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The Magician's Vacation

By Bugfriend
Created: 2023-03-28 15:35:55
Updated: 2023-10-24 16:41:46
Expiry: Never

  1. “Ah, this is the life.”
  3. Trixie smiled as she lounged on her private balcony. The sun cast a brilliant glow on her sky blue body as she soaked up its rays.
  5. “Trixie should go on vacation more often!” She giggled to herself as she leaned over the railing and pulled off her shades. Slurping from the fruity drink in her hand, she peered over the balcony and watched the other guests at the resort having fun. Trixie's eyes turned to a small stage alongside the pool and her head filled with ideas.
  7. “You know...maybe if i play my cards right, I could get a permanent gig here. Stay in a nice room, live it up and entertain all the ponies who stop by and get tips! Trixie will have to discuss this with management!”
  9. The unicorn blushed as she leaned over a bit too far and felt her bikini bottom riding up against her rear. Her mind wandered to all the rich, delicious meals she was enjoying and patted the doughy blue paunch bulging slightly over her waistband.
  11. “...Hmm, enough room service for now. I wonder if their buffet is open, though....”
  13. ---
  15. "And now for my final trick!"
  17. Trixie grinned as she strut across the stage, jiggling as she walked. The resort's newest resident performer had been granted unlimited access to their all-day buffet as "payment," the results of which were plain to see for the dozen or so ponies in her audience. A plump potbelly pressed against the buttoned shirt of her magician's outfit, while her chunky thighs and rump wobbled underneath skintight black tights.
  19. The blue unicorn rolled a serving cart topped by a covered platter onstage. With a flourish she uncovered the dish, revealing a tall cheesecake drizzled with strawberry glaze she had "borrowed" from the resort bakery.
  21. "The Great and Powerful Trixie will make this entire cake disappear!" she boasted. A handful of bored claps echoed from the audience. The magician mare replaced the dish's cover, uttered some arcane incantations, then lifted the cover off to reveal - the cake was still there.
  23. Trixie's eyebrow twitched as she noticed the trick hadn't worked. Her eyes surveyed the serving cart, widening suddenly as she realized - the false bottom under the cheesecake was missing!
  25. "Ah ha ha..." she laughed nervously through a phony stage smile. Shit... well, at least this trick was edible. time for Plan B!
  27. "ALAKAZAM!" the unicorn shouted, pulling a handful of red capsules from her pocket and throwing them onto the stage. The capsules shattered, instantly engulfing the stage in thick purplish smoke. Mares and stallions began to cough as the cloud of smoke drifted towards the audience.
  29. Trixie's hands leapt to the cheesecake, wrenching apart a slice and shoving it into her mouth. "Mmph..." the unicorn mumbled as she hurriedly chewed a massive bite and gulped it down. She began to tear into the confection, grabbing slices of cake and making them 'dissappear' down her throat.
  31. "Omph...mmgh...ummph..." Trixie muttered through massive mouthfuls of cheesecake. Her jaw began to ache as she struggled to chew the dense, rich dessert. Blue cheeks bulged and wobbled as she forced more and more of the cake into her mouth, willing herself to chew and swallow. Huge gulps of cheesecake forced their way down her throat and into her roiling stomach. Her shirt strained taut against her middle as her belly bloated outwards.
  33. The smoke was starting to dissipate. "Mmf...guh..." Trixie gasped and struggled for breath. Her middle felt like a lead weight, her stomach packed full of the decadent dessert. Hands shook as she forced the last slice between her lips, chewed, and swallowed. Quickly she licked strawberry glaze from her lips, brushed the crumbs from her shirt and jacket and put on a smile for her audience.
  35. *urp* "Ta-Da!" Trixie said with another flourish, pointing towards the empty platter. At that moment the lowest button on her shirt popped open, her cake-stuffed blue belly spilling out over her waistband.
  37. A handful of stallions in the back whistled and clapped; boos arose from the rest of the ponies. Trixie took a stiff bow, wincing as her packed stomach squished against her waistband, then gingerly trotted offstage.
  39. "Oh, the things I do for show business," the unicorn griped to herself as she clutched her stuffed belly. "I could really use a drink right now..."
  41. ---
  45. Trixie grinned as the massive belch left her lips. She leaned heavily against the bar and began to devour the rest of the buffalo chicken wings piled in front of her.
  47. A concierge stallion sidled up to her and cleared his throat. “Miss Trixie? Might I suggest a break?"
  49. The blue unicorn shot him a dismissive glare. "That's the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie to you, buddy!"
  51. The concierge recovered, looking upon her with a withering gaze of his own "Yes, well, kitchen management wishes to inform the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie that we are closing the buffet table for the evening.
  53. Trixie took a step back, placing her hands against her plump love-handled waist. "My contract specified UNLIMITED buffet access as payment for my shows. Unless your boss wants to renegotiate and cough up some ACTUAL bits for my work, I suggest you buzz off!"
  55. The stallion maintained his composure. "We would LOVE to accommodate you with more food but it seems...that most of it is already inside you."
  57. Trixie huffed, reaching around to scratch an itch around her chunky butt. She HAD been dining for more than two hours, and most of the buffet trays were nearly empty. Her food-stained tank top rode up high above her fat blue gut, which bulged heavily over the tight waistband of her flower-patterned sarong.
  59. "FINE. I'll move to the dessert table. At least THAT'S still open, right?" The concierge rolled his eyes, motioning for a buscolt to clear away her dishes as the unicorn waddled across the room. Trixie huffed and patted her food-stuffed gut, feeling her thighs brush together and her belly fat jiggle. Buffet access was HER RIGHT as the resort's resident performer, and NOPONY was going to tell her otherwise!
  61. Trixie pulled a nearby barstool up to the dessert table and sat down, ignoring the creaks of wood or the way her flabby ass overflowed the red leather seat. The unicorn retrieved a plate and eagerly piled desserts onto it - cookies, coconut cream pie, ice cream and delicious, delicious cheesecake.
  63. "Ommngh...ungh..." Trixie moaned greedily as she began to stuff herself with sweets. Her stomach groaned and stretched, pressing her flabby gut against the lip of the table.
  67. ---
  69. "Ulp...ulp...ulp...ahhhh..." *BUUUUUUUURRRRRAAPPP*
  71. The blue unicorn licked her lips and slammed the giant glass stein onto the table. “The Great and Bottomless Trixie is victorious once more!”
  73. Trixie smiled as her audience cheered, then huffed as she rolled off the pair of barstools onto her hooves. The performer was positively rotund, her chunky thighs and blubbery ass barely confined by straining fishnet tights. Trixie's jacket and buttoned shirt were barely hanging on against her jiggling tits and the swell of her titanic blue belly. A small price to pay for success, Trixie thought to herself - this night's "after hours" show had been her best-attended yet!
  75. The unicorn waddled forward, the wooden stage creaking under her weight. "The Bottomless Root Beer Float has been conquered! Another meal fit only for the bravest of appetites!"
  77. Trixie gestured at the remains of other 'bottomless' dishes towards the side of the stage: a massive meatball sub, a deep bowl of curly fries and mozzarella sticks, and a hamburger the size of a hubcap. The resort's 'promotional' menu for these calorie bombs was becoming quite popular. Almost nopony finished one themselves, and eating more than one was unheard of - except for Trixie.
  79. The blue showmare turned away from the audience and bent over to retrieve her top hat. The stallions in the audience (i.e. almost all of it) hooted and catcalled as Trixie stuck out her rear at them. Trixie's smirk grew wider as she swished her tail and wiggled side to side, causing the enormous orbs of her ass to quake and jiggle.
  81. "It's good to know that my feats of consumption have not hypnotized you!" Trixie declared as she spun around. "I'd hate for you to miss dessert - the grand finale of our show!"
  83. Trixie motioned to her 'assistant' - a beleagured waiter from the resort's restaurant standing offstage. The young stallion sighed and wheeled in a small cart covered by a star-patterned tablecloth. On it was the largest cake the audience had ever seen - a single layer almost a foot tall, densely glazed with glistening chocolate ganache and dollops of whipped cream.
  85. "Behold, the Bottomless Black Forest Torte! For my final act, the Great and Bottomless Trixie will make this entire cake disappear!"
  87. The audience hooted in approval as Trixie sidled up to the cart, the swell of her gut pressing against its edge. Her assistant hurriedly scooted the two barstools over, allowing the unicorn to perch her overflowing rump upon the groaning metal seats. Trixie gazed down at the delectable cake, patting her bloated gut with a chubby blue hand. Her stomach was already packed with thousands of calories, but she steeled herself to eat more. The show must go on!
  89. Trixie reached into her top hat, tossing a few red capsules and tossing them into the air, filling the room with magical sparks. "ALAKAZAM!" she shouted, chins wobbling, and threw the hat to her audience. It poofed in midair into a cloud of smoke, showering her audience with rose petals. As ponies applauded, the performer raised her hands and plunged them into the cake.
  91. Trixie grabbed two fistfuls of the crumbly, gloppy dessert and brought them to her mouth. "Mmmph... *ulp* mmmph... *ulp* mmmph..." the mare mumbled as she began to methodically gulp down each handful. Blue cheeks bulged as her mouth filled with rich chocolate cake and sugary cherry liqueur. Crumbs sprayed from her mouth as she chewed and swallowed, her stomach gurgling as it filled with dessert. Stallions hollered from the audience, cheering her on.
  93. Minutes ticked by and Trixie continued to eat and eat, shoveling handful after handful of cake into her chubby face. Her food-stuffed belly groaned as it swelled fuller and rounder, pressing harder into the edge of the cart. Halfway through the dessert a shirt button popped off; another popped a minute later. Trixie grunted in between mouthfuls of cake and hefted her exposed gut onto the top of the platter - much to the approval of her audience. Crumbs and icing rained down on her generous cleavage and down her swelling front as she steadily devoured the entire cake.
  95. *uuurp* "Ughh..." Trixie huffed quietly as the pain of overfullness increased. The serving cart was a mess of crumbs and smears of chocolate, but the bottomless cake was nearly gone. The unicorn lurched to her hooves, wincing as her packed gut squished against the table. She reached out her blubbery arms, grasping at the uneaten corners of the massive cake that she could not reach while sitting. Chocolate-smeared hands pulled the last bits of the ruined dessert towards her, which she smushed together into a pile. Lifting it up with both hands, she brought the messy lump of cake to her mouth and shoved her face into it.
  97. "Ommph...ummph...mmmph!" the gluttonous mare mumbled as she stuffed the remaining dessert into her mouth. Her cheeks bloated comically as she struggled to chew. Her jaw ached, and her palate was gluey with cake and cream. Finally she tossed her head back and GULPED it down, bloating her massive stomach out another half inch.
  101. The audience roared as Trixie surveyed the empty cake platter. "All...done!" she declared. The unicorn backed away, kicking over the barstools as she dragged her bloated belly off the cart. As she wobbled center-stage the last of her shirt buttons finally popped apart. Trixie's cake-spattered gut surged forward, sagging even further against her lap. Her ruined shirt fell away, leaving her chunky blue tits exposed for all to see.
  103. The crowd began to cheer all over again, making Trixie blush as she licked her lips. “You've been a wonderful *hic* audience!” she declared blearily. "Thank you and good night!"
  104. She felt too stuffed to bow, but merely waved as the curtain was closed in front of her. Slowly she waddled offstage, cradling her massive middle in her chubby palms.
  106. "Oh, the things I do for show business..." Trixie said to herself, more out of pleasure than of pity. Who knew a vacation could be so lucrative? She was already looking forward to tomorrow night's show...

Not-Very-Just Desserts

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How to Feed Your Horseband

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Bedroom Purchase

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The Magician's Vacation

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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

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