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Bedroom Purchase

By Bugfriend
Created: 2023-01-20 11:35:21
Updated: 2023-01-22 16:07:31
Expiry: Never

  2. Shining Armor sighed as he finally kicked off his dress slacks. Now clad only in his boxer shorts (white with little red hearts, a 'special' gift from last years' Hearths Warming), he turned and stepped across the bedroom to gaze at himself in the full-length mirror.
  4. The stallion wasn't particularly surprised by what he saw. Five years of comfortable marriage, untroubled by evil shapeshifters or Equestria-ending villains, had allowed him to pack on a good amount of extra weight. His once-chiseled chest now softened into a generous gut which bulged heavily over the waistband of his boxers. A pair of thick love handles rounded out his sides, complementing his potbellied middle. Even though his hooves were slightly apart, his thickened thighs still squashed together, and his underwear was stretched tight around his chunky rear.
  6. Shining looked over his flabby physique with the nonchalant eye of a happily married stallion. He raised his arms and grinned, jokingly flexing his softened arm muscles for the mirror. Plump pecs and his fat belly wobbled as he struck a pose, raising an eyebrow suggestively to his own reflection. A gurgle arose from his middle, interrupting the show. Shining dropped his arms and belched quietly, then raised a hand to pat his hefty middle. His stomach was still swollen from another rib-sticking dinner, courtesy of the always-generous Crystal Castle kitchens.
  8. The stallion took one last look at himself, surveying his clear blue eyes and noticeable double chin, before the door to the bathroom creaked open. The prince turned away from the mirror.
  10. "How do I look, dear?"
  12. Princess Cadance stood in the doorway, hands crossed over her chest. Shining Armor exhaled with a whistle as he took in his wife. The pink alicorn had long surpassed the "baby weight" excuse as she had indulged in all the fine food and leisure the prosperous Crystal Kingdom had to offer. Her svelte figure was now portly and plump, with a thick flabby belly that swelled out before her in two luscious rolls. Soft, chubby arms and hands curved around her plumpened breasts. But the hefty princess was noticeably bottom-heavy: tree-trunk thighs swelled into an enormous fleshy rump, the bane of folding chairs and narrow doorways but an exquisite beauty to her lovesick husband.
  14. The princess had discarded her evening dress to reveal a new pair of elaborate undergarments. A frilly brassiere of white lace stretched under and around her plump breasts, pushing them up and accentuating her generous cleavage. Her legs were clad with two silk stockings, the sheer fabric stretched skintight around her generous calves and thick thighs. A lacy pair of panties dug into her rump before disappearing under the lap-filling apron of her belly. A garter belt embroidered with little hearts curved across her midriff, two stretchy straps extending down to the stockings for support.
  16. "Well Shining, how does it fit?" she asked, raising one leg to strike a mock-embarrassed pose.
  18. Shining huffed slightly, then broke out into a cheshire grin. "Just perfect," he replied. "Where'd you get it?"
  20. "A local shop," Cadance replied, blushing slightly. "I was going to save this for our anniversary, but I felt like surprising you tonight."
  22. "A good idea. If we waited that long, it probably wouldn't fit you," Shining said playfully.
  24. Cadance gave Shining Armor a smug look, then smiled and strode towards him, arms outstretched. Shining paused a moment to take in his wife's slightly waddling gait, her pink flab sloshing and bulging against her tight lingerie, the silk garments rasping slightly as they stretched and compressed against her fattened form. His face flushed and an erection began tenting his boxer shorts, and he finally stepped forward to meet her at the foot of the bed. The couple threw their chubby arms around each other and kissed deeply.
  26. "If I'd known you were wearing this, I wouldn't have been able to keep my hands off you at dinner," the prince said lustily, his hands reaching down to grope his wife's titanic rump.
  28. "Mmm...that's why these things are better as surprises," Cadance replied before kissing him again, her own hands lowering to squeeze her husband's plump love handles.
  30. The two continued embraces, their fat bellies squishing together as their plump lips exchanged tongues and sloppy kisses. Shining Armor continued groping her thighs and rump, his fingers probing her flab and snapping the taut hems of her panties. Cadance giggled at his touch, her own hands playing with her stallion's plump belly, feeling its chubby drooping curve against her own fat tummy. Her hands drew lower, noticing her husband's erect shaft beneath his tight boxers. She broke off the kiss and stared into her stallion's eyes, then motioned towards their bed.
  32. "You know, I'm gonna have to take some of that off," Shining said drolly as he lumbered onto the bed.
  34. "Just as long as you get it back on me in time for breakfast," Cadance replied coyly as she moved to join her husband.

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