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Birthday Bitch

By Tankris
Created: 2021-07-16 21:31:33
Updated: 2021-05-18 21:33:07
Expiry: Never

  1. Tiffany slammed the door to her apartment with glee. “All according to plan! That dumb bitch Beverly wont know its gone till its too late!” The mean mare giggled as she hurried off into the kitchen. It was a most special day and it needed a very particular treat.
  3. Half of her treat was already waiting in the kitchen. Waiting for Tiffany on the counter was a gigantic, multi layered birthday cake. It was heavily frosted with a thick layer of lemon frosting and dotted with a few candles here and there. It was only missing one thing and Tiffany couldn't wait to get started.
  5. Quickly, Tiffany positioned her camera at the cake and looked in the mirror. Hair combed, nothing in her teeth, makeup was perfect. She slid the container next to the massive cake and took a deep breath.
  7. *click*
  9. “Hey there, party people! It's MEEEEE, TIFFANYYYYYY! As all of you know, it's my BIRTHDAY, BITCHEEEEESSSS! I've already been counting up the crazy donations you've been kind enough to send and it really warms my heart to see such GENEROUS support!” Tiffany smiled as big as she could, knowing this video would REALLY get the donations going.
  11. “To celebrate, I've got this nice, big, cake waiting JUST for me! That's not ALL I'm getting myself.” Tiffany giggled as she grabbed the giant tub and spun it around. “That's right, my bitches and buddies, I got a hold of a mega XL sized tub of FUN PASTE! Lemon is SO my favorite flavor but you KNOW I can't have any real celebration without THIS!”
  13. Tiffany ripped off the top of the tub and dipped her finger inside. The smell of fun paste filled her nose, making her body tingle and her brain numb. It took all of her willpower not to stick her finger in her mouth. Instead, she scooped up a bit of the frosting with her paste covered finger and then allowed herself the sweet delight she craved.
  15. Almost instantly, Tiffany could feel her shirt getting tight around her chest. The potent paste was working its magic, enhancing Tiffany's bust and making her nice and curvy. “Oh, this is a primo batch of fun paste, guys. It's already working, see?”
  17. Tiffany bent down and let a bit of her expanded cleavage flash through the collar of her shirt. “As always, fun paste videos can be found in my ponlyfans accounts! I'll leave a link in the description so check it out! Fifty percent discount cause it's my fuckin' birthdaaaaaaayyyyy!”
  19. The greedy mare ended the recording and started a new one. “Hey there, ponlyfans subs! I wanna give a big thank you to you all for supporting me! Hope you guys enjoy another fun paste sesh! I know I will!” Tiffany winked at her camera before getting to work.
  21. First things first, the paste needed to be a little more runny for her needs. A little bit of water mixed into the tub gave it a nice, soft texture able to be poured out of the jar. “Here we go, everypony! Time for this birthday bitch to dig in!”
  23. Tiffany poured a bit of the fun paste onto the cake and bit right in. No plates, no utensils, just raw gluttony. She couldn't help herself as a satisfied moan escaped her throat. Tiffany could already feel the fun paste working more magic on her body and with a tub this size...the thought made the greedy mare shudder.
  25. Another bite, another serving of fun paste. Tiffany had already gone well over a proper serving and had no intentions of stopping anytime soon. Her chest, belly and rear were beginning to tingle with that familiar magic that made Tiffany's heart beat faster in her chest. Slowly, she began to feel everything grow tight on her body, bite after bite.
  27. Tiffany leaned over the counter at the best angle she could manage for the camera. Every bite of fun paste cake went straight to her chest. They had gone from a modest size to enormous perky orbs that bounced and wobbled hard with every breath. “Oooh, already so big and there's still so much fun paste left. I sure hope my shirt hold out.” Tiffany teased as she pushed out her chest. The bottom of the garment raised up a few inches, exposing her green coat for the camera.
  29. It wasn't just her coat that was exposed. Fun paste was also working deep within Tiffany's body. Her belly had begun to bloat outwards from the vast over-consuption of the strange paste. Tiffany's once flat, perfect belly was bloating rounder and bigger like she was a living balloon. She tried to turn around a bit to get another bite of cake but her expanded tummy just wouldn't let her.
  31. “Already? Guess I better hurry up before I get too big...although I don't think that will be a problem with you pervs.” Tiffany teased. She forced her belly onto the counter and leaned in to take another bite of cake. She flicked her tail a bit and pretended to be embarrassed as her swelling rear wobbled and clapped under her skirt.
  33. “H-Hey! It's not time for THAT part, yet!” Tiffany covered her exposed rear with her hand. “I may not be wearing any panties but you pervs and jack offs need to WAIT for a lady to be ready, okay?” She giggled before giving her hips a little shake, wobbling and clapping her cheeks anyway and revealing a quick peek of everything to drive the viewers wild.
  35. Tiffany continued her assault on the cake. The mix of sweet frosting and even sweeter fun paste drove her forwards. A big chunk of the cake was already gone and the tub of fun paste was half full. “Oh yea...the birthday bitch deserved this so bad.” Tiffany moaned through heavy bites. It was all becoming a blur.
  37. Pour the paste, bite the cake, swallow and moan as the tingles got stronger. Tiffany was beginning to have trouble seeing over her own chest. Her tits were ballooning up bigger than beach balls. They strained her shirt with every move, every breath, every jiggle. There was no way it was escaping this feast unscathed. Tiffany could feel her swollen, puffy nipples rub hard against her shirt. They were visible through the thin fabric and more and more of her breasts were spilling out of the bottom of the shirt. Either it was going to get ripped to shreds or settle as being an oversized bib to cover even bigger tits.
  39. The cake was pulled close to the edge of the counter as Tiffany's bigger, bloated belly forced her to take a few steps back. It was prominent among her features, a heavy, swollen ball of gut pulling her skin and coat tight. While pregnancy wasn't quite a side effect of fun paste gluttony, it sure did give off the appearance of being heavy with foals. Tiffany already looked pregnant with twins and there was no end in sight to her growth as she continued to munch, gulp and savor the fun paste covered cake.
  41. Not even her backside was safe. Her thighs were growing thick and meaty to help support a massive shelf of an ass. Her skirt was seconds away from ripping apart thanks to her new assets. Not like it would matter at this point. Both of her cheeks were on full display as they sagged down and bloated outwards with each bite. Tiffany's rear resembled two gigantic green basketballs and each inch to her body only made her crave more.
  43. The allure of fun paste was too much. Tiffany began pouring it all over the cake until the tub was empty. Each greedy bite was overloaded with paste, speeding up her growth even faster. Her tits broke free of her shirt, bouncing hard against her massive belly. They were three times bigger than her head and easily outweighed it, too. Still, the weight didn't seem to bother them as her breasts remained perky, perfect and sexy as her thick, thumb sized nipples were begging for attention.
  45. Tiffany couldn't stop rubbing her belly. It looked as if she had swallowed several ponies into her stomach or was pregnant with an entire village of foals. It retained its tight, firm shape like a fuzzy balloon as Tiffany continued to feast and gorge herself on the paste. The crowning achievement of a fun paste bloat was on full display right in the center of her tummy. Her belly button had generously popped out of her gut, giving Tiffany a prime spot to rub and grope as her legs began weak and wobbly.
  47. Even with so much extra padding, the weight was too much. Tiffany fell onto her gigantic, beach ball sized butt cheeks. The feast was officially over. Tiffany had finally been “grounded” for her gluttony. A fate she was more than used to. A fate that annoyed her to no end when there was still more fun paste to be devoured.
  49. “Awww, what the fuck! Really? I was almost done, too.” Tiffany sighed as she turned to the camera as best she could. “Well, that's that, I guess. Too much fun paste...again! Hope you little pervs liked the show and if you ever want a private video, all you gotta do is send me a message, my fee and of course, a big heaping tub of fun paste. See you next time!”
  51. Just as Tiffany tried to grab her camera with her magic, the door to her apartment flew open. Standing in the doorway was her friend, her rival, and overall best bitch, Beverly Hills. “Of course it was you, bitch. I KNEW it!” She stomped over to Tiffany with a scowl on her face. “You really think I wouldn't find out? Ha, you're such an airhead...obviously since you downed that whole tub so fucking quick.”
  53. Beverly turned to the camera with a smirk. “Hey there, pervs. I bet you're too busy simping for Tiffany to know who I am but whatever. All that matters is we treat the birthday bitch right, right? And for that...I have a surprise.” Beverly smirked as she placed another XL tub of fun paste on the counter. “Extended cut! Tiffany is force fed MORE paste! Subscribe to MY ponlyfans to watch!”
  55. “....No.....too full for that....” Tiffany moaned as Beverly pressed a hand into Tiffany's bloated belly.
  57. “Bitch, please! You'll be as big as a mansion before I'm done with you.” Beverly's little smirk widened as big as it could as she opened the tub of paste. “Open wiiiiiide!”

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Birthday Bitch

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