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Fluttercow 2

By Tankris
Created: 2024-05-25 15:08:28
Expiry: Never

  1. The old Apple Family barn. A barn named so simply because it was truly the oldest barn in Ponyville. First erected years ago when Granny Smith wasn't so granny in age. It sat in the oldest part of the orchard, farthest away from Ponyville proper. Normally, the Apple family had no reason to ever come back to this relic of a building but today was a very special day.
  3. Big Macintosh stood outside the barn fiddling with his tuxedo. A blue collar pony by birth, the fancy, restrictive outfit felt alien to him. Rarity insisted it fit perfectly but there was no denying how tight it was around his withers. If there was any possibility he could discard it for his tried and true yoke, he would have done it in a heartbeat.
  5. Well, maybe not today. Today was important and important meant fancy. Big Macintosh peeked into the barn. Standing in the back was the Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle. Sitting on various piles of hay were Twilight's friends, Applebloom and Mrs. Shy. Applejack and Applebloom were sitting on one side of the room while everypony else sat on the other. An aisle had been visibly swept between the two side of the barn, separating the seats for one particular reason.
  7. Sitting next to Twilight Sparkle was Granny Smith, rocking back and forth in her trusty rocking chair. Upon her lap was a particular contraption of metal and wood that Big Macintosh knew so well. As Big Macintosh caught sight of it, Twilight Sparkle had spoken up.
  9. “Granny Smith, PLEASE! I understand Apple Family tradition is sacred and I mean no disrespect but MUST you sit there with a shotgun like this? You should be happy your grandson is getting married today.”
  11. “Ain't NO WAY the boomstick is absent from this abomination of a weddin'. It's been a part of EVERY Apple Family weddin' for a reason. A hard reminder of what happens when ponies break their vows...vows they SHOULD be making BEFORE they start tusslin' in the hay...”
  13. Big Macintosh gulped. Granny Smith had suddenly turned her head towards the doors of the barn as she spoke the last part of her sentence. Slowly, Big Macintosh entered the barn. “I ain't gonna argue about it, Granny. Yer right and today is the day I fix that.”
  15. Every pair of eyes was on Big Macintosh as he walked towards Twilight and Granny Smith. He took his place at the back of the barn and sighed. “Don't y'all forget, neither. Y'all are bound to keep yer traps shut about this. This weddin' is awkward enough. The town don't need to know WHY these two got hitched...”
  17. “Yes, yes, fine! We all understand that nopony envisions things like this to happen but if it has to happen this way, I would like it to be a happy day.” Twilight Sparkle groaned. She shook off her weary face and gave Big Macintosh a smile. “Are you ready?”
  19. “As ready as Ah'll ever be. You can call them in.” Big Macintosh said.
  21. Twilight's horn lit up, pulling the barn doors open wide. A moment passed before Mr. Shy and Fluttershy appeared in the doorway. Fluttershy was wearing a wonderful white wedding gown, pulled tight around her massive belly. Her gigantic, swollen stomach brushed against the ground as she waddled through the aisle, slowly approaching the back of the barn as best she could.
  23. “Whoa...nopony said Fluttershy was a huge cow!” Applebloom blurted out as Fluttershy waddled down the aisle. “She's even got a udder!”
  25. “APPLEBLOOM, SHUSH! Ah'll explain later but be QUIET!” Applejack's face was bright red as she forced a hoof over her sister's mouth.
  27. An accident involving poison joke had turned Fluttershy into a cow many months ago. Her yellow coat had been marked with white and black splotches, her glorious mane had been disrupted by two little cow horn nubs and her teats had transformed into a swollen, milk filled udder.
  29. In an attempt to get help, Fluttershy had sought out Big Macintosh to keep a secret. A secret meeting had quickly turned into a secret romp in the hay. The two had become inseparable after that and it was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened. When Granny Smith found out she was going to be a great-grandmother, she insisted to a secret wedding before the foals were born.
  31. Fluttershy kept her eyes trained on Big Macintosh. It was the only way she was going to keep moving forward. He was the immovable object that made sure Fluttershy didn't allow her fear to over the excitement in her heart. Not even Applebloom's outburst was going to deter her today.
  33. After what felt like a lifetime, Fluttershy had approached the “alter”. She gave her father a small hug before taking her place next to Big Macintosh. Mr. Shy gave Big Macintosh a smile before taking a seat next to his wife.
  35. “Welcome, everypony, to the union of Big Macintosh and Fluttershy. Upon the request of Granny Smith, I will be performing a trimmed down version of the necessary rites for this wedding to keep it short. We don't want poor Fluttershy on her hooves longer than needed and Pinkie Pie is already making preparations for a proper wedding.
  37. So with that out of the way, let us begin.” Twilight Sparkle levitated a small pillow towards the couple. “Big Macintosh, please place the ring on Fluttershy's feather and repeat after me.”
  39. Big Macintosh did as he was instructed. “Fluttershy, I take you as my bride. For better or poorer, sickness and in health, for the rest of our days.” Twilight said.
  41. “Fluttershy, I take you as my bride. For better or poorer, sickness and in health, for the rest of our days.” Big Macintosh repeated.
  43. “Fluttershy, take the bracelet and put in on Big Mac's foreleg and repeat after me. Big Macintosh, I take you as my groom. For better or poorer, sickness and in health, for the rest of our days.” Twilight said.
  45. “Big Macintosh, I take you as my groom. For better or poorer, sickness and in health, for the rest of our days.” Fluttershy repeated as she put the gold bracelet around his foreleg.
  47. “If anypony objects to this union of these two lovers, speak...”
  49. The click of a shotgun hammer interrupted Twilight.
  51. “...I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”
  53. Big Macintosh leaned in and gave Fluttershy a passionate kiss. Everypony in the barn clapped for the happy couple as they made their union official.
  55. “All right, that's it. We're done here.” Granny Smith stood up from her rocking chair. “Shoo! Git on outta here. Remember, you ain't gonna tell a soul about what happened today!”
  57. “Aww, we don't even get to see them dance? I thought weddin's were all about the romantic stuff?” Applebloom spoke up.
  59. “That's for later, sugarcube. Come on, ah'll take you to get some ice cream and explain this whole thing long as y'all STAY QUIET about it, okay?” Applejack said. She pulled Applebloom from her seat and out the barn.
  61. Slowly, everypony emptied the barn to leave the happy couple alone. As soon as the last pony left, Fluttershy sat down with a heavy sigh.
  63. “...Are they getting too heavy for ya?” Big Macintosh asked.
  65. “Well...kind of. Sorta.” Fluttershy began idly rubbing her huge belly. “It was more what Applebloom said. It would have been nice if we could have danced.”
  67. “Aha, I see.” Big Macintosh replied. He sat down next to his bride and smiled. “Take a moment to rest and we can dance now. No sense in waiting for another real, fake wedding.”
  69. “You're right.” Fluttershy smiled back. She slowly pushed herself forward and onto her hooves. “I don't wanna wait. I wanna make this feel special, even if for a few moments.”
  71. Big Macintosh knew not to protest. He stood up and allowed Fluttershy to lean against his chest. They began to sway and bob together to an imaginary song, allowing it to fill the silence of the abandoned barn Fluttershy had known as home for so many months.
  73. “ smell so nice.” Fluttershy moaned into Big Mac's chest.
  75. “Oh, uh...yer dad bought me some really fancy cologne for today. Ah tried to get him to tell me how much he spent on it but he wouldn't say.”
  77. Fluttershy giggled. “That's my family...far too generous with everything. Then again, you've given me the world and more...” Fluttershy replied.
  79. Big Macintosh reached out and placed a hoof on Fluttershy's tummy. “You've done the same for me, too. Ah can't wait to see 'em.”
  81. “Twilight says it should be any day now...if we're lucky. Then we can finally prepare the special bath to get rid of the poison joke curse for me and the foals.” Fluttershy said in response.
  83. “Mmm....shame.” Big Macintosh said to himself.
  85. Fluttershy pulled away to look him in the eye. “ExCUSE me? Did you just say it would be a SHAME if I got better?” She shot Big Macintosh a fierce glare.
  87. “Well, certainly not the getting better part...but Ah won't lie, having more of you to enjoy is wonderful on the eyes.” Big Macintosh admitted.
  89. “M-More of me to enjoy?” Fluttershy blushed.
  91. “Oh yeah. Ah admit, the udders were the big turn on at first but then you got pregnant...VERY pregnant. Your belly is so BIG and then your hips and your butt, too? Golly...” Big Macintosh bit his bottom lip.
  93. “W-W-Whoa there, M-M-M-Mister!” Fluttershy's had suddenly lost control of her wings, letting them extend and flare out awkwardly as Big Macintosh had begun to rub her massive stomach.
  95. “Plus, Ah've always thought you were cute as a button. The little faces you make while trying to be brave are too much to handle sometimes. Just like that one you're doing right now.” Big Macintosh said.
  97. “You....You.....” Fluttershy was stuck. The blush on her face was overheating her brain. She took a deep breath and sighed. “Big really like big mares? M-Mares l-like me?”
  99. Big Macintosh chuckled. “Well, Ah like ya no matter what size. You're my lovely, yellow angel...but I can't lie, Ah'm gonna miss that belly once it's gone. Must be something about how Apples have big families or something.”
  101. Fluttershy bit her lip. “W-Well...I mean...everypony is already gone thanks to Granny IS customary to...uh...consummate a marriage, r-r-r-right? about one last time? If you're so eager for it, I mean...”
  103. Big Macintosh shook his head. “But you just said that Twilight expects the birth any day now. We shouldn't act like horny foals now...that's kinda how we got into this mess.” Big Macintosh let out a nervous giggle.
  105. “Oh. Really? You're going to get your wife all worked up and then NOT please her?” Fluttershy let out a little huff as her mood rapidly changed. “You're gonna knock me up and marry me and then NOT claim your wife on your wedding night?”
  107. She rushed over to him and extended her wing. her golden wedding band gleamed in the light. “You're already in this deep, Big Mac. What's one more roll around the hay now?”
  109. “Fluttershy! What's gotten into you all of a sudden?”
  111. “Well, that big...f-fat...wonderful cock of yours, for one. Your foals, for another. The love and adoration for me at this size for three. Should I keep going?” Fluttershy teased.
  113. “ I know your weaknesses, my horny hubby.” Fluttershy stretched out her wings and began tugging at the strained buttons of her wedding dress. “I just HAVE to take this thing off. Rarity has been such a dear to make sure this fit today but to be honest, it's been so restrictive and TIGHT.”
  115. Fluttershy unclasped one of the buttons and let a small sliver of yellow tummy peek through. “Ahh, that's already so much better. You don't know how much of a pain this BIG, WOBBLING belly is. It's just so massive...” Fluttershy unclasped another button near the back.
  117. “It's so tight around the hips, too. They must have gotten even wider for the birth and its been so awkward waddling around...” Fluttershy did a little turn, making sure to wiggle about as best she could. In the silence of the barn, you could hear the seams and buttons straining with her every movement.
  119. Big Macintosh began to sweat and it wasn't because of the summer air. Fluttershy gave her butt a little wiggle and gasped as two more buttons popped apart. “See? I'm bursting out of this thing from being so gigantic and gravid. All thanks to you.” Fluttershy looked back to see the stupefied look on Big Macintosh's face.
  121. “Rarity is going to be so mad for almost ruining this beautiful dress. Thankfully, the clasp buttons were a genius idea to make sure I didn't ruin it.” Fluttershy used her wings to unclasp the last few buttons and wiggled out of the dress, making sure her tail was raised as high as it could to show Big Macintosh just how much her ass was wobbling and clapping.
  123. The slosh of milk joined in as Fluttershy began to leak all over the ground. “Oops. Guess it really was time to get out of that thing before I did ruin it. Now...isn't it about ruined me?” Fluttershy leaned in close and whispered the last part into Big Macintosh's ear as her wings began to undo the buttons on his tuxedo.
  125. “...C-Celestia above...” Big Macintosh groaned. The whole display had left him throbbing and hard as a rock. Fluttershy made sure his tuxedo was off and somewhere safe before she bent down and took a peek.
  127. “There it is...the real reason they call you Big Macintosh.” Fluttershy stepped between his legs and gave his flared cock a kiss right on the tip. “And it's all mine.”
  129. It all happened so fast. Fluttershy barely had time to register that something had touched the back of her head before Big Macintosh had forced the entire length of his cock down her throat. The imposing stallion began bucking his hips as hard as he could while keeping Fluttershy in place with his hoof. Fluttershy began to moan and twitch hard as she climaxed after a few hard pumps to her throat.
  131. “Yer...all...mine, too.” Big Macintosh replied through hard, ragged breaths. He kept pumping and thrusting as hard as he could. The moaning on the base of his cock was too good to ignore and he pushed Fluttershy down to deepthroat all of him at once. Instantly, his body tensed as he climaxed just as hard, cumming down Fluttershy's throat in huge waves.
  133. Big Macintosh pulled her off his cock and let a few stray spurts of cum land on her face. Fluttershy coughed and groaned as she was pulled away. She eased herself into a sitting position and did her best to catch her breath. “Now...that's...the Big Mac...I know.”
  135. “Oh...Oh gosh! Fluttershy, I'm so sorry!” Big Macintosh rushed over to help. He was caught off surprise with a deep, heavy kiss.
  137. “Don't be sorry.” Fluttershy said. “I want this. If I have to hide for another week as an animal, then I wanna behave like an animal. We told Granny Smith that there's be no more fooling around in this barn until after the wedding but the wedding is over. I need you in the worst way...and I think you do, too.”
  139. Fluttershy let out a little grunt as she laid down on her side. “...Darn udder. Its so hard to sit like that with this belly...” Fluttershy raised her leg a little to show the dozens of little milk droplets leaking from her teats. “The pressure is only getting worse, Big Mac...”
  141. Eager as a colt in a candy store, Big Macintosh latched onto a teat and gently pulled with his teeth. Sure enough, a massive stream of sweet milk flooded his mouth. Fluttershy shuddered in pleasure as the swollen, bloated ache was finally going away.
  143. “Mmmmm...” Big Macintosh moaned with each gulp. The milk was only getting sweeter with each passing day and he knew it wasn't going to be his for much longer. He drank with greed, gulping down as much as he could at once.
  145. “Ah...Ahhhh! Y-Yesssssss....” Fluttershy moaned. The pain had faded into pleasure at last. Each little suckle, every little tickle, it was turning her brain into mush. Her hind leg began to twitch and shake as the other teats began to leak milk all over the barn floor.
  147. The cute little moans and the milk was too much. Big Macintosh felt himself growing hard all over again. His balls ached for another release. He took one last gulp of milk and sighed before setting himself down next to Fluttershy. If she was serious about giving herself to him on their wedding day, Big Macintosh knew he would need to press THOSE buttons or else they would be here all day and night.
  149. Big Macintosh put a hoof atop Fluttershy's belly. “Yer even more beautiful than the day you came waddling to me for help. Mah cute cow slut. MY cute cow slut, now.”
  151. Fluttershy instantly shoved her rump against Big Macintosh's crotch. Her breathing had become ragged and her body had tensed. Bingo. “W-W-What...Big Mac?”
  153. “You heard me. Granny might have forced us to do this officially but we both knew what this was from the very beginning. Ah OWN you. Yer MY big, round, pregnant slut and if y'all think this is the only foals you're gonna have, you're outta your mind.” Big Macintosh said as he began rubbing Fluttershy's belly.
  155. “I-I-I-I” Fluttershy was broken again. The only thing she could do was sputter, groan and grind her ass against Big Macintosh.
  157. “Yer just property to me, now. Something for me to use as Ah see fit.” Big Macintosh leaned forward and grabbed Fluttershy's mane with his teeth. “Ah'll keep you in this barn forever an' ever, just so you can pop out more and more foals for the Apple Family. Y'all are gonna be a well kept, baby making machine in here.”
  159. Big Macintosh gave a lazy thrust against Fluttershy's rear. “Look at you. About to pop and ready to fuck me over and over as if Ah can get you MORE pregnant. Yer just a mindless whore. MY mindless, baby making whore.”
  161. “Biiiig Maaaaaaaaaaac!!!!” Fluttershy tensed up. She moaned and writhed on the floor, gasping and twitching as she felt her mane and tail get pulled at the same time. Milk was gushing out of her udder as she climaxed on the spot.
  163. “That's it. Yer nice and ready now, slut. Ah swear, Ah'll get you double pregnant somehow, right here and now in this barn. Ah swear it as your owner and yer husband!” Big Macintosh plunged his entire length inside Fluttershy. Another climax. Her pussy clenched his cock tight, trying hard to milk it as best she could.
  165. “That's right, slut. Get used to this fat cock inside you. It's gonna happen every single day after you give birth so that you can get just as knocked up. Just as big and fat and milky. It wont matter if you're a cow or a pony. Ah'm gonna treat you like breeding stock for the rest of our days.”
  167. One more tug of Fluttershy's tail signaled the start of Big Macintosh's thrusting. He started as slow as he could, torturing himself and Fluttershy to make it last as long as possible. The poor mare under his control could only moan and babble nonsense under his firm care.
  169. His speed and force increased bit by bit. It took every ounce of control Big Macintosh had to keep the pace increasing slow and steady. All he wanted was to slam fuck the beautiful mare in his hooves but it was the first time as a proper couple. It had to be done right.
  171. “Fah.....faster.” Fluttershy weakly begged.
  173. Big Macintosh leaned forward and slipped Fluttershy's ear into his mouth. “Nah uh. Ah'm in control. Sluts don't get to beg for what they want.” Big Macintosh thrust in as deep as he could, sending Fluttershy sputtering out of control all over again. Satisfied, Big Macintosh did increase his pace. It was getting tougher and tougher to keep it together.
  175. Bit by bit, thrust after thrust, Big Macintosh increased the speed and power of his thrusts. The barn was soon filled with the sensual clap of his crotch against Fluttershy's plump, sexy ass. He shuddered with delight. Just a little more...then it would be time to finish this.
  177. “Say it. Say that y'all belong to me. Submit to me as mah wife and mah property and MAYBE Ah'll cum inside for you.” Big Macintosh growled.
  179. “Puh-pl-pleaaaase!” Fluttershy moaned. “Please! I'm yours! Your little fuck-toy! Your desperate, pregnant slut! Please fill me again and again with your cum! I'll carry as many as you want! Drink all my milk! I just need to cummmmmmmmm!”
  181. Big Macintosh held his breath. Any more and he would have lost it on the spot. He grit his teeth and began fucking his wife as hard as he could. His hips crashed against her rear, making her whole body wobble and jiggle about. Milk splattered all over them as Big Macintosh started the finale.
  183. “YES! OH GOSH!” Fluttershy screamed. Her whole body tensed up as her ultimate peak hit. Her legs twitched, drool ran down her mouth and her wings were fully erect. The world went white as the extreme pleasure make Fluttershy's spine tingle.
  185. Fluttershy milked Big Macintosh as best she could. She needed to feel that warmth deep inside her. Big Macintosh thrust as hard as he could and came hard. Cum instantly began to gush out of Fluttershy's pussy, running down her ass and thighs to join the milk and sweat pooled on the floor. The two lovers let the pleasure last as long as it could before riding the high for an eternity.
  187. Big Macintosh kept his member deep inside his wife as they cuddled on the floor. “Y'all okay, Fluttershy? Ah didn't go too hard, did I?”
  189. “Mmmm....not at allll....I won't be able to walk for daaaaaayyyys, I can already tell.” Fluttershy was on cloud nine. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was getting slow. “Big Mac, I'm getting so sleepy. Will you stay with me until I wake up?”
  191. “Ah course Ah will. What kind of stallion leaves his mare alone in a barn?” He replied. A small chuckle filled the air. “At least, not anymore. Granny says the contractors are gonna set up tomorrow to get our house built n' everything.”
  193. “ hear.” Fluttershy said. It was the last thing she said before the sound of snoring filled the barn.
  203. “Oh goodbye, my lovely little ones! Be safe on the way to school! Behave yourselves and come right home!” Fluttershy waved as her three perfectly healthy foals began their first ever trip to school. Fluttershy let out a little sigh as she made her way back into the house. “After so many years of consoling my little bird friends, now I'M the one with empty nest syndrome...”
  205. Big Macintosh couldn't help but laugh. “Darlin', it's just the first day of school. They'll be back soon enough and we'll both be wishing they were back at school annoying the teacher instead of us.”
  207. “I guess you're right. It's a little too early for such things. Come here, my wonderful stallion.” Fluttershy rushed over and gave Big Macintosh a hug.
  209. Life was wonderful. Two days after the wedding, Fluttershy gave birth to three wonderful foals. Two colts and a precious little filly. Her foals were completely free of any poison joke side effects. One bath later, all five ponies went home with a clean bill of health.
  211. “ that you mention it...” Fluttershy blushed as she presented something with her wings. “We...may not have such an empty nest after all.”
  213. Big Macintosh looked at what Fluttershy was holding. It was a pregnancy test...and the result was positive. Fluttershy may not have had the horns or the spots anymore, but with all the excess baby weight, overflowing teats from such a massive pregnancy and the luck of getting knocked up again so soon, maybe there was still a little bit of cow still left in her...
  215. “Whelp...guess Ah did make good of my promise on our first wedding night after all. My wonderful, beautiful mare.” Big Macintosh hugged Fluttershy with joy. They were going to have a big, happy family after all.

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