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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

By Bugfriend
Created: 2023-08-18 23:49:35
Updated: 2023-08-18 23:50:31
Expiry: Never

  1. >Octavia joined the chorus of cheers rippling across the club as Coloratura left the stage.
  2. >Vinyl pushed through the crowd of ponies to rejoin her, getting in close to shout in her ear.
  3. >"Shots?"
  4. >"Shots!"
  5. >Vinyl grabbed her marefriend's hand and pulled her across the club towards the bar.
  6. >Octavia's head still swam from the sights and sounds of the last performance.
  7. >Her gaze flitted between the throng of dancing, cheering ponies, and Vinyl's chunky butt, wobbling beneath her tail as she dodged through the crowd.
  8. >At the bar, the DJ ordered two tequila shots for herself, and two shots of spiced rum for her partner.
  9. >Vinyl snatched up a glass the moment they arrived, clinked it against Octavia's and dramatically gulped it down.
  10. >Octavia smirked as she picked up her own shot glass and downed it.
  11. >The taste was incredible - cold and spicy, but with a hint of something 'extra' lurking underneath.
  12. >The grey mare licked her lips, not wanting the flavor to leave.
  14. >Vinyl called out from beside her.
  15. >"Good, huh?"
  16. >Octavia nodded in agreement as she gazed at the unicorn.
  17. >The booze and the "B" left her feeling warmer, looser, and somehow 'fuller.'
  18. >And the pulsing strobes from the main stage made it difficult to see things clearly.
  19. >She barely noticed Vinyl's round belly, sagging over her waistband and squishing against the bar counter.
  20. >Or how her hot pants and tube top were struggling to contain her blubbery tits and rear.
  21. >The more experienced club-going unicorn's perception was a bit clearer.
  22. >She grinned with approval at Octavia's newfound potbelly, now bulging against her belted pants.
  23. >Vinyl downed her second shot, then moved in to kiss her.
  24. >The two mares locked lips, the unicorn probing her tongue inside her partner's mouth.
  25. >Octavia moaned softly as she tasted her marefriend's kiss.
  26. >Vinyl leaned over, copping a feel of the mare's slight love handles and softer butt.
  27. >Octavia gasped as she 'tasted' that too.
  28. >Their makeout was interrupted by a cheer as Sapphire Shores arrived on stage.
  29. >Vinyl retreated, gulped down her tequila and pushed herself away from the bar.
  30. >"We'll make a regular out of you yet, Octy. Let's get back out there!"
  31. >The earth pony nodded giddily, downing her other shot and following Vinyl back onto the dance floor.
  33. >Sapphire Shores was already singing, flanked by a pair of background dancers.
  34. >Octavia drank in their seductive moves, the light glinting off their racy, sequined costumes.
  35. >The feel of the roaring, pulsing crowd filled her with pleasure and chased away her inhibitions.
  36. >The mare began bouncing and dancing in time with the audience as the bass kicked in, accelerating into a pulsing house beat.
  37. >Her grey belly sloshed and wobbled in time with the beat, bloating rounder and sagging over her tight leather belt.
  38. >Octavia's swelling tits jiggled heftily against her tightening bra.
  39. >The fishnet top stretched taut against her softening, thickening arms.
  40. >Stitches on her leather pants strained as her thighs and butt expanded.
  41. >Octavia was oblivious as she devoured the sight and sound of Sapphire Shores' music.
  42. >She waved her hands and shook her rump, drunk and lightheaded on the infectious club sound.
  44. >A clearing amidst the throng of raving ponies had opened up.
  45. >Octavia looked across to see a white shape dancing across the dance floor.
  46. >Violet eyes widened as she recognized her marefriend.
  47. >The DJ was now enormous, her belly having tripled in size into a blubbery gut that sloshed and sagged down to her knees.
  48. >Fat jiggly tits spilled freely out of her tube top, now stretched so thin that her nipples were visible.
  49. >Her black hot pants were reduced to a skintight band around her thickened waist that disappeared under her gut.
  50. >Vinyl's flabby ass quaked and swelled, while her blubbery legs threatened to overflow her leggings.
  51. >The mare had acquired a few glow bracelets on her wrists, and one atop her horn.
  52. >Her plump-cheeked face was plastered with a giddy grin as she wobbled her bloated body in time with the music.
  54. >Octavia watched in shock, the spell of the music momentarily broken.
  55. >Vinyl's breathing grew heavy as she struggled to twerk and bounce to the beat.
  56. >Her sloshing gut was still slowly expanding, and she widened her stance to keep her balance.
  57. >Mares and stallions around her cheered and hollered, occasionally reaching in to squeeze her fattened ass or overflowing belly.
  58. >Vinyl gave them all a wink or encouraging cheer.
  59. >Each touch she received seemed to slightly increase her burgeoning weight.
  60. >Onstage, Sapphire Shores was belting out lyrics as the music crescendoed.
  61. >The volume grew deafening, the floorboards of the dance floor vibrating under their hooves.
  62. >Vinyl's eyes shut as she let out an inaudible moan of pleasure, her belly surging outwards in a final hefty BLORP.
  63. >The song climaxed and ended, leaving the club momentarily quiet before a roar of cheers erupted.
  64. >Vinyl recovered herself, then pumped her fat-swaddled arms in the air and cheered along with them.
  66. >Throughout all this Octavia had stood there, transfixed upon her marefriend.
  67. >The dance floor began to clear as Sapphire Shores took a bow and ended her set.
  68. >The DJ mare caught sight of Octavia through the dispersing crowd and waddled over to join her.
  69. >Her softened face was flushed, and her spiky blue mane was damp with sweat.
  70. >Octavia finally stuttered out a sentence.
  71. >"V-Vinyl...what happened to you?"
  72. >"It's the B, babe!"
  73. >"You're HUGE!"
  74. >The unicorn flashed a guilty smile.
  75. >"Yeah, that last track was wicked! I'm definitely bigger than last time."
  76. >The earth pony struggled to process her friend's new size.
  77. >Vinyl, still smiling, pointed a chubby finger towards her.
  78. >"Looks like you've enjoyed the music too, Octy."
  80. >Octavia followed her finger down to her middle, mouth falling open in disbelief.
  81. >"Oh, Celestia!"
  82. >The mare reached down to feel the rounded blubber belly now sagging over her waistband.
  83. >She spun around, probing her thickened rear and chunky thighs, blushing profusely.
  84. >As she fretted, Vinyl pressed herself against her back.
  85. >"Why are you all red? I'm the real fatass..."
  86. >The unicorn smirked, giving the top of her bloated gut a gentle pat.
  87. >Octavia grimaced as she found her belt had popped undone beneath her gut.
  88. >Her clothes felt skintight, the fishnets around her tits and arms now digging in around her newfound flab.
  89. >"Vinyl, we have to stop...we're so big...we'll pop right out of our clothes...!"
  90. >"Oh, relax."
  91. >The unicorn gave her arm a reassuring pinch.
  92. >"You're wearing that outfit I picked out for you, right?"
  93. >Octavia nodded meekly, still prodding her belly in disbelief.
  94. >"Then you should be fine. They're a special order, extra stretchy."
  96. >"Besides, you really want to stop now?"
  97. >Before she could answer, the unicorn spun her around and enveloped her in an extra squishy hug.
  98. >Octavia gasped as she felt herself squish into Vinyl's blubbery body.
  99. >She could still 'taste' the feeling of her marefriend's softness.
  100. >And her lips meeting Vinyl's for a passionate kiss.
  101. >And the DJ's hands wrapping around her thickened middle, squeezing at her chubby ass.
  102. >The B was still at work, and every sensation felt incredible.
  103. >Surprise and panic washed away, replaced by warmth and pleasure.
  104. >By the time Vinyl released her, she couldn't think of stopping.
  106. >Vinyl took a step back, then wiped the sweat off her brow.
  107. >"I'm gonna go get some water. Stay here, okay?"
  108. >Octavia nodded, and her blubbery marefriend waddled off through the crowd.
  109. >Ponies were starting to crowd back onto the dance floor.
  110. >It was time for the third set - Songbird Serenade, the night's headliner.
  111. >Cheers cascaded through the crowd as the singer appeared onstage.
  112. >The house lights shifted, spotlighting her.
  113. >Octavia strode closer, not wanting to miss a thing.
  114. >Her mouth almost watered in anticipation of the 'taste' to come.
  116. >Songbird's set started slow, calling out vocals over a synth-laden cello solo.
  117. >Octavia threw up a hand with the rest of the crowd, thrilled at the sound of her favorite instrument.
  118. >She drank in the cheers and the haunting melody as it shifted into a bouncy pop tune.
  119. >The mare felt completely uninhibited, and hungry to feel every sight and sound around her.
  120. >She danced frenetically, bouncing and thrusting and pumping her fists to the beat.
  121. >Her body swelled as the B packed on pounds with each passing second.
  122. >Octavia's belly surged outwards, jiggling and rolling frantically in time with the music.
  123. >Stitches popped as her ass and thighs spilled out of her skintight pants.
  124. >Her fishnet top stretched and tore as it failed to contain her expanding arms and sloshing tits.
  125. >Octavia barely noticed that her clothes were splitting.
  126. >The sensation of the skintight fabric against her body only seemed to intensify the pleasure.
  127. >She continued dancing even after her pants split, exposing a stretch of her blubbery butt to the crowd.
  129. >Songbird Serenade finished her first song, then launched into the second.
  130. >Octavia continued dancing.
  131. >Her swelling frame pushed her thighs apart and slowed her motions into a flailing waddle.
  132. >Stitches continued to pop and tear, exposing more and more of her to the club.
  133. >A hand reached out from the crowd and SMACKED her exposed rear.
  134. >Octavia could only gasp at the sensation, which caused her whole butt to quiver.
  135. >She couldn't even think about being mad that some random pony had groped her.
  136. >Instead, the mare stuck out her ass and twerked it as hard as she could.
  137. >But the sloshing weight of her B-bloated butt threw her off balance.
  138. >Octavia fell backwards onto the dance floor.
  139. >She gasped as the impact rippled through her flab, inducing a wave of pleasure.
  141. >"You okay?"
  142. >A stallion shouted in her ear; Octavia nodded and waved him away.
  143. >She could barely see the stage now, but still felt every note and sound around her.
  144. >Warm fullness rippled through her as the B enhanced it all.
  145. >Octavia sat mouth agape, desperate to 'eat' every sight and sound from Songbird's performance.
  146. >Her senses gorged on the blasting music, the pulsing lights and the raucous, waving crowd.
  147. >Grey flesh spilled in all directions as her belly inflated between her legs.
  148. >Her ass swelled out behind her, cutie marks stretching and tripling in size.
  149. >The tattered remains of her stretch pants clung tightly to her thickening thighs.
  150. >Octavia's bra popped apart, exposing her plumpening breasts.
  151. >Pudgy grey arms reached out to fondle her tits and belly, adding touch to the sensory feast of light and sound.
  152. >The mare gasped and shuddered as she wobbled and expanded amidst the crowd of dancing ponies.
  153. >Beneath all the flab, her body writhed in orgasmic pleasure as it was stuffed with sensation.
  154. >The strobing colors and deafening beats blurred together into an overwhelming tide of joy.
  155. >Songbird Serenade called out the last few lyrics to her final song.
  156. >Octavia screamed silently as she was rocked by orgasm, one last surge of growth bloating out her tits, ass and gut.
  157. >She panted, flushed and dripping sweat as the song ended and the audience cheered wildly.
  158. >Senses slowly returned to normal and her vision cleared.
  159. >The B was finally wearing off.
  161. >"Damn, Octy. You okay?"
  162. >The earth pony turned her head to see Vinyl peering down at her over the swell of her own blubber belly.
  163. >*hic* *hic* "Mmm-hmm..." *hic*
  164. >"Sensory overload on your first trip. Bad luck, I guess."
  165. >Vinyl's concerned frown turned to a sly grin.
  166. >"But it was fun, wasn't it?"
  167. >Octavia nodded, chin wobbling as she caught her breath, and mumbled something.
  168. >"Huh?"
  169. >The unicorn carefully bent over, bringing an ear closer.
  170. >"More..."
  171. >" sure?"
  172. >Vinyl's grin cracked wider.
  173. >"Well, then you're in luck. Look what I scored while you were bloating out."
  174. >She reached between her now-enormous tits and retrieved another baggie with two blue pills inside.
  175. >Octavia stared hungrily at the new dose of B, then back at her marefriend.
  176. >Countess Coloratura would be returning for an encore any minute.
  177. >The night was still young, and there was still so much to taste.

Not-Very-Just Desserts

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How to Feed Your Horseband

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Bedroom Purchase

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The Magician's Vacation

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Little Baggie, Bigger Party [Part 2]

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