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How to Feed Your Horseband

By Bugfriend
Created: 2022-06-06 18:43:19
Updated: 2022-06-08 18:11:52
Expiry: Never

  1. More cheeselegs/royal couple smut, this time stallion-focused. Section five is an expanded version of something Tankris wrote years ago.
  3. "Oh wow, pancakes!"
  5. Shining Armor's eyes lit up as he took in the breakfast spread. A dozen fluffy pancakes sat in a tall stack before him, glistening with maple syrup and powdered sugar. Bowls of chocolate chips and blueberry compote sat nearby, ready to add even more topping goodness. Further up the table was a hearty breakfast quiche, a pile of buttered croissants and an assortment of doughnuts stacked on a silver platter. Carafes of orange and grapefruit juice rounded out the meal.
  7. "All this for us? You really shouldn't have, Cadance." Shining turned to his wife with a warm, loving smile.
  9. Cadance was happy to take credit for the work of the frazzled pony chefs she had been berating for the past hour. "All for you, my dear! A proper breakfast to start our new life together," she hummed, returning the smile.
  11. The trim stallion grinned as he pushed back the dining room chair and plopped his modest rear into the seat. "You're not having any?" he questioned, reaching out to grasp a fork and knife with his magic.
  13. "Oh no, I already ate earlier," the princess lied. The LAST thing she wanted to do was partake in pony food, which her kind found bland and repellent.
  15. The stallion prince dug in, spearing a big forkload of pancake and eagerly shoveling it into his mouth. "Mmm...so good!" he exclaimed.
  17. Cadance grinned smugly as Shining Armor ate his breakfast. "Eat up, my dear," she hummed, a green glint shining briefly across her eyes.
  19. ---
  21. "Here, try the butter beans next!"
  23. "Mmmf...no more..."
  25. Shining Armor groaned as another spoonful was levitated towards his mouth. Tonight's dinner had been particularly rich. Almost an entire crystal shepherd's pie, several servings of biscuits and gravy, and a half dozen helpings of fried and salted vegetables was now packed inside his stomach.
  27. "Cadance, please...I'm really full..." the stallion said to his wife, who stood at his side, patiently levitating a heaping spoonful of beans. The princess briefly frowned in impatience before recovering her composure and leaning in closer.
  29. "Just one more bite...please, Shining Armor?" she chided. "My big, strong stallion needs a healthy appetite. You ARE the Captain of the Royal Guard, after all."
  31. Shining laid a hoof across his swollen stomach, belching softly. He hadn't been to guard training or parade review in days - Cadance kept pulling him away to help prepare expensive banquets or 'taste test' new creations from the kitchens. His hoof slowly massaged the taut swell of his food-stuffed tummy.
  33. Cadance frowned, rolling her eyes as her horn lit up with curiously emerald magic. Shining Armor's eyes began to glow a sickly green. The stallion turned to face his wife, his expression changing from pained refusal to dazed acceptance. "Okay," he relented, opening his mouth and accepting one last delicious mouthful of creamy, peppery beans.
  35. As Shining Armor closed his eyes and chewed, Cadance surveyed his figure approvingly. Even on an empty stomach Shining's barrel rounded out into a soft, rounded potbelly. His flanks and rump were noticeably wider, and the hint of a double chin was apparent below his muzzle.
  37. "Good boy!" Cadance intoned, with just a hint of sarcasm, as Shining finished chewing and swallowed. "I'll give you a few minutes to rest."
  39. The pink alicorn clapped her hooves, and a cohort of serving ponies entered to carry away the remains of Shining's feast.
  41. "After that...it's time for dessert!" the princess sang.
  43. Shining groaned again and clutched his full stomach, even as his mouth began to water at the thought of all the sweet treats that awaited.
  45. ---
  47. Shining Armor huffed and gasped as he trotted around the barracks racetrack. He had only been running for ten minutes and he was already winded. His mane and fur were slick with sweat, which beaded around his eyes.
  49. "Shining Armor!!" called a familiar voice from the sidelines. The stallion looked across and saw the pink form of his wife across the track. He rounded the corner and slowed to a stop in front of her, panting raggedly.
  51. "WHAT are you doing?!" Cadance asked sternly.
  53. "I just...getting...exercise..." the prince gasped, wiping beads of sweat from his brow with a hoof.
  55. The princess stopped a moment to survey her handiwork. Shining's weight had ballooned after three decadent months of feasting. The stallion's modest potbelly had expanded into a fat, wobbly gut that sagged down to his hocks. Wide flanks and a round, flabby rump quivered behind his jiggling barrel as he struggled to catch his breath. Thick shoulders and a softened chest hid any trace of his formerly muscled physique, while his plump-cheeked face was tinged red with exertion.
  57. Cadance's expression softened. "There's no time for that!" she crowed. "The Crystal Faire is less than a week away! We need you for taste testing in the practice pie bake-off!"
  59. "Bake-off?" Shining groaned. "But Cadance, I really wanted to..." His voice trailed off as he glanced back at the empty training track.
  61. Cadance tsked in annoyance, green magic flaring around her horn. Her spellcasting was interrupted when Shining's stomach suddenly growled. The conflicted stallion looked back at his wife, his willpower evaporating.
  63. "Well...if it'll help the crystal ponies..." he said sheepishly.
  65. "Of course it will, Shiny!" Cadance replied, grinning evilly. "We couldn't do it without our star taste tester!"
  67. "Besides," she continued, leading him away from the racetrack. "I've asked the bakers to prepare all your favorites. Blueberry, crystal cobbler, cherry cheesecake with EXTRA whipped cream..."
  69. Shining's stomach growled again as he licked his lips and obediently trotted after his wife, his worries about being so out of shape suddenly forgotten...
  71. ---
  73. Shining Armor frowned as he lay with his wife in bed. His noisy stomach had finally finished digesting most of that evening's evening meal, and the familiar ache of overfullness was wearing off. He raised a plump hoof to caress the round swell of his stomach, then turned his gaze to his wife.
  75. “Cadance...have I gotten a bit too...fat?” Shining Armor blushed as his hoof sank deep into his belly. He had grown positively rotund after another four months with Cadance. His gut swelled into a wide jiggly sphere that came close to dragging on the floor as he waddled around the castle. His fat, curvaceous rump threatened to crack and splinter any chair besides his solid crystal throne. His limbs, back and neck all felt lethargic and swollen with soft flab.
  77. “Nonsense, dear. I actually find it kind of sexy,” Cadance smiled as she gently rolled Shining Armor onto his back. The stallion grinned, his worries evaporating as his wife began to massage his tummy. The princess was always so supportive, so encouraging, so eager to see him satisfied...
  79. “You don’t REALLY mind, do you? You get to spend more time with me instead of training your troops all day.” Cadance’s eyes and horn flashed a sparkling emerald and a sickly green glow appeared in Shining’s own pupils. “Yeah...so dumb...not too fat...” he said in an intoxicated drawl.
  81. Confident that the stallion was sufficiently bewitched, the princess pulsed her magic and enveloped her body in a flash of green, revealing her dark, irridescent true form. “That’s right, my prince. Eat as much as you want! Grow soft and fat and WEAK - so weak that my changelings may conquer the Crystal Empire with ease!” Queen Chrysalis cackled as she straddled the top of Shining’s huge gut. She gazed down and smirked at the pudgy face of her 'husband.' Love tinged with lust tinged the air as the changeling queen lay atop her prey.
  83. Chrysalis smirked at the feeling of warmth against her dangling thigh. “Oh Shiny, just what is that poking my rump?” She said coyly to him, her voice still abusing Cadance’s tone.
  85. “Love...being fat...kinda...horny.” Shining mumbled with a dopey grin on his face. The stallion thwapped his stiffening cock against the lower swell of his fat gut.
  87. “Let your princess handle that,” Chrysalis grinned evilly as she crawled backwards towards his loins. The changeling queen guided Shining's thick, hot horsecock between her slender thighs and against the lips of her own dampening nethers. Chrysalis huffed as she pushed down and impaled herself on his shaft, prompting a moan of delight from the hapless stallion. Bracing her back hooves against the bed, the queen hugged his soft gut, pulled herself up, and pushed back down onto his dick, sending Shining Armor into a jiggle fit of bliss.
  89. The helpless stallion panted and moaned with pleasure, his obese gut wobbling with each deliberate pump of Chrysalis’ hips. Hot, lusty love began radiating off the enraptured stallion, and the queen eagerly opened her mouth to feed. Glowing green love poured into her as she expertly rode the fattened pony, who weakly bucked his thick, soft hips in response. Her green-banded middle glowed and began to bulge outwards as she ate his lustful affection.
  91. “Cum for me, my big, soft stallion. Give me ALL your love!” Chrysalis hissed as she felt his obedient cock pulse hard. She pushed herself down HARD and was rewarded with a torrent of thick seed. The changeling queen huffed with pleasure as her pussy milked the stallion's orgasming horsecock. The stream of Shining's love momentarily became a torrent, which the surprised queen eagerly lapped up, her glowing green middle suddenly swelling taut with pilfered love. His orgasm fading, the changeling suppressed a belch as she relaxed her body and slowly pulled herself off his hot, sweaty gut.
  93. Shining Armor, exhausted by their lovemaking, waved a hoof weakly at the queen before passing out, his energy spent. Queen Chrysalis smirked as she surveyed the fat, disheveled stallion, dollops of seed and her own juices dribbling from her pussy lips and pooling on the bedsheets.
  95. “What a lazy prince. All the more delightful for when I CRUSH you!” The queen chuckled as she patted her own taut tummy, her gut comfortably full of seed and love. She hopped off the bed and towards the bathroom, eager to shower and re-form her disguise. Her lips curled evilly as she decided to 'reward' Shining Armor with an extra-large breakfast tomorrow morning...
  97. ---
  99. "Mmmh...ooooh..."
  101. Shining Armor groaned as he awoke. He had fallen into a post-dinner food coma again. The stallion let loose a lethargic yawn, sensing cookie crumbs and the tang of pizza still upon his lips. His stomach gurgled, still digesting last night's feast.
  103. Where was Cadance? Shining glanced around their dark bedchamber with bleary eyes. His wife was usually awake early, attending to the kingdom's business while preparing his usual breakfast...
  105. The bedroom door creaked open. "Wake up, my dear!" came the singsong voice of his wife. Shining Armor glanced up, his eyes shooting open in shock as he recognized the dark form approaching him.
  107. "C-Chrysalis!" Shining gasped.
  109. "Hmm indeed," the changeling queen replied with a flourish of her hoof, pitching tone back into her true voice. "I see no need to keep up my disguise...now that I have won."
  111. Won? The prince stared at her in confusion. Chrysalis smiled as her horn began to glow. Green magic undid the chamber's heavy curtains and undid the crystal window sashes, allowing crisp daylight to pour into the chamber. Shining craned his neck sideways to glance out the nearest window. The morning air brought a faint smell of smoke to his nostrils. His ears picked up the faint sounds of magicfire burning and the shouts of frightened ponies. He flinched as a pair of changeling drones suddenly buzzed into view, then flew past.
  113. "The Crystal Empire has fallen," Chrysalis stated with satisfaction. "The castle guard surrendered to my changelings but an hour ago. I saw no reason to wake you earlier, Shiny - not that YOU could have done anything about it."
  115. Shining Armor bristled at her words, anger welling up inside him. He mentally prepared himself to lunge forward, tackle the evil queen, find the crystal guard and protect his kingdom - until his gurgling stomach interrupted his thoughts. Shining tried flexing his back and limbs. The state of his body suddenly came crashing back to him.
  117. The unicorn prince lay on his side, cushioned by a pile of red velvet pillows. His elephantine gut spilled out before him, its doughy curve bloating out far beyond the reach of his fetlocked hooves. Every inch of him, from his titanic round rump to the thick roll of his neck, was softened by inches of fat. A year's worth of decadent feasting had fattened him into a helpless butterball of a pony, completely unfit to perform as Captain of the Royal Guard, much less fight off a changeling invasion.
  119. Shining grunted as he attempted to roll onto his hooves, only to be stopped by the soft bulk of his gut. His flabby belly jiggled as its weight pushed him back into the pillows. The prince's fetlocked back hooves kicked softly against the curve of his lower gut as they struggled to find the floor. Finally all four hooves found purchase, and the stallion grit his teeth and attempted to rise. He had pulled himself halfway upright when his flabby limbs, unused to carrying his enormous weight, gave out, sending him crashing back onto his pillow bed with a WHUMP.
  121. Chrysalis suppressed a giggle as she watched her fattened, jiggling prey fail to stand up two more times. His untoned muscles aching with exhaustion, Shining instead leveled his horn at the changeling queen, hoping to blast her with his magic. "Aah!" the unicorn cried as his spellcasting was interrupted by a searing pain atop his head. Blue magic sparked from his horn, then dissipated to nothing.
  123. "Ah ah ah," Chrysalis tutted, pointing to a ring of jagged purplish crystal affixed to his horn. "Sombran magic. Just a little trinket I recovered from the castle dungeons. You won't be casting spells at me anytime soon."
  125. Worry and fear began creeping into Shining's head. "Where is Cadance?" he demanded, hoping that his real wife had escaped, that somepony would be on the way to rescue him and the kingdom.
  127. The changeling queen pointed smugly to the ceiling. Shining looked up and gasped as he spotted Princess Cadance, his true wife, catatonic and trapped inside an iridescent green changeling cocoon that had been stuck to the corner of the room.
  129. "Shall I release her, Shining Armor? I'm sure she'd love to see how fat and WEAK you've become," Chrysalis said with a cruel grin.
  131. Shining grimaced at the thought of the real Cadance seeing him so helpless while their kingdom was in danger. His cheeks reddened in embarrassment as Queen Chrysalis gloated before him.
  133. "Ah, my plan had been so simple," the changeling monologued, beginning to strut in a circle. "Capture and replace the princess, then keep the lovesick prince so distracted and out of shape to defend his kingdom. Without their rulers, the crystal ponies would fall to my changeling army in an instant!"
  135. "But..." Chrysalis turned and approached the stallion, who cringed as she poked his spherical gut with a holed hoof. "I underestimated just how gluttonous you were. Even without my spells you longed to stuff yourself with pony treats, to grow fat and helpless under the care of his wife."
  137. "I simply had to delay my attack and oblige your wishes," Chrysalis said with mock sweetness. "Besides, it came with certain other...benefits."
  139. The prince suddenly noticed that the changeling queen was noticeably...thicker than the waifish figure which had crashed his wedding. Her green-banded barrel had grown into a modest belly of her own, and her tiny rump was now noticeably thicker and curvier. Chrysalis turned her gaze backwards and gave her rear a little shake, smiling with pleasure as it jiggled a bit.
  141. "Well Shining Armor, it's been fun, but I have a new Empire to run," the changeling queen said as she turned to leave. "My drones will arrive shortly with a cart to haul you off to the dungeons. You and Princess Cadance will have plenty of time to catch up and...slim down together."
  143. Shining Armor burned with shame. The Crystal Empire had been conquered, his wife had been captured, and he had done nothing to stop it. He had been seduced by the changeling queen into gluttony and sloth, abandoning his princely duties while glutting on food and sex. In the last three weeks he had willingly hid inside their bedroom, letting 'Cadance' stuff him with pancakes and pie and everything else until he was so fat he could scarcely move...
  145. A new feeling began welling inside Shining Armor as he stomach suddenly growled. A familiar warmth began welling between his flabby thighs as he murmured something softly out loud.
  147. "What was that, dear?" Chrysalis hummed, turning back to him and placing a hoof under the stallion's soft double chin.
  149. "I'm...hungry..." Shining Armor replied, his plump chipmunk cheeks flaring bright red while his big blue eyes stared into hers in pleading supplication.
  151. Chrysalis pulled back in puzzled surprise. A moment later familiar wisps of love, now laced with fear and shame and defiant LUST, enwreathed the queen. She sampled it and hissed in pleasure, eyes glowing bright green as her own belly growled in love-hunger.
  153. "Oh, my fat, gluttonous prince," Chrysalis moaned. "You still want more, do you? More food, more sex, more weight from your changeling master?"
  155. Shining Armor whimpered in reply, his horsecock now painfully erect as it pressed against his mammoth gut.
  157. "Very well," the queen replied, licking her now drooling fangs. "I shall tell the chefs to prepare your usual breakfast...after I have served you dessert..."

Not-Very-Just Desserts

by Bugfriend

How to Feed Your Horseband

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Bedroom Purchase

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The Magician's Vacation

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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

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