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Not-Very-Just Desserts

By Bugfriend
Created: 2022-03-01 12:41:29
Updated: 2022-06-08 18:11:14
Expiry: Never

  1. Dedicated to anyone who's ever had lewd thoughts about those hollow chocolate bunnies you get at Easter.
  2. Contains food pony TF, hard vore (sorta), noncon (I guess), stuffing, weight gain, fats
  4. Unlike in Canterlot, the Crystal Empire's castle had no underground dungeons. Instead, the crystalline spire contained an inner maze of hidden entrances, passages, and stairways spiraling up to the tower's luminous top - remnants of King Sombra's ancient reign. Some chambers were rumored to contain hidden treasures, arcane tomes or dangerous dark-magical traps, but most were mercifully empty, such as the one Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor were currently standing in.
  6. The rounded chamber was unadorned, the sparkling walls lit by a modest glow above the high ceiling. The room was cold but not uninviting, but the ponies nonetheless kept to the edge of the room, near the only door, which was magically sealed shut. Before them in the room's center sat their nemesis: Queen Chrysalis, wedding-crasher and former leader of the changeling hive.
  8. Shining Armor rocked uneasily on his hooves. It had been almost a year since the changelings' reformation - since the queen had fled her hive. The fugitive changeling had offered almost no resistance since being discovered and captured in the Everfree Forest three days ago. She seemed resigned - not entirely defeated, but not the haughty persona he remembered from his wedding in Canterlot. Chrysalis stared back at her captors with impassive malice, her mane slightly askew. A single manacle gripped her left forehoof, securing her with a chain to the chamber floor - an almost perfunctory restraint for their prisoner, given the number of magical shields and guards posted outside this chamber and nearby within the castle.
  10. Shining glanced back at his wife. Princess Cadance seemed to have no such pity for her defeated foe. She smiled smugly as she regarded the captive changeling.
  12. "Well, Chrysalis, are you ready for your sentence?" she asked casually.
  14. The changeling snorted. "Do as you wish, pony princess. I will never bow to your kind," she spat.
  16. "Princesses Celestia and Luna wanted you to be permanently imprisoned in Tartarus for your crimes," Cadance continued. "But Twilight Sparkle intervened, and sent you to us instead."
  18. Chrysalis rolled her large green eyes at this.
  20. "She and I decided that you will be reformed instead."
  22. At that the changeling bared her fangs. "NEVER! I'll never accept you or your poisonous friendship! Your kind DESTROYED my hive!"
  23. Cadance rolled her own eyes at that. "Your hive is alive and well. And after this little spell, we'll be happy to have you join them."
  24. Chrysalis stared at Cadance with a silent growl, fangs still bared, as the princess of love's horn began to glow. A cascade of pink light flowed from her, enveloping the queen. Chrysalis' eyes widened and she bucked away, trying in vain to escape the spell. Powerful magic crackled as it gently lifted the changeling off the ground; the light grew intensely bright as ribbons of opaque magic surrounded her. The spell culminated with a low boom that echoed off the crystalline walls.
  26. The two ponies shielded their eyes with their hooves as the spell did its work. "Cadance, was that really necessary?" Shining asked as the light began to fade. "I mean, she just got here..."
  28. "Oh Shiny, you know how I hate monologuing," Cadance answered. She dropped her hoof to survey her captive...and her jaw dropped.
  29. The changeling queen remained standing before them, blinking irritably. But something about her was different. Her black chitinous flesh was now a dark, burnished brown. The two ponies noticed her mane was thicker and lighter in color - it flowed around her head and rear like Celestia's, and was speckled with irregular dark spots. Her green back chitin The queen's crown was replaced with a large yellow sphere perched atop several crystalline petals.
  31. Cadance and Shining Armor gawked at the transformed queen. Chrysalis regarded both their stares, then glanced down to her own form. Her eyes widened as she noticed her transformed legs and tail.
  33. "W-what have you done?" she asked with creeping concern. "What have you done to me!"
  35. "Umm..." Cadance was at a loss. This was not what she had expected.
  37. Shining Armor pulled his wife aside and led them a few paces away from the increasingly nervous changeling. "Cadance, what happened? What did that spell do to her?" he whispered.
  39. "I don't know!" she whispered back. "It was just Princess Twilight's spell, mixed with my own magic! It was supposed to reform her...make ponies love and accept her, show her kindness and friendship!"
  41. "You should have tested it first. We have no idea how your combined magic could effect..."
  43. Suddenly Shining sniffed the air. A new smell was filling the room - emanating from their defeated enemy. The stallion closed his eyes, inhaling deeply.
  45. "Is that...chocolate?"
  47. Puzzled, Cadance sniffed as well. The rich aroma of dark chocolate, tinged with sugar and mint, filled her muzzle. Cadance looked at her husband, then looked back at the changeling queen.
  49. "Wretched ponies!" Chrysalis shouted at them. "You've mutated me! Change me back! Change me back!!"
  51. "Calm down," Shining Armor replied warily, stepping towards her. The princess followed. The ponies moved closer, sniffing deeply as they approached the queen.
  53. "Cadance, it's her...Chrysalis smells like chocolate," Shining remarked. He pushed closer, staring at the queen's flank even as she cringed away from him. "I think...I think she IS chocolate!"
  55. "WHAT?!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed shrilly. She began to bolt away, but Shining Armor reached out with his magic and pulled the changeling back towards her. The skittish bugpony lost her footing and crashed onto the crystal floor. Her tail smacked onto the cold surface, scattering droplets of green goop around her. A dull crack sounded as her hooves hit the ground. The changeling looked around...and noticed a chunk of her right forehoof had broken off, sliding backwards towards the two ponies.
  56. "MY HOOF!" Chrysalis exclaimed in horror.
  58. Cadance reached out with her magic and grasped the broken hoof, levitating it towards her and Shining Armor. Up close, it definitely looked like the top of Queen Chrysalis' hoof. The princess regarded it quizzically. The smell of chocolate suddenly became much stronger.
  60. Cadance thought for a moment...then popped the fragment into her mouth.
  62. "Dear?!" Shining cried, as the changeling queen in front of him gasped.
  64. "Mmmm..." Cadance hummed as her mouth filled with the delicious taste of dark chocolate. Rich, intense flavor danced over her taste buds, and she slowly chewed, then swallowed. "Oh Shining, you're right - she IS chocolate!"
  66. As Cadance savored the taste, Shining Armor trotted over to the prostrate changeling. Increduous, he reached out with his own magic and grasped the queen's tail. Chrysalis whimpered as her tail stretched, then parted, a chunk of flowing green goop now caught in the prince's magic. He levitated it towards his muzzle, sniffed cautiously, then pushed it into his mouth.
  68. "Mmm...mint chocolate chip!" Shining cried as it melted on his tongue. "I love mint chocolate chip..."
  70. The two ponies looked back at their captive, a strange new emotion descending upon them. Anger and apprehension towards the changeling was crowded away by warmth, affection, want...hunger. Deep, devouring, insatiable hunger. Both their mouths began to water. Their eyes clouded with a faint glimmer of purple magic as the mare and the stallions' stomachs growled loudly in unison.
  72. Chrysalis let out a choking gasp as she struggled to crawl away, but the two royals both reached out with their magic, pinning the changeling prostrate to the chamber floor. Cadance pulled the queen's left back leg towards her, lifting her holed hoof towards her mouth. The princess stuck out her tongue, then gave a vigorous lick to the changeling's chocolate underhoof. Cadance hummed in pleasure as the taste of rich chocolate returned on her tongue. Next to her, Shining Armor pushed his muzzle into the queen's tail, licking it up and guiding it to flow into his mouth. The stallion began to bite and slurp at her tail, eating into it like a giant ice cream sundae. He groaned in approval at the taste of cool, minty dessert flecked with chocolate chunks, swallowing eagerly.
  74. Suddenly Cadance stopped licking, reared back...and sank her teeth into the rim of Queen Chrysalis' hoof. The queen squalked in horror as the pink princess bit down hard, chewing off a chunk of her back hoof into her mouth. Cadance moaned in pleasure as the taste of rich, dark chocolate filled her mouth, flooding her taste buds with sugary pleasure. She chewed with gusto, savoring the sugary, almost earthy flavor, before swallowing and eagerly moving in for another bite.
  76. "Aah...savages! Cannibals! Monstrous ponies!" Queen Chrysalis shrieked, her front hooves clawing at the floor as she vainly tried to escape her assailants. But the ponies' magic kept her lower half pinned in place, so all she could do was scrape brown chocolate streaks into the polished floor with her forehooves. The princess of love grunted and moaned in pleasure as she began to devour the changeling queen's hoof, her teeth tearing into her holed leg as bite after bite disappeared into her hungry mouth. Crumbs and streaks of chocolate began to accumulate around her ravenous muzzle. Her stomach gurgled as it began to fill with sugary half-digested dessert. The alicorn smacked her lips in between bites as she worked her way up the leg, eating her way towards the changeling queen's quivering chocolate flank.
  78. As Cadance gnawed on a chocolatey kneecap, her gaze turned to her nearby husband. Shining Armor was splayed out beside her, his muzzle inches from the queen's dock, the remnants of her minty tail still flowing into his mouth. "Ulp...ulp...ulp...," Shining rhythmically gulped down the ice cream appendage as it liquefied in his mouth, his throat bulging with each creamy swallow. His belly bulged round, sloshing slightly as it was filled with ice cream. Slowly he gulped closer and closer to her rear, until finally the last of Chrysalis' ice cream tail was slurped into his mouth. The stallion made one final swallow, gasped, then let loose a massive frosty belch.
  79. Shining Armor met his wife's gaze with a lazy, contented smile, their half-lidded eyes clouded with pleasure and tinged with magic. Her husband reached out with his horn, taking the queen's remaining back leg - and snapping it off at the kneecap. Chrysalis wailed in horror as the pale stallion took it between his hooves and began to gnaw away at the broken chocolate limb. Cadance turned her attention back to the rest of her foe's body, tearing off hunks of the changeling's modest flanks and gnawing away at her rump, leaving numerous gashes and tooth marks.
  81. With the queen's legs mostly devoured, Cadance paused her feast and sat back on her haunches to catch her breath. Her newly potbellied stomach swelled out several inches between her legs, gurgling loudly as pounds of undigested chocolate churned within. Oblivious, the princess casually licked melted chocolate off her forehooves. Shining Armor lay on one side nearby, chewing the last remnants of the changeling's basck hoof, his own bloated belly spilling out onto the chamber floor before him.
  83. Noticing her captors' momentary distraction, Queen Chrysalis rolled her remaining body forward in an attempt to flee, pulling only a single stride away before the prince and the princess again reached out to restrain her. The panicked changeling bucked and thrashed against the ponies' powerful magics. Her wings buzzed furiously as she attempted to fly...until Shining Armor snapped them off at the base with his magic. The queen moaned in horrified dismay as the stallion pulled them forth and crunched them into his mouth, humming in approval as he found them transformed into edible sheets of sugar candy.
  85. As sugary crumbs of her wings rained onto the crystal floor, Cadance flipped the struggling bugpony over to continue her feast. As the candied changeling thrashed, the pink princess suddenly noticed something - the chocolatey lips of the changeling queen's nethers. Unthinkingly, she pushed her muzzle forward, extending her tongue to lick the length of her slit. Chrysalis hissed, bucking extra hard against their grip as Cadance licked again, then again, savoring the warm chocolate flavor of the changeling's sex. On the fourth lick she was rewarded with a new flavor - the taste of sugar and honey appeared on her tongue as a rivulet of fluid passed from the queen's nethers. Princess Cadance gasped at the overwhelming sweetness of the changeling's nectar, her mind momentarily blanking in pleasure. She eagerly pushed back in, moaning as she sucked up another trail of honeyed fluid. Her muzzle pushed and probed harder as she licked and slurped away at her meal's nethers.
  87. Suddenly, the chocolate softened and gave way, her muzzle sinking an extra inch into her prey. The pony princess's warm tongue and hot breath had melted the changeling's pussy. Cadance huffed in disappointment, then reared back and plunged her mouth in to take a massive bite from the changeling's molten lower body. Chrysalis screamed in horror and rage as her body was cracked open, the remains of her pudenda disappeared into her pony nemesis' gullet.
  89. Cadance ate like a mare posessed, her teeth burrowing into the candied changeling's chocolate flesh, cracking and slurping it into her mouth. The pink princess squealed in delight as she discovered the queen's body was filled with warm, molten dark fudge, which she greedily sucked up and devoured. Her pink potbelly groaned, visibly bloating outwards as her stomach was packed with fudge. Chrysalis' screams turned to sobs as her delicious innards were drained, tears of crystallized sugar streaming down her chocolate face. Her sobs intensified when Shining Armor began to nibble at one of her forelegs.
  91. The pink princess continued to gorge greedily on her captive's body. Chunks of melting chocolate flesh were cracked apart and consumed. The candied glass of her belly bands was separated and slurped up. The plate of her back chitin, now a softening layer of lukewarm white icing, was pulled apart and devoured. The hunger-maddened mare pushed her tired jaws to continue methodically consuming the changeling queen. The growing noises of protest from her bloated, calorie-full belly were ignored. The sickly-sweet tang of chocolate was inescapable. Finally, as the queen's body had been devoured nearly to her shoulders, the princess slowed, a blinding sugar rush overwhelming her senses. Lightheaded, she backed away, bowing her head and taking deep breaths to clear her head and keep from passing out.
  93. Slowly Cadance emerged from her sugar high and picked herself up to survey what remained of her meal. Her belly was obscenely swollen, a pink ball of flesh stretched down to her hocks by her chocolate-stuffed stomach. Shining Armor, finally finished devouring her foreleg, slowly rolled himself over to do the same. The stallion groaned in overfulness as he waddled towards his wife, his spherical gut sloshing painfully with chocolate and cream. Both ponies were nearly coated in crumbs and chocolate, their coats smeared and stained a rich dark brown.
  95. All that remained of Queen Chrysalis was her head, neck and left forelimb. The changeling glanced weakly at her captors, her green eyes tinged with fear and misery. Syrupy-sugar tears stained her cheeks and eyelids. As the bloated royals approached, she struggled to raise her remaining hoof towards them. "No..." she moaned pathetically as they stood over her.
  97. The still ravenous ponies paid no attention, their horns glowing once more with telekinetic magic. Shining Armor reached out and grasped the queen's mint-chocolate mane, slowly pulling and guiding its malleable length towards his mouth. He greedily began to slurp up the minty, chocolate-flecked cream, his tummy gurgling as it was once again began filling with sugary cream.
  99. Cadance held the queen's head with her own magic, casually snapping off her ears and horn for her husband to finish. Chrysalis winced as the princess snapped her remaining body off with a CRACK. As the last of Chrysalis' mane disappeared between Shining's lips, he turned his attention to messily gobbling up the last of her discarded body parts from the chamber floor. Cadance held the bald chocolate sphere of the queen's head in her magic, slowly levitating it towards her. The pink pony's mouth opened, saliva dripping from her chocolate-coated lips and teeth.
  101. As she floated towards oblivion, one last spark of rebellious anger flared across Queen Chrysalis' countenance. Her green eyes flashed with fury and she snarled at the pony princess. "MONSTERS! COWARDS!! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS! I'LL-" Chrysalis screamed as her head was pushed into Cadance's mouth. Her voice was muffled as she slid past the princess' lips and into her waiting maw. The pink pony tried to swallow, but found her jaws unable to close around the changeling's chocolate noggin. Cadance gnawed irritably at the changeling's head, struggling to fit it inside her maw, until finally she bit down hard and was rewarded with a dull CRACK. The queen's chocolate head fractured in two, and Cadance was able to push both pieces into her mouth fully, her cheeks bulging massively to accommodate the immense quantity of chocolate. To her delight, the princess found that Chrysalis' chocolate head had been filled with warm, gooey caramel, which streamed from her fractured head, overwhelming the pony's taste buds with sticky sweetness.
  103. The princess dreamily chewed on the huge mass of chocolate and caramel for several minutes, savoring the richness and flavor of the changeling's head while Shining Armor slurped up and devoured the remaining bits of her appendages that lay on the chamber floor. Finally, as her jaws began to ache and she could chew no more, Cadance began to swallow the last of the chocolate changeling. Her throat bulged alarmingly as she forced gulp after gulp of melted sweetness down her gullet. Her straining belly swelled out a final extra inch as the huge bolus of chocolate and caramel slowly passed down her throat and was forced into her stomach.
  105. All that remained of Queen Chrysalis was her physalis crown, lying amidst a spattered streak of chocolate on the crystal floor. Shining Armor strode over and lapped it up, delighted to find it was made of edible sugary marzipan. The two ponies stood alone in the chocolate-stained chamber, lips smacking and throats gulping as they savored the last bites of the candied changeling queen.
  107. Princess Cadance suddenly felt the dreamlike hunger that had compelled her to eat vanish. In its place her brain was suddenly rocked by a wave of pain emanating from her middle. Her formerly numb belly now felt like a leaden weight between her legs. Cadance felt her legs buckle and give way and she fell to her side, gasping and choking as her mind was overwhelmed by sensations of incredible fullness. Her husband groaned and did the same, falling to his haunches and then rolling backwards.
  109. "Oooohhhhh Shiny...what happened..." Cadance moaned to her husband. Waves of painful overfullness washed over her as she struggled to remain conscious. Her stomach felt like a lead weight, packed impossibly full with half-digested chocolate. The drum-taut flesh of her spherical gut was crossed with reddening stretch marks underneath her matted pink fur.
  111. "The...spell...I told...you..." Shining gasped painfully in response. The stallion lay on his back, his head and forelegs obscured from his wife's view by his own massive gut. Its more liquid contents sloshed slightly as he struggled to speak, the immense weight squeezing into his lungs and ribs. Angry red stretch marks were even more visible across the quivering expanse of his pale, overtaut underbelly.
  113. "Get...help..." he said in a strained whisper. Cadance tried to focus her magic, but could not concentrate long enough to form a spell. Her packed stomach felt ready to pop, and any motion that jostled it sent shivers of pain across her body.
  115. Just as Princess Cadance feared she might burst apart, a curious warmth was felt from within her lower body. The warmth slowly pushed out the pain of overfullness, leaving her chocolate-gorged gut feeling mercifully numb. The alicorn ventured a glance over her shoulder to see if somepony had arrived with help, only to suddenly feel the warmth move towards her loins. "Oh!" Cadance exclaimed, face flushing as she felt her nethers dampen with arousal, despite the lack of a partner or lascivious thoughts within her mind. A moment later the alicorn gasped as a wave of pleasure flashed across her, her pussy winking as her body somehow became more and more aroused.
  116. "Sh-aaah!" the pink princess yelped, glancing over to Shining Armor just as another pulse of pleasure coursed through her swollen body. Her husband's cock was fully erect, its turgid length straining against the lower curve of his spherical belly. The stallion huffed shallowly as his member quivered and a dribble of precum oozed out. This insane arousal had ensnared them both!
  118. The princess of love moaned and gasped as her body pulsed with pleasure, bucking weakly against the weight of her leaden gut as her burning nethers winked and wettened. An immense orgasm built within her, pushing away all other thoughts and feelings. Cadance screamed as she came, warm sticky fluids spraying from her nethers onto her rump and the castle floor. Moments later Shining Armor groaned and came, his cock pulsing as it shot ropes of cum into the air and across his massive belly.
  120. As the pink princess quivered with orgasm, the warmth within her intensified, now spreading across her entire body. Her numbed belly now felt like a furnace, her stomach roiling and gurgling with the sounds of digestion. The princess felt her belly soften, then start to shrink under her hooves. Her pink flesh warmed and stretched as her back, neck and forelegs began to thicken. Her cheeks and chin swelled chubby and round, quivering as she tossed her head carelessly in throes of pleasure. Cadance felt pressure against her nethers as her ass swelled round with fat, burying her sex between two squishy spheres of flab. She shuddered as another orgasm rocked her body, hot fluids coating the crevice between her rump cheeks and dribbling down across her thickening thighs.
  122. Nearby, Shining Armor cried out as he came again, spurting more sticky seed across his softening gut, his rump and thighs quivering as they bloated with fat and squashed against his turgid balls. The stretch marks on his belly faded to nothing. His back legs bucked once, causing his plumpening thighs and belly to jiggle heavily.
  124. Cadance moaned and bucked her hooves again as a final wave of pleasure welled within her. Her flesh felt stretched, her thin limbs and chest now thickened with fat, her pink fur matted and soaked with sweat. The princess suddenly felt a huge bubble well up from within her stomach. "BOOOUUURRP!" the alicorn belched loudly, then gasped as a third orgasm rocked her flabby, flailing body.
  126. Finally, mercifully, the heat and pleasure began to subside. The pink alicorn's ragged breathing slowed, and her heavy heartbeat returned to normal. Cadance pushed a lock of her disheveled mane out of her eyes, then slowly rolled forward to push herself back on four hooves. "Oof-!" she exclaimed as her belly compressed against the chamber floor, then forced her back onto her side. Cadance looked down to see her tummy still bloated round, the curve of her barrel swollen nearly to her hocks. She tapped a hoof to her chest and frowned, realizing it was soft with fat and not just temporarily swollen. Gingerly, she rolled her upper body forwards, arching her back until she could roll her backside atop her belly. It rolled and compressed under her weight, illiciting another hefty BELCH as her stomach was squeezed. Finally she swung her hips and pulled herself sideways onto her hooves, huffing with effort as she stood up.
  128. Cadance turned to her husband, who had also recovered and was now groaning and thrashing his jiggly limbs as he attempted to rise. "Roll sideways, dear!" Cadance called, moving to help him up. The alicorn huffed as her softer, fatter body sauntered forwards, her rump and belly jiggling and her thighs and hocks chafing against her gut. The princess was forced to widen her stance into a slow waddle to keep herself steady. Once at Shining's side, she pressed her hooves against his flabby side, blushing at the softness of her husband's flesh, and helped roll him onto his side and then back onto his hooves.
  130. Shining Armor slowly turned in place to face his wife. The prince now resembled a marshmallow with legs, his formerly trim barrel now a big ball of flab curving round underneath his softened back. Thickened legs swelled into doughy shoulders and a soft, fluffy chest. Shining craned his chubby neck back and grimaced as he spied his chunky thighs and embarrassingly hefty rump. Cadance groaned as she did the same, realizing that her own rump was even bigger.
  132. "Cadance, what do we do? We can't go back out like this!" Shining Armor moaned, his flabbier cheeks and jowls making his voice slightly deeper.
  134. "We have to, Shiny! We'll tell the court the truth...it was a spell gone wrong...Twilight will know how to fix it!" Cadance grew more agitated as the social consequences of packing on over a hundred pounds of fat overnight dawned on her.
  136. "Did we really just...EAT Queen Chrysalis?" the stallion pondered nervously.
  138. "I guess we did," she replied. The alicorn suddenly licked her lips, tasting the errant chocolate still caked around her muzzle. "And she was absolutely delicious..."
  140. "Cadance...!" Shining Armor protested, just as the door to the castle chamber jostled and creaked open. A purple crystal guard stallion began trotting into the room.
  142. "Princess Cadance? Prince Shining Armor? The lieutenant on duty said you were in here and-..." The guard stallion paused, mouth dropping open in shock. He had found the prince and princess of the Crystal Empire, only several hundred pounds fatter and smeared with melted ice cream and chocolate.
  144. Shining Armor stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Private! Princess Cadance and I were...exploring this chamber when we ah, were bewitched by a remnant of King Sombra's magic. Isn't that right, dear?"
  146. "Oh...yes, Shining!" Cadance chimed in, eager at the less embarrassing explanation for their current state.
  148. "Go fetch the lieutenant and our advisor on crystal magic and have them report to this room at once!" the Prince commanded.
  150. The guard stallion visibly relaxed at their explanation and saluted. "Yes, your majesty!" he replied and backed towards the door.
  152. "And, private? Don't speak of this to anypony. We want to ah, avoid any magical panic," Shining added.
  154. The guard nodded curtly, his wide eyes still staring at the plumpened monarchs. Shining Armor frowned, eyebrows furrowing as he felt his stomach growl. Another growl emanated from his wife's swollen gut. His head suddenly felt fuzzy and warm...
  156. "And check the kitchens," Cadance called after the guard, a gleam of purple magic in her eyes. "Do we have any...chocolate?"

Not-Very-Just Desserts

by Bugfriend

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