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Duplicitous Dream Diets

By Bugfriend
Created: 2024-05-24 16:18:53
Updated: 2024-05-24 20:46:05
Expiry: Never

  1. Princess Celestia smiled as she entered a familiar dream. She was strolling through the streets of Canterlot on a warm harvest day. Brightly colored banners were strung between buildings, and festively painted stalls were set up along the sidewalks. Earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi crowded around her, smiling and waiving their hands to attract her attention. The alicorn eagerly returned their greetings, reaching out to shake hands and complement their clothes, the decorations...
  3. ...and the food! Each stall was overflowing with cakes, pies, muffins and all other manner of treats. Every other pony held a basket or tray of baked goods, and was motioning for her to try them. Celestia graciously accepted a large cupcake from a nearby mare, devouring it in three generous bites.
  5. Some zap-apple pie, Your Majesty?” a stallion asked.
  7. “How about some multi-berry cake, Princess?” another mare offered.
  9. “Princess, we have some more triple-chocolate chip cookies for you!” called a trio of filly scouts.
  11. "Mmph...thank you all so much!" Celestia replied as she strolled through the crowd, accepting treat after treat and hungrily gobbling them down...
  13. ---
  15. "I just don't understand it!" Celestia said in frustration as she stared at her reflection.
  17. "You must stick to your diet, your majesty," the castle tailor, a wizened brown unicorn, said as he unfurled his tape measure. "Counting calories and regular exercise will slim anypony down, in time."
  19. "But I have!" the princess complained as she stood in front of the full-length mirror, clad only in her undergarments. Princess Celestia was looking positively portly, with thick white hips, a generously round butt, and a plump, jiggly belly that sagged over the waistband of her yellow underwear. She frowned as she stared at her soft double chin, chubby forearms and breasts that now strained against the confines of her brassiere.
  21. "I've been eating rabbit food and exercising for over a month," Celestia bemoaned. "And yet I've somehow GAINED twenty pounds since then. It doesn't make sense!"
  23. The stallion reached around the princess' waist and pulled the tape measure over her burgeoning belly. He pulled it tight, studied the numbers, then let out a sigh. "I'm sorry your majesty, but it's gone up another inch. At this rate, you've outgrown the last set of dresses we've sewed for you."
  25. Celestia blushed in embarrassment as he took the tape away, causing her tummy to wobble. "Oh..." the princess groaned, "You believe me, don't you? For some reason I just can't lose weight!"
  27. The unicorn nodded sympathetically, then reached for a notepad and began writing in her measurements. The princess pouted as she pinched the soft love handles around her chubby middle.
  29. "It doesn't help that I keep having these recurring dreams," Celestia continued. "Not a night goes by that I don't think about food!"
  31. "Dreams?" the unicorn's eyebrow raised. "Hmm...perhaps her majesty Princess Luna could-"
  33. "Ugh. No, I do not need more exercise tips from my skinny little sister," Celestia interjected, her nose wrinkling.
  35. "Well then," her tailor said, closing his notebook. "I'll take these new measurements and have your wardrobe resized. I do hope your diet makes progress, your majesty. I shall return in a week for another fitting."
  37. Princess Celestia thanked the stallion and bade him goodbye, then returned to gazing at herself in the mirror. "Dreams..." she said quietly, reaching up to stroke her chin. "Perhaps there IS something more ahoof...and perhaps Luna..."
  39. ---
  41. That night Celestia settled in to bed. In time she found herself in another familiar dream. She was seated in the royal banquet hall, at the head of a long table. Elegantly dressed ponies sat in long rows to either side, their eyes gleaming as they flattered and complemented their princess. "A toast to Equestria's greatest leader!" one stallion shouted, raising his glass.
  43. Celestia blushed and raised her own glass. The banquet table was overloaded with silver dishes, all gleaming brightly in the light of the room's many chandeliers. Serving ponies appeared and began uncovering the dishes - an immense cornucopia of savory baked and smoked meats, bowls of creamy pasta, buttered potatoes, and well-seasoned vegetables. The princess licked her lips as her plate was piled high with a dozen different courses. She raised her fork to take the first bite...
  45. ...and suddenly the room shifted, as if caught in an earthquake. Celestia gasped as the banquet and her guests began to distort and fade away. Just before her vision dimmed to black, a familiar flash of midnight blue appeared inside her mind.
  47. A moment later Princess Celestia woke up. "I knew it!" she remarked to herself, fumbling for her bedside lamp and pulling off the covers.
  49. ---
  51. Princess Luna was seated cross-legged on her own bed, still rubbing her sore temples when Celestia stormed inside.
  53. "Luna, how could you!" the solar alicorn said accusingly, her hand still on the doorknob.
  55. " could I what?" Luna answered, trying to sound innocent.
  57. "Don't try to deny it. You've been meddling in my dreams!" Celestia shot back.
  59. "It is my duty to safeguard the dreams of our subjects," Luna replied. "And how would you even know I did such a thing?"
  61. Celestia took a step forward and held up her hand. A dreamcatcher, studded with ceremonial feathers and turquoise stones, hung from her fingers.
  63. Luna's eyes narrowed. "Where did you get one of THOSE?" she said in annoyance.
  65. "An old gift from the buffalo tribes," her sister answered. "Luna, you've been giving me dreams to sabotage my diet, haven't you? Tell the truth!"
  67. Luna sighed, then gave Celestia a smirking smile. "Dear sister, I've done no such thing! Those dreams are all yours. Some ponies dream about fighting crime, others dream of soaring above the clouds - you dream of stuffing your face almost every night."
  69. The midnight blue alicorn waved her hand casually. "All I did was make your dreams come to speak. Every calorie you imagined eating would stick to your ribs in the real world. Is that so wrong?"
  71. "Yes it IS!" Celestia fumed. "You know I've been trying to lose weight this year! I never asked for you to make me get even fatter! Cease this curse at once!"
  73. Luna looked her sister up and down, taking in how her pink nightgown strained against her swollen belly and rode up against her thighs. "Oh, very well," she said, waving her hand again. There was a faint sizzle as her magic flashed and dissipated.
  75. "Twas just a prank, dear sister. There, my dream spell has been broken. Your imagined indulgences shall have no ill effects on your diet from now on."
  77. Celestia continued glaring at her sister for several seconds. "...Good!" she exclaimed testily, finally spinning on her hooves and storming out of the room.
  79. As the door slammed, Luna cracked a grin and burst out laughing. "Oh Celestia, you are so easy to prank!"
  81. ---
  83. Princess Luna was true to her word, and resumed her usual dreamwalking without entering into her sister's mind. After a morning rest, she awoke that afternoon and headed to breakfast. Princess Celestia was not not at court, and the castle serving ponies reported that they hadn't seen her all day.
  85. I hope she didn't take my little prank too harshly, the lunar alicorn thought as she slurped down her cereal.
  87. Luna contented herself to lounge around the castle, reading and answering correspondence until night time. After a light meal, she retired to her bedroom, entering her usual trance to patrol the dreams of Equestria's inhabitants. The princess cautiously probed around the astral plane of Canterlot Castle, but again felt no sign of her sister's dreaming presence.
  89. "Odd..." Luna thought again to herself.
  91. She continued dreamwalking through the night, finally returning to the waking world as the summer sun began to peek above the horizon. Luna yawned as she flopped off her bed, fetched herself a quick snack from the castle kitchens, then plodded back to her bedroom. The princess tightened up her curtains, blocking out the rising sun. The thought of her sister's absence crossed Luna's mind again as she strode across the darkened room. Almost as an afterthought, she cast a single small spell on herself before scurrying under the covers for her own post-nocturnal sleep.
  93. As Luna dozed, her consciousness drifted past astral eddies and fragments of memories, until she was suddenly pulled into a dream of her own. The princess blinked as a large room materialized around her. She gradually recognized the tall columns, the brightly lit chandeliers, and a long banquet table. This was the same room from her sister's dream last night!
  94. At that moment Princess Celestia trotted out from behind a column. "Ta-daa!" she said with a flourish.
  96. "Sister!" Luna exclaimed. "What is the meaning of this?"
  98. "Impressed?" her sister replied. "It took a whole day of study to refresh my knowledge of dreamwalking. And learn that little 'prank' spell you used on me. but the results seem well worth it."
  100. Luna realized that her sister looked different. Princess Celestia was now positively skinny! Her thighs and rear were modest and slim, and her blubbery belly was nowhere to be seen - although her bust remained impressively full. The princess wore a crimson evening gown that accentuated her slender waist, lean neck and hourglass figure.
  101. "You've lost weight, Celestia," said Luna. "Now I KNOW this must be a dream."
  103. The solar alicorn's nose wrinkled at her sister's quip. "Touche, Luna," she said sarcastically. "I may have taken some liberties with my appearance tonight. But given your recent actions, I think I'm justified in doing so."
  105. "So why are you here?" Luna asked flatly.
  107. "Why, revenge, of course!" Celestia replied with a grin. "You've been intruding on my dreams, using them to ruin my figure. I'm here to return the favor."
  109. The sun princess snapped her fingers. In a flash, the banquet table was covered with silver serving dishes. A massive feast appeared before Luna's eyes - the same one that Celestia had imagined last night.
  111. "Just look at all this food I imagined eating!" Celestia remarked, hands at her hips.
  113. "Unfortunately, no ponies could join us for dinner this evening. Oh well, we'll just have to make do..."
  115. Celestia paused a moment to look over her little sister's skinny form, still dressed in the dark navy nightie she had worn to bed. With a smirk, she snapped her fingers again.
  116. In an instant her bedclothes had been replaced with a form-fitting black cocktail dress. Luna raised an eyebrow at the elegant garment, then gasped as she felt a magical grip clasp around her forearms. "Ah! Unhand me!" she shouted as an unseen force pulled her backwards towards the head of the table. Hooves dragged against the polished floor tiles, but the princess could not resist, and was shoved down into an elegant high-backed dining chair. Her arms snapped against the padded armrests, her wrists restrained by the same invisible force.
  118. "Let me go at once!" Luna said as she fruitlessly struggled to rise from the chair.
  120. "Oh, I don't think so," Celestia replied. "You're not leaving this table until you've had your fill."
  122. Celestia clapped her hands together. The lunar alicorn's eyes widened as the table's cutlery came to life. A great clatter arose as dozens of dishes were uncovered, revealing an enormous feast of fancy, well-prepared foods. A panoply of warmth and delicious smells wafted over the table towards Luna's nostrils. Serving forks and spoons floated upwards scooping up and stabbing into various dishes. Knives carved into tender roasts and racks of ribs. Food-laden utensils drifted towards the captive princess, depositing their cargoes on the plate in front of her.
  124. Luna stared as her plate was weighed down with food. Slice after slice of sauce-drenched roast beef, a generous portion of scalloped potatoes, and a pile of buttered broccolli were piled before her. "Oh no..." she groaned, a sinking feeling in her stomach.
  126. "Oh YES!" Celestia replied, a devious grin upon her face.
  128. "Sister, I-" *ommph!* Luna was cut off as a forkful of roast beef was shoved between her lips.
  130. "Don't try and fight it, Luna!" Celestia said as two more bites of roast beef and a spoonful of potatoes were forced past her sister's lips. The alicorn's full cheeks bulged comically, and her sister worried momentarily that she would choke. After a moment Luna reluctantly started to chew. For a dream, it tasted delicious - the meat was hot, tender, and seasoned to perfection, while the potatoes were rich and buttery. The princess swallowed, and was rewarded with another big mouthful of meat and vegetables. She chewed and swallowed that bite down, then the next and then the next, keeping pace with the levitating cutlery and trying not to let on to her sister how tasty this meal was.
  132. Finally the last bite of roast beef was gulped down. "Celestia, I'm sorry," Luna said plaintively, gazing up from the empty plate to look her sister in the eyes. "It was wrong of me to meddle with your dreams, and sabotage your diet. I apologize."
  134. "Aww, Luna," her sister said with a smile. "Thank you so much. Next course!"
  136. "WAIT!" *mmmph!* Luna was cut off by a mouthful of pastry. A plate-sized shepherd's pie had plopped itself in front of her. A knife and fork sliced deep into the dense, flaky crust and began scooping up generous mouthfuls and forcing them into her maw.
  138. Luna struggled feebly as she was fed the entire pie, shaking her bound hands and mumbling protests in between every bite. No sooner had the last bit of crust been swept into her mouth, than a big bowl of alfredo pasta clattered on top of the empty plate. Big forkfuls of creamy, sauce-laden noodles were soon forcing themselves past her crumb-covered lips.
  139. Minutes ticked by as the moon princess ate bite after bite after bite...until finally the bowl was empty. Luna looked about wearily, motioning for a nearby pitcher of milk. A glass was poured and levitated to her lips. The alicorn rhythmically gulped it down, chasing down the dense, rich pasta with cold dairy.
  141. The empty glass was pulled away. "E...enough..." Luna gasped before letting loose a cool, frosty belch. Her stomach felt packed to bursting, and her jaw was growing weary.
  143. "Full already, Luna?" Celestia said, leaning in closer. "Here, let me help." The sun princess snapped her fingers yet again, and the fullness in Luna's middle slowly dissipated. The soreness in her jaw subsided as well.
  145. "We can't have your tiny stomach interrupting such an important meal," the sun princess commented. "Next course!"
  147. Princess Luna groaned as a trio of hamburgers and a basket of potato fries slid towards her. One of the thick, greasy burgers floated up, pressing itself against her lips. The lunar alicorn reluctantly took a big bite, trying not to enjoy its delicious taste. The burger floated mere inches away, ready to feed itself to her.
  149. Celestia smiled from the sidelines as she watched her sister eat. Crumbs and flecks of grease fell from Luna's sauce-stained lips as she devoured the burger along with several mouthfuls of fries. Celestia's smile grew wider as her gaze lowered to her sister's middle. Instead of filling up her stomach, every calorie of the dream-feast was being instantly digested. A curve of softness now pooched against Luna's cocktail dress, jiggling slightly as the princess fidgeted in her chair.
  151. The sun alicorn's gaze shifted to the remaining dishes spread across the banquet table. Her mouth watered as she took in all the delectable foodstuffs. Such smells! Such flavors! A hand reached towards a platter of glazed chicken drumsticks, but at the last minute Celestia stopped herself.
  153. "Oh sister, I do wish I could join you!" the princess declared with a lazy stretch of her arms. "You know, if this feast were meant for me, I would probably eat most of it myself!"
  154. "...PIG!" Luna retorted through a mouthful of fries.
  156. Celestia smiled thinly at the insult. She quietly snapped her fingers behind her back, and the floating tableware began to move quicker. No need to draw out her sister's punishment, was there?
  158. Food began to pile onto Luna's plate faster than she could devour it. The blue alicorn grimaced through a mouthful of burger as a think wedge of lasagna landed in front of her, followed by a trio of grilled cheese sandwiches, then a pile of chicken wings. A deep dish pizza slid into view beside the plate. Legions of cutlery began stabbing and scooping into everything, and soon a dozen forks and spoons were hovering impatiently for her to finish chewing.
  160. "NO-" *MMPH!* Luna could barely open her mouth before a big bite of lasagna was forced inside. A grilled cheese sandwich and a slice of pizza then took turns forcing themselves past her lips. The princess chewed and swallowed frantically, her food-filled cheeks wobbling as she struggled to keep up with the massive feast. The onslaught of dream-calories turned instantly into flab. Luna's tummy paunch was slowly growing rounder with each passing minute. Her dress tightened around thickening blue thighs and a swelling rump that squished into the plush chair.
  162. The Lunar alicorn moaned in discomfort as she was stuffed with food. A thick slab of steak disappeared between her lips, followed by a hot meatball sub and a trio of enchiladas. Crumbs and sauce fell from her greasy lips to stain her straining cocktail dress. Said dress was now stretched painfully tight against her swelling gut, its hemline riding up against her fattening thighs. Stitches strained as the fabric struggled to hold back the rising tide of belly fat. Luna fidgeted uncomfrotably as her panties were stretched skintight around her chunky waist, digging deep into the crevice between her fattening rump cheeks.
  164. "Last course..." Celestia called out from her perch on a nearby chair. Luna blearily eyed a giant roast turkey as it sailed towards her over the pile of empty serving dishes. The lunar alicorn sighed in defeat and opened her mouth expectantly as a thick golden drumstick was carved off and shoved in her face. First one, then the other leg were gnawed to pieces.
  165. A gravy boat floated up and tilted towards her lips as the rest of the meat was carved and piled onto a platter. The thirsty princess guzzled down gulps of rich, warm gravy. There was a soft POP as the stitching on her dress finally parted, splitting the outfit down the side. Luna huffed through a mouthful of gravy as the constricting garment fell away, allowing a fat blue belly to sag further into her lap.
  167. Finally the last of the turkey was devoured. The floating cutlery clattered to the table amidst a landscape of empty, food-stained plates. Princess Luna gazed upwards at her leering sister.
  168. *BRRRUUUUUURRRRP* "Ugh...happy now?"
  170. Princess Celestia beamed back. Her little sister was now positively plump, with a soft jiggly gut that sagged against her lap and a chunky rump that squished against her chair. An unknowing pony would think she'd been glutting herself for years, not obsessing over fitness while berating her big sister...
  172. "Quite happy," she responded. "Now you know how it feels to gain weight against your will. Perhaps something to think about, after our little dream is over?"
  174. "Yes, now I'm almost as fat as you," Luna shot back as she slumped back in the chair.
  176. Celestia's smile faded and her muzzle scrunched in irritation. "Almost," she said tersely, eyes narrowing. Her horn glowed with golden magic, and the room began to shimmer and distort. Her sister felt a twinge of vertigo as the cluttered table and candle-lit room twisted and contorted into inky blackness.
  178. ---
  180. From the blackness, there was a sudden flash of light. Luna blinked as her vision cleared, finding herself in Canterlot Castle's gymnasium. Exercise mats and dumbbells cluttered the floor, while a line of treadmills stood along the wall.
  182. The dining room table and chair had vanished. Instead, Luna found herself seated in an exercise machine. It felt like the equipment she usually used for shoulder presses. Yet something was different - the seat felt wider and more comfortable, and the metal arms on either side of her head had cuffed straps instead of grip handles.
  184. Her wardrobe had changed as well. Luna's ruined dress had been replaced with the black sports bra and shorts she usually wore during workouts. The alicorn cringed as she felt the garments stretch and chafe around her plumper breasts and chunky butt, while her round blue potbelly spilled over the waistband of her shorts.
  186. Before she could inspect it further, her sister jogged into view. Luna's eyes narrowed as she saw Celestia's skinny dream body, now clad in her own form-fitting yellow sportswear.
  187. "What now, sister?" the blue alicorn asked flatly.
  189. "Oh, you didn't think your dream was over already, did you?" Celestia said, her voice tinged with sarcasm. "I'm sure you'll be in a hurry to work off all those extra pounds - why don't we start right now?"
  191. Celestia snapped her fingers and the machine came to life. Princess Luna heard the familiar sound of clanking weights as her arms were pulled back and strapped into the arms above her head. Similar straps cupped around her ankles, binding her in place. She tensed as she started to pull the weights forward, but stopped as a third arm swiveled forward - carrying a tray of a dozen glazed doughnuts.
  193. "Just kidding!" Princess Celestia called out with a burst of laughter. "This feast is far from finished. Why, you haven't even had dessert yet!"
  195. "Sister, this is ridiculous!" Luna whined as a fourth arm with a claw-like appendage appeared and snatched up a doughnut. "Mmmph!" She gasped as the arm sprung foward, shoving the doughnut into her gaping mouth.
  197. The alicorn bit down reflexively and was rewarded with a burst of sugary sweet flavor. Luna chewed and swallowed the sticky confection, but the rest of the doughnut was shoved in her face, compelling her to take another bite, and another, and another... In short order the entire doughnut had been devoured.
  199. Princess Luna's heart sank as the arm circled around and immediately snatched up another doughnut. Her nose scrunched as she shut her mouth tight and turned her head, refusing to take another bite. The doughnut poked insistently against her cheek. Luna flexed her arms and legs as she struggled to break free of the bizarre dream machine.
  201. "Don't fight it, Luna!" Celestia cautioned. Leather straps snaked around Luna's ankles, forehead and chest, pinning the squirming alicorn in place. A metal strip clamped over her chubby chin, forcing her mouth open as the next doughnut was forced inside. The strip then pushed her mouth shut, forcing her to chew. "Alright...alright!" Luna sputtered after swallowing, opening up and accepting the next bite willingly. At once the bar and headstrap retreated, although her arms and legs remained bound.
  203. "That's better!" Princess Celestia sang out. Luna glared daggers at her as she bit into the next doughnut. Lips smacked as she impatiently chewed and swallowed, chewed and swallowed... Another doughnut eaten, then another, then another... The alicorn's mouth was filled with fried, sugary sweetness. So delicious...Luna licked her glaze-coated lips in between bites of doughnut number eight, then caught herself as her sister looked on with glee. Midnight-blue cheeks reddened as she chewed through the rest of the sticky treats.
  205. Luna felt a moment of relief as the first tray was finally devoured. Her heart then sank as the arm retreated and cycled back, returning with a fresh dozen doughnuts, this time glistening with chocolate frosting. Celestia cackled as the machine began methodically feeding her sister. The lunar princess groaned in resignation as she forced herself to bite into the rich, chocolatey pastries.
  207. Already Luna was starten to thicken again under the onslaught of sugar and calories. Her plump blue belly swelled slightly bigger with each doughnut devoured. Pounds of dream pudge began to thicken her thighs and arms, cushion her already chubby rump, and round out her cheeks and chin.
  209. Halfway through the second dozen doughnuts, she suddenly heard a familiar clinking noise above her head. Glancing upwards, she recognized the sight and sound of a mechanical scale attached to the machine. Metallic weights shifted on their own as it measured the lunar princess' steadily increasing weight. Her reddened cheeks burned even redder as she heard and felt herself growing fatter with each bite...
  211. Princess Celestia blew a metal whistle as Luna was finishing the last doughnut. "Next set!" She called out sarcastically.
  213. The arms returned, this time bearing slices of cheesecake. The princess sputtered as a slice was smushed against her muzzle. Rich, creamy, intensely fattening...Luna forced herself not to smile as she gobbled it down. She would never willingly pig out like this-never! But the taste was so good... the alicorn screwed her eyes shut and opened wide, willing herself not to enjoy this as the next slice was forced upon her.
  215. Luna moaned through mouthfuls of cake as the pounds piled on. Her blubbery gut was rapidly overtaking her chunky blue thighs. Thickening love handles spilled over her painfully taut waistband. Her poor exercise shorts were stretched to their limit as her fattening butt outgrew them.
  217. More and more slices of cake bore down on her. Cheesecake gave way to chocolate cake, then carrot cake, then strawberry cake. Crumbs rained down from her frosting-coated muzzle as she was fed slice after slice after slice. Her stomach glorped and gurgled, but never grew full, as the dream transformed calories instantly into pudge. Suddenly, mercifully, the flow of cake stopped.
  219. "Can't have cake without ice cream!"
  221. An enormous ice cream sundae, drenched with hot fudge and whipped cream, was lowered into place. Princess Luna groaned in despair as two machine arms tipped with spoons appeared and began digging into the sundae. The alicorn opened her trembling lips as they fed her the sundae. First one bite, then another, left, then right...
  223. Melted cream dribbled from the corner of Luna's mouth as she devoured the cold, creamy treat. A deep divot formed around her navel as her fat belly swelled ever bigger. Plump chins wobbled as she slurped down bite after bite of ice cream. Fabric dug into her soft back and shoulders as her swelling cleavage pulled her sports bra tight. The elastic on Luna's shorts creaked softly as it was worn apart by her expanding waistline.
  225. The sundae slowly dwindled as she slurped it down. Soon nothing but a puddle of melted cream remained. Princess Luna shivered as the spoons retreated, causing her fattened belly to jiggle. She finally ventured a glance at her sister, who was admiring her skinny dream-reflection in the mirror. Celestia spun back towards her sister with a gloating grin.
  227. "Last set! A little something to wash that down with, hmm?"
  229. A plastic tube snaked around the captive alicorn's head, planting itself between her lips. A soft whirring sounded as the tube quivered. Princess Luna shuddered as a cold, chocolatey substance flooded her mouth. A chocolate milkshake...Her cheeks swelled as her mouth filled until she finally swallowed, sending a wave of burning-sweet cream down her throat. The torrent of milkshake continued, and the princess forced herself to rhythmically gulp it down to avoid drowning in cream.
  231. "Ulp...ulp...ulpp...!"
  233. Luna seemed to inflate with flab as she drank down this last, most decadent dessert. Her blubbery gut thickened into two generous rolls that devoured what was left of her lap. Luna's tortured gym shorts sank lower and lower as her globular rump cheeks overflowed them. Stitches frayed and popped as they were finally pulled apart by her expanding ass and thighs. The princess lurched against her restraints as the confining threads fell to pieces. Almost every part of her jiggled in response - her trunklike hips, her pudgy arms, her chunky new double chin, and the hefty medicine ball of fat spilling from her middle. Minutes ticked by, and all she could do was gulp and grow, gulp and grow...until finally, mercifully, the flow of milkshake slowed and stopped and the feeding tube retreated.
  235. At once the restraints around her arms and legs were released. Princess Luna groaned blearily as she dropped her arms to her sides and slumped against the machine. The flabby boulder of her belly swelled out almost past her knees. Her plump, swollen tits perched atop it, each threatening to pop out of her skintight sports bra. Her fattened ass had already burst apart her shorts, and was now overflowing the confines of her seat. Rivers of melted ice cream dotted with cake crumbs flowed down her plump double chin, across her cavernous cleavage and spattered across the upper swell of her gut.
  237. Celestia drank in the sight of her sister, now fattened into a hopelessly out-of-shape butterball. "Ha!" she gloated, leaning forwards with her hands at her hips. "Enjoying your 'just desserts,' Luna? I certainly hope pranking me was 'worth the weight'!"
  239. Luna wrinkled her nose at Celestia's teasing, willing her cheeks not to blush any more. The white alicorn leaned closer, poking a finger into her sister's gut. "Such a porker!" she tutted with amusement as she fondled Luna's belly flab.
  241. "This is your dream, sister!" she retorted grumpily.
  243. "Not for long!" Celestia pulled away and returned to leering over her. "Thanks to your little spell, ALL this extra fat is being added to YOUR figure right now! You'll be the fattest princess in Equestria, once this night is over!"
  245. Princess Celestia giggled evilly as she snapped her fingers one last time. "Sweet dreams, Luna! I look forward to seeing you in the gym tomorrow!"
  247. "We'll see about that..." Princess Luna mumbled to herself as the dream began to dissipate. Their surroundings shimmered and distorted, then faded into unconscious blackness.
  249. ---
  251. Celestia cracked a smile as she woke up in bed, the memory of her dream-revenge still fresh. Luna will be so humiliated once everypony sees her now! Oh, but she's learned her lesson - and knowing Luna, she'll work it off in no time. With her big sister's help, of course!
  253. The princess's smile widened - then shrank as she tried to stretch. Why did her arms feel so heavy? And there was an awful pressure against her chest that hadn't been there before... Celestia fumbled under the covers for a bit, confusion deepening, before finally reaching out with her magic to click on the lamp beside her bed.
  255. Celestia gasped as the lamp illuminated a great round mass atop her body. Her eyes glimpsed her bare arms, now thickened with several extra inches of flab. With mounting horror she flung open the covers - and her eyes shot open. Her plump belly was now an enormous, heaving gut that swelled out a full foot beyond her former waist. Two titanic breasts jiggled precipitously over her chunky neck. The ruined remnants of her burst-apart nightgown clung to her chest underneath her overflowing cleavage.
  257. The pale alicorn stared at herself in shock. How had this happened!? It's almost as if all that extra fat she'd forced on Luna had been-
  259. ---
  261. Princess Luna awoke just in time to hear the muffled sound of her sister's scream from across the castle. The blue alicorn pulled back her bedcovers, confirming that her body was as skinny as ever - not a single extra pound had found its way onto her frame. With a grin she dispelled the effect-reversal spell she'd cast before falling asleep.
  263. "You of all ponies should know better than to prank me in a dream, dear sister!" she said to herself with satisfaction.

Not-Very-Just Desserts

by Bugfriend

How to Feed Your Horseband

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Bedroom Purchase

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The Magician's Vacation

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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

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