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Heavy Pranks

By Tankris
Created: 2021-04-02 15:09:56
Expiry: Never

  1. “Today is the day! No more restless nights, no more fatigue and best of all, no more belly!” Blitz Tale looked himself over in the mirror one last time. A sweatband sat under his dull blonde hair and small, weighted bands were pulled across his legs. His belly fit a little more snug than he would have liked into a white workout shirt that had seen better days. Blitz's flanks were stuffed into a pair of track pants bought ages ago yet only worn once. Still, his outfit helped put him in the mood to finally do something about the winter weight clinging to his gut.
  3. “One last thing. Can't forget this!” Blitz Tale grinned as he grabbed his new sports bottle. Mixed inside was a fruity energy drink perfect for keeping athletes going for hours. He took a quick sip and sighed. “Wow, not bad for a powder mix. Most of the time, they have that gross chalk taste. Probably why it was so expensive.”
  5. Ready to go, Blitz Tale left his home and began jogging to the park. His jog soon came to a screeching halt as several ponies blocked the road. “Mmmm...nah, better just cut around. Maybe it would be better to go the long way the whole route. More exercise that way.” Blitz took another sip of his drink and took off through the side streets.
  7. “Ugh...it's been too long.” Blitz Tale groaned. He was never one for athletics, even if his first name was blitz. He sat down for a moment and took a long drink from his sports bottle. “Man, this isn't good. If iIm worn out before I even get to the park, what good is all this prep work? I have to keep going or else I wont push my limits.” Another sip of the drink mix and he was off.
  9. As Blitz Tale began to jog once more, there was something off. His center of gravity wasn't the same as when he departed from home. Since he was traveling the side streets, Blitz took a moment to stop and examine his gear. He blushed hard as his soft, doughy, gray tummy was poking out from his shirt. “Oops...maybe I need to tuck in my shirt. I really don't want anypony to see me like this!” It took a bit of trying but Blitz successfully hid his wobbly belly under his clothes.
  11. “Yup, today was a good day to get serious.” Blitz sighed before chugging more of his drink. “Oh....empty.” He whined. Blitz shook the bottle to confirm it was empty. “Gotta be more conservative next time.” Blitz began his jog, doing his best to ignore the heavy sloshing in his belly.
  13. “Finally! The park...” Blitz Tale sighed. He rushed over to the grassy field in town only to lose his breath before making it inside. “Maybe...a short cooldown? Yea, I deserve it.” Blitz Tale sat down and closed his eyes. “Relax. Catch your breath and start again when you're ready.”
  15. Blitz felt his chest slow and the strain on his body lift from his withers. “Ha....see? I'm not THAT out of shape.” He opened his eyes and smiled before hopping off the bench. Blitz was ready to start jogging again. He stretched for a moment and gasped as his tummy escaped the confines of his workout clothes once more.
  17. “Behave! I know I created you with all those lazy pizza nights but you will begone soon enough!” Blitz Tale told his gut. He took off at a modest pace, eager to get his workout started. “There. Nothing to it.”
  19. A strange gurgle made Blitz stop in his tracks. “What...was that?” He looked between his legs just in time. His belly growled and gurgled loudly before bloated outwards rapidly. Blitz watched as his already doughy stomach gained a few more inches of flab right before his eyes. “Wha...uhhh...huh?”
  21. Another loud slosh. Blitz could feel his body jiggling all over as some odd magic added pound after pound to his body. The shirt rode up as his belly began to press against all four of his legs. His shorts were pushed down as soft, chunky love handles dominated his hips. The leg holes of the shorts grew incredibly tight as each of his legs became plump and soft.
  23. “Ahhhh! What? WHAT? No no no no! I'm running to LOSE weight!” Blitz sat down on the grass in shock. He poked the gray mass sitting in front of him and blushed when he realized it WAS his belly pooled in his lap. “What caused this? Running doesn't make you fat!”
  25. The rustling of grass pulled Blitz away from his panic. A group of ponies were on their own jogging route and they had just run past. Blitz's face turned beet red. “Oh gosh....they saw me....no no nooooo!”
  27. Blitz Tale heaved himself up and ran as fast as he could to the park exit. He didn't get very far before finding himself out of breath all over again. “Gotta get home. Can't let anypony see me spilling out of this outfit like this...”
  29. Slowly, Blitz walked, waddled and shuffled home. Taking the back streets once more made it take twice as long. Being out of breath after running from alley to alley made it take even longer. Embarrassed, sweaty and sore, Blitz Tale let himself relax after making sure nopony saw him rush inside. “Oh...gosh.....so.....tired.”
  31. The worn out, flabby stallion pulled off his tight clothes and stared at himself in the mirror. Same pony. Same hair although a bit messy. Same cutie mark. The only difference was how much of him there was to jiggle about. No part of him had escaped the fattening. His face, his chest, his belly, even his booty. All soft, wobbly and jiggly. It was enough to make him blush as he rubbed a hoof over his gut.
  33. “W-Wait. No...I...I wanna work out...My diet starts tomorrow.” Blitz bit his lip. “It's okay to like it but it has to go. I was already fat, I don't need to be fatter!” He narrowed his gaze upon the mirror. “What in Equestria even made me bigger? I didn't feel any magic and I didn't eat or drink any....thing....”
  35. Blitz Tale grabbed the sports bottle he had tossed aside while entering his room. He unscrewed the lid and sniffed at the droplets of liquid still inside. “Just fruit punch. No potions or anything....right?” Still, he wandered back to the kitchen where he left the powder.
  37. A gurgle of a hungry tummy called out to Blitz. “NO! I don't care if there's still half a pizza in the fridge...” Blitz huffed. His attention was needed elsewhere. The can of powdered drink mix sat exactly where he left it last. “What secrets do you hold, infernal powder of dye and fake flavors?” Blitz grabbed the can with his hoof. His hoof grazed the seam of the label, peeling it away as he lifted it from the counter.
  39. “Huh?” He murmured. The slip of label was brought to his mouth. With a few tugs, Blitz removed the label to the sports drink powder. Behind the drink mix label was a different one. It had been a setup!
  41. “Doctor Blorp's instant weight gain potion? What?” Blitz Tale sat with this new revelation weighing down his heart and his jiggly gut. “No. No, I ordered flavored protein drink mix. Who would fake out a label of drink mix for weight gain potion?” Blitz sat down. “I asked around if anypony knew any sort of aid for weight gain...Winter Light said he knew something...and delivered it to me himself...” Blitz's face glowed white hot. “He...he wanted to fatten me up? Wh-Why?”
  43. A bit of handwriting on the can caught Blitz's attention. “Ha! This is for the spooky jumpscare last year! Happy pranksters day, chubby!”
  45. “Oh....my....gosh....It IS pranksters day. I dunno if I could call this a prank...” Blitz Tale groaned as he pushed a hoof against his belly. “I suppose Winter wanted a bit more vengeance than just a two second scare.
  47. Blitz Tale stood up and turned on the sink faucet. “Goodbye, weight gain, potion. Hope to see you never again.” He opened the can and tilted the opening towards the drain.
  49. “Wait.....if a bottle full made you this big....” A voice echoed through his head
  51. “NO!” Blitz Tale blushed. “N-No....I'm not entertaining this idea!”
  53. “Come on. You probably gained thirty pounds today. What's a few more?” The deepest, darkest desires of Blitz's mind called out to him. “You'll love it, fatty.”
  55. A weak, desperate moan escaped his mouth. The rushing water of the sink was the only noise in the house Blitz Tale squirmed as he struggled to pour the powdered weight gain potion down the sink. Slowly, he moved his hoof down until the can was under the water. His foreleg shook as the weight of the can increased. Soon, the water was overflowing from the can and into the sink.
  57. All he would have to do is turn the can upside down and it would be all gone. No more worry. No more temptation. No more flab. Blitz bit his lip for a moment before turning off the faucet. His foreleg brought the can to his lips. The drink was more water than it was mixed potion. Still, it went down smooth as Blitz tilted his head back.
  59. He could feel the tingle of raw magic fill his belly with each gulp. Potion powder and water sloshed in his tummy, louder and louder with every gulp. Blitz Tale could feel it this time. The magical potion covered his belly with a satisfying warmth that made Blitz moan with pleasure. It did feel good.
  61. A loud gurgle started the transformation once again. Quickly, the gray belly began to expand and bloat with soft, jiggly fat. Every gulp sent a ripple all over his body as it changed. His face became chubby, his neck and chest were flabby and soft, his belly dominated his frame, forcing Blitz to spread his legs until his gigantic stomach pushed him from the ground. His rear ballooned and expanded, soft cheeks sagging down onto thick, tree trunk thighs.
  63. The can fell to the floor. It rattled and rolled away as Blitz Tale basked in his new size. He couldn't keep his hooves off of himself, poking and squishing the mountain of belly he now rest upon. “Hah....unnnnf....so big...flabby....fat piggy pony. Hehehe.” He giggled, blushing harder and harder as he played with his body.
  65. “Bliiiiiitz? Are you out for a run? Did you drink any of that tasty drink mix yet?” A familiar voice called from outside. The door slid open as a stallion with a brown coat and wings turned the knob. “I saw you take off for a run. How did it go?”
  67. It was Winter's turn to blush as he spotted Blitz Tale in his post blorp daze. “B-B-Blitz?! What happened? It only said you would gain a few pounds, not get this huge!” Winterlight ran up to his friend with deep worry on his face.
  69. “Heh....maybe...but....but I drank the whole * urp * can....Is it noticeable?” Blitz teased as he grabbed a massive hoofful of belly and jiggled it as hard as he could.
  71. All Winterlight could do was blush as his wings popped out in excitement. “Hehe...thought so. Happy pranksters day!” Blitz teased before letting out one more playful burp.

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