cheek.
  503. "I mean, if continually playing with your cute little teats was enough to get you making milk, then maybe…"
  504. >You let a pregnant pause hang in the air.
  505. "Maybe continually pumping you full of human cum is enough to get you making human babies?"
  506. >You chuckle to yourself as you gaze into the fireplace.
  507. >"It's not possible. It's not."
  508. "Sure, you say that *now,* but you'll be changing your tune in a few months when you're carrying all of that extra weight around."
  509. >"N-no, you're lying…"
  510. "Pretty sure I'm just stating the…uh…"
  511. >Your teasing is cut short when you hear light sniffling.
  512. >Turning your head back to her, you see her lips quivering and her eyes watering.
  513. >Shit, you hope you didn't push her too far.
  514. >Despite everything that's happened between you two—you don't wanna see a little filly cry.
  515. "Hey."
  516. >You rest a hand on the back of her neck and gently rub around the area.
  517. "I'm here for you, alright?"
  518. >She shakily makes eye contact with you.
  519. >"E-even if…"
  520. >She sniffles.
  521. >"Even if I didn't own you?"
  522. >You blink as you try to come up with the answer that will convince not just her—but yourself as well.
  523. >It's no lie that your relationship with this filly is complicated at best.
  524. >It started out twisted, and now it's a Gordian knot.
  525. >On the other hand, you *do* get bed and board, alongside a luxurious range of amenities at your disposal.
  526. >And all you have to do is put up with a bossy little filly.
  527. >One that you're slowly starting to grow fond of as you see more of her sensitive side…and her *sensitive* side.
  528. >You wouldn't mind more of this.
  529. "Even then."
  531. >She sniffles one more time, gazing at you with those shimmering blue eyes.
  532. >Then, she slowly, silently shuffles along the couch towards you, and lays her head on your lap again.
  533. >It's a bit breezy, given that you're only wearing silken designer boxers, but she doesn't seem to mind the feeling of your bare legs.
  534. >In fact, she even lets out a long exhale—perhaps one of relief.
  535. >You're surprised that she let herself get so worked up over a potential pregnancy scare; she usually puts up such an aloof front.
  536. >What a cutie.
  537. >But you're pretty sure humans can't knock up fillies.
  538. >Well, probably—this is the first time you've tried.
  539. >Maybe…
  540. >"It was the night when you first started…teasing me," Diamond suddenly speaks up.
  541. "Hm?"
  542. >"You were fast asleep right next to me."
  543. >She trails a forehoof around your thigh.
  544. >"You treated me like a mare. I *felt* like a mare, so I thought I'd…"
  545. >Said forehoof draws closer to your boxers…
  546. >"But when I got on top of you, it…it hurt so much…"
  547. >And just like that, she jerks her hoof away.
  548. >"I was so scared. I got off you immediately."
  549. >She sighs.
  550. >"But…I still wanted it. I wanted you to do it…"
  551. >You wordlessly slip a hand under one of her ears and give her a few scritches; she hums in response.
  552. >That certainly goes a long way to explaining her actions.
  553. >The teasing and the taunting, yet her seeming nonchalance towards your titillation of her teats.
  554. >She was waiting for you to make the first move.
  555. >The thought of simply *asking* you for a round in the sack must have never crossed her mind.
  556. >Then again, considering her first response when meeting you was to arrange your abduction and subsequent enslavement—you're not too surprised.
  557. >What a silly filly.
  558. >But you kind of like that about her; you like a lot of things about her.
  559. >Her cocksure demeanour.
  560. >Her vulnerable side.
  561. >And the way her little filly body is desperately trying to become more adult for you.
  562. >Your other hand drifts down to her little abdominal bulge, and you note how it jiggles as you run your digits over it.
  563. >An intrusive thought enters your mind: if you pressed down on it—would your cum rocket out of her?
  564. >You quickly dismiss that ignoble idea; you would never dare subject your dear Diamond to such a cruel prank.
  565. >…And you kind of want it all to stay in her.
  566. >All of those virile human swimmers of yours, laying siege to her vulnerable filly eggs…
  567. >"A-ahem! Anon!"
  568. >Diamond shoots you an indignant glare.
  569. >"Wipe that dirty look off your face and keep reading to me!"
  570. "Alright, alright…"
  571. >You retrieve the historic book of folk tales from the coffee table.
  572. >And with a smile on your face (and a growing one on hers), you flip the page once more.
  573. "So, this next story takes place in Horse China…"

Beware the Strawberry Mare

by Glimbrain

Bench Fine

by Glimbrain

Club Anonymous

by Glimbrain

You have to eat the eggs

by Glimbrain

A Glimmer into the Past

by Glimbrain