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Nightblorp Night

By Tankris
Created: 2021-10-12 16:11:18
Expiry: Never

  1. “Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!”
  3. The call of ponies on the prowl for candy filled the air. Celestia's sun had set long ago, making way for the celebration of Nightmare Night. All the fillies and colts of Ponyville were dressed up in various costumes, out on the hunt for the best kind of candy. Free candy.
  5. Amongst those looking for sweets was a happy, bubbly pink clown and a silly gray mare wearing paper bags on her legs and head. Derpy Hooves and Pinkie Pie were sporting saddlebags overflowing with candy and the night was still ripe for the taking.
  7. “Ugh, are you doing ANOTHER candy run, Pinkie? Why not do something FUN on Nightmare Night?” A voice called out from the darkness.
  9. “But getting candy IS fun! What else could you do on Nightmare Night, mysterious voice?” Pinkie Pie asked as she reached into her saddlebags and grabbed some candy. She stuffed it into her mouth and giggled.
  11. “Playing fun and SPOOKY games, of course!” The voice called out as a set of hooves stomped the ground behind the candy hunting duo.
  13. A spooky mummy raised her forelegs and slowly walked towards them. “Bleeeeehhhhh!”
  15. “AHHHHH!” Derpy Hooves shouted, dropping her candy and jumping into a nearby bush.
  17. “AHHHHHhahahahahaha! Good one, Rainbow Dash.” Pinkie Pie half screamed, half giggled before eating more candy.
  19. “Like my ancient mummy costume? I got the idea from the newest Daring Do book.” Rainbow Dash smirked as she showed off her dangling strands of gauze.
  21. Pinkie Pie nodded. “It's really neat, Dashie. Not as cool as a clown though.” Pinkie stuck out her tongue as she gave her red nose a honk.
  23. “Rainbow Dash? Oh goodness, you scared me.” Derpy Hooves emerged from the bush and grabbed her saddlebags. “Is this the kind of fun you were talking about?”
  25. “Heck yea. Who's up for a little game of truth or dare?”
  27. “Sounds fun, count us in.” Pinkie Pie giggled. “My saddlebags can't fit any more candy.”
  29. The trio of ponies wandered to the edge of Ponyville near the Everfree Forest and sat down. “Get ready to play cause I've got some good, spooky questions and dares for you both.” Rainbow Dash boasted.
  31. Derpy smirked as she looked over at Rainbow Dash. “Oh yea, I've got a REALLY good one and not something lame like you would pick like going into the Everfree.”
  34. “Oh yea?” Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Go ahead, Derpy. Hit me with all ya got.”
  36. “Okay Rainbow Dash. Truth or dare?” Derpy Hooves smiled as she looked over at her opponent. The gray mare frowned as her paper bag costume sagged over her eyes, forcing her to shift the distracting bag back onto her head.
  38. “Dare me! I'll do anything ya want!” Rainbow Dash puffed out her chest as best she could. Her mummy costume was tightly bound to her body, making it a little difficult for her to move.
  40. “Ohh! Ohh! Make her eat candy till she pukes!” Pinkie Pie giggled at her own suggestion. She grabbed a hoofful of candy herself, taking care not to smudge her clown makeup as she ate.
  42. “Okay, okay! Rainbow Dash....I dare you....to go into the abandoned pudding factory!”
  44. “Not the abandoned pudding factory!” Pinkie Pie shouted. “.....Wait, we have an abandoned pudding factory in Ponyville?”
  46. “Yea-huh!” Derpy grinned as she pointed to the edge of town. “Rumor has it that a pony got into a TERRIBLE accident while working there and they had to close the place down. It's said that on spooky nights like tonight, you can see a ghost roaming around!”
  48. “Derpy....” Rainbow Dash sighed. “Didn't YOU work at that pudding factory till they shut down last week because YOU knocked out most of the power while trying to grab your house keys after dropping them into the machines?”
  50. The gray pegasus scrunched up her face, her skewed eyes darting every direction they could. “N-Noooooo! It's a real haunted place, I swear! Also, while you're in there, could you get my lunch box? I forgot it in the break room and the workers wont let me back in till they finish fixing everything.”
  52. “This dare is lame.” Rainbow Dash groaned.
  54. “Ohh, does that mean you're CHICKEN? BAWK BAWK BAWK!” Pinkie Pie taunted, suddenly in her chicken costume from last year.
  56. “Hey, I'm not chicken! I'll show you that I'm not afraid of some made up story.” Rainbow Dash huffed as they made their way to the factory.
  58. The chill in the air and the howling wind of Nightmare Night made the factory just a bit spookier than it should have been. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself from sweating just a little as the big factory windows rattled about.
  60. Every entrance was covered in warning signs and bound with tape. “Oh great, how do we ever get in? Does anypony have a knife?” Pinkie Pie asked.
  62. “Eh, we better not break in.” Rainbow Dash let out a little sigh of relief. “Who knows what sort of scolding we'll get if we get caught.
  64. “Nah, it's fine. I have the key to the shutters. I DO work here!” Derpy Hooves giggled as she opened one of the shutter doors. She flung open the sliding door and smiled. “Don't forget my lunch box! I really, REALLY need it for when the factory opens back up.”
  66. “Ugh, FINE!” Rainbow Dash flapped her wings and entered the building. “Just keep a lookout, okay? I don't wanna get in trouble for a silly lunch box.”
  68. Derpy pouted. “It's not a silly lunch box. Dinky drew a really cute picture on the front. It's my favorite...”
  70. Rainbow Dash was already gone. She quietly walked about the factory floor, surprisingly alert for a pony that wasn't scared. The silly pegasus darted through pockets of moonlight, hoping that whatever spooky spirit, gnarly ghost and pesky poltergeist Derpy had claimed wandered the factory would leave her alone.
  72. “Where's the dang...BREAK ROOM!” Rainbow Dash sighed as she ran into the side room. Sure enough, a white lunch box adorned with a painting of Derpy's cutie mark was sitting on the table all by itself. “Thank Celestia. Time to make like a tree and fly outta here!”
  74. Outside, Pinkie Pie let out a concerned whimper. “Do ya think Dashie is okay? We haven't heard from her in ages.”
  76. Derpy Hooves was too busy tossing candy in the air and failing to catch it. “Meh. She'll be fine. Rainbow Dash is the bravest pony I know.” She tossed a bit of chocolate into the air and dove to catch it, bonking her poor head onto a nearby circuit box.
  78. The lights of the pudding factory shot to life, flickering on and off in quick succession. Rainbow Dash screamed as the sudden flickering caught her off guard. “AHHHH! GHOST!”
  80. Spooked out of her skull, Rainbow Dash grabbed the lunch box and sped out of the break room. She flapped her wings as hard as she could, rushing through the factory as fast as possible. “AHHH!” Rainbow Dash shouted again as the sudden brightness blinded her.
  82. Rainbow Dash slammed hard into a giant vat. The container rocked back and forth from such a hard impact, making the pudding inside slosh about. Rainbow Dash fell to the ground and moaned in pain until a snapped hose found its way into her mouth.
  84. “Mmf?” Rainbow Dash moaned as something cold and sweet flooded her mouth. She took a gulp and shuddered as a huge glob of chocolate pudding slipped down her throat. Too dazed to register what was happening, the mare simply drank and drank. It wasn't until her belly was rising like dough did she come to her senses.
  86. “MMMM! MMMPPPHHH!” Rainbow Dash reached up and tried to pull the hose out of her mouth. It was too big to yank out by herself, forcing her to continue swallowing and swallowing the pudding. Rainbow Dash whimpered as her belly blorped and sloshed as another thick gulp of puddling disappeared into her tummy.
  88. No matter how much she pulled and tugged, the hose refused to budge. Rainbow Dash was already sick of the taste as it flooded her mouth yet her belly kept blorping bigger and bigger. The tank was huge and there was no stopping the flow as the gauze wrapped around her belly grew tighter and tighter.
  90. Another swallow, another blorp. Rainbow Dash gave the hose another tug before letting her forelegs flop against the ground. The pain of her distended gut was too much. She submitted to the pudding's torment, blushing as she felt herself begin to soften with fat all over. The tightly wrapped gauze was sinking into her new, soft flab, making Rainbow Dash moan and blush.
  92. Her thighs and butt were swelling up and squishing into the floor. Rainbow Dash could feel her tummy sagging and squishing against herself, filled with pudding and covered in flab. She raised a foreleg and tried to remove the hose once more, blushing hard as she felt a bit of jiggle on her legs as the gauze began to fray and snap apart.
  94. “DEPRY!” Pinkie Pie shouted at the stunned pegasus. “What did you do?”
  96. She rubbed her head. “I did a bonk. No worries. I'm fine.” She blushed while rubbing her scalp.
  98. “No, not that. THAT! Glad you're okay.” Pinkie quickly added as she pointed to the factory. The lights were flashing like crazy, alerting anypony nearby to the sudden ruckus.
  100. “AHHHHH!”
  102. “That was Rainbow Dash! You go help her, I'll stop the lights!” Derpy Hooves turned back to the circuit box and gave it a tap. “Come on...turn off!” Derpy banged on it again and again, hoping that a bit of percussive maintenance would help solve her problem.
  104. Pinkie Pie was already running through the factory. “Rainbow Dash? RAINBOW DAAAASH? Where are you??” Pinkie Pie's voice echoed through the factory as the lights continued to flicker on and off.
  106. A pained moan followed by a rather deep sloshing noise caught Pinkie's ear. She rushed over to the storage tanks and gasped as she saw her friend on the ground.
  108. “Rainbow Dash, now isn't the time for a snack, silly filly. We gotta go before we get in trouble!” Pinkie Pie hopped over and pulled at the hose. It refused to budge, only forcing more and more pudding into Rainbow's mouth.
  110. “Bite down, Rainbow. Clench your jaw just a little and maybe it will pop out!” Pinkie Pie pushed her hoof under Rainbow Dash's mouth and pushed hard. Rainbow Dash winced as her sore jaw was forced to flex and bite down on the hose.
  112. The pressure backed up little by little, making the hose bulge with pressure. “Pull!” Pinkie Pie shouted. With Pinkie's help, the hose was finally pulled loose. Rainbow Dash gave one last tug, yanking the hose out of her mouth with a pained yelp.
  114. One last glop of pudding landed in her mouth from all the pressure of the hose. Rainbow Dash swallowed it down with a groan as her stomach jiggled hard. “Oh your hooves, Dashie. You can get some sweets later.”
  116. Rainbow Dash rolled over and groaned. Her belly, her thighs and her butt wobbled hard from the sudden movement. Her belly was MASSIVE, scraping and slapping against the floor as she waddled away from the storage tanks. Her rear couldn't stop wobbling and bouncing, forcing her to sway and jiggle her rump from side to side. “Oh jeez....this will take months to work off.” Rainbow Dash ran towards the delivery shutters behind Pinkie Pie at a much, MUCH slower pace than when she entered. Her costume lay in scraps on the floor, too tight and too small to stay wrapped around her new, chunky physique.
  118. “Derpy, did you fix the lights yet?” Pinkie Pie asked as she helped Rainbow Dash bounce out of the warehouse.
  120. “Mmmmm. Stupid thing!” Derpy groaned before giving the circuit box a hard hip check. Her buns of steel crumpled the steel box, shutting off the lights for good. “Okay, let's go before I get fired or something.”
  122. Derpy Hooves and Pinkie Pie ran as fast as they could, leaving a bloated, blorpy Rainbow Dash waddling after them. “HEY! WAIT UP!” Rainbow Dash panted, her pudding filled, pudding like belly jiggling hard as she tried to keep up.
  124. The trio rushed to the other side of town, huffing and puffing as they made sure not to be seen. “Do you think anypony saw us?” Pinkie Pie sighed as she sat down.
  126. “No.....idea.....” Rainbow Dash puffed out. She slumped onto her back and sighed hard, her big, fat belly heaving up and down as she struggled to catch her breath.
  128. “Oh NO......did we get my lunch box?” Derpy asked.
  130. “Ugh, here's your silly lunch box!” Rainbow Dash shouted. She revealed it hiding under her wing before tossing it over Derpy's head.
  132. “Hey, no need to be rude.” Derpy Hooves huffed. “Maybe it's time we stopped our little game of truth or dare.”
  134. Rainbow Dash nodded. “Ya think so? I'm going home....if I can even get airborne...” Rainbow Dash groaned as she forced herself back onto her hooves and gave her wings a few flaps. It took an impressive amount of effort but Rainbow Dash jiggled her way into the sky.
  136. “Good night...” Rainbow Dash's face was bright red as she slowly flapped home, jiggling all the way.

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